THE IMPORTANCE OF COMPOSITE CROSSING IN COTTON AND SUNFLOWER BREEDING Bakhytjan Aitjanov, Ph.D; Bahriddin Orazov, Ph.D; Uzaqbay Aitjanov, Ph.D; Paridun Ibragimov Doctor of Sciense; Lena Genjeeva, Reseracher

Abstract The article presents the results of studying families of hybrids Ғ3 with the participation of foreign samples. As a result of selection work, the families of sunflower are distinguished by high productivity, oil content and early maturity. On the basis of a complex hybridization of cotton, new lines and varieties of medium-fiber cotton with the quality of fiber type IV were created.

Аннотация В статье приводятся результаты изучения семей гибридов Ғ3 с участием зарубежных образцов. В результате селекционной работы выделены семьи подсолнечника высокой продуктивностью, масличностью и скороспелостью. На базе сложной гибридизации хлопчатника созданы новые линии и сорта средноволокнистого хлопчатника с качеством волокно IV типа.

Аннотация Мақолада жаҳон коллекциясидан фойдаланиб маҳаллий навлар иштирокида янги, тезпишар мойдорлиги юқори бўлган кунгабоқарнинг тизмалар яратиши ѐритилган. Ғўзанинг мураккаб дурагайлаш асосида вилт ва гоммоз касалликларига бардошли бўлган бир неча янги тизмалар яратилди. Уларнинг тола сифати IV типга мансуб.

At present, the cotton belt of our planet has a common problem is the protection of plants from the major common diseases of plants including verticillium wilt and bacterial blight [1]. In cotton breeding for resistance to bacterial blight began relatively recently. Basic research focused on agro-technical measures that reduce losses from the above mentioned diseases. From cotton 2004 we began to study on the original forms of resistance to bacterial blight and wilt. 20-cotton samples were selected from the 100 that were relatively resistant to these two diseases. Selected varieties were crossed with each other through the system of topcrosses. I he half of crossed seed was conserved. In 2005 we studied Ғ1 hybrids that were crossed among themselves. In 2006, in a single experiment studied paired and complex hybrids Ғ1 by a number of economically valuable traits and resistance to bacterial blight and verticillim wilt. All seed material was infected by bacteria Hanthomonas malvacearum and was landed on artificially infested wilt background. We studied 12 pairs and 12 composite hybrids, as the standard variety used C-6524. In spring form bacterial blight disease in a pair of hybrids was the greatest resistance within 3.5-5.0%, and in dangle hybrids were identified combinations that were totally resistant. These hybrids showed relative resistance to bacterial blight of autumn form and dominance coefficient of these hybrids was negative which is a positive phenomenon. In terms of resistance to wilt verticillium have paired hybrids affected percentage of plants was 12-22%, and most of composite hybrids ware far superior on this indicator paired hybrids. At the end of the growing season the most resistant to bacterial blight and wilt combinations showed high productivity and fiber quality. in 2007 according to the results of the study were selection 9 doubles and 7 double hybrids. Among the hybrid populations on spring blight form pairs and composite hybrids ware much



superior to the standard variety and heritability coefficient of resistance to bacterial blight was 0,22-0,50. A similar phenomenon was observed by resistance to wilt. If paired hybrids best combinations were affected by 7-9%, then the double hybrids, this figure amounted to 3.5- 5%, while the standard affects the overall level of 28.5%. Taking into consideration the productivity and quality of fiber 8 doubles and 4 Ғ3 hybrids was abandoned in 2008, for planting where some of pair, and most families of compostite hybrids showed high and absolute resistance to bacterial blight and verticillium wilt. The best families of Ғ4 hybrids were collected by, individual plants and family hairiest for further breeding wark. Every year, infecting the seed of individual plantar with blight bacteria we selected the plants resistend to bacterial blight and wilt verticillium. As a result of eight breeding group of lines combining resistance to bacterial blight and wilt with high number of economically valuable traits has been developed. Among the developed lines most interesting with the breeding point of view, were the L-707, L-7777 and L-20, which yields superior fiber for standard variety 150%, while maintaining the quality of the fiber 4 type. Thus the method of complex interhybrid crossings allowed for a relatively short period of time to develop new and unique breeding material, which is transferred to the state variety testing of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In recent years, a stable irrigation water scarcity, climate change, large-scale salinization of irrigated lands related to the environmental crisis in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya it necessary to include in the structure of sowing of sunflower, which requires less irrigation water and provide the needs of the population of the republic to the vegetable oil. For this region is characterized by a sharp continental, water scarcity, salinity and soil erosion. Such extreme conditions dictate a special approach to agricultural production, especially the cultivation of oilseeds. Currently sown seed materials in the region varieties and heterosis hybrids of sunflower, imported from Russia and Moldova. Their yield and oil content in sowing farms remains low. The main reason for this is the presence of a large number of empty crop and defective seeds, imported from abroad, the inability of varieties and hybrids to the extreme conditions of Karakalpakstan. Sunflower belongs to the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae L.), or Asteraceae (Compositae L.), polymorphic genus Helianthus. In different classifications for this genus includes 50 to 264 species. According to the classification K. Heyzer (United States), Helianthus genus includes 68 species of perennial and annual. Perennial species is much larger, but annuals have a much wider area [1]. Some breeders bred, armored and heat resistant sunflower varieties and hybrids [3]. Oil content of achiness grades up - 50-54%, husk content - 19-24. Interline sunflower hybrids are aligned in height and diameter baskets, flower and ripen simultaneously, which facilitates harvesting. Hybrids exceed varieties in seed yield by 10-15%, but a little inferior to them on the oil content of the seeds and oil harvest from 1 ha, resistance to adverse weather conditions. Along the length of the growing season varieties of sunflower and hybrids are divided into ripening (80-90 days), early ripening (90-100 days) and middle-(100-110 days). Ripening varieties and hybrids (Yenisei) mature during 80-90 days. They are grown in the northern and eastern areas of sunflower cultivation (Western Siberia, Volga, Central Black Earth region). According to yield and oil content are inferior to other groups of varieties (yield - 2-3t / ha and oil percentage - 42-52%). Interspecies hybridization within the same species - Helianthus annuus - currently widely used in sunflower breeding for initial starting material. This method extends the selection of features and allows us to receive forms, which combine the desirable traits of the original varieties or improved varieties on one trait. It is also used to increase due to the transgression of the desired quantitative trait such as oil content, which is determined by a number of genetic factors. This mean expression in hybrid progeny additive effect of several genes controlling this trait in the homozygous state [2]. The



geographical position of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, is north era to the agricultural cultivation of heat-loving crops such as sunflower. A good selection of parental pairs and crossing then further directional selection allows to combine high performance of traits in a single genotype. In recent years, in order to expand the sowing area and increase yield and oil content of sunflower in the region of the southern Aral Sea region of the Republic are imported seeds of new varieties and heterosis hybrids developed in Russia, Moldova and other regions. These imported seed materials provide low yield seeds, sunflower seeds, as well as yield a large number of empty grains and defective achenes. In recent years, in the Republic of Karakalpakstan sow sunflower varieties Pretty, Sambred-254, Luchaferul and hybrid materials imported from abroad. These varieties have long growing seasons and low seed yield. For the study, testing the most promising varieties and hybrids of sunflower materials of the Uzbek Institute of oilseeds were obtained. The aim is to identify new issues and develop adapted new samples, steady lines to our extreme regions. These lines and varieties studied by all indicators of vegetation as well as responsiveness to fertilizers. Sunflower responsiveness to nitrogen nutrition conditions of the crop depends on the background, predecessors, terms of payment and the type of soil. The effectiveness of forms of nitrogen fertilizer on saline lands poorly studied, although it has great theoretical and practical significance. Conducted the study on the slightly saline gray soils in the Sirdarya region, as well as a pot experiment, found that the highest efficiency of the reduced form of nitrogen obtained by introducing plowing ammonium chloride and oxidized form of sodium nitrate. The maximum yield increase among the studied sources of nitrogen supply for sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate and chloride ammonium simultaneously with an increase in the yield of sunflower seeds have a positive effect on the quality of oil in the seed embryo and increase the weight of 1000 p. of seeds, which is one of the most important reserves of increasing the yield of sunflower seeds. Studying the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on sunflower notes that on gray soils fertilizing phosphorus fertilizers does not affect the growth and development, while fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers and nitrogen phosphorus accelerates the passage of the development phase[4]. Some researches in their research note that the introduction in plowing 20 tons of manure increases the average weight of plants and seeds in a basket by 5-10% over three years, and 15% in good years. They also note that in order to obtain a higher yield seeds need to supplement it with nitrogen fertilizers. The F3 hybrids have been sown in blocks. The indicators we evaluated to methodic Dospehov (1968). F3 hybrids were studied in 3 replicating the reconstituted indicator that hybrids variation rows and studied following indications of education baskets, flowering phase, ripening, plant height, productivity, baskets diameter, total leaf area, the root mass, oil content, the number of seeds baskets and seed weight of 1000 pieces. Oilseeds determined in biochemical laboratory of Karakul institute. Other traits were determined in the field and laboratory conditions. For each combination studied hybrids F3 the main populations studied on the basis of the formation of baskets, flowering phase, ripening, plant height, number of leaves, productivity, baskets diameter, total leaf area, weight of root and oil content. The weight of the sunflower root system was determined by weighing after digging up roots. We studied the following features: the number of days of education baskets, flowering period, the length of growing season, plant height, baskets productivity, the total area of leaf surface, the diameter of the baskets, the weight of the root system, oilseeds, the number of seeds in a basket, mass 1000 pieces of seeds, kernels exit seed. The studies were conducted on three backgrounds: optimal (normal background) on the irrigation scheme (0-1-1), middle background scheme (0- 1-1) and the arid backgrounds according to the scheme (0-1-0). The beginning of the formation baskets on the optimal background occurred 48.0 days after germination. A



particular difference was observed between hybrids. However, (KK-1 x Tellec) and (KK-1 x C-HS-H-2011) combinations baskets education took place for two or three days earlier. Most of the hybrids was the formation of baskets to 1,0-1,5 days later, although early natural plants among the families of all hybrid combinations are allocated. Start of flowering baskets generally coincides with their formation, that is, from sunflower plants blooming occurred earlier those families where the baskets were formed earlier, there should be allocated (Pomor x KK-1), (SPK x KK-1), (S Amisson x KK-1), (KK-1 x Tellec) (KK-1 x C-HS-H-2011) (KK- 1 x Yun (grey Stupc), (KK-1 x S Alstor) and (KK-1 x St/K) a combination in which flowering occurred at 57-60 days. Ripening sunflower occurred for 74-80 days, although previously allocated combination ripen for a few days before. The difference in height of sunflower plants was very sigritacant and ranged from 110 to 143 cm. The most family high height noted Pomors x KK-1, C-Alstors x KK-1, AK-12/95 x KK-1, Sor Gollips x KK-1, KK-1 x Yun (grey Stupc), KK-1 x C Alstor. Thus, the height of the plant loosely be correlated with the length of the growing season, that is, how high and middle height plants have similar long growing season. Productivity is a key economically valuable trait of the sunflower. If KK-1 standard variety, the data was 129 grams, then the C-HS-H-2011. x KK-1, Filya x KK-1, Tellec x KK- 1, SPK x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1, Sor Gollips x KK-1, Sopluna x KK-1, KK-1 x Pomor, KK-1 x Tellec, KK-1 x C-HS-H-2011, KK-1 x C Alstor, KK-1 x St/K combination exceeded the standard of 50 percent. On a total area of leaf surface F3 families figures ranged from 13 to 25 dm2. The highest leafy possessed Filya x KK-1, SPC x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1, Sor Gollips x KK-1, KK-1 x Pomor, KK-1 x Tellec, KK-1 x C-HS-H-2011, KK-1 x C Alstor, KK-1 x Ct/K. Highly families are not always observed increased foliage. Since the C-HS-H- 2011 x KK-1, KK-1, Tellec and Sopluna x KK-1 combination had small leaves but showed high productivity. The same situation was observed in high leafy sunflower family, which do not always have high productivity. Baskets diameter of hybrids F3 was larger than that of the standard. Most large baskets were observed in C-HS-H-2011. x KK-1, SPC x KK-1, C-HS-H- 2011. x KK-1, Sor Gollips x KK-1, Sopluna x KK-1, KK-1 x Pomor, KK-1 x C-HS-H-2011, KK-1 x C Alstor, KK-1 x St/K. Thus the productivity of baskets poorly reflect their size and plant height and total leaf area. By varying the mass of the root system of this trait was from 53 to 127 grams. If the standard root system reached 60 grams, the majority families of F3 hybrids was much higher. It should highlight Jant lower x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011. x KK-1, C- Alstor x KK-1, AK-12/95 x KK-1, the SPK x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1, Sor Gollips x KK-1, KK-1 x Pomor, KK-1 x Tellec, KK-1 x C-HS-H-2011, KK-1 x Yun (grey Stupc), KK- 1 x C Alstor, KK-1 x St/K. Their root system was 2 times more than the standard that undoubtedly affected the productivity of baskets. Oil seeds is one of the most important trait of the sunflower, that determines its value. Most families F3 sunflower of them showed a high oil content, which reached 49. The most high oil content combinations were Pomor x KK-1, Jant lower x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK- 1, C-Alstor x KK-1, SPK x KK-1, AK-12/95 x KK-1, Sopluna x KK-1, KK-1 x Pomor, KK-1 x C-HS-H -2011, KK-1 x Ct/K. Their oil content by several percentage points was higher than the standard variety KK-1. The lowest oil content was observed in Sor Gollips x KK-1, SPK x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1 spacecraft. According to the number of seeds in a basket of 21 of the hybrid 17 conceded a standard variety, the remaining 5 hybrids showed increased productivity. Thus, the high productivity of sunflower provided a large number of seeds in a basket and the weight of 1000 seeds. According to mass 1000 pieces of seeds Pomor x KK-1, Jant lower x KK-1 spacecraft, Jant lower x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1, C-Alstor x KK-1, Filya x KK-1, Tellec x KK-1, SPK x KK-1, C Amisson x KK-1, AK-12/95 x KK-1, Sor



Gollips x KK-1, SPK x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1, Sor Gollips x KK-1, Sopluna x KK-1, Jant lower x KK-1, KK-1 x Pomor, KK-1 x Tellec, KK-1 x Yun (grey Stupc), KK-1 x C Alstor, KK-1 x Ct/K combination had large and heavy seeds and output respectively in these families was higher than KK-1 standard variety. Thus, on conventional background hybrid combinations have been isolated with high productivity and oil seeds are of great interest for application breeding. High productivity ensured due to carlines, larger basket with a total area of leaf surface, the increased weight of the root system, the number of seeds in a basket and the weight of 1000 pieces of seeds. These families were greatest in Jant lower x KK-1, Jant lower x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1, C-Alstor x KK-1, Filya x KK-1, Tellec x KK-1, SPK x KK-1, C Amisson x KK-1, C-HS-H-2011 x KK-1, Sor Gollips x KK-1, Sopluna x KK-1, KK- 1 x Ct/K combinations.

REFERENCES 1. Vranceanu A.V. and Stoenescu F. Selection for the sources of fertility restoration in sunflower.// Proc. of the 7-th Inter. Sunfl. Conf. 1976, Krasnodar, p. 144-149. 2. LA Zhdanov The history of development of sunflower crop in the USSR .// Manuscript, Archives Dep. industrial crops VIR 1953, 31c. 3. Pustovoyt B.C. Selection and sunflower seed .// Summary Report (VNIIMK) of the research work for 1952. Krasnodar publishing, 1953, p. 12-21. 4. Halilaeva A.Ş. The effectiveness of forms of nitrogen fertilizer on the various cultures in saline conditions. In ok.Voprosy agrochemical and fertilizer use in cotton. Tashkent in 1972. 5. Aitzhanov. W., Reymov H - Oilseed Sunflower in Karakalpakstan. Materials from the conference on November 25-26, 2004 Theme Agricultural science and education Current problems and prospects of development.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FOR STABILITY OF FIBER QUALITY TRAITS OF COTTON NAM FOUNDERS Ozod Turaev, Researcher; Fakhriddin Kushanov, Ph.D; Abdusalom Makamov, Researcher; Mukhtor Darmonov, Researcher; Naim Husenov, Researcher; Bakhtiyor Rakhmanov, Researcher

Abstract This article presents the results of statistical analysis for stability on main fiber quality traits of nested association mapping population founder genotypes of cotton (cotton NAM founders). According to the results, fiber quality traits are stable in each parental genotype and we determined that NAM founders differ from each other by major fiber traits. Results once again indicated that we correctly selected the parental genotypes for obtaining the NAM population. All genotypes with contrasting fiber quality traits will be invaluable material for future breeding and molecular-genetic mapping of cotton.

Аннотация В данной статье приведены результате статистического анализа степени стабильности важнейших признаков качества волокна у родительских генотипов ГАК (гнездового ассоциативного картирования) популяции. По результатам исследований качество волокна оказалась стабильной в каждом родительском генотипе ГАК



популяции, а также по данным признакам между ними определены различия. А это показывает, что родительские генотипы для создания ГАК популяции выбраны правильно. В будущем, созданная ГАК популяция на основе различных родительских генотипов послужат хорошим материалом не только для селекционных программ, а также и для молекулярного картирования хлопчатника.

Аннотация Ушбу мақолада, ғўзада яратилган УАК (уяли ассоциатив карталаштириш) популяцияси ота-она генотипларининг муҳим тола сифат кўрсаткичлари стабиллик даражасининг статистик таҳлили натитажалари ѐритилган. Таҳлиллар натижасида УАК популяцияси ота-она генотипларининг ҳар бирида тола сифат кўрсаткичлари стабил эканлиги ва шу билан бирга, улар мазкур белгилар бўйича бир-биридан кескин фарқ қилиши аниқланди. Бу эса УАК популяциясини яратишда уларнинг ота-она генотипларини тўғри танланганидан далолот беради. Хилма-хил ота-она генотиплари асосида яратилган УАК популяцияси келажакда ғўза селекцияси шунингдек, молекуляр генетик карталаштириш дастурлари учун бебаҳо манбага айланади.

Introduction It is known that the large part of phenotypic traits of cotton is quantitative and they are controlled by multiple genes. The QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) mapping method are used for the study of quantitative traits. QTL-analysis allows to mapping of loci effectively that determine such complex (polygenic) traits. The implementation of QTL mapping strategy to the breeding programs significantly expanded breeding possibilities for the crop improvement. The use of DNA markers in plant breeding is called marker-assisted selection (MAS) and it is a component of the new discipline of „molecular breeding‟ [1]. However, there is the fact that the QTL mapping based on biparental population, which has a low resolution power and allows estimating only few alleles for a long period of time [2]. Markers that identified during the QTL mapping are commonly specific to certain lines and may not be specific to other populations or to the germplasm of a given culture, also for the same populations that cultivated in geographically distant ecosystems [3]. These limitations can be overcome by using association mapping [2, 4]. The main advantages of association or LD mapping are: the possibility to attract previously collected phenotypic data; availability a larger number of types of recombination events, the set of alleles respectively. This can significantly save time and funds, and allows mapping with high resolution. However, there are also problems that scientists currently are facing with excessive structural heterogeneity of the population during association mapping of cotton genes and large frequency of minor alleles in its genome, which lead to false positive associations between the trait and marker [2]. There are many empirical ways to resolve this problem [4], but one of the best is to create a special NAM (Nested Association Mapping) population. NAM has the advantages of lower sensitivity to genetic heterogeneity of population [6], higher resolution [7], as well as higher efficiency in using the genome sequence or dense markers while still maintaining high allele richness due to diverse founders [8]. Moreover, the highest efficiency is achieved by using recombinant inbred lines of NAM-population. There are two main goals in this research: (1) to explore the stability of fiber quality traits in each cotton NAM founders, and (2) to evaluate diversity of fiber quality traits among NAM founders.



Materials and methods Experimental materials. In the previous paper, we have reported that the scientists of the Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics created NAM population in cotton [9]. The experimental materials involved in this study consisted of cotton fiber samples of 20 diverse founders of NAM population that produced 2015 and 2016 in the experimental field of The Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics. Fiber measurements and statistical analysis The twenty parental lines of NAM population were sown in a randomized complete block design with three replicates at the experimental field of The Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics, with single-plant planting and 15 plants per row in one replicate, every line is designed three replicates under the same agro-technical regime. The fiber quality traits such as fiber length (UHM), strength (STR), micronaire (MIC), elongation (ELO), uniformity (UI) of samples were tested using High Volume Instrumentation (HVI) test at the fiber testing center “SIFAT”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Initial analysis for fiber quality traits data were performed using Microsoft® Office EXCEL 2016 program. In order to explore the stability of fiber quality traits on cotton NAM founders, the statistical and dispersion analysis (GLM - General Linear Model and One-Way Analysis of Variance) were conducted using software packages SOFA Statistics version 1.4.6 [10] and NCSS11 [11].

Results and discussions We selected 19 diverse lines with their known morpho-biological characteristics, LD parameters and rare alleles from the Uzbek cotton germplasm collection, that were crossed with elite cotton cultivar Namangan-77. As a result, obtained F1 generations of 19 different combinations. Now, we have received 3079 recombinant inbred lines of NAM population, which will be the valuable source for conducting nested association mapping. Fiber measurements and statistical analysis were conducted in order to evaluate the fiber quality traits of NAM founders. The Fiber samples of NAM founders were tested using High Volume Instrumentation (HVI) at the fiber testing center “SIFAT”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. According to the HVI analysis for fiber length (UHML) of Namangan-77 was equal to 1,05 inches. But, L-141, Zangi-Ota and L-N1 have significantly longer fiber among 20 NAM founders and they were equal to 1,25, 1,24 and 1,22 inches, respectively (figure 1). L-N1 varies with a rate of 41,7 cN/tex by the fiber strength. Slightly lower fiber strength was in L-141 (37,6 cN/tex) and L-1000 (34,8 cN/tex). In the common parent Namangan-77, the fiber strength was 25,9 cN/tex (figure 1). The fiber micronaire significantly differ in KK-1086 and C-9006 donor lines (5,8 and 5,3 respectively), than C-9008 (5,4), in Namangan-77 this trait equal to 5,0 (figure 3). In addition, the fiber micronaire of L-141 and KK-602 donor lines was 4,3, as well, in L-N1 and Hapicala-19 lines were 4,4. The donor lines L-45 and С-4769 were especially characterized by the fiber elongation with 10,4 and 10,2 % between the parental genotypes, as well as Saenr Pena 85, in which elongation rates were 8,0%. In the common parent Namangan-77, it was equal to 7,9 % (figure 2).



Figure 1. Analysis of Covariance. Comparison of two years‟ fiber length and strength data of NAM founders by using GLM (General Linear Model). 1-Namangan-77, 2-KK1796, 3-KK1795, 4-L-1000, 5-C-9006, 6-KK1086, 7-Catamarca 811, 8-C-9008, 9-L-N1, 10-L-141, 11-Hapicala 19, 12-0-030, 13-C-4769, 14-L-45, 15-Zangi-Ota, 16-Saenr Pena 85, 17-C-2025, 18-KK-602, 19-SAD-35-11, 20-C-417.

Statistical analysis was conducted using GLM (General Linear Model) and One-Way Analysis of Variance to determine the stability of fiber quality traits of NAM founders, as well, in order to evaluate the diversity of NAM founders by using two years‟ fiber quality data (Figure 1, 2 and 3). According to the results of statistical analysis, using two years‟ data of some fiber quality traits of NAM founders, there were determined no significant changes in each parental genotype by these traits. This indicates that the parental genotypes of NAM population are stable by fiber quality traits.



Figure 2. Analysis of Covariance. Comparison of two years‟ fiber micronair and elongation data of NAM founders by using GLM (General Linear Model). 1-Namangan-77, 2-KK1796, 3-KK1795, 4-L-1000, 5-C-9006, 6-KK1086, 7-Catamarca 811, 8-C-9008, 9-L-N1, 10-L-141, 11-Hapicala 19, 12-0-030, 13-C-4769, 14-L-45, 15-Zangi-Ota, 16-Saenr Pena 85, 17-C-2025, 18-KK-602, 19-SAD-35-11, 20-C-417.

As well, this analysis showed that the parental genotypes of NAM population differ from each other by fiber quality traits.



Figure 3. Dispersion analysis (F-Test, alpha = 0,05) of main fiber quality traits of NAM founders by using One-Way Analysis of Variance. 1-Namangan-77, 2-KK1796, 3-KK1795, 4-L-1000, 5-C-9006, 6-KK1086, 7-Catamarca 811, 8-C-9008, 9-L-N1, 10-L-141, 11-Hapicala 19, 12-0-030, 13-C-4769, 14-L-45, 15-Zangi-Ota, 16-Saenr Pena 85, 17-C-2025, 18-KK-602, 19-SAD-35-11, 20-C-417.

The results of dispersion analysis (ANOVA – Analysis of Variation) showed significant differences between main fiber quality parameters of NAM founders (Figure 3).

Conclusion The results of statistical analysis of main fiber quality traits describe that there are significant differences between common parent Namangan-77 and donor genotypes. The fiber length varied from 0,87 to 1,26 inches, and the fiber strength varied from 27,1 to 48,2 cN/tex, as well, the fiber micronaire from 3,6 to 5,6 and fiber elongation varied from 7,0 to 11,6 % in all parental genotypes. This once again indicated that we correctly selected the parental genotypes for obtaining the NAM population. All genotypes with contrasting fiber quality traits will be invaluable material for future breeding and molecular-genetic mapping of cotton.

REFERENCES 1. Bertrand C.Y. Collard and David J. Mackill. (2007). Marker-assisted selection: an approach for precision plant breeding in the twenty-first century. The Royal Society‟s Philosophical Transactions B. 363, 557–572.



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COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND NITRATE REDUCTASE ACTIVITY OF “COKER-312” AND THE LINE “T6-1-7” OBTAINED BY “PHYA1- RNAi” TECHNOLOGY Khurshida Ubaydullaeva, PhD; Sherzod Nematov, Doctor of Sciences; Azadakhan Adylova, Doctor of Sciences; Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, Doctor of Sciences

Abstract Investigations of photosynthetic and nitrate reductase activities of cotton cultivar Coker-312 (control) and T6-1-7 line (with suppression of PHY A1 gene) obtained through RNAi technology showed the existence of positive correlation between the tested parameters in both genotypes. At the same time, it has been identified that gene-knockout plants have higher potential of photosynthetic apparatus, and nitrate reductase activity of their leaves at late stages of cotton ontogenesis exceeds by 34% the level of control genotypes.



Аннотация Изучение фотосинтетической и нитратредуктазной активностей хлопчатника «Кокер 312» (контроль) и линии «Т6-1-7» (с супрессией гена фитохрома А1), полученной путем технологии ген-нокаута, показало существование у обоих генотипов положительной корреляция между тестируемыми параметрами. Одновременно с этим установлено, что ген-нокаутные растения имеют более высокий потенциал фотосинтетического аппарата, а нитрат-редуктазная активность их листьев на поздних стадиях онтогенеза хлопчатника на 34% превосходит таковую, чем у контрольных генотипов.

Аннотация Ген нокаут технологияси ѐрдамида олинган С-312 (назорат) ғўза нави ва «Т6-1- 7» линиясининг (фитохром А1 супрессияси билан) фотосинтетик ва нитратредуктаза фаоллигини ўрганиш натижасида ҳар икки генотипнинг тест ўтказилаѐтган параметрларида ижобий корреляциянинг мавжудлиги маълум бўлди. Шу билан биргаликда, ген нокаут ўсимликлар фотосинтетик аппаратининг нисбатан юқори потенциалга эга эканлиги, ғўза онтогенезининг охирги босқичларида баргларининг нитрат-редуктаза фаоллиги эса назорат генотипларига қараганда 34% юқори эканлиги аниқланди.

The nitrogen and carbon metabolism are the two major processes that define plant productivity. These two processes localized at different plant parts interact at chloroplast level, since the same reductive and energy equivalents, formed in the primary processes of photosynthesis are required for function of both the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Usually, photosynthetic activity positively correlates with the nitrogen content in leaves, mainly because the synthesis of the photosynthetic apparatus is broken without nitrogen[1]. And more, one of the most frequent consequences of nitrogen deficiency is changing in the amount and activity of key enzyme of photosynthesis - Rubisco [1] The purpose of the presented work was a comparative study of photosynthetic and nitrate reductase activities of two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) representatives: 'Coker 312' variety (control) and "T6-1-7" line, obtained by transformation of the above cultivar using RNA interference technology (gene-knockout technology). RNAi lines have such phenotypic indicators as the developed root system, high growth, earlier, in comparison with control samples, flowering and maturation, high yield and, most importantly- a better and longer fiber [3]. Analysis of the expression of phytochromes genes in "T6-1-7" line, carried out by us, shows that in these plants the ratio between different forms of phytochromes differs significantly from that in the original samples: against the background of 70% suppression of phytochrome A1 there is compensatory almost 20-fold overexpression of other phytochromes (B, E) and, as a consequence, induction of growth and form-building processes (photomorphogenesis) that distinguish them both phenotypically and by yield from the original Cocker-312 genotype. There are various methods that allow determining of photosynthetic activity, as well as different methods for estimating of the plants nitrogen status. Determination the photosynthetic activity of cotton genotype accessions was determined by method, based on the measurement of parameters of fluorescence of chlorophyll at excitation by pulse- amplitude-modulated light by means of - MINI-PAM PAM- fluorimeter Watlz (Germany). The fluorimeter has such advantages as the informativity, expressiveness, preservation nativity of the sample after measurement and high sensitivity [3]. Photosynthetic efficacy was



estimated by parameter «YIELD» (the quantum yield of photochemical processes in photosystem II), with calculation formula: YIELD = (F'M- F) / F'M), where F is the fluorescence intensity at a given time, and F'M - maximum intensity, which most fully characterizes the efficiency of the primary, light phase of photosynthesis [4,5]. Assessment of nitrogen status of cotton genotypes was determined by nitrate reductase activity (the NRA), main enzyme that reduces nitrate to ammonium, the characteristic form of nitrogen in organic substances (amino acids, nucleotides, proteins etc.) [6]. The analysis of the photosynthetic activity of the studied genotypes at different stages of vegetative growth shows that, since 70-75 day of vegetation (with emergence and developing of reproductive organs) the average «YIELD» value of the gene-knockout cotton plants was reliably high (2.5%) related control genotypes, that testifies of higher assimilation (acceptor) activity of their leaves. The highest value of the «YIELD» parameter at both genotypes falls on July 22-25 (approximately 97-100 day plants), followed by the expected plant ageing related regression of this parameter. Moreover, how it shown in fig. 1, in the bearing stage of cotton plants the «YIELD» value of gene-knockout line was 12% lower, than in Cocker 312 control genotypes.

Figure 1. The dynamics of alteration «YIELD» parameter of "T6-1-7» line (●) and "Coker 312» (■) during tested period.

Accordance to the physiological life cycle of cotton plants the decrease of leaves photosynthetic activity at the later stages of ontogeny is followed by catabolic processes activation. As a result it must be followed by an outflow of synthesized nutrients from leaves to the developing fruit. The understating revealed by us (concerning control) «YIELD» values in gene - knockout lines at late stages of ontogenesis can be result of earlier shift at them acceptor – donor relationship towards the developing fruit. Not accidentally that the «T6-1-7» line, as well as others PHYA1-RNAi cotton genotypes, are differ not only with productivity, but with precocity also. PAM-fluorimetry is one of advanced opportunity to determine not only the maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis but also effective quantum yield of photosynthesis (determined after the adaptation of plants to darkness) which allows to calculate the depth of the fall of the quantum yield of photosynthesis caused by the phenomenon of "photo- inhibition" (Fig. 2).



Above parameters are permissive to discuss how effective solar power is utilized by plants. It is considered that the basis of "photoinhibition" is decrease the photo-chemical activity of chloroplasts - initially without significant degradation of pigments and membrane proteins, and after prolonged action of high intensity light, especially in the stress conditions (temperature, lack of water, etc.) photo-inhibition is followed by photooxidation of pigments, destruction of chloroplasts structures and other irreversible changes [4, 6]. Comparisons of the «YIELD» parameter shows that during all of daily testing period «T6-1-7» line has reliable higher «YIELD» value than Cocker-312 – the control genotype (fig. 2). It means that the gene-knockout cotton plants are more resistance to photo-inhibition and therefore "the effective quantum yield of photosystem II” of these plants above as compared with the genotype «Coker 312».

Figure 2. Daily change curves of cotton line T6-1-7 (●) and cultivar Coker-312 (■) «YIELD» parameters.

It is pertinent to note that one of the noticeable phenotypic characteristics of "T6-1-7" line, as well as other PHYA1-RNAi cotton genotypes (set of Porloq cultivars), is saturated pigmentation of the leaves - "anthocyanin suntan", which appears not only in closer to the autumn (senescence), but is present in the leaves of these genotypes throughout the entire physiologically active period of plants [3]. Anthocyanins were known as a substance participating in oxidation-reduction reactions long time ago. According A.E.Solovchenko and M.N.Merzlyak (2008) the presence of both anthocyanins and carotenoids in high concentrations in certain tissues and cell compartments is capable to prevent damage of chlorophyll and other potential photosensitizers [8]. Probably, the pigments high content in leaves of the gene-knockout cotton genotype does them more resistant to photo-inhibition, providing thereby a rather high potential of theirs photosynthetic device in comparison with initial genotype. The investigation of nitrate reductase activity of tested cotton genotypes showed a definite correlation between there leaves nitrogen status and photosynthetic activity. The higher value of nitrate reductase activity was determined approximately at the same date, as the peak of photosynthetic activity – 98th plant growing day. The enzyme value corresponded - to 2090.3 nmol nitrite ions (NO2 ), produced by "Coker- 312" leaves tissue during 1 hour of



- -1 incubation time (per mg of protein) and 2032.6 [nmol NO2 (mg protein, hour) ] – produced by "T6-1-7" genotypes (Table 1.).

