Over 600 Entkwsiastic Voters Attend Democri Meeting Last
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THK I.AROKST run CIRCULATION IN WOODnRIOOK TOWNSHIP NKWHl'AI'KR HHUHHRI) IS THIS INTKUKHT OK wnonilNIIMIK TOWNHHII' AN THREE Ct tWENTY-FOURTII YEAH The Oldest Newspaper In Wmidhrlilp. Tnwn»hi|. WOODBKIDUE, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBEK «. I'm oolan - Quinn Endorse Ryan's Re-Elect PLAN EXPOSITION LRTHUR A. QUINN ENDORSES Pollen Department Mayor Secures Over 600 EntKwsiastic Preliminary plans have been Thi' ^fillei" department of the Train Service made by the Township NRA MAYOR RYAN AS A MAN OF TowiiBhlp, and specifically De- headquarters and its publicity SflMivfi RITEPimt ft ««•«»*. department for a .Township- Voters Attend Democri who linn been acting chief dur- For Students wide Industrial and Commer- COURAGE AND LEADERSHIP ing ihe past two weeks, came cial exposition to be held Into lt9 uhare of praise when sometime ui the near future. Townnhlp committee received College Students Sure Of It is expected that the pro- Declares that Republican Candidate, has never been asso- letter from Edward E. minent induatrica and mer- Meeting Last Ft ciated with any movement for the advancement of pro- eyerB, whoBe home was enter- of Making Train At Rail- chant! will display their wares gress of Woodbridge Township. — Praises Mayor Ryan's ed recently. At the time one at attractively decorated, John Petruelk WM arrested way through effort! of booths. The place of the ex- efforts to stimulate employment. and Bent to the reformatory. position will be announced The eommunincatlon In full Mayor Ryan. later. Leaders Predict "RYAN WOODBRIDGE PRODUCT 100'" ls as follows: FOR ELIMINATING Dl 77 Hoy avenue Through the efforts of Mayor Fords, New Jersey William A. Hyan, students attend- Victory For Fmlorsinn Mayor William A. Ryan as a man of "native courage, October 20,1943 ing the Slate Normal schoor and Local Resident BREEDING SWAMP A1 ^termination and real constructive leadership," former Senator Arthur WoodforldKfl Council Rutgers University, need not worry as to whether or not the 7:29 A. M. Quinn, well known labor leader and sponsor of many constructive Woodbrldge, New Jersey. train from Woodbridge will make easurcs in the state legislature, today sent a letter to the VCOOO- Gentlemen: I would like to Iffled Walking Senator Quinn, laudi prwent take this method of expressing connections with their train at iJrnmcralic leaders today pre- CiK LEADER in. which he described, acturatcly the political situ- Rahway, according to an announce- dicted un overwhelming victory for billi de»ign«d to aid New Jmey to you my appreciation and 1 in Woodbridge Township. thankB for the efficient man- ment from the Memorial Municipa Along Highway die entire lirkct in Middlesex or challenge, opponent, to meet on p ' uitvu uointed out thai l building this morning. Cnunty next Tuesday with John K. Lists economies practiwd by hu admBUtri ner In which the police depart" Tnolan, randidate for the office of the attempted Until now, the students took : State Senator, heading the list with u "genial disposition and attractive pfjf 'driritr m m&mg connections a Funeral Services for John t^jtaMjL breaking majority despite GRAUSAM RAYS SELFISH POL! |ersoualivf' In' is not fitted for the ul Octobw 7. We feel a little Rahway. Sometimes they^n»dc i ] 1 flficc uf mayor as Mayor Ryan, relieved now that the young Sokiele Held Tuesday TB^WFnWWWitTriHi''Mtiiiif I'I JMHI. i • and other times they wen forced excite the electorate Ibis year. ""*" " IKIS ;I "wider ami intimate man has benn cent back to the . Onee of the largest and mosmost . ICIIKC i'f Itio affairs of Wood- 10 way an hour for anotfcr t(jiin "The gnat popularity of John K. .reformatory, and owe thte to to Ntw Kyunswick becauseruiey ar- for John Sok- Tdolan," said one of the parly lead- in Woodbridge TSTownsSii p took placl e last night in the,! iridnc an<l us people." thorn' In tne police department rived a minute or so late. , age 5S, of 168 Fulton street, | (TS «;im| t|K, Kr(.;lt esteem iin whichih Hall on School Street, when the auditorium was h"' |Tlie WniiT ;ilst) points <>ul that who weri> detailed to handle is common knowledge that the, Hearing of this situation, Mayor Woodbridge, who was struck and he is held by both Democrats and . , h • hundred (600) interested ' this case, especially Detective Ryan took up the matter with the aw flairs of tlu: Township under the' almost inatantly killed by a car Kcpiililicans throughmil Middlesex I " """,_" . J-J,,. f»# «t«t* " spitblicmi refjinu' which preceded Keating Pennsylvania Railroad official* C.imiy iiuhiates .i luariy inde-\ to.hear John E. Toolan, candidate for State ..... Your truly, with Ihe result thai the conductor drlvfcn by Severlno Duonaccorsl. |fayor Ryan wefi' inn ciitirliiricil age 43, of Union City Saturday pendent vote for Toolan next Tucs i Senator Arthur A. Quinn. ,, die lust iuti resti uf Us rili/ens Kdwarfl B Meyers oMUs New Brunswick train has night, were held Tuesday morn- !