DireUory.] . I99

BOWDON, . , , PEEL CAUSEWAY, RINGWAY. Altrincham is a market town and chapefry in the of and hundred of Bucklow, situated on the Une of the South Junction RaUway. The Duke of Bridgewater's Canal skirts the township at Broadheath, where there are extensive warehouses and coal wharfs. It is 8 miles S.S.W. from Alanchester, 7 north from Knutsford, 30 N.E. from Chester, 11| from Warrington, 25 from LiverpooL 31^ from , and 193| from . The township comprises 657 acres, and contained, in 1851, a population of 4488, in 1861 6,628, and in 18711 8,478—3,958 males and 4,520 females—thus showing an increase in twenty years of 3,990. When the census of 1871 was taken, we find the township of Altrincham contained 1,871 separate families, 1,686 imhabited houses, 90 uninhabited, and 21 building. The market is held on Tuesday, and the fairs AprU 29, August 5, and November 22, for cattle, toys, &c. Hamon de Alassey, in the time of Edward I. granted many privileges to the inhabitants of the town—amongst others, a guild mercatory, or Society of Free Traffic, with freedom from tolls throughout the barony, &c. A court leet is held by the and Warrington, who is lord of the manor: the chief officer is styled mayor, but does not exercise any magisterial functions. The market haU and town haU were erected in 1849 by the Earl of Stamford and Warrington. It is a handsome brick building, Avith stone facings, and has a clock and beU turret. The assembly room measures 66ft. by 30ft. Petty sessions are held once a month ; the commissioners of inland revenue meet at stated periods. Altrincham is included in the seventh circuit of towns, under the County Court Act, for the recovery of debts not exceeding £50. The Altrincham and Bowdon Literary Institution was established in 1847. The present handsome and commodious structure was erected in 1852 at a cost of £774. The Ubrary contains upwards of 1,600 volumes, and there is a spacious newsroom .suppUed with the leading provincial and London papers. Lloyd's hospital and dispensary Avas erected by pubUc subscription in 1853, at a cost of £600—of Avhich sum Mrs. Lloyd contributed £300, and at her death bequeathed £1,000 for its benefit. Dunham Park is the finest seat in the neighbourhood, but there are many handsome residences that border the toAvn, chiefiy occupied by Alanchester merchants, the gardens of which display great taste. The labouring class are principally occupied in agriculture ; and the many market gardens in the district supply the markets Avith a large amount of produce. St. George's church, erected in 1799 by subscription, is a plain brick building : the liAing is a perpetual curacy in the gift of the vicar of Bowdon of the annual value of £150. St. John's Church, Ashley road, a handsome and commodious stone edifice, Avith tower and spire, was erected by public subscription in 1866, the site of which was given by the Earl of Stamford and Warrington. The other places of worship, Avith their ministers, wiU be found immediately following. A British school was erected near Ashley road in 1860, at a cost of £2,500, obtained by subscription; and there are schools for instructing the humbler classes of children, and several superior private seminaries. Bowdon is a township and parish, with the chapelries of Altrincham and Carrington. The township of Bowdon comprises an area of 828 acres, the population of wliich, in 1851, was 1,164 ; in 1861, 1827; and in 1871, 2,262, thus showing an increase in the last twenty years of 1,098. By the same census return (1871) we find that there were 398 inhabited houses, 21 uninhabited, 6 in course of erection, and 424 separate families. It is in the Altrincham Union, East Frodsham deanery, Chester archdeaconry, and hundred of Bucklow, situated on the river BoUin, and is a station on the Alanchester South Junction and Altrincham line of railway, 9 miles from Manchester, and may now be considered a portion of the town of Altrincham. The Earl of Stamford and AVarrington is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soU is principaUy of a light sandy nature, weU adapted to the growth of the potato, which is cultivated very extensively in the district. Within the last fcAv years numerous tasteful viUas have been erected in the suburbs of the town, which are chiefly occupied by the merchants and wealthy tradesmen of Mandiester. The parish church of St. Afary, seated on 200 ALTRINCHAM. [WorralVs a considerable elevation, is in the perpendicular or third pointed period style of architecture. The old church, said to have existed prior to the Conquest, was partiaUy razed in 1858, and the present one, which is considerably larger, erected. The portions of the late edifice which had been preserved have been restored, and the carved oak ceilings of the side aisles of the old building are retained. It consists of a nave, chancel, side aisles, transepts, and tower. In the church are several handsome monuments and tablets, principaUy to the Langhams, Booths, and Asshetons, members of the Stamford and Warrington family. The Uving is a vicarage in the gift of the Bishop of Chester. The tithes are commuted at £401 per annum. The fees amount to about £80, Avith residence, and 51 acres of glebe land. The Venerable WiUiam PoUock, D.D., Archdeacon of Chester, is the present vicar. The other places of worship AviU be found immediately foUoAving. A grammar school was founded here in 1600, and the school house was re-built in 1670, and again in 1806. The charities are numerous, several benefactors having left, by wUl, bread to be given away to the poor every Sunday for ever. Clothing is also distributed occasionally. The recipients are included in the several townships in the parish. Hale is an agricultural township, in the parish of Bowdon, comprising an area of 3,679 acres, and a population in 1851 of 996 ; in 1861, 1,160 , and in 1871, 1,711 inhabitants— Aiz., 811 males and 900 females ; 359 separate famUies, 336 inhabited houses, and 17 uninhabited. The Earl of Stamford is lord of the manor. The township adjoins that of Altrincham. The hamlet of Hale Barns is 2 mUes from Altrincham, 10 from Mannchester, and 7 from Knutsford. Ringway is a hamlet, about 3 miles from Altrincham. Here is a Chapel of Ease, erected in 1720, by Lord Crewe. Lord Egerton is patron of the Uving, which is a perpetual curacy. Rev. H. A. Hignett, M.A., is the present vicar. Peel Causeway is a station on the Midland line of railway, about half a mile south-east from Bowdon. Post Office, George street, Altrincham; John Balshaw, postmaster. Letters from aU parts arrive (from Manchester) at 5 30 a.m., 1 45 p.m., and 4 45 p.m., and are despatched thereto at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 8 p.m., and 9 p.m. Money Order Office and Savings Bank open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 7 30 p.m. Post Office, Stamford road, Bowdon ; Sarah Jackson, postmistress. Letters from aU parts arrive at 8 a.m., 4 p.m., and 6 p.m., and are despatched at 8 30 a.m., 10 20 a.m., 2 20 p.m., 4 30 p.m., and 8 p.m. Sunday despatch, 4 30 p.m. Money Order Office and Savings Bank open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. PLACES OF WORSHIP AND THEIR AIINISTERS. St. George's Church, Mount Pleasant, Church street—Rev. George London, vicar; Rev. Robert Martin, curate. St. John's Church, Ashley road—Rev. Frederick Wainwright, AI.A., vicar. St. Margaret's Church, Dunham Alassey—Rev. Richard Hodgson, M.A., vicar; Rev. Reginald C. Bindley, B.A., curate. St. Alary's Church, Bowdon—The Venerable AVUliam PoUock, D.D., Archdeacon of Chester, vicar; Revs. John Francis and Henry CoUings, curates. St. Mary's Church, Ringway—Rev. H. A. Hignett, M.A., vicar. Chapel of Ease (St. Marks), Dunham Massey—Rev. J. T. AVhite, curate. Christians Aleeting Room, Upper George street. Congregational Chapel, Chapel road—Rev. Charles Aylard, minister. Independent Chapel, Beechfidd, the Downs—Rev. Henry Griffiths. Friends' Meeting House, WeU street. Methodist (New Connexion) Chapel, George street—Rev. WiUiam WiUans, ministtr. Alethodist (Primitive) Chapels, Broadheath, Dunham AA^oodhousc, and Laurel bank. Alethodist ^AA'esleyau) Chapel, Bowdon—Rev. John J. Reddaway. Methodist (Wesleyan) Chapel, Bank street, Bowdon. Directory.] ALTRINCHAM. OQI

Presbyterian (EngUsh) Chapel, The Downs. Roman CathoUc Chapel (St. Vincents), New street—Rev. Henry Alcock, priest. Unitarian Chapels, Shaw lane and Hale Barns. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, &o. County Court (office. Market street).-Judge, John WiUiam Harden, Esq.; register, James Southern, Esq.; high baUiff, Robert Stevenson; assistant baUiff, Charles Balshaw, 12 High street. Registrar.—Bfrths, deaths, and marriages—James CardweU, 17 WeU street MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &o. Altrincham Permanent Benefit Building Society, Stamford street—Joseph Gaskarth, Esq., president; Matthew Fowden, Esq., solicitor; John Ambler, treasurer; James Pearson, secretary. Altrincham Pravident Dispensary and Hospital, Bowden road—Charles H. Hinde, Esq., law clerk ; Arthur Ransome, Esq., consulting surgeon; Percy Mucklow, dispenser ; WiUiam Turton, secretary. Agricultural Society, 28 Church street—Richard Davenport, secretary. Altiincham and Bowdon Literary Institution, George street—James Pearson, teeasurer , John Goodwin and Samuel Butler, jun., hon. secretaries; WilUam SiddaU, Librarian. Bridgewater (Trustees of the late Duke of) Office, Broadheath—Thomas Leigh, agent. Cheshire (12th) Rifle Volunteers—Head Quarters, Bowdon road. Earl of Stamford & Warrington's Estate Office, the Downs, Dunham—WiUiam Greenwood, agent; MaxweU A. Roscoe, architect and surveyor. Ffre Brigade Station, Market street—James Steen, superintendent. Floral and Horticultural Society.—Meetings held at Literary Institute, George street; Isaac Turton, chairman ; John Hams, secretary. Gas Works, the Moss ; office, 15 George steeet—WiUiam T. Roberts, manager; Charles H. Hinde, Esq., secretary. Government Taxes Office, 16 High street—Isaac and WUliam Turton, assessors and coUectors. Hydropathic EstabUshment, Langham road—Samuel Kenworthy, proprietor. Inland Revenue Office, Unicorn Hotel, Market place. Lloyd's Fever Hospital, Lloyd street—Charles H. Hinde, Esq., law clerk; Arthur Ransome, Esq., consulting surgeon ; Percy Mucklow, dispenser ; WiUiam Turton, secretary. Local Board, Parish Church Schools, Bowdon—Thomas Atherton, Esq., chairman ; Hugh WiUiam Evason, clerk and coUector : James Ward, surveyor and nuisance inspector. Local Board of Health, 16 High street—Joseph Gaskarth, Esq., chairman ; Thomas R. Knight, Esq., treasurer ; Charles H. Hinde, Esq., solicitor and clerk ; John Stokoe, clerk ; John Newton, C E., consulting engineer ; Thomas Dale, nuisance inspector. North Cheshfre Water Works Company, 114 George street—Henry Barrat, superintendent and manager. Overseer's Office, 16 High street)—George Bowen and Thomas Warrington, overseers ; Isaac Turton, assistant overseer. Parcel Office (Manchester and South Junction Railway Company), Bowdon—James B. Brierley, agent. Petty Sessions House, Market street (held every other Tuesday)—Nicholls, Hinde, MUne, and Sudlow, clerks to the magistrates. Police Station, Market street—James Steen, superintendent; Thomas Dale, inspector. Post Office Surveyor's Office (North-Westem district) Linda viUa, Heald road, Bowdon— Henry James, surveyor. 202 ALTRINCHAM. [ WorralVs

Stamp Office, 14 Market place—Edward Hughes, sub-distributor. Slaughter Houses, road—Henry PoUitt, keeper. Town HaU, Market place—WiUiam Greenwood, collector. CONVEYANCES BY RAILWAY ON THE MANCHESTER SOUTH JUNCTION AND ALTRINCHAM LINE. Station, Stockport road—WilUam Wood, stationmaster. Bowdon, RaUway streets WiUiam Walton, stationmaster. On the London and North-Westem Line (Stockport, Warrington, Garston and Liverpool branch)—Station : Broadheath, Henry Beecham, stationmaster. On the Cheshire Midland Line.—Station: Peel causeway, Duncan Robertson, station master. CARRIERS. To Manchester, Joseph Hough, from Market place, Altrincham, and WUUam Shaw, from Bowdon, daUy. To Manchester, Liverpool, Lymm, Runcorn and Warrington, the trustees of the late Duke of Bridgewater (by water), from the wharf, Broadheath, Burford lane and Lymm—Thomas Leigh, agent. CONVEYANCE BY WATER. To Manchester, from Broadheath, every day during the summer. To Stockton Quay, near Warrington, from Broadheath, every evening. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Ashworth Edward L. Esq., North bank, Bow­ Ackerley Mr. Henry, 1 Yew bank, Stockport rd don *• Acton Mrs., Meadow bank, 16 Stamford road Atkinson Henry, Esq., Race field," St. Mar­ Adams Mr. Alfred, garets road, Bowden Aitchison Mr. Thomas C, Orchard bank, Stock­ Atherton Mr. Thomas, HoUy grange, Langham port road road,B Alcock Rev. Henry, 77 New street Atkinson Mrs. Mary A., St. James' terrace Aldred Mr, Peter, 1 Stamford place. Hale rd Aylard Rev. Charles, York terrace. Hale road Alexander Mr., The Hermitage, Hale Bailey Mr. James, 41 Church street AUen Mr., Buckley, West Lymm, Dunham Bainbridge Mr. John, Coronation villas, Bar- Massey rington road Allen Mrs. Jessie, Osborne terrace, 11 Hale rd Balshaw Mrs. Elizabeth, Leek House, Dunham Allen John, Esq. J.P., Oldfidd haU road Allen Mrs. Martha, MUton place, 29 Ashley rd Balshaw Mr. Henry, Leek house, Dunham td Ambler Mr. John, The Rookery, Manchester rd Balshaw Mr. Henry, HoUy bank, Springfield rd Amos Miss Josephine, Peel view. Hale road Barber Mrs., Fern cottage. Peel causeway Anderton Mr. Robert, 2 Whitney terrace, Barber Mrs. Margaret, Rose bank, Barrington Bowden road Andrew Airs. Sarah, 8 Sandiway place Barker Mrs. Jane, HaU bank, Dunham Massey Andrews Mrs. Frances, Rose Cottage 51 Ashley Barker Mr. John L., HomehiU, Bowden road Barker Miss Mary A en, 4 Ash viUas, Broom- Andrews Mr. Samuel, Hale mount. Hale bam field lane, Hale Antrobns Mrs; Elizabeth, 5 Clarendon avenue, Barker Mrs. Robert, Vicarage lane Stockport road Barlow Miss Annie, Florence viUa, Heald road, Ardern Mrs. Hannah, Grosvenor terrace, 4 Bowdon Stamford road Barratt Mr. Henry, 85 New street Arkwright John, Esq., Oak HiU, St. Margarets Barratt Mr. Samuel, Highbank road, Dunham Massey Barratt Mr. WiUiam, Manchester road Armitage Mr. WilUam, ToAvnsfidd house, the Bateson Air. Richard, Claremont, Halo Mount Baxter Mr. James W. BoUingworth house, Amold Mr. Samuel, Rivington view. Hale rd grange lane, Bowdon Ashton Mr. Abraham H., Vale road, Bowdon Beard Rev. John R. D.D., the Aleadowu Direetary.] ALTRINCHAM. 208

Beaucock Mr. John B., Church view, Vicarage Boyer Mr. Edward, Bayfield, Stamford road, lane, Bowdon Bowdon Beaumont Mr. Richard H., The Healds, Heald Bradburn Mr John, Highfield cottage, Ashley road, Bowden road Beckett Mrs. Martha, Dunham Woodhouses Brayshaw Mr. Benjamin, 27 St. John's view, Beckett Mrs. Thomas, the HolUes, Dunham off Ashley road Woodhouses Bridgeford Mr. Henry, Grange lane, Bowdon Becks Mrs. EmUy, EnviUe Cott, Greenwalk, Brimelow Mr. James, 3 AVdUngton place, the Bowden DoAvns BedeU Rev. James, Glebdand Stamford road, Broadbent Mr. John, Bank place, Stamford Bowdon road, Bowdon Behrens Mr. Louis, West hUl, Greenwalk, Brocklehurst Air. Clement R., Ashlea Hey, Bowdon Barrington road Bell Mr. James, Albert square, B Brogden, Mr. Henry, Hale lodge. Hale BeU Mr. John, 1 Eak bank, Stockport road Brooke Mr. WUliam, Hale Carr BeUhouse, Mr. Ernest, Southside Brookes Mr. James, South downs, Delamer BeUhouse Mrs. John, Greenoaks road, Bowdon Bennett Mrs. Helen, the Poplars, Norman Brown Mr Henr)', 1 Claremont place. Peel place causeway Benson Mr. Davis, Lark hUl, Heald road Brown Mrs. Martha, 3 Stamford road, Bowdon Bentiey Mr. Charles, Lyme grove Brown Mr. Samuel, Vivian cottage. Spring Bentley Miss Jane, the Mount road. Hale Bentley Mr. John M., the Lymes, Vicarage BrownbiU Mrs., 3 Bank terraoe, Stamford road lane, Bowdon BrowneU James, Esq., Barrington road Berry Mr. James, Ashley view. Hale road BrowneU The Alisses, Ivy cottage, Barrington Berry Mr. John, Sand mount, Peel causeway, Hale road Beswick Miss, Richmond place, Bowdon road, Bryer Mr. Charles, 12 Sandiway place Bowdon Buck Mr, Thomas, 5 Claremont place, Peel Bickham Spencer H. Esq., Gorsefield, Green­ causeway walk, Bowdon Buckley Miss Betsy, Bowdon vale Bickham Spencer, Esq., South bank, Langham Buckley Mrs. Emma, Stamford viUas, Stamford road, Bowdon road, Bowdon BiUinge Mr. WiUiam, Dunham grange, Dela- Buckley Mr. Robert, Bowdon vale mer road Burgess Mr. John, Albert terrace, Stockport rd Bindley Rev. Reginald C, B.A., Osborne ter­ Burgess Mr. Samuel, Bowness viUa, Lyme race, 19 Hale road grove Binyon Mr. Alfred, West view, Bowdon Burgess Mr. Thomas, 4 Oak terrace, Stamford Birkby Mrs. Elizabeth, 9 WiUow bank. Peel road, Bowdon causeway Burghardt Mr. Francis, High bank. Green Blease Thomas, Esq., ClareviUe, Bank street walk, Bowdon Boardman Miss Fanny, Richmond place, Bow­ Burn Mrs. Ann, 1 Whitney terrace, Bowdon don road, Bowdon Burrows Miss EUzabeth, 4 WUlow bank. Peel Boden Mr. Edwin, Beech mount, Langham causeway road, Bowdon Bury Miss H.L., Sunny bank, Belfidd, Bowdon Bottomley Mr. Bramley, 80 the Downs Butterworth Mr. WilUam, 9 Clarendon avenue, Boughey Miss EUzabeth, 36 Sandiway place Stockport road Boughey Mr. John, 6 Sandiway place Caldecott Miss Eliza, Albert viUa, Barrington Boult Mrs. Sarah, Knowsley bank, Delamer road road, Bowden Calderbank Mrs. Ann, Grosvenor terrace, 8 Bourne Mrs. Mary Ann, 10 WUlow bank. Peel Stamford road causeway Calderbank Mr. John, Grosvenor terrace, 13 Bowden Mr. George H., Glebelands, Stamford Stamford road road, Bowden CaldweU Mr, James, 6 Woodlands terrace, Bowden Mr. George, 72 New street Stockport road Bower the Misses, South bank, Langham road, Calvert Miss Mary, Milton place, 31 Ashley rd Bnwdon Carlisle John, Ecq- J.P., High lawn. Bowdon 204 ALTRINCHAM. [ WorralVs

Cartwiight Mrs. Rebecca, West bank, Bowdon Daine Mr. Thomas, Park road. Hale Chambers Rev. John, M.A., Vale view, BoAvdon Dale Mrs. EUzabeth, Woodley house, 45 Cheetham Air. Thomas, 5 Bank terrace, Stam­ Church street ford road Dalton Mr. Charles H., Hale villa, Broomfield Church Mr. WilUam, Sunny bank, Stamford lane. Hale road, Bowdon Daniels Mrs , RosehUl, Bowdon Clarke Mr. George D., 2 Laurel mount, Bowdon Darbyshire Mrs. Jane, the Vale, Bowdon Clarke Mrs. Mary, Sandiway Davies Mrs. EUen, 8 WiUow bank. Peel Clarke Mrs., Swiss cottage, Langham road, Causeway Bowdon Davies Mr. George, Bowdon vale, Bowdon Clarke Mr. WilUam, Albert terrace, Stockport Davies Mr. Humphrey, Lyme grove road Davies Mr. Samuel B., Barrington road Cleary Mr. Edward, the Mount Davies Mr. Walter, Albert square, Bowdon Clegg Mr. Benson, Parkside, Dunham Massey Davis Mrs. Mary, Bank house, Dunham Town Clegg Mrs. Harriet, 7, High street Davis Mrs. Sophia, York terrace, Hale road Clegg Mr. NeviUe, Groby place, Dunham road Dawson Mr. Robert H., Prussia terrace, B. CUff Mrs. Ann, Rose hiU, Bowdon Dean Mr. Henry, 2 WeUington place, the Close Mr. John, Barrington road Downs Cluely Miss Mary, BrynbeU*, Hale road Dean Mr. Peter, 32 Sandiway place Coates Mr. Joseph E., 16 Sandiway place Delves Mr. Samuel, Brunswick cottage, Halerd Cochrane, Miss Mary A., Claremont place. Dickinson Mr. Henry, Rose viUa, Heald road, Peel causeway Bowdon CoUiei Miss Caroline, 8 WiUow bank. Peel Dixon Mr. James, Derby cottage, 3 Clarendon causeway avenue, Stockport road CoUins Air. Edward, North view, Dunham Doeg Mr. David, 11 Bank terrace, Stamford rd Massey Doeg Mr. George W., 1 St. James' terrace ColUns Air. John, 1 St, John's view, off Ashley Dorrington the Misses, HiU side, Langham road road, Bowdon ColUver Mr. Peter, SomerviUe, Barrington rd Dorrington Miss Kate, Culcheth haU, Ashley Compton Mr. Joseph, Oakleigh, D M road, B, Cooke Mr. George, Barrington road Dowson, Mr. Joseph, Bowdon vale Cooke Mr. James, 13 Sandiway place Drane Mr. Charles, Spring cottage. Spring Cooke Mr. James B., 10 Clarendon avenue, road. Hale Stockport road Dunkerley Mr. Charles C, HUl side, Langham Cooke Mrs. Laura; Rose vUla, Bowdon vale road, B Cookson Mr. Thomas, Hagar mount Dunkerley Mrs. EUzabeth, 8 Woodland view, Cooper Mr. James G., St. Margaret's road, Stockport road Dunham Massey Dunsmufr Mr. George, Mabel viUa, Heald rd B Coulson Mr. John B., Prussia terrace, Bowdon Dunstan Mr. Frederick G., the Vale, B vale Dyson Mr. Thomas, the Mount Coward Mr. Thomas, 8 Higher downs, Bowdon Ede Mr. Frederick C, the Ferns, Bowdon Creery Mr. Andrew McCreath, 2 Grosvenor road terrace. Hale road Edleston Mr. Robert S., Alston place, B. road Crighton Mr. Henry, West view, Bowdon Edmondson Mr. John, Green bank, Langham Crompton the Misses, Spring vUla, Hale road, B Cross Mr. Simeon, the Firs, Dunham Massey Edmondson Mr. WUliam, 5 Whitney terrace B Crossfield Mrs. EUz, Hall bank, Dunham M. ElUott Mrs. Mary, Sunny bank, Stamford rd, B Crosdey Mr. Francis W., Oaklands, Langham EvaU Mr. Arthur, Mayfield, D M road, B Evans Air. James, Sand mount. Peel Causeway Crowther Mrs. Mary, Albert square, Bowdon Hale CroAvther Miss Sophia, Albert square, Bowdon Everard Mr. Henry WiUiam, MiU house, Cruttenden Miss Kithrine Sophia, Prussia Stamford road terrace, Bowdon Fairbank Mrs. Frances B„ Stamford viUa, Cuffley Mrs. Harriet, North bank, St. John's Stamford road, B road, Bowdon Fairchild Horace J., Esq., fhp Vicarage, Park Daeumer Air. John, 70 New etreet road, B Directory.] ALTRINCHAAI. 20i'

Fallows Air. Samuel, 10 WeUington place, the Gough Mrs. Ann, Laurel bank, Stamford road, Downs BoAvdon Field Mr. Joseph AL, 6 Norman's place Grafton Air. John H., Groby place, Dunham rd Fiers Mrs. Sarah, 34 the Downs Grafton Mrs. Mary, Beechfidd, Bowdon FUdes Mr. Joseph, Beech lawn, Dunham road Graham AVilUam, Esq., La Plata viUa, Bow­ Finnie John, Esq,, Bowdon lodge, D AI don road, Bowdon Fish Air. Richard F., the Vale, B Gratrix Mr. James, RosehUl, Bowdon Fleming Mrs. Jaue, 4 Stamford place. Hale Greaves Aliss Jane Lomas, RosehiU, Bowdon road Greening Mrs. Ann, 12 WdUngton place, the Fleming Miss Alarianne, 4 Stamford place. Dowus Hale road GreeuAvood Air. AVilliam, Street Head, Bowdon Fletcher Mr. James, Alitton place, 27 Ashley rd Gregson Mr. James, Highbury house, Stam­ Fletcher Mrs. Mary, 62 New street ford road, Bowdon Fletcher Mr. Thomas, Dunham Woodhouses Griffin Air. John, Bank place, Stamford road, B Forrest Mrs. Mary, Laurel bank, Stamford Griffiths Rev. Henry, Alma cottage, RosehiU, road, B Bowdon Forrester Mr. Stephen, 11 Lyme grove Gmndler Mr. Edmund, 14 Sandiway place Forshaw Mr. Thomas, the Bower, Ashley road Grundy Mr. ComeUus W., Laurel bank, B Forster Mr. Joseph, Spring bank, Ashley road Guest Mr. James, RosehiU, B Forster Air. WUson, 3 Oak terrace, Stamford Hadfidd Air. John, the Mount road, B Hague Mr. Charles, York terrace. Hale road Foster Mr. John, 5 AVUlow bank. Peel Causew. Hague Air. WiUiam H., 1 Peel terrace, B FothergiU Mr. Thomas, Bayfield, Stamford rd B Hall Mrs. Ann, A^ale view, B FoAvden Matthew, Esq., Barrington road HaU Mr. John, Groby i}la'".e, Dunham road Foy Mrs. Bridget, 4 Whitney terrace, B Hall Mr. Theophilus D., M.A., Bowdon college Fryer Mr, George H., Langham road, B HaU Air. WUUam, 3 Peel terrace, B FuUarton Mr. John Alexander, Parkfidd, Hamer Air. AVilUam, Bowdon view. Peel Groby place, Dunham road causeway Gaddum Henry, Esq., Oakley, Greenwalk, B Hampson Mr. John, South Downs cottage, B Galloway Mr. James, Stamford lodge, Langham Hampson Robert, Esq., EnviUe house, Green­ road, B walk, B Gardom Miss Sarah, 89 New street Hampton Miss EUzabeth, Green bank, Bow­ Garfiitt Air. Thomas, Prussia terrace, B don road, B Gaskarth Joseph, Esq., J.P., D M Hams Mr. John, 19 St. John's view, off Ashley Geldart Air. Thomas, RosehUl, B road Gibbon Mr. Thomas, Ashley view. Halo road Hand Miss Mary, the Mount Gibson Mr. AVUliam, Rose hiU, East Downs Hardie Mr. Archibald, Broomfield house, road, B Broomfield lane. Hale GUlibrand Airs. Edwin, Osborne villas, 9 Hale Hardie Mr. Henry, Southbauk, B road Hardie .Mrs. Margaret, 13 Lyme grove GiUibrand PhUip, Esq. Green bank, house, Harding Mrs. Jessie, York terraoe. Hale road Bowdon Hargreaves Mr. John, Bower bank, Ashley rd 'GiUibrand, Mr. Walton, Holly bank, St. John's Harris Airs. Catherine, Rosthern view, B \ road, Bowdon Harrison Mrs. Sarah Ann, 2 Woodland terrace GoodaUMr. Benjamin, BurUngton place. Bank Stockport road street Hart Miss Janet, T8 the DoAvns GoodaU Mrs. Elizabeth, 7 Bank terrace, Stam­ Hartley Air. Henry, Broomfield, Hale road ford road Hartley Mr. Peter,Birch house, Dunham road Goodier Mr. Frederick D. 4 Clarendon avenue, Harwar Mrs. Joseph, the Vale, B Stockport road Harwood Airs. Alice, Broomfield villa, Broom­ Goolden Airs. Elizabeth, Hale field lane. Hale ^Goolden Mr. WiUiam, 44 the Downs Hatzfidd Mr. WiUiam John, Barrington read Gorton Mr. John, Beech vUlas, Stamford road, Haworth Air. Abraham, Oak house, Dunham Bowdon road Gorton Mr. WUliam, W^oodbine cottage, Stock­ Hayworth Airs. —, Ecclesfield, Park road, B port road Haves Air. Thomas, 2 Normans place 200 ALTRINCHAM. [ WoiraU's