Table 1. Age –related changes of nitrate reductase activity in leaves of «Cоkеr 312» - -1 cotton cultivar и «Т6-1-7» RNAi line, [nmol NO2 (mg protein, hour) ] Genotypes Age of plants, days 86 98 116 Coker- 312 1371 2090,3 1767,86

Т6-1-7 1472 2032,6 2677,08

With the age of plants, nitrate-reducing activity of the leaves, as well as their photosynthetic activity, decreased, amounting in "Coker 312" enzyme value of 1767.86 [nmol - -1 - NO2 (mg protein, hour) ] and in "T6- 1-7‟‟ gene-knockout genotype- 2677.08 [nmol NO2 (mg protein, hour) -1] for (table 1). Comparison among themselves above two tested genotypes in this parameter shows that at late stages of ontogenesis, nitrate reductase activity of leaves of T6-1-7 line significantly (for 34%) surpasses that of control genotypes. Although cotton fiber almost does not contain nitrogen, there is a lot of nitrogen in cottonseeds. Thus, according to Tarp (1960), seeds of one bale of raw cotton contain about 16 kg of nitrogen [9], the mobilization of which in seeds is ensured by the coordinated functionalization of nitrate transportation and nitrate reducing systems. Our data on the oil content of the seeds of "Coker 312" and various lines of gene- knockout cotton, containing PHYA1-RNAi structure (Fig. 3) can serve as a confirmation of what has been said. As can be seen from the presented figure, the oil content of the gene- knockout forms is from 2% to 7% higher (depending on the genotype) than in the wild type Coker-312.

Figure 3. Oil content in Coker-312 seeds and its different derivates (fifth generation- T5), containing PHYA1-RNAi structure.

Thus, increasing productivity of cotton PHYA1-RNAi lines, observed in this work, apparently, is integrated expression of the developed/elongated root system, saturated pigmentation, effective use of light quant and high nitrate reductase activity of their leaves at the bearing stage of cotton plant.



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Abstract Based on these investigations a range of conclusions on improvement of transportation system was made for clarifying raw cotton while its transfer from one technological machine to another. The theoretical studies carried out substantiate, and the obtained equations confirm these conclusions. Аннотация Результатами проведенных исследований являются выводы по совершенствованию систем транспортирования с целью очистки хлопка-сырца при его перемещении с одной технологической машины на последующую. Проведенные теоретические исследования обосновывают, а полученные уравнения подтверждают эти выводы.



Аннотация Ўтказилган тадқиқотлар асосида чигитли пахтани транспорт воситаларида бир машинадан кейинги машинага ташиш жараѐнларини такомиллаштириш бўйича хулосалар қилинган. Ушбу хулосалар назарий жихатдан асосланган ва хосил этилган тенгаламар орқали тасдиқини топган. Because of the dispersion of the technological departments, the length of pneumatic and mechanical transport was high, ensuring the supply of raw cotton from the raw material area to processing - to the gins, which affected the quality of the produced products, in particular increasing energy consumption and other operating costs and, ultimately, the cost of production.

The need to use a large number of transport and distribution facilities led to an additional malformation, as a result of which the spinning and processing properties of cotton fiber deteriorated. Unfortunately a number of the listed unsolved problems are present in the industry up to now. Proceeding from these positions, there is a need for a detailed study of the subsistent entire technology of primary cotton processing for the purpose of finding internal reserves aimed at preserving the natural qualitative characteristics of the raw cotton. One of these reserves is the transportation of raw cotton. According to the principle of traffic vehicles are divided into two types: 1. Batch machines. 2. Continuous machines. Batch machines include all types of cranes, elevators, overground transport (trolleys, heavy lifting mechanisms, trailers), mounted rails and ropes, scrapers, various conveyors, pneumatic and hydraulic vehicles. Continuous machines include machines that operate without stopping and transport loose materials and their main task is the delivery of goods in a certain direction. Also the task of these machines is the distribution of cargoes over certain sections [1]. Transportation of raw cotton during harvesting, its storage, transfer to a continuous process, the movement of raw materials and finished products inside the workshop and on the territory of the cotton ginning plant are carried out using a large number of various vehicles, special devices and installations that mechanize Laborious and hard work. Continuously proceeding technological process with powerful cargo loads (10 † 15 t / h of raw cotton, seeds, cotton fiber) is a characteristic feature of cotton ginning plants. In general, work on mechanization of labor-intensive operations in factories is provided by transport devices of various types. All of them are divided into pneumatic, mechanical (horizontal and inclined conveyor belts, elevators, screw conveyors), as well as to auto-tractor transport, which ensures the delivery of collected raw cotton from cotton fields to harvesting stations [2] The analysis of the operation of vehicles for raw cotton shows that, on the territory of the cotton ginning plant, raw cotton before its complete processing, on average, covers distances from 250 to 310 meters and more under various processing regimes, as shown in Table No.1 Analysis of the table shows that only from the riot of raw cotton to the gin saw there are more than twenty transitions from one vehicle to another and at the same time only 32 meters are actually used for cleaning raw cotton, which is relative to the total length of transportation from 10 , 3% to 12.8%. The length of transportation of raw cotton is explained by the use of pneumatic transport for its movement to and between shops. However, even



after deducting this type of transport, the length of the route of raw cotton varies from 110 to 124 meters. Considering the modes of transport for raw cotton from riot to gin, which affect the quality indicators, it can also be noted that there are plots (in this table there are 7 of them, position 1,2,6,10,13,15,18), where raw cotton has minor damages during transportation due to the fact that cotton- The raw material in these sections moves along the inclined plane under the action of its own gravity or in the passive position on the belt conveyors. The study of the indicators, which are reflected in Table No. 1, also show that only 5 sites(position 4,5,12,14,17) out of 20 are actively cleaning raw cotton from weed. Based on the above comparative data, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Analysis of the process of transportation, drying and cleaning of raw cotton throughout the technology of primary cotton processing shows that for cleaning raw cotton, no more than 32 meters are actually used, which is relative to the total length of transportation from 10.3% to 12.8% Which, in our opinion, is ineffective 2. Based on these positions, it is necessary either to work on reducing the length of transportation of raw cotton or use this resource most efficiently, for example, to purify low and hard to clean types of raw cotton. The received technological conclusions allow to reveal new directions of theoretical researches by means of which it will be possible to study the degree of influence of some parameters on the process of cleaning of raw cotton Table № 1.

№ Type of vehicles for raw


Cf. Length of road, m the Method of moving raw cotton Cleansing effect of the site Emerging types of raw cotton defects 1 PLA submersible device 8,5 Mechanical No cleaning Minor of seed damage 2 Conveyor, portable-belt, 18 Mechanical No cleaning Minor of seed damage TLH-18 3 RBA cotton pick rider 12 Mechanical No cleaning Broken seeds and short fibers 4 Pneumatic transport with the 70 † 80 By air to 80% Fiber Exposure trap of heavy impurities 5 Separator Scraper SS-15А 2,5 By air to 10% Broken seeds and short fibers 6 Tray from the separator to 2 On an inclined No cleaning Minor of seed damage the drying drum plane 7 Pneumatic transport, if 50 † 70 By air No cleaning Fiber Exposure transshipment works 8 Tray from the separator to 2 On an inclined No cleaning Minor of seed damage the drying drum plane 9 Drying drum 2SB-10 10 Mechanical No cleaning Fiber Exposure 10 Tray for raw cotton after the 1,5 Mechanical No cleaning Minor of seed damage drum 11 Pneumatic transport or 12 † 20 By air No cleaning Fiber Exposure conveyors 12 Separator Scraper SS-15A 2,5 By air to 10% Broken seeds and short fibers 13 Tray from separator to 2 On an inclined No cleaning Minor of seed damage cleaners plane 189


14 Installation of cleaners brand 23,5 Mechanical to 45% Broken seeds and short UHK fibers 15 Tray for raw cotton after 2 On an inclined No cleaning Minor of seed damage UXK plane 16 Pneumatic transport 20 † 30 By air No cleaning Broken seeds and short fibers 17 Separator Scraper SS-15 A 2,5 By air to 10% Broken seeds and short fibers 18 Cotton tray after separator 2 On an inclined No cleaning Minor of seed damage plane 19 Distribution screw 12 † 18 Mechanical No cleaning Broken seeds 20 Gin saw hopper 1,0 Mechanical No cleaning Minor of seed damage Total : 256 †310 m.

Long distances of transportation of raw cotton contribute to the additional appearance of weed impurities in raw cotton. Proceeding from this position, we set the task of studying the influence of such parameters as the productivity of equipment (X1), the initial contamination of raw cotton (X2), the number of transitions (X3) to the purifying effect of the cotton ginning plant (U) (Table No. 2).

Table № 2 1. Plan of experiment. № Name and designation of factors Code The actual values of the factor Range of Symbol -1 0 1 changes

1 Productivity, t / h Х1 6 8 10 2 2 Initial impurity raw cotton, % Х2 8 14 20 6 3 Number of transitions, pieces Х3 18 22 26 4

On the basis of tabular data, the regression equation YR= 83,9417 - 0,6667x1 - 2,8583 x2+3,1083 x3 + +0,3000 x1 x2 1,2833 x1 x30,0083 x2 x3 0,7833 x1 x2 x3 . After the recognition of the significance of regression of the coefficients by the criterion The student set the priority of the number of transitions (X3) to the purifying effect of the cotton ginning plant (U) From the technological point of view, it theoretically justifies, that there is a need in the technological chain and reserves for cleaning cotton raw during its transportation. In order not to transport raw cotton together with weed impurities in its composition along the whole technological chain, it is necessary, in our opinion, to maximally purify the first raw cotton in the initial stage of transportation, i.e. Before it is dried. To describe the process of cleaning the transported cotton, it is proposed to use the model proposed in [2], according to which the relative change in the mass (kg) of cotton in the pipeline as a result of the removal of weed from the cleaning zone, for example, through the mesh surface, is proportional to the relative change Its density (kg / m3) dm d  a m  Where is a the proportionality coefficient. We assume that the density of raw cotton is proportional to the pressure [3], i.e.    (1 Ap) 0 . (1) Here is Po the density of raw cotton materials in the initial section of the pipeline, (m2 / H) is a constant, determined from the experiments. Given this dependence, we have 190


dm aAdp   m  (1 Ap) 0 Integrating this equation m=m0 under p=0 the condition for, we obtain m  m (1 Ap)a 0 (2) To determine the pressure, we use the hydrodynamic model of steady flow of raw cotton in a cleaning zone with a length dv d(Sp) vS    kfpL  cS (vc  v) dx dx 0  x  l , (3) Where - V the flow velocity in an arbitrary section of the pipeline, S,L - the area and length of the contour of the pipeline cross-section, K - the coefficient of the lateral pressure of the raw cotton,f- the coefficient of friction between the raw cotton and the pipe wall, c(Нс / м4) - the coefficient of viscous resistance between raw and air –V© air speed. Using the condition for maintaining the intensity of the raw material flow in the case of a constant cross-sectional area S  S  const  v S  vS ( 0 ) 0 0 0 - the flow velocity of the raw material in the initial section b 1 A v2 with the area and the dependence (1), equation (3) form it to( 0 0 ) dp p L c  (cv A  kf )  (v  v ) dx b 0 S b c 0 0 . (4) Since the function is p=p(x) an increasing function, it should be assumed b>0. The solution of equation (4) satisfying the condition p(0)=0 has the form

c(v  v ) cv0 AS 0  kfL p  c 0 [exp(x) 1]   bS  ( 0 ) (5) Putting the expression from (5) into (2), we establish the law of decreasing the mass of raw cotton along the length of the pipeline. The figure shows the curves of the relative change in   (1 m(x) / m ) the mass of the separated weed impurities along 0 the length of the pipeline A  Ac(v  v ) /  ( x  x /l) (in percent‟s). In the calculations it is assumed: 0 c 0 =1,   l  0.2 . It is seen that for small values of the parameter a associated with Method of removing impurities from the purification zone, the separation of impurities along the length of the zone occurs according to a linear law.



Drawing. The curves of the relative change in the mass of the separated weed impurities from the cleaning zone along its length for different values of the parameter a : 1 a  0.2 , 2  a  0.4 , 3 a  0.7, 4  a 1, 5  a 1.4, 6  a 1.8, 7  a  2.2, 8  a  2.8

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Abstract In this article the results of field researches are presented within the culture of ordinary almonds of Saraykurgan forestry in the Samarkand region. Rainfed territory of which is situated on the coast of the Kattakurgan reservoir. The relief of a skilled site represents the wavy and hilly foothills; alternation of smoothed, low, oblong hills with hollows, called the foramina. The annual sum of warmth received from direct solar radiation equals to 118-200 calories. It causes a high level of temperature of the year and especially in summer months. It is very small quantity of an atmospheric precipitation with their absence in summer, also an excessive loss in winter and in the early spring.

Аннотация В статье приводятся результаты полевых исследований по культуре миндаля обыкновенного в Сарайкурганском лесхозе Самаркандской области. Богарная территория которого расположена по берегам Каттакурганского водохранилища. Рельеф опытного участка представляет собой волнисто-холмистые предгорья; чередование сглаженных, невысоких, продолговатых холмов с ложбинами, называемыми адырами. Годовая сумма тепла получаемая от прямой солнечной радиации равна 118-200 калорий. Это обуславливает высокий уровень температуры года и особенно в летние месяцы. Очень малое количество атмосферных осадков с их отсутствием летом и обильным выпадением зимой и ранней весной.

Аннотация Ўзбекистон Республикасида Amygdalus сommunis L.нинг бир неча турлари тарқалган. Бу ерда ўстириладиган кўпчилик навлар қимматбаҳо хисобланади, уларнинг мевалари ҳалқаро стандарт талабларига мос келади. Ширин бодом қурғоқчиликка ўта чидамлилиги туфайли Ўзбекистоннинг суғорилмайдиган сувгқ танқис ерларида ўрмонларни экиб ўстиришда фойдаланилади. Бошқа ўсимлик ўстириш қийин бўлган бундай қурғоқчилик шароитларда бодом ўсимлигини ўстирилиши минтақанинг экологик шароитини яхшилашга ҳам хизмат қилади. Лекин ширин бодом мевали ўсимлик бўлганлиги учун уни суғорилмайдиган шароитда ўстириш учун мос 192


ҳолда худудларни ва навларни танлаш каби муаммоларнинг илмий ечимини топиш тақазо этади.

Forestry of Uzbekistan has significant areas of nut forests and has many territories for the creation of new plantations of nut trees, both mountainous and foothill zones of the Republic. Afforestation on non-irrigated areas in Uzbekistan has a relatively short history (1947), and culture of ordinary almonds has been widely developed only in the early 70s. It is assembled a rich assortment of ordinary almond in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Many cultivated varieties here are extremely valuable, the fruits of which are not inferior to standards [1]. Field research on the culture of almond ordinary was carried out in the Saraykurgan forestry. Rainfed area is located along the banks of Kattakurgan reservoir. In geomorphologic relation the territory of rain-fed forestry enterprise occupies the Western spurs of the Zeravshan range, Ziyadin-Zirabulak foothills and Kara-Tyube Mountains around Katta-Kurgan trench, which has been as the reservoir bed since 1944. On the whole, the relief area is a wavy-hilly foothills; alternation of smooth, low, elongated hills with hollows, called Adir and together forming a unique landscape more or less homogeneous in thermal and moisture conditions. In regard to high-altitude rainfed areas forestry is situated at an altitude of 508-511 meters above the sea level with a general slope from south to north. Hydrological network of rainfed area is constantly dry (except a short period of spring floods) Says (thin rivers), that have wide and sinuous shapes which are highly dissected by transverse hollows. There is no rivers and says with permanent watercourse. Groundwater is found at the depths greater than 10 meters; in the majority it is mineralized. The annual amount of heat received from the direct solar radiation equals to 118-200 calories. This leads to a high temperature level, and especially in the summer months. The other characteristic feature of the climate – is sharp continental and extreme dryness. It is very small amount of precipitation or a complete absence of rainfall in summer and contrariwise heavy rainfalls in winter and early spring. The absolute minimum temperature during the flowering will not adversely affect the flower buds and fruits‟ ovaries. Frosts in the study area, is usually terminated in March and starts in October. The number of days of frost-free period in average lasts of 180-200 days. The absolute minimum of temperature during the flowering will not adversely affect the flower buds and fruits‟ ovaries. The area of research relates to different continental, which is manifested in significant fluctuations of meteorological elements. The average monthly air temperature throughout the year ranges from 0.6 ° C in February to 30.3 °C in July. In summertime the relative humidity drops to its lowest value, for example in July to 30%. Seasonality in the distribution of rainfall is observed throughout the year. It is nearly 85% from the total amount of precipitation falls to winter-spring period, however in summer there is practically no rainfall. Soil of Saraykurgan forestry is characterized by low humus horizon and small general reserves of nitrogen and phosphorus. The soil of this area is practically not saline and contains a minimum of water soluble salts. Amygdalus communis L. belongs to the family of Rosaceae [2], [3] and [4]. It is a tree with a height of 4-6 to 10 m. Crone is wide-rounded, oval shaped or broom like, often sprawling, sometimes can be close to cylindrical. The trunk‟s diameter is about 20- 25 cm. The branches are hanged around or strayed, without thorns, with numerous shortened branches. The bark of the annual shoots is green, sometimes with a sunny side reddish-brown; on the long shoots it is gray or gray-brown. On older branches and stem the color is gray- black, much striped-cracked [2]. The leaves are oblong-lanceolated, bluish-green or dark-



green, soft, sometimes slightly leathery, especially in arid areas. On the elongated shoots recurrent are on short branches and are close together in a bundle, smaller, varying in shape and size, all edge serrulated, on long stalks [2], [3]. Leaf fall is observed in October and November, depending on the growing conditions of the place of growth. In the case of lowering of the available moisture in the soil up to 2-3% almond plant occurs to have moisture deficit and it causes to the premature dropping of leaves. [3] Flowers are large with the diameter of 3-4cm, usually solitary on long and half long shoots. In shortened formed in twigs, pillows, ringed, hastula and May bunches are close together in a bundle of 3-5 pcs. Flower buds, received normal development, are capable to endure short-term temperature pull down until 26 - 27 °. Flowering begins to vegetative buds blooming. It was found that for almond plant it is enough to get 100 hours temperature of 0 - 60 ° C in early winter after which they only need positive impact of active temperatures. It is sufficient the amount of active temperatures of 11,000 for the maturity phase of the emergence of petals. The fruit is a drupe of 1.0-6.0 cm long on the bare stalk with firmly fleshy pericarp of green or gray-green color with yellow, pink or crimson blush. When matured, the pericarp cracks, usually along the abdominal seam. Nuts are from round to compressed cylindrical shape - oval, egg-shaped, lanceolate, acinaciform, occasionally with rounded or blunt tip acanthoid bent upwards, with a smooth, grooved or brightly intensified acute fin abdominal seam. Nut shell is dotted or brevicolpate, smooth or rough, from dissilient to petrous, from white-yellow to dark brown color, inside smoothly shaped [3]. Weight of the seed is greatly varies from 0.71 to 5.67 grams. Ordinary almond is self- steriled and requires cross-pollination. [5]. Almond pollination is mainly occurs by wind and bees help. Cold, foggy and damp weather during flowering adversely affects on its productivity. It demands sunlight. The life of an almond tree is 60-100 years. The first fruiting occurs on the second or third year after planting. Almond fruits mature in the second half of August in the mountains of the Western Tyan Shan, [5] and in August - September, sometimes in mid-July in Samarkand region conditions. The average yield per tree in the Western Tyan Shan is 10-15 kg of peeled nuts. In rainfed conditions after the plant comes into fruition phase on the fourth year after planting and during six subsequent years was extremely low fruiting - about 0.4 - 1.1 kg per tree. Almond the ordinary tolerates the heat and dryness of the air, and along with the original pistachio tree tend to be drought-tolerant species. It propagated both: as by seeds so as by vegetative budding on different tree stocks. Seed propagation does not ensure the preservation of varieties, as the almond by its nature is heterozygous and may occur splitting. Therefore, seed multiplication of almond in industry of puresorted plantations cannot be recommended without further subinoculation of seedlings by the best varieties of planting. The root system of an ordinary almond has a quality of high plasticity and adaptability to the habitat‟s conditions. The excavation of the root system of 8-year-old ordinary almond plant which is seed original, under the rainfed Kattakurgan conditions on the typical gray soils with the depth of 25 cm begins to branch out and its horizontal roots extend sideways for 1,5-2,5m. composing along with the other more deep roots diameter of horizontal projection of the root of 3,5-4m. Taproot, reaching the depth of 55 cm with a diameter of 5.5 cm branches out. One of these roots is an extension of the taproot, reaching a depth of 2.56 m changes direction and leads along horizontally towards the aisle, down the slope. An ordinary almond is of great economic importance because plant‟s fruits represent valuable product for its dietary flavoring quality, which is widely used in confectionery,



cosmetics and medical industries. A.communis’s wild fruits are used as a rootstock for cultivar of almond and peach. The economic value of the ordinary almond and his great drought deserves a great attention in afforestation works, but its usage as a fruit crop in irrigated and rainfed conditions poses a lot of problems, the resolution of which may be carried out by choosing an appropriate territory and the corresponding growth grades. Fruiting of an ordinary almond in a culture is quite various and depends much on the cultivar, growing conditions of the place and care of the plants. The average yield of an ordinary almond in the Western Tyan Shan, under normal conditions is 10-15 kg of peeled nut [5]. (S.S.Kalmykov, 1973). M.M. Mirzaev (1982) recommending promising varieties of Cooperative, Ugam, Yalta and Nonpareil for breeding in the mountainous area of Bostanlyk region leads to the average yield at the age of six varieties of 8-10 kg of fruit. [1]. Ch.Sherkulov (1985) studied the development and fruiting of different varieties of almond in irrigated conditions of Maymanak home-base area of R&D production facility by the name of academician R.R.Shreder highlighted the most perspective varieties of local forms for Kashkadarya region (the Nikitskiy late-flowering; the Drake; the Nonpareil; the Space, the Paper-shelled, the Soft- Shelled, the Tyan Shan), which yields in 10-year-old age ranges from 2.0 to 4.9 kg per one tree. [6]. According to forest inventory material of forestry determined that for the establishment on a flat and hilly rainfed crops of an ordinary almond it were used different varieties, including Uzbek paper-shelled sort, the Cooperative, the Space, the Texas, the Acinaciform, the Ayderin, almond-peached as well as other varieties, hybrids and local forms ( French, sort of Ku-kuyak-tare, the hybrid of M. ordinary with M.bukharian, etc.). After planting these varieties in 1981-1982, on a flat hilly dry-farming land during all the years of vegetation irrigation of plants it has been held cultural care, krone was formed, young growth and dry shoots were removed. Phenological observations over the growth of flowering plants and fruiting allowed us to identify opportunities of planted varieties. The plantation division revealed grades on flowering phases, so the Almond-peached, the M. ordinary with M.bukharian and seedlings number 4-27 were in the conditions of early-flowering. Therefore flowering of these grades begin in the first decade, 7-10 March, and lasts for 15-20 days depending on the air temperature and the period of precipitation. Low temperatures and rains in general have a negative effect on flowering and fruiting. Grades of Uzbek paper-shelled sort, the Acinaciform, the Ayderin, the Space, the Texas, the Ku-kuyak-tare, seedlings number 2-50S and 2.5.11 must be attributed to middle-flowering. Therefore flowering of these grades begin at the end of the second and beginning of the third decade of March and is also dependent on weather conditions. Flowering lasts for about 20 days and usually ends in early April. Grade Cooperative proved to be the latest flowering of all studied varieties, flowering of the class begins on 3-5th of April and lasts 12 - 15 days ending with the 20th of April. During this period, in the territory of forestry it is established the most favorable weather, there is no strong air temperature full down, little rainfall(precipitation) and in general it is warm, sunny weather. The negative impact of weather conditions on the flowering of these grades is practically not observed. The following table shows the characteristics of ordinary almond varieties grown in rainfed conditions of flat and hilly rainfed.



Table 1. Characteristics of the ordinary varieties of almond grown in rainfed conditions of flat and hilly rainfed Saraykurgan forestry trunk diameter at the root Yield (kg) Variety, shape tree height (m) collar, cm Paper-shelled 4,5 25,3 2,3 Сooperative 3,2 28,8 2,7 Almond-peached 4,3 27,7 1,9 Ayderin 3,4 22,4 1,5 Acinaciform 3,1 30,6 2,4 Space 3,4 22,0 0,7 М.ordinary with M.bukharian 4,4 29,4 2,3 Ku-kuyak-tare 4,7 30,5 1,3 2-50-С 2,9 25,2 1,1 2-2-11 3,4 19,4 1,2

As it can be seen from the data of the ordinary varieties of ordinary almond growth rates and average yield differ a lot. The highest average yield in rainfed conditions without watering varieties are Cooperative - 2.7 kg and Acinaciform - 2.4 kg, it is necessary to note that some instances of these varieties produce up to 5-6 kg of peeled nut. The lowest yield was observed mainly in early-flowering varieties and middle-flowering sorts of which flowers and fruits of the ovaries are the most affected by day and night air temperature full down. Hybrid 2-50 and the Space‟s yields were 0.7 - 1.1 kg. Our studies on the fruiting varieties of the ordinary almond in conditions of flat and hilly rainfed show that the most perspective varieties for cultivation in these conditions is a sort of Cooperative, with which as a pollinator varieties can be cultivated the Uzbek Paper- shelled, the Ayderin, the Texas and Acinaciform. Introduction to industrial plantations of such varieties as the Ku-kuyak-tare, M.ordinary with M.bukharian, seedlings № 2-5-11 2-50 C is undesirable because of the hardness of their shell and low percentage of core outputs, although fruiting of them in a flat and hilly rainfed may be rather high.

Conclusion The territory of Saraykurgan forestry relates to the area with differing sharply continental weather, which is manifested in significant fluctuations of meteorological elements. The average monthly air temperature throughout the year is ranging from 0,60S in February to + 38,10 S in July. In the area of research there is a large fluctuation in the annual cycle of precipitation falling on the territory of forestry. Also it is pronounced seasonality of their loss when 85% of precipitation falls in the winter - spring period, and only a small portion of the precipitation falls during the summer. The typical gray soils forestry are characterized by low humus horizon (humus content of 0.32 - 0.72%) small general reserves of nitrogen (0.025 - 0.039%) and phosphorus (0.166 - 0.156%). Soils on the territory of forestry practically not saline and contain minimum water-soluble salts. Humidity of soil plains and hilly rainfed during the year varies greatly and it depends on the amount of precipitation falling in the winter - spring season. The highest average yield in rainfed conditions without watering varieties Cooperative is 2.7 kg and Acinaciform that is 2.4 kg. The lowest yield was observed mainly in early-flowering and mid-flowering varieties, flowers and fruits of the ovaries which are most affected by day and night air temperature full down. The most perspective sort for cultivation in these conditions is the Cooperative, with



which as a pollinator varieties can be cultivated the Uzbek Paper-shelled, the Ayderin, the Texas and the Acinaciform.

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Abstract This article shows the influence of climate and relief - main factors affecting to the amount of humus and the quality of rainfed eroded light, typical, dark serozem, carbonated, typical and low acidified and light brown meadow-steppe soils common in vertical zoning of the left bank of the Sangzor river and the northern side of the Turkestan mountain range. Based on the data of climatic factors in soil, the study area is assessed by the intensity of formation of soil humus. As increasing to the direction of the mountain, according to the amount of precipitation and hydrothermal conditions, period of biological activity of soils rises in the direction of the heights of the mountain. In addition, annual radiation balance in the mountain plains is 47 kcal/cm2, in high mountain zones around 53 kcal/cm2, respectively.

Аннотация В статье раскрыты роль климата и рельефа, как основного фактора, влияющего на содержание, качественный состав гумуса богарных эродированных светлых, типичных, темных сероземов, а также коричневых карбонатных, типичных и слабо выщелоченных горных и светло-бурых луговых почв, имеющих распространения в левобережье р. Санзар предгорий северного Туркестана. На основе сведений по климатическому фактору оценена интенсивность гумусообразования в почве. Выявлено, по мере перехода от равнины к предгорьям и низкогорьям в связи с изменением атмосферных осадков и гидротермического режима, период биологической активности (ПБА) почвы повышается от равнины к горам. Баланс годовой радиации в предгорной равнине составляет 47 ккал/см2, в высокогорном поясе-53 ккал/см2.

Аннотация Мазкур мақолада Туркистон тоғ тизмасининг шимолий ѐнбағри, Сангзор дарѐсининг чап қирғоғида вертикал минтақавийликда тарқалган лалми эрозияланган оч тусли, типик, тўқ тусли бўз, карбонатли, типик ва кучсиз ишқорсизланган ва оч қўнғир ўтлоқи дашт тупроқларнинг гумус миқдори, сифат таркибига таъсир этувчи асосий 197


омилларлардан бўлган иқлим ва релъеф омилларини таъсири очиб берилган. Иқлим омили маълумотлари асосида тадқиқот худуди тупроқларида гумус ҳосил бўлиш жадаллиги баҳоланган. Текисликдан тоғ томон юқорилашиб боргани сари атмосфера ѐғинлари, гидротермик шароитларини ўзгариб боришига кўра, тупроқ биологик фаол даври текисликдан тоғ томон ортиб борган. Шунингдек, йиллик радиация баланси тоғ олди текисликларида 47 ккал/см2, баланд тоғ минтақасида 53 ккал/см2 ни ташкил этади. Introduction It is known that the amount of humus in the soil and the quality of its content is associated with a number of factors and conditions, such as the relief and chemical composition of the soil, the quantity and quality of the biomass, the water and air characteristics, and the heat regime [3,6]. Plants in various formations, as described above, the amount of organic residues and chemical composition is different. In a well aerated, wet and warm - the most favorable conditions, the remains of the plant and animals will quickly disintegrate. Mineralization, most of them lead to a decrease of humus. When the soil moisture is high, but the temperature is low, the decomposition of organic residues slows down; they are collected in the form of incompletely decomposed. In the optimum regime of humidity, aeration and temperature, the decomposition of organic residues proceeds slowly; as a result, their transformation into humus will faster and the amount of humus will increase. [6,8,12]. Under such favorable conditions, processes in soils are normal, which creates good conditions for the formation of humus. Still it should not be forgotten, to estimate the intensity of humus formation at first it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions. That is why we in our studies drew attention to those aspects. The object and methods of the research The research studies are carried out in types and varieties of eroded serozem, mountain brown soils and in light gray meadow-steppe soils. Total humus content of soils determined by I.V.Tyrin method; group and fractional content of humus determined by I.V.Tyrin method in V.V. Panamoreva, T.A. Plotnikova modification [4,9]. The humus state of soils is classified by recommendation of D.C. Orlov, Biryukova, Rosanova [7] in M.M. Toshkuziev modification [10]. Results of the study and discussion The Sangzor basin has a complex morphological structure, that the deposits of the quaternary period, the accumulation of tectonics and derivatives of erosion processes in different periods, as a result of the influence of climatic and hydrological conditions, led to the formation of various types of deposits. The soil structure in mountainous areas is related with the complexity of the relief, the exposure of the slope of the terrain, the rocks forming the soils and the vegetation cover. The northern exposure of the slopes warms slightly than the southern exposure, and as a result, snow melts slowly. The following types of soils are disseminated in the territories: Light serozem soils are distributed along the edges of the plains below the mountain, they are associated with the cone sediments of the rivers flowing from the northern slopes of the Molguzar and Turkestan ranges. Loess and loesslike clayey rocks are formed in the parent rocks. Samples of these soils are taken in regions of 400 06'98.3" northern latitude and 68002'68.8" eastern longitude and in elevation of 363 m above sea level. Typical serozem soils are formed in wavy and highly folded foothills and lower mountains, on loesslike, proluvial, eluvial and deluvial underlying rocks. Samples of these 198


soils are taken in regions of 400 67'57.2" northern latitude and 68047'12.7" eastern longitude and in elevation of 363 m above sea level. Dark serozem soils considered soils of low mountains and foothills, the relief is strongly complex, formed on deluvial-proluvial and eluvial rocks, in some cases, on loess and loesslike loamy sediments. Samples of these soils are taken in the regions of 39050'13.4" northern latitude and 67046'22.3" eastern longitude and in elevation of 363 m above sea level. Carbonated mountain brown soils developed in loess, loesslike loam, deluvial and proluvial stony, placer deposits, as well as in red clay, limestone, sand, stone and other hard rocks. Samples of these soils are taken in the regions of 39042'44.4" northern latitude and 68007'03.1" eastern longitude and in elevation of 363 m above sea level. Typical mountain brown soils formed in proluvial-deluvial sediments loess, loesslike loam, limestone, sandstone, slate, granite. Samples of these soils are taken in the regions of 39042'28.2" northern latitude and 68008'18.3" eastern longitude and in elevation of 363 m above sea level. Low acidified mountain brown soils formed on loess, loesslike loamy, eluvial-deluvial sediments. As a rule, they are distributed 1700-1900 meters above sea level, annual precipitation is more than 500 mm. Samples of these soils are taken in the regions of 390 43'25.1" northern latitude and 680 09'42.0" eastern longitude and in elevation of 363 m above sea level. Light-gray mountain meadow-steppe soils formed above brown soils, on the upper part of the slopes of mountains. Samples of these soils are taken in the regions of 390 39'27" northern latitude and 68010'36.3" eastern longitude and in elevation of 363 m above sea level. One of the unique features of the mountainous and foothill regions that the amount of precipitation will increase towards the top, which leads to an increase in the number of species of vegetation, the amount of humus and increases the thickness of the humus layer, and the humus forming processes go faster. (Table 1). In Table 1, we performed an analysis based on the data of the Hydrometeorological Center [1, 2, 4]. In the formation of humus, the most important climate indicators, depending on the conditions of the relief, the radiation balance increases with increasing altitudes. The radiation balance in the mountain plains is 47 kcal/cm2, in high mountains around 53 kcal/cm2, respectively. The period of days without cold from the foothill plains towards the upper part of the mountainous area decreases (196-170 days). The sum of the temperature above 10 C0 in this region is 2547. The length of days with temperatures above 12 C0 in the foothill plains is 234 days, in the middle and high mountain regions 230-225 days. The average annual temperature is 15.0-11.2 C0, and the temperature of the hottest month of the year in the plains of the foothills is +41.1 C0, in the mountain foothills +40 C0, in the middle and high mountain regions around 35.4-35.0 C0. In the coldest days of the year, it decreases from -13.2 to -17.6 C0. The precipitation is 382-500 mm.

