

HK$68 2018 6 #21 JUN 2018 年 月

Allan盛智文 Zeman

艺术家张可 布鲁诺·马尔斯 Artist Kay Zhang HIGH LIFE 1 2 品 HIGH LIFE 3 20 封面故事 COVER STORY

永不止步 Perpetual motion


盛智文 Allan Zeman

摄影 Photography: Eduardo Martins

地点: 兰桂坊集团,香港中环 Location: LKF Group, Central

4 品 HIGH LIFE 5 2018年6月 #21 JUN 2018 目录 CONTENTS

SOCIETY 品世32 艺术与情色 Love and lust 40 艺术之心 Heart to art 48 呼吸的艺术 Art of breathing 54 弄“ 潮 ”儿 Fab fashionista

INDULGE 品享62 暹罗之梦 Whimsical Siam 70 不让须眉 A woman's touch 76 经典法餐 亚洲演绎 French with an Asian twist 80 美味奇境 Gastronomic wonderland 88 阿尔卑斯瑰宝 Alpine treasure

6 品 HIGH LIFE 7 2018年6月 #21 JUN 2018 目录 CONTENTS


品趣96 金色魔力 Golden magic 100 大音希声 Sounds of water 106 雅致奢华 Elegant luxury 114 风华绝代 Diva nonpareil


120品尚酷黑哲学 Philosophy of black 128 红粉芭菲 Blush parfait 130 天后归来 Divas redux 134 闪耀盛夏 144 加勒比风情 Summer shimmer Caribbean drift 138 女王级体验 148 指间游戏 Fit for a queen Game of rings 142 垂坠有致 154 礼宾 Pendulous phase Concierge

8 品 HIGH LIFE 9 2018 6 | #21 | JUN 2018 年 月 澳门注册 registered 出版号570 publication number 570



财务总监 CFO 王青云 FRED WONG

首席执行官行政助理 EA to the CEO 郑诗韵 CYNTHIA CHEANG

行政助理 Admin Assistant 吴雪怡 SUIE NG


营业及市场副总裁 VP Sales and Marketing 陈文娟 WINNIE TAN

营业及业务发展副总监 Associate Director Sales and Business Development 何敬斌 JADESON HO

香港区销售 HK Sales 黄湘湘 ANGEL WONG

客户关系经理 Client Relationship Manager 邱嘉汶 CAROLINE IAU


营运副总裁 VP Operations 张舒文 KAREN CHEONG

发行部主任 Distribution Supervisor 王禧婷 EMILY VONG

发行部专员 Distribution Officers 叶少扬 ANSON IP 郑国平 PENG CHEANG 麦敏华 MAK MAN WAH 许浩伟 HOI HOU WAI

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信息技术总监 IT Director 刘冠侪 MICHAEL LAU

信息技术管理员 IT Administrator 郑信怡 ALISON CHEANG

由品亚有限公司每月出版 Published monthly by Asia High Life Limited 澳门注册新闻公司编号EP175 Macau registered press company number EP175 澳门冼星海大马路105号 Golden Dragon Centre 金龙中心10楼L室 105 Avenida Xian Xing Hai, 10L, Macau

由百乐门印刷有限公司印制 Printed by Paramount Printing Company Limited 香港新界将军澳将军澳工业邨 3 Chun Kwong Street 骏光街三号 Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong


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HIGH LIFE 11 我们的编辑团队

IRENE SAM 沈爱莲 Editor-in-Chief 主编

父亲上海人、母亲澳门人的 Irene , 曾在加利福尼亚(确切地说 , 湾区) 和巴黎生活多年 。 她讲六种语言 , 热衷各色美食 , 倚赖澳门的米其林星 级餐饮, 来满足其和体型极不相称的胃口。 Born to a Shanghainese father and a Macanese mother, Irene spent many years of her life in California – namely the Bay Area – and . She is hexalingual, with a brain fueled by an insane amount of food from the kitchens of Michelin-starred chefs around Macau.

BEN BLASCHKE 本思齐 Managing Editor 执行编辑

2013 年加入「 澳传媒」 的Ben, 曾于澳大利亚主流报纸和体育杂志担任 体育记者十年有余 。 他钟爱美食佳酿和奢宠体验 , 对优品生活的追求与 《 品》 完美契合! Having embarked on a decade long career as a sports journalist for leading Australian newspapers and sports magazines, Ben joined O MEDIA in Macau in 2013. These days Ben loves good food, fine wine and a touch of pampering, the perfect fit forHigh Life !

SOPHIE HU 户媛媛 Chinese Editor and Chief Translator 中文编辑及主译

有着翻译和旅游学业背景 , 自然深谙不同文化之间交流的重要性 。 无论 是背起行囊用脚步去丈量世界 , 还是在笔端游走于两种语言之间 , 身体 和心灵, 总有一个在路上。 With degrees in both translation and tourism, Sophie is intensely aware of the need for good communication between different cultures. Whether exploring the world with a backpack or wandering back and forth between two languages, her body or soul is always on a journey.

12 品 Our editorial team

WENDI SONG 宋文娣 撰稿人 Contributor

曾于上海和澳门学习法律多年 , 但最终确定写作才是释放灵魂的最佳方 式 。 喜欢佩索阿的诗 、 夏卡尔的画和德沃夏克的 《自新大陆》 。 旅居澳 门十年, 收获良多, 对这座城市感激不尽。 After years spent studying law in and Macau, Wendi found that only writing could free her soul. She likes Fernando Pessoa, Marc Chagall and Antonín Dvořák’s “From The New World.” She has been living in Macau for 10 years and is still in her honeymoon-period with the city.


时尚顾问 Lifestyle Advisor

毕业于艺术专业的 Joseff , 兼具千禧一代的时尚精神和 X 一代的明确目 标 。 他钟情于一切与流行文化相关的事物 , 并将 2017 年视为自己激情 真正绽放的一年 。 With a degree in Arts, Joseff has both the stylish spunk ofa millennial and the goal-oriented mind of a Gen Xer. He loves everything to do with pop culture and considers 2017 to be the year his passions truly shone.

JACKY CHEONG 张一帆 葡 萄 酒、美 术、古 典 音 乐 及 歌 剧 撰 稿 人 Contributor wine, fine art, classical music and opera

张一帆在英 、 法 、 德等国成长及学习历史与法律 。 他现定期以中英 双语撰写葡萄酒与烈酒 、 古典音乐与歌剧 、 美术等主题的文章 。

Having spent his formative years in Britain, France and Germany studying history and law, Jacky Cheong regularly comments and publishes on wine and spirits, classical music and opera as well as fine arts in Macau, Hong Kong and Europe.

HIGH LIFE 13 我们的编辑团队

SANDRA NORTE Lead Designer 首席设计师

在澳大利亚完成传媒设计学业后 , Sandra 回到澳门的家人和宠物身 边 , 闲暇时喜欢尝试不同的工艺 。 她对细节一丝不苟 , 无论工作还是 娱乐 , 都务求完美 ! After studying Communication Design in Australia, Sandra returned to Macau to be with her family and crazy pets. In her spare time, she likes trying out different crafts in search of the perfect hobby. She’s all about the details – whether for work or play, it must be perfect!

AILSA TANG 邓倩雯 Graphic Designer 平面设计师

邓倩雯大部分时间在澳大利亚和澳门度过 , 两地皆为家 。 最能激发其 想象力的 , 莫过于凝望星空 , 放飞思绪 。 收获双学位的她 , 近期加盟 「澳传媒」 开始了平面设计师的新生涯 ! Having spent most of her life between Australia and Macau, Ailsa considers both to be home. Few things stimulate her imagination like gazing at the stars and daydreaming. Upon graduating from a dual degree, Ailsa recently started her new life as a graphic designer with O MEDIA!

EDUARDO MARTINS Lead Photographer 首席摄影师

Eduardo 在里斯本做摄影记者打磨技艺十五年之久 。 期间,他曾为葡 萄牙一些最知名的日报工作 , 并于多本杂志发表作品 。 2016 年 , 他移 居澳门展开新的旅程。 Eduardo plied his trade as a photojournalist in for 15 years. During that time he worked on some of Portugal’s top daily newspapers and has published works in several magazines. In 2016 he moved to Macau to embark on a new journey.

14 品 HIGH LIFE 15 From编者寄语 the editor

After life 身后之事 类时刻需要牢记,我们在这个世界生存和探索的时 s human beings, we must always keep in mind that 间有限。在我迄今为止的生命中,亲眼目睹了越来 we have a finite amount of time to live and discover 越多的亲人离世,并长眠于其安息之所。积极地来看,我人 Athe world. Over the years of my life, I have witnessed 不认为这有多么令人沮丧,更多是在提醒我们,无论喜欢 more and more relatives pass away and be laid to rest 与否,我们都终将死去。 in the cemetery. On a positive note, I do not view it as a 令人遗憾的是,有些人过于纠结他们长逝之后会留下 depressing experience, just a reminder that we will all die 些什么。在我看来,“遗产”这一概念是人类历史上最自 one day whether we like it or not. 负的现象。为什么要去在意自己化为灰烬或深埋大地之 It is unfortunate how some people are preoccupied 后,别人会如何看待? with what their legacy will be after they pass on. In my 享受生命,贵在当下,而不是担心我们死后会发生什 opinion, the concept of “legacy” is the most egotistic 么。明智地分配时间、尽可能与亲人相聚、重视人生体验 phenomenon in human history. Why would anyone care 而非身外之物……因为在你离开人世之时,无论靓车抑或 what others think of them when they are burned to dust 豪宅都无法带去,没有任何意义。 or buried six feet under the ground? The best way to enjoy life is in the present moment, not worrying about what will happen when we are dead. 沈爱莲 Spend time wisely and get together with loved ones when 主编 possible, appreciate experiences rather than objects, because you can't have your favorite car or big house buried with you when you are gone.

Irene Sam Editor-in-Chief

16 品 HIGH LIFE 17 在澳门最豪华及最富声望的酒店的每一间客房,都能享受阅读《品》杂志的乐趣 ......



身为商业巨头和外裔中国公民 , 盛智文先生(Allan Zeman) 并未止步于既得成就 , 而是继续放眼于当今及未来的中国 , 谋求进一步的商业发展 。 同时 , 他毫不掩饰对习近平主席的 支持。

Business magnate and born-again Chinese citizen Allan Zeman hasn’t rested on his laurels, keenly pursuing his business interests in the China of today and tomorrow. And he’s unabashed in his support for President Xi.

文 卓弈 by Andrew W Scott 图 Images by Eduardo Martins 期五下午五点刚过,我们等待 以这样说,他对一切事物有着无限的 该地区的“行人化”。他解释道:“伦 着和盛智文先生的会面。一位 精 力 和 无 尽 的 热 情 。 敦遍布着街区枢纽,于是我就想, 星助手默默地送水进来,随后另一位助 以他最为人熟知的兰桂坊项目为 何不让人们站在街头喝点东西?于是 手礼貌地说,盛先生很快就到。他的 例。大约35年前,盛智文先生意识 它慢慢演变成如今广受欢迎的兰桂 办公室低调而奢华,摆放了一些重要 到,香港除五星级酒店之外缺乏高档 坊。” 会议的照片。包括习主席《谈治国理 餐厅用于接待国际商业伙伴,于是决 盛智文先生更于中国内地的几座 政》在内的一些书籍,整齐堆叠了半 定自己创建。当时香港不存在类似纽 城市成功复制了兰桂坊模式。 墙之高。时尚艺术品散落各处,无疑 约苏豪区或伦敦西区那样的地方。 “我所找寻的是不太偏远的区 每一件作品都有着独特的来龙去脉。 第一步是将一家旧超市改建成餐 域,上班族工作之余可以在这里自我 突然他迈步进来,颇为得体地晚 厅。运作良好后,他开始重复这一过 释放。我总是说,‘看待事物要着眼 到十分钟。在签署了一系列文件后, 程,购买旧仓库和办公室,将餐厅 于它的潜力而非现状。要想成功,必 身着标志性翻领衬衫的盛智文先生坐 置于办公楼高层并将这一概念规范 须想人所未想,见人所未见。 下来,开始专注于我们的谈话。 化——这源自于他在东京的所见所 “我们在深圳和上海投资,均是 每周这个时候,不少行业领袖也 闻。这些餐厅改建令租金及大楼价值 一线城市。除此之外,还有诸如成都 许正准备动身去度周末,抑或在俱乐 翻倍甚至三倍增长,由此该地区逐渐 这样的二线城市。实际上成都更像是 部小酌威士忌放松。盛智文先生并非 蜕变成今日的兰桂坊。 1.5线城市,发展迅速,尤其是技术 如此。他的特质很难形容,但或许可 如盛智文先生所说,下一步就是 方面。

22 品 t’s just past five o’clock on a Friday signing, the man with the trademark business associates to – decided to afternoon as we wait for our upturned collar sits down and create his own, wondering why Hong I audience with Allan Zeman. One becomes focused on our discussion. Kong didn’t have an equivalent to New assistant silently brings us water. A At this time of the week many York’s SoHo or ’s West End. second politely promises our subject captains of industry might be Step one was to convert an old is not far away. Zeman’s office is jetting off for a weekend getaway supermarket into a restaurant. It luxurious but unpretentious, with or enjoying a relaxing whisky at worked and he began to repeat the framed photographs of important the club. Not Zeman. It’s difficult to process, acquiring old warehouses meetings discreetly on display. Some select one attribute to describe him, and offices and normalizing the pillars of books, including President but it could well be his relentless concept of restaurants being in the Xi’s The Governance of China, are energy and enthusiasm for, well, just upper floors of office buildings – neatly stacked halfway to the ceiling. about everything. something Zeman had experienced in Stylish artistic pieces, no doubt each Take the project he is most known Tokyo. These restaurant conversions with its own story, are scattered about. for, Lan Kwai Fong. Some 35 years ago, doubled or even tripled the lease Suddenly, he bounds through Zeman – who recognized the lack of rentals and resultant building values the door, a fashionable 10 minutes upscale restaurants outside of five- and the area gradually evolved into late. After a flurry of document star hotels to invite international the Lan Kwai Fong of today.

HIGH LIFE 23 24 品 “我们着眼于拥有年轻人口的城 家看到过这种状况,腐败是一种常 彻他的政策时,自然会退位让贤。 市和其未来五至十年的发展。中国虽 态。他执政后,深知这可能会毁掉共 “去年,中国公民出境游人数高 是一个国家,但每个省份、每座城市 产党,摧毁中国,必须加以制止。而 达一亿三千八百万。到2020年,这 的人口和地理特征都各有不同。随着 他具备所需的个性和力度去做这件 一数字将增至两亿。旅行使人明智。 中国市场的变化,很多人富裕起来, 事。 旅行越多,见闻越多,对自身文化的 并且都想要享受生活。” “抓捕一些人们认为坚不可摧的 改变也越多。因此我对习主席坚信不 显然,盛智文先生对于将其商业 人物是一个良好开端,因为它改变了 疑,正如当年邓小平上台开启改革开 模式从香港延展至中国内地毫无顾 人们的看法。一个月薪几千元的省领 放政策,成就了今日之中国。 虑。他一向是习近平主席的忠实拥 导佩戴伯爵手表,自然会引起公众非 “习主席正在迈出下一步。他提 趸。 议。习主席以非常明智的方式解决这 出一带一路的想法。我对大湾区的信 他说:“我认为习近平主席是不 个问题,赢得了人民的尊重。 念更加笃定。我认为这对香港和澳门 可多得的领导人。中国有十四亿人 “在中国生活的这35年,我见证 来说都大有好处。港珠澳大桥将打开 口,在这片土地做领导人谈何容易, 了人民生活水平显著提高。有人对于 整个西部走廊。广深港高铁将中国南 每天面对大量问题。习主席上台时, 他将连任两届以上颇有微词,但很多 部地区的交通时间缩减至两小时以 中国基本上是一个腐败之地,一个落 国家的总统任期都会超过两届。我相 内。深圳已经超越硅谷,那里的发展 后的发展中国家。我在东南亚其他国 信,当他认为有合适的接班人可以贯 惊人,边界基本已不存在。

The next step was the “We are investing in Shenzhen from Hong Kong to mainland China. “pedestrianization” of the area, as and Shanghai, both first-tier cities. He is well known for being a fan of Zeman calls it. He explains, “London And other cities like Chengdu, which President Xi. is full of street hubs and I thought is a second-tier city but actually it’s “I think President Xi Jinping is a ‘why not let people stand on the more like a one-and-a-half-tier city leader who comes along once or twice street and have a drink?’ It slowly because it’s developing very quickly, in a lifetime,” says Zeman. “With 1.4 evolved into the Lan Kwai Fong of especially in technology. billion people, China is not an easy today, which has become such a hit.” “We look at cities with a place to be president of. There are Zeman has successfully young population and a future many problems to solve daily. When replicated Lan Kwai Fong in several in the next five to 10 years. China President Xi came to power, China cities across China. is one country but every city and was basically a corrupt place. It was “I look for not-too-remote areas, province is different. You look at the a poor, developing country. I’ve seen where office workers need a place demographic and the geographic. As this in other countries in Southeast after work, a happy hour for release. the market in China changes, many Asia, corruption is the norm. He came I always say, ‘Look at things not for people have money and they want to in and understood this could destroy what they are, but for what they could enjoy themselves.” the party, could destroy China, and be.’ To be successful, you must think Zeman clearly had no concerns we must put a stop to it. He had the beyond. See things that others don’t. in expanding his business model strength, the personality, to do it.

