Portland Daily Press: May 5, 1875
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9 TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. insolvent. The The Russian papers, we observe, are dis- trustees of bondholders were ENTERTAINMENTS. THE then sued on the ground that the trustees, THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS REAL ESTATE. PEESS. for the of specie the BUSINESS DIRECTORY. _WANTS. cussing projects resumption through indenture, wrere responsible for ev- The of the United ery contract entered into Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the payments. journals by the corporation. WEDNESDAY MAY, ’75 The court rejected this claim ou the Booksellers aud Stationers. For Sale. WANTED, PORTLAND MUSEUM. MORNING, 5, States must have a large supply of articles ground that a contractor had no in law to n coter PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Middle street. lelt whieli we dare right HOYT, Ac FOIIC Cape Elizabeth, 1£ story House, small stable, OPPOSITE THE CITY HALL. on this subject over, say from trustees. T. P. aSI Congress acres miles from Every attache of the Press furnished it would be a at 109 Exchange MeWOWAN, St._ IN and {two land, 2£ City Hall, A FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, regular is they will sell cheap, and saving St., Portland. Ocean tlirce minutes walk THE ELOEE COTTON CASES DECIDED. on main road to House, THIS EVJENING, with a Card certificate T. Russian to hail and can countersigned by Stanley of trouble to the journals buy Book Binders. from Baptist Church, two Stores, Primary and High One that lias long experience in the so-called cotton Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advtnce. To OLIVER DOCD BYRON, Editor. All steamboat and hotel them. Our brethren of Russia will find that Elgee cases, appealed Kootii Printer’s School, and Town House, very pleasantly situated in command good pay. Pullen, railway, mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year in ad- Will, A. QUINCY, 11, in his historical drama than to from the court of Justice 11'paid an Oak Grove. For terms apply at store of J. L. great managers will confer a favor upon us by it is much easier to discuss projects claims, Strong de- vance. Exchange, No. Ill Exchange St. Apply at demanding Parrott, near the or E. C. Robinson at C, Donald the Hero of the Modoc a No. 35 Plum premises, McKay, credentials of every person claiming to represent our resume,—N. Y. Mail. livered very elaborate and important opiuton SMALL A- 8BACKFOBB, E. Jose & Co’s., 140 Middle St., Portland. War. 5 FREE STREET. Sheridan journal, as we have intormatiofl that several ‘•bum- misfortune has been that whenever on the of when the title passes in sales THE MAINE STATE PRESS Wtreet._ ul" Exciting Battle Scenes. Exhibition Drill, The question my4_dtf myl Cadets. ap!4tf mers” are courtesies in the name of the Hallelujah Band._ seeking the independent voters rebuked Republican- of personal property, affirming the English B published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Confectionery. Camp Ground L«*s. Press, and we have no to even doctrine as distincft from that held iu New Partner Wanted. disposition be, pas- cer- ear, if paid in at $2.00 a JT. PERHIIW mRnnfaclnrer of plain on ism for its insuffetablo abuses of power, and advance, year. Id. On VERY desirable lots Camp Ground, Old sively, a party to such frauds. York and some other states, deciding that and fancy Candien, tlS7 €ou«recm Si, for sale. of an experienced man, for business in this city. OPERA! Orchard, Inquire be- tain Democratic organs have imagined that the sale in the present case was oulyau execu- Rates of Advertising; One inch of space, the Porilnud Me* I. H. BROWN. BY No insurance or other canvassing. Cail to tory contract aud did not pass the title, and so length of column, constitutes .a “square.” 230 Middle St. tween 2 and 4 p. m. for two days at AN OPERA ENTITLED had from my3dlw ST. ORIGINAL We do uot read anonymoas letters and communi- people changed Republicanism reversed the below. Justices Hunt $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week Carpenters and Builders. myld2t 37 ALDER Bourbon leaders have at judgment The name and address of are in Democracy, and after; three or less, $1.00; continuing Pearl cations. the writer and Bradley dissented. This case involved up- insertions, WHITNEY &T MEAN'S* Wired? op- Lots for Sale. once scrambled out ot their tombs under the every other day after tLrst week, 50 cents. Choice Building MARGARET, all cases not for wards of now in the treasury and powilc Park. Wanted. indispensable, necessarily publication resurrec- $ob0,000, Hall three or lesB, 75 cents; one Written to music selected from different mistaken that a it now to the execu square, insertions, but as a guaranty of good faith. impression political which, is decided, belongs week after. corner and Neal with a CAPABLE American girl wants a situation has week, $1 00; 50 cents per Congress Streets, Operas and other Sources, tion had come. Nothing of the sort tors of General Batler was couusel for Furniture—Wholesale and Bctail. and 75 feet to do house work. We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- Elgee. Special Notices, one third additional. 