Table 1. The influence of climatic conditions and the relief of the terrain in the formation of humus Parameters of climate foothill plains foothills low mountains high mountains Annual radiation balance (kcal,сm2) 53 50 48 47 Period of days without cold 196 190 177 170 Sum of t higher +10 С0 2547 2547 2547 2547 Length of +12 С0> t 234 232 230 225 Length +10 С0> t 217 208 203 200 Mean annual t0 15,0 13,8 11,2 10,9 Temperature of the hottest month of year +41,1° +40° +35,4 +35,0 Temperature of the coldest month of year -13,2 -15,4 -17,6 -17,9



Annual precipitation mm/year 382,0 396,2 432,8 500 Evaporation 26,9 20,8 20,8 20,8

Exposition of the slope is of great importance in the formation of humus of mountain soils. Because the soils formed on the southern exposition will be freed from the snow cover before 2-3 days in comparison to the northern exposure, the soil moisture rapidly decomposes, covered by vegetation rarely, and as a result, the humification processes are weak, the mineralization processes occur quickly. I.V. Tyurin first put forward the idea that the level of humufication of organic matter is directly related to the amount and type of humus, then Kononova, Orlov and other scientists developed this idea, and determined the period of biological activity of soils depending on the effect of the hydrothermal regime of the soil, the amount of humus and the degree of humufication [4, 6, 8]. We studied in our researches using indicators of climate [5,11] changes n the formation of soil humus depending on the actual hydrothermal processes and the vegetation cover and climatic conditions. Based on these, we determined the duration of the biologically active period of mountain and foothill soils depending on the characteristics of the climate. In different soil-climatic zones, the period of biological activity varies depending on precipitation, hydrothermal conditions, and this dramatically affects the quality and quantity of humus. It is known that in vertical zoning, especially in the formation of humus hydrothermal processes play an important role, and to the direction of the mountains depending on the change in atmospheric precipitation, hydrothermal conditions there are different periods of biologically activity of soils (Table 2). So this affects to change of amount of humus and its quality. Period of biological activity of serozem soils is 77, 81 and 95 days and according to the classification of humus state in short period class (90-110 days). Period of biological activity of mountain brown and light gray meadow-steppe soils generally in short period class (90-110 days). Short period of biological activity of light serozem soils related to mainly low humidity. Mountain brown and light gray meadow-steppe soils with the longest period of biological activity (95-100 days) have good condition for high accumulation of humate acids.

Table 2. Humus content, climatic characteristics and duration period of biological activity of mountain and foothill soils Indicators Serozem soils Mountain brown soils Light gray Light Typical Dark Carbonated Typical Low meadow- acidified steppe Annual precipitation, 250 350 450 500 550 600 650 mm С gross, % 0,61 0,92 1,01 1,11 1,54 1,73 2,05 ∑ HA 18,9 25,6 27,6 32,5 31,5 31,8 39,9 ∑ FA 25,1 30,9 30,6 27,5 26,1 26,2 30,6 Сha+Cfa 44,0 56,6 58,2 60,0 57,6 57,9 70,5 Сha:Сfa 0,75 0,83 0,90 1,18 1,21 1,21 1,30 Length of period over 217 208 208 208 203 203 200 +100С, days Days lower moisture 144 129 118 115 108 103 103 reserve by 1-2% * BAS day 70 79 90 93 95 100 97

*BAS – biological activity of soils



These soils according to humus type in 0-30 sm layer of rainfed carbonated mountain brown soils at the southern exposition is 0,93 and in gumate-fulvate type, typical mountain brown soils at the southern exposition is 1,12, light gray meadow-steppe soils at the southern exposition is 1,12 and in fulvate-humate (1,0-1,5) type, soils at the northern exposition respectively are 1,18; 1,21; 1,21 and 1,30, and in fulvate-humate (1,0-1,5) and humate (1,5- 2,0) type, in serozem soils with short period of biological activity humus type is humate- fulvate (0,75-1,0), in lower soil layers this ratio in all types of soils is fulvate (0,5-0,75). Gross amount of C in light serozem soils of foothill plains is 0,61%, in typical serozem soils of foothills 0,92%, in dark serozem and carbonated typical mountain brown soils of low mountains around 1,01 and 1,11-1,54%, in low acidified mountain brown soils of high mountains 1,73% and in light gray meadow-steppe soils is 2,05%. According to gross amount of C also degree of humusification in serozem soils is 18,9-27,6%, in mountain brown soils is 31,5-32,5%, in light gray meadow-steppe soils is 39,9%. In the studied mountain soils the degree of humusification is higher than in foothill plains. According to results on humus condition, humusification degree of organic substances in light gray meadow-steppe soils of high mountains is the highest - 38,4-39,9%, in 3 types of mountain brown soils 28,3-31,8%, in dark serozem soils 27,6-23,2%, in typical serozem soils 22,9-25,7% and in light serozem soils is 16,0-18,9%, soils of high mountains have 2,1-2,4 times higher than foothill plains. In the studied soils, the degree of humusification of organic substances at the southern expositions is low; this indicator goes average and high according to elevation below the sea level. According to humus reserve, at the southern exposition in 0-30 cm soil layer, humus reserve in rainfed light derozem soils is 32,40 t/ha, in typical serozem soils is 39,8 t/ha, in dark serozem soils is 54,3 t/ha and in the northern exposition this indicator in light serozem soils is 36,2 t/ha, in typical serozem soils 55,9 t/ha, in dark serozem soils 62,9 t/ha. According to classification, the southern exposition of light and typical serozem soils in low (20-40), the northern exposition of typical serozem soils and the southern exposition of dark serozem soils in average (40-60), the norther exposition of dark serozem soils in high (60-80) groups. The humus reserve in 0-30 cm layer of rainfed carbonated mountain brown soils at the southern exposition is 57,9 t/ha - average, in typical and low acidified mountain brown soils 69,4 t/ha – higher than average, in light gray meadow-steppe soils 94,62 t/ha - high, at the northern exposition respectively are 84,3 t/ha-higher than average, 99,6-109,6 t/ha - high, 125,5 t/ha – very high. The humus reserve in 0-100 cm layer of soils is 67,63 - 249,9 t/ha and it increases from low serozem soils to light gray meadow-steppe soils According to data on humus reserve of soils, in mountain brown and light gray meadow-steppe soils which have suitable moisture and heat condition for good development of plants and microorganisms the humus reserve is high, in serozem soils without such conditions the humus reserve is low. Main reason for low accumulation of humus reserve in serozem soils is low amount of organic substances, they are decompose quickly in hydrothermal conditions, mineralize and low amount of humus will be formed. However, they are rich with nitrogen and other nutrient elements in comparison to the other soils. In serozem soils, fulvate acid in humus will be increase, but this acid content is like humic acids, and complex, rich with nitrogen. Because of high quality of humic and fulvate acids in serozem soils, they play important role in forming of soil structure and in nutrient regime.



The lowest amount of hydrolyzed substance - Сha+Сfa is observed in light serozem soils. Its amount increased from light serozem soils to light gray meadow-steppe soils by 44,02% to73,99%. This explains that the humus quality of mountain brown and light gray meadow-steppe soils is higher than serozem soils. According to this, we can conclude age of humus of mountain soil has higher value than serozem soils of foothill plains and foothills. According to comparison of mountain soil and serozem soils of foothills, serozem soils have low organic substances, in hydrothermal conditions they decompose quicker and low humus will be formed. But they are rich with nitrogen elements in comparison to mountain soils. According to nitrogen supply of humus, the studied soils have high and higher than average values. Orlov D.C. stated, the depth of humusification (ratio of Cha:Cfa) and length of biological activity of soils have high correlative relationship [5]. According to humus type, it is determined that upper layers of the studied soils are in fulvate-humate type, the southern exposition of light serozem soils are in humate-fulvate type, the northern exposition of light gray meadow-steppe soils are in humate type and lower layers are in fulvate type. Conclusion According to comparison of mountain soil and serozem soils of foothills, serozem soils have low organic substances, in hydrothermal conditions they decompose quicker and low humus will be formed. But they are rich with nitrogen elements in comparison to mountain soils. According to nitrogen supply of humus, the studied soils have high and higher than average values. The humusification degree of organic substances increases according to elevation above sea level from low to high degree. According to humus type, it is determined that upper layers of the studied soils are in fulvate-humate type, the southern exposition of light serozem soils are in humate-fulvate type, the northern exposition of light gray meadow-steppe soils are in humate type and lower layers are in fulvate type. According to humus reserve, there is difference between soil types. Going to high from plains to mountains humus elements of soils and their reserve increase. For example, humus reserve in light serozem soils is low in comparison to typical, dark serozem, brown and light gray meadow-steppe soils. Also humus reserve in the all studied soils at the southern exposition is lower by 1,4-1,5 than the northern exposition. The humus reserve of the studied soils can be put in the following decreasing order: light serozem < typical serozem < dark serozem < carbonated mountain brown < typical mountain brown < low acidified mountain brown < light gray meadow-steppe. It is determined that in the studied 3 types of serozem and mountain brown and light gray meadow-steppe soils, according to elevation above sea level length of period of biological activity, and respectively to this, amount of humus, especially their labile forms are increased. In addition, it is proved by the obtained results, this indicator is related to territory exposition of soils.

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Abstract Cottonseed provides a high quality protein that is currently under utilized because of the presence of a toxic compound called gossypol. Gossypol is biosynthesized by the free radical coupling of two molecules of hemigossypol. During this coupling reaction, two optically active enantiomers are formed. One of these is referred to as (+)-gossypol and the other as (-)-gossypol.

Аннотация Изучена толерантность к хлопковой совке у гибридов хлопчатника с различным уровнем (+)-госсипола в семенах. На основе полученных результатов выявлено, что уровень (+)-госсипола в семенах не влияет на устойчивость к хлопковой совке, т.е. подтверждена возможность выделения линий хлопчатника с различным уровнем (+)- госсипола и устойчивостью.

Аннотация Чигити таркибида (+)-госсипол миқдори турлича бўлган ғўза дурагайларининг кўсак қуртига бардошлилиги ўрганилди. Олинган натижалар асосида чигит таркибидаги (+)-госсипол миқдорининг кўсак қуртига бардошлилига таъсир этмаслиги, яъни турлича чидамлиликка ва (+)-госсипол миқдорига эга бўлган ғўза тизмаларини ажратиб олиш мумкинлиги тасдиқланди. In cotton (Gossypium) the ratio of (+)- to (-)-gossypol can vary from 98:2 to 31:69 in seed (Cass et al., 1991; Percy et al., 1996). Within the genus Gossypium, were found



accessions from several species that have >92% (+)-gossypol in the seed. These include G. mustelinum, G. anomalum, and G. gossypioides (Stipanovic et al., 2005). Cass et al. (1991) first reported that G. barbadense had an excess of the (-)-enantiomer in the seed. It was found that some accessions of G. darwinii, G. sturtianum, G. harknessii, G. longicalyx and G. costulatum also produce an excess of (-)-gossypol in the seed (Stipanovic et al., 2005) [1]. Gossypol, which is found in pigment glands, was identified in 1915 (Withers and Carruth) as the toxic component in cottonseed. Bottger et al. (1964) showed that gossypol was toxic to cotton aphids, lygus bugs, salt-marsh caterpillars, thurberia weevils, and bollworms. Jenkins et al. (1966) showed that the grape colaspis and leaf beetle preferred feeding on glandless compared to glanded cotton cultivars. Gossypol inhibits the growth and development of many insect pests including the beet armyworm, bollworm, cabbage looper and the salt-marsh caterpillar (Bottger and Patana, 1966) [2]. Terpenoids that are biosynthetically related to gossypol also occur in the foliage. Besides gossypol, these terpenes include hemigossypolone and heliocides H1, H2, H3 and H4 (Gray et al., 1976; Stipanovic et al., 1977a; 1977b; 1978a; 1978b). These compounds are also involved in insect resistance. In an artificial diet study, Stipanovic and collaborators established the effective dosage that is required to reduce growth of the tobacco budworm larvae [Heliothis virescens (F.)] by 50% (ED50) (Stipanovic et al., 1977a; Williams et al., 1987). Although gossypol is toxic, field studies show that the levels of heliocides and hemigossypolone correlate better with resistance than gossypol (Hedin et al., 1992; Jenkins, 1995) [3]. Cotton bollworm (Heliothis armigera), the main rodent pests. In particular, the elements of the cotton bollworm moth is a great loss, he is the glory and the loss of knots, dry or completely fall (Rashidov, 1982) [4]. Zhang Jhin (1985) study carried out at the United States that the resistance of cotton bollworm and sucking pests in addition to the gossypol, along with other terpenoid compounds, flavonoids, fatty acids and tannin material is provided [5]. Thus, gossypol does not appear to be the primary source of chemical resistance to Heliothis in cotton foliage. Extensive tests on the toxicity of (+)- and (-)-gossypol to insect pests are not available. Chinese scientists report a study with Helicoverpa armigera in which larvae were raised on artificial diets containing either (+)- or (-)-gossypol from the 3rd instar through pupation to the moth stage (Yang et al., 1999) [6]. The larvae raised on the (+)-gossypol diet matured more slowly, and percent survival to the adult was lower. Stipanovic et al. (2006) showed that racemic, (+)- and (-)-gossypol were equally effective at reducing days-to-pupation, pupal weights and survival of Helicoverpa zea. Stipanovic et al. (2006) showed that the leaves and stems of G. hirsutum marie galante that exhibit high levels of (+)-gossypol in the seed falls within the normal 3:2 range. Thus, regulation of the (+)- to (-)-gossypol ratio in foliage appears to be under separate regulation from that in seed. Therefore, we expect the plants exhibiting a high level of (+)-gossypol in the seed to behave normally with respect to susceptibility to phytophagous insects [7]. More than a decade ago, scientists at the USDA, Cotton Pathology Research Unit, Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center in College Station, Texas began a backcross breeding program to incorporate the high (+)-gossypol trait from moco cotton into agronomically acceptable cotton cultivars. This backcross breeding program shows two dominant genes are responsible for the high percentages of (+)-gossypol in moco cottonseed (Bell et al., 2000).



By joint researches of USDA and Uzbek scientists under Pl-480 (UB-ARS-43) and Uzb2-31001-TA-08 projects toward developing of cultivars that exhibit a high ratio of (+)- gossypol in the seed by using of Uzbek cultivars and American lines has shown that: -it is possibility to transfer the high (+)-gossypol seed trait from U.S. cotton accessions into Uzbek cultivars; -these Uzbek cotton hybrids developed to date have >93% (+)-gossypol. Thus, it is possible to introduce the high (+)-gossypol seed trait into Uzbek cotton lines to provide plants with agronomic traits suitable for growing in Uzbekistan; -these plants are no more susceptible to insect pests and pathogens than normal cotton cultivars. For previous years investigate the character of inheritance and variability of diseases resistance to such pathogens as Verticcillium dahliae Kleb, Thelaviopsis bazicola, Rhizoctonia solani and evaluation of developed progenies for resistance to Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in artificial conditions, the total of gossypol and (+)-gossypol in seeds and other important parameters of various hybrid generations [8]. Based on the above researches, we will analyse in this paper some research results regarding to Heliothis armigera resistance of progenies developed with the participation of ecologically-geographically and genetically distant hybridization. The results of the first observation of the first set of hybrids under isolated conditions showed that the F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6532 with the level of (+) - gossypol 91.4% was not affected by Heliothis armigera (Table-1). Among the studied only in the combination F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6524 with a high level of (+) - gossypol (91.2%), a relatively high affection with Heliothis armigera was observed. In the remaining cases, there was no significant difference of affection in depending of the level of (+)-gossypol. The second observation of the damage of plants with a different level of (+)-gossypol in seeds showed resistance of high (+) - gossypol (91.4%) progenies to Heliothis armigera. It should be noted that all combinations with the level of (+)-gossypol over 91%, in contrast to the hybrids of the progenies with a low level of (+) - gossypol, were less affected (5 and lower percentages).



Table 1. Dynamics of affection of cotton hybrids Ғ5 by Helicoverpa armigera.

1-Observation 2-Observation 3-Observation

% % Density of population, 10 Affect Density of population, 10 Affected Density of population, 10 Affe plants,n ed, % plants,n , % plants,n cted, № Комбинация Affe %

Caterp Cate Affecte gossypol,

- Affected Caterpi cted Eggs,n illars, Eggs,n rpill d buds, Eggs,n

(+) buds, n llars,n buds

Total gossypol, n ars,n n , n 1 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 75.6 0.87 0.05 0 0 5.0 0.05 0 0.05 5.0 0 0.1 0.05 10.0

2 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 71.9 0.46 0.05 0 0 5.0 0.05 0 0.05 5.0 0 0.05 0.1 5.0

3 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6532 75.6 2.03 0.15 0 0.05 15.0 0.05 0 0.1 5.0 0.1 0 0.05 10.0

4 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 76.7 1.36 0.05 0 0 5.0 0.05 0.05 0.05 10.0 0.1 0 0.1 10.0

5 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 75.2 1.20 0.15 0 0 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.15 10.0 0 0.1 0.2 10.0

6 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 78.5 0.56 0.25 0 0.1 25.0 0.05 0.05 0.15 10.0 0 0.1 0.2 10.0

7 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 91.2 1.20 0.8 0 0.1 80.0 0.3 0 0.25 30.0 0.05 0.1 0.3 15.0

8 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 92.1 1.35 0.05 0 0.1 5.0 0.05 0 0.1 5.0 0.05 0 0.05 5.0

9 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6532 91.4 0.79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 5.0

10 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 92.4 1.45 0.15 0 0.05 15.0 0.05 0 0.1 5.0 0.05 0.05 0.1 10.0

11 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 93.1 1.23 0.15 0 0.15 15.0 0 0.05 0.1 5.0 0.05 0 0.1 5.0

12 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 92.3 1.64 0.05 0 0.05 5.0 0.05 0 0.05 5.0 0.05 0 0 5.0



Table 2. Dynamics of affection of cotton hybrids Ғ6 with Heliothis armigera.

1-Observation 2- Observation


Density of population, 10 Affected Density of population, 10 Affected,

Average degree

% plants,n , % plants,n %

№ Hybrids of affecting for 2

, gossypol

- Affecte Caterpill Affected Eggs, Caterpill observation,%

(+) Eggs,n d buds, ars,n buds, n n ars,n

Total gossypol, n 1. F6 BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 91,1 0,65 12 1 3 13.0 1 3 9 4.0 8.5

2. F6 BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 91,8 1,03 14 2 8 16.0 2 4 15 6.0 11.0

3. F6 BC3S1-47-8-1-17 хS-6532 91,8 1,32 16 1 5 17.0 3 5 11 8.0 12.5

4. F6 BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 90,0 1,12 18 3 6 21.0 2 6 13 8.0 14.5

5. F6 BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 90,8 1,45 6 0 0 6.0 0 2 6 2.0 4.0

6. F6 BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 91,0 0,87 10 0 2 10.0 1 0 4 1.0 5.5

7. F6 BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 77,6 0,89 7 0 4 7.0 0 2 0 2.0 4.5

8. F6 BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 74,4 1,23 6 2 8 8.0 0 5 13 5.0 6.5

9. F6 BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6532 78,4 0,92 8 0 3 8.0 1 2 9 3.0 5.5

10. F6 BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 75,4 0,91 17 4 8 21.0 2 8 15 10.0 15.5

11. F6 BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 77,3 1,16 10 1 3 11.0 1 3 9 4.0 7.5

12. F6 BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 78,0 0,68 12 2 4 14.0 1 5 8 6.0 10.0

13. F6 L-10/04 x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 81,0 1,19 20 3 7 23.0 3 6 15 9.0 16.0

14. F6 L-10/04 x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 70,0 0,98 5 1 2 6.0 0 3 5 3.0 4.5



The results of the 3-observation of the damage by Heliothis armigera showed that the pest is being moved in depending of the level of (+)-gossypol. In other words, among the hybrids of this generation with a high level of trait, only in two cases, i.e. in the combinations F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6524 and F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 x S-6524, the damage were observed at the level 15% and 10%, respectively. The remaining progenies were affected up to 5 %. However, the percentage of affection with Heliothis armigera increased (except for the combination F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6530) at hybrids with a relatively low level of (+) - gossypol. The results of first observation of hybrids F6 under the conditions of a greenhouse, showed that all combinations with both a high (above 90%) and low (below 70%) level of (+) - gossypol were affected by Heliothis armigera (Table-2). Among the studied, the hybrid F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 x S-6530 with a relatively high content of (+) - gossypol (90.8%), was less affected (6%). The results of monitoring of susceptibility to Heliothis armigera at the first observation showed that the pest is populated depending on the level of (+)-gossypol. In other words, among F6 hybrids with a high level of (+) -gossypol, only in two cases, i.e. at F6L- 10/04 x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 and F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 x S-6524, a high degree of sussceptibility were observed (23% and 21%, respectively). It can be noted that hybrids of this generation with a high level of (+) - gossypol were affected by Heliothis armigera from 6% (F6BC3S1-1- 6-3-15 x S-6530) up to 17% (F6BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6532). Thus, it was found that the studied progenies F6 with high (+)-gossypol were relatively resistant to the cotton bollworm in comparing to progenies with low level (+)-gossypol. These results indicate that the level of (+) - gossypol does not significantly affect on resistance to Heliothis armigera. The results of studies of another group of hybrids developed between US accessions and Uzbek cultivars with a high level of (+)-gossypol in seeds showed that their affection related to the initial form genotype involved in hybridization. For example, such hybrids with a low level of (+)-gossypol in seeds as F3Bukhoro-8 x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 (62%), F3Turon x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 (67%), F3Surkhon -14 x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 (79%) and F3I-9871 x BC3S1-1-6- 3-15 (75%), developed from a relatively resistant parent form (BC3S1-1-6-3-15) with high (+)- gossypol in seeds (93.8%), were affected with Heliothis armigera in less degree (with respective affection 25%, 50%, 40% and 40%). Among the hybrids F5 with a high level of (+) - gossypol in the seeds, only in one case the damage was 50% (F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 x S-6530), and in the remaining cases susceptibility were 55- 65%. In contrast to the above, hybrids of this generation with a low level of (+) - gossypol in seeds, differed in relative tolerance to the Heliothis armigera. For example, susceptibility of F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6532 and F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 x S-6532 - with low (+)-gossypol were 15% and 20%, respectively. The remaining hybrids of this generation with a low level of (+)-gossypol were affected by a Heliothis armigera from 30% up to 45%.

Table 3. Resistance hybrids with different levels of (+) - gossypol in seeds to Heliothis armigera (in Petri dishes) Initial forms and hybrids (+)- gossypol, % Affected,% S-6524 77.0 55,0 S-6530 70.0 45,0 S-6532 75.0 55,0 L-10/04 61.0 40,0 BC3S1-47-8-1-17 93.3 45,0 208


BC3S1-1-6-3-15 93.8 35,0 F3Turon x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 62,0 75,0 F3Turon x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 67,0 50,0 F3Bukhoro-8 x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 64,0 65,0 F3 Bukhoro -8 x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 62,0 25,0 F3Surkhon-14 x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 75,0 50,0 F3Surkhon-14 x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 79,0 40,0 F39871-I x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 60,0 65,0 F39871-I x BC3S1-1-6-3-15 75,0 40,0 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 90,9 55,0 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 92,8 65,0 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6532 92,0 60,0 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 91,3 60,0 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 91,8 50,0 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 91,5 85,0 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 78,0 35,0 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 77,1 30,0 F5BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6532 80,1 15,0 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 76,3 45,0 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 71,5 35,0 F5BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 69,0 20,0 F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 71,9 30,0 F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 76,7 35,0 F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 78,5 40,0 F6BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 91,2 75,0 F6BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 91,4 55,0 F6BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6532 93,1 70, 0 F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 92,1 55,0 F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6530 92,4 60,0 F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6532 92,3 65,0 F6L-10/04x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 80,0 60,0 F6L-10/04x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 65,0 40,0 F7BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6524 91,1 80,0 F7BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х S-6530 91,8 60,0 F7BC3S1-47-8-1-1 х S-6532 91,8 65,0 F7BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х S-6524 90,0 55,0 F7BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х C-6530 90,8 70,0 F7BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х C-6532 91,0 90,0 F7BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х C-6524 77,6 35,0 F7BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х C-6530 74,4 25,0 F7BC3S1-47-8-1-17 х C-6532 78,4 15,0 F7BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х C-6524 75,4 25,0 F7BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х C-6530 77,3 30,0 F7BC3S1-1-6-3-15 х C-6532 78,0 30,0 F7Л-10/04x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 81,0 60,0 F7Л-10/04x BC3S1-47-8-1-17 70,0 35,0

Among the hybrids F6, comparative resistance with a low level of (+) - gossypol and a relatively high affection of buds with a high level of (+)-gossypol (over 90%) are also observed. For example, the damage of buds with a low (+)-gossypol was from 30% (F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 x S-6524) up to 40% (F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 x S-6532 and F6L-10 / 04x BC3S1-47-8-1-17), and with a high level of (+) - gossypol - from 55% (F6BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6530 and F6BC3S1-1-6-3-15 X S-6524) up to 70% (F6BC3S1-47-8-1-17 x S-6532). The



similar dates of damaging of buds with different levels of (+) - gossypol were observed at hybrids F7. Thus, on the basis of the obtained results of the study of comparative resistance to Heliothis armigera among hybrids of different generations in petri dishes, it was established that progenies with a different levels of (+) - gossypol, a definite pattern is observed for affection. Genotypes with a low level of (+)- gossypol are affected by Heliothis armigera to a certain extent less than hybrids with high (+)-gossypol level. Although the incidence of the initial accession BC3S1-1-6-3-15 with a high level of gossypol does not preclude the possibility of developing of resistant genotypes with a high level of (+)-gossypol, which requires additional studies in this direction.

REFERENCES 1. Stipanovic R.D, Puckhaber L.S, Bell A.A, Percival A.E, Jacobs J (2005) Occurrence of (+)- and (-)-gossypol in wild species of cotton and in Gossypium hirsutum var. marie-galante (Watt) Hutchison. J Agric Food Chem 53:6266-6271 2. Bottger G. T., Sheehan E. T., Lukefahr M. J. (1964). Relation of gossypol content of cotton plants to insect resistance. J. Econ. Entomol. 57:283-285. 3. Hedin P.A., Parrott W.L., Jenkins J. N. Relationship of glands, cotton square terpenoid aldehydes and other allelochemicals to larval growth of Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 1992. J. Econ. Entomol.85:359-364 4. Rashidov M.I. Biological protection of tomatoes from a cotton scoop. Tez. Doc. At the All-Union Meeting on the experience of introducing a biological method into an integrated system for protecting cotton from pests and diseases. Tashkent, 1982. 104-106. 5. Zhang J., Zhang S., Yuan J., Xu K. (1985). Comparison of action racemic ( ) and optically active (- and +) gossypols on HeLa cells. Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Xuebao 7:384-387. 6. Yang W.H., Ma L.H., Zhu H.Q., Xiang S.K. 1999. Effects of different gossypol enantiomers on growth and development of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) and Fusarium wilt. Acta Gossypii Sinica, 11:31-34. 7. Ganesean Sunilkumar,Le Anne M.Campbell, Lorraine Pucckhaber, Robert D. Stipanovic and Keerti S. Rathore. Engineering cottonseed for use in human nutrition by tissue –specific reduction of toxic gossypol. www. pnas. org/cgi/doi/10/1073/pnas0605389103.November 28, 2006.vol.103,#48. 8. Shvetsova, L., Alibekova, C. and Em, E. 1989. Resistance of Varieties. Khlopok, 5:29- 30.167.171.


Abstract In the 6th article, the evolution and forecast for the development of irrigated soils of the Bukhara region is presented. As a result of long-term meliorative measures, takyr- meadow, old-meadow meadows combined with marsh-meadow and solonchak soils, gray- brown soils transformed into old irrigated meadow alluvial soils. Old meadow meadow 210


alluvial soils were to varying degrees subjected to salinization: from slightly saline to medium and heavily saline soils. The increase in irrigated land was due to the development of new, previously undeveloped territories.

Аннотация В статье излагается эволюция и прогноз развития орошаемых почв Бухарской области. В результате многолетних мелиоративных мероприятий такырно-луговые, старозалежные луговые в комплексе с болотно-луговыми и солончаками, серо-бурые почвы трансформировались в староорошаемые луговые аллювиальные почвы. Старозалежные луговые аллювиальные почвы были в различной степени подвержены засолению: от слабо засолѐнных до средне- и сильно засолѐнных. Прирост орошаемых земель произошла за счет освоения новых, ранее не освоенных территорий.

Аннотация Мақолада Бухоро вилояти тупроқларининг тадрижий ўзгариши ва ташхиси изоҳланган. Кўп йиллик мелиоратив тадбирлар натижасида тақир-ўтлоқи, ташландиқ ўтлоқи, батқоқ-ўтлоқилар билан биргаликда, шўрхоклар, сур тусли-қўнғир тупроқлар ўтлоқи аллювиал тупроқларга айланган. Ташландиқ ўтлоқи–аллювиал тупроқлар турли даражада шўрланишга чалинган: кам шўрланганликдан тортиб ўртача ва кучли шўрланганлик даражасигача. Суғориладиган ерларни кўпайиши янгидан ўзлаштирилган аввал ўзлаштирилмаган ҳудуд ҳисобига ошган.

The lower part of the valley of river Zarafshan settles down in the desert zone differing in climate. Development of zone soils (gray-brown, desert sandy and also saline soils) happens on desert type of soil formation here. In hydro morph mode of moistening a zonal soils, and also transitional from a zonal to desert or on the contrary are formed. At the same time influence of the desert affects all soils, first of all in salinization of soils. According to many scientists [1-6], during soil researches in the thirties in left-bank part of the Bukhara oasis, along Zerafshan's course, on his elation were formed old irrigated (cultural and irrigation), meadow soils at a bedding of ground waters during the summer period at a depth of 3-5m. In the winter ground waters rose to 2-3m and in a certain measure influenced soil formation processes. Ground waters were generally fresh and low-mineralized. In right-bank part of the delta probably the soils irrigated meadow soils also dominated. There are no direct certificates on it, but soil shooting of 1963 has revealed the significant areas occupied with the soils which are old irrigated meadow soils in this part of the delta. The profile of soils has been put powerful (1,5-2m) by the agro irrigational horizon which had the same light gray coloring. On mechanical structure of the soil were mainly heavy. On a soil surface as a result of her drying after watering the soil jointed crust was formed. The maintenance of a humus in the arable horizon of these soils made 1,5-2,5%. In the below-lying horizons the quantity of a humus didn't go down to 2-2,5m lower than 0,5%. The soils which are old irrigated meadow soils were mainly not salted and weakly salinized (the dense rest of 0,1-0,5%). Average salinized soils met much less often. The type of salinization was sulphatic. In places in soils the weak salinized came to light in the analytical way, but morphologically it wasn't shown. Only gross content of phosphorus and potassium is shown in [1, 6] analyses provided in work. Their contents in an arable layer fluctuated respectively from 0,08 to 0,20% and from 1,01 to 2,63%. Thus, these soils were rich with reserves of potassium and are poor in phosphates. The maintenance of CO2 of carbonates on a profile fluctuated from 6,8 to 9,8%. 211


Along with the soils irrigated meadow soils in left-bank part of the delta meadow soils at a bedding of ground waters of 1-3m were formed. They occupied the central part of the described territory along the canal Shakhrud and further all east suburb of the delta. They settled down on poorly raised relief elements among surrounding their superfluous hydromorphy soils and saline decreases. Meadow soils were old deposits with the agro irrigational horizon. The profile on mechanical structure was heavy, is more rare sandy loam. Being formed at a close bedding of fresh or low-mineralized ground waters, meadow soils became covered by the violent vegetation promoting formation of a powerful turf (10-12 cm) with pronounced structure of soils. The maintenance of a humus in the cesspits horizon reached 3,5%. In the powerfully saline soils the vegetable cover was rare, a turf fragile and less powerful. The maintenance of a humus in her made 1,0-2,2%. Content of gross phosphorus in soils fluctuated in a profile within 0,168-0,117%, potassium – 1,797-2,354%. The quantity of carbonates on a profile varied from 7 to 8% meadow alluvial soils in various degree were subject to salinization: from weakly salinized to average and the highly salinized. In the horizon the content of salts reaches 1,6-4,0%, in underlying – to 0,3-0,6%. On Karakul part of the delta of Zarafshan before construction of the Amu-Karakul canal at a deep bedding of ground waters (3-5m) soils irrigated meadow soils developed [4]. They on properties were close to the soils of the Bukhara part of the delta of Zarafshan which are old irrigated meadow The genetics land-reclamation soil background dominating in the lower, deltoid part of the valley of river Zarafshan on whom soils of nowadays developed soil cover developed further was it 80 years ago. In 1963. year republican soil expedition of Uzgiprozem institute has conducted researches of soils in the Bukhara region in scale 1:10000. As a result of the conducted researches have shown that capital melioration actions the meadow soils 40 years ago dominating in the central and east parts of a left bank in a complex with marsh and meadow soils and saline soils were transformed to the old irrigated meadow alluvial soils. Virgin meadow and marsh and meadow soils and saline soils remained slightly. The translation on soil cards of meadow soils in the old irrigated meadow was lawful as all rejuvenated meadow soils and even marsh and meadow soils had the agro irrigational horizon of various power that spoke about their long former use under the irrigated agriculture. The humus horizon reached the power of 70-100 cm. The arable horizon of these soils contained 1,2-1,4% of a humus. It is much less, than in the cesspits horizon the old salinized structured meadow soils. But it is clear, the humus which is contained in the 10-12cm cesspits horizon, was redistributed in an arable layer which power is 2-3 times more. Nitrogen soils have held 0,103-0,135%. Gross phosphorus in soils there were 0,117-0,210% that exceeded his contents in initial soils a little. In the melioration relation the old irrigated meadow soils became slightly better: among them the weakly salinized and washed-out soils prevailed, average salinized met seldom, highly salinized was almost not. Nevertheless, saline soils, quite considerable on the area met here. Along with development the rejuvenated meadow soils use meadow soils in the irrigated agriculture continued. There was probably a gain of the irrigated lands due to development of the new, earlier not mastered territories. Again developed soils have been also presented by generally old deposits. The intensive use meadow soils under an irrigation has led almost to universal raising of ground waters that has caused return (the return evolution) speak rapidly the semi - hydro morphed soils in hydro morphed meadow.