HIGH LIFE 25 “如果维持现状,香港过去的优 口而出。 我亲眼目睹了中国的变化,对于其发 势只会被削弱。我相信大湾区是香港 “第一是「技术」;第二是「梦 展前景,我看到一派繁荣。再看看美 的未来和救星。我们的优势在于,这 想」,习主席提出且人人认同的中国 国、欧洲或其他所谓的发达国家,我 些年来一直对香港发展有促进作用的 梦;第三?「信心」。我认为这是中 看到的是基础设施的日益恶化——机 法治和独立司法机构。这些非常重 国新获得的信心。 场、高速公路、道路等等,就像第二 要,且这种重要性将持续下去。香港 “我真心为能够成为中国人而感 或第三世界国家。每次去上海、深圳 在大湾区的角色非常关键。” 到骄傲。放弃以前的护照并不是一个 或者若干年前仍是荒地的某个地方, 我们请盛智文先生用三个词来形 轻易的决定,但我已经在香港工作了 我都深感自豪。我看到了奇迹般的演 容当今时代的中国,他毫不犹豫,脱 38年,内心更加贴近中国而非西方。 变。

“Arresting some famous names enough to carry through his policies. corridor. The high-speed rail between who people thought were untouchable “Last year 138 million Chinese Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong was a great start because it changed travelled abroad. By 2020, it will be will put Southern China within two people’s perceptions. People see 200 million. Travel makes you smart. hours. Shenzhen is already ahead of someone like the head of a province The more you travel, the more you Silicon Valley – it’s amazing what’s earning a few thousand RMB a month, see things, the more you change your coming out of there. The borders will but they have a Piaget watch, so they culture. So, I believe very strongly in basically become invisible. ask questions. President Xi addressed President Xi – no different to when “If we remain as we are, Hong this in a very sensible way which Deng Xiaoping came along and Kong’s strengths of the past will gained the respect of the people. opened up China. That really helped only erode. I believe the Greater “I’ve been in China for 35 years China become what it is today. Bay Area is the future and savior and I’ve seen people’s lives get “President Xi is taking the next of Hong Kong. Our strength will be dramatically better. I know people say step. He came up with the Belt and the rule of law and the independent he’ll serve more than two terms. But Road idea. My even stronger belief is in judiciary which have served Hong many countries have presidents who the Greater Bay Area. I think that’s great Kong well all these years. They are have served more than two terms. for Hong Kong and Macau. The bridge very important and will continue. I believe he will step down when connecting Hong Kong, Macau and Hong Kong has a very important role he thinks there is somebody good Zhuhai will open the whole western to play in the Greater Bay Area.”

26 品 HIGH LIFE 27 28 品 “内心深处,我认为自己做 更多闲暇时间,文化事业就开始迎 并不开心。它会给家庭带来很多问 了正确的决定。我在大学做很多公 头赶上。过去,香港完全是一个商 题,甚至嫉妒。金钱不应该让你与 开演讲。我常说,‘请想想中国, 业社会,文化是次要的。然后西九 现实脱节。你会逐渐意识到金钱不 想想中国的未来。不要惧怕中国。 文化区出现,人们意识到文化的重 是幸福的源泉。” 将它纳入你的计划,因为那就是未 要性。戏曲中心将于今年完工,非 当被问及什么让他感到快乐时, 来。’香港恰好是中国的一部分, 常漂亮,令人惊叹。视觉文化博物 他说:“我喜欢回馈社会。我为年 并且我们越快理解并接受这一点, 馆和演艺综合剧场均出自著名建筑 轻人和技术领域的初创公司做很多 香港就会变得越好。” 师之手。这些只是开始。文化区一 公开演讲。回馈社会为我带来很多 商业之外,盛智文先生还热衷于 旦形成,香港将呈现不同的光环。” 快乐。 文化艺术事业,并在西九文化区管 谈话主题进而转向金钱与幸福 “我努力让世界变得更美好。 理局董事局工作了十年有余。 的关系。 很幸运的是,我能够有机会做很 他说:“艺术、文化和创意在我 盛智文先生沉思道:“金钱可 多事。知道自己有所作为,产生 们的生活中非常重要。在发展中国 以是快乐的一种形式。它能减轻压 了一些影响力,让我深感自豪和开 家,最重要的是有份工作,为家庭提 力,亦会增添压力。你必须尊重金 心。为他人带来快乐,我就感到快 供经济支撑。但随着发展带来金钱和 钱。我有些朋友腰缠万贯,但他们 乐。”

We ask Zeman to choose three the United States, Europe or other understand and accept that, the words to describe the China of our so-called developed countries and I better Hong Kong will be.” times and he fires back without see infrastructure deteriorating – the As well as business, Zeman hesitation. airports, the highways, the roads, it’s supports culture and the arts “Number one is ‘technology’,” like a second or third-world country. and was on the board of the West he says. “The second is ‘dream’ – I feel very proud going to Shanghai, Kowloon Cultural District Authority the China dream that Xi floated and Shenzhen or some place that was for more than a decade. everyone’s bought into. The third? fields a few years ago and I see this “Arts, culture and creativity ‘Confidence.’ I’d say it’s China’s miracle that’s evolved. are very important in our lives,” newfound confidence. “In my heart, I feel I made the he says. “In a developing country, “I really do feel very proud to be right decision. I do a lot of public the most important thing is to Chinese. It is not an easy decision to speaking at universities and I say, have a job and provide for your renounce your previous passport but ‘Please think of China. Think of family. As development leads to I have been in Hong Kong for 38 years China’s future. Don’t fear China. money and more leisure time, and I feel more Chinese than western. Put it in your plans because that is culture steps up. In the past, I’ve seen the changes and I only see the future.’ Hong Kong happens to Hong Kong was totally a business prosperity for China ahead. I look at be part of China. And the faster we society. Culture was secondary.

HIGH LIFE 29 Then West Kowloon comes along relationship between money and Asked what makes him happy, and you see how important culture happiness. Zeman says, “I love giving back to can be. The Chinese Opera Theatre “Money can be a form of society. I do a lot of public speaking to will be finished this year. It’s happiness,” Zeman muses, “It takes young people and to young startups beautiful, really amazing. The visual pressure off but also adds pressure. in technology. That gives me a lot of arts museum and the Lyric Theatre Money is something you must respect. pleasure, to give back to society. are both by famous architects. And I’ve seen friends with a lot of money “I try to make the world a better these are just the beginning. Once but they’re not happy. It can bring a place. I’ve been fortunate as I’ve the cultural district comes into lot of problems within families, even done so many things. It gives me a being, Hong Kong will take on a jealousy. Money shouldn’t cause you to lot of pride and pleasure to know different aura.” lose touch with reality. You learn that I’ve made a difference. Making other The subject turns to the money is not the root of happiness.” people happy, makes me happy.”

30 品 品世 SOCIETY


关于爱情与性 、 女性的自我觉醒与认 知困惑 , 艺术家张可正在用自己的方 式来寻找答案 。

Local artist Kay Zhang shares the thoughts and feelings behind her intriguing artistic perspective.

文 宋文娣 by Wendi Song 图 Images by Eduardo Martins 门青年艺术家张可出生于 类似中世纪圣经的装帧放在一起,不 1991年,十岁随家庭移居澳 仅满溢着女性的细腻和精美,亦充满 澳门,自2009年起于四川美术学院学 叙事元素,表达了她对于当代女性处 习油画,曾赴德国布伦瑞克美术学院 境的关注和困惑,以及挑战世俗社会 交流,毕业后转至北京中央美术学院 对于女性自由直白表达自己追求爱情 的实验艺术学院修读“当代艺术创作 与情欲的偏见。 与研究”方向硕士,师从知名当代艺 纳博科夫的小说《爱达或爱欲》 术家徐冰。目前她正在修读中央美术 是张可最喜欢的书目之一,她甚至用 学院实验艺术研究方向博士课程,同 爱欲(Ardor)来命名了自己的《动 时在澳门大学人文艺术课程担任讲 物寓言集》系列作品的英文名以向大 师。 师致敬。这个词亦是张可很多作品中 2016年8月,张可在澳门举办了 反复出现的主题,像纳博科夫一样, 她的首个个人展览「纯真百科」,展 她对于男女不同性别关系之间、爱情 出了三十五幅手绘拼贴作品。在这些 与欲望之间始终秉持着旺盛的好奇 作品中,她将收集起来的上世纪九十 心。 年代的复古裸女照片与繁复而华丽的 “纳博科夫曾说自己是一个写色

n artist, teacher and student in early 1990s, Zhang’s works reflect the field of Contemporary Art, Kay on the life of contemporary women A Zhang was born in 1991 and moved and aim to challenge the biased to Macau at the age of 10. She received assumption that Chinese women her Master of Arts in 2017 from the never vocalize their desires. China Central Academy of Fine Arts The word “Ardor”, meaning in Beijing, having previously enjoyed passion for love, is a recurring a short stay at the Braunschweig topic within her body of work and University of Art in Germany as an comes from Vladimir Nabokov’s exchange student in 2011. famous novel Ada and Ardor: A In August 2016, Kay held her first Family Chronicle. Nabokov is one solo exhibition, Innocencepedia, at of Zhang’s favorite writers because Macau Art Garden. they share the same passion and By juxtaposing female nudes curiosity with regards to men and from the erotic photography of the women, love and desire.

34 品 HIGH LIFE 35 36 品 情文学的严肃小说家,那我是一个画 己的身体。那种自信洋溢出纸面,并 色情画的严肃艺术家。”张可笑着说 无半分“情欲”之意,反倒带着无邪 道。 的天真。那种美丽与坦荡,简直可以 “我从2015年开始这个系列的 令任何心怀妄念之意的人羞愧难当。 创作,想要表达的是我这一代女性在 画面致敬中世纪书本,加入很多美丽 面对爱情、婚姻、性和自己的身体时 繁复的装饰性元素,除了予人以美的 的困惑、寻找解答,以及过程中对于 观感之外,实际上艺术家深层想要令 自我的肯定。那是一种虽然被人观 人感知到其画面之下暗涌积聚的女性 看,但我很自在,而且很欢迎你们来 力量。 欣赏我的这种美的心情,展现的是我 在对女性身份相对保守的澳门, 很自然的一个状态。” 张可这些直抒胸臆的作品也曾令她踌 诚然,在张可作品中出现的所有 躇担心别人的看法。 裸体女性,都在大方且快乐地展示自 “这其实也是一个破壳的过程。

“He is a serious novelist who appreciate my beauty.’ It’s a state of writes pornographic literature. my naturalness.” I am a serious artist who paints It is for this reason that all the pornographic pictures,” Kay laughs. nude women in Zhang’s work are full “I started to do this series in of happiness and self-confidence. It’s 2015. What I wanted to express also a reflection of her own growth is the confusion of women of as an artist – being in Macau, where my generation when facing love, women are generally conservative, marriage, sex and our own bodies. Zhang used to worry about how “It is a situation like, ‘Yes I other people would view her art. know you’re watching me through “It was a shelling process,” my work, but I’m quite comfortable she explains. “Soon I saw that it’s a with that and welcome you to question of art, not of the artist.

HIGH LIFE 37 后来我就想清楚了,这是一个艺术问 段,而更为直白地在表达女性的美 题,不是艺术家的问题。”张可笑着 丽。2017和2018年,她连续入围了 说,“我做展览时,会有很多妈妈年 「杰出亚洲艺术奖」。 纪的女性来跟我说,你真的很勇敢, “不害怕去表达情欲本身,这种 可以把这些问题放在大众场合去谈 表达的自由其实非常重要。”她说。 论。” “作为女性,关乎爱情和性的话 如果首次展览的作品表达的是戏 题我觉得自己会一直困惑下去。而我 谑与调侃和对于爱情及性的困惑,那 现在的作品,就是我对这些问题在当 么张可现在的作品已经超越了那个阶 下的感受和回答。”

“There were women my “Don’t be afraid to express mother’s age who came to my your feelings of lust and desire, the exhibition and told me, ‘You’re freedom to express yourself is more really brave to put these questions important,” she says. out there in public for people to “I believe that as a female, I’ll discuss.’” always feel puzzled with regards to In 2017 and 2018, Zhang was love and sex and probably will never nominated twice by the Sovereign find the answer. But my current Asian Art Prize for her latest series of works are my feelings and probably paintings, Innocencepedia Chapter I my answers to those questions at and Bestiary: Love and Ardor. this stage of my life.”

38 品 HIGH LIFE 39 品世

游走于真实与抽象之间的澳门本土艺术家陈慧雯(Crystal Chan) 向 《品》 讲述了她从澳门城市街道走向纽约艺术博物馆的历程。

Existing in the space between the real and the abstract, local artist Crystal Chan tells High Life about her journey from the urban streets of Macau to the art museums of New York.

文 by Joseff Musa 图 Images by Eduardo Martins SOCIETY 42 品 慧雯说,有时候,异物奇观并 是说:“回顾我的成长经历,我很早 风格。” 不总是舞台上最引人瞩目的焦 就知道自己想成为一名艺术家。” 到了上大学时,陈慧雯决定去台 陈点。这一点在近期结束的国际双年展 她在澳门土生土长,年仅六岁就 湾学习室内设计,当时艺术和设计在 上她的一幅绘画中得以充分体现。这 在小学接触到各种艺术形式。从中国 很大程度上还被认为是一个概念。但 场展览致力于呈现130位女性艺术家 书法到绘画,甚至葡萄牙舞蹈,学校 这条路并没有走多长。她这样解释: 的作品。透过展览,人们很快便意识 是她的艺术启蒙之地。然而,由于家 “老师不断问我是否知道自己在做什 到,她的画作全然是为了激起观者的 庭经济状况的不稳定以及澳门艺术行 么,因为我总是以自己的方式而不是 情感。 业的保守性,她的艺术之路并不总是 照本宣科做事。最终,我决定回澳门 无论这种感觉是为了唤醒一种沉 一帆风顺。 去研究艺术之外的领域。” 睡已久的本能,还是激起更大胆的想 她回忆说:“我知道自己想要什 直到21岁那年远赴欧洲,漫游威 象,这位澳门艺术家的成功之处就在 么,但又总是因为种种因素而感到灰 尼斯、佛罗伦萨、罗马、维也纳、布 于,唤起人们对艺术的尊崇之心。 心丧气。当时艺术并不是为了表达自 达佩斯、巴黎、伦敦、柏林和巴塞罗 我们在双年展见面时,陈慧雯如 己,更多是为了写实,但那不是我的 那时,她才了解到可以对艺术有独到

ometimes, Crystal Chan explains, the success of the Macau based school was where her passion for staging a spectacle is not always artist is in invoking the reverence for art evolved. However, it was not S the show stopper. This is seen art and the matter that fills it. always a breeze due to her family’s through one of her paintings in the “Growing up, I knew way back financial instability and Macau’s recently concluded International that I wanted to be an artist,” Chan conservativeness in the art industry. Biennial, an exhibition dedicated to explains when we meet at the exhibit. “I knew what I wanted in life, the works of 130 female artists where Born and raised in Macau, but I was always discouraged by one quickly realizes that her narrative she was just six years old when so many factors,” she recalls. “Art is all about stirring up sensations. first introduced to various forms wasn’t about expressing yourself Whether the feeling is to grasp a of art at her primary school. From back then. It was more about dormant instinct of what is beautiful Chinese calligraphy to paintings painting realistically – and that’s not or to go with bolder imaginations, and even Portuguese dance, who I am.”

HIGH LIFE 43 的见解。 她说:“我有一个以前用来绘画 人感到不舒服的真相,她以自己的 “那段时间,我遇到了很多艺 的笔记本。我的老板看到后,认为 方式来争取平等和消除性别歧视。 术家、摄影师、作家和舞者。然后 这些画作很棒,便将我介绍给一些 据她观察:“男人表达欲望是可 我问自己,为什么我不能和他们一 策展人。在那之后,我入读了纽约 以接受的,而女人表达欲望则会被 样?” 的一所艺术学校。” 品头论足,我认为这很奇怪。这就 最终,在澳门为一家出版公司工 陈慧雯的绘画可以概括为对自 是为什么艺术对我来说远不只是一 作时,陈慧雯无意中在艺术追求上 己过往挣扎及童年情感的怀旧。同 种叙述。我不会给出答案,而是不 有了重大突破。 时,这些作品亦反映了社会一些让 断提出问题。”

44 品 When it was time to enter teachers were constantly asking It wasn’t until Chan went to college, Chan decided to go to me if I knew what I was doing Europe at the age of 21 – roaming Taiwan to study interior design, because I always did things my the cities of Venice, Florence, since art and design were largely own way rather than by the book. Rome, , , Paris, considered one and the same at Eventually I decided to go back to London, and – that the time. But the journey didn’t Macau to study outside of the art she learned it was okay to have a last long. As Chan explains, “The related fields.” disparate opinion.