Haythorn John, Esq., Upton house, Sandiway Hunter Miss Alary, 87 New street Heald Nicholas, Esq., Brunswick house, Bow­ Hutchins Mr. John, St. Margarets road don road, B Ictson Mr. John, 15 St. John's view, off Ashley Heard Mr. John H., Coronation viUas, Bar­ road rington road Ireland Mr. Alexander, Inglewood, St. Mar­ Heathcott Air. Robert, 40 the Downs garets road, B Heaven Mr. Alfred, Hornbean villas. Bank st Jackson Mr. Daniel S., Albert square, B Henshall Mr. Joseph, 13 St. John's view, off Jackson Mr. Edward, West view, B Ashley road Jackson the Misses, Osborne vUlas, 7 Hale rd Heron Air., Richmond hiU, B Jackson Mr. Frank AL, HaU bank, D M Heywood Mr. Abel, Summerfidd house, B Jackson Mr. Joseph H. E., HoUy bank, Stam­ Heywood Airs. Frances EUzabeth, Albert ford road, B square, B Jackson Mr. Richard, Ash viUa, Broomfield Heywood Mr. William H., Dunham town lane, Hale Hignett Mrs. Ann, Delamer house, Delamer Jackson Mr. Thomas S., the Oaks, Dunham rd road, B Jacoby Mr. Ernest, the Firs, Bowdon road, B Hignett Rev. Henry A., M.A., Ringway, Hale James Henry, Esq., Linda viUa, Heald road, B Hilton Air. Edward, 18 Sandiway place Jepson Mrs. Margaret, 7 St. John's view, off Hilton Air. Henry R., 2 St. James terrace Ashley road Hinde Charles Heaton, Esq., the Grove, Old- Jervis Mr. Robert A., South Delamer road, field road bank, B Hinde Air. Robert, EUerslie, Dunham Massey Job Mrs. Catherine, 3 Whitney terrace, B Hines Mr. Charles, East field, Barrington road Johnson Charles, Esq., Silverlands, Delamer Hodgkinson Mr. George, Stamford viUa, Stam­ road, B ford road Johnson Air. George J., Broomfield cottage, Hodgson Mr. John, Hawthorn vUla, Stamford Broomfield lane. Hale road Johnson Mr. John, Ash farm. Hale Hodgson Mr. Joseph S., Stamford viUa, Stam­ Johnson Mr. John, Meadow bank, 17 Stamford ford road, B road Hodgson Rev. Richard, M.A., the Firs, Bow­ Johnson Mrs. Mary, 2 Oak terrace, Stamford don road road, B Hodgson Mrs. Susan Ann, the Woodlands, Johnson Mr. Thomas, Manchester road Bank street Johnson Rev. William T., 7 Lyme grove HoUand Mr. Francis W., Agues house, Heald Johnstone Mr. Robert, Glebelands, Stamford road, B road B. Holland Mrs. Sarah, Sandiway house Jones Mrs. Sarah, Laurel bank, Stamford HoUiday Mr. Joseph, Fir bank, East Downs road, B road, B Jones WUUam 0., Esq., 32 the Downs HoUingworth Miss EUenR., Laurel bank, B Jordon Mr. Albert, High bank. Hale Holt Mr. Charles, 1 WUlow bank. Peel cause­ Joynson Edward, Esq., J.P., Park road, B way Kearley Air. George, Sunny bank, Stamford Holt Mr. David, Highfield, Ashley road, B road B Hood Mr. George, Peel crescent, off Ashley Keeling Mrs. Alice, Broomfield, Hale road road. Hale KdsaU Mr. John Astle, Hornbean vUla8,Bankflt Hope Miss Lydia, 66 the Downs Kemp Mr. Alexander, Brunswick viUa, Hde HorsfaU WiUiam, Esq., Dunham mount road Hough Mr. Henry, the Mount Mr. Thomas, 2 Ash vUlas, Broomfield Howard Miss Martha, South viUa, Broomfield lane. Hale lane. Hale Kenworthy Mr. Samuel, Langham road, B Howard Mr. WiUiam H., 74 the Downs Kenyon Mr. Henry, 19 the Downs Howden Mr. John A., Church bank, B Kerr Mrs., Morningside, D M KUlick Mrs. Annie, Richmond hiU B Hudson Air. Walter, Ashley viUas, Ashley rd Kingsley Mrs. Letitia, HaU bank, D M Hulbert Air. Thomas, Navigation lane Kirk Mr. Thomas H., 74 New street Hulme Mr. George, 24 Lloyd street Kirkbank Mrs. Mary, Highfield house, Dim- Hunt Mrs. Janet, Rose hUl, B ham road Hunter Air. John, York terrace. Hale roal Directory.] ALTRINCHAAI. 207

Kfrkley Mr. James, Hale bank. Hale McDonald Mrs. Mary, Laurel bank, Barrington Knight Mr. Robert, 81 N

Morris Mrs. Downs villas, B Pearce Air. Alfred J., Leigh terrace. Hale road Morrison Mrs. EUen, Laburnum terrace, Ash­ Pearson Mr. Mark, Brookfidd house field, Hale Miss Mary, AVestbank, B Mort Air. John S., Barrington road Penrose Mr. John AVilliam, Stamford road, B Moverley Mrs. Dinah, 82 the Downs Percival Air. Robert, Oakfidd, Hale Aludd Mrs. AUce, Laurel bank, P Perkins Mrs. Dunham toAvn Mudd Mr. James, Richmond liiU, B Perrin Mr. John, the Elms, Hale Muir Mr. Alexander, the Mount Pidduck Mr. Henry, Barrington road Mules PhiUp H., Esq., M.D., the DOAVUS Pimlott Mr. John, BrynbeUa, Hale road Murray Airs. EUzabeth, Springside, Barrington Pinchbeck Henry, Esq., Sandringham viUa, road Stamford road, B Murthwaite Mrs. MatUda, Vicarage lane, B Piatt Robert, Esq., Dunham Park Nappier Miss Mary, 21 the Downs PoUock the A'enerable William, D.D., Arch­ Nappier Miss Sarah Ann, 46 the Downs deacon of Chester, and Vicar of Bowdon ; Nash Mr. AVUUam, Chesham place, Stamford Vicarage, Park road, B road, B Pons Mr. Peter, 9 Lyme grove Naylor the Misses, the KnoU, D AI Poole Mr. Henry E.. 11 WdUngton place, the Nield Mr. Alfred, Dingle bank east, B DOAVUS Neroutsos George, D. Esq., the Woodlands, PoweU Mrs. Ann, Darley grove, D M Green walk, B PownaU John, Esq., High bank, Sandiway Newhouse Mr. Richard. Vicarage lane, B Presoott Mr. C!yrU, the Ferns, Bowdon road, B Newton Mr. John, Barrington house, Barring­ Prichard Mr. Edward, WiUow cottage, Stam­ ton road ford road, B NcAvton Mr. Martin, Oldfield, D M Prusmann Mr. Gottlieb, Yew bank, Vicarage Newton Miss Mary, Dunham town lane, B NichoUs Airs. Mary, SomerviUe, Barrington rd Ransome Arthur, Esq., M.D., Devisdale, St. NichoUs Miss Susan, Groby place, Dunham rd Margaret's road Nicholson Mr. George H., 76 the DOAVUS Reddaway Rev. John C, Laurel bank, B Nicholson Mr. Robert, Chesham place, Stam­ Reddish Mr. John, the Firs, Bowdon road, B ford road, B Reece Mrs. Edna, 4 Norman's place Nield Mr. James Andrew, Oakleigh, Sandiway Reid Airs. EUzabeth, L., Ashley heath, Hale Norbury John, Esq., Breeze hUl, Bowdon rd B Reyner Miss Angela, Bayfield, Stamford rd., B Norris Samuel H., Esq., J.P., Dunham road Rhodes Mr. WiUiam, Beech bank, Barring­ Nonis Mrs. WiUiam, Richmond hiU, B ton road Oats Mr. Henry C-, Prospect house, the Vale B Richards, Mrs. Eleanor, Dunham ToAvn Occleston Mrs. AViUiam, 2 WUlow bank, Peel Richardson Mr. John, Spring road, Hale Causeway Richmond Mrs. Sarah, Glebelands, Stamford O'Hanlan Mr. William, Bayfield, Stamford rd B road, B OkeU Mrs. Francis, 3 Esk bank, Stockport rd Richmond Mr. Thomas, Oaklands, Langham OkeU Mr. Samuel, Grange lane, B road, B Ombler Mr. James, 42 Sandiway place Rigby Mrs. Ann, Lyme Grove Ormshaw Airs. Mary, Peel Crescent, off Ashley Rigby Mr. John, Fern Lea, Dunham road road. Hale Roberts Mr. Hugh, Albert square, B OrreU the Misses, Sunny bank, Stamford rd, B Robinson Mr. George, the Cedars, Langham Owen Mr. Joseph, Church Lane, B road, Bowdon Palmer Mrs. Margaret, Barrington road Robson Mr., Hall bank, D M Park Mrs. Agnes, Rosthern view, B Robson Mr. George H., 17 Lyme Grove Parker Mrs. Sarah, 4 Sandiway place Rodger Mr. Edward, Apsley grove, Bowdon Parker Mr. WiUiam H., Rivington house, vale Broomfield lane. Hale Rodgers Mrs. Margaret E., the Limes, Claren­ Parkinson Air. Thomas, the Firs, Bowdon rd B don avenue, Stockport road Parry Mr. Charles J., Lyme grove Roscoe Maxwell A., Esq., Downs cottage, the Parry Mr. Thomas AL, Ford bank. Halo Downs, D AI Pascall Miss Ann Guest, Broomfield viUas, Hale Routledge Mr. Robert, Brunswick villas. Hale Patchett Mr. John, 3 Osborne place, the Downs road Payne Mr. Thomas, BurUngton place. Bank st Royle Mrs. Esther, BrynbeUa, Hale road Directory.] ALTRINCHAAI. 209

Royle Air. James, 62 the Downs Southern James, Esq., AVarrington road Royle Mr. John, BeU place, Stamford road, B Sowler Airs. John, the Firs, Bowdon road, B Rushton Mrs. George H., Holly bank, Hale Spalton Alifis Susie, Rivington view, Halea'd Ruspiui Air. Frank 0., Oak terrace, Stamford Sparkes Air. Andrew, Park house, D M road, B Spence Air. Frank, 72 the Downs Rycroft Mr. John, Oakfidd house, the Downs Spencer Air. John, Green bank, Langham Sambrook Mrs. Alary, 49 Church street road, B Sampson Henry, Esq., Brunswick house, Green­ Spurge Mr. John, 5 Yew bank, Stockport road walk, B Standriug John, Esq., Fir hiU, B Satterfield Robert, Esq., Dinglebank west,B Starkey Airs. Helen Parkfidd, the Downs Sayers Mr. Christopher, Barrington road Stead Air. Richard William, the Oaklands, SchdUng Mr. George, Laurel bank, Stamford Bowdon road, B road, B Steains Air. John P., Fern bank, Delamer Schlapffer Mr. J. G., Alder bank, Ashley road, B road, B Stenhouse Air. James AV., Beechfidd, B Schloss Mr. Daniel, Harefidd house, B Stephens Air. Edward, the Elms, Bowdon vale Schloss Mr. Louis, Sandyford house, Stamford Stephenson Mrs. G.AL, Free mount, D M road, B Stephenson Air. H. J., Heath bank, Barrington Schloss Air. Sigismund, Osborn villa, D M road Schofield Mrs. EUza, York terrace. Hale road Stockdale Mr. Richard, Meadow bank, 18 Schultz Air. Rudolph, Labumam terrace, Ash­ Stamford road field, Hale Stokoe Mr. John, 4 St. James terrace, Bar­ SchwankMr. Adolph, Sunnybank, Barrington rington road road Stone Mr. Martin, Bell place, Stamford road B Schwind Charles, Esq., Woodside, Green- Street Aliss Grace, York terrace. Hale road waUc, B Street Airs. Mary Jane, 54 the Downs Scott Mr. Charles H., 44 Sandiway place Stubbs Mrs. Eleanor, Spring bank, Stockport rd Scotter Air. Charles, 36 the Downs Sudren Mr. James, Grange lane, H Seddon James, Esq., Dunham road Sumner Air. James, Yew bank, Stockport rd Segar Mr. William E., the Moss, Hale Sumner Air. John, 3 Stamford place. Hale rd Senior Rawson, Esq., Beevor house, B SutcUffe John A., Esq., Beech mount, D AI Service Air. Henry, Bowness villa, Lyme grove SwauAviek Air. John, Hale barn green SovUle Mr. HUton, 16 the Downs Tait Air. AVUUam H., Beech, viUa, Stamford Sharp Mr. John, Albert square, B road, B Shaw Mr. John, the Oaks, Heald road, B Tate Air. AVilUam James, Darley Grove, D M Shaw Mr. John, Stamford nurseries, D AI Taylor Air. George W., HaAvthorn bank, Stam­ Shaw Mrs. Alaria, 79 New street ford road Shelmerdine Mr. James, 2 Claremont place Taylor the Alisses, 53 New street Peel causeway Taylor Mrs. Alary A., Barrington viUa, Bar­ Shelmerdine Mr. Robert, 71 Georgo street rington road Shelmerdine Mrs. Sarah, 38 Church street Taylor Aliss. Alary A., 4 Woodland Aiew, Shorrock Mr. James, the Beeches, Langham Stockport road road, B Taylnr Mr. AVilliam John, Albert lodge, St. Sidddey Mr. John, Spring bank. Hale John's road, B Sidebotham Joseph, Esq., the Beeches, B Tesseyman Air. Thomas, Bowdon vale, B Simpson Mr. Edwin, the Grove, Oldfield road Tetlow Air. John, Grosvenor terrace, 10 Stam­ Simpson Henry Esq., M.D., Motley bank, B ford road Skinner Mr. AViUiam, Albert squaie, B Theologo Mr. Sophodes, Ellesmere lodge Smith Aliss Emma, 30 the Downs Thomas Miss Louisa, Biyfidd, Stamford rd., B Smith Airs. Henry, Vivian house. Laurel Thompson Mr. Alexander, Dowus house. Higher bank B DOAVUS Smith Mr. John T., Hale green. Hale Thompson Mr. John, Belfidd house, B Smith Mr. Robert, Bowdon road, B Thompson Mr. Thomas, Heald bank, Langham Smith Air. Sidney, Osborne terrace, 17 Hale rd road, B Smith Air. WUliam, Bank place, Stamford Thornhill Air. Robert, Bowdon nurseries, Hale road, 13 road, B 210 ALTRINCHAM. [ WorraWs

Timperley Mr. Thomas, 18 the Downs WhaUey John E., Esq., the Grange, B Tindal Mr. Edward, Albert terrace, Stockport rd WhaUey, Miss Nancy, WoodviUe, St. Margar­ Torrance Mr. Robert, RosehiU, B et's road, D M Townson Mr. T. AV., the Laurels, Highfield, B WhaUey, Mr. Thomas, WoodviUe, St. Mar­ Trenbath Mr. Robert AA\, Albert square, B garet's road, Truswell Mr. Alfred, Grosvenor terrace, 9 Whipp Mrs. EUen, 6 Oak terrace, Stamford Stamford road road,B Tunder Mr. Frederick S., Highfield, D AI White Mr. Thomas John, Stanley bank, Stam­ Turner Mr. Charles D., Green bank, Barrington ford road,B road Whitehead Air. Charles, the Vale, B Turner Airs. Ellen, Vale house, B. Whitehead Mr. George, Hale bam Turton Air. Isaac, 14 High street Whitehead Mrs. Hannah, Sunny bank, Stam­ Turton Mr. AViUiam, Meadow bank, 15 Stam­ ford road, B ford road Whiteley Mr. Thomas, Meadow bank, 21 Tweedale Mr. Abraham A., Stanley house, Stamford road Stockport road Whitfield Mrs. E., the Poplars, Barrington rd Tweedale Air. Samuel, Rivington vieAV, Hale rd Whitlow Thomas, Esq., 83 New street Tweedale Mr. WiUiam E., Leigh terrace. Hale Whittall Mr. James WUUam, Heald bank, road Langham road, B Varley Mrs. Alaria, Barrington road AVUcock Air. Thomas, South viUa, Broomfield Venables WiUiam GUbert, Esq., 13 Norman's lane. Hale place WUkins Miss Sarah, Laburnam terrace, Ash­ A'"erity Mr. Melcolm S,, Sunnybank, Stamford field, Hale road, B Wilkinson Mr. John Y., 1 Laurel mount, B Wainwright Rev. Frederick, M.A., Vicarage, WiUiams Mrs. Catherine, 5 Oak terrace, Stam­ St. John's road ford road, Bowdon Wake Mr. Frederick, the WiUows, Peel cause­ AViUiams Mr. Frank V., Westbank, B way WiUiams Mr. John R., Albert vUla, Barrington AValch Mr. Henry, Bowdon vale road Walker Mr. John, Church bank, B WUliams Mr. Thomas H., 4 Woodlands terrace, AA^alton Mr. Charles R., Stockport road Warburton Air. Henry, A^ale view, B Stockport road Warburton Richard A. Esq., Belmont, Park WUliamson Airs. EUza Alary, Culcheth. hall, road, B Ashley road AVarburton Air. Robert, Bowdon hall Wilson Miss Ann, Park view, St. Margarst'i AA'arburton Airs. AAlUiam, Grove house, Park road, B road, B WUson Airs. Charlotte, Rosthern view, B Warhurst Mr. Abel, Spring road. Hale WUson Air. James C, 3 Claremont place. Peel AVarier Mrs. E., Church bank, B causcAvay AVarren Airs. Alary, Victoria street Wolff Charles H. Esq., Prospect house. Hale AVarren Air. Samuel, 6 AVhitney terrace, B Barn Waterhouse Mr. Joseph, Lyme grove Wolstenholme Miss Alary, 2 Peel terrace, B AVatkins Air. —, the Elms, Bowdon vale AVood Mr. George, Highbank, Green walk, B Watson Aliss Bertha, Holly bank, Springfield AVood Mr. George, Spring road. Hale road Wood Mrs. Sarah Ann, Greenbank house, AVatson Air. James, Grove house, D AI Langham road, B Watterson Air. AVm., the Thorns, Ro.«e hiU, B Wood the Misses, Oakfidd cottage, Stamford AVatts Airs. Catherine, 5 Hale road, B road, B Watts Rev. Isaac, Beeehfield, the Downs, B Wood Mr. ^^•UUam, Park view, St. Margaret's Watts, Mr. Isaac, Leigh terrace. Hale road road, B Weaver, Air. Richard, 60 New street Woodcock Mr. Alonzo B. Orchard bank, Stock­ AVebb, Air. Thomas, Bank house, Stamford rd port road Welsh, Anthony, Esq., HUston house. Green Woodcroft Mr. Rufus, Sunny bank, Barrington walk, B road Weston Air. Ralph, Ash viUa, Broomfield lane, Woodhead Mr. Alfred, Park hUl, Hale Hale Woodthorp Mr. Thomas, Richmond JiUl, B ^'oodyatt Mr. William, Barrington road Directory,] ALTRINCHAM. 211

WooUey Air. George, 68 the Downs Worthington Airs. EUzabeth, Sandiway house, Woolnough Captain John M., 1 Clarendon Church street avenue, Stockport road Worthington Mr. Oswald, 4 Laurel mount, B WorraU Mr. John, Grosvenor terrace, 11 Stam­ Worthington Mr. WiUiam, 40 Sandiway place ford road Wright W. C. Esq., the Springs, B Mr. Aaron, Rivington view, Hale rd Wroe Air. Frederick, 50 the Downs *^* The letters B and D M signify Bowdon and Dunham Massey. CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES, PROFESSIONS, &c.

AGENTS. White Job, 1 MiU place (See also Insurance Office Agents.) Worthington John, 39 Oakfield terrace, Stock­ port road Balshaw Charles & Henry (house and estate)* ARCHITECTS. 12 High street Evans E. Roose (for W & A. GUbey's wines and Pons Peter, 9 Lyme grove spirits), 1 the Downs Roscoe Maxwell A. (aud surveyor to the Earl Greenwood William (to the Earl of Stamford of Stamford and Warrington), the Downs and Warrington), Downs cottage D M AUCTIONEERS. Leigh Thomas (to the Trustees of the late Duke of Bridgewater), Broadheath wharf, Balshaw Charles & Henry (and valuers), 12 Manchester road and Burford lane High street Percival James (general). Upper George street Balshaw Henry (and valuer), 12 Alarket place Smith WUliam (for W. & A. GUbey's wines), Brocklehurst Clement R. (and valuer), Ashlea 9, Ashley road hey, Barrington road Syers & Nephew (emigration, &c.), Stamford Percival James (and valuer). Upper George st. street.—See advertisement Syers & Nephew (and accountants), Stamford Turton AVilliam (house and estate), 15 Meadow street.—See advertisement bank, Stamford road, and 16 High street. BABY LINEN AND LADIES' UNDER­ See advertisement CLOTHING REPOSITORIES. Waltham George (to John Ryder & Company, Alcock Mary A., 8 the Downs lime merchants, &c., and the Silkstone Coal Grocock Mary, 26a the DOAVUS Company), raUway station Priestner Maria, 95 George street AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEALERS. Sharpbouse Christiana, 22 Church street Bowen George, George street Smith William, 93 George street Luke Charles, 2 Lloyd street Young M. & E.. 51 George street Robinson Thomas, 6 Church street WiUiamson Peter, 6 the Downs BAKERS AND FLOUR DEALERS. Ackerley Henry, 3 Stockport road ALE AND PORTER MERCHANTS Bebbington Levi, 9 Lloyd street AND DEALERS. Cameron Charles & Son, 94 George street Britton Jane, 14 Russell street Cooke Thomas, 1 Ashley road Cameron Charles, George street Cowsill James, 116 George street CoUins WilUam, 36 George street Davenport John, 28 Church street Coolie Thomas, 1 Ashley road Hampson AVilliam, 7 Oldfidd road, Sandiway Cottingham Thomas, 1 Rigby street, RusseU st Smith AVilliam, 63, New street Dean J. and H., 28 Railway street Smith William, 9 Ashley road Drinkwater, J. & H., 28 Railway street WUde Alary, 23 AVeU street Drinkwater Thomas, 1 Brewery street Wood Solomon, Stamford street Evans E. Roose, 1 the Downs Gaskarth J. T. & J., Market street BASKET MAKERS. KdsaU John A., Market place Amery George, Peel causeway Linton Robert, 2 the Downs.—See advertisement Brundrett James (basket and brush dealer), 84 Pearson Samuel, 14 Lloyd street George street Smith WUliam, 9 Ashley road Chantler John (and hamper), Railway arch, Wells Henry, 26 Church street Broadheath 212 ALTRINCHAAI. [ WorralVs

BLEU RETAILERS. Faulkner Joseph, Church lane, B Allen Thomas, Sinderland GiUibrand Jeft'ery, Goose green Arrowsmith James, Mandiester road, Broad­ Okdl Alatthew, 37 Church street heath Peake John (and horticultural engineer), 28 Ashley AVilliam, Stamford street Stamford road—See advertisement Bebbington Levi, 9 Lloyd street Priestner AViUiam, 11 Aloss lane Blease Henry, 43 Victoria street BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSES. Bradshaw John, Broadheath Albinson Elizabeth, Church view B Brown John, 28 Islington street Albinson James, Church view, B Burdett George, 9 Church street Allen Alariha, Alilton place, 29 Ashley road Gotten George, 19 Police street AUman John, Ashley view. Hale road Dale AVilliam, Broadheath Bateman Alargaret, 7 AVdUngton place, the Drinkwater James, 58 George street Faulkner Eliz=ibeih, 5 Railway street DOAVUS llalliweU Edmuud, 26 IsUngton street BowcU Alary A., 2 Stamford place. Hale road Harrison AVilliam, 2 Islington street Bracegirdle James, Park rord. Hale Lingard Thomas, Dunham town Brown Alartha, 3 Stamford road, B McConveU Bridget A., 15 Market place Burgess Thomas, 4 Oak terrace, B Pearson James, 11 Stamford street Burn Ann, 1 AA'^hitney terrace. Higher Downs Pearson Thomas, Aloss lane Cheetham Samuel, Laburnan terrace. Peel Pearson AViUiam, 3 IsUngton street causeway Richardson Thomas, Dunham Woodhouses Clark Richard, Broomfield house, Hale road Swain James, 5 Stockport road Clarke Catherine, 64 the Downs AVarrington James, 18 Chapel street Critchley Ann, 15 Hale road AVhite George, 7 Chapel road Cochrane Mary A., 4 Claremont place. Peel AVhittaker AVilliam, Peel causeway causeway AVilton Henry, 11 Alarket place Davis Sophia, York terrace. Hale road, B AVood John, 15 Chapel road Duckworth AUce, 38 the Downs AVright WiUiam, 22 King street Fallows Mary, 60 the Downs Youlton Frederick, 34 A^^ictoria street Fleming Jane, 4 Stamford place. Hale road Forrest Mary, Laurel bank, Stamford road, B BERLIN WOOL AND FANCY Forster James, 11 St. Johns Aiew, Ashley rd REPOSITORIES. Gilmour Archibald, Church view, B Alcock Alary, 8 the Downs Gleave Ann, 6 WeUington place, the Downs I'alshaw Lucy, 32 Church street Grocock Alary, 26A the Downs Giles Francis E., Stamford road, B Hampson John, South Downs cottage, B (froeock Alary, 20A the Downs Hampton Elizabeth, Green bank, Bowdon rd,B Uarvey Alatthew. Ashley road Handforth Margaret, Byrom street AluUio:m Aliry. 24 RailAA^ay street Hatton Alary, 58 the Downs Ts'aylor Sarah B., 98 George street Harvey Sophia, 48 the Downs Perrin Annie& Alary, 5 the Downs Jermyn Henry, 8 AVeUington place, the Downs f-^harphouse Christiana, 22 Church street Job (Jatherine, 3 AVhitney terrace, the Downs Young AI. & E., 51 G.?orge street Johnson Alary, 2 Oak terrace, Stamford road, B BILLIARD ROOM KEEPERS. Alarsden Alice, 4 AVeUington place, the Downs, AlawsouEliza, AVhitney terrace. Higher Do#nsB Harvey James, Unicorn Hotd, Alarket place Alethuen Louisa, Osborne terrace, 13 Hale rd —See advertisement Alonkma Sarah, Laurel bank, Stamford rd, B Ja-^kson Thomas, Bowdon Railway station Alorgan EU, Stamford cottage, B Potts Alark, 38 Railway street Alorrison EUen, Laburnam terrace. Peel cause­ AVarburton Thomas, Peel causeway way BLACKSAIITHS AND FARRIERS. Nappier Sarah Ann, 46 the Downs Bates Elizabeth, George street and Goose green Oilier George, Spring bank, Langham road, B Blease WiUiam, Hale barns Pearce Isaiah, Bow villas. Church vale, B Clarke George, Dunham Woodhouses Potts Luke, 9 St. John's view, Ashley road Clarke John, Sinderland lane, Broadheath Prude Albert G., the HoUies, Alcarage laue, B ClarAP Alarv, Sandiway Royle Hannah, 56 the Downr.> Directory:] ALTRINCHAM. 21;

Seddon Mary, 23 St. John's view, off Ashley rd BREWERS. Shelmerdine James, 2 Claremont place. Peel KdsaU John Astle, Royal Brewery, George st : J causeway Sidddey & Kent, Peel causeway, Hale Smith James. 42 the Downs Stockdale Richard, Meadow bank, 18 Stamford BRICK MAKERS. road Clarke James, Dunham Woodhouse Warburton Elizabeth, Dunham town Davies Humphrey, Lyme grove Whitfield E., the Poplars, Barrington road Hamilton James, 1 Lloyd street WUcockson Alatilda, the Downs Pimlott John, BrynbeUa, Hale road BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND BRICKLAYERS. BINDERS. Blease Thomas, 8 John street Davies Humphrey, Lyme grove (Marked thus • are also Printers.) Hamilton James, 1 Lloyd street •Balshaw Charles & Henry, 12 High street Skellhorn Joseph & Sons, Stockport road •Balshaw John, 7 George street Warmisham Joseph, Stamford street Balshaw Lucy, 32 Church street BUTCHERS. Butler Samuel, 4 the Downs (Marked thus • are Pork Butchers.) Peckitt Thomas, 22 Railway street *PhUUp8 Samud G., 16 Railway street Caldwell Georgo, Upper George street PiUing Johu, Upper George street •Darbyshfre John, 1 Railway street •Whitehead WiUiam, 3 Lloyd street Evans WiUiam IL, Vicarage lane, B Wright Mary A., 104 George street Foy William, 100 George street Gatley Jamos, 89 George street BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Harrison John, 8 Railway street Blackshaw Charles, 11 George street Harthen Joseph, 8 IsUngton street Bray Joseph, Broadheath Holford Peter, Peel causeway Cdderbank Thomas, Broadheath •Jackson Isaac, 27 George street Clegg WiUiam, 7 RaUway street Kinsey Henry, Stamford street Collins Mary, 10 Market place Oulton John, 26 Railway street Dawson Henderson R., 18 Ashley road PoUitt WiUiam, 29 George street, and 8 Ashley Dawson Robert, 29 Chapel road road Dutton Samuel, 19 Denmark street Riley James & Sons, Stamford street • Thomas, 73 George street Gerra;rd EUzabeth, 53 George street Turner Richard, Stockport road Gibbons EUzabeth (dealer), 13 Chapel road Walker AVilliam, 2 Church street Grant Bernard, 59 PoUce street Grant Hugh (dealer), Upper George street CABINET MAKERS & UPHOLSTERERS Hobson AViUiam H., 31 New stroBt Barlow John G., 6 Lloyd street Howarth Robert, 25 RusseU street Barlow John G., 6 Lloyd street Jones Charles, Upper George street Fletcher Roland, 34 George street M'lvor Daniel (dealer), 30 Lloyd street Halloran John, 3 Stamford street Mahon Eleanor (dealer), 57 George street Morris Thomas, 7 the DoAvns Martin John, 8 High street Okell Samuel, 90 George street MiUs fosoph & Williapa, 5 Church street Royle John H., 4 New strret Murray Matthew, 15 Byrom street Starkie & Nield, 43 and 45 George street KUing James, 40 George street—See advert Potter James, 41 George street CHEESE FACTORS. Robinson Thomas, 85 George street Davenport John, 28 Church street Shuttleworth WUliam sen., George street Dean James & Henry, 2S RaUway street Smith Isaac, 35 Islington street Linton Robert, 2 the Downs.—See advt. Smith John, Dunham Woodhouse Smith WUliam, 9 Ashley road Tickle Thomas, 12 Lord street CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. I Vernon Thomas, Upper George street AlVihitehead William, Ringway (Alarked thus • arc Pharmaceutical.) WUson Joseph, 9 Stamford street Foden Joel, 30 Church street Wiukley Stephen, Vicarage lane, B Holt Edward C, 14 Ashley road 214 ALTRINCHAAI. [ WorralVj