Researches of 1963 have shown [2,5] that in a left bank of the Bukhara delta the small areas of the old irrigated meadow soils remained only in her upper courses and in the southern part, between Kagan and Bukhara, along the canal Sheihang. In right-bank part the soils which are old irrigated meadow soils have been widespread more widely – in Peshku, Shafirkan and Gizhduvan districts. But the prevailing space in right banks was occupied by the meadow alluvial soils which are mainly old irrigated. Also saline soils meadow met here. In the territory of the Karakul delta of Zarafshan the soils which are old irrigated meadow soils evolved in the old irrigated meadow alluvial. A significant area was occupied here by meadow saline soils, and also very strongly salted deposits. The old irrigated meadow alluvial soils of the Bukhara delta of Zarafshan which predecessors were soils irrigated meadow soils had (according to RPE of Uzgiprozem institute) the agro irrigational horizon with power from 1,0 to 2m. He was generally average salinized mechanical structure. The humus horizon reached 70-100cm. The maintenance of a humus and nitrogen in the arable horizon of these old irrigated meadow soils was lower (0,9- 1,1% and 0,05-0,07%), than in the old irrigated meadow soils, and also in the old irrigated meadow soils which predecessors were rejuvenated meadow alluvial soils. The melioration condition of the old irrigated meadow soils for the thirty-year period (1932-1963) has almost not changed. As old irrigated, meadow soils were generally not salted and weakly salinized and the old irrigated meadow soils which have come from them remained same, only the ratio not salted and weakly salinized became in favor of the last. The old irrigated meadow alluvial soils of the Karakul delta of Zarafshan which predecessors were (meadow) soils which are also old irrigated meadow soils had less powerful agro irrigational horizon (70-100cm). His mainly average and easy mechanical structure power of the humus horizon made 50-70cm. It is slightly more humus and nitrogen in the arable horizon of these soils (0,9-1,3% and 0,08-0,12%), than in the old irrigated meadow soils of the Bukhara delta which have passed the same evolutionary way. Gross phosphorus there was also more (0,152-0,201%). In the melioration relation the old irrigated meadow soils of the Karakul delta were much worse, than similar soils of the Bukhara delta. They were mainly average, met seldom and weakly salinized. There were few weakly salinized soils. In general in 1963 in lower reaches to Zarafshan's valley the ratio between the old irrigated meadow soils of various extent of salinization looked as follows: not salted - 18, weakly salinized -53%, the average salinized – 28%, highly salinized – 1%. Researches of 1963 have shown that during 50 year period the soils which are old irrigated meadow soils in the considerable territory of the Bukhara delta have kept the substandard genetic level. These soils had the powerful agro irrigational horizon. In different parts of the delta power varied him from 1 to 2m. The humus breeding at the same time changed from 50 to 100cm. The maintenance of a humus in the arable horizon depending on his mechanical structure made from 0,7 to 1,5%. It is much less, than was with initial to the soil 50 years ago. Nitrogen in soils from 0,05 to 0,09%, gross phosphorus – from 0,114 to 0,168%. The melioration condition of the soils which are old irrigated meadow soils has worsened a little. Before the soil were mainly not salted and weakly salinized, now among these soils which no, aren't salted but have appeared together with weakly salinized soils of average and highly salinized. The ratio between these soils on extent of salinization was the following: the weakly salinized – 80%, the average salinized – 14%, the highly salinized – 6%.



By the researchers conducted by performers in 2013 it is established that the area meadow soils were considerably reduced. The rubles dominating in the territory of Zarafshan are the old irrigated meadow soils. The soil cover for last 50 years (1963-2013) was considerably leveled on the morphogenetic indicators though some distinctions connected with litologohic-geomorphological conditions have remained. On mechanical structure the old irrigated meadow alluvial soils having the powerful agro irrigational horizon mainly average structured, are more rare sandy. Sandy loam soils are dated generally for upper courses of water sources. Humus breeding to 70-100cm. the maintenance of a humus in the arable horizons varies from 0,5 to 1,2%. Comparing these indicators to data of 1963, it is possible to notice that they are close to indicators on humus of meadow soils which predecessors they were meadow soils, and is much lower than indicators of traditionally meadow soils. Nitrogen the soil has held from 0,03 to 0,07%. Content of gross phosphorus fluctuates from 0,108 to 0,405%, mobile phosphates – from 4 to 15 mg/kg. Gross potassium in soils from 0,3 to 1,6%. In the maintenance of mobile forms of potassium also wide spacing – from 3-150 to 175-400 mg/kg of the soil. From these indicators it is possible to notice that the old irrigated meadow alluvial soils mobile forms both phosphorus, and potassium, are provided poorly. The same situation with batteries developed earlier. Now the old irrigated meadow alluvial soils dominating in the lower part of the valley of river Zarafshan (The Bukhara and Karakul oases) in different degree are subject to salinization. Judging by the materials collected on four key farms, soils on extent of salinization are distributed as follows: weakly salinized – 48%, the average salinized – 29%, the highly salinized – 23%. Thus, the melioration condition of modern soils of Zarafshan has considerably worsened in comparison with the last decades. Evolution of soils of Zarafshan took place at the standard, substandard, patrimonial and specific levels. The scheme of evolution of the main soils of this region during 1932-2013 looks in the following look: OirMT -0,1 OirMT -1(2,3) OirMа -1,2,3 Bukhara part delta OirMT -0,1(2) OirMa-1,0 → OirMа-1,2,3

Bukhara part delta OldbedMа-3 → OirMa -1,0(2) → OirM -1,2,3

Karakul part delta OirMT -1,2 → OirMa -2(3) → OirMa -1,2,3

In recent years because of deficiency of intra oasitic land reserves of development have begun to involve the soils of little use located to the north of the Bukhara oasis in the irrigated agriculture. Here on the deposits gray-brown soils in a complex with sand are formed. On mechanical structure these soils mainly sandy loam and sandy and sand. It isn't enough humus in these soils – from 0,2 to 0,6%. Carbonates – 3-6%. Virgin gray-brown soils from a surface aren't salted, but showed very low percents. Content of salts at a depth of 0,3-0,6 m reaches 1-2%. The development of these lands which is followed by vegetative and washing waterings causes raising of ground waters to 3-4 m and evolution of automorphic gray-brown soils at the first stage of development in semi-hydromorphic gray-brown and meadow. On mechanical structure the new irrigated gray-brown and meadow soils sandy loam on sandy loam and sandy and sandy skeletal deposits. On a profile in them crystal of plaster and rare rusty spots meet. 214


The maintenance of a humus in the arable horizon new irrigated gray-brown and meadow soils varies from 0,4 to 0,8%, nitrogen – 0,036-0,087%. Security of soils with mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in the arable horizon low (respectively 12-27 and 50-200 mg/kg of the soil. Carbonates in a profile of 5-6%. Soils are salted in weak degree, places washed out. Type of salinization of soils – chloride -sulfate. Evolution of gray-brown soils takes place at the substandard, patrimonial and specific levels and looks as follows: VirCB-0 … → NewDСB-0 (1) → NewICM-1(0) analyzing evolution of the irrigated soils in lower reaches of the valley of river Zarafshan, within the Bukhara and Karakulsky oases, it should be noted that here the steady tendency of a hydromorphozation of soils prevails. It is promoted high extent of use of lands under an irrigation both insufficient natural and artificial fitness of the territory. Especially it belongs to average and lower parts of the Bukhara delta of Zarafshan and to Karakulskaya. Increase of level of the mineralized ground waters above critical level causes salinization of soils, as is reflected in the scheme of evolution of soils for the 80‟s period. Sharp differences in salinization of soils of upper courses of the Bukhara delta, and also the Karakulsky delta are erased. All soils are almost equally subject to salinization processes. Also the irrigated gray and brown and meadow soils which are also transformed over time to meadow soil. At the modern level of melioration of lower reaches of Zarafshan the above-stated tendencies will remain on prospect and the desertification of soils which is expressed in this case in salinization will progress. In lower reaches of the valley of river Zarafshan where the extraordinary climate dominates and hydrogeological conditions are characterized by steadily high standing in various degree of the mineralized ground waters (1-3 m), change of soils happens generally on patrimonial, specific less often substandard levels. Here very intense meliorative situation is formed. Salinization of soils as one of factors of their desertification, is shown in higher degree, than in a middle part of the valley of Zarafshan that demands application of a complex of meliorative actions.

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Abstract The inheritance, variability and formation of precocity in convergent cotton hybrids obtained by the principle of transgressive recombination, as well as combined transgressive recombination and incomplete recurrent crosses are comparatively analyzed. In convergent hybrids obtained by the principle of transgressive recombination and incomplete recurrent crosses, the efficiency of selecting genetically enriched genotypes with economically valuable traits was high.

Аннотация Сравнительно анализировано наследование, изменчивость и формирование скороспелости у конвергентных гибридов хлопчатника, полученных по принципу трансгрессивной рекомбинации, а также объединенной трансгрессивной рекомбинации и неполных возвратных скрещиваний. У конвергентных гибридов, полученных по принципу трансгрессивной рекомбинации и неполных возвратных скрещиваний эффективность отбора генетически обогащенных генотипов с хозяйственно ценными признаками, было высокой.

Аннотация Ғўзада транссгрессив рекомбинациялаш принципи асосида ҳамда бирлашган трансгрессив рекомбинациялаш принципи ва тўлиқсиз қайта чатиштириш услублари асосида олинган конвергент дурагайларда тезпишарликнинг ирсийланиши, ўзгарувчанлиги ва шаклланишини қиѐсий таҳлил қилинди. Бирлашган трансгрессив рекомбинациялаш принципи ва тўлиқсиз қайта чатиштириш услублари асосида дурагайлашдан олинган конвергент шаклларда орасидан хўжалик учун қимматли белгиларга эга бўлган генетик жиҳатдан бойитилган генотипларни танлаш имконияти юқори бўлди.

Selectioners apllied to convergent selection methods in most farm crops which controlling a few signs of gene in order to pass to genotype of localization cotton plants. Difference between these methods is to define how much hereditary signs are kept in reccurent sort which is being created. In a number of convergent breeding ways an opportunity to get much quantity of divigend systems are created on the main economic signs as expanding of gene recombination. Therefore, the most widely perfected methods of complex hybridization which is being applied in cotton selection is convergent hybridization which based on various principles. Convergent breeding is considered the most effective method for farm crops however, creating primary valuable raw materials on this method for cotton selection is not sufficiently studied in our country. As having other crop selection, it is an important task to study creating positive transgressive plants which collected recombinants itself that managing beneficial gene signs through variety breeding in cotton too. It is known that traditional couple, saturating, beccross and other breeding ways are extensively used by selectioners to form valuable complex signs of cotton species. However, application of this methods the chance of getting high level gene recombinations has been limited and improvement signs sufficiency is low in created hybrids. Besides that , traditional methods in plant selection allow to create species which productivity



is merely 10-15% high to model species. One of the prolific ways of convergent crossing is transgressive recombination method, i.e in this complex hybrid breeding the amount of hereditary signs achieved to 50% of new borning strain of reccurrent species. Also, result of transgression gives an opportunity to distinguish new genetic variability source of recombinants. A number of scientific results have been taken in order to create valuable -economic signs of complex cotton species while carrying out investigations through various genetic and selection methods in the world, including the following results are obtained: worked out composit breeding method by scientists in the first generations of hybrids in order to extent 20% or more of cotton productivity, on this method cotton sorts has been achieved which has high quality fiber and pest resistance in the condition of India and the crop area of them increased to more than 70%. Taken from 8 simply hybrid breeding which conducted among 16 species created Ғ1 hybrids that have parents zigota plasma on the base of breeding among 4 the first generation hybrids [11] and studied opportunity of expanding selection of a certain parents forms with complicated breeding ways according to positive complex signs [1]. At present the following priority investigations have been conducted by carrying out diversity methods of genetic and selection in order to create new sorts of cotton which have valuable- economic complex signs, including, application proper convergent methods when reduces productivity of farm crops because of different causes; applying amount of heredity signs of recurrent new strains which is taken by various methods; improvement creation methods resistance to various stress factors and harmonized valuable-economic signs. A lot of investigations are being conducted by the world scientists on applying to various breeding methods cotton productivity and other plants selection. Including, S.Boroevich [1], М.G.Оdintsova [6], H.V.Harlan, M.L.Martini [11], R.Bernardo, G.Jonson, I.Dudley [9], B.Griffing [10], S.N.Kadapa [12] and others investigated on importance of applying various breeding methods in farm crop selection and created a number of genetical concentrated species of plants. Also applying convergent, couple and complicated breeding methods in cotton plant allowing wide opportunities were admitted by researchers as А.E.Egamberdiev [7], R.G.Kim [4],P.Sh.Ibragimov [3], Sh.E.Namazov [5]. In most researches through couple breeding method allows to get recombinants which have extensively variability on hereditary side and also have valuable – economic signs for selection. However, it has not been sufficiently studied to apply various convergent breeding methods in order to get recombinants which have complex characteristics and new genetic variability and define the level of collecting process of heredity signs and productivity on comparing with different methods. The aim of the research is to define theoretical and practical creation features of cotton plant which has new genetic variability and hereditary signs transgression by comparing various convergent hybridization methods on base of getting complex positive signs of cotton. The objects of the research are main ancestors of convergent hybrids that taken by breeding on 4 complex inter hybrid transgressive recombination with G.hirsutum L. an 8 pair strains of cotton plant which belong to Тошкент-6 strains, С-6532, Оқдарѐ-6, Юлдуз, С-9070, С- 4911; by jointed transgressive recombination principle and incomplete recrossing way Ан- Боѐвут-2, Юлдуз, Қирғиз-3, Оқдарѐ-6, С-4911, С-2609, Омад, С-9070, Ан-415, С-6524 family species serve that accomplished through the method of convergent hybridization. Phenalogical and laboratory analyses are conducted with the help of general accepted methods of hybrid plants. According to signs coefficient of dominancy was determined by the formula of S.Wright. Tests on convergent hybridization were shown in the book by S.Boroevich “Principles and methods of plant selection“. 1 and 2 variants of tests worked out



as Mac Key proposed (5 species А is-50-50-50% and 5 species А is -50%-75%-75%) [1]. General methods of selection and seeds, applied to B.A.Dospekhov method on base of mathematics and statistics principles. All gained results accomplished on genetic and selection base. Experiments were conducted at the cotton selection, seed breeding and production agrotechnologies scientific-research institute during 2002-2016 years. The Institute is situated in 3 km north-eastern of Tashkent city, northern latitude is 41 20,while eastern lontitude is 69°18 in the territory of , Kibray district. Soil of the experiment field is simple virgin soil and subterranean water is very deep (7-8 m). Climate is sharply changeable,dayly temperature amplitude is high and the height of surface the area is 584 m from the sea level. Cloudless temperature provides with high sufficency of sun rays and being little precipitation. According to yearly information, annual precipitation makes up 360 mm. Last spring cold observed in March and preliminary autumn cold was at the end of October. Temperature of the testing field is covenient to grow and thrive normally of the cotton plant (25-26°C). As the source of research the following complex and convergent hybrids have been used: 1.Complex hybridson the principle of transgressive recombination method 2.Convergent hybrids on the principle of transgressive recombination method 3.Hybrids on combined transgressive recombination principle and complex hybrids of incomplete rebreeding method 4.Convergent hybrids on the method of jointed transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding Convergent hybridization method is known as an effectiveness method in farm crop selection. In most farm crops by applying to hybridiation methods discovered new species and forms which had positive complex economic signs on genetic side. While in cotton plant which has medium fiber convergent hybridization method is being extensively applied since 2002 in order to get primary raw material that had high level valuable complex signs for economy. In this investigations for the first time on the base of comparing various methods of hybridization of convergent breeding sufficiency in order to get recombinants which had genetic variability of valuable signs for a new economy was studied. Diverse breeding methods like couple, pair, and stage, complex, be-cross were recommended as well as convergent and dividend breeding methods by Mac Key in 1962. Convergent hybridization is one of the complex hybridization that means as a result of breeding combining and embodying of all economic signs in one genotype. Materials which can meet the society needs at the same time fertile, early – maturing, with high fiber producing, with high quality which correspond to world models, resistant to diseases , pests and stress factors have been created. Having many years passed in developed countries Мас Кеу [1] proved expendient application of the following variants of convergent hybridization when the fertility reduced by various causes: 1. Convergent breeding on the base of maximum recombination principle (8 species strains have been used, type-А 50-25-13%) ; 2. Convergent breeding on the base of transgressive recombination principle; (5 species, type А -50-50-50%) 3. Convergent breeding on the base of combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding; (5 species, type -А -50-75-75%) 4. Reconvergent breeding (5 species, type А -50-75-88-94-94%) 218


Difference between these methods indicates keeping amount of hereditary reccurent species in new strains. In complex dividend breeding hereditary signs were 12,5% and while complete rebreeding showed 93,7% . Presently, we are investigating on the following convergent hybridization variants which mentioned above: -convergent breeding on the base of transgressive recombination principle (on upper generations of hybrids); - convergent breeding on the base of combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding. On variant 1, convergent breeding on the base of transgressive recombination principle - (5 species, type А -50-50-50%) investigations accomplished in the laboratory “Cotton genetics and cytology”of. Tests were conducted in the experiment field of the institute. Comparative analysis of valuable economic signs in family and lines which have been achived by methods of transgressive recombination and incomplete re-breeding of combined transgressive recombination principle. In our researches main valuable economic signs in stability and its formation have been analyzed comparatively in upper generation hybrid and family; in artificial (“Fitorton” greenhouse)and in natural (field) conditions, in water deficiency (0-1-0 scheme) also resistance of upper generation hybrids and their families for some disease developed on the base of transgressive recombination of convergent hybridization and combined transgressive recombination principle with incomplete rebreeding methods. Similarity of systems phonologically with great importance in applying practice and their analysis have been considered carefully. Nowadays, researches are carried out on convergent hybridization of cotton-plant‟s upper generation type; pair, compound and convergent hybrids, as well as on their families and systems. In the current article we emphasize indicators of vegetative period (50% of sprout generating ad blossom, 50% sprout generating and opening of unripe cotton bells) which is one of the main economic signs in cotton selection. Early-maturity is regarded as main polygenic sign and several researches have been conducted on this sign. Furthermore, our country is located in the north zone among cotton growing countries of the world and the researches will have to be done on this field. Researches are being conducted on our raw materials according to sign regularly in our studies. “50% of sprout generating d blossom”. When upper generation convergent raw materials have been studied comparatively according to sign, it was determined that convergent family type O-357-362(61.1 days), O-109-110(61.6 days), which were achieved on the base of transgressive recombination, blossomed earlier than other combinations and model type C-6524 in both irrigation conditions according to period “50% sprout generating and 50% blossom” (table 1) The same families manifested “50% of sprouting-50% opening boxes” as well as early maturity” (relating to 110,3 days -105,7 days; 110 days -107,7 days). It is also recorded that О-179-188 species earlier blossom opening pod for 50% and early maturity than the model sort. Among upper generation families О-105-108 family which taken by the method of combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding 50% blossom and 50% opening pods may be distigiushed relating to suitable irrigation condition bloomed in 60,0 days in water deficiency condition matured (0-20-0) 106,4 days and it showed rather early maturity. О-117-120



Table 1. Indicators on vegetation term of convergent family and strains, 2015 y. Hybrid “50% sprouting-50% blossom”, day “50% sprouting-50% opening boxes”, day Families combinations Suitable watering (1-2-1) Water deficiency(0-2-0) Suitable watering (1-2-1) Water deficiency (0-2- 0) M±m у V% M±m у V% M±m у V% M±m у V%

Convergent hybrids on base of transgressive recombination О-609-610 ВК-2 67,3±0,33 0,99 1,48 61,7±0,47 2,12 3,45 110,5±0,56 1,60 1,45 106,6±0,55 1,36 1,28 О-357-362 ВК-3 61,1±1,13 2,78 4,55 60,83±1,12 2,71 4,46 110,3±0,73 2,75 2,50 105,7±1,17 3,32 3,14 О-365-366 ВК-5 65,5±1,36 3,33 5,08 62,57±0,30 1,15 1,85 110,7±0,72 2,72 2,45 109,2±0,53 2,00 1,83 О-363-364 ВК-5 63.0±1.58 3.16 3.84 62.3±1.28 3.14 5.03 115,8±0,66 1,48 1,28 112,5±0,53 1,51 1,34 О-179-188 ВК-8 66,3±0,95 2,33 3,52 60,92±0,64 2,4 3,94 111,5±0,50 0,70 0,63 108,0±0,78 2,20 2,04 О-109-110 ВК-8 61,6±1,05 2,58 4,20 59,0±0,73 2,96 5,01 110,0±0,42 1,33 1,21 107,7±2,70 5,43 5,05 Convergent hybrids on base of combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding methods О-965-966 F7 (К1хК2) 61,0±1,0 1.41 2.31 61±1,0 1.41 2.31 108.9±0.52 1.66 1.52 108.6±0.33 0.57 0.53 О-233-234 F7 (К3хК4) 62.4±0.22 0.69 1.12 62.5±0.28 0.57 0.92 108.9±0.54 1.88 1.72 107.0±0.48 2.04 1.91 О-97-100 F7 (К5хК6) 61.34±0.35 1.59 2.60 59±0.57 1.15 1.95 108.6±0.40 1.26 1.16 107.7±0.59 2.05 1.90 О-105-108 F7 (К7хК8) 60.66±0.44 1.55 2.56 62,17±1,13 2,78 4,48 107.1±0.77 2.03 1.89 106.4±0.54 1.88 1.76 О-109-112 F7 (К9хК10) 60.5±0.62 1.77 2.93 59.5±0.95 1.91 3.21 109,0±0.81 1.63 1.50 107.2±0.42 1.62 1.51 О-117-120 F7 (К11хК9) 61.14±0.47 1.79 2.92 60.5±0.71 1.76 2.91 109,0±0.41 0.81 0.75 101.5±0.5 0.7 0.69 Convergent strains Т-482-483/07 60,33±0,80 1,96 3,25 61,59±0,61 2,74 4,45 103.2±0.52 1.81 1.76 106.8±1.22 2.99 2.80 Т-814-15/07 62,83±1,13 2,78 4,43 62,12±1,0 2,90 4,66 106.0±0.66 2.97 2.80 104,0±1,15 2,82 1,48 Т-484-85/07 60,59±0,47 2,13 3,52 62,38±0,5 2,37 3,81 104.8±1.01 2.48 2.37 106.8±0.32 1.42 1.33 Model sort С-6524 63,00±0,68 1,92 3,01 62,09±0,5 2,46 3,97 115.2±0.30 1.09 1.02 113,7±0,50 0,70 0,61



О-117-120 family manifested much rather maturity in 101,5 days among all families. It is important to say that dispersion index of this family constituting 0,7, variability coefficient being 0,69% proved that it was in stable state. It was recorded that among strains Т-482- 483/07 bloomed in 60,3 days,in water shortage condition the pods opened in 103 days. To sum up, on vegetation period О-117-120 family (101,5 days), О-357-362 (61,1 days), О-109-110 (61,6 days), ( for both irrigation system relatively to 110,3 days -105,7 days; 110 days -107,7 days), Т-482-483/07 (60,3 days; 103 days) was known as early matury sort and it could be used in genetic – selection research to improve signs. According to field recordings and laboratory analyses in 2016 suitable watering indicators for (1-2-1) strain and convergent families were the following on the vegetation period. ( table 2).

Table 2. Indicators on suitable watering system(1-2-1) in the period of convergent family and strains, 2016y families Hybrid “50% sprouting-50% “50% sprouting -50% ripening”, combination blossom”, day day s M±m у V% M±m у V% Convergent hybrids on base of transgressive recombination О-609-610 ВК-2 62,5±1,23 3,01 4,82 110,6±1,52 3,72 3,36 О-357-362 ВК-3 62,4±0,40 2,64 4,23 107,0±0,72 4,67 4,36 О-365-366 ВК-5 64,5±0,50 0,70 1,09 117,0±1,0 1,41 1,21 О-363-364 ВК-5 61,3±0,65 3,22 5,26 106,5±0,88 4,35 4,08 О-179-188 ВК-8 62,1±1,02 2,90 4,67 110,6±2,17 6,14 5,55 Convergent hybrids by taken combined transgressiverecombination and incomplete rebreeding methods О-965-966 F8(К1хК2) 64,5±0,50 0,7 1,09 110,5±0,5 0,70 0,64 О-233-234 F8(К3хК4) 64,0±0,68 1,92 3,01 105,2±0,72 20,5 1,95 О-97-100 F8(К5хК6) 62,3±0,32 2,26 3,62 103,0±0,45 3,10 3,01 О-105-108 F8(К7хК8) 61,1±0,57 1,97 3,23 103,3±1,21 4,20 4,07 О-109-112 F8(К9хК10) 61,5±0,50 1,0 1,62 104,5±0,5 1,0 0,95 О-117-120 F8(К11хК9) 62,3±0,90 2,56 4,10 104,5±0,5 1,0 0,95 Convergent strains Т-482-83/07 60,3±0,80 1,96 3,26 106,3±0,42 1,03 0,96 Т-814-15/07 62,8±1,14 2,79 4,43 105,3±0,89 2,06 1,96 Т-484-85/07 61,3±0,45 2,03 3,31 105,2±1,27 5,67 5,39 Model species С-6524 63,5±0,97 1,64 2,58 106,3±1,76 4,32 4,06

-convergent on the base of transgressive recombination in the family О-363-364, indicators on “50% sprouting, -50% blossom” signs made up 61,3 days and showed early bloomed comparatively to these block families. In its turn exactly this family demonstrated “50% sprouting -50% maturity” indicators on early maturity in 106,5 days. It was recorded that all separated families bloomed 1-2,3days earlier than the model С-6524 (63,5 days) . Only О- 365-366 family was recorded as late ripening among these block families. ( relatively to 64,5days; 117 days), nevertheless average deviation was (0,70; 1,41) and variability coefficient was (1,09%; 1,21%), according to these indicators the family was more stable than others. 221


О-105-108, О-109-112 families among convergent hybrid families which taken by combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding may be noted on the signs of “50% sprouting -50% blossom” bloomed 61 days earlier than the model С-6524 (63,5 days), it bloomed 2,4; 2 days earlier. However, О-965-966 (64,5 days), О-233-234 (64,0 days) families were recorded as late blooming. О-97-100 (103 days), О-105-108 (103,3 days)families demonstrated earlier maturity in next period of vegetation according to signs “50% sprouting , -50% ripening” than 3-3,3 days model species С-6524 (106,3 days). The other separated families according to signs were dominant to model species. О-965-966 sort among families ripen in 110,5 days, it showed that it was late ripen for 4,2days from the model of С-6524. All separated strains expressed that they are equal or higher from the model strain according to vegetation indicators. In conclusion it is necessary to note that in proper watering system (1-2-1) among convergent hybrids О-363-364 family which were taken by transgressive recombination, and the families О-97-100, О-105-108, О-109-112 which were taken by combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding method, distinguished strains Т-482-83/07, Т-814-15/07, Т-484-85/07 which can be used to get primary raw materials in practical selection. According to researches on the project in 2016 y., shortage of water (0-2-0) condition of convergent family indicators in the vegetation period are the following. Table 3: - О-365-366(60,3 days) family observed on positive results“50% sprouting -50% blossom” among other convergent hybrid families that created by transgressive recombination. Idicators of signs of these convergent families which created on trangressive recombination were noted from 60,30 days (О-179-188)to 62,7 days (О-609-610) . Indicators of “50% sprouting-50% ripening” demonstrated from these block О-363-364 ripening in -104,3 days, this sort О-179- 188- in 104,2 days , in the level of model (104,5 days) . - among convergent hybrids О-97-100 family which taken combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding, О-109-112 family according to“50% sprouting -50% blossom” signs manifested in 59 days, in 59,5 convergent hybrids which taken by combined transgressive recombination principle and incomplete rebreeding method dominated blooming to other strains and models С-6524 (61,0 days).

Table 3. Indicators on shortage of water condition(0-2-0) in te vegetation period of convergent family and strains in 2016 y. № Families “50% sprouting-50% “50% sprouting-50% blossom”, day ripening”,day M±m у V% M±m у V% Convergent hybrids on base of transgressive recombination О-609-610 ВК-2 62,7±0,63 2,51 4,01 105,8±1,07 4,28 4,05 О-357-362 ВК-3 61,0±0,68 1,92 3,01 105,1±0,35 0,99 0,94 О-365-366 ВК-5 60,3±0,70 1,86 2,26 106,3±0,40 1,02 0,86 О-363-364 ВК-5 61,73±1,04 1,79 3,43 104,3±0,79 1,06 1,87 О-179-188 ВК-8 60,30±0,45 1,03 2,31 104,2±1,07 3,67 3,39 Convergent hybrids taken by combined transgressive rcombiation principle and incomplete rebreeding method

О-965-966 F8(К1хК2) 61,0±1,0 1,41 2,32 101,0±1,0 1,41 1,40 О-233-234 F8(К3хК4) 63,5±0,86 1,73 2,72 104,0±2,21 4,43 4,24 222


О-97-100 F8(К5хК6) 59,0±0,57 1,12 1,95 103,5±1,25 2,51 2,43 О-105-108 F8(К7хК8) 61,0±0,57 1,15 1,89 100,5±0,5 1,0 0,99 О-109-112 F8(К9хК10) 59,5±0,95 1,91 3,22 101,0±1,0 2,0 1,98 О-117-120 F8(К11хК9) 62,2±1,03 2,06 3,31 101,7±0,25 0,5 0,49 Convergent strains Т-814-15/07 61,0±0,1 2,0 3,27 100,2±2,25 4,5 4,48 Т-482-83/07 61,7±1,18 2,36 3,82 105,2±0,47 0,95 0,91 Т-484-85/07 62,2±0,58 2,58 4,15 101,9±0,49 2,19 2,15 Model species С-6524 61,0±1,0 1,41 2,39 104,5±0,5 0,70 0,70

Indicators on “50% sprouting-50% ripening” all these block families were noted as equal to model spices or being earlier maturity.The earliest maturity family О-105-108 (100,5 days) was distinguished. Results on vegetation strains period analysis showed that all of the them on both indicators were equal to model strain or dominant, merely Т-482-83/07 sort ripening in 105,2 days, С-6524 (104,5 days) model manifested late ripening to 1,3 days. Т-814-15 sort was early mature material which distinguished among separated materials. According to information of 2015, it is neseccary to note that,through the period of vegetation О-117-120 family (101,5days), О-357-362 (61,1days), О-109-110 (61,6 days), (in both irrigation system relatively to 110,3 days-105,7 days; 110 days-107,7 days), Т-482-483/07 (60,3 days; 103 days) manifesting early mature and it can be used in genetic – selection investigations to improve signs. According to information of 2016, proper irrigation system (1-2-1), in the families О- 363-364 of convergent hybrids through transgressive recombination, convergent hybrids О- 97-100, О-105-108, О-109-112 families which taken through combined transgressive recombination and incomplete principle, Т-482-83/07, Т-814-15/07, Т-484-85/07 sorts that distinguished can be used to create early mature materials in practical – selection. According to sign “50% sprouting -50% blossom” of convergent hybrid family O-365-366 on the base of transgressive recombination in the condition of water shortage (0-2-0) of the convergent family and strains, convergent hybrid O-97-100 which was taken by the method of combined transgressive recombination and incomplete re-breedings from O-109-112 families and strain of T-814-15/07;convergent hybrid families O-363-364,O-179-188, on base of transgressive recombination according to sign “50% sprouting-50% blossom”, convergent hybrids O-965- 966,O-105-108 which were taken by method of combined transgressive recombination and incomplete re-crossing have been determined. One of the important thing is to create early maturity materials from the O-109-112,O-117-120 families and the sort of T-814-15/07 in process of practical selection. It was noted that, convergent hybrids which were taken by combined transgressive recombination method and incomplete rebreeding had earlier maturity than convergent hybrids which were taken by method of transgressive recombination, and families which were taken with their availability may be used in the genetic-selection researches to improve signs. While applying convergent breeding transgressive recombination and incomplete rebreeding method was gained to high variability on signs in ancestors and created new dominant species according to all signs in the case of increased selection opportunities which was being used in production. Including, Т-482-483/07, Т-814-815/07 strains had obviously main valuable – economic complex signs advantage , while, Т-802- 03/07, Т-230/05 strains had early maturity qualities , Т-231-33/07 and Т- 244-4 5/07 strains had resistance to wilt qualities, Т- 802-03/07 had weight of one pod, producing fiber and 223


length of fiber features, Т-244-45/07 strains manifested high fiber producing, Т-236-37/07 distinguished high indicators of fiber length. While ВК-3 and ВК-5 strains are high level donors on fiber quality. Since 2017 the sort of cotton СП-7302, which has average fiber is being tested for resistance to verticil wilt, high fertility, early maturity, high producing fiber, high harvesting level under State strain testcontrol. Stock seeds works on the К-2, К-5, ВК- 12, К2хК5, Т-814/815 strains of cotton plant is being worked out which were created by couple, complex and convergent hybridization methods in the elite farm of Surkhandarya region. In increasing species was taken 4,5-5,0 suplementary harvest comparatively to С-6524 model per hectare, fiber producing was high to 0,7, pods opening was at the highest point.

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Abstract The article presents the current data on the soils of the Fergana valley. The genetic and morphological features of automorphic, hydromorphic and transitional soils as well as the agrochemical and physic-chemical properties of the main irrigated soils are studied.



According to the results of laboratory tests it is determined that the various natural and man- made conditions, irrigated soil humus content and organic matter have the genesis of a regional nature. The influence on the development of soil climatic and anthropogenic factors, including desertification, is determined. Taking into account the current state of the irrigated soils of Ferghana valley, the recommendations on their optimization by introducing the innovational agro-technologies are presented.

Аннотация В статье приведены современные данные о почвенном покрове Ферганской долины. Изучены генетические и морфологические особенности автоморфных, гидроморфных и переходных почв, а также агрохимические и физико-химические свойства основных орошаемых почв. По результатам лабораторных анализов определены, что в различных природно-антропогенных условиях орошаемые почвы по содержанию органических веществ имеют генезис регионального характера. Определено влияние на развитие почв природно-климатических и антропогенных факторов, в том числе и опустынивания. Учитывая современное состояние орошаемых почв Ферганской долины предложены рекомендации по их оптимизации путем внедрения инновационных агротехнологий.

Аннотация Мақолада Фарғона водийси тупроқ қопламининг замонавий ҳолати келтирилган. Автоморф, гидроморф ва ўтувчи тупроқларнинг генетик ва морфологик хоссалари, нунингдек, асосий суғориладиган тупроқларнинг агрокимѐвий ва физик-кимѐвий хусусиятлари ўрганилган. Лаборатория таҳлил натижалари асосида турли табиий- антропоген шароитлардаги суғориладиган тупроқларда органик моддалар миқдорининг вужудга келиши минтақавий характерга эгалиги аниқланган. Тупроқларнинг шаклланишига табиий иқлим ва антропоген омилларнинг, шунингдек, чўлланишнинг таъсири аниқланган. Фарғона водийси суғориладиган тупроқларининг замонавий ҳолатини ҳисобга олиб, уларни инновацион агротехнологияларни тадбиқ этиш орқали яхшилаш бўйича тавсиялар таклиф этилган.

