Today: Annual Back-to-School section The Daily Register VOL.100 NO. 43 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1977 15 CENTS Will actively support Bateman -Bar group affair— Case: Will run and aid forts Was nude By SHERRY CONOHAN dancer at SHREWSBURY - Sen Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., yes- terday said he definitely would seek re-election to a fifth term In the U.S. Senate next year and dismissed his age - he will be 74 at the time of the election and 80 at the end of the new term — as reason to retire. clambake? "I think that it's up to the people to make that decision in ByANNBRENOFF each Individual case," Mr. Case said on the question of age during an interview in the offices of The Daily Register. "1 ' WEST LONG BRANCH - Reports that a nude belly feel very good . . . There is no question in my mind about the dancer entertained county lawyers at the Monmouth Bar matter (of running for re-election)." Association's annual clambake, held at Monmouth Col- In the more Immediate future, Mr. Case said he plans to lege, are being probed by college officials.. actively campaign this fall on behalf of Sen. Raymond H. College officials, who noted that they were not invited Bateman, R-Somerset, the Republican candidate for gover- to this year's clambake, told The Daily Register yes- nor. He said he expected Mr. Bateman will win the election terday that they are considering denying the association on Nov. 8, "but I don't think it will be a pushover," and, al- permission to hold future events on the campus because though he hadn't made a-careful district by district analysis of this incident. of the upcoming legislative races, he thought the GOP had a Several bar association members noted that the gen- "pretty good chance" of gaining control of either the Senate eral membership was caught off guard by the nature of or Assembly, or both. the entertainment provided and that several lawyers ex- "I think it will be a good Republican year for New Jer- pressed objection to the belly dancer's performance. sey," he predicted. Bar members, however, would not comment on who On other matters in a far-ranging conversation, the sena- had hired the dancer or how much she was paid for her tor said: services. — Oae of Us greatest regrets about President Ford's According to Dr. William D. Warters. president of the loss of the presidential election last year Is that the selec- college Board of Trustees, several staff members com- tion of the U.S. attorney for New Jersey has fallen from plained after the July 28 clambake that they found the GOP hinds. • t»l»r»r phot* by Carl FtrIM performance of the belly dancer "offensive." — The proposed new Panama Canal treaty sounds satis- TOP-LEVEL PARLEY - Sen. Clifford P. Case, editor and president, right, and William F." San- Dr Warters said the college is "looking Into " the in- factory to him. although he will withhold final judgment until center, discusses problems posed by loss of Ft. ford, the associate editor. cident, with regard to granting the group future use of he has an opportunity to talk to military officials and gets Monmouth jobs with Arthur Z. Kamin, Register the college campus This was the fourth bar association their opinion. clambake held at the college. -i- He didn't receive any contributions or other gratuities "We can't Issue reprimands on hearsay evidence." from the Koreans accused of trying to use them to Influence said Dr Warters. "but we are concerned with our (the votes In Congress for military aid for that country and he college's) image in this incident." doesn't think they made any "headway" in the Senate in their He said the college has allowed the bar association to effort It's political struggle use its facilities for the annual clambake for the last four — He supports the principle In President Carter's pro- years. The school facilities are also available to other posed welfare program of combining Aid to Dependent Chil- non-profit groups dren (ADC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and food ByJIMOSTROFF economy move Sen. Case then countered "But even if this training is stamps into a single system of grants. SHREWSBURY - Sen "For instance, with a big Army arguments that reor- the cheapest, simplest thing Reported by college president Sen. Case, who has served more than 30 years in Con- Clifford P. Case. R-N.J.. yes- plant in industry." he said, ganizations like those of state there Is. there should be some "Dr. (Richard) Stonesifer (college president) report- gress, said he was against arbitrary restrictions requiring re- terday pledged to Join with "you'd expect thai the imper- military bases are justified as consideration." Sen Case ed the incident to me," continued Dr. Warters. tirement at a certain age, such as 65 or 70. He said he could other state and local repre- sonal forces of the market- economy moves. "Somehow. stated, "that the military "He (Dr. Stonesifer) said that his staff was upset understand how business and industry like to have such a po- sentatives In what he termed place would produce risks the Ft. Dix and Monmouth should exist all over this about the dancing being permitted." said the president. licy to fall back on, rather than have to tell an employe "a political struggle" to re- that might cause a plant to things do have a political country and not be concen- "The college is in an awkward position." he said they're "over the hill," but maintained It isn't the same in tain Fts. Monmouth and Dix move aroma." he said flatly trated around Washington. "We make our facility available on a highly restricted the case of public officials. Sen. Case, in an exclusive "But in government you'll However, even where these "There is great value. I basis But we want to have it open to the community — "They are Judged regularly by the voters who make their Interview with The Daily Reg- find that some institutions are cost savings are real, the sen- fee|," the senator said, "for especially for community-oriented and non-profit decision on a case by case basis." he said. ister, asserted such legisla- especially vulnerable." he ator said the Pentagon, and the military to be where they groups." Mr. Case, a lawyer before he entered Congress, was first tive initiative is needed to said, adding, "here (with Fts the civilian leaders there, can get to know the people He noted that the college has regulations concerning elected to the House of Representatives from the then Sixth counteract political designs Monmoulh and Dix) I suspect should consider "offsetting and visa versa " the use of Its grounds to non-campus groups and strictly District of New Jersey In 1M4 He continued to serve there on military installations by (the phaseouts) are probably' factors ' However, Sen Case said prohibits any Interference with students. until dropping out for a year and a half in 1953-54. then re- other states' representatives. political" that pragmatism must prevail Paul Zigo. director of the Office of Community Rela- turned to Congress in 1954 when he was elected to the Senate In particular, the senator Using the Army's plan to For instance, the senator If New Jersey, and Monmouth tions, noted that he is probing the alleged incident as di- for the first time. He was re-elected in I960. 1966 and 1972 said that "political consid- axe or transfer 414 ECOM said the rationale given by County is to get its "fair rected to do so by Drs Warters and Slonesifer Whet asked who he thought his Democratic opponent erations" entered into the jobs in creating a new organi- the Army [or wanting to close share' of federal and military Mr. Zigo said he was in England during the past two will b* ml year, Sei. Case smiled aid said he had no Idea. Pentagon's plans for reorga- zation, as a case in point. Sen Ft. Dix is that it is not large appropriations. weeks and learned of the incident upon his return. He 'That Is a luxury • will leave to them," he said of speculation nizing Ft. Monmouth's Elec- Case described the ECOM enough to provide single-unit "It's obvious that a region- said that it was "the first order of business" that was M the other half *f the matchup tronics Command (ECOM) by move'as a swap in which training to new troops This alizalion of political interests presented to him last Thursday when he returned to type of training is based on The senator similarly declined to comment on Democratic transferring parts of it to Vir- "(the Army) takes stuff out of has taken places in other work. the Army's assumption, the sen- Gov. Brendan T. Byrne's performance as the stale's chief ex- ginia and Maryland Neyv Jersey and puts it in parts of the country." he said, "I don't think anyone can deny that it took place." ator said, that a person ecutive, saying he would limit his remarks in the gubernato- These considerations. Sen Maryland to compensate observing, "this lobbying has said Mr Zigo of the Incident. should slay with the same rial campaign to positive ones about Sen. Bateman. Case said, also effected a se- Maryland for other (units) produced good results (in they took from there and unit throughout his service each area)." "He's a thoroughly well-trained and competent individ- cret Army Chief of Staff pro- Offended many people on campus shipped to the South " career See Case on forts, page 21 ual," Mr. Case said. posal to close Ft Dix as an "And the incident has offended many people on Although Mr. Case worked closely with Assemblyman campus." he noted. Thomas H. Kean. R-Essex, during the Republican National "I think It would be accurate to say thai it Is the col- Convention last year in holding the state's GOP delegation for In the Seda-Morales case lege's position that we are offended by such programm- President Ford, he took no position In the primary election in ing and would not grant future permission if the program which Sen. Bateman defeated Mr. Kean to win the party's Included such an act," he said. nomination for governor. Asked about that. Mr Case said. "It Bar association sources said that other clambakes seemed to me we couldn't lose whichever of those two fellows also had belly dancers for entertainment, but none that won." disrobed completely, as this year's dancer allegedy did - He polnlrd out that Mr. Kean. at 42, Is still a young Hospital defends actions Mr. Zigo said that In the last four clambakes held by mai. "He's got a great future ahead of him." he opined. the bar association at the college, "there have been no the case last week, led to the Sen. Case served as chairman of the New Jersey delega- By JOAN KAHN was contacted by the Depart- prehensive reports of what reports of Incidents of this nature." reopening of the matter by tion to the convention, while Assemblyman Kean was Presi- ment of Medical Examiners transpired during the night of He added that the expenses of the day are borne by the Medical Examiners. dent Ford's campaign manager for the state. Reflecting on FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - and no one withheld Informa- her death It is these reports the association which is also held accountable for the In- the 83-3 vote the state delegation delivered for the President, Officials at Freehold Area tion, the hospital said in a re- In a press release dealing which led to the reopening of stallation of the tent which houses the clambake. with the hospital's handling of despite Intense pressure from supporters of former Gov. Ron- Hospital have defended their lease issued yesterday the matter. Several sources who attended the clambake said that the incident, the hospital de- ald Reagan of California, he said he believed New Jersey had handling of lh,e view of the "The Board of Medical Ex- The doctor allegedly had during the dancer's act, the sides of the tent were open fended its in-house peer re- a real Impact on the convention's ultimate choice of Mr. conduct of Dr. Ruben Seda- aminers never asked for any declined to go to the hospital enabling passersby to view the performance, view committee which was Ford. Morales in the Sharon Rack- records." said Jack Speciak. to attend the girl, despite the The sources noted, however, that the circle of specta- mill case and contended that the hospital's director of de- responsible for the removal of urgings of the nursing staff at "New Jersey, as in many things, didn't get the credit it's the physician as the hospital's tors surrounding the young woman, blocked a good por- due," the senator said. "If New Jersey hadn't held I think the the hospital complied with all velopment, "and we.' would not the hospital Miss Rackmill tion of the show from onlookers. normally give them anything chief of staff and his resigna- convention very easily could have turned (to Mr. Regan)." requests for information. died in an ambulance en "When we grant permission for a group like the bar unless they asked " tion from the facility. Mr. Case said his greatest regret about President Ford's The hospital sajd that an in- route to another hospital, association to hold an affair on our grounds, we do so on 'loss hi the general election is the passing of the appointment vestigator for the Enforce- Dr Seda-Morales was found According to the hospital, about six hours after she had the assumption that their program will be In good taste," of the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey into Democratic hands. ment Bureau. Department of innocent of negligence or mal- the nurses and supervisors in- been admitted for treatment noted Mr. Zigo. volved in the Ratkmill matter He personally selecied and recommended for appointment the Public Safety. Division of practice by the State Board of According to the hospital. See Nude dancer, page 3 current U.S. attorney. Jonathan Goldstein, and his two imme- Consumer affairs, armed with Medical Examiners in his were asked to write com- See Hospital defends, page 2 diate predecessors. U.S. District Court Judges Herbert Stern a subpoena, removed the files treatment o( the girl who died and Frederick Lacey. and considers those choices among his needed for the Investigation, of an asthmatic attack on finest achievements in the Senate. on June 22. March 4. 1976 But the emer- gence of new documents in See Case railing, page 21 No official of the hospital Italy: Give us back our Nazi BONN. West Germany military hospital in a big suit- pier's case. But he added: downtown Rome by Italian (AP) — The West German case by his wife yesterday, "The constitution applies to Partisans Among those exe- The Inside Story government may have to re- the Italian government said everybody. Whoever is a Ger- cuted were 70 Jews, and Ital- fuse Italy's request to hand He was serving a life sen- man may not be extradited " THE WEATHER ian Jewish groups joined Par- over an escaped Nazi war tence. The Italian government had tisan veterans in demanding Suiy today, warm aid humid tonight criminal because the con- A West German govern- rejected requests from Kap- an explanation for the escape will scattered tkuidershowers tomorrow. stitution forbids extradition of ment spokesman yesterday pler to die in Germany Ital- "The government said secu- Sony N Thursday aid rain probably again German nationals, the Justice said that Kappler's 54-year- ian officials said Mrs. Kap- rity was so tight that you on Friday. Complete report on page t. Ministry said today old wife telephoned German pler, on one of her regular couldn't even sneak out a Campus fashions have marks of distinction 14 The Federal Criminal Of- officials that her husband was visits to her husband in the pack of cigarettes . . . Now SUm Gourmet substitutes lirkey-li-parls for meat IS fice in Wiesbaden issued a na- in West Germany The Italian Cello military hospital, appar- we learn that a trunk contain- Yankees' Torrei socks Chlsox If tionwide police alert for Her- government said it was ask- ently stuffed him into a large ing a war criminal left Unas, Bmtek wli GSAC golf 17 bert Kappler. the 70-year-old ing 11. said He man accused ol being Sun Moskowilz, 20, and atlempting to kill young VIM- Later, he wrote. "There is one thing you must the San Francisco Bay from Singer Mel T»rmr has of Sam' kepi 1 detailed diary ol hli murderous lante. also 211. who is still huspitali/ed for head admit about me That is, when have you ever his Hillborough home. admitted listening in on his shooting sprvi's which were said to include :i 1-41 Is wnunds and may he blinded for life known me to say things about love. Peace. God. Crosby says the one-night etc. 1 mean can you ever remember me talking ex-wife's telephone conver- ami previously iindiM IIIM ii victim Today's court appearance was a formality stand will be a "trial run" about Ihis back in the world These feelings sations and recording them Berkowiti, 21 told police fallowing hit aired since Heikmwi/ plea will not he binding until psy- for a proposed concert tour have been deep inside me . now I don't think because he said he was af- last Wednesday tughl thai in- had aba ihul 1 chiatrists examining him report lo Ihe court on through Norway. Sweden I'm going insane or anything like that because I'm raid his children would be derly Vonkera unman unti a 41-CAllber handgun whether he is capable of standing trial That re- and England. "I'm still a not . yes it's the real me." taken out of the country. found in his Vonkers apartment, The New Vork port was not expected for at least two more little limpy." he said, "and weeks In a deposition filed in Su- Times reported today • Iris, who wrote to Rerkowitz from Ihe apart- I want to find out if I can ment house in Co-op City in the Bronx where they perior Court yeslerday. the "Son M Sam iwct a 4tcallber pisinl in his Letters Berkowlti wrote to his high school still function after Ihe acci- had both lived, now is married and. H'i months 52-year-old,singer said he shooting ("ravs 111 New York I'lty 111 ninth lie sweetheart while he was in Ihe Army were obtain- dent " eavesdropped on a conver- killed six young |»TSVIIS and wounded seven oih ed bj IWII newspapers here. The Daily News and pregnant -She lives in Detroit •Al Mist Ullta* Ihe New York I'osl sation last year between his In a related development, an attorney repre- President Carter has been and said they would send It The Times quoti'd unidentified New Vork City wife, British actress Ja- llerktiwitz wrote of love and death and religion senting the defendant said he was withdrawing told if he wants a book of to the President. The Presi- police Bourcei as s;i\m^ ihe identity of the Mill his mother's letters to Ihe. —.1 ,orf her former Md talked of dope, «uns and had dreams in letter) from the case because. "I have been unjustifiably dent's sister. Gloria Spann. victim wai being nought Tankers poN**-*** ., sew from v'ifrxius Army posts'between. 1971 and family, he'll have lo buy it fiance. British film produc- pilloried in the press, ' collected Ihe letters and comment on Ihi „ ^'m,,. 19711 to Iris (ierhardl, • like anyone else The Presi- er Kevin Francis. In Eng- Philip Peltz had come under attack after The had them published The New v•. 1 k Dailj News reported In todaj 1 dent called yesterday while land. The Tormes were still Once he wrote. "I despise religion, hate prej- Daily News and New York Post reported that he his mother. Lillian, was married at the time editions thai lierkouiiz kept a detailed 10-pagc iistue greed, etc, That's all Ihe world is. A cold had offered them rights to tape recordings he Former Arkansas Gov. holding an an autograph diary ol hi- shooting* and shut police made lactic- mass of hell " Hut other limes. Berkowitz wrote. made of interviews with Berkowitz Both news OrviUe Faubus is reported in party to celebrate publica- Torme and Miss Scott. 38. al mistakes in Him efforts to catch him "1 have much hope and faith in did and Peace papers said they refused the offer satisfactory condition after Contrarj to police thinking, thai the kllii 1 I have finally made ,1 conclusion Thai is. tion of the book surgery to implant a heart were granted a divorce on made a speed) getaway he often lingered in the (>IKI is leal " "If I am defending Berkowitz. I cannot defend "Vou'll just have to buy pacemaker in his chest. grounds of irreconcilable area of the shooting unri sometimes went to a After he was shipped to Korea. Rerkowilz myself." Peltz said yesterday in Brooklyn Crimi- one. she was overheard to Faubus. 67. entered the differences last May. but nearby all-night diner fm an earl) breakfast The apparently began using drugs nal Court However, Judge Claudius Matthews de- say into the telephone Mrs Little Rock Baptist Medical are still fighting in court News said "My mind has completely blew out. I have nied the and referred Peltz to State Su- Carter, known as Miss Lil- Center. Friday and re- over custody of their chil- The Times saui evidence submitted la t Changed," he wrote Another said. "Do you know preme Court, which Is now handling the ca..e. lian, said later it was the ceived the temporary pa- dren and the properly set- Brooklyn grand jurj asserted thai Berkowlti that for the last few days I have been so doped up . There was no indication during the brief hear- President, who wanted lo cemaker a spokesman said tlement Miss S colt's law- drove around Brooklyn f6r two hours after shoot- lhat I feel like I'm on a flying carpet Wow. what ing as to how Peltz. convicted of a felony in 1972 in know if she would give him yesterday. Elizabeth yers had wanted Torme to ing Stacj Moskowiti and Robert Vlolantc on July a head " Or, "I can'l wait until tomorrow, it's pay connection with a stock deal, originally became in- a copy of Ihe hook, Faubus. his wife, told re- answer questions about the Hit, and then read the Sundnj papert on H park day I'll have to go and get some heavy acid and volved in the case. A group of family friends porters that the former gov- eavesdropping In the cus- bench before Heading towards home In Vonkers morphine so I can last out Ihe month. " Attorney Leon Stern was hired by Berkowitz' from Plains purchased a ernor experienced chest tody tight, but Torme re- abnut Sam "We're all doomed to the grave When you father. Nathan, to represent the defendant. copy of the book and car- pains on a recent trip from fused until granted immu- ried it through the line for their home at Huntsville lo nity last week from federal Miss Lillian's autograph charges. Lance's tennis partner hacks him Little Rock W ISHINGTQN (Al1) - before nominating him Powell told reporters lhat they did not deal with any de- federal regional investigation MCAP is again requested President Carter 1 spokesman Ami Powell volunteered CartST initialed Ihe Sunday tails of the probe. of the financing of Lance's is letting slip veiled indireci thai Carter plryed tennis last lennis match on Ihe White While offering the informa- unsuccessful 1974 campaign to displays of support for Bert weekend With l.ance. director House courts He said the tion about the tennis match succeed him as governor of to produce deficit plan 1,ami' bin Hie White House of the office ol Management President and Lance teamed after reports that Carter and Georgia still is refusing to comment^ and Budget and a longtime up against Carter's chief po- Lance had not spoken with But. said Powell, the probe LONG BRANCH - Federal from MCAP is already after for the coming fiscal year be- directly on Hie federal in- personal friend of the Preii* litical strategist. Hamilton each other since AUK I. Pow- of bank overdrafts in the representatives are asking the fact. Albert Gonzalez, re- ginning Sept. 1. does show a VelllgBtiOn of the embattled dent Jordan, and Ihe President's ell cautioned against reading campaign did not lead to any Ihe Monmoulh tommsnirr" giWWli.'ulId representative for "reduced commitment" lo Meanwhile, the Atlanta assistant appointments secre- too much Into it prosecution. budget director Action Program (MCAP) the U.S. Community Services Spanish programs. Mr. Gon- Constitution reported today tary, Tim Smith. "Therefore, it is correct to White Hnusc Press Secre- Ijince and Carter met Mon- once again for its plan to re- Agency. (CSA) admitted yes- zalez admitted. thai the Investigation, by the Powell said Carter and infer" that the President .ftflt tary Jody Powell said yes- day for their firsl official ses- duce a $93,000 budget defi- terday MCAP eliminated positions comptroller Ol the currency, Lance spoke aboul the in- he knew enough about terday the 1'rcsiiienl remains sion in twrt weeks They cit—a request which has gone MCAP has already em- for Spanish-speaking coor- is finished anil a report will vestigation of the budget di- Lance's background when Ihe satisfied that he knew all he talked about government unheeded several limes in the barked on an unsanctioned dinators in ils Long Branch be sen! lo .1 Senate I iimmillee rector's finances by John llei- nomination was announced needed to know about the reorganization, one of Lance's pasl mode of attack on its budget and Freehold service centers, Inmnirnw or Thin idav mann, the comptroller, bul budget director's background projects With about 211 per- Asked whether the Presi- But any answer lhat comes deficit—it has terminated or he noted. sons taking part in Ihe meet- dent fell he still knew enough "furloughed " aboul 24 of its The Bayshore Community ing, the federal investigation about Lime Powell replied approximately 140 employes Center, which last year had "yes." was an unlikely topic. Powell "We were not consulted in two Spanish coordinators, said But. having said that much. Hospital any way about the layoffs." now is budgeted for one. Mr Ten-year-olcTs empty life be said the administration Gonzalez said Mr Gonzalez said. The press secretary said was doing its best to avoid (Continued) "We have been asking (Wil- The budget allows for Ihe that when Carter picked making any comments that the peer review committee, bert C. Russell'. MCAP execu- one Bayshore Spanish coor- Lance for the budget direc- could have an impact on Ifei- ends as he hangs himself composed of six physicians tive director) for a plan for dinator to be paid only $5,800 tor's job. he was aware of a Miami's investigation from the major medical de- reducing the deficit, but for a full-time position, an NKW YORV11KK K I(AP \l'l) — Apar\|>.'itt I'ltorg(leorgc.Curer i u 11-1 ljive lived itd m land Thee youngevounger boy would 1of- partment and four other staff we've never received any an- amount which Mr Gonzalez BMBI U >l HO Caatla iiiii k\ George CUM died ten lose things or else cry to doctors, reviewed the han- swer." the CSA representa- admitted would be difficult 1 cnui in ihe Bronx was George "This year, he dldn'l come his mother lhat his older dling of the case, and "deter- tive maintained for anyone to live on. Curet'a home his cage and down a lot His tun I her brother had mistreated him Smoke detectors mined that the case was han- "1 am putting the request in ultimately the site he chose wouldn't lei him come down," George would be blamed — dled inadequately with errors writing now." and "I hopejo for his self-destruction He said Kiiljrit Alvarado. 14, who and sometimes yelled al or of judgment being present on get an answer." he added was Hi described himself and ins m maybe hit Nazi the part of Dr Seda-Mo- Mr Gonzalez said he only Hour after hour da) Bfter yeai old hrothei Robb) as That, at least, is the version now requirement rales ' became aware of the layoffs (Continued) da) George Cure! m as left in George's mil', friends in the Robert Alvaradu lells George The commillee recommend- after being informed of it by begin extradition proceed- ihi' apartment to lend to his building wouldn't talk about it — not By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN expected to be named to the ed a letter of censure be sent some MCAP trustees when he ings. ii yeai 'Old brother, Bruce i in' onl) lime be ever even to his few friends in- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - An post. lo Ihe doctor came to a meeting in July. But Andreotti, who meets Their mother and two older came down was in rifle his hi- cluding Alvarado ordinance lo require that any The new position will carry The hospital contends that CSA provides most of the West German Chancellor Mel brothers worked Their father cycle Hut lit' only did lhal u "I never heard him say residence rented or sold must a salary of between Jin 1 mi the peer review proceedings anti-poverty agency's fund- mut Schmidt in Verona on did not live with them. I'OlipIl' llf IIIIU'S ,| MSH |||s nothing." the youth admitted be equipped with a smoke de- and SI6.000. according to and all medical staff matters ing, and thus has the power lo Friday for previously sched- All tins meant thai the two older'brothers would never Typically, Ihe (WO brothers tector was introduced by township manager Kenton K are not medical records. approve or disapprove the uled talks, said he hoped Ihe Hudson. hoys idled away their hours lake him anywhere " were alone in the apartment township council last night As a result of the incident, bulk of its projected budgets. escape would not disturb inside while pltaer children Hi' Was a quiet kid." Aim- yesterday morning when tele- Although landlords or Because, the assistant engi- a number of new regulations The course taken by MCAP Italy's relations with West (rum the 12 story project rado said "tif dldn'l like t» •phone company worker present residents will not neer will be performing many were implemented by the hos- to alleviate the 193.000 deficit, Germany. played outside mesa mound \nd besides: hi' McKinley Alston arrived lo have to install the detectors tasks, such as inspections, pital, among them Ihe re- which was carried over from Italian Defense Minister A resident of the building always had lo lake can' of his install a phone But George in their homes, any apart- previously done by outside en- quirement lhat a doctor be Ihe 1975-76 fiscal year, is con- Vito Lattanzio told a news gineering consultants, its en- iii scribed II as •run dov n" brothi i I 111 ft s pal it-in i- and hopes menl re-rented or house re- present al all times to treat sidered a "last alternative ' conference Kappler's wife gineering expenses could be but "the place" u> come |o His mother wasn't always had run out. sold would require the device, its resident patients. by CSA, Mr Gonzalez noted made a regular visit to her cut by nearly two-thirds. Mr from burnt-nut buildings " bsppy with iiif wa) licorgo "Is your mother home'' " according In the ordinance. The new rules also require "Obviously, the last al- husband's fourth-floor hospi- Hudson said. It was in that setting that handled Bruce Alston asked Also, any new dwellings lhal nursing supervisors con- ternative is taking away tal room Sunday night "No. just my brother." the must be equipped with a Including benefits, salary lad Iheir department chair- people's bread and butler," Kappler's Italian lawyer. young boy said. 'But he's smoke detector in order io and other administrative man when a physician fails to he said "Every other pos- Franco Cuttica. said Mrs. Says functioning difficult hanging " merit a certificate of occu- costs, the assistant engineer respond in a timely malter. If sible alternative should be ex- Kappler frequently carried will cost Ihe township $12 an Mslon found George hang- pancy the department chairman or hausted before this one Is tak- large suitcases Into, the hos- hour — while outside engi- LONG BRANCH "Condi flee, and this is nut fair In the ing from a closet door, a lull The ordinance, if adopted, his assistant are unavailable, en. But we never had any op- pital with food to be stored In neers cost J30-M0 an hour, he lions in illy hall make it general public," Mi Ka>r tied around Ins neck, a chair will also apply tn motel units the chief of stall or his assis- portunity to respond to (heir a refrigerator in her hus- practical!) impipsMlile for the added Holes in the .letter tipped over beneath him "A The ordinance is based in tant are to be notified plan." band's room, laundry or her Planning Board lo function" definite suicide." a police Creation of the position Planning Board members part on the 1975 state building At the time of miss Rack- Mr Gonzalez noted that he own clothing. and unless (he situation is spokesman said. should eliminate a "large lire nnt. reimbursed for their code which requires in- mill's death. Dr Seda-Morales had been informed aboul the On leaving around 1 a.m., nirrected the board will "be- , Bruce told police his older part" of the township's de- vpluoteei sei i stallation of smoke-detecting was both chief of staff and layoffs by trustees who were the woman, a robust nurse come non-functional" charged brother had asked him to kick pendence on Schoor Kngi- A letter from Dr Sal J devices in all new dwellings. chief of the pediatrics depart- concerned that the majority who married Kappler in a Planning Board chairman the chair out from under him. neers" services. Hugh .1 lYeziosii lity business admlii Township allorney Dennis ment of the hospital While an of the agency's Hispanic em- prison ceremony in 1972. post- Harold 5 Kayi In .1 letter lo When he refused. George McCluskey. township engi- IstraToi was read by Mr Crawford noted that Ihe man emergency room physician ployes had been among the 24 ed a note on the door which the nty admlnlstratoi 1 kicked Ihe chmr out for him- .neer noted Kajis i is i mgin's public agement of large apart menl was on duty at the hospital at laid off. said: "Do not disturb until 10 self Council also last nighl in- \ccordlnjj io Ml Kaye's board meeting complexes such as Middle- Ihe time of Miss Rackmill's Juan Andujar, one trustee, o'clock." She dragged the letter planning board matters troduced an ordinance which The lettei n • ures Ihe board brook would not have to im- illness, under the then-exist- maintained last month that suitcase to an elevator and are now being referred lo his would require corporate or thai as ol Sept 3, a city hall Dunn refuses mediately install smoke de- ing hospital rules, he was not six of the agency's seven His- down to a rented red Fiat she business office because Ihe partnership applicants which employe will assu111<' the tectors in every unit, but allowed to treat in-patients. panic employes had been had left in the hospital park- tit> hasn'i supplied the board appeared before the Planning Planning Board secretarial to baek Byrne would'have to do so as soon Since then the hospital has among the 24 laid off, al- ing lot three days earlier. with a pan linn retaf) work and that Carl Turner Board. Board of Adjustment, also enlarged its staff from ELIZABETH (AP) - Eliza- as a unit became vacant be- though the lay-offs of two Lattanzio said. The PlanniiiL' Board's for- on ihe city's planning staff. or council to disclose the aboul 60 doctors lo 100. were subsequently cancelled. beth Mayor Thomas (i Dunn fore re-renting it. if Ihe ordi- Kappler's guards made mer i her names and addresses of all will do I'll site plan reviews. nance is approved. The hospital said it was Mr. Andujar accused MCAP regular checks during the 1 says he will adopt a hands off stockholders or partners in a post several monlr ago "ii' The response tettei also "People who live in houses policy in Ihe New Jersey gu- corporation who hold more tightening up its medical of "slowly bul surely" killing night through a peephole. of Mi Have-, employe' from lalis III.i' the public will we bernatorial primary are more likely lo install than ten per cent of the stock procedures to insure that the its programs for the county's They suspected nothing be- his private insuram • business able in obtain applications for Dunn, a Democrat, said he smoke detectors voluntarily, circumstances surrounding Hispanic community cause a wigged dummy made has been filling in site plans al the Department This information will not be would not endorse Republican but landlords need I'IHS in- Miss Rackmill's death will The refunding package of pillows was In his place, of- I'lannmg Board la of Huil'.lmj! and Development considered "public record " candidate Sen Raymond II centive, since they don't have never occur again. presented to CSA by MCAP ficials reported. beine, relegated to ,• fourth in city hall however, according lo the or- Bateman He said he Invited as personal an interest in ••1 al The, letter "apologizes" if the dinance, and will be available Bateman lo lour the city them." he commented board has been InconvI'M only lor the perusal of town- today as a "political courte- Mayor Joseph A. Palaia "We h.n '• been promised lenced in recent months ship officials sy." called the ordinance "one of numerous times th the best we've ever In- According to township offi- alion would !«• immediatelj troduced" cials, the ordinance should corrected We have been ad At present., businesses eliminate any possibility of in- advertent conflict of interest vised lha; the Dej Weather: Sunny would not be required by the Planning would 5 dele which might occur when .. of- THE GOLDEN BOOK township lo install smoke de- ficial Is not aware of who an gated the da. to da) nuviiv tectors. Partly sunny (oday. high* applicant actually represents. of dealing with the pubbi Thursday and rain Friday "Smoke detectors are de- 5/2% gives you 5*1% mid 70s lo neai SO or 26c In other business, public has yel to happen signed to wake you up." W Warm ami liiimul tonight and TIDKS ANNUAL INTEREST EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD "At the presenl lime any Councilman John C. lluss hearing on an ordinance • u with scattered Sandy Hook one and everyone desiring an noted "Why would you need which would create a new showers or thunderstorms Golden Passbook Accounts application for eithei a subdi that In a business? Are people sergeant position and four likely Lows in low 70s, highs Interest compounded and credited quarterly. (TM HMIAI vision or site plan is refeired TODAY - High 9:42 p.m sleeping there?" "corporals" — between the upper 70s and low KOs tomor- rank of patrolman and ser- by city hall 10 mj personal of- and low 3:4« p 111 In other business last night. Minimum opening deposit S1OO - multiples ol row Probability of precipi- geant — In the township po- TOMORROW - High 10:14 council created the position of $100 thereafter Withdrawal on 90 days' notice. tation, 211 per cent today, fill lice force, was continued until a in and 10:23 p.m. and low assistant township engineer — Ixnttery winners ;»•! rent tonight and tomor- Sept.8. On OWtfafl PaMtCK* StvnfJ* ttXOurn Fa««« V** i^n (retort,,!*. 4:14 a m. and 4:27 pm. only months after Its creation of c»ruin ***** tf funds wt wNMraawi Mtpa MM* DO OtwoM to. K row Winds east tu southeast d ThfflMy*tyl (*«• lo a Quota** «•*!«•»« shifting south today and pa* MM « lorlortun ol «M >M#.»M on it»» amount iHNXmm txe* to if* dM* winning number in Uw bridge, add two hours: Sea neer. mended by Neil Tanlum, FHST IWnfJNAJ BANK southwest tonight, speeds •> to l < fh« beginning of It* Ml QuwMrty *l I") sample types and amounts of hcav> metals based alternatives. granted permission next year to hold Ihe clambake here State Commltee on Ocean Pollution has concluded that sew- and toxins In sludge from all treatment plants now using "By adding this fee. we make ocean dumping comparable — if they request permission," he said age sludge contributed heavily to last summer's massive fish- offshore dump sites for sludge disposal. in cost with land disposal and discourage ocean dumping." kill, that water quality off New York and New Jersey contin- Treatment plants found to produce sludge low in such tox- said Dr Villane. "which has been Ihe cheapest disposal meth- 'Had themtelves bit of evening' ues to deteriorate and that federal agencies are lax in enforc- ins would be required to utilize landfill pyrolysis or composing od up to now " Dr. Stoneslfer, who noted that the bar members "had ing dumping laws and in seeking land-based alternative alternatives within six months. — Declaring the offshore waters of New York and New themselves a bit of an evening," said that he and his staff dumping measures Plants with a high level of toxic contaminants would be Jersey, particularly the New York Bight, as a disaster area had not been invited to this year's clambake. The eight-member legislative committee, comprised of investigated to determine, first. Ihe source of Ihe pollutants. eligible for federal funds to implement land disposal of sludge "I understand this lo be an oversight," said the rour New Jersey and four New York assemblymen, recom- and then ways lo eliminate them as quickly as possible. school president, who added that he and staff members mended yesterday that pre-treatmeni standards lor industrial "I have a feeling that some sludge in both stales is free of — Designation of a single existing agency as respon- bad been invited In the past. waste be developed immediately as the first step away from toxins and heavy metals and can be used for composting and sible for coordination of all waste disposal research In the He said, however that he had "heard all about" the ocean dumping. fertilizer," Dr Villane said. New York metropolitan area. performance rendered by the dancer, adding that "no Assemblyman Anthony M. Vlllane, Jr., R Monmouth. "Monmouth County could take it right now. if it's dehy- Dr Villane said the committee is considering recommend- complaints had been received" directly lo his office but chairman of the bi-state committee, said that lack of pre- drated." he said, referring lo Ihe county's central shredding ing the Interstate Sanitation Commission as its preferred came through subordinates. treatment standards Is a major stumbling block to devel- and recycling operation agency "We want to make our facilities available to organi- oping land alternatives In lime to meet the Environmental Other short-term recommendations made ii\ the com- Trie committee, whose other New Jersey members are zations," he said, "but that doesn't mean we will stand Protection Agency's (EPA) 1981 cutoff for ocean sludge mittee, meeting here al the Council of Slate Governments. Assemblymen Richard Van Wagner and Walter J Kozloski. for behavior which doesn't meet our standards. And this dumping. were: both D-Monmouth. and Assemblyman James M Barry Jr., R- certainly would be the case here," he noted. "Unless we eliminate toxins and heavy metals from — Endorsement of all federal legislation which would Morris. also declared its strong opposition to moving^ the Laurence C. Stamelman, bar association president, sewage sludge, we can't dump it on land," Dr. Villane said mandate ending of all ocean sludge dumping as soon as pos- present sludge dump site 106 miles offshore to the present said last night that he had "no comment" to make on the Industrial contaminants, particularly from the state's sible chemical dump site. matter. plastics and chemical industries, are largely untreatable by — Appropriation of federal emergency funds to beef up In its long-term recommendations. Ihe bi-state committee He confirmed that there was a dancer performing. the biological methods used in existing sewage treatment Coast Guard surveillance of lludge barges including use of has urged establishment of a university level task force to but said "I can't comment" to questions about her alle- plants. the "black boxes" electronic monitoring devices on all vessels collect data on present successful sludge recycling systems, gedly lewd performance. EPA has lagged in setting pre-treatment standards, which containing sludge lo make sure they dump in the prescribed and is demanding that all existing and new sewer plants have Mr. Stamelman, who noted that h« had Just returned were supposed to be ready four years ago. locations capabilities to dehydrate and dry sludge from Chicago, said that he "didn't know if the bar associ- "Admittedly, it's a difficult job." said the local legislator — Setting of fees in both New Vork and New Jersey for The committee recommended thai research be conducted ation was looking Into the matter." "But until we do it. we have no recourse but In dump offshore dumping of waste material, similar lo fees charged Into utilization of solid waste material and sewage sludge as a He also dented receiving any written or verbal com- (sludge) into the ocean and that's unacceptable " al landfill sites Charges would be determined by total volume source of energy plaints on the incident from bar members. Oar Red Bank attorney, reported to have found the performance extremely offensive, noted thai he had spake lo "those In charge" of Ihe clambake and was as- sared thai "the performance would not be repealed ever again." Anticipation When asked If he had seen the dancer perform In the bare, he replied, "No. But then again. I'had my eyes Russell, colleagues take steps to meet the criticism to come 'Everyone enjoyed them/telves' By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN action agency leaders who wanted to discuss common inter- president of Ihe association Although MCAP has sanctioned Francis X. Moore, association vfee president, said he ests, and operates basically independent of CSA. Ihe agency his involvement in that organization, as well as the travel it didn't watch the entertainment, but added that it was a LONG BRANCH - The national organization of commu- which funds the individual community programs involves, some members of the MCAP Board of Trustees have- "helluva' clambake." nity antipoverty agency heads has already taken steps to off- "We didn't understand why we should be Involved in Ihe been critical of the'amount of time hi.s national travel lakes Mr. Moore called it a "great affair," and set criticisms it anticipates from a congressional investigation investigation about CSA. and that why we were reluctant to him away from the agency said that '.'everyone enjoyed themselves." into the organization, according lo Wilberl C. Russell, presi- release records to them," Mr Russell said "The president of NCAAEDA does most of the traveling." "There was a professional dancing girl there." com- dent of the national organization and executive director of the Although congressional sources said that Mr Russell had he noted "The president before me did most of the traveling mented Mr. Moore, "and when I saw her. she was wear- refused lo give the House'Subcommittee on Manpower and1 Monmouth County Action Agency (MCAP). here. 1 don't think thai I travel any more than past presidents ing a long Indian-style robe." Housing travel vouchers and other NCAAEDA records. Mr A report released on Friday by a congressional sub-com- have ' When asked what else was there. Mr Moore said Russell maintained thai he knew nothing of Ihe request (or in- mittee charged that officers of the National Community Action Mr Russel is rather used lo attention being focused on his "there was volleyball. Softball, tennis, chicken, fish, lob- formation until it was subpoenaed Agency Executive Directors Association (NCAAEDA) had al- travel — his travels with MCAP have prompted numerous in- ster, a lot of enjoyable conversation and drinking." legedly participated In "highly questionable instances, of Hie subpoena was dated "sometime In \prll,' but he vestigations and questions "I believe that everything there was in good taste." didn't receive II until mid-May, he added. mass travel." Most recently the M('AP board passed a resolution re- he concludued. The Government Accounting office now has the records According to the report, there have been "extensive use of" quiring him lo receive prior approval from the board for first class travel and reimbursements for hotel rooms reach- "We accounted for only a small portion (if an 80-page all overnight trips and out of stale trips. Emergency travel document." Mr. Russell said "My name wasn't even men- ing $77 and $100 a day" by NCAAEDA. must be fully accounted for on his return. tioned in il ' "Room service charges in Ihe hundreds of dollars were David Cohen, the MCAP trustee who authored the travel Authorize $145,000 Other steps taken by NCAAEDA in light of anlicipated also paid from the association funds." Ihe report continues. accounting resolution, noted that pritlr Approval was required congressional cirlticsm include centralization of all associ- NCAAEDA officers last week held an emergency meeting by CSA guidelines ation records in a Washington DC office. Mr Russell said to discuss Ihe report. Mr. Russell said, and agreed lo adopt "I have asked Mr Russell lo provide us with Ihe informa- for sewer project Because NCAAEDA's officers come from all over the and adhere to federal travel guidelines from now on tion of whal dates he was away, where hi' went, who went country, records were scattered in a number of different loca- with him. the purpose of the trip, and the cost of the trip and HOLMDEL - The Town- now is over 10 years old." the Previously. NCAAEDA had used its own guidelines for tions, lie said ship Committee last night travel reimbursement, which Mr. Russell admitted were more who will hear it I have yet to receive all the information I mayor declared. "It's in pret- i Attorneys and accounts also came from different parts of unanimously adopted a "flexible" than those set by the US* Community Services want." Mr Cohen said ty, bad condition." the country, he said $145,000 bond ordinance to fi- Agency (CSA). "He keeps telling us about how much money he gets for The committee passed a The group agred lo compile all its records In a Wash- nance the Installation of sani- resolution urging that a bill CSA guidelines don't, for Instance, allow (or reimburse- us on these trips — I'd certainly like to see a detailed ac- ington office and hire an attorney and accountant from counting of that," the trustee said "I'd also like to know how tary sewers and other related concerning home rule on zon- ment on "business expenses" - such as taking people out that area, Mr. Russell added. work on Allocco Drive and a lo dinner, Mr. Russell explained. much of the money we'd have gotten whether or nol he wenl ing matters be brought before Mr Russell was recently elected lo his second term as portion of Theresa Drive. the full State Assembly. "That could be difficult." he added "As president, you on Ihe trips." Also adopted was an ordi- Currently in an Assembly sometimes have lo take people out to dinner - they expect nance authorizing the pur- committee, the bill calls for a it." chase of radio and other com November statewide referen- The NCAAEDA president said he was unsure jusl how inundation equipment at a dum on whether people could large the organization's travel budget was. but admitted thai Tinton Woods changes cost of $30,000 decide zoning matters In their he. as president, took up a large part of it Mayor James M. Cox said community through a local The $100 hotel rooms, however, were "nol me." Mr. Rus- By SHERRY FIGDORE 1.300 square fool units, and 75 exes sharing a common wall basin will be continually wa- that the equipment will be referendum. sell noted. Iwo-bedroom-wilh-den units of Plans to retain the original ter filled, fed by a pipe run- used by the Police and Fire "What confuses Mr. Russell, and other NCAAEDA board EATONTOWN - Hearings 1.440 square feet. farmhouse and barns on the ning from Lafetras Brook. The committee last night members, the most, is why their association was included in began last night before the Departments and the First Mr. Chester last night out- 50-acre property as a commu- scheduled a special meeting the congressional investigation. Zoning Board of Adjustment Robert Greenbaum, at- Aid Squad. lined a realignment of the nity clubhouse and recrea- for Aug. 29. The 80-page report is devoted mainly to problems within on revised plans for the pro- torney for the New York ap- "The equipment we have same 300 units as patio tional complex are un- CSA's management of anti-poverty agency funding, including posed 300-unit Tinton Woods plicant. Milton Gilbert, said homes, redesigned in many changed alleged misuse of those funds by the United Community Corp development at Tinlon Ave the changeover from the col- smaller clusters, and de- of Newark, a community agency. and Hope Road lective, condominium own- The Daily Register signed lo be sold as individual A man-made lake in the But NCAAEDA Is linked only tangenllally with CSA, Based on testimony of Ihe ership originally planned to homes with an obligatory original plan has been elimi- and receives only a small federal grant towards operation first witness heard, John I' the proposed fee simple, or ab- The Sunday Register membership in a home- nated and a /-acre detention of Its office, Mr. Russell noted. Chester, the Malawan archi- solute ownership, sales plan, owners' association basin added In the north cen- Publlthed bv The Red Bonh RegHler tect who designed both the was also a response to a EltobOthed In lira by John M Cook and Henry Clay The heads of all the community action anti-poverty tral portion of the trad The agencies — like MCAP - in the country belong to NCAAEDA. original and the revised ver- All one-bedroom units have changing market Mam Ornct On* Regliler Plain. Snrewtoury. N i OHOI and each of the agencies pays $50 yearly dues lo Ihe national sions of Tinton Woods, little been eliminated. Mr Chester •ronch Office* association, Mr. Russell noted. remains unchanged except said in response to a changing •;t Rl. IS. Mlddlelown. N J 07741 Our Branch Managers are Monmoulh County CnurlhOUW. Freehold, N 1 »77H The balance of the association budget comes from confer- the density, of six units per market. t» iroodwoy. Long Brooch. N J 077*3 ences sponsored by NCAAEDA. at which corporations such as acre, the total number of The new "mix" contains 100 Stolehoule. Trenton. N J Mtll friendly too... All 29 of them. units, 300, and Ihe Tinton two-bedroom units of 1.050 to Member el Ihe Aiwcloled Prtti Th# Anocialed Preii it entitled IBM rent out booths to display equipment and procedures for eiclullvely lo the we ol oil the local ntwt printed in the newspaper al the agency heads, he explained. Woods name. 1.120 square feel; 100 two-bed- well 01 oil AP ntwi and onooknei See the Central Jersey Bank Manager nearest you. A corporation might pay $500 to rent a booth, he noted. The project was originally room-and-den homes of 1.110 Mewtiei ol yhe American Ntwtpoptf Publiltier* Allocation, the They will be pleased to meet and serve you. Audit SureouotClrculotloni. the New Jer ley Prei» Allocation Travel by agency representatives to general NCAAEDA approved Uy mayor and to 1.400 square feet, and 100 Second Cloii peitooe poia at Rtd Bonk N J o;;oi ond al Middle . conferences are paid for by the individual agencies. Mr. Rus- borough council on Dec 26. three-bedroom' units. 1.290 to loon. H.I I77«l Pl»ll»l>«d Sunday Ihrouoh FrxMy Mail n*tcrip!ioni sell added. 1973. as a townhouse con- 1,550 square feet. Hli travel In behalf of NCAAEDA for things sack as dominium development, con- Mr. Chester described Ihe Ootly Sondoy CENTRAL JERSEY BANK Only speaking engagements, however. Is paid for by the nation- sisting of 45 1.100 to 1.20H revised homes as semi-de- OnoYoor Ul.fe •»* •»» 111* 9CONVENKNT OFFICES TO SOW YOU • MONMOUTH OCCAM UNOH Meme delivery by Corner - Dolly ond Sunday 10 cenli o weefc. al organintlon. square feet one-bedroom tached, with 15 per cent of • co»y oTceunler - Daily IS centl. Sunday Ji centi NCAAEDA was formed in 1970 by a group of community homes; 180 two-bedroom, the units designed as dupl- MEMMft FDtC 4 The Drity Register SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY. AUGUST 16. 1977 HflllllHIIIIHltllllHIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIUIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIHUM T^ ~M ~| ^) + 1 ^ ^ Obituaries "ark workers grievance to arbitration IIIIIIIIIIIIII1III1IHII it I IUIIIIIIIII IIIIBIIII iii4iiiimii lilt IIIIIIIII •j DAVID GRAULICI dominated the meeting, dur- park workers. He said the Mr. Leibner said the com- gized to the commission "if I guing about" — and ended ing which no members of the parks contract, ratified Nov. mission which administers all got a little short." with the decision to send the Lou Walters, had nightclubs UNCROFT - The county public were present to discuss 10, 1(71, arranged for park county parks was weasel- James Truncer. secretary- case to arbitration. MIAMI (AP) - Lou Wal- and 1950s - Walters' show- Parks and Recreation Com- a controversial park propos- employes to work two week- ing on the contract and giv- director of the commission, In other matters, Mr. Trun- ton, father of television per piece was the Latin Quarter mission decided to send a al at Port Monmouth. ends apt »><>n have two week- ing workers a bad deal. said the contract didn't speci- cer said the recent county nudity Barbara Walters and in New York's theater dis- union grievance to arbitration Julian Leibner, Inter- ends off. Since March, park "I hate to bring M. Donald fy the work schedule for fair drew over 20,000 people founder of tbe old Latin Quar- trict, with its long-legged last night after a heated dis- national representative for employes have worked week- Grant into this," Mr Leibner weekends and left it to the and was the best attended ter nightclubs In New York, chorus girls and lavish floor cussion with a representative the International Union of ends for three months with said, referring to the owner of board's discretion. "We're not fair on record, in terms of Boston and Miami, died yes- show. of parks workers over sched- Electrical, Radio, and Ma the next three months off. the New York Mets, "but it's willing to relinquish the right both attendance and gate terday. He was 81 That restaurant closed uling of weekend work. chine Workers Local 417, About DO park workers are af- like the Seaver trade — the to set schedules," he said af- receipts He said specific fig- Walters, who had been ill years ago, as Broadway and The grievance discussion presented arguments for the fected by the scheduling. sanctity of the contract." He ter the meeting. ures weren't yet available. for some time, died of cardiac the tastes of the public continued, "I see nothing The argument between Mr No members of the public arrest in a Miami hospital. changed. The other Latin wrong in expecting the com- Leibner and the board grew were present to discuss the A spokesman for the Ameri- Quarters did not survive ei- mission to live up to the muddled at times — at one Port Monmouth park propos- can Broadcasting Company ther. Board is urged to correct agreement that was point Commissioner Robert al. Mr. Laughlin said he aid Miss Walters was on her In recent years, Walters reached" Laughlin admitted "I don't "wasn't surprised; our meet- way to Miami had been living in Miami with Mr. Leibner later apolo- know what the hell we're ar- ings aren't well attended." In its heyday - the 1040s his wife of more than 50 years, Dena racial imbalance in schools Robert Boosin Another daughter, Jacquel- EATONTOWN - Joseph N. state) have any guidelines, November, but hopefully ine, also survives, as do two Dempsey, attorney for the and therefore the board would have received by then MATAWAN - Robert Boo- n rnrrM sisters and a granddaughter, Board of Education, told the should RUMtfJtyQl i ' Home Improvements sta, 78, of H •, Ave. died Barbara Walters' daughter board last night it had better whatever racial imbalance ply with the broad state di- yesterday at Bayshore Com- Jacqueline. start immediate work on es- might exist." rective. munity Hospital, Holmdel. AT SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING PRICES A private funeral will be tablishing a proper minority The board has been criti- "We seek the guidance and Born in New York City, Mr. held today in Miami. balance in the borough's cized for a racial imbalance advice of the state," Mr. Ta- Boosin lived here 20 years. He three schools. at the Margaret Vejjer rantolo said, "because we was a retired service station The board, having been School, at which 314 per cent need aid in defining just what operator in New York City. Ricardo Nicosia granted a year's extension to of the students were minority. we are supposed to be doing " Surviving are his widow, MIDDLETOWN - Ricardo implement a state-mandated This compared to 13. 8 per He said the board takes ex- Mrs. Eva Alperstein Boosin; F. Nicosia, 12. of (50 Palmer "minority balancing" for the cent at the Meadowbrook ception to the state's descrip- a son. Joel Boosin of Brook- Ave. died yesterday at Mon- system, said it was awaiting School, and 15.9 per cent at tion of the board's problem as lyn, NY.; a daughter. Mrs mouth Medical Center, Long specific instructions from the the Woodmere School. one of desegragation. Carolyn Curland of Wick Branch state before proceeding with A plan devised by the board "What we are really talking atunk and four grandchildren. He had fallen off his bicycle apian. to resolve this problem in- about," he said, "is a min- The Bedle Funeral Home on July 29 in a Rt. 35 parking However, Mr. Dempsey told volved the busing of K whites imum balance plan. To say here is in charge of arrange- lot, hitting his head the board that it should not and minority children to bal- we heed a desegregation plan ments. Born in Paterson, he lived wait for the state to provide it ance the racial school popu- is to imply that we run a seg- here five years. He was a with guidelines. lation. regated school district." seventh grade student at the m. D«rt» Notion " You are expected to come Gerald J. Tarantolo, chair- "We are," Mr. Tarantolo KITCHENS BATHROOMS Holmdel Intermediate School up with a plan by Nov. 15," man of the board's demogra- said, " a totally integrated NICOSIA— Ricordo F.. 17 ytorl. and played soccer for the •TtSO Pcilmtr Ayr. Mldoletown on Au he said, "and I don't think phic studies committee, said system." fKt IS, 1?77, Beloved ion of America Holmdel Youth Athletic Asso- and Ros« Nicosia Devoted brother of that the state is going to pro- that since the state has grant- In other business the board America ond Mltici Annita and Su ciation. lono Omrtlt arandion of Mri Mer vide guidelines by that date if ed the board a year's delay in will hold a special meeting atfn Correra Funeral Wedneidoy at r 15 a.m. from the John F Plleaer Fu- Surviving are his parents. ever." implementation of the plan, Monday to hire teachers for ntrol Home. IIS Tmdoll Rood. Nfw Mr and Mrs. Americo Ni- Monmouth. N J Moil of Chrlttlon "I don't think," Mr. Dem- no change will be made this the coming year, and to ap- Burial will be ofttrtd at SI Coth cosia; a brother. Americo M. arlnt'i Roman Catholic Church Holm- psey said, "that they (the year, and there will be no prove a lease agreement with .dn of 10 a.m. Interment Mount Ollvtf Can-era, at home; two sis- Cemetery, Middletown Vliltlna busing to resolve so-called ra- the Rugby School of New Jer- Ttmdoy It ond 7 9 p.m Mrs, the misses Anita and Su- Sterling Clark cial imbalances. sey for use of the abandoned sana Nicosia, both also at Steelman School. home and a maternal grand- BRISTOL, Va - Sterling Mr. Tarantolo said last m. In Mwiiorlom mother, Mrs. Mercedes Car- Clark, 79, of 1901 Marks Ave.. night the board has written a The Rugby school, located GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • ATTIC ROOMS here, died yesterday in Bris- letter to the state agreeing to in Brooklyn, wants to rent the MARY MC NAIR (FERRARO) - One rera of Quito, Ecuador. r*ar ago hxtay ilnct vow >*" M; time tol Memorial Hospital follow- the one-year extension. 12-classroom school, exclusive DORMERS • FINISHED BASEMENTS «M> Mt MM the pain or fill Iht void. The John F. Pfleger Funer- •Worn, yow or* not forgotitn ond n«ver ing a lengthy illness. He said the board will for- of the cellar, for teaching spe- will be; » long at l(f« ond mtmofy al Home, New Monmouth, is Born here, tie had livrt ir. ward to the state a prelimi- cial education classes. in charge of arrangements. NO DOWN PAYMENT Eatontown, N.J. before mov- nary plan by the middle of The school operates in vari- TERMS ARRANGED ON ANV IMPROVEMENT ing here in 1W8 ous are%s of New Jersey pro- Mr. Clark retired in 1118 viding state-approved special MONMOUTH PHONE: 741-50601 from the Bendlx Corporation, Parking education classeS~for school Eatontown, where he had districts which cannot afford (CONSTRUCTION CO. Hwy. 35, Middletown been employed for 17 years. to provide these classes them- Surviving are his widow, spaces get selves. Mrs. Ruby Goodman Clark; two daughters, Mrs. Inez Tay- lor of Middletown, N.J., and board OK Mrs. Douglas Jackson of Los Angeles; and three grand- LONG BRANCH - The sons Planning Board last night DEDUCTIBLES gave its preliminary approval Peaple oltea MMUM ike MCCMIIJ of kavlag • itodutllhtc Tbe Akard Funeral Home, ir \m iWir polaVto. "I've got InuraiKr lo rovrr lourt, and I Bristol, Tenn., is in charge of to construction of 20 parking OB ifcal hMruee. Tho*r premium* •mount lo quit* arrangements. spaces in a new Monmouth oor*. Why abottM I kave to pay part of any itaaupe that Medical Center lot on Pavi- -?"' ft* Wfe tt Mrs. Maria Tropea lion Ave. etaitaalr MM! "nu.Mnrr" claim*, and Ihr be a great deal aon .ban the dawge. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The approval is subjected g iavolvr bookkeeping, nuking onl forms, checking Mrs. Maria Tropea, 85, of to conditions set forth by the record*, adbjaten' lime agenta' time, etc. In a word tkey mean Lower Main Street, died Sat- board which include: making money ... moaey tkat often amount* to more ikan tkr artual IOM urday at Bayshore Commu- each space 10 feet; providing payment ludf. lie deductible eliminates all tkta wben the insured entrance, exit and one-way pnyt Ike Ant SSO oe $IOO. nity Hospital, Holmdel Bom in Soverato, Italy, she signs in designated areas; al- lowing for 12 foot driveways; IV iauuranre company, in a MMC, "rewards" tbe insured for lived here for 50 years. providing buffer landscaping paving Ike deduetlkle wilk reduced premium con*. You may find She was the widow of to the south of the lot; obtain- it bard lo befteve tbal vour paying »85 lo fix a scrape would kave Pletro Tropea, who died in an infksenre on overal premium rale*, but ll does — figures ing a soil erosion permit from 1*67. prove tknt! Furtkermore, your savings in prrmiums could be con- the countyi sidered advaare paymeat of small losses Ikat may occur! She was a communicant of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic The approval stirred the ob- Church, Keyport. jection of Mrs. Ellen Bright Surviving are a son, Domin- Licht, whose mother resides N. WIMUM MLUfeKY 4I.BICT ic J. Tropea of Hazlet and at 1M Dunbar Ave., a property two grandchildren. - which will border the pro- 714 WEST PARK AVE., OAKHURST The Day Funeral Home, posed construction. Phone 531-0866 Your one stop answer Keyport, is in charge of ar- Mrs. Licht has been a mto complete insurance coyeiaQeB rangements. frequent opposer of new hos- pital construction and the es- tablishment of a hospital zone which eliminates the hospi- tal's frequent applications for variances. Mrs. Licht said that City Councilman Richard G. Trav- ersa promised her, and other area residents, that the con- struction would not encroach HUMIDITY her property.

