Alcorn Retires Fromnkpbsition As Wilbur Cross Librarian
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' O Weather Editorial CLEAR Course Critique and \FCTICUT (ftottttfrttmt latlg (Eampu ATE LIBRAr?Vepage2) COOL ^Serving Storrs Since 1896' OCT 22 1958 No 23 VOLUME CXII Complete UPI Wire Service STORRS, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1958 Ollices in Student Union Building HARTFOUl) Coup In Thailand NK Reports recelxed tonight Little Rock Private Schools from Bangkok radio say Alcorn Retires From Pbsition Thailand's (Government has been seised by an anti-Corn- nuiniNt military group. Open For White Students The broadcast said the coup took place last night. LITTLE ROCK, Oct. 20— gated bus seating policy In milling negroes lo use facili- But details are sketchy and As Wilbur Cross Librarian the exact aim of the coup ILTH— White students lined up Birmingham, Alabama. ties of the New Orleans City The Birmingham city council Park. The court turned down has not yet been established. hool yards In Little Rock an api>cal by the Park Im It reporUdly rime about Paul Alcorn, University Li- |. the library had Ihe future lie sees for the li- lasl week voted to rescind the 1 volumes. Ii now contains In ai.\ and any iccommenda- today to register for the first city ordinance which specified provement Association which without violence, and the biarian. has tendeied his ie- streets of Bangkok are now tirement lo President Jorgen- 230.0011 books. lions he has for it. classes they have entered since thai all busses carry boards contended the case had not been Commenting on his impend- the beginning of the summer. marking the separation of fully tried In the Federal court ■aid to be quiet with no sen. Action still has to be tak- Among the collections which In Eastern Louisiana. signs of troop concentra- en by the Board of Tru - been started In Alcorn's ing retirement. Alcorn said, Nearly 400 nigh school stu- whites and Negroes on the ve- ' My wile and I haven't made hicles. tions. Alcora's retirement will be time include the French Renais- dents turned out as registra- * * * A key man in Ihe change effective on July 31. 1950, at sance Collection. This was pur- up our minds on our retirement tion beg^an for private, all-white However, the council recom- The case- orignlated with a appears to be Field Marshal which time he will have com- chased from the private llbrar) plans. We hope to take a long classes. mended that segregation be suit by a group of Ne- Sarlt Thanarat, supreme pleted 25 years of service SI of Professor l^umonnier in I up." * * * maintained and It said refusal groes. Before the case was commander of the armed University Libra * and provided the nu- BI.FOKK coming to the Uni- The Little Rock private to obey a "reasonable request" completed the Louisiana Legis- fOreaa, cleus ol collection which has versify ol Connecticut. Alcorn school corporation, planning by a bus driver would consti lature passed a law specifically Itadln Bangkok cited pres- IN ins vi.AKs ai Ueonn, Li- subsequently been added to In was In Ihe retail book business classes for white seniors, held tue a breach of peace. requiring separate public rec- sures from hostile Internal brarian Alcorn has seen many pa-t yean and was Involved In publishing registration in a throe story The fifteen Negroes boarded reational facilities ' for whites and external forees. espe- changes In the Wilbur Cross Li- The Little Magazine Collec- a legal pa|>er. He graduated building which once housed the a bus in downtown Birmingham and negroes. But the District cially the ComiminisU, as brary. The build n at d tion whlCn the Cross Library from the University of Nebras- University of Arkansas Gradu- today and took seats from the court held the law was uncon- the.reason for Ihe coup. he has seen quite a little ia now one of the most ka snd studied Library Science ate School. The private school front to the rear, contrary to stitutional. growth. When he came to the Important In the country, a> at the University of Wisconsin. corporation classes will beein long-standing Southern policy. co. ding lo Al IOI " tomorrow with • curriculum ol The driver requested them to A COLLECTION of Modern Tanker Explodes English, mathematics, history, move. They refused. German l'rama has also been London, Oct. 20 - U'PP — civics and science. * * * Instituted by the Library. Now An oil tanker blew up in the Arabian Sea today and 10 offi- In another part of Little Rock They were taken to city jail, a collet lion ol firs) editions of nearly 250 white high school American plays and fiction has Cera are feared dead. The ship, id with breach of peace, the "Slainac Japan", was sailing pupils began signing