Extensions of Remarks
December 1, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 38023 Whitaker, William Drake Wilson, Robert Lawrence Young, Stephen Grant White, Donald Clark Wlltamuth, Richard Ernest Zmorzenski, Frank Peter Whitely, John Epes, Jr. Winn, Robert Monte Zolman, Richard Ward Whftley, Wllliam Robert Wishart, Thomas Tinker The following named women officers of the Whitney, Richard MerrUl, Jr. Wolfe, James Bryant U.S. Navy, for permanen·t promotion to the Wicklund, Robert Montgomery Woltersdorf, Leonard Oscar grade of commander in the line subject to Wigfall, George H., Jr. Womack, Thomas Folts qualification therefor as provided by law: Wilcox, Mack Rudolph Wood, James Erastus, III Botzum, Diane Wilcox, Wayland Edward Woodard, John Sanford Coye, Beth Frances Wilder, Wallace Gene Woodford, Duval Sterling Delarot, Anna Marie Wileen, Gordon Charles Worthington, George Rhodes Derrough, Lois Albertine Wllgenbusch, Ronald Charles Worthington, James T., II Hazard, Roberta Louise Wilkes, Gilbert Vanburen, III Wright, George Frederick Hurlbut, Bonny Aloha Wilkinson, Robert Bailey, Jr. Wright, Hendon 0. James, Mary Catherine Willenbucher, Marshall R. Wright, Lindell Wayne Lee, Linda Marie Williams, David Arthur Wyckoff, Roger David Nyce, Barbara Regina Williams, Douglas Allan Wynn, Hugh John Richardson, Linda Pond WUliams, Hugh Thomas Wyttenbach, Richard Harring Underwood, Shirley Joa.n Williams, Windell Vance Yakubek, Paul Marsik Weber, Joyce Ann Williamson, Mark Humphrey Yarborough, Jerry Olin W1111ams, Barbara Mary Willimon, Henry Jack, Jr. Yeske, Lanny Alan Willoz, Clifford Paul, Jr. Yeutter. Phillip Eugene Executive nomination received by the Willsey, John Michael York, Milton Ward Senate on December 1, 1975: Wilmot, Frederick Eugene Wilson, Ashley Vannorden York, Thomas Andrew, Jr. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNrrED STATES Wilson, James Alexander, Jr.
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