HIGH LIFE 45 “During this time, I met a lot of boss saw my drawings, thought they the society we live in, with the artists, photographers, writers and were really good and introduced me artist using her medium to fight for dancers. And then I asked myself, to some curators. It was from there equality and eradicate sexism. why can’t I be that?” she recalls. that I enrolled in an art school in “I find it weird that it is In the end, it was while working New York.” acceptable for men to have their for a publishing company back in Chan’s paintings can be desires while women are judged if Macau that Chan inadvertently summed up as a nostalgic narrative they express theirs,” she observes. stumbled upon her big break. of her past struggles and emotional “That’s why art, for me, is more than “I had a notebook that I used childhood. Likewise, they address a narrative. I don’t give answers. I to draw in,” she says. “One day my some uncomfortable truths about ask questions.”


文 沈爱莲 by Irene Sam 图 Images by Eduardo Martins 50 品 《品》 与养生专家 Dominique Lonchant 和 Buathon Thienarrom 探讨正确的呼吸方式如何可以改 善我们的整体健康状况 。

High Life speaks with wellness experts Dominique Lonchant and Buathon Thienarrom about how breathing the right way can improve our overall health.

常生活中,我们大多数人从不 数十年来,Lonchant 一如既往 一次练习之后,会马上感受到差异。 会关注自己的呼吸。在高度污 地通过精心设计的练习来教人呼吸, “浅呼吸有可能导致胸腔阻塞并 日染地区,空气甚至被认为对人体有 旨在打开胸腔并让空气深入肺部。 引致疾病。氧气对身体细胞的健康极 害。 他解释道:“年少时,我在学校 其重要,良好的呼吸习惯亦可以提升 在 调 息 大 师 Dominique 的表现并不好。有一天我决定去斯里 运动表现。” Lonchant及养生疗愈师和心理师 兰卡师从一位瑜伽大师。之后,我开 其中一项练习是,双膝跪地同时 Buathon Thienarrom 看来,以正确 展了一系列呼吸练习,以帮助人们生 用手触摸脚趾。随着身体向后拱起, 的方式将空气吸入体内并呼出体外, 活得更加健康。 胸腔随之打开,令空气能够流向腹腔 可以将身心提升至更健康的状态。在 “我的练习简单来说就是驯化大 深处。以这样的姿势呼吸六次之后, 澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心,他们与 脑,让身体以不同的方式呼吸,因为 人们便会发觉,甚至每次呼吸的声音 《品》慷慨分享了调息的智慧。 在呼吸时,我们是无意识的。随我做 都有所不同。

ost of us never pay attention aim to open up the chest and let air for the wellbeing of the cells in the body. to how we breathe in everyday deep into the lungs. Good breathing habits can enhance M life. In highly polluted areas, air “When I was young I was not athletic performance as well.” might even be considered harmful doing well in school. Then one day One of the exercises Lonchant to the human body. I decided to go to Sri Lanka to train teaches instructs people to kneel For breathing master with a yoga master,” he explains. while using their hands to touch their Dominique Lonchant and wellness “After that I developed a series of toes. With the body arched back, expert and psychologist Buathon breathing exercises to help people the chest is opened and air is able Thienarrom, taking air into the lead a healthier life. to flow deep towards the abdomen. body and letting it out in the correct “My exercises basically rewire After just six times breathing in such manner can transform the mind and the brain for the body to breath in a a position, one can hear that even the body into a healthier state. At different manner, because when we the sound of each breath is different. the spa inside Mandarin Oriental, are breathing, we are not thinking Knowledgeable in Taoist and Macau, they generously share their about it. After one session with me Tibetan medicine, wellness expert wisdom with High Life. one will feel the difference right away. Buathon Thienarrom takes a more For decades Lonchant has been “Shallow breathing can cause psychological approach to training coaching people to breathe with his blockage in the chest, which is related her patients’ minds using her carefully designed exercises which to diseases. Oxygen is also important breathing methods.

HIGH LIFE 51 对道教和藏医颇有研究的养生专 时,头脑更容易释放压力。热量亦可 深吸气,呼气时发出“哈”声。 家 Buathon Thienarrom 更 多 是 从 以借由正确的呼吸法排出体外,这将 “做这项练习时,在精神层面, 心理角度,利用调息方法来训练病人 有助于身体的自我平衡。” 你可以给心灵一个灿烂的笑容。无论 的思维。 为了培养幸福感并消除负面情 是快乐还是悲伤的情绪,我们的心都 她说:“呼吸可以放松头脑,使 绪,Thienarrom 建议人们躺下,将 悉数纳入,重要的是对这些情绪保持 身体进入冥想状态。当身体完全放松 折好的毛巾垫在胸腔下以打开胸腔, 觉知并学会释放。”

“Breathing can relax the mind and To cultivate happiness and “Mentally, one can send a big bring the body into a meditative state. get rid of negative emotions, smile to the heart while doing this When the body is completely relaxed, Thienarrom recommends people lie exercise. Whether we are happy or the mind can release stress more easily. down, put a towel under their chest sad, our heart takes it all in, so it Heat can also exit the body through the to open up the area, breathe in deep is important to be aware of these right breathing method, which can help and, while breathing out, release a emotions and learn to let go,” she the body to balance itself,” she says. “ha” sound. explains.

52 品 HIGH LIFE 53 品世

澳门设计师罗伟杰(Nuno Lopes De Oliveira) 以其金光闪闪的设计元素 而闻名 , 凭借无懈可击的设计风格 给人留下了深刻印象 。

Known for his golden, shimmering collection, Macau designer Nuno Lopes de Oliveira is making an impact with his impeccable styles.

文 by Joseff Musa 图 Images by Eduardo Martins SOCIETY 56 品 着高级时装穿梭于各大国际秀 罗伟杰解释道:“自我记事以来, 场,为拍摄写真的模特设计造 这套房子就一直是这样,因为妈妈热 身型,向时尚界人士发表演讲——这便 爱一切闪亮的东西。这对我的设计风 是澳门年轻设计师罗伟杰的日常。 格产生了很大的影响。” 作为土生土长的澳门人,罗伟杰 他15岁移居英国,开始在伦敦密 热衷于一切璀璨瑰丽的物件,这在他 德萨斯大学修读时装设计。 漂染过的秀发和整套装束中即可见一 初学时装设计时,罗伟杰在英国 斑。 的一个小镇利用可回收材料展示了其 “进来吧,”他微笑着将我们迎 第一个作品系列。回望过去,作为一 入公寓。“我的工作室在中国,因此 名时装设计师,他的快速成长在很大 在澳门时,这里就是我的创作基地。” 程度上要归功于家人的支持。时至今 仿佛这位27岁设计师的世界里永 日,妹妹一有可能就会为他做模特。 远缺乏足够的光芒,巨大的吊灯照亮 罗伟杰笑着说:“一路走来一直 了整个空间,座椅套饰亦巧妙地与房 都有妹妹的参与,她是我心中的缪斯 间内闪闪发光的装饰相得益彰。 女神。”

rossing the street in couture garb As if there isn't already enough at international fashion shows, glitter in the world of this 27-year- C dressing up models for editorial old designer, the whole space is lit shoots and giving speeches to up by immense chandeliers and the fashion’s beau monde – such is the upholstery on the chairs is curated daily grind of young Macau designer to match the sparkling decoration of Nuno Lopes de Oliveira. the house. Born and raised in Macau, “Ever since I can remember, Nuno’s fondness for all that this house has always been this way glimmers is evident in his breezy since my mom loves everything that bleached hair and go-to outfit all the is shiny. I can say that this has been a way down to his shoes. great influence on the way I design,” “Come on in,” he smiles as he Nuno explains. welcomes us into his apartment. Having moved to England at “This is where I make my magic the age of 15, Nuno started studying when I’m in Macau since my studio fashion design at Middlesex is in China.” University in London.

HIGH LIFE 57 “时尚达人”是指痴迷于时尚事 我的创造性。”罗伟杰称他的朋友帕 物的人,尤其是特立独行或高端时 里斯·希 尔 顿(Paris Hilton) 可 以 尚。对大多数人而言,称某人为时尚 证明自己的独特才华。 达人往往意味着他或她迷恋于追逐最 “对有些人来说,提出有创意的 新潮流。然而,真正的时尚达人—— 想法很具挑战性,但于我而言,真正 像罗伟杰一样拥有十足个人魅力的 的挑战是化繁为简。” 人——是毫无限制的。 在伦敦毕业展时装周上,罗伟杰 他解释说:“我的设计美学不太 展示了融合外太空、科幻元素和艺 严肃。对我来说,作为男士,在高街 术装饰于一体的标志性主题。他在 总是找不到心仪的服饰。 2016盛妆亚洲时尚颁奖盛典上首度 “但我知道有些男士热衷于光鲜 亮相即斩获亚洲优秀青年设计师大 亮丽的装束,我设计的服装正是响应 奖。此外,他还是伦敦时装周和深圳 这类市场需求。” 时装周的常客。 罗伟杰的独特之处在于,他对面 尽管已经成绩斐然,但这个澳门 料的选择以及商业化与个人风格的完 成功故事仍在不断超越自我。 美融合。 罗伟杰表示:“我计划继续发展 “我设计的服装是有故事的。我 线上业务。电子商务对业务的拓展及 仍会继续商业化的设计,但同时亦添 品牌的持续发展举足轻重,因此至少 加个人元素以寻求平衡,与客户分享 现在我还乐此不疲。”

During his early years as a fashionista – one who is glamorous design student he showcased his first in his own right like Nuno – knows collection, using recyclable materials no limit. at a small town in the UK. Looking “My design aesthetic is not too back, his growth as a fashion designer serious,” he explains. “For me, as a has been fast thanks largely to the man, I couldn’t find anything that I support of his family, and even today would like to wear on the high street. his sister helps out by modelling for “But I know there are guys out him whenever possible. there that like to be glamorous, so I “I’ve always included my create these clothes for that kind of youngest sister. She has always been market.” my muse,” he laughs. What sets Nuno apart are his According to Google, a choice of fabrics and how he mixes “fashionista” is someone devoted commercialized styling with his to fashionable clothing, particularly own influence. unique or high fashion. For most “My clothes have back stories. people, to call someone a fashionista I might still use a commercial look is to say they obsessively follow but will also add my own personal the latest trends. However, a real element to it to find a balance.

58 品 HIGH LIFE 59 So the customer gets to take a piece award for Asia Top Young Designer of me,” he says, pointing to his friend in 2016. He has also appeared at Paris Hilton as one who can attest to London Fashion Week and Shenzhen his unique talents. Fashion Week on a regular basis. “For some, they find it challenging But despite his accomplishments, to come up with something creative, this Macau success story isn’t getting but for me, the real challenge is to ahead of himself just yet. design something simple.” “My plan is to keep my business Nuno’s signature theme available online,” Nuno says. combining outer space, sci-fi and “eCommerce has been instrumental art deco has walked the London to my growing business and brand Graduate Fashion Week and debuted so I’m happy to keep it that way, at at Fashion Asia, where he won the least for now.”

60 品 品享 INDULGE


《品》 远赴泰国首都曼谷 , 探索「暹罗酒店」无 与伦比的风采 。

High Life takes a relaxing trip to for a memorable stay at majestic hotel The Siam.

文 沈爱莲 by Irene Sam 昏时分,在贯穿曼谷的湄南河 汁和芒果汁。果汁以玻璃瓶盛载,放 上坐船欣赏美景,是令人难忘 置在满载紫色花瓣的托盘上。自我介 黄的体验。太阳消失在地平线之际,壮 绍后,私人管家陪同我们穿过一栋又 丽的黄金光芒覆盖着泰王国的天空。 一栋建筑,前往我们的套房。足有三 小船经过位于曼谷西岸吞武里的郑王 层楼高的巨型植物耸立在中庭,走廊 寺时,清爽的微风让我们精神一振。 则安详地放置着一尊精美的佛像。 接近目的地时,我们不期然环顾四 暹罗酒店的设计出自国际知名建 方,寻找暹罗酒店的上岸码头。 筑师比尔·本斯利手笔,糅合装饰风 湄南河又称大王河,比邻城市之 艺术风格和泰国古董元素。每间套房 处有一占地三英亩的葱葱绿洲,那便 均楼底极高,配备华美的家具和特大 是暹罗酒店。位处曼谷都实区的暹罗 睡床。套房的室内设计各不相同,配 酒店,是一家拥有39间套房的高级度 搭十九世纪末、二十世纪初的东方艺 假酒店。刚在酒店前台完成入住手续 术品和古董。 时,服务员即为我们送上新鲜百香果 暹罗酒店仿佛让人回到过去,体

eing in a boat on Bangkok’s Chao and mango juice is served in a glass Praya River at dawn is nothing bottle placed among a bed of purple B short of extraordinary. As the sun flowers on a tray. Our personal butler begins to hide behind the horizon, a immediately introduces himself and magnificent golden hue covers the escorts us to the room as we walk sky over the Kingdom of Thailand. through one building to another, Fresh breezes refresh and rejuvenate where an atrium houses three-story- our senses as we pass through the Wat high green plants towering proudly Arun temple on the Thonburi west into the sky. A beautiful statue of bank. Anticipating our impending Buddha sits peacefully in the hallway. arrival at our destination, we look Designed by internationally into the distance in search of the pier acclaimed architect Bill Bensley, of our hotel, The Siam. the establishment is an Art Deco Set on three acres of verdant inspired, Thai antique-infused frontage along the city side of masterpiece. Fitted out with plush the River of Kings, The Siam is a furnishings, super-sized king beds private 39-room urban luxury resort and lofty ceilings, each suite is located in Bangkok’s Royal Dusit individually designed with original district. Upon check-in at the hotel’s turn of the century oriental artwork reception area, fresh passionfruit and antiquities.

64 品 HIGH LIFE 65 66 品 验泰国引人入胜的历史和待客之道。 特的历史魅力。特色套房 Connie’s 酒店所处之地,本身就有一段独特而 Cottage 楼高两层,备有四柱式特大 鲜为人知的历史。话说酒店内的四栋 睡床、主人房浴室和私人户外阳台, 柚木建筑,至今已有最少一百五十年 俯瞰酒店内最大的私人泳池。 历史。其中三栋组成了酒店旗下的 向来以极致个性化服务而闻名于 Chon 泰国餐厅,第四栋则作为酒店 世的暹罗酒店,为每一位客人安排两 的特色套房 Connie’s Cottage。 名工作人员。酒店提供4G数据连接的 上述四栋柚木建筑,此前均属于 全定制手机无限数据以及免费当地通 泰国名媛及丝绸大王吉姆·汤普森的 话时间,让客人安心享受曼谷。 红颜知己康妮·明斯科,购入时已有 客人可通过礼宾服务,全天候享 一百多年历史。当时,这四栋柚木建 受管家服务,酒店安排会上传至行程 筑首先被拆卸,然后沿着河流运送至 规划,以供客人参考。《Portier 城 原本位于素坤逸路的位置,并重新进 市指南》由旅居曼谷的国际著名旅游 行组装。康妮·明斯科是传奇人物, 作家撰写,协助客人深入探索多姿多 她举行的派对常常吸引杰奎琳·肯尼 彩的曼谷。与此同时,每日发布的公 迪和威廉霍尔登等名人出席。 告则介绍曼谷大大小小的文化活动, 今时今日,这些旧建筑内已配备 便于客人了解本地艺术家、音乐家、 最先进的现代设施,同时保留了独 大厨以及各类新奇的人事物。

For those who like to be the likes of Jacqueline Kennedy and transported back in time and William Holden in attendance. experience inimitable Siamese charm Today, the houses are equipped and hospitality, the sprawling grounds with the finest modern comforts of the hotel hold a unique, little while retaining their distinctive known history. Four teak structures charm. The two-level cottage on the premises of The Siam date back features a four-poster Thai King bed, at least 150 years. Three of these make an ensuite bathroom and a private up the hotel’s Thai restaurant Chon outdoor balcony overlooking the while the other is the signature suite, largest private pool on the property. Connie’s Cottage. Renowned as an institution All four houses once belonged which prides itself on truly to Connie Mingskau, the famous personalized service – with two Thai Socialite and silk legend Jim staff members to every guest – The Thompson’s confidante. Each house, Siam also provides fully customized at least a century old when bought, mobile phones with 4G data had to be dismantled, transported connection, unlimited data roaming down the river and reassembled in its capacity as well as free local minutes, original location on Sukhumvit Road. allowing the opportunity to discover Connie’s legendary parties often saw Bangkok free of worry and stress.