1 front of 120 feat on Congress Street, A Address, the the Ar IOT Press Ornce. will be brought out in nor is likely to happen during oDe of the losing Under head of “Amusements.” and “Auction WALTER COREY CO., Arcade, No. in Lot on Cumberland Street, 60x100. Lots my4d3t* D., nications that are not used. happened, parties. depth. next odd Times. Sales,” $2.00 per square per wee*; three inseitions IS Free Street. on Spring Street, and in other parts of the city. Vestry of Hie Universalist Church, forty years.—Philadelphia CONSTITUTIONALITY OF KAILKOAP TAXES. r less A. WHITNEY, No. 50 Ex- to F. G. Dealer in Real $1.50. GKOBOK Apply PATTERSON, Estate, Wanted. Stevens Plains, The Rochester (N. Y.,) Democrat pro- The Court decided the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State change St. Upholstering of all kinds Williams’ Block, second east of City Hall. fenpreme Monday to tend in a Room. The Holy Inkstand. Press” has a circulation in every part done to order. YOUNG lady Photograph poses to date the of the Genesee Falls case of the State of the Bal- (which large apl6deod3w at 276 MIDDLE STREET- origin Maryland against of the State) for $1.00 per square for first insertion, A Apply and Wednesday evenings. we owe the d3t Tuesday To Mr. Parke Godwin sug- one hundred years back and have a ccnten timore and Ohio liailroad Company. The and 50 cents per square lor each subsequent nsertion. Horse Shoeing. House Ip Town for Sale. mj-4 Address all communications to 4th, and 5th. of a new order of merit, Which he Dial. state claimed a deferred of £500 as SULLIVAN Ac S. 8 May gestion _ payment POKTLAND PUBLISHING Co. TIMOTHY YOUNG, Story, rooms, furnace, gas, Sebago Experienced Horst! Wbocr*? at 90 Fed- 2-flJL" £ wrater, neat and in good order. Gar- WANTED, Admission 25 cents, Cars will leave for the City at introduced to the notice of the world at the due for the period between 1800*1870, being oue- Wtreet.* Tna30(i3m» den has vines ami fruit trees. room also for the close of the Tickets can be obtained at eral Ample 0|>era. Southern Correspondence. fifth of the amount of fare over the stable. Fine location. A Address P. Music Store. Schurz banquet in New York the other day. passenger a Bargain. Three Saleswomen. Stockbridge's ap29dtd and Baltimore branch of the road. BUSINESS CARDS. Pattern and Model Maker. O. BOX 1092.myldl w» Experienced He calls it “The of the Holy Order Washington Knights The company refused to nay the amount to the aSO Fore Cor. ol Application!* from those without experi- J. I. BARBOUR, Street, For Sale. PORTLAND TUHNVEREIN. of the Inkstand.” Mr. Godwin, perhaps The [TInnaolin nail the K’nlui.—A New Tex ou the that the tax was unconsti- Crown, Portland. ence not wanted. state, plea C. P. BABCOCK, tutional. This the court of of Mary- two story and a half house corner Bramhall for lack of time, bnt probably because his tile Plnul.—Nceues about Charlestou. appeals St. and Western with 10 finished DWIGHT C. GOLDER & CO., exuibitioTANDDAWCE land overruled, attirmiug the right of the state MAKER & JOBBER, Photographers. THE promenade, were not did MODEL stable and — — of the rooms, cemented cellar and gas. Good AT plans organization perfected, to the money in questiou, which decisiou of MANUFACTURER OF A. S. »A VIS & CO., No. SO Middle Street. located and 4 & 5 FREE ST. plenty ol yard room. Very pleasantly not go into particulars, but contented him- court of appeals nas beeu affirmed by the Su- Mater,’ H. 15‘d Middle St.,cor. Cross. convenient to horse railroad. Apply on the premises mj4 TURNVEREIN HALL, Augusta Ga. Watch and Chronometer Tool*, J. LAMSON, premo Court. and Philo- or 64 to J. W. YEATON. self with what indeed the title Mathematical, Optical at Commercial St., 6tb. stating, sug- Since a visit to this Southern City— dtf Wanted. THURSDAY EVENING, May lovely THE NEW ORLEANS PRIZE MONEY.. sophical Instrument!,, School Plumbers. aprl5 that the is to be confined in the A. to be had of the mem- gests, membership the words “With Verdure Clad,” have assumed Apparatus, *c, No. 01 Federal Street. FEW first class men to sell an article limited number of tickets The case of the Uuited States vs. Farragut JAMES MILLER. bers. men. Street. Printer* Valuable Beal Estate for Sale. state of used in every family anil by apr30dlw to literary new in my eyes.