CHEMISTS, &C.—continued. COFFEE AND EATING HOUSES. •Holt WilUam H. (and local secretary Phar­ maceutical Society of Great Britain), 93 Bowland Peter, 4 Ashley road George street.—See advertisement Jackson George, Church Lane, B •Hughes Edward, 14 Market place Lightfoot Betty, Church lane B Hutchinson Edward 10 the Downs, Manning Richard, Church lane, B •Paulden WUUam, 6 Post office place Morgan Henry, 8 Lloyd street Townson W., 17 the Downs, and Church view, Ridgway Elizabeth, 43 Ashley road B; residence, the Laurels, Highfidd, B.— Shaw Eliza, Church lane, B See advertisement Sumner Thomas, 6 Ashley road CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE CONFECTIONERS. DEALERS. BarloAV Henry 0., 14 the Downs Atkinson James, 75 Gerge street Douglas John, 23 AslUey road Fenton EUjah, 83 George street Foster Thomas, Stamford street Keay John, 15 Temperance terrace Fox Hannah, 47 George street Lumsden WiUiam, Stamford street Inman Annie (and tea dealer), Stamford street Sheldon Joseph, 20 Railway street Plant John, Stamford street COACH AND CAB PROPRIETORS. Pragnall Phoebe, Peel causeway Brierley James Booth, 37 George street, and 2 Robinson Sarah A., Stamford street Ashley road Clayton Thomas, 82 Lloyd street CONTRACTORS. GoodaU Benjamin & Co. (aud horse dealers). Barber David (road and sewering), 33 Lloyd st Unicorn yard, Market place Buck Thomas, Peel causeway Harrison Ralph, Bath terrace, Bath street CardweU James P., 47 Church street COACH BUILDERS. Davies Humphrey (road and sewering), Lyme Barlow EUzabeth, Sandiway grove GoodaU B. & Co., Unicorn yard, Market place HamUton James, 1 Lloyd street COAL DEALERS. OWEN JOSEPH (decorative), Church lane,B. Ackerley John, Vicarage lane, B See advertisement Bateman Thomas, Peel causeway Skdhorn Joseph & Sons, Stockport road Dean Noah, 28 Chapel street COOPERS. HaU AViUiam, Broadheath Hampson Joseph, Peel Causeway Brundrett James, 84 George street Royle Thomas, Canal wharf, Broadheath Leyland EUzabeth, 61 George street Taberner John, Canal wharf, Broadheath CORN DEALERS. AValtera Benjamin (and sand), 15 Moss lane (Marked thus * are also dealers in hay and COAL MERCHANTS. straw.) Ashley Charles & Co., Stamford road Ackerley Henry, Stockport road Bateman Thomas, Peel causeway Bruckshaw Joseph, 6 JL-^rket place Bridgewater (trustees of the late Duke of), •CowsiU James, 116 George street Broadheath, Burford lane and Lymm — Davenport John, 28 Church street Thomas Leigh, agent Dean Henry, Broadheath Fletcher James, Canal bank, Broadheath, and Dean James & Henry (merchants), 28 Rail­ 27, Ashley road way street Gibson WiUiam, Railway station, Stockport rd Hampson WilUam, Sandiway Pearson James (and slate), AVigan coal wharf, Hulbert Thomas, Stamford road Broadheath ; office, 7 Stamford street Linton Robert, 2 the Downs.—See advt. Ryde John & Co., Stockport road; George Wood Jonathan, 9 Railway street Waltham, agent Silkstone Coal Company, Stockport road; DYERS AND CLEANERS. Georgo Waltham, agent Clarke W^ilUam, Georgo street Smith WUUam, Stamford road, Broadheath, Jacksohn Herrmann, 26A the Downs &id 46 Lloyd street Lancaster Thomas, 49 Georgo street Walker Jan-.os, George street Maguire J., 22 Church street Directory.] ALTRINCHAM. 215

FARMERS. Howard Samuel, Dairy house farm, Sinderland AUen Thomas, Sinderland Howard WiUiam, Vale view, B Andrews Samuel, Hale Barn Hulbert Thomas, Stamford road Ashton Thomas, Ringway, Halo Hulme James, Broadheath George, Hale Barns Hulme James, Sinderland Baguley Peter, Red Lion Inn, Ringway Jackson James, Ringway Barton WilUam, Hale Jackson Richard, Castle AliU, Hale Bailey Sarah, Hale Barns Johnson John, Ash farm, Halo Berry John, Bleeding Wolf, Hale Lamb AVilliam, Hale Bracegirdle James, Park road. Hale Leather Richard B., Halo Bracegirdle Thomas, Dobb lane. Hale Lee Zebulon, Peel causeway Broadhurst John, Castle hill. Hale Leigh Thomas, Broadheath Brown Isaac, Eatroph green. Hale Leigh Thomas, Sinderland Bown Joseph, Ringway Markendale John, Dunham town Brown Alary, Ringway Aloore Joseph, Hale Bams Buckley Thomas, Hale Barns Morgan John, AVashway farm, D M Burgess John, Hale green Alorton George, Dunham Woodhouse Burgess Joseph, Stockport road Alorton George, Oldfield Carter James, Sinderland Newton Martin, Oldfield Cilgrim John, Ringway Newton Peter, Ryecroft, B Clare James, Sinderland Newton William, Duuham town Clare Peter, Sinderland Noden John, Sinderland Clarke Philip, F., Halebarns Norbury Thomas, Bow green, B Clayton John, New farm. Peel causeway Pearson Ann, Sinderland Cookson Sarah & Sons, Eatroph green. Halo Pearson James, Sinderland Crosby Geogre, Hale bank Pearson Joseph, AVarburton green. Hale Crosby Thomas, Barrow house, Hale Pearson Thomas, RingAvay, Outwood Crosby WUUam, Castie hUI, Hale Pennington John, Duuham Woodhouse Daine Thomas, Park road. Hale Pickstone Richard, Ringway Devenporfc Joseph, Dobb lane. Halo Priestner Henry, Oldfield Dawson Hugh, Sinderland Priestner Isaac, Sinderland Dawson Joseph, Sinderland Priestner Nathaniel T., Sinderland Dawson Joseph, Dunham Town Priestner William, Sinderland Dawson horses, Sinderland Priestner WiUiam and Nathaniel, Oldfield Dawson AViUiam, Sinderland Raingill Denis, Ringway Farrington AViUiam, Hale Ridgway John, Eatroph green. Hale Faulkner Thomas, Sinderland Robinson Edwin, Sinderland FaiUkner Thomas, Hale Barns Rogerson James, the Fields, Hale Fletcher John Bowdon Royle Henry, Ringway Fletcher John B., Dunham Woodhouse Simpson James, Alanchester road Fletcher Peter, Pear tree house, Dunham Sparks Andrew, Park house, D M Woodhouse Stanbank Thomas, Sinderland Forster Hannah, Dunham Woodhouse Taylor John, Ashley heath farm, Hale Goulden James, Hale Thomason Samuel, Dunham Woodhouses Goulden John, Ringway Timperley Francis, Sinderland Goulden Thomas, Buttery houso. Halo Timperley James, Sinderland Graham Charles, Sinderland Timperley James H., Sinderland Greaves Joseph, Oldfield Timperley Samuel, Sinderland Gresty Hugh, Ringway Walker WiUiam, Moss farm, B Grounds Thomas, Dunham Woodhouse Warburton Elizabeth, Dunham town HaU Ann, Vale view, B Warburton George, Buck hall, Estoo, Halo Hall James, Sinderland Warburton George, Hale Hassall John, Broad lane Head, Hale Warburton Henry, Vale farm, B HeAvitt Abraham, Dunham toAvn Warburton John, Dunham tow^n Holford John, Broad lane Head, Hale AA^arburton Joseph Dunham town Holt WUUam, OldfieH Warburton Bob^rt, Bov^-don hall 216 ALTRLNX'HAAI. [ WorralVs

FARMERSS—continued. Dean James & Henry, 28 Railway street Warburton Thomas (executors of). Hale Barns Evans E. Roose, the Downs Warham Samuel, Dunham town Faulkner EUzabeth, 5 RaUway street AVhalley James, Butts clough. Hale Hampson AViUiam, 7 Oldfield road. Sandiway AVhalley John, Warburton green. Hale Jackson Sarah, Stamford road, B AVhitehead WiUiam, Ringway Joynson Elizabeth, 93 George street Whitelegg Johu, Ringway, Outwood Kennerley Edwin, Peel Adew, Hale road AVhitelegg Thomas, Hale Lowe •Kinsey Peter & Co., 81 George street AVood Richard, Hale Barns Leicester Elizabeth, Church view, B WoodaU Isaac, Broadheath Leigh James, Peel Causeway Worthington James, Bank hale. Hale Linton Robert, 2 the Downs—See advertisement Yarwood Thomas, Roaring gate. Hale Alellor Thomas, Alanchester road, Broadheath NaU Elizabeth, 1 Chapel road FRUITERERS AND GREENGROCERS. Oswell Richard. George street Barber David, 14 George street Thomas, 2 New street Berry Thomas, Stamford street Ramsdale Peter, Sinderland, D AI Davenport Samuel, New street ShaAV Adam, 73 New street Dawson Joseph, 39 George street Shuttleworth A^''iUiam 25 George street GalUghan Mary, 6 Railway street •Smith AViUiam, 9 Ashley road and Stockport Hampson Joseph, Peel causeway road Lord William, 24 George street Smith AVilUam, 63 New street Aloult WiUiam, 112 George street AA^aring Francis, (and Spice merchant) 2 RaU- Oram Hannah, (and Poulty aud Game dealer), etreet 3 the Downs AVarren James, Broadheath Pickston Joseph, 10 George street WeUs Henry, 26 Church street Pimlott Samuel, Langham road, B Whitehead George, 46 Chapel street Richardson John, 22 Lloyd steeet AVood Jonathan, 9 Railway street Royle Joseph 40 Lloyd street AVood Solomon, Stamford street Sheldon Joseph, 20 Railway street AV alker John, 18 George street HAIR DRESSERS. AValker Thomas, 5 Chapel road (Marked thus • are Perfumers.) Watson Isaac, senr., 87 George street AVatson Isaac, 91 George street Browne Thomas A., 20 Church street AVhitelegg James, 6 Stamford street Fletcher AViUiam, 26 Lloyd street AVhittick Frederick, 12 Lloyd street Furness Thomas, 6 George street AA'right AVilliam, 80 George street Holmes WilUam, 10 Lloyd street •Yearsley PhiUip, 10 Railway street GINGER BEER, SODA V^'ATER, &e., AIANUFACTURERS. HATTERS. B'.ackburn AViUiam R., Stamford sirett Burgess Thomas, 30 Railway street—See advt. Plant John, 88 George street Byrom James, Stamford street Mort John S., 34 and 36 Church street GLASS AND CHINA DEALERS. Parkes WiUiam H., Stamford street (See China, Class and Earthenware Dealers.) Wilson Samuel (manufacturer). Upper George street GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. (See also Shojpkeepers.) HOSIERS AND GLOVERS. (Alarked thus • are also Italian Warehousmen) Alcock Mary A., 8 the Downs •Ackerley Henry, 3 Stockport road BeUamy James, 118 George street Bruckshaw Joseph, 6 Alarket place Butler Samuel, 4 the Downs Cameron Charles & Son, 94 George street Byrom James, Stamford street •Clarke Edward, 9a George street C}ow8ill Armstrong, George street Fe*iis John C, 34 Railway street CoUins WilUam, 36 Georgo street Goolden WiUiam, Ashley road •Cooke Thomas, 1 Ashley road Goolden AViUiam, 14 RaUway street Cowsill James, 116 George street Hague H. S. & F. M., 3 Ashley road Crane John, -S9 George street Hardey John, 77 George street Directory.] ALTRINCHAAI. 21'

Harrison James (and shirt maker), 102 George Lancashire, Edward Hughes, 14 Alarket place street—See advertisement Law L^nion, Charles H. Hinde, Dunham road Harvey Matthew, 12 Ashley road Manchester (fire), James Southern, High street Mort John S., 34 aud 36 Church street National Weekly (life), WiUiam Fletcher, 26 OkeU WiUiam, 32 Railway street Lloyd street Parkes WilUam H., Stamford street Pelican (life), James Southern, High street Norwich & London, JohnM. Syers, Stamfordst INNS AND HOTELS. Phoenix (fire), John S. Alort, 34 and 36 Church (See also Beer Retailers.) street and William H. Holt, 93 George st Axe and Cleaver, Samuel Arnold, Post Office Queen, Thomas Davison, 30 George street place Royal, James BrowneU, Barrington road, and Bay Malton, John Harding, Oldfield, DM E. R. Evans, 1 the Downs Bleeding Wolf, John Berry, Hale Sceptre (life), Thomas Peckitt, 22 Railway st Bull's Head, John Harrison, Hale barns Scottish Equitable (life), Alatthew Harvey, 12 Cheshire Alidland, Thomas AVarburton, Peel Ashley road causeway Scottish Commercial, James Percival, Upper Crown and Anchor, Thomas Clarke, Dunham George street Woodhouses Sun, James & Henry Dean, 28 Railway street & Downs Hotel, Mark Potts, 38 RaUway street William John Taylor, Albertlodge, St. John's George and Dragon, Mary A. Smith, Sandiway road Griffin, John Hunt, Bowdon AVestern (fire), Jeremiah Holt, 14 John street Malt Shovel, WiUiam Hill, Stamford street West of , John M. Syers, Stamford Navigation, Henry Dean, Manchester road, street—See advertisement Broadheath IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS AND Old Roebuck, Richard Hamer, 42 Victoria st ENGINEERS. Old Wheatsheaf, WUliam Earle, Sandiway Railway Station, James Waterhouse, Bar­ Dinning, Blease & Cooper (and whitesmiths), rington road Railway Areh Foundry, Broadheath Red Lion, Peter Baguley, Ringway-in-Hole Doeg George W. (and machinist, horticultural Red Lion, Francis Johnston, 9 Alarket place engineer, and hot water apparatus manufac­ Refreshment and BiUiard Rooms, Thomas turer), EUesmere Foundry, Broadheath Jackson, Bowdon station Peake John (horticultural engineer), Stamford Stamford Arms Hotel, Alfred Ling, Bowdon road.—See advertisement Stamford Arms Hotel, AVUUam Higginsou, 3 IRONAIONGERS. Raihvay street (Marked thus • are whitesmiths and Sta'ion Hotel, Thomas Jackson, Bowdon station beUhangers.) Unicom, AViUiam Faulkner, Hale barns Bowen George (aud tin-plate worker and horti­ Unicorn Hotd (family, commercial and posting), cultural engineer), George street James Harvey, Market place—See advert. •Brierley William (and tin-plate worker), 86 AVoolpack, Joseph Rose, 126 George street George street INSURANCE OFFICES AND AGENTS. •Luke Charles, (and tin-plate worker), 4 Lloyd Atlas, John BalshaAV, 7 George street street British Prudential, J. AA''est, 14 John street •Robinson Thomas (and tin-plate worker), 6 Church street Clerical, Medical and General (life), Alatthew •WiUiamson Peter (and tin-plate Avorker), 6 Fowden, Stamford street the Downs Edinburgh (life), John Sudlow, Dunham road, and John Wright, George street JEWELLERS, &c. Equity and Law, Thomas AVhitloAV, 43 Church Gilling Thomas, 79 George street street Grogan AVUUam, 12 RailAvay street General, John Ramsden, 11 RaUway street aud Parker .Eustace, G., 90 George street James Pearson, 7 Stamford street JOINERS AND BUILDERS. Guardian (plate glass), Peter Kinsey, Georgest Imperial, John M. Syers, Stamford street Berry John, Sand mount. Peel causeway. Hale- Imperial British and Foreign, Henry Balshaw, See advertisement 12 High street Brierley Daniel, 50 NCAV street 218 ALTRINCHAM. [ WorralVi

JOINERS, &C.—continued. •Bellamy James, 118 George street Brundrett James, 84 George street •Byrom James (and silk mercer), Stamford at Buck Thomas, Peel causeway CowsUl Armstrong (and sUk mercer), George CardweU James P., 47 Church street street Clarke James, Dunham Woodhouse Davison Thomas, 30 George street Clarke Samud, Dunham AVoodhouse Goolden William, 14 RaUway street Douglas John, Ashley road Goolden WiUiam, 16 Ashley road Jones WiUiam T., 14 Oakfidd terrrce, Stock­ Gray John, 34 Oldfield terrace, Stockport rd port road Grundy Elizabeth, 18 RaUway street Alorgan Eli, Stamford cottage, B Hague H. S. & F. M., 3 Ashley road ORMSON & PENNINGTON, Stamford road, Hardey John, 77 George street B.—See advertisement Harrison James (and shirt maker), 102 George Okell Samuel, 90 John street street.—See advertisement Royle John H., 4 New street Harvey Matthew (and shirt maker), 12 Ashley Simpson Joseph, Hale Barns road Stone Alartin, George street Mairs Isaac, 42 Lloyd street Street John, Byrom street •Mort John S. (and sUk mercer), 34 and 38 Tomkinson Charles, Broad lane. Head, Hale Church street Warrington Thomas, 41 Denmark street OkeU WilUam, 32 Railway street Wright Samuel, 48 New street •Parkes William H. (and sUk mercer), Stam­ Woodyatt AVilliam, Sandiway ford street Pearson Robert, 20 Lloyd street LAND SURVEYOR. Priestner Maria, 95 George street Roscoe MaxweU, A. (and to the Earl of Stam­ Ramsden John (aud silk mercer), 11 RaUway ford and AVarrington), the Downs street LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Sharpbouse Christiana, 22 Church street Smith WiUiam, 63 George street Jones John, Manchester road Stubbs WUUam, 34 New street Poole Samuel, (A'aluer and contractor) 1 Byrom Turner William, 16 George street street.—See advertisement Young Maria & Eliza, 51 George street Robson & Bush, Hale road, B Wilkinson Richard, Vicarage lane, B Shaw John, Stamford Nurseries, B., and 29 AIALTSTERS AND HOP MERCHANTS. Oxford street, Manchester.—See advt. CoUins WiUiam, 36 George street ThornhiU Robert, Bowdon Nurseries, Hale Davenport John, 28 Church street road, B.—See advertisement Dean James & Henry, 28 Railway street LI BR ARIES—CIRCULATING. Gaskarth I. T. & J., Alarket street Altrincham & Bowdon Literary and Scientific Kelsall John Astle, 18 Market place Institution, George street; WUliam SiddaU, AIARKET GARDENERS. Ubrarian Bancroft Henry, Dunham Woodhouse Balshaw Charles & Henry, 12 High street Banister Thomas, Dunham Woodhouse Balshaw Lucy, 32 Church stieet Burgess Joseph, Stockport road Perrin Annie & Mary, 5 the Downs Daniels Mary, Oldfidd LIME MERCHANTS. Drinkwater Michael, RusseU street Faulkner Thomas, Hale Barns Brocklehurst Thomas, 34 Lloyd street Gresty James, Spring bank, Langham road, B Royle Thomas (dealer). Canal wharf, Broad­ Kennerley Edwin, Peel view, Hale road heath Pearson Thomas, Moss lane Ryde John & Co., (and cement and plaster Pimlott Samuel, Spring bank, Langham rd., B manufacturers), Stockpoit road; George Royle James, Peel causeway. Hale Waltham, agent Stubbs John, Oldfield brow, D M LINEN DRAPERS. Tonge WiUiam, Lloyd street (Marked thus * are also wooUen drapers.) MILLERS. Ackerley Mary, 38 George street Davenport John, 28 Church street aud Bol- Alcock Mary A., 8 the DOAVUS Ungton miUs, D M Ashton Hfram E., 82 Georgo street Jackson Richard, Castle mUl, Hale D^ectory.] ALTRINCHAM. 219

MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS. Ackerley Mary, 38 George street (See also Seedsman.) Alcock Mary Ann, 8 the Downs Cameron Charles & Son, 94 George street Ardern Hannah, Grosvenor terrace, 4 Stam­ Jones John, Manchester road ford road Pimlott Samuel, Spring bank, Langham rd, B. Ashton Hiram E., 82 George street Robson & Bush, Hale road, and 10 Ashley rd Bradbury EUen, Stamford street Shaw John, Stamford nurseries, Dunham road, Broach Hannah, 10 High street Bowdon, and 29 Oxford street, Manchester. Burke Margaret, 6 Bank Aiew See advertisement Byrom James, Stamford street ThornhiU Robert, BoAvdon nurseries. Hale CoUins Charles, 24 Victoria street road, B.—See advertisement CowsiU Armstrong, George street Cruse Maria, George street PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS DarweU Margaret, 29 Church street (Marked thus • are also gasfitters and thus f Davenport Mary, 2 Shaw's lane are painters only.) Davenport SarahjMeadow bank, 20 Stamford rd Ferris John C, 34 Railway street f Ardern WiUiam, 26 George st.—See advert. Fielding EUzabeth E. & Alice, 3 Aloss lane • Burgess & Barratt, Stamford street.—See advertisement Gibbons Elizabeth, 13 Chapel road Goolden WiUiam, 16 Ashley road Davenport Samuel, 5 Lloyd street Goolden William, 14 Railway street f De Rome James, 4 George street • Drinkwater Josiah, Post office place Goulden Nancy, Peel causeway t Dunn James, 24 the Downs—see advt. Grundy EUzabeth, 18 Railway street t Hamnett James (and plasterer), 13 Moss lane Hague H. S. & F. M., 3 Ashley road • Jackson John, 5 Stamford street Hardie Martha, Stamford road, B t Kenyon Edward, 16 John street Jackson Elizabeth, Stamford road • Kenyon Henry, 17A the Downs Jessup Harriet, 4 Oakfield road f Lowe RothAveU, Green walk cottage, B Johnson Mary, Meadow bank, 17 Stamford rd • Mayor Samuel, 9, George street—see advt. Leech & Crook, 5 John street • OWEN JOSEPH, Church lane, Bowdon, Lees Sarah A., Grosvenor terrace, 7 Stamford and Timperley—see advertisement road • Peckitt Thomas, 22 RaUway street Martin Lucy, 31 Albert street • Renshaw John, 8 Church street Murray Catherine, 13 Albert street • Sampson John, 63 New street Nield Mary J., 17 Albert street + Walton Charles R., Stockport road Parkes WilUam H., Stamford street • WiUiams Charles H., 97 George street Priestner Maria, 95 George street Ramsden John, 11 RaUway street PAPER HANGERS. Reddy Cathfrinc, 22 the Downs Ardern WiUiam, 26 George street—see advt. Ricketts Harriet, 38 Victoria street Balshaw Charles & Henry, 12 High street Robinson EUza, 9 Victoria street De Rome James, 4 George etreet Sampson Maria, Harrison's buildings, Stamford Dunn James, 24 the Downs—see advertisement street Lowe RothweU, GreeuAvalk cottage, B Sharpbouse Christiana, 22 Church street Mayor Samuel, 9 George street—see advt, Smith WiUiam, 63 George street OWEN JOSEPH, Church lane, Bowdon, and Spencer Lucy, 24 Sandiway place Timperley—see advertisement Turner WiUiam, 16, George street Peckitt Thomas, 22 RaUway street Warburton EUza, 17 St. John's view, Ashley rd PhiUips Samuel G., 16 RaUway street MUSIC SELLERS. Whitehead WiUiam, 3 Lloyd street WiUiams Charles H., 97 George street Farr Enoch (and musical instrument dealer Wright Mary A., 104 George street and tuner, &c.), 101 George street NEWSPAPERS. PHOTOGRAPHERS. Altrincham and Bowdon Guardian (Saturday), Harrison William, the Downs 110 George street; Alexander Mackie, pro­ Martin George, 1 George street prietor ; John Marshall, manager Petschler Alice, I Osborne place, th© Do^ms 220 ALTRINCHAM. [ Worrall's

POULTERERS AND FISHAIONGERS. SCHOOLS—PUBLIC. (Marked thus • are also game dealers.) • Altrincham Grammar School, Barriugtoii Berry Thomas, Stamford street road; Samuel Bevan Davies, master • Brierley James B., 2 Ashley road British School, off Ashley road; Alfred J. Croxton George, Stamford street Pearce, master ; Bessie Jones, mistress • Oram Hannah (poulterer), 3 the Downs Congregational School, Navigation lane, Broad­ • Sheldon Joseph, 20 Railway street heath ; Annie Duncan, mistress • Tasker James & Co. (and ice), 5 Ashley road Infants' School (St. Margaret's), Albert street; • Whittick Frederick, 12 Lloyd street Aliss Dean, mistress National Schools:— PROFESSORS AND TEACHERS. Hale Barns — Robert Mills, master ; Mary Bentley John AL, the Lymes, A'icarage lane, B MiUs, mistress Farr Enoch (music), 101 George street Broadheath—Mary Bamford, mistress Field Joseph Alatthias, 6 Normans place Parish Church School (Saint Mary's), Bowdon— HaU Theophilus D. (languages), Bowdon Hugh AViUiam Evason, master; Ann Evason, college mistress; Phoebe Lumsden, assistant mistress Hilton Edward (music), 18 Sandiway place Seamen's Moss Endowed School, Oldfield, Kirk Thomas H. (music), 74 New street Dunham Alassey—John Hams, master St. George's, Mount pleasant—James Dew­ REGISTER OFFICES FOR SERAMNTS. hurst, master; Eleanor Davies, mistress; Ashton Hiram E., 82 George street Ann Roberts, infant mistress CoUins Mary, 10 Alarket place Roman Catholic School, St. Vincent's, New Hardie Martha, Stamford road B street—Hannah Sloane, mistress Pilling James, 40 George street St. Johu's School, St. John's road—WiUiam Lawler, master ; Elizabeth Taylor, mistres^. SADDLERS. Unitarian School, Hale barns—John Clark, Crickmore James, 18 Lloyd street master; Phoebe Clark, mistress Hobson George, 92 George street SEEDSMEN. Reeves Joseph, 20 Alarket place Riley Ben, Stamford street and Alarket place (See also Nurserymen and Florists) Swindells Humphrey, Hale Barns Bruckshaw Joseph, 6 Market place WUton Henry, 11 Market place Cameron Charles & Son, 94 George street SCHOOLS—PRIA^ ATE. Dean Henry, Alanchester road, Broadheath Dean James & Henry, 28 Railway street (Marked thus • are boarding schools.) Grange Helen, 1 Church street • Boughey EUzabeth, 36 Sandiway place Kelsall John Astle (agricultural), 18 Market • Clarke John, Hale Barns place • Cross Eliza, Clarington house. High street Paulden WilUam, 6 Post office place Ford Mary A., 51 Church street Roberts WilUam T. (and florist), 4 Stamford st • Greaves Jane Lomas, RosehiU, B Robson John, 10 Ashley road • Hall Professor TheophUus D., Bowdon Shaw John, Stamford nursery, Dunham road, college D AI.—see advertisement HolUngAvorth EUen R., Laurel bank, B ThornhiU Robert, Bowdon nurseries. Hale • Lambden Jane, Lyme grove road, B—see advertisement • Looker Sarah, Springfield house, Stockport rd • Oats Mrs. Henry C, Prospect house, B SHOPKEEPERS. Richardson John, George street Ackerley John, Vicarage lane, B Shaw Alaria, 79 New^ street Aldcroft Charles, Hale barns Smith James, Downs Academy, the Downs ArroAvsmith Thomas (and milk dairy), 24 • Sudren James, Grange lane, B Church street • Thompson John, Belfidd house, B Baker AA'^illiam, 9 Police street • WUkins Sarah, Laburnam terrace, Ashfield, Barton Thomas, Ringway Hale Bate AA'^illiam, Navigation lano • WUUamson Eliza Alary «S: Kate Dorrington, Beswick George, 19 Byrom street Culcheth haU, Ashley road Boothby Edwin, A'icarage lane, B Directoni. ALTRINCHAM. 221

Bowett Sarah, Broadheath SMALLWARE DEALERS AND HOSIERS. Bowker Joseph, 23 Chapel walk Alcock Mary A., 8 the Downs Britton Jane, 14 Russell etreet BeUamy James, 118 George street Brown John, 28 IsUngton street Butler Samuel, 4 the Downs Brown Mary, Peel causeway Byrom James, Stamford street Clark Betsy, 9A, Victoria street Cowsill Armstrong, George street Clarke Samuel, Dunham town Embrey Richard, Broadheath Clayton Samuel, Dunham town Fenis John C, 34 Railway street Collins John, Broadheath Gouldiug Nancy, Peel causew^ay Cottingham Thomas, 1 Rigby street, Russell st Grundy Elizabeth, 18 RaUway street Davies Jane, Peel street. Hale road Goolden AViUiam, Ashley road Drinkwater Thomas, 1 Brewery street Goolden WiUiam, 14 RaUAvay street Furness Thomas, 6 George street Haguy H. S, & F. M., 3 Ashley road Gibbon Abraham, 9 Chapel road Hardey John, 77 George street Gibbon Thomas, Dunham Woodhouse Harrison James (and shirtmaker), 102 George Goulden Ann, 2 Oakfield road street—See advertisement Goulden Barbara, Primrose cottages, B HarA-ey Matthew, 12 Ashley road Greaves John, 24 John street Mahon Eleanor, 55 George street Harrison AVUliam, 2 Islington street Alort John S., 34 and 36 Church street Holt James, Dunham Woodhouse OkeU AVilUam, 82 Railway street Howard Emma, 41 Victoria street Parkes AVUUam H., Stamford street Keen EUzabeth, 11 Chapel road Young M. & E., 51 George street Kinsey John, Alanchester road, Broadheath SOLICITORS. Leicester Elizabeth, Church view, B Leigh Peter, Broadheath Bennett & Almond, 114 George street Alatthews Margaret, 13 Church street BrowneU James (and commissioner to ad­ Aloore Joseph, Hale barns minister oaths in chancery and aU common Ormrod Martha, Alanchester road, Broadheath Law Courts, Perpetual Commissioner for Parker WUUam, Sandiway Cheshire and Lancashire, and agent to the Pearson Thomas, Moss lane Royal Insurance Co.), Barrington road Pearson AVilliam, 3 Islington street Fowden Alatt.hew (and Commissioner to ad­ Priestner, James, 23 Islington street minister oaths, and for affidavits), Stamfordst Simmons John, 26 Stamford road Harris Joseph (and Commissioner to administer Smith Hannah, Church lane, B oaths in Common Law Courts) 6 High street Taylor George, 1 Oakfield road NichoUs, Hinde, MUne and Sudlow (and Law Tonge George, 3 Paradise street Clerks and Secretaries to the Altrincham A^enables Ann, Peel causeway Gas Co., Clerks to the Local Board of Health AValton Sarah, Islington street Clerks to the Magistrates and to the Trustees Warren James, Broadheath of Washway, Stockport and AVarrington Wetton James, 11 Church street turnpike roads), Dunham road AVhite Job, 1 MUl place Southern James (and registrar of the County WUcock Thomas, A'icarage lano, B Court, Perpetual commissioner and Com­ WUkinson Henry, 6 Byrom street missioner to administer oaths and for affi­ AViUcock Alice, Goose green davits), High street AVood John, 15 Chapel walk Venables WiUiam Gilbert (and commissioner AVorthington John, 39 Oakfidd terrace, Stock­ to administer oaths in chancery and common port road Law Courts), 13 Normans place Youlton Frederick, 34 A^ictoria street Whitlow Thomas, 43 Church street STONE MASONS. SLATERS AND PLASTERERS. Bailey Thomas, 1 Princes terrace, Stockport rd Bauks George, Broadheath Davies Humphrey, Lyme grove CoUins Charles (plasterer), 24 A'ictoria street Drinkwater Isaac, RusseU street, Lloyd st Hamnett James (plasterer), 13 Moss lane Gilmour Archibald, Church view, B Lanclett WUliam H., 10 John street Holt John H., 25 Stamford road—see advert. OWEN JOSEPH, Church laue, ^—See advert. PoAvnall James, Vicarage lane, Yard, Stamford AVatson John, Hale view, Lloyd street road, B ALTRINCHAM. [ WorralVt

