THE MAD SCIENCE ISSUE THE EDGE GENIUS GONE WILD INTERVIEW The Good, The Mad What Tiffani Thiessen and The Ugly Brings to the Table BAD CHEMISTRY The Truth Behind Vaping STEAM POWER NJ’s Bright Future RETHINKING SCI-FI 5 Minutes with Jodie Foster $3.95US 10 0 74470 25173 6 2 Looking for a The Mad Science Issue PUBLISHERS Jeweler? doug harris, graNt kNaggs ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Jeffrey shaNes EDITORIAL MANAGING EDITOR mark stewart EDITORS christiNe gibbs, doug harris, yolaNda NaVarra flemiNg EDITOR AT LARGE ashleigh oweNs FOOD EDITOR mike coheN ASSIGNMENTS EDITOR Zack burgess ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR rachel stewart ART DESIGN DIRECTOR Jama bowmaN SALES 908.994.5138 VP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Jeffrey shaNes SENIOR MEDIA MARKETING SPECIALIST christiNe layNg WEB WEB DESIGN aNdrew J. talcott / ok7, llc ONLINE MANAGER JohN maZurkiewicZ TRINITAS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER CHAIRPERSON sr. rosemary moyNihaN, sc Outstanding, PRESIDENT & CEO gary s. horaN, fache LETTERS TO THE EDITOR edge c/o trinitas regional medical center Service, Public relations department 225 williamson street | elizabeth, New Jersey 07202
[email protected] Selection, VISIT US ON THE WEB this is Volume 10, issue 4. edge magazine is published 5 times a year in february, april, June, september and November. this material is designed for information purposes only. None of Price the information provided in healthy edge constitutes, directly or indirectly, the practice of medicine, the dispensing of medical services, a professional diagnosis or a treatment plan. the information in healthy edge should not be considered complete nor should it be relied on to suggest a course of treatment for a particular individual.