up for ■leased under bond. been started by the Uconn li- classes, set to begin next week, In another development the i)i ary. empty from Bombay lo the Per- at a Baptist Church. Supreme ordered New Librarian Alcorn plans to sian Gull and oil vapors in Ihe Orleans to proceed under a make a lull report to President PAUL ALCORN . hold are thought to have caused OFFICIALS of Negro col lower court tuling and dc-scg- forgensen later In the year on announces retirement the explosion. leges In Arkansas scheduled legrttV its city park. meetings to see what can be done about letting up pi In a brief order, the court classes for the nearly 700 Ne- ...'firmed a 1957 decision per- Benjamin T. Taylor To Speak groes locked out of classrooms along with the whites in the fleds Launch Attack integration dispute. Education Secretary Arthui TAIPEI, Oct. 20 — lUPIl— At SAM Meeting Wednesday Hemming, a former university lied Chinese artillery unleashed president, warned that the pi I two hour and 40 minute bom- vate schools cannot provide the bardment of Quemoy today and Mr. Benjamin I. Tayloi Speaker's Committee and Manu- ested In joining SAM attend same educational advantages as Nationalist batteries returned sonnel manager of the Stanley facturers Association of Con- (his meeting. the closed public schools. Flem- the fire. The Reds said their Works in .New Britain, Connec- necticut. SAM VICE PRESIDENT. Lte ming predicted the -private attack was in retaliation for ticut, will be the featured America's sending more war- OTHER OFFICERS that the Parks, has related that at schools will find it difficult to speaker at the Society for the Wednesday's meeting, members become accredited. He said the I on escort duty with Na- Advancement's second meeting SAM speaker has held include tionalist supply convoys. This chairman of the West Hartford will have the opportunity to students will face a difficult of the semester which will be committee for pubiie education, sign up for the National Con- situation applying for college. was denied by U.S. officials who held this Wednesday night at said no ships have been rs- chairman of the YMCA Indus vention of the Society for the 8 In Home Economics 123. trial Council Forcmens Asso- Advancement of Management ruled into yuemov since Oc- Joseph Ambrulevich. SAM Segregation Issues tober 8. ciation, chairman of the per- which will be held in New program director, has an- sonnel committee of t.lie New York at the Hotel Statler, Oc- 'ihe new fighting brought an nounced that following the BIRMINGHAM. Del. 20 — abrupt end to Red China's IS Britain chapter of the Red tober 30 and 31. meeting, refreshments will be Cross, ami chairman of the The charge for students to I UPI) — Fifteen Ncgioes are day caaaa fire in the Formosa served In an informal atmos- seeking to tesi the. new segre- Strait Stanley Works Community . attend all the conventions dis- pheie. Service Club. i 11—ions and speeches Is one 1 Ie said that this should give Jack Obernesser. SAM mem- dollar. Tliis excludes ths prica old and new monibeis of the bership chairman, has an of food and lodging. According organization a chance to get nounced that this meeting will lo Parks, this should be an in- Campus Restaurant better acquainted. There will mark the end of the organiza- formative and Interesting con- also be the opportunity to meet tion's memltership drive. lie ference. All members sre In- ■ d talk to members of the urged that all students Inter- vited to attend. PENNY MANNING. Delta Z-t*. cuts the background is Carol Moynahan who aided Pen- faculty and the guest speaker. Restricts Services cake at the HUB Birthday Party last Friday ny in saving OH goodies. The Student Union THE FEATURED SPEAKER, High School and Gram- afternoon as Mr. Tom Ahem gathers together is celebrating its sixth year of service to the Mr. Taylor, will talk on the The manager of this estab- a cup ol collet and other essentials. In the student body. (Campus Photo — Tetrault) Uconn Programs mar School students in the lishment explained why this ac- subject, "Today's College Grad- Storrs area have been refused tion had to be taken. High uate, Is He Worth Recruiting?'* at the Campus Restaur- School and Grammar School Prior to Taylor's sppointment ant at South Campus. Students had been dancing and as personnel manager of the creating a disturbance in the Nuclear Suspension Creates Stanley Works, lie worked for Are On The Air Funeral Held For restaurant. They didn't quiet six years In recruiting, inter- viewing and placement of sal This season's radio and tele- tained interviews and discus- down when they were Baked. ailed personnel. He also worked snows featuring Uconn sions from the College of Agri- Mrs.