STONEMASONS—continued, Pearson Samuel, 14 Lloyd street MiUs Abraham, Esk bank, Stockport road PiUing John, Upper George street Turner WUUam, 27 Victoria street, Yard, Moss Plant John, 88 George street and Stamford st lane TOY DEALERS. SURGEONS. Grogan WiUiam (and fancy repository), 12 AtweU Gregory H., 18 Church street Railway street Blease Thomas ClareviUe, Bank street MulUgan Mary (and fancy repository), 24 Rail­ Jones William Owen, 32 the Downs way street Morehouse John B., 23 the Downs TURNERS WOOD. Mules PhUip H., M.D., 52 the Downs PownaU John, High bank, Sandiway Johnson James, 36 Chapel street Ransome Arthur, M.D., Devisdale, St Mar­ Johnson John & Thomas, Broadheath garet's road UNDERTAKERS. Renshaw WilUam Agar, 16 Alarket place Byrom James, Stamford street Senior Rawson, Beevor house, Bowdon road, B Cowsill Armstrong, Stamford house,.George st Simpson Henry, M.D., Motley bank,. B Goolden WUliam, 16 Ashley road TAILORS. Goolden WiUiam, 14 RaUway street Marked thug .•. are also Drapers. Hague H. S. & F. M., 3 Ashley road .-. Bellamy WiUiam, Langham road, B Alort John S , 34 & 36 Church street Parkes WilUam H., Stamford street .-. Burgess Robert, 32 George street .-. Burgess Thomas (and outfitter), 30 RaUway VETERINARY SURGEONS. street—see advertisement Bostock John, 42 Church street Grant Hugh (and clothes dealer), Upper George HUl WiUiam W., 13 George street street Hewitt Edward, 4 Shaw lane WATCH AND CLOCKMAKERS. Holt Jeremiah, 14 John street GiUing Thomas (and jeweller and sUversmith), •.- Hulme John, 35 Church street 79 George street .-. Johnson WiUiam, Peel causeway Parker Eustace G., 96 George street -.- AlitcheU James, 79 George street Thorndy George, 49 George street .-. Percival John, Harrison's buUdings, Stam­ ford street WHEELWRIGHTS. -.- PoUard Peter, Stamford street Chantler James, Dunham town Renshaw John, 41 Oakfield street, Stockport rd OkeU Alatthew, 37 Church street Richardson James, 35 RusseU street Priestner AVUliam, 11 Moss lane Richardson John, 22 Lloyd street Smith Benjamin, Vale view, B Richardson Mark, 11 Denmark street Yarwood Elizabeth, Dunham Woodhouse Sherbum WiUiam, 4 John street Stuart George, George street WHITESMITHS AND BELLHANGERS. .-. Thompson P. and S. (and outfitters), 124 See Ironmongers, SfC. George street—see advertisement Thorp John, 29 IsUngton st WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Timperley Francis, Hale barns Cooke Thomas, 1, Ashley road Wilkinson Henry, 6 Byrom street Dean James & Henry, 28 RaUway street .-. WUson Samuel (outfitter). Upper George st Evans E. Roose, I the Downs Worthington John, 7 Church street Gaskarth I. T. & J. Market street TIAIBER MERCHANTS. KdsaU John Astle, 18 Market place Johnson John & Thomas (and wood turners), Linton Robert, 2 the Downs—see advert. saw and bone miUs, Broadheath Rose Joseph, 126 George street Smith A\''ilUam (British wines), 9 Ashley road TOBACCONISTS. Baulkhard Alary A., 39 Victoria street MISCELLANEOUS. Blackburn WUliam R., Stamford street Ashley William, gamekeeper, Oldfield Charlton Thomas, 4 Church street Batchelor James, gun maker, 31 George street AluUigan Mary, 24 RailAx-ay steeet Beatty Patrick, rag dealer, 62 Geoi^e strerf Directory.] ACTON. 228

Berry James, assistant overseer and collector Johnson Samuel, dairyman, Laurel bank, B of taxes for the toAvnahip of Hale, Ashley Kenworthy Samuel, hydropathist, Langham view. Hale road road, B Brown Charles H., whitesmith and beUhanger, Kirk Thomas H., assistant overseer for Bowdon, 52 Lloyd street 74 New street Burgh-U Mary, furniture dealer, 122 Georgest Leyland Hannah, pubUc bakehouse, 12 WeU st CardweU James, relieving officer, George st Lignum John & Sons, patent medicine pro­ Dutton Robert, old iron and sand dealer. prietors, 93 Church street Railway arch, Broadheath Al'Ivor Daniel, paraffin oil dealer, 30 Lloyd st Fletcher Charles, old iron and sand dealer, and Mather Henry, pawnbroker^ 2 Lloyd street clogger, 42 George street Okell Samuel, furniture dealer and Venetian Fletcher Edward, broker and furniture dealer, blind manufacturer, 90 George street 13 Market place Plant John, hay and straw dealer, 88 Georgest Fletcher Thomas, assistant overseer and col­ Priestner Joseph, furniture broker, 99 George at lector of rates for Dunham Massey, Dunham Reynolds John, trunk maker, 22 Well street AVoodhouse Rodger Edward, commercial traveUer, Apsley Fletcher WUUam, umbreUa maker, 26 Lloyd st grove, Bowdon vale Foxcroft Martha, day cook, Springbank, Lang­ Smith George, carrier. Lord street ham road, B Sparkes —, cart oAvner and carrier, Park house. Fraser James, umbrella maker, 66 Lloyd street DM Gresty AVilUam, mUk seller. Peel causeway Stansfidd James, sergeant-major, Cheshire Hadfidd John, chimney sweeper, George street Yeomanry, Stamford road Harcourt Thomas, French polisher, 20 George Taberer AViUiam, drill instructor (12th C.R.V.), street 5 St. John's view off Ashley road Hardy John, blacking maker. Chapel road Harley James, chimney sweeper, Victoria st Taylor Joseph, day waiter, Church view. Vicar­ Henshall John, pig dealer. Hale moss age lane, H HiU Richard, chimney sweeper, 5 Chapel st Turton Isaac, assistant overseer, asaessor, and Holmes AValter, umbrella maker, 10 Lloyd st collector of taxes, 14 High street Hough Henry, porter, 16 WeU street Waterhouse Joseph, designer, Lyme grove Jackson Sarah, bleeder with leeches, 6 Victoria AVilcox AViUiam, Pattern designer, Grosvenor street terrace, 6 Stamford road Jackson Thomas, refreshment and bUUard rooms, Bowdon station Wilson James C, artist, 3 Claremont place, Jenkinson Hiram, sen., porter. Goose green Peel causeway

Is a township 4^ mUes north-west from , adjoining the township and in the parish of Weaverham. The river AVeaver passes through the township, and is here crossed by a bridge, near which are the works of the Lowood Gunpowder Company and Manure AVorks. Acton is a station on the London and North-Westem Eaihvay (Liverpool and Bfrmingham section). The Pri mtive Methodists have a place of worship in the township. Population, 1861, 484; 1871, 496; acreage, 1139. Letters through AA'eaverham, which is the nearest money order office. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. BirkhiU AVUUam, taUor BilUngton John, farmer Ackers Mr. Jackson, A. Booth Joshua, farmer Banks Mr. WUliam Bower Mary, May Pole AlUner Air. C. AV. Burton James, farmer Rowland Air. Thomas Clarke Edward, farmer COMMERCIAL. Clarke Brothers, coal merchants, and agents to Astles John, manager of manure works Ackers, Whitley & Company, Bickershaw BaUey Henry, corn miUer coUieries, Acton quay wharf & Barnton.—Se^ Banks AVUUam, farmer advertisement 224 ACTON GRANGE. [ WorralVs

Clarke John, shopkeeper Miller Robert, farmer Fairish Samuel, boot and shoe maker, and Aloreton WiUiam, farmer farmer Moulton Anne, RaUway Inn Gandy Thomas, farmer Aloulton Charles, coal merchant, Actoa Gleave Charles, farmer wharf Harrison John Edwards, manager for the Mottram Thomas, farmer Lowood Gunpowder Company Limited, and Nichols James, farmer agent to the Sovereign Life Assurance Com­ Phipps, Henry, shopkeeper pany, Acton bridge Phipps Henry, painter, plumber, &c. Hough Thomas, farmer Pope George, smith and shopkeeper Jones John, stationmaster Price Joseph, farmer Longshaw Joseph, farmer, AlUton Rowland Thomas, farmer Lowood Gunpowder Company Limited, Acton Rowlandson James, farmer bridge ; John Edwards Harrison, manager ShaUcross Henry, wheelAvright and farmer McGregor John, surgeon Swinton Joseph, farmer, assistant overseer aud Maude AVUUam A., manure manufacturer; collector of taxes John Astles, manager


Is a small township iu the parish of Runcorn and hundred of Bucklow, situated about five mUes from Runcorn and 2^ from AVarrington. The Bridgewater and Old Quay Navigation Companies' canals intersect the township. Acreage, 407. PopxUation in 1871, 200.

Basnett John, shopkeeper and farmer Jones WiUiam C, Esq., The Elms Baxter Thomas, farmer Rigby Charles farmer Bennett David, farmer WUson Henry, basket maker Cooper Thomas, farmer

AGDEN Is a township partly in Bowdon parish and partly in Rostherne parish. Altrincham Union and BuckloAV hundred, about four mUes from Altrincham and two from Lymm. The population m 1861 was 98, and in 1871, 109, and contains 620 acres. Letters through Lymm, which is the nearest money order office.

Acton John, farmer KdsaU Jonathan, farmer AntAvist Peter, blacksmith Robinson John, Esq., Agden haU Atkinson AViUiam, farmer Starkie Samuel, farmer Gibbon John, farmer Wright Mr., Newhouse cottage Dirtetory.] APPLETON. 225

A PPLETON (or HuU Appleton) is a large Marson James, Esq., Hill dift" -*-^ township and Ecclesiastical parish in Morris Mrs. EUen, 3 Bank view, S H the Hundred of Bucklow, situated on the Percival Mrs. EUzabeth, S H Warrington and NorthAvich turnpike road ; Pickton Mr. WilUam. AliU bank view, W commencing at Wilderspool, about a mile from Robinson Mr. James St. Thomas' place, S H Warrington, and extending about 3 miles in a Roscoe Mr. John, Stockton quay south-easterly direction. The Bridgewater Thistlethwaite Air. Theodosius, 5 Bank view Trustees and the Old Quay Navigation Com­ S H panies Canals cross the township, the former Tickle Mr. Peter, Heath road having a wharf at Stockton Quay. St. Thomas' Tinsley Mr. James, Stockton lodge Church, situate at Stockton Heath, is a neat WeedaU Mr. WilUam, St. Thomas' place, S H stone edifice. The living is a perpetual curacy White the Misses, St. Thomas' place, S H in the gift of the GreenaU family. The Rev. Whitley Air. Johu, W WiUiam Hayes is the present vicar. The Whitiey Mr. Peter, W National schools adjoining the church, are large Wood Air John, 4 Bank view, S H and commodious; the average attendance of Woods Mr. James, 1 Bank view, S H scholars is 200. The other places of worship are chapels for Baptists and Independent COAIMERCIAL. Methodists. Alker John, spade and agricultural implement WILDERSPOOL is a hamlet in this township. maker, S H Here is the extensive brewery of GreenaU & Co. Arnold Elizabeth, miUiner, S H Acreage, 3,324; population in 1861, 1,828. Astibrook Noah, joiner STOCKTON HEATH is a viUage one mile south Barrow George, farmer. Stud farm of Warrington, in the township of Great Bud­ Barton Charles, police-constable, W worth. Bate Edward, quarrymaster. Hill cliff quarry St. Thomas' Church, Stockton heath Berry Charles, farmer Baptist Chapd, HiU Cliff Bolton John, steward for J. Charlton Parr, Esq. Independent Methodist Chapel, Stockton Bostock WiUiam, Joiner and builder heath Bridgewater Caual & Old Quay Co., carriers, Police Station, Stockton heath; Thomas lime, sand and coal dealers, Stockton quay ; Morris, sergeant John Roscoe, agent Post Office, Stockton heath ; Sarah Pickton, Britch James, Appleton thorn Inn, and black­ Postmistress. Letters from aU parts arrive smith (from Warrington) at 6-40 a.m., and are Britch John, farmer despatched thereto at 6-50 p.m. Broady Isaac, Red lion Inn, and farmer, S H St. Thomas' Schools, (National) Stockton Brocklehurst Richard, farmer heath; John Grindrod, master ; Harriet Brocklehurst AVilUam, Appleton cross Bubb, mistress; Elizabeth Westbrook, Burliston John A., Commission agent, S H Infants' mistress. Burliston Alary, Dress maker, S H Appleton Thorn—Jane Kermode, mistress Cartwright Mar)--, shopkeeper, W Cash Eliza, shopkeer, S H PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Clark Richard, farmer *^The Names without address are in Appleton; Clayton Brothers, farmers W. signifies Widerspool, and S. H., Cross Hannah, shoemaker, S H Stockton Heath. DarUngton AVilliam, farmer Alker Airs. Ann, Stockton heath Davenport Henry, wheelwright, smith, and Ashley Air. W^iUiam, 2 Bank view, S H assistant overseer Bowyer Mr. George, St. Thomas' place, S H Ditchfield John, farmer Brook WilUam H., Esq., Victoria house, W Eaton Samuel, farmer, S H Davies Robert, Esq., Birchdale Edgerley Peter, registrar of births and deaths, Entwistle Mr. John, S H Stockton cottage Gregory Mr. John, S H EUam Joseph, farmer Hayes Rev. WiUiam, M.A., vicarage, S H Eyes Thomas, farmer Hindley Mr, Thomas, St. Thomas' place, S H Fairhurst Richard, farmer, BeU fields farm Kenworthy Rev. Abraham, HiU cUff Faulkner Thomas, farmer Lyon Thomas Henry, Esq., Appleton haU Garner Ann, farmer ASHTOX-ON-AIERSEY. [WorralVs

Garner Edward, farmer Savage Jane, boarding and day school, S H Goodier Thomas, shopkeeper, S H Simpson Peter, farmer Greenall & Co., brewers, W Skinner WiUiam T., Saracen's Head Inn, W Greenhalgh Elias, traveUer, S H SmaUey Robert, bookkeeper, S H Grindrod John, schoolmaster, (St. Thomas' Spencer Thomas, farmer, S H schools), S H Starkie George, shoemaker, Lumb brook, S H Grounds Thomas, farmer Stretch Samuel, farmer, Bradley haU farm Guest WiUiam, quarrymaster Taylor Henry, farmer, HiU side farm HaUows John, shopkeeper, S H Taylor Joseph, farmer HaUwood & Son, grocers, bakers & flour dealers Taylor Peter, pavior, Appleton cross S H, and 5 Buttermarket street, Warrington Thompson AVilUam, shopkeeper, W —See advertisement Tickle Joseph, farmer, Appleton thorn Hamblet Thomas, spade maker, S H AValmesley Thomas, shoemaker Hankey Peter, shopkeeper Warburton James, agent (for GUbert GreenaU, Hankey WUUam, farmer, Appleton cross Esq.), S H Hardy John, farmer AA'estbrook Thomas, Avhedwright and smith, Harrison Thomas, shopkeeper, Appleton cross London bridge Hayes Thomas, shopkeeper, S H Wilkinson John, shoemaker, S H Henry James, traveller, W WUkinson Joseph, tailor and draper, S H HcAvitt Richard, Mulberry Tree Inn, & farmer AVilkinson Mary, shopkeeper, S H SH Worthington James, steward (for T. H. Lyon, Hewitt WUUam, grocer, S H Esq.), Broom cottage Hewitt WiUiam, farmer Worthington Alary, grocer, London bridge Hunt John, farm baiUff aud farmer AVorthington Thomas, farmer and veterinary Isherwood Danid, shoemaker. Red lane bridge surgeon, Loudon bridge SH AVright Mary Ann, farmer IsherAVOod Henry, shoemaker, S H Yarwood Thomas, shopkeeper, W Jones James Procter, engineer, millwright and machine maker, S H SHTON-ON-MERSEY, with the township Kermode Jane, schoolmistress, Appleton thorn A of Sale, is a parish three mUes north from Knowles James, farmer Altrincham, five south from Manchester, and Knowles Joseph, senr., farmer. Barley castle about a mile from the station at Sde Moor, Knowles Joseph, junr., farmer. Old farm comprising an area of 2,836 acres. The town­ Laithwaite John, traveUer, AV ship contained, in 1861, 1,476, and in 1871, Morrey EUis, farmer, Appleton thorn 2,359 inhabitants—namely, 1,051 males and Alorris Thomas, poUce sergeant, S H 1,038 females; 483 separate famUies, 469 in­ NewaU John, farmer habited houses, 67 uninhabited, and 13 Norcott William, farmer building. The Earl of Stamford and Warring­ Pennington Joseph, farmer ton is lord of the manor. The soU is of a light Percival ^^'illiam, farmer sandy nature, and market gardening is carried Pickton Henry 0., parish derk, S H on here to a considerable extent. The parish Pickton Sarah, post-mistress, agent for the church of St. Martin is a neat stone edifice, Yorkshire Fire & Life Insurance Co., and Avith turret, and one beU. The interior con­ the North of England Artificial Manure Co. sists of nave, chancel, and gallery, in which SH IS a handsome organ, raised by subscription, Pierpoint Thomas, nursery and seedsman, and opened on the 19th Apnl, 1857. The Bfrchdale—See advertisement. living is a rectory of the annual value of £608. PiUing John, greengrocer, S H The Primitive aud Wesleyan Methodists, and Pimblott John, farmer, Burley heys the Society of Friends, have each chapels here. Robins Charles, butler, AV St Martin's Church — Rev. Joseph Ray, Robinson Alice, farmer, Witherwing AI.A., rector. Robinson AViUiam, farmer Alethodist (Primitive) Chapel, Chapel lane. Roscoe John, agent to the BrlJgcwater Canal Alethodist (Wesleyan) School Chapel, Barker's and Old Quay Co., Stockton quay lane. Royle Elizabeth, shopkee])er, S ii Parochial Schools, Ashton lane—WUUam Ryd..r Eliza, London Bridge Inn, S H Tyers, muster; A. AI. Tyers, mistress. Directory.] ASHTON-ON-AIERSEY. 22:

Friends' Burial Ground, Park road—James Coupe Mr. William, Washway road Seed, keeper. Courtis Air. George H., Park view Carrier to Manchester (daily), Joseph Single­ Crighton Air. William, Park viUa, Cross street ton. CunUffe Mrs., Laurel cottage Post Office, Cross street—George Birken­ Daines the Misses, Moorfield head, postmaster. Letters from all parts DaAis on Airs. Elizabeth, Eden terrace (through Manchester) at 7 a.m., 1-40 and 4-40 Delannoy Mr. Richard, Moss lane p.m., and are despatched thereto at 10-10 and Derbyshire, Air. James, Elm field, Cross street 11 a.m., 1-5, 8-10, and 9 p.m. Dixon Air. WilUam E., Rivers hill Money Order Office and Savings Bank open Dodd Mr. Alexander, Alexander terrace from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dodd Air. David, Cross street Telegraph Office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastwood Air. Octavias, Alexander terrace Edwards Air. WiUiam, Eden terrace PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Eilbeck Mr. Henry, 5 Alersey road Adami Mr. John G., Woodfidd house Elborough Mr. Samuel T., 4 Mersey road Adamson Mr. John, Greenbank EUis Air. John T., Eden terrace Alcock Thomas, Esq., M.D., Oakfield Fazakerley Air. Peter, 4 Somerset place Am Ende, Mr. PhiUip, Ashton Grove FeUows Air. James, Eden terrace Ashton, Air. Thomas, 2 Somerset place Field Air. Daniel J., Auborn house Atherton Air. WilUam, Sunnyside Fielder Frederick, Esq., Whitefidd houae Atkinson Mr. James, Rose terrace Fielding Air. Samuel, 1 Somerset place Bailey Mr. James, Glebelands terrace Fiah Mr. George, Alersey road BansaU Airs. EUen, Stanton cottage Fleming Mr. Charles J., Altrincham road Barber Mr. John B., Lima terrace Fletcher Air. Charles, 6 Mersey road Barker Mr. Charles, Rose terrace Fynney Air. Augustus, Longedcn terrace Bate Mr. Peter, Rose terrace GaUoway Air. John, Ivy vUla, Cross street Bednal Mr. Thomas, Ivy cottage Gilbert Mr. John H., Stanton cottage BeUhouse Air. Thomas T., the Grange Gilbert Aliss Mary,, Eden terrace Bland Air. Anthony, Highfield GiU Robert P., Esq., Woodhayes haU Blackley Mr. George, Claremont vUla Goodier Mr. John L., AlUngton viUas Boote Daniel Esq., Oakfield Grange Air. Samuel S., the HoUies Booth Mrs. Hannah, 11 Mersey road Gregory Air. —, NeAvton green Boothroyd Mr. Joseph, Grassmere place Guest Mr. PhiUp, Lion's fold Bradley Air. Johu, 12 Mersey road Hackforth Air. Joseph P., Rivers hill Briddon Air. Henry AL, Whitefidd road Harley Air. Thomas E., 5 Heywood grove Brierley Rev. Thomas, Woodhayes lane Hasrieck Air. Frederick A., (3akfidd Brook Mr. Arthur, Harboro' grove Hawcroft Mr. Joseph AL, Rivers hiU Brooke Airs. John, Woodhayes park Hawkins Airs. Mary A., Oak house. Cross at Brooke Mr. Oswald, Harboro' grove Heap Mrs. Anne, Glebelands terrace Brooke the Alisses, Harboro' grove Heath Air. George, AVoodfield cottages Buckingham Mr. John, Alexander terrace Hegginbotham Mr. Thomas, Alexander terrace Bundock Miss Alary A., Ashton Grove Hesketh Air. James, Land field house Buxton Mrs. Elizabeth, Glebelands terrace Howard Airs. Frances, Yew bank Capsticks Mr. WiUiam, 4 Heywood grove Heywood Mr. Robert, Ashton lodge Carr Air. James, Oaklea Heywood Air. Thomas, North view Carr Mr. Thomas, Oakfield Higham ZsLv. Charles, 1 Alersey road ('arvey Air. Alfred, Rose terrace Hill Air. Henry, Rose bank, Ashton lane Hinchliffe Air. James, AlUngton viUas Charles Mr. Samuel, Lime grove Hines Air. Alfred, Alinnie vUlas ChisnaU Air. James, Highfield Hoggart—Hill Air. James, North view Clarke Air. James, Gee cottage Holden Rev. C. B., Penrhyn viUa Cockshoot Air. Joseph, Osborne house Hope Air. —, Alersey house CoUier Mr. George, Bankfidd Houghton Air. WilUam C, Ashton grange CdviUe Air. J. W., the Firs Hughes Air. John, Eden terrace Coote Air. WUliam G., HoUy bank Hulse Mr. Joseph S., Park house Cope Mr. Richard, Harbro' house. Hunt Air. Samuel, AVing field Cotton Airs. Alarv, Eden terrace ASHTON-ON-MERSEY. [ WorralVs

Hunter Mrs. Sarah, Ashton New hall Sandbach Mr. John, Oakfield Hurst Mr. James, North vicAV Sandbach Mr- WUliam, Stoodley villa Inglish Mr. WiUiam, North end Sanderson Mr. WiUiam D., Oakfield Jackson Mr. Bannister, Heathfidd Schofield Air. Charles J., CUfton viUas Jackson Air. Frederick, Ashton villa Scholes Airs. Emilia, Brunswick place James Mr. Thomas P., Orrish Meres house Seddon James, Esq., Oakfield Jones Air. John, Alersey vicAV Shallcross Mr. Peter, Church lane Jones Mr. Joseph, Amy Aillas Smith Air. George, Oakfidd Jones Air. Thomas, Penrhyn viUa Smith Air. John H., Woodfidd grove KUvert Nicholas, Esq., Ashton lodge Snow Air. Joseph, Birch house. Cross street King Aliss EUzabeth G., Drayton lodge Sorbie Air. James, Claremont vUlas King Air. William, Dra)'ton lodge Southern Air. George S., Claremont villas Laing Mr. Robert H., Brunswick place Sowerby Air. Matthew, Rivers hUl Laxton Air. William, Ashton grove Spencer Air. Francis, Oakfield Leedham Airs. Mary, Rose terrace Stephenson Air. David, Sandheyes LesUe Mr. James, Ashfield Stubbs Air. Henry, Tyndesfidd Lomas Air. Thomas B., Sunnyside Stubbs Air. James, Rivers hiU Lougsdon Air. Frederick, Longsdon terrace SAvire Mr. Samuel H, Laurel cottage Lord Mr. Samuel, Oakleigh Taylor Air. Alfred R., North view Lowe Air. John, 7 Alersey road Taylor Air. Samuel, Harbro' grove AIcAUister, Air. Alexander, Highfield Thornton Henry, Esq., AVoodhayes park McAllister Mrs. Elizabeth, Alexander terrace Thornton Air. John, Alersey road Macbeth Air. WilUam, Longsdon terrace Towle Air. WUUam F., Woodfidd cottage AlcCreadie Air. John, Catrine bank Vicars Air. Richard, Thorn cottage AIcKenna Air. John, Claremont Vogel Air. Johannas, 3 Alersey road Afann Air. WilUam, St. Leonards Walton Air. Thomas, Rivers hiU Marsden Air. S. Forster, 9 Mersey road AVanstall Mrs. Sophia, Stanley cottage Mason Air. Charles, Claremont villas AVells Air. John, BrunsAvick cottage AliUer Mr. Alexander, Woodfidd cottages AVheder Air. Thomas, Richmond place MiUer Mrs. Elizabeth, Winthrop Whitehead , Esq., Ashton grove ALUs Mr. AA''illiam, Lima terrace AVhittaker Mrs. Helen, Ashfield cottages AlUne Mr. Joseph F., Landsdowne viUa Whittle Mr. David, CUfton villas NoAvton Air. Richard, NcAvton green WiUiams Mr. George C, Surrey lodge Newton Air. AViUiam, North view Noble Mrs. Alaria, Rivers hill AViUiams Mr. Thomas, 9 Somerset place Norris Mr. WUliim P., Highfield WiUiams Air. Thomas, 8 Alersey road Occleston Air. John James, Oakfield house AVimpory Mr. Alfred, Moss cottage Ogle Mr. AViUiam, Rivers hiU Wolfenden Mr. Alfred, Glebelands terrace Oliver Air. George, AVoodhayea park Wolfenden Mr. John, Fred's villa Pattison Mr. Robert, Alagdala house AA^'ood Air. Herbert, CJross street Perfect Rev. Henry, Lima terrace AVood Airs. Alary, Eden terrace Peterkin Mr. H. T., Ashton grange Wooler Mr. Joseph B., Minnie viUas PhUlips Air. PhUip B., Cross street Worsley Aliss Catherine L., Woodbine cottage Potter Mr. Alichad, Ashton grove Yates Mr. James AA^., Oakfield Preston Air. Algernon, Glebelands road COAIAIERCIAL. PurceU Air. Frederick, Hope viUa Raad Air. G. A,, Syrian house Alcock Thomas, AI.D., teacher of natural Radford Airs. EUza, Thorn cottage science, Oakfield Riy Rev. Joseph, the Alcarage Aldcrofc Ann, shopkeeper. Cross street Reich Air. August, 10 Alersey road Aldcroft Thomas, market gardener, the Moss Renshaw Charles J. Esq., Beech Hurst Aldred Samuel, farmer, Ashton lane Roberts Air. AViUiam, HoUy house Aid ridge Adam, tripe dresser. Cross street RusseU Air. Richard, Glebelands terrace Ashcroft James, Bricklayer, Chapel lane Rutter Air. James, Aloss grove Baird James, assistant draper, 7 Heywood grove Ryde Mr. Johu, Richmond house Banks Henry, gardener, Alersey road Samuels Air. —, Oak viUa. Ashton lane Birkenhead AV. & J., nursery and seedsman, Park road and Sale Directory.] ASIITON-ON-AIERSEY. 229