INTRODUCTION Irrigated agriculture is most developed in the dry (arid) regions, where the amount of natural rainfall is not enough to get the harvest of many crops. Irrigated farming is spreading rapidly in many countries, even with wet summers [1;2;3]. Irrigation developed in humid regions of the globe. The history of irrigation dates back to the period of antiquity. The study of ancient history shows that irrigation was used in Egypt, China, India, Japan, Central Asia and other countries. In Central Asia, mostly in Uzbekistan, the main centers of the ancient agriculture were the Khorezm oasis, the valley of the Zarafshan River and Ferghana valley, which are three thousand years old. Analysis of available data on the development and properties of soils, allows us to draw a generalized picture of the irrigated soils in the intermountain valleys of Uzbekistan. One of them is the Fergana valley. The Ferghana valley, stretching from west to east and from north to south for many tens of kilometers, covers all the varieties of landscapes encountered in its territory. Mountain systems, foothill-piedmont rolling plains, tertiary rocks, alluvial- deltaic plains and deserts are characterized by different geological structure and heterogeneity of parent rocks and hydro geological conditions, as well as a variety of hydrothermal resources and vegetation, resulting in the development of the valley‟s great genetic diversity of soils. South-eastern part of the valley is occupied by mountain systems of Tian-Shan and Pamir-Alai. Within the valley gravitating toward the mountains are a number of vertical soil 225


zones with different climatic conditions of soil formation. The lower boundary of the vertical zone is on absolute marks from 200-250 meters on northern mountain ranges and up to 400- 450 meters in the south. This transition from the vertical zones of latitude desert area reveals profound differences in the formation and distribution of soils in these natural geographic units. By hydrothermal conditions the Ferghana valley is divided into a system of latitude and altitude zones of desert area. Within the vertical zonation the upper tier is occupied by the leached brown soils formed at high altitude of sub-boreal and subtropical mountain steppes under the cover of shrub and herbs and juniper woodlands. Parent rocks are eluvium, talus and rocky proluvium. Fine-earth and strong stone-fine-earth layer, few meters thick, often leached of carbonates. Within the low mountains, foothills and piedmont plain gray desert area is divided into zones: dark, typical and light gray soils. The desert zone covers most plains and lowers towards the center of the valley. Changing altitudes and climatic parameters in the desert zone, which determine its specific properties like facies division into sub-sub- tropical desert. Mountain systems, foothill-piedmont rolling plains, tertiary rocks, alluvial-deltaic plains and deserts are characterized by different geological structure and heterogeneity of parent rocks and hydro geological conditions, and various hydrothermal regime and vegetation, resulting in the development of the Fergana valley‟s high genetic diversity of soil [4].

SUBJECT AND METHODS The object of the study was the Ferghana valley, representing the intermountain basin- valley with the slopes of the surrounding mountains. The valley is located in the eastern part of Uzbekistan. Ferghana valley lies deep in the mountains and is a large bottom of the valley, cut from east to west by the Syrdarya River. The northern edge of the basin forms by the Chatkal range, the eastern part – by the Ferghana range and the southern edge – by the Alai range; it extends to the west by the Turkestan ridges. The rivers flowing from the mountain ranges of the valley provide plenty of water resources. In the center of the valley there is the Central Fergana Desert plain [5]. The basis of this research was a comparative geographical method [6], which is meant to compare the soils subject to the conditions of soil formation, which allows the study of soil genesis, the establishment of a genetic relationship between the components of the soil cover, and its differentiation factors, as well as the main directions soil-forming process. At the stage of fieldwork studies we used morphological methods [7] to ensure the accuracy and validity of the diagnostic fields of soil, soil mapping and basic morphogenetic characteristics of soils. We also used the instrumental methods associated with laboratory tests of samples that were conducted at the Analytical center of the Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry by conventional methods [8, 9]. Upon receipt of the actual materials for the refinement of the geographic distribution of soil, along with the traditional route, we applied remote sensing research [10]. All soil-cartographic work was carried out with the help of GIS.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fergana valley is the largest intermountain basin in Central Asia located between the Tian-Shan mountains in the north and the Alay-Turkestan ranges to the south. The length of the Fergana valley from the west to the east is about 300 km, the width is 160-170 km. Absolute elevation of the bottom of the valley in the west is 330 meters, and 810 meters in the east. The complex structure resulted in the forming of the relief in the valley of several major geomorphologic units: within the altitude zones - high, medium and low mountains, foothills and piedmont plains with ridges hilly and alluvial fans and terraces of rivers. The 226


middle part of the valley is occupied by the ancient valley of the Syrdarya, which in the region of central Fergana has extremely varied sediments dominated by loams and clays, laminared sandy silt and sand. Floodplain Syrdaya terraces and stacked sandy loam and sandy sediments underplayed by gravel on relatively small (1-3 m) depth. Hydro geological conditions of the valley are very diverse. Within the mountain ranges, foothills and mountain plains, and in the upper parts of the alluvial fans the water table is deep (more than 10 m) and has a good ground outflow downhill. They are predominantly fresh. In the lower parts of the mountain plains and peripheral cones groundwater rises to the surface, occurring at a depth of 1-3 m. This contributes not only to the discharge (sazas) groundwater regime received by the strata of the mountains, but also in the intensive irrigation water supply zone. On the alluvial plain, closed towards the periphery cones, the ground waters are at a depth of 1-2 m, rarely they are above or below. Groundwater salinity varies. Within the mountain and foothill plains, as well as in modern Syrdarya valley the groundwater is fresh or low (0.2 to 2 grams/liter), middle cone depressions in the vast Central Fergana proluvial alluvial plain and lake-lows – are mostly medium – and heavy (5- 15 g/l). Isolation of the Valley between the mountain ranges makes the weather stable and there is lack of a sharp decline in the absolute minimum temperature in winter. Serozem zone is located at higher absolute levels than in other regions of Uzbekistan [11]. Due to the variety of lithological, geomorphologic, climatic and hydrothermal conditions in the valley so far emerged following genetic irrigated soil groups: in the system of vertical belts - brown, dark gray soils, typical, bright, gray-meadow, in the desert area - irrigated gray-brown, irrigated calmative, irrigated meadow, irrigated meadow (saz), irrigated meadow alluvial and irrigated bog-meadow soils. Meadow soils are formed in non-zonal, gray soil zones as well as in desert areas [12]. Within the vertical zone of the lowlands formed mountain brown soils in the mountain steppes, woodlands and forests. Parent rocks are eluvium, talus and rocky proluvium. Fine-earth and strong stone-fine-earth layer, reaching few meters, often leached of carbonates. Soils prone to erosion, medium and strongly washed difference occupy up to 70% of their area. The rock outcrops are frequent. Mountain brown soils due to harsh climate and very steep slopes are used mainly for grazing. These soils are found mainly to the north of the valley. Irrigated brown soils occupy small areas near permanent or temporary existing water sources – mountain rivers. According to mechanical composition they are heavy-textured often gravelly soils. In some places with a depth of 0.5-1m there are opened fragments of bedrock, soils are slightly and mid-washed. The upper part of the soil profile to about meter deep is well elaborated by the micro- organisms. In the arable horizon the brown soils contain only 1.9-2.0% of humus and they are considered as soils with less organic matter in comparison with virgin counterparts, where the amount of humus in the topsoil layer reaches 4-8%. Nitrogen in the same layer is 0,19-0,22%. These soils have middle amount of soil phosphorus. The amount of total potassium is relatively high. The absorption capacity of the arable horizon ranges from 11 to 13 mg/ekv, below the profile it is reduced to 10 mq/ekv per 100 grams of soil. In the absorbed bases calcium dominates (86-90%). Soil, in spite of irrigation from surface highly carbonated - 7.6% CO2. The following half-meter depth sometimes expressed by marled profile containing up to 30% of CaCO3. Under the mountain brown soils in the zone of contact with the mountain ranges with plain there are common gray soils belonging to the vertical zone. They are formed in a semi- desert. Gray soils developed on unconsolidated sediments of quaternary age: on loess, loess-



like loams proluvial and talus deposits. Serozems on a sub-type level are divided into dark, typical and bright. Each of these subtypes forms its bio-soil zone in the vertical zoning. Irrigated dark gray soils located on the foothills of sloping areas are covered by loess-like loams and clayey-skeletal proluvium deluvium. On heavy-textured soils, with a depth 0,3-0,5-1 m they are underplayed by gravel. The humus content in the plow layer of soil was 1.6-2.8%, nitrogen is 0,12-0,22%. In soils exposed to erosion, irrigation, the humus content decreases to 0.8-1.5%. Total phosphorus content here is low - 0.08-0.10% P2O5, total potassium is relatively high - 1.3-2.9% K2O. Carbonate content in irrigated dark gray soils in the profile varies from 8 to 12% CO2, with a maximum in the transitional horizon. It is also noted that there is a clay formation. Absorption capacity in the upper layers of the soil profile is 8-12 mq/ekv per 100 g of soil. In absorbing complex, the calcium dominates. Salt and gypsum in irrigated dark gray soils are found, because they are washed out of the profile of irrigated water in relatively low air temperatures. Irrigated typical gray soils cover large areas within the alluvial fans, the same level areas on loess foothills of the northern, southern and eastern parts of the valley. Parent rocks are proluvial-diluvial and alluvial-proluvial loess, less skeletal fine earth deposits. They have a deep-lying groundwater, not waterlogged. Prolonged irrigation caused the formation agro- irrigational horizon (up to 1.5 m), a heavier texture than the underlying loess. After watering the soil on top of a crust, cracked. Subsurface layer is different sometimes strong seal and is characterized by a heavy texture. Irrigated typical gray soils have very powerful agro-irrigational horizon - up to 1,3 m. Profile compacted, worked by earthworms, sometimes with signs of clayey. Mechanical compositions of soil are classified as medium and heavy silt loam. On piedmont plains and alluvial fans there are sometimes bedded gravels at depth of 1 m. The humus content in arable horizons ranges from 0.7 to 2.0% of the sloping piedmont plains and from 0.6 to 1.6% for cones. Total nitrogen is 0.06-0.12%. Total phosphorus content is quite high - 0.16-0.20%. Absorption capacity of the soil profile ranges from 9 to 14 mq/ekv per 100 g soil. Among the predominant calcium absorbed bases (up to 80% of the total). Carbonate irrigated soils in the upper horizons somewhat reduced - 3.5-4.5% of CO2, below the amount of carbonates increases to 10-15%. They are represented in the form of nodules. Some soils on alluvial fans exposed to weak salinization. In some places appears irrigation erosion, mainly in slight degree. Soil sites lightly gypsum, saline or slightly washed. Irrigated light gray soils are on high clayey soils (loess or gravelly proluvium), on peripheries of sloping piedmont plains, alluvial fans, as well as in foothills. Irrigated light gray soils on loess valleys occupy within a fairly large area in the eastern Fergana. Loess sediments are considered proluvium-diluvial deposits have been brought by neighboring clayey foothills. In light gray soils the prolonged irrigational use causes formation of agro-irrigational horizon of up to 0.8-1 meters and more, with erased signs inherent virgin gray soils. Mechanical composition of the soil is mainly medium-and heavy, sometimes light loam. In some places with a depth of 0.6-1 m there are under-laid by gravel or pebbles. The foothill plains sometimes are rocky. The varied texture of the plow layer and differences in farming practices predetermine wide swings in humus content of 0.6 to 1.3%. In lower part of its profile the number gradually decreased to 0.5-0.7%. In eroded soils the humus content in this layer is 0.5-0.7%. Total nitrogen in the plow horizon is 0.05-0.12%. The ratio of carbon to nitrogen varies from 6-7. The content of total phosphorus in soils is high - 0,22-0,35%. The absorption capacity of soils is low - 9.7 mq/ekv 100 g soil. In the absorbed bases prevails calcium (73- 84% of the total). Among irrigated light gray soils the saline types are dominated, but sometimes there are lightly gypsum, slightly washed and, low and moderately saline soils. 228


Irrigated gray-meadow soils are the result of long and intensive irrigation, gray soil, accompanied by the rise of ground water to 2-3m, and therefore the gray soils evolve into gray-meadow soils. This occurs both in the zone of typical and light gray soils. Irrigated gray-meadow soils are usually of old usage. They occur on the sloping piedmont plains and alluvial fans of rivers and genetically are transitional soils from gray to meadow soils. In the profile of these soils with strong agro-irrigational horizon (1.5m), the residual signs of gray soils are erased. Moistening the lower profile is the result of capillary inflow of groundwater. This part of the profile is subject clayey, expressed in the form of bluish and greenish spots. Humus content in the plow layer of soil on sloping piedmont plains ranged from 0.7 to 1.9%, on cones - from 0.7 to 1.2%. Total nitrogen in soils 0.05-0.11%. The content of total phosphorus in soils depends on the chemical composition of the parent material and is 0.12- 0.15%. On texture the gray-irrigated meadow soils are mainly medium-and heavy, sometimes at a depth of 0.5-1-2m underlain by gravel or pebbles. Soil is not saline or saline to a lesser degree. Irrigated gray-brown soils formed on old piedmont sloping plains in the north-west part of the valley. They differ from the adjacent light gray soils with lack of topsoil horizon and the presence of a parquet takyr crust, sub cortical stratified scaly-horizon, and other features inherent in the gray-brown soils. Gray-brown soils are unsuitable for irrigation, however, they are being irrigated. Irrigated arable horizon of gray-brown silt loam soil and less mid-loamy soil ended with a large admixture of the rocks. Below the plow layer at a depth of 0.3-0.5 m they are bedded with gravel and gypsum. High gypsum (up to 40% by weight of soil) is a characteristic feature of these soils, which determines their salinity with primarily sulfates salts. Soil salinity is expressed to a lesser degree in some places. Irrigation on these soils may result in of soil crust. Humus horizon in these soils is low. Humus content in it is 0.4-0.7%, total nitrogen is 0.03-0.05%. The content of total phosphorus in these soils is 0.08-0.12%, potassium - 1.2- 1.4%. Carbonate content of the soil is medium - 6-8% CO2, the distribution of carbonates in the profile is uniform. Soils have low salinity. The absorption capacity of irrigated gray- brown soils is low - 4.6 mq/ekv per 100 gram of soil. In the absorbed bases is predominant with calcium (70-80%). There is a high proportion of sodium (13-15% of the capacity of absorption). Colmatage irrigated soils are very young formations. In the densely populated Fergana valley there was a lack of land for a long time, therefore the people living in areas of gravel cones of large rivers like Sokh, Isfara and others have long used to colmatage. Method of colmatage is simple and starts with drifting silty water to these areas. To delay the small particles, the scattered branches of bushes and dry grass are put, and the fine deposits are formed around those plants. Thus, repeating for many times these operations produce siltation pebble layer with the thickness of 20-35 cm, then here people grow crops or plant gardens. Then there is natural build-up of thickness of clayey sediment and soil becomes suitable for crop production. Now irrigated colmatage soil distributed on alluvial-proluvial of Sokh alluvial fan deposits. Colmatage soils are mostly light and medium loamy, loamy soils on even large areas. These are the low salted soil; the type of salinity is chloride-sulphate. The specific properties of the soil are: rocky, fine-textured coat is short and easy to washout. Some irrigated colmatage (irrigated) soils form agro-irrigational horizons. Humus horizon in these soils is of low power. Humus content in it is 1,51-1,76%, total nitrogen - 0,012-0,020%. The content of total phosphorus in these soils is 0.29-0,32%, potassium is 1,50-1,60%, mobile phosphorus is 13,0-16,0 mg/kg, potassium is 132,0-180,8 mg/kg. The soils are very low comfortable with mobile phosphorus and potassium. Despite this the soils have 5,88-9,71% of 229


carbonates. The absorption capacity of the soils is low - 6,15-7,00 mq/ekv per 100 g of soil. In the absorbed bases prevails calcium (63.66% of the total). Irrigated meadow soils are formed in the light gray soil zone, and in the desert zone (central Fergana) at a depth of groundwater of 1-2,0 m. Initially, the high standing groundwater was due to natural factors: saz mode in deflections of piedmont plains and on the periphery of the alluvial fans, alluvial - at low river terraces. Wide development of land under irrigation in the foothill plains and alluvial fans with a weak outflow of groundwater supported broad increase of their level. In the changed hydrological conditions automorphic soil transformed first into half-hydromorphic and continues to hydromorphic meadow soils. In this regard, the irrigated meadow soils in the modern natural and anthropogenic conditions on saz and alluvial moisture regime imposed to irrigation, resulting in a mixed mode of groundwater. In irrigated meadow saz soils depending on the duration of use and disposal of irrigation sources formed agro-irrigational horizons with thickness of 0.50 to 1.20 m; it has a relatively homogeneous loamy texture. In some places the soil within depth of 1-2 m underlain with gravel or pebbles on alluvial fans - sometimes rocky. Meadow soil belt of light gray soils are heavily affected by salinity. Humus content in the plow horizon of irrigated meadow soils varies on piedmont plains from 1.2 to 2.4%, on cones - from 0.8 to 1.7%. Nitrogen content, correlating with the amount of humus, ranges from 0.03 to 0.11%. The ratio of carbon to nitrogen in these soils is wide (14-16), indicating a slightly enriched humus nitrogen. Irrigated meadow saz soil in the upper part of the profile contains a small amount of carbonates (7-8% CO2). Only to a depth of 100-130 cm occasionally formed carbonate- gypsum horizons (arzik). The soils are affected by salinity. Along with non-saline soils in Central Fergana occur weakly, moderately and strongly saline soils, which are strongly affected by soil desertification. Irrigated meadow alluvial soils are formed on the first and second terraces above the floodplain of the right and left banks of the Syrdarya, Narin and Karadarya rivers when water table is 1-2.5 m. The groundwater regime here is alluvial-irrigation. Mechanical composition of the soils is heavy and medium loamy. Below the agro-irrigational horizon of the soil profile is sharp flaky, here sandy loam changes with loamy sand. Humus content in the plow horizon of these soils varies from 0.7 to 1.5%, nitrogen - 0,05-0,13%. Total phosphorus content is low - 0.11-0.13%. The CO2 content of carbonates in the plowing and subsurface horizons is 6-9%, in the lower part is up to 13%. These soils have low tillage horizon absorption capacity - from 7 to 10 mq/ekv 100 gram per soil. Among the absorbed bases calcium is predominant (60- 70% of the total). In deep soil horizons sometimes increases the fraction of absorbed magnesium. Under the influence of irrigation on the meadow alluvial soils, there is an activated migration of water soluble salts in the profile, leading to salinization. Irrigated bog-meadow soils are found in the belt of light gray soils and in the desert area. They are formed at the periphery of the fan and the lower floodplain and floodplain terraces of rivers, occupying small plots and lowest in the landscape. They stand out on the map, in combination with meadow soils. The water table is at a depth of 0.5-1 m. In texture they are different - from heavy loam to loam, sandy loam. At the periphery of the fan there are Sokh gypsum soils. Humus content in the plow horizon of these soils in gray desert zone ranges from 0.7 to 1.8%. Strong clayey soils found in high profile. Irrigated bog-meadow soils are affected by salinity, but most significantly it is manifested in the desert area. In general, all the soils of desert areas affected by salinity.

CONCLUSION Comparing the data on the state of the soil cover over a period of time, it should be noted that there is a tendency to deterioration of some indicators of soil fertility in the Fergana 230


Valley. The rise of water table due to poor performance of drainage network, which promotes soil salinization in the desert zone (central Fergana). Here in extra-arid conditions desertification and soil erosion is observed. In areas of the foothills, piedmont plains and high river terraces due to land development with unfavorable topography the processes of irrigational erosion are activated. In connection with the above, we should develop a system of integrated measures to prevent soil degradation in all its manifestations. Therefore, in certain areas of the Ferghana valley the optimization measures based on innovational agro-technologies should be applied. Thus, on the lands where the soils have low fertility, difficult melioration situation, degraded foothill areas, rocky and salinized fields the orchards, melon and vegetable plantations should be grown. Also, based on the information on current status of irrigated soils in the Ferghana valley, on the lands with high and saline water table, swampy, gypsum filled, eroded soils in order to keep and increase the soils fertility it is recommended to grow legumes, oil plants and soilage. In the piedmonts it is recommended to establish gardens and wineries.

REFERENCES 1. Dobers E. S., Ch. Ahl., T. Stuczynski. (2010). Comparison of Polish and German maps of agricultural soil quality using GIS. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 173. P.185-197. 2. Jan Nemechek, Pavel Novak. (1985). Contribution to diagnostics of soil hydromorphism. Transactions of the 6th Czechoslovak Soil Science Conference with international participation. volume 2. Nitra. 2-6 September. 3. Sehgal J.L. (2002). Soil classification. In fundamentals of soil Science. Indian Soc. Soil Science, New Delhi. P.19-53. 4. Kuziev R., V. Sektimenko, A. Ismonov. (2008). Soil Map of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. 5. Kuziev R., V. Sektimenko, A. Ismonov. (2010). Atlas soil of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. P.46. 6. Rode, A.A. (1971). The system of methods in soil science. Novosibirsk, Nauka, Sib. Dep. P.92. 7. Rozanov, B.G. (2004). The morphology of the soil. M., Academic Project. P.432. 8. Arinushkina E. (1975). Guidelines for chemical analysis of soils. Moscow, Moscow State University. P.491. 9. Kuziev R., N. Abdurakhmanov, A. Ismonov. et al (2009). Guidelines for the management of the land cadastre, soil-survey work and preparation of soil maps. Tashkent. P. 52. 10. N. Zborischuk. (1992). Remote sensing methods for inventory and monitoring of soil cover. Part I. Moscow, Moscow State University. P.86. 11. R. Kuziev and W. Sektimenko. (2009). Uzbek soil. Tashkent. P. 351. 12. Soil survey. Guidelines for field studies and land cover mapping. Moscow, 1959. P.344. ______


Abstract The article presents data on the development of a soil geographic-analytical system based on modern geographic information systems for analyzing the results of soil research. The composition and sequential algorithm of the execution of this software product are highlighted. The program features in the evaluation of agronomical important soil indicators 231


in the rational use of soils, in determining the degree of soil salinity and the state of provision of nutrient elements are shown.

Аннотация В статье приведены данные по разработки почвенная географическая- аналитическая система на основе современных геоинформационных систем для анализа резултатов почвенных исследовании. Изучены составные часты и последовательность алгоритм выполнение этого программного продукта. Показан возможности программного продукта в оценка агрономических важный показетелей почв в рационального исползование почв, в определение степень засоления почв и состояние обеспеченнсоти питательними элементами.

Аннотация Ушбу мақолада тупроқ тадқиқотлари натижаларини таҳлил қилишда замонавий геоахборот тизими технологиялари асосида тупроқ геоахборот-таҳлилий тизимиини ишлаб чиқиш асослари бўйича маълумотлар берилган. Бунда ушбу дастур таркибий қисмлари ва бажариш алгоритми кетма-кетликлари ѐритиб ўтилган. Тупроқлардан унумли фойдаланишда унинг агрономик жиҳатдан муҳим кўрсаткичларини баҳолаш, шўрланиш даражасини ва озиқа элементлар билан таъминланганлик ҳолатини аниқлашда ушбу дастур имкониялари кўрсатиб ўтилган.

Introduction In agriculture, the consistent development of production, the rational use of land resources, the solution of problems associated with the productivity of irrigated land have great importance and to date is one of the main problems of agriculture. In this case, the conservation and regular improvement of soil fertility, the detection of factors that reduce the fertility of soils, prevent and effectively combat them is considered the most important task of the field. In this case, the effective application of advanced technologies in agriculture remains a pressing problem. Today, the country's agricultural sector uses a variety of innovative, advanced technologies based on the latest scientific achievements. The sector studies problems of use of information and communication technologies, based on their effective management and monitoring of agricultural enterprises and their results are being implemented. Similarly, in the analysis of soil survey results and scientific management of soil fertility, the development of a geoinformation-analytical system based on modern geoinformation technologies, including the creation of software that performs the functions of input, storage, analysis, search and output of data on the state and dynamic of soils in a convenient form for users is one of the most actual problems of our time. High information availability of data on soils and soil cover, the possibilities of software and the power of computing resources of computers have led to the creation of soil information systems all over the world. New methods of obtaining, storing, processing and presenting soil information using modern digital technologies are being developed. To date, a large number of such information systems are known: international SOTER, еuropean EUROPEAN SOIL DATABASE, Australian ASRIS, Canadian CANSYS, digital soil models, etc. [1-5]. With the participation of the Dokuchaev Society of Soil Scientists, a Soil- Geographic Database of Russia is being created [6]. In our republic, there is also a long overdue need to create an attributive information database on soils corresponding to the world level, which our investigations are devoted to. Since 2009, in the Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry there are several 232


projects to create a soil information system for the soils of the Republic and gradually all the huge factual material available on soils and soil cover of the country is getting to a single, systematized database.

The object and methods of the research To provide required input materials for development of soil geoinformation-analytical system field observations are carried out at Yangiobod area of Mirzobod district of Syrdaryo region. Soil samples taken from serozem-meadow soils of the region. Fig 1.

Figure 1. Location of the study object

The location of soil samples recorded using handheld GPS and mapped using ArcGIS software. The investigations were carried out on field and laboratory conditions, physical and chemical analyzes were carried out on the basis of generally accepted methodological instructions in soil science [7, 8, 9, 10]. Directly programming works carried out in integrated development environment - Visual Studio by Microsoft. Geographical information system analysis carried out in software ArgGIS 10 and its module Geostatistical Analyst. Results of the research According to above mentioned objectives, several works on creating initial software of soil geoinformation-analytical system based on geoinformation technologies. At this stage its initial part computer software of attributive data analysis is developed. Main objective of this software is getting attributive data of soil geographic information database to required form and state for geoinformation analysis. Based on initial input data, required results put in comfortable and convenient form for GIS analysis and users using consequences of algorithms. For implementation of the program, accounts of components for each type of soil changed into a computer algorithm sequence. The first component is the mechanical composition of the soil; here the main focus was paid to developing sequence of separation of soils according to mechanical composition. This functionality was studied based on amount of physical clay content in the soil. (Figure 2).



Figure 2. Algorithm to determine mechanical composition type of the soil The second component is one of the main factors of soil fertility - amount of humus, in this case, according to the humus content in the soil, humus gradation algorithm has been developed. (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Algorithm to determine the level of humus in the soil



The third component is the amount of various nutrients in the soil, based on these values algorithm developed to determine the level of nutrients in the soil. For the development of the algorithm for this component like above-mentioned component, group separation method based gradation by supply level is used. (Figure 4,5).

Figure 4. Algorithm to determine the level of phosphor in the soil

Figure 5. Algorithm to determine the level of potassium in the soil The fourth component is the amount of salts in the soil, soil salinity on the basis of these values, to determine the type soil salinity respective algorithm has been developed. (Figure 6).



Figure 6. Algorithm to determine level and type of soil salinity

As a result, soil geoinformation-analytical program consists of two main parts, the first of spatial data layer and the second layer of the attributive information. In the spatial data layer of the program stored all geographical data, under the attributive data part value and quality of the soils stored in the form of tables in the database. All information of these two components of the soil GIS database are stored in related form (both parts are linked with each other with a unique identification code) and when one object selected appropriate geographic information and related quality and value information in the form of table will be observed.

Conclusion In conclusion, we can say that the development of program of soil geoinformation- analytical system gives capabilities of entry, storage, analysis and delivery of soil data for the user. In this case, new conveniences arise like making a common standard for soil information, input and output of data easy to use for users, long-term data storage and automatic analysis. In addition, creation of the soil geoinformation-analytical system will serve as the basis for the creation of land resources and soil of the country. This, in turn, can be applied to many areas of agriculture and soil science. For example, the system can be applied in taking consideration of the uniqueness of the area, quantitative relationship between the soil layers with other components of landscape, and originality of land use type, and study of the relationship between the conditions of the soil. Initial soil digital maps of soil characteristics created using ArcGIS software. The capabilities of this program are observed, which is a high-precision, efficiency, comparison and analysis of the data, saving time and ultimately higher economic efficiency.



REFERENCES 1. Batjes, N.H. A homogenised soil profile dataset for global and regional environmental research (WISE, version 1.1) / N.H Batjes // Report 2002/01, International Soil Reference and Information Centre. – Wageningen, 2002. [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http:/www.isric.org. 2. Global and National Soils and Terrain Digital Databases (SOTER) / Ed. V.W.P. van Engelen and T.T.Wen. – International Soil Reference and Information Centre, 1995. – 138 p. 3. Georeferensced Soil Database for Europe / P. Finke [et al.] // Manual of procedures. Version 1.1. – Edited by European Soil Bureau, 2001. – 178 p 4. The Australian Soil ResourceInformation System / N.J. McKenzie [et al.] // Technical specifications. Version 1.5. – 2005. – 93 ñ. 5. Digital Soil Mapping as a support to production offunctional maps / E. Dobos [et al.] // Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. – Luxemburg. 2006. – 68 pp. 6. Soil-geographical database of Russia / VA Rozhkov [and others] // Pochvovedenie. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 3-6. (In Russian) 7. Kachinsky N.A. Soil physics. - M.: Publishing house of the ANSR, ch.I. 1965. - 318 p. (In Russian) 8. Kuziev R.K., Sectimenko V.E. Soil of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent: Publishing house «EXTREMUM PRESS», 2009. - 251 p. (In Russian) 9. Guidelines for conducting chemical and agrophysical analyzes of soils in land monitoring. - Tashkent: GosNIIPA, 2004. - 260 p. (In Uzbek) 10. Tursunov L. Soil physics. - T.: "Mehnat", 1988. - 224 p. (In Uzbek)

METHODS OF THE INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY FOR HUMIDIFYING SEED COTTON AND COTTON FIBER AT COTTON GINNERIES R.A. Gulyaev, Doctor of Sciences; B.M. Mardonov, Doctor of Sciences; A.E. Lugachev, Doctor of Sciences

Abstract The necessity for the conditioning of raw cotton and cotton fiber by its moisture is caused by the fact that the rate of moisture is one of the most important factors influencing the process of primary processing of cotton, with the process of storage of harvested raw cotton to cotton fiber Pressing into bales. In domestic practice, raw cotton, has, has, received, for, the processing, usually has a high moisture content. In this regard, there are intensive drying and cleaning of raw cotton on the ginneries. However, the intensification of the drying and cleaning of raw cotton has not only positive effects.

Аннотация Необходимость кондиционирования хлопка-сырца и хлопкового волокна его влажностью обусловлена тем, что скорость влаги является одним из наиболее важных факторов, влияющих на процесс первичной переработки хлопка, с процессом хранения убранного хлопка-сырца до Хлопковое волокно, прессование в тюки. В отечественной практике сырой хлопок, получивший, для обработки, обычно имеет высокое содержание влаги. В этой связи интенсивные сушки и очистки хлопка-сырца на хлопчатобумажных фабриках. Однако интенсификация сушки и очистки хлопка-сырца имеет не только положительный эффект.



Cotton fiber is one of the most important strategic commodities in the world trade. According to the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), world production of cotton in the season 2015/16 reached 26.2 million tons [1]. The high level of competition on the world cotton market, the emergence of a modern, technologically advanced and high-speed textile machinery, the need for high quality and competitive textile products leads to a tightening of requirements for the quality of cotton fiber. In this regard, the enhancement of primary processing of seed cotton and the improvement of consumer properties of cotton fiber is the most actual problem. Developed foreign countries, such us the US, China, India, Brazil, Republic of Uzbekistan and other countries, pay special attention to the improvement of efficiency of the cotton industry and enhancement of the methods of managing of technological processes, which brought to the certain progress in ensuring the competitiveness of cotton products. Improvement of the quality characteristics of the cotton fiber, reduction of production costs of seed cotton processing is being provided due to the measures taken to optimize production processes, introduction of the new effective technological devices. The Republic of Uzbekistan has implemented comprehensive large-scale measures to improve the efficiency of the production process of primary processing of seed cotton and for introduction of highly effective technological process management systems that improve the consumer properties of produced cotton products. The works on introduction of flexible technological processes of seed cotton processing are carried out on the ginneries. In particular, the special attention is paid to the implementation of seed cotton and cotton fiber humidification technology, allowing, depending on initial characteristics of the raw material, to obtain cotton products of given quality, with minimal loss of raw materials and low energy consumption. The analysis revealed that cotton fiber produced by cotton industry of the republic has an average moisture content of about 5.0 %, indicating the shortcomings of existing technology and the necessity of development of new and effective methods of humidification of the fibrous material and devices for their implementation [2].

