SOCIETY | INDULGE | PLAY | STYLE HK$68 2018 6 #21 JUN 2018 年 月 Allan盛智文 Zeman 艺术家张可 布鲁诺·马尔斯 Artist Kay Zhang Bruno Mars HIGH LIFE 1 2 品 HIGH LIFE 3 20 封面故事 COVER STORY 永不止步 Perpetual motion ON THE COVER 盛智文 Allan Zeman 摄影 Photography: Eduardo Martins 地点: 兰桂坊集团,香港中环 Location: LKF Group, Central Hong Kong 4 品 HIGH LIFE 5 2018年6月 #21 JUN 2018 目录 CONTENTS SOCIETY 品世32 艺术与情色 Love and lust 40 艺术之心 Heart to art 48 呼吸的艺术 Art of breathing 54 弄“ 潮 ”儿 Fab fashionista INDULGE 品享62 暹罗之梦 Whimsical Siam 70 不让须眉 A woman's touch 76 经典法餐 亚洲演绎 French with an Asian twist 80 美味奇境 Gastronomic wonderland 88 阿尔卑斯瑰宝 Alpine treasure 6 品 HIGH LIFE 7 2018年6月 #21 JUN 2018 目录 CONTENTS PLAY 品趣96 金色魔力 Golden magic 100 大音希声 Sounds of water 106 雅致奢华 Elegant luxury 114 风华绝代 Diva nonpareil STYLE 120品尚酷黑哲学 Philosophy of black 128 红粉芭菲 Blush parfait 130 天后归来 Divas redux 134 闪耀盛夏 144 加勒比风情 Summer shimmer Caribbean drift 138 女王级体验 148 指间游戏 Fit for a queen Game of rings 142 垂坠有致 154 礼宾 Pendulous phase Concierge 8 品 HIGH LIFE 9 2018 6 | #21 | JUN 2018 年 月 澳门注册 Macau registered 出版号570 publication number 570 行政 CORPORATE 首席执行官 CEO 卓弈 ANDREW W SCOTT 财务总监 CFO 王青云 FRED WONG 首席执行官行政助理 EA to the CEO 郑诗韵 CYNTHIA CHEANG 行政助理 Admin Assistant 吴雪怡 SUIE NG 营业及市场 SALES & MARKETING 营业及市场副总裁 VP Sales and Marketing 陈文娟 WINNIE TAN 营业及业务发展副总监 Associate Director Sales and Business Development 何敬斌 JADESON HO 香港区销售 HK Sales 黄湘湘 ANGEL WONG 客户关系经理 Client Relationship Manager 邱嘉汶 CAROLINE IAU 10 品 发行 DISTRIBUTION 营运副总裁 VP Operations 张舒文 KAREN CHEONG 发行部主任 Distribution Supervisor 王禧婷 EMILY VONG 发行部专员 Distribution Officers 叶少扬 ANSON IP 郑国平 PENG CHEANG 麦敏华 MAK MAN WAH 许浩伟 HOI HOU WAI 信息技术 IT 信息技术总监 IT Director 刘冠侪 MICHAEL LAU 信息技术管理员 IT Administrator 郑信怡 ALISON CHEANG 由品亚有限公司每月出版 Published monthly by Asia High Life Limited 澳门注册新闻公司编号EP175 Macau registered press company number EP175 澳门冼星海大马路105号 Golden Dragon Centre 金龙中心10楼L室 105 Avenida Xian Xing Hai, 10L, Macau 由百乐门印刷有限公司印制 Printed by Paramount Printing Company Limited 香港新界将军澳将军澳工业邨 3 Chun Kwong Street 骏光街三号 Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong 联络我们 CONTACT US 新闻稿发送至 Send press releases to [email protected] 广告垂询 Advertising enquiries [email protected] 发行问询 Distribution enquiries [email protected] 订阅问询 Subscription enquiries [email protected] IT问询 IT enquiries [email protected] 一般问询 General enquiries [email protected] WWW.ASIAHIGHLIFE.COM HIGH LIFE 11 我们的编辑团队 IRENE SAM 沈爱莲 Editor-in-Chief 主编 父亲上海人、母亲澳门人的 Irene , 曾在加利福尼亚(确切地说 , 湾区) 和巴黎生活多年 。 她讲六种语言 , 热衷各色美食 , 倚赖澳门的米其林星 级餐饮, 来满足其和体型极不相称的胃口。 Born to a Shanghainese father and a Macanese mother, Irene spent many years of her life in California – namely the Bay Area – and Paris. She is hexalingual, with a brain fueled by an insane amount of food from the kitchens of Michelin-starred chefs around Macau. BEN BLASCHKE 本思齐 Managing Editor 执行编辑 2013 年加入「 澳传媒」 的Ben, 曾于澳大利亚主流报纸和体育杂志担任 体育记者十年有余 。 他钟爱美食佳酿和奢宠体验 , 对优品生活的追求与 《 品》 完美契合! Having embarked on a decade long career as a sports journalist for leading Australian newspapers and sports magazines, Ben joined O MEDIA in Macau in 2013. These days Ben loves good food, fine wine and a touch of pampering, the perfect fit forHigh Life ! SOPHIE HU 户媛媛 Chinese Editor and Chief Translator 中文编辑及主译 有着翻译和旅游学业背景 , 自然深谙不同文化之间交流的重要性 。 无论 是背起行囊用脚步去丈量世界 , 还是在笔端游走于两种语言之间 , 身体 和心灵, 总有一个在路上。 