Residents' Projects 2015
CAN SERRAT RESIDENTS’ PROJECTS 2015 - 2018 Can Serrat, a place for creative and research-based practices exists as both a physical space -- a house, and for many, a kind of home -- and as a ever-evolving dynamic. Each month, new people arrive and those who have already passed time here begin packing to leave. The combination of people, personalities, interests, needs, desires, and expectations reformulates itself and generates a new community of ideas and dialogs every month. The house which slowly ages and accumulates stories seemingly remains the same, while the content developed within its walls changes and shifts from day to day, month to month. Within the physical house, each group practices the values of communal living, which proposes its own unique and fulfilling moments, as well as its challenges. Each group also engages in a cross-pollination of ideas, research, and obsessions that yield unexpected turns. The original reasons for which one comes often transforms through these connections: relationship connections, connections to the space, connections to the village, connections to the Catalan context, connections to the beautiful natural surroundings. These experiences may send the resident adrift. One wanders through these new dialogs generated by this communal effort to share and to support, much as one wanders the trails of the nearby mountain. The images and fragments in this catalog are a trace of that wandering. 5 CAN SERRAT EDITO Entre agulles, pinyes i uns quants arbres oblidats sorgeixen quatre parets que han albergat a milers de visitants entre somriures, plors, alguns mal sons i bells records. Si et pares a tafanejar algun dels seus racons, podràs revelar anys de vivències que t’endinsen entre passadissos i habitacions com si estiguessis en un laberint, i rebuscant entre capes d’històries de pagesos i masovers, descobrir que ara els seus habitants ja no fan vi sinó que com en una pol·linització creuada, els hostes de la casa intercanvien idees i vivències dins una deriva habitual.
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