The Emerging Security Challenges Division NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme CONTACT US Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme Emerging Security Challenges Division (ESCD) NATO HQ Bd. Leopold III B-1110 Brussels Belgium Fax: +32 2 707 4232 2018 Annual Report Email:
[email protected] You can find further information and the latest news about the SPS Programme on our website ( You can also follow the SPS Programme on Twitter @NATO_SPS. 1236-19 NATO GRAPHICS & PRINTING 1236-19 NATO The Emerging Security Challenges Division NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme 2018 Annual Report 1 Preface by Dr. Antonio Missiroli 60 years of Science at NATO! In November 2018, we were joined by NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Science for Peace and Security Programme. The anniversary was an excellent opportunity to display prototypes built by SPS experts in an exhibition, to award the NATO SPS Partnership Prize to three outstanding Multi-Year Projects, and to listen to keynote speeches by NATO and Partner country Ambassadors on the value of the SPS Programme. Today the Science for Peace and Security Programme is undoubtedly a key feature of NATO Partnerships, contributing to Allied and international security. In 2018, the Programme continued to successfully reach out to Partner countries in the East, the South, and at the global level for non-military practical cooperation, building bridges and fostering partnerships. Of note are the SPS Programme's contributions to the promotion of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans through a project in the field of emergency response, as well as the implementation of training programmes on CBRN agents, cyber defence and critical energy infrastructure protection at the NATO-ICI Regional Centre in Kuwait throughout 2018.