With degrees in both translation and tourism, Sophie is intensely aware of the need for good communication between different cultures. Whether exploring the world with a backpack or wandering back and forth between two languages, her body or soul is always on a journey. 12 品 Our editorial team WENDI SONG 宋文娣 撰稿人 Contributor 曾于上海和澳门学习法律多年 , 但最终确定写作才是释放灵魂的最佳方 式 。 喜欢佩索阿的诗 、 夏卡尔的画和德沃夏克的 《自新大陆》 。 旅居澳 门十年, 收获良多, 对这座城市感激不尽。 After years spent studying law in Shanghai and Macau, Wendi found that only writing could free her soul. She likes Fernando Pessoa, Marc Chagall and Antonín Dvořák’s “From The New World.” She has been living in Macau for 10 years and is still in her honeymoon-period with the city. JOSEFF MUSA 时尚顾问 Lifestyle Advisor 毕业于艺术专业的 Joseff , 兼具千禧一代的时尚精神和 X 一代的明确目 标 。 他钟情于一切与流行文化相关的事物 , 并将 2017 年视为自己激情 真正绽放的一年 。 With a degree in Arts, Joseff has both the stylish spunk of a millennial and the goal-oriented mind of a Gen Xer. He loves everything to do with pop culture and considers 2017 to be the year his passions truly shone. JACKY CHEONG 张一帆 葡 萄 酒、美 术、古 典 音 乐 及 歌 剧 撰 稿 人 Contributor wine, fine art, classical music and opera 张一帆在英 、 法 、 德等国成长及学习历史与法律 。 他现定期以中英 双语撰写葡萄酒与烈酒 、 古典音乐与歌剧 、 美术等主题的文章 。 Having spent his formative years in Britain, France and Germany studying history and law, Jacky Cheong regularly comments and publishes on wine and spirits, classical music and opera as well as fine arts in Macau, Hong Kong and Europe. HIGH LIFE 13 我们的编辑团队 SANDRA NORTE Lead Designer 首席设计师 在澳大利亚完成传媒设计学业后 , Sandra 回到澳门的家人和宠物身 边 , 闲暇时喜欢尝试不同的工艺 。 她对细节一丝不苟 , 无论工作还是 娱乐 , 都务求完美 ! After studying Communication Design in Australia, Sandra returned to Macau to be with her family and crazy pets. In her spare time, she likes trying out different crafts in search of the perfect hobby. She’s all about the details – whether for work or play, it must be perfect! AILSA TANG 邓倩雯 Graphic Designer 平面设计师 邓倩雯大部分时间在澳大利亚和澳门度过 , 两地皆为家 。 最能激发其 想象力的 , 莫过于凝望星空 , 放飞思绪 。 收获双学位的她 , 近期加盟 「澳传媒」 开始了平面设计师的新生涯 ! Having spent most of her life between Australia and Macau, Ailsa considers both to be home. Few things stimulate her imagination like gazing at the stars and daydreaming. Upon graduating from a dual degree, Ailsa recently started her new life as a graphic designer with O MEDIA! EDUARDO MARTINS Lead Photographer 首席摄影师 Eduardo 在里斯本做摄影记者打磨技艺十五年之久 。 期间,他曾为葡 萄牙一些最知名的日报工作 , 并于多本杂志发表作品 。 2016 年 , 他移 居澳门展开新的旅程。 Eduardo plied his trade as a photojournalist in Lisbon for 15 years. During that time he worked on some of Portugal’s top daily newspapers and has published works in several magazines. In 2016 he moved to Macau to embark on a new journey. 14 品 HIGH LIFE 15 From编者寄语 the editor After life 身后之事 类时刻需要牢记,我们在这个世界生存和探索的时 s human beings, we must always keep in mind that 间有限。在我迄今为止的生命中,亲眼目睹了越来 we have a finite amount of time to live and discover 人越多的亲人离世,并长眠于其安息之所。积极地来看,我 Athe world. Over the years of my life, I have witnessed 不认为这有多么令人沮丧,更多是在提醒我们,无论喜欢 more and more relatives pass away and be laid to rest 与否,我们都终将死去。 in the cemetery. On a positive note, I do not view it as a 令人遗憾的是,有些人过于纠结他们长逝之后会留下 depressing experience, just a reminder that we will all die 些什么。在我看来,“遗产”这一概念是人类历史上最自 one day whether we like it or not. 负的现象。