'SAHARA Jihe, 25" (Cupola De-humidifier lot SWlfer- ChVZWIS imitssyou G.E. sug. ret. M79* (o live In the grind KEYSTONE SAVINGS KEY ACCOUNT manner fo which you've Bailey's b«en accustomed II yw'ri usid lo Hit bail. SALE price vou'll Wit to cornktw Th« the key to banking conveniencel Cupola-ttKiMMfeinsmiw • Removes up to 25 pints moisture a day cituans living. All suites Me •^Automatic overflow shut-off pmite (lor individuals or Well, it also looks like they have the key to happiness and we like to couples), eadi with kitcheiv think Key Account helps, too! It should! It pays 5V*% a year com- • 4 full-swivel casters etteimd available unfurnislwl or himislttd to ait your am pounded daily! They qualify for a Prestige Nationwide Money card for • 4-position automatic humidity sensor personal ttste Featured ire check cashing or Key Account withdrawals at thousands of locations 3 superb meals a day Iron a diversified menu, mud throughout the country. Then, there's automatic savings, free money 30ft. model DH-30 r.toii $191.22 strnice, planned activities, orders and travelers checks and telephone transfers from checking to BAIIEYM44* theatre, till, barber and savings accounts. And, as the top convenience, they receive a descrip- bewty stops, card t lame Engraving and ring sizing on premises rooms, libraries, u>li|Mlul tive statement monthly which includes interest earned. If you want to be ireeahouse. even I fully financially organized, give Key Account a try! Call 775-3131 for details • 40% off film developing st»ffaO mliinury ... ill hi Ml now st monthly ret MU or stop in. We've got, the key to convenience. • FREE ear piercing* mti buy a Dial)! Cicellcnl •witn purchase of stud only $4 99 *app«|riaktMiit>. So, cat* matt vow ant (Mrs DM very bnt wars of your lift... « Tke Cap*. AHFMMMCMM- imanuxmr Keystone Savings GIFT MART M.ntUtgmaHmm NEPTUNE • A50URY PARK- MANALAPAN A pngnuln catalog Mho 07652 ROUTE! 35 AT SHREWSBURSHREWSBOfiYY PPLAZAU , WMtOff TUESOAY. AUGUST is. 1977 The Daily Register 5 Court hearing scheduled Composite sketch on alleged boarding homes issued on suspect

FAIH HAVEN - A court ing horruss at those two ad- The two alleged violations stltutionallze" former psy- hearing has been set [or Sept. dresses. The summ«r...os'wen' were uncovered In an in- chiatric patients, and provide wanted in assault 1 at B:SO a.m. to hear charges served yesterday by the spection Thursday by Thomas more personal care than a the suspect is asked to call riled against the operators of borough police department Carlnck. building inspector MIDDLETOWN - Police boarding home would Detective Jack Mulvey at the two allegedly Illegal boarding He said each house contained yesterday released a com- Mr. and Mrs. Graves reside Police Department here. All * homes in the borough three boarders, all male posite and detailed descrip- at 71 Clinton Place in Tintnn The Cannons also operate tion of a suspect Tit the atro- reports will be kept in strict George Whitmore. borough Falls, according to Mr. Whit- an eight-bed, licensed board- prosecutor, said summonses At both residences. Mr cious assault of a Lincroll confidence, said police more. whll* the Cannons live Carlock said he was told that ing home in Asbury Park, woman June 28. were issued yesterday to at the Third St. address here. which city health officials s;iv the boarders were "sheltered The suspect is described as Porkclbook ili. fi George- and Clementine Can- Borough zoning ordinances care out-patients ' is used as a sheltered care a white male, in his 20V. probed by police non, 124 Third St., and King prohibit any type of rooming residence for former mental and Wilma Graves, 87 Jack- about 5 foot 9 inches tall. 150 MIDDLETOWN - Police or boarding house in the com- Sheltered care homes are patients from Marlboro Psy- to 1B0 pounds, with a fair son St., for operating board- munity. typically used to "de-in- chiatric Hospital are investigating the theft of complexion Police say he has a pocketbook containing $22 dark hair, a receding hair and the only picture a woman 2 worfien line, beard, and may be wear- has of her recently deceased Variance hearing delayed ing glasses He is belived lo husband have pscaped in a while com- arrested on pact car. possibly a small sta- Mrs. Belly Mayer of 278 tion wagon, Main St.. Port Monmouth. said tlTat she attended mid- on shelter Care proposal drug counts The assault took place night bingo at St Catherine's" shortly after 10 am. and re- By BOB BRAMLEY Church here Friday when the request for a use variance I & M Investment Co. was KEANSBURG - Two Long sulted in injuries to the young pocketbook was taken from a permitting the new one-stgjy granted a variance allowing Branch women were arrested Housewife and her infant son. chair beside her. MIDDLETOWN - Because 100-bed nursing home in a use of the former Leonardo early yesterday/ on drug who was thrown to the floor Also in the pocketbook was of incomplete documentation, residential zone and approval Field Club building at Mon- charges, according to Detec- by the intruder. a checkbook, glasses, some applications for use variances of a site plan for that facility; mouth and Ridge Aves.. Leon- tive Capt George W. Preston Anvone with information on bonds and her license and site plan approval that the other requests modi- ardo, for the manufacture of Jr would result in conversion of fication of an existing non- electronic parts and religious the 8S-bed Ivy House Nursing conforming use to permit con- articles. He identified the women as Home, 21 Kings Hwy., into a version of the existing Ivy John Tuielo of 99 Monmoulh Laurie Bellino. 24. of 105 Van- Two men 75-bed shelter care facility House Nursing Home to a Ave.. Port Monmnuth. was derbilt Ave , and Margaret and permit construction of a sheltered care facility. granted permission1 to add .-i Rochford. also 24, of 107 At- charged in new 10O-bed nursing home on At least five other appli- two-car garage to his home, lantic Ave.. both Long an adjacent lot were not cations were postponed from creating a deficient front set- Branch. assault case heard last night by the Zoning last night's agenda because back Both were charged with Board of Adjustment. the applicants had not pub- Margaret Terhune of 32 Es- possession of marijuana un- KEANSBl'RC. - Two men The matters will be taken lished hearing notices In offi- sex St.. East Keansburg. was der 25 grams, having pre- were arrested early yes- up at the board's Sept 19 cial newspapers as required given permission to add a scription drugs not in the terday morning lor allegedly meeting, Anthony D. Kulper, under the amended zoning or- room at the rear of her dwell- right container and being un- assaulting a police officer, re- board chairman, ruled. dinance ing, extending an existing der the influence, according sisting arrest and on dis- The applications were filed Mr. Kulper asked Paul non-conforming use on an un- to Capt Preston. orderly person charges, ac- by Stephen 0, Ingram of Lin- dersize lot.. cording to Detective ('apt Reinhold. building inspector, The women, each released croft on behalf of Walker and George W Preston Jr to make sure applicants are Joseph Lodge was given on (500 bail, are scheduled to Husband, owners of the Ivy notified when they file appli- He identified the two as 40% off permission to subdivide a con- face a hearing in Municipal House Nursing Home. Fred- Robert Van Bargen. IK. of 154 cations that such publication forming lot at 75 Applegatc Court on Sept. 6. said Capl erick Suljlk, the township's Center Ave and Hichard ('Hi- is essential. Although the new St.. River Plaza, creating two Preston professional planner, told the instruction forms available at undersize lots, one with an son. 20. of 12 Bellcview Ave board the site plan submis- Mr. Reinhold's office include existing dwelling and a ga- Capt. Preston said the ar- Both are being held in county sion could not be heard last the requirement, many appli- rage. rests were made at 2:30 am jail in Hew of $1,000 bail men's sale! yesterday at a rooming house apiece, said Capt Preston. night because vital drawings cants nevertheless remain The board denied a vari- right now ... the big pre-season savings are here! have not y1 been submitted on Carr Ave Capt. Preston said that lhi» unaware of it, the chairman ance rdquenM'bs avnfej-ti get special reductions on dress and casual wear — to his office These drawings said Devlin of 243 Nutswamp Road The investigating officer! two are accused of creating B must be submitted 21 days be- The board granted seven which would have allowed were Patrolmen Kevin Robin- disturbance at the Palace sport clothes and accessories, fore a hearing, he said variance applications heard him to use an existing garage son and David Lyons and De- Lounge. Carr Ave . early yes- great buys! Mr. Ingram replied that be- last month and denied two. as an accounting office for his tective John Early. terday morning. cause the applications are in- Michael Carlo of Hazlet son without constructing an- timately interrelated, his Construction Co was granted other garage client would prefer to have two variances allowing him to Also denied was a variance 3 youths charged them all postponed until build one-family dwellings on sought by Allen Von Bish- September so all may be heard undersize lots on Ocean Blvd.. offshauscn of 44 Tindall Road HAZLET - Three juveniles dise lined up on the floor to at the same time. The board Leonardo. to subdivide his existing have been arrested on be taken out of the store agreed Frank Hayden of 17 Roop building lot into two lots, charges of the breaking and 6,90 when apprehended $ Originally a single appli- Ave . Leonardo, was granted creating undersize lots, one entering and attempted rob- 12 acrylic knit long sleeve shirts All three suspects have cation, the case was broken a variance allowing him to with about one-third the re- bery of the Bradlees depart- been released to the custody in solids, and in rugby stripes. into two parts by the board on add a family room to his quired area ment store. Rt. 36. Mr. Suljik's recommendation home creating a deficient of their parents. Solid style with chest pocket, tipped collar, 4-button The iiiwmk according to placket neckline. Rugby stripes with placket front In navy, One application includes a^ front yard setback. police, climbed a fence and The investigating officers • green, burgundy combinations. All, S. M, L, XL. Gas smell entered the store through an were Patrolmen Henry We-' i air conditioning duct at about balls and Philip Nubile and traced to 1:30 am Sunday Police said Capt. Roy Hilton The Key- that the juveniles had $2.01111 port and Union Beach Police , Old Bridge to 13.000 worth of merchan- Departments assisted ASBURY PARK - The gas smell that caused hundreds of Bayshore residents to call the New Jersey Natural Gas Co (NJNGC) Thursday started 1Q9O at the company's Old Bridge »15-*16 crew neck sweaters in acrylic— regulator station, according Great-looking pullovers with a fashion look. Self-inter- to Leon Zuckerman's assistant stripe with horizontal layered stitch in camel, blue. vice president. S, M. L, XL. Mr. Zuckerrnan said yes- I terday that workers were doing "routine maintenance" at the Old Bridge station when an "inadvertently extra shot" of the odoranl known as mercaptan got in the system The problem did not start in Cliffwood. as Mr. Zuckerman had originally thought. $13.90 A boy's jacket can be corduroy Mr. Zuckerman said that 18 our own corduroy slacks in poly/cotton the only reason the smell of with features you'd pay more for! the added mercaptan was no- and pretty nifty, or puff and Mid-wale corduroy — the big lavorite lor fall — and ticeable was because of re- they're permanent press for stay-neat looks. Quarter-top mighty warm. duced natural gas con- pockets, 2 back pockets, belt loops. Ban-Roll waist; gen- Midwale corduroy sportcoat in British tan, specially sumption during the summer tleman's Hare bottoms. Brown or tan. 32-42. priced now through Labor Day: "If the volume of gas was Boys sizes 12 to 20 in regular, huskies like that being sent through in and slims. Regularly 43.00 and 45.00 .. . XX'XX the winter, the extra mercap- Junior sizes, regularly 3600 28.00 tan would not have been no- Some pretty nitty washable tartan slacks tod, 15.00. ticed," declared Mr. Zucker- For purl, we have the genuine top quality man. pure down-tilled jacket, alter Labor Day 4600. now 38.00, A certain amount of mer- and our red with light blue 2-toned poly tilled captan is always added to lacket with hood, after Labor Oay 38 00, now 33.00. odorless natural gas as a 99O safety measure. 18.50-*23 dress shirts by hathaway — the Natefaore. The NJNGC received about great shirtmaker! 46% to 56% Second door, Broad and Front, Red Bank 741-5300 300 calls from Bayshore resi- Long sleeve shirts In polyester/cotton blends. Long point dent after 4:30 p.m. Thursday collars, placket fronts. Mostly solids, some patterns. 6 50- 8.50 neckwear in solids, patterns, stripes, more. 3/S10 BE A , ERNEST J. HALL, JR. Emitt J. Hall, Jr. ol 448 Shrewsbury Ave., Tlnton WINNER Falli, hat bean selected as the Register Carrier of the Week. A 14-year-old student at the Tinlon Falls 1 flight up! School, Ernest li Interested In baseball and soccer, His ambition is lo be an engineer with either Amtrak 79,90-99.90 or ConRall. 39.90 Step upstairs to our new Junior *175-*200 suits ^fPO) sportcoats Shop and step into a world of Ernest delivers SO Registers dally and 72 on Sun- Poly/wool blends, some vested Handsome styles In polyester/- day. models In the group. Extraordi- wool blends. 3-button center- fashion, fun & prizes! Register to nary values. Center vent jack- vent models. Flap pockets, ets; pants with belt loops. Save patch pockets. Solids and pat- win complimentary tickets to see $100 on some of these — hurry terns. Come In and try them — Leo Sayer, Aug. 25/26; or Inl Suits not In Red Bank you'll like the quality and the DO YOU WANT TO BE A CARRIER? pricel George Benson, Aug. 27 at the Garden State Arts Center. II you are 12 years ol age or older and would like to be- come a Register newspaper Carrier, call 542-4000, or Winner's names to be drawn on Aug. 20. Tickets will also 583-5210, or complete the following application and be awarded for performance by Jackson Browne. Also reg- mall to The Dally Register, One Register Plaza, Shrews- bury, N.J. 07701. 7.50-S12 Paris belts — fine leathers In dress styles. Reduced from our own ister to win a Jr. Outfit ($50 value). An outfit will be stock. Smart buckle treatments, sale 190-7.90 awarded each Sat. thru Aug. And, girls, there'll be informal S26-J36 better slacks — choose from many plaids. Tailored to lit and NAME styled to look sharp, sale 19.90 modeling of Jr. fashions 11 am - 3 pm each Saturday thru J15-S17 young men's woven poly/cotton sport shirts. Fall and winter plaids, Aug. 27. Come on up! PHONE stripes, checks. Machine washable. S.M.L.XL. sale 10.90-12.JO Steinbach ADDRESS. DATE OF BIRTH JUNIOR SHOP GRADE IN SCHOOL.. Steinbach now located on tht 2nd Itvtl, R«d Bank ^±J The Daily Register Army bombards food fense Secretary Robert By JACK ANDERSON newipaper. The Spotlight, Established In 1878 - Published by The Red Bank Register McNamara's Inner circle. tmt LES WBITTEN which directs customers to an address three blocks from the Yarmolinsky, now mellow af- the U.S. Army, never re- ter bis 11-year absence from, ARTHUR Z. KAMIN nowned for the excellence of CapHo, Bulldlng Responding to the ad, our reporter, Peggy the Washington turmoil, will President and Editor the cuisine it serves to en- be an assistant secretary at listed men, has now spent Davidson, found herself at Liberty Lobby headquarters. the Arms Control and Dis- more than $50 million bomb- armament Agency. Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor She laid out money for the arding food with gamma-and He used to be outspoken, advertised Amygdalln. But beta rays. even irritating, and he rubbed • TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1977 This "Star Wars" treat- experiments have been "du- first, she was asked to sign a form declaring: "I state that Hoover the wrong way. But It ment, known as food irradia- pUcatlve, wasteful, unneces- was a rumor that he might tion, was supposed to sterilize sary and unproductive " non* of the (drugs) are in- tended for use in diagnosis, ANDERSON replace Hoover as the next and prolong the life of the Footnote: An Army spokes- FBI director that was the last chow. Instead, it merely man slid Downey's charges cure, mitigation, alleviation, not sell the drug but acts treatment or prevention of merely as a "drop and ship" straw. made the food tasteless. One were irresponsible. The ex- The story can now be told report goes so far as to call it periments, he insisted, have any disease and that none of agent for the advertiser. The for the first time how a fum- "inedible." made a valuable contribution the (drugs) have been repre- latter Is identified by the ur- ing Hoover ordered an "ex- to science. sented to me as having any gent letters SOS. The spokes- A confidential House report, value for said uses by the haustive review of the file*" prepared for Rep. Thomas BOOTLEG LAETRILE: man would reveal only that vendor." the mysterious advertiser, on Yarmolinsky Several FBI Downey, D.-N.Y., charges The illegal drug Laetrlle, la- agents dropped everything (• beled "hazardous" last week Such a disclaimer, a Food however, appears to be close. that the costly sterilization comb through every available by Surgeon General Julius and Drug spokesman In- For the Amygdalln tablets process has failed to produce scrap of Information for dirt a single edible morsel. Richmond, is being boot- formed us, does not make the eventually reached our re- legged in the shadow of the sale legal. Vet the Liberty porter in u package «iso con- on Ytrmolinsky. i • He has called the scandal to They found a few liberal the attention of the General Capitol dome. Lobby, having thus acknowl- taining a Liberty Lobby mem- edged the drug-may be use- bership application and a bro- speeches and discovered his Accounting Office. According It is available, along with a poetess-mother had been ac- smorgasbord of political less, offers 50 Amygdalln ta- chure touting Liberty Lobby to Downey, the Army has cused of being a left-winger. spent more than $507 million propaganda, from the Liberty blets for $14 or, for those books. But there was no real evi- on irradiation research over a Lobby. This Is a right-wing wishing a high-powered do- A review of Liberty Lobby dence against him. This 25-year period. pressure group, which pack- sage, 100 triple-strength ta- literature indicates the group, blets for $80. For customers didn't stop Hoover from leak- The bombardment of po- ages extremist literature un- meanwhile, is pushing who might want to produce ing reports that Yarmollnsky tatoes with gamma and beta der patriotic titles. It offers Amygdalin and Armageddon their own homemade was a "radical." . rays, he alleges, has suc- Laetrile, likewise, under the with the same enthusiasm. Laetrlle, a pound package of The whispering campaign ceeded only in ruining them. name "Amygdalln." YARMOLINSKY'S BACK: unprocessed apricot kernels is was potent enough that "Most people prefer their po- A Food and Drug official One of the whiz kids from the offered for $475 Yarmolinsky, his career tatoes," he adds wryly, "with identified Amygdalin and John F. Kennedy era, who wrongly blemished, left Wash- butter or sour cream." Laetrile as essentially the But the sale, befitting a was hounded out of Washing- ington in disgust to teach. same apricot-pit concoction. bootleg transaction, cannot be ton by the late FBI chief J. He claims the project has Footnote: Yarmolinsky de- been "a colossal assault on A Liberty Lobby spokesman, completed over the counter. Edgar Hoover, will soon be clined to talk about the arms the federal treasury, with when pressed, also conceded The customer merely hands returning to government as a control Job but confirmed that nothing to show for it but' that Amygdalin was really over the money; the illegal top disarmament executive. mutilated potatoes." The con- Laetrlle under another name. tablets are delivered by mail. He is Adam Yarmolinsky, the whispering campaign had been a factor In his departure fidential House report also The Liberty Lobby features The Liberty Lobby spokes- the gnarled young firebrand concludes that the irradiation Amygdalin ads in its weekly man insisted his group does who used to belong to De- from government In lftt. Picking on the Scientologists

By JAMES J KILPATRICK iiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiii IH force, of all outfits, launched ment harassed the church by an investigation of Sclen- denying work permits to vis- A small army of FBI agents iting ministers from abroad. played another game of gang- CONSERVATIVE «*w '- •* •«• •'^ The CIA checked ln. The Post busters last month with the Air Force Base in Colorado. Office brought up Us legions Church of Scientology. By The USAF of ce 0( s cial of postal Inspectors, sniffing VIFW " P* for mall fraud. The FBI kept apparent actual count, 134 T 1IL W -"^~~—Invrsiigoiiuii iwu some notion agents burst into three church surveilling away. The Immi- that the disciples were Com gration and Naturalization offices in Washington and IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHIIIIII munists. homosexuals, or ei- California. They hauled away A dozen different agencies Service joined the fun. So; ther, or both. So began the too, the Bureau of Narcotics tons of stuff. Now church have participated in the at- harassment. leaders are fighting back. tack. Millions upon millions of KILPATRICK and Dangerous Drugs, the In 1958, the Secret Service Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco House fails gas tax test Speaking simply as a tax- tax dollars have been wasted. got into the act. It appears Army moved up some troops. payer, I would say hooray for No statistician could compute The Scientologists' book in- and Firearms, and the Na- Of all the proposals that make money from one pocket and put it in the church had mentioned the tional Security Agency. They another, wasting a certain amount in these scrappy reverends. the man hours of costly time name of Richard Nixon in cludes a photostat of one up the Carter energy package, the They have sued the FBI, and that have been frittered away Army Intelligence report. If must have fallen over each the bureaucracy erected to manage some publication. Mr. Nixon other. ,' one that has made the most sense is they have just published a in blundering pursuit of these was then vice president. The that report is a fair sample of the proposed increase in the federal the exchange. large book of documents hav- devotees. Secret Service dispatched a the intelligence of Army In- Finally the government, gasoline tax. The gasoline tax also would be ing to do with the govern- For the record, I am as couple of muscle men to telligence, God help the having lost at every tarn, That this fact has not dawned on more effective as a conservation ment's long campaign of ha- skeptical of the Scientologists throw their weight around. American Republic. threw the Internal Revfnut the U.S. Congress (and the public) measure to the extent that people's rassment against them. — and as tolerant of their In 1959, the Food and Drug In 1M1, the Air Force re- Service Into the breach, mw Church lawyers pried the ideas — as I am of every oth- Administration began an at- newed Its forays. In 1962, the IRS prepared whole pagfs of was evident when the House twice driving habits can be significantly documents loose from a reluc- er organized religion. Scien- tack that would go on for FDA and the Bureau of Cus- instruction for Its agirtts' defeated proposals to raise it. The influenced by a five-cent-a-gallon in- tant government by means of tology may be a racket, as years. Why the FDA, you toms gave the church a hard manual, dealing with social first was a five-cent-a-gallon hike; crease in the price of gasoline. It the Freedom of Information the government persistently may ask? A fair question. time. In January of 1963, two audits and Investigations. The would hit the motorist at the pump. Act. The FOIA seldom has contends, but this has never Thsimple Scientologiste skin galvanometers use a, huge vans, escorted by motor- IRS now has JJ lineal feet of the second, four cents. been put to more revealing been provn as a matter of which they call an E-meter, cycle police, rolled up to files on the sect, and all tht Our own representative, Con- The crude oil tax would do this too, use. law. These people believe as an aid In their metaphysic- church headquarters in Wash- government has for Its gressman James J. Howard, D-N.J., but, as its name implies, it would If the Scientologists' story they have found a path to .•:•! healing programs. The ington. Government agents trouble is a series of court who supported the tax, blamed pub- only do it crudely, for it would also were not so terrifying, it man's peace of mind; they FDA said the E-meter was a seized three tons of material, rulings to the elfect that Sci- lic opposition to the gas tax proposal raise the cost of 1,001 other products would have its comic aspects. profess to have founded an quack medical device, hence including 5,000 books, 20,000 entology Is Indeed a church as But the story in fact is ter- establishment of religion. And unlawful. So agents of the pamphlets, and 65 of the de- a matter of law. for its lack of congressional support. in this country made from petroche- vilish E-meters. It took 10 micals, products that are not a pri- rifying. Over a period of 23 if church leaders seek rich FDA, disguised as prospec- Who's crazy? I ask you, se- The pleasure of Congress instead years, commencing in 1054, converts, and milk them for tive members, began infil- years of costly litigation be- riously, now, who's nuts? was a tax on crude oil that would be mary target of conservation mea- the federal government has large contributions, what else trating and snooping and de- fore the courts held the raid These meter-reading rever- passed back in part to taxpayers in sures for many and obvious reasons. thrown its whole massive is new? tecting and writing long an unconstitutional abuse of ends? Or the government's the form of reduced withholding Finally, the crude oil tax has the weight into a malicious per- The story begins in 1954, single-spaced reports. power. klutzes who trample the First taxes on salaries and wages. This counter-productive effect of further secution of this religious sect. when the United States Air In 1960, the United States In 1967, the Labor Depart- Amendment under foot? tax would result, ultimately, in an inhibiting domestic petroleum pro- estimated four-to five-cent increase duction — a key part of any sensible in gasoline prices. But by that mys- energy program — by eliminating terious logic of Washington, it would any price differential between U.S. The megaglomerate madness not "cost" anyone anything because and foreign producers. (The crude oil tax would always be equal to the By NICHOLAS voa HOFFMAN t < iiim im the money would come back through Whatever the proprieties of ed, or lied to, they have the reduced taxes on personal income. difference between the controlled that, the crimes Mr. Bluhdorn money to buy the lawyers, By any measure, the alternative U.S. price of crude and the world The New York Times has THE LIBERAL is alleged to have committed the Judges and the publicity done an unusual thing. It has are the sort that few of us necessary to get back any- chosen by the majority in the House price, set by OPEC.) printed an expose of a corpo- Converting from a cheap-energy ever have an opportunity to thing that may have been sto- is inferior to the direct tax. The pri- ration instead of a govern- SIDE commit You must be a migh- len from them. economy to one that reflects realities ment official or agency. In mary purpose of a tax is to raise ty business official to lie at That's not so with the small money; its value as an inhibitor or in price and scarcity is not going to three huge articles written by • ii in miii ••••• the trial of a suit brought Seymour Hersh dozens of al- investor, assuming there art stimulator of individual behavior is come without pain. The individual was occasioned by the in- against your company by the any left. In theory he or she legations are made against dictment of Joel A. Dolkart, a A & P, as the Times implies secondary. The defeated gas tax was American is going to have to pay the Gulf & Western Industries, does need an honest represen- former general counsel to this Bkihdom did. Another tempta- tation before deciding what superior for this reason. Its primary price of overindulgence in the past Inc., and its president. megaglomerate with assets of tion that you and I don't have VM HOFFMAN stocks to buy, but that's ex- in either a reduced standard of liv- Charles G. Bluhdorn. $2.5 billion. Dolkart was to overcome Is the charge purpose would have been to raise things came to light, presum- actly what the SEC. never money for road maintenance and ing or modified behavior. The nation The Times dutifully printed charged with multimillion-dol- that G & W set up a phony of- can assure. Corporations like a denial of each accusation lar embezzlement, but plead- fice in Canada to avoid pay- ing for the sake of argument mass transit, vital transportation cannot build an energy plan with that they're true, Is that Bluh- G. k W., comprising literal^ by a Gulf & Western vice ed guilty to a forgery charge ment of taxes by exploiting a hundreds of functionally unre- needs badly underfunded almost ev- mirrors, a fact that the House has president in charge of denials and has been sentenced to section of the I.R.S. code re- dorn and one of his fellow not grasped on the basis of latest workers had a falling out. lated entitles, are beyond ef- erywhere. The crude oil tax has no and no-comments. one to three years in the lating to corporate income fective policing by an extant such objective; it would merely take evidence. The investigatory onslaught pokey. He is out on appeal. earned abroad. Otherwise, the S.E.C.'s suspi- cions would never hive been mechanism. Many of the allegations con- aroused. Thus, does the Our mistake Is to rely on at cern misrepresentation and S.E.C. system either deter entity like the S.E.C. Instead hiding of assets and losses corporate crime or facilitate of breaking up a corporation Smoke detectors and tax when making corporate loans tax, he believes, people will be more its exposure after It's com- such as Gulf It Western Into' To encourage the sale and in- and other sorts of business mitted? smaller units whose activities stallation of smoke detectors in inclined to buy them. He sees his deals. And, finally, It's al- In the G. k W. case the vic- can be more readily seen and bill as saving the individual money leged that Bluhdorn exploited tims of these alleged Illegal- Inspected. homes, Assemblyman Richard Van his position as head of the Wagner, D-Monmouth, is drafting a while possibly saving lives as well. ities are banks and other The megaglomerate Is sel- corporation to secure huge, large corporations. Why do dom more than a temptation The plan is sound. Now how personal loans from banks bill that would exempt the devices they need a Securities and to hanky-panky, waste, sharp Gulf 4 Western was doing from the five per cent state sales about a move to promote the state's Exchange Commission to look practice and violation of the business with. tax. We not only like the plan but trade in general by beginning to roll after their interests? If law. Don't police It, but break would like to see the basic idea car- back the sales tax in other areas. The only reason these they've been bilked, defraud- It up. ried further. The eventual aim, perhaps, should be complete elimination of a tax sys- Mr. Van Wagner says he is con- tem that is regressive and an unfair vinced that the warning devices are burden on state commerce in its Today in history competition with that of states that valuable and have saved many lives. •y the Associated Press impose no such levy. Tie Associated Press mIn 11961956, Adlali Stevenson be-- despite differendlfferenitTKiwe.c n If they are unburdened of the sales On this rtatpdate iIn IS1896M, goloniHd »._... _...M...I.I ... .J? oiuennces petwetO came a presidential con- them. was discovered on Bonanza tender for the second time as One year ago: The Hepubll- Creek In Alaska, setting off be was nominated by a Demo- can National Convention met the Klondike gold rush. Mobile Meals volunteers cratic National Convention in in Kansas City wtth President On this date: Chicago. Gerald Ford aisired of The Register recently helped vices trains volunteers who carry In 1861, President Abraham In i960, Britain granted In- enough votes to win the presi- publicize a call for additional volun- out the program of delivering meals Lincoln prohibited the states dependence to the crown co- dential nominjtio i. .of -the union from trading lony of Cyprus. Today's blrthi ni:| Presi- teers to help man the local Mobile to elderly, disabled and convalescent with the seceding states of In 1974, Turkish Invaders of dent George M iny!0f tht Meals program and the response of shut-ins. We trust that those who the confederacy. Cyprus completed the division AFU:iO Is OyeSni old. Stag- 40 new workers was most gratifying. are now giving of their time and . In 1914, the British Ex- of the Island Into two areas er EydteCorme I We wish to publicly thank them for energies will find the satisfactions of peditionary Force landed In and declared a cease-fire. Thought for France In World War I. oday: The coming to the aid of a most worthy Five yean ago: Former Golden Age onl 'comes til serving others ample reward for In 1M8. the baseball Idol, project. President Lyndon Johnson en- men when they I their generous efforts. Babe Ruth, died In New York dorsed the presidential candi- ten gold - G.K. The county Board of Social Ser- 'I Hill My it doesn't look right' at the age of JS. dacy of George McGovern EngHah wWer, U 4-1IH J» «M«f mtMTIlul 3IJQH-W '.JtS P"« 'Will *a mm (MoptX qttqnpui o» MC aeicti H -HB HO NIVW 1SV3 jo xapui s.jooa 1 pjfputis H • HH Htt pnqinnnooi M «MB a aq) ui UMopMO|i siautmq - UK Hltfl H t jo sjB3j pot auasaH |u> • tt HO 3H0W 1SO0 01 3AVH l.NOO S3lNVdW00 -paj am Xq 8uiua)i|8|iiipajo HK M - MB MTdl . - M M 1U333J JSAO UJ93U09 8u|n M - B OK«t IIW]«>«M Ml 30NV«nSNI 0009 ONV 30IAH3S 0000 19 vn^tj v*^*^n» •» ^rnvftv* ^r^T>p^pIH M -Hii II «OUOIP |M •«• Hit Htt •Slid ul'd r t*IBt -IdVI )iaOA MIN M • d HtS M - Ii tl iH»ni0d11rUr1ll»3aiJ -HK HK 1141 ttwd P*M>I3O«IV «JI Aq i Mil ui uoimui i8'9I UIOJJ UMOP H *V*M H -Ml Ml II Ml ««r M*W am jo isoui JOJ ptajds jap|M M • tt HU tl n II ANVdWOD J'JNVUflSNI S UJN/V • Xq Sufpiai jau« 3SAN «n 4tr ^^ ^rtit SU 01 JVHtjI'iJM H=M' W* M? M itr'nriS! Ml Ml Ml Ii HIT 3IDW uo UISJBUI i-8 UB ywqt HIC HIC IC K III»tlW M -Mil Mil Mil OK 31(1 ui siuiod js ucm ajoui Mi Ml P HI til 1 »' -I1W* M -Mil Hll Mil OI H »HII 3W0H QNV 3'iiaOWOlfW ONIIOHO Nl cmSIHJJNI 1UV 3M uanij pMB HB Mli II I til M p am *i« in l M i«3»ii>n M -Mil Hll Hll KI MM' u«j"»» il Mil Ml a HCt nail uu—mn H -HCt Mtt K t Oil PWAW H »«ri Ml Ml tt III JOJ aiun|0A agusqna noois i in • or P">tn w M -Ml I HI U \ AINDOO HlflOlAINOlAI : Mrl *«S R Mtt-ra.i_»uns»s» Ml Ml IKS 3N 'asop am jsau H m noi i«**o$n M *Hn Hit MtT III IIB'inVJJ*)! 1 H -HK tl MK Itl tMtr i usijq auios aiidsaa M -Wl Ml HH tor ntl'l" HI ^ii is• I puown H-M Hi M Kxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxxvSI ? paiqui HI oi sit I os io»»i»n H • t Ht I MJ I II' _ . « Mil TiB Ml MI'I 3»jn M -Ml Ml Ml IC f P»I*I»K dn '68 001 IB pasop iai(jBU) 008'OSP/ V ^i£ 1 Hll HB MCI It I 01 UidWX v,t Ht *t a t •n nto saoud 8uiAB3i 'XspjajsaX Hrt SM « -HI HI I td)uiOH 5 p •nil tl Ml OB H -Hll Hll Hit rr • tl'ioouaoi U t OMI j,>luno.)t)M)-jaAo am JOJ xap 'aiouiiUBg lEuniiBiuami SB« ia)(jBUi noojs am ui sassoi H - Ct tt Htt CU O!0t IIWWK Ht Ht Ht UI » • Htr Htr •,» » M -Hi HI P Hi B » tr 1 U0|,OUJOAJ»S -ui aiisoduioo bvaSVN a1L j.ipn.)| .iuin|OA am 'agueip •i MI » II H •MU Mil MllCtOI'CIK M~"» A"|JB.) auios lasjjo spools JO — H—H — Ml Hll HM CM K »tMn|9l OlOt HI HI HI « '; •xg HM)S UBOuaiuv am IV -UIB|8 ui HuiXnq jo JABM jnoq • or »>nvn H -HK HK MIC ttl OIOTI «l»"r M 1 H -Htl HO K I OU «W»r H »H4I Hll K M! HO sr K 'K XOUJV 8186 »SB| V - tdV) XHOA M3N H •Mil Htl Hll lit 1 •JTuAtwr Htr m im vl ( fog |O>O,DN r N H - oi oi MOI sit« nor i "moor H »MI H« HI t.QI - U *,« 1/ ttliuowi M « t IK Vtt Sit I U I «<«OJJ. H -HK MCt MK IIS MOl IWIVW H -Ht 1 — r-r— HB ?,a M Vi9l wt II II OMumj. tl tl tl tl M t» »l Olt I niuoiuiui MU Hti HU It I M ltd»«0l H • K Hll K 19 > OS l«o*>l M •*! W HI paxiui si SuipBJj *'i til t VMi »,S HI MS H -MCt HCt Ha irt i ti i J_U»I A *iK u> t en i nwi H H H KMJtOAll piim 'nil m OIM ilWUill Hrt Mrr Mrr at* oil H&MIH a CU|HI«»tll SI H -rMIt Mtt Mt IK 1091 WrWI HIT HIT Htr II M I OS |>"I'«11 HS HI M tMu • fuouiOH-uo44!9 IKOJI»I Mt t HC uoisuad isa83iq aqi isnji '„>! • SlOt I ll»"»l HC^HMC MSKH«K tit till WII Kirti w B |.).ij|i! )ou p|no* — qu\ jo J3||!N M P'AB i H •HIC MIC HIC M tK! K'VI91 1*M till M wiooonv^Si XiuBJBno UBSJOW JO X||ep ii t Or I llin»»l H 'MX til Ml CM tfMM ui uinuiuiniv JasiB]| ui 8ui os pue uuisn|.)uoo -HK HK MM U1 K 'OO"»1 H -MIC 1CP Hit Ml I Ot lUSPumi •t «0C tC H •HCt tt MCt III CIM'l a*Altl H >MK HK Ml Mtr«IK>*M \MI| ||B jo in-i.i <; HI; JOJ pa l.upip X)UBJBno •adsa 'suonmnsui Xq 'Ml «toi n i"i"J H 'HK K VIK IK 1 M O*P»M v,u MI* to H •Hll Htl Hit IK Cl*tt <"»~l •SuiXnq jo UOIIBJ)U33UOJ H —Mil MB Htl Mt I otr'l O3MI H *MC MC V.K Mt •lunoj.iB ii — azis S,UB8JOH jo SJIHS.VM1I J,II|1O PUB S3UBI3 Mr v,cr in M -HI HI M cr U d>*H«M MU AoMUjoja *M *M Ki HII HSI HSI ttl S tr lOlduil • • tiiujOuApoiny -sim si uoiisonb ll l 01 V HK K I 0l'|O«H>tPI H -HOI MOl HOI I 1 K' WWII Ml J01S3AUI UB Xq 8uipBJ) )B1(X -ij.iuoq uoisuad 8ui|jnq '3SJ3A -Mtl Vitl Ittl KI Oil °'«»1 K K MK iviVitnoM «Wt Vltt *ttt nt I I 03IMM1 Mil t,it HU K oitn «m u utr lomn uiiq )e >(.)i:q )q3u UOIIBSIU3B pi! M!.tt PIBS .H| |,ll!llllll ,II|J, d8 H -Mtl Mtl Hll ICI «M IWim H -HI Hi t •if u daratjn HII M MI M II H »Hr r Hr tc H OD ttnji sanuno3paiiun aso| iq8|ui sap;B I i III K l d H -Htr MCt Htr til • K C d30 ".I I %is sit s isri H -Ht Ht Ht t ^i II sq Xpnis jaqvinj uodn ,,pedB |i:innpi|i|Mii saX 'pins |ooqas auios 'ajojajaqi 'os puv uoii riot KU«**J " "ajSo ii poo***cn IOUOHDN t aidMd M - it HKVit « 1101 I1"»"M r It If H *Hlt II V,lt •! |«jj|oip»l • V, 11 ioooi|ON A.ono} UOAJO .Mini.) HIM ii,, i.i.ijj.iduii will A|ISI,),MIIII UMO)a8joao B|si8a| punj uoisuad a|qissod M M Ht ut i a urp»«H 1 r ttr y|M>d •** >ip« Cl 1 trwKM uo .iiiniiuuiojqns aiBuas B M -HK K MK Ml I M ONVWH n Ai1il|lipiM||.llll S.I.IIPH SUIJE jo puoiioips V XOH joJd M •Hit HtC Hit VI I HI "I«"H K • mf**u »SI t P1 Bl •*«»»d •pap Xq p,ii,i)iinn.> piii!||cii|.is Xq pajapisuos sq HIM )i ajsqM Ml Ml U Dill 113*""! MOC MKMM HI I KUIWOH a H •MIS MOS MIS tr-l I 011 liauOH II 11 Maufi M tl 1 lOUOttONIlJId ItP * snduiso aq) H -HtC H4C HOT 111 Kt HIHUMH a M — 1—1 — |OU0l|DN ((UDyJJ»W ItJId UIOJJ paAoui seq apsBi) aqi •h - l» nsr Mr oil fd't 'V"i •r, -Mtl MtlP II 11 ttor S«II«M HI I'llll'.t II \ V<-<\\ UI p.ll|.H?,l)| V, •Htl HCl Htl trr | tr »"t>ti«H M IISIIB)S pus soiuiouooa Ml rl Itt 0101 BOM«IS H-M K Huog »io,S *J|D|(V .HI '.iniiMi|.iiiii.i ,UII uiBisns tf Mt KI 1 01 I«D)~HS •/, -Mil MiHll l Ut Oil «KU»H 'HI H •HOt HIS Hot tvt ill eaiiioH K tor iiwu} ICIIIIIM p.mHis.ip si (I se Xpnjs jo SMB| .nil uo du8 duiii Xpsaj •,w Ml «c« iirt i wonois v, -HII I ItilW) fMHva rit i 09 1 puiots - H-M - Ml. J0SS3J -in pauasooi seq X|qi sir i or e QIIOIS *t •Mtl Mtl Ml tt HIT PlfUI"O H -Ml HUO H •Htl Mtl Htl Kl « ii unisuo H -Htl •input roi tIK I PUJOlS ,,'sa8usip SISA1VMV qojd pus 'laHJBUJ W\s aqi Hrt SI IK> I IN H - ti «» Itt Itt tt I«WMJ1S .innl -(.mis uo P3JJ3 .VIM: peq pooisjapun Xaqi iqSnoqi oq« Htl Hit KI tlOI I 0"»*S H »MII *,SC MK u» i c» IHAJ**<*S '/i -Htl Mtlv,li IU r tr uttMiio Mi 3|doad jo )0| B pasnjuoo SBU, •AISP MIS tOI I Ot I »»»0S Htl Mtl Htl It I Wl *>•>« HI- IC »,rt st OIE I or I 3Odn°S H -ViOt HOI Mil II Il» llwoiOJO (1*1 uasMjaq aind Ml*Ml ) UOI)BOipUI OU SI .H.ill.l,,. SSHMISIIH - It it Mlt « I oi I«»»NOS Mlt Hll V,ll If t 11 idMK) H -Hll H •MOl Ml MOl II !!•» >dlYIB pueiioijas M)'* spi? °) PIBS 3i| .,'sat -SIP V - (dV) MHOA * II Mil Hll SB < tr lODUinoi H »HI II Mil a - tt tt V,K IM 9 I 3I isoui sqj •uoo pue i llllintllltlllllllllHIIIIHNIIMIIMMIIMiailHHI 4.4INN11.) NHOf <8 Hit MtC XI SIOI I "IHI"^ M •Hrt Hrt II COI I It I l|Ja«O9 Vill Mil tl It MK Mt Ht < Hll Ml W CIIC •Ull»« U III UK I •U'lltO Mt MB ttr MCl rl oe ^*ns M -MOt HOIHOI IK r JQI'UdlJOJQ Hll Hll Ml- Ml Mill M4II Ct 11*01 C >un M Mtl t H —Mil HtlP MI Hi I Mtl Ot Hit OU I! S|qj 0/> •iiuns.iAui |n)ss.i.).ms HIT Mtr ICI t Ot |U|*dt H ••/,!! HK Htt aaiiKt 13"^) n ill .H| |, p.'llilir.i JHOX JO IN-'I 3S|Bi lliil|i!/l|i:|l(li:.i JO III.1.1 uoiiBJiiqjB UIOJJ suns •nv "I UMop jnqs SBM 'SRBI Ml-Mlt HK unwitlWuniowi Htt Hit 4CZ Hit tiri t uAawo uox mint j*| Mil j*NM*l|N '1U88JBS H piABa oj sapinb .l.lil OS J3A0 '.(111 (I HSI tl tl MCI HCl Ml tt j,«i N Joj 3ununoo3B 'S3JB| SI -sj uoiiBsusduioo ou J! 'sso| Ijojdun SBM qo|qM iuB|d as] HIC HSt puoVV - IdVlMIIOAMIN ui iii.iiius.iMn ii.M(i puss HK Mtt IS 1 rti d»ait Hit II IIK'I* -p|oq auo MI|I .inns lun.iiiiv uapjnq iqsp s,aj3Aay sjsaX iei)UE)sqns B aiB3J3 p|noo •1B| siqi BDiBUier U| Xfflpij •» -"Mt M4CPH0T 41 i oi t dPrus •ft - 01 OIP MI ttl oior * SJ3PB3J iniinpi,)) JO Mllillllin | 111.Mil |.,.i\ll| MIC Hit 111 not i «a M • tr Hir HO H -Ml Ml Ml it 1 4K ueqi .i.ioiii mm MI -;uin|B ui uoiiisod psisjgai tai r ot t UMI |BIJlsnpUI Ml Cllt J3A0 .i*|i:| -jnsui lusuiujSAoo STl sqi '.•I Hll Hll tr 11 io33Ma Mt Ht Mt tl I « 'IPJPd M •HII Ml Hll IK IM •IppB aujos I/I|IMI pinoqs noX in saSuBqa jnoj — v V, -Htt Htt MOT HK HK B PUB I|SII.I III UOllpilI Ht XBd pue eoiBuiBf mog uoipnp -u| Xnnj B 8A8143B o) japjo u) *, —"Kill Mtl Htl tt O|0t HMD 9s on «3J">u pun spuapiAip .luio.iiii luiuj W t it p t w tunoa • nil JO .i'.i:i| iiiul JOJ XjBip Xq Xusdojd 3i|i paiBudojd *l +v»l tl Mtl it out piwia H -Hit Hir Mir II OIK'I "VIU HK HK K • or I Udll} Vi -HOt asaqi qi|M op I pinoqs icqM isqns iiii.iiv UB i|ii« p.wiiis •XS '103JJ3 UI 'B3|BUIBf -ui luss jsd K s qSnoiifl SBM l-XIt MttP MCt m 1 KIIWMl V,K Mil tit I I J1HD1IJ M -MK Htt Hfl ii It5 Hit Hit Otl M •Ml Viil Mil II 9 M W3U qiN oi paqoiiMS aq ppioqs pasopua si sajBqs jo jaquinu •/I «wrt t Kt U|uMa 1USU1SA|OAU| S,3J3A3)J 'X[|BU '/, *mt HOT Hir in ru uoiA«•> Htl n K UK PUMOJ H -Ml MII HU KI r iriqm X|)jBui|jd 'suisiqojd jo jsq MIIP MK KI II Ulll«a HSI tt il HOT UI3J1OJ K tvtip MM MC tirr Jiufltj UIOJJ pus '.uiio.iui uosqBg Hll II it in moji«a Ha Htt 001 t I DWJ M *Mtl HCl Ml IK 1 W 1»««H -uinu B UIOJJ guusjjns s| JOJB HS oi siu3uiiS3Aui uosqsg UIOJJ MC MC tt «•« PO"»a Htl fi uc rid«ui I-1 I.i I 111 |li.'lll|i.iAIII .l|||l| JO -oijqsj uinu|uin|B pue sssjq tl Htl sit tior i"d3 Mt Ct Itl tlM I mlUt ,ipi!iu .KI pinoqs saSueqoxa ja .ui! '(j'fii .I.IIIIS pii'd ii.i,«| ssq •/iK a ru not i VD» Hn Ml II irt I 09 d3 I'ttti MK Mfwrir t I MI '/,« OUItOt PI»»IOd M —Mt V,t tM tKI I 'IVI">3 H -Hi w w ia tiact-1 Htl '»9l ttII nunwd - •-• — H -Mil MB U til 1 M'l • HSI Htt USI PI "I'uid MK •'i« Hot in otu i onboa MK Mtt MC CT II HII ti rst not a^rutid H -Hll Hit Hit itr> • ori d«¥™»d V, *M« HK Mtt ut* i on twoia tt Han (MC UK I M* rl Hrt 1111 UI "IdOd ' Hll II Hll Kt I ft I P3I«O sit JO s|{ jnoX ui 'a|3n|s :MOJJOUIOI u.'i| |i.i|i!|iiiiiii.i.ii! jnoX jo uoiinqui ,)|dno,i viqi .UB noX Xes sadXl qSnoua UOUJUIOJ Htt Htt t» Oil* I ""u«d Hit v,« Hit tt i or t*uma ••»» HIT rri* I 05 I d3u»d Mtt Mtt via ill i oi xmm • in.IA 3uiigoM jnoX Sip IIIII. duin| B .iviinq.) '.i.ll|.n noX UaqM. aj.Xaqi i npini pun IIOA.IIS 3JB noX XBS "Hi '/,S HS Ir01t m»UPd M *MUMK Mlt II l oriuowna II Hll Ml tt Hit Htt Hit StC 1 K'l liHa Huunp I; JOJ Xipipis ui!|il noX ss.ijun sjsaX juaui (opoipjBq SJBSX oz oi si Jsilious JOJ I Or I ll»d •ACI Hit Mil inOIM I «d»d H —H« HK H« It Oltt'lidtMa -3j|iaj jnoX ui isixs iou HIM 3j|| poo3 aqi IOU) II III |,11 pi,i.) .1.1(1 S B I||l* S|l!(ll.illlnui 33JJ-XB1 s.inuiiiui.) ujaued 3u;ABS-3u|puads jussajd Jiaqi Ml %tl ' ,61 tl I 19 1 8n»d H -Htl Htl Htl II r »«0 V, -Mil II Mil K 1 01 MKO Mtl HK 0) uoiqsno UIIIIBIJUI UB 3uipn|.im '3331S3U sno OpBjq pi.i.i .Mil OS .H|l 111 .HI! — Ilpill'l PUB U3A31S -JB urn passqd aq HIM i|.ni|* isod v. — iusi|nsw» Viit Ms< ntiIOI i y»*o H —HK K HK III IU»1I 5 M + II Ml Ml Ml II IU' 1UOUI0 V, - U a Mtl a Hii Hit -J3U33 E S.IJinh.U 3|XlS3JH ,,.IAI|I1.I.IX.|,, UV MOU •mil — noX asnB.).»a spunciu pajai|aqs-XBi J3 XusduioD B SB JK.IX ISJIJ aqi ui ooOKt ujBa 0) , ••/,« ••i« •,« I I""«IIO H —Hit Hir H» n citci H ' II HI tr -,tr u* oito i io •l||0 UI PI.II1I1S.IAUI JOJ JI1.1A" B OOO'Zt 3UIABS spadxa U.IA.IIS ' iu,)ui,uiiaj X|JB3 8UIMOI|0J , — or Or HOT It t tl'l dDUIIO tr M 'MI K 8uiuuB|d 3|isi|B3j ui8aq noX sssuin iu.)ui.uu.u ••n Mt HK 01rt SN°W> H *Hll ViOC Hit HI I II' 04O0IO M »Mtt Mt Suunp a|Xisajn jnoX anuijuoo oi agqB aq i.uo* '3UJ03UI 3|qBxsi-uou JnoX assajoui oi os|V M001S 8u|p|3|X -Vill Hll Hll 1SOltI r I3OIW H - (I Htl Hll OU 01*1 lltliwo H »v,rt Htt HOI WK litOIOI'I P30NO H «Hlt It Htt Sit I Or I IIOI«>D Mr Htr noX IBqi si Xspoi .)|X|s.)ji| snounxni B SuiXof •q8iq jo OOO'OIt SJSI" B sp[oq sq pue oOO'lt SI K Itl St'lI'dPIO H »HK MX K IIU II dJQMtO H -Ht HC '. pl.HII IS.IAIII ,1,1 IJ Xl!| III S13SSB SJ[ Jill M • Mtt II Vitt iSI«tlt O H »MU Hii II.I .iplniu Xi|3n|-o8-XddBq sun «l •>>IAP>: s.qouXq si s3UB|sq luno.i.iB S8U|ABS s.uaAOis ,,'aj|| poo8,, - 0—0 — sl Htl Htl HII tl' UJ|$JON H -HI 1 M • 1 H -Mli K pi.>•> J.HI OS l '-'l IB qi|M punj pininin B JO smiui ||IJJ3H JO UB ;(llllll|J.ipuil 33BSS3U1 ,ll(,I, s.Xiipii) in s||i!jpil ,iqi jo uoiinjisnn! UB sy St HSC tl 1 Ot I »"M"N H -MK Ha HK m i tt i tl pun puoq isdpiunui apBj3q3|q 'spuoq |Bdpni v,re Htc ro11i * djat^N H -Htr Htr tr ci i oft H —Htt Htl an ui s<"i ooil »«M« HK Mt ril1 K'MIVWN H »MB St HB tl I Or I H 'MM Mi nui apBj3-q3iq spnpui pino.i iptqM 's)U3UiiS3A Htt HU SItoiI l "'U'H H - a Htt HB IB t I P3UK KI t DT'ttONiN Hr Hr Hr ost uo«u»o Htt Mlt HI 'S3XB1 JOJ Ai!|piu qsB] |snuuB jnoX inj ox ii '/ill MiI to iinnwt H -ViK MOC HOC IK Oior I amtuj M Ml i nuian •'•'JJ B JOJ S3|)inQB|| xsi lusxiiu X|983|lUa|SJ 3S1J 01 .WUI1UIO HIM 8UIAI1 JO -Ml V,U Htl I tOSUUdVOH V, -MK V.IS M« OH IIKliJ3qu;D % -Mtt HCt '1uaui3j|)aj , -IM HK HK til V, -Mil Mil HII ii iw ywo H •Ml Ml .l.inp.U 0] vi11IIU.ll!.I 3]UB(33JJ JnilA JOJ VM1 iso.) jnoX .ipq* Xi|B3|iBUJBjp nu|jqs m* saujoo -M —Mlt HK HIC rit IB lljojd B IB ||as o] 3|qe sq pinoqs noX IBqi pus f Mtt tt aqi axi[ I|8o3j| 3sn UBO rioX vai us in uiaqi -ui iBnuuB jnoX 'auiii auiss aqi iv ooi a^ns Js8 M —Mil Htl K CSI tit. . H 'Mlt IC Hit 01 Oil Vi • It VIIMA sqi JSAO an|BA ui MOJ8 pinoqs p.'qi xpots Htt Mtl HCl SI Oirt II3*«3N H -Mt MK HB lltl til |dt3H -Mii Hii 3uinnd pus snjauaq uoisuad jnoX 3«ii(Bi 'n'u -3|q B ai|Bi HIM saxBi Xpsdojj (anj pus 3u|snoq Htt HK Htt « *t »d»»N M '«ilt MC HK lit Sirs IIO»JOO H •V.Cl MI I|1*OJH piios B UI oOO'st 1SSAU|3J pus s8u|p|oq M —Mit Hit K tl M HI trr Hoot IIBO3OD •Xed XuBduioj jnoX 3UIAB3| aq HI* noX aouis 'pooj ,i.ii!.i q)|Bsq uo S,IUIO.IUI jnoX jo ajsqs • *' Hrr nrr i|DOls 3A|)SAjasuo3 OOO'OIt JnoX ||as qiMOjS Htt MK HK tt H •«! v,a Met irr i ot HNSH3 H -Hll Mil *^/ Xd JS3JB| XpiBuoiuodojd B puads HIM noX jo isoui HI * Mtt Hit MB SU II Hll MCI III OlOt MJtO .uoiii ssajis oi o||ojuod jnoX sjnpnjisau H »M Ml Ht II rot pim HO Hit Mtt 111 I rt I I3A»O H -MK Mi jnoX uo UB|d qStosa e dn 8uinas Xq XouBipisuoo 'S8 J31JV 3JBUiiq8|U lepusuu t SJBBX luatuajqiaj H -HII HII tl 101 I SOI HK a ti r KMIV] VUI aqi uo suis8 |iiidi3 pug )BSJSIU| spiwptAlp ut V,St MSI tl 1 01 P—IU0 SSJJ-XII oi noX *o||B in* JSAO-IJOJ sqi 'Xuusnbajj PABJI 'SUB sqi iJoddns pug a^n. qiog Mtt St MK ti tt ciqianwag HIT in tl Htl lit IKIMttw? jaqiinj U3AS i3i|3Bjq XBI jnoX ja SUOIIBZIUB3JO o|Ap XUBUI U| SA|19B si spun •*o[ oi suoudujsxs jnoj sx.ei oi noX *ons Pino* siijauaq qi|saq pus aougjnaui n«l 'M3 Xueduioo s*»| XBI 81111SIX8 pus 59 JSAO aq qioq n.goX B Suipnpui ,,'s)|jsd,, jo s8uu apiM s m|d jtaX i 'UMop XBM sq in* suoi)r:8i|qo XBI JnoX 'JSMO| aq OOO'OM sujBa '3A|in33xs uoii?jodjo3 xp I* pipu) ipu| ut jo s9iiuiApi si|ti oi noX *0||i o) SIIJS HaiHOJ VIA1AS Xg juauiauitau jof ssauisng • The Daily Register SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1977 School building is at standstill approved by voters early this By BARBARA KATK1.L f the- first time in many or under construction any- or year. Completion is tentati- FREEHOLD - When years there will be no new where in the county. vely slated for fall. 1978. The schools reopen next month, educational facilities opening And only lour school dis- BACK TO SCHOOL building will probably house tricts are planning major new .•-•<•-•, • • • • students in grades 5-8, and construction or undertaking will permit closing of the ag- OurB1ttY—r substantial renovations to school enrollments, no district The drop in school popu- ing River Street and Mechan- existing buildings. The four in northern or western Mon- lations has also led to the vir- ic Street schools. are Long Branch, Middle- mouth is closing a school this tual elimination of split ses- With most school districts town, Sea Bright and Red year. Elsewhere In the coun- sions from the county school no longer preoccupied with Bank ty, only Neptune City will systems. In northern and finding space for students, However, unlike a pattern stop using a three-room western Monmouth, Matawan they are stressing efforts to roum's developing elsewhere in the school this September Regional High School is the individualize instruction, es- New York metropolitan area, only one still on double ses- pecially for the unusually Last year, Eatontown few school districts in Mon- sions. bright or those in need of spe- mouth County have had to closed one of its five schools, Tlie good looks you get GOING AWAY Elsewhere in the county. cial help close buildings because there the 12-room Steelman School, from looking good. Start Manasquan is the only other Monmouth Regional High are no longer enough students after sharp cutbacks in en- with dex shoes in sizzling area where some students are School, Manalapan-English-. to justify their use rollment of students from Ft. styles. Now add leather. TO SCHOOL?, not on a full-day schedule. town Regional Schools and (DEXTER] Despite a continuing drop in Mon mouth. Rich, supple leather. Finish it The new construction that Marlboro are starting new all off on a distinctive sole. YOU'LL NEED: is being undertaken or programs for gifted children. Dex shoes. Looking good. • LAUNDRY BAG planned, in the county is on a In Manalapan, the program fairly modest scale, and In this year will include "aca- $ • INDOOR DRYER two communities the costs demically talented" children Men's 30 • ELECTRIC IRON will be underwritten by state In grades 2 and 5. The pro- or federal grants. gram will expand to include Women's »* and tave at (he lines! quality outlet q (fort In Monmouth County. Electronic Sorry, we cinnot mention famous brand names by HAZLET PLAZA SEND YOUR CHILDREN agreement with the manufacturers. H'way 35 ft Pool* Awe., Hailot Engineering at 739-3O3O Monmouth College MM. rtiru M. 10 «.«•. 10 9:30 M>> <•'. '• ••"• •• * »••• It's an outstanding program*.. Part or full-time, day/evening schedules for BS and MS degrees. Fall classes begin Sept. 8. NOW THROUGH AUGUST Seed is for kids Monmouth College is one of thefewinstitutions in the country offering engineering programs specifically in ALL WINTER OUTERWEAR electronics Strong, unified curricula at both , undergraduate and graduate levels feature: from head t O Specialized, in-depth preparation. 10% OFF SB. For Over 18 Y D A faculty of practicing electronic engineers and HOURS MON-SAT 9 30-5 30 • FRI TIL 9 • SNOWSUITS researchers. FINE QUALITY D Comprehensive training in computer techniques 36 495-2660 Port Monmouth control theory and communication, from D.C. to CHILDREN'S WEAR fiber optics. and FOOT WEAR Q Work In electronics beginning with the Freshman level. lor D Small classes for Individualized study projects ) qa o\ii>r big and careful, one-to-one advising. BOYS . . . GIRLS a Graduate programs that Include research using INFANTS modern laba and the latest electronic Our grMt ntw tw*ataringt techniques. an tun M M*» a big, O Outstanding placement record for men and Mm Ml *li Fall and women graduates. WbMri And ywi can Mh If electronic engineering is your field—or your ywir own hit looln by potential field — find out more about our Monmouth College programs. Call, write or come see us today.

