Georgia institute of technology School of Music the great american songbook georgia tech ensemble PROGRAM

tuesday, november 11, 2014 at 7:30 PM ferst center for the arts, georgia tech the great american songbook

featuring the georgia tech jazz ensemble Dr. cameron “chip” crotts, director

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georgia tech jazz ensemble it could happen to you van heusen/burke arr. George Stone it might as well be spring rodgers/hammerstein arr. don schamber do nothin till you hear from me arr. billy may four brothers jimmy giuffre but beautiful van heusen/burke arr. lennie niehaus i love you cole porter arr. les hooper georgia tech jazz ensemble


Preston Culbertson Mechanical Engineering Ocala, FL Ryan Dunn Biomedical Engineering Cincinnati, OH Joseph Burns MS Nuclear Engineering Germantown, MD

Kevin Hill Business Adminnistration Tifton, GA Nick Doss Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Johns Creek, GA Paul Burke Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Oakton, VA


Emily Fitzharris Polymer & Fiber Engineering Dallas, TX Shan Denman Mechanical Engineering Alpharetta, GA Corey Fogg Electrical Engineering Acworth, GA Robert Friedlander PhD Electrical & Computer Engineering Mequon, WI Parker Buntin Materials Science & Engineering Norcross, GA


Gabriel Luebbe Mechanical Engineering Chantilly, VA Sean Tighe Materials Science & Engineering Milledgeville, GA Duncan Hasell Mechanical Engineering Houston, TX Hannah Carlton Computer Science Ringgold, GA georgia tech jazz ensemble


Chris Conrey Computer Engineering Norcross, GA


Jacob Zema Aerospace Engineering Pittsburgh, PA


Chris Kingsbury Nuclear & Radiological Engineering Clermont, FL Eric Stewart Aerospace Engineering Cincinnati, OH


Brandon Danzig Electrical Engineering Alpharetta, GA Akhil Chavan Mechanical Engineering , IL


Zoe Turner-Yovanovitch Civil Engineering Nashville, TN the great american songbook

The “Great American Songbook”, sometimes referred to as “American Standards”, is a uniquely American collection of popular music from Broadway and Hollywood musicals prevalent during the 1920s to 1960s. Familiar composers include George

Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, Cole Porter, Harold Arlen, and Richard Rodgers.

Singers include , Al Jolson, , Billie Holiday, Judy Garland,

Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Mel Torme and many others.

This timeless music offered hope of better days during the Great Depression, built morale during two world wars, helped build social bridges within our culture, and whistled beside us during economic growth. We defended our country, raised families, and built a nation to these songs and timeless melodies.

The songwriters of the Great American Songbook translated positive values and an optimistic spirit into the soundtrack of American life. These values are as true and applicable today as they ever have been. Through our concert, we hope to continue educate today’s youth and society about the relevance of the Great American

Songbook and its connection to current popular music. Georgia institute of technology School of Music georgia tech jazz program

The Georgia Tech Jazz Ensembles and Combos explore concert jazz works from the late 1920’s through the present day, including works by such classic composers as Duke Ellington and Stan Kenton, and contemporary artists Pat Metheny and others. Guest artists and masterclasses in recent years include Roger Ingram, Joe Gransden, Mace Hibbard, and , among others.

The Director, Dr. Chip Crotts, strives to respond to student interest in organizing small and large ensemble opportunities each semester. Ensemble members develop skills in ensemble playing and in the art and techniques of improvisation through coaching and rehearsal. Participants record annually in studio sessions and in live concerts.

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december 2, 7:30 PM february 24, 7:30 PM april 21, 7:30 PM ferst center for the arts ferst center for the arts ferst center for the arts Georgia institute of technology School of Music faculty and staff

Peter Ciaschini Associate Conductor, Georgia Tech Symphony Orchestra Frank Clark, Ph.D. Chair and Professor of Music Cameron Crotts, D.M.A. Director of Jazz Studies and Assistant Director of Bands Benjamin Diden, M.M. Assistant Director of Bands Jason Freeman, D.M.A. Composition and Music Technology Timothy Hsu, Ph.D. Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Alexander Lerch, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Center for Music Technology Chris Moore, M.M. Associate Director of Bands, Director of Percussion Studies Chaowen Ting, D.M.A. Director of Orchestral Studies and Assistant Director of Bands Jerry Ulrich, D.M.A. Director of Choral Activities Gil Weinberg, Ph.D. Director of Music Technology Elizabeth L. Wilson M.M. Director of Women’s Choir