INTRODUCTION In the process of analytical review of bibliography, research works relating to the matters of technique and humidification technology of fibrous materials it was determined that the existing methods of humidification of seed cotton and cotton fiber used in domestic and foreign practice, are not effective enough, do not provide the needed increase of moisture, have technological and structural disadvantages. The conducted study of the current state of the problem of humidification of seed cotton and cotton fiber showed that in order to bring the fiber moisture in bales to the normative parameters it is necessary to humidify the fibrous material to 1.5-2.0 %. Simultaneous increase the moisture content for a few percent at one point of technological process does is not achievable at any one of the world's existing humidification technologies. In this regard, the necessity of development a comprehensive, phased humidification technology for seed cotton before ginning and cotton fiber prior to pressing, was stressed. The necessity for conditioning of raw cotton and cotton fiber according its moisture caused by the fact that the rate of moisture is one of the most important factors influencing the process of primary processing of cotton, since the process of storage of harvested raw cotton to cotton fiber pressing into bales. In domestic practice, raw cotton, has been received for the processing, usually has a high moisture content and therefore requires intensive drying to ensure a high cleaning effect. In this regard, there are intensive drying and cleaning of raw cotton on the ginneries. However, intensification of drying and cleaning of raw cotton has not only positive but also negative effects on the natural properties of the fiber. 238


Owing to various morphological structures components of raw cotton have different equilibrium moisture content, but the fiber dries much faster than seeds. Due to the fact that the evaporation surface of the fiber is about 250 times greater than of the seed, overdried fiber becomes brittle, loses partly highly elastic and plastic properties [2]. In the process of mechanical influences during the further processing of raw cotton can be imposition of similar internal and external stress resulting in rupture of the weak points in the structure. If in the process of drying and ginning these changes in mechanical properties are still less noticeable, at the ginning process they appear by forming such defects as seed coat with fiber, seed coat fragments. Also decrease the average fiber length, increase the short fiber content. Avoid unwanted effects of drying can be achieved by humidification of the raw seed cotton before ginning. Results of previous researches suggest that the optimum moisture of raw seed cotton on ginning process is in the range of 8% [2]. Increasing of raw cotton moisture relative to its normal value causes a decrease in the gross productivity of gins, fiber yield reduction, increasing the scope of defects and dirty of fiber. Ginning of excessively dry raw cotton leads to a shortening of the length of the fiber due to the increase of mechanical damage, the formation of such defects, as the seed coat fragments and seed coat with fiber. In the process of primary processing of cotton, the essential importance belongs to technological moisture of fiber before pressing process. In accordance with state standards O'z DSt 604:2016 "Cotton fiber. Technical specifications)" [3] and production schedules of primary processing of raw cotton PDI 30-2012 [4] cotton fiber before pressing should be moisturized to 7.5 - 8.5%. Technological operation of fiber moistening before its pressing to the above given rate provides optimal structural and mechanical properties of cotton fiber. After moistening fiber becomes less elastic and more susceptible to the mechanical influence, reduced tensile force acting on the strapping belt, improved presentation of fiber, static electricity on the fiber is neutralized, volume density and weight of bales are increase, overall dimensions are reduced. As result can be achieved reduction of energy consumption of pressing equipment, saving packaging materials, prevention of belt breaking and bale repressing, reduce transport costs, the prices of fiber, the exclusion of price discounts because of low humidity moisture. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS Humidification of seed cotton On basis of analyzes of the process of humidification of seed cotton and cotton fiber, it was determined that the seed cotton is characterized by uneven properties and structural composition of its components, which leads to the difference in their hygroscopic properties and moisture content. It was determined that the most effective method of cotton humidification is the moisture sorption by maximum loosened material from еру air with a high relative humidity (80-90 %) and high temperature (50-70 ° C) with intensive aerodynamic interaction of humidification agent and a fibrous material. The research results of domestic and foreign scientists emphasize the importance of ensuring the required technological parameters of moisture content of seed cotton, cotton fiber at each stage of the cotton primary processing. These previous findings suggest that ginning of over dried cotton (5.0 %) leads to a shortening of the length of the fiber due to the increase of mechanical damage, the formation of defects. Seed cotton ginning with high moisture content (over 8.5 %) reduces the gin performance, increases mechanical damage of seeds and leads to the formation of combined defects. Cotton humidifier in the form of humidification chamber prompted to be installed on an inclined unloading tray of cleaning machine UHK (1HK) [5]. The principle of operation of the humidifier is based on the warm-humid treatment of seed cotton coming out of the machine UHK (1HK) by the humidification agent, having high moisture content (relative 239


humidity of about 85-90 %) and the temperature (about 70 ° C). The supply of humidification agent to the cotton flow, moving along the inclined unloading tray, to be carried out above the conveying surface. For this purpose, the surface of the tray itself, in order to allow the passage of humidification agent is made in the form of louvre grid. In this case, a thin layer of seed cotton, moving on the surface of the unloading tray, will be wrapped by the steam of the humidification agent which is being discharged through the slots of the sheets forming a louvered grid. In order to improve efficiency of heat-mass transfer processes, and in particular, to ensure the aerodynamic interaction of humidification agent with cotton flies, it was suggested to install a diffuser at the top of the humidification chamber, conjugated with pneumatic system for sucking of the used humidification agent. During the experimental studies the optimal moisture parameters of seed cotton before ginning were identified, which ensure preservation of the natural properties of the material and an increased fiber output [6]. Several variants of the device for humidification of seed cotton UHS, providing humidification of thin and loosened cotton layer, leaving the UHK (1HK) by warm and moist humidification agent have been developed on the basis of the analytical and theoretical studies. One embodiment of the device, constructed as a humidification chamber (hopper) and mounted on unloading tray of UHK (HC 1) unit is shown in fig.1. During the process, cleaned and loosened seed cotton from the aggregate UHK (1HK) is discharged as a uniform flow, and is moved along the upper wall of louvre grid of hopper 1, while from the steam generator 7, through conduit 6 into the chamber 3 via the nozzles 5 the heated humidification agent is supplied under pressure in the form of steam which blows loosened cotton flow through gaps of louvre grid 2 by suction through the inlet 9, performing the humidification. Further humidified cotton flow with humidification agent moves to the bottom of the hopper 1, where through an ejection funnel 10 connected to the air tube 11 is conveyed to the battery of gins [7].

1 – bunker, 2 – louvre grid, 3 –chamber for feeding of heated humidification agent, 4 – chamber‟s low wall, 5 - nozzles, 6 - pipeline 7 - generator of humidification agent, 8 - the opposite wall of the hopper, 9 - connection for suction of humidification agent, 10 - ejection funnel, 11 - air pipeline Fig. 1. General view and the construction scheme of seed cotton humidifier

The patents of the Republic of Uzbekistan on useful model UZ №FAP 00800 and UZ №FAP 00957 "Device for humidification of seed cotton" for the proposed methods and devices for humidifying of seed cotton before ginning, have been received [8]. The steam generator, providing production of humidification agent with high moisture content, was designed. Designed generator of humidification agent is an electrode type device 240


providing production of agent consisting of a mixture of vapor and suspended water in the form of fine particles (i.e. "Wet" steam). Capacity of the steam generator is 0.75 l/min or 45 3 l/h. The proportion of water vapor γп in the humidification agent is about 157.78 g/m . Qualification testing of experimental-industrial pilot sample of the device for humidification of seed cotton UHS in conjunction with the generator of humidification agent EBG, conducted on Chinaz cotton ginnery in Tashkent region, have shown that the device is able to provide the seed cotton moisture increase up to 0,5 %. Evaluation of the quality parameters of cotton fiber produced with different levels of moisture content of seed cotton, showed that such characteristics as micronaire, maturity, reflectance degree, yellowness of cotton fibers do not tend to change depending on the seed cotton moisture content and remain virtually constant. However, some significant effect of seed cotton moisture content on such characteristics as upper half mean length, length uniformity was revealed. So, the upper half mean length of fiber obtained by ginning of seed cotton with moisture content 7.64 % was 0.005 inches longer than of fiber, obtained by ginning of seed cotton with moisture content 7.13 %. Changing of the seed cotton moisture content only to 0.5 % ensured preservation of modal weight length for 0.2 mm, the staple length for 0.21 mm, the mean length for 0.82 mm. Short fiber index in the samples of fiber obtained after ginning of non-humidified seed cotton, was at 2.13 % higher than in the humidified seed cotton. Experimental studies of influence of different initial moisture content of seed cotton before ginning to the change of the parameters of quality and cotton fiber output have been conducted for the purposes of scientific substantiation of the optimal technological moisture of seed cotton before ginning, in relation to the existing seed varieties and modern technological equipment. As a result of ginning of seed cotton with moisture of 3.8 %, 6.5 %, 8.1 %, 9.7 % and 10.7 % it was determined that the highest fiber output was fixed at 8,1 % moisture content. During the tests a significant effect of seed cotton moisture on such characteristics as strength, upper half mean length, short fiber index, length uniformity, was revealed. So, the upper half mean length of fiber obtained by ginning of seed cotton with moisture content of 10.7% was at 0.025 inch or 1 code longer than the length of fiber obtained by ginning of seed cotton with 3.8 % moisture content. Short fiber index, respectively, decreased by 1.23 % from 7.92 % to 6.69 % (fig. 2).



Fig. 2. Dynamics of change in the upper half mean length (1) and short fiber index (2) depending on the moisture content of seed cotton 241


The results of studies of quality and output of fibers indicate that the most optimal moisture content for ginning technology in the range 7.5-8.5 %.

Humidification of cotton fiber Several variants of the device for humidification a cotton fiber before pressing UVR have been developed on the basis of the results of the analytical and theoretical studies. The appearance and the scheme of an embodiment of the device is shown in Fig.3. During the process, the fibrous material coming out from condenser 1 in the form of a layer, is passed to the loosening drums 6 which are rotated in opposite directions thus dividing material into separate pieces. Then material pieces by the two streams are thrown into the humidification chamber 3 along the guide flaps 2, where are exposed to humidification agent, fed from the nozzles 11 to the entire volume of the chamber 3. The suction spigot 12 mounted between the rollers 6, provides ventilation of tufts of fibrous material in the chamber 3 by heat flow exiting from the nozzles 11, which provides efficient and uniform humidification of the fibrous material through entire volume. Next, the humidified fibrous material layer is formed again to one layer by the crimping rollers 7 at the bottom of chamber 3.

1- condenser, 2 - deflector plates, 3 - humidification chamber 4 - longitudinal wall of the chamber, 5 - end wall of the chamber, 6 –loosening drums, 7 - crimping rollers, 8 - set of gear drives 9 – shaft, 10 - grate grille, 11 - a spray, 12 - suction nozzle of humidification agent Fig.3. The appearance and the scheme of the cotton fiber humidifier UVR

For the proposed methods and devices for humidification of fibers prior to pressing, the patents of the Republic of Uzbekistan (UZ №IAP 02731, UZ №FAP 00390, utility model application for the patent of the Republic of Uzbekistan UZ №FAP 20150044) were received [9]. The State acceptance tests of the prototype device UVR, carried out on Buka cotton ginnery of Tashkent region, showed its efficiency and functionality. Humidification of cotton fiber with an initial moisture content of 8.28 % was carried out with a water flow at the rate of 30 and 45 l / h. Increase of the moisture in the first case amounted to 0.63 %. The average moisture content of fiber was 8.91 % and the standard deviation – 0.25 %. Gain of fiber moisture from the water flow rate of 45 l/h was 1.11 %. The average value of moisture content – 9.38 %, standard deviation – 0.19 %. The obtained results are characterized by high uniformity of fiber‟s humidification by volume.



Evaluation of fiber quality characteristics, carried out within 6 months of storage (Table 1), revealed that such parameters as micronaire, upper half mean length, strength, uniformity index do not undergo significant changes during long-term storage and have differences within the error tolerance of the test method. However, changing of grade characteristics of fiber is clearly evident (whiteness, yellowness).

Table 1 Quality parameters of control and humidified cotton after 6 months of storage Cotton fiber moisture content

Quality Score 8,28 % 8,91 % 9,38 % Water Water Control 30 l/h 45 l/h Micronaire (Mic), units 3,5 3,6 3,6 Strength (Str), gf/tex 30,80 31,42 31,45 Upper half mean length (Len), inch 1,15 1,16 1,17 Uniformity Index (Unf),% 82,76 82,88 83,04 Short fiber index (SFI),% 5,95 5,60 5,66 Elongation (Elg),% 9,36 9,96 9,58 Trash code (T), unit 4,65 3,85 4,85 Reflectance degree (Rd),% 75,05 74,11 73,11 Yellowness (+ b),% 8,83 8,82 9,07

For the scientific justification of the proposed options and of the moisture range limit, experimental studies were carried out in order to reveal the effect of different initial moisture fiber to the quality parameters change during prolonged storage. Quality indices of cotton fiber samples, artificially humidified to 8.6 %, 10.3 %, 13.8 %, 17.5 %, were compared with the original quality of cotton fiber moisture content of 7.3 %. Dynamics of color indicators change in cotton fibers with different initial moisture content during 3 months of storage, presented in Figure 11, reflects the fact that characteristics of reflectance degree and yellowness of fibers humidified to 10.3 %, 13.8 % and 17.5 %, significantly changed, which resulted in the transfer of fiber to a lower grade according to US classification 31 - Middling White.

Fig. 4. Changes of reflectance degree (Rd) and yellowness (b) of cotton fibers with different initial moisture content during 3-month storage 243


The results of performed studies indicate that the rate of moisture content of the cotton fiber prior to pressing should not exceed 8.5 % to avoid deterioration of whiteness and yellowness of fibers and associated with above mentioned characteristics grade. In the continuation of studies, it was important to estimate the effect of various types of humidification agents on changing of cotton fiber quality parameters during prolonged storage. In particular, as an alternative, humidification agents presented by 10% to 20% salt solutions, were tested. These studies showed that salt solutions, by virtue of the bactericidal properties, prevent development of bacterial flora and contribute to the preservation of cotton color characteristics. Methods of humidification of fibrous material with activated and salt solutions are patented (UZ №IAP 02732, UZ №IAP 03995). CONCLUSION Results of studies in the area of humidification of seed cotton and cotton fiber have allowed to create the new device for humidification of seed cotton before ginning and new apparatus for humidification of cotton fiber before pressing. Both devices received a patents of the Republic of Uzbekistan for useful models. In the cotton season 2016 is supposed to carry out the production tests of the new models of the humidifiers on a number of cotton ginneries of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Humidification of seed cotton before ginning and cotton fiber before pressing provided the net gain of moisture up to 1.6 %, and the corresponding weight gain of 7-8 kg for bale. Applied humidification technology does not deteriorate the fiber quality parameters, while avoiding moistening of fiber greater than 8.5 %.

REFERENCES 1. Cotton: World Statistics. Bulletin of the International Cotton Advisory Committee, NY, November 2016. http://www.ICAC.org. 2. R.A. Gulyaev, B.M. Mardonov, A.E. Lugachev About the results of experimental studies on the effect of seed cotton moisture content to output and quality parameters of cotton fiber //The problems of textile, Tashkent 2013. - № 2.-p. 27-30. 3. The state standard O‟z DSt 604:2016. Cotton Fibre. Technical conditions. - Tashkent.: Printing office of Uzstandard, 2016.-12 p. 4. F.B. Omonov Production schedules of primary processing of raw cotton PDI 30-2012// Tashkent 2012. 5. R.A. Gulyaev, B.M. Mardonov, A.E. Lugachev Modeling of humidification process of moving fibrous layer with solids //The problems of mechanics, Tashkent 2013. - № 1. p. 33- 37. 6. R.A. Gulyaev, B.M. Mardonov, A.E. Lugachev Theoretical aspects of humidification of seed cotton, moving on inclined surface of «UHK» cleaner //The mechanic and technology, Alma-ata 2014. - № 1(43). p. 68-73. 7. R.A. Gulyaev, A.E. Lugachev, M. Bariev The study of humidification process of flow of raw cotton moving on an inclined plane tray with variable section // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Behtaevsk‟s readings: Informatization-future development of society": abstracts. - Chymkent, 2014 .S.198-201 8. Patent for useful model of Republic of Uzbekistan FAP 00957 Device for humidification of seed cotton/ R.A. Gulyaev, D.A. Yuldashov, A.E. Lugachev, B.M. Mardonov, R.R. Nazirov, published at the Bulletin of Agency for intellectual property №10 from 31.10.2014 9. Patent for useful model of Republic of Uzbekistan FAP 00390 Device for humidification of fibrous material / A.M. Gulyaev, R.A. Gulyaev, R.F. Yunusov, A.E. Lugachev, M.M. Imamutdinov, published at the Bulletin of Agency for intellectual property №6 from 21.12.2007 244



Abstract One of the most difficult process for producing the sunflower is the harvesting it. Growing sunflower as an oil plan is increasing in Uzbekistan, but it is being harvested manually since unavailability machinery means on harvesting the sunflower. Scientific researches were done to solve of this problem, developed implementations and technical solutions that give opportunity to adapt the header of the cereal combines for harvesting the sunflower. As for testing the work-capacity implementations endeavors, the header was installed in front of the combine Dominator-130 which was adapted to harvest the sunflower, for experimental testing conducted. It was defined that it is achieved to the optimal results when working-velocity of the combine is 1-1,2 m/s, the numbers of bars of the header pick up reel are 3 pieces and cutting height is 70-90 sm.

Аннотация При возделывании подсолнечника самым трудоѐмким процессом является уборка. Хотя в Узбекистане из года в год площяди под подсолнечник увеличиваются, однако из-за отсутствия соответствующих технических средств он убирается ручным способом. С целью решения данной проблемы на основе проведенных научных исследований нами разработан комплект приспособлений и технические решения, позволяющие приспособить жатку зерноуборочного комбайна для уборки подсолнечника. Для проверки работоспособности и качественных показателей приспособленной жатки для уборки подсолнечника комбайн Dominator-130 был оснащен этой жаткой на которой проводились опытные эксперименты. При этом определены, что наилучшие показатели были достигнуты при скорости комбайна 1-1,2 м/с, число планок мотовила жатки 3 шт. а также при высоте среза 70-90 см.

Аннотация Кунгабоқарни етиштиришда энг сермеҳнат жараѐнлардан бири уни йиғиштириб олиш ҳисобланади. Ўзбекистонда мойли экин сифатида кунгабоқарни етиштириш кўпаяѐтган бўлсада, аммо уни йиғиштиришга мос техника воситаларининг йўқлиги сабабли у қўл кучи ѐрдамида йиғиштириб олинмоқда. Мазкур муаммони ҳал этиш мақсадида илмий тадқиқотлар олиб борилиб, ғалла комбайнлари жаткасини кунгабоқарни йиғиштиришга мослаштириш имконини берадиган мосламалар комплекти ва техник ечимлари ишлаб чиқилди. Кунгабоқарни йиғиштиришга мослаштирилган жатканинг иш қобилиятини текшириб кўриш мақсадида у Dominator- 130 комбайнига ўрнатилиб, тажриба-синовлари ўтказилди. Бунда мақбул натижаларга комбайн иш тезлиги 1-1,2 м/с, жатка мотовиласининг планкалари сони 3 дона ва ўриш баландлиги 70-90 см бўлганда эришилиши аниқланди.

The producing of the oil plants is increasing year by year, because the requirement for oil of the plants is rising in Uzbekistan. In 2017 year to get 107 thousand tons of crops by farmers of our republic, according to data, it has been planned to grow oil plants in more than 11500 hectares. Including to above, it has been planned to grow safflower – 68000 hectares in dry-land, to take 29750 tons crop, sunflower – 33177 hectares in irrigated area as repeatedly



plant, to take 52766 tons crop and also soya – in 7265 hectares as main plant, to take 14530 tons crop and in 6558 hectares as repeatedly plant, to take 9837 tons crop. It is seen that, the sunflower includes more than 50 per cent of the total area of the oil plant that is produced in our country. It is known that, one of the most responsible and difficult process is the harvesting process while producing crops. Safflower and soya are being harvested by the help of combines without any difficulty straightly among oil plants that are being produced in our Republic, the special approach is being demanded to harvest the sunflower by combines. There is not particular header or special implement for the cereal header to harvest the sunflower in our country. Therefore, nowadays different techniques are used for harvesting the sunflower. 1. Harvesting by manual labor: the heads of the sunflower are picked up by hands and dried in a field, and its stalk is harvested by manual labor or machines separately. After drying of the sunflower head it is threshed by manual labor or thresher and separated from other mixtures. Loss of the seed is at low degree by this method, but its work-efficiency is low, and labor expense is very high. 2. Harvesting straightly by combines: cereal combines with header that are for cereal plants reap the sunflower, the reaped mass is sent through the auger to slope transporter, through transporter to thresher apparatus. The seed of the sunflower head is separated in thresher apparatus and it is cleaned in cleaning part, falls in to tank. The remnants of the stalk and sunflower head are left in the field. Then, the remnants of the stalks are collected or ground by disc harrow, mixed in to soil. The defect of this method is that, the wastage may increase by 50 per cent because the header of the combines was not adapted to harvest the sunflower. In other countries the sunflower is harvested by installing special headers in front of the cereal combines when the moisture of the seed of sunflower is lower than 20 per cent or in optimal harvesting period. In this technical method, the special headers are installed in front of the combines that were made for harvesting the sunflower. The sunflower heads are cut by cutting apparatus and the cut heads are sent toward auger, then through slope transporter to the thresher apparatus. The seed is threshed, cleaned in cleaning part and falls in to tank, and the remnants of the heads are ground and strewn. The remnants of the stalk that are left, namely stubble is harvested by forage-machines as above written or it is cut by heavy disc harrow and left in the soil as fertilizer [1-3]. When the sunflower is harvested on above mentioned method, the work-efficiency will be high, and also the wastage of the seed will be at minimal degree. However, the special headers are expansive that are for harvesting the sunflower, and in Uzbekistan the sunflower is produced in smaller area than others, namely it is grown in more than 33 thousand hectares in the republic, in regions it is produced from 600 to 2500 hectares, so using particular header that can harvest the sunflower is not fit from economical side. The researching showed that, main definer factors are expenses for producing sunflower in leading foreign countries that produce the sunflower in large areas too [4]. Therefore, in condition of Uzbekistan for harvesting sunflower with low expenses and spending less manual labor, it is faster, it was found that special header is not important, instead of it with developing additional implement that adapted to harvest cereal crop should be adapted for harvesting the sunflower and in this direction the researches were done. Nowadays there are more than 5000 cereal combines in the republic, among them more than 3500 are Dominator-130 cereal combines that were manufactured by join venture



“UzClaasAgro”. Therefore, the researches are being done for harvesting the sunflower by this model of the combine. It is known that, Dominator-130 cereal combine is equipped with header that is C-420, the width of the header is 4,27 m [5]. In Uzbekistan the sunflower is produced mainly in furrows that are 70 sm and 90 sm for main and repeatedly crop. According to this data, the additional implement for header that is C-420 of the Dominator-130, namely the back implement was developed for not falling off the harvested crop and over the divider-guide (look at to scheme). The implement consists of back obstacle 1 and divider-guide 3. The obstacle 1 is installed on the back wall of the header, divider-guide 3 is installed on the bottom part of the thresher apparatus, namely instead of stalk lifter that is used while harvesting the cereal crop.

a)- frontal side view of the implement;

b)- top view of the implement 1-back obstacle, 2-auger, 3-divider-guide, 4-cutting bar, 5-frame, 6-side implement-bar, 7-action sender part. Cereal combine header scheme that equipped units which were developed for harvesting the sunflower

The divider-guide is installed in front of cutter bar apparatus of the combine header, namely it is installed instead of stalk lifters. According to theoretical researches the width of the divider-guide should be between bT – 50-60 sm for harvesting the sunflower which is grown in 70 sm furrows and length should not be low from LT – 65,6 sm. Therefore we chose that the width of the divider-guide which is installed on the cereal header is 55 sm, its length is 75 sm. When the divider-guide is installed on the header, its point part should be risen up. For this the clip is installed under the joining bolt which is in front of it. Installing by this situation of the divider-guide prevents falling the cut sunflower to the bottom by sliding along surface of the divider-guide also it 247


provides to fall the seed that are fallen by mechanic influence on auger bottom by influence of vibration of the seeds. The experimental sample was created according to scheme of the implement that was developed for the header of the Dominator-130 for harvesting the sunflower. The implement that developed was installed on the header of the Dominator-130 cereal combine first experimental researches were done for the purpose of defining indicators it. The experiments were done by sort of sort the sunflower which is named “Jakhongir”. The characteristics of the agro-view of the field that were taken in the period of the experiment are illustrated in table 1. At first the influence to the work quality indicators of the cutting height of combines for harvesting the sunflower was studied. The cutting height of the combines was researched with changing 20 sm interval from 50 sm to 110 sm.

Table 1. Indicators of the sunflower in experimental field No Name of the indicators Values of the indicators 1 Number of the stalk, piece/l.m 3,92 2 Average height of the stalks, sm 168,2 3 Average diameter of the stalks, mm 14,6 4 Average diameter of the head, mm 24,7 5 Yield, centner/ha 14,2 6 Moisture, % - stalk 17,2 - seed 22,6

The experiments showed that when cutting height is low, work efficiency is low respectively too and contrarily when cutting height is increased, work efficiency rises too. During the experiments when the cutting height increased from 50 sm to 110 sm, work efficiency rose from 1,26 h/hour to 1,73 h/hour, it increased nearly to 1,5 times (table 2).

Table 2. The influence of the changing of cutting height to the work quality indicators of the Dominator-130 combine No Qualitative indicators of combine The cutting height increases, sm 50 70 90 110 1. Work-efficiency, h/hour 1,26 1,47 1,58 1,73 in the header 0,90 0,58 0,42 0,72 2. Seed loss, % in the thresher 1,24 1,16 1,07 0,88

It was defined that when the cutting height increases from 50 sm to 110 sm the loss of the sunflower seed decreased at first in the header, then it increased again. That situation was determined that happened by mainly the cut sunflower heads fell off over the header. And it was defined that the loss that in the thresher of the combine decreases when the cutting height increases. Subsequently the influence to the work quality indicators of the number of bars that are on pick up reel of combine header was studied (table 3). During the experiment the numbers of the pick up reel pars were changed 6 pieces and 3 pieces. The experiments showed that, the decreasing of the number of pick up reel pars does not influence almost for work-efficiency, but when the numbers of the pick up reel pars are 3 pieces the loss in the header is fewer 2 times than bars are 6 pieces.



Table 3. The influence to the work quality indicators of the changing of rotation number the pick up reel pars of the Dominator-130 combine No Qualitative indicators of combine The numbers of the pick up reel pars 3 pieces 6 pieces 1 Work-efficiency, h/hour 1,63 1,59 2 Seed loss in the header, % 0,56 1,2 Thus it was defined that when the pick up reel pars are 6 pieces, the covering opportunities decreases the cut sunflower heads of the bars, the increasing of the loss was defined by falling down of the seed. During the experimental researches the work velocity of the combines was tested. Thus the influence of the work velocity of the combines to the work efficiency and the loss of the seed was studied. It was defined that when the work velocity of the combines increases from 0,6 m/s to 1,5 m/s, its work efficiency rises from 0,83 h/hour to 1,82 h/hour (table 4).

Table 4. The influence to the work quality indicators of the work velocity of the combines Work velocity of the combines, m/s No Qualitative indicators of combine 0,6 0,9 1,2 1,5 1 Work-efficiency, h/hour 0,83 1,13 1,47 1,82 2 in the header 0,36 0,40 0,47 0,84 Seed loss, % in the thresher 0,50 0,68 0,92 1,64

It was known when work efficiency increases, the loss of the seed rises simultaneously in the same time. Especially, the loss that is in thresher part of the combine rises sharply. For instance, when work velocity of the combines was 0,6 m/s, the loss in the header was 0,36 per cent, the loss that was in thresher part of the combine made up 0,5 per cent, when the work velocity of the combines increased to 1,5 m/s, the loss in the header made up 0,84 per cent, and the loss that was in thresher part of the combine reached to 1,64 per cent. Conclusions, it can be summarized that by comparing the results of the conducted preliminary experiments, for harvesting the sunflower the header of the Dominator-130 combine can be adapted by equipping with additional implements. The parameters of the header that was equipped with unit of implements depend on physical, mechanical and biometrical peculiarities of the sunflower.

REFERENCES 1. Friskop A., Markell S., Gulya T. Downy Mildew of Sunflower. NDSU. 2009. http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/plantsci/rowcrops/pp1402.htm. 2. Miklič V., Mrdja J., Modi R., Jocić S., Dušanić N., Hladni S., Miladinović D. Effect of location and harvesting date on yield and 1,000-seed weight of different sunflower genotypes // Romanian agricultural research, no. 29, 2012. pp. 219-225. 3. The Sunflower production guide // The National Sunflower Association of Canada (NSAC). – pp. 12-13. 4. Long R.F. and ets. Sample costs to produce Sunflowers for seed // Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California - Cooperative extension. Davis. 2011 – 15 p. 5. CLAAS Servis & Parts Dominator 150/140/130. – 2009. – 422 p.



INFLUENCE OF WEIGHT OF TEST ON A PARAMETER ON THE AOUSTIC DEVICE Akmal Аkhmedov, PhD; Anatoliy Lugachev, PhD; Yuliya Yakubova, PhD

Abstract In accordance with the state standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan O'z DSt 604: 2016 Волокно хлопковое. Технические условия (Cotton fiber. The technical conditions) stipulate the control of the indicator of the micro-yarns of cotton fiber, which characterizes its thickness according to the international classification system, which requires the introduction of instrumental monitoring of the indicator of micronaire during the acceptance and harvesting of raw cotton, the evaluation of the quality of the finished product, and the breeding of new selection varieties of cotton. In this connection, in Paxtasanoat ilmiy markazi joint-stock company, studies were carried out to develop an express acoustic instrument for measuring the index of micronaire of cotton fiber by attenuation of sound vibrations.

Аннотация В статье приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния массы пробы на результаты измерений показателя микронейр хлопкового волокна на акустическом приборе. На основе изучения зависимости выходного параметра прибора от массы измеряемой пробы рассчитана составляющая погрешности измерения показателя микронейр от вариации массы пробы. Знание этой закономерности позволяет предъявить требования к точности взвешивания массы пробы.

Аннотация Мақолада акустик ўлчов асбобида пахта толасининг микронейр кўрсаткичини ўлчаш натижаларига намуна массасинининг таъсирини ўрганиш бўйича тадқиқот натижалари келтирилган. Микронейр приборининг чиқиш параметрининг синов намунаси массасига боғлиқлигини ўрганиш асосида микронейр кўрсаткичининг ўлчашда намуна массаси ўзгариши ҳисобига келиб чиқадиган хатоликнинг ташкил қилувчиси ҳисоблаб чиқилган. Ушбу қонуниятни билик намуна массасинитарозида тортишда аниқлик даржасини белгилаш имконини беради

According to [1], the dependence of the output signal U on the micronaire index Mic is given by the following relation:

(1 ) СL   U U e  Mic , 0 (1) where Uo is the signal at the output of the instrument in the absence of a sample in mV; l is thickness of the measured sample, equal to the height of the measuring chamber in cm; С is a constant coefficient; ε is the porosity of the sample being measured. The porosity is determined from expression: m ε 1 ρd 2l 4 , (2) where ρ is the bulk density of the fiber, equal (ρ = 1.51 g / cm3 [2]), d - diameter of the measuring chamber in cm, m is the mass of the sample in g. After substituting (2) into (1), we have: 250


ml C U U exp[  ] 0 d 2l Mic (  m) 4 , (3)

It can be seen from formula (1) that an increase in the mass of the sample leads to a decrease in the porosity and a decrease in the level of the output signal according to an exponential law. Knowledge of this pattern will allow us to formulate a requirement for the accuracy of maintaining this parameter during the measurement with the necessary tolerance and to estimate the error component from the variation of this parameter. In the joint-stock company "Paxtasanoat ilmiy markazi", the effect of mass of the sample on the results of measurements of the indicator of micronaire of cotton fiber was carried out. The obtained data are given in this article. In formula (3), when studying the change of one influencing factor to the output parameter of the instrument, other factors are maintained at a given level. From this formula it is seen that the dependence of the output signal on the mass of the sample is expressed by a complex function. Therefore, in order to simplify the analysis and processing of the results, we introduce a parameter x, functionally connected with the variable factors m, l and d. Given the height l and the diameter of the measurement chamber d, the micronaire (Mic) and the constant signal level Uo, the relationship between the logarithm of the output signal and the sample mass m in equation (3) is expressed by the following relationship:

ln U  C C  x 0 1 , (4)

Here С0 =lnU0 , С1=С/Mic and ml x  d 2l (  m) 4 , (5)

With the given parameters l=3 cm, ρ =1,51 g/cm3 , d=4 cm, expression (5) takes the form:

3m x  (56,9  m) , (6)

It follows from expression (4) that a linear dependence should be observed between the logarithm of the output signal lnU and the parameter x. The method of experimental research was as follows. Experimental studies were carried out on standard samples of cotton fiber with certified values of the indicator of micronaire 5.53; 5.33; 4.33; 3.96; 3.57; 2.78 and 2.63 mic. The investigations were carried out on an experimental sample of an acoustic instrument at a sample mass of 7.5; 8.0; 8.5; 9.0; 9.5 and 10.5 g with a weighing accuracy of 0.01 g in a four- fold test in each mass. Before the tests, cotton fiber samples were pre-conditioned in standard climatic conditions at a temperature of 20 °C ± 2 °C and a relative humidity of 65% ± 2% for 4 hours, and measurements were made under the same conditions. The samples of cotton fiber of the indicated masses were alternately placed in the measuring chamber of the device and the output signal was measured. The mean values of the 251


results of the measured values of the output signal for different masses were used to construct the dependences of the magnitude of the output signal on the parameter x and the sample mass m for fiber samples with different values of micronaire, which are shown in Fig. 1 as graphs and equations (7).

Figure 1. Dependence of the output signal on the parameter x.

2 lnU5,53 = - 3,7688 х + 8,0992 , R = 0,9994 2 lnU5,33 = - 3,6638 х + 7,9741 , R = 0,9987 2 lnU4,33 = - 4,374 х + 8,0158, R = 0,9992 2 lnU3,96 =- 4,7509 х + 8,0666 , R = 0,9960 (7) 2 lnU3,57 = - 5,1662 х + 8,0789 , R = 0,9992 2 lnU2,78 = - 7,5778 х + 8,6875 , R = 0,9991 2 lnU2,63 = - 8,2197 х + 8,7615 , R = 0,9990

From the obtained graphs and equations in Fig. 1, it is seen that there exists a linear dependence between the logarithm of the output signal lnU and the parameter x, which is a function of the mass of the sample m, the coefficient of approximation of the obtained dependences for all samples with different values of the micronaiere index exceeds R2 = 0.99, which Indicates a good agreement of the theoretical conclusions on the formula (4) with the experimental results. Fig. 2 shows the graphs of the output signal of the instrument versus the sample mass in a natural scale. The solid lines in the graphs show the following equations (8), constructed when the experimental data are approximated.



Using the equations obtained, it is possible to calculate the component of the error in measuring the micronaire index on the acoustic instrument from the change in the mass of the sample of cotton fiber.

Figure 2. Dependence of the output signal on the mass of the sample.

11,3064m  56,9m U  3291,83 , R 2  0,9994 5,53 10,9914m 

U  2904,74e 56,9m , R 2  0,9987 5,33

13,122 m  56,9 m 2 (8) U  3028,43e , R  0,9992 4,33 14,2527 m  U  3186,25e 56,9m , R2  0,9992 3,96 15,4986m  U  3225,68e 56,9m , R2  0,9992 3,57 22,7334 m  U  5928,34e 56,9m , R2  0,9991 2,78 24,6591m  U  6383,68e 56,9m , R2  0,999 2,63

To calculate the error from the change in the mass of the sample, we substitute expression (6) in (4) and differentiating the obtained equation we find the partial



lnU derivative  m , and also from the calibration equation of the micronaire device [2] we find  lnU the partial derivative  Mic . The error from the change in mass of the sample in 1 g is determined by the relation: U 2 2 (9) Mic  m C1 170,7 Mic 0.07109 C1Mic   2  , m U a1  (56,9  m) a1  Mic

where C1 is the coefficient in the equations in Fig. 1 before the parameter x, а1 is the coefficient of the calibration dependence of the micronaire device, with mass m = 8 g is equal to 7.32 [2]. Substituting the values of Mic, a1, and C1 in (9), we get the estimated error value presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Calculation of the error in measuring the index of microns from the change in mass of the sample Micronaire, Mic, Coefficient С1 Coefficient а1 The error mic Mic m , mic/g 5,53 - 3,7688 - 1,12 5,33 - 3,6638 - 1,01 4,33 -4,374 -0,80 7,32 3,96 - 4,7509 -0, 72

3,57 - 5,1662 -0,64 2,78 -7,5778 -0,58 2,63 -8,2197 -0,55

Mic Thus, the error from sample mass change by 1.0 g ( m ) increases with the increase of the micronaire index and is 1.12 mic/g at Mic = 5.53 mic and 0.55 mic/g at Mic = 2.63 mic. When using a scale with a calibration interval of 0.01 g, the error from the inaccuracy of weighing the sample mass for the indicated points of the measuring ranges of the micronaire is 0.011 mic and 0.0055 mic, respectively. The obtained results will be used in the refinement of the metrological parameters of the acoustic device of micronaire.

