Published for Graduates and Former Students of Marietta College
Die MARIETTA. ALUMNUS PUBLISHED FOR GRADUATES AND FORMER STUDENTS OF MARIETTA COLLEGE VOL. IX NO. 4 JULY 1930 THE MARIETTA ALUMNUS Subscription Price $2.00 per Year (Member of the American Alumni Council) Published bi-monthly by the Alumni Council of Marietta College, at Marietta, Ohio. MEMBERS OF THE ALUMNI COUNCIL Term to Expire 1931: Term to Expire 1932: Myron A. Hays, '80 Howard W. Dickinson, '89 C. C. Middleswart, '94 Henry M. Dawes, '96 Allan T. Williamson, '98 Joseph C. Brenan, '96e Ruby A. Wilder, '08 Miss Willia D. Cotton, '98 Corwin L. McMahon, '20 Beman G. Ludwig, '19 Term to Expire 1933: William S. Plumer, '91 Asa E. Ward, '02 George J. Blazier, '14 Mrs. Jessie Hyde Palmer, '20 Howard E. Beebout, '25 EDITORIAL STAFF Arthur G. Beach, '91 George J. Blazier, '14 Thomas H. Kelley, '74 Charles A. Ward, '90 Miss Willia D. Cotton, '98 Entered as Second Class matter May 2, 1922, at the Post Office at Marietta, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879. L The Marietta Alumnus Vol. IX JULY 1930 No. 4 Table of Contents Alumni Council Report 121 Frontispiece—A new view of Erwin Hall 122 Editorial Comment and Review 123 Athletics • 135 Professor Henry L. Coar 137 The President's Message 138 A History of Science in Marietta College, by C. E. Corwin, '92 139 The Baccalaureate Address, by President Edward S. Parsons 144 Letters from Alumni 150 The Reading Table 151 Alumni Meetings 151 News by Classes 155 End of Vol. IX. THE ALUMNI COUNCIL REPORT 1929-1930 I.
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