HIGH LIFE 67 68 品 Concierge Connect enables contact written by internationally renowned with the Siam butler service at any time travel writers who call Bangkok home. of day and arrangements made by the A daily bulletin introduces cultural hotel are uploaded to the “My Stay” activities, connecting guests to local itinerary planner for ease of reference. communities of artists, musicians, The Portier City Guide inspires guests chefs and all the wonders taking place to explore whimsical Bangkok with text during their stay in the city.


《品》 与亚洲两位成就卓著的女性厨师 探讨其成功之道 。

High Life catches up with two of Asia’s most accomplished female chefs to find out what makes them tick.

文 沈爱莲 by Irene Sam 图 Images by Eduardo Martins INDULGE 72 品 任何全身心致力于工作的厨师 利美食餐厅,主打有机食材。她在创 交谈,他们十有八九都会告诉 办意式连锁餐厅 Cibo 以及几家独立 与你,餐饮行业有多艰难。长时间在厨 餐厅之前,曾经经营餐饮公司,并到 房工作常让人身心疲累,对于有家庭 意大利接受意大利美食和语言方面的 需要照顾的女性来说,更是难上加 强化培训。 难。 岚舒认为自己与男性厨师没有分 这让餐饮领域成绩斐然的两位女 别,做了母亲之后亦找到了兼顾工作 士 —— 陈 岚 舒 和 Margarita Forés 的方法。 的成就更加引人瞩目。 她解释说:“我与在厨房工作的 被誉为2014年「亚洲最佳女厨 男性厨师没有什么不同。的确,有时 师」的陈岚舒,在法国及美国世界级 候物品太重,但我的解决办法是,一 厨师的指引下展开了其职业生涯,并 次只拿一半。 于2008年在台湾台中开设了自己的 “怀孕期间,我相信我的团队有 法国餐厅。 能力照顾餐厅的日常运作。我总是确 获选2016年「亚洲最佳女厨师」 保做好培训工作,以便他们在任何情 的 Margarita Forés 经 营 各 种 意 大 况下都能有好的表现。”

sk any chef dedicated to their ingredients. Having worked in work about their job and chances catering before launching the chain A are they will tell you how tough Cibo as well as several individual it is to be in the food and beverage restaurants, she also went to Italy to industry. More often than not, long undertake intensive training in both hours in the kitchen can be stressful Italian cuisine and language. and for a woman who has a family Lanshu does not consider to take care of, it can be even worse. herself any different than a male That’s why the achievements of chef and found ways to manage the two of the most accomplished ladies situation even after giving birth to in the field of food and beverage, Chef her child. Lanshu Chen and Chef Margarita “I don’t see myself different than Forés, are all the more impressive. a man who works in the kitchen,” she Topping the 2014 Asia’s 50 Best explains. “Yes, there are times when Female Chef list, Chef Lanshu started items are too heavy, but my solution her career under the guidance of world- is to just carry half of them at a time, class chefs in France and the US before not all at once. opening her own French restaurant in “When I was having my baby, I Taichung, Taiwan in 2008. trusted my team to take care of the Named Asia’s Best Female Chef daily operations of the restaurant. I 2016, Chef Margarita runs a variety always make sure I train them well, of restaurants that serve Italian so that they perform under any cuisine, using predominantly organic circumstances.”

HIGH LIFE 73 与岚舒不同,Margarita 的儿子已 能力。” 经二十多岁,且深谙她在厨房里所肩 岚舒则评论说:“Margarita 是一 负的重任。 位非常自信的女士。你可以在厨房里 她称:“作为厨师,我们热爱自 明显感受到这种自信,她总能掌控全 己的职业,而且早已习惯了随之而来 局。” 的长时间工作。感觉上,并不一直是 岚 舒 和 Margarita 各 自 分 享 了 在工作。当我能够照料客人需求,为 最心仪的家乡食材,自豪之情溢于言 他们服务时,这为我带来很多快乐。 表。 儿子对此很支持,因为他知道这让我 岚舒说:“我认为台湾食材的味道 感到开心。” 非常质朴,满满的能量。而我只是将 在永利皇宫逸蝶轩举行的午宴 大自然的馈赠在餐桌上诠释出来。” 上,两位女士并肩工作。尽管两人背 Margarita 接言道:“菲律宾有很 景不同,却彼此十分欣赏。 多很棒的食材,比如我今天用来制作 Margarita 说:“我是自学成才, 甜品的古传稻米,品质超凡。出门在 因此观摩岚舒的工作场景非常美妙。 外时,我会向世界各地的人推广这种 她工作极其有调理,相当出色的组织 稻米以及其他食材。”

Unlike Lanshu, whose son is still organizational skills,” says Margarita. young, Margarita’s son is already in Lanshu comments, “Margarita his 20s and fully understands her is an extremely confident lady and responsibility in the kitchen. you can feel it in the kitchen. She is “As chefs, we love what we do always in control of everything.” and we are used to the long hours Proud of where they come from, that come with it – it does not feel like Lanshu and Margarita both express the work all the time. When I can take care ingredient they feel most passionate of my guests and serve people, it gives about from their homeland. me a lot of joy and my son supports “I think Taiwanese produce me because he knows this makes me gives a very earthy taste and is full happy,” says Margarita. of energy, so I just translate what At a pop-up lunch event inside is given from nature to the plate,” Wynn Palace’s Andrea’s, the two Lanshu explains. ladies work side by side in the kitchen. “The Philippines has a lot of great Even though their backgrounds are products, such as the Black heirloom not the same, both observe elements Cordillera rice that I use for the that they admire about one another. dessert today,” Margarita chimes in. “I am self-taught, so when I see “The quality is superb. As I travel I also Lanshu working, it is an amazing promote this ingredient and others to sight. She is so systematic. Great people from around the world.”


派意舫法国餐厅行政总厨 Jeffrey 于今春带领饕客踏上一次豪 华的风味之旅。

Privé French restaurant’s Chef Jeffrey is taking diners on a sumptuous journey of flavor this spring.

文 沈爱莲 by Irene Sam 春时节,澳门十六浦索菲特酒 Jeffrey 回 忆 道:“ 他 是 我 的 店的派意舫法国餐厅推出全 导师,教会我如何有效地工作,尤 今新单点餐单,提供正宗法国风味菜 其是如何尊重食物。对此我深怀感 式,包括勃艮第风味的亚支竹蘑菇 激。他让我意识到,如果你认为某 蜗牛云吞配考姆特芝士泡沫及松露 种食材不好,那只是因为你对它还 油、慢煮农场鸡蛋配炒蘑菇、法式 不够了解。” 黄油面包和培根汁以及栗子汤配油 Jeffery 另 辟 蹊 径, 将 亚 洲 风 封鸭腿面包和黑松露等。 味融入当代法式佳肴,同时添加有 打造这些味蕾享受的幕后指挥是 趣元素和本地食材。其招牌菜式有 行政总厨 Jeffrey。他在与美国餐 慢煮五花肉配松露味薯仔酱及紫薯 饮界传奇厨师 Thomas Keller 之门 脆片,灵感源自他本人上世纪七十 徒 Georg Schroppel 一 同 工 作 过 年代的童年回忆,昔日五花肉对普 程中,打磨出精湛的传统法餐烹饪 通家庭来说仍是价格不菲的昂贵食 技艺。 材。

78 品 his spring, Sofitel Macau’s Privé and above all how to respect food,” French restaurant is delighting recalls Chef Jeffrey. T guests with a new à la carte “I owe a lot to Chef Georg who menu, offering classic French made me realize that if you think an dishes which include Burgundy ingredient is not good, it’s only because Style Ravioli of Snails, Slow you don’t know it well enough.” Cooked Farm Egg with Sautéed Chef Jeffrey has developed his Forest Mushroom, Brioche with own style, preparing contemporary Bacon Sauce and Chestnut Soup French delights with an Asian flair, with Toasted Bread of Black Truffle all while adding in fun elements Duck Leg Confit. and local ingredients. His signature The man behind all these wonders dish is Slow Cooked Pork Belly, is Chef Jeffrey, who perfected his skills complemented by truffle potato in traditional French cuisine while puree, purple sweet potato chips, working with Chef Georg Schroppel, spring onion and ginger oil. The a disciple of legendary American Chef inspiration for this dish comes from Thomas Keller. a childhood memory from the 1970s, “He was a real mentor to me and when pork was a rare treat highly he taught me how to work efficiently valued by every Chinese family.


「誉珑轩」 已稳固建立起亚洲 顶级粤菜食府的声誉 。

Jade Dragon has built a stellar reputation as home to some of Asia’s finest Cantonese cooking.

文 沈爱莲 by Irene Sam INDULGE 82 品 级粤菜食府「誉珑轩」连续第 都有上榜机会,所以每年名单的公布 二年荣登「亚洲50最佳餐厅」 都十分令人期待。好荣幸亦好开心誉 高榜单,进一步确立了其作为全球顶级 珑轩能够成为今年澳门唯一跻身名单 餐饮目的地之一的地位。此次它更成 的尊尚餐饮食府。我认为能够获此殊 为澳门唯一上榜的餐厅。 荣绝不是个人功劳而是全赖整个团队 誉珑轩连续三年赢得米其林二星 上下一心的成果,所以同时要向誉珑 殊荣,并连续五年斩获《福布斯旅游 轩的每位团队成员致意感谢。” 指南》五星美誉。它不仅成功保持了 誉珑轩所闻名遐迩的粤式美馔, 国际饮食界最为崇高的三重荣誉,更 由以谭国锋为首的专业厨师团队以有 为澳门自创品牌争光。 机天然及新鲜时令食材精心烹制而 名厨谭国锋表示:“「亚洲50 成。餐厅从澳大利亚及荷兰经注册的 最佳餐厅」的评审标准可以在亚洲一 有机农场进口肉类,海鲜则严选自法 个偏僻的地区发掘一家小型未知的餐 国、日本和南中国海,连香草都是源 厅,又或者可以投票著名的品牌餐 自英格兰有机农场。 厅,这也意味着亚洲的任何一家餐厅 招牌菜包括誉珑蜜汁西班牙黑豚

amed among Asia’s 50 Best “The fact that Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2018 for the second Restaurants’ panel of judges can N consecutive year, Cantonese go to any remote spot in Asia and culinary masterpiece Jade Dragon discover an unknown restaurant or has reaffirmed its status as one of the vote for a well-known gastronomic world’s finest dining destinations. establishment means that any This time around, it gains the restaurant in Asia can be on the list, additional distinction of being the so every year individuals are excited only Macau restaurant to be featured. to see who is on it,” says veteran Having also earned two Michelin chef Tam Kwok Fung. “This year I stars for the past three years and a am happy and honored to be the Forbes Five-Star rating five years only establishment in Macau to be in a row, the establishment retains named. I believe this is not a personal a rare trio of prestigious accolades achievement but an achievement of and scores a unique achievement for our entire team, so I thank each and a homegrown Macau restaurant. every person on my team.”

HIGH LIFE 83 梅头叉烧,散发烟熏及木质香气及丝 誉,以五行方位划分成五个区域,设 丝香甜。灌汤日本毛蟹小笼包将顶级 计亦按照《易经》原则以合适的季节 海洋食材的鲜味与粤式点心的精湛工 及颜色作为各区主调,为宾客提供雅 艺完美结合,营造出令人兴奋的口 致尊贵的用餐环境。主用餐区设有专 感。甜点方面,不妨尝试珑皇杏汁燕 业开放式厨房,以黄色和绿松石色为 窝焦糖布甸,为盛宴画上奢华的休止 点缀,象征成熟的季节。 符。 展示厨房和私人包厢使用翠绿色 餐厅还与澳门科技大学中草药研 调并缀以珊瑚色,展现发芽季节;四 发部的学者独家合作,特别炮制一系 间较小餐厅通过休眠季节的靛蓝和炭 列滋补养生汤水,让饕客一饱口福之 灰色调呈现男性气质;位于较低层的 余,更有助调和身体,达至养生健康 私人包厢以朱红色和金色渲染盛开季 之效。 节;第五区则以薰衣草和银色代表凋 誉珑轩瑰丽华美的内饰广受赞 谢季节。

84 品 Famed for serving up exquisitely which imparts a hint of smoky, presented Cantonese specialties crafted woody aroma alongside sumptuous from the best organic and farm-fresh sweetness. Steamed Japanese Hairy ingredients by a talented culinary team Crabmeat Dumpling combines the headed by Tam, the restaurant imports umami characteristic of a superb delectable meat from registered organic ingredient from the sea with the farms in Australia and the Netherlands savoir faire of exquisite Cantonese and seafood from France, Japan and the dim sum craftsmanship to create a South China Sea. Even herbs used in blast of exciting textures and flavors the seasoning are sourced from organic in the mouth. For dessert, Chinese farms in England. Almond Crème Brûlée with bird’s nest Signature dishes include Prime- and honey can be chosen to conclude cut Barbecue Iberico Pork Plums, the feast on a luxurious note.

HIGH LIFE 85 Adding a healthy dimension, the professional open kitchen in the main restaurant offers a range of Chinese dining area decorated by a splash of herbal soup prepared by Chinese herbal yellow and a touch of turquoise to practitioners through an exclusive indicate the season of ripening. collaboration with the Chinese The show kitchen and private medicine research team from Macau dining rooms reveal the sprouting University of Science and Technology, season with the use of jade green not only to satisfy the appetite but also shades and a tinge of coral. Four to cultivate wellbeing. smaller dining rooms manifest a Widely lauded for its stunning masculine style portrayed through décor and superlative service, Jade indigo and charcoal grey tones of Dragon’s interior is divided into the dormant season. The private five zones. Each is designed and dining room on the lower level is decorated corresponding to different characterized by the blooming season seasons and color tones based on the of vermilion and gold, while the fifth principles of I Ching. Delicacies are zone represents the withering season served in elegant ambience, with a with lavender and silver.

86 品 HIGH LIFE 87 品享

文 张一帆 by Jacky Cheong 图 Images courtesy of Schmidt Vinothek and VOLG Weinkellereien INDULGE

瑞士是葡萄酒产国吗 ? 是的 , 早在两千多年前 , 当今瑞士境内已 开始种植葡萄并酿制葡萄酒 。 被德国 、 奥地利 、 意大利和法国等 旧世界列强包围的瑞士 , 假若缺乏可登大雅之堂的佳酿 , 那才是 匪夷所思。

Is Switzerland a wine-producing country? Yes, and it has been for two millennia. Enveloped clockwise by the wine regions of Germany, Austria, Italy and France, it would be incredible if Switzerland did not have any fine wine of its own.