Bracegirdle Thomas, builder, Mersey road Lewis John, clerk, 6 Heywood grove Britnor Enoch, Wagon and Horses, Cross st Alarsh Thomas AV., toll coUector, Cross street. Brooks WUliam, farmer, Woodhouses Gate BrownbUl Hannah, market gardener. Church Alather John, ale and porter dealer. Cross st lane Alatthews Walter, traveller, Somerset place BrownbiU Peter, joiner, Washway road Alidwinter George, dairyman, Grassmere place Brundrett Edward, gardener, Harboro' road AliUatt Peter, shopkeeper. Church lane Brundrett Matthew, florist, Mersey road AliUray EUzabeth, dressmaker, 3 Heywood Bundock Mary A., ladies school, Ashton grove grove Calderbank Nathaniel, farmer and market AlitAvitch Jacob, shoemaker. Cross street gardener. Barker's lane Aloore George, confectioner. Cress street Cookson James market gardener, AVoodfield Moore AViUiam, grocer, Ashton lane grove Alorris John, wheelwright aud smith. Green Craven Thomas, dairyman. Church lane lane Cruikshank WiUiam, Old Plough Inn Naylor Sarah, laundress, 9 Heywood grove Davies John, farmer and assistant overseer, NeAvton Robert, farmer, NcAvton green Ashton lane Ogle WUliam, yarn agent. Rivers hill Davies Thomas, farmer and market gardener. Owen Eliza, farmer, Altrincham road Green lane Owen James, farmer, Altrincham road Dean Edward, nurseryman, Barker's lane Owen John, market gardener, Somerset place Dean Edward, shopkeeper, Altrincham road Osbaldeston John, florist, and music teacher, Dean Richard, farmer, Harboro' road Glebelands road Derbyshire John, farmer and market gardener, PhiUips Philip, B., veterinary surgeon. Cross st Altrincham road Potts Philip, farmer and market gardener, Derbyshire William, nurseryman, Harboro' rd Aloss lane Everitt Isaac, joiner, 2 Mersey road Renshaw Charles J., AI.D., surgeon. Beech Fairhurst Joseph, shoemaker. Chapel lane Hurst Garner James, grocer. Green lane Richardson John, farmer, Ashton lane Gibson George, shoemaker. Cross street Roby John, artist, Harboro' road Greenough Simeon, butcher, L'ross street Rodger Andrew, plumber. Cross street Gresty WilUam, market gardener, Ashton lane Roe Sarah, market gardener. Green lane Hampson James, farmer. Moss lane Roughsedge Thomas, bootmaker, Ashton lane Hampson Thomas, grocer. Cross street Roughsedge Thomas, gardener, Ashton lane Hampson WiUiam, farmer. Moss lane Scholes Emilia, ladies' school, Brunswick place Heath Samuel, draper, Greerj lane Seed James, keeper of Friends Burial Ground, Hesketh James, saddler. Cross street Park road Hewitt Peter, Volunteer Inn, Cross street Sharpies Richard, traveller. Amy villas Higson James, farmer, Woodhayes lane Short James, smallware dealer, Altrincham rd HockenhuU John, nurseryman and florist, Skerratt George, grocer. Green lane Altrincham road and Sale—see advt. Smith John, porter. Cross street Hodcroft James, farmer and market gardener, Stewardson John, grocer. Cross street Ashton lane Tyers WilUam, schoolmaster (parochial schools); Hdme Joseph, market gardener, Aloss cottage house, 8 Heywood grove Iriam John, manufacturer of acetic acid. Cross- Unsworth NeAvton, farmer, Ashton hall ford bridge William, farmer. Gnat road Jones Hannah, farmer. Moss lane Ward Elizabeth, dressmaker, 4 St. Ann's Jones Henry, farmer. Moss lane terrace Jones James, farmer. Moss lane AA^atson Johu, wheehvright, Parker's green Jones Joseph, bricklayer, Glebelands road Westbrook John, butcher. Cross street Jones Samuel, farmer. Moss lane Whitehead Trafford, surgeon, Ashton grove King EUzabeth G., ladies' school, Drayton Whitelegg Robert, farmer, Newton green lodge, Oakfidd AVild James, agent for Milner's safes, 3 Hey­ Knowles Robert, traveller, 1 Heywood grove wood grove Lee John, farmer. Church lane Williamson Peter, farmer, Moss lane Lee WiUiam, shoemaker. Chapel lane Wolstencroft John, Tuck Inn, Green lane Leigh Thomas, farmer, Alodel farm Wood James, gror-er and baker. Cross street 230 ASTON-BY-BUDAVORTH. [ WorralVi

WooUey James, plumber. Barker's lane Percival John^ farmer AVorsley Catherine L., day school, AVoodbine Percival WiUiam, farmer cottage. Moss lane RawUnson Thomas, farmer AA'rigley Lees, wheelwright and smith, AVash­ Spruce Cadwalader, farmer way road Tickle Joseph, farmer Wood George, miller and farmer STON-BY-BUDWORTH is a chapefry A and township, containing by the census STON-BY-SUTTON is a smaU vUlage and of 1871, 444 inhabitants and 2,859 statute A township in the parish of Runcorn and acres. It is situated 4 mUes north east from Bucklow hundred, about 4 miles from Run­ NorthAvich, in the parish of , corn, 7 from Northwich and 3 from Frodsham, Altrincham union, Bucklow hundred, northern The church, a neat stone edifice, has recently division of the County of Cheater. The seat undergone considerable alterations and addi­ of R. E. E. Warburton, Esq. J.P., in this tions, and is situated near Aston HaU, the township, is a splendid mansion in the Eliza­ residence of Robert Daglish, Esq. Acreage bethan style of architecture. The private 1,012 ; population in 1861, 207; and in 1871, chapel near the haU is a neat small edifice. 215. The Rev. — Yates is chaplain. The district PRIVATE RESIDENTS. is purely agricultural. Daglish Robert, Esq., Aston haU Post Office ; WiUiam Beswick, po.stmaster ; CampbeU Rev. Letters from aU parts arrive (from Northwich) Davidson Mr. WiUiam at 7.30 a.m., aud are despatched at 6.30 p.m Dodds Mrs. Sarah PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL, Donald Joseph, Esq., Birchbrook house Bain AVilUam, gamekeeper Yates Rev. —, Arley Bate Thomas, farmer AVarburton Rowland E. E. Esq. J.P., Arley haU Brereton John, farmer Warburton Piers Egerton, Esq., Arley haU Davies John, farmer COMMERCIAL. MinshaU E., agent for the Aston estate Barber Peter, farmer Rosbotham Henry, farmer Barber WiUiam, farmer Ryder Ann and Nancy, farmer Beswick^AVilliam, blacksmith Spender John, smith Bowker John, farmer Spender Peter, assistant overseer and farmer Bowker Samuel, farmer Spruce Peter, farmer Clarke James, farmer AValton Thomas, farmer Clarke WiUiam, farmer AVardle AViUiam, farmer Cooke James, farmer AVithenshaw Samuel, joiner Donald Joseph, steward to R. E. E, AVar­ burton, Esq., Birchbrook house STON GRANGE, a smaU township in Run­ Edgerley John, farmer A corn and Bucklow hundred, is situate Foster Thomas, farmer about 4| miles south-east from Runcorn, and Grange Richard, farmer 3 north-oast from Frodsham, consisting of two HeAvitt David, farmer farms and a few cottages, acreage 430 IIcAvitt Thomas, farmer, Crowley Hewitt Thomrs' shopkeeper Dean WiUiam, farmer Hindley James, farmer Massey AVilliam, farmer HoUand George, farmer Hornby Samuel, farmer ARNTON is a township 2 mUes north-west Houghton John, day school B from NorthAvich, in Great Budworth Hulme Ephraim, farmer parish, union of Northwich, hundred of Buck- Kirbishley Humphrey, wheelwright low, south Cheshire, containing an area of 751 Lambert AVUliam, farmer statute acres, and by the census of 1861 Aloore Joseph Y., farmer 1,219, and in 1871, 1,363 inhabitants. The Aloss Samuel, farmer greater portion of the village is situated ou Owen Thomas, farmer rising ground, the river AVeaver running Directory^] BEXTON. through the valley beneath. The North Hayes AVilliam, farmer Staffordshire canal passes through the town­ Hazlehurst Thomas, tailor ship. The church, dedicated to our Saviour, Hickson Robert, coal dealer is a neat edifice in the early English style of Hickson AViUiam, shopkeeper architecture, erected in 1844. The living is a Hickson AViUiam, TraveUers Rest Inn perpetual curacy of the annual value of £115, Hindley Peter, taUor with residence, in the patronage of the Bishop Lightfoot John, shopkeeper and beer retailer of Chester. There are places of worship for Moore WiUiam, tailor and draper Wesleyans and Primitive Alethodists, Metho­ Morrey George, farmer dist Free Church, aud National schools for Parrett Joseph, grocer, and at Winsford children. The manufacture of round and flat Piatt George, tailor ropes and ship cordage is carried on by Messrs. Robinson James, farmer Clarke, iu this township. RowUnson Mark, farmer Post office, James Fogg, postmaster ; letters Sheffield Rev. John, AI.A., the Vicarage from all parts arrive (from NorthAAich) at 7.30 Taylor Henry, farmer a.m., and are despatched at 7.30 p.m. Letters Walker Thomas, farmer to be addressed near Northwich, which is the Woodward George, joiner nearest money order aud telegraph office. Christ Church, Rev. John Sheffield, M.A., EXTON is a township in Knutsford parish, vicar ; Methodist Free Church; AVesleyau B Altrincham Uniou, and Bucklow hun­ Methodist Chapel; Primitive Methodist Chapd dred, one mile south-east from Knutsford, con­ National School, AVilUam Elliott, master ; taining, by the census of 1861, 66 inhabitants, Mary EUiott, mistress; Elizabeth Edmunds, and in 1871, 71, and 621 acres. infants' mistress. Letters through Knutsford, which is the nearest money order office AUen Thomas, beer retailer Barber John, farmer Asbury Edward, boot and shoemaker Barber Thomas, farmer Boardman AVUUam, shopkeeper Curbishley Peter, Avheelwright Bowyer Josias, shopkeeper Hough Thomas, farmer Bowyer Samuel, grocer and provision dealer Alurray Thomas, farmer Bowyer Thomas, grocer and provision dealer Piatt John, farmer, Texton hall Clarke WilUam, jun., farmer. Yew tree farm Capper Mary, Shepherds view OLLINGTON is a townsnip, partly in Bow­ Cawley John, agent to the Royal Liver Friendly B don and partly in Rostherne , iu society the Altrincham Union and Bucklow hundred, Clarke Brothers, manufacturers of flat and situate on the BoUing, a smaU river from which round ropes and ships cordage, Barnton it derives its name, and about two miles south­ Rope AVorks, coal merchants and dealers, east from Altrincham. The chapel, dedicated and agents for Ackers, W^hitley aud Co., to the Holy Trinity, is in the early English Bickershaw CoUieries near AVigan, Barnton, style, and consists of nave and chancel, with Acton Quay wharf, Bartington, Hartford turret, and one beU. The Rev. Edward D. and Green Bank station—see advertisement. Garven, ALA., is the present vicar. The Earlam Samuel^ jouier and wheelwright passes through the town­ Eaton Ann, farmer ship. The acreage is 631, and the population ElUott WUUam, schoolmaster in 1801 was 177, and in 1871, 341. Edwards Thomas, grocer and draper Chapd of Ease (Holy Trinity), Rev. Edward Eyes J. and T., tailors AA^ Garven, ALA., vicar. Fogg James, boot and shoe maker and iron­ National School, Alice Mather, mistress. monger Fryer John, grocer and corn dealer PEIA^ATE RESIDENTS. Garton William, baker and shopkeeper Arthur Air. James Goodier Thomas, Bridge Inn and coal dealer Garv^en Rev. Edw^ard, D., M.A. Haspell John, Navigation inn Galland Airs. Elizabeth Hatton Samuel, Red Lion inn Hewitt Septimus, Esq. Hayes Samud smith. Patrick Air. James 232 BOSTOCK. [ Worrall's

COMMERCIAL. ARRINGTON is a township in Bowdon Booth Mary A., beer retailer C parish, Altrincham Union, and Bucklow Dale George, farmer, Stamford Arms Inn hundred, with an acreage of 2,333, containing, Davenport John, miller and corn dealer, Bd- by the census of 1861, 521 inhabitants, and in Ungton mills, and Church street, Altrincham 1871, 469 ; about four miles north-west from Altrincham, eight from Manchester, and eleven Davies James, farmer from AVarrington, situated on the south bank Davies Peter, farmer of the Mersey, which river divides it from Evans Jane, shopkeeper Lancashire. The chapel, dedicated to St. Forster Edward, farmer George, is a smaU brick edifice, consisting of Forster Richard, farmer nave and aisle, with turret, and one bell. The Fryer George, farmer and market gardener Rev. Richard Bramley is the present curate. GiUibrand James, wheelwright Gould James, farmer Letters through Sale, which is the nearest Harrison Stephen, farmer money order office. Haslam John, farmer, Spord green National School, Air. —. Barber, master; Ireland Elizabeth, innkeeper. Nags Head Sarah Greenhalgh, mistress. Johnson Isaac, tailor PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Johnson Jacob, tailor Bramley Rev. Richard Leather Alary, farmer Crampton Mrs., Stamford houae Owen John, farmer and market gardener Daine Mr. Peter Peter S. John H., coal merchant Mason Mr. Samuel Shaw Isaae, jun., farmer and assistant over­ Newton Mr. Thomas, Ackers farm seer Oldfield John, Esq. Smethurst Samuel, tobacconist and toU col­ Unsworth Mr. Thomas, Rose cottage lector Walkden Airs. Thomas, HoUy house Sutton John, farmer. Yew tree COAIAIERCIAL. Teal George, innkeeper. Swan Inn Astbury John, carrier Warburton John, farmer Barber Air. —, schoolmaster. National School Watkinson John, shoemaker and farmer Brown James, farmer Brown James, shopkeeper OSTOCK is a township in the parish of Burgess John & WilUam, basket makers B DaA'enham, 2| mUes north-west from Collins Isaac, farmer, HoUy farm MiddleAvich. It is included in the Union aud Collins John, farmer county court district of NorthAAich. The high CoUins Peter, farmer. Dam bank road from Northwich to passes Daine John, farmer through the toAvnship, which is agricultural. Daine Peter, farm baiUff Population, 1861, 154; 1871, 169; inhabited Daine Peter, jun., farmer houses, 27 ; acreage, 483. Evans Evan, wheelwright PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Greenhalgh Sa^ab, National schoolmistress Hayhurst C. H. F., Esq., J.P., Bostock haU Hewitt George, farmer Mosley Mr. John HoUingworth Jesse, shopkeeper COAIMERCIAL. HolUngworth Peter, farmer Dutton Samuel, blacksmith Holt Charles, farmer and com dealer Fairhurst Johu, stonemason Ikin James, shopkeeper and farmer Fairhurst Richard, farmer Marsh William, draper and butcher Garner James, farmer Newton Thomas, farmer. Ackers Gleave John, farmer Ogden John, farmer, Aloss Gleave Robert, farmer Taylor Robert, farmer. Booth hey Hitchin Isaac, farmer Unsworth Thomas, jun., farmer, Peet nook Kennerley John, farmer Walkden William, farmer, HaU farm Kennerley John, jun., tailor Walton Joseph, innkeeper, WindmiU Inn Pennell Samuel, farmer AVhitehead James, ferryman Rayner John, farmer Whitelegg William, farmer Rayner WiUiam, farmer Wright John, taUor and assistant overseer Sherwin Ann, farmer Wright Sarah, farmer. Broad Oak Sherwin John, farmer Wright Thomas, blacksmith Yates Peter, shoemaker Directory.] COGSHALL. 233

OGSHALL, a small agricultural township, /~tUDDlNGTON is a township in the parish C about three miles north-west from North­ ^ of Weaverham, and a station on the wich, is in the parish of Great Budworth, hun­ Cheshire Unes of raUway, 4| mUes south-west dred of Bucklow, Northwdch Union and county from Northwich. The township is agricultu­ court district. North Cheshire, containing a ral, and there are com mills. There is a popdation of 114 by the census of 1871, and Methodist Free Church here. A. H. Smith 517 acres of land. Barry, Esq., M.P., is lord of the manor. Letters through Northwich. Population in 1861, 317; 1871, 370. Acre­ age, 1134. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Railway Station.—Cheshire lines, George Clarke Thomas J., Esq., CogshaU hall Stocks, station master Grange Mrs. Mary DaAies Mrs. Moreton Mrs. Alargaret Worthington Air. Edward COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL. AUen SamueL farmer BoAvyer James, corn miller ArtingstaU Samuel, farmer Clarke Joseph, farmer Atherton Thomas, farmer Clare John, tailor BramhaU WilUam, farmer Grange Thomas, farmer Garfitt Charles, land agent Helsby Thomas, joiner and brickmaker Gerrard WiUiam, White Barn Inn, and Uvery Maddock Matthew, farmer stables, and coal merchant WilUs Joseph, farmer Gregory John, miUer, and saw mill proprietor Hodgkinson Peter, farmer and hay dealer HoUand James, farmer Holland John, farmer and cattle dealer OMBERBACH is a township three miles Hume Robert, miUer, Cuddington hiU north-west from Northwich, in the parish C Lewis Abraham, saw miU proprietor of Great Budworth, Union and county court NeweU Joseph, blacksmith, Brynn district of NorthAvich, hundred of Bucklow, Nixon Charles, farmer North Cheshire, containing an area of 362 Robinson & Carruthers, miUers acres, and a population in 1871 of 440 in­ Robinson Thomas, farmer habitants. Stocks George, stationmaster Letters through Northwich. Trickett Joseph, farmer Wesleyan Chapel. Trickett WUliam, farmer Vaughan Joseph, livery stable keeper ViUage School (Lady Mary Smith Barry's), WiUiamson Charles, farmer Elizabeth N., Ormston, mistress Winy John, farmer Amery Thomas, butcher and farmer Youd George, coal merchant Atkinson Peter, fruit dealer and farmer Bayley Thomas, farmer ARESBURY is a vUlage, township, and Bentley George, farmer D chapdry in Runcorn parish and Buck- BramhaU Andrew, smith low hundred, 5^ mUes from Frodsham, and 4^ Baguley Thomas, farmer from Warrington. All Saints' Church is being EUison Edward, wheelwright rebuUt by subscription. The Uving is a per­ Hodgkinson Peter, farmer petual curacy in the gift of Gilbert GreenaU, Newton Thomas, beer retailer and shopkeeper Esq. The present vicar is the Rev. W. H. Ormston Joseph, farm baiUff Spencer. Petty sessions are held here on the Rigby Mr. James Thomas last Tuesday in each month. Here is a gram­ Ruscoe Thomas, junr., miller mar Echool. Acreage (Cheshire), 599. Popu­ Stelfox Edward, senr., farmer lation in 1861, 136 ; and, in 1871, 169. Stelfox Edward, jun., farmer Buxton Charles C, Esq., Daresbury haU Swaine John, Spinners' Inn Taylor WUliam, boot and shoe maker COMMERCIAL. WilUams George, farmer BeddaU EUzabeth, school Winpenny James, shopkeeper Boardman Charles, grammar school Woodcock Thomaa, taUor and draper Ellison Isaac, blacksmith 234 DAVENHAAI. [ WorralVs

Furmston John, grocer and registrar Post Office : Peter Such, postmaster; Letters Hall Edward R., farmer from all parts arrive (from NorthAvich), at Hall Thomas, farmer 7.30 a.m., and are despatched thereto at 6.30 Houghton Thomas, blacksmith p.m. Money order and savings bank. Irwin Phoebe, farmer, Ring-o'-BeUa PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Mort James, farmer AchUles A. H. Esq., What<;roft haU Percival Peter, farmer Adams Airs. EUza, Eaton view Spruce David, mason, quarry-master, and as­ Alcock Mr. Thomas sistant overseer. BaskervUle Mrs. Catherine, Grove house Bentley Timothy, Esq. Brassey Mrs. Mary, Leftwich cottage AA'ENHAM is a parish comprising the Carter Mr. Richard, Alere heath D several townships of LeftAvich, Davenham, DobeU Miss Nancy, Church view Bostock, Moulton, Wharton, NewhaU, Rud­ Fox Major WilUam V. heath, Stauthorn, Shurlach, Shipbrook and GiU Mr. James, Aloulton lodge AVhatcroft, in the Northwich hundred, union, Goulden Mrs. Nancy, Mere heath and county court district. The population of Harper Airs. Hannah, Davenham cottage the parish in 1861 was 6,855, and 1871 Harper Major, J.P., Davenham hall 7,612 ; acreage 9,449. The viUage of Daven­ Hayhurst Charles H. France, Esq. J.P., Bos­ ham is pleasantly situated about two mUes tock haU south from NorthAvich on the high road to Hayhurst Rev. Thomas France, M.A., The Aliddlewich, aud four miles north from Rectory the latter town. The Church of St. Wilfrid, Higginsou Mra. Alargaret a beautiful edifice surmounted by a lofty Johnson Miss Catherine spire, is now undergoing considerable altera­ Lea Joseph, Esq.. Green mount tion, including new chancel and tran- Malpas Rev. Francis R. W., Church view cepts, removal of the old galleries, and a Payne Rev. Henry S. thorough restoration of the interior, with a Pearson Colonel Charles new organ, the whole estimated to cost up­ Warburton Mr. Henry wards of £7000, defrayed by the munificent rector, the Rev. Thomas France Hayhurst. COMMERCIAL. The Independents and Wesleyans have each Berrington George, farmer chapels in the township, and there is a Bowden James, baker, grocer and flour dealer National School for chUdren of both sexes. A and agent to the Western Counties Insur­ neat memorial (stone fountain), has been ance Company erected a short distance from the village to Buckley John, joiner and buUder the memory of the late J. Hosken Harper, Bracegirdle Samuel, timber merchant Esq, J.P., of Davenham haU. The nearest Bracegirdle Catherine, ladies boarding school, railway station is at Hartford, on the London Davenham viUa and North Western Une, 1^ mUes distant, and Carter Richard, land agent, Mereheath the omnibus running between Northwich and Carter WiUiam, farmer Winsford passes through the village. The Cooke Samuel, master of National School and population of the township in 1861 was 618, agent to the General Insurance Co. and in 1871 554, inhabited houses 124, un­ CottriU Thomas, Old White Lion inhabited 4, and in course of erection 3. Area Darlington John, agent 479 acres. Major Harper, Davenham hall, is Dickinson John, smith lord of the manor. DobeU John, tailor and draper St. Wilfrid's, parish church. Rev. Thomas Dudley Charles, surgeon France Hayhurst, M.A., rector; Rev. T. W. Forster Richard, BuUs head France Hayhurst and Rev. Francis R. W. Garner Emanuel, cheese and butter factor Malpas, curates. Gleave Joseph, farmer Congregational Chapel, Rev. Henry S. Payne, Grice Samuel (Exors of), tailors and drapers minister. Hall Samuel, gardener Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. Hancock Samuel, farmer National Schools : Samual Cooke, master ; Harrison John, shopkeeper Marion Sturgeon and Sarah Haspell, mistresses. Harrop John, farmer Directory.] FRODSHAAI.

HoUand George, wheelwright TPvUTTON is a township in the parish of Hooper WiUiam, derk -L^ Runcorn and Hundred of Bucklow, Jones John, bricklayer situated about 6 mUes from Frodsham, and 6 Kennerly James, pavior and asphalter from Runcorn. The Runcorn Union Work­ Kinsey Thomas, farmer, Eaton house house is in this township. A new church has MinshaU John, farmer been recently erected here. Acreage 2,078, Moreton George, farmer, Eaton hall population in 1861, 442, and in 1871, 461, Parry James, farmer including 169 in the Workhouse. Parry Thomas, farmer Astbury John, farmer Percival Robert, cheese factor and corn dealer Bankes Thomas, farmer Ravenscroft Thomas, van buUder, wheelwright BiUington Robt., farmer and assistant overseer and smith Burrows John (Exors of), farmers Saunders Robert, taUor and draper Campkin John, farmer Shaw Samuel, farmer Frith James, farmer Shaw WilUam, taUor Frodsham John, farmer and blacksmith Such Peter, bricklayer and buUder HeyAvood Joseph, wheelwright Tringham Francis John, linen and woollen Jones Alargaret, matron, workhouse draper miUiner and agent for the Weir Jones Robert, master, workhouse seAvii.g machines Kinsey George, farmer Wadsworth Samuel, organist of parish church Lightfoot John, farmer and professor of music Massey Daniel, farmer Walker Samuel, boot and shoemaker Nicholls Ann, farmer Whitehead Martha, painter,decorator, plumber Oulton Jane, Tunnel Inn and glazier Pearse Joseph, schoolmaster, workhouse Whittaker Thomas, grocer Reed WiUett, farmer WiUiams Edward, ironmouger, tin plate Southern Mary, farmer worker, whitesmith, bell hanger and Turner CaroUne, schoolmistress, workhouse general smith—See advertisement Wilkinson WiUiam, farmer Wright Ralph, shopkeeper Wright Robert, farmer FRODSHAM, Overton, Bradley,^Net]ierton, Woodliouses, Five Crosses RODSHAM (formerly a market town) is number 1,869 were returned for the town­ F pleasantly situated on the banks of the ship. The river Weaver forms the north­ river Weaver, and on the high road from eastern boundary, over which is a neat stone Warrington to Chester, being about 10 mUes bridge, separating the township from that of from each town, six from Runcorn, and 39 Sutton. The bridge consists of three arches, from Manchester, and on account of its far- each having a span of 70 feet. The Birken­ famed hUls, and the picturesque scenery has head, Lancashfre and Cheshire junction raU­ become a favourite resort of pleasure seekers. way crosses the river on a splendid viaduct. It is a first class station on the Cheshfre The main street is nearly a mUe long. The junction Une of railway. A loop Une is now in TOAVU Hall is in the main street, which is also course of construction, by the London and used for Savings Bank, Volunteers' drill and North Western Company, to join their Une over armoury rooms and overseers' office. There Runcorn Gap, which will bring it in direct are several excellent hotels in the town, communication Avith Liverpool and the populous the principal being the Queen's Head, the districts of Widnes, St. Hdens, &c. The Commercial, and the Bear's Paw, where parish of Frodsham includes the townships of every accommodation wiU be found either Helsby, Manley, NeAvton-by-Frodsham, and for pleasure seekers or commercials. There the chapelries of Alvanley and Norley. Fafrs are also several handsome drapery and are held on the last Tuesday in AprU, and the large weU stocked ironmongery, grocery, &c., last Thursday in October. The population of establishments, which cannot be excelled in the parish in lo61 was 5,890, of which towns of much greater pretentions. The 2JJ FRODSHAAI. [ WorralVs parish church (dedicated to St. Lawrence) Gas AVorks, Main street, Thomas Riley, stands on a lofty eminence about half a mUe secretary and manager. from the town, adj oining the viUage of Overton. Overseers' Office, Town HaU, Main street, It is an ancient edifice in the Norman style Thomas Riley, assistant-overseer. of architecture, and is built of red sand-stone. Police Station, Church street, Henry Foster, The tower contains an excellent peal of six sergeant. beUs. The living is a vicarage in the gift of Registrars, Henry Linaker, superintendent; Christ Church, Oxford ; the Rev. W. C. Cotton Richard Burgess, Registrar of Births and is the present vicar. There arc chapels each for Deaths for Frodsham district. Wesleyans, Primitive Methodists, andaMetho- dist Free Church. The Free Grammar School Rifle Volunteers (24th Cheshire), Major, C. situated at Overton, was rebuUt in 1824. H. Hitchin ; Captain, John Ashton; Lieut., The National Schools are in Church lane, and Robert Ashton ; Instructor Sergeant George there are several boarding and day schools in Chesters. the town; and at Overton, the Overton Colle­ Town HaU, Main street, Thomas Birtles, giate School, South Bank House, conducted keeper. by Air. G. H. Danby, M.R.C.P., and two ladies' Stamp Office, Main street, James F. Robinson, boarding schools. From the summit of Over­ distributor. ton hUl, which is 400 feet in height, a splendid view of the surrounding country may be ob­ CARRIERS BY RAIL.—Great Western and tained. It has recently become a favourite London and North AVestern Railway Com­ summer resort for schools, pic-ric and other panies, station. Church street, Thomas Potts, parties, for which every accommodation has stationmaster. been provided by Mr. James Rigby, who CARRIERS BT ROAD.—To Chestei, WUliam has estabUshed near the summit of the hUl a CaldweU, Saturday. large refreshment room, gymnasium, croquet To Warrington, WilUam CaldweU, Monday, lawn, bowling green, archery butts, and a field for rural sports, where a day's recreation Wednesday aud Friday, and Joseph FarraU, and enjoyment of the beautiful scenery, ex- Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. hilerating air, shaded and open walks, cannot PRIVATE RESIDENTS. fail to satisfy aU who pay a visit to this charm­ Ashley Mrs. Isabella, Main street ing locality. Ashton George, Esq., Rock cottage Post Office, Main stieet, Ann Lewis, post­ Ashton John, Esq., Main street mistress ; Letters from all parts arrive (from Bethel Mr. WiUiam, Main street Preston Brook), at 6.10 a.m. and 3 p.m , and Berwick Rev. Robert P., Main street are despatched thereto at 11 a.m. and at 8 Bottomley John W. Esq., Overton p.m. Aloney Order, SaAn.ng8 Bank and tele­ Cotton Rev. AViUiam C, M.A., the Vicarage graph office. Letters for Overton, Netherton, Edmunds Rev. F. F., Overton Woodhouses, Five Crosses and Bradley through Gayer Rev. H. W., B.A., Overton this office. Hampton Rev. WilUam, Main street St. LaAvrence'a Church, Overton, Reverend Hayes John H. Esq. J.P., Main street WiUiam Charles Cotton, M.A,, vicar; Revs. Hayes WiUiam, Esq., Main street H. W. Gayer and Richard P. Watson, curates. Higson John, Eqs., Alain street Alethodist Free Church, Main street. Rev. John Thomas, Esq., Hermitage WiUiam Hampton. Kirkham Mr. John, Church street Wesleyan Chapels, Frodsham and Overton. Langshaw Mrs. Mary, Main street Primitive Methodist Chapd, Frodsham LcAvis Mrs. Margaret, Main street Bridge. Lewis Thomas, Esq., Bradley Grammar School, Overton, , Linaker Henry, Esq., Frodsham master. linaker WUliam H. Esq., Frodsham National Schools, Church street, Jane Ker­ Pickering John R. Esq., Main street mode (girls) mistress; E. Newton (infants), Reynolds James, Esq., Foxley haU mistress. Robinson Mr. John, Frodsham Excise Office, Queen's Head, Main street Upton WilUam, Esq., Main street Frodsham Central Farmers' Club, C. E. Warburton Mrs. Martha. Church street Linaker, secretary, Henry Linaker, treasurer. Wataon Rev. Richard P. B.A., Overton Directory.] FRODSHAM. 23:

