Florabunda Bushcare

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Florabunda Bushcare Florabunda Bushcare ABN: 65 399 235 040 3 Laidlaw Road OPENING HOURS: PO Box 272 Woombye 4559 Monday to Thursday 8.00am -3.30pm Phone: (07) 5442 1339 Saturday 8.30 am -12.00pm Email: [email protected] Web sitE: www.florabundabushcarE.orG.au SPECIES AVAILABILITY January 2020 BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FERNS, GROUNDCOVERS, VINES Adiantum hispidulum Rough Maidenhair Angiopteris evecta Giant Fern 140mm Blechnum indicum Bungwall round Blechnum cartilagineum Gristle Fern round Crinum pedunculatum River Lily Cyathea cooperi Coin Spot Tree Fern 140mm Doodia aspera Prickly Rasp Fern Dioscorea transversa Native Yam Eustrephus latifolius Woombat Berry Glycine tomentella Hairy Glycine Hardenbergia violacea Native Sarsaparilla Hibbertia scandens Snake Vine Hibbertia vestiata Hoya australis Wax flower vine Microsorum punctatum Climbing Bird’s Nest Fern Myoporum boninense Coastal Boobialla Pandorea jasminoides Bower Vine Plectranthus parviflorus Pollia crispata White Pollia Pseuderanthemum variable Love Flower Scavoela albida Small -Fruited Fan flower Tecomanthe hilli Fraser Island Creeper Viola betonicifolia Arrow-Leaved Violet Viola hederacea Ivy-Leaved Violet GRASSES, SEDGES, SHRUBS TO 2 METRES Alocasia brisbanensis Cunjevoi Austromyrtus dulcis Midyim Berry Callicarpa pedunculata Velvet leaf Cymbopogon refractus Barbed Wire grass Carex appressa Tall Sedge Dianella brevipedunculata Dianella caerulea Flax Lilly Doryanthus palmeri Spear lily Facinia nodosa Nobby Club Ruch Geodorum densifloum Pink Nodding Orchid Juncus usitatus Common Rush Lomandra hystrix Creek Mat-Rush Lomandra longifolia Spiny-Headed Mat-Rush Melastoma malabathricum (Mauve) Blue Tongue Melalueca thymifolia Thyme Myrtle coming Philydrum lanuginosum Frogmouth Sauropus albiflorus Scleria sphacelata Razor Sedge Senna acclinis Brush Senna SHRUBS, TREES 2-6 METRES Acacia complanata Flat -Stemmed Wattle Acacia falcata Toothed Wattle Acacia flavescens Primrose Ball Wattle Babbingtonia similis syn. Baeckea virgata Twiggy Myrtle Banksia spinulosa Hair Pin Banksia Brachychiton bidwillii Little Kurrajong Citrus australis Naïve Lime 140mm Cordyline rubra Red-Fruited Palm Lilly Crytopcarya laevigata Glossy Laurel Dodenea triquetra Hop Bush Eupomatia laurina Bolwarra Hibiscus diversifolia Swamp Hibiscus Hibiscus heterophylla Native Hibiscus Hovea acutifolia Purple Pea Bush Melastoma malabathicum Blue Tongue Oxylobium robustum Oxylobium Pavetta australiensis Pavetta Petalostigma triloculare Quinne Bush Pittosporum revolutum Yellow pittosprum Pultanea villosa Hairy Pea Bush Psychotria dapnoides Smooth Psychotria Seringia hillii Tall Firebush Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Banana Bush Trema tomentosa Poison Peach MEDIUM TREES 6-15 METRES Acacia disparrima ssp. disparrima Hickory wattle coming Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood Allocasaurina littoralis Back She-oak Alphitoina excelsa Red Ash Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Piccabeen Palm Backhousia myrtlifolia Grey myrtle Banksia integrifolia Coastal Banksia Casaurina glauca