士联邦是欧洲平均地势第二最高的国家,仅次于比利牛斯山脉中的蕞尔小 邦安道尔公国。瑞士的国土面积中约60%被阿尔卑斯山脉覆盖,全国平均 海拔高达1,30瑞 0米。人们对瑞士的印象,总离不开明信片和巧克力盒子所描绘的 巍巍雪山、翠绿河谷、胸前挂着小酒桶营救遇险人员的圣伯纳犬与项上挂着牛铃 的瑞士褐牛云云,却不知有汉,无论魏晋:该国亦有人烟稠密的市镇、名列世界 前茅的工业中心及惊心动魄的陡坡葡萄园。瑞士的特产,可不仅限于钟表、巧克 力和酒店管理。 瑞士整体上属温带气候,山地确实寒冷,但河谷地区却甚是温和。瑞士宜人 的气候,多年来吸引了众多艺术家、古典音乐作曲家、科学家甚至革命分子到 来,进而以这个阿尔卑斯国度为家,或革命根据地。一瞥欧洲地图,即会发现瑞 士与法国马孔内及博若莱等产酒区,其实位于同一个纬度上。瑞士阳光充足,全 年阳光照射和雨量分别高达2,100小时及800毫米,极为适合葡萄生长。瑞士的 酿酒历史始于铁器时代的凯尔特人,而非由罗马人传入。瑞士拥有近16,000公 顷的葡萄园,总种植面积与比邻的阿尔萨斯和巴登相若。

railing the Principality of Andorra, the Swiss Confederation is the second most elevated country in Europe, with approximately 60% of its area T covered by the Alps, rising on average over 1,300 meters above sea level. Contrary to popular perception, largely formed out of postcards and chocolate boxes, Switzerland is not all about ice-covered mountains, river valleys, St Bernards and clanking cowbells; it does have urban centers, industrial bases and sloped vineyards. Often overlooked is Switzerland’s hospitable climate, which has over the years led to numerous artists, composers, scientists and not least revolutionaries calling the Alpine country home, or refuge. Lying latitudinally on a par with Mâconnais and Beaujolais, Switzerland is endowed with some 2,100 hours of sunshine and up to 800 millimeters of rainfall per year, ideal for viticulture. Winemaking was initiated by the Celts in the Iron Age, predating Roman conquests. Possessing nearly 16,000 hectares of vineyards, Switzerland is comparable to neighboring Alsace and Baden. “瑞士人向来小心翼翼地守护着本国的农业传统,让世上其中一些最美丽却 最难打理的陡坡葡萄园得以保留下来。” 葡萄酒大师简西斯·罗宾逊

瑞士联邦由二十六个州组成,官方语言包括德语、法语、意大利语及极为罕 见的罗曼什语。在各个官方语言中,德语最为普遍,被二十一州定为单一或联合 官方语言,其次为法语(七州)、意大利语(两州)与罗曼什语(仅一州)。瑞 士的语言文化界线不仅见于宪法,在葡萄酒地图上亦有迹可寻,比如德语区倾向 于酿制单一品种葡萄酒,而瑞士的全国性葡萄酒分级制度则无疑是法兰西再世。 瑞士国土面积仅四万多平方公里,内里的大千世界却是四个语言文化相互交融的 结果,值得玩味。 法语区在葡萄园面积和葡萄酒产量领域均占绝对多数,在葡萄品种方面亦 然。瑞士生产红酒多于白酒,比例为六比四。祖籍法语区的白葡萄莎斯拉、红葡 萄黑比诺、佳美及梅洛占全国种植面积75%之多;如此集中的葡萄品种组合,环 顾欧洲仅此一家。瑞士又一独特之处,在于将他国视为下里巴人的莎斯拉奉为阳 春白雪。莎斯拉并非为瑞士所独有,但综观全球,却没有其他国家如瑞士般重视 并推崇莎斯拉。以别国不以为然的葡萄品种为本国旗舰级酿酒葡萄,可谓奇葩。 食用葡萄与酿酒葡萄向来泾渭分明,虽不至老死不相往来,但同时以两种身 份出现的葡萄品种却少之又少,莎斯拉即其中之一。莎斯拉为人诟病之处,主要 在于味道平淡无奇。然而,如果处理得当,莎斯拉大可酿制出可充分反映风土特 性、极具层次感和陈存能力的美酒。瑞士葡萄酒缺乏名气,原因并不在于缺少品 质或个性,而是碍于有限的生产规模。瑞士葡萄酒仅有2%出口至国外,其中多 为德国,导致在国际市场上能见度较低。与其他产酒国相比,瑞士葡萄酒的价格 并不低廉,却无损其魅力。

90 品 “The Swiss have been careful to preserve their agricultural heritage, which means… the preservation of some of the world’s prettier and more inconvenient vineyards.” Jancis Robinson MW

Essentially a federal republic with 26 states – called cantons – Switzerland prescribes four official languages. German is the most prevalent, with 21 cantons declaring it the sole or joint official language, followed by French (7), Italian (2) and the extremely rare Romansh (1). These cultural and linguistic boundaries are apparent on the vinous map, namely in that German-speaking cantons favor single-varietal wines, whereas Switzerland’s AOC system is unmistakably French. French-speaking cantons constitute a clear majority in both plantation and production. Switzerland produces more reds than whites, at a ratio of 6:4, and the French quartet of Chasselas, Pinot Noir, Gamay and Merlot represents a whopping 75% of hectarage nationwide. Such a concentrated vinous portfolio is unheard-of elsewhere, but Switzerland is an anomaly in various aspects. Particularly noteworthy is Chasselas, arguably Switzerland’s national variety. One of the few vitis vinifera varieties that double as table grapes, the vigorous Chasselas is often derided for being insipid and nondescript. Given care and deft hands, however, Chasselas can be complex, age-worthy and terroir- expressive. Swiss wine lacks neither quality nor character; its lack of fame is largely due to small production, of which merely 2% is exported and mostly to Germany, leaving precious little to be seen beyond Europe. Swiss wine may not be the most price-competitive, but it is definitely worth discovering.

HIGH LIFE 91 下 列 三 款 瑞 士 佳 酿 由 Schmidt Vinothek 提 供。Schmidt Vinothek 是 亚太地区首屈一指的奥地利、德国及瑞士美酒供应商,其母公司为 Schmidt Group,早于1896年在远东地区创立。

Samples supplied by Schmidt Vinothek, the leading purveyor of Austrian, German and Swiss wines in the Asia-Pacific region. Schmidt Vinothek is a subsidiary of the Schmidt Group, established in 1896 in the Far East.

92 品 Les Frères Dubois Dézaley-Marsens Grand Cru AOC “de la Tour” 2014

这款白酒产自法语区的沃州,单一选用莎斯拉品种葡萄。酒身呈清澈的黄水 晶并带闪烁的黄钻石反光,香味清纯而含蓄,散发柠檬皮、牛至、湿石和雪绒 花。酒体结构由笔直的酸性和俨如崇山峻岭的矿物性支撑,味道质朴而持重,绽 放灯笼果、白毫银珍、岩盐和白郁金香。酒身属中等偏重,酒精度为12.5%。入 口初段略带咸味、中段柔滑、后段富含矿物性。其以上善若水的风格,展现佳酿 如何能达至无为而无不为的境界,堪称葡萄酒世界中的道家隐士。

A single-varietal Chasselas from the French-speaking Vaud. Translucent citrine with scintillating yellow diamond reflex, the pristine and discreet nose reveals lemon peel, oregano, wet stone and edelweiss. With linear acidity and alpine minerality, the subtle yet profound palate unveils physalis, Baihao Yinzhen, rock salt and white tulip. Medium-full bodied at 12.5%, the saline entry evolves into a creamy mid-palate, leading to a minerally finish. In a sui generis style, this age-worthy gem sheds light on the artistic beauty of silence.

Cantina Sociale Mandrisio Ticino DOC Merlot “Selezione d’Autore” 2015

这款红酒产自意大利语区的提契诺州,单一选用梅洛品种葡萄。酒身呈深邃 的石榴红并带胭脂红-红宝石边缘,芬芳的香味散发黑樱桃、桑字、肉豆蔻和铅 笔屑。酒体结构由活跃的酸性和稳固的单宁支撑,明快的味道绽放黑莓、黑加仑 子、黑咖啡和皮革。酒身属中等重量,酒精度为12.5%。入口初段以果香为主、 中段富含木味、后段呈现烟熏风格。此酒平易近人,适合在少艾时饮用。

A single-varietal Merlot from the Italian-speaking Ticino. Rich garnet with carmine-ruby rim, the fragrant nose offers black cherry, mulberry, nutmeg and pencil shavings. With lively acidity and firm tannins, the tangy palate delivers blackberry, cassis, black coffee and leather. Medium-bodied at 12.5%, the fruit- driven entry continues through a woody mid-palate, leading to a smoky finish. A versatile quaffer, best enjoyed young.

HIGH LIFE 93 VOLG Ostschweizer Landwein “Nach Sieben” 2003

这款类似茶色波特酒的甜酒产自瑞士东部德语区,单一选用黑比诺品种葡 萄。原酒其中一半在法国小橡木桶内熟成三年,加入烈酒后,全数在单一小橡木 桶内继续熟成五年,最后于2011年入瓶。酒身呈明亮的波斯红并带罂粟花-猩红 边缘,馥郁的香味散发橙皮、糖煮樱桃、核桃、焦糖馅饼、树脂和玫瑰。酒体结 构由充沛的酸性和鲜美的单宁支撑,旺盛的味道绽放山楂、覆盆子干、榛子、大 黄馅饼、檀香和薰衣草。口感厚重而甜美,酒精度为17%。入口初段绚丽、中段 平衡而和谐、后段令人再三回味。一次大胆的尝试,造就了一款不可多得的餐后 甜酒,其品质之卓著,可比名庄所产二十年木桶陈酿波特酒。

A tawny-like single-varietal Pinot Noir from the German-speaking Eastern Switzerland. Half of the wine was matured for three years in French barrique and, after blending, the nectar was matured for five years in a single barrique, bottled in 2011. Bright Persian red with coquelicot-scarlet rim, the redolence oozes orange peel, cherry compote, walnut, caramel tart, balsam and rose. With buoyant acidity and succulent tannins, the exuberant palate radiates hawthorn, dried raspberry, hazelnut, rhubarb pie, sandalwood and lavender. Fully sweet and medium-full bodied at 17%, the gorgeous entry persists through a harmonious mid-palate, leading to an endearing finish. An audacious experiment, a sumptuous digestif.

94 品 品趣 PLAY


布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars) 首度驾临澳门献 唱, 为歌迷送上了两场难忘演出。

Bruno Mars performed two memorable shows upon his first visit to Macau. PLAY

际巨星布鲁诺·马尔斯刚刚于 World Tour 2018》 世 界 巡 回 演 唱 今年的格莱美奖上囊获七个奖 会亚洲站不久前在日本拉开帷幕。 国项, 包 括 年 度 专 辑《24K Magic》 作为亚洲的第四站,澳门有幸早 及年度歌曲《That’s What I Like》 于新加坡、吉隆坡及香港,让观众率 等。他在澳门威尼斯人献上两场座 先欣赏到马尔斯的精彩演出。 无 虚 席 的 演 出。 其《24K Magic 演唱会之初,首度在澳门登台的

resh from picking up seven wins out shows at The Venetian Macao. His at this year’s Grammy Awards, 24K Magic World Tour 2018 kicked off F including Album of the Year for in Japan earlier in the month. “24K Magic” and Song of the Year for Being the fourth stop in Asia, “That’s What I Like”, international Macau enjoyed early access to the superstar and multi-Grammy award tour ahead of shows in Singapore, winner Bruno Mars hosted two sold- and Hong Kong. 马尔斯以极大的热情问候歌迷。他带 《24K Magic》、《That’s What I 领其乐队 The Hooligans 为澳门歌 Like》、《》 迷演绎多首经典曲目并送上劲歌热 及《》等。最后马尔斯以 舞,让全场气氛热到极点。 其 全 球 大 热 作 品《》 当 晚 表 演 曲 目 有《Finesse》、 为两场演出画上圆满句点。

At the beginning of his thrilling the audience with hit after hit. performance, Mars greeted fans with Mars performed tracks including great enthusiasm as it was his first “Finesse”, “24K Magic”, “That’s What time performing in the city. With I Like”, “Versace on the Floor” and sensational music and dance moves, “Marry You”. His international chart- Mars and his band The Hooligans topper “Uptown Funk” marked the end delivered a superb performance, of both memorable nights.

98 品 HIGH LIFE 99 品趣 PLAY

澳门女子无伴奏重唱组合 Water Singers 献唱北山世界 音乐节 。

Macau’s all-girl a cappella group, Water Singers, produced a memorable performance at Beishan Music Festival in Zhuhai.

文 宋文娣 by Wendi Song 图 Images by Eduardo Martins 年一度的北山世界音乐节再 长林诗涵笑着介绍道,“我们本身学 艺术节」,颇受欢迎;亦曾受邀为香 度来临。今年的音乐节特别 的都是古典音乐,很多条条框框的束 港舞蹈团舞剧《白蛇》献声配唱;还 一邀请到澳门无伴奏重唱组合 Water 缚,所以希望可以跳出来做一些自己 曾连续三年获邀参加澳门艺术节演出 Singers 献艺。 喜欢做的东西,但也没想到会一直继 绘本音乐剧场《异色童话》、《乱世 无伴奏合唱(A Cappella)即纯 续到现在。” 童话》等。 人声演唱,起源于15、16世纪的教 Water Singers 自成立以来一直 2016年团队更荣获台湾2016亚 堂音乐。2014年,澳门理工学院女 在探索和发展女声无伴奏合唱的可能 洲杯阿卡贝拉大赛「评审特别奖」。 生林诗涵邀请了同样学习古典音乐的 性。她们的演出曲目不光包括民歌民 此次北山音乐节,Water Singers 同学雷诺文、李倩焮和杨斯佳共同组 谣和流行音乐,亦会尝试宗教歌曲、 准备了七首风格迥异的歌曲,从流行 成「Water Singers 」,寓意歌声如 实验性音乐和音乐剧场创作。 音乐到实验音乐,为观众创造了戏剧 水,音乐无界。 今年年初,团队受邀携原创作品 性的场景,更在编排曲目时特别安排 “我们当时就是想几个人组个 实验性无伴奏声音体验剧场《音感 了一些实验性的民族音乐。其声如泉 团,可以表演,还可以修学分,”团 2.0》前往日本参加「2018横滨国际 水浸过,令观众如醉如痴。

102 品 ater Singers is a female a In 2014, Lin Shihan, a student at area. We’d like to explore something cappella group based in Macao Polytechnic Institute, invited boundless, something we all like W Macau. Combining elements her schoolmates Loi Nok Man, Yang to do, therefore Water Singers was of drama, the live performances of Sijia and Lei Sin Ian – who were all founded … but we never expected it Water Singers always offer a unique studying classic music at the time – would last this long.” musical experience to the audience, to establish Water Singers. Water Singers is dedicated to so it was no surprise to seem them “We were just thinking that exploring the possibilities of all-girl a invited to perform at the Beishan this group could perform and cappella and the group’s performance World Music Festival in Zhuhai. earn us some study credits from repertoire includes not only adapted Originally used in religious music school,” Lin laughs. “We all have folk songs and pop music but also – especially church music – a cappella backgrounds in classical music but religious songs and experimental is specifically group or solo singing we also feel that sometimes there music. They also attempt some without instrumental accompaniment. are too many restrictions in that original musical theater creations.

HIGH LIFE 103 Earlier this year, the team invited to perform vocals for the Vocal Asia Festival in Taiwan. was invited to participate at the grand dancing drama “Lady White For their recent performance in “Performing Arts Meeting in of West Lake” by Hong Kong Dance Beishan, Water Singers chose seven Yokohama 2018” in Japan with their Company and have consistently songs with different styles ranging original creation – an experimental featured in the Macau Arts Festival from pop songs to experimental a cappella sound theater called for three consecutive years. music, creating a dramatic soundscape Picturesque 2.0 – and received In 2016, the group was awarded for the audience. With the notes positive feedback from the local the “Special prize” in the Asian Cup transforming your perception, you audience. The group has also been A Cappella Competition at the 2016 can almost see the sound.

104 品 HIGH LIFE 105 品趣

106 品 PLAY

梅 赛 德 斯 - 迈 巴 赫 新 近 推 出 的 Vision Ultimate Luxury 概念车型 , 不仅具备轿车的运动感 , 亦兼顾 多功能 SUV 的灵活性。

The new Vision Mercedes-Maybach Ultimate Luxury concept car combines the sportiness of a saloon with the sophistication of an SUV.

文 本思齐 by Ben Blaschke

HIGH LIFE 107 誉全球的梅赛德斯-迈巴赫, 概念车型。 向来是奢华和创新的先驱。在 “我们的设计概念糅合多功能 饮最近结束的北京国际汽车展览会上, SUV 与轿车元素,从而打造出这个极 梅赛德斯-迈 巴 赫 推 出 全 新 Vision 为现代的三厢设计多功能旅行车概念 Ultimate Luxury 概念车型,可谓出 型号。它展现了感性与优雅,实属梅 人意表之举。 赛德斯-迈巴赫旗下的经典设计之一, 据梅赛德斯-迈巴赫所言,Vision 足以彰显车厂在高端汽车市场中的地 Ultimate Luxury 正是为「重视奢华 位。” 感受、完美工艺和卓越时刻的客户」 Vision Ultimate Luxury 为电动 而设计。诚然,它既体现了高级轿车 概念型号,配备四个凝练的永磁体同 元素,亦包含多功能 SUV 的休闲优 步引擎,让汽车得以全轮驱动。此引 雅。 擎系统的动力输出高达750匹马力, 梅赛德斯-迈巴赫首席设计师 时速则高达250公里,实在不容小 戈 登· 瓦 格 纳 解 释 道:“Vision 觑。在充满电量的情况下,足以行驶 Ultimate Luxury 是前所未有的全新 500公里以上。

lready renowned as purveyors of Design Officer Gorden Wagener. luxury and innovation, Mercedes- “Our concept combines the A Benz pulled off somewhat of a DNA of an SUV with that of a surprise at the recent Auto China saloon to produce an ultra-modern 2018 when it unveiled its brand-new SUV of three-box design. With Vision Mercedes-Maybach Ultimate sensuality and pure sophistication, Luxury concept vehicle. we have created a timeless vehicle Designed, in the company’s own that underscores the position of words, for “customers who place Mercedes-Maybach as the ultimate value on exquisite luxury, perfect luxury brand.” craftsmanship and exceptional Conceived as an electric car, the appointments,” the Vision Mercedes- Vision Mercedes-Maybach Ultimate Maybach Ultimate Luxury is a Luxury boasts four compact crossover car combining elements permanent-magnet synchronous of an exclusive high-end saloon with motors which allow for fully variable a sophisticated SUV. all-wheel drive. It also provides an “The Vision Mercedes-Maybach impressive power output of 750 Ultimate Luxury is a totally new horsepower with a top speed of 250 archetype of a kind never seen km/h and a range when fully-charged before,” explains Daimler AG’s Chief of more than 500 kilometers.