Financial aid programs are available to qualified ' degree candidates. Monmouth College admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin. —Monmouth College--- Wall Long Branch. New Jarlty 07764 Please send me O Undergraduate D Graduate Electronic Engineering Program Information and Application.

Largest Man Selection ol cm. -Zip. Pre-teen and Quality apparel from head to to* Junior Sizes LITTLE SILVER SHOPPING CENTER

Write to Department of Electronic Engineering, op«a I >H. a 741-0078 Monmouth College. West Long Branch, N.J. 07764 39 BROAD ST. t'rl. Mil •» or Call (201) 222-6600, ext. 341 azddr RED BANK 747-5292 SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY. AUGUST 16, 1977 The Drily Register 9 Most area public schools to open Sept. 7 FREEHOLD - Most public schools in northern and The area's Catholic high schools will start classes Mon- Shore Regional, freshmen. Sept B; Red BanK Regional, western Monmouth County will open lor the new school day. Sept. 12. But they will hold orientation sessions ear- freshmen, Sept. 7; and Freehold Regional, freshmen, Sept. year on Wednesday, Sept. 7. lier. 7 But there are exceptions • At Red Bank Catholic, freshmen will report lor ori- Middletown elementary schools will hold orientation for All Middletown schools and Freehold Borough elemen- entation on Sept. 7; freshmen and sophomores, Sept. 8; ju- kindergarten students on Friday, Sept 2 tary schools will open Tuesday, Sept «. Red Bank elemen- niors and seniors Sept 9 Private schools in the county will begin school on the fol- tary schools, Red Bank Regional High School, Freehold At St. John Viariney Regional High School in Holmdel. lowing dates: Regional High School District schools and Monmouth Re- morning orientations ending at noon will be held for fresh- Talmudical High School of Central Jersey, Howell, Mon- gional High School will begin classes Thursday, Sept. 8. men on Tuesday, Sept 6; sophomores. Sept 7; juniors, day, Aug. 29 Shore Regional High School will be on a new schedule. Sept. 8, and seniors, Sept. 9. Hillel School of the Shore Area. Wanamassa, Tuesday, The school day will begin at 7:50 a.m. and end at 2:13 p.m. Mater Dei in New Monmouth will hold orientations from Sept 6, grades 1-8; pre-school (kindergarten, pre-kinder- gss*J^ Hold onto your AD parochial elementary schools will open Thursday 8 to 11 a.m., seniors on Tuesday, Sept. 6; juniors, Sept. 7; garten and nursery), Sept. 7. Preschool will be at Congre- household goods by renting one ot Sept. B. sophomores, Sept. 8, and freshmen, Sept. S. gation Brothers of Israel. Park Ave., Elberon our storage cubicles . . . by the month ... low Christian Brothers Academy in Llncrofl will hold ori- Oakhurst Country Day School. Monday. Sept. 12. priced . . . accessible . . . secure! entation for freshmen on Wednesday, Sept. 7 frorri 8:30 Ranney School. Tinton Falls and Humson. and Rumson a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and for sophomores, from 12:30 to 2:30 Country Day School. Wednesday. Sept 14 p.m. On Sept. 8, juniors will report from H :III am to 12:30 p.m.; seniors, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. The New School of Monmouth County. Holmdel, Mon- Public high schools which have scheduled orientations day. Sept 12. . before the official opening day include: Monmouth Region- Brookdale Community College will btginty-"" 'V-ines- al, for all new students on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 1:15~p m : day, Sept 7: Monmouth College, Sept. H Late registrations Look what you can FREEHOLD - Almost all tricts will not accept new reg- Also, Middletown, tomor- area public schools are ac- istrations during the firs,t two row, Thursday and Friday be- cepting late registrations for or three days of school next tween 9 and 11 am and 1 to 3 make after your first the 1977-78 school year, from month. i> in at nearest school; Mon- new kindergarten and trans- Following is a rundown of mouth Regional, Aug. 19-26 fer students on a continuing school districts that have between 8 am. and 2:30 p.m. Super Sewing lesson. basis until the end of the scheduled special late regis- (call guidance office for ap- month. tration dates: pointment); Oceanport. today However, several school ' Atlantic Highlands, last and tomorrow between 8 am. districts have scheduled spe- week of August; Highlands. and 12 noon and 1 to 4 p.m. cial il;iti"; when they would Friday, Aug. 26 between 8 Also. Red Bank. Thursday. prefer new students to regis- and 11 am. and 12 nuon to 2 Aug 25 at Primary School be- ter. p.m. (no student will be regis- tween 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon, If a student plans to regis- tered after this date until and Shrewsbury. Monday, ter on a date not specifically Sept. 9); Keyport. Sept. 6 and Aug. 22. set aside for new registra- 7 for new kindergarten stu- tions, most districts suggest dents in Central School the parent call before coming nurse's office; Little Silver. Advertise in to the school. And they add Aug. 23. at Point Road School the warning that most dis- between 9 and 11 am The Register Learn to Prepare

Income Taxes © Slielch & Sw Inc 1977 After eight, inexpensive lessons you will have made at least one pair ol beautifully lining pants, three fashion tops, one skirt, one marvelous • Like to meet the public? sweater, one suit jacket and one sleek swimsuit. Super Sewing teaches you to sew in one-half the time of ordinary sewing. Exclusively at • Want to earn extra money? Stretch & Sew* Call 741-8282 for starting time and dates

Rtfliter phata ky Carl Farina • Work accurately with figures? CAMPUS CLOTHES — Paul Guth of Fair Haven Enroll in the H & R Block Income Tax Course beginning soon in your area ano team models a comfortable cool weather jook that will be perfect when he begins his studies at Worcester to prepare income taxes lor yoursell. your friends and as a source ol income Stretch&Sew Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. His green Job interviews available lor best students Send for free information and class North America's Fabric & Sewing Center corduroy slacks, earthtone flannel shirt, cotton schedules today MORNING, AFTERNOON & EVENING CLASSES turtleneck sweater, reversible poplin and wool Classes begin SeP1' 12th j ,n ^g h^ 6 area locations lacket, and wool scarf are from Roots, Red Bank. an( w in ROUTE 35 and CRESTVIEW DRIVE Other back-to-school fashion shots and story are MIDDLETOWN on page 14. H&R BLOCK contact the ollice nearest you AIMEE'S SEWING CIRCLE 1109 Highway 35 CALL I Middletown, N.J. 07748 or 671-6470 Please send me tree information about your tax preparation course. I understand I THIS YEAR FOR BACK TO SCHOOL Have your Fall I there is no obligation. wardrobe ready! Name _, , . THE LOOK IS CLASSIC Be prepared lor I Address - BLAZERS AND CORDUROY SLACKS the Cool School Days. City ;_ , ' Stale Phone - I CLIP AND MAILTODAYl Flannel blazers are available for men and We offer a fast, easy and reasonable boys in the traditional navy and in forest alteration service green or camel. for men's, women's Back to School and children's apparel! Send them off with To add a more casual but classic feeling add corduroy slacks in the traditional colors It will be a pleasure to serve you! a hug, and a pair of honey, tan or gray. But for something different try yellow, kelly green, light blue, 747-3722 of StrideRite shoes. or red. We also have a full selection of 769 River Rd. Fair Haven, N.J. khakies in various colors for men, boys and **»M•••*•»•»*»*»******** young women. BACK TO SCHOOL... BACK TO DANCING SCHOOL! But no outfit is complete without the right shirt. We offer a wide selection in the THURS • FRI • SAT classic button-down collar or the fashion SEPT. 8, 9, 10 - 10 AM-6 PM point collar in stripes, solids, checks and Dance education is an impor-* tant part of all education, and plaids. Young women like our shirts, too. it's fun! Give your child, or yourself, the grace poise and self-confidence that good dance lessons bring. Let him, • • • • A BACK TO SCHOOL STORE FOR MEN, BOYS - or her, have that something TODAY'S YOUNG WOMEN "extra" that it takes to become Their minds are growing. So are their bodies. outstanding! That's why our famous professional fitting is so important. We offer graded classes in bal- So rest easy in the knowledge that they're beginning the new let, tap, toe, twirling, acro-gym- term by getting off to the best possible start. In the • i 1 • • nastics, modern jazz — Stride Rite shoes young feet require. III Kids love the way they look ... • • BEGINNERS TO ADVANCED III Mothers love the way they're made TOTS-TEENS-ADULTS 0 FREE GIFTS by StrideRite • I A FITTING PLACE FOR SHOES SINCE 1$4$ • • • I MEN S and BOYS OUTFITTERS SINCE 1846 SSCHOOL OF DANCE er • I 19 Broad Street Red Bank 37 E. FRONT ST., RED BANK 747-8552 JS WilL OHM WCDNCSDHV 1 FHIDAY N/GHT5 7X.1 • - SHOI COMPANY - LOOK FOR THE RED DOORI 18 BROAD RED BANK • • QUALITY TEACHING IS NOT EXPENSIVE, trSPMCELEM FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE — OPEN WED. ft FRI. TIL 9 P.M. • II 10 The D*ByRegfe*er SHREWSBURY, N j TUESDAY, AUGUST i6.1977 Poll shows most parents satisfied with public schools public schools in a positive New Jersey's public schools suburban areas. In a category the poll results. U per cenl of ed the national government in and local spending). polls have found lhat an in- of the news business In jtVt light. have passed the test in an labeled "Smaller Cities and the respondents give the more "play" to aberrations those terms, and fid per cent Eagleton Poll analyst Mark come tax which includes "And while the initial feel- Eagleton Institute (Rutgers Older Suburbs," 87 per cent schools grades of "excellent" from the norm, stale resi- saw local governmrut Ihe Schulman noted that while properly tax relief is pre- ing about the income tax may University) poll rated schools in the highest or "good," while 34 per cent dents read and hear more same way. the income lax alone was un- ferred to sales tax increases have been negative. Ihe pub- _ The poll, done in May. classifications, while 74 per rate them "only fair " Anoth- about the problems of I hi' The government survey popular at the'beginning of with no property lax reduc- lie now realizes that the In- stiowrt-ttfsi pai <-n\> m imi of rural residents gave er II per cent.rated the schools than .their successes paralleled Ihe school survey the year, homestead rebates tions NJEA President Judith M. come lax package means low- school-age children were schools top grades. schools "poor." while 11 per NJEA also notes that the in lhat residents were more may change those attitudes Owens sums up Ihe poll re- er property taxes and In- most satisfied with Ihc Even in large cities, 55 per cent responded, "don't state's largest newspapers positive about Ihings with somewhat sults by saying thai, "by and creased State aid to schools," schools in their own commu- cent of those who answered know " are located in urban centers which they had direct deal- Eagleton analysts also large, the public views the Ms. Owens concludes. nities. When asked, "How the poll questions called the Ttie lower image of the pub- like Newark. Jersey City. Pa- ings lusl as parents unli noted that previous Eagleton would you rate your child's schools "good" or "ex- lic schools among residents lerson. Camden and Trenlnn. children in public schools school'" 73 per cent of the re- cellent" without school-age children older cities with more numer- viewed Ihe schools more fa- spondents said they would Ratings dropped the farther may be due to widespread ous public education prob- vorably than residents with rate their own public school away the respondent was negative publicity about lems These newspapers are no school-age children, re- "excellent" or "good." from public schools When school funding uncertainty the only source of information spondents though! politicians they had direct dealings wilh As might be expected, ap- residents who have no school- and court battles. NJEA be- on schools for many stale were less corrupt than those proval rates were higher in age children are included in lieves Since il is the nature residents they had not dealt wilh The state's old cilii's usual- ly have physical plunls in In a survey laken in late poor condition compared lo January and early February, "WE SIMP1Y MUST SAVE GASOUNI. schools in both older and new- 59 per cenl of those ques- er suburbs, and also have tioned said the Income lax AMDIBEUIVETHATTHEAMERICAI'«>?O!-JC*-.-«tTHISCHAliEIH;E:' should be allowed lo expire President Carter, Apnl 20,1977 Energy address to Congress. large numbers of students in the lower socio-economic next June 110 However, an strata. Given conditions such overwhelming majority fa- as these, poll results showing vored keeping Ihe programs The new corduroy • suburban residents more fa- funded by Ihe lax The provi- vorbaly about their schools sion for property tax relief suit. At its best are lo be expected won approval from S4 per Commuters, The public schools fared ex- cent, while 75 per cent fa- vored increased slate aid to tremely well compared lo an- when vested local schools. And. although other stale institution — gov- Shoppers, 59 per cent said the presenl ernment In a similar survey lax plan should expire next Truly an exceptional done by Eagleton. 78 per cent summer. 56 per cent ap- value . especially now of stale residents questioned Students — proved of Ihe whole plan to- when the trend is to a in May said that stale govern- gether (Ihe tax, property lax casual, sportive look ment was either "somewhat relief, increased aid to local corrupt" or "very corrupt " schools, and limits un State that's easily adaptable In addition. 82 per cent view- city as we as country wear Natural shade in School construction plush ino«u cotton corduroy. 2 button center vent jacket with at standstill in area 5-bulton vest and belt (Continued) Colls Neck is instituting a loop trousers. . . making ning expanded efforts in this number of changes in Cedar a grand total in fashion area are Henry Hudson He- Dfive School, its middle and value all for 185.00 gional High School. Matawan school There will be a new Regional schools, Shrews- advanced English program bury, and Monmouth Region- for gifted eighth graders, Oxford InitliMi ilimn shirt S15.M al ' reinlroduclion of a vocal mu- Among olher new instruc- sic program 4iiaz£^ tional programs. Rumson- year because of a budget cut- Kair Haven Regional High back), and the probable open- 150 MPG/ Pedal nail/ ing sometime during the year Low nose and emissions/ School will offer new mini- Front and rear shocks/ Durolon style elective! in English for of new science facilities epoxy resin paint hnish/Michelin tires/ its freshmen, sophomores and Middletown's (wo high 2S MPH lop speed/96 pounds/ juniors Shrewsbury will be- SHOES No helmet, license, or tag schools will continue their gin a careers program for "school within a school" proj- ii, :ny -I Hi-, IHRATAVUSMoPED eighth graders and an ex- eel under which Ihe schools from $40.00 The motorized bicycle bom Holland panded Title I program. Tin- are divided inlo smaller units ton Kails will continue its fed- At Ihe junior high level. Ihe erally funded preschool en- schools are expanding their richment program for mildly leaching cluster programs handicapped three and four- Shore Regional High School year olds, and Us state-funded will bejjin a state-funded eo- artist-in-residence project. All Maior operative education program Charge Cafds MR. MO-PED 2 Holmdel will offer an early for special education stu- Honored MEN'S SHOP intervention program for dents This school will also BROAD & MECHANIC. RED BANK Route 34 - Matawan Mall three and four-year olds with reinstate it.s nursery school, special needs that will be which will be run irt con- Shop Wed & Fri til 9 Matawan 566-2655 funded tlimugh a (25.000 feder- junction with its child care al grant and development courses There's not much time HAMMETT' rid between teething and tuition

Everything in store for Teachers, Craftsmen From diapers to degree seems a long time. It's snd Artist not, really. And the years between can help meet the At tha NEW Hammett's expense of higher education. learning world, Village Mall, Here's what to expect! Mlddlstown. Now there's a Here at Shadow Lawn, we've watched thousands convenient store stocked, "A" Teaching Aids of savings accounts grow... accounts opened by thoughtful staffed and devoted to teach- k Early Learning Aldi ers and students (and parents Educational Games parents and developed by the child through primary grades too). A big, bright place with everything out In the open— Duplicating Workbooks and high school. i eo that every visit can be a Professional Books * learning experience as well as Classroom and Office Supplies They've instilled the savings habit. And contributed a shopping trip. From pre- significantly toward paying college costs... two very good cchool to high school, what- Art and Craft Materials ever the curriculum, you'll Weaving Looms & Accessories reasons for opening a savings account in your child's name find all that's latest and best Maps* Globes at Shadow Lawn soon. at Hammett's learning world. And if you still think it's a long time from teething to tuition, ask the parents whose children are in the Class of'80. HAMMETT ifNDER Shadow Lawn... where helping people has come first for nearly 50 years.' Shadow Lawn Savings And Loan Association 600 Broadway at Norwood Avenue. Long Branch. New Jersey 07740 (201) 222-1100

14 OFFICES IN MONMOUTH & OCEAN COUNTIES SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY, AUGUST 16.1977 The Daily Register 11 Uncertain income tax future clouds school financing

The school finance picture out. "So despite the fact that count on that money, they property taxes, since local stroyed, and caps must go," the state will only reach this that the state assume all edu- This places New Jersey 351 h in New Jersey, reasonably Education Commissioner will probably be forced to do districts with cutbacks in declares Dr. Hipp. "Without level next year under the cation costs, but a ViA plan in national rankings in stale clear lor the past year, will Fred Burke says he will tell two things: (1) raise local state aid will have to get these two steps, the quality of present funding arrangement introduced by Cahill that aid to local schools, Hi Hipp be covered by dark clouds; school boards they will re- property taxes and (2) make money locally," Dr. Hipp education offered in New Jer- New Jersey entered this dec same year was soundly de- said this (all, according to Fred- ceive their full allotment of cutbacks in staff and pro- notes. "And we're talking sey schools will certainly de ade funding only about 27 per feated Without income-tax reve- erick L, Hipp, director of the slate aid, the school boards gram, causing serious harm about fewer educational cline. That's something the cent, ranking 44th In the coun- The finance picture weir nues the suite's share of edu- New Jersey Education Asso- cannot really realy on that to education all over the choices, since aid cutbacks State of New Jersey cannot try In state aid to local •eried for school districts until cation costs could again drop ciation. aid." state." and caps mean program afford schools. this past school year, when tivlow the 30 per cent level Dr. Hipp says uncertainty The Income tax plan passed The NJEA executive also slashes. So, the very things "The State Supreme Court Another study commission the income tax enahhil tin with higher local property about the fate of the income by the Legislature last sum- points out that budget caps, voters rejected in record closed New Jersey schools named by Gov William T state to fund about 37 per tana levied to make up the tax coupled with ever-tight- mer contained a "self-de- part of the "Thorough and Ef- numbers in 1975 and 1976 will last summer." Dr Hipp re- Cahill recommended in 1972 cent of public school costs' difference enlng budget caps will spell struct" clause, meaning the ficient" education law passed face them again in 1978" ca)ls, "and the same thing desperate trouble for many tax plan is supposed to expire in 1975, will be tighter for In 1975 and 1976, New Jer- could happen again next year ichool districts this year. next June 30. This clause was next year and may force even sey voters rejected school People who care about quali- Only by enactment of a per- added at the last minute to more cuts in educational pro- budgets because of a freeze ty schools should band togeth- manent, sound tax package win the votes of a few legisla- grams. NJEA predicts that on state aid, skyrocketing er and see this doesn't hap- can the state avoid cutbacks tors who were not solidly the caps, which averaged property taxes and program pen." In Its schools, Dr. Hipp be- committed to an income tax about 7 1 per cent this year, cuts. This year, however, vot- The 1970s have been years lieves. but were willing to try the will tighten to an average of ers approved more budgets of turmoil for New Jersey bottoms "Gov. Byrne told the Legis- concept for two years. about 5.5 per cent next year. than ever before, mostly be- schools. Despite a recommen- lature in February that no "Income-tax revenues equal Some districts may have cause the income tax meant dation by a commission head- governmental unit could an- about one-sixth of the mo,ney budget ceilings under 3 per' •ST...* p.operty-tax stabiliza- ed by State Sen Raymond ticipate income-tax revenues the state is sending to local cent, according to NJEA esti- tion Bateman in 1968 that the state in planning their budgets for school districts," Dr. Hipp mates. "the self-destruct clause in fund about 40 per cent of next year," Dr. Hipp points says. "If districts cannot "We're talking about higher the tax plan must be de- school costs in New Jersey, has the classic look for back to school .. Candia| Monmouth to open Sept. 8 at just the right price!

WEST LONG BRANCH - and physics. JUNIOR Financial assistance is zens. the college also offers Fall semester classes begin In the Evening Division, available to qualified degree Program 65, which accords We're right on top with NOVELTY STYLE Sept 8 at Monmouth College. over 200 courses are offered i candidates For senior citi- them free tuition. Applications for enrollment at both undergraduate and fully co-ordinated are still being accepted for all graduate levels. Students may areas — the daytime under- begin work toward a degree, graduate program; the Eve- continue work toward a de- ning Division, and the Gradu- gree, or pursue some area of SKIRTS • GAUCHOS • SLACKS ate Program. Registration special interest for their own WEST END TOPS will be conducted Sept 6 and enrichment and enjoyment. BLOUSES • SWEATERS 7 Detailed information may All the college's academic de- be obtained from the Office of partments are represented in KNIT TOPS • ACCESSORIES Admissions at the college. the evening program. NURSERY SCHOOL Undergraduate students at Through its South Jersey Monmouth may choose from Extension Program, Mon- ESTABLISHED 1966 47 different majors. Among mouth also offers courses BY 999 special opportunities avail- leading to the Master of Busi- able to them are a recently ness Administration degree at ^^ ORIG. VALUES CLAIRE A. DOOLEY m instituted program under both Ft. Dix and in Atlantic *•• TO $24 which the bachelor of science County at Mainland Regional Present Owner A Director and master of business ad- High School. ministration degrees may be EXPERIENCED STAFF "Togetherness in Fashion" • GREAT WITH JEANS earned in a five-year period; The college department of a variety of interdisciplinary irtlucSiidti aiso schedules or CORD PANTS studies (new in this category graduate courses off campus BOYS & GIRLS is a pngram combining art an in Woodbridge Township, •BOU) PLAIDS psychology as fields of major Madison Township, Freehold, AGES V/i-S 3 OR 5 DAY PROGRAMS • SOUD COLORS interest); preprofessional Toms River, and Hightstown. programs in law, medicine, Detailed information on these TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE •WEAR AS A JACKE1 and duntistry; a medical offerings may be obtained by technology program; biology- contacting Dr. Aaron Schect- CALL 531-0474 OR 229-1985 •LONG or health for RN's; certificate man at the department of 280 S-LINCOLN AVE. OAKHURST programs in computer sci- education at Monmouth Col- SHORTSLEEVES ence, and peace studies; in- lege. • EASY CARE FABRICS ternships in accounting, anth- ropology, and political sci- • HRST QUALITY ence; and field study in psy- chology, social work, and spe- YOUTH CENTER •BUY TWO AT THIS cial education Fashion Center GREAT PRICE AND For education majors, Mon- mouth for the last three years 50 Years in Red Bank REALLY SAVE has offered highly qualified students the opportunity of 1 doing their practice teaching at The American School tn Save 20% on \G**m London. LAY AWAY 040KOUTI 35 INutuiN v,.i.»».» In the college's graduate 1 program, seven different ma- Boys and Girls' Knit Underwear MIDDUTOWN jors are available — business COAT SALE administration, education, 10 *JL - * P.M. for a limited time only l~* «.i -V*. electronic engineering, Eng- •0 AM. . if.U. lish, history, mathematics ENTIRE STOCK — NEW WINTER COATS

BOYS' WHITE T-SHIRTS 25% OFF Sizes 4-8 Reg 2/2 99 SAVE $18.75 TO $85.00 On Each Coal. 2/2.39 CHILDREN'S HOSIERY BOYS' MEDIUM WEIGHT BRIEF Sizes 4-8 Reg 2/2 69 SALE 2/2.39 When you see the TRIMFIT label you GIRLS' SLEEVELESS know it's the best in children's hosiery. CAMISOLE Sizes 4-14 Reg 2/2 99 2/2.39 TIGHT J sizes 4 to 14

save $1.00- Reg. $1.75 GIRLS' BAND LEG PANT Sizes 3-16 Reg. 3/3.39 3/2.69 now O for

GIRLS' BIKINIS S sizes 7 to 11 Sizes 6-14 Reg 3/3 99 save 70'- Reg. $1.15 3/3.19 $O75 3 for tL GIRLS' RUFFLED LEG PANT Sizes 6-14 Reg. 3/3 99 CREW SOX n 3/3.19 save .65'-Reg. $1.10 $O65 3 for C- TUDC JV/A sizes 8 to 11 save $1.05-Reg. 4 for $5.40 $^35 4 for t Shop early! Limited supply4 Sizes9-i5-reg.4for$6u0 NOW 4 for *4J5 IT MMTin CMMKM - BANK AMERICANO • OUR OWN CHARM YOUTH ^ CENTER^ Far and above the largest selection of coats in Vogel's history. fYOUTHS Come in now! Hundreds ot absolutely beautiful rWw styles are here tor your selection in friendly Red Bank at 20 Broad St. including plush camels and fleeces, fur-look. Harris tweeds, plaids, luxurious fur trims and a ICENTERJ new selection of modern updated coats lor the y.oung and young minded. if you don't have a Youth Center charge, phone us and you'll have one in minutes! Charge your purchase . . . Take 3 mos. to pay . . at no additional cost in friendly red bank at 20 broad street 12 The DWly Register SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY, AUGUST 16.1977

HONORED BY THE PRESIDENT — High school teacher Myrra Lee, ex- treme right, of La Mesa, Calif., was presented with a crystal apple by Pres- gunce CIIU ' ident Carter in honor of her election as 1977 Teacher of the Year. The pro- WOVEN POLYESTER BRUSHED gressive-thlnklng Ms. Lee Is optimistic about education's future: "(It) Is the function of teaching, to open the minds of our students, to make them DENIM want to do something for themselves and the world. GABARDINE 60" wide 45 wide Luxury weight Double weight Machine wathable Machine wathable Vinl Year's top teacher Save 81.76 Reg. gl.97 Yard holds forceful ideas Single Face SOLID COLOR SUEDE POLYESTER The 1977 Teacher of the "many thousands of teachers ically sound. 1 don't go off Year has very definite ideas across the United States half-cocked and we don't do DOUBLEKMT about teaching, and she could just as easily have re- one experiential thing after CLOTH 66" wide doesn't hesitale to speak her ceived this honor. the next. Everything is done 40-45" wide Machine wathable Yard mind. "Teaching today invites on a number of levels— Machine wathable President Carter found thinking, creative people academically, intellectually, Novelty stitches Reg. 2.98 that out at a White House who have a desire for ser- emotionally. More than 12 colon ceremony honoring Califor- vice. I see myself as a sym- "My students are excited, nia social studies teacher bol. It is important to have and they communicate that. Myrra Lee when she look the recognition of what teachers Parents tell me that my Solid Color fife ty Q H opportunity to remark, "It's do, and this is the merit of the courses are the ones that stu- Soft & Flowing exciting to know that we af- Teacher of the Year Pro- dents talk about all the time." SOLID COLOR fect people's lives. That's gram." QIANA O why people go into teaching. Myrra Lee points out that It's certainly not the money, Thai, of course, is exactly "the one thing that we don't what the program is designed BODYCLOTH which is not very great, nor do is read the chapter and an- INTERLOCK 60 wide the prestige and status." to do—focus public attention swer the questions at the on excellence in leaching. 60" wide Her comments brought a back of the book. Machine wushuhlc Ms. Lee was chosen as this knowing chuckle from the Machine wathable year's symbol of outsftniiiiiu "' !!M a lot of simulauerr President, who had pre- teachers everywhere in a and a lot of discussion. I don't sented the La Mesa, Calif., nationwide search by the answer any questions. What high school teacher with a program's sponsors, the I try to do is provide all the Steuben crystal "Apple for Council of Chief State School means by which students can the Teacher" and a com- Officers, Encyclopedia answer either questions they memorative plaque. Britannica, and Ladies' raise or that I pose for them." Mr. Carter slated thai Home Journal. 225 Yd. Spools "one of the most delightful In closing, Ms. Lee, who 8" FISKARS experiences in the life of any The dynamic 50-year-old has been in teaching for more Polyester 4& person is 10 have a teacher Myrra Lee has taken on some than 25 years, spoke to her LightWeight who develops a personal re- of the most potentially con- teacher colleagues around Thread lationship with the student troversial courses at La Me- the country: "I think the Scissors sa's Helix High School— bkConlourtJO In WUf, BUck, Pkl that affects his or her whole message I would like to give t Rtiabow ol Colon. -mm- life. I know; I've had that ex- Minorities in American His- is, 'Hang in there.' There is perience. tory, Social Living (ranging room for creativity, no mat- PRICES GOOD WITH COUPON ONLY from sex education to drug ter what the community is, PRICES GOOD 1 "To choose one person to abuse), and Women in they're receptive to good exemplify thai is a hard America. leaching. task," Mr. Carter said, "and In addition, she uses what to be chosen is a great honor. most people would consider "If you can justify what You represent all the other non-traditional methods. you're doing as academically teachers of this nation. I Yet, she says she gets "a tre- sound and by having students know they are all proud of mendous amount of support who are excited and en- you, and the President of the from parents as well as ad- thusiastic, you will be able to United Stales is proud of you ministrators." How does she do what you want to do. This All Fabric too." manage it? is the function of teaching, to Golden Ball Point Ms. Lee also received a "This is a question that open the minds of our stu- National Education Associa- people ask me all the lime be- dents, to make them want to Machine Needles tion plaque "for distin- cause I leach in quite a con- do something for themselves TWlo. Cui. OntSiit guished service" from NEA servative community," and the world. R

prove to be very complex <;<«.