References 1. А.A.Akhmedov Acoustik method and device for measurement micronaire index of cotton fibre China Science & Technology Overvise. – 2012. № 12. – Р.37-38. 2. Akhmedov A. "Density influence of a measured cotton fiber sample on repealabilitiy of measuremernts of a micronaire index on an acoustic device" "2nd international scientific 3. Conference " European Applied Sciences: modern approaches in scientific researches" Conferеnce papers (Volume 3), Stuttgart, Germany 18-19.02.2013.




Abstract The introgressive forms obtained with their participation represent a unique genetic basis for the conservation and use of the gene pool of wild relatives in the selection of cotton. They were used as fiber quality donors. As a paternal component, high-yielding varieties of foreign breeding were used. We studied the inheritance, variability, correlation interrelationships of the qualitative parameters of the fiber (upper half-mean length, specific breaking load, micronaire and index of spinning capacity - SCI) in geographically remote hybrids F1-F3

Аннотация Интрогрессивные формы, полученные с их участием представляют собой уникальную генетическую основу для сохранения и использования генофонда диких сородичей в селекции хлопчатника. Они использовались как доноры качества волокна. В качестве отцовского компонента служили высоковыходные сорта зарубежной селекции. Изучали наследование, изменчивость, корреляционные взаимосвязи качественных параметров волокна (верхняя полусредняя длина, удельная разрывная нагрузка, микронейр и индекс прядильной способности – SCI) у географически отдаленных гибридов F1-F3.

Аннотация Ёввойи турлар асосида олинган интрогрессив шакллар ноѐб генетик асосга эга бўлиб, ғўза генофондини сақлашда ва селекция жараѐнида фойдаланилади. Улар тола сифати белгилари бўйича донор вазифасини бажарди. Оталик компоненти бўйича юқори тола чиқимига эга хорижий селекцияга мансуб навлар хизмат қилди. Географик узоқ чатиштиришдан олинган F1-F3 дурагайларда тола сифати белгиларини ирсийланиши, ўзгарувчанлиги ва ўзаро боғликлари ўрганилди (тола узунлиги, нисбий узилиш кучи, микронейр ва тўқилиш қобилияти индекси– SCI).

One of the important aims in cotton breeding is to create varieties with high fiber quality. Involvement in the hybridization of wild species produces progeny in a wide variety of forms, among which there are plants with unique characteristics. These synthetic introgression forms with a unique genetic basis are used as the gene pool of wild relatives during the breeding process for fiber quality. The literature on the nature of inheritance fiber length contradictory. Most researchers have reported the dominance of long-fiber [13]. K.Gesos [4] states that the inheritance of the fiber length in F1 hybrids are intermediate. In the experiments of D. Ter-Avanesyan [10] and other researchers while crossing cotton varieties with similar fiber length in the first generation is marked heterosis. Crossing of cotton varieties with differing in the length of fiber, hybrids have an intermediate position of heredity. N.Simongulyan and E.Hodzha- Akhmetov [8, 9] found that for length, strength and micronaire of the fiber characterized by incomplete dominance. We study the inheritance of F1 - F3 hybrids between introgression cotton forms with commercial cotton varieties. As a result of the hybridization of some cultivated varieties (G.hirsutum L.) with the wild diploid form G.trilobum Skovsted, followed by backcrossing of



hybrids with recurrent parents, a number of introgressive forms of cotton were created [12]. These are characterized by early maturity, resistance to Verticillium wilt and high fiber quality. Introgressive forms were also obtained with ruderal subspecies G.hirsutum L. ssp. yucatanense and G.hirsutum ssp. punctatum var. purpurascens (Poir.) Mauer (from Cuba). Obtained introgressive lines are of interest for selection because they are in genetic terms quite diverse and cytologically stable, which is important for the presentation of genetic material, in this form, of the wild congeners into the genome of cultivated species. The use of introgressive forms of cotton derived from the participation of the aforementioned wild diploid and polyploid species in the process of hybridization would help the enrichment of the genetic basis of cotton species G.hirsutum L., with new valuable features [1, 2, 6, 7, 14]. Experiments were run in 2012-2014. Sowing of seeds was carried out on naturally infected Verticillium dahliae Kleb. background in the optimum time. Sowing circuit is 60 cm x 20 cm x 1 plant. Placing of options is randomized in four replicates. Standard varieties were medium fiber cotton of Namangan-77 and S-6524. In F1 a massive selection of healthy plants in the whole population was carried out. The analysis of inheritance and variability of traits of hybrids F1-F3 and selection of forms among them was conducted. The nature of inheritance was determined by the degree of dominance of quantitative traits. Fiber quality was determined on the HVI (High Volume Instrument) in the Center "Sifat" [3]. The statistical analysis of experimental data was conducted using the method B.A.Dospehov (1979).Coefficient of dominance (hp) determined by the formula S.Wright, pointed out by G.M.Beil and R.E.Atkins (1965). During the breeding process F3 hybrids with high fiber quality were obtained. The parental forms used in our trials were different in origin and, therefore, they differ in important morphological and economically valuable characteristics, in particular the quality of the fiber. Most varieties of foreign selection in the conditions of cultivation in the Tashkent region showed a relatively coarse fiber, so fiber micronaire was 4.7 -5.3, strength of fiber was lower than local varieties for 2.3 - 6.4 gs / tex. Also, fiber length was significantly inferior for 0.04 - 0.07 inch (Table 1).The data in Table 1 shows that the fiber micronaire of all F1 hybrids, except combinations F1 L-578 х S-6596 is in the optimal range 4.2 - 4.7. Two hybrid observed positive heterosis for this trait - fiber micronaire have increased, which is not desirable. The remaining 11 combinations has negative dominance ratio. This indicates the improvement of fineness of fiber. The fiber strength of most F1 hybrids combinations increased compared to the parental forms.Only three combinations, where his male parent serves as S-6596 is observed intermediate inheritance with incline towards the S-6596. In hybrid combinations F1 L-578 х S -2515 and F1 L-578 х S-489 there is a significant effect of heterosis of strength of fiber - 38.2 and 37.2 g / tex, which describes as very high.

Table 1. Fiber quality components of F1 hybrids and parental forms (2012)


St. NAMANGAN-77 5.3 - 28.8 - 1.11 - St. С-6524 5.1 - 33.8 - 1.14 - L-T 4.5 - 35.6 - 1.21 - 256


L-U 4.3 - 35.1 - 1.18 - L-578 4.5 - 33.3 - 1.19 - L-6003 5.3 - 30.8 - 1.14 - S -2515 5.0 - 33.3 - 1.16 - S -6082 4.8 - 30.5 - 1.15 - S-489 4.5 - 32.1 - 1.16 - S-6593 4.3 - 29.2 - 1.17 - S-6596 4.7 - 31.7 - 1.14 - F1 L-578 x L-6003 4.3 -1.5 34.6 2.0 1.30 4.6 F1 -T х S -6003 4.2 -1.7 34.8 0.6 1.22 1.2 F1 L-578 х S -2515 4.3 -1.3 38.2 9.0 1.27 5.0 F1 L-T х S -2515 4.2 -1.6 37.1 2.2 1.24 2.0 F1 L-578 х S -6082 4.3 -1.5 36.6 3.3 1.17 0.2 F1 L-U х S -6082 4.3 -0.6 36.5 1.6 1.21 2.5 F1 L-578 х S-489 4.4 1.0 37.2 7.5 1.23 3.0 F1 L-T х S-489 4.5 -1.0 36.6 1.5 1.20 0.6 F1 L-T х S-6593 4.4 0.5 36.5 1.3 1.21 1.0 F1 L-U х S-6593 4.7 8.0 34.6 0.8 1.21 4.0 F1 L-578 х S-6596 4.8 2.0 32.0 -0.6 1.11 -2.5 F1 L-T х S-6596 4.5 -1.0 32.1 -0.7 1.17 -0.1 F1 L-U х S-6596 4.6 0.5 32.7 -0.4 1.15 -0.5 Table 2. Fiber quality components of F2-F3 hybrids and parental forms (2013-2014)

F F PARENTS & 2 3 Mic HYBRIDS Str Len Mic Str Len

St. NAMANGAN-77 4.4 31.2 1.15 4.6 31.5 1.11 S-6524 4.3 33.9 1.17 4.3 34.7 1.15 L-578 x S -6003 4.6 38.4 1.23 4.5 35.1 1.21 L-T х S -6003 4.1 39.7 1.26 4.1 34.4 1.23 L-578 х S -2515 4.2 36.0 1.21 4.2 33.2 1.24 L-T х S -2515 4.1 39.8 1.21 4.4 34.9 1.20 L-578 х S -6082 4.5 40.2 1.28 4.5 38.0 1.27 L-U х S -6082 4.2 36.7 1.18 4.6 35.1 1.21 L-578 х S-489 4.0 33.7 1.26 4.1 34.3 1.27 L-T х S-489 4.1 33.0 1.18 4.6 31.6 1.18 L-T х S-6593 3.9 34.0 1.20 3.7 34.2 1.29 L-U х S-6593 4.0 33.5 1.17 4.3 33.6 1.22 L-578 х S-6596 4.4 34.2 1.22 4.7 32.6 1.20 L-T х S-6596 4.1 35.3 1.21 4.7 33.4 1.15 L-U х S-6596 3.9 35.4 1.24 4.3 33.0 1.17

Regarding the fiber length as well as on strength of fiber at the same three combinations of paternal form where S-6596 is used, this feature has a relatively low rate of 1.11 - 1.17 inch. Negative dominance was observed in the combination of F1 L-578 х S-6596 (-2.5), which once again confirms the dominance of short fiber in the variety S-6596. In the second and third generations show the process of stabilization and slight improvement in fiber quality components. The best combination with the complex of characteristics are L-578 х S - 6082, L-578 х S-489, L-T х S-6593 (Table 2). We evaluated the correlation relationships in cotton hybrids derived from participation of introgressive form on valuable features of fiber quality. Significant positive relationships are of particular interest, as it is known, these links make selection work easy. Between the length and strenght of fiber moderate correlation is seen in many hybrids. Between this pair of signs a positive relationship remains stable and even slightly increases 257


with generations. This dependence shows: the greater the length of the fiber, the higher its strength. It should be noted that between the fiber length and micronaire the vast majority of the hybrids show negative or weak positive correlation. That is, the greater the length, the lower micronaire of fibers is. That is what the breeder needs. SCI means Spinning Consistency Index. SCI is a calculation for predicting the overall quality and spin ability of the cotton fiber. The regression equation uses most of the individual HVI measurements, and is based on the data taken from United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) annual crop reports. The regression equation used to calculate the SCI is as follows: SCI= -414.67+2.9*strength- 9.32*micronaire+49.17*UHML+4.74*UI+0.65*Rd+0.36*(+b). Where, UHML= Upper Half Mean Length. UI= Uniformity Index. Rd= Reflectance degree. (+b)= Yellowness of the cotton fiber. and spinning consistency index (SCI) can be used to determine the technological value of cotton; this can play a pivotal role in an engineered fibre selection programme. [15] The vast majority of the studied hybrids between the SCI with the fiber length and micronaire showed positive correlation. The correlation coefficient of SCI with the fiber length was in the range of 0.44 to 0.82. Between the strenght and SCI - of 0.62 to 0.91. Being aware of the correlation dependence in hybrids, we can purposefully conduct selection work on a set of signs. When creating recombinant samples based on introgressive forms of cotton plant, the seeds with a wide range of variability in fiber length in splitting generation of hybrids were derived. A gradual increase in fiber quality from F1 to the rising generations in many hybrid combinations was revealed; best donors in fiber quality turned out forms L-T, L-Yu, and variety Omad. Evaluation of correlative interrelations in cotton hybrids derived from the introgressive form based on fiber quality features showed that each studied hybrid combinations is characterized by specific structure of correlative relations. In our studies, the majority of hybrid combinations of the strongest link developed between the SCI and the fiber length, SCI and fiber strenght. Moderate positive correlation is observed between fiber strenght and fiber length. Negative connection was observed between micronaire and fiber length in the vast majority of hybrid combinations. Lack of paternal forms with high gin turn out reflected in the fact that they have late maturity and low-resistant to Verticillium disease. By crossing introgressive forms with adapted to the local conditions varieties and purposeful selection, we obtained high-yield, medium-early maturity and resistant to the Verticillium Vilt cotton families. The hybridization introgression forms with geographically distant origin high gin turn out varieties has shown prospect in the selection for the quality of the fiber.

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Abstract Article is devoted to power means - universal hinted planting to the tractor with adjustable clearance of the cotton applied at cultivation on six line system. this tractors are described of the device short technical characteristic. Some results of an assessment of its passability, controllability and stability depending on clearance position are given.

Аннотация Статья посвящена энергетическому средству - универсально-пропашному трактору с регулируемым клиренсом применяемого при возделывании хлопчатника по шести рядной системе. Описаны устройство и краткая техническая характеристика этого трактора. Приведены некоторые результаты оценки его проходимости, управляемости и устойчивости в зависимости от положения клиренса. Аннотация



Ушбу мақола пахтачиликда олти қаторли тизимда ишлоб беришда фойдаланиладиган клиренси ростланувчан универсал-чопиқ тактори энергия воситаси хақида сўз юритилган. Ушбу тракторнинг қурилмалари ва қисқача техник кўрсаткичлари таърифланган. Клиренсхолатига боғланган холда утувчанликнинг, бошқарувчанликнинг ва турғунликнинг бир қатор натижалари келтирилган.

Machine-tractor parks of farms of the republic contain the significant amount the four- wheel universal hinted planting tractors. However they, because of a buttom of bridge didn't find wide application on interrow processings of crops of a cotton. Whereas this direction in a cotton breeding is considered priority. Therefore the last several decades in a cotton breeding for support of a up bridget of construction in row-spacings with developed bushes of a cotton, are generally used the three-wheel TTZ-80.11 tractors. As practice showed, they have a row of essential shortcomings in front of four-wheel tractors, the mains from them: low cross stability; negative technogenic impact on the soil; overload of front buses; inadmissibility of application on transport operations because of their low stability; low annual loading. From all listed shortcomings of the three-wheel tractor the overload of its front buses and low stability because of which it is impossible to aggregate this tractor six-row system of machines are considered as principal. Which one of priority tasks of modernization of crop production of agro-industrial complex of the republic is implementation of 6-8 line systems of technologies of cultivation of crops. Application four-wheel instead of the three-wheeled tractor on the one hand provides transition on six-row system of cultivation of crops, increase in labor productivity and stability of the course movement of machine and tractor units, and with another - allows to save considerably energy resources, to reduce negative impact of running systems on agroecological properties of the soil. However introduction of specified technological by insufficiency of an agrotechnical gleam of four-wheel tractors. As at their use on interrow processings of crops of a cotton and other tall commercial crops because of insufficiency of an agrogleam they damage stalks, force down florets and elements and, eventually, reduce productivity. It considerably narrows possibilities of their broad application, i.e. their application as on interrow processings of crops of a cotton and other tall commercial crops, and on preseeding, sowing, harvest and transport and other types of works. The solution by regulation of clearance of the tractor from low-clearance to high- clearance situation or on the contrary with the minimum expenses is the urgent task resolving issues of expansion of range of application four-wheel universal cultivation tractors. It allows to use on the one hand him along with other types of works, including harvest and transport, and on interrow processings is low - average and high-caulescent cultures, and with another – transition to six-row system of cultivation of crops. For the solution of objectives in SCB “Tractor” Unitary Enterprise research and development on creation universal cultivation tractors with adjustable clearance is begun. On the basis of the conducted researches the experimental sample of this tractor (fig. 1) which novelty is protected by the patent [1] is made.



Fig. 1. An experimental sample universal hinted planting tractors with adjustable clearance: а – high-clearance and б – low-clearance provisions

The experimental sample is a four-wheel (4K2) cotton-growing tractor with the D- 245.2 engine, twelve high-speed (12х12) box of change of transfers, with improved by the main transfer, differential and disk brakes, the mechanism of stepless regulation of clearance, a back shaft of selection of power, a hydraulic system of control of hinged and hook-on farm vehicles, tools and devices, the pneumatic drive of brakes of the trailer (trailers). The available designs of hydrohinged systems universal cultivation TTZ series tractors calculated on 4-row system don't satisfy the requirement the 6th and 8th line systems any more. From this point of view the tractor developed universal cultivation for work with sets domestic and import universal agriculture machines the increased productivity is equipped with hinged system of the increased loading capacity. When developing for implementation of the international requirements, for unification of connecting elements of the hinged equipment of the tractor and hinged cars a number of kinematic parameters of hinged system are normalized according to a traction class of the tractor and taking into account these changes and need of increase in loading capacity the kinematic scheme of the new hydrohinged device 820-4628010-20K2 is developed. Universal hinted planting tractors` cabin with adjustable clearance has capsular construction and represents a uniform multistand frame of welded construction with shaped pipes of angular stands which in case of installation form the bearing element for the cabin panels fixed on it. The cabin is executed with the increased internal space for operation of the driver-operator, in it frameless glass doors and the opening windows are set, and opaque panels of a cabin are revetted warmly and noise-insulating polymeric materials. Basic purpose universal hinted planting tractors with adjustable clearance mechanization of field works on crops and cultivation of a cotton with complexes of 4 or 6 line cars for row-spacings of 60 and 90 cm. With universal hinted planting the tractor with adjustable clearance hinged, semitrailer or hook-on farm vehicles and tools for mechanization of works on cultivation of grain crops can be also aggregated. In the unit with the trailers universal hinted planting tractor with adjustable clearance is used for transportation of not packaged cotton raw and other agricultural freights, both in field conditions, and on public roads. The short technical characteristic of an experimental sample universal hinted planting tractors with adjustable clearance is given in tab. 1. 261


Table 1. Short technical characteristic of an experimental sample universal hinted planting tractors with adjustable clearance Norm of TTZ-1033 Name of an indicator At installation of At installation of high clearance low clearance Traction class in accordance with GOST 27021 1,4 Nominal traction force, kN, not less 16,4 15,8 The largest traction power (from a number of the maximum traction 58,3 58,3 capacities for transfers) in accordance with GOST 7057, kW Speed of the movement at nominal traction force, km/h 8,54 8,63 Conditional traction to. item of, not less 0,79 The maximum power on VOM in case of rated frequency of rotation

of a bent shaft of the engine, kW: 72,42 - 1st speed 75,41 - 2nd speed Engine capacity, kW, not less: nominal 77,0 operational 74,0 Rated frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine, min-1. 2200 Specific fuel consumption at the maximum power on VOM, 249+12,4 g/(kW·h) Specific fuel consumption at the rated power, g/(kW·h), no more 231 Motion speeds rotations of a bent shaft of the engine, (estimated) in case of rated frequency, and absence of skidding, (with buses of back wheels 18,4R38), km/h: forward course 1,29 -16,03 backing 1,54 – 19,07 Number of transfers (forward/back) 12/12 The operational mass of the tractor with ballast, kg 4680 Road gleam, mm 539 440 Agrotechnical gleam, mm, not less: on a beam of the forward bridge 870 650 under casings of half shafts of the back bridge 870 870 Track of the tractor, mm.: on forward wheels 1200/1800 on back wheels 1800/2400 Base of the tractor, mm 2498 2678 The smallest radius of turn, m, no more 4,7 Loading capacity of back hinged system (in the point remote on 610 3000 mm from an axis of back hinges of the lower drafts), kg, not less Overall dimensions, mm: length with hinged system in transport situation without additional 4570 freights width 2280 height 2900/3000

When performing transport of works a for providing of stability the mass of the tractor has to be displaced on forward wheels, and when performing interrow processings, stampings tops of a cotton and a defoliation for ensuring good controllability she has to be on the contrary displaced on back wheels. Therefore, if pass ability depends on clearance size, then controllability and stability from load of basic wheels of the tractor. For an assessment of influences of change of clearance on loads of basic wheels conducted theoretical and pilot researches.



Have shown to count of analysis (tab. 2) that change of clearance universal hinted planting tractors adjustable clearance leads to change of length of base and coordinates of the center of gravity, and also to redistribution of gravity of the tractor on his forward and back wheels.

Table 2. Tractor is changed of round reaction which provisions of his clearance Name of indicators and unit Designation of Measure value Measurements indicators Basic reactions of the tractor in high-clearance situation, N (kgf): I - on forward wheels R1 17020 (1735) I - on back wheels R2 28792 (2935) Basic reactions of the tractor bridge`s buttom situation, N (kgf): II - on forward wheels R1 19325 (1970) II - on back wheels R2 26487 (2700)

At rather identical shoulder of stability the translation universal hinted planting tractor adjustable clearance from a high clearance situation on low-clearance is led to increase in base of the tractor by 199 mm, horizontal by the coordinate of the center of gravity of the tractor on 133,5 mm and to reduction vertical the coordinate of the center of gravity on 158 mm. Besides at the same time there is a transfer of 235 kg of mass of the tractor from back wheels on forward. Thus, the translation universal hinted planting tractor adjustable clearance in dependence of the work performed by him from one clearance on another considerably improves his operational indicators. So, for example, transfer of the tractor to high-clearance situation promotes increase in its passability and controllability, and in low-clearance situation – his stability and safety. Besides distribution of weight universal hinted planting tractors adjustable clearance on four wheels instead of three reduces negative impact of running elements on the soil in comparison with the three-wheeled tractor and allow to aggregate with him the 6th and 8th line systems of cars.

References 1. UZFAP 00903 patent. Universally - propashny Tractor/Akhmetov A. A., Usmanov I.I., Saidaminov S.S., Akhmedov Sh.A. – 2014. – Official bulletin, №. 5.


Abstract This article provides the effect of the standing density of repeated crops such as mungbeans, maize, millet, soybean on porosity, water permeability of the soil and the optimal variants.

Аннотация В статье расмотрены влияние густоты стояния повторных культур таких как маш, кукуруза, просо, сои на пористость, водопроницаемость почвы и выявлены оптимальные варианты.



Аннотация Мақолада ҳар хил экин турлари, яъни мош, маккажўхори, тариқ ва сояни турли кўчат қалинлиги ҳамда экиш муддатларини тупроқнинг ғоваклиги ва сув ўтказувчанлигигига таъсири ҳамда уларнинг мақбул вариантлари аниқланган.

INTRODUCTION The intensive farming and the basic principles of the market economy, private property, the transition to full scale farm the context of the global financial crisis, as well as soil fertility, food, feed and industrial materials with full production to ensure the most urgent tasks. Soil formation process and its development as well as the physical and biochemical processes in the soil play important roles in progress and extent of soil porosity. Effective development of the physical properties of the soil plays an important role in growing crops because of soil biochemical processes microbiological water, air and thermal regime and its physical properties. Moderate physical properties of the soil, increases the ability of its capacity and raised. Physical properties of various factors and agro-affect events (Hasanova, Ibragimov, Mirzaev, 2007). Water permeability is one of the most important physical properties of the soil, the soil composition, the amount of humus, the slope of the field and other factors (Rijov, 1952). Soil water researches were conducted on different crops and at different times by number of scientists (Bolkunov, 1970; Romanov, 1973; Nurmatov, 1981; Nurmatov, Abdalova, 2002). Soil porosity and soil fertility were important effets on degradation of the soil and the air faster than the supply of organic substances, which enhanced effective micro-aerobic conditions as well as fitopathogenes active dedeveloping. Also this efforts were to be a positive factor in the use of fertilizers and organic matter. Research Institute of Grain and Leguminous Crops in the Andijan region sections of the “Istiklоl”experience. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experience field for many years came from the alluvial soil plowed the traditional light soils. The mechanical structure composed of heavy and medium loamy, dust properties and processing. Ground water at a depth of 15-20 m. The physical properties of the soil, water and satisfactory, the average fertility of the soil. Experimental fields were arable layer (0-30 sm) of humus amount of 0.820%, 0.057% total nitrogen, total phosphorus, 0.15 percent and 1.48% potassium. The air temperature on the ground was influenced by large amount of water evaporation. This, in turn, the cultivation of agricultural crops needs irrigation. It should be noted that the amount of precipitation in the region will increase from west to east. The experiment was used soybean Yug-30, the lentil Pobeda-104, corn for grain Uzbekistan-306 AMV, millet Saratovskaya 853 varieties. Field experiments each of the four different types of crop planting carried out in moderation. Each slice length of 80 m., a wide of 3.6 m. Experience piece of a total area of 288 m2. Experience four repetitions and placed in two epochs. Four tests carried for each type of crop, the total number of plots of 64 units (Table 1).

Table 1. Test system The duration and density of the planting of the seed crop Т.р. Crops ha / terms Duration Lentil 60 thousand 1-10.VII 1. Lentil 80 thousand 1-10.VII Lentil 100 thousand 1-10.VII 264


Lentil 120 thousand 1-10.VII Corn grain 60 thousand 1-10.VII Corn grain 70 thousand 1-10.VII 2. Corn grain 80 thousand 1-10.VII Corn grain 90 thousand 1-10.VII Millet 1,5 million 1-10.VII Millet 2,0 million 1-10.VII 3. Millet 2,5 million 1-10.VII Millet 3,0 million 1-10.VII Soybean 180 thousand 1-10.VII Soybean 220 thousand 1-10.VII 4. Soybean 260 thousand 1-10.VII Soybean 300 thousand 1-10.VII RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Principles of crop varieties and planting soil porosity effect. Winter wheat planted after repeated experiments had determined the impact of the changes in the characteristics of the soil porosity (Figure 1-2). Research showed that during the experimental options, regardless of which crop sowing, the increase in the size of the soil mass, the decrease in porosity was observed. The average three-year data confirmed that before experience 0-30 sm layer of soil porosity 47.3%, and 30-50 sm soil layer, this figure will be 45.0%. At the end of the experiment, all cultures are the same regularity, that is, an increase in the thickness of crop plants that are directly related to the improvement of the porous nature of the soil.







45,8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 1. Repeated 0-30 sm soil layer at the end of the period of validity of the effect of porosity, % (2012- 2015).







45,8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 2. Repeated 30-50 sm soil layer at the end of the period of validity of the effect of porosity, % (2012-2015). 265


In particular, lentils and planted 1, 2, 3, and 4 full analysis of the options, the 0-30 sm soil layer thickness of the porous planting 60 million trees per hectare 1 variety was 48.7%, 80 and 100 thousand trees saved 2 3 versions 48.8%, 120 thousand trees saved 4 variety and 48.9%, respectively, in 30-50 sm soil layer between this indicator 46.6-47.7%, sharply observed among the options. Corn planted 5, 6, 7 and 8 versions also led to the improvement of the increase in the thickness of planting soil porosity, however, soybeans, lentils, and millet crops was relatively little difference in the results of the experiment confirmed. However, this option as the most appropriate option in the thickness of planting 80 million trees per hectare 7 options, 0-30 sm layer of soil porosity of 48.8%, while in 30-50 sm soil layer was 46.5%. Planted crops are showing the best results in the experiment was planted in soybeans and millet versions. That is, the soybean crop 0-30 sm soil layer thickness of the porous planting 15 hectares of bush, which is 260 thousand variety 49.1%, and the thickness of the sect planting 3.0 million. bush, a 12-variety and 48.9%, respectively, in 30-50 sm soil layer soybean crops that 47.9% of these options as well as the thickness of the seedlings planted in millet version of 2.5 million. bush, a 11-variety was 46.7%. If our experience was the porosity of the soil before you start to pay attention, it was 0,30 sm soil layer by 47.3%, while the soil to improve the performance of all crops, their positive effects were recorded. In particular, soybean crops were evident in this crop soil porosity increased by 1.5- 1.8% at the end of the period of validity of these indicators, lentils and millet crops 1,4-1,6%, while corn crop 1.3 -1.5% range. We stored it in the field planting thickness used in accordance with their biological requirements associated with agricultural activities. During the study years were close to each other, the porosity of the soil best indicator of 180 thousand ha of soya bean, lentils 120 thousand seedlings, millet 2.5 million. bushes and maize 80 thousand versions, which is that the crops can positively impact on the development of optimal growth, positive impact on soil fertility and crop yield. The repeated planting of different crops of wheat principles study of the effects of soil water in wheat crops planted after soybean crop in soil water influence conducted. Of course, this figure growing impact on different principles. At the end of the period of validity of soybeans planted versions soil water 6 hours, a total of 661-682 m3/h range, the shadows of these options in the best 15 seedlings per hectare 260 thousand recorded version (682 m3/ha) results. While in the rest of the soil, the root of these options were directly dependent on the amount of the remains aflame in the country. This figure was followed by lentils planted more appropriate to note that the planted in the soya bean of the options was a little less performance, (643-665 m3/ha). With the increase in the thickness of the millet seedlings planted options had a positive impact on the soil, water, and 1.5 million. the recorded version of 6 hours, a total of 627 m3/ha, while the thickness of 2.5 million seedlings per hectare recorded version of 649 m3/ha, planting a thickness of 2.0 and 3.0 million ha. in proportion to the recorded versions of 639 and 644 m3/ha, respectively. Corn planted 9, 10, 11 and 12 versions of other varieties is relatively low (604-620 m3/ha) of water have been achieved, the performance difference between soybean crops 49-63 m3/ha, beans compared to 39-45 m3/ha and millet crops compared to 23-29 m3/hectares. In general, the experience of the second crop varieties by the end of the period of validity, soil and water permeability properties compared to the beginning of the period (607 m3/ha) proved to be much improved.



In our opinion, the improvement of the water permeability of the soil after the winter wheat planted crops, it is appropriate to associate with. Because of these crops and the remaining root remains aflame enrich the soil with organic matter in soil layers and this has affected the nature of the soil. The above information could be concluded from the results of the soil and improve water conducted only a secondary crop of winter wheat planted, but were directly related to their optimal planting standards. At the same time, the soya bean of 260 thousand hectare, lentils 100, millet 2.5 million. and corn 80 thousand pirated positive effect, the soil's biological processes, including a positive effect on the increase in the fertility of the soil.

REFERENCES 1. Nurmatov SH. Effect of crop rotation and fertilizer and agrochemical properties agrophysical eroded typical gray soils.// Abstracts of the All-Union Seminar «Improving systems of fertilizer in crop rotations in different areas of the country» Part II., М., 1981.page.123-124. 2. Tillaev.R.Sh. Proposals to improve the state of soil fertility and improve the structure of agricultural crops. Efficient use of land resources issues in a scientific-practical conference materials package, T., 2007,77-79 p. 3. Хasanova F.М., Ibragimov N.М., Mirzayev L.А. Effect of tillage on the content of labile fractions of soil organic matter. Problems in the rational use of land resources: materials science and production conference, Toshkent 2007, page.93-95. 4. Tillaev R.Sh., Khalikov BM, Chaldanbaev S. Change of agrophysical properties of soil in crop rotation cotton: grain. "Ways to improve soil fertility". Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. T., 2007,1-part, 64-67. 5. Tillaev R.Sh. Increase in soil fertility is relevant. Journal of "Agriculture of Uzbekistan" 2013, No. 7, 20-21.

IN SILICO ANALYSIS OF QTL REGIONS TO IDENTIFY CANDIDATE GENES FOR FLOWERING TIME IN COTTON Fakhriddin Kushanov, Ph.D; Ozod Turaev, Ph.D; Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, Doctor of Sciences

Abstract This paper presents the results of in silico analysis of QTL regions located on 26 chromosome of cotton. As a result, in these marked regions the genes that directly or indirectly involved in the molecular mechanism of photoperiodic flowering were identified and described. These candidate genes are coding arginine decarboxylase, dynamine-related proteins, NAC-domain containing protein, omega-hydroxypalmitate-feruloyl transferase and several laccases.

Аннотация В данной работе представлены результаты in silico анализа QTL регионов расположенных на 26-ой хромосоме. В результате были определены и описаны гены, кодирующие аргинин декарбоксилазу, динамин-связанные белки, белок, содержащий NAC домен, омега-гидроксипальмитат ферулоил трансферазу, несколько лакказ, 267


которые прямо или косвенно вносят свой вклад в механизм обеспечения фотопериодического цветения растений.

Аннотация Мақолада ғўзанинг 26-хромасомасида жойлашган QTL маркерлар бўйича in silico таҳлил натижалари ѐритилган. Тадқиқот натижасида аргинин декарбоксилазани, динамин-боғлиқ оқсилларни, NAC домени мавжуд бўлган оқсилни, омега- гидроксипальмитат ферулоил трансферазани, ўсимликларнинг фотопериодик гуллашни таъминлаш механизмига бевосита ва билвосита ҳисса қўшувчи бир нечта лакказаларни кодловчи генлар аниқланди ва тавсифланди.

Introduction Cotton is very important crop for the economy of the cotton-growing countries, which brought substantial profits. Therefore, breeding programs of these countries, including Uzbekistan, aimed at creating a new cotton resistant to various biotic and abiotic factors of the environment and have improved technical and economic characteristics. The photoperiodic response is the ability of living organisms to respond to the day- length. It is a characteristic for plants belonging to different taxonomical groups. Most wild and semi-wild species of Gossypium genus is photoperiod-sensitive. However, wild germplasm cotton collection is a valuable source of genes for genetic improvement of current cotton cultivars. For example, according to Fryxell [1] the endemic to the Galapagos Islands, a truly wild species of cotton Gossypium darwinii Watt (tetraploid chromosome set AD5 genome) is close relative to Gossypium barbadense [2] and it has genes that determine drought-tolerance, nematode-resistance and high fiber quality [3]. In addition, insofar as G.darwinii is a long-distance dispersal (LDD) plant through drift in ocean currents, it has the potential to grow in soils high saline. According to the classification of cotton germplasm resources, G.darwinii and upland cotton belong to the first germplasm bank and can hybridize with each other directly. Considering the narrow genetic base of Gossypium hirsutum L. (Upland) and the afore-cited traits of G.darwinii these economic-valuable traits can be introduced into G.hirsutum varieties and thus expand its genetic base. Materials and methods In our previous studies a number of QTLs for agronomically important traits, including photoperiodic control of flowering time have been identified using experimental F2 and F3 populations (segregating for photoperiod sensitivity) from the crossing of two G. darwinii Watt different forms [4]. In this work we performed in silico analysis of QTL regions, located on chromosome 26 using whole genome sequences of G. hirsutum L. [5] for identification of actual physical genome positions of loci and for prediction of candidate genes/protein involved in the mechanism of photoperiodic flowering in cotton. In silico PCR was carried out using UGENE 1.20.0 bioinformatics software package to find the location of virtual amplicons on the cotton genome, obtained by annealing of primers of linked QTL loci. Gene prediction web-based application AUGUSTUS 3.1.0 has been used for identifying the genes on this chromosome site. Predicted amino acid sequences by AUGUSTUS were analyzed using search algorithm - Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/BLAST). Results and discussions According to in silico PCR results, 8 out of 14 DNA markers located on linkage group 24 (Chr.26) were virtually amplified on chromosome 24 (Dt_chr8) of G. hirsutum (figure 1). The table 1 demonstrates the distance between these markers on the genome of G. hirsutum,



both nucleotides (based on in silico PCR), and in centimorgan (cM) defined by QTL mapping in F2 population (table 1).