108 品 HIGH LIFE 109 可圈可点的是,引擎系统设有高 其内部设计风格体现了高度运动 速充电功能,可在快速充电五分钟后 性和豪华宽敞感之间的折中。 行驶100公里。充电可在公共充电站 高级物料营造出内敛的奢华感, 通过电缆进行,亦可使用家用插座甚 而玫瑰金、水晶白和珍珠灰等颜色则 至感应充电。 为品牌传统。流线设计、精细的物料 其设计糅合东西方元素,可谓汽 和精致的铝质材料相互融合,让车厢 车设计史上的一次文化对话。 糅合 SUV 的优雅与轿车的轻盈。 车身外表流线而光滑,不露棱角 鉴于梅赛德斯- 迈 巴 赫 Vision 却体现运动型优雅。车身前方的设计 Ultimate Luxury 大 多 由 私 人 司 机 驾 重点,是独特的镀铬散热格栅,其细 驶,其设计极为注重后排乘客的宽敞 条纹设计有如条纹西服。大型横向进 和舒适感。 气口以铬合金叶片精制,营造出 SUV 后排座位不仅可调整倾斜度,更 暨轿车的灵活性及运动感。仔细观察 配备额外的加垫褥以及膝盖和小腿部 下,进气口系统其实延续了品牌一贯 位的支撑,并设有宽敞的中央控制台 的蜂窝图案设计。 以及可加热的餐盘、茶壶和茶杯。茶 Vision Ultimate Luxury 与 传 统 道有助于身心健康,对达至内心平衡 轿车不同,不仅车身明显提高,座位 和保持身体活力而言至关重要。 亦类似 SUV,有助于加强驾驶体验。 茶具置于黑檀木精制雕刻的托盘 车身引擎盖部分悠长而缓缓倾斜,从 上,只需按下按钮,高级瓷制茶具即 多个角度观察均展现优雅的运动感。 可电控收回,存放在黑色滑盖下方。

110 品 Impressively, the engines inlets along with the horizontal air offer a high-speed charge function inlet with integral chrome blades which in just five minutes allows for underline the sportiness of the SUV enough power to be charged to drive saloon while lending it a dynamic 100 kilometers. The battery can be look. The air inlets are crossed by the charged by cable at public charging brand’s typical honeycomb pattern. stations, conventional domestic Unlike a conventional saloon, socket outlets and even by induction. the Vision Mercedes-Maybach The design of the Vision Ultimate Luxury offers a significantly Mercedes-Maybach Ultimate Luxury higher, SUV-typical seating position merges influences from the west and aimed at enhancing the driving the far east to deliver an appealing experience. This is accentuated by a automotive cultural dialogue. long, gently forward-sloping bonnet The exterior surface is smooth to ensure a sporty yet elegant view with no sharp edges to create a from all angles. sporty elegance. Prominent at the The interior of the Vision front end of the car is a distinctive Mercedes-Maybach Ultimate Luxury chrome-plated radiator grille provides a unique contrast between with fine vertical bars in the style high-level sportiness and luxurious of a pinstripe suit. The large air spaciousness.

HIGH LIFE 111 Exclusive, high-grade materials cushioning on the recliner seats, underline the feeling of luxury while including knee and calf support, the the colors employed are typical of rear cabin includes a wide center the brand – rosé gold, crystal white console equipped with an integral and pearl grey. Flowing forms, heated tray with teapot and cups. delicate fabrics and the clever use The philosophy of tea plays a key of aluminium create the contrast role in bringing body and mind into between the sportily elegant details of balance while discovering the path an SUV and the lightness of a saloon. to inner calm and vitality. Given that the Vision Mercedes- The tea service is integrated Maybach Ultimate Luxury is into the sculpted wooden tray which intended primarily for chauffeur- is made of ebony. At the press of driven use, its design is strongly a button, the handmade service focused on the rear passengers of finest china can be electrically where spaciousness and comfort are retracted into the console under a at their most refined. sliding cover finished in high-gloss As well as providing extra- black.

112 品 HIGH LIFE 113 品趣

当世顶尖女中音玛德莲娜·科泽娜 , 最近刚完成 亚洲巡回演出 。 凭藉其超群绝伦的歌声和挥洒 自如的演技 , 音乐会不仅余音绕梁 , 更突破现 有艺术想象 , 堪称经典之夜 。

Virtuoso mezzo-soprano Magdalena Kožená’s eagerly anticipated Asian Tour not only exceeded sky-high expectations, but also pushed the boundaries of artistic imagination.

文 张一帆 by Jacky Cheong 图 Images by Cai Leilei and Guangzhou Opera House PLAY

德莲娜·科泽娜乃当今首屈一指的女中音,其演出剧目极为广博,从文艺 复兴前期一直伸延至后浪漫主义时代。欣赏她的演出,犹如阅读古典音乐 玛和歌剧的百科全书,每次开卷必有新领悟。与科泽娜同台演出的国际级指挥家、 管弦乐队及乐队不计其数;要枚举她曾莅临的顶尖音乐厅和歌剧院甚是费劲,倒 不如指出少数她还未光临的殿堂。 捷克传统上分为三大区域,即西部波希米亚、东部摩拉维亚与东北部西里西 亚。科泽娜生于摩拉维亚首府布尔诺,父母均来自波希米亚。她曾在捷克布尔 诺音乐学院和斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发表演艺术学院,学习声音及钢琴。在捷克 国内,她是演绎安东宁·德沃夏克、莱奥什·雅那切克和博胡斯拉夫·马尔蒂努 等民族作曲家的二十一世纪权威。捷克如要委任国家音乐大使,应该非科泽娜莫 属;若非在1993年元旦解体——史称天鹅绒分离——捷克斯洛伐克的国家音乐 大使,大概也会是她。 音乐是世界语言,不受国界约束;精通多国语言的女中音翘楚科泽娜,同样 不受国籍束缚。她多年来屡获国际大奖,早在而立之年已获法国颁发艺术与文学 勋章,彰显其对法国音乐的贡献。于2008年与西蒙·拉特尔爵士共偕连理后, 科泽娜的正式称谓应是拉特尔夫人,但她却绝少以此头衔示人;事实上,她在婚 前已屡获殊荣。古典音乐爱好者无不知道,西蒙·拉特尔爵士自2002起担任柏 林爱乐乐团首席指挥达十六年之久,并将在乐季结束后卸任。

ne of the foremost mezzo-sopranos of our time, Magdalena Kožená is renowned for her encyclopedic repertoire spanning from the Renaissance to O the Romantic era. She has performed with the finest conductors, orchestras and ensembles around the world; indeed, it would be easier to name those concert halls and opera houses which she has not yet graced than the ones she has. Born in Moravia to parents from Bohemia, Kožená studied voice and piano at Brno Conservatory in the Czech Republic and at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia. In the Czech Republic, her interpretation of Antonín Dvořák, Leoš Janáček and Bohuslav Martinů remains authoritative. If her native country is to nominate a doyenne, it would be difficult to look past Kožená, who could have been the national patroness of music for Czechoslovakia, but for its dissolution in 1993. Nationality matters little to the universal language of music and to Kožená, who is of global stature and speaks multiple languages with native fluency. She has garnered numerous prizes over the years and, at the age of 30, was a foreign recipient of France’s Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2003. Much of this was achieved well before her marriage to Sir Simon Rattle in 2008, after which Lady Rattle became her formal title, if one wishes to be de règle. Sir Simon Rattle is Principal Conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic from 2002 to 2018. 本年年初,科泽娜与伦敦交响乐团、巴伐利亚广播交响乐团及星光音乐会古 乐团在欧洲多国巡回演出。欧洲之旅结束后,她休整并为亚洲巡回演出准备了近 九个星期。此次亚洲之旅,包括中国广州、香港、上海和北京,以及南韩首尔等 五个大都会。就香港站演出而言,长达九个星期的休整准备期效果显著。科泽娜 处于最佳状态且神采奕奕,与安德烈·马尔孔指挥的巴塞尔七弦琴巴罗克乐团合 作时洋溢默契和互信。这是多年合作的成果:他们曾多次同台演出,亦曾录制唱 片,如2016年推出且大获好评的 Magdalena Kožená: Monteverdi。音乐厅 内座无虚席,期待一睹当世顶尖女中音的风采。 开场时,两位俨如中世纪游唱诗人的乐师,看似漫不经心地蹓跶至舞台,一 边以神情相互交流,一边弹奏拨弦乐器,逗乐着不知葫芦里卖什么药却眼含笑意 的观众。乐师们去掉燕尾服和白领结,营造出轻松愜意的气氛,让人仿佛置身在 欧洲近世时期某酒馆内,随心地听着悠扬的民族音乐。这是古典音乐的童年,比 马勒级管弦乐团在现代音乐殿堂,为中产阶级演奏巍奂交响乐的年代早几个世 纪。源自巴洛克早期的作品,自浪漫主义兴起后便成为沧海遗珠,直至二十世纪 末随着复古风格出现才被重新发掘。

Subsequent to her touring Europe with the London Symphony Orchestra, Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks and Le Concert d’Astrée in January and February, Kožená had nearly nine weeks to rest and prepare for the Asian Tour comprising Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul. Judging by the Hong Kong performance, the hiatus was most beneficial: Kožená was at her best and brimming with vitality, whereas her synergy with Andrea Marcon and La Cetra Barockorchester Basel was both profound and transparent. They have by now collaborated on many occasions, including on the critically acclaimed album Magdalena Kožená: Monteverdi in 2016. The opening saw a troubadour-like duo sauntering onstage, playing plucked string instruments, interacting with each other while entertaining the already amused audience. Doing away with tailcoat and white tie, the atmosphere was genuinely relaxed and con dolcezza, harking back to a time when classical music had not yet evolved into Mahlerian orchestras in stately concert halls attended by 19th century bourgeoisie, but evocative of jolly and folksy music from a tavern in Early Modern Europe.

116 品 当晚的节目几乎清一色为十七世纪意大利作品,包括克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔 第、达里奥·卡斯泰洛、比亚乔·马里尼、塔尔奎尼奥·梅鲁拉及马可·乌切利 尼等巴洛克早期巨匠。音乐会的高潮,是摘自蒙特威尔第《战争与爱情牧歌》的 《唐克雷第与克洛林达之战》。身披古希腊铠甲的科泽娜宛如女神雅典娜,一人 独唱并独演三个角色,即叙述者、克洛林达和唐克雷第。这是前所未有的大胆尝 试,但科泽娜的功架是如此娴熟上乘,以至此前没有欣赏过这部作品的观众,会 误以为这本身就是独唱作品。 捷克鬼才昂德雷·哈维尔卡是本次亚洲巡回演出的舞台总监,台上精美的服 饰、灯光及道具均出自他手笔。集电影导演、演员、爵士和摇摆乐音乐家于一身 的哈维尔卡,刚于2017年底为科泽娜推出其首张爵士乐唱片 Cole Porter with Ondřej Havelka and His Melody Makers。音乐会不是歌剧却胜似歌剧,犹 如迷你巴洛克剧场。科泽娜向来不是像塞西莉亚·芭托莉般气势磅礡,或乔伊 斯·狄杜娜朵般闪耀星尘的女中音,但她雍容、典雅、飘逸且细腻的演绎风格, 同样在台上熠熠生辉,更令台下如梦如醉。

The programme was quintessentially 17th-century Italian with a little contemporary twist, featuring compositions by Claudio Monteverdi, Dario Castello, Biagio Marini, Tarquinio Merula and Marco Uccellini. The most notable piece must be Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda from Claudio Monteverdi’s Madrigali Guerrieri ed Amorosi. Donning Athenian armour and resembling the goddess Athena, Kožená took on the incredible task of singing and acting all three characters, namely Tancredi and Clorinda, alongside the narrator. The exquisite costumes, lighting and props were overseen by polymath impresario Ondřej Havelka, with whom Kožená has recently launched her first ever jazz album Cole Porter with Ondřej Havelka and His Melody Makers. The concert was not an opera, yet much more theatrical and pleasurable than a recital or concert opera, reminiscent of a mini Baroque theatre. Kožená is not the type that dominates the stage as Cecilia Bartoli or effervesces as Joyce DiDonato, but her sheer artistry and subtlety, as well as class and grace, commanded the stage all the same.

HIGH LIFE 117 格奥尔格• 弗里德里希• 韩德尔多年来历久不衰的正歌剧《凯撒大帝在埃 及,HWV 17》,是取之不竭的经典咏叹调泉源。在附加环节,科泽娜以其一贯 的幽美高雅风格,演绎《我将为自己的命运缀泣》。音乐会将荡气回肠的音乐、 扣人心弦的剧情及浪漫迷人的气氛,以类似歌剧的形式共冶一炉,方方面面均近 乎完美,实在难以挑剔。科泽娜乐于接受新挑战的精神令人佩服:见好就收是人 性,成就愈高功名愈大,往往愈是避免风险。科泽娜却不然,而是勇于突破自己 固有的艺术舒适区。最近推出的爵士乐唱片虽然评价不一,笔者却坚持认为其不 失为旖旎甜美之作。

With her signature poise and elegance, Kožená presented in the encore section “Lascia ch’io pianga” from George Frideric Handel’s Giulio Cesare in Egitto, HWV 17, the inexhaustible source of timeless arias. It would be difficult to fault any facet of this concert, for it was a truly memorable performance of compelling music, enthralling theatrics and wondrous ambience, not least an indelible quasi-operatic experience. Equally laudable is Kožená’s enterprising spirit in taking on new challenges, when it is human inertia to rest on one’s laurels. Her latest jazz album may have received mixed reviews – this author is firmly of the opinion that it was a thoroughly charming effort – but who would put their global reputation on the line in the way that Kožená did? This time, she succeeded handsomely and laudably.

118 品 品尚 STYLE

HIGH LIFE 119 品尚

文 秦晓东 by Qin Xiaodong

色是个矛盾体,不曾喧哗的色彩, 却有着隐秘深奥的型格;低调内敛 黑的表象,却有着难以抵挡的气场。黑色的 魅力在腕间有着非同一般的哲学诠释,等 待你去参悟。

lack is paradoxical. It’s never noisy or bright but it has a hidden and esoteric B style. Its low-key and introverted appearance has an unstoppable aura. The charm of black has an unusual philosophical interpretation on the wrist, waiting for you to enlighten it. STYLE

荣耀回归 欧米茄海马系列铁霸腕表

这枚腕表的设计灵感来源于欧米茄于1957年推出的铁霸 原型表款,一款专为铁路员工或在磁场附近工作的专业人 士而设计的腕表。60年前,铁霸原型表款可以抵抗高达 1,000高斯的磁场,而当时的大多数防磁腕表仅可抵抗约 60高斯的磁场。新款铁霸腕表承袭原款腕表的创新理念, 内部搭载欧米茄8806同轴至臻天文台机芯,通过瑞士联 邦计量研究院核准的领先行业标准认证,能够抵抗高达 15,000高斯的强磁场,相当于原版腕表所能抵抗磁场强度 的15倍。腕表配备精钢40毫米对称表壳和垂直磨砂黑色表 盘,设有磨砂精钢指针和内嵌式复古风格的小时刻度,同 时印有米色“Railmaster”字样。

Glorious return

Omega Seamaster Railmaster

Inspired by the very first Omega Railmaster model released in 1957, this new timepiece is designed for railway staff or anyone who works close to magnetic fields. Sixty years ago, the first Railmaster could withstand magnetic fields of up to 1,000 gauss, while most anti-magnetic wristwatches could only withstand magnetic fields of up to about 60 gauss. The new Railmaster watch inherits the innovative concept of the original watch and carries the Omega Co- Axial Master Chronometer Caliber 8806. It is certified by the leading industrial standards approved by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) and can withstand strong magnetic fields up to 15,000 gauss. The watch is equipped with a stainless steel 40mm symmetrical case and a vertical matte black dial with frosted steel hands. 运动风尚 积家北辰系列响闹腕表

积 家 从1968年的经典 Memovox极地响闹腕表汲取灵 感,推出了这款50周年纪念款腕表。全新的北辰系列响闹 腕表搭载积家956型自动上链机械机芯,配备以1968年 Memovox 极地响闹腕表著名的特殊响闹功能(音簧报时 机制),并设中央秒针和瞬跳日期更改系统。黑色表盘上 融合了多项复古元素,香草色 Super-LumiNova ™荧光材 料、梯形时标、四个阿拉伯数字时标以及表盘中央的三角 形闹铃指标,都不禁令人联想到1968年的原型腕表。腕表 采用经典的三表冠设计,分别用于设定闹铃(上)、设定 旋转内表圈(中)和设定时间(下)。新款腕表搭配橡胶 表带和折叠式表扣,为当代行动派男士提供优雅而不失运 动风格的表款。限量发行1,000枚。

Sports style

Jaeger-LeCoultre Polaris Memovox Limited Edition

This is Jaeger-LeCoultre’s modern take on the original Polaris from 1968 on the occasion of its 50th birthday. The tribute watch is powered by the in-house JLC Caliber 956 featuring the alarm function (a striking mechanism with a gong) of the Memovox Polaris which was created in 1968, along with the central seconds and instant-jump date change system. The black dial of the watch houses trapezoidal hour markers, four Arabic numerals filled with vanilla Super-LumiNova and a triangle in the dial center as the alarm indicator. These complete the vintage look and are reminiscent of the original Polaris from 1968. The watch incorporates a classic three-crown design, which is used to set the alarm (top), the rotation inner bezel (center) and the time (bottom). The new watch, with a rubber strap and a folding clasp, provides an elegant yet sporty watch for contemporary men.