Swamp She-Oak Clerodendron floribundum Lolly Bush Commersonia bartramia Brown Kurrajong Cryptocarya sclerophylla Hard cryptocarya Cupaniopsis anacardioides Tuckeroo Ficus fraseri Sand Paper Fig Glochidion ferdinandi Cheese tree Glochidion sumatranum Umbrella Cheese tree Guioa semiglauca Native Quince Homalanthus nutans Bleeding heart Hernandia bivalvis Grease nut 175mm pots Macaranga tanarius Macaranga Mallotus philippensis Red Kamala Melia aZedarach White Cedar Melalueca bracteata Black Tea Tree Melaleuca quinquenervia Broad-leaved paperbark Melicope elleryana Pink Euodia Mischocarpus anadontus Veiny Pear fruit Neolitsea australiensis Grey Bolly Gum Neolitsea dealbata White Bolly Gum Pararchidendron pruinosum Snow Wood Pittosporum undulatum Sweet Pittosporum Sterculia quadrifida Peanut Tree SyZygium australe Brush Cherry SyZygium floribundum Weeping Lillipilli SyZygium smithii Lilly Pilly Tristaniopsis laurina Water gum TREES OVER 15 METRES Acacia bakeri Marblewood Acmena ingens Red Apple Agathis robusta Kauri Pine Araucaria bidwillii Bunya Pine Araucaria cunninghamii Hoop Pine Argyrodendren kin kin Rusty Tulip Oak Brachychiton acerifolius Flame Tree Brachychiton discolor Lace Bark Tree Castanospora alphandii Brown Tamarind Cinnamomum oliveri Olivers Sassafras Diploglottis australis Native Tamarind 140mm Dissiliaria baloghioides Lancewood Elaeocarpus grandis Blue Quandong Elaeodendron australe Red Olive Plum Elattostachys nervosa Green Tamarind Endiandra discolor Rose Walnut Eucalyptus grandis Flooded Gum Eucalyptus microcorys Tallowwood Eucalyptus pilurais Blackbutt Eucalytpus siderophloia Grey Ironbark Ficus virens White Fig Flindersia australe Crows Ash Flindersia bennetiana Bennets Ash Flindersia schottiana Bumpy Ash Flindersia xanthoxyla Yellowwood Grevillea robusta Silky Oak Harpullia hillii Blunt-leaved Tulip Harpullia pendula Tulipwood Hymenosporum flavum Native Frangipani Jagera pseudorhus Foambark Litsea leefeana Brown bollygum Olea paniculata Native Olive Planchonella chartacea Thin-Leaved Condoo Podocarpus elatus Brown Pine Rhodospharea rhodanthema Deep yellowwood Sloanea austalis Maidens Blush SyZygium francisii Giant Water Gum SyZygium luehmannii Riberry Toona cilliata Red Cedar 140mm POTS Araucaria bidwillii Bunya Pine Super tube Cyathea cooperi Straw Tree Fern Graptophyllum ilicifolium Mount Blackwood Holly Macadamia integrifolia Macadamia MacroZamia lucinda Zamia Palm Sterculia quadrifida Peanut Tree LARGE POTS Acronychia imperforata Beach Acronychia Araucaria cunninhamii Hoop Pine Archontopheonix cunninghamiana Piccabeen Cyathea cooperi Coin Spot Tree Fern Diploglottis austale Native Tamarind Graptopyllum ilicifolium Holly Fuchsia Elaeocarpus obovata Hard Quondong Pandanus tectorius Pandanas Sterculia quadrifida Peanut Tree SyZygium francissi Giant Water Gum SyZygium smithii minor Small- Leaved Lillipilli TUBES: $2.50 RETAIL $1.80 WHOLESALE FERNS: TUBES (rt) $4.00 SUPERTUBES (ST): $4.00-7.00 RETAIL WHOLESALE 100- 140 MM POTS: $8.50- $9.00 RETAIL 175MM POTS: $10.00-$18.00 RETAIL *Special pots prices as marked WHOLESALE CONSTITUTES A MINIMUM OF 100 TUBES (OR EQUIVALENT) .
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