AA'^eaver Mr. F. P., Frodsham Clough Halstead, clogger, Main street Woodcock Mr. Martha, Alain street CLOUGH MARY, ladies boarding school, Wright Edward A. Esq., Castle park Overton house Wood Charles, Esq., Frodsham. Cobb Samuel, beer retaUer and farmer Woodcock Mrs. Martha, Main street Cooper Thomas, corn and coal merchant, Overton and Railway station COMAIERCIAL. Corker Thomas, taUor, Main street Acton George, Queen's Head Hotel, Main st Corker WUliam, taUor, Main street Ainsworth Jessie, shoemaker, Woodhouses DANBY GEORGE HAMMOND, CoUegiate Ainsworth Thomas, painter. Main aireet School, South Bank house, Overton AUaby John, shoemaker, Frodsham Bridge Davidson IsabeUa, school, Main street Andrews James, farmer, Frodsham Davies Eliza, shopkeeper, Five Crosses Andrews Samuel, farmer. Five Crosses DaAies Thomas, joiner, buUder and farmer. Andrews Thomas, farmer, Frodsham Main street Andrews WUliam, farmer, Frodsham Bridge Dignum Edward, grocer, commission agent Ashton John, soUcitor, clerk to the magistrates and agent for the Sceptre Insurance Co., and agent for the Scottish Union Insurance Main street Co., Main street Dignum AViUiam, dentist. Main street—see Ashworth Joseph, manure manufacturer, Frod­ advertisement sham bridge Dugdale Samuel, beer retaUer, Church street Aston Heury, stonemason, Overton Dutton John, farmer, AVoodhouses Aston John, BuU's Head Inn, and grocer, Over­ Edgerley Peter, Fish Bone Inn, Netherton ton Edwards George, grocer. Main street Aston John, shoemaker, Overton Edwards James, general draper, Main street Aston Samuel, sen., sexton and apparitor, EUams David, shoemaker and beer retaUer, Overton Five Crosses Aston Samuel, jun., assistant overseer and col­ Ellison Samuel, farmer, Netherton lector of taxes for Frodsham Lordship, Over­ FarraU EUen, shopkeeper, Church street ton FarraU Joseph, carrier, Overton Basnett Peter, farmer & butcher. Five Crosses Fletcher Jonn, shopkeeper, Frodsham bridge Basnett Samuel, farmer, Woodhouses Fletcher WilUam, farmer, Netherton Bate Ralph, farmer, Netherton Forster, Airs. —, faimer. Main street Bate Thomas, veterinary surgeon. Main street Forster Henry, police sergeant. Church street Beard James, general dealer, Alain street Garner John, chairmaker. Church street Berrington Joseph, wheelwright, Overton Garner Joseph, bricklayer. Church street Berrington Richard, wheelwright, Overton Garner Margaret, farmer, Netherton Bickerstaff AViUiam, beer retaUer, Five Crosses GaskeU Robert, mUler, Bradley Booth Thomas & WUliam, commission agents, Gleave John, joiner and builder. Main street dealers in tea, coffee, baskets, stationery, Gorst George, farmer, Bradley picture frames, toys, patent medicines, &c., Gorst Thomas, tailor and draper. Main street agents for the Temperance Gould James, painter. Main street and general Provident Institution, the Liver­ Grice Mary & Louisa, dressmakers. Main st pool Alctoria Legal Friendly Society, and Grice WiUiam, farmer, Mickledale the Victoria Assurance Company, Main st Hague WUliam, basket and hamper maker, Booth William, farmer, Alain street Church street BoTAvick Rev. R. P., boarding school. Main st Harrison Margaret, farmer, Overton Brennand John, M., grocer, Frodsham bridge Harrop Peter, auctioneer,bootmaker, and agent Brierley John, chemist and druggist. Main st for the Sun Insurance Co., Main street Burgess Richard, registrar of births and deaths, Harvey James, chairmaker. Church street and reUeviug officer. Main street Harvey Sampson, chemist & druggist. Church BurkiU John, smith. Church street street CaldweU WiUiam, carrier. Main street Hassall Edward, farmer, Netherton Carter John, butcher, Bradley Hassell Jane, farmer, Netherton ChaUoner John, farmer, Netherton Hayes John, farmer, Frodsham Clarke Charlotte, grocer and baker. Church st Hebbert Charles, butcher and farmer. Main st Clays Joseph, coal dealer, RaUway station Hicks Joseph, beer retaUer, Church Btreet 238 FRODSHAAI. [ WorralVs

Higson John, farmer. Main street Pollard Johu, master of grammar school, .Main Holland Joseph, bricklayer, Overton street Holland WilUam, timber merchant. Main st Potts Thomas, station-master, railway station, Holland WiUiam, Commercial Hotel, Alain st Church street Hough Thomas, joiner and furniture dealer, Reynolds Charles, shoemaker. Church street Main street Reynolds James, bootmaker, seedsman, and Hulse Ann, farmer, Netherton farmer. Main street Illidge Peter, cooper, Main street Rigby James, proprietor of the BeUemont Jackson Joseph, Bridge Inn, Frodsham bridge Pleasure Grounds, Overton Jackson Thomes, grocer. Main street RUey Thomas, assistant overseer, collector of Jennings WiUiam, farmer, Bradley taxes, secretary and manager for the Frod­ Johnson Thomas, farmer. Hermitage sham Gas Company Limited, organist of Jones Robert, farmer. Main stieet Parish Church, and houae agent. Main street King WUliam, Bear's Paw Hotel, Main street Rimmer John, grocer. Main street Lamb Joseph, farmer, Netherton Roberts Edward, beer retailer, Frodsham bridge Lancdey George, veterinary surgeon. Main st Roberts Thomas, draper. Main street Lancdey WUliam, farmer, Bradley Robinson James F., chemist, stamp distiibutor, Larkin Elizabeth, dressmaker. Main street and agent for the Provincial Welsh, and the Leach John, shoemaker. Main steeet Railway Passengers Assurance Companies, Letter John, Ring-o'-BeUs, Overton Main street Lewis Ann, postmistress. Main street Robinson John, surgeon. Main street Lewis Edward, butcher. Main street Rodgers Thomas, taUor, Alain street LcAvis James, mail contractor and farmer. RothweU Job W., ironmonger, naU manufac­ Main street turer, stationer, &c.. Church street LoAvis Thomas, farmer, Overton Rowson James, farmer, Woodhouses LcAvis WiUiam, farmer, Woodhouses Sant Thomas, saddler. Main street Lightfoot Hatitia, farmer, Overton Savage Joseph, farmer, Woodhouses Linaker Henry, land agent and surveyor ; clerk Savage Thomas, farmer, Woodhouses to the Runcorn Union and the Daresbury Sharpies Samuel, farmer, Frodsham Highwaj' Board, superintendent registrar Sharpes WilUam, farmer, Frodsham bridge and agent for the Liverpool and London and Sharrock George, grocer, saddler, &c.. Main st Globe Insurance Co., Main street Shone Thomas, blacksmith, Netherton Linaker AViUiam Henry, solicitor, commis­ SINGLETON ISABELLA, ladies' boarding sioner in common law, and solicitor for the school, Overton Frodsham Permanent Benefit Building Spencer Samuel, painter. Main street Society, Main street Steward E. G., agent for the Royal Insurance Me Waters James, grocer, Frodsham bridge Company, Overton Aladdock Thomas, Watchmaker, Alain street Storer Jane, dressmaker. Church street Aladdock WilUam, buUder, Main street Storer John, chairmaker. Church street Alanley AA'^UUam, plasterer. Main stieet Stretch Alfred, farmer, RUey Bank Middleton John, hairdresser. Main street Thomas John, coal merchant, raUway station MUls Frederick, draper. Main street Unsworth Thomaa, painter. Main street Mort Samuel, farmer, Alain street Walker John, wheelwright, Alain street Nield Thomas, blacksmith, Overton AValker Richard, tailor. Five crosses Oakes Ann, gardener and seedsman. Main st Walker Samuel, printer, &c.. Main street Oakes Stephen, seedsman. Main street Warburton Peter, farmer. Church street Outram Joseph, Golden Lion, Main street AVeaver F. P., surgeon, Frodsham PaUn WiUiam, Red Lion Inn, and butcher. AVhitby Alary, beer retaUer, Church street Main street AViUiams John Guest, linen & wooUen draper, Parker William, bootmaker and beer retaUer, silk mercer, haberdasher, hosier, glover, Main etreet milliner, funeral furnisher, famUy mourning Peacock Samuel, bootmaker. Main street and boot and shoe warehouse. Church street Peacock Thomas, wheelwright and farmer. Wilson Andrew, George Inn, Main street Main street Wright Mary, farmer, Mickledale Percival James, farmer, Godscroft AVright Thomas, farmer, Woodhouses Pickering Wm.H., coal merchant ,railway station Youd Thomas, beer retaUer, Alain etreet Directory.] GRAPPENHALL. 239

RAPPENHALL is a parish in the hundred DaAies Edward, shopkeeper G of Bucklow, and county of Chester. The Eaton Charles, farmer vUlage is 2| miles east from Warrington, and Fairhurst George, wheelwright, smith, and comprises an area of 1540 acres. The assistant overseer population in 1861 was 701, and in 1871, 734. Frier James, farmer The church, dedicated to St. Wilfrid, is an HorsfaU Henry, foreman ancient edifice of stone, with tower and six Hudson John, clerk, CUff house beUs. The Uving is a rectory, in the gift and Lewis Robert, shopkeeper, ThewaU lane possession of the Rev. Thomas GreenaU. There Lomas George, market gardener, carrier, and is a National school here. dealer in manure, &c. Post Office—John Mainwaring, postmaster. Long WilUam & Son, tanners. Cliff lane and Letters arrive at 7 45 a.m., and are despatched GrappenhaU tanneries at 6 35 p.m. Mainwaring John, grocer and postmaster National School—Joseph WooUey, master Maire Thomas, Barry's Arms, and farmer Pemperton James, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pemberton Samuel, farmer AntAviss Mr. James, GrappenhaU Pierpoint B. L., seedsman Dixon, Miss Ann, Cedar lawn Reynolds WUliam H., tanner, Knutsford road Greenall Edward, Esq., J.P., GrappenhaU Rowson Mary, farmer Greenall Mrs. KUeu, GrappenhaU Sankej' Joseph, farmer GreenaU Gilbert, jun., Esq., GrappenhaU Simpson H. C, salesman. Birch grove GreenaU Rev. Thomas, rectory Smith Thomas, farmer Kidd Miss —, GrappenhaU Stockton Ann, Dog and Dart Inn Layland Mrs. Ann, Morris brook Taylor Joseph, farmer Layland Air. Leigh, Morris brook Tetlow Aun, farmer Tomkinson George, police-constable Lee Miss H. C, GrappenhaU vUlas Turner Isaae, farmer, Middlehurst AliUer Air. John, Knutsford road Warburton John, farmer Pass Miss Harriet, GrappenhaU Warburton Peter, farmer Long WUliam, sen., Esq., Laurel bank AV^heder AVUUam, farmer Long WiUiam, jun., Esq., ThelwaU heys Woodcock Samuel, grocer Naylor Mr. John, Waste lane Wooley Joseph, schoolmaster Parker Mr. Joseph, GrappenhaU Yarwood Thomas S., bootmaker Parr J. Charlton, Esq., GrappenhaU heys Yarwood Thomaa & Son, coal dealers Reynolds Mr. AViUiam H., the WiUows Swainson Mr. —, GrappenhaU Tinsley Air. John, GrappenhaU lodge REAT BUDWORTH is a parish and town­ Watson Miss, —, GrappenhaU G ship, the parish is of considerable extent, containing an area of 35,920 statute acres; Woolf Mr. G., GrappenhaU comprising the townships of Aston-by-Bud- COMMERCIAL. worth, Peover Inferior, Pickmere, Plumbley, Ansdale Charles, farmer and Tabley Inferior ; in the Altrincham union, Ashley John, sen., farmer Autrobus, Bartington, Great Budworth, Crow­ Ashley John, jun., farmer ley, Dutton, Hull and Appleton, Seven Oaks, Ashley John, shopkeeper Stretton, Over Whitley, Lower Whitley in the Ashbrook Joseph, farmer Runcorn union, and Anderton, Allstock; Ban*- ton Birches, CogshaU, Comberbach, Hartford, Astley Letitia, toll coUector Hulse, Little Leigh, Lostock, Gralam, Marbury, Barker Robert, farmer Alarston, NorthAvich, Castle Northwich, Nether Boardman Richard, farmer Peover, Wincham, Winnington and Witton- Bradford WiUiam, farmer cum-Twambrooks in the Northwich union. Brierley Thomas, shoemaker The viUage, pleasantly situated on a gentle Carter Thomas, tailor accUvity about 3 mUes irom Northwich, is in Clare WiUiam, market gardener the Runcorn union, Northwich county court Daintith James, farmer district, and hundred of Bucklow. The parish Daintith Thomas, Ram's Head Inn, and joiner church of AU Saints is an ancient building and farmer with a square embattled tower, containing a Darbyshire WiUiam, farmer, Morris brook 240 HALTON. [ WorralVs fine peal of 8 beUs. The church having fallen Piatt Thomas, tailor and shopkeeper into ddapidation, has been recently restored, Stedman Rev. Henry P., M.A., boarding school at a cost of £2000 : Mr. Warburton having Stringleman Richard, grocer contributed the sum of £500 towards the Sumner Thomas, carrier and farmer cost. The living is a vicarage of the annual WUlett Thomas AiU, surgeon value of £626 per annum, with residence in Wright Thomas, George & Dragon inn the gift of the dean and canons of Christ church Oxford. The Rev. W. R. Lyon Rennet, M.A., is the vicar. The Wesleyan Methodists have ALTON is a township and village in the a chapel in the village, and there is a National H parish of, and about one mUe and a half school for boys, girls and infants. Near the from, the viUage of Runcorn ; situated on an vUlage are two large sheets of water. Bud worth- eminence commanding a fine view of the river mere and Pickmere. Rowland Eyles Egerton Mersey, and the surrounding country. Hdton Warburton, Esq., is lord of the manor. castle, supposed to have been erected soon after the Norman conquest, has long been in Post Office: John Phipps, postmaster. ruins. Sfr Richard Brooke, Bart., is lord of Letters arrive (from Northwich) at 7-30 the manor. The church is a red stone edifice a.m., and are dispatched at 6 p.m. in the Gothic style of architecture; the Uving PLACES OF WORSHIP, SCHOOLS, &c. is a perpetual curacy of the annual value of AU Saints' Church—Rev. R. Lyon Rennet, £157. The Rev. James Cox, M.A., is the M.A., vicar present vicar. There are chapels each, for Wesleyan Chapel Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists. There National School—John Nixon,"master; Hannah is an endowed grammar school for boys, and Nixon, Mistress ; Sophia Kewley, infants' an almshouse for six poor and decayed honest mistress old servants was founded in 1769, and endowed CARRIER ; To Warrington, Thomas Sumner, Avith £54 12s. per annum. There are some from his house every Wednesday very extensive stone quarries here. The acre­ age of the township is 1,779. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Post Office ; Margaret Ward, postmistress. Rennet Rev. WUliam R. Lyon, M.A,, vicar Letters arrive (from Runcorn) at 7-10 Kinder Air. John a.m., and 4-0 p.m.; and are despatched Lingard Mrs. thereto at 9-35 a.m., and 8-20 p.m. Shakerley Geoffrey J., Esq., Belmont haU Money order office and Savings' bank. Stedman Rev. Henry P., M.A. Church; Rev. James Cox, M.A., vicar; WiUett Thomas H., Esq. Rev. Joseph Stratten, curate COMMERCIAL. Wesleyan Chapel Barber Samuel, farmer Primitive Methodist Chapel Bibbington George, grocer and draper Grammar School: Henry Arnold, master Beecroft Francis Ann, boarding school Parochial School; EUzabeth Woodhead, Burgess Margaret, farmer and shopkeeper mistiess Carter WiUiam, farmer Clarke WiUiam R., boot and shoemaker PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Coates Mary A., grocer and draper Beckett Air. George, Halton hiU Cooke WiUiam, butcher and shopkeeper Blythe Miss Catherine Dearden Sergeant Alajor James Cameron Mr. Robert Drinkwater Ann, Cock inn Carruthers Mr. WiUiam Drinkwater John, farmer Cliff Mr. John Drinkwater WUliam, farmer Cox Rev. James, M.A., vicarage Haslam Sarah, farmer Hutchinson Mrs, Hone WiUiam S. J., sergeant Cheshire consta­ Jones the Misses bulary Jones Aliss Nancy Kerfoot John, boot and shoemaker Oekleston Airs. J. Nixon .John, national schoolmaster Ockleslon Mrs. Alary NewaU James, painter Oekleston Air. AViUiam H; Overton EUzabeth & Thomas, boarding school Pearse Air. Percival Phipps John, postmaster Pritchard Afr, Thomas Directory. HARTFORD. 241

Reynolds Mr. Charles ARTFORD is a township, 1| miles aouth- Reyndda Mr. Henry H eaat from Northwich, containing an area RUey Mr. Owen of 1,102 acrea, partly in the pariah of Great Stratton Rev. Joseph Budworth and partly in Weaverham, in Toft Mr.R, B., Brook place the NorthAvich Union and county court district Wright Mr. John aud second division of the hundred of Eddis- Wild Mr. Samuel, Brook place bury. South Cheshire. The church is a small Wright Mr. John brick edifice, dedicated to St. John. The liv­ ing is a perpetual curacy, of the annual value COMMERCIAL. of £117, Avith residence. The Rev. Edmund Eddowea, M.A., is the Adcar. It may be men­ Arnold Henry, schoolmaster tioned that the present church, having been Astbury Mary, farmer found too small for the requirements of the Baguley John, farmer, Halton gate district, efforts are being made to raise sub- BiUington Richard, poUce officer aeriptiona towarda the erection of a new church. Brearton James, butcher There is a Wesleyan chapel and National Burgess Thomas, taUor schools here. Population of the township, Cameron Robert, manure manufacturer. Rock according to the census of 1861, 987 ; 1871, Savage bone works—See advertisement 1,140, shewing an increase in the ten years of Carruthers WiUiam, surgeon 163. Crimes Thomas H., wheelwright and joiner St. John's Church—Rev. Edmund Eddowes, Cook Thomas, taUor M.A., vicar. Cooper Thomas, farmer Wesleyan Chapel. EUis Edward, butcher National Schools—Edward Knowles, master; |lntwistle John H., farmer Emma Knowles, mistress I'ryer WUUam, shopkeeper Post Office, Money Order, Telegraph Office, Gamon John, grocer and Savings Bank—Ann Dean, postmistress. GiUdand Hfram, Norton Arms hotel—See Letters from aU parts arrive (from Northwich) advertisement at 7 30 a.m., and are despatched thereto (on Haddock Benjamin, coal dealer week days) at 7 p.m. On Sunday they are Houghton James, blacksmith despatched at 12 30 noon. Howard WiUiam, shopkeeper & beer retaUer Conveyance by railway ; station on the Lon­ Hulae John, beer retaUer don and North-Western Une (Liverpool and Johnson Adam, assistant surgeon Birmingham section)—James Wardle, station- Jones Ann E., shopkeeper master. Jones John Edward, beer retaUer Station on Cheshire lines (Hartford & Green­ Kingston Thomas, Caatle hotel, posting houae bank)—John MiUington, stationmaster. and farmer Omnibus to Northwich from the Hartford Latham Thomas, plumber station several times daUy. Leach George, coal dealer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Leathwood Samuel, blacksmith MiUer Henry, shoemaker Arnold Mrs. Ann MUler Joseph, butcher Buckley Mra. EUzabeth, Aahbank Moate Charles, beer retaUer Beckett Mr. Richard Nixon Richard, farmer Cheahire Chriatopher, Esq., Haywood Schofield Mary A., school Cole Viscount, the Grange Vernon John, taUor Cook George Hatt, Esq., the HaU Ward Margaret, postmistress, stationer, &c. Cross Mrs. Mary, Oaklands Watkin & Son, agricultural implement makers De Trafford Augustus, Esq., the Manor Woodhead EUzabeth, schoolmistress De Trafford Cecil, Esq , the Manor Woodierd John, shoemaker De Trafford Miss BeUnda, the Manor Woodward John, stonemason Dixon Thomaa George, Esq., Moss cliff Wright Thomas, seed merchant and draper Dunn Mra. Mary, Cagintree house Eddowes Rev. Edmund, M.A., the Vicarago Firth Mrs. Ann, Hartford bank Green James H., Esq. i:42 HATTON. Worrall's

HUton Captain, Beechfidd Warburton WiUiam, commission agent, and Leigh Captain Oswald P., Hartford house agent to AUsopp & Sons, brewers. Burton, Littler Mr. John and for Dubliu porter and stout, SpeedweU Littler Air. Robert cottage, SandiAvay.—See advertisement MarshaU Thomas H., Esq., Hartford beach Wrench Daniel, farmer Pearce Sfr Eustace Powles Alfred W., Esq. Royle AUen, Esq., Hartford hiB Rawland Aliss — ATTON is a small viUage, and township Royds Rev. James, AVoodlands H in Runcorn Union and Bucklow hundred, Royds Mrs. —, Woodlands about one mile from Daresbury, six from Frod­ Schwind Frederick Louis, Esq., the Lodge sham, and 4| from AVarrington. Here is a Turner Mrs. Sarah Wesleyan chapel. Acreage, 1,020a. Ir. 38p. Wrench Mr. Danid, Hartford bank Population in 1861, 376 ; and in 1871, 397. AA'right Egerton, Esq. COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL. Aiadow Charles, toll collector Hatton James, Esq. Amold Mr. George, farmer Parr James, Esq. Beckett Richard, buUder, contractor, and tim­ Barber Joseph, farmer ber merchant Beecroft Peter farmer Biitwistle Thomaa, smith Bennett Benjamin, farmer Booth Jane, Grocer and beer retailer Blackshaw, John, farmer Capper Thomas, auctioneer. Rose bank Boardman James, taUor and farmer Cookson Joseph, shopkeeper and beer retailer Clare Peter, farmer Cossius John, livery stables and horse dealer, Clarke Thomas, farmer Blue Cap cottage.—See advertisement Dodd George, farmer Dean Elizabeth & Ann, grocers. Post office Done Samuel, farmer Dixon Thomas George, M.D., Aloss cliff Ellison Thomas, bricklayer Dudley John, farmer Fairhurst Johnson, farmer Eyes Thomas, wheelwright Houghton Peter, shopkeeper Fletcher John and others, coal proprietors, Humphreys John, joiner and farmer. Red Lion Atherton Collieries, Oswald Viggor agent, Inn. Hartford and Ddamere stations.—See advt. Leach John, farmer GaskeU Elizabeth E., Hartford Station Inn, Leach Thomas, shoemaker and Uvery stables and post horses Litttlewood Thomas, shopkeeper Harrison AUce, boot and shoe maker Mereditch Richard, shoemaker and carrier Harrison WilUam, salt maoufacturer Moulsdale Job, farmer Hartley John, boot and shoemaker Stringer John, farmer HoUand Joseph, farmer Whitlow George, farmer Hudson John, farmer AVilkinson Alary, farmer Johuson Robert, shopkeeper AVUton WiUiam, agent and coUector of rates Knowles Edward, National schoolmaster taxes, and tithes Lambert James, shopkeeper AAlnstauley WilUam, farmer Lambert Alary, beer retailer Mulam Peter, Blue Barrel Marrow Samuel, nurseryman Aloore Thomas, boot and shoemaker T7"EKEAVICK is a smaU township, in the Pixton Sophia, Red Lion Inn, livery stables, -•-^ parish of Runcorn and hundred of Buck- and post horses low, about four miles from Runcorn, and is Powdl the Alisses, ladies boarding school the sole proj)ertv of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart. Ridgway John, farmer Population, in 1861, 115. Shaw Charles, bricklayer and builder Bennett Thomas, farmer A'iggor Oswald, agent to John Fletcher and Boardman —, farmer others, coal proprietor, Atherton CoUieries. Broom Charles, farmer SiC advertisement Tickle Thomas, farmer Directory. KNUTSFORD. 243 KNUTSFORD.

NUTSFORD is a parish comprising the chial Schools. Parr's Banking Co., and the K townships of Bexton, Knutsford Inferior Union Bank of Alanchester have each a branch Knutsford Superior, OUerton, and Toft, in here, there is also a Saving.s Bank and the Altriucham Union and Bucklow Hundred, Post Office Savings Bank. Brick and tile situated about 15 miles S. W. from Manchester making is extensively carried on here by Mr. 2i N.E., from Chester, six N.E. from North­ Jabez Thompson, of Northwich, and tanning wich, 29 S.E. from Liverpool, and 172 from by Mr. John Long. The establishments of the London, containing 4,832 acres. Knutsford drapers, grocers, &c., are extensive and well Inferior (or Nether Knutsford), in the above stocked, and several of the hotels are largo parish is an ancient market town. The and commodious. The township contains 751 charter for holding a market on a Saturday, acres of land. The population in 1871 was, and three days fairs on the festivals of St. Knutsford Inferior, 3,107; in the house of Peter and St. Paul, being procured about the correction (prisoners 250, officers and their year 1292. Saturday is stiU the market day, and families 39), 289 ; in the workhouse (paupers the fairs are now held on the 23rd April, 194, officers and their famUies 7), 201— AVhit-Tuesday, and the 8th November. The making a total of 3,597. Knutsford Superior town which consists of two principal streets, is a township adjoining that of. Knutsford In­ and a few small ones branching off has within ferior, also in the same parish. Union and the last few years greatly improved, and many Hundred. The church situated at the hamlet handsome residences have been erected on of Crosstown, is a handsome brick edifice, con­ the outskirts, and are occupied chiefly by the sisting of nave, side aisles and chancel, with a merchants, &c., from Manchester and districts. tower and spire which contains a peal of four The Cheshire Alidland Line of Railway, opened beUs. The Rev. L. W. RUey, M.A., ia the a few years ago by the Manchester, Sheffield present vicar, here is a National School, the aud Lincolnshire, Great Northern and Mid­ extenaive nurseries of Mr. W. G. CaldweU, are land Joint Co., has a station here which in this toAvnship, population in 1871, 206, affords great facUities for raUway communica­ acreage 942. tion Avith aU parts of the kingdom, and wiU Post Office, Princess street, John Hulmo, no doubt tend still further to increase and im­ poatmaater. Letters from aU par^s are de­ prove the town. Race meetings are held here livered at 7 a.m. and 3.15 p.m., and are des­ annually, and are weU attended. The County patched at 8.36 aud 9.45 p.m. Money Order Gaol situated near the railway, is a very ex­ Office and Savings Bank open from 9 a.m. to tensive building, and contains the Sessions 6 p.m. Telegraph Office, open from 7 a.m. to Hall, iu which sessions are held on the first 9 p.m., Sundays 8 to 10 am. Tuesday in each month. A new Town Hall is now in course of erection on a commanding PLACES OF WORSHIP AND THEIR site, nearly opposite the goal which promises MINISTERS. to be when completed a very handsome build­ ing, and will add to the beauty of the town. Parish Church, Rev. Henry Barnacle, M.A. The workhouse for the Altiincham Union is vicar. situated here. The town is well supplied with St. Cross Church, Crosstown, Rev. L. W. water, and the streets and shops are weUUghted RUey, M.A., vicar; Rev. W. A. Ooborne, M.A., Avith gas. The parish church, dedicated to St. curate. John the Baptist, is an extensive brick edifice, Congregational Chapel, Brook street, Rev. consisting of nave and side aisles, with tower W. W. Harry. Avhich contains a peal of six beUs, there are Piimitive Methodist Chapd, SAvinton square, also places of worship for Independants, Rev. J. Graham. Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists, Roman Roman CathoUc Chapel (St. Vincent de CathoUcs and Unitarians, several of which are Paul),Queen street. Rev. DaniclS. Casey, priest. handsome structures of rocont erection. Here Wcdeyan Chapel, Princess street. are a number of first-class boarding and day Unitarian Chapel, Adams HiU, Rev. Heury ichooU, also a grammar school and the Paro­ Green; ALA. 1'44 KNUTSFORD. Worrall's

PUBLIC BUILDINGS, &c. Bate William, A. Esq., King street Altriucham Union Workhouse, Love lane' Bentley Mr, Lance, Tabley view, Manchesterrd Governor, Henry ; matron, Alice Birch Mrs. Ann, King street Ramsbotton; chaplain. Rev. L. AV. RUey, Blakiston Mrs., Loudon road M.A. ; surgeon, T. F. Nicholls ; schoolmaster, Bradley Afr. Thomas, Queen street WiUiam Roscoe ; schoolmistress, Esther Caird Mr. James, Toft street Charnley ; nurse, Eliza Walker; porter, Charles Carlton James, Esq., Norbury booths Burnell; clerk to the guardians, John B. Casey Rev. Daniel S., Queen street Cutter, Princess street; reUeving officer, Chapman Airs. Mary, Queen street Joseph Wheeler, Heath side. Cox Mr. Albert S., Tabley view, Manchesterrd Superintendent Registrar, John B. Cutter, Cram Air. Robert, King street Princess street. Cutter Air. John B., Princess street Registrar, Joseph Wheeler, Heath side. Dakin Aliss Alarian, Heath side British and Foreign Bible Society's Depot, Davis Air. Charles, Clifton House, the Heath Princess street, Thomas Howarth, depository. Deane Aliss Alary, Princess street County Gaol and House of Correction, Lon­ Deane Airs. Susan, Princess street don road, governor, George GaUop, Esq.; Earl Air. AVilUam, Heath side deputy-governer, WUliam Leicester ; chaplain. Eastwood Mr. James, Brook street Rev. W. N. Truss ; Roman Catholic chaplain. Forster Rev. AVilliam, Church hill Rev. Daniel S. Casey; surgeon, W. H. Sut­ Francis Mrs. Sarah, Queen street cUffe; matron, Margaret BramweU; school­ Galley more Miss Francis, Oak cottage. Heath master, Charles Davis. side Excise Office, Royal George Hotd, King st Gallop George, Esq., London road Fire Engine House, Heath side, John Wool, Gent Henry, Esq., King street auperintendant GledhiU Mr. John, Silk MiU street Gas and Water Company Limited—Works, Graham Rev. John, Heath side Gas street; Thomas, Thomas manager. Hall Mrs. Thomasina, Over, Knutsford Grand Stand Company Limited, George Hanmer Mr. William, King street Nelson, secretary. Harris Joseph, Esq., Heath side Literary Institution and Working Men's Harry Rev. W. W arlow, Manchester road Librarj', King street. Hewitt Mr. Jonas, Queen street Market Hall, Town Hall. Hickson Aliss Letitia, King street Mid-Cheshire Conservative Registration HiU Captain, King street Assoeiation, Tabley view, Manchester road; Holland Aliss Elizabeth, Princess street Lance Bentley, secretary. Holland the Misses Mary and Lucy, Princess Night Asylum, Heath side ; John and street Sarah Bracegirdle, keepers. HoUins Aliss Georgina J., Princess street Police Station, Love lane ; sergeant, George Houghton Mrs. —, Over, Knutsford Morgan. Hudson Air. Edward W., Heath side Race Course, Heath side. Hulme Airs. Jane S., Heath aide Stamp Office, King street; Thomaa Basker- Hurst Mr. Frederick, Union Bank, King st ville, distributor. Hurst Air. Henry A., Rosehurst Tabley Town Hall, Princess street. Inman William S. Esq., King street Conveyance by Railway on the Cheshire Jackson Air. Charles, Queen street Alidland line, station, Knutsford; Jonathan Jackson Airs. Alary, King street Towler, stationmaster. Jones Airs. Alary, Silk AIUl street Coach to Chelford,at8.20 a.m. and 4.20p.m. Lees Air. Joseph, Holly Bank Tabley Carrier to Warrington, Francis Murphy, Lloyd Airs. Eliza, Manchester road from King street, Monday, Wednesday and Long Mr. Henry, Woodlands Saturday. Long Air. John, Grove house AleUor Mr. —, King street PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Alerriman Airs. Catherine, Heath house Alexander Air. J. B., Old Court house Alurray Afr. Charles, Heath Bank Banks Mr. John, Heath side Newland Mr. Henry AT., Heath side Barlow Air. Edward, Heath side NichoUs Thomaa F. Esq., King street Barriaclc Rev. Henry, M.A., the Vicarage Nicholson Mr. Frederick F., Heath side Dircotary. KNUTSFORD. 245