By DORIS Kill.MAN tion, also. Among them were four male employes of the De- partment of Buildings. FREEHOLD - The Women's Resource and Survival Cen- "I think the demonstration is great," Michael Blschoff. ter (WRSC), Keyport, yesterday vowed legal action against Morganville, said. "It's hard to believe that someone can beat any Monmouth County police departments and courts which up on someone else and they don't put him in jail." faK n/ iiiuicci uattered wives. Not everyone was sympathetic. The warning of legal action, which would parallel a New Told the demonstration was to protest violence against York suit, came at the close of a IV4-hour demonstration that women, one man said firmly. "Look. I'm all for violence brought 50 placard-carrying women and a few men to the Hall against women," and strode away of Records to protest what they said is official apathy to the "I'm a widow, and I believe women should be beaten," plight of battered wives and to demand that wife-beating be one woman screamed at the demonstrators And another treated as a life-threatening crime "and not as a domestic woman said she wouldn't sign the petition because "I don't squabble." think a man will beat his wife unless he has damn good rea- Hargi Heller, a WRSC staff member, told the rally that son." she had called the Neptune Township police last Sunday for Told of Ms. Heller's assertion about his department's re- help for a woman who had just been beaten by her husband, sponse to her call. Neptune Township Police Chief LeRoy "and the policeman on duty said it was a typical domestic Ward said, "I hope she'll come and talk to me about it." squabble and If the wife called once more, he's arrest both of "We advise women to come down and sign a complaint. them. We'll even transport them And then the husband is arrested "We will start collecting statistics on the experiences of immediately," Chief Ward said. "But in 90 per cent of cases, battered women with the police and courts in Monmouth the woman doesn't want to prosecqte, and it puts us in an aw- County," Ms. Heller declared, '.'and If necessary,, well file kward position, when they don't come to testify . . " suit as they did in New York. This is our first demonstration, Concern about wife-beating "is long overdue." Chief Ward but not our last. People will hear from us more and more." said. "The courts have a very lenient attitude . " We have "And more and more and more and more .. ." the dem- cases that are very sad. and we're sad we don't have enough onstrators shouted in response. power to correct them . Women take a lot more punish- The reference was to a current suit brought by 12 bat- ment then they should, because they're afraid of the econom- tered New York wives against the police, probation depart- ic repercussions on their children . they haven't any in- ment and family court. come .." The placards and chant of the demonstrators - "Mourn Ms Heller also told the rally that Eatontown police on Hazel, Free Roxanne" — focused on two cases that Diane Sunday had said they "were too busy" to arrange to escort to Kitts, a WRSC staff member and rally speaker, said illustrate a WrtSC-arranged shelter two women and five children who the desperate predicament of the battered wife: the stabbing she said had fled battering husbands "and were soaking wet. murder In Eatontown two weeks ago of Hazel Drumgoole, al- out in the rain ..." legedly by her husband, and the indictment in Camden Coun- "We try to pul a woman in communication with whom- ty of Roxanne Gay on a charge of murder in the fatal stabb- ever she wants, but you can't run a taxi for everyone." Ea- ing of her husband, a professional football player. Most of the tontown Police Chief William Zadorozny said when told of marchers wore black armbands of mourning for Mrs. Drum- that statement "I think those calls came from motels. They goole. just take a room, and we don't know the background or any- Both women were battered wives "who lived In constant thing .. > fear" for their lives and the lives of their children, Ms. Kitts "And 99 per cent of the time, it's a family situation and said. we usually leave it to the family," Chief Zadorozny said. "One out of 100 will sign a complaint, and we don't know what She said that Mrs. Drumgoole had charged her husband •Mhtor ptatal »r Carl NrH with assault "and even had moved from her house." She said went on if she won't sign a complaint. Years ago, we could FIRST WITH THE PEN - Brian G. Doug- stratlon sponsored by the Women's Resource that Mrs. Gay "had called the police many times" to com- sign a complaint on 'information and belief.' but society has herty of the county's security division was the1 and Survival Center and the Roxanne Gay Le- plain that her husband was beating her, and she was beaten completely changed. Today, you're picking on them when you first to sign a petition urging prosecution of gal Defense Fund. Diane Kitts, a rally speak- the night of the alleged stabbing. sign a complaint... " wlfe-beaters at yesterday's Freehold demon- er, holds the clipboard. "We are taking our anger into the streets where it be- longs," Ms. Kitts told the rally "We reject the alternatives of jail for self-defense or death In our homes. We are here to say to the pillars of justice we will not tolerate another death, we will not accept imprisonment for defending ourselves." "Do we want laws that send police into violent homes to have the officers talk to the battering man about football?" The Daily Register Ms. Kitts asked. "Do we want laws that issue restraining or- ders and make no effort to see that they are enforced? SHREWSBURY N J TUESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1977 13 "Do we want laws that force a woman with five children into the street and leave the battering man in the house? Do we want laws that make no provision for shelters for battered women and children but provide for dog pounds? Do we want laws that look at a bruised and bloody face and believe she has bumped into a door every week for the past year?" "No, no," the demonstrators shouted In response. Freeholders plan to study "There is a high correlation between the problem of bat- tered women and the problem of battered children." Dr. Clyde Sullivan, executive director of the Children's Psy- chiatric Center(CPC), Eatontown, told the rally. The WRSC is a CPC affiliate. transport for handicapped Dr. Sullivan's statement was echoed by Bruce Moehler, a CPC psychiatric social worker, who said he was marching By JOAN KAHN Protection (DEP) is opposed lo ocean dumping of waste ma- with the demonstrators "because I see the drastic effect it FREEHOLD - The Board of Freeholders and the county terials and, in a statewide management plan under devel- has on a child's life to see his mother being beaten." Planning Board will look into the possibility of providing bus opment, favors composting of sludge In Monmouth County, sludge composting could be impl°- The demonstrators circulated petitions calling on commu- transportation for the county's physically handicapped resi- mented safely. Mr Huguley said, because of a lack of indus- nity agencies, police, hospitals and courts to "become aware dents trial sludge containing chemicals in the county that battering is a severe and growing problem" and demand- Freeholder Director Harry Larnson told the Planning The DEP. under the plan, will not permit any undigested Ing that "this violence be placed where It belongs, in the Board yesterday that he had received complaints from handi- sludge to be placed on agricultural land and will prohibit the criminal court." capped persons that they are often unable to get trans- portation from private companies sludge from being dumped in landfills because the agency be- The first person to sign the petition was Brian G Doug- Mr. Larrlson said although handicapped senior citizens lieves that seepage will eventually contaminate ground water herty of the county security division, who was on duly at the and needy persons were eligible for assistance persons under Joseph R. Vuzzo. Middletown's administrator and a Plan- Hall of Records. 65 who were able to pay their own way for transportation ning Board member, said his municipality was particularly "There are men who could punch the holy hell out of a were "caught in the middle" since services for Ihem do not concerned with the dumping of raw sewage along the Bayshore woman and do it repeatedly," he said. exist because it had affected the fishing industry Freehold Mayor Roger J. Kane signed the petition, too. SILENT CRY — The poster carried by Susie She- "It's incumbent upon the freeholders and the Planning Mr Vuzzo called for an end to the dumping of raw sewage "They've definitely got a cause, there's no question about rer, Wlckatunk, a volunteer at the Women's Re- Board to provide transportation for the handicapped at cost." into New York Harbor by New York City and urged thai addi- that," Mayor Kane said. "I believe what they're doing is source and Survival Center, Keyport, screams Its said Mr. Larrison. tional sophisticated sewage treatment plants be constructed right We can't have guys going around beating their wives." silent plea for help for battered wives In the dem- In the heavily populated areas of the county. Mr. Larrison by Bayshore municipalities Atlantic Highlands, he said, Many of the county workers who flocked out of the Hall of onstration outside the county Hall of Records, suggested that the county arrange transportation by con- should be curbed from dumping its sewage into Raritan Bay Records during the lunch hour demonstration signed the peti- Freehold, yesterday. tracting with private carriers, while in rural areas the county after undergoing only primary treatment could operate its own system . The Planning Board also expressed concern over the in- Charles Spitz, the county's principal planner, estimated crease in the number of heliport applications in the county the costs of operating the transportation program at $100,000 Although municipal sentiment may be against a heliport, to 1125.000 yearly In addition to the original outlay of $40.000 the state Department of Transportation (DOT) has not been Woman relates fatal story to $50,000 for the purchase of three or lour vehicles, operating taking municipal opposition into consideration before granting expenses would include gas. computation of bus mutes and applications, according to Mr Spitz salaries for three or four drivers However, a recent letter from the DOT assures munici- FREEHOLD - The soft- pulled her out of the car. away. I didn't want to see my thing he said was. 'You would "We are going to got objections from private carriers." palities that resident sentiment will be.considered when the li- ness about her — the baby- threw her to the ground, kick- children die. I didn't want to have all been dead ' " predicted Mr. Spitz, who recalled that in the past private cense application is in a residential area fine golden hair, the peaches- ed her—"I can still see the die., " The charge was manslaugh- transportation firms have blocked plans by county agericlet Mr Spitz said communities that want to avoid adding andcream complexion, the point of his boot"—broke her "Get a gun and protect ter, "there was a special which have attempted to devise similar programs. heliports must adopt ordinances to restrict them gentle Southwestern drawl - nose, and threatened to kill yourself: we can't stand hearing before a judge" and However. Mr Spitz reported that if the county could "It's only a matter of time before it becomes more and contrasted painfully with the her and the three children if guard over you." she said the she was acquitted. "They said coordinate the bus schedules of specific assistance projects more of a problem." cautioned Mr Halsev. who predicted that harshness of the story she she didn't drop the assault county sheriff told her. it was justifiable, self-de- which are financed through state and federal aid. '.'0 vehicles helistop applications would increase He said the acceleration told, a story of years of living complaint she had signed "The gun gave me a feeling fense" may be made available of the construction industry appeared to have an impact on terror with a brutal man that against him. of protection, just having it." In other action. Robert W Huguley. the county's environ- applications, since builders often use helicopters to travel be- ended one night four years Before that, there was the she said. "It never crossed The welfare department mental planner, said the state Department of Environmental tween job sites. . . ago with a shotgun in her night he held her over a 200- my mind to use It." gave her some money and ad- vised her to get far away hand and her husband fatally foot deserted mine And then there was the fast—her husband had drink- wounded on the floor. shaft—"there are a lot of night he broke into the house, Ing buddies thirsting for re- The woman, who asked not deserted mines in that part of drunk—always drunk, she venge. to be Identified, now lives in Oklahoma"—threatening to said—and grabbed the nine- Monmouth County. As she throw her down it. And the year-old boy and kicked him New school site approved "I don't believe in killing. I stood on the sun-dappled lawn three winter days and nights to the floor. She tried to push don't believe in hurting." she this site." Robert Frye. a and said that residents we- school of the Hall of Records in she hid out In the mountains her- four-year-old daughter said. "But when you're so to- ByBOBCOHN with her children, sleeping in Freehold Township com- ren't given enough notice to He added that the site was Freehold relating her story out of the door "and he came tally afraid, when you know the snow, frantic with fear, FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - mitteeman. lold the board share thier opinions. They picked because it is best for yesterday, other women were after me" and ripped her pa- you'regoing to die there returning home "because the Despite vocal protests from "You have done extensive openly wondered why they those students who will walk marching In front of the coun- jamas off. and her 11-year-old has to be a t)etter way We children were so cold. . I had those attending last night's consultation with Colts Neck. weren't consulted on which to school, and that by 1980, ty building demanding more son ran for the gun and hand- have to change the law so nothing to feed the children." ed It to her.. meeting, the Freehold Re- but not with us. and it's going site they preferred, and why the target date of completion, protection for battered wives women have more protection. gional Board of Education ap- to cost us a great deal " the board made the decision sewer and water facilities will She had come to participate Before that, there were all "There was a lot of con- We have to change the atti- proved a possible site for the Mr.Frye, who said he was it did be easily accessible. in the demonstration. the complaints she signed fusion." she said, and a shot tude of the police and of so- district's proposed high speaking for the entire town- In response, John Horns- The board's action follows Before the fatal shooting, against him. the times "I "I could see he was hurt, ciety " school. ship committee, claimed that berger, board president, said that of the Colts Neck Town- she said, there were all the went to my preacher and got but I was so afraid of that She hasn't remarried^ "and It will be up to voters in the construction would create the board "has criteria that ship Committee, which last other nights. The night he down on my knees, literally man I put another bullet in I don't have any intention November when they decide sewage and water problems, was established and that we week approved purchase of came home swinging a billy down on my knees, and beg- the chamber. I was so afraid to." she said. "I'm scared I on a referendum on construc- and would cause great ex- feel we met. We will, between the land club, dragged her into the ged him to help me to get he was faking, that he would stay away from any relation- tion of the school on a 104- pense for road widening now and the referendum, pul Sixty acres of the tract will car. drove to a deserted road. some money so I could get get up and kill me. . .The last ship with a man " acre tract on Hunt and Sto- in many hours of preparation, be used for the proposed {10 nehill Roads, most of which is The resolution adopted by and we will consult with million school, while the re- in Colts Neck the board calls for water and many of the people we feel to maining acreage will be des- sewer facilities to be made be experts." ignated as a green belt area Winter needed for testing But approximately 32 of the available from Freehold He added. "I can under- surrounding the school acres extend into Freehold Township, which Mr Frye stand the potential disruption The township plans to pur- By USA BLANK Harsens and Johns Architects tate heating. Otherwise, he "economically ahead." mem- Township, and residents and said "we will not allow." to the lives of many people in chase all the land, then sell of Tenafly. will run tests on added. "It's like trying to heat ber Charles j. Wildman later civic leaders from there He also presented a petition this particular area, but we back the 60 acres to the HAZLET — You can't don the building's heating units, a room already heated." speculated the rebate would voiced their objections last signed by more than 300 vot- feel that (this site) is for the school board at one-half the a bathing suit when the according to Morton P. Kra- /The authority is holding be dispensed during the final night to the proposal. ers in the school district op- betterment ofall " appraised valuation of the weather is brisk, nor a parka mer, authority attorney. back "sufficient funds. " he quarter, beginning In October Most of the arguments posing the site. The petition School Superintendent Vic- parcel. when the weather Is boiling. The authority last month said, should the several base- He explained it would be against the construction site noted such problems as "dual tor Crespy said that the board The 40 remaining acres, the By the same token, the Haz- charged that the heating sys- board heating units recom- -similar to the most recent 115 centered around the potential community control," close- "put everything together, and township plans, will be funded let Township Sewerage Au- tem of the $150,000 structure mended by the independent rebate given in the second burdens that would be placed ness to existing devel- it came out that this is (he through the Green Acres pro- thority cannot obtain an accu- Is "improperly designed" as engineering firm to alleviate quarter of this year based on on the township opments, and traffic hazards. area the school should be lo- gram. rate reading until the winter, tentatively determined by an the conditon be required. the fiscal year 1(76. There was also a good deal Mr Frye said the township cated." The referendum will ask under actual conditions, to de- Independent engineering firm William F. Bourbeau. chair- of objection to the apparently committee "will work very He specifically mentioned the voters whether or not to termine If the authority build- hired this spring to discover man, announced the authority But the authority Is aiming limited communication be- hard to defeat any monies that the board agreed the site approve a bond Issue for the ing's healing system is im- the reasons why the building is considering granting a re- to speed rebate funds to its tween the school board, resi- needed for the building of the has the best road access to entire project. The bond issue properly designed. was so cold last winter. bate at the end of the year, customers, who pay an an- dents and governing officials school." Howell, Freehold Borough, will also include funding for - It was decided at last The complete tests must be provided its financial status nual service charge of 1141. of the township. Many of those in attendance Freehold Township and Colts the conversion of Freehold riftt's meeting that the ar- delayed until winter, when continues to be healthy. said Donald Bart, the author- "We don't feel you have were upset over the sudden- Neck, the areas that will be Brough High School to a of the new structure. weather conditions necessi- Asserting the authority is ity's auditor. done a proper job in choosing ness of the board';: decision, serviced by the proposed new vocational-technical school. Campus-bound fashions ake the grade

By AMY KKIV1TZKV with a good selection of boots (including the ever-popular Fryes) and clogs. etUng a college wardrobe together lor Eventually, the time will come when a itering freshman can be as challenging student wants to get out of jeans and into iting into college, something a little dressier. Steinbach. takes a lot of leg work and ingenuity Broad Street, Red* Bank, has quite a few irdinate an outfit that is fashionable, sweater dresses in its spanking new junior will not cause you to itch or perspire ex- department Most sleeved versions have cessively, will not fall- apart after the first cowl necks and stripes and the cap-sleeved machine washing, and is in an affordable dresses feature colorful ethnic print designs price range But, most of all you have to like on the bodice. Personally, one of the nicest sweater dresses was a camel sleeveless Shet- CLASSIC look tor college it. land wool knit tunic with side tie closings. is the choice of Wendi Miles, Area stores have most of their back-to- The Bargello dress ($34) may be worn with attractive in a John Meyer school fashion stock in and they had a wide a sweater underneath or over pants for a oatmeal suit, rust cable knit assortment of suitable collegiate attire dur- longer, leaner look. sweater with Aigner clutch ing a Register spot-shopping expedition The other form dresses are taking is bag, at The College Shop- peasantry, which means multi-patterned Jeans are the staple of every American Rendezvous, Red Bank jumpers and dresses, or separates with flow- college (and high school) student The Gap, ing skirts and tops accentuated with ribbon. a Monmouth Mall store that specializes in It Is not an every day. on-the-way-toclasses i.i'M Strauss apparel for men. women and outfit, but it is an opportunity to show some children, recognizes the importance of de- leg for those daring enough nim in a wardrobe You can find denim and When it is time to be down and out Im- corduroy straight leg and flare jeans (in a pressive, The Rendezvous Shop. Broad $12.50-921 00 price range), skirts, vests and Street. Red Bank, has a selection of higher CASUAL and neat describes Paul Guth's back to school assorted jackets, in addition to a large selec- styled clothing A rust, blue and off-white look in polycotton khaki chinos, button-down oxlord shirt, tion of cotton and flannel plaid shirts ($12). plaid bib-top jumper, soft angora and lambs- striped Shetland crewneck pullover in rust, green and camel cable knit sweater vests ($10). cotton turtle- wool cowl neck sweater and rust suede bla- He carries a green down jacket The clothes are by Roots. necks ($12) and Shetland sweaters (lit.). zer make a sophisticated, yet young looking, Red Bank These tops may be worn separately or in ensemble A John Meyer oatmeal-colored skirt and blazer suit with rust cable knit layers, for warmth If you fit into I.evis well. Roots can be easily matched up with solid cowl neck and a wine-colored corduroy side- The Gap. with its huge assortment- of sizes, and patterned wool pullovers Their cor slitted skirt, topped with a striped cotton is a good starting place to find traditional duroys arc slightly more styled than tradi- blouse and grey crew neck sweater create campus favorites tional I.I'MS and are an attractive change updated classic looks. Fall outerwear jackets 'are handsomely un- For a more feminine and modern ap- derstated and practical One poplin and wool proach to jean topping, there is The Pants version is tan on one side and blue on its re- Place, Broad Street, Red Bank Big, soft fur- Lifestyle Most of these items are expensive but versible side The three piece suit is still the ry cowl neck sweaters are a big item there, they could be considered investments. Be- big contender for "the dressy look" and along with blouson tops, the newest fall look. cause they are made from natural mate- Roots does it in a brown herringbone tweed. The tops, which have a drawstring waist rials. (100 per cent wool and cotton), they A silk club tie and silk pockt't square add a that gives a soft and billowy effect, with its could last through a four-year college stay touch of class open neckline are designed with layering in and never go out of vogue. The separate mind They come in cotton, wool, knits, A down jacket, another.campus favorite, WEND! Mil ' • ' Ml md Mis Arthur Miles. 169 Deerlield Lane, Mata- items can be used in other outfits also. striped, hooded, long and short-sleeved, and is good protection from the wet and cold and won Townshl] ." year at Dartmouth College A graduate ol in easy to coordinate colors and plaids Not too many young men entering col- Natelsons, Broad Street, Red Bank, pro- Rannr, '. she preters more tailored clothes, and skirts over pants lege seem to be concerned about their ward- vides a nice selection of moderate-priced for a le.e 1 The Pants Place also features an an- robes. One Brandeis University student com- 1' ones For those who miss having the Lacoste tique styled bone-colored blouse, with touch- mented. "Since 1 went shopping In the alligator on their shirts during the winter, es of lace at the neck and sleeve, for a Vic- spring I don't need any new clothes!" the store also carries Izod alligator-embla- torian look at $20. It is a versatile and Roots. Broad Street. Red Bank, can help zoned Shetland sweaters in bright colors. , unique topping for jeans as well as soft make the process as painless as possible There also is a good selection of L»V| pants skirts and dressier slacks The store also has For oxford and button-down striped shirt with slightly lower price tags • ./ INDSEY FISKE. 4 Heall I load Rumson who is entering her sophomore a shoe department — a great convenience — lovers, there is a good selection that at If after all the running around, there is ', corduroy pants, blouses and sweaters still some energy left to shop (or acces- li wear skirts and slide In the snow with' good shoes sories, larger department stores are a good place to look Alexander's in Monmouth Mall. Eaton- town, has a large and varied arrangement of canvas handbags They range in size from small leather trimiried clutches to larger • PAUL GUIH. /en R id i m Haven, is entering his.Ireshman year at totes in a briefcase style (around (10) The store also carries small leather pouches on Worcesli 1 litutl where he is an engineering maior His school leather strings to be worn across the Bhoul- tight leg leans and corduroys, plaid shirts and der one at a time or in bunches They are not big enough for everything but are per- fect (or a small wallet and comb They're a budget buy at $4 each For those students heading north in Sep- tember, warm gloves, hatl, scarves and socks are a necessity J.C. Penney in Mon- mouth Mall if where you can find suede fin * lined mittens and large wool and' challis - scarves. Corduroy is the material of mosl fashions this season, including several hats _ and caps in Alexander's Both stores carry patterned wool and knit knee high sinks. For extra warmth in boots, there are leg warm- ers, bottomless socks, with tops that fold ' DECKED OUT in a Roots over the boot top three-piece single breasted J.C. I'enney's jewelry department is brown herringbone suit. Paul stocked with the popular ceramic pieces on Guth wears a brown, taupe rope necklaces, now in fall colors An initial and white striped polycotton matching stick pin and pierced earring set shirt, silk club tie and pocket can be chosen to give an individual touch to « square, also ol silk.It's a suit jackets and sweaters special occasion outlit (about Of course, there are more important things to worry about before going off to $200) with enduring fashion school than clothing, out it is reassuring to appeal arrive on campus having some confidence in the way you look.

BUDGET BEAUTY SAION Hairdressing Specials! August 31 thru September 1 only! Permanenaentt Wave $050 (Including Ml) Shampoo & Set $450 /TINTON FAUS Coop»rtVn NURSERY SCHOOL Register photos by Carl Forino OPEN HOUSE Wed Aug. 17 9:30-10:30 A M jU//tt ii styles are show Wed Aug 24 & nghl.'Wendi M*«.-» • laded dress leans with stitching at waist and pocket AM & PM Settlor* I Wed Aug 31. 7-8 PM 13 BROAD STREET (2nd FIOOO and- fed. white and blue plaid I laics', in green cotton turtleneck under 3-»r-oldiT-ThS185/yr. checked col' ' <) the denim skirl with braid detail and 4-yr-oldt M.W.F. J270/yr. 747-9365 RED BANK 842-6349 bajj, . • • by Levis with red. Ian. blue and white 332 Hume Ave. , How*: Mon. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5 checked cotton shut Allal rhe.Gap Monmouth Mal| Tinton Falls, NJ. SHREWSBURY, N J TuesoAY, AUGUST IG. 1977 The DailyReghler 15 Prayer for children

Dear Ann Landers!" Re- and we lost our appetites Tell em. Annie - Oshkosh cently you printed a Prayer completely. Dear Oshkosh: You told for Parents. I thought it was ANN LANDERS Since that incident, my hus- em. by gosh, and I thank beautiful. And now I have band refuses to eat at their you composed a prayer for chil- house and I am running out of Dear Ann Landers: You are want to be mean or deprive dren I hope you will give it You may be young but you excuses. He says 1 can't tell going to settle this: When a me of anything. equal time - Young And are wise beyond your years. them the real reason because man and a woman meet on Help me, (Jod, when I be- Thanks so much for sharing. Wishing it would only start trouble the street, who should speak come stubborn and refuse to God in heaven, 1 am young Dear Ann Landers: My hus- Any suggestions, Ann? — first ? I say the woman — be- listen, to accept the fact (hat Crossfire In Nameless City" and don't understand whal it band and I are invited often cause if she chooses not to they have wisdom and ex- to eat dinner at his brother's is like to be a parent, but it Dear Fire: Just say your recognize the man. for what- perience because they were house. His wife Is a nice per- must bo very hard because so husband has developed a ever reason, it is her .privi- once teenagers but I have son and we all get along fine. many people are failing, at it preference for eating at home lege Am I right or wrong? — never been a parent. But she is a terrible house these days (which is no lie) and while Vermont Put in my heart the respect "1fcn»ji mid to make matters you aren't crazy about the Dear Verm: When friends I pray for Mom and Dad, and consideration they de- worse, they have a couplp of idea there's nothing you can meet the one who recognizes God, that You will help them serve for their years of hard huge cats that have (he run of do but comply with his the other first should speak to be good parents — strong work and sacrifice. They the place. LABOR DAY TELETHON - Asbury Park city firefighter Ed Connor, left, request. first Warning: As we get old- in the ways you want them to raised me the best way they and Anthony Petillo, right, Asbury Pork special events director, who are A few weeks ago my sister- Dear Ann: Yesterday I an- er, the ol' eyes aren't what be, so I can look up to them knew how. Let me now repay coordinating the Jerry Lpwis Telethon Center, which will be at the Asbury in-law put a can of cat food swered the phone and there they used to be, so don't con- with admiration and feel con- them with grief or shame. Avenue Pavilion on the Boardwalk during the Labor Day weekend, visit on the kitchen cabinet — next was gasping and heavy sider yourself snubbed if you fident that their instruction is Rather help me to give them with Adama Levin, 7, of New York, ot the Muscular Dystrophy Camp In to the meal she had prepared breathing on the line. 1 aren't acknowledged. It could right. .obedience, respect, forgive- Oakhurst, with Oakland Raiders' star Phil Villapiano. The latter's team- for us. The big Tom jumped thought either someone was Ut iliat you weren't seen mate Art Thorns, Brick Township, and Bob Davis, former Jets' quarter- ness and love. Most of all, Help me. dear Lord, to un- up on the cabinet, walked having a heart attack or this Discover how to be date back, accompanied Vllllaplano, who has been cited for his support of the God, while 1 still have them derstand my parents Hemind over the dinner rolls and was one of those "funny bait without falling hook, line National Muscular Dystrophy Association. Musicians, entertainers and here on earth, help me to ap- me that when 1 don't get my swished his tall through the calls." and sinker Ann Landers's volunteers to accept phone pledges, are Invited to participate in the 20 preciate my parents meatballs and cabbage My way it is because they love After I h'ung up I wondered booklet, "Dating Do's and hours of fund-raising. husband and I both saw this me and not because they Dear Young And Wishing: if people who arc in trouble Don'te." will help you be know they can dial 0 for Op- more poised and sure of your- erator and get help immediat- self on dates Send 50 cents in ely. Even in the dark, a per- coin along wiih a long, son who can't find his glasses stamped, self-addressed enve- can dial 0 — the last digit on lope with your request to Ann the phone. Knowing this will Landers, P.O. Box 11995. Chi- Calorie-smart cooks buy turkey parts give folks a sense of security cago. Ill 60611 The Furniture Store By BARBARA GIBBONS pan over moderate heat until sauce simmers and thickens For Smart Shoppers Makes four servings, about 210 calories each. A furniture store lor the shopper who knows better Come Turkey is one of the trimmest, tastiest "meats" there is. WITH FROZEN VEGETABLES - Substitute one 10- Now that turkey-lnparts is widely sold in supermarkets, the SLIM GOURMET and see us we have hundreds ot fabulous buys, all ounce package of frozen sliced zucchini or green beans for the calorie-cautious cook can enlarge his or her repertoire of designer samples, lloor samples and discontinued items celery and bell pepper. About 220 calories per serving. slimming dishes by substituting turkey for more fattening three-quarters cup tomato juice meats. 1 teaspoon cornstarch or arrowroot Add spice to your diet! For a complete guide to spice ca- Dark meat turkey can be used in place of stew meat, for Brown turkey, skin side down, as directed in first recipe lorics, including sodium ctplent and other nutritional and example. A large frozen turkey thigh contains about a pound Turn over cubes, add soy, wine and garlic. Cover and simmer cooking information, send a self-addressed envelope and 35 of flavorful meat that can be used instead of beef chuck in till tender. Add vegetables. Cover and cook five minutes. Un- cents to SLIM GOURMET SPICE GUIDE, in care of this any slow-simmer dish — and at only 580 calories a pound in- cover. Stir tomato juice and cornstarch together and stir into newspaper, Sparta, N.J., 07871. stead of 1186, calories are cut in half! With a small, sharp, pointy knife, simply slit through the defrosted turkey thigh and cut the meat away from the single bone in the middle. Then cut the meat into one and one-half "I write ads for diet products and inch cubes. Add the bone to the pot for extra flavor, but dis- Cards, fashions card it before making the sauce have tried them all. Try these delicious recipes, so rich-lasting nobody would ever suspect they're slimming. For me, Slim-Fast worked best. HUM TI'ltKIY SUISSE at Democratic .. . tender tidbits of turkey in a rich-tasting wine and cheese sauce 1 pound raw turkey meat cut in one and one-half Inch cubes (from a defrosted turkey thigh} one-half cup white wine or champagne women's event celery salt and pepper SEA BRIGHT - Democrat- Kramer and Thomas J en's Democratic Club of Mon- I lost 8 pounds one-quarter teaspoon dried thyme mouth County small bay leaf ic candidates for State Sen- Lynch Jr Mayor Cecile F. Norton is one-half teaspoon onion powder ate, Assembly, Freeholder Local candidates to be hon- general chairman and will be one-quarter teaspoon nutmeg and Sheriff will be guests of ored are Teresa A. McGuire. LeRoy S. Gibson and R. Scott assisted by Mrs. Grace Min- 1 cup skim milk the Women's Democratic Club of Sea Bright at its An- Hood, all candidates for aldi, Mrs. John P Weir, Mrs 1 tablespoons flour nual Card Party and Fashion Borough Council. Also John Joseph W. Stout. Mrs Victor one-half cup shredded Swiss cheese A. Larson, Mrs. Francis in 10 days. Show here in Peninsula R. Fiorino, chairman of the 1 tablespoon minced parsley House, Ocean Ave., Thursday Monmouth County Democrat- Moore, Mrs. Travis Thomas, Cut turkey meat from thighbone, and cut meat in cubes, at 8 p.m. ic Executive Committee; Mrs. Leola Ragland, Mrs leaving skin on Mrs Kathy Shaeffer, vice John Carmody, Mrs. Marie Spray a nonstick skillet, electric frypan or heavy Dutch Invited guests will be state chairman of the Monmouth Brown, Mrs Gertrude Mari- oven with cooking spray for no-fat frying. Add the turkey Sen. Herbert J. Buehler, May- County Democratic Executive nan, Mrs Lillian Grassin, Now I'm back cubes, skin side down. Brown over high heat until skin is or Richard Rooney and for- Committee and Mrs. Peggy Mrs Charles Rooney and crisp, brown and well rendered of fat Pour off fat. Turn tur- mer Assemblywoman Ger- Stout, president of the Wom- Mrs. Ernest Timpy. key cubes skin side up. Add wine. Sprinkle with seasonings trude Berman. Democratic Cover tightly and simmer over low heat until tender, one hour candidates for the 10th As- or more. Uncover and raise heat. Cook until nearly all liquid sembly District; Mayor Ar- down to my evaporates. Remove bay leaf. thur Goldzweig, Assem- FENCING blyman Walter J. Kozloski NO. 1 STOCKADE Stir milk and flour together, then stir into pan over moder- TREATED POST.. and Councilman Peter E. Do- ate heat, until sauce is bubbling and thick. Sprinkle with e.4 10.95 WITH FoU*CI noghue. Democratic candi- PIECED PICKET cheese and parsley and serve immediately. Makes four dates for the 11th Assembly •>.»' .....14.95 STOCKADE servings, 240 calories each. District; state Sen. Eugene J. WITH ROUND 1 M AC best weight- 8>«e- 16.95 Bedell and Assemblymen POSTB'IS' IO.TJ TURKEY TIDBITS VERONIQUE Richard Van Wagner and Wil- ,MH*.PO.T.....i3.00 Follow preceding recipe, but omit Swiss cheese and pars- liam E. Flynn, Democratic ley. Wash and halve one-half cup seedless green grapes (rdbm candidates from the 12th As- MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER temperature, not chilled) and add to the skillet at the last sembly District; Sheriff Paul 777 SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY minute. The heat of the sauce will warm the grapes. Serves Copy Director UOlbs." Kiernan and Freeholders Ray four, about 200 calories each. 747-5220 "I had 8 extra pounds I didn't want And 3 inches on my TURKEYAKI WITH VEGETABLES waist I didn't need Slim-Fast is 100% natural with no 1 pound turkey meat, cut from defrosted turkey thigh drugs, no stimulants, no exercises, no starvation diets, no 3 tablespoons Japanese-style soy sauce hunger pangs, no nothing They say you can't improve on 5 tablespoons sherry wine nature so I thought I'd try the natural way to lose weight. small clove minced garlic (optional) And so has almost everyone else at this advertising agency. 4 small onions, peeled and quartered I've never seen a product catch on like Slim-Fast. Vincent 3 stalks celery, split, sliced diagonally Melilli, our layout man. lost 10 pounds in 12 days. Jerry 1 red or green bell pepper, seeded, cut in one-inch squares Lasher, our bookkeeper, lost 9 pounds in 7 days. Juanita Council, our maintenance lady, takes it and she's tried every- thing. Juanita lost 24 pounds in 30 days and loves it. I, myself, lost those 8 pounds and 3 inches in 10 days It's ATTENTION RESIDENTS fantastic. It seems that everyone around her is getting slimmer right belore my eyes. OF Whit is Slim-Fast? It's I protein powder enriched with ill USE essential vitamins and important minerals. When mixed THE HONEY with i 6-oz. glass ol skim milk, Slim-Fast becomes i NORTHERN MIDDLETOWN delicious milkshake that replaces an entire meal. And FOR ANY PURPOSE •MIUMCOM • CONSOLIDATE It does just that. A milkshake so filling and satisfying, you don't reach for anything else to eat because you don't want anything else to lit. YOURDEITS .'veowrw THE MONEY STORE INTEREST PAID LOAN PAVMfNI CERTIFICATE • TAX PAYMENTS OVT K ItTF And the taste. Unbelievably delicious. So much so. I usually sneak a little more. We call it &*• • IUMNESS INVESTMENTS THE CHAMPAGNE OF MILKSHAKES, It's so thick and rich, you'd think you were drink- PROVISIONS IIKI RESTRICTIONS We can save you all the Interest • A NEW HOME ing a thousand calories instead of 165. . A NEW CAR „ 11. Bool tonoroi fnt oryminl inly, »*tn 4. Soonof Ktioiuln Kill mm iMiiuwni on a home improvement loan!!! • HOME IMPROVEMENT onmud it clow*. tomtit n,d lo 1 /Mih ol r«> •«•• There's a booklet that comes in every can of Slim-Fast. It's tilled with lacts and complete directions. • MEDICAL EXPENSES 5 Nit ftool lor: Open to low and moderate income • COLLEGE TUITION {,) Today (and that's just 10 days later), I leel great all over. III had lo say just one thing (up to $16,500) owners in north- • NEWFURNITUREORTV (I) LOMI la b< nun about Slim-Fast, I'd talk about the actual weight-and-inches loss you see alter just OK ANY PURPOSE (cl Loon »»k» rotim m days. For me, as everybody else at the agency, Slim-Fast is the best It's the all natural YOU DESIRE •4 tmtt HoalMy otyiMirtl tl nitri. promotional kmtfib. ern Middletown Township. Limited way to shed unwanted pounds and inches. funds. Grants also available. Call LOW LOW PAYMENTS PARTICIPATING BRANCHES Mucminii You can believe every word of this "ad". Because 1121 RoMi 3t 1711 i&IRotitolTEMI 24443M it's all true. If you want to get rid ot excess LONG today and see if you qualify. MioVHotnro.NJ.l7MI TomRim.NJ.H7U weight, get Slim-Fast. It works." EXTENDED TERMS 7MRo.nU 21I-S1M tinRouUllWtit 4H1IN NO PREPAYMENT •riditom, N.J. N723 PENALTY Mr. Stephen J. Dunle »1i 221 Ckoim.1 Stion 241 MM ROMII. NJ. 17213 SUMF/^ST rot PAtT ACTION li Portio,NJ.NHI Community D«w»lopmtnt Agency Phon* Ml Won Unioo An. {R»tt 21) 2MMorraAvmM 4171 Get Slim- THE MONEY ITOREi SprMffltM, NJ. I7N1 With Slim-Fast 671-3100 Ext. 256 loooo Irook. NJi HMt UtHM rmrottyou o*4 2liRo.ti*l 213 3IM SHREWSBURY PHARMACY or CALL TOlf FREE " CRESTVIEW PHARMACY 9 to 8 Monday thru Friday SKondiiy MorHni loins FoifioM,NJ.170M Rl 35 t Crootvlow Drtvo Shrowibury Shops, $70 Brood St. 800-872-1001 © IT7 THE MONFV STOK* MkMlotown, NJ. Shrewsbury. N.J. wr rrxi t nrrnri-i T» H >•. \\.u\ m- 747-6833 741-4874 / 16 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. AUGUST 16. 1977 torrid Torrez snuffs out Sox NEW YORK (AP) - Mike only 25 hits and seven earned scoring success. Center fielder Innings that sent New York Torrez fired a six-hitler for his runs Riven made a shoestring catch over St. Louis. The llets fifth straight complete-game of Ralph Garr's liner, left field- reached John Denny, 7-5. for victory and Craig Nettles' two- runs in the er Roy White went to deep left three runs In the first and run single capped a four-run first two innings. Kravec to haul down Soderholms 400- drove the Cardinal starter from fourth inning as the New York needed a fine running catch by foot drive for the first oul in the mound with four more runs Yankees defeated the Chicago Richie Zisk from stopping the the third inning and and Garr in the fifth White Sox 6-2 Monday night. Yankees from scoring in the flied out for the final out of the third inning New York righthander Craig Torez. 1310, stretched his Mickey Rivers led off with a Swan. 8-7, checked the Cards scoreless string to 16 Innings Soderholm led off the sixth on five hits until surrendering before Kric Soderhom hit a single and. one out later. Net- tles walked. Kravec struck out with his booming home run. all the St. Louis runs in the homer, a shot over the 417-fool But the While Sox were Ihen eighth, when be received relief sign in straight-away center. Jackson and Zisk raced to the quickly put down by Torrez. help from Bob Apodaca. Oscar Gamble homered in the warning track to make a one- ninth, his 24th. for Chicago's handed stab at Lou Plnniella's MeU 7, Cardinals 4 "I just got real tired," said other run. long shot. John Milner drove in four Swan, who threw 130 pitches The Yanks got a mn in the The White Sox also, hit some runs with two doubles, trigger- during his stint. "I was ex- first on Roy White's infield hit. shots off Torrez but without ing rallies in the first and fifth hausted." a single by Nettles and a force- „„! h.- Jackson, a play on which he just beat the relay to avoid an inning-ending double play. Sykes triumphs New York made il. o in the DETROIT - Bob Sykes. former St. Rose High School second on Chris Chambliss' double, a fly ball and Bucky hurler, backed by a grand slam home run by Milt May. Dent's suicide squeeze bunt. breezed to victory as the Detroit Tigers crushed the With one out in the fourth, the , 13-1 last night. Yankees loaded the bases on Rookie Sykes went all the way to notch his second vic- singles by Cliff Johnson and tory in a row and third overall. He scattered eight hits. Dent and a walk to Fred Stan- May's grand slam, the second of his major league ca- ley. Johnson scored on Mickey reer, came in the five-run first inning off Dick Pole, (7-9). Rivers' forceoul grounder. Jason Thompson also had a sacrifice fly in the Inning. Dent scored on a two-base er- ror by shortstop Alan Bannister Pole also was the victim of a two-run homer in the and Nettles' two-run single third by Ben Ogilvie, who also singled, doubled, walked sealed the White Sox' l'.'ih loss and scored three runs. in 16 games. The Tigers scored four more runs in the fifth off Mike In hurling the Yankees to Kekich, two coming on a home run by Ron LeFlore. their seventh victor)' in eight The Seattle run scored in the sixth on a groundout by A «lr«tM games, Torrez strurk oul five Dan Meyer after Jose Baez had doubled and took third CHRIS CROSS - New York Yonkee Chris Chamb- second Inning as Chicago White Sox catcher James and walked none. Over the last Bob Sykes when Ogilvie bobbled the ball in right field. llss scampers across home plate to score In the Esslan directs traffic. 45 innings, Torrez has allowed Red Sox corral Kansas City, 2-1 BOSTON (AP) - Reggie ninth. "We're just mentally ex- Clegeland pitched a masterful The Red Sox helped Cleve- hausted after five years of five-hitter, although he needed land with double plays after the tough play," Cincinnati's All final-out help from Bill Camp- hits by White and Mayberry. Star catcher says. "It isn't the bell, and George Scott belted Cleveland, 8-6, struck out five pressure of going after a third tis 29th home run of the season and walked just one in out- straight world championship. as the edged dueling Kansas City's Jim Col- Those entire five years just the Kansas City Royals 2-1 bom, 12-12. took their toll—and it's all com- Monday night for their 15th vic- ing out this year." Scott gave Cleveland all the tory In their last 16 games. With the Reds' 30 victory support necessary by leading Kansas City scored in the over the San Diego Padres off the fourth with his homer 1 ninth inning when Lahoud and Monday night, they managed to into the center field bleachers. McRae both singled, knocking eave themselves from falling Boston had seven hits off Col- Cleveland out of the game. back to the 500 mark—a mod- born, including two by Jim Campbell came out of the bull- est figure not in keeping with Rice, who collected his 20th pen and walked Amos Otis to their recent glory years. load the bases and then walked double of the season and a Al Cowens, forcing home La- single. The Reds won as many as 108 houd with the Royals' lone run. The Red Sox added an games in one season during Cleveland, a last-minute unearned run in the eighth on their high-riding, five-year starter after LuisTiant arrived Dwight Evans' two-out single to stretch from 1972 through 1971 at the ballpark with a stiff center after an error. They captured three National neck, allowed only singles by League pennants and two _Redsl, Padres I World Series in that period. Tom Poquette in the first, Johnny Bench has a long psy- Frank White in the third. John chological explanation for the Thehigh'poweredcompetition Mayberry in the eighth and Joe fall of the this not only seems to have "burned Lahoud and Hal McRae in the year. out" the Reds, Bench says, but the high salaries attached to the success have caused wide- FLIPS A CARD — New York Mets Steve Henderson slides sa- al catcher Ted Simmons. Umpire Harry Wendelstedt leans In spread apathy as well. fely Into home as the ball bounces away from St. Louis Cardin- for the call. Rutgers facing "Money has something to do with it," says Bench. "You can only be motivated so long You've seen us play this year enviable problem You see our lapses. We're mak- ing bad plays that are simply Alexander wins in Canada HIGHTSTOWN (AP) - Rutgers football coach Franks TORONTO (AP) - Eighth- tauer. The Canadian double- Bums has a "tough" decision to make in the next two weeks. not like the real Cincinnati pected a slightly tougher Scanlon, the 20-year-old Tex- Chase, Md. 6-4,64. Reds. seeded John Alexander of Aus- faulted or missed first serves match. Should he go with Jeff Rebholz, a quarterback who won an who was the 1976 U.S. col- In women's action, Kathy tralia overpowered 21-year-old at crucial points. He rushed "He plays much better than lege champion, said it was one Kuykendal of Miami took three seven straight games in 1975, averaging 20 yards a toss and Glaits f, Dodgers 3 Bob Bettauer of Vancouver 6-1, when he should have stayed he did today," he said. "I saw of the more difficult matches sets to beat 1975 Canadian Open leading an offense that scored almost 40 points a game. Or Ed Halicki and Gary Lavelle 6-0 Monday in opening round cool. He tried for tricky win- him practice/But still the first he has played this year, a sea- champion Marcie Louie of San should he go with Bert Kosup, who led his team to a 11-0 combined on a five-hitter and action at the (160.000 Canadian record last season and a No. 17 national ranking. Terry Whitfield and Derrel ners when he should have set was closer than it looked. son which includes victories KranQlsco 6-3, 5-7, 6-0, and Open tennis championships played it safe. * He just didn't win any of the over Romania's Hie Naslase Most coaches would give their right arm to be faced with Thomas blasted home runs to eighth-seeded South African lead San Francisco over Los In other matches, seventh- Alexander said he had ex- big points." and clay court specialist Harold Yvonne Vermaak edged Pam such a choice. seeded Phil Dent of Australia Angeles. Solomon Teeguarden of Los Angeles 7-6, "I have confidence in them both. They're in a neck and beat Doug Palm of Sweden 6-2, "I determined the match all 6-3. neck battle," Bums said Monday at the Scarlet Knight's sum- Halicki. 10-9, posted his fifth 6-4 and the No. 16 seed. Bill mer training camp here at the Peddie School. straight victory over the Dodg- Scanlon of Dallas, defeated the way by my shots so I was The No. 1 men's seed in the Burn's decision will have to be made by Sept. 2, when ers in Los Angeles. Two of the Frances Patrick Proisy 2-fi, 6-4, forced to play good shots to tournament, which concludes Rutgers takes its 18-game winning streak into Giants Stadium hits off him were home runs, a 6-3 win,' Scanlon said. "When I next Monday, is Mexico's Raul against Penn State. two-run Mow by Bill Russell in lost a point it was because I Ramirez/He will face tough op- Senior Rebholz would like nothing better than lo finish the the third inning and a pinch-hit "I was overwhelmed, I missed. He wasn't making any position from former champion job he began two years ago. That's when the then-sophomore homer by Lee Lacy with no one guess." said the unseeded Bet- unforced errsei/' Manuel Orantes of Spain, rank- aboard in the fifth signal-caller started the Knights on their winning streak, cur- tauer. "I've never played any- Dent had no dimCvHy beating ed No. 2, for the $20,000 first rently the longest in the nation. Whitfield's homer, a two-run one that good before. I tried to Palm, who had to (juallfy to prize. Although listed as a third stringer that season, the Mil- shot in the second, helped give play the ball, not the ma.n but make the starting field. Heading the list of women lington, N.J. native was called on by Burns in the fifth game the Giants a 4-0 lead against I'm very conscious of the fact competing for (6,000 are Rosie of the season, to replace Matt Allison. The Knights had posted loser Rick Rhoden, 13-8. Thom- that Canada doesn't have many In another match, Jeff Boro- Casals of the Sausalilo, Calif., a disappoing 2-2 record under Allison. as hit his homer with two out in top players.' So I wanted to gu wiak of Tiburon, Calif, over- and defending champion Mima the fourth and an error by first oul and do well " powered Fred McNair of Chevy Jausovec of Yugoslavia. baseman Boog Powell produced Nerves, as much as Alexan- the second run of the inning, der's tough service, hurt Bet- How They Stand giving San Francisco a 6-2 lead. r Astros Ii, Braves 3 Dodgers' John Vilas again NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Houston scored six runs in Cool •M the first inning on a two-run Player of Week W L Pet. OS W L Pet. DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) - Argentina's Guillermo Vllas won •oUon homer by Rob Sperring and a PMIOdtlpNo 71 41 417 - .Ill - NEW YORK (AP)-Los An- Ms fifth consecutive tournament Monday night, defeating Pllttturgn • I Jl M Bommort 17 • m jvi grand slam by Art Howe and Chlcogo u il S57 7 NcwTork 44 SO S» «'•> geles Tommy John, Brian Gottfried 6-2, 6-1 In the finals of the $125,000 tennis tour- u il m nt Drtroll M ll in li went on to rout Atlanta behind !l K IP II fl U .457 ITVi the Comeback Player of the nament at Muirfield Village. m at 414 CT* II It IX Jl the combined five-hit pitching 41 II lil TT/j Year last season, was named Vilas was awesome on the clay courts, breaking Gottf- Witt of righthanders J. R Richard the National League Player ried's service in the first game and never losing control of the 41 » and Dan Larson. 71 47 Oitoiao la > of the Week, league president match. He achieved the win in only one hour, II minutes. 4C S II Tt«n «> a Bob Watson and Joe Fergu- Chub Feeney announced Mon- la 4] 15V, KonaiClty u a Gottfried, who has lost to Vilas four times this year, tried lanPrancHco a 41 OtHorMo 57 a son each doubled home a run in day toiOMgo SI 4» Watil« m n a three-run second inning and to employ a serve-and-volley game from the start. But Vllis' 41 75. OaHono a 7i 01 John, the Dodgers' ace left- 10 Richard had a solo homer in a strong passing shots quickly undermined Gottfried's strategy. n 1. Kama Clly I two-run third, staking the As- hander, had a pair of com- 0 II. Baftlmortt plete game shutouts last After Gottfried had broken VUas' service in the fourth nlS.Anonoi] Co«tamla7. ToronHI tros to a commanding 11-0 lead. game of the first set, his only break of the match, his serve CMctnnon ). Son DHoo I ClovalaMl. Oat MM I week, tossing a two-hitter at MWMILnWMILnttl Mm Tor* I. CNCOOO J They added four more runs in became ineffective. That, combined with his inability to score Ian From Ho I. Lai DvtraH 13. Scorn* I Cincinnati and a six-hitter OH I. LaiVotfcn 1 MHwovkoo 4. TOU4 5 the sixth, the key hit being a at the net. sealed his fate. ToaMPT't Cofim two-run triple by Terry Puhl against Atlanta. Kawn City (HoMlt* l-i) at iotton Vilas, who has won his last 35 matches on clay, broke (AoMl-ll. In) Richard. 12-9, left the game John has a 14-4 record with Gottfried's serve in the fifth and seventh games of the first •HtMlatCMcaoo loon WmnriOOi IHaMarn 4-ll m aortimwi after the fifth when his arm a league-leading 2.58 earned (Patrnor H-ttl. (n) set and severed out in the eighth game for a first set fin la (Kaat Ml at IMrM CaWtrMg (Martini Ml at Toronto stiffened slightly. run average. IIMMI. Inl just 43 minutes. ' ioH—HQlmlHiKjlCli IIOJI4IEC« "That was certainly an ugly Other candidates for the The second set went even faster — just 28 minutes. OnMr 1141, Ml game, wasn't it?" said Atlanta honor were pitcher Butch Dtoao IOaiJ»ntl »-7l at OneHnoH CMO4f» llorrloi 11.41 at No» Vort Gottfried tried to go back to his serve-and-volley game, ._ .arn-D. M ICaMrrMl.ini Manager Dave Bristol, appar- Metzger of St. Louis, and out- THE VICTOR - Carrado Barazzutl of Italy flexes •too) Tat rZaAry Ull at V IMH SootMa lAotwit 74) 01 OatroH (MorrH but VUas broke through in the first game of the set as Gottf- • 7n.ini 141. Inl ently echoing a widespread fielders Dave Winfield of San as he returns a shot to Brian Teacher of the U.S. aMIatlM T«ao> lAKKMr' 17 7) < Diego and Dave Parker of ried, of Lauterhill, Fla.. commited two unforced errors at the Itorinoin Ml. (nl opinion in the Braves' club- during first-round play at the Canadian Open Ten- house Pittsburgh. nis Tournament In Toronto. Barazzutl won 6-1, 7-5. net Vllas also broke service In the third "game; and Gottfried never recovered. » SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. AUGUST 16, 1977 The Daily Reftfsler 17 Brumfield, Thomas double at Monmouth