122 品 致敬伽利略 沛纳海 L’ASTRONOMO 50 毫米陀飞轮月相时间等式两 地时间腕表

首款沛纳海 L’Astronomo 腕表于2010年面世,适逢伽 利略发明天文望远镜并以之观测星象400周年。延续前作 开创的传统,今年的新款腕表搭载镂空机芯 P.2005/GLS ( 意指「伽利略月相镂空」) ,将按照客人所选地区的经纬 度定制和运作,具有两地时间显示和月相显示,并采用偏 振水晶玻璃显示日期的原创系统。全新 L’Astronomo 腕 表的 P.2005/GLS 机芯背面配备昼夜显示器,同时透过由 两枚交叠相扣的转盘组成的机械系统清晰显示月相。精致 的机芯镂空工艺让陀飞轮擒纵系统同时透现于腕表正面及 表背,50毫米的超大直径磨砂钛金属表壳展现更富运动气 质的实用风格。腕表6点钟位置还设有时间等式线性显示 器,显示实际时间(真太阳时)与通用时间的时间差。

A tribute to Galileo

Panerai L'Astronomo Luminor 1950 Tourbillon Moon Phases Equation of Time GMT

The first Panerai L’Astronomo was presented in 2010 on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the celestial observations made by Galileo as a result of the invention of the telescope. Like its predecessor, the new L’Astronomo Luminor 1950 Tourbillon Moon Phases Equation of Time GMT is equipped with skeletonized movement. The P.2005/GLS is personalized to operate in accordance with the geographical coordinates of a place chosen by the client. It provides remarkable functions such as GMT and indication of the moon phases as well as an original system for displaying the date using polarized crystals. On the back of the new L’Astronomo’s P.2005/GLS movement is a day and night indicator which also clearly displays the phases of the moon. The Panerai Tourbillon escapement can be admired from the front and back of the watch thanks to the sophisticated work of skeletonizing the movement.

HIGH LIFE 123 未来动感 宇舶表 Big Bang MP-11 3D 碳纤维全黑款腕表

今年的 Baselworld,宇舶表带来了一款造型独特、前所未 见的表款——全新 Big Bang MP-11 腕表,以3D立体碳 纤维技术打造,采用烟熏黑色系复合材质,黑色PVD 处理 的机芯与黑色碳纤维表壳形成一致的酷黑色调。MP-11 腕 表不仅坚硬耐磨,且十分轻盈,整枚腕表重量仅有90克。 腕表的另一个特别之处,在于超跑汽缸“发动机式”造型 的 HUB9011 自制手动上链镂空机芯,极具未来动感。机 芯具备长达14天的动力储能,带七个串联的发条盒和线性 动力储存显示。动力传输采用极为少见的垂直90°螺旋式齿 轮传动系统,通过手动旋转表冠或使用灵感源自赛车的电 动 Torx 触针都可以完成上链步骤,限量200枚。

Future dynamic

Hublot Big Bang MP-11 Power Reserve 14 Days 3D Carbon

Hublot presented its unique and unprecedented Big Bang MP-11 in 3D carbon at this year’s Baselworld. The “All Black” Big Bang with smoked composite sides has been created from carbon fiber by three-dimensional weave, allowing the black PVD-treated mechanism to be admired with its black carbon fiber case. The watch is very light with a total weight of 90 grams while the lightness and resistance is unparalleled. Another unique feature of this timepiece is manual-winding skeleton movements which are very futuristic. The movement has a 14-day power reserve, with seven series-coupled barrels and an in-line power reserve indicator. The force of the barrels is tilted on a perpendicular plane by a transmission system very rarely employed in watchmaking: a 90-degree helical worm gear. This new model, limited to 200 pieces, can be wound by hand rotating the crown or an electric Torx stylus, inspired by the world of motor racing.

124 品 三问突破 宝格丽 Octo Finissimo 三问碳纤维腕表

雄心勃勃的宝格丽为 Octo Finissimo 超薄三问表带来了 全新材质版本,新品腕表选用全新材质薄层碳纤维打造表 壳、表盘、表圈及表背。这种热固性环氧树脂材料使用 极其纤细的碳纤维,在实现超轻量化结构设计的同时, 确保了优异的稳定性。时标和小秒盘采用镂空设计,提 高了报时声响效果。碳纤维材质出色的震动传导性和声学 特性,也为三问表的音质提供了优良的物理性能。Octo Finissimo 三问碳纤维腕表搭载宝格丽自制 Calibre BVL 362超薄手动上链三问机芯,采用直径40毫米的表壳,厚 度仅为6.85毫米,重量更是达到惊人的47克。佩戴于腕间 时,几乎感觉不到它的存在。

Breaking through

Bvlgari Octo Finissimo Minute Repeater Carbon

Ambitious Bvlgari presents the ultra-thin minute repeater with a new material version. The case, the dial, the bezel and the case back are made from Carbon Thin Ply. This epoxy thermosetting resin includes extremely thin carbon fibers that guarantee robustness despite their ultra-thin structure. Skeleton indexes and small seconds subdial both amplify the sound output. This unprecedented high-tech material features surprising physical properties with its vibration conductivity and acoustic properties that endow the Minute Repeater with powerful sound output. Powered by Caliber BVL 362, the new timepiece is only 40mm in diameter and 6.85mm thick. Because of its incredibly light 47 gram weight, you can hardly feel it on the wrist.

HIGH LIFE 125 潜水传奇 浪琴表经典复刻系列传奇潜水员腕表

传奇潜水员腕表诞生于20世纪60年代,那是一个水下探 索、军事潜水和运动潜水方兴未艾的时代。如今,浪琴表 以原型腕表为设计灵感,推出全新黑色款式的经典复刻系 列传奇潜水员腕表,象征运动与优雅的结合。腕表搭载浪 琴表L888独家自动上链机械机芯,配备直径42毫米的黑 色 PVD 表壳。半圆形表镜以及内置双向表圈,还原了当 年的技术特点和探索精神,颇具复古情怀。旋入式表背和 表冠保证了300米的防水性能,潜水表圈可以帮助潜水员 确认剩余的潜水时间。该款式搭配黑色米兰网格橡胶表带 与黑色 PVD 钛质表扣,同时配备加长表带以备潜水时佩 戴。

Diving legend

Longines Legend Diver Black

The Longines Legend Diver Watch is a reimagination of a diving watch from the 1960s – the heyday of undersea exploration and military and sports diving. Inspired by the original timepiece, the Swiss watchmaker is now offering a black version that is emblematic of the combination of sports and elegance. The new version integrates the exclusive L888 caliber with 42mm case in black PVD. Semi-circular glasses and bidirectional internal bezel serve as reminders of the technical characteristics and exploration spirit of the era that give the model some vintage flair. The screw-down case back and crowns guarantee water resistance to 300 meters and the bezel allows the wearer to determine the remaining dive time. A Milanese-style black rubber strap equipped with a folding titanium clasp treated with black PVD and an integrated diving extension complete this timepiece.

126 品 HIGH LIFE 127 品尚

文 by Joseff Musa STYLE

Giambattista Valli 2018 春夏高级定制系列 Giambattista Valli Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2018

般而言,高定系列时装源于生活却高于生活,以另类美和前卫廓形打破常 规。但对 Giambattista Valli 而言,此高定系列以和谐简约的理念贯穿始 一终。 这一点在看似最简单的设计上也显而易见。胭脂红与粉色为主色调的雪纺连 衣裙,裙身点缀着精致的花蕾和珠带,与源于雕塑的设计灵感相呼应,在波浪起 伏的连衣裙上尽显优雅,层层叠叠的褶皱滑落于肩的薄纱,均凸显出面料的柔软 度。

ften, haute couture collections consist of larger than life ensembles. Basically, alternative beauty and edgier looks break the rules. But for O Giambattista Valli, the idea of something harmonious and simple is seen throughout his haute couture collection. The work behind even the most deceptively simple looks is evident. The draping that echoes his sculptural inspiration looks elegant on billowing chiffon dresses dotted with delicate floral buds and bands of jewelling emphasizing the sighing softness of the fabric, which are the majority in layers of blush and pink chiffon, falling into undulating folds and sliding in controlled fashion off the shoulder. 品尚 STYLE

文 by Joseff Musa

让·保罗·高缇耶 2018 春夏高级定制系列 Jean Paul Gaultier Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2018 行文化、艺术和时尚在让·保罗·高缇耶大胆而高调的高定系列中激烈碰 撞。就风格而言,该品牌最为人所熟知的,是从头至脚的单一配色。其结 流果是浓重的未来主义风格和现代好莱坞魅惑。

op culture, art and fashion collide in Jean Paul Gaultier’s bold and loud haute couture collection. Styling wise, the monochromatic pairing of tones and P colors from head to toe is what the fashion house is known for. Futuristic geishas and modern Hollywood sirens are the result.

132 品 HIGH LIFE 133 品尚 STYLE

Fenty Beauty「Beach, Please!」 限定系列 Fenty Beauty Beach, Please! Limited Edition collection

哈娜自创美妆品牌 Fenty Beauty 新近推出海滩必 备套装「Beach, Please !」限定系列。 蕾 he limited-edition Beach, Please! pre-bundled set of beach and body luminizer essentials is the latest T addition to Rihanna’s make-up line, Fenty Beauty. Body Lava 身体提亮乳采用凝胶质地,使用后肌肤光 洁水润,其中蕴含的微珠颗粒与纯色凝胶相融合,在日光 折射下更显闪亮。适合所有肤色使用,随时焕发肌肤自然 光泽。

Body Lava gives that sunlit radiance anytime. It is a gel-based body luminizer made to veil skin in a shine finish that feels as dewy as it looks. Light diffusing micro pearls blended with a sheer tint of color accentuate all skin tones for a sun-kissed sheen anytime of the year.

136 品 精 心 设 计 的 Face & Body Kabuki Brush 粉 刷 采 用 斜型刷面,人造刷毛极为柔软,可轻松晕染液体或粉状产 品。

A face and body kabuki brush with a custom angled design for blending both liquid and powder formulas. The unique brush head features soft synthetic bristles designed to follow curves for effortless diffusing.

Fairy Bomb 限量版球形大粉扑采用复古毛球设计,蕴 含细腻的玫瑰金亮粉,精致而奢华。

Fairy bomb is a limited-edition oversized glittering puff pre-packed with superfine 3D rose gold shimmer, making old school glam an everyday luxury.


瑞士钟表品牌宝玑与丽思酒廊携手为宾客 呈献高贵下午茶体验。

Swiss watchmaker Breguet has teamed with The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge to offer an inviting afternoon tea. 忙碌的生活中,还有什么比抛 可选择额外享用两杯巴黎之花香 开一天的繁嚣,宁静悠闲地享 槟,缔造更加难忘的体验。 在受一个丰盛的下午茶,细品一杯精 宝玑创办人亚伯拉罕-路易·宝 心调制的茗茶更令人身心愉悦呢? 玑以其创新制表技术而闻名于世,更 澳门银河为尊贵的宾客准备了更极 被公认为制表界的标准。他的传奇创 致的享受,由两大奢华品牌丽思酒 作包括,世上首款带有日历显示的自 廊及瑞士钟表品牌宝玑携手推出高 动上链打簧表、打簧游丝与陀飞轮。 雅下午茶,让宾客享受皇室贵族的 宝玑精湛的钟表制作技术不仅为男士 生活品味。 所称道,且多位身份显赫、地位祟高 精致的宝玑高雅下午茶称得上 的女士亦是其最忠诚的顾客,包括法 是对糕点艺术的探索。形形色色的 国王后玛丽·安托瓦内特及大英帝国 咸点包括,青瓜裹莳萝配奶酪芝士 和爱尔兰的皇后维多利亚。事实上, 及鱼子酱、普罗旺斯式黑橄榄吐司 宝玑更曾为那不勒斯女王(拿破仑的 配鳀鱼及蕃茄片、鸭肝鳗鱼配牛油 妹妹)卡罗琳·缪拉设计世上第一款 果及慢煮五花肉塔配红酒渍洋葱。 腕表。其后宝玑以此为灵感,创作出 甜点有经典的歌剧蛋糕、榛子千层 「那不勒斯女王系列」。 酥、法式柠檬塔、香橙牛油饼干、 宝玑期间限定下午茶,是丽思酒 奶油焦糖布丁、橙皮松饼、巧克力 廊特别向宝玑244年悠久历史及作 及葡萄松饼和原味松饼等。宾客更 为皇室钟表匠的致敬之作。

140 品 here are few things in life more Orange, Chocolate Raisin and plain enjoyable than sitting down to scones. The unforgettable experience T a sumptuous afternoon tea set, can also be paired with two glasses of taking respite from a busy day to Perrier-Jouët Champagne. sample gourmet delicacies and Breguet’s founder, Abraham- expertly brewed tea. Now, Galaxy Louis Breguet, is regarded as having Macau offers something even more set the standard by which all other indulgent for its valued patrons: watchmaking is judged. His legendary a luxurious afternoon tea set innovations include the first self- presented by two of the world’s most winding watch, the gong spring sought-after brands – leading Swiss and the tourbillon. And while men watchmaker Breguet and The Ritz- appreciate the brand’s horological Carlton Bar & Lounge – that will give prowess, many famous and powerful shoppers a taste of how it feels to live women have also been ardent the life of a queen. admirers too, including queens The Breguet afternoon tea set Marie-Antoinette of France and is an exploration into the fine art of Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland. pastry making. It includes savories In fact, Breguet designed the world’s such as Caviar-filled Cucumber with first known wristwatch for the Queen Cream Cheese and Dill, Provençale- of Naples, Caroline Murat – also the style Black Olive Toast with younger sister of Napoleon – who Anchovies and Tomato, Foie Gras later inspired the brand’s renowned with Eel and Avocado and Confit Reine de Naples collection. Pork Belly and Onion Jam Tartlet. The Breguet tea set was designed The sweet selection features Opera by The Ritz-Carlton Bar and Lounge Cake, Hazelnut Millefeuille, Lemon to honor Breguet’s 244-year heritage Meringue Tart, Orange Butter Cream as the avant-garde watchmaker to Sablé, Crème Caramel and Confit royalty.


文 by Joseff Musa

Issey Miyake 2018 春夏男装系列 Issey Miyake Men’s Spring/Summer 2018

ssey Miyake 2018 春夏男装系列以穿越沙漠为主题, 反映了一日之内光线的变化。聚酯纤维面料上的图案由 看似沙漠航拍图的印花拼接而成。 I 针织衫和印花上的泥纹图案增强了视觉效果。橙色无 领衬衫及裤装和干练卡其色服饰亦引人注目。

nspired by the desert sand, Issey Miyake Men’s Spring/ Summer 2018 collection reflects the shifting of light across I the day. Prints that look like aerial photographs of the desert sliced and spliced together are put onto polyester. A cracked mud pattern in knits and prints adds eye feel to the silhouettes alongside an orange collarless shirt and pants ensemble and a technical khaki suit. 品尚 STYLE

文 by Joseff Musa Temperley LondonLondon 2018Summer 夏季系列 2018

emperley London 向来以典雅风格著称,但2018 夏季系列却反其道而行,大胆展现上世纪五十年代风 采。 T 与过往的设计相比,此系列中的印花更为抽象、平面 且不一致。从条纹连身衣、夹克、单件衣装,到紧身胸 衣、阔腿七分裤及松身夹克,此系列处处散发怡人的海滩 风情。

rifting from its primness in style, Temperley London Summer 2018 collection serves up quite a curveball D with a hint of ’50s flair. Prints are more abstract, more graphic and more dissonant than the usual. Tonal-stripe jumpsuits, jackets and separates, a matched set of cropped bustier, wide- leg cropped pant and slack jacket sum up these breezy assortments.