|ay" I — Mr, 1 oolan In lith ihe result that tin voters, ;il.it been instructed to wait for the 7:2° \ Hiat the . ing from the Finn Funeral home Toolan has lircn very activt- «H EtlCrO***^ by County LwMfotS juM t that the i i the situation, turned the Kepnh- train from Woodbridge before leav- weck in his caml);ii|;ning, the high Woodbridge;.. - on Amboy avenue, Woodbridge. w 1 ing die Rahway station. spot being scheduled for tonight the present time 11' us mil of control.' at nine o'clock and 9:30 o'clock 1 when a hig mass meting and rallvr any other Town - Mr yuiiin's complete I'ouiunuii i at Mt. Carmel church where a jgtion reads as follows: is to be held in the Siunucl K. Shullj example, he requiem ina&e wan Bald. Interment tbe city of Si'warni, New Jersey, school in Perth Amboy. His cam-, County Press Club Businessmen To was In St. James' cemetery, Wood- largest and November i, D.U. paign manager, Alfred 1). Antonio, has him slalid fur speeches right State. Yet, Vo(i<ll)riik',e l.i-adcr, Installs New Staff bridge. At the time ot the accident up until the eve of Election Day. only Kfteri lhri<lKe. X. j. Meet Wednesday Hi,- officers of the Middlesex Sokiele wae walking along Am- "No candidate in years," said the one million,.. •ar Sirs: dolhtr payroll, [ Having fulluwi it wilh ,i I.ten in- t'ounly Press t'.lub were installed boy avenue, about UQO feet south same Democratic leader, "has cap- I iie-dav nighl :il ii meeting held at 1 tivated the voters as has John Too- two bundfiri fcrcsl die 'iroKraui nl the |>nliiieal Nite At Isefin of Cutter * lane. He was ruBhed aimi in U'nndhridKe Touu- I ink's K.rill in (arterel. to the Perth Amboy General Hos- lan. Tin re is a definite drift of Re- the bank, thi (lij), especially that lieins; u;n-iit I'eier I. Urban, a iiicinher of the pital by tbe driver of the car, butpublican and independent voters to city anfl hi itlioiri.il staff of the Perth Amboy A meeting o' 'he Woodbridge the Democratic column this year die olTiee of Mayor, I h.iw the victim wag pronounced dead ;lt Chicago, a? I that will reach |<u' proportions ne ID die conelnsion that the inT I \ tning News, was installed as Township l'lusiiii'ssmeii's Associa- upon arrival by Dr. Miller. has be-n u 1 next Tuesday iluv to Toolan's great nsified iiileiiM heiiiK shmvn In pi, Mil. ui, sui'i-eeding James 1'. No-tion will be held Wednesday eve- Coroner Edward A. Finn viewed tcacliern, ,..- lan, of tin- same newspaper, who pcrspnality and popularity. Inde- DC elvelnrate in die mayoralty rmi ning at Mike Oliver's Oak tree the bod* and pronounced death they are baf! Arthiir \. uas llu association's first president. pendent voters arc convinced that KSt is a sure si^n thai, .liter ;ill, due to fffractured skull. We ftdmit Vi in a lieallliy civic Thuinas J. Hreiinan, of the Indr- road, Iselin. the Democratic party is tbe only ct»l difficuhy, ptiiileni. took over the duties of The aims of the Township Busi- BuonfecorBl was held on a parly with a definite, progressive thli prove? TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS iin- president in absentia. He wasnessmen's Association are nuiler- teehoMpTcharge of manslaughter. program to bring back prosperity. the mon«y i . have lwlicnl that Ihe ciisiuiu- 1 Patrrjfoan lohn Manton investl- "If the people of Middlesex ' heated di^citsiton incident to a miiibii lo he present due to the.JU«, but one of its chief object is \y it ont? TO TAKE PART IN death of his grandfather. Mr. Urea- to dfstuss the probkms of the lafttl County believe that gocd govern rjlilkal rj<:iipuigii is taking place ment is.Wstakr in m-xt Tuesday' • charge^ .mil nnint'-r-charKi-!- nan .succeeds KImer J. Vecscy of merchants have in common ana to EDUCATION WEEK jllie Uelin Journal. promote neighborliness and gpod (jtection; they fijn Justly cast aside tairs, „. em lo leinl u certain attraction - - — . | j partisanship and support John arouse interest, il is also true Miss Kuth Wolk, of the Wood feeling between ourselves, f** t pal a 'th«>rif»ts i bridge Leader, was installed a* sec- TflD To lrCWIIu Toolan and the entire Democratic obligations wijb very vfteii it is used as a vc-5upervi«ing Principal Nick- For mstanrc.jwe alt proclaim th r , ticli'.'t." f 10 inlhieiu'e voters for or nl;ryvnf ttle'clllb for the seconij doc)fin»,of Ifiding at home, patron- in." *• lat invites visitM* to lerm, *' Meyer •Wbsenbliim, of .trie iin.st a etiailiilatc, and for reaswis izing neighborhood stores, and so A description of the trip through "For every (tot Fr*iiiov*d from ;»tiy question in-' Carterei l'ress,'was also relectcd ''MSOOIS OIJ November 6, 8, on.