ByJOEHINTELMANN Rutherford commences on September (, the day after the Trainer Richard Murphy is having trouble with a sistant trainer Joe Devereax handles them there." said Monmouth Park meeting ends, and will continue through couple of his best horses. Hannah Friedman's hard-hitting Tammaro "He's only 23 but very impressive in his han- OCEANPORT — Don RnimJIpW »n^ n~..a vu .». . sScccmber.31 The stable area will open for horses on next Lord Arlen twisted an ankle after pulling up following a dling of horses I met him three years ago and he (rained a posted •tobles'yesWrdly before 13,070 at Monmoulh Park Monday although general manager Robert Quigley does not workout last week and will be laid up for a week or two. dozen horses for me in Florida late this past winter." who wagered 11,588,938 on the nine-race card. expect anyone to ship In that early The six-year-old worked four furlongs in 471 before in- Apprentice jockey Danny Nied returned to the saddle Brumfleld took the featured eighth race with a smart juring himself. last Monday after serving a seven-day-suspension imposed The racing strip was concerted from a trotting surface ride aboard Taylor's Falls, trained by Melvin "Sunshine" by the Atlantic City stewards It was his second suspension to a thoroughbred track in six working days and horses Calvert. Taylor's Falls led all the way In the six-furlong Murphy hasn't been able to gel Fedul Law. Jacob M this summer, but each time he has done well upon his re- should start training on August 22. Lighting for the turf event, covering the distance in 1:09.2 and paying M 20 Rosengard's two-year-old colt to the races yet. The horse turn. » 00 and $2 40 course will be finished by Friday. Post time for the meet- has come down with a fever and a cough "He's very big Ing will be 8:00 p.m., six nights a week. and a game runner," said Murphy "I had thought of start- Jockey Wayne Jamtgaard will hang up his tack and be- Hickory Cap, ridden by Bill Nemeti, finished second ing him in the Sapling." come a trainer. He, will pick up six horses soon and work four lengths back. He returned 13.60 and 13.20. Dixie Chief, Monmouth Park horses swept last Saturday night's the New Jersey circuit He has ridden since 1970 but has handled by Thomas, was third in the seven horse field and Vcntnor Handicap at Atlantic City. Out Door Johnny won Trainer John Mazza noted that Holly Crest Farm's suffered numerous injuries In 1972 he suffered a broken paid $3.20. the race, scoring the first stakes victory of his career. He two-year-old Pure Silk will return to training in ten days back and was told he would never ride again, but he came Brumfield also won the fifth race for leading trainer J. returned 125.20 for trainer Osvaldo Canet and rider Jorge and is being pointed to the New Jersey Futurity at Mead- back successfully at Delaware Park WUlard Thompson with Family Conference (5.40). Thomas Tejeira. lowlands on October 10. Pure Silk injured himself in his last race. The 28-yeafold native of Vancouver, Washington, continued his long-shot streak by piloting Smart Punter Wilderness Bay, under Mike Micell. finished second gained national attention when he was one of the first (41 M) to victory in the opener and Great Crown (15.00) in and Caviar Kid, handled by apprentice Steve Klldzia, was Trainer John Tammaro III, and owner Sidney Baer people in the nation to undergo open heart surgery He was the fifth race. ihirri Out Door Johnny and Caviar Kid will be pointed for have opened up a second division of horses at Delaware sewrycof:. of age then and underwent,a similar operation HOOF" PRINTS - Racine at the Meadowlands In EasT the Choice Stakes at Monmouth on AugUsI 27. Park and already have half a dozen winners there. "My as- at age 12. Ulozas, Buczek cop GSAC titles JAMESBURG - Tom Ulozas of the ond on the west course behind Buczek with a Bamm Hollow Country Club got off to a good 34-35-69. Tony Bruno of the Battleground start and held on to win the east course Country Club was third with a 33-37-70. crown in the fifth annual Garden State Arts The third place spot on the east course Center Pro-Celebrity Golf Tournament. John team standings went to Don Valerlo of Spring Buczek of the Plainfield Country Club was Brook and teammates Jerry Leon, John the west course winner. Cranston and Gene Hermansky. Ulozas, carding a 32-37-69, won the tour- On the west course team race Pat nament for the third year while Buczek cap- Schwab of the Playboy Club combined with tured his second straight title. Buczek shot a Joe McMahon, Hank Macharelli and Frank 31-37 31-36-87. Hurley to card a 29-27-56 for a second place Mike Burke of the Deal Country Club spot. Third place went to Ben Karalis of Es- teamed with Vic Shaheen, Ed Simmons and sex Fells and George Grimm, Don Rickard Bob Bonney to take the east course team title and Jack Flanagan with a 29-28-57. with a 28-28-56. The quartet won it on a match Other locals who participated in the tour- of cards over Vito Gaeta of Clear Brook and nament were Gordon Leslie of the Navesink Mayo Sisler, Jim Naneralla and Phil Ientile. Country Club, who shot a 39-33-72 on the west The west course team winners were Jack course, Irv Van Brunt who carded a 38-34-72 Klefer of Canor Canoe Brook and Dr. Peter and Jim Jewell of Spring Lake, who tired a Kapslmalis, Dr. Leo Kelley and Ed Joffe. 37-36-73 They won with a 26-28-54. Gordtfl Staff Artt Ctltttr The day got off to a good start for Ulozas Prt-Ctltorltr Tiurnamtnl Eat Cttfrtf as he birdied the two, three and four holes for Tom Ulotai. Bomm Hollow 3137 6° a four under par on the front nine. Vlto Goelo, Clear Brook 35 3S 70 Peter Oochlsen. Mount Toybor 34-3771 He also birdied the 12 and 13th holes, but Dick Pierce, Echot Lake 35 36 71 picked up bogeys on the 10th, 14th. 15th and Hun Hel*lg. EliekG Fells 36-35-71 Jotwi BiKtek. Plalnfleld 31-36-67 18th holes. Ed Fomulo, Morris Counly 34 35 69 Tony Bruno. Balllearound 33 37 70 Buczek knocked in seven birdies in his Bill Ryan, Modllon 34 37-71 Irv Van Brunl, Hollywood 3134-7} triumph on the west course. Gordon Leslie, Noveslnk 39 33 7? Jim Jewell, Spring Lake 37-36-7] Gaeta was able to finish second behind Team Teurnomenl WINS AGAIN — Tom Ulozas, Bamm Hollow Coun- Ulozas on the east course with a 35-35-70. Pe- Burke, Shoheen. Slmmoni. Bonney 3I-2I-S4 YANKEES APPEAR — New York Yankee manager Billy Martin, left, and try Club pro, won the fifth annual Garden State ter Dachisen of Mount Taybor, Dick Pierce of Goelo. Sliler. Nonertllo. lenllle 2J !• W Arts Center Pro-Celebrity'Golf Tournament at the 1/oltrlo, Leon, Cromlon. Hcrmonlky 30-37 57 Yankee broadcaster Phil Rlzzuto, right, chat with Frank Rodgers of the Echo Lake and Russ Hewllg of Essex Fells WMtCMTM Forsgate Country Club In Jamesburg for the third tied for third with 71 's Kleler. Kopilmolli, Krllrv JoHe 36-21 54 N.J. Highway Authority before teeing off at yesterday's Garden State Arts Schwab, McMohon. Mocnorelll. Hurley 2»-!7 54 Center Pro-Celebrity Tournament at Forsgate Country Club In Jamesburg. time in five years yesterday. Ed Famula of Morris County placed sec- Korolli. Grimm. Rlchord. Flanagan 39-28 57 O'Brien voids pact County rA' Horse Show of Jazz's Robinson set for 82nd performance NEW YORK (AP) - Com- approved that pact, a league on compensation, and as a re-. FREEHOLD - The Mon- Thursday, the Juniors and as the junior jumper, equita- for over (6.000 IW missioner Larry O'Brien of the spokeman said, "As far as suit it would have been up to mouth County Horse Show ponies schedule will include tion and pony hunter classes. A new feature this year, National BasketballAssoclation we're concerned he's still a O'Brien todecide what the Jazz Association, established in the Medal Maclay. American Friday, trie exciting open, will be the addition of the Monday disapproved the con- free agent." would have to give the Hawks 1894, will hold its 82nd annual Horse Show Association Hunt- amateur-owner and prelimi- New Jersey Bred Hunter As- tract signed earlier this month Kobinson was the first major in return for signing Robinson "A" rated show from er Seat Medal, the New Jer- nary jumper classes will be sociation's in hand and per- by forward Len Robinson with player to switch teams this Robinson, 25, is a bruising 6- Thursday through Saturday, sey Professional Horseman held Maiden throUKh regular formance classes This is the the New Orleans Jazz. summer after playing nut his foul V power forward who aver- at the East Freehold show Association gold medal and hunter classes will see some first time in many years that the United States Equestrian of the finest horses and riders "The player's contract failed option New Orleans and At- aged 19 points and 10.8 grounds, East Freehold Road. the Monmouth show has held Team medal classes, is Bill in the country in competition conformation classes, and to comply with an NBA rule re- lanta had been unable to agree rebounds per game last season Lei Robinson Freehold. yearlings through three years quiring that a contract contain- old will be shown 'in hand ing a no-trade clause also in- clude express language to the Saturday will be devoted to effect that the contract remains' Local Exhibitor competition. Larson, Paul Michaels chalk up victories Limited to horses, ponies and subject to the right of the Com- missioner to assign it as part od riders normally stabled in NEPTUNE - Tony Vaz In another quarter-final apiece with a 113-97 triumph. Larson, hitting on 15 of 23 lead. Allenhurst. after con- drove in for a lay up and a tie Monmouth. Ocean and Mid- any compensation award," took a pass from Ron Km match Paul Michaels evened It marked the first time in shots from the floor, pulled necting on only eight of 22 score. Following a time out. dlesex Counties O'Brien said in a statement ex- negay and put the ball in the its three game series with the last five attempts that out to a 33-20 first quarter shots in the first period., Kornegay hit Vaz on a perfect plaining his reasons for dis- Paul Michaels has been able stormed back to tie the score However, local horses or basket with a second showing Royal Manor at one victory \i Rcyot Mono* (f7) pass tor the score approving the contract. to defeat the Manor. • FT.' OFT at the half, 49-49 ponies are ineligible if en- to give Larson Ford a 94-92 7 0 14 Moroon ewtyn'i (77 Ocean 173} II J 39 Poterno 0 " tered in the "A" or "B" or Robinson, who played out his victory over the Allenhurst Evelyn's advanced to the fi- The Barbers remained hut Drncoll B Holland WttWtr nals of the High School Fed- D tangent in the third period and took Jones jumper class section of the option last season which he Barbers in Jersey Shore Sum- McAlttr LoCourte Hughe* McCloud Sweeney 1 Ttfry eration Basketball League by Scon the lead only to, find them- Atfclmon - 9 Griiold show These rules are meant split between Washington and mer Basketball League play- Fleming Cormichocl Moron Zukowtki Dooley I to prevent any unfair advan- Atlanta, signed a multi-year off action yesterday. The tjjc- Jam** 0 3 2 Hotter D I beating Ocean, 77-73. Evelyn's Mi selves down by one at the Read I Boyle Korncoay I 2 4 Morlev 3 j Greer Havlilh L "t\i >inij 1 Ertn- tage to advanced riders, contract the New Orleans Jazz tory moved Larson into the Matey I 2 4 Kunlt 2 4 will play the winner of the start of the fourth quartur Voi 4 WilllorM 1 horses or ponies who might worth a reported |1.6 million semi-finals against Casey Shadowbrook-Frank's Men With a minute remaining li Ti Tl Totals ToloU otherwise compete in the lo- earlier this summer. Jones at 7:30 p.m. on tomor- Totoli 31 II 94 Totoli 3S 72 92 Shop game scheduled tonight Larson held a slim 92-90 lead, LmonFord 33 16 2! M -94 Paul Mlcnoen 32 2B 22 31 cal section Now that O'Brien has dis- row. AHtntiunt 20 29 34 19 —92 at the Headliner. Koyol Manor 15 72 29 3 but the Barbers Kevin t'lews Juvenile netters: Competition's the key

TRAINING YOUNG ATHLETES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIII have not concerned myself with weight training. Use of Spenco insoles which cuts down shear is some- Q. 1 would be very Interested In your thoughts about the Nevertheless, I know of no reason these exercises should times helpful. They also can be obtained in a surgical supply tralaltg of young tennis players. What age to start. Type of be harmful. They are not that demanding and can be done in store racket. Etc., etc. association with a rigorous training program In fact moun- Anklets with double soles and a cull to prevent slippage (J.K., Banska Bystrica, Ciech.) tain climbers usually train that way. have always helped me A. My primary Interest has been running, not tennis. This GEORGE The muscle exercises that are absolutely necessary fur a Some people vaseline their feet, but I prefer the Zonas experience leads me to suspect the problem with juvenile ath- 15 mile daily runner are stretching for your calf, hamstring tape or moleskin on areas where the blisters occur letes is not physical but psychological. and hip flexor. The major imbalance in training is due to DIARRHEA AS A STRESS DISEASE From an endurance point of view tennis is hardly a real overdevelopment and inflexibility. Additional strengthening (| When Irving to Increase my running mileage above 25 challenge to a six-year-old. I doubt too there is any danger of SHEEttAN exercises may be necessary for your shins and abdominal miles a week, I suffer diarrhea problems What can I do? epiphyslcal problems. Tennis coaches say younger players muscles. (D.S., Evergreen, Colo.) are unlikely to go to the power game. the bottom line for any summer program is "Train don't A. The diarrhea of overdress is all too common Unfor- strain." tunately we are still not sure of the mechanism Which What does become a problem Is the set of mind that keeps Ill IIIIMIIIIIIIIII up the intense Interest. It would seem to me psychological BLISTERS, BEFORE AND AFTER means, of course . that we don't know how to treat it testing to pick out'children who are aggressive and com- Juries as to their thoughts on younger players Q. What Is the best way to prevent blisters. And the best I have some problems in this direction also and have prof- petitive would be worthwhile. WEIGIITLIFTING FOR RUNNERS way to rare them. iled by certain practices;, Children who run well tend to be ectomorphlc and are not Q. I am a high school runner who runs 15 miles a day. I (W.W., New Vork City) 1) Running with an empty bowel and empty stomach (ex- • naturally competitive. They tend to drop out after 4-5 years. also plan to begin a welgkt program. Will this put loo much a A. Cure' is easy. First, release the fluid by pricking the cept for rapidly absorbed fluids ) Picking mesomorphic children and maintaining a competitive strata oa my body? Will It help my running? blister with a sterilized (flamed) needle. Next, paint the area 2) Avoiding corn, nuts, raw fruits, gassy foods like baked atmosphere with ladders, tournaments, may be the key to a (J.P., Wheeling. III.. with tincture of benzoin. Finally cover the blister with Zonas beans. successful tennis program. Ectomorphlc players tend to be tape which is made by Johnson & Johnson and can be obtained 3) Switching from milk and ice cream to yogurt. endurance, low key players whose competition should be A. I have never been impressed with the value of weigh- at a surgical supply house 4 Using some belladonna-like preparation prior to a run more relaxed. Uiftlng for distance runners. Correct form dictates that the Prevention Is more difficult. I usually tape the susceptible and occasionally the night before. Medically there are few problems that will not respond to body from the hips up is used for balance. There seems to be areas before play. Do not use bandaids They slip. Do not use 5) Using tea instead of coffee. proper farmTafiaTryiig to do what you are capable of and nono need for strength. regular tape. It Is too still Some runners are sensitive to gluten and have to follow a re. Shoes should be the proper size Shearing action in too gluten-free diet. This is difficult, but worth it if it clears up I suggest you write to Dr. Robert Nirschl and Dr. John I recall that Tom O'Hara then the world record holder for large shoes causes blistering of the sole. Too small on sides or the problem. Usually diarrhea due to gluten originates in the ill who have had enormous experience With tennis in- the Indoor mile said he could do three pushups. Since then I toe box causes blisters on upper part of foot. small bowel and is not accompanied by cramps. 18 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY. AUGUST 16, 1977 Major League boxscores

UlNNtlOT* ««ITIMO«E CHICAG' •V fT I OUI' I OS ANGELFl i r » »i | akr kkl Mr h W ob r h bl ob r fi bt ntrhhl Oft r h bl < 1 0 0 Bunbycf 4*1 3 0 Gorrll 4 0 10 River tcf 4 0 11 Rote 3b 3 3 3 0 Brock H 3000 43 11 LopMJb 4 111 &SS. 1111 BSmllkii 110 0 PonlMrii 4 0 0 0 ftttfhlltlt 13 10 HOfitntl 4 110 BoMftlll 10 10 5 1 3 3 RvtMlfit 1 1 I > 1 > Slngthfi oil Orio» 4 0 10 NeWiOb 3 0 2 3 fiolsclrrt 3 110 Scottrt 4 100 Modlck3b 5 0 3 0 Smlthrf 4000 3 7 11 LMoylb 4 M I Zltkri 4 0 0 0 RUhinrt •100 1 HendinK 5 I I 3 KHrndiib 4 110 McCvylb IOOO CtfJb 4000 Hutkkib • 111 Murray* 1 I 1 1 4 I 3 1 Pinltilodh 4 0 0 0 Mllntrlb 117 4 Slmontc 3030 Tflt 4 110 Powelllb 30)0 Ctrtwlb I • 1 I Mwoli It]] 4 0 10 Chmolilb 3 110 Hodaei*. 4 0 0 0 Roderc 3 111 4 113 Mondaycf 3 0 0 0 Ttrrttl* 4 0 10 DtCnciJb 4 0 0 0 Sptb 3 0 0 0 CJhnmc 4 110 Moilllkf 4 0 3 0 Mumryct 4 0 10 4 0 10 Oorveyoh 0000 SdhrlmJb 3 111 Ovnlti 10 0 0 KGrcloil 1 0 0 0 3 111 Flynnjfc ,5011 Rim Jb 3 100 4 9 10 Bohcrlf 30 10 Cntam 3 0 0 0 FStnlyJb 1100 Swonp 4 0 0 0 KUAQTU 4 0 11 Hallcklp 3 10 0 OottM 3 0 0 ft 4 11) Ooucrlc 11 J * I Totol TO * r i Apodcap 0 0 0 0 Tyionft) 3000 LovftltP 0 0 0 0 Ytftjirpti 1010 5 0 Eottwkp 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 .^I'f * -" cnicat* lot «o t oi i- 3 HCruipfi 10 0 0 SOUP 0000 » II II Tttal New York I I 0 4 IS 111- 4 CCorollp 0 0 0 0 Locyph 11 1 I E-Bannlit*r. Nettle*. DP-New York Frtedph 10)3 0 0 0 0 1 31 111 «1 1-11 1 LOB-Chlcogo 4. New York S. 7B- yp OOO'O Motaph 1000 303 103 tti- f Hra yp Ltmon.Chambllu.Corr HR—Soderholm 10 0 0 Gormnp 0 ft 0 ft Mtl, Gamble (341 S-Dent, RWhlre PMVHM ANSAI CITV BOSTON 0000 Tetni > id Total T) 1 I 1 tP N R ER •• SO Sctwltip oh r h bi 3 0 0 0 Mr MM Krovtca.75, | 7*137 Poqtfftlf 4 0 10 BuriMMiM 3 0 10 1 1 Ttlol 11 n*03116in- t McRoWr. TorreitW.mO) t 4 2 10$ lo*»n^H« 013 010 001- 1 4 0 10 Lynncf 4 0 0 0 T—3 U. A-J3.WI Otiscf 3 0 0 0 Rkedh 4030 3E- Monday- Powell DP Lm Angelet SI Louil 0IHKI41- 4 I LOB-Son FronclKo 7, Lot Anoelti 5 owemrf 3 0 0 1 Votlrkllf 1110 OAKLAND CLEVELAND 0 0 0 0 Flrtc 10 0 0 LOB-New York 10, SI. Louli 10. 3B- 1B-Thomo*w>n. Mod lock HR- Whiff it Id Zpr ob r h bt obr h bi Movbrylb 3 0 10 CScofltb 3 111 Mllner?, KHmondei S-Hofrelion U). Rimed 14). Thomot (41. Locy IS) Mbl RScottJb 3 0 0 0 KulperJto 1110 CBrrttph 10 0 0 HotMonlb p IP M R ER BB SO SB-Loptt 4 0)0 3 0 3 1 BB*ll3b 4 0 0 0 Htlwu 0 0 0 0 Evansrf 40 11 SwonlW.I'l 7 3-3 7 4 4 3 4 IP H R ER BB SO 0 10 10 BocMtlf 4 0 11 3 0 0 0 RMIIrrf 0 0 0 0 Apodoco 113 3 0 0 0 3 HallifcHW.ID?) Ill I 1 3 3 * Tyroncrf 3 0 10 Thortnlo 3 10 0 3 0 0 0 DovU3b 4 0 10 DennylL./S, 4 1-3 4 7 ) J 1 ' avtlle 13 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 Songllnc 3 0 0 0 Mttlondh 3 3 0 0 Scnulii . 13 3 0 0 11 RhodenfL.UI) 3 it t • 3 0 J Newmnc 10 0 0 Prulttrt 4 3 3 1 1 o o a Eaitwlck 1 3 0 0 0 1 Sow 11-3 10 0 OI 4 0 10 Dooti i 3 13 1 CC»rr«ll 1 3 0 0 0 1 Hough 3 0 0 0 11 IOOQ y J 0 0 0 KMOallc 3 0 1! Hrabosky I 0 0 0 0 1 Gorman 3 0 0 0 10 30 10 3 0 0 1 Lohoudph Malloryct 4 110 Outtyti Sove—ApodacaHI.WP-Dfftny HBP- 1110 Plccolou 4 10 0 Sow— Lavell*{l7). T-1L3J. A-37.S37. MM) By Swon IReilil T-3 St. A-II.Ill It ' I 1 TeW Tolat Mill Toiol 37 1 7 4 SAN DIEGO CINCINNATI h bl nCily g«ti«o out 101 ODD 110-1 HOUSTON ATLANTA GRnrdilf 4 0 3 0 Ro»eJb 4010 HOIOItli- 1 Clfvtlonft d 11040000V- T Ot) r •« bi ob ' h hi Almonit 3 0 0 0 Morgprilb 3 0 10 E-Colborn,M*lie OP-KonwiClty I, E- Plfdolo. Umborgvc, PrwIH. DP 3 4 11 OffU it I S |J 0 Turnerph 10 0 0 Grltfeyrf 4 0 0 0 BMton 1 LOB-Kanm Clly 4. Boston 10 Ooklood 7. Otvttond 3. LOB-Oahlaod 7. SperlngJto * 1 4 7 Bonrwll3b 11)1 ivlcib 4 0 10 GFoitrll 4 13 0 38-Rlcr HR-GScoftfWIS-Flik. Cltvtland 7. 16-BocMt. ProlM. Tabb Cedenocl I I 0 1 Monlnilb 4 0 0 0 WlnlkJrf 4 0 0 0 BtflChc 4 331 \P H R E» BB SO JB-Maltory. SF-Dodt. Ktndall, Gordnrrl 10 0 0 Pocrtklb 10 0 1 HtfKlrkcf 3 0 0 0 Cncpcnii 300 1 Cottwnlt.17-111 7 3-3 B 7 1 S 3 IP H R ft II SO Wationib 3 111 Brrghir I 3 0 0 0 TtfKKtC 3 0 10 Oriwnlb 3 0 10 Mlnoofl 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 UmborQCf 3 4 4 S 1 1 Fuller lb • DO Atittncrt looo ChmpnTb 3 0 0 0 Grnlmoct 3000 APirip CKveldlW.iftl 11-3 S 1 1 I 1 Ounntng S 3 1111 JCruirf 4 13 0 Wtthwslf $ 1 I 0 Aih(rO3b J 0 0 0 Bllghmp 3 0 0 0 Comptwll 14-• 0 0 7 0 Wo4ts(W,7 5 1-3 3 1 1 I t 10 0 0 Notonc 10 0 0 RJonetp 10 0 0 Kniohtph 1000 READY TO SAIL — Pelle Petterson, dark shirt, boat's new mast. The mast, replacing the one she Sovt-Campbell (301 T-34J A- 173 l 1 0 0 0 Frrginc 4 111 OllbrtMb 3 0 10 Stnlnpti 10 0 0 Borbonp 10 0 0 the designer and skipper of the Swedish America's 23M*. 1 3 0 0 0 1 Howe 3b Tomllnp 0000 broke last Sunday, was stepped Into the boat mid- * 1 J * Rockttn 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 RMetzn* Rlmndpti Cup challenger. Sverige, supervises rigging of the afternoon yesterday. Rlchrdp 5 1 1 0 Horgonp 0 0 0 0 Slll 0000 3 111 Moortpti 0 0 0 1 *' 0 i 0 Tolol 11 3 • 3 Lononp 10 0 1 Compblp 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 Coprop 0 0 0 0 SonD.eqo onnoOOOnO- 0 Solmonp 1 0 ft 0 T n Hearne captures Roystrti 10 0 0 Cincinnati 0 D l 000i- 1 Total II M u 14 Total 11 1 f 1 DP - Cincinnati 1 LOB-Son Diego 4. Bonn«ll reached first on catcher'* Inter Cincinnati 9. 7B-ROK. Ivle 3B-B«nch Irrmce. Hk Hrmii c;/) SB-Moroan. SF-Con cipclon. United States' yachts battle MO'Mton 4 1 ? 0 " « 0 1 0—11 tloo fourth feature E-iperrtng. RocktH. Ftrguson j, nbr hbl ab r h bi RMettger LOB -Houiton I. Atlanta II Bo Hey 11 40 00 JScomf . 5 0 10 7B Wohon. Ferguson, RMetigtr. Bon Remylb 3 110 StoflasTl> 4 110 WALL TOWNSHIP - Talk about a lucky break? Gil n«ll. 3B-Puhl HR-Sptrrlng (1), Howe Bondirt 4 3 0 0 Bailor. I 5 111 (D.RIChorddtSB-Ctdtno.SF-Woore, 4 0 11 Heame of Jacobstown, N.J won his fourth Modified stock car p Solaltolb 3 111 Radcrdti l M R ER BA %O RoJkmph 10 10 Vtleirf 4 110 Ml. hijiillW 17 VI 5 10 0 4 4 Brlgaslb 0 0 0 0 Aultlb 4 110 for America Cup position feature rare of the season Saturday night at Wall Stadium, Larson 4 4 3 13 1Baylor dh 4 111 Howtll3b 4 0 10 but a break, literally, helped him to a rather easy victory. Copraer.l|7b 3 110 Meyer )b 5 0 0 1 Scrlvnrlb 10 0 0 ren S-Cholk SF-Boylor The New York Yacht Club, July 28. Commodore Robert \V. trophy since the schooner eliminated. The America's Cup Slontonrt N.J. in a borrowed car with Jamie Tomaino of Neptune, N.J 4 0 10 Stoubdh 4 111 TEK*S MILWA1IKFF McCullnugh of the New York America won it in 1851. said the RuJrwicI 4 0 10 Ktmplf 4 110 which has the task of selecting committee couldn't be more de- third, Rod Cunliffe of Pt. Pleasant, fourth, and Don Stives of SttlnSb nil - h r,, no ' h h' 4 0 0 0 Tmpsnib 33 11 Horgveib 5 111 Joshuacf S 3 4 0 a defender, was to announce Yacht Club said selecting a de- June and July records do not lighted. And because we've got E. Windsor, fifth. Bernhidh 4 0 10 Ogllvlert 43 3 1 Jutir. Cmpnrsn 5 13 0 Wonltdrt 3 111 fender this year may be the 4 0 0 0 MMayc 3 I 3 S Btfllqutcl 110 0 Cooper Ib 4 13 1 Monday night ils plans for pair- mean very much at all." this closeness now. we'll be bet • The Third Annual 'Mini-Indy' for TQ midgets of the Mlbrneil 4 0 0 0 ARdrailb most difficult decision the club Vtryiru 4 11 Bevquart 3 0 13 Wynndh 4 110 ing two uf the three American What we (the Americas teroff in September." 4 0 11 American Three Quarter Midget Racing Association was tak- Tniol 17 ' * 1 Total 14 ii M 11 DMoyrt 10 0 0 Montylf Harrohto 3 0 0 1 Bondolb S011 yachts in the opening race of en handily by Jack Bertling of Caldwell, N.J. Bob White of Smttif nge " * 1 o«|_ i WllUlb 4 0 0 0 Vounlti 10 00 the defense fWaW: ' Huntington, L.I., NY. was second and Vic Novell of Vernon.9 ••netrr* "• io I 0 4 0 in «_u Sundbgt 3 110 SakotaTb 3 0 0) Grlevtdh 4 0 0 0 TUntnTb 1000 E -Very ier,Ogl I v It. Ml Ibourne, Thomp- 3 0 0 0 N.Y. third. son. DP Seattle 3. Detroit 1. LOB- Wotntnll 4 0 10 Moortc Courageous, successful de- Qulrkph 10 10 The Sportsman stock car feature was rain-shortened to 16 Seottle II, Detroit S 7B—MMoy. Boci l ' i? * fender in 1974. finished the HR-MMay (101. Ogllvlt (IS), leFlore Totni * 1 t Totflt Two oui whe Husker quarterback; laps, one lap past the half-way mark, and the winner was (IS). SB-Colllns, Boei SF-Thompion. .June preliminary and July ob- MMay. Staub winning run tcortd Chip Graves of Wall. Runner-up honors went to Clayton Fill- P M R F* servation trials with the best IO Mllwrmkr* no ) I 1 1 |1- * tan of Oakhurst. and third was Bob Ehlers of K Keansburg. PoleIL.7 9) 3 7-3 5 7 J overall record against Enter Ktklcft E-Auguitlntl. Wohlford. ERodrlgoei f 3 5 4 4 NJ Monlogue 3 I 3 5 1 0 OP-Tliot 1. Milwaukee I. LOB-Tenoi prise and Independence Loxton 11 0 0 0 A. Milwaukee 10. 3B-Bondo. Jothuo 3t The Modem stock feature was postponed until next Satur- Syke»(WJ^» 99 9 11 SB-JOlhua $B-ComponerUl,BenlQuti S-Benlquej SF-HarroU, WoMtord. But America's Cup history Trial and error' T-3:14.A-14,414 day evening because of the rain. Cooper. ' shows early success can be LINCOLN. Neb. (AP) - Nebraska's Donnell gained 520 yards last season and meaningless, ofor instance. In- main football questions of the approaching Anthony has a three year-total ot 2.112 yards, trepid went 11-9 against Cou- autumn concern who will emerge from a despite injury problems rageous in 1974 but Courageous quintet of quarterback candidates and how "We felt last year that overall we were was selected as the defender well thai top signal-caller will fare. not at the top of the Big Eight conference after winning five of Ihe last "The quarterback thing is probably going when it came to running backs." Osborne Monmouth Park Today nine final races. said. "But we think that has changed and we to be a trial and error situation." Coach Tom Osborne said "I wouldn't be at all surprised are much improved " Itl -, elm.. 3 -yeBrttd «ni up Dubbed in (114) Klidlla . Oonclngketlie (114) NO rider 1.1 Roboleo 1)17) Arellano Skippered Ihis year by At- HM(«4MI FIM * Fur Klsi Me Gently (114) Brumfifld Rurfle Judy (109) Buhop IS 1 Flower Bee(U7) Norlfler lanta Braves' owner Ted Turn- If the starter the first game isn't the starter Despite the questlonmark at quarterback Night Mood Mlf) MacBeth 61 Lucky Sample (1141 No rider Sweet Patrice (114) MacBelh 10 1 Bubble Act Mi/i Brumtieid JlWy Jim (119) No rldtr 101 SkiH»dBooe(1U)Soumell 13-1 Fence Stretcher (117) Nled er. Courageous had 14 wins and at the end of the season." and the solid running corps. Osborne has yet NooleHealer (1)7) Arellano 17-1 iri - ii,m, am., l ytor « Brumfleld .7-7 Lobby M (111) McCauley Comarodo 1117) Perret space on the schedule to make the right Fresh Champ (1141 Nltd 101 County Brink (ill) MacBeth in - Mitt, clmg., 3-Vt«r«M and up, i Oungarwen (117) Thomas yachts. Mood ll-12 overall and Ace and Bower |M9) Bordcn 1-1 Shoftlsh (Ml) Norider ..• choice from among Randy Garcia. Tom Sor- "We may come out one game and look Lulubo (117) Brumlieid Independence was 7-13. Mllty Polly (1151 No rider 301 Smylea (111) Saumttl Southern Vovooe (116) Brumt'lcld 11 ley. Ed Burns. Tim Hager and Jeff Quinn. . like Ohio State and only throw the ball five HI Tilt (1141 Brumtltld *. 7-3 Jack Spry 1106) Kupler 4) SELECTIONS However, in the July series. ted - Mm ctanf.. 3 year eld m« •* Mlilys Whittle (111) No ndei Ii I Watch Ours (113) No rider 6-1 After a Sept. 10 home opener against times." he said "The next week we might MHL4P Bridge Bout (111) Norider • 1 Bv REGGIE STKK MHL Chlchtlter Meeting (116) Per ret 41 Courageous and Enterprise looke like Stanford or California and throw a Alchemort (111) No Ruling Doncer (1111 Wilton t? l Washington State, the Cornhuskers entertain War Flgnler |104) Kupttr .,., 4-1 were lied with 7-6 records In- My Suite (106) Klidlla . 1-1 Lunar Mike dill Thomoi 10 1 Wencetlai 1)11) Klidtio ..... 4 3 Bear Bryant's Alabama team the second lot" Our Mlii Myrn 1114) Solomont..: 19-1 Roman Decode 016) Adams 10 1 1 - Night Mood, Miss Georgia. dependence stood 5-7 for tne Steam Pot 1114) No rider U i Ml — %4.m, elm., 1 year eld and up F A Arctic Glide (1161 Block .13-1 game. Dolly t Sunshine (114) Addmt 1 Tom-Jours Le Crcme The Huskers are working on replace- That s Affirmative (Mucciolo Moncheiler Loii 1114) Tnomai. SI 4th - U.m, elm., I Y» Fillies, 4 Fur 2- Kiss Me Gently. Mv Suzle, Osborne said the schedule, which also ments for top receivers such as Dave Shamb- Pqrlonct (107) Mcmii Hempen Valient* (109) Saumell 101 Lucky Sne (107) Nit .13-1 Loyal Mitt (114) Thomot 4-1 Our Miss Myrn Bulldogs schedule lists Baylor. Indiana. Kansas State. Iowa lin. Chuck Malito and Bobby Thomas and de- Carntr Cuptakp (114) No rider . ... .10-1 MoheMineMink IM4) Nemeli II S - State. Colorado. Oklahoma State. Missouri. fensive stars such as tackles Mike Full/ and Monmouth Results Nimble Hojte (107) Crovent fall examinations Kansas and Oklahoma, includes eight poten- Pruitt and Dave Butterfield." he said. But- Roll With it (110) Pcrret 6 1 HI - M,ttt claim Ing 1 yo ft up t t Grosi is Green (Kimbaii) 1 40 Flying Holiday I HI) Black 3 1 4 — Dancing Kettle, Honey- RUMSON - Physicals for tial top 20 teams in the national rankings terfield was a top defensive secondary man. Smart Punier (Thomas I 41601570 1070 Rabbli t Ace (113) Perrel , •-! lUCM 17-8) M.M Fine Rute (107) Gomalei IM moon Girl, Manchester Lass participants in RumsonFair Warning Ticket (MacBtth) .600 4 00 4*h - »7,ttt J y»t« wp ctalmlng At Garcia may have the inside track for "I don't think that we have what I'd clas- Sky Messenger (Ntmetl) 1.10 GreotCrown (Thomos). I5OO60O 3 70 5 - Roman Decade, War Haven Regional High School quarterback, as he was the 1976 backup to sify as a first-round professional draft choice 1»4 — U.MO ctaiinknf rilllei and marei 3 Florida Diamond (Solomonel 5.10 7 10 fir! Fighter, Arctic Glide fall spoils activities will be yo4upl liumi Moggie 1 Pride (Rosodo) 7 60 Vince Ferragamo. Ferragamo led Nebraska Joftn I Ottw Jonn IMV) Whlttd ....W held for all Varsity and right now." Van Zandt said. He said depth Time Bull (Haloiianl 6 40 3.40 7.10 Eiocto 14 I) 144 tt Kino Bolt III?) Pfifti - fll i - Flying Holiday. Make Mine Mtrtunlh/ (Nemeli) 5 00 3 60 to a 9-3-1 record with a 27-24 Astro-Bluebonnet was good at end and linebacker, adequate in m, - iT,wt olw. filhei ««l mares 3 yos A Lltlle Bold (IWt Tnomoi . ...3-1 Mink, Fille Ruse Jayvee football candidates on Cerlisa (Brumdemi 3 60 AMpliU Fl*fv Ruttlon IUM No Oder M Bowl win over tough Texas Tech. AMpl Monday. Aug. 22. the line and he's searching for it in the secon- Mllr DMMi (II) JIM 44 Odessa J.C (Psfrei). 1740 '40 340 Murnofi Error Mill KlidllO |1 7 — Tleayellowrlbbon. Human 1 dary. 3rd — UM ctalmMg maMent 1 yei I it BoidandFresh (MacB h) 140 3 10 Only Words IIU) Nled 6-1 All freshmen football , boys Garcla's four-of-17 statistics in the pas- Hidden Manna (Soiomone) . 9 40 4 60 GoltetNtmell) 7 40 Merchant 1 Bonk UNI No rider IS I Error, A Little Bold 3.40 TieoyellowrlHton 1116) Brumlieia 4-1 tiocto (14) litf M 8 — Super Boy, Ardmore Lad, cross country and boys gym- sing department In 197S. plus 78 yards rushing Osbome, starting his fifth season as head Highest Goal (Nemeii) 3.60 3 70 Klngof Boccnut (Halation) 1.40 m - Ill.Mt 3 it t wp otw. 6 I •Hi - II.M; »IUworut, 1 Y« t O», I M Advisedly * nastics hopffctK should report in 24 carries, provides a shortage of game coach, has a 37-10-2 record. He said contin- Taylor s Falls (Brumfleld) 4.70 3 00 tl/U Trilecta (1*1) lit; it on Tuesday. Aug. 23 and all data on which to judge his potential. But the uing or improving that pace depends on the 340 Ardmore Lad MIS) Brumlieid....' S 2 % — Camarado, La Grande Ir- m - Ujm dalmtng fillies 1 yo» * 1 Hickory Cap (Nemctll 3 60 3 30 Repoupo 11191 MocBeth 4 1 ish, Flower Bee Varsity. Jayvee and freshmen other quarterback candidates have even less team jelling. Ads Like A Queen (Mucciolo) 16 70 10 DO Du.eChiet (Thomoil . 3 ?o Advliedly 1173) Adorm 7 I MO Whilehockle (110) No rider 15 1 BKSTBKT: Super Boy (8th) soccer candidates should re- game experience. "We think we'll be a good team and we Lufttr (Goniloei) 7 10 5.60 tftt — M.SM 3 yei ft wp ctoimMg 4 f Mr Suburban 11191 Telelro ...... M The Very On* (Leulbecker) 7.W Super Solid (Ntcd) 6.60 4 30 3 60 Yesterday's Winners: Family port on Wednesday.. Aug. 24. Returning running backs include Rick haven't changed our goals," he said. "But we BMder (Minervinl) , .6 00 4 40 Super Boy (IIS) Brumlieid 6 1 EMKta<1-3> 1107.4ft Conference (541); Super Times for all physicals will Berns. last year's leader with 972 yards, and must fill a lot of gaps left by departing stars Roy s Dream (Nem I 00 em - u.m. MaiMn l f Plum; s', Ml — S7,SN filllti 3 y*S In Solid (CM) Fomily Conference (Brumfleld) . 5 40 Trlttct«

