Estimating Exponential Utility Functions
,~ j,;' I) ':;l) . G rio"". 0 • 0 (? _.0 o I') Q () l% a 9(;' o Q estimatiqg "ExPC?ttenti~1 ·:U····:t·····~·I·····I:·I·+u·· ;F;";;u::·:n6',.t5"'·;~:n·'.' ·s.. ·, .' ..., .'.: :','. ..•. ".. '..'. ;. ~':,,;'V~ ..' .'. o c:::::::> ' ,;", o o (b~s. ) EconOm:ics, .Statistics'·Oftd (OOfI,ati,tS /} o i_JS~~n;'~~t'~C:'T" " o .j o i) " (> C. "French " State Un I vers" I ty, and - ~~ ~ from Agric~ltur;al Economic Research, Janucrry 1978" \/01. 30, No. 1 ~~'~....' .. ' .. exponential.utility fun~tion for money has 10ng att:racted attentic;m fromAtheorists~~ because it exhibits\~oni"creasing absolute, risk aversion. j\lso, under certain con- ~ ditions, it generates an expected utility functi()n that is maximizable in a quadratic 1 program. However, "this "'functiona,l form presents 'estimation problems. Logarithmic • transformation of an exponential uti 1i,t,y, function does not conform to the Von Neumann Horgenste~ axioms. Hence', it cannot be used as ,.a basis for best fit in statistical analysis. A criterion is described that can be used to select a best-flt exponential uti, and its appl.ica,ti~!!c"",L~I.J~~~er utJ1ity an~,,~J~!s. is (~en~~~.~~r.~~ed ,~-».,.....'~\ ~ ....,.,." .,-~~ '1\, ~.... jt-~ .. -~..,q,·""·"~.""""11!"~""""'"""'\.'<'..".tft4._ ... 1' ,,''-,. < ~ i\ ,c,( ~--~""..-~,."".... .... ,~. '" ~. "~:"''''.jq''K>''''~~''l;:' ", " & ' (J 11' 1 i ,~ r.~ .... ' t ' .'~ >':J ~rr 1 C >J '¥ ~r ~1 f' if! 1 t::' ~ t,n t; ~,l IG " Canputerized simulation o Computers c Economic analysis Est imates 1\, Exponential functions " ~ogarlthm functions Risk ~Statistical analysis Utility routines 1711. IdenEifier./Open-Eaded Titnu (;:::; Absolute risk aversion Compute r app,l i cat i ens' Logari thmi c traosformatian Honey (/ Von Neumann-Morgenstern axioms )) ~ 12-A, 12-8 PB .
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