Norbury Miss Catherine, Heath aide Slater Mrs. Eliza, Princess street Oakes Mrs. —, Over Knutsford Speakman Mr. Thomas, Heath side Ogden Mr. Henry, Holly Bank, Tabley SutcUffe Mr. Joseph, Gas street Ogden Mr. John, Holly bank, Tabley SutfUffe WiUiam H. Esq., King street Osbome Rev. W. A., ALA., Crosstown SAvinbourne Air. Edmund, Princess street Paulden Mrs. Sarah, Heath side Thorley Mr. George, the Lodge Payne Air. Joseph B., Brook street Thorley Mrs. Margaret, the Lodge Pennington Air. Nathan, Over Knutsford Truss Rev. WiUiam R., Heath side Pierson Mr. Charles, Park cottage Twiss Air. Johu, Heath bank Piggott Mr. John, Heath side AVagstaffe Henry, Esq., King street RUey Rev. L. W., M.A., Crosstown vicarage Walkden Mrs. Alary J., Brook street Robinson Mrs. EUzabeth, Heath side Warhurst Mr. John, Bank house Robinson Mrs. EUzabeth, Alanchester road Watson Mr. Thomas, Princess street Roscoe Airs. Mary A., King street Wheeler Mr. Joseph, Heath side Sdmon Mr. Charles, Heath side Woodcock John K. Esq., King street Sedgley Charles, Esq., Heath side Wright Mrs. Elizabeth, King street


AGENTS. Union Bank of Manchester, Limited, King Howarth Thomas (for Johnson's tea). Princess street (draws on Glynn, Alills, Currie and Co. London), Frederi(-,k Hurst, manager street Jackson Joseph (for AUsopp and Sons, ales), Post Office Savings Bank, Priacess strept. King street—See advertisement John Hulme, Actuary Speakman Thomas (for Rafe 0. Leyce3ter,E8q.), Savings Bank, Princess street, open on Satur-- Heath side day from 1 tiU 3, John Siddeley, Actuarj AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MAKERS. BEER RETAILERS. (See also Inns, Hotels and Public Houses.) Harkes David, Mere Wood John, Manchester road FarraU Winefred, King street Illingworth George (and livery stables). Love ALE AND PORTER MERCHANTS. lane Darlington Peter, Malt street Kinsey Emma, SUk AliU street Jackson Joseph, King street—See advt. Lee Thomas, Market place ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS. Alurphy Francis, King street Barlow Edward, Heath side Post lea Thomas, Manchester road WUliamson Charlotte, Crosstown Clements T. R., Church hiU Davies T. M., King street BLACKSMITHS. Harkes David, Mere ARTISTS. Wood John, Manchester road (See also Photographic Artists. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND BAKERS AND FLOUR DEALERS. NEWSAGENTS. Copdand James, Heath side GiUiatt Richard, King street Foster Ann, Princess street Howarth Thomas (and music seller). Princess Green John, Market place street Hough James, King street Siddeley John, King street Watson WiUiam, King street—See advert. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Yarwood Robert, King street Alcock Alark, King street BANKS. Barnes Joshua, AlinshuU lane Parr's Banking Co. Limited, King street BaskervUle Thomas, King street (draws on Glynn, MiUa, Currie and Co., Bracegirdle Samuel, King street London), Robert Cram, manager. Brown Peter, Heath side 246 KNUTSFORD. WorralVs

BOOT, &C.. MAKERS—contintud. GREENGROCERS. Eaton James, King street DarUngton John, King street Hamman James, King street Pearson WUUam, King street Kelshaw Richard, King street Yarwood Robert, King street Payne John, Princees street Platt Joseph, King street GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. WUkinson James, Crosstown (See also shopkeepers.) Bagaley WiUiam (tea dealer). Princess stieet BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Barlow WiUiam, King street Thompson Jabez, Booth MUl and Northwich Beswick George, Manchester road —See advertisement Copdand James Heath side Foster Ann, Princess street BUTCHERS. Grice Joseph (tea dealer). King st.— See advt. BesAvick Ann, MinshuU street Hough James, King street BesAvick George Manchester road Jackson Joseph, King street—see advertisement Bradbury Joseph (pork). Brook street Leech Alary, Princess street Hayman Henry, Crosstown Nott Robert, King street Hayman James, Crosstown Tunstall Francis, Princess street Howorth Samuel, King street Watson WUliam, King st.—See advertisement Nicholls WiUiam, King street Wright AVilliam, King street Platt Geojge, King street Potter John, King street HATTERS. CABINET AIAKERS & UPHOLSTERERS Grice Joseph, King street.—see advertisement. Jones Pryce, King street.—see advertisement. Ardern John, King street Slater John, Princess street Reade William, King street AVilcigoose William, King street—see advt. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. INNS, HOTELS, AND PUBLIC HOUSES. Jackson P. H. & W., King street (See also beer retailers.) SILVESTER HENRY T. (pharmaceutical). Angel Hotel, Alice McGiU, King street King street—See advertisement Bowling Green, Alice Cutter, Manchester road Stevenson Thomas, Princess Brown Cow, Thomas AViUiamson, Princess st COACH AND CAB PROPRIETORS. Cross Keys, Henry Wilkinson, King street GoodaU B. & Co., King street Darlington's A^aults, Peter Darlington, Malt st Marrow Richard, Princess street Feathers, William Newnham, Tatton street COAL MERCHANTS. Golden Lion, John Green, Alarket place Legh Arms, Sarah Blackahaw, Over Knutsford Houlden William, Railway station—see advt- Lord Eldon, William Marsh, Tatton street Watson Richard, Railway station Rose & Crown, Thomaa Lee, King street CONFECTIONERS. Royal George Hotel, Sarah Caldecutt, King st HeAvitt Robert, King street White Bear, EUis J. Edwards, Heath side Hough John, King street White Lion, Edwin YarAvood, King street Hulme Alary A., King street INSURANCE OFFICES AND AGENTS. Leech Mary, Princess street—See advt. Accident, Thomas Howarth, Princess street FARMERS. AUiance (Ffre and Life), John Payne, Princess street Blackshaw Ezekiel, Nether Knutsford Crown (Life), Robert Cram, Parr's Bank, King Edwards Ellis J., White Bear, Heath side street Stockton Henry, Over Knutsford Norwich Union, John Siddeley, King street Twist Thomas, Nether Knutsford Queen, Thomas BaskerAille, King street AVatson Richard, MinshuU street IRON AND TIN PLATE WORKERS. GENERAL FURNISHERS. Hope WiUiam, King street Grice Joseph, King street.—See advertisement Lees Titua, King street Jones Pryce, King street.—See advertisement Musgrave Francis. King street—see advt AVildgoose William, King at—Se-endvn-tisement Wood Joeeph, AlinshuU lane pirectory. KNUTSFORD. 247

IRONMONGERS. ROPE, TWINE, AND NET Hope WiUiam, King street MANUFACTURERS. Lees Titua, King street Brandon Thomas, King street Musgrave Francis, King street.—see advt. Read Mark, Ravenscroft square Wood Joseph, AlinshuU lane SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. JOINERS AND BUILDERS. DumviUe Peter, King street Ardern Thomas, Tatton street Hickson WUliam, King street Beswick Charles, Crosstown—see advertisement MILLAR GEORGE, King street Beswick John & Joseph, Manchester road SCHOOLS—PRIVATE. Eden Thomas, Manchester road Paul James, Queen street (Marked thus • are boarding schools.) Platt George, Crosstown Alderson Emil)"-, Queen street Reade WiUiam (and cabinet maker). King st Ardern Elizabeth G., Tatton street Toft Peter, SUk MUl street CordweU Mary, Princess street Toft Reuben, King street •Davis Emma, Clifton house, the Heath •Eastwood Frances, Brook street LINEN, &c., DRAPERS. Galleymore Frances, Oak cottage. Heath side Bagaley WUliam, Princess street •Hulme Jane S., Heath side Grice Joseph, King street—see advertisement •Lawford John, Princess street Jones Pryce. King street—see advertisement •Newland Henry AL, Commercial school, Heath TunstaU WiUiam, King street side WILDGOOSE WILLIAM, King street—see •Riley Rev. L. W., M.A., Crosstown advertisement SCHOOLS—PUBLIC. MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS. Grammar school. King street; F. F. Nichol­ Coombes Ann, Princess street son, master Daniel Elizabeth, King street National schools Hamman, Mrs., King street Crosstown (St. Cross) ; Joseph Magee, master; Holland Sarah, King street Mary Magee, mistress Pass Elizabeth, King street Parochial school (boys), Adam's hiU ; John D. Reade Maria, King street Crossfield, master; girls, Tatton street, Emma Pennington, mistress NURSERYMAN, SEEDSMAN, AND FLORIST. SEEDSAIEN. CaldweU WilUam George, Knut8''ord and 01- Caldwell WiUiam George, Knutsford and 01- lerton Nurs ries.—see advertisement lertou Nurseries—see advertisement. Jackson P. H. & W., King street PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. Stevenson Thomas Princess street Birtles Thomas, Brook street SHOPKEEPERS. Gregory Charles, Love lane (see also grocers.) PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, PAINTERS, Armstrong Thomas, King street AND PAPERHANGERS. Aspin Henry, King street Birtles WiUiam, King street Birtles Thomas, Crosstown Ikin James, King street Brierley John, Tatton street NewhaU James, Manchester road, and at Great Brooks Alary, Princess street Budworth, near Northwich—see advt. Coppock Moses, Alarket place Steel WiUiam, MinshuU lane Davey AViUiam, Princess street PRINTERS.—LETTER-PRESS. Hallard Sarah, Crosstown Houlden James, MinshuU lane GiUiatt Richard, King stteet Leicester Samuel, Crosstown Howarth Thomas, Princess street Kennedy Ann, King street Siddday John, King street Alather Airs., King street PROFESSORS AND TEACHERS. Moston AVilliam, King street Twiss John, Heath bank Moult Elizabeth, King street Wright Alfred (music), King street Nicholls John, Brwok street 248 LOSTOCK GRALAM. WorraU'i

&aoPKBBPERs—continued. MISCELLANEOUS. Pedley WiUiam, Tatton steeet Banner Richard gun maker. Princess street P^ers WiUiam, King street Baylis Elizabeth, pawnbroker. Silk Mill street Seel Henry, King street Beeton George, gardener. Over Knutsford Whitby Ann, King street Brown George, coffee house, Tatton street Williamson Charlotte, Crosstown Burgess Misses, BerUn wool dealers. King st Woodall Hannah, King street Clayton Thomaa, assistant overseer and col­ SLATERS. lector of taxes. Over Knutsford Jackson Thomas (and bricklayer), Heath side Cockeram & Acton, plasterers, Crosstown Coppock Aloses, town cryer. Market place Kennerley Samuel, Tatton street Cox Albert S., veterinary surgeon, Tabley view, SOLICITORS. Alanchester road Ashworth & Inman, King street Cross John, auctioneer, SUk MUl street Sedgley Charles (and clerk to magistrates). DarUngton Peter, brewer, Malt street King street EUingham Jamea, driU instructor, 15thC.R.V., STONE MASONS. Heath side Darlington Samuel, Alanchester road Gidman John, cooper. King street UrsaU George, Brook street GreenaU Richard, public bakehouse. Market SURGEONS. place Gent Henry, King street Harlow Elizabeth, fishmonger. Princess atreet Nicholls Thomas F., King street Houlding Maria, upholstress. Silk Mill street SutcUffe & Woodcock, King street Long John, tanner, King street AVf gitaffe Henry, King street AlcClain, Joseph, solicitor's clerk, 6 Free­ holder's terrace. Love lane TAILORS. Marrow Richard, coach biulder. Princess st (Marked thus • are also woollen drapers.) Aloston James, cart owner, Ravenscroft square •Bell Joseph, King street MuUen Sergeant Major, King atreet Brierley John, Love lane Payne Hannah, leather seller. Market place Hammond Frederick, Crosstown Platt Robert, fustian cutter, Alarket place *Kynsey Thomas, Heath side Smith Charles, salt dealer. Market place Lindsay Joshua, Princess street Stewart Donald, excise officer. Princess street Pass Joseph, King street Storey Edward, china dealer, Manchester road •Pass Thomaa, Princess street Wheeler Joseph, reUeving officer and registrar. Richardson William, Tatton street Heath side *Slater John, Princess street Wild EUzabeth, miUer, Booth mUl Smith John, Adam's hill Wright Charles, band master, King street AA'^oolraer Walter, King street Yearsley Elizabeth, hair dresser. King street TOY DEALERS. Gidman John, King street T OSTOCK GRALAM is a township and GiUiatt Rif'hard, King street -L^ and village situated on the high road Webster Robert, King street between Knutsford and and NorthAvich, 5 mUes WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. south Avest from the former, and 2| N.E. from Blackhurst Thomas, Princess street the latter. The township is in the parish of Gidman Thomas, King street Great Budworth, NortliAvich union, hundred AVHEELW^RIGHT. and county court district, and diocese of Beswick Charles, Crosstown—see advt. Chester. The church, erected in 1844, is a neat brick edifice, dedicated to St. John ; the Uving AVHITESMITHS, LOCKSAIITHS, AND is a perpetual curacy of the value of £120 per BELLHANGERS. annum. The Rev, AViUiam Charles de Lancy Hamman William, Tatton street is the vicar; the living is under the patronage Musgrave Francis, King street—see advt. of the vicar of AV^itton. The Wesleyans have AVINE AND SPIRIT AIERCHANTS. a place of worship in the township, and there Jackson Joseph, King street—See advt. are National schools for chUdren of both sexes. Jackson P. H. & W., King street The North Staffordshire Railway, and Canal Wat*»on Willinm. King •^ircpt^see advt. Company's Canal pa.sfiep through thp townchipi JHrectdry. LYMM. 249 also the Cheshire Lines Committee's RaUway Moreton Charles N.-, saddler & harness maker, from Northwich to Manchester; the station is postmaster and assistant overseer immediately adjoining the vUlage. The district Nettleton Robert, wharfinger, canal wharf is principally agricultural, and there is a tannery Oakes Esther, Slow & Easy inn and corn and bone mills in the viUage. Popula­ Oekleston James, farmer, & com & bone miUs tion 1861, 467 ; 1871, 568 ; acreage, 1706. Oekleston John, farmer and tanner HULSE is a small township adjoining. Ormes Thomas, blacksmith St. John's Church ; Rev. WilUam Charles Ravenscroft John, farmer de Lancy, vicar Stelfox Edward, farmer Wesleyan Chapel, Lostock green Stevens EdAvin, National schoolmaster National School; EdAvin Stevens, master ; Stubbs Arthur, farmer, the Hulse Mary A. Stevens, mistreas Stubbs Peter, farmer and shoemaker RaUway Station, Lostock Gralam; John Swinton James, surveyor of roads Bailey, stationmaster. Taylor John, farmer Post Office, Lostock Gralam; Charles N. Tonge James, coal and Ume dealer. Railway Moreton, postmaster. Lefters arrive from station all parts (from Knutsford) at 8 a.m., and Warburton Henry, farmer are dispatched at 5-25 p.m. ; on Sunday Warburtou John, farmer the dispatch is at 9 55 a.m. Wilding John, mauager (Northwich is the nearest Telegraph Office.) WUding Joseph, manager Wilkinson John, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wood Elizabeth, farmer BuU WUliam, Esq. Wyatt Thomas, farmer de Lancy Rev. William Charles, the parsonage Edgerley Mr. James YMM is a parish in the Altrincham Union Morgan Mr. WilUam, Holford cottage L and Bucklow hundred, situated on the COMMERCIAL. Manchester, Warrington, Widnes, and Liver­ Baguley John, farmer, Hulse pool line of the London and North-Westem Bailey John, stationmaster Railway, about six miles W. from Altrincham, Ball Thomas, shopkeeper five S.E. from Warrington, seven N.W. from Carter Thomas, farmer, Hulse Knutsford, and 13| S.W. from Manchester. Clarke WiUiam, wheelAvright Here are two railway stations—Lymm, and Clough Miss Jane, ladies' boarding school, Heatby for Warburton. The Bridgewater Lostock seminary canal passes through the township. The Clough Thomas, farmer, Bfrch haU church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and is Cross John, farmer a handsome structure of stone, in the early Cross WiUiam, Black Greyhound decorated style of architecture, consisting of Cross WiUiam, mUler, Hulme mUl nave, side aisles, chancd, transept, and tower. Corker WiUiam, butcher, Lostock green The living is a rectory ; the Rev. Thomas Dean George, farmer, Hulse Redhead Branfoot, M.A., is the present rector. Dean Isaac, farmer Here is a grammar school, endowed in 1608, Glassford John, farmer by Sir George Warburton and WilUam Dom- Glassford WUliam, farmer vUle. There are also parochial schools. The Gleave John, farmer affairs of the parish are managed by a local Gooding John, farmer board. The population in 1861 waa 3,769, and Harkes WiUiam, agricultural implement maker in 1871, 4,541, and contains 4,849 acrea of Harrison Edward, farmer land. Hatton Thomas, farmer Heatley, Statham, and Oughtrington are Hesketh J. K. & W., mUlers, corn and fiour hamlets in this parish. At the latter a new merchants, Wincham corn and bone miUs church is in course of erection. Hewitt Edmund PLACES OF AVORSBIP & MINISTERS. Hindley George, farmer Parish Church (St. Mary's), Church Green— Hindley James, farmer Rev. Thomas R. Branfoot, M.A., rector. Hindley Thomas, farmer Parish Church (Oughtrington)—Rev. Frank HoUand John, shoemaker A. Mather, B.A., rector. Kinsey John, junr., farmer Chapel of Ease, Heatley. 250 LYMM. WorralVi

Baptist Chapel, Higher lane—Rev. Isaac Ridg­ Bowden Mr. WiUiam H., the Cottage, Broom- way, minister. edgo Congregational Chapel, Station road — Rev. Bower Mr. Samuel, Heatley Edward G. Cecil, minister. Boyd Mrs. Aun, Yewtree terrace Methodist Independent Chapel. Brabazon AViUiam P., Esq., M.D., Church greea Methodiat Primitive Chapel, Eagle Brow. Branfoot Rev. Thomaa R., M.A., the Rectory Methodist Wesleyan Chapel, New road Brierley Mrs. Ann, Booth's hiU Grammar School, Booth's hUl—Rev. Charles BroAvning Air. Thomas, Booth's hiU C. Ward, M.A., maater. Bury Mrs. Mary, Daisy bank Parochial School, Pepper atreet—James Greg- Cameron Mr. Hugh, Foxley hall aon, master ; Peter Lightfoot, assistant; Carter Air. Thomas, Statham Caroline NewaU, mistress; and Alice A. CecU Rev. Edward G., Sunny side Booth, infant mistress. Cottou Mr. Bartholomew, Sandy lane Registrar of Births and Deaths—WiUiam Fair­ Crossfidd John, Esq., Brookfidd hurst, Booth's hiU. Davies Air. Thomas, Booth's hUl Davies, Mr. Thomas, Sandy lane MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Dean Mr. John, Hawthorn cottage Fire Engine Station, Local Board Office, Pep­ Dewhurst Air. George, Oughtrington hall per street—Henry Dutton, superintendent. Dewhurst George C, Esq., J.P., Beechwood Gas Works, Canal bank, Pepper street—Henry house Pearson, secretary. Dewhurst Mr. John, Oughtrington house Government Tax ()ffice. Pleasant view farm, Draper Air. Robert W., Cherry lane Higher lane—John Holt, coUector. Draper Mr. Thomas, Church green Local Board of Health Office, Pepper street— Drinkwater Mr. John, Booth's hiU Peter Stubbs, Esq., chairman; Thomas Drinkwater AVUliam, Oak villa, Statham Grundy, Esq., clerk. Dutton Mr. Richard, Statham PoUce Station, New road—Henry Dutton, Edmodson Mr. James, Brookfield sergeant. Edmundson Mr. Richard, Birchbrook house, CONVEYANCE BT RAILWAY ON THE LONDON AND Heatley NORTH-WESTERN LINE. — Station, Lymm; Edwards Air. Julian, Eagle brow Thomas Jones, stationmaster. — Station, Everton Air. Henry, Rathbone house, Heatley Heatley ; Ralph Sampson, stationmaster. Fleming Mr. James W., Brookfidd CARRIERS BY ROAD.—To Warrington, Thomas Fletcher Mr. John, Sunny bank Moston ; every Wednesday and Saturday. Forrest Mr. George, Eagle brow CARRIERS BY WATER. — To Mancheater, Liver­ Forster Miss Margaret, Sandy lane, Heatiey pool, Runcorn, and Warrington (the Trustees Fox Miss Laura C, Booth's hill of the late Duke of Bridgewater); from the Frodsham Mrs. Esther, Booth's hill wharves, Burford lane, Heatley, and Lymm. Goodlass Air. Richard, Massey brook POST OFFICE, Eagle Brow : James Henshaw, Grundy Mr. Edward S., Reddish postmaster- Letters through Warrington Grundy Thomas, Esq., Booth's hill arrive at 7 40 a.m. and 4 30 p.m.; Sun- Hardey Miss Mary, Hawthorn house, Heatley daya, 9 45 a.m.; and are despatched at 9 55 Hardey Mrs. Mary, Heatiey cottage a.m. and 6 15 p.m.; Sundays, 9 45 a.m. Hately Mrs. EUzabeth, Brookfield Money Order Office and SaAings Bank, open Holland Air. David, Laburnam vUla from 9 a.m. to 5 45 p.m. Telegraph Office, Holt Air. James, Rose bank. Pepper street open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Holt Aliss Jane, Yewtree terrace Jackson Mrs. Esther, HoUy bank, Heatley PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Jackson Mr. Joseph, Rose cottage Andrew Mra. Martha E., Laurel bank Johnson Airs. Mary, Dean bank house Barton John Esq., the Chesnuts Kilborn Mr. Vincent, Bank house. New road Bayley Mr. WilUam, Craybrook, Statham King Mr. John, Foxley lodge Battersby WiUiam Esq., Lymm haU Knowlea Alias EUen, Heatley Bennett Charlea F., Esq., M.D., Grove house KnoAvles Mr. John, Heatley Bertram Colonel Charles, Oakfield, Statham Lees Mr. George H., the Elms, Booth's hiU Black Mr, James, Cranbrook viRa Longshaw Air. Peter Bolderson Air. Johu, Dean's green Melver Mrs. Mary S., Bleak house Directory. LTMM. 251

Mather Rev. Frank A., B.A., Foxley house Ashton Thomas, confectioner and agent for MiUican Mr. Jonathan, Higher lane the United Kingdom Temperance and MiUs Mr. Henry F., the Hollies general office, Booth's hill Milner Mr. Thomas G., Heatley houae AstaU George, farmer, Wilderspool lodge Morton Mrs. West view Atkinson William, farmer, Agden Newton Mrs. Margaretta, Ash cottage, Heatley Barlow Thomas, watch maker, &c.. Eagle brow Norris Mr. John, Booth's hill Barrow John, gardener. Booths hUl Norris Mr. Thomas P., Eagle brow house Baskettcr George, grocer, Bridgefoot Norris Air. Walker, High bank Bate Richard, fustian cutter, Massey brook Parkinson Mr. John W., Whitefield house, Beckett Samuel, George and Dragon, Heatley Heatley Bennett Charles, F., M.D., surgeon. Grove Pickin Mr. Joseph, Foxley cottage house Porter Rev. James N., Newfidd house, Heatley Bentley George, wholesale ironmonger, Sandy Pothecarry William AL, Esq., Holly bank laue Richardson Mrs. Emily, Booth's hill Blackledge John, farmer, Agden Richardson Mrs. Rachel, Laburnam villas Blease John, wheelwright. Booths hiU Ridgway Rev. Isaac, WUderamoor house Blinston Joseph, joiner, Statham Robinson Mr. Alfred, Booth's hiU BUnston WUUam, farmer, Statham Robinson John, Esq., Agden haU Booth John, shoemaker, Grove place Robinson Aliss Mary, Mount pleasant Booth John, shoemaker, Sandy lane, Heatley Robson John, Esq., M.D., Broomedge Bower Samuel, farmer, Heatley Robson Mr. WilUam, West view Brabazon William, P., M.D., suigeon, Church Rock Mr WUUam, Booth's hill green Rodgers Mr. Daniel, Firtree cottage, Statham Bradburn E. & L., fustain cutters. Booth's hiU Schwabe Air. Henry A., Dingle bank Bradburn Francis, fustian cutter. Rush green Shepherd Mr. John, Ash villas Bradbury Thomas, stonemason, Agden Smith Mr. James C, Birchbrook lodge, Heatley Brazendale Thomas, agent for the Union Stanyer Rev. WilUam, M.A., Heatley Friendly Society, Bridgefoot Stubs Peter, Esq., Statham lodge Brazendale Thomas, farmer, Burford lane SwauAvick Mr. John, A., Beech cottage Brazendale WiUiam, grocer and joiner. Bridge- Taylor Mrs. EUzabeth, Booth's hiU water street Taylor Mr. Henry, Ash viUas Broadey Samud, bootmaker and greengrocer, Thomason Mrs. Alargaret, Statham Booth's hiU Thornley Rev. William, Yewtree teiTace Broadey Thomas, bootmaker, the Cross Travis Mr. James, Highfield house Brookes John, mason. Ash cottage, Heatley AVard Rev. Charles C, M.A., Cambridge houae Brookes Thomas, butcher. Booth's hill Watson Mr. George H., Booth's hiU Brookes Robert, farmer & cattle dealer, Statham Wood Air. Peter, Sandy lane Broomedge National School, Mary Milner, Woodall Miss Martha, the Limes schoolmistress Wootton Mr. George G., New road Broomhead Johu, plumber, Broomedge Wright Charles R., Esq., Yewtree terrace Brown Edwin, grocer, the Cross, Booth's hill Wright Air. —, Newhouse cottage, Agden and Heatley Wright Jervas, Esq., Broomedge Bunco WiUiam, hay and straw dealer. Bridge- water Arms, Bridgewater street COMMERCIAL. Butterworth Mary, fustian cutter, Lymm Bridge Acton John, farmer, Agden Cameron Hugh, agent for George C. Dewhurst, Aldcroft Josiah, joiner. Eagle brow Esq., Foxley hall Allen George, farmer, Heatley Carter John, shopkeeper. Booth's hill Andrews Johu, farmer, Heatley Chadd AViUiam, beer retailer, Booth's hill Appleton Samuel, fustain cutter, Statham Cheetham WUUam, shopkeeper, Oughtrington Ardern Eliza, stationer, Eagle brow lane Ardern John, joiner and buUder, Broomedge Chorley John, farmer, Rush green Ardern Thomas, joiner, builder, cabinet Clarke Eliza, dressmaker, New road maker, and school furniture manufacturer, Clarke Joseph, blacksmith, Heatley Henry street-^^S'eg advertisement Clayton Edward, fustain cutter, Booth's hill 2u2 LYMM. WorraWi

Clayton Sarah, schoolmistress, Oughtrington Gibbon James, farmer. Cherry It^ne National School, Sandy lane Gibbon John, farmer, Ag^cu Clayton WiUiam, fustian cutter. Booth's hiU Gibaon George, police constable, Canal street Clowes John, tailor, Higher lane Glossop John, farmer, Broomedge Collina John, grocer and baker, Burford lane Goodlass, Wall & Co., colour manufacturers, Cooper Isaac, blacksmith, Broomedge Massey brook Cottam Bartholomew, scripture reader, Sandy Gosling WiUiam, shopkeeper and beer retailer, lane Broomedge Cowburn Anthony, toU collector, Broomedge Gregson EUzabeth, china dealer, the Cross Cundall Joseph, bricklayer. New road Grundy Edward S., farmer. Reddish Dale John E., farmer. Dog inn, Oughtrington Guest John, shopkeeper. Cross brow, Statham Dantic William, manure manufacturer, Statham Guest Joseph, fuatian cutter. Star Inn, Statham Manure works Guest William, stonemason and farmer, Bur­ Darbyshire Thomas, grocer, Lymm bridge ford lane Davies George, fustian cutter and shopkeeper. Hampson John, market gardener. Rush green Rush green Harrison George, agent for the trustees of the Dennett Peter, shopkeeper. Booths hiU Duke of Bridgewater, Burford lane Ditchfield Henry, coal dealer, Statham Harrison Thomas, butcher, the Cross Dodsou Johu, fustian cutter, Oughtrington Hart John, veterinary surgeon, BuUs Head inn Dodaon William, fustian cutter, Oughtrington Hatton WiUiam, shoemaker. Grove place Draper Robert W., tanner. Cherry lane Heald Henry, bricklayer and buUder, Booth's Dunning John, Church inn. Church green hill Dutton Henry, sergeant of poUce, police station. Henshall James, chemist, grocer, seedsman & New road postmaster. Post Office jjlace. Eagle brow Dutton Rich..rd, ateward for J. W. Fox, Esq., Hewitt Robert, plumber. Eagle brow Statham Hill Henry, farmer, aud Jolly Thresher Inn, Edmundson Richard, farmer, Birchbrook house, Brootnedsre Heatley Holford George, miUiner and dressmaker. New Evans Isaac H., Pharmaceutical chemist, wine road and spirit merchant and agent for the Cale­ HoUingworth George, wheelwright, Broomedge donian Life Insurance Co., Medical Hall, Holt James, fustian cutter, Sandy lane, and the Cross Pepper street Fairdough J. & J., butchers, the grove Holt John, farmer, assistant overseer, coUector Fairdough James, Golden Fleece Inn of taxes and parish derk, Pleasant view farm Fairhurst WUliam, registrar of births aud Holt Richard, hairdresser deaths and reUeving officer for Lymm dis­ Holt Thomas, fustian cutter, Saudy lane, trict, and agent for the Liverpool and Lon­ Heatley don, and Globe Insurance Co., Newfidd Houghton Annie, grocer cottages. Booth's hiU Houghton Isaac, Blacksmith Fearnett EUzabeth, shopkeeper, Bridgewater st Howard George, farmer, Heatley Fire Brigade Station, Local Board Office, Pepper Howard Ralph, boot and clog malter, Booth's street, Henry Dutton, superintendent hiU Fletcher John, agent, Sunnybank Howard Robert T., draper, Bridgewater street Forrest George, miller, Lymm miUs & grocer, Irlam James, farmer, Beechwood lane corn and flour dealer, Bridge street Jackson Thomas, boot maker, Bridgewater st Forrest John, agent for the Pelican Life and Johnson Jacob, beer retailer, Heatley the Manchester Fire Insurance Companies, Johnson John, fustian cutter, Rush green Bridge street Johnson Mary, ladies boarding school, Dane Forrest George, farmer. Dairy farm bank Forrest John B., draper, the Cross Johnson Mary, farmer, Statham Forrest Joseph, farmer, Ditchfidd bridge Jones Thomas, station master, Lymm station Foster David, farmer. Reddish Jones WiUiam, saddler. Eagle brow Foster John, farmer. Rush green KdsaU Jonathan, market gardener, Agden Foster Thomas, farmer, Heatley Knowles John, fustian cutter, Booth's hill Frangleton John, plumber. Booth's hiU Knowles John, grocer and tailor, Rush green Garner Jamea, grocer and baker, MiUstone inn Leah Ann, dressmaker. Booth's hiU Directory. LYMM.