Hi - PM* IM Pwr»e tl.SM Chttf 4k - Pflce IM Pur*. || I.Mr Con Tor Pat (Benimeh) _ Take Hold (Lonmeyer) by lending you up Luckv Rogue IFilion) S 7 m - Pact IM Pwru ll.TM JMDovidfComdenJ '* ScMflli A <6oker> BeouD (Compbellr Mark Hill (Gont) i *-! Peanut Candy (Snarkey) . . . P T Oubllner (LrCoute) . Mtckley Honover (Rohner) . 5 1 Rum Treat (Dancer* SMng Sun (Quorllerl BlwGraii Molt (LeCoutei A 1 Smooth Landing (Molltt) Shop Lough (Lohmeyen 6 1 and Peocftv Newport (Fihon) 11 OBi Sommykln* iCamDell) — "••••-,„). Record Clip (Unger i 17 I RB8tfKD) TucLohoei Lody IKorh) . .101 to 30,000 more KlngStOCy Bloir (Filion) 1S-I SotiSurprlie (Vllionlel 17-1 M— Pact IM PWM t1,l« P«celMP»r»ttl,7H H H Ooptor (Slafford) W-1 Lodyt Advocolc (Gllmouri 3-1 Jugtown Chief (Butltr I . •M - P«t IM PHTM U.M ClMf. Bohoonoo IFilionl 11 Red Fever (Cole) LindyiBoy IDoncerJ 3-1 Oceanport. N.J. Garden State Pkwy. Exit 105 with a Secondary Mortgage Loan! Mr Clover Song (Tele) 1 Tele) 4-1 Hort Be M transmission Buttling (Station)) i » Ponoromic I Campbell I ; 00 * 00 7 10 Dorli Morchei McGovern) 11-1 FEES! F W ironrwod (Butler) AM 3 40 F.nt Echo (Kelly) . ^ > NO ATTORNEY M - Pao IM PWM II,m JtHtSom ILeCouie} 7 10 lit* - Pace IM Pm* II.MI ClMf. J*rwv Borbro (Lomhi 17 » I 70 6 70 Sporton Pride (Brnnonon) 1 I FEES! NorlntGoil (Ftlfon) 6 00 4 70 Duke Omono (Abotleito) —H trouble Unpredictable (Llfo*>) U ?o m - pace IM PWTM U4M Chrli RoyoMVltellD . * ' NO Tononkl Jubiltt (VileHH.10 60 J 60 3,60 Connlogo Louli (Poqutt) M EucteVtUI M BeiieCoynteii (Sco'po) „ .1 00 3 00 JfltvtlMtntW/ (Butler) A I PREPAYMENT Daily Davatrr* Uf M Pretty Chomp (Inlerdonoto) V 40 Elonoro(NO) '0 1 PENALTIES! art) - Tr*t IM Part* si.iM Mays Pr'o* (Brunei »-l For details on how our 15 KMCfal-lt«7.M Boron C Direct (EHi») 70 1 GreolCrutoder (Lorno) 14H7O0 IM t» - Pact IM PWM u,)M year Loan plan can help you ON LOANS CovPtton Shalffe (L*mlna I * 70 4.00 SltiCTIOMI SelenoGB fConwD S 70 3 00 7*0, UP TO $30,000. FrancttScot (Kfliy) 4 10 MochlnKiy (Fogiiorone) ?u 7 60 I - J M DflvM, VKkr IffM. IM*T< —call- B*ryli Oreom (King Jf I 7 40 lltdfltUM* I * .MMMt CM*. Mr CtMW iMf, •• City Comumtr Service-* 4ft - Patt IM PWM IIJM •mcta i-lDIM A subsidiary of City Federal Savings. CrlmwnBeowlPoquel) ?3« S.M J 10 Nrl — Pact IM Pvrta U.e*l | Ptm, L«#T TwW, Arn*r» TV- PHONE OmStrlkttDonctr Jr.) 7 10 I 70 Solicitor* Breok (Brcmohon) f 00 4 10 Happy Trick (Monnina.) l«0 7M TOLL-FREE Ettfnal Honover (Bovoiljr.) 4 00 IN (201) 671-2021 •MKtaMIM.M Romano Creed (Contol I J 40 800-492-4064 Ml - Pact IM P«m U.m locjlfy ownadl optrMatf by your Cottmmn M*n Sttwort Honover |LtCou»el 4*0 3 40 tor th» location nil — Pact IM PWM II .m of our 9 offioM TlnoiLt* (Stafford) 1-00 S 40 SolKno Momj AlGivtmi 7) » I M 4 00 SHREWSBURY SHOPPING PLAZA 10*0 M. IS Cftotfon (V» In Ntw Jtrwy. Vlcort Mighty Uolreoi 10 00 M Hi. R*Ml>r RUhll. SHREWSBURY AVENUE AT ROUTE 35 lwc*«4 1IM Fly Fly Pete (ContoM Ml - Pact IM Pant I13M lM ttmmn. DNI om PlnaHvttlMcGovtfn) 7.70 4.M 4 00 ct I,e» »StarM(ftutMll> '» * M He«i«»t Mil AH HtTilT-»MPtM-)rri 542-6822 i. Aulot For Soli . Aulos For Sale SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1977 The DailyRegfeter 19 • UICK ID) APOLLO HATCHBACK CHEVROLET MALIIU CLASSIC 1174 - Powtr brokn on) peeri - London modal, outomoHc from lAutotForSolt minion, powtr iteerlng/broke*. 11* 3. Trucks and Trailers 51 Help Wanted /WHAT V to see WHO ACCEPTING APPLICATION! - F LLAC TRUCK AND CARGO INSURANCE Ccrltflxl Norm Aldf. 7 3 thin PIM (automatic CADILLAC OeVILLE IMe - Tn- CHEVROLET MALIIU I HI - Ntw foft.?J[ door Wrr rellofale Cleon Air oil Fret Quote* By Phone i in prun, King Jamti Nunl W broktt, valve |ob. Looki (air, rum Low Rotes S31-IHI w, 400 Hwy U. MKMIfffown, t . AM/F grtai HOB Cad miMO r AMC JAVILIM 1*71 - Aul.mcrllc. i TRUCK INSURANCE CADILLA CHEVROLET NOVA - Hatchback, Free quotes and binder i by phone Call ACTIVITY DlRECTOB - For »h«l 11/3, automatic tronimltilon. 34,000 toll (TM WATTS-llnc. n0177 9701 74 icrtd tort homt Enptrltnctd tn Arh mlln. olr. power brakn'.tttf ing. vl hours, seven days a wee* ond Craftt. tome *v*fllngi. port-tlmt nyl roof Aiklng «4« 717 *fU btfore CADILLAC ItU SEDAN DtVILLE - 130pm lulMI. Mwtr lieerfng. 4 Motorcycles ATTENTION KEANSBURG KCSI « l« Col! C.J.. 7«V Mini »MI Mir ovir mo Mull be CHEVROLET TRAVELALL 1t« - DENTS - Empioymtnl opportunllln IQ«Ho»IBppf»clo1«d itt tin Standard ISO, ili-cvilndtr Vtry good CHOPPED YAMAHA 1967 - 640 under ITMT F«>MOI Compr«twntlwf Em- CADILLAC I«7J - Seta DeVlllo Ei condlllon WOO Call m 4710 11795 Makes us on offer 12,111 milts ployment and Training Ad will tBlli In AMC UK HOUNET - SportoDoul fjltart <»n«lon On. owner Con M SCHWARTZ CHRYSLE R tM following title* rtttctlwt Scot 1, «••> a Hunttft T.«oco. Little CHEVROLET )t«7 IMPALA - PLYMOUTH, 141 W Front St , Red 1977 3 Ctefl. TrtMiU 1 Pubtlc Worhi Mi-UK Bonk Rcpolrtrt, 1 Citrh Sltnoorophfff, I AMf I*M MOI- grtol IHf'Buich LtSobrV*i4» tor Building Mal/ittnonct Worlttr, 1 CADILLAC lt». FLEETWOOD - 60m car. Mutl Mil Coll Skip, oiler t. CYCLE INSURANCE Guord Public Proptrty InttrcHed •rougriom Loll ol tne Dlq cori A.ln 7177707. pordtl who uuollly unAir C E T A roof, oir. leather, low• mlleoomill e ""CHEVROLET lfS7 - Ne«h work regulation* ore urged lo apply at ANTIQUE - H.l DoOoe. two door MM_Atklngum. Coll hour*, seven days a week Borough Holl OJ toon a* poiitbl* luxury llMr. Eicellent condition iwral CADILLAC im COUPE DEVILLE - FREE - Helmet ihort pipes ond thop Lo» mileage. GOOD condlllon. Air con manual with purchase of Ihli 1974 AUTO MECHANIC — Fltfl •*• Olllonlng (Soo 741 IBo CHEVROLET 1H3 - Suptr Sport, mm YomohaTX SOO Flvr speed Excellent enct pf«(crrcd Mutt haw* own A pm mow tire*, US 2. Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sol* 2. Autos For Sale condition Many extras W50 firm, of AUDI FOX If71 - Four4Mf. out* 4H-OI71 ftr llmlttd. to hurry< S42 ISt9 o S** Mr Someri at Yellow Cab matte trommlulon. Miami blue, lun Co , 101 Ookiond SI , Red Bonk CAMAHO ins - Sli cylinder, three CHEVY VEGA 1174- Two door CREDIT PROBLEMS? FORO COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON MGB H74 - Horvtil Gold. Five- PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1976 - AUTO PAflTs COUNTES PTiSON - •peed on rioor. AM/FM. power iteer Hatctttxx* Fourcyllndef. outomollc. No coin7 If you're wording, wi can - IM9. •«c«H«*Tt condition Imlde and ipeed FxeHent tondltlon Low mile r, rand Safari Air, mt el lent condition, deolBf hot on optnlng (or parti Inq/arotun. Tope deck Crogori Ct- rodl 31^100 il Afcl DOM Cll help to oel you financed. No money out Power ttetrlng/brahet. air tondl oge Beit otter. Coll W 7547 loaded Coll 431 14S» counter position Mutl have pro/lout AUDI IO»GL ItTJ - Limited edition, c»llent condition Dm M4-351. down Payment! arranged to suit your Honing, todorv tape detk. power i*ati 11000 or best otter Ford parti txpemnct Tom t Foro, tour-doer Mdan. Excellent condition need* Many New and Quality Uied and wlndowt. new tlrti'bfQktt, t» MONMOUTH PONTIAC 194* CATALINA — Four - • * Attlng nsoo or ben at CAPBI itfl _ Rum good New FM CMRYSLEBPLYMOUTH door, air conditioning, power steering Call ZMOiTl Inc , NO Hwy 31. Keyport N J 244 cmietle Mult Ml. ^^ CHRYSLER NEW YORKER BROUG Carl to choOM from. Coll Mr. Fred hauitftyiHrfn «M0 til 97S4 1M4, atk tor Port* Manooer xiyext erlCBI at Roliat Pontloc. 3*5 Brood Hwy 34 Entontown S43 SMO ond brakes, good condition Asking HOSOA MOTOR BIKE Evening! Ul MSI FORD GRANADA - 1974. J700 mllei . 747 iiU after 6 p m Z» tl» AUDI 1HLJ \m - Oood condition. uin» ll.. Hat •ollfc 741-5110 MUSTANC GHIA 1975 - 10,000 mil**" AUTO PARTS DtSfRIBUTOR - Hot Front ond nor dctroiter. padded CHRYSLER TOWN AND COUNTRY Power, tope deck, PONTiAC 1947 CATALINA - Station w-Hn driver opportunity, full tlmt Coll Nay 1973 - Like n#w In and out. RIM firm DATSUN HO Z 1*75 - Four ipeed. air. *?W0 full 14] 4f7tu. 747 U0l HONDA XL-T) II7S Olrl ,,,ui itrrri io- i Auto Parti. Atlantic HlaMondi Coii MA sni copper b'xcellenl condlllon 14300 FORD GRAN TORINO 1973 - Powtr One year old 350 miles Excellent ton TV) 1414 Coll 5U-X7I itterlng, power brokti, air condi- MUSTANG M - It74, Vtry pood con BUHLEHlHTTERiNC CHEVROLET IMPALA 1»J - New CHRYSLER tHf — Town and Country tioning. 31,000 mllei, AM'FM eight dltlon. four ipeed. power steering, diliori slV) 6/1 n'Oevenlnys ARMAID'BARTENDCfi - Pff— CMHYSLER PLYMOUTH 11 station wagon. All power, air, very irort ilereo. IIM* Call bttween i I lour cylinder, M.000 mllei Coll '41 PONllAi IWI,MA^ MOBS. 411 HONDA 17SCC 19/6 - taw nxlpour ime nlgtitt Call bdwttr. i * p.m . 'If mCH«n»»Mail«t UiMt er.rtr^v"""" "'" go#d condition. 1FW.J»M 34M p.m., 771-7391 nG looki and rum nice, bnt offer, mutl l}7 Palmer Lounge. SI* Palmir 11000 lakes II Coll 717 ISM tell Call More. SMH77 vf wni KeanUmrg •UICK ELECT** HU - Four floor. CHEVROLET IMPALA 1HI - Auto CIRCLE CHEVROLET FORD GRAN TORINO 19/; i , MUSTANG IMk- Excellent running —I well, olr conditioning y Ave Vurwit.ur , DODGE 1974 DART - Automatic, ill condition, good tlrrt. 1300 RABBIT - 'You've pot to drive It to HONDA 1971 750 - Excellent londi BEAUTICIAN M'W"-"V"T molk. powtr tlttring/brahtt, air, cellent condition. Powtr »ieer FSft^M BOO HJ 0101 or JM electric wlndowt and teals Vinyl lop 741-1130 cylinder, lour door, 17.000 milt* Jng/bra(te»,_oJr, automatic. l\m. Af believe It " SHREWSBURY MOTORS, lion U75 ood uphoittery tSSO, W-+S4*. <• IBM. 747-44W oftti 4 p.m. *a\m • tNf .74IIUO Call anytime, 547 0244 SUICK OIIAN SPOUT \m - Power CHEVROLET IMPALA 1941 — En- DODGE im CORONET'WACON~^ OLDSMOBILE tl 1*t9 — Fully HONDA 1977 SL U0 - Perfect c«ndl •teerlng. powtr brohej. olr. AM/FM. c«ll«nt running condition. Power 79,000 mllti. 311 h.p V «, lociory glr, equipped, power iletrlng, brakH, wln- tion U00 BOOKKEEPER power broke., powtr .leering, rodlo, dowt and «at». air condttloned in RED BANK. 741 5M6 Coll 447 3111 evenings tljdmim. HoHoti E.lrot HI l»| pood condition, 1AM 74,-OS44 General ledger through trial balance CORVAIR IHS eicelltnl condition 14} 1S44 RENAULT 1US R • - At ll. Inter tor diversified duties In Red Bank CPA (UICK LE »A»«E I«7I - All power Good condition FORD MUSTANG I9M - I97j engine, OCOSMOBTLTTfU n - Air, power HONDA 1971 HO CB ~ office Part-time Minimum ol 11 twurt DOREMUSFORD itKrlng/bratiet/windows/leari, four- ettcd, coll between I and 9:30 p m Call after 5pm CHEVROLET IMPALA 1»73 - Cut 7i«ni per week Send resume and hourly rale lom, two-door, olr, powtr Iteer- SALES SERVICE PARTS "° VM-4771 door tedon. WOO Coll 741-JA9) only. 791 9077 1400 e»petied to Bookkeeper, P.O Bo> KH. COUGAR 1*67 GT Jto Automatic. 700 Srrtw«UY Avc , km) Bonk 741-MOO MMM • UICK SKYLARK H7J - Power Ing/brafcet AM/FM ittrn. I1M5. 719- FORD STATION WAGON 1*41 OLOSMOBILE CUTLASS 1974 - Pow- HONDA 197S - CB 125 S. 771 milt* »«B Port.. N.J itirlo, licillml running condlllan er brake*, power ileerlng, VI. air RITTENHOUSE ftMflOB. AM/FM radio. N»w rodlot ITW^ollSKTn^ f\AT SALES AND SERVICE - LE- good mechonkol condition Good tondlllon BUSDR7VERS tlret, low mlleogr Alklng 11400 4*S CHEVROLET KINGSWOOD IW - VINE MOTOR CORP.. Maple Ave.. 717 2S0I conditioned, good condition B«t of- LINCOLN MERCURY Inc 741 3773 after S Port lime Mutl hove but drlvert II- COUGAR l»70 XR7 - Eiclllmt Condi" Red Bank. 7*1-4570 fer Call 164 %v)\ atler ipni 900 HWY 35 775 1500 OCEAN TWP cente rati7»i I3W> Nlnt-poiMnatr, oU, power .leering, FORD TORINO 1970 - Powtr itttr HONDA 7S0 1972 - 6" tront-tnd, roof rack, ISO anoint, automatic, FIAT - l»70, convertible. IH> Spider OLDSMOBILE VISTA CRUISER SEE A "RUSSELL MAN-' - For your CAREER OPPORTUNITIES - E» • UICK - ItU. Suclol, lour door •6,000 mllei m ?«5 after t Ing, brakes, automatic, tight trark, clean Best offer cellent training, salary and benefits 1300 Coll evening! on*r * p m. 41,000 miles New point, tlret, battery new tlrei, good condition. Coll 544 WAGON 1971 - 49,000 milt*. Three next new or used car RUSSELL Olds- Call Rich. 671 S416 Excellent condition. One owner 35 1447. mk for Scott. teati, oir, power (leering, automatic mobile Cadillac Co . 100 Newman available tor men and women teeklnq CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO - m.p.g. tfSO. 747-tSU, power brokti. Clean 11775 671-4349 Springs Rd. Red Bank 7414910 KAWASAK I 1973 MO MACH III - Mini diversified part time opporlunltlet If ttrl. automatic, VI, powtr iteer FORD 19A4 VAN - Six cylinder three condition Extras Best offer Call of you ore between t7-3S ond ore Inter CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE H7S - Ino'brakn, power window*. AM/FM DATSUN J» Z 1*71 - Sllvtr. olr. Mr- HRIfliim 1M| tOOcu In . trlpow jpted Good body and mechanical OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1947 - SHORE MOTORS ler 4pm , 164-76)7 etted In Army Reserve membership Muel Mil MM firm. itereo lope deck air conditioner Volvo-Triumph Dealer After S. m 1141 to, radio and tape, mags, perfect con er. automatic, convertible Wuit sell Paneled Interior IM0 779 7717 JI.OOO mllei Air, power iteer MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - Rea call Mr Danny Carter. ARMY RE U7M 747 f7». dltlon, 41,000 mlln CoM 7» J340 mil week W71 •M 15H ina/brahei'windows, automatic 747 Hwy IS, Monosqvon 52I-7SOO SERVE OPPORTUNITIES oil?? Oil* FORD 19*9 SQUIRE WAGON - Air 947S otttr J sonable rates Grostlnger and Heller conditioned, clean, low mlltogc Aik STRAUB BUICK - OPEL n. y. ll Wlkoff PI .Red Bonk, 741 (_f PTIFIF D NURSf S AiniS for 2. Autos For Sole 1 .Autos For Sale 7. Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sole Ing (995 147-4119. OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME NINE ACRES of New and Used Cars nursing home. 3 to ll shift, lop salary 197) — Power iteerlng/brakei. air, *> 35 164-4000 ' Ktyporl and full fringe benefits Oo not phone GREMLIN X I97S - SliCyllndtr, AM'FM ilereo tnOO S477ISI mree-iMto. with overdrive Excellent THE FINEST SELECTION - Ot ntw Apply in perton, weekdays, 10 a m lo got mileage ».30O mlln 671 9477 OLDSMOBILE 1fft OELTA U ROY ond uied car* In MonmoutH County, WI W Front St MHimk 147 01/ J p m . at the Atlantic HigWondt NUT, ALE — Power iteerlng, brokev focio Over 100 air conditioned new tori In ing Home, I Mlddletown Ave . Atlantic ry air, vinyl top, two door S1600 or itock McGLOIN BUICK OPEL INC , YAMAHA 17S ENDURO -Set tor Hfghlondv at SCHWARTZ HAVE THREE CARS - Mull tell orty dirt, tlrtt, bract, sprocket, 1775 beM offer S44-904I onytlme Shrewsbury Ave , New Shrewsbury one. 1975 Gronodo, 1974 Volfciwogen, 74U700 Call 671 nn COCKTAIL WAITRESS WANTED 1966 Plymouth Bet! reoionoblt ontr OLOSMOBILE CUTLASS 19F3 - Pow M'W — Full time Experienced only For dttolll coll 791 1904, root THUNDERBIRD 1M7 - NEW TIRES 1974 SUZUKI - TiUS Excellent -on Apply in perton. Trode Wiftdt Cocktail ' Good condition inOO 946 3 GOOD CONDITION. 1500 ASK FOR dltlon 7000 milts 1550 firm No trade, Lounge. Ocean Ave . Seo Bright hOLSEYPONTIAC TONl, 777 3762. pleaie Call evening* 5 7pm., 141 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1970 - Very 6LXEGT5TUbENS o«7oir RTE 36 S43 TIM EATONTOWN good condition VI, vinyl roof, power THUNOERBIRD 1947 - Alklng 1500 'i, leacheri. five Immediate open* HORNET WAGON 1974 - AMC Spor brake*., power itterlng, olr, power Coll otter 6 p m gi Full of part time. Choote your toboul Orange with gold racing wlndowi, AM rodlo Asking 1SO0 Coll 79117U 5 Auto Services/Parts . *n hours, no invettment, no delivery, .tripe* Cuitom hub cap* and custom 143-1341. "HARD TOP" - For o TRIUMPH for nationally odvertited Sorah Cov- tlrtt Luggage rock, olr conditioning TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE - Superb SPITFIRE Very good shape, pointeu entry Jewelry For interview, coil Ml- | Excellerifcondltlon USOO 791-SS64 of OLDSMOBILE 197] TORONADO - ttrvlct DOWNES PONTIAC. 67 Low white 130 Call 7474349 1»* ttf430pm, Excellent condition. FM ittreo, air er Main St , Matowan S66 7799 $500:«TRADE-IN conditioning H100.W1-UO6 TOYOTA CAROLLA DELUXE 1974 - VEGA 1973 FOR PARTS COMMERCIAL CASUALTY - Insur JEEP CJS 1973 once rater Skilled in Workmen'! Com- With many exfrai OLOSMOBILE 91 1973 - Good cond I- Low mileage, automatic, AM'FM For Information pensation, generol liability and oil. Coll 946 1714 tlon Looded 17700. Coll 14J 4 760 or BeiHjftw Coll 264-OS32, Coll 170-975? One-year experience Excellent ben 142 47W after 6 p m TOYOTA 1949 CORONA - Good body 1971 PINTCT^n400ci:"tngine ."recently ctm For o Central New Jeriey OPEL GT 1973- Yellow. Cream Putl ond running condition, great tor the rebuilt, with transmliiton, 1150 or belt Agency Call 4411300. otk for Office JEEP SALES I. SERVICE commuter Mult see 4919111 Offer 671 S34I TWIN BORO MOTORS 747-0040 Only 13,000 miles, steel belled radial* Monoger ill E Newman Springs Rd , Red Bonk t?SO0 764 9431. TOYOTA 1975 COROLLA DELUXE COUPLE - imtereTted In living on Only M.000 milts, radial tire*, auto- form and helping out with farm JEEP I97o CHEROKEE - Powtr OPEL WAGON 1972 - Automatic, matic transmission, excellent condi- 6 Auto Rent/Lease 44,000 mllei. new brofces Must see to chores Handy with loolt in return for iteerlng, power brakei, mag wheels. tion 11600 Call U6-7334. RENT A VAN - Cow', low rottl living quarters on lovely, quiet. pr|- Quodratrac V 8, heavy duty electric appreciate Goodongoi 1M-I7&7 voteproperty Located near Red Bonk lytfem and mort. $4495. 739-7734. PINTO WAGON 1974 - Four i yllmlrr VEGA GT CUSTOM HATCHBACK Reply to BO* Y 10). The Dally Reglt •• USED CAR Automatic tronsmlislon Rodlo 33.500 1973 - Air. AM'FM. tour new white KINGSWOOD ESTATE WAGON - -»r Shrewsbuf y, H > (l/roi miles. 13000 S44-0S99 wall radial*, extremely clton. 11000 1971, ntw trrei/brafcei. lupaoo* rock, Coll S31-OI51 after 6 7 Auto Insurance wood Irome panellno, A-l Londltlon PINTO 1974 - Four tpeed. 7M0 CC. CUMBERLAND FARMS Air 11300 SM4977 Excellent condition. Stereo, radial VEGA WAGON 1971 - With 1974 I AUTO AND CYCLE INSURANCE u/«s. new shocki Call'4741IS Aiklng FreeQuqifiB."?- NEEDS you can push, pull or shove into our lot toward the KITSON CHEVROLET CO. • r— glne Air conditioninmlnga Rftoosonooli e Low Rotes 531 Ml 12300 19-17*3 5TORE MANAGERS Hwy 36 Eotontow AUTO INSURANCE Ex ponding retail food chain hos SI1IO0O PINTO 1974 SQUIRE WAGON - VEGA - 1971 Free quotes and binders by phone Call created openings lor retpontlble >ndi- LINCOLN CONTINENTAL TOWN TJOOcc S9.000 milt* Excellent cond. Hatchback toll fret WATTS line, 1004779703 14 ' male and female, to train tor COUPE 1971 - Excelltnl condition tlon (MOD 717-0179 764 1370 houri leviri days u wrrt . lonagement It you are am- purchase ol any used car in this ad Fully •quipped 60,000 mllti. I1SO0 bitious, sell motivated ond looking for PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 1966 - VEGA 1971 - Private owner 77 PLYMOUTH 76 CHRYSUR Automatic, Hi -cylinder, excellent con ^UTOTNSURANCE a career, we are offering the opportu- After 5 pm. 147 7)1] nity to learn managing skills VOLAflE CORDOBA dltlon Mull tell fait SX» 791-9172. Computerized Quotes Applicants accepted will receive sala- 6 cyl . auto trans, mnl LINCOLN MARK V 1977 - Rote Dlo PLYMOUTH FURY GRAN COUPE VEGA 1974 ESTATE WAGON - Auto ry, commissions, bonuses, company VB. auto trans. P/B. P/S. air mood Fire 5,000 miles S10JD0 Socrl 1971 — Paisley vinyl roof and Interior, malic, excellent condition, top rack CALL 747-2900 paid benefits ond unlimited advance brakes, p/s. black w/while cond.. white w/tan root & flee 446 Jin brown, air conditioning, two-door, Alklng tltOO COII671-.427 J. Reid Harrison men I opportunities buckets, built-in CB radio, interior. 19.351 miles Stk LINCOLN - 1969. Mark III Closil. mint condition USD 495 1009 For pettonal interview coll Mr Bob- low miles, fully equipped, garage kept V0LKSWAGEN BUS 1971 - Good Agency tape player. 15,887 miles S4319 PLYMOUTH VALIANT IMS — Two- tormition Beii reosonoole price Mondoy and Tuesday. 4 7pm mint tee Best offer tofcei It. 449 4M door, standard, pood running condi- 717-6447 Stk 34347 PMCE »5330 evtfllngs tion 17.75 946 KM mu iunn MICE S47»5 TRADE-IN SOO MERCEDES )MA - 33OS. tour door VOLKSWAGEN 1970 BUG - Jutt PLYMOUTH VALIANT 19*9 - Four posved Inipedion, needs point (475 Equpt Opportunity Employer TBAOE-IN.u.m, 500 ttlch shift, reclining bucket teoft door, automatic, good running condl DANCE INSTRUCTOR - E «• Very oood condition Come and tei tlon. W.000 mlln tSOO firm m ISM Coll 741-S3W penenied in Tap. Ballet. Jan or Acr- YOU PAY $4830 MtfcJT after 7 p.m VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1947 - 1S00 in YOU PAY $4295 10 Wanted Automotive obotlc. all levels Send resume lo 76 PLYMOUTH 75 TMUMPH SflTHM MERCURY COUGAR I*7S - XR7 E PLYMOUTH VALIANT 1967 — Six Dance, P O Bo* U9 Red Bank N j cellent condition Power window cylinder automatic, good iron. 0770. ____, VOLARE WON moonrool. AM'FM stereo. poriatlon Very reasonable Call 291 VOLKSWAGEN 1970 - Good condl er, mony entra* 14700 Coll 1741 evenings tlon. AM/FM, rear defogger. radial DFNTM. ASSISTANT. RECET 6-cyl,, auto trans. P/S, mnl 4-spd mnl trant 4-cyl mnl MCB IfTi- Excellent condition, over tires. 11000 Coll 747 1M4 TIONIST JJhour week E*periencc brakes, AM radio, root rack. R YMOlMH 1973 - Gold Ov\\t> vl JUNK CARS WANTED - Picked up desirable, but will train Coll tor inter brakei'steering yellow •rive. AM'FM stereo elgM Irock. ll nyl roof, tinted windows, VI. lilti. VOLVO PIWOS IWI Needs point. 64 Cenlrol Ave , Red Bank view. 747 MI3 tape stripes, WWs 18.513 26 069 men Slk « 43S2 MM rack HJOO mil*. Alklng Ul olr conditioning, power steering, pow 47.000 miles S7O00 or best offer Call Coll 741 1079 DENTAL ASSISTANT - Experience miles Stk 9 4355 tf bfofces. AM radio, four rodlol tlrei. 779 93S4 Four Hooded Dentistry lot general M.O00 mllei %MSO or best offer 142 WHELAN PONTIAC BUICK OPEL TOP DOLLAR " e Red Bonk area 741 PRICE M2»5 TRADE-IN I. AtftM Mr Sole 6071 Hwy9 FreefMld TRADE-IN 900 467-0147 DRAPERYWORur K ROOMASSiS PLYMOUTH 1970 BARRACUDA VI tlPPlN MOTOR CAR CO . INC TANT - Duties Include cutting fold nyl roof, automatic, »i« cylinder, wltti Rf 3i Soyrtvlllt. N.J 7771300 ing and pockagirvg Sewing experience YOU PAY $3795 YOU PAY $2995 snows WOO 7791311 after 4. 3 Trucks and Trailers prelerred, but not necessary Oood GfOftGE WAU PLYMOUTH 1973 FURY III — Vinyl benefits 9T2 0O7' 74 CHRYSUR roof, automatic, air. fully equipped. CHEVROLET 1954 - Six cylinder A l used cars and trucks Top dollar paid 74 CMVT UNCOIN MDtCURY 15,000 miles 119» 946-1729 pickup Rebuilt engine 1500 Call 467 OASIS MOTORS (3011721 7100 ORlVElS NEW YORKER 3111 evenings For Italian tee trucks wonted Please SPORT FURY PONTIAC CATAL1NA 1969 - Auto WE BUY USED CARS AND TRUCKS ton 6W ?'*«. Ml »O47 o- UJ 747<- 75 mMOUTH 4-dr . 8 cyl , auto trans. Sfirewsbury N J malic, power ttierlng/brakes, olr, re tF pCKUP l«l Mint iond< SCHWARTZ CHRYSLER V8, auto trans. P/B. P/S, air 4-cyl 4 tod 1*3 Warn mtu DRt~VE~RS NEEOED -To"\ta>rWpr DUSTER P/S, P/B, air cond , cent brake |c* 1100 5665315 lion 5!» cylinder. M, Ion Four speed PLYMOUTM cond . powder blue, white brakes and ttt«r«nd 747-5400 immocuolatt IHOO Call 671 447f Red Bonk. 7470717 6-cyl. auto trans. P/S, P/B. P/Wind , green w/matching PONTIAC CATALINA 1 MUST APPLY NOW buckets, vinyl roof, new FORD 1970 VAN Wf BUY USED CARS AND TRUCKS air cond , green w/green vi- int.. 29,875 miles Stk St* « 1Q14 1775 or best offer Part-time, J. 3. 4 or S hours per tchooi tires, 40,887 miles Stk W£ WANT TO BE 717 144)7 1 SCHWARTZ Chrviler Plymouth day Murphy Bus Service T41 4M0 nyl root. 26.331 miles Stk • 4303 Red Bonk. 7470717 S1724A TRADE-IN Mt YOUR CAR DEALER PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1961-400 tour- ""BBS " tLECTRICAL ENGINEER - UM.S6 «4329 PRICE M7S5 Speed, new paint, brake*, lhocfct. FORD 1974 TRUCK - One ton. with WE NEED USED CARS H annum, (Civil Service potlllonl PMCE M7»S 14' enclowd body TRADE-IN SOO clutch and itereo Best offer 264 7106 Top dollar paid MULLER CHEVRO P reparc studiet, plant, intpeel on PRICE sins TRADE-IN SO0' 591 9691 onyrlmc LET, Hwy 34. Motowon, 56A-MO0 various typet of public works tyttemt YOU PAY $1999 Now Taking Orders PONTIAC GRANVILLE 1971 - Minu u YOU PAY $3295 Spacious four«joor, fully equipped, e* icol Engineeg a e yt mo™ so. YOU PAY $3299 For Alt cellent condition Call after 6 p m , 147 3OumpTr» 741 1079 EMPLOYMENT progressive experience in the field 74 MERCURY 72 IHRTSUK 1978 MODELS 4M4 V Send completed SF in (ttatement of Bug yellow. 4-cyl . 4-spd NEWPORT CUSTOM PONTtAC LE MANS 1974 - Automat INTERNATIONAL 197* SCOUT - quo! ill rations) lo, or contact Civilian COMET 4-spd mnl trans, rotary en- Ic, olr. VI, four-door, power stetrlno Power steering, power broke*, auto AUTO BODY PERSON - Mutl tuve Pertonnel Oepo'tmen). NWS Eorle, mnl trans. mnl 4-dr Hdtp, VB. auto , P S. and brakes. 19.000 milt*. Excellent malic. 77.000 mlln «7» 747 S437 of experience ond own tools Marlboro 2-dr . 6-cyl. auto trans. gine, mnl steering. P/assist Shrewsbury Aw At Sycamore ter 6 p m Auto Body. 7*04404 Colts Neck, N J 07777 467 9500. Eit brakes/steering, radio. P/B. air cond . white wtXk condlllon 6713395 »S P/S. mnl brakes, radio. brakes, reclining buckets. 46.036 miles Stk vinyl int 55 776 miles Stk The deportment of the Nov« it an 55 932 miles Stk #C1752 AM radio. 49.360 miles Slk. »C1638A • 4MB 2. Autos For Sole 2. Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sale equol opportunity employer PMCE S2«M »4336 FSTIMATOR MfifiK general ton PMCE S2MS tt ruction TBADE-IM SOO PMCE MtSO TRADE-IN 500 747 TOW to< an>iifi!mfl*il TRADE-IN.,.. HO | EXPERIENCED PANTRY PERSON YOU PAY $1999 - Anddlthwosher Apply In person ol YOU PAY SI 995 YOU PAY $2450 NEED A CAR rf 4 p m . tee me chet. Foirbonks inn. | 344 Ocean Ave , Seo Brighl 72 nYMOUTH 70 VOLVO 144S EXPERIENCED COUNTER HfetP — |100% HNANCINGl For Gourmet Food Shop ORAN COUPE 4-DOORSDN AVI NO COMAKERS Coll 141 MM V8. auto . P'S. P/B. air. 6 cyl auto trans, mnl steer- HOLSEY PONTIAC IXPIftiCNCiO "AND" R E CFA B VE AM/FM stereo, buckets, ing P/Disc brakes. AM/FM 4 CORDOBAS N0G1MMKKS PE RSON — For londscopir^g ond blue w/blue vinyl int . radio. 57.964 miles. Stk grounds maintenance Bongorione 65,129 miles Stk o 1709B #701A 2 VOLARE Ask for Mr. Bonks NuTMrv. Tinton Foils *4?0"l I ijtdP * EXPERIElTc'ED LPN - For buiy PMCE MMS PMCE...: Jiess WAGONS 3 Oullett doctor t office Mon. to Fri I S p m TRADE-IN SOO Send resume, do not coll. Motawon TRADE-IN ...... 500 l^.CCC milt Northern Branch Medical A»ocs , 713 Mom St.. Mala 1 MAZDA Clean Sweep! won. N J 07747 YOU PAY $1795 YOU PAY $1199 COVUACC WAGON AVAKAHEON ON THE SPOT ~UAUFKD USCOJ RIC VfHKUS ' " APPROVAL Machine tender, Folding helper, and general factory help Apply af Salmon Paper Bo> Co , 37 Main St . Matowon, 24 Hr. SERVICE 747-0787 FINANCIAL SECRETARY - For 566-6102 perlenced only Excellent salary and corner H*y 35. benefits Strict confidence 747 9101 be- Southern Branch rw«*n f and noon only W 141 W front Si FREE LANCE MECHANICAL PASTE UP - If you hove 10 or mrxe CHRYSLER # PLYMOUTH Redbank hourt a week tg cipand your pr***n! 2234256 knowledge and income, and have ex SMOWBOO* HO./RS MON rfrv fHUtt OPfN 9-9 FBI HI 6 SAT M4 peritnee In or enjoy rrvechanical patte rlence (Including protettlonol refer ices) to Production Monoger, Urn vertlty Graphics Inc ll Writ Avt . Atlantic Highlands, N J 07716 No itervlewi by op- Large Portions All models in stock-immediate delivery opening lor manogert and SOLD tors Demontlroteouoranteed toys ond gtftt No cash invettment-no collecting or dellverlng-no service charge Cor and telephone necessary Co'i collect New 1977^ New 197; lew 1977 to Carol Day. SH 419 llvi or writ* Friendly Toy Pomes. 70 Roiirood Caprice Malibu Wagon Blazer Ave . Albany, N.Y 17705 i three montt>t

HELP WANTED - fiavthore Flthery. 703 Shrewsbury Ave.. Red Bonk HOSTESS. CASHIER AND LUNCH WAITRESS M W - Experienced Ap ply FliAermont Whorl Rumton. tl-S. Mon through Sat V-8, auto, trans., p.s.. p.b., air cond . roof 6 cyl.y . auto trans, pp.s. . pp.b... tinted glassg,, V-8. auto., p.s., p.b., air cond., tinted glass, rack, ext. decor, w/w's. tinted glass, heavy duty radiator, il AMP HOSTTHOSTESS sport suspension, sport wheel covers, lilt heavy duty radiator, gauges, il AMP gener- 4.Ooors Experienced p/tallgate release. Stk. SMI. ator, spearmoedings wheel, body and door mldgs. w/w's. Stk. t dis St 2-Door* CFr»flO UHPrfee Immediate Part-Time LM Price • FIREBIRDS UsIPrfc* $5049 UNLM $5360 GOOD HUMOR MAN MM Or Good Humor Woman Jj OTHER TOG$579OOSE FROM5 , Jl OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM k« OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. r GRAND PRIXS * BONNEV1LLES • Make your own hours • CATAUNAS •Try It, you'll like It • INVk •No cat' Or expense to you • PHOENIX * VENTURAS If yeoriondup with N J Driver s llcente Apply * ASTRE MS Snrewtbury Ave . Shrewsbury SELECT ON SUNDAY • SUNBIRDS An equal Opportunity employer M/F JOIN US TODAY.. For success tomorrow TOWNE CHEVROLET If you con recfult, train. manoQe ond motivate salespeople, and have a Mil imoae tor a higher Income MM* with vt/T & T Attoc , 7 45 p m . Wed . • lit. 35Middkt(Hvn, HOLSEY PONTIAC Aug 17. Copltol Hotel, lit », Lake- wood. N J Nurlli of \l Mil SI AMI.I s| ( III VHOIJ I 1)1 AJI H on Next Page 20 The Drily Regtaier SHREWSBURY, N TUESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1977 Tell 100,000 Dally Register readers! Sell It! Quicker than FAST! DIAL THE CLASSIFIED ACTION LINE 542-1700 CALL TOU FREE FROM MATAWAN AREA 5664100 CAU TOIL FREE FROM MDDLETOWN AREA 671-9300.