为什么要去在意自己化为灰烬或深埋大地之 It is unfortunate how some people are preoccupied 后,别人会如何看待? with what their legacy will be after they pass on. In my 享受生命,贵在当下,而不是担心我们死后会发生什 opinion, the concept of “legacy” is the most egotistic 么。明智地分配时间、尽可能与亲人相聚、重视人生体验 phenomenon in human history. Why would anyone care 而非身外之物……因为在你离开人世之时,无论靓车抑或 what others think of them when they are burned to dust 豪宅都无法带去,没有任何意义。 or buried six feet under the ground? The best way to enjoy life is in the present moment, not worrying about what will happen when we are dead. 沈爱莲 Spend time wisely and get together with loved ones when 主编 possible, appreciate experiences rather than objects, because you can't have your favorite car or big house buried with you when you are gone. Irene Sam Editor-in-Chief 16 品 HIGH LIFE 17 在澳门最豪华及最富声望的酒店的每一间客房,都能享受阅读《品》杂志的乐趣 ...... HIGH LIFE IS AVAILABLE IN EVERY GUEST ROOM OF MACAU'S MOST LUXURIOUS AND PRESTIGIOUS HOTELS … 18 品 HIGH LIFE 19 封面故事 COVER STORY 身为商业巨头和外裔中国公民 , 盛智文先生(Allan Zeman) 并未止步于既得成就 , 而是继续放眼于当今及未来的中国 , 谋求进一步的商业发展 。 同时 , 他毫不掩饰对习近平主席的 支持。 Business magnate and born-again Chinese citizen Allan Zeman hasn’t rested on his laurels, keenly pursuing his business interests in the China of today and tomorrow. And he’s unabashed in his support for President Xi. 文 卓弈 by Andrew W Scott 图 Images by Eduardo Martins 期五下午五点刚过,我们等待 以这样说,他对一切事物有着无限的 该地区的“行人化”。他解释道:“伦 着和盛智文先生的会面。一位 精 力 和 无 尽 的 热 情 。 敦遍布着街区枢纽,于是我就想, 星助手默默地送水进来,随后另一位助 以他最为人熟知的兰桂坊项目为 何不让人们站在街头喝点东西?于是 手礼貌地说,盛先生很快就到。他的 例。大约35年前,盛智文先生意识 它慢慢演变成如今广受欢迎的兰桂 办公室低调而奢华,摆放了一些重要 到,香港除五星级酒店之外缺乏高档 坊。” 会议的照片。包括习主席《谈治国理 餐厅用于接待国际商业伙伴,于是决 盛智文先生更于中国内地的几座 政》在内的一些书籍,整齐堆叠了半 定自己创建。当时香港不存在类似纽 城市成功复制了兰桂坊模式。 墙之高。时尚艺术品散落各处,无疑 约苏豪区或伦敦西区那样的地方。 “我所找寻的是不太偏远的区 每一件作品都有着独特的来龙去脉。 第一步是将一家旧超市改建成餐 域,上班族工作之余可以在这里自我 突然他迈步进来,颇为得体地晚 厅。运作良好后,他开始重复这一过 释放。我总是说,‘看待事物要着眼 到十分钟。在签署了一系列文件后, 程,购买旧仓库和办公室,将餐厅 于它的潜力而非现状。要想成功,必 身着标志性翻领衬衫的盛智文先生坐 置于办公楼高层并将这一概念规范 须想人所未想,见人所未见。 下来,开始专注于我们的谈话。 化——这源自于他在东京的所见所 “我们在深圳和上海投资,均是 每周这个时候,不少行业领袖也 闻。这些餐厅改建令租金及大楼价值 一线城市。除此之外,还有诸如成都 许正准备动身去度周末,抑或在俱乐 翻倍甚至三倍增长,由此该地区逐渐 这样的二线城市。实际上成都更像是 部小酌威士忌放松。盛智文先生并非 蜕变成今日的兰桂坊。 1.5线城市,发展迅速,尤其是技术 如此。他的特质很难形容,但或许可 如盛智文先生所说,下一步就是 方面。 22 品 t’s just past five o’clock on a Friday signing, the man with the trademark business associates to – decided to afternoon as we wait for our upturned collar sits down and create his own, wondering why Hong I audience with Allan Zeman. One becomes focused on our discussion. Kong didn’t have an equivalent to New assistant silently brings us water. A At this time of the week many York’s SoHo or London’s West End. second politely promises our subject captains of industry might be Step one was to convert an old is not far away. Zeman’s office is jetting off for a weekend getaway supermarket into a restaurant. It luxurious but unpretentious, with or enjoying a relaxing whisky at worked and he began to repeat the framed photographs of important the club. Not Zeman. It’s difficult to process, acquiring old warehouses meetings discreetly on display. Some select one attribute to describe him, and offices and normalizing the pillars of books, including President but it could well be his relentless concept of restaurants being in the Xi’s The Governance of China, are energy and enthusiasm for, well, just upper floors of office buildings – neatly stacked halfway to the ceiling.
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