146 品 HIGH LIFE 147 品尚

文 秦晓东 by Qin Xiaodong

古以来,戒指都具有强烈的象征意义。古埃及人相 信,佩戴在手上的戒指将直接与心脏相连,是爱意 自的承诺。如今,戒指同样是个性表达的重要载体,珠宝在 指间不断玩出新花样,让我们一起沉迷在这一场戒不掉的 指间游戏,无法自拔。

ince ancient times, rings have held a strong symbolic meaning. The ancient Egyptians believed that the S rings worn on their hands would be directly linked to the heart and were a promise of love. Today, the ring is also an important carrier for individual expression with new “tricks of the fingers” constantly emerging. Let us indulge in this irresistible finger game. STYLE

随心混搭 香奈儿 Coco Crush 戒指

永恒经典的香奈儿菱格纹图案,是 Coco Crush 高级珠宝的亮点所在,在每一 款 Coco Crush 作品都可以发现菱格纹图案极富视觉效果的摩登姿态。Coco Crush 系列戒指最大的吸引力就在于,其作品本身精细的雕刻工艺和不同K金彰 显的时尚格调。无论你是单一戒指佩戴,还是随心混搭叠搭,都可以打造出与众 不同的风格。或叛逆,或优雅,或朋克,或时尚,游戏规则,由你制定。

Mix and match

Chanel Coco Crush Ring

The timeless Chanel Matelasse motif is the highlight of the Coco Crush fine jewelry collection. In each Coco Crush piece you can find the Matelasse motif with modern visual effects. The greatest attraction of the Coco Crush ring is its delicate carving and the different fashion styles manifested by a variety of gold. Whether you wear a single ring or mix and match, you can create a distinctive style. Rebellious, elegant, punk or stylish, the rules of the game are set by you. 自由洒脱 伯爵 Possession 戒指

Possession 戒指以活动圆环为设计概念, 引领我们进入永恒旋转的迷人国度。当 把这一令人心动的戒指滑入指尖,交迭的玫瑰金或18K 白金圆环开始诠释伯爵的 大胆创意——Possession 召唤女性转动命运之轮,施放独特的魔力,戒指随即 在纤纤玉指上自由转动。当戒指徐徐滚动时,凝驻了时间的步伐,让依恋的目光 停伫,让回忆的思绪漫无边际。不动声色地摩挲戒指,世界即为之倾倒。洒脱的 都市女性不受任何束缚,Possession 戒指赋予女性随心把握精彩人生的自信。

Free and easy

Piaget Possession Ring

The Possession ring is based on the concept of a moving ring and leads us into the fascinating world of everlasting rotation. When this exciting ring slides onto your fingers, the overlapping rose gold or 18K white gold immediately showcases Piaget’s bold ideas – possession summons women to turn the wheel of fate and cast a unique magic. The ring immediately rotates freely on slender fingers. When the ring slowly rolls, the pace of time stops, memories become endless and the whole world is captivated. Urban women are free from constraints and the Possession Ring gives women the confidence to take advantage of their wonderful life.

150 品 玩味个性 宝格丽 B.zero1 Labyrinth 迷宫系列

现代社会犹如一座错综复杂的迷宫,充满诱人选择。全新 B.zero1 戒指巧妙捕捉 到这一特征,诠释珠宝作品的多种可能。独具特色的中央螺旋设计,上下配以两 枚刻有 BVLGARI 宝格丽双 Logo 标识的圆环。风格大胆的 B.zero1 Labyrinth 迷宫系列结合曲线之美,建筑感十足,强烈而醒目。B.zero1 强调独特与个 性,因为规则可以被挑战、改写或重新定义。珠宝世界如此,生活亦是如此。 B.zero1 Labyrinth 戒指颠覆传统,演绎果敢不羁的精神,致敬勇于打破界限、 无所畏惧的女性。

Fun personality

Bvlgari B.zero1 Labyrinth Ring

Modern society is like an intricate maze, full of tempting choices. The new B.zero1 Labyrinth Ring cleverly captures this feature and interprets the many possibilities of how jewelry can work. Its unique central spiral design is accompanied by two rings engraved with the Bvlgari logo. The bold B.zero1 Labyrinth collection combines the beauty of curves with a sense of architecture – strong and eye- catching. B.zero1 emphasizes uniqueness and personality because rules can be challenged, rewritten or redefined. The world of jewelry is like this and so is life. The B.zero1 Labyrinth Ring subverts tradition, interprets the courageous spirit and pays tribute to women who dare to break the line fearlessly.

HIGH LIFE 151 怦然心动 萧邦 Happy Hearts 戒指

萧邦以品牌标志性的心形作为设计灵感,打造全新 Happy Hearts 戒指,献给 所有推崇奉献自我和慷慨乐施的价值观、拥有仁爱之心的女性。戒指拥有两个大 小各异的心形,对比鲜明,在指上并列轻触。较大的心形镶有大溪地珍珠母贝、 白色珍珠母贝或蛋白石珠宝,较小的心形则内含一颗萧邦独有的灵动钻石,犹如 跳动的心。随着手指摆动,明澈的钻石在两层蓝宝石水晶玻璃间欢悦地舞动。 Happy Hearts 戒指犹如幸福护身符,诠释着现代女性尽享生活的迷人态度。

Beating heart

Chopard Happy Hearts Ring

Chopard has used its iconic heart as a design inspiration to create a new Happy Hearts Ring dedicated to all women who value self-sacrifice, generosity and kindness. The ring has two heart shapes of different sizes, contrasting sharply and touching on the fingers side by side. The larger heart features Tahitian mother-of-pearl, white mother-of-pearl or opal, while the smaller heart features a unique Chopard diamond, which is like a beating heart. As the fingers swing, the clear diamond dances cheerfully between two layers of sapphire crystal. The Happy Hearts Ring is like a happy amulet, which interprets the glamorous attitude of modern women to enjoy life.

152 品 前卫不羁 卡地亚 Juste un Clou 戒指

首款“钉子”珠宝作品诞生于二十世纪七十年代的纽约,那是一个被美国作家汤 姆·沃尔夫称作“唯我”的时代。彼时,打破桎梏、拒绝平庸是欧美社会的主流 态度,张扬个性、不拘于世成为时代风潮。在这个特殊的时代背景下,卡地亚 Juste un Clou 系列以独具创意的“钉子”形象出现,一反传统,幻化为个性珠 宝。现今亦如是,造型别致的“钉子”依旧引领前卫不羁的风潮,是叛逆狂热的 经典象征,现代艺术的真我表达。


Cartier Juste un Clou Ring

The first “nail” jewelry piece was born in New York in the 1970s. It wasan era known to the American writer Tom Wolfe as the “Me” decade. At that time, breaking the shackles and rejecting mediocrity were the mainstream attitudes of European and American societies and their individuality and inconspicuousness became the trend of the times. In this particular era, Cartier’s Juste un Clou collection emerged with a unique “nail” image which was anti-tradition and turned into jewelry. Nowadays the “nail” design is still leading the trend of avant-garde, a classic symbol of rebellious fanaticism and the true expression of modern art.

HIGH LIFE 153 ■ 芬迪 FENDI 壹号广场店 +853 2875 2887 四季名店 +853 2899 8839 新濠影汇店 +853 2885 2592 澳门银河店 +853 2883 9888

■ 爱马仕 HERMES 壹号广场店 +853 2822 9978 ■ 香奈儿 CHANEL 四季名店 +853 8791 8000 四季名店 +853 8791 8000 永利澳门店 +853 2878 3389 永利澳门店 +853 2870 5111 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6029 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6160 ■ MIU MIU ■ 迪奥 DIOR 新濠天地店 +853 2889 8697 壹号广场店 +853 2872 3262 澳门银河店 +853 2882 7143 四季名店 +853 2899 8831 永利澳门店 +853 2878 5515 新濠天地店 +853 2889 8640 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6037 澳门银河店 +853 2882 7448 永利澳门店 +853 2872 3486 ■ 普拉达 PRADA 四季名店 +853 2881 8262 ■ 杜嘉班纳 DOLCE & GABBANA 新濠天地店 +853 2889 8616 壹号广场店 +853 2872 3028 新濠影汇店 +853 2885 2203 四季名店 +853 2899 8931 澳门银河店 +853 2882 7256 澳门银河店 +853 2882 7760 永利澳门店 +853 2872 3421 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6250 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6061 154 品 154 #11 2017年8月 品 VERSACE

■ CHANEL Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2870 5111 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6160 ■ HERMES ■ DIOR One Central +853 2822 9978 One Central +853 2872 3262 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8831 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 3389 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2889 8640 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6029 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7448 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3486 ■ MIU MIU The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2889 8697 ■ DOLCE & GABBANA The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7143 One Central +853 2872 3028 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 5515 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8931 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6037 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7760 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6250 ■ PRADA Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2881 8262 ■ FENDI The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2889 8616 One Central +853 2875 2887 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2203 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8839 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7256 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2592 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3421 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2883 9888 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6061 HIGH LIFE 155 HIGH LIFE #11 Aug 2017 155 ■ 阿玛尼 EMPORIO ARMANI 壹号广场店 +853 2875 3008 四季名店 +853 8791 8000

■ 雨果博斯 HUGO BOSS ■ 布莱奥尼 BRIONI 四季名店 +853 2899 8968 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6220 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8118 新濠天地店 +853 8791 8400 ■ 卡奴迪路 CANUDILO 新濠影汇店 +853 2885 2708 金沙城中心店 +853 2885 3151 澳门银河店 +853 2882 7486 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8649 永利澳门店 +853 2878 5038 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6198 ■ 都本 D’ URBAN 澳门银河店 +853 2878 3076 ■ 都彭 S.T. DUPONT 巴黎人店 +853 2883 6618 ■ 杜嘉班纳 DOLCE & GABBANA 四季名店 +853 2828 2833 ■ 范思哲 VERSACE 澳门银河店 +853 2882 7760 澳门银河店 +853 2882 7978

■ BANG & OLUFSEN 壹号广场店 +853 2878 2911

■ 法拉利专门店 FERRARI STORE 永利澳门店 +853 8986 3881 永利皇宫店 +853 8889 1389

■ 新天际数码 NEW HORIZON 壹号广场店 +853 2885 3266 金沙城中心店 +853 2885 3266

■ 沃图 VERTU 威尼斯人店 +853 2886 6648 永利澳门店 +853 2878 7028

156 品 ■ BRIONI Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6220 ■ HUGO BOSS ■ CANUDILO Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8968 Shoppes at Cotai Central +853 2885 3151 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8118 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8649 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 8791 8400 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2708 ■ D’ URBAN The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7486 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2878 3076 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 5038 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6198 ■ DOLCE & GABBANA Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7760 ■ S.T. DUPONT Shoppes at Parisian +853 2883 6618 ■ EMPORIO ARMANI One Central +853 2875 3008 ■ VERSACE Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 7978


■ BANG & OLUFSEN One Central +853 2878 2911

■ FERRARI STORE Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 8986 3881 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 8889 1389

■ NEW HORIZON One Central +853 2885 3266 Shoppes at Cotai Central +853 2885 3266

■ VERTU Shoppes at Venetian +853 2886 6648 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 7028


■ 格拉夫珠宝 GRAFF 新濠影汇店 +853 2885 2238 永利澳门店 +853 2878 3077 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6098

■ 沛纳海 PANERAI 壹号广场店 +853 2872 3681 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 9318 澳门银河店 +853 2857 6007

■ 宝玑 BREGUET ■ 伯爵 PIAGET 威尼斯人店 +853 2886 6891 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8018 新濠天地店 +853 2885 2368 ■ 宝格丽 BVLGARI 置地广场店 +853 2878 3785 壹号广场店 +853 2875 2618 万利大楼店 +853 2872 3168 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8748 永利澳门店 +853 2872 3128 新濠影汇店 +853 2885 2533 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6186 澳门银河店 +853 2884 5080 永利澳门店 +853 2875 2386 ■ 劳力士 ROLEX 金沙城中心店 +853 2882 9369 ■ 卡地亚 CARTIER 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 9369 壹号广场店 +853 2875 1938 永利澳门店 +853 8986 3885 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 9308 永利皇宫店 +853 8889 1380 永利澳门店 +853 0800 3922 永利皇宫店 +853 0800 3922 ■ 蒂芙尼 TIFFANY & CO 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8082 ■ 香奈儿高级珠宝 新濠影汇店 +853 2885 2335 永利澳门店 +853 2872 8803 澳门银河店 +853 2883 9950 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6160 永利澳门店 +853 2872 3660

■ 萧邦 CHOPARD ■ 江诗丹顿 VACHERON CONSTANTIN 四季名店 +853 2828 2833 新濠天地店 +853 2885 2256 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8023 永利澳门店 +853 2870 7207 新濠天地店 +853 8590 3000 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6168

158 品 ■ BREGUET Shoppes at Venetian +853 2886 6891

■ BVLGARI One Central +853 2875 2618 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8748 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2533 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2884 5080 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2875 2386

■ CARTIER ■ PIAGET One Central +853 2875 1938 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8018 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 9308 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2368 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 0800 3922 The Landmark Macau +853 2878 3785 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 0800 3922 Wynn Encore Tower +853 2872 3168 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3128 ■ CHANEL FINE JEWELLERY Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6186 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 8803 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6160 ■ ROLEX Shoppes at Cotai Central +853 2882 9369 ■ CHOPARD Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 9369 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 8986 3885 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8023 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 8889 1380 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 8590 3000 ■ TIFFANY & CO ■ GRAFF Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8082 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2238 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2335 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 3077 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2883 9950 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6098 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2872 3660

■ PANERAI ■ VACHERON CONSTANTIN One Central +853 2872 3681 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2885 2256 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 9318 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2870 7207 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2857 6007 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6168



■ BERLUTI PARIS 壹号广场店 +853 2875 7252 澳门银河店 +853 2882 3430

■ 古驰 GUCCI 壹号广场店 +853 2872 2762 四季名店 +853 2870 0135 新濠天地店 +853 8590 3391 新濠影汇店 +853 2884 4008 澳门银河店 +853 2857 6207 永利澳门店 +853 2878 5336 永利皇宫店 +853 8889 8889

■ JIMMY CHOO 壹号广场店 +853 2850 8791 四季名店 +853 2899 9936

■ 路易威登 LOUIS VUITTON 壹号广场店 +853 8299 6688 四季名店 +853 2822 8800 新濠天地店 +853 2822 8800 澳门银河店 +853 2822 8800 永利澳门店 +853 2822 8800

■ ROGER VIVIER 永利皇宫店 +853 2877 6290

■ STUART WEITZMAN 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8610

■ 香奈儿 CHANEL 四季名店 +853 2899 8912 LOUBOUTIN 澳门银河店 +853 2888 0888

■ 迪奥美容室 DIOR SKINCARE SUITE 四季名店 +853 8791 8000

■ JO MALONE 澳门银河店 +853 2888 0888

■ 欧舒丹 L’OCCITANE 四季名店 +853 2828 2833 威尼斯人店 +853 2882 8367

■ 海蓝之谜 LA MER 四季名店 +853 2828 2833

■ 兰蔻 LANCOME 四季名店 +853 8791 8000

■ 魅可 MAC 四季名店 +853 2828 2833 160 品 FENDI

■ BERLUTI PARIS One Central +853 2875 7252 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2882 3430

■ GUCCI One Central +853 2872 2762 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2870 0135 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 8590 3391 The Boulevard at Studio City +853 2884 4008 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2857 6207 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2878 5336 Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 8889 8889

■ JIMMY CHOO One Central +853 2850 8791 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 9936

■ LOUIS VUITTON One Central +853 8299 6688 Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2822 8800 The Boulevard at City of Dreams +853 2822 8800 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2822 8800 Wynn Macau Esplanade +853 2822 8800

■ ROGER VIVIER Wynn Palace Esplanade +853 2877 6290

■ STUART WEITZMAN Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8610

■ CHANEL Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2899 8912 The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2888 0888

■ DIOR SKINCARE SUITE Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000

■ JO MALONE The Promenade at Galaxy +853 2888 0888

■ L’OCCITANE Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 Shoppes at Venetian +853 2882 8367

■ LA MER Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833

■ LANCOME Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 8791 8000

■ MAC Shoppes at Four Seasons +853 2828 2833 HIGH LIFE 161 FENDI

悦榕庄悦榕Spa +853 8883 6633 Banyan Tree Spa +853 8883 6633 康莱德酒店菩提水疗 +853 8113 6188 Bodhi Spa at Conrad +853 8113 6188 新濠天地漾日水疗 +853 8868 6883 Crown Spa City of Dreams +853 8868 6883 丽思卡尔顿怡世宝水疗 +853 8886 6868 ESPA at the Ritz-Carlton +853 8886 6868 瑞吉酒店铱瑞水疗 +853 8113 4949 Iridium Spa at St. Regis +853 8113 4949 新濠天地怡•水疗 +853 8868 1193 Isala Spa City of Dreams +853 8868 1193 新濠天地腾水疗 +853 8868 3318 Rock Spa City of Dreams +853 8868 3318 万利水疗中心 +853 8986 3228 The Spa at Encore +853 8986 3228 澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心 +853 8805 8588 The Spa at Mandarin Oriental +853 8805 8588 永利水疗中心 +853 8986 3228 The Spa at Wynn +853 8986 3228 澳门美高梅禅潺水疗中心 +853 8802 3838 Tria Spa at MGM Macau +853 8802 3838

162 品 HIGH LIFE 163