51. Help Wanted Sh Help Wonted 51. Help Wonted Nubbin 101. Apartments ioi. Cemmerclql DEO B»NK - Oneoedtoorr. oparl Rentals • LANDSCAPE GARDENER S HELP REAL ESTATE SALES - Wont moll WE'VE EXPANOED AGAIN - AM mem. snore kitchen on) Doth Single EH WANTED - Full time, mull hove voted persons who mull moke money need tight more drivers lo start the IP vou'ee AJUAPY BEAUTIFUL,' person preferred. H1-WIS. »AT»WAN TOWNSHIP - Tl«t »* drivers Home Coll Ml JIM otter i We offer training. International refer school year MUST APPLY NOW to rooms, lorje living roonvlltrten. RED BANK » KIVEKUDE »VE. ral service, friendly atmosphere, no start Sept 7 Good poy, port time only yOU 64V6 A LOT OP both Hlohwoy buslnesi property See competition from monootmenl Prefer Murphy Bus Service. 741 4400 He».e«pm Inexperienced but will consider ei perlenced salespersons Call for con- MIDDLETOWN - RT IS. Great shop- LEGAL SECRETARY - Mlafllelown UXURY HIGH-RISE" fidential interview. Jack McGowon, 52 Baby Sitting L ping center Lost three stores, tram orta Eiperleme In negligence Ei- Overllooking the Noveslnk Riiver Lttlent working condition* Call W3 Century 11 McGowon Ryan Agency, VMffsq It. Good rant. eJl-tOTl «* Ml- 747 3ODB etfl after 7 p.m. Mr. Cehen. Act fast. »1« Child Care We wont you! To help us keep rents walking condition* New modern of REAL~ESTATE SALES - Licensed BABYSIT — In my home, for two year at their lowest. By maintaining lOOX '•.*» Available to all tron»porlotion experienced salespersons wanted to ok), light housekeeping. Matawan occupancy we are effectively keeping stmo preferred m-tm slarf new brarfch offlc* In Matawan rents down. Studios starting ot 11I5. one bedroom storting ot OH and two storoae. Not avaW^we vwc auw LPN - Or Medical Aulitant Wanted Equltoble company policies Btit BABYSITTER MOTHER'S HELPER bedrooms storting al O95. three bed It\J53 Full lime, doctor* office E«perlence wwkino conditions Inquiries held In — In my home Beginning Sept 6th. repairs. »1 rooms also. preferrod 7t.-M30 strides! confidence APPLEBROOK 1177 through May 1971 Monday Monmoufn County Eotoflhnvn Areo AGENCY INC .471 3300 through Thursday Own transportation Central air and heat, gat cooking, bal MAC HI NUT - EHMTlM^wl In set up RESIDENTIAl CLEANING SERVICE and Coll 946 *W> and operation of general preclilon mo conies, 74 hour doorman, TV security, - Supervisor Must have experience BABYSITTER - Care of ,U year old .nine work Stewart'*, tool and Dli swimming pool, sauna, morlno, olio Se Full time position Call 5*4 3711 before Monday through Friday. 7K i X P n- v. ompony, 94* 4600 underground parking. Rental office My home Own transportation Middle open seven days a week. Call Bob Clc town References Start September cone of 101 741-1733. ^___^_ RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE 471 tut otter 6 pjn. RUMSON — One-bedroom. Cop .<*he», milleri and grinder* »u»t read - Full time position available Solo BABY~SlTf¥R NEEDED- For sec- venlent lo shops ond transportation. print.. Htah wage* Liberal benefit. rled Experience preferred Coll 5*4 ond grade child, before ond after 1710 per month, Includes heat and hot I oil '" »&• •• 3711 before! p.m RN — Port time with experience, tor 71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise water 272 3000 v( biCAC SECRETARY - For busy near Morkno o , 63. Money to Loan 77. P»U And Llvettoch 7-3:30, 11-7 shift Two days per week. SEA BRIGHT - All utilities paid, office, thoMfnglnp position with od with alternating weekends, for pro- w.WWI For Sole For Sal* IRISH SETTER PUPPIES - Lovattle, three rooms on ocean. Mutt tee. Only -arHemenl for riant person, previous gressive nursing home. Call for on ap- DRYER — 60s, (ofM CQpoclty. 115 BABYSITTF ft Own tfoniporlatlon PIANOS-ORGANS OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE - Hew eKperlence helplul benefit, avallotle pointment, 431 filS between 10-4 p.m. LOAN BY PHONE! Scar t, tin year old, ruing mower, NO. Core for first grader after school In STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 MMng, M0 so B., will XvM, to sJl. Send resume and references to Box E Fail service! Secondary mortgage Both In eicetlenl condition Coll 471 my home. 3 p.m to 6 p.m., five days New pkno* from I7K Motlng ond olsirr conOWonlnconOWenlno )kicluoed 331. The Dally Regttter. Shrewsbury, References. Llncroft area Call •« loom! MAJESTIC FINANCE CORP,. OBEDIENCE TRAINING - Next be Summer clearance on all spinet organs SHREWSBURY ARMSAPART- J. Coll %n\ut HJ.Qfft.. 74« after 6 » p m, 7S9Rt 9. Howell Ask for Mr. Lewis, glnners ctosi Sept. I, Bayshore Com- MENTS - One and two bedroom CALL US TOLL FREE: Student pianos from 1195 NlfcL) * JOB' Call iriTA Em ELECTRIC POWERED WHEEL panion Dog Club. 741-4J04*. apartments from .190 Senior Clllien OFFICE SPACE - Two to BABYSITTER - Needed Mlddletown Rental* from 17 SO per month ioymetil and Training Agency, Red CHAIR - Beautiful condition. No PUPPY FOR SALE - Black Labrodor discount available professlonol building tMO Includlna RECREATIONAL AIDE (Ook HIM am), 1-5 p.m., five days, (600)822-8989 worertowse for leading malar brands onh orto. Ml 4470, Aibury Park FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER Retriever, female, nine weeks, M0, utilities, rm Mwy. U, Hoilet Agent S Sept Feb Own transportation Refer- UNION BEACH — Two large bed area, 774 WOO. Bayshore area. 4fS Full time, experienced only need ap Collfor^ntrr-nt Call 7*9-344?. pnpnsmlf. . P>V ences required 471 ^337 after b rooms, heat paid, ready now. Coll. MM. Freehold orta.Ot 7TJ4. leiitef St Clirtwood B ELECTRONIC SALE - On CB's and TWO DOGS NEED GOOD HOMES - STATE RENTAL5 Bkr. 747-9414 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUITES- FULL TIME BABYSITTER • For to MERCHANDISE equipment. New, below wholeiale NURSE KNorLf'N Pat time.117 Folks moving AKC spayed tour year Ground floor, suitable tor doctor or ROUTE DRIVER For year found month-old, In my home Monday Many used sets and equipment Cheap. PLAY HOUSE - For children. Log WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING - Appli- shift Pieoic call MedicenUr, U1 3MK), old Chihuahua and AKC tour-year-old dentist ot m Broad St., Red Bonfc. 7<; emplovmtnt Good poy and benefits through Friday, Matawan area Call One day only, Saturday, Aug 70 cations for lote summer and fall rent- ( •' 13. miniature poodle, good stud. Coll 747 mo.» o.m. M ! PJIV Clean license a mutt, Contact Mr WOMlV KRACKS GARAGE, 7 Poplar St.. alt. One bedroom from S240 Two bed Bradthow between 3 and * p.m., Mon 71 Merchandise Port Monmouth »7 1400 room from 1315 Heat ond hot water RED BANK - Prime location on East LOVING PERSON TO CARE FOR - PORTABLE EIGHT-TRACK PLAY- through Frl , 77ot410 ER - Excellent condition, 130. BSR WANT ED-GOOD HOME - For three supplied Pool privilege Included In Front St. SUKontotad. ArMe pork Five-year old, 11:30 am 5 p.m and ENCYCLOPEDIAS - P.P. Collier. 94 SALESPERSONS - (Twoi"fuiT7TnT#"; For Sale automatic record changer with heod altered femoU cots. Three years old. renT Coll tor opponent. 191-0004 mg. Avollabk Sect I MUBf peo jo s seven year-old. 130 p.m •$ p m M/F like new volumes, experience preferred, will train, leads A HUGE SUMMER CLEARANCE phones, like new, US. MJ-5445. Good pets Ttt-tno. Kecmburg. Union React, and Matowon Must hove own transportation Rum- 717-3147 •ED BAMK - IB Monmtuth V • cor- furnished Life and health benefits SALE — Of Eiollc House Plants Must u'rot MM III 6tpm Good pay son In my home Call after 6p.m., 741- SANSUI STEREO fOtO DB - Never WEST END — Heat free, three ner Highway IS, 1N0 sq. ft., around available Every day o pay-day Apply clear before cold weather Mike's ETHAN ALLEN — Heirloom Knee and iteodv work. Call Ml 3000 afttr lb •707 References. used Winchester *4 3039, also never spacious rooms. Ready now. J7I0 floor pr otesslonoc sulle, ovoUoMt Aug. In person, Servlsoll Water Condi- Greenhouses, 701 Shore Blvd., Keons- hole desk. HO; pink loce dress, site 14, 80. Bicycles/ UM4. CB rodlo, Cobra 40 channel, nev- STATE RENTALS Bkr 747-9434 IS, mM divide lo mil aid otcoratt on tioning. 341S Rt 33, Neptune Week burg, 717 $434 worn once, suitable for Mother, er used 513 S7M Mini/Motor Bikes lonottrni lease. Carpet, qlr coydl- DLS1FN TEMPSNEEPSYOUR doyi, M p.m. Bride/Groom 44M01t. WEST END - Two large rooms, Honing. On-slte reserved ond I 54 Situations Wanted HONDA 1W9 SL-175 — Excellent con SKILLS EARN EXTRA MONEY SEARS - Heavy duty chain tow. 40" ready now 1150 pays all FACTORY OUTLET - Bed frames, dltton. New battery, good tires. Asking HIGH RATES: NO FEE 117 Rte IS Female . electric cook stove. Riding lawn mow STATTEI RENTALS Bkr 117, bunk beds, complete. 1,39.95. new Ut5. 717-1730. sranrwTLT^,s ( AIONTOWN 54153DO EXPERIENCED, MATURE NURSES er. Electric town mower. Many other WEST KEANSBURG - Wall -to-wall mattresses, full or twin, 179 H After I SON.ttMlllortetSM. AIDE — Will care for elderly patient flea market Hems. RD. 1, Box 341. THREE-WHEELED - All terrain ve AI R~CONDITIONERS — Whirlpool, pm ,49500/5 ^^ carpeting, fwo bedroomi, kldt ok. ORGANIST CHOIR DIRECTOR or babysit for working mother Mato Swing Volley Rd.. Moroanvllle. Sti- hide. More fun than a go tort 5 h.p. 5.500 BTU. 140 G.E. Carry Cool, 4,000 For small church customeri moke 2nd line natural — wan and vicinity 5*3 90,9. Great for any age. Excellent 17*5 747, 10V Buildlngi/Oaragc, BTU.OSts.S40 741-1175. STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9414 Pleas* coll TV) 9014. evenings sell the first - fall Into second - tend AIR CONDITIONER - PtlllCO SEVEN PIECE CONTEMPORARY — LITTLE SILVER - WortOouse. 7M resume Box S79, Ntptune, N.J. 077S3. GOING ON VACATION? - HouTe"sTT PACKING'SHIPPING — Person with 5OO0BTU.1SO Living room, sliver velvet. Mock ilate ttE.ino SALESPERSON - Auto ports [ot ter t?S per week and up Horn carpentry experience required 791-0745 table lops, Mexican Motif, ttoo t n 102 Houses For Rent ber /dlstrlbutorfor Monmouth County 495 2513, Mri-Rogers. 81. SSpori ts Equipment for Uilpptng deportment Apply In per- blue palm tree, 150. Pair of Mock acr- A-, RENTAL SERVICES - Furnished requires on Inside salesperson with at UOE FFRAHCHR I AUTOMATIC - son ID Electro Impulse, lift Chestnut HAHDWORKINiV JAMAICAN WUM ylic lamps, 175. Seven piece silver and unfurnished homes ond apart least Two years experience Good ben toed. Solid Walnut, glott top end to FAMILY AD 110 Wonted To Rent SI . Red tank, or phone 74l«4tM AN — Seeks day's work house plated tea iirvlce, IM0 Colt m-74«. • • W • • •* • • • V H • «* mveei bin, (two). ISO each. Rock Mqpl* two eflts plus bonus Coll BUI or Felix ot cleaning. Live In. 747-7711. . FEMALE — NMds room In private PART/FULL TIME - U 75 pet hour SOFA — Brown, with corner (able and S47 70K piece hutch, ll« 7f I 55*4 otTtr 430 AGENCY, Realtors, 55 Oceanport home or share apartment and ei< to *tort wltt. WEA.I II yews or older MATURE WOMAN - Would like posl lamps ond go1 Id chair, 1300 Hollar p.m. Ave.. West Long Branch. 771-4100. penses with some In Red Bank, 7*1 wit* cor. Call between S 30 ond 7:30. SCHOOL BUS DRIVER - Licensed tlon companion to elderly person, Provlnctol coffee and lamp table, 1140 83. CBs, Electronics A-1 CONDITION - Mohan Provlnclol Ski. Mon.-Frjr Uiyi through Wed S7I-7I77 To drive von for Nursery School Be nights only, good references 147 0571 Excellent condition. M4-14AS. BELFORD - Basement, porch, dining soto ond chain, osklna S350, Call be ROYCE CB - IK BOM, hardly t gin Sept 7 Call 747 9743 after 6 p.m LINES used, antenna Included. Beit offer. room and more. Three large beo PROFESSIONAL PERSON - See*Ing PART-flME - Clerk"fo7 iiquor~itor7. foff 5,671 WU SOFA - Colonial SI", brown and rust lo estate wokh or rent cottage on F veilings Long Branch area Must be Call 471 1574 SECRETARY - For imoll office ET tweed, tin, Two snow tires with rims. STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 property, Excellent references Send hondable. Write to Box E-330. The BABY BIG STROLLER - Hvadslrom, perlence preferred, typing o must Cat! 55 Situations Wanted A7i*13,*I5. Call 471 3544. replies lo Box X-73-, The Dally Ragli Dally Register, Shrewsbury. N.J. •or appointment, 747 7&M BELFORD - Three bedroomi, living 84. Merchandise ter, Shrewsbury. 07701. 07701 , i ' Male SOFA — Provlnclol style. Excellent room, IVi baths, full cellar. MATA- SECRETARY - Shorthand, typino", condition, MO. WAN TOWNSHIP, three bedrooms, RESPONSIBLE - Mature family t'AHT TIME Drivers Start Sept 7. business experience preferred. 35 ALL AROUND - Yard work. Go 741-M7I Wonted BEDROOM SET - ThrM-plcc*. 145. lorge living room, bath, kitchen 566 wishes to rent a two or three bedroom bui you MUST APPLY NOW. 2, 4, or S rtoor week Benefits Permanent posl , gutters cleaned ' AAAAAA - LIQUIDATE UNWANT- Liathtr lop tablf, Borcaloynger, STEREO CONSOLE - Mognavox UfMm home In Little Silver, Fair Haven or •»•'! pet school day, good pay Apply tlon Eatontown Industrial Park Call llrnote*. 741 430S DAYS ED ANTIQUES, JEWELRY. RUGS, lompv mirror and small apphamei wolnut cabinet. Excellent condition Red Bank. Excellent references. Coll fom to noon; Murphy Bus Service, M4 1700 for appointment. FOR CASH. CLIFFWOOO BEACM - 4 '.'» room*, S4t-41M,7-fp.m. 1150. Coll 1414305. 555 Rt 35, Mlddletown (behind Slpers INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES •tone house, In country setting. f>775. HMK SHEETROCKERS - Taperi ond fin 57. Day Care/ teln't Points) For afternoon appoint The USED FURNITURE CENTER 159 E. Newman Springs Rd STATE RENTALS Bkr 747 9434 Isners. Top wooes. Coll 7 3 p m,, M7 'iieni phone 741-4600 1«7 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank Shrewsbury • 747-4M0 Nursery School EAST KEANSBURG — •REAl ESTATE (•ART TIME HELP~ - EKperlenced. H7S EvenTngsTlprn, 467 2174 Been*, Has beens and Why Notl *> H I I I INOANHSNLII iNd rooms, living room, kitchen, dinette, „ FOH SAl C A-aiijote weekends ANYtlMg>Hll.D CARE - A' Cen CAST IRON JOCKEY - Excellcni $3 World's largest employment service. TIRES — Craoor mags with IS" Par- both Available Sept. IS. Colt 9at-*IOB. CoHTtl-3i3» ter IT hour Two weeks to eight years condition. Freshly painted. Worth MM 170 Brood St I Red Bank, N J 747 1111 nelll Jones tires, 1130 EATONTOWN - Two targe bedrooms Nurtery School, !' , S 14? HI) AsklngSIH 741 fin. DOLLARS PART TIME KITCHEN HELP - Ex- ANTIQUE5 - Anything old. Furnl In quiet or eo Alow M3S lure, china, glass, dotls, [ewctry, rugs perience not necessary Calf between V CHILD CARE - Reasonable. My CHINA CLOSET - Provincial. E« STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 131 Houses For Sale 0 m ond?pm , ITi-Tfn cellent condition 1150. TOP SOIL-FARM LAND Tap cash paid. Mary Jane Roosevelt, home 7 am to 4 p.m. Toddlers to pre- Screened, clean, I yds , 160 HISTORIC VILLAGE OF NAVESINK A FANTASTIC BROCHURE al hornet 717 107* 1OTE River Rd.. Rumson 14)3)59. PARTTTME KITCHEN UTILITY - ery. 34 Prospect Plan school Planned octlvlty Snacks. Call - Charming 150-year-old, center hall In Monmouth County! It's yours It yew For lurge office building In Holmdel, 14? ltJ6. t am to 10 am.. 7pm to 9 COAL — Approximately ant ton. Colonial, three bedrooms, 2V> baths, write or call Betsy Ross Aaency. 1U SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR — Two CASH FOR USED FURNITURE - ' >- days a week, Man through Frl •p-wi- txtaoKt. US Colonial sofa, 112$. Two Available tor Merchandise For Sale TV COLOR - H' Zenith console. formal dining room, fireplace In living Rf. 35. Kevporf, N J OT7J5 Phone: nights, will consider trainee. 7-12. Good condition. 1140. Antiques, onythlna of value or Interest 1 iieMcnt poy, chonce tor advance RED BANK CO-OP NURSERY Only. Attlile mult originate from a room, many extras 1550 per montn IMI45* __^^ menl Call vn Prayiner, »U 5419 1419100 household ond may not exceed a sale Coll 741 -4140 plui utilities. No pets. Rtferencet, SCHOOL - Accepting registrations AMAZING ! Bf? price of 1100.00 per article. "MIRROR. MIRROR lease and security required 177-0541. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR - tor 1977-1971. An eorly childhood ex TWO STEARNS - Buoyant Sports Three bedrooms, li ft master bed COLONIAL COUCH - Burgundy cot ON THE WALL, perlence for you ond your child Call vests; on* imoll, one large, used once, room. II ft living room with fireplace. or,S150 Red plaid chair, t*J Bofh *. Price MUST Be Advertised. Each od- WHO ISFAIREST LINCROFT - Twobedroom house for PART TIME PERSON - Midnight (.client condition 7416757 110 eoch. Coll 7414717. 13 ft. formal dining room, kitchen, dltlonol llrte 11. No copy changes may OF THEM ALL?" basement 150 ft lot •'.ift .veefcend. be mode ond no discounts or returns TYPEWRITER - Electric. Smith Co- TRY l« 3393 TEACHER OPENING - Upper grade COLONIAL DINING ROOM SET - MELMED REALTY INC «M 5*50 Coll in-0« 6 p.m will be mode If ad Is cancelled before rono. Coronet Cartridge 12 Excellent math teacher In Catholic elementory Seven pieces, Bennlnpton Pin*, and PRINTING PRESS MARLBORO AREA — Two-bedroom expl ration . condition 11.5. SH-sST ANXIOUS UOl PART TIME WAITRESS/WAITER - school Send resume to Box E-337, The Lone lector chest 671 1931 Small, table top. hand operated print cottage tor rent In the country 1315 Four large bedrooms, 17 ft. master Cod aft* 1? noon, ask for Irmo Both Dolly Register, Shrewsbury, N.J. WALLPAPER CLEARANCE SALE - Ina press In good working condltlor pluilusi iutilities. Coll otter i p.m., 944 COLONIAL DINETTE SET - 1115. bedroom, living room. IS ft. formal •rTi HBfbrouhauv Atlonllc Highlands. 07701 TO PLACE YOUR All Thomas, Strohon wallpaper In with chases, quoins, et. Coll 471-0131 11)5 MHul bunk bedv with mattresses. U0 DAILY REGISTER dining room, eat-In, science kitchen, Maple hutch, small. S30 Patchwork slock at special prices Values ot Hit. oiler 4 p.n MATAWAN - Three specious bed- TEACHERS - For Day Core Center, 61 Business FAMILY AD, CALL... up to MM per single roll. Sale price W 36X14 ft family roam, with ftreploce rocker, ISO Wing chair, tweed. 150 All roomi. kldt, peti, o.k. Call. PCRSON TO LEARN - Auto glass Long Branch Pre school and school cents per double roll. Other bargains TURN YOUR OIAMOHOSINTO ond bar All appliance. Two luxury In excellent condition. Hl-tl with STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9414 baths Large (of Low taxes. All this l td C age. 170-9730 loom loJp.m Opportunities In oda lots, Come serve. Coloresf Co., DOLLARS - Convert Old Jewelry to AM/FM rodlo. S75, 741-7351. plus 12 ft pool pad Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Lit* In TECHNICIAN — Dlgltol eiettronk. ART GALLERY - In prestige loco 542-1700 1? Brood SI, Red Bonk Cosh. DON PONS JEWELERS Will MIDDLETOWN - Enclosed porch, surance. Pension Plan, Holidays and two years minimum experience pre Buy from private owners and estates. MELMEO REALTY INC 471 5*50 Must Mil due to tomlly Illness CONTENTS OF HOME - Bedroom two-story Colonial, two lorge bed- vacation. Atlantic Gloss Co . II Maple 34 HOUR SERVICE ANTIQUE CLOCKS REPAIRED AND ferred. Test, modify ond repair TTL, id f ll d It set, baby Grand Plono. TV's, etc, 1S7 rooms Coll. JEWELRY DESIGNED. 791 River ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — New A »•*>•* CMOS and L.S.I, electronic products Taylon Mill Rd , Engllshtown. Mon FENDER RHODES - Stoge 73. 1550 STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 Rd,, fair Haven. N.J M2-A2S7 homes Bl level or Ranch, Buy direct PRESS PCRSON - Port or full time Construct test equipment, assist In furnish prospects for buyers ond stu- Dual Showman with reverb. «*» PA from builder and save Call 1*1 • 1M? dents, Very reasonable Coll 747 9575 mouth Melon!* Dt-vrlopnu-nt 467 IS46 )00. wltti columns, 1300 AM less than »" RCA COLOR CONSOLE - E< OAKHURST - Fenced yord with '?» MotH Reply BON D-J17. The Dally making prototype PC. boards. Varied WANTED PLAYER PIANO - In good between 5-7 p.m fwo yeort old. excellent condition 747 cellent condition. Fully Insured lor Register. Shrewsbury, N J 07/01 ond Interesting responsibilities. *"> CONTENTS OF HOME FOR "SALE - condition. Call 741-73M iU3 ports ond Wof. manrm. iti-eMI. day week, full benefits, proftl shoring. fit YOUR OWN BOSS Own your After i p.m. " company, Atlantic Highlands own business Lucrative established FISHfjR CONSOLE — AM/FM trtreo m ANO S GALLON PORT MONMOUTH - Small two-bed- WOULD YOU LIKE READY CASH - botht, deluxe kitchen, alus full-size newspaper route Call after A p.m.. COUCH - Three-piece sedlonal. off record player, two corner speakers. Oak Barrels. slOeoth room house, fenced In yard, 17)0 per REAL ESTATE For your old tools, old silver ond dining room, detachea garage ond while crushed velvet Entelleni condi- Cassette player, recorder 747-1*12. month plui utilities, one month secu- _ HMW china, old imoll furniture? Call 791 workshop S..U.S00 E, A. ARM SALES tion. Call 747 7tW TRUCK DRIVER WorefMHJ*r per 5371 rlty required. Coll 367 7711 STRONG AGENCY, Realtors, 555 A rare opportunity to |oln one of the sonl trolnee Steady all-year round po CARD ANO Glf T SHOP - Shopping FOUR CHANNEL - I Track Tape CUSTOM KITCHEN - Coolnel dls RED BAN~ .ree-beoroom, two- Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 741-4500 County's most successful firms Our illlon. Good Mure wltti growing con- Center, (20,000 required Principals Deck Brand new, still Inbox, was r*ev 72 Ooroge/Yord SOIes jjloys wood mode Complete with for- story home No pels, Lease, refer- tto<1 haf Increased Its sain by 100% In cern Apply In person onFy. 9:30 11:30 only. Phone 972 2U. er used, 150 Call 7474149 CONTENTS OF OLD FARMHOUSE mica top Bring us your floor plans RFAl. ESTATE ences required 1350 plus utilities Ul itte past year We are now opening a am. Value City Furniture. 1700 Hwy AND BARN - Wain.lands, table*, ond see them of Little Silver Kitchen FRIGIDAIRE - Refrlgerator/fieeicr, 4011 branch office In Llncroft. Mlddletown 35, Mlddtetown. EARTH WORMS - Raise lor profit. choirs, open beat, china cabinet*. .„ MENTALS BOVA'S BEST BUYS Center, 16 Falrvlew Ave , Little Silver two doors, coppttiont. 175 You will be taught the basics ot Real WAITEH v.'W Guaranteed market by written agree round Oak table ond chairs, living RED BANK - Two-story, seven-room (Behind Mercedes Ben,) 14? 1110 Ettote ot the Century 31 Academy as And port time kIK hen nit nf Attend 0 tree seminar, room let, dining room let, leather house, I7W per month plus utilities. SEE FOR YOURSELF - Unapt Troll area In Mlddlefown Village. Three welt as receive ongoing. In-house Coll 7474*91. betw«n 1 X and S Thursday. Aug. II. 7:30 p m., Holiday FRIGIDAIRE - Retrtgtrator/frewtr tack, old tooli, bicycle built tor two, 101 Apartments ' Coll 7«l05IOoftef 4pm T- We would prefer residents ol Inn. West Long Bronch, Exll 105 Gar and gas dryer Plus a porch sale. 170 ping pong toble, brlc obroc, lampt, bedroom ranch, living room with fire place, dining room, ptus outstanding I Iniron. New Shrewsbury. Holmdel, den State Parkway, two miles foil on 9131 • Rlvervlew Rd., Monmouth boggle,, sleighs, bob sleds, picture AAA RENTAL SERVICE - Hew rent- RIVER PLAZA - Beautiful neighbor- Experl family room Garage A buy at 151,500 Ook Hill . but will consider all oppll Rl 34 East Coast Worm Forms. el7 Beocti. frames, wagon locks. 10 Leonordvllle ol* dally, never o fee for tenant. Fur- hood Split level with three bedrooms, cants with or without experience For Colin Ml I03/ Rd.. New Monmouth 19.10, 71,10 am nished ond unfurnished homes and FURNISHING ON A LOW BUDGET? three baths, bar roam, recreation a confidential Interview, call Roger on. apartment. TEICHER AGENCY, room, sunken living room 1500 per MIDDLETOWN - Exceptional op- WAITRESSES WANTED M/W- Must - Check the USED FURNITURE Coiens, ot the Century 21, Coieni KINDERGARTEN- "Nursery School Daily-Sunday REALTORS, 717 Oceanport Ave.; month ptus utilities. Coll between 10 portunity. Split.level with Meldiione Ag#f« y F-air Huven 741 )IM In Bayihoff area State approved tor CENTER OF RED BANK Fine furnl FIVE FAMILIES - Tu*l. to Thurs., 10 Oceanpori 5423500. o.m to 10 pm 747-4554 llreploce, three bedrooms, kitchen, ga- If children Ideal for Monlessorl Send lure for less. 197 Shrewsbury Ave. lo 3. 207 Valley Drive, Noveitnk. Crib, meroom l**» In-ground pool, 154,900 CHEESEQUAKE VILLAGE MATA RE*L ESTATE SALES -"Business Inquiries to Box C 543. The Dally Reo FURNITURE — Twin-bed. Rock SIS. lOO's of clothes, 91 a bog, baby RUMSON - Executive ronch, river WAN — Four-room Ranch-style con- ho. continued lo grow, we need one WAITRESS IM/Fl - Experienced liter. Shrewsbury. N J 0770) REGISTER Hems, bookt, toys, much more, area, three bedrooms, two baths, air. BE DIFFERENT - Buy a six ocre M Maple bedroorr dominium. Over 57. Air conditioned, honest, hardworking; professional as- Apply In person. The Roman Inn. 31S3 fireplace, basement, porch, one acre. (wl'h low form tax asiessmenl) In the S.J. iirte We will provide the best In ad SUCCESSFUL LAUNDROMAT two heodboordi GARAGE SALE - Moving. Frl. and wall to *foil carpeilng. slove, refrig- RT:33, Hoilet or call 744-3777 private, 1525, 747-7*11. heart of Mlddlefown Wooded, level vertislna and training. MELMEO FOR SALE Classified Ads Sat.. 9 to 4 77 Emory Drive, Llncroft erator, washer ond dryer Club ond WAITRESS M/W - Apply Roxle Res land 143.500 REAl ITY. 671 5650 747-4117 after opm GIRL'S BEDROOM SET - II p**c>, Mlddletown-Liner oft Rd. to Prlsclllo pool privileges tllS plus heal 741- touranl, 727 Broadway, Long Bronch 1174. as low as rwln beds. Link French provincial plus 103 Rentals To Shore PAUL P BOVA, INC Realtor HEAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE No phone colls . Foulks Preston Agency hat Immediate 63 Money To Loan HUGEGARAOE SALE — Lots ol FOR ONLY 1300 A MONTH - Four opening tor sales, asioclotes, capable WATTBEST/WAITER ~ E»perlen"ced good thing*. Come ond see, Frl., Sot., bedroom*. X' living room, oil utilities nome viTev expenses wim aame oc 671-2544 • I handling executive clientele. New Ovtr 1|. Apply In person IS p.m., 38 cents GLASS TOP END TABLE - Original Sun . • t 37 Maple Ave . West Long free, wafer view Call 791 4371. tlvtve widow on pension? MldMlddlefowd n BRAND NEW l» t office wim oil modern facilities, train Shore Point Inn. JJ6O Hwy 35, \Un let lyllSO. osteal at MS. AtttAttonttt c HihlHighlandd , areo. Coll 449 p m . Three enormous bedrooms. II ft mas- PERSONAL Combine bills to one low GROUND FLOOR — Thrtt-revm, ter bedroom, 31 ft living room with ing program, sophisticated marketing WANTED —~E~i*frltnctd"oiT burner MOVING - Furniture, rugs, toyi, er payment. For home Impri •soon well heoted apartment, private en- flreploce. eat In country kitchen wltti tools, member ot multiple listing service person, state experience 744- bikes, household Frl., Sal., Aug. II, For FAST RESULTS trance, centrally located, year round dining oreo. utility room, attached ga- Member of national referral service. ID, 9-5 30 Lelond Terrace, Tlnton occupancy, security, no pets. Avail 104 Winter Rentals rage, luxury tile bolh. appliances. Only two poilllons left Call today for eao Up to Xyeo terms at LOW COST Falls. o confidential Interview on. BUSINESS LOANS Any kind, any HAMMOND oWeSept. I. Call M3 5145 •0X100 ft lot Patio F«lras WANTED — 'Rtipo^lUcTsxMr'lencea amount Call now. let's dlscvss It. MELMED REALTY INC »71SiM FOULKS PRESTON AGENCY hostess (M/W), for evenings and HIGHLANDS - Condominium for 2 Woodland DC Mlddletown ALL STATE ASSOCS BROKER weekends. Inquire ot The Sheraton ORGAN rent Furnished 1350 per month Cotl BRICKTOWN - PAINTEO WITH HAZLET OFFICE 739 7500 June. Call am or offer4, SJl-OSli Inn. 7170 Rt. 35, Hotltt. 244 3400 171-0347 SUNSHINE - Is wftof you'll soy when REGISTER Of Asbury Park ONE DAY ONLY - Little Silver Go FALL RENTAL - Vocation home. Mt. you see this yellow (our bedroom rage Sate Bikes, snow skis, antique. Pocono, Perm. Four-bedroom chalet, Ranch with on enormous sun porch Classified Ads ond much, much more. SAT., AUG private beach club, tennli courts, golf and fireplace, 100x100 double lot. HUGE PIANO SALE MTH t» Laurel Dr., Little Silver. course Weekends, weekly, monthly Budget price Asking m.5« Owners HIGHLANDS - One bedroom, unfur 777-5543. transferred KIRWAN REALTORS. CLASSIFIED 542-1700 SHREWSBURY MOVING nlshed, A 1 condition One block away REAL ESTATE 1. m WOO, toll tre* Open dally'til 9 Sol. 'til 5 Three days to moving --Everything from Moln It., beginning Sept I. SE:A BRIGHT Charming, furnished ITOimtm Open seven days until?. Toll Free from Matawan Area Main St and corner ot Motilson Ave. must go-You norm price. Inc luoes Price, %m plus utilities. Call 1714055 five room home on river Large living HI-RISER - Almost new. Washer, II bar and liquor memorabilia. Wed.. after A p.m. room with fireplace, excellent loco- 566-8100 lb ond dryer. Thurs.. Frl. 90 Queen Ann* Dr.. llon 13S0 per month plus utilities. 717 More Classified Shrewsbury HIGHLANDS - Three room apart- MR Toll Free from Mlddletown Area m-oti* ment. Intwo-rorr" SIDEWALK SALE - Aug. 17. 9 to 3.ondutlll1les.79l _ on Next Page DEARBOR671-930N FRUI0T FARM IBM TYPEWRITERS HO Mornlngilde Ave., Ea.t Keont- 106 Furnished Rooms BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pick your own peaches Hwy 35. Hofrr burg. AWaufs, portable oroon, point- HIGHLANDS - 3)4 Bay Ave. Two KEANSBURG - Furnished rooms tnt del 7MO3S6 RENTALS17.5Oper mo. er's equlpmeni, fur trimmed coat, 20" bedrowm, t1!5 a month Includes heal, Rent wltti option to buy I71«33> stove, men ond women's clothing, piui one month'! security References furnished apartments. DESKS. FILES, tables, chain, adding •form window*, movie editor Rain Available Sept.). 9911003. Ttf-eaM or 717 HSI moihlnei. typewriter!, office equip- KING SIZE BED — Sterns ond Foster, A DAILY GUIDE dote, Aug. II. RED BANK — Off Brood St. Room ment, eK al bargain prices. New or extra firm, almost new. Musi sell. Golf KEANSBURG - Beochvlew Gardens. uted AAC DESK OUTLET, 1709 Rl clubs, excellent condition. Hammond THURS. AND FRI. - Two-family oa- Two-room studio, two bedroom oport suitable for businessman. Coll offer 5 )S, Ookrutfit. 531 1990 organ I41-U47. rage sole Items priced to setl. Old oc merit. Heat, hot water and cooking gas p.m., 741S393. OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS Included. *1IS ond up 717-4175. cordion, kitchen chain, typewriter, ROOMS ROOMS ROOMS DIAMOND RING~S~FOR SALE - 1* LIVING ROOM - Furniture. Couch, photographer 1 power light, etc. 10 Keonsburg By the Shore. With ond mons Solllolre, 1450 One man's Clus- choirs, tables, drapes, etc , queen ilic KEANSBURG - Clean, two-bedroom LANDSCAPING LAWN am to 4 p.m., Aug. II, 19, JO Swortiel without private bofh. 7I74N7. BUSINESS PAPERHANGING ter, one carat. 1300 566 3730. bed, kitchen set, other Items. After 4. apartment, no pets. See owner, IIA Dr., Mlddletown, near Mlddlefown Hancock St. upstairs DIRECTORY GARDEN MAINTENANCE •MHO. High School North. ROOM - With private shower lor one DINETTE SET - Ovol formica and odutt only. 1175 monthly plus security chrome table with iix block uphol- LOVE SEAT COUCH — Two swivel KEANSBURG - Lovely three room GROUNDS PAPERHANGING - Pointing. Interl TWO OARAGE SALES - 12 ond 27 7471041, l-o p.m. stered arm chairs. 1150 M*dlterra chain, two end tables, 0 Commode -poriment, heat, hot water included ADDING MACHINES MAINTENANCE of enlerlor. sheetrocklng. taping, plos Stempler Court, off Palmer Ave.. neon, queen slie bedroom set, triple table Excellent condition 1350 741 ard ond portlmg 1190. 211-911 4135 TYPEWRITERS^ Evxilngt. MI107I l*flog WOT It guoronteed 4*W»77 Hotmdel Tut.. Wad., Thuri. WB GIVE THE LOWEST dresser, mirrors, ormolre. two night 7331. KEANSBURG - New one-bed room, weekly rotes to working persons tobies ond headboard. 1350 Please cat) YARD SALE - 193 Colemon Ave.. ER'S'- Typtwfitto, Col'c'uMm. COMPLETE "LAWN 'MAINTENANCE MOVING - Colonial living room fur- unfurnished oportment. Formica kltch Coll 775- 3071 trod«], r«colr«d. f> A"C K ATJI NTTSVPin. IE5 oiler I p.m., 147 5303 Long Bronch. Aug. 21,1977 — DmndoM* work, r*«ld*ntlol. com niture, area rugs, Fisher iterea, every en, tile bath, carpeted bedroom ond DISCOUNT Prlc« 10 a m to 4pm living room Off-street parking, not mtfClal Ov*f IS years •uporlrnce DINETTE SET - White octagon table, thtnfl like new.M-SM). Place your per month plus utilities. Security re- 108 Commercial Fr**Mllmot*s 741 73SS COJlRUGAYeo'odxES -"Pocking four wfiltt wrought Iron yellow cush- MOVING - Music cabinet. 160. Drop quired. 717-Om SuppliSuppliees lor Industry ond MovinMovng and ion choirs Mint condition. 1100 7*1 76 Auction Soles Stoog 467J leaf table, mohogony, ISO, Step end Rentals All Occasion ALTERATIONS LANDSCAPING — Lawn cart and 7167 ofier 5:30. KEANSBURG - Thro bedrooms, toble, S20 Lounge chair, 110. Wing ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - 13,000 sq 1r** work In butln*tl for IS vtors PREMIER MONTHLY AUCTION first floor, 1745 plus utilities and secu DINING ROOM SET - Eight piece choir, US Mahogany desk. 135. Type ft. warehouse/light manufacturing ADDITTONS - Rooilng7 tiding, er Ff** nllmaln S4J ION ot 741 sin ot rity. References. Call after 5 p.m. PLUMBING k Contemporary, mahogany double dres- writer, nolietesi and table, 125 Maho FRI., AUG. 19ATIP.M. space. With to oat parking an main toink III* Cofnpl*t« lln* Ot remodel trrSp.m. only, 717-4)77. ser, stainless counter-top stove. 747 gany chair, 15. Polaroid comera, 115 ANTIQUES ANO OBJECTS OF ART ng Coll "Ich Molmbcra. 717 3S42 HEATINC street. High ceilings, Greetings foil 1H 1IJ7 Furniture, porcelains, Oriental art, showroom, fully insulated. Walk to Sef vlng Monmoafli Coynly 17 vean KEANSBURG - Two bedroom*, kids LAWNS CUT - Clean yordt. |7«* PLUMBING AND HEATtNG - Rl- paintings, rugs, sculpture, bromes. bonk, police, posl office, recreation BtJIlOINC ALTERATIONS - Addi- work, llghl hauling DINING ROOM SET - Mediterranean MOVING - Selling Hoosler cabinet, Ad Nooveou. cameras and equipment. ok. H35 pays heat and gas Cell. STATE RENTALS Bfcr 747-9414 Will alter. Net lease, all or port. »! tion! ma f*poln. FlnonclngArrangMl. S4117B or S44IH0 table, six chain, three leaves. «3" buf- dining room with lorae break front, liv- Tiffany Items, clocks, etc., etc., etc. M BCBTB OAS9HB MM ing room, color TV, kitchen, etc. S Boy H*ad Comtrucilon Co 7»S fnx fet Excellent condition. U7S or best PREVIEW OF ITEMS, Aug. 17 one LONG BRANCH - All utilities^ free". p.m. to • p.m.. Tut*., Wed , Thuri. 40 offer Llvlno room chair, US Ovol Hw«e Mrge bedroom., neor •napping, ATTRACTIVE - Modem offices at 10 CA*?fiiTiv."Pi«NTiSG AND C INSTRUCTION ROOFINGft SIDIN G white rug, HO. 747 6533 evenings or First 51. .Roowon. Spring St., Red Bonk, two to six-otflce SONRV - ln»ulo» tw SokK tmiifi »UST StLL - Three rooms hjf nlture n Brighton Ave., West End STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-9434 suites. On-premliet parking. Neor ROOFING ANO SIDING Free estl shops and restaurants, one block from Call Mr. John L Bothonon Sr . 747- D.,V,NG«HOOL«,« WOMEN DINING ROOM - Freeier, chain, Dining room set. 1100 Complete bed motel Olson Roofing & Siding Co Colt LONG BRANCH-WEST END — Mod- Rlvervlew Hospital, but away from »ll ^^^ ^ 111 IfW Evenings 747 Salt Est 1*03. miscellaneous Moving, must sell 544 room, 1100 Kitchen set. 175 Eiceitent ern, three-room, furnished apartment, 741-I condition Cotl J*4-4451 traffic |oms. Low rental* Including F (REPLACES A SPECIALTY - Com 77 Peti And Livestock Includes all utilities, on Ocean Blvd., complete lonttor lol services and tufT H strapping Available Sept 7. IMS 1 PAY '3.00 carpentry ond mo»onry No (Ob LEARN TO BE A TRAVEL AGENT - SHARPENING DINING TABLE - Two leaves, four ORGAN - Compact "Caravan", 3V* pHet. Phone tor detollt or showing at eimoll Cnof 1*1 Howlt, Con- NWH dost Marts Sw>. «. ot th* Hilton high bock cane choirs. 1100 Highboy, octovt, 1100. AKC REGISTERED - Apricot Toy /41-9S95. Poodles, on* malt, one female, eight Dally oe-Sunday tracior. Ml 304*. 7M-Olf7. Inn. Tlntoo Folll - M*rldlon Travel SERVICE life 7177U5 7415317 LUXURY APARTMENT ON RIVER School, ml 477«6» Fr** ploctment weeks o*d All shots. Coll 340 Ml* LITTLE SILVER - Office, start or ALLTYPES - And II !•• Sows, — Two bedrooms, two baths (410 per Samp!. Greeting MOMC" IMPROvTMErTTT— Addl- service Other Khooli at Kenilworfti. DRUMS - Matched L P,'s, «50 One PAINT FOR SALE - Lotex flat, U40 agency. 1X0 or 2M0 W ft. One Story, bladts, hnlvci. scissors, mowfrs. ARABIAN APPALOOSA SHOW 4 M tioni, dofm»r», porog* convertton*. Rochelle Pork ond J*rs*y City. Zlmgor drum. 1100. a gallon. 14 color* air conditioning, ample parking. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY - Your shears, hair clippers. Skip's. 2*1 4*11 PONY - Owner growing, mull sell. flnlihjd bm«m«nfl. r*potrl. Ff**«H- 741-5317 7I7-3H4 Or W-3M7 Lease. I7» 575* K~e ond otteMton to yew tornlly H \+ MATAWAN — Ken Gardens, big one deed onprecWed. Lm«ab mot«t 717 1010MM ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER — MATAWAN - Modern professional of- PAINTING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE and two-bedroom apartments itort ing HO«R'rM>ROVEMENTR'r> S - Do II MISCELLANEOUS TRUCK ft AUTO General Electric, two years ok), SIS. fice (one-room) and office suite (three - Moving West. of 010 Carpeting Ihrouahout. Air con iouruIf ond tow* a Dundl*. Con- RENTAL Coll 747-74*3 rooms). Prime location, Rt. 34. Avail Each .xtrallnt |i.oo. ultoM, » ytori «pwl*nc« «lll ould* BICYCLES OR TRICYCLES - And TTiTM Wttoinlng. Lett of parking. Swimmi ports and mwlrs done at Ill Pool* pool ondTennls Courts. Your very o lov 00011 itrp Informoilon ond r*l*f BEAGLE PUPPIES - AKC reoli lB Nv c Dally or Sumtoy inn. No oUloallon. Coll B*nlncov>. Ave , union B*adl. N.J. M44K2 P*Jo. wa»*2*2» (L«!? 741 IWI _^ IN Commercial MOVING ANO HAULING - N»or Of VALUABLE COUPON DALMATIAN PUPPIES -AKC, «•- EltNOAWDEN APARTMENTS Rentals CARPET CLEANING cetlent inow or eef qyalrty. Calf sfoyft, nt im «r tstm.W»ITW. TIREC OF THAI SICK LOOKING contert I PAINTING 4 and 'sSioo^Jl'SrwST 9r»ole room offic*. (22{f Bq CARPET? - Coll m» "Th* Corp*t 50 CENTS OFF 1M4SU D«t«f" Llvlnfl room, dining room AVIS It.) and double room olftc* DECORATING MKHURIT - Hoooo t ond so> trtrete . Two j,«l nolli «J4 H Ll.lng room, dining (260 sq II.) In elevator ,oomri"H "nd lw0 Wd'oomi. UiK bbodreamsd . many eitraet . SSeptt II.. HOUSE PAINTING — I am a pointer Your Next ctvrectlen. Ff«e ITAT£pSNTAl$B»r. nl KU buHdmfl with privale parking with nln* ytori fxptrltnct ond am itarllng my own buslntni I'm looking JK5S" OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Two ot* lot. air conditioned, hear rooms, two baltn. mas welcome. A for safUfltd cintofTWrs to establlih o DAILY REGISTER CLASSIFIED AD ntf - P|jrnli •jhUftOT Qmmm and lul |anHorlal serviceB kv rtputotloo tor quotlty work ond rto 747-0300 By presenting this coupon ITATE RENTALS Skr. 747-Mle DRIVEWAY sonabtt prlus. Intvrlor ond *nt*rlor ddd CONSTRUCTION For trw ntlmattt coll «• 4405 When placing your classified ad (Sorry, not good hmtrd. Family U l KITTINt - TWpe mertf. ei? PAINTING AND DECORATING ond Cart •.Janes Fully Insure BUDGET or Conttcl Adnrtun) For free estimates coll TJfm —W RID BANK HO*U> BOAKOf O - CaoHlanl to- The Dmty Regkter XRT-CO PAVING 741 IJM Rent a Car or Van AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Prime Industrial spec* Air conditioned, private parking LAHDSCAPINC-LAWN lot. public transportation Sund^Regtstct r.i^pfMMAINTENAMCE Call 542-1700 SEA BRIGHT - Loroi tm HOoem unfurnished oportmont. llvlno room 6500 to 40,000 aq. It. Tall- 0 CLEAN VABD5 WATERBLAST - Mtore pointing tnst Hlchen Awock to boocli. bin. gate loading. tprlnMered. New m»lhod Gr*rt resutti 842-6800 Mall chtcksto: Th t Dally Register •heat, till Includes KM. Security rt- Wallys Pointing 171 1W Off RagUtf PUM, 8hrtw»bury, M.J. 07701 •*t^A«l*i.. No pets Call 747*1100 r 131. Hotim for Salt om STOI> L00 t ljjjncoim Proptrtv 213 Inttruciton SHREWSBURY. N J TUESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1977 The Dfeily Register 21 f *Jf£J JLi ' *"<> CTr.-..-.»w—f.fYfO'T INCOM E PROPERTPBOPEKTY -- A TWO WEEK - MorMorningi . Mat Es- LISTEN - We lust found mli lovely SljIMly damogod ty tlr. ioll«nt ol tate Licensing Course Aug IS J* »«nc> Mem m 4-ocre tend lot Foi? «7j CoJIMo>wn1Mtlt1"T«l077? Bridge Brtrtltmi, MrnltltJ living room with ? ** Bgnfc Reejitef fireplace, ppneled +Z?U rt,7lZ sE—0 roam. •OHmttil and over Him no ! TENNIS LESSONS rage VA and FHA termt nil , ., . Tw Eiparlenctd tennis prolesslanal. t3m. HHWAN »EALTO""«E" Group* 110 per ttudent Private HhV across MT»T!! ONEJtl.lf.0Toll". unt, 141 Coll Mike. 141411), m TWO IIIIB-Wll. Ooen Mvtn dan unllH Good MICK TOWN _ TlrMMe aii PM huWi^. S(hitm JtMMT Ttascom> gton an. takd nee o Pk MA Iron*Zl, monthly bay? raomt, Iwo Mtitc , Ml bo,, TK.Kj5sr,r-coltd Inpr.tll.lo,,w •»•"-, Lo»•. RED RANK area, Aiklnklng U7.M. Only IIIH Hown T menl. located In Coll ;47-li | io'."^S', , CAPE MAY (AP) - Some are10 (MllfWbu.ta U7.rI KIDWAN DDEAE L i 231 Little Silver TO»V«EAL ESTATE ONNE " mm m New Jerscyans seem intent AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE CER 0P*" """ TAIN STREETS IN THE on building a 19-mile bridge 13S Commercial BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER, BUYOJtt-LL - Your home through COUNTY OF MONMOUTH AND across Delaware Bay whether at arfflkrte of tht lorgetl ml elide Property STATE OF NEW JERSEY tm In the world—Century 31 Co I hi* Is to certify that Ihc foregoing Delaware wants It or not. • editor, 741 IMS Multiple n,l ordinance wai Introduced d tor flril 1.7 mt, dowiAwn. Wrailroad ltd fading by (he Boroughh CounCouncic l oll Ihe "We've got a great deal ol taj. ll«0 K ft, mm building!. Iwo Boougough ot LltttLlt e Sliver, CCty ol only flvt vtori old Solo or ronfal por th Stl f N J groundswcll lor this," says mlly room, icrctned In porch Manmouth, Stol of New Jersey on 11 (Uil fireplace, counlrfk lltS: July 1977 and finally adopted on I Cape May County freeholder with two ovtm. carpeted living Auguil 1977 room, three bedrooms fetter hurry ANTHONY T. BRUNO Gerald Thornton, spokesman Only 194,SAO. E. A. ARMSTRONG Mayor for the bridge advocates here. AGENCY, mollorl, SSS 137 Lots And Acreoge r STEPHEN G GREENWOOD Aw" Lim. SSS. MI-iix '«'o«t ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS HlLl. AREA Borougn Clerk "There's very little interest 7 - Beoutltul old Oak trees on sloping MASTICALLV RCOUCED WO ! Aug 16 M M on the Delaware side. No one flmjt In bedrooms D It. nxnt.r O-acre IISJOO Coll ?tl I17» •Mriom, 1l«Ho room, lormol dining AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN cares right now," says Wil- room, eat In telence kitchen. 14 ft BUILDER'S CLOU-OUT - Snrmri rtwn, eolln tclence kitchen. 2* It. bury. Rlordon Place Zoned light In ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN OR liam Miller, executive direc- family rooroomm , Iwo lluxuru y bath*bth , atl - duilry. offlret, warehoote, etc DINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF MM earoep^rerrrrtf at!, large lot. Two-Win LITTLE SILVER ESTABLISHING A tor of the Delaware River STATE UNIFORM CONSTRUC TION CODE ENFORCING Bay Authority (DRBA). the AGENCV AND A CONSTRUCTION U.IEIOM - Throo^Ooom Colo Coll U1M#. W7«ll bistate agency that would nW, two Ml botht. living room, dlnlno FEE SCHEDULE PURSUANT TO room, oaf-ln kitchen, entloted front CHAPTER 717. LAWS OF NEW build the bridge. 138 Mobile Hornet JERSEY I97S AND TITLE S, CHAP "ok0*RoHonffil MOP. 014044 TER 23 OF THE NEW JERSEY AD GAROETTPARK MOBILE HOWES - , MIN I STRATI VE CODE , Thornton is leading a group .ILLIN «. HAZtLTO**.^,i^ MtionyioV, Jt Adult park. Won, ADOPTED ON 10 December 1976 MomMr Mo) ElMe E .change tojfapplno. Coll 16* Nil This ii ID certify that Ihe foregoing of Cape May area business- MOBII E HOME - Adult pork No ordlnonce was Introduced for Mrst men and officials who revived HAZLCT - Now toor-oeoroom Colo ptti. Poloc* 10*55, potlo. all new Intt reading by Ihe Borough Council ot tne nU with Ml dining room, eat-In kllch rlor. AiklnAUIng tillo/mTcoll l m-Olu M Borough of Lltfle Silver. County ot the idea of a bay bridge soon n 10 and! Monmouth, State of New Jersey on II •n one) garage UJ.tM include: July 1977 and wot finally adopted on I after casino gambling was ap- August. 1977. 139 Cemetery Lots ANTHONY T BRUNO proved last November for At- HM! WE OROW AOAINI - Thorite CEMETERY PLOTS - III Folr Vlow Mayor lantic City, 40 miles to the MH«r« tad buytn (or having con Ctmettry, tmt location. Rmonotolt C Owntf out of town- 7O-7JH »v»nlng!. STEPHEN G GREENWOOD north. for you. To better itrvc.tht local Borough Clerk MM of prMMt and would-be reil Aug. 16 16.76 Bridge proponents will 140 Real Eitote Wanted present their case to the GOOD HOUSES NEEDED ztiifteugsssiiss: One-family units from Wi to »'• In DRBA at its meeting del, we now hove a branch office In Northern Monmouth County, M-day scaled bids will be received, opened UncraA. If It located at 240 Half Mil* service, we pay coih ond publicly read by Ihe Mayor and Tuesday. They hope the ltd. Our phono ii 741 -mo '-W.T*. r*r< MELMED BEALTYINC. 671-M» Council, Borough of Llitle Silver at "I think twW faced with a situation (in Pan- "I feel very good . . . There is no question in for yowl" We're notional but n«lgh Borough Hall. 410 Prospect Avenue, agency wilV approve a new CENTURY II COZENS LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES — In Little Silver. N.J .on 79 Aug 1977.1:00 ama) where we have no choice but to make an my mind about the matter (of running for re- REALTOR Kfaniburg-Mlddletawn Hoilpl HUI-T. P M prevailing time lor the supplying study of possible projects, in- HlRhi«rRd. ^^^ FalrHovtn del THE SMOLKO AGENCY. 717- ol a 1978 Oump'type truck ond body election next year)." . 0173, Detailed specification! and ttondard cluding a bay bridge arrangement," • SELLING YOUR HOME? - We're In proposal lorms are available at Ihe HERE WE OROW AOAINII - ThanThank Borough Clerk's Otlice between the At first, Thornton proposed fM MlltMlln and buverb i tot r havinhi g con hours of 9 AM and 5 P M weekdays, a two-lane bridge and tunnel fUiMt In our ability to do the right |ob WOO. Saturday and Sunday excluded. Bids for you. To belter terve the local must be submitted on slandord propos similar to the 18-mile Chesa- n—o* of prewnl ond would be rail WE HAVE BUYERS al forms, enclosed In a sealed envelope f Uncroft, MMtHetown, Tlnton For builnets, commerlcol, Indmtrlal bearing the name and address ot such peake Bay Bridge-Tunnel in Ffl.ii, Oak Hilt. Com Neck and Holm ana lnv«lm«ril proptrtlei. Call today bidder, addressed lo Ihe Moyor ond del, we now hove o branch office In — Parkway 117 Agency, 7J9-01U. Council, Borough of Little Silver, N.J Virginia. Case on Running LhKTOfl II Ii located at 140 Hot- Mile and must be accompanied by a certi- Rd. Our phone hi 741-Mtt. "Wt'rt her* fied check or bid bond from a Surety The New York engineering for you!" We're notlonol but neigh Company oulhorlted to do business in RECREATIONAL the State ol New Jersey, payable to the firm that helped design the (Continued) Treasurer In the amour., ol 10s. ol the CENTURY 31 COZENS bid. but sholi not be less than 11,700 00 Virginia bridge and tunnel "They all were mm of amazing ability and dedication — REALTOR • nor more than 170,000 00 111 Rlnr Rd. Folr Haven told Thornton that a similar not to say incorruptibility." he said. "New Jersey, under 152 Boats And The Standard Proposal Form is ol 74i mi tached lo the specifications, copies of Delaware Bay project vwould them, was regarded as the place to work for all the bright HISTORIC VILLAGE OF NAVE SINK which will be furnished upon oppli Charming lSO-yoor-oW, center hall Co- BIG DISCOUNTS vitiation cost at leat $200 million — young men coming out of law school II has been regarded as hnU, three bedroom*, 7V. bothi. for On new boat trailers. BOAT HOUSE, The Borough reserves the right to and that was a "very prelimi- mal dining room, fireplace In living OceonAve. SM Bright 1411311. one of the top shops in the country " room, den, Kroened-ln porch. Polio. BOATING EQUIPMENT - 35 Dp. thereof or lo waive any Informalities nary appraisal." mm. I7MB4I where such Informality is nol detri Mr Goldstein's term expires next year and reportedly Johmon Motor, ncedt tune-up, SIM. KEANUUKG DUPLEX - One two Thornton is now talking Robert Del Tufo, first deputy slate attorney general and chief , bedroom and one three-bedroom Borough mm turn*. Hot wottr boioboord heat. BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR AND about a simple Iwolane of thai office's Division of Criminal Justice, has been picked Ponced-ln yord. 145,000 10% down COUNCIL 7t7-3»0. NodoUwgcmt. ratci Immediate coverage. Grosil STEPHEN G GREENWOOD bridge between Cape May by New Jersey's Democratic leaders in Congress to succeed nger L Heller Aoency. IS Wlkoff PI , Administrator-Clerk KEANMURG — Lowly thrte-fomlly RedBonfc. and Milford, or Lewes, Del. him Ranch fforage Excellent conditin Aug 16 110 M BOSTON WHALER An added rail line would cost Sen. Case declined lo romnvent on the selection ol Mr. Mako Morauti Ouranoutlc -Sabre 23 KEANSBURG - Move In condition, Old Town and Great Canadian tori CUM - 232 Long Branch only about 15 per cent more, Del Tufo, saying he didn't want d> make any "Invidious" only tero yswrt old TWD large bed Stratford Dory -Dinghy) Johmon he says. room., new kltdsen, new both, wall to OMC Sotri, Parti ond Service EZ • IDS FOR TRANSPORTATION comparisons between Ihe (.OP appointees and Ihe prospec- wall corpellng. ponellnt throughout OF PUPILS FjnaxHn tiidtyoro". Ut.WC. twTlM The DRBA now runs three tive Democratic nominee. But, tie said, "I ean'l overstate KEYPORT - Buy directly from bull portal Ion ot pupils will be received by We Need Used Boats the Board of Education of Ihe City ot terries between Cape May my pride" In the performance of Ihe three Republicans he der New three-bedroom Ranch. Fl LongBranch. N J al 3 00 PM nanclng cat be arranged Coll 73M0O! Trade Now! (Oavliatit Saving Time) on Thursday. and Lewes. I'ntil 1975, the had selected for the |ob. b.ttt)..w 7 p.m. ond II p.m. Brv'l Worln*. Rt IS. Neptune Augml 75th 1977 at 6 West End Court. Cape May-Lewes Ferry lost LEONARDO — Lowly two-booyoom Morlrw on Srwrk River, "^7364 Long Branch. N.J for Ihe following The senator called President Carter's proposed welfare routes: money. reform plan "very ambitious" and said it "certainly has to be Early American cottagge wl"wllh" 'large BOSTON WHALER 11' — Hull In ex- Route 6 — Gregory io A A Anaslasia country kitchen, living roooom ana d patio, cellent condition Motor need* work School & Gartield School The ferry is Thornton's given very careful consideration " He said he agreed with the Corner lotl •ncloteenclosed wiwllitth tipll ..f. rol_ l Aiklng ISM Coll 7I1-SI1T. Route 13 — St Jerome School fence. Ml treet, Swimm'wlmmlngmiin , btboatingi , Route 16 — Mon County Voc School strongest argument for a principle behind it of combining ADC, SSI and food stamps fttMAQ at your daorthr-'—<.p Jwl redsKed HtDStD Myron KoilcVy Freehold , ly Agency, U7- Route 17 — Mon County Voc School bridge. into a single system of grants, but noted that it is estimated it BUIMl ; eelmmlng.o , weekeno#ektnd , iffnft DISCOUNT - Mlddlelown will take at least three years to implement the program if it MIDDLETOWN — Stnd for our Route IB - Mon, County Voc School "Homo. For Living" brochure, pics, Marine Supplies — Neptune is approved by Congress detcrlptlom. prlcet on available Route If — Mon. County Voc. School Meeting postponed hornet, APPLEBROOK REALTORS. Because of Ihe length of time to implementation, he said, t» Rt. IS, Middletown. eTT-ngo. $SAVE$ Route 73 — First Pres Church - As MIDDLETOWN - Met nettae). Out FLAGSHIP MARINE bury Park UNION BEACH - The Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr., D-N.J.. and he have jointly in- Mock from Boyvlew School, Leonard Specifications and bid lorms tor Ihe Atlantic Highlands routes and a slondard form of que* Board of Health meeting troduced legislation that would immediately increase federal vllle Rd Fovw bedroom Colonial with tionnalre to be onswered by Ihe bidder kitchen, dlnlno living-family rooms scheduled for tomorrow has welfare aid to highly industrial urban areas so as to help re- ond goage MS.fOO ll% down flnonc 291-5600 Education at the above oddreis been postponed until Wednes- mo ovotiTii 717m» or nn JMC The Board ot Education reserves the lieve the burden on state and local governments New Jersey FLAGSHIP right to reject ony ond oil bids day, Aug 24 at 8 p m in the would be among Ihe areas that would benefit from the bill, he MIDOt STOWN — Attumoble or con H A Korey trtMsWomti iwttfuuo. Three bedroom. A»l Supt ol Schools Board of Health office said. MARINE Aug 16 W-SI On the Issue of Panama. Sen. Case said he thought he 240 Rumson New Jersey's could support the proposed new Panama (anal treaty MINI-HORSE FARM - Grocloui Complete Marine Center 236 Middletown the Borouon Clerd and copy of torn* may be had upon rrqunl whkh would turn over control of Ihe (anal to the govern- This ts a copy of Orfflnonce No tW2 All bldi mint tw accompanied by ei Power Boats ther a certified crieck or bid bond in ment of Panama In the year 2000. "Naturally I want lo electricity In-ground Sylvan pool plui Sailboats the amount ot IO°> of the amount bid check with military officials on it." he said before making scheduled meeting of the Township All provision! of the aloresold ipeci llvt Mexican burro Ok-1 Trailers Committee of the Township of Middle town, held July 9. 1977 and posted tlrsl fkotiom of told worli on III " "" a final commitment. r -lalt |»lml.»- IM I ni I reading, held over for further comid n home In Hotmdel. 7 JOHNSON AAA eratlon upon second ond final passage "I think we're faced with a situation where we have no Ing room, orWnol beamed celling. Too SERVICE CENTER to 0 meetlng of Ihe iOld Township 'New Jersey i> no appendix. It cannot be din- many «trai To mertlon Soetng Is be Committee to be held at the Main Bids mutt be submitted enclosed In a choice but to make an arrangement." Mr Case, Ihe ranking Ikvtng Coll for oppolntmerrt. DISCOUNT SHIP'S Meeting Room in Middletown Town sealed envelope bearing the name and minority member of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- corded.' STORE ship Hall, Kings Highway, Middle oddress ol the bidder and addressed 10 town, NJ on July 13. 1977 at I 00 pm. at Ihc Mayor ond Council of Ihe Borough mitteee. explained The pressure, as he perceives it. is nut so room, two full bottn moke this which time all persons interested WIN of Rumson foct »et-up Reot value at UtJOO. Atlantic Highlands be given an opportunity to he heard No sealed proposal may be with much of military sabre rattling in Panama as the "in- drawn offer It has been received by the Hilda Coillson Borough prior lo Ihe opening thereof tangible" of growing national pride Country House Township Clerk at the meeting ol Ihe Mayor and Coun _2?]-56O0 ORDINANCE No 1»2 cil to be held on Ihe ISih day ol Auaust. "It's more a proper response to a rising feeling of nation- AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING WJ aforesaid No bidder may with J7.SO0 00 OUT OF THE CAPITAL Case on forts draw his proposal for o period ol thirty al pride and regional pride in I.aim America," He said SURPLUS FUND FOR THE PUR days utter opening ol bids (Continued) MT. POCONO - Four bedroomi. two CHASE OF A PARCEL OF LANO the Moyor ond Council reserves the "That's why I have no shame in my position " sional approval of Pentagon bath., flreploce. maintenance free. LIKE WATER SKIING? - U77 16' KNOWN AS LOT IB. BLOCK U IN right lo reject ony and all bids sub Chrysler ftbergloi wllh .10 ho, Chrys- THE TOWNSHIP OF MIDDLE The senator said he thought the proposed treaty both To hall any further erosion actions which would effect SO m-iw. TOWN. MONMOUTH COUNTY. milted ler motor Including trailer and mony Bidders are required lo comply with made the concessions necessary for Panama while covering of military personnel from or more persons at one in- NEW HOMES - SX down financing. e»tros IWO Coll ffMMt. NEW JERSEY the requirements of P L 1975 C W From SUJM. New location* ond over RED FISH 17' - 75 h.p. Johnson with ALBERT A KERR.JR Ihe United States' interest in security He noted that under it tl.e state. Sen Case pledged stpUation. tin* ton available. Hatlel and Mtd- trailer and extras two After 4 p.m. Committee ot the Township ol Middle Borough Clerk dkWown. 7P-MI0 or 7171540 town. Monmouth Comity. New Jersey Aug 16 til 44 the U.S. will have the permanminl right lo intervene at any to work with the new h However, should the Army con mmi. as follows NEW-NEW SECTION 1: The Township Com- time to defend the neutrality of the canal when it feels its formed Senate Northeast-Mid- prevail in its plans for F.coM THOMPSON 1eV - 2S h.p. Chrysler, mlttec has authorized the purchase of PUBLIC NOTICE ROSEWOOD AVE. trailer Best ofter. a pa reel of land known as Lof IB. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS security is in danger west Coalition and Ft Dix Sen Case stated NORTH LONG BRANCH 2911473after Ap m. Block S4 from Jacob Lefferts for the ' Seoied bids will be received by the 10' hBElTGLAS SAILBOAT — EM- sumotft7,SO0 00. Mayor and Council ot their meeting to Turning to the developing investigations of alleged Ko- In reply lo a direct question he would "insist the Army cellenl condition, Includes oars ond SECTION 7 For Ihe purpose Ol said be held at Borough Holl, East River Rood Rumson, N J . on Thursday. Au rean attempts to influence Congress with contributions of as to liis efforts in behalf ol send in as many (new mis- Nklng strop. Asking 13«. CollWl I»S purchase, there Is hereby appropriated gust IS. 1977 ol IX PM tor Masonry 13' FIBEROLAS BOAT - 7Vi h.p. mo- out of the Capital Surplus Fund ol Ihe repairs lor Ihe reor exterior ol Me money and other gifts, Mr Case said he never had received Ft. Monmouth. the senator sions) as they take out. Compare value, over MO 14. ft. of liv- tor and troller, MOB 1977 Municipal budget the sum of mortal Borougti Holl In Rumson as per ing area Formal living room, dining W1W S7.S00Q0 pprsenbed spec ill cot Ions anything from the Koreans under Investigation and didn't said he "would work together "But whatever happens— room, tot-In kitchen, tour bedroom., SECTION 3 The proposed sole is IVi both. IMIS den Attached garage 13' BOSTON WHALER 1*74 - 4)0 h.p. hereby authonied ond the purpose for Detailed specifications lor said mo think many o( his colleagues had either with New Jersey's entire and we're not conceding any- " '. Constructed by Sea Gull Mercury, I97S Cuttom backrest, plui which the above appropriation Is mode lonry repair work are on tile in Ihe ol sldt rolfi, with boat iNp, trailer ond all Is one which the municipality , 3fl'317t. ALLAN J MocOONALD with the doroiroh Clerk o'e mode Q BECHT EXCLUSIVES Mayor actions is a new law he treated like an appendix It IS- WOODEN BOAT - With llbtraloV ATTEST part of this advertisement Ihe same as NEW HOMES » h.p. Johmon, HIMrolltr. 14" tTrt*, HILDA COLLISON. If repeated herein. noted, that requires congret' can't be discarded " tow to tht around. 1300 M3-UM. Township Clerk Bids must be submitted enclosed in a DELUXE RANCH - tli.100 lot, city IMS 37- CHRIS-CRAFT — Covolltr sealed envelope bearing the name and woMr ond »wtr. Eight roomi, four oddress ol the bidder ond addressed lo MroOTII. roo bothl, lomlly room, Cabin Cruller Two-ytorold engine Ihe Mayor and Council ot the Borough Reclamation center dvt-ln MMwn. two-car goraa*. U3,ooo. 1M0D. UJ-UU ot Rumson 23' SAILBOAT - And Irollec Star, This Is a copy ot Ordinance No 1199 No sealed proposal may be with COLONIAL — Roady for Immtdlatr wood hull and mail. Excellent condi- thof was introduced ol o reguiariy drawn after it ttos been received by the Sea Bright teachers •ctuponcv. formol living room, dlnlno tion. UnuMd main soil Asking 11100. scheduled meeting of Ihe Township Borougti prior to the opening thereof room, tot-In hMctwn, pour tpocloui Committee of Ihe Township ot Middle at the meeting ol Ihe Mayor and Cour)' entered, vandalized MJroomi, rv> bottn. oliochto gorog*. u\ny> town, held July 9. 1977 and passed first cil to be held on the 25th day at August O^lt ocrt lot. HI MO. ' ZOBEL SEA SKIFF — New fresh. reodmg. held over tor further consid- 1977 os otoresold No bidder may with— . ot«r cooled, 255 h.j eration upon second and final possagf draw his proposal for o period of 30 days after opening ot bids • FREEHOLD -» The Board a black and white television switch their grades RANCHER — Cedor-.hake. brick condition, U500 Call a lo a meeting of the sold Township front, formal llvlna room, dining Committee To bi held al the Main The Mayor and Council reserves fhe set had been stolen from the Meeting Room In Mlddlelown Town right lo relect ony ond alt bids sub of Freeholders will discuss room. tot-In kitchen. Three bedroomi. 153 Camping ship Hall. Kings Highwoy. Middle- OM. ottoched goroge Ue.m milted the need for more stringent plant office between Saturday SEA BRIGHT - Two Sea teach grade five. town, NJ on July 73. 1977 al 8 00 pm at Bidders ore required lo comply with Equipment which time all persons Interested will the requirements of P L 1975. C 117 security measures at the at 11 p. m and Sunday morn- Bright School elementary BECHT & CO. be given an opportunity to be heard ALBERT A KERR, JR SEARS COTTAGE TENT - 10«IO. ing at 7:40 am teachers will switch places In other business, Peter Ru- REALTORS Cotomon two-oorntr !tovt and kmttrn Hilda Collison Borough Clerk county's Reclamation Center, Uwd rhroo ttmo*. M4-f IIS. Township Clerk 842-3933 Aug. 16. 17 iifib in the wake of a weekend The thieves, unsuccessful at this coming school year tan was rehired as sChflfll i»> • ORDINANCE No. 1199 OCEAN TOWNJHIP - Woytlde An Ordinance Providing lor Ihe Voca- break-in at the Tinton Falls first in gaining entry lo the The Board of Education an chologiat for the coming Wood, ami Lona View Vlllooe. Eleuonl 154 Recreational 242 Shrewsbury tion of Certain Portions or Ports of nounced last night that Mrs school year under a joint ar- now hornet tromlTt.TO Coll Slum Vehicles Streets or Highways Known at New Borough plant building, smashed in the win- DEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ton Street, In Ihc Township of Mid dows, vandalized the office Mary Covino, who has taught rangement with Monmuuth LIU and buy with 0 member of Mon dtetown. In the County of Monmouth Freeholder Director Harry AIRSTREAM BY ANGELL, INC. ond State of New Jersey. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN mouth County's torgetl realty group A junction Rti. D ono J4. Cotllnoiwood ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN OR Larrison said yesterday that and destroyed an electronic 5th grade, will leach nth Beach. Oceanport. West Long one yeor warranty ovalloble on oil ClrcK. Farmmgdolo, N.J Ml ni 3777 WHEREAS. H appears that there has DINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF been o dedication of certain lands os computer scale The cash was grade for the 1977-78 school Branch elementary districts, Oeon Men. throyofhFrl.,Mp.m.i Fi ; Sot., public streets or highways and that the SHREWSBURY ESTABLISHING A about $90 in cash, tools valued tip.m.; ctoMdSun. STATE UNIFORM CONSTRUC TION COOE ENFORCING between $1.00(1 and $1,500. and taken from the weighmasters year James Gilchrist, who and Shore Regional High COX POPUP IV) II' - Sl«f» III. opened by the municipality, ond AGENCY, A CONSTRUCTION FEE itov«. link, let box. noottr. douolo got WHEREAS, it oppears to the gov SCHEDULE. A CONSTRUCTION ithflT. LaMocdlia drawer. taught grade six, will now School RED 1ANK - loM locoBon for prp- tonki. E.C€llinl condition 11700 or Attorney ter ftalntltt loillonol ult, Dottor* row. Eoilly crnlng body of the municipality that BOARD OF APPEALS PURSUANT Police here said entry to onvortML Lot IMIH. Roply Bo. D mti. cottsmm. TO CHAPTER 717. LAWS OF NEW served by releasing parts or portions J4I. NtW JtTttV I7TM the Asbury Ave center was 1)1, Tin Dolly Rogllttr, Shrtwitpory, HAROTOP TENT CAMPER - 1979 thereof from such dedication pursuant (Ml) 747-4MI MJ.IWI. Troll Star • Slooaor. Sink, Itowc, let MR ?3OF THE NEW JERSEY AD MOHMOUTH COUNTY COURT bOK. wore, douM* 10 Ib tank!. S*7S lo me provisions ot Revised Statutes MINISTRATIVE CODE gained when the thieves cut RID SANK - Sli-room houM, nVM 40 t-7-lt. el seq ond the amendments BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor otcfcttNt. mis bodroomi, good condition. llt.JM. mitn and Supplement thereto and Borough Council of the Borough of Civil Action their way through the wire NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT OR Shrewsbury, as follows JUDGMENT MOTOR HOME Iffl - Oodg> Chotn- DAINED by the Township Committee mesh perimeter gate, entered Game goes on SECTION I. That on ordinance en III the Molttr tf th< Application *f RUMlON AREA - Son* for plan. »•. »,SM mlltl, SIMP! ill. of the Township of Mlddlelown. In the tilled "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND WILMA SHADLIN ROBERTS. Imjl •** Uv*HUv*H" btochirobochiro. PlP M iiix MotofCycW roc>. 717-WV County of Monmouth AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN VMMIIV. tor IMVI It Mtwmt thi natni the office building and did Horn, prkokott on ovoltovoltaba U homM SHASTA IM> TRAVEL TRAILER - Section T The following described ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF WENDY SHADLENROBER TS rXEilOOK REALTORS. ID Avo. AMI offtf parli or portions ot land heretofore considerable damage to the Two Rtwo, Rumtori, 141-im SHREWSBURY ESTABLISHING A WILMA SHADLEN ROBERTS, hov Coll mttrS p.m.. Mim dedicated as public street* or high STATE UNIFORM CONSTRUCTION ing thU 17th day ol Augint. 19". mode office. No estimates of the WINNEIAOO wn - M, nor ooth, ways now or formerly known ai o por CODE ENFORCING AGENCY, A application to thli court by duly verl at 230-213 uoitoiolar. Intwlor twit rMont, CB ro tlon of Newton Street, be ond the same CONSTRUCTION FEE SCHEDULE tied complaint tor o ludgment author damage are available yet So. air conditioning, J7,o» mlln Coll ore hereby released ond extinguished A CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF AP her to DS.umt the name WENDY RED BANK - And the game goes on tfl-tMorlorio.m PEALS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER SHADLEN ROBERTS, and It appear is &,r.nXT .WitfluSiW.' 117, LAWS OF NEW JERSEY I97S Ing lo tne court thai ihr hat complied 248 Monmouth County As of midnight last night the seven-day marathon »' NOMAD TRAILER IHt - toll- charged thtrelrom ot tnpugh the rtedi AND TITLE S. CHAPTER » OF THE with all me provlftlom ol N i S A . (UNOAL0W IN HOLMOEL contslnM, »IHI bothroom ond tub. cotton hod nol token pipe*, vis NEW JERSEY ADMINISTRATIVE 1A S? l et ieq , and the Rules ot the NOTICE Softball game was in its 36th hour and the score was 230 COrroMM »lttl iwoy bori HIM M ALL THAT CERTAIN portion ol COOE." Is hereby amended to read as Take notice that on August s 1977 follows: Court, and the court being tailt'ied the Monmouth County Employment to 213 in favor of the "home " team Wt Newton Street trom pit wtlterly line thereof and thai there Ii no reoionable and Training Agency s Affirmative Ac ot Twelfth Street to the easterly line ot I. SECTION ?. Entire section, con- objection thereto lion Plan, covering the period October It was in its 176th inning, and the game had slowed tlNTON FALLi-RUSTIC FlltOV Eleventh Street sisting ot three parogrophs designated It It on thli 171h dav ot AuguM W —' TB, from o, b, ond c. Is hereby deleted ond re ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that mltted to the U S Department ot Lo considerably since the field dried out the players were Wvcaff when patted ond published according ploced by the designation (reserved) Wllma Shadlen Robert* be ond iti* to low II. This ordlnonce shall take died hereby Ii outhomed lo anume Ihe This Affirmative Action Plon can be much happier not having to stand in ankle-deep water AUO II IIS 14 upon Its passoge ond publication oc name ol Wendy Shodlen Roberts from reviewed at the CETA Administration when coming to the plate DO Lett And Found cording lo law and otter September U. 1977 Office. 1979 Cornet Avenue. Neptune. NOTICE FURTHER ORDERED thot within New Jersey any working day between The game is being run to raise funds for the muscu- LOST BICYCLE - It Mil* Cray In 140 Rurmon The foregoing ordinance was in ten doyi after the dole hereof laid 9 00 0 m and 4 00 p m Written com color. AnU S". Loot In oroo 1 Eo troduced ot a meeting ot Ihe Borough PUBLIC NOTICE ploirtlm couie a copy ot this judgment menls may be mode to Ihe above ad lar dystrophy fund, and it coincides with the annual Jerry WHonnMgW. iaWO Council Of Shrewsbury on August I. to be published In The Dally Register dretl or within 30 davt la Ihe Regional AOVtDTIUMINT FOB. IIDS t977 and will be considered for final LOST — Block Labrador Rtlrlov- Sealed bids will be received by Ihe and within twenty boys otter entry ol Admlnlttralor. U S Department ot La Lewis Telethon to raise money for the same cause. passage after public hearing ot the ludgment she file thli ludgment ond ot bor. Employment and Trolnlng Admin or/«M*t tiwrlit«tu». vicinity ol Boon Mayor ond Council of the Borough of Council meeting to be held September SI., HaaW. "Sm. (toward, kov" U4- Rumson of their meeting to be held ot lidavit ol publication of |udgmenl with lltrotlon - ISIS Broadway. New York. The game Is scheduled to continue. 24 hours a day. t], 19/7 al I 13 pm In Ihe municipal the Secretary ot State pursuant lo the New York 10016 Borough Hall. East River Rood. Rum building. Brood Street & Sycamore Av- through noon Sunday. It is expected the teams will play ton. New Jorwy on Thurtdoy. August enue, at which time all persons who provisions of the Statute ond Rules ol KARL V. FOX 35. It?' ol IB P.M. for Ihe repair 10 wish to be heard will be given on op Court In such case mod* and provided Deputy Director more than 800 innings of Softball. an Sptc.ql Notices portunlty loda so. WILLIAM T WICHMANN J C C Monmouth County CETA Depl Borough goroge at per Ihe prescribed On Motion of ' 197V Cornet Avenue At midnight there were some 50 players involved. GOOD MUSIC MAKES A GOOD PAR JEAN W FABRY John T LaMocchla TVI - We'vt tat H, r*M con hove It tatxIflcalTom Borough Clerk Neptune. New Jersey 07753 HI. Coll Merita or Jeftn ot 747 Detailed speilllcntlons for Mid re- Attorney ror Pkilnlllf pair work ore on file In the office ol Aug U H3 71 Aug 16 •" » Aug 16 14 SO 22 'lite Daily Krister MHKVSBUH» N J TUESDAY, AUGUST IS. 1977 Liber ace lights up the stage mink .. acres of It, he says. clad in a cape of white "vir- something that was hanging Is over. Liberace Is back on By MAHYBETH ALLEN his routine before ... or they And. together with Austrian gin" mink. A woman seated in the back of the closet." stage, graciously lurning Ihe HOI.MDEI. - He's a classi- wouldn't be back 1/ they rhinestone lining, it adds up in front row center is invited Liberace makes a habit of spotlight of attention on them cal pianist, a popular per- hadn't enjoyed It in the first to 138 pounds To quote Mae to finger the "material" and having what he terms "sur- - and doing t little dazzling former — and he comes gift place. West, he says. "Too much of he has the opportunity to pull prises" for his audience. of his own. One ot his most wrapped. He's right' — and he had a a good thing Is wonderful." off a few of his naughty-biTt- fCacn "surprise" is a talented ' sensational outfits was a vibr- Stop and listen and you'll crowd of about 6,000 laughing The audience paid him the not-quite-nsqut' remarks. but largely unknown guest at- ant Polish pink - as he hear a musical virtuoso. Look and clapping at all the right compliment of a standing traction ... which provides termed II - cape with a and you'll see the Inimitable places. "Well, look me over," he ovation "You folks make this him with an opportunity to matching suit beneath. "Mr Showmanship" — Liber- He's an outstanding pianist comments as though he had one of the friendliest theaters leave the stage and slip into "As long as you enjoy aee — but odds are that only a never said it before. "I didn't I've ever played." he said something that is not more seeing these costumes. I en- handful would show up to dress like this to go unno- "Thank you for doing that " He's back again to do his comfortable, but "more spec- joy wearing them." he said as hear a musician in a standard ticed. When I heard It was the (same) thing at the Garden tacular." (Among his former the audience loudly pro- His fans wouldn't change tux sit and play "Blue Dan- 10th anniversary of the Car State Arts Center, where he "surprises" who have "made claimed its approval. He ex- him for the world. den State Arts Center. I said opened last night and will be ube." That's where showman- plained that he is part Polish, There is. however, one 'What a marvelous excuse to good" is Barbra Streisand.) literally lighting up the stage ship comes in — and they part Italian; and. in tribute to small pal <•' nis Paller lnat wear this outfit again ' I only His "surprises" for the through Saturday night don't call Liberace "Mr the former, swung into a ren- should be updated. He noted wore it once before, in Lon- week are Barclay Shaw, an He comes equipped with Showmanship" for nothing. dition of a song made famous that his suits aren't like you don for a Royal Command exceptionally skillful puppe- some new clothes (under- He doesn't wait until after buy at Robert Halls—..but Performance. I was the only teer; The New Faces, a trio by Bobby Vint mi statement of the year), some Robert Halls is no more. intermission to make his en- one theje with one like it." whom he discovered during Matter of fact, he got so new musical selections, and trance. It's his show - and his recent third Royal Com- ' carried away that even his fa some new quips There's a he does It ... from start to fin- He warned, though. "Take mand Performance; Vince CIKIUS c*iid*'l"»bra was ATLANTIC HIGHIANDS| Int. though, about his show ish, with a little help from his a fast look because I'm tak- Cardell. his former chauffeur, swaying. (He explains that CINEMA J»ioi4i '1.50 that doesn't vary. friends. Actually, though, ing it off. It's hotter than whom he has adopted as his when he found out lhat a can- Sume of his more loyal fans when it comes to Liberace. hell." And, with some appro- piano protege, and Dancing delabra inspired Chopin, he can recite his one liners ver- there is no such thing as a priate music, he stripped to Waters, a dazzling back- couldn't wait to try it — and liatini and it's as though he plain entrance. There is only reveal an equally spectacular ground which changes tempo it has been his trademark figures that either those In the grand entrance. spangled suit He passed it with the music ever since.) the audience haven't heard For starters, he appears off, though, as "just a little The minute each "surprise" It is a program of con- trasts. There arc moments of levity and (here are moments 1 of spellbinding beauty. A crystal ball spreads make-be- OlOmal KIANSBURC, Television Today lieve diamonds through the CINEMA 787 0300 ONCF MORE, WITH "FEELINGS" - Liberace, a 1\!«... V..-I, < I...... I. •> 1 r -7 Arts Center, New York Channels — 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 spin a mood. And Liberace — Mi 11 ' vvriicti blends the m BURNS AND ALLEN DAYTIME MOVIES ADtCKV(DICK VA* N DYKE SHOW OBASEBALL t!:00 for the momenl. a study in tr One of.his latest selec- MACNEIL-LEHRER New York Mets vs. St. Louis 1000 • MOVIE concentration — plays a tions 1' • 'tiailion ot ••Feelings" the SPORT Cerdlnels TWanl You 1952 Dana Andrews. ft MOVIE waltz. JAWS 1:57 Dorothy McOuire (2 hrs I show • n.1 ong He will be appearing Paady long Legs Part II wltn "surprisi • •• fOl sellout crowds through B NBC NEWS UPDATE 0 ABC CAPTKDNED NEWS Then it's over — so sudden- 1100 (2) (BS REPORTS Ml 12 30 f) MOVIE Madame Bullerllv ly that it's like you've turned NEWSBREAK MOVIE • On Ihe West e Man Behind Ihe Gun' 1H3 the TV channel. MATINEE SUN. 2 P.M. 100 8• ABCNEWSSnEF t Bank Situation 1 '•"> Randolph Scott. Patrice Wymore Next, there's Liberace mod- fi MOVIE Biqoer Than I ilp M.A.S.H. (Ihr 45mm) with Bill Movers and B.J. find Ihem- 1:00 eling a cape of black diamond • •••••••• The Dennis reported sold 200 * CB MOVIE ' Cosponsored seives al odds with Navy brass • OTOMORROW me rombinalion would give, II.-,11.1. Kameradschall when HawKeye's radio request Host: Tom Snyder TOMORROW by totwi ^ for help Irom a surgeon buddy BIN CONCERT • STR&TBHORE TWIN 1 Bally control o( iwo full CM sboa/d a carrier is interpreted as ' Loggins and Messina' blocks on Ihi Boardwalk •1 MOVIE war Gods me Deep 9 CBS NEWS SPECIAL a medical emergency. |R) 1:18 * HIGHWAY 34-MATAWAN li.ill> ntfinals declined to MEETINGHOUSE afl POLICE WOMAN • JOE FRANKLIN SHOW XRISlSVK § BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP te Killer Cowboys' During an • S13-4I41 - • Slnbadand m ibt report Mon 'Anyone (or Suicide' Pappy fills intensive search for a band ol 1:20 •I MATINEE EVERY DAY In in tins schi'dulcd GHOSTANDMAS MUIR victim to an attack ol maliria and pseudo-cowboys who are | MOVIE m 11110: • responsible lor a siring of rob- The Eye THIS WEEK 1 mi I.'relief for IT TAKES A THIEF • doctor threatens to send him faihom 1967 Raquet Welch. SERGEANT BILKO home to recuperate, prompting beries. Sgl Pepper Anderson is TonyFranclosa (Ihr 56mini of the ta,\ morning TODAY IN DELAWARE the stubborn air ace to try to lofced to consider a proposal of 1 • CINEMA1 . . ul Atlantic I'm ELECTRIC COMPANY prove that he is healthy after all marriage from an old flame. (P.) O) • THE ABC TUESOAY n ported today the deal has J 6:10 (R) MOVIE • WAIT " porti'ri!'. pill A NBC NEWS • CROSS WITS iJlGHTMOVir te Man In a Looking Glass' IMS yet to be approvfrJ by ditvp" For Pete's Sake' 1)74 Bartxa Dennis.|>ni|>i'ii\ will) • I LOVE LUCY AS HAPPY DAYS Steve Forrest. Sue Lloyd II hr 90 I MSKY ihe Flrsl National fi ABC NEWS The Physical Richie. Potsle and Slrelund, Michael Sarruln A min.) loving wife becomes an in- • COtSTOMOmCAMO H • ,. Bank nf South Jersey, which 5 CBS NEWS Ralph Malph panic when they get • NEW JERSEY: PERSPECTIVE in MONEYMOONERS their notices lo take army competent criminal to support Plus 3 Cartoons agreement lu lea ie, Mr 70 1 the hotel after n mzooM physicals but are comforted her husband through college (11 r when the Foni shows up al the (2 hrs | 1 I : UDt I.I' l!'7 ) 7:00 • MOVIE Induction center. (R) BO)OPERA THEATRE I CBS NEWS These Are the Damned' IMS • CINEMA 2 m ARAS SPORTS WORLD te Mikado' Britain's world- Macdonald Carey. Shirley Anne ENDS TODAY: Lltlle Ol.l [EVENING MAGAZINE famous D'Oyly Carle Opera • Four outlaws... risk I NBC NEWS S BASEBALL Field (Ihr. 90mln.) Who Llwee Down Hie Len.' Company performs Gilbert end • "Mou— sly the) Lake" • Ik* only Ikiasj they . | ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW Chicago While So> vs. New York Sullivan's beloved operetta, a 2-00 • kav< kit lo lot*. I TO TELL THE TRUTH Yankees light-hearted, romantic satire set Make A Date I ABC NEWS ••FORSYTE SAGA In a fairy tale Japan, in this I BOWLING FOR DOLLARS Torirait of Fleur' Anne and Jon colorful 1M? Mm IKThe PirateTs ol Tonuga' 1M1 Ken Music Makers A pain ' for non-profit organlia- S CONCENTRATION purchase a larm and Fleur turns HO _JOOD COUPLE to social work lo bury her Scott. Lelicia Roman II hr 90 Theatrem 1 || .in easfl addi- • •ONE DAY AT A TIME mln.) Ql BIG BLUE MARBLE > tiuslrations But the restlessness Ann gets stuck in the middle tional line $3iO0 foi two days, tl ' ich additional line, continues lo grow when a couple she hardly knows MONMOUTH MONMOU1H II : n imr. $(>00 m tS BOBBY VINTON SHOW 1:30 has marriage problems (Hi 2:08 Guests Foster Brooks, Freda • ARTS II., 110 IANK I01 IQ 11. |2 no eaci no Deadline noon 2 l BLACK EDITION ,10:00 B THOUGHT FOR THE DAY CENTER 74/4000 Payne (MERVOfllFFIN ejKOJAK. 1:15 I 1 '.-I 142-4000 B WORLD AT WAR ! uesla: Buddy Hackett. Robby aison Hubley guest stars u BESTOF GROUCHO 1 TTeir Benson, Steve Collura, Morton Sister Maria, a nun with revenge SNEWS WOOCV ALLENALL SEATS O WILD KINGDOM Shulman. in mind agelnst an airline DIANE KEATON Kmfl of Beasts O • LA VERNE AND SHIRLEY executive (P.) 2:30 ni m evening of • HOGAN'S HEROES 'Look Before You Leap' Laverne I THE BEST OF POLICE PRAYER 3rd Big Week! . n il Udlto- 8 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES blanks out after a brewery parly mm SBIOGRAPHY EXCLUSIVE • MATCH GAME and the question Is, did she or The Other Side of the Badge ih-Croi man.Poal AREA OJOKERSWILO didn'tshe?lRl Oesl Arnaz. Jr. and Tony Mussnte 2:90 'ANNIE • SHOWING y, i(!fl Donation >i elar as a rookie police officer and a ALFRED HITCHCOCK his training officer whose In- 1:19 volvement In their iobs puts an B NEWS HALL' almost unbearable strain on Iheir 3:20 THE SPY unstable marriages (R) • WITH JEANNE PARR nilanan At the movies A Comedy A/of/ WHO p :n No MI aaa «ws These schedules are pro- iTBAT HMdHt tINtM* f- 11:00 1:46 LOVED ubjeclsol vided by the theater and the Herbie Goei to Monte Carlo (Gl I, NEWS jrtrWWOOoSnQHT WCAU EDITORIAL Jominal times are for today only. STRATHMORE CINEMA II- IN.y.P.O. S Sorcerer (PG) 7,9 IS 3:90 DI vim and simple MIDDLETOWN IOOO COUPLE • MOVIE 1 ASBURYPARK UAMIDDLETOWN I- IB ABC CAPTIONED NEWS : met For sure. PARAMOUNT— Wio Rita 1M2 Kethryn Grsyson. The Spy Who Loved Me (PG) I. 3 IS, | SHADES Of GREENE Tan Driver (Rl 4. 8, Network (R) U, 5 30 / A'I, 10 Abbott snd Coslello (1 hr SO 10 UA MIDOLETOWN II— Chance for Mr. Lever' A min.) ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS The Spy Who LOVKI M* (PG) I, 4tS. mining-machinery salesman ATLANTIC CINEMA- SERMONETTE 6 30, I TS comes out of early retirement lo •••.. SI 5.110 Annie Hail (PC) ' 30, 9 10 UA MIODLETOWN III— SJOEL A SP1VAK EATONTOWN Kentucky Fried Movie (R) 7:30. * 10, jour ney to Africa to make one last COMMUNITY I- lM I sale that hinges on the signature Smokey and the Bandit (PG( 730. 9 30 "°0l. A»T.WN,H,P 4:90 Rom matinee 7pm , ot a mining engineer who is BGIVEUSTHISDAY COMMUNITY II-" dying.. G'eosrd Lightning IPGJ 7 3$, 9:35 5:40 11 JO BGIVEUSTHISDAY MIDDLEIROOK MOVIES I- •• THE CSS LATE MOVIE • EATONTOWN DRIVKIN- Annle Holl (PC) 74S. 9 tl Rain moti Gremed Lightning (PGI • *i. \J, T Night to Remember' 19M i I'i. f'c«>.p and The Beon (PC I 10 MIOOLMROOK MOVIES II— . Kennelh Moore. Ronald Allen FREEHOLD March or Ole (PG) 7:30, 9.10 Roin The drama re-creates the tragedy 1116 1)1 MALL li matinee 7pm A Bridge Too Far (PG) 1.15 Ram mot surrounding Ihe Titanic a striking II.HHI- Village RED BANK ONLY $2.00!! •nee ? p m MONMOUTH ARTS CENTER — an iceberg and sinking with 1.500 MALI II- Annie Hall (PG) 7 30.91S DOUBLE FEATURE The Oinei Side ol Midnight |R) B U persons aboard (R) MOVIES III— 8 THE TONIGHT SHOW ,1 mi man 1 hurch 1 M Herble Goes to Monte Carlo (Gl 1, 3. Smokey and the Bandit IPO) 7 30. 9 30 7.* Rain day from 11 am a•si host: John Davidson Rain motmee ?p m • , 1, MOVIES IV- Guest: Natalie Cole HAZLET Roce For Your Lilt Charlie Brown PLUA- (Gl 115. J Rain day trom Dam. Jot) • LOVE AMERICAN STYLE Smofcfr and iht Bandit IPG( J ».» 30 berwockytPGII 30. 10 IS • • TUESOAY MOVIE OF THE SHREWSBURY \ul HiuUliriK A, Bridge Too For (PG) 7. 9 4S NETWORK CINEMA I- CINEMA llr- W.U.S.A.' 1170 Paul Newman, ;. ... 1 ; • -."in K.un A Bridge Too Far (PG) J. SIS. • JO T O Sde 0Mid CINEMA II- Joanne Woodward. An alcoholic AND KEANSftU COLONIAL- March or Ole (PG) I 30. J 30 S 'S drifter becomes s pawn in a Jam (PG) 7 IS, 9 70 7 45, 10 deadly political game. (R) CINEMA III— .. H SUyKhote KEYPORT TAXI DRIVER Oreo (PGI J, 3 4S, 530.7:30. 9:30 MOVIE TRAND STRAND- WOODSRIDOI • ; "1 Kast Ki OncOOcee Over Nightly (X) J, 4 30, 6 SO. ts Man Who Could Cheat WOODERIDOE CINEMA THEATRE- Death' 1959 Anton Ditfring. "HOT WIVES t 2200 . Hot Wive* fXI 3 04, J 30, », 10 30 The Ltnt Remake at Beau Gette |PG| L ! A CH I 30, 3 10. 4 45. 6 30. t. 9 4S Christopher Lee A man ol 104. Plut 2nd Bio HII MOVIES ,- MPAA RATINGS who stays young through a °'" " '' ,G—Genef ol audience* PG—All goes |Porcntal guidance sug special gland operation, renews , 1 mlla: one MOVIES II — H an old romance) He kills the PARAMOUNT THEATRE 1 | . fl creation A Bridge Too Far (PGI I 30,7 4S. 1 R^-RMtrlcted (Persons under t7 notad doctor after he teams the 'youth' MATAWAN milled unlesi accompanied by paren secret and takes Ihe girl ON THE BOARDWALK GENERAL CINEMA THEATRES • on sale CINEMA M- adult guardguardiani ) prisoner (Ihr 45mln | ASBURY PARK NJ 775-4343 • iop, 147 Brighton X-Adullsd o : 2 3OP.M SHREWSBURY ONLY! • U II SI IVeSI .. oadwaj 'fPp- 1 Vvi & Act 1!-MS-4;4S7:MT4J IMCUl MMm WOW! child, IW. t UU NO MICIW turn, .i r«iui ... 1 ... Squai e |Abng time ago n a galaxy jatjar away