Figure 1. Comparison of mapped QTL markers with actual positions on the genome of G.hirsutum

The markers CIR039 and BNL840 which lies on the same position (39.1 cM) on the linkage map differ from another by only 89 base pairs, but another markers JESPR92 and CIR391 were located on the coordinates 18 396 806 and 26 233 589 nucleotides on this chromosome. If, 1 cM equal to 500,000 nucleotides [6] than the last two markers are located from the first pair of markers approximately in the distance 18.2 and 33.9 cM, respectively. This can be attributed to the difference in the genomes of G.darwinii and G. hirsutum. Moreover, CIR039 was virtually amplified in another one chromosome homologically to 24 on chromosome 08 (At_chr8) with 195 base pair size. Also, NAU4925 which located on the beginning of linkage group (0.0 cM) was found on chromosome 08.

Table 1. In silico PCR result table of loci located on LG24 (Chr.26) Genetic Chromosome The size of Beginning of Ending of Marked QTL distance in F positions on the virtual № 2 nucleotide nucleotide region generation genome of amplicons coordinates coordinates (сМ) G.hirsutum (b.p.) 1 BNL3510 38.7 Dt_chr8 26 233 560 26 233 695 136 2 BNL3816 38.8 Dt_chr8 8 601 784 8 601 982 199 3 JESPR92 39.1 Dt_chr8 18 396 806 18 397 937 1132 4 BNL840 39.1 Dt_chr8 9 249 057 9 249 206 150 5 CIR391 39.1 Dt_chr8 26 233 589 26 233 689 101 6 CIR039 39.1 Dt_chr8 9 248 968 9 249 127 160 7 NAU2913 70.3 Dt_chr8 41 951 013 41 951 248 236 8 BNL341 76.3 Dt_chr8 42 973 849 42 973 980 132 9 NAU4925 0.0 At_chr8 42 744 792 42 744 931 140 10 CIR039 39.1 At_chr8 19 241 701 19 241 895 195

Then, to analyze the presence of candidate genes on chromosome 24 was selected comprising marker regions of CIR039 and BNL840, as well as nucleotides 100 000 269


downstream of marker region of CIR039 and 100 000 nucleotides upstream of marked region by BNL840. Thus it was covered 9 148 968 - 9 349 206 region with the size of 200 238 nucleotides, which is then used to identify candidate genes and their further characterization on chromosome 24. Analysis of the site with the help of AUGUSTUS identified 11 genes that can be expressed with the potential of this region of cotton genome. Some of these genes have a number of possible transcript, so the total number of biological sequences obtained was equal to 17. Then these amino acid sequences were analyzed using search algorithm - BLAST. For this analysis were used the amino acid sequences of possible expressed sites predicted by AUGUSTUS. A comparative analysis of each of the 17 amino acid sequences using protein BLAST algorithm have been identified protein sequences of cotton and other organisms. The most promising candidate gene for further study of the genome proved the encoding the alpha subunit of casein kinase II. Начало формы Casein kinase II (CK2) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that involved in various physiological processes of plants, including circadian rhythms, light signaling, stress response, flowering time and control of the cell cycle. CK2 is a tetrameric enzyme which composed of two catalytic α subunits and two regulatory β subunits. α and β subunits are involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms by phosphorylation of central components CCA1 and LHY. According to Olsten et al., [7] and Mulekar et al., [8] the highly conserved serine/threonine specific casein kinase (CK) control various processes in the signal transduction of many eukaryotes including yeast, mammals and plants. Control of flowering time in plants involves a complex interaction between endogenous components of circadian rhythms and environmental factors, including seasonal changes in day length (photoperiod) and temperature. To date, studies in model crops (for example, in the dicotyledonous Arabidopsis thaliana and monocotyledonous rice (Oryza sativa)) identified many regulatory genes that controls flowering time (also known as heading date), related to the regulatory subunit of casein kinase 2 [9]. In plants, unlike animals, the two subunits (α and β) CK2 often encoded by multiple genes. For example, Arabidopsis thaliana has 8 genes coding for CK2 subunits (four α and four β) [10]. The change that processing at the level of transcription and phenotype, with low (short-term) and full (long-term) suppressing the activity of CK2, showed that some processes have been affected, controlled by auxin, such as extension and division of cell, as well as the formation of lateral roots [11]. The study of the function of casein kinase II (CK2), carried out on this model plant (Arabidopsis thaliana), shows that overexpression of a regulatory subunits leads to early flowering under shorter-day conditions. In addition, the highly conserved component of the circadian rhythm CK2 positively regulates the stability of the oscillator of the circadian rhythm Circadian Clock Associated 1 (CCA1) [12] and the Late Elongated Hypocotyl (OsLHY) in rice [13]. It was found that the destruction of the other CK2b of subunit CKB4 in Arabidopsis thaliana is regulated by circadian rhythm [14]. Thus, using in silico PCR and BLAST analysis identified putative genes directly or indirectly involved in photoperiodic flowering mechanism in cotton and play an important role in plant development generally. The gene encoding the α subunit of casein kinase II can pretend to the role of candidate genes in explored QTL regions, associated with the photoperiodic control of flowering time.



REFERENCES 1. Fryxell P.A. The Natural History of the Cotton Tribe. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX. 1979; 37–47 2. Zhang R, Ding J, Liu C, Cai C, Zhou B, Zhang T, et al. Molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis of eight COL superfamily genes in group I related to photoperiodic regulation of flowering time in wild and domesticated cotton (Gossypium) species. PLoS One. 2015;10: 1–22. 3. Chen H, Khan MKR, Zhou Z, Wang X, Cai X, Ilyas MK, et al. A high-density SSR genetic map constructed from a F2 population of Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium darwinii. Gene. 2015;574: 273–286. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2015.08.022 4. Kushanov F.N., Shapulatov U., Urmonov H., Turaev O., Shermatov S.E., Buriev Z.T., Abdukarimov A., Pepper A.E., Abdurakhmonov I.Y. // Molecular mapping of photoperiodic flowering in cotton. // International Cotton Genome Initiative: abstracts reports – Canberra, Australia. 20-23 September, 2010. p. 20. 5. Li F, Fan G, Lu C, Xiao G, Zou C, Kohel RJ, et al. Genome sequence of cultivated Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum TM-1) provides insights into genome evolution. Nat Biotechnol. 2015;33: 524–30. doi:10.1038/nbt.3208 6. Said J.I., Song M., Wang H., Lin Z., Zhang X., Fang D.D., Zhang J. A comparative meta- analysis of QTL between intraspecific Gossypium hirsutum and interspecific G. hirsutum × G. barbadense populations. 2015; doi:10.1007/s00438-014-0963-9 7. Olsten M.E., Weber J.E., Litchfield D.W. CK2 interacting proteins: Emerging paradigms for CK2 regulation? Mol. Cell. Biochem. 2005 y. Vol. 274. pp. 115–124. 8. Mulekar J.J., Huq E. Expanding roles of protein kinase CK2 in regulating plant growth and development. J. Exp. Bot. 2014 y. Vol. 65. pp. 2883–2893. 9. Takahashi Y., Shomura A., Sasaki T., Yano M. Hd6, a rice quantitative trait locus involved in photoperiod sensitivity, encodes the alpha subunit of protein kinase CK2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2001 y. Vol. 98. pp. 7922–7927. 10. Wang W.S., Zhu J., Zhang K.X., Lü Y.T., Xu H.H. A mutation of casein kinase 2 α 4 subunit affects multiple developmental processes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2016 y. Vol. 35. pp. 1071–1080. 11. Mulekar J.J., Bu Q., Chen F., Huq E. Casein kinase II α subunits affect multiple developmental and stress-responsive pathways in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2012 y. Vol. 69. pp. 343–354. 12. Portolés S., Más P. The functional interplay between protein kinase CK2 and cca1 transcriptional activity is essential for clock temperature compensation in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet. 2010 y. Vol. 6. Issue 2. 13. Ogiso E., Takahashi Y., Sasaki T., Yano M., Izawa T. The role of casein kinase II in flowering time regulation has diversified during evolution. Plant Physiol. 2010 y. Vol. 152. pp. 808–820. 14. Marqués-Bueno M.M, Moreno-Romero J, Abas L, De Michele R, Martinez MC. A dominant negative mutant of protein kinase CK2 exhibits altered auxin responses in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2011 y. Vol. 67. pp.169–180.



STUDY EPIGENETIC IMPACTS ON COTTON VIA BISULFITE SEQUENCING Zabardast Buriev, Doctor of Sciences; Bakhtiyor Rakhmanov, Researcher; Khurshida Ubaydullaeva, PhD; Shukhrat Shermatov, PhD

Abstract In this study, we explored the epigenetic signatures of the promoter region of Gossypium MIC-3 (Meloidogyne Induced-Cotton-3) gene that has root-knot nematode (RKN) resistance-associated properties. Our goal is to study and distinguish the impact of epigenetic regulations on the gene expression of RKN resistant (M-315) and RKN susceptible (M-8) cotton cultivars. Therefore, a bisulfite-sequencing were performed by us for genomic DNAs isolated from the root and leaf tissues of these cotton genotypes. Our preliminary results suggested that a root specific expression of MIC-3 gene is epigenetically regulated with a methylation mechanism, which fueled a new understanding on the genetic functionality of MIC-3 genes during RKN pathogenesis.

Аннотация В этом исследовании было изучено эпигенетические сигнатуры промоторной области гена Gossypium MIC-3 (Meloidogyne Induced Cotton-3), который обладает свойствами, связанными с резистентностью к корневой нематоде. Нашей целью являлось изучение влияния эпигенетических механизмов на экспрессию генов в устойчивых (M-315) и восприимчивых (M-8) к корневой нематоде сортов хлопчатника. С этой целью было проведено бисульфитное секвенирование геномной ДНК, выделенной из корневых и листовых тканей этих генотипов хлопчатника. Предварительные результаты показали, что специфическая для корня экспрессия гена MIC-3 эпигенетически регулируется механизмом метилирования, что подпитывает новое понимание генетической функциональности генов MIC-3 во время патогенеза корневой нематоды.

Аннотация Ушбу тадқиқотда ўсимликнинг илдиз қисмида учровчи нематода касаллигига нисбатан чидамлилик хусусиятига бўлган ғўза Gossypium MIC-3 (Meloidogyne Induced- Cotton-3) генининг промотор региони эпигенетик жиҳатдан ўрганилди. Бизнинг мақсадимиз илдиз нематода касаллигига чидамли (М-315) ва чидамсиз (М-8) ғўза навларининг ген экспрессиясига эпигенетик механизмларнинг таъсирини ўрганишдан иборат. Шунга туфайли ушбу ғўза генотипларининг барг ва илдиз тўқималаридан ажратиб олинган геном ДНК намуналари учун бисульфит секвенирлаш амалга оширилди. Дастлабки тадқиқот натижаларига кўра, илдиз учун специфик ҳисобланган MIC-3 генининг экспрессияси ДНК метилланиши механизми орқали эпигенетик жиҳатдан бошқарилиши аниқланди. Бу эса MIC-3 генининг нематода патогенезида янги генетик функционал аҳамиятини ѐритишга олиб келади.

Introduction Nowadays, epigenomics is a rapidly expanding and “hot” research field of the biological sciences. Due to its significance in medicinal sciences and qua predicting and preventing tool epigenetic studies have been performing as well in cancer, Alzheimer‟s, age- related and human common diseases [1, 2]. In plants it is important to identify epigenetic variations, which provide a novel understanding on regulation of complex agronomic traits such as development, stress tolerance, response, adaptation, yield and quality, etc. Relatively



recent achievements in analytical methodologies have made possible to explore and understand the epigenetic regulations in genomes [3, 4, 5]. To date DNA methylation, histone modification and RNA interference have been the mostly studied epigenetic phenomena. These epigenetic modifications play an important role in regulation of multiple cell processes that including gene expression, replication and recombination of DNA. DNA methylation mainly occurs at the 5′ sites of cytosine in CpG rich dinucleotides, which are mostly located in clusters famed as CpG islands (CGIs) [6]. So far, only few epigenetic studies have been performed in cotton.

Object of the study In this study, the epigenetic signatures of the promoter region of Gossypium MIC-3 (Meloidogyne Induced Cotton-3) gene have been explored, which has root-knot nematode (RKN) resistance-associated properties [7, 8]. Our goal is to study and distinguish the impact of epigenetic regulations on the gene expression of RKN resistant (M-315) and RKN susceptible (M-8) cotton cultivars.

Method and materials As research materials root-knot nematode resistant (M-315) and RKN susceptible (M-8) cotton cultivars have been used. Their genomic DNAs have been applied for research purposes.

DNA extraction Genomic DNAs have been isolated using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method from the root and leaf tissues of these cotton genotypes. Concentrations of DNAs have been measured by running samples on 1 % agarose gel (figure 1).

Figure 1. Electrophoregram of DNAs (with agarose gel 1 % and 0,5 TBE buffer); 1- DNA of Coker-312, as control marker; 2- Leaf DNA of M-8 cotton cultivar; 3- Root DNA of M-8 cotton cultivar; 4- Leaf DNA of M-315 cotton cultivar; 5- Root DNA of M-315 cotton cultivar. Bisulfite conversion methods Sample DNAs were treated with sodium bisulfite through application of sodium bisulfite conversion technique to measure methylation levels between leaf and root organs of cotton. Structure, chemical and physical properties of DNA samples have been changed by bisulfite treatment and unmethylated cytosine residues have been converted into uracil and finally into thymine by PCR, but methylated cytosines remain unchanged. Thus, bisulfite treatment lead to different DNA sequences for methylated and unmethylated DNA samples



(figure 2). That bisulfite reaction method includes complete bisulfite conversion, cleanup and thermal cycling steps. Bisulfite sequence analysis were carried out with help of ABI3130 xl Genetic Analyzers machine (Applied Biosystems) and bioinformatic Sequencing Analysis software v5.2 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) For experimental DNA samples PCR has been carried out with required chemical reagents, instructions and with specific bisulfite primers. As a next step agarose gel electrophoresis method performed to visualize and test the size and quality of PCR product (figure 3). Earlier PCR were conducted (with positive and negative controls) and confirmed presence of targeted product with specific bisulfite primers several times. Therefore these PCR products were subjected to use in further experimental steps like excising PCR product from gel, cleanup, cloning and sequencing procedures.

Figure 2. Electrophoregram of PCR products (with agarose gel 2 % and 0,5 TBE buffer, stained with ethidium bromide); M – marker, 100bp Lanes, Bioline; 1- cultivar M-8 (leaf); 2- cultivar M-8 (root); 3- cultivar M-315 (leaf); 4- cultivar M-315 (root).

Figure 3. Some of electropherogram results that have been analyzed by Sequencing Analysis software v5.2.



It displays the differences between bisulfite treated and untreated DNA samples of leaf and root organs: (a) bisulfite untreated sequence of DNA samples, as control; (b) bisulfite treated samples of root, and DNA methylation was not detected; (c) bisulfite treated DNA samples of leaves, where the promoter site changes and DNA methylation were determined. Initial sequencing results According to bisulfite sequencing results CG, CHG and CHH types of hypermethylated regions have been analyzed between M-315 (leaf), M-315 (root), M-8 (leaf) and M-8 (root). CG and CHG sites of the hypermethylated regions of promoter remains between tissues of root and leaf parts nearly unchanged, while CHH sites have strong variations (table 1).

Table 1. There are given the number of methylated regions in cotton experimental samples that are analyzed according to bisulfite sequences. Cotton tissue CG CHG CHH Total samples M-315 (leaf) 7 10 15 32 M-315 (root) 8 10 1 19 M-8 (leaf) 7 10 15 32 M-8 (root) 8 9 3 20

Results and Conclusions. To this end, we performed cloning and bisulfite-sequencing of genomic DNAs of both cotton genotypes. The targeted promoter region was hypermethylated sites of the MIC-3 promoter with 307 base-pairs in length. Three types (CG, CHG, and CHH) of hypermethylated regions have been explored. CG and CHG sites of the hypermethylated regions of promoter remains between tissues of root and leaf parts nearly unchanged, while CHH sites have strong variations. Main influential methylation has been found in the CHH sites of cotton leaves, which are controlled by two DNA methyltranspherases, DRM2 and CMT2 (table 1). Results revealed that methylation levels were 60% higher in leaves than root parts of both genotypes Our results suggested that a root specific expression of MIC-3 gene is epigenetically regulated with a methylation mechanism, which fueled a new understanding on the genetic functionality of MIC-3 genes during RKN pathogenesis. In the next steps of our research works comparisons of methylation profiles between resistant and susceptible genotypes will be discussed.

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Abstract The article presents information on the influence of the system of long-term crop cultivation in crop rotation on the change in the humus state and humus content in conditions of eroded rainfed dark serozems distributed on the northern spurs of the Turkestan range, in the left bank of the basin of Sanzar river. Information is provided showing, in conditions of rainfed farming, the cultivation of permanent grain crops, without the introduction of crop rotation, fertility of the soil decreases, which adversely affects crop yields, and when crop rotation is introduced, results showing improvements in the soil state are obtained.

Аннотация В настоящей статье приведены сведения по влиянию системы многолетнего возделывания культур в севообороте на изменение содержания гумуса и гумусного состояния в условиях эродированных богарных темных сероземах, распространенных на северных отрогах Туркестанского хребта, в левобережье бассейна р. Санзар. Приведены сведения, показывающие, в условиях богарного земледелия возделывание бессменно одних зерновых колосовых культур, без внедрения севооборота, снижается плодородие почвы, что отрицательно сказывается в урожайности культур, а при внедрении севооборота получены показывающие улучшения состояния почвы.

Аннотация Мазкур мақолада Туркистон тоғ тизмасининг шимолий ѐнбағри, Сангзор ҳавзасининг чап қирғогида тарқалган лалми эрозияланган тўқ тусли бўз тупроқлар шароитида кўп йиллик алмашлаб экиш тизимини тупроқлар гумуси ва гумусли ҳолатини ўзгаришига оид маълумотлар келтирилган. Мақолада лалмикор деҳқончиликда фақат бошоқли-донли экинлар сурункасига етиштирилиб, алмашлаб экиш йўлга қўйилмай деҳқончилик юритилганда тупроқ унумдорлиги, экинлар ҳосилдорлиги кескин камайишини, алмашлаб экиш жорий этилган худуд тупроқларида буни акси намоѐн бўлганлигига оид маълумотлар келтирилган.

Introduction An assessment of the content of organic matter in the upper humus-accumulative or 276


arable horizons of soils is necessary when solving many problems, and one of the methods for analyzing these indices is the compilation of cartograms, ranging from large-scale for the territory of individual farms and to small-scale, survey cartograms for the territory of the entire Republic. Cartograms of humus content are necessary in the following cases: 1) in assessing the quality of the upper horizons of soils, in which the root systems of agricultural plants are mainly concentrated; 2) when assessing soil resistance to chemical pollution; 3) cartograms of humus content are necessary for certain types of soil-chemical monitoring, control over the mineralization of humus, development of erosion, salinization and alkalinization of soils. The average content of humus in the plow layer is one of the most important criteria of soil fertility, regardless of the nature of the vertical distribution of organic matter in this layer of soil. In this way, an inventory of the soils of individual farms and of the country as a whole can be carried out. The ratio of Сga: Сfa in the composition of humus is an important qualitative indicator of the soil, and this ratio indicates how fully organic residues are converted to humic substances, and it is widely used in soil classification to establish the type of humus. This indicator is the most stable sign for humus of chernozem, and is also characteristic for humus types of many soils, especially when analyzing the zonal series of soils [5]. Consequently, this relation on the one hand determines the conditions for humus formation, on the other hand, it is possible to distinguish between soils at a typical level. The humus content in the upper horizons of soils is one of the indicators in studying the structure of the soil cover and facilitates the compilation of soil maps. The establishment of a connection between the content of humus in the upper horizons of the soil and their spectral capacity makes it possible, according to cartograms of the humus state, to compose maps of the reflectivity of soils [6]. Thus, cartograms of the content and types of humus can be used, as noted above, in assessing the quality of the upper soil horizons, the inventory of soils of individual farms, regions and regions in general, in studying the structure of the soil cover, monitoring, control of humus mineralization, erosion, salinization and alkalinazation of soils, which have scientific and practical significance. The principle of compiling a cartogram of contents and cartograms of types of humus for soils of the Russian Federation is given in [6], which we also adhered to in this article. Thus, cartographic analysis of the nature of the distribution of Corg. in the horizon A of soils of Russia showed a clear lawfulness in the variation of the humus content in the latitudinal series of automorphic soils, where the content of Corg. in the upper horizon increases from podzolic soils to typical chernozems and then gradually decreases to brown semidesert soils. The same pattern is maintained for the obtained cartograms by the type of humus, where the zonal features of humus formation are well traced. Based on this, we studied the humus state of one subtype of serozem soils - dark serozems, where the method of measuring humus state of the soils was used [6], in the modification of M.M. Tashkuziev [7], applied to low-humus soils of the arid zone, which served as the basis for the compilation of cartograms by the content of carbon in the upper horizon and by the type of humus. Objects and methods of the research The objects of the study were rainfed dark serozems taken from the sample points of the experimental site "Bahmal of the Gallaoral branch of the Institute of Grain and Leguminous Cultures on irrigated lands". During the research comparative-geographical, comparative chemical-analytical and key methods were used. Analyzes of the chemical composition of the soil were carried out according to generally accepted methods described in the manuals of



E.V. Arinushkina [2] and Agrochemical methods of soil studies [1]. The fractional-group composition of humus was determined by the method of I.V. Tyurin in the modification of V.V. Ponomareva and T.A. Plotnikova (1975) [4]. Humus state of the soil according to the system of indicators proposed by D.C. Orlov and others (2004) [6], in the modification of M.M. Tashkuziev (2006) [7], applied to low-humus soils of the arid zone. The results of the research and their discussion For the conditions of mountain and foothill soils, a comprehensive study of the state of land and soil resources is needed, the development of scientifically grounded soil-protective, agro-meliorative, agrotechnical measures, methods and technologies for the restoration, conservation and enhancement of their fertility. In this respect, it should be noted that the long-term use of soils in agricultural production, not applying scientifically justified crop rotations, introduction of only mineral fertilizers, without sufficient application of organic fertilizers, soils are depleted by humus, the main indicator of its fertility, which leads to the deterioration of many chemical, physical and other properties, to development of erosion processes. In the practice of farming, conservation and improvement of soil fertility largely depends on the correct and effective use of them in agricultural production. In this regard, in some cases, as a result of misuse of land, there is a decline in soil fertility. Such negative phenomena mostly take place in the conditions of the rainfed agriculture. Since 1960, there has been a long experiment at the base point of Bahmal of the Gallaaral branch of the Institute of Grain and Leguminous Crops for the scientific substantiation of the influence of various agricultural production systems in the cultivation of grain crops in monoculture and crop rotation with alfalfa in comparison with virgin soil under eroded soil conditions. We selected 3 key areas from the territory of this pilot farm for the study of the changes in the content, composition of humus and the compilation of cartograms according to humus state by main variants of this experiment, in comparison with virgin soil. According to the obtained data, depending on the slope exposure in virgin soil - key area - 3, in the upper 0-8-10 cm layers of virgin soils humus contains 3.01 and 2.68%, and in the upper 0-23-28 cm. arable layers of the key area-2, where wheat is constantly grown, humus contains 1.36-1.14%, and in 25 cm the layer of the key area-1, where alfalfa-cereal rotation is used, humus is contained 1.84-1.62%. This is 26-30% more than in monoculture with cereals. In the lower 40-75 cm horizons of the rotational field humus contains 0.50- 1.01%, and for non rotated wheat it is 0.43-0.96%, which is 5-15% less in comparison with the crop rotation variant. In the project-arable 0-30 cm layer of the virgin area humus contains 1.96% in the northern slope exposition and 1.69% in the southern slope. To the bottom, its quantity is reduced within 0.44-0.91% and 0.43-0.84%, respectively. In the upper 0-25 cm layers and in the lower 25-75 cm layers of the crop rotation field, area-1 humus contains 1.62-1.84% and 0.50-1.01%, which is close to virgin area-3. This indicates, with prolonged alfalfa-cereal rotation, the amount of humus in 0-70 cm of the root layer of soil is at a close level with virgin soil. At that time, as noted above, with the permanent cultivation of wheat, the humus content decreases by 5-15% in comparison with the crop rotation field, and also virgin soil. These indicators are the basis for mapping the content of humus for the upper horizons, as well as a certain layer of soil, used in agricultural production, both in the case of rainfed and irrigation. The study of the fractional-group composition of humus in the soils of the investigated rainfed dark serozems showed that in both exposures of the slope the content of humic acids,



as the total organic carbon, decreases from the upper horizons to the lower ones, and is 26.78- 32.91% in the upper horizons and in the lower horizons 20.56-30.58%. The number of fulvic acids rises from the upper horizons to the lower horizons and is 26.05 to 29.91% in the upper, and in the lower ones - 27.82-40.10%. The total amount of humic acids (hydrolysable substances) in the upper project-arable layer of virgin soil, depending on the exposure, is 69.33 and 75.15%, in the arable horizons of long-used cereals in monoculture-53.75 and 57.9% and in the version where cereals are cultivated for 55 years in alfalfa rotation, these figures were 58.60-58.96%, respectively. In the lower 30-135 cm horizons of virgin soil, the amount of humic and fulvic acids remains stable and in both exposures of the slope is 72.14 and 74.39%. With these indicators virgin soils are significantly different from rainfed soils, where for 55 years grain is cultivated in monoculture and alfalfa crop rotation. When cultivating cereals in monoculture in the underlying horizons of the southern slope soil, an increase in the content of hydrolyzed humic substances was observed in comparison with the northern exposure and amounted to 55.97-67.15% versus 53.19-53.66% in the northern slope. An increase in the amount of humic acids in soils was noted in the lower horizons, where crop rotation was applied in comparison with arable horizons. Amount of non-hydrolysable substances, it is an insoluble residue or humin, depends on the conditions of the formation of humic acids, i.e. humus formation in the soil is one of the indicators of soil features, its properties and genesis. The amount of non-hydrolysable substances, depending on the content of humic acids in the soil, in the alfalfa rotation in the upper horizons is 41.04-41.40%, which indicates the accumulation of newly formed humic substances in the upper horizons of the soil, which positively influence to the development of plants. In the grain monoculture variant, especially the northern exposure, the amount of non-hydrolysable substances throughout the entire soil profile varies little and amounts to 46.25-46.81%, with some variations in the soil profile of the southern exposure - 32.85-44.03%. Unlike rainfed soils, on virgin soils the amount of insoluble residue in both slopes is stable, varies little throughout the soil profile and in the northern slope is 24.85-27.86%, and in the southern slope it is 25.61-31.67% that 1,3-1,5 times less in comparison with the soils used for a long time in rainfed farming. Consequently, in virgin soils, the amount of humic acids throughout the soil profile is stable, they vary little over time and the amount of humin is 25-31% of the total soil carbon. In the studied dark serozem soils, the ratio of the carbon of hydrolysable substances to carbon of non-hydrolyzable substances is 1.15-2.97 and the highest values are for virgin soils. Under the influence of the anthropogenic factor, due to the accumulation of humic acids in the soil, this ratio in rainfed soils in the crop rotation field in the northern slope is 1.4-2.3; in the southern slope 1.4-2.4; and in monoculture of cereals in the northern slope is 1.1-1.2; in the southern slope 1.3-2.0. Consequently, as a result of the use of dark serozems in rainfed agriculture for a long time, an increase in the amount of humic acids and humins occurs in monoculture and in crop rotation, and this positively affects the formation of humus of the soil, the improvement of its qualitative composition, which is more clearly manifested in the crop rotation variant with crops of alfalfa and cereals. An analysis of the composition of humus in rainfed dark serozem reveals that among humic acids, the fraction-2 associated with calcium predominates, somewhat less is the amount of humic acids of fraction-1, free and associated with mobile sesquioxides. The content of humic acids of fraction -1 and 3- strongly bound to clay minerals and stable sesquioxides, decreases with depth. Fulvic acids are dominated by fractions 2 and 3,



associated with calcium and stable sesquioxides, the number of which also increases with depth. In the studied soils of the northern exposition, in the humus composition, the predominance of fraction 2 and 3 of humic acids, in comparison with analogous fractions of fulvic acids, indicates to better conditions for the formation of humic substances, and also soil humus as a whole. An important qualitative indicator of the soil is the ratio in the composition of humus Cga: Sfa and according to this ratio one can talk about the conditions of humus formation, the type of humus of the soil and the properties of the soil (1,2,6). This ratio indicates how favorable the conditions for the accumulation of humus in the soil. Numerous studies carried out on various types of soils, including on chernozems, established that the accumulation of humus in soils occurs with the greatest accumulation of humic acids and a high ratio of Cga: Sfa. This ratio also establishes one of the most important indicators of the humus state of the soil - the degree of humification of organic matter, showing the proportions of humified material (humic acids) in the content of organic matter of soils. Humus condition of soils, along with other values, allows the development of agronomic, meliorative measures. Below we will briefly describe the soils under consideration in terms of their humus state. Earlier, the parameters of the humus state of soils were developed [3], they were subsequently supplemented [5]. In the latter, a more extensive system of indicators is given. However, it was calculated for soils of Russia, a humid zone, with a high content of humus. Maintaining the main indicators, with an adjustment to the limits of the values, we developed a modification in terms of the humus state for arid zone soils [7]. Below we estimate the soils according to the modified system of indicators of the humus state. In the examined variants of long-term experiment, in the upper horizon "A" of virgin dark serozem section-3, on the southern slope, humus is 2.68%, in the northern 3.01% and gradation scale-high (2-3%); in crop rotation area-1, where for 55 years alfalfa and wheat are cultivated, in the southern exposition humus is- 1.62% and in the northern exposure 1.84% and refers to the above average (1.5-2.0%); on site-2, where wheat is permanently cultivated, at the southern exposure 1.14%, and in the northern -1.36% and refers to the average level. (1.0-1.5%). At 0-100 cm layer of the soil on virgin dark serozem area-3 on the southern slope reserves of humus is 118.67 t / ha and in the northern exposition it is 137.67 t / ha, and according to the gradation scale it is above the average level (100-150 t / ha); at the rotation area-1, in the southern exposition 108,18 t / ha, and the northern exposition - 122,78 t / ha and gradation scale refers to the above average level, however, in this layer the humus reserves are 10-15 t / ha less than on the virgin soil; on the variant of monoculture of wheat area-2, at the southern exposition - 72.31 t / ha, and refers to a low level (40-90 t / ha), and in the northern exposition - 107.80 t / ha and refers to the above average level 100-150 t / ha). Data on reserve of humus in the first metre layer of soils show that, if on virgin area and long period of wheat cultivation in crop rotation with alfalfa these indicators are close, with some smaller amount ( by 10-15 t/ha) in rainfed variant, when growing wheat in monoculture, the reserves of humus decrease from the rotation variant in the southern exposition by 35.87 t / ha, and in the northern one - 14.98 t / ha, and these values in comparison with the virgin soil is reduced by 46.31 t / ha in the southern and 29.87 t / ha – in the northern exposure. When compiling a cartogram according to the type of humus for soils of key sections of the experimental farm, the data obtained with respect to Cga: Cfa were used as the basis. In the system of indicators of the humus state by the type of humus, 7 groups were taken out. It



is determined that on the soils of the investigated territory there are 3 groups of humic substances, differing in the level and nature of the feature. On the virgin dark serozem of the key area-3, on the southern slope in the upper horizon, the ratio of Cga:Сfa is 0.99, and according to the type of humus it refers to the humate-fulvate (0.75-1.0), and on the northern slope - 1,08 and refers to the fulvate-humate type (1.0-1.25), in the crop rotation area-1, where wheat and alfalfa are cultivated for 55 years, at the southern exposure this figure is 1.09 and refers to the fulvate-humate type and in the northern exposure is 1.26 and refers to the humate type (1.25-1.50), on the area-2 where wheat is permanently cultivated, at the southern exposition the ratio of Сga:Сfa makes 0,87, and in the northern exposition-0,99 and refers to the humate-fulvate type of humus (0,75-1,0).

Conclusion In the long experiment on rainfed dark serozem, the cultivation of winter wheat for 55 years in the rotation with alfalfa, depending on the exposure of the slope, increased the humus content in the plow layer by 26-30% in comparison with the monoculture of wheat, and in the lower 40-75 cm layer by 15%. According to the humus content in the upper 0-75 cm, the soil layer of the crop rotation variant is close to the virgin areas. Thus, in the project-arable 0-30 cm layer of virgin soil, humus contains 1.96-1.69%, in the 25-75 cm layer 0.44-0.94, and in the analogous layers of the crop rotation variant, these values were 1,84-1.62% and 0.50-1.01. It was revealed in the upper horizons, as well as in the lower layers of all three sections of the experimental farms, in the southern exposition of the humus slope it is contained 10- 17% less in comparison with the northern exposure. These data served as the basis for compiling cartograms for the content of humus in the soils of the experimental site of Bahmal. On the basis of the study of the fractional group composition of the humus of the experimental site, a humus state of dark serozem was established and its variation during prolonged cultivation of wheat in monoculture and crop rotation with alfalfa. The differences in the separate parameters of the humus state of these soils are shown in relation to the quantitative content of humic acids, humic substances, as well as the ratio of Cga:Cfa, according to which the type of humus is established, the conditions of humus formation are determined. On the basis of the obtained data on this indicator, the principle of making cartograms of humus content was developed. On the territory of the experimental site, we identified 3 groups that differ in the type of humus.

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