Leah James, bootmaker, Bridgefoot Perrin Johu, Railway Hotel, Heatley Lear Elizabeth, dressmaker. Grove place Pickton John, tailor, draper and agent for Leather Richard, fustian cutter, Statham John Berry, dyer, and for the Eagle Life Leigh Elliot, farmer, Burford lane Insurance Company, Eagle brow Leigh George, market gardener, Oughtrington Pickton Peter, taUor. Booth's hill lane Police Station, New road, Henry Dutton, Leigh WiUiam, plumber and painter, the Cross sergeant Leygh Noah, farmer. Booth's hiU Pott Elizabeth, Boat House Inn, Agden Local Board Office, Pepper street RadcUffe Joseph, fustain cutter, Heatlev Lomax WiUiam, farmer, WUdersmoor farm Ramsdale Peter, grocer and baker, Heatley, Longshaw John, farmer and at Sinderland Lord Thomas, fustian cutter, Heatley RatcUffe Martha, grocer. Booth's hill Lymm Gas Co. Works, Pepper street, Henry Roach John, tailor Pearson, secretary RowUnson Josei^h, shopkeeper, Oughtrington Mairs Peter, coal dealer. Boat stage lane Mantle WiUiam, beer retaUer, Heatley RowUnson Alark, grocer and baker, Heatley Alarsh James, farmer. Cherry lane Rowson Edward, linen and wooUen draper, Marsh John, farmer, Statham the Cross Massey Edward, farmer. Cherry lane Sampson Ralph. Station master, Heatley station Massey Louisa, confectioner, the Cross Shakeshaft Richard, farmer and nurseryman, MUlican Jonathan, boarding school. Higher Statham— see advertisement lane Sharpies James, farmer, Statham MUlican Sarah, day school. Booth's hiU ShaAV John, farmer, Burford lane Milner Alary, schoolmistress. National School Shaw WiUiam, farmer, Heatley (and miUer), Moore George, fustian cutter, Sandy lane, Warburton mills Heatley Simpson James, farmer, Heatley Morgan Enoch, farmer, Statham Skelton John, smaUware and general dealer. Morgan George, farmer. Cherry lane Eagle brow Mort James, watercress grower, Canal bank SkiUing WilUam, agent for the Liverpool Vic­ Moss James, butcher, Heatley toria Legal Friendly Society, Rush green Moston Henry, fustian cutter. Booth's hiU Smith Albert, plumber. Higher lane Moaton Mary, fustian cutter, Sandy lane, Smith James C, boarding school, Bfrchbrook Heatley lodge, Heatley Moston PhiUip, fustian cutter. Booth's hill Smith Henry P., driU instructor (32 C.R.V.;, Moston Thomas, coal dealer. Railway station, Eagle brow and carrier to Warrington Stanton Henry, farmer, Statham Moston WUUam H., fustian cutter, New road Starkie Samuel, farmer, Agden NcAvton Peter C, tobacconist, Bridgewater st Statham Matthew, wheelwright. Eagle brow NcAvton WiUiam, farmer, Heatley Stanyer Rev. WiUiam, M.A., Secretary Na­ Nightingale John, coal and Ume merchant, tional Educational Union, Heatley Lymm station and ThelwaU coal wharf, Stelfox Henry T., farmer. Higher lane residence and yard. Booth's hiU—see advt. Stott Annie, bookseUer, Depot for British and Oldfield Aun, farmer, Beech tree farm Foreign Bible Society, Eagle brow Oldfield Robert, farmer. Stage farm Stretch Edward, farmer, Cherry lane Oughtrington National School, Sandy lane, Stretch John, farmer. Cherry lane Sumner Harriet, Innkeeper and coal proprietor. Sarah Clayton, mistress Owen John, farmer. Model farm, Foxley Plough and Railway Hotel, Lymm station Papworth John, toU collector, ^Booth's hiU Taylor John B., ironmonger, and agent for Pearson Henry, draper and secretary to the the Royal Insurance Co., the Cross Gas Co., the Cross ^ Taylor Thomas, farmer, Brook House, farm Pearson Sarah, draper and miUiner, Booths hiU Temperton George, grocer. Eagle brow Pearson Thomas, greengrocer, Bridgewater st Thomas Ann, fustian cutter. Rush greeft Pearson Thomas, farmer and butcher, Green­ Heatley bank, Chetry lane Thomason EUen, fastian ci:tter. Bush green, Perkins Samuel, farmer, Broomedge Heatley 254 MARBURY. [WorralVi

Thomason John, bootmaker, and agent for the ERE is a township in Rostherne parish, Aceideutal, London and Lancashire, Scottish M Bucklow hundred, and Altrincham Fund AVidows (Life), and the Manchester union ; about 2^ miles from Knutsford and 7 Fire Insurance Companies, Bridgewater st from Northwich, and contained in 1861, 556, Thomason Thomas, fustian cutter, Oughtrington aud 1871, 540 inhabitauts, and 2438 acres of Thomason William, fustian cutter, Heartley land. Thornicroft Matthew, milliner and draper. Hoo GREEN is a hamlet in this township. Booth's hill Letters through Knutsford. Travis James, boarding school, Highfield house. Brooke T. W. L., Esq., Alere new hall Higher lane Crum AVUUam C, Esq., Alere old haU Trustees of the Duke of Bridgewater, Carriers COAIAIERCIAL. and coal proprietors and dealers, George Ardern AVilliam, farmer Harrison, agent, Burford lane, and Lymm Birch W^iUiam, farmer Warburton John, grocer and ageut for W. & Bland Thomas, toU coUector A. GUbe3''s wines and spirits, the Cross Brett Samuel, wheelwTight Warburton George, farmer, Statham Briggs Robert, shopkeeper Warburton Richard, saddler. Bridge street Burgess John, farmer AVarburton Peter, grocer. New road, and farmer. Burgess Thomas, farmer Booth's hUl Carter AVilliam, miUer Warburton Robert, farmer. Cherry lane Earl John, smith Webb John, Innkeeper, Spread Eagle, Eagle Foden John, steward for T. W. L. Brooke, Esq. brow Harkes David, blacksmith West Mary, ladies school Glassford George, farmer Wheeler John, wheelwright. New road Heald William, schoolmaster Wibberley Joseph, grocer, Statham Henshaw Isaac, farmer Wilkinson Joseph, tailor. Higher lane Hewitt Thomas, farmer WUkinson Peter, tailor, Sandy lane, Heatley HeAvitt WiUiam, farmer WiUiams John, beer retailer. Rush green Hickson Robert, saddler WUUamson George, grocer and cart owner, Hignett Thomas, farmer Broomedge Hough WiUiam, farmer WUUamson John, jun., beer retailer. Booth's Hulnr.e James, farmer hUl Long John, tanner WUson Isaac, fustian cutter. Rush green, Lowe John, toll collector Heatley Morris Nathaniel, farmer Winstanley Margaret, Nag's Head Inn, Booth's Oekleston Henry, farmer hUl Oekleston Thomas, farmer Winstanley Peter, beer retaUer, Heatley Oilier Charles, farmer WoodaU Martha, farmer, the Limes TunstaU WUliam, shopkeeper Woodall Samuel, farmer, Heatley Stringer Joseph, farmer Woodhead James, fustian cutter, New road Walton WilUam, farmer Woods Annie, grocer, Booth's hill Wootton George G., clerk. New road Wright Charles R., surgeon. Yew Tree terrace, Wright Jarvas, surgeon, Broomedge MIDDLEWICH. Wright Mary, farmer, Statham Yarwood John, cattle dealer, Beechwood lane Newton, Kinderton-cum-Hulme, Sproston. ll/riDDLEWICH is a parish comprising the ll/rARBURY is a smaU township in Great ITJ. townships ofByley-cum-Yatehou8e,CUve, LVX Budworth parish, 1| mUes north from Croxton, Kinderton-cum-Hulme, Moresbarrow- Northwich, containing a population in 1871 of cum-Parme, Newton, Occleston, RaA'cnscroffc, 84 inhabitants, and comprising an area of 362 Sproston, Stublach, Sutton, Weaver, Wim- acres. Letters through NorthAvich. boldsby and MinshuU Vernon. Middlewich is Barry Arthur H. Smith, Esq., Marbury haU a very ancient market town, 6 miles south-east DarUngton John, farmer from NorthAvich, 21 east from Chester, 167 Ruscoe Thomas & Son, corn miUers, Marbury from London and 3 from Winsford. In the Directory. MIDDLEWICH. 2-.).) immediate neighbourhood are several salt PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, &c. springs, with salt works adjacent. The name of the toAvn is derived from its central situation Burial Board, W. R. Court, Esq., chairman ; in respect to the " Wiches," or salt-producing David Harding, clerk. Cemetery, Newton towns. The Parish church, dedicated to St. County Constabulary—Richard Rowbottom, Michael & AU-Angds, ia an ancient Gothic struc­ superintendent, and inspector of weights ture, AvithtoAver containing a peal of six bells. and measures. Queen street The Uving, a vicarage of the annual value of Gas AVorks, Kinderton—Peter Hancock, lessee £160, is held by the Rev. Henry Goodwin, Local Board, Charles F. Barker, Esq., chair­ M.A. There are places of worship for In- man ; David Harding, clerk; Joseph War­ pendents, Methodists, Society of Friends, and ing, surveyor Roman Catholics. The National schools in Literary & Scientific Institution, Town Hall; Thomas Hulme, secretary Lewin street are well attended by children of both sexes. The Town haU and Market house Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Alarriages ; David Harding, for Middlewich district, ia a neat building near the parish church, Kinderton the lower part is devoted to market purposes, Stamp Office, Hightown; Orlando BaU, dis­ and the upper portion is used as a Library, tributor reading-room, aud also for the holding of Petty sessions. The market is held on Tuesday, and Town HaU, Hightown there are fairs on the last Tuesday in February, CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, ON THE LONDON AND April and October. Middlewich is a station NORTH-WESTEEN RAILWAY, Northwich, Mid- on the London & North Western Railway Avich, and Sandbach branch. Station at branch from Northwich, to Sandbach. The Middlewich, J. T. Green, stationmaster North Staffordshire Railway Company's Canal CONVEYANCE BY WATER, to aU parts.— The passes through the town. The Sanitary and North Staffordshire Railway Company, Canal other local affairs of the town and suburbs are Wharf, Thomaa BaU, agent regulated by a Local Board, the population of CARRIERS BY ROAD.—To Northwich, Jamea the district under their auperintendance, in­ Oakes, from Junction Inn, Newton, every cluding Middlewich and parts of Kinderton and Friday Newton, was, in 1871, 3,150 ; in Middlewich SPROSTON is an agricultural township in the township alone, the population in 1861 was parish of Middlewich, 2 miles east from that 1,203, and in 1871, 1,283. town; containing a population in 1861, of 163, NEWTON is a township forming a suburb of, and in 1871, 158 inhabitants, and 846 acres. and in the parish of Middlewich to the south. Letters through Middlewich. There are very extensive grounds laid out as Post Office, High Town, MiddleAvich ; (Aloney nurseries here, by Mr. Boosey of Middlewich; Order, Telegraph & Savings' Bank); George also the AliddloAvich cemetery, the two beau­ Gresty, postmaster. Letters arrive at 7 a.m. tiful chapels in this pleasant burial place, are and 2-20 p.m.; Despatches at 10-45 a.m., admirable specimens of Gothic architecture. and 10 p.m. KINDERTON-CUM-HULME is a toAvnship in the parish of MiddleAvich, and forms a suburb on PRIVATE RESIDENTS. the eastern side of the town. The Railway Barker Charles Frederick, Esq., Queen street station and Gas works are in this township. Bembridge Rev. Edward Rushton, B.A., Queen Population in 1861, 477 ; in I87I, 485. Acre­ street age, 1637. Letters through Middlewich. BlundeU Mrs., Elm cottage, Newton PLACES OF W^ORSHIP AND THEIR Brown Mrs. Francis, Wheelock street AIINISTERS. Miss EUzabeth C, Stanthorne lodge Saint Michael's Church, Rev. Henry Goodwin, Court William R., Esq., J.P., Manor haU M.A., A'icar ; Rev. Edward R. Bembridge, Dutton Miss Mary, Queen street B.A., curato Dutton Richard, Esq., Stanthorne haU Congregational Ch.apel, Queen street—Rev. Fison Rev. Edward, Kinderton George K. AValker, minister Goodwin Rov. Henry, M.A., the vicarage, N. Primitive Methodist Chapel, Newton Henshall Miss, Newton Weslej-an Chapel, Lewin street Hughes Mrs. Margaret, Wheelock street Roman Catholic Chapel, Lewin street; Rev. Jones Mrs. Mary, Moreton vUla, Newton Kidd Mra. EUen, Queen street John Moore, pri6§:Ji lioO MIDDLEWICH. [WorraU'i

Lea Mr. Joseph, Newton BOOKSELLER, STATIONER & PRINTER. Alanley Mrs. Ann, Wheelock atreet Jackson John F. (and binder), Hightown Moore Rev. John, LcAvin street BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. Moss Airs., Ravenscroft hall Bayley WilUam, Wheelock atreet PownaU James, Esq., Newton hall Reeves Aliss Frances, Wheelock etreet Benbow WiUiam, Wheelock street Rosson Airs. Mary, Newton Brocklehurst John, Kinderton Sproston Air. John, Wheelock street Bunn Thomas, Newton Sproston Mr. Thomas, Newton heath Cooper Isaac, Newton Steele Air. George, Spring cottage, Newton Dale Frederick, Leadsmithy street Thompson Mrs. Elizabeth, Queen street Egerton Richard, Wheelock street Walker Rev. George K., Wheelock atreet Fairhurst Thomas, Hightown Wood Aloreton, Esq., Newton cottage Fairhurst Thomas, NcAvton Hough James, Wheelock street Hough Ralph, Wheelock street CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES, Thornton Henry (dealer), Hightown PROFESSIONS, &c. Washington John, Wheelock atreet AGENTS. BUTCHERS. Hancock Peter (for Jones' sewing machines), Bunn Joshua, Wheelock street Kinderton Challenor Samuel. Lewin street Sweatman William (for iron, steel, &c.), Lewin Darlington Ralph, Wheelock street street—See advertisement DarUngton Shem, Wheelock street AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MAKER. Hulme William H., Wheelock street Sweatman William (and smith), Lewin street Lees Mary, Leadsmithy atreet —See advertisement Lees WiUiam, junr.. Lower street Moss Thomas, Lewin street BAKERS. Neild Henry, Kinderton * Cawley Daniel Wliedock street Goodier Elizabeth, Leadamithy atreet CHEAIISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Podmore John, Hightown Ryle Joshua, Wheelock street BANKS. Ward Henry, Lower street Union Bank of Manchester (sub branch) ; open CHINA AND GLASS DEALER. on Tuesday from 12 to 4-30 p.m., and on Sant WiUiam, HightoAvn Thursday from 12 to 2-30 (draw on Glyn, CLOGGERS. MiUs& Co., London); WilliamSmith, manager Dobson WilUam, Hightown Savings' Bank, Hightown ; open on Tuesday Foster James, Lower street from 2 to 4; William Smith, Esq., treasurer; David Harding, actuary ; C. B. Lea, auditor COAL MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. Post Office Savings' Bank, Hightown, Aliddle- BaUey James, Canal Wharf Avich ; George Gresty, postmaster Egerton WiUiam, NeAvton Foden EdAvin, railway station BEER RETAILERS. Glover Samuel (and potato). Lower street Braithwaite William, Kinderton Dale Frederick, Leadsmithy street CONFECTIONERS. Mottershead Samuel, Newton Hewitt Robert, Wheelock street Osborne Philip, canal bank Sant Abraham, junr., Wheelock street BLACKSMITHS. CORN AND FLOUR DEALERS. Dale George, LeAvin steeet Bebbington R. G., Newton Dale Thomas, Wheelock street Bostock George, Stanthorne Jones WUliam, Wheelock atreet Bostock John (and provision), Newton Lea Robert, Newton Buckley George, Hightown Sweatman WiUiam (and maker of palisading, Royle Margaret, Kinderton gates, &c.), LcAvin street—See advertisement BOAT BUILDER. CURRIERS. WiUiams James (canal and pleasure), Newton Sproston Charles (and tanner), Wheelock st —See advertisement AVafihington Thomaa, Wheelock steeet Dirtciury. AIIDDLEWICH.

FARMERS. CroAvn, George Chdl, Lewin street Andrews George, Newton Golden Lion, Samuel PerciA'al, Newton 3arratt George, Stanthorne Half-way-House, —. Yarwood, Sproston Beech George, Newton Horse and Jockey, Richard Jackson, LoAver st Buckley Thomas, Croxton Junction, James Oakes, Newton Carter James, Kinderton King's Arms (Commercial and posting, and Carter Robert, Stanthorne Excise office), Frances Earl, Hightown Cook George, Kinderton Lord Hood, Thomas Clark, Pepper street Darlington AVilUam, Stanthorne NaAigation, Richard Hodskis, Kinderton Davenport Charles, Stanthorne Raihvay, George Ca])per, Kinderton Gough Mrs., Sproston Red Cow, George Dean, AVhedock street HoBinshcad Charles, Oekleston Red Lion, John Bayley, Newton HoUinshead Harriet (Exors. of), Edgefield Rose and Crown, Isaac AVorthington, Lewin st Lea Airs., Sproston Royal Oak, WiUiam Percival, Lewin street Lea C. B., Sproston Talbot, WilUam Meakin, Kinderton Lea Thomas, Sproston Wheat Sheaf, William Bowyer, Lower street Lownds John, Kinderton White Bear (commercial and posting), Joseph Aladdock Richard, Kinderton AVaring, AVhedock street Marrow Peter, Sutton AVhite Horse, John Thomason, Lewin street MiUington George, Ravenscroft White Lion, Mary Maulkin, AVhedock street Mosa Mrs., Newton Oakes Joseph, Oekleston INSURANCE OFFICES AND AGENTS. Podmore John, Newton Accident, Thomas Hulme, Hightown Prescott George, Sutton Alliance (fire), Henry L. AA^'ard, Lower street Prescott John, Kinderton British Empire Mutual, Thomas Hulme, High- Roles George, Newton town v\ Sherwin John, Sproston Liverpool, and London, and Globe, Thomas Taylor John, Croxton haU Hulme, Hightown A''enables Richard, Sproston Manchester (fire), J. F. Ja(--kson, Hightown Warris George, Newton Mutual (life), Henry L. AVard, Lower street Wright WiUiam, Sproston Norwich and London Plate Glass, Thomas Yarwood Bradford, Kinderton Hulme, Hightown GARDENERS. Scottish Amicable, George Buckley, HightoAvn Andrews George, Newton Shropshire and North Wales, David Harding, Copnall William, Newton Kinderton Derbishire John, Lewin street Sun, John H. Cooke, Kinderton Hodgkinson Thomas, Newton IRON AND TIN-PLATE AA'ORKERS. Sproston Jane, Newton Stubbs Joseph, Newton Rathbone Ann, AVhedock street GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. Whittaker Frederick, Leadsmithy street AVhittaker AViUiam, Hightown Buckley George, Hightown IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER. Buckley Mary, Hightown Hulme Thomas, Hightown Evans Thomas (aud engineer), Newton Pinches Richard, Lewin street Sant WiUiam, Hightown JOINERS AND BUILDERS. Stannier Thomas, Wheelock street Dean George, Wheelock street Thornton Henry, Hightown AVright Hannah, Wheelock street Dean James, Newton Lawrence Charles, Wheelock street INNS AND PUBLIC-HOUSES. Boar's Head, Ann Hassall, Kinderton LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Black Bear, James Brown, Pepper street Ball Oriandp (and hatter & hosier), Hightown BuU's Head, Joseph Kinsey, Wheelock street Cook Thomas, Hightown Carbinier, WiUiam AVoodward, Hightown Dierden John, AVheelock street Cheshire Cheese, Charles HoUinshead, Newton Stanier Thomas, AVhedock street 258 AIIDDLEWICH. [ WorralVs

MILLERS. SHOPKEEPERS. Bostock George, Stanthorne mill Bratherton George, Kinderton Pickering John, Sutton Burgess WiUiam, AVheelock street Pickering Samuel, Kinderton Cawley Daniel, AVheelock street Taylor John, Croxton Dale Thomas, Wheelock street Dale Timothy, Leadsmithy street MILLINERS. Darlington Joseph, Wheelock street Bailey Frances, Lewin street Davies Joseph, Leadsmithy street Henshaw Mary, Hightown Davies Samuel, Lower street Hitchin Maria, Wheelock street Glover Samuel, Leadsmithy street Read A. E. & Zvt., Queen street Harrop James, AVheelock street HoUinshead James, Lewin street NAIL AIAKERS. Hough AVilliam, Newton Hughes Benjamin, Lower street LaAvrence Thomas, AA''heelock street Wilkinson Thomas, Leadsmithy street Osborne PhiUp, Canal bank Patterson Samud, Newton NURSERY AND SEEDSMAN. Percival George, Wheelock steeet Percival James, Lower street Boosey WiUiam, MiddleAvich Nurseries, and Percival James, Wheelock street High street, NorthAvich—see advertisement Siddon Jaue, Wheelock street PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, AND GLAZIERS. Walton Elizabeth, Hightown YoxaU William, Kinderton Bailey Frances, Lewin street Whitehead Richard, Wheelock street SOLICITORS. SADDLERS. Barker Charles Frederick (clerk to the justices, Northwich division, and to the commissioners Cooper Edwin, Wheelock street of income-tax, and to the Highway Board), Mann Peter, Hightown Queen street SALT AVORKS (PROPRIETORS OF). Cooke John Henry, Kinderton Bush John & Son, Moulton HaU Salt Works, SURGEONS. AVinsford, and Wheelock street, MiddlcAvich. Blakey William, Queen street see advertisement Hughes James, AA''heelock street Chatterton Elizabeth C, Pepper street Salt TAILORS. Works ; J. Troughton, manager Ball Orlando (and draper), HightoAvn Seddon Ralph, Kinderton Salt Works ; Man­ Bebbington Samuel, AA'hedock street chester warehouse, 52 SackviUe street, Port­ land street Dale Thomas, Kinderton VERDIN JOSEPH & SONS, Middlewich, Hough John, AA''heelock street AVinsford, Northwich, and Marston. — see PoweU Joseph (and draper), AVhedock stieet advertisement Wharton John, Lower street Yeoman Richard H., Middlewich WooUey Henry (clothier). Lower street WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. SCHOOLS. Alcock Thomas, AVheelock street Carr John (boarding), Webb's lane house AndrcAvs William, W^hedock street Dean Thomas, Lower street Grammar School, Newton ; Nicholas Fearon, WHEELWRIGHTS. master Henshall Thomas, Lewin street HiU Mary, Newton Walker Ralph, Newton Mann Alary Ann (boarding), Lewin street AVINE AND SPIRIT AIERCHANT. National — Isaac Horsfidd, master ; Emily BroAvn James (and ale and porter), Wheelock Harding, mistress ; Mary LaAvton, infants' mistress street Prosser Susannah, Kinderton AIISCELLANEOUS. Roman CathoUc, Lewin street—Mary Ann Barker Richard, veterinary surgeon, Wheelock Molyneaux, n iatresa street Directoni. AlOORE. >.5Ky

BitheU Henry, chimney sweeper, Lower street CaAvley Thomaa, farmer Blagg James, fiismonger, Wheelock street Duprey William, painter & aasiatant overseer Braithwaite AVUUam, brewer, Newton brewery Forrester Thomas, farmer Burke Mary, hardware dealer, Lewin atreet Gleave John, shopkeeper Carr Thomas, ropemaker, Newton Hanley Henry, station master, Dm-esbuiy (late Carter William, inland revenue officer, Newton Moore) station DrinkAvater AVilliam, basketmaker, Wheelock st Hayes Henry, farmer HaUiwell John, furniture aud general dealer, Jackson John, farmer HightoAvn Keenan WiUiam, station master, Moore station Harding David, derk to the Local Board, and Aliddleton Henry, Red Lion inn, and farmer actuary of the Aliddlewich Savings Bank, Oulton John, blacksmith Kinderton Swinton John, farmer Harthan John & Ezra, sUk throwsters, Middle­ Avich, and Wheelock AliU OULTON is a toAvuship in the parish of Hill PhiUp, horse breaker, NcAvton M Davenham, in the hundred union and Jones AVilUam, inspector of the North Stafford­ county court district of, and 2| mUea south shire Railway Company's canal, Newton from, Northwich. There are chapela for the Joule Elizabeth, professor of music. Pepper st Independents and Primitive Methodists, and a Kinsey Joseph, bricklayer, Wheelock street National school for girls and infants. Lindop Thomas, engineer and mUlwright, At NcAvbridge iu this township are aaltworka. Newton Population, 1861, 395; 1871, 511; increaso Lowndes AVilliam, clerk, Lewin street 111. Acreage, 483. Manley George, fruit dealer, Newton Letters through Northwich; Davenham Mayler EdAvard, furniture dealer, Hightown is the nearest money order office. Nightingale John, ropemaker, Leadsmithy st Congregational Chapel Norton WilUam, hairdresser, Hightown Primitive Alethodist Chapel Oilier Elizabeth, cooper, Wheelock street National School; Eleanor Reid, mistress Royle EUzabeth, hosier, Lewin street Astbury WUliam, farmer Sproston John, fruit dealer, Newton Brooks Samuel, shopkeeper ThornhiU Francis, cabinet maker, AVheelock st Cowley Edward, manager of saltworks and Waring Joseph, surveyor AVheelock atreet shopkeeper Whittaker Thomas, general dealer, Wheelock DarUngton Thomas, com dealer, grocer and street farmer Woodbine John, potato denier, Lewin street Fryer Joseph, farmer GiU John, farm bailiff OORE, or MOOR, ia a amaU viUage and MeUor James, bookseller, and agent to the M township in the parish of Runcorn, and People's Universal Insurance Company hundred of Bucklow; situated about 4^ mUes Ravenscroft Caleb, grocer from Runcorn and .3^ from AVarrington ; here Rhodes George, joiner are two RaUway stations, a AVesleyau chapel, Roberta Charles, farmer and a school. Acreage, 901 ; Population in Southern John, boot and shoemaker 1871, 344. Verdin John, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. A''erdin J. & R. AV., salt manufacturers, New­ Carter Mr. Jamea bridge salt Avorka Cassidy Air. James, Wilson William, farmer Dutton Air. Jamea Heron Rev. George, M.A. EWTON-BY-DARESBURY is atownahip Hardman Mrs. N in the parish of Runcorn, and hundred MUner N. D., E^. of Bucklow; 5 milos from Warrington, 5 from Houghton Mr. Frodsham, and 5 from Runcorn. Acreage, OkeU Mrs. 357a. Ir. 3p. Population in 1861, 191, and Podmore Mr. in 1671, 280. COAIMERCLO.. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Banner John, shopkeeper and coal dealer Spencer Rev. AVilUam H. Brocklehurst Joseph, wheelwright and smith Wright WiUiam, Esq., Oaklands Cartwright John, bootmaker and shopkeeper Wilbraham Henr}*, Esq. 260 NORTHWICH. [ yVorralVi

COMAIERCIAL. produce rock aalt, which is brought to the sur­ face in lumpa, and in some cases, afterwards Basnett Thomas, farmer pulverized by machinery. The white (or com­ Cawley Richard, farmer mon salt) is produced by evaporation from Darbyshire James, farmer brine pumped from pits, at depths of about 30 Darbyshire John, farmer yards from the bed of the river. The brine, Darbyshire Philip, farmer or salt water, is supposed to be formed by fresh Haddock James, farmer water fioAving into extensive beds of rock salt. Hewitt Airs., farmer The process employed in the salt manufacture Hyde Daniel, farmer is very simple, the brine being conveyed from Lees Samuel, farmer the pits in pipes to a reservoir, thence to the NewhaU Thomas, farmer and bootmaker shallow iron salt pans, which are vessels of Witter WiUiam, farmer from 40 to 100 feet in length and 10 to 30 feet Avide and 1 ^ feet in depth, thus exposing a wide surface for evaporating purposes. The NORTHWICH, heat is supplied by furnaces under each pan. In manufacturing stoved or lump salt, the pan Castle Northwich, Leftwich, Ander­ is required to be brought to boUing heat, 225 ton, Marston, Wincham, "Witton, degrees Fahrenheit, which causes the evapora­ "Winnirgtan. tion to proceed quickly, the murate of soda "I^ORTHWICH, an exceUent market town thus produced falUngto the bottom of the pan -^^ and one of the principal seats of the Salt immediately on formation ; the furnaces are trade, is in the parish of Great Budworth. then slackened, the salt drawn to the side of Hundred, union, and county court district to the pan and placed in oblong wooden tubs to wluch it gives its name, is pleasantly situated drain, and afterwards to the stove or drying on the banks of the rivers AVeaver aud Dane ; house. The large-grained salt used for fish- 34| miles from Liverpool (by rail), 18 from curing purposes, is produced in a much slower Manchester (22 by road), 18 north-east from manner at 100 degrees, and the coarse-grained Chester, 174 from London, 2^ from Hartford salt