• Pickets .STAR. HART ,

Park, 3 MM. TO IHUti 1-S:1S-«:W SHREWSBURY PLAZA Htl. t Ml. 1:454 JS 7.M-IHS « |i m. A imn x .i B id mi KX) FAR Middle-

Sandy \ilmis SAVE ON NUT YEARS FUEL IIUS Slnbadand ThC enlor IT SCRVKING YOUR IOKER AND IURNER NOW. Eye of the $25.00 Tiger August Call... 291-0236 ligbland's McCONNELL 1 h $5 FUEL OIL COMPANY p.m Hobl Dennis the Menace SHREWSBURY, N J TUESDAY, AU&UST 16.1977 The Daily Register 23

I WONDER IF LOWEEZVS i DID LOWEEZV GOT SOME EXTRV FLOUR | BUY A SACK Crossword puzzle I COULD OF FLOUR THIS MORWIN", ACROSS 29 Prime min- 52 Mountain 25 Donkey: Ger. SILAS? 1 Coordinate ister Ben- lake 26 Baby words closely jamin 53 Keep - dis- 27 —hurry 5 Nostrils 33 Assyrian tance {can't wait) 10 Coarse file deity: var. 56 Incongruous 28 Actress 14 W.nylika 34 Seuteine • 60 Writer Hayward parts and sherry James 29 Celebrated 16 E98 35 Zodiac sign 61 Scops (with "out") 16 First name 36 Simplifica- 62 Small case X Actress 'in wrho- tion 63 Clayey soil Verdugo dunits 40 Literary 64 West German 31 Imparts 17 Vexation of scraps city 32 Jots spirit 41 House hang- 65 Locality: 34 Flutter 20 Letter overs abbr. 37 More 21 Venture 42 Forever - orderly 22 Lubricated day DOWN 38 Legend VOU CANT WEAR THESE JUSr WHEN I HAD 23 Dope 43 Shod 1 Constructed 39 Horse SHOES ANYMORE,DITTO 24 Actor Con 45 Swampland 2 Yale men 44 Scatter THEM BROKTEN IN 3 Lip 45 Weasel's >t>UVE WORN OUT THE nery •17 Roman road SO I COULD (SET 26 Man of ani- 48 Auntie - 4 "For - a cousin INTO THEM WITH- mation 49 Originate jolly..." 46 All: comb, 5 Advise form *. OUT UNTYIN6 THE Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: 6 Dispatch 48 A Champion •M LACES. — — boat 49 Writer || H|0|M C)]L 1 A 1 u •• ' 7 Sliced, dry Smith 1 I i r. N u HAL 1 1 bread 50 Latvia's •1 LIE FN A ii I '. l\ [ u 8 Sprite capital 9 Coral, lor 51 Elbe feeder 1.1ui;i HH Id•Aua one 52 Shipping r H 1 ', I I' D i A ii <• 1 10 Eye part weights Ikli 1 •, 1 1 k N H • ll ||A|G II 1i, ii ( i K 1. I 11 Seed coat 53 Opponent 1 •1 1 ' 1 IIMJ E It i • 12 Plum 54 Gr. letters 'If IT WAS RUFF, I COULD TELLY* vm HE'S mL, • H 1 1• " il 1 s i H 13 Be uncer- 55 Came to CATS TALK ABOUT STUFF I DON'T UMORSTAMO VET i N ! tain rest 1 Mary Worth lulu 11 i I' ; : r 18 English 57 Neighbor H By Bil Kean II1I 1 i 1' f . i ;• composer of Wash. The Family Circus H • I'M WELL AWARE THAT 1OJ-- IIDU f. N i 1 1 19 Gross 58 Dance step 1 [ * i IIEI" \ RESENT MY-- TAWN6 THIS STEP _ _ 23 Concerning 59 Lexicon: PIEASE, BARBARA.'-- LET'S N01 BUT- WHEN YOU COKE. TO 24 Carols abbr. HAVE ANY HYSTERICS.1 AS REALI1E WHAT A FINE PERSON YOU MUST HAVE EXfECTEP FOR SOME TIME, MRS. MILES ANP I ARE SOINS TO BE AflARRIEPl rr— !— w TT 17" nr

— i E i •

.', | • wP • •• The Wizard of Id Tn i = y H 1 E1 llO PIT"

• E • 1. Fl : • 60 a "I wanna send this picture of our hotel to -- - • 63 Grandma. Will you mark : 1 Andy Capp which room is ours?" i

I'M JUST POPPIN WELL.FLO, IV£ GOT A SNEAKIN' BU9P1CKX "THAT tMEY "OPE 1b OVtKIDTHS WIN «OM6 MONEY. COCS THAT Your horoscope, birthday SOOMOrtASlBLETOYOU-? . TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST were. ARIESlMarch 21-April Born today, you are a 17 SAGITTARIUS'Nov«22- 19) — Exceeding sensitiv- highly emotional and Im- LEOUuly 23-Aug.22) - Dec.21) — Your chief re- ity could cause you to over- aginative individual. Pro- A tendency to live in the sponsibility for the day is react to another's initial tective of others, you are at past may cause you to miss to see that your own needs reaction. The result may times carried away in your out on something rather are met. Don't expect too be a round-robin of misun- efforts to guard the secur- fine in the immediate much in the way of derstanding. ity of loved ones and at future. See to present outright help. TAURUSIApril 20-May such times may appear chores at once. CAPRICORNiDec.22- 20) — So long as the praise extremely authoritarian. VIRQOIAug.23-Sept.22) Jan.19) — Incessant insis- you are lavishing upon an- For this reason, you must — A chance word could tence is of no more use other is deserved, you can be especially careful of the bring you quickly to the than no insistence at all If do jio harm by it. Other- degree to which you exert answer you seek in order to you are wise you will re- wise, it could be taken as your own personality upon move your career forward. mind another - but only surcasm. MONEY, that of others when they Listen carefully. once! GEMINIlMay21-June20) HAVE YOU SEEN happen to be at a particu- LIBRA(Sept.23-Oct.22) - AQUARIUS! .Ian.'.Ml - I'ractical reasons must MY SLIPPERS larly vulnerable stage of Dislike of another's Feb.lB) — Small dreams of predominate when you are their lives. As a parent, method must not be the long standing may be real- considering which move to you may have special diffi- reason for you quitting a ized today. Don't exag- make next. Don't give in to culty in your relationship project completely. Take gerate a tendency to grasp a romantic notion. - with your own children as other things into account. at straws. CANCERUune 21-July they grow older. It will be SCORPIO(Oct.23- PISCESlKeb 19-March 22i - A blindness to the difficult for you to accept Nov.21) — The end of an 20) — There is an excellent reality of the situation may their growing independ- argument should be just opportunity to bridge the excuse a mistake, but it that - the end of it. The generation gap today. Seek can hardly rectify it. Look wise Scorpio will let the better relations with the difficulties squarely in the dead bury their dead, as it young - and the old. f;ut'

South dealer Sheinwolcf s bridge advice Both sides vulnerable NORTH sotmtm ing dummy's singleton spade second trump. I'll-, limits • 4 one, you I/Bft SKOAL by Alfred Sheinwold (which virtually shrieked for a South to one fuff in the duni UJ2 sue m It's not only the postman trump lead). my, defeating the contract ,wrnvst n%60- ' OJ932 DUG* 6iAHD50FMAt£ that knocks twice. Oppor- NO THIRD CHANCE DAILY QUESTION i zimsvaas . tunity likewise may give you I • A 9 7 5 4 ' ADaacm West didn't get a third As dealer, you hold: *Q982 ' JUSTKFOKB AWN6 a second chance. If you turn a WEST EAST emiNGi I6UMAS. chance. South ruffed the 7(1 AKQ5 •KJ10. What deaf ear to both knocks, you second diamond, cashed the do you lay? • . • *KJ6 won't find listeners when you ace of spades and ruffed a ANSWER: Bid one 'i careful defense would still but cannot get back to his your copy by sending $l IHI to 1 • Pass INT Pass hold South to nine tricks, hand to ruff another spade. He The Red'Bank Register, I1" 2 V Pass 3 V Pass But West continued with the must let an opponent gain the Bo* 1111, Los Angeles, LalH ! All Pass queen of diamonds, disregard- lead, whereupon back comes a 90053) Opening lead -OK P0HT5TI2Ufi&LB VES, SIR, /WDOG15 N0,SK, WE DON'T HAVE INFORMTHEG£NU£MAN GETTING MARRIEP...HE AN ACCOUNT HERE THAT I U)A5 A NEEP5 A COMPLETE W0RIPWARIFWIN6ACE! UJEPPING OUTFIT...


PLEASE, PR. HENRY, 5ENP ME OUT ON THAT N"EW /MISSION . SHREWSBURY. N J. TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1077 Lack of funds endangers crime prevention program

WOODBRIDGE (AP) - A help pay for the program." from the inmates "SLEPA sent six or seven group of convicted murderers said Rick Rowe. a convicted The prisoners, frequently people here to look at our and armed robbers want murderer and one of the using street language and files and study the program. 111,000—in bills of any deno- founders of the program. physical intimidation, tell the They were told we needed mination they can get-to "We're not saying this to youths of gang rapes and a money eight months ago. So keep a nationally acclaimed pressure anyone into funding iifetime behind bars. how is the application late?" Juvenile crime prevention Rowe asked the program. We just can't The youths, many of whom program alive. afford to keep doing It any- walked out of the prison in The plea was made yes- more with our own money," tears, apparently .listened to Scanner nixed terday by The Lifers Group, he said in a telephone inter- the Inmates because of the view yesterday. by commissioner an association of Rahway more than 2.000 who have State Prison inmates who run An application for the fll.OOO participated in the program, TRENTON' - Joanne Fin- a unique program to deter po- grant was submitted to only a handful have gotten ley, state commissioner of tential juvenile offenders liv SLEPA, but it wasn't present- into trouble again, court health, rejected a certificate showing them the horrors of ed at the agency's governing records show of need for a $540,000 compui- prison lite. board August meeting be- orized scanner for Rivervlew The Inmates, all serving life cause it was filed a month But the program, which has Hospital in Red Bank sentences, currently fund the past the deadline, said Mrs. served as a model for other But she approved certifi- program themselves, by do- Bemice Manshel. assistant di- institutions around the na- cates of need filed by Bay- rector of operations for nating part of their monthly. tion and been acclaimed by shore Community Hospital In SLEPA. |30 salary for postage, sta- juvenile court judges, will end llnlnidel for $141,000 in equip- tionery and phone bills. "We will be in close contact unless state funding is forth- ment and Jersey Shore Me- Now they want the State with the state Department of coming soon. Rowe said dical Center in Neptune for Law Enforcement Planning Corrections, but we can't "Prisons and juvenile $108,255 in equipment. Administration to pay the have formal approval until groups from around the coun- The commissioner approved $11,000 it costs to run the pro- the governing board meets try ask us to sent them liter- 2'.1 health-related projects to- again Oct. 19," she said. gram. SLEPA is the state of- ature about the program We tilling $3.9 million, and re- fice that dispenses grants Robert Mulcahy. commis- can't afford the postage or jected three projects worth from the U.S. Law Enforce- sioner of the state Depart- the phone bills 810.6 million, including a pro- ment Assistance Adminis- WATER TESTING - Sue Romatzick and Gerry stances. The Rutgers lab Is preparing the analysis ment of Corrections, said his posed $8.4 million general tration, which spends millions department will attempt to Sotolongo, lab technicians at the Rutgers Unlver- under a contract from the state Department of En- "We all like the program. hospital in Brick Township. of dollars a year to help put fund the program if SLEPA When you're helping kids, sity Environmental Sciences lab prepare ground vironmental Protection, people like the Lifers Group Every health facility in water samples for analysis for carcinogenic sub- denies the application. there's a great satisfaction." in jail. Busloads of youthful offen- Rowe said. N'ew Jersey must have its "Some of us haven't gone to ders have been taken to the The inmates don't under- certificate of need approved the commissary for years. I prison since Oct. 1976 to learn stand why the'grant appli- by Commissioner Finley be- Ground water being tested gave up smoking in order to what prison is about firsthand cation is being held up. fore it is allowed to operate for levels of toxic wastes HOLESALE SUPER NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - fore." Dr. Peter Preuss, spe- ovsky. chairman of the Rut- said Scientists here are making cial assistant to the state En- gers University department Water samples will be tak- AREHOUSE SUMMER what may be the first study vironmental Commissioner, of environmental sciences. en in various areas, but there of its kind to determine if said Monday. The search for cancer-caus- will be intensified sampling APPLIANCES • TELEVISION New Jersey's ground water "We're using highly sensi- ing substances, which began and analysis of ground water contains toxic substances. tive instruments to test (or in April, will run through near landfills to determine If "No one's looked at ground the 47 stustances, mostly car- April 1978 and cost the state chemical leachates are enter- water for toxic substances cinogens, on the stale's toxic Department of Environmen- ing the ground water supply, ALL FRIGIDAIRE PRICES SLASHED list." said Dr. Joel K-apl- Preuss said. over such a large area be- tal Protection $162,000. thev Many items at or Below cost . . . Some open, scratched, dented or floor samples Use of Medicaid funding ALL WITH FULL MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES for abortions now illegal Deluxe Automatic Washer Deluxe Electric Range 2 Spaed, 3 Cycles Easy clean oven f Two only, heavy duty — C One only, gold, open stock J TRENTON (AP) - The use may not save any money at other hospital costs connected A spokesman for the De- s 18 Ib. Green open stock J T of Medicaid funds for elective all," said Thomas Russo. act- with childbirth partment of Human Services Reg. W.W. price Unui T $299.95 nee ijrjyy abortions in New Jersey is il- ing state Medicaid director. After the Supreme Court's also said the state will be re- $309.95 RUW 249 legal effective today unless The cutoff in funds for Me- ruling, the state attorney gen- assessing its funding alloca- the mother's life is in danger dicaid abortions was eral's office moved success- tions to planned parenthood Compact Chest Freezer But the top state Medicaid prompted by a recent US Su- fully in federal court to have groups following the enact- r5.3 cu. ft. official said yesterday he did preme Court ruling, which an injunction lifted on a 1975 ment of the state law banning Black textured lid. f not anticipate any significant held states were not required state law that bans Medicaid Medicaid funded abortions. one only, open stock . J long range savings despite a to supply Medicaid funds for funds for an abortion unless The court challenge to the Deluxe Dishwasher reported $3 5 million spent for elective abortions the mother's life is threat- state law was filed by the $239.95 NOW an estimated 10,000 abortions Russo said it is less ex- ened New Jersey chapter of the 7 cycles, 5 options Convertible Mobile Dishwasher funded by Medicaid last year pensive to pay for an abortion Russo said applications for American Civil Liberties with Cherrywood Top "In the long run. in fact, it than to fund th.e delivery and elective uhurt inns were ac- Union on behalf of several push button controls cepted by the state until Mon- poor women. day. US District Court Judge 20 cu. ft. Two Door Side by Side Sagner resignation Starting today, he said. Mr- George Barlow refused to White 5 stay the injunction blocking open dicaid abortions also must be ttock Sale 479* performed in a hospital and the state law after the Su- accepted by Byrne the attending physician must preme Court ruling submit a written explanation But he said Monday he has 17 cu. ft. Frost Proof TRENTON (AP) — Gov. portation of the reasons for the abor- not written a final opinion on two door, $ s Brendan T. Byrne yesterday He left state government in tion. the issue because files on the white accepted the resignation of 1971 for a job with the New Planned parenthood groups, case have been forwarded to Compact Apt. Size only s.,! 349' Alan Sanger as New Jersey York City Office of the Direc- meanwhile, announced they the 3rd Circuit Court of Ap- Commissioner of trans- tor of Construction and re- are seeking contributions for peals. Washer/Dryer Combo, Automatic Defrost Refrigerator (Cyclamatic) portation and named Russell turned to New Jersey in 1975 what they describe as a "Jus- Judge Barlow said he prob- Operates on IIS Volts CJAAOG H. Mullen acting commission- Mullen and his wife. Norah. tice Fund" to help pay for ably would have the opinion 12.3 en. ft T«Hoor 95 er. have three children abortions for the poor written by next month. Rag. W.W. price * din Sagner left the state post to $499.95 NOW sale 249 devote full attention to his new unsalaried post as chair- man of the Port Authority ot New York and New Jersey. Co Window Mflkf SEE OUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS Sagner was finance chair- man of Byrne's 1973 cam- CALCULATORS paign and joined the gover- Trade in your bid windows for cash? El 201 EL 500 EL 8024 Add. sub, mult, div Full function nor's administration early in Thin Man sq rt percent scientific 1974 as the top transportation Full Function There are hundreds of styles Total memory A/C available official. $ Byrne said he accepted the to choose from, *8.88 16.95 *14.95 resignation with regret ad- ding, "I am sure he (Sagner) all custom-built for your home. will continue to work with me TV'S FOR HOW : OR DORM for New Jersey's best inter- ests as chairman of the Port Bay ft! Authority." Picture m ZENITH ZENITH RCA SHARP Sagner has been collecting PERSONAL 5 Yl. POWII 12" WITH POWER vacation pay for about a 12" AC/DC »»C« INCL month since becoming PA SIZE TV PERSONAL SIZ1 PACK AVAILABLE chairman and has spent most $ of his time at the authority's , 88.16 "98.60 111.95 "99.95 New York offices, he said in his resignation letter. REG. 114.95 REG. 129.95 REG. 139.95 REG. 119.95 REG. 109.95 Mullen. 52. of Hopewell. Is OTHER FEATURES IN OUR SCHOOL SPECIALS secretary of the Trans- portation Planning Board and INDESIT REFRIGERATORS SOUNDESIGN PROTECTION directs the Office of Project FOR HOME OR DORM Coordination in the depart- 5.3 cu. N. STEREO SYSTEMS ment Budjfi Plan Available UNIVERSAL He is a former Associated (No down piymtnt necnuryl •179.95 ^219.95 SMOKE SIGNAL DETECTORS Press newsman who covered Shop it Home Stfv •139.95 SOUNDESIGN New Jersey state government IATTERY OPERATED "Be unique! With Thermal-Gard's TRANSISTORS t AM/FM CLOCK/RADIOS WIN glv* signal II baton in the Trenton bureau from la flitting w.afc 1950 to 1961 when he joined selection of windows you're limited the Department of Trans- '3.88 ..,», 52.95 only by your own imagination. *26.95 Breeches opens nientml'Gnnl Ni.l It the >.d l°"l > I V, Red Bank Freehold store FREEHOLD - Breeches of Freehold, a quality clothing store for men and young men has recently opened at 30 W AREHOUSE Open Daily til 6 P M Main St. under the ownership of Sandy Emhoff of Tinton Falls and Alan Wallace of 26 BRIDGE AVE. INSTAN Lakewood Both men were formerly with Millers Slag Shop, which 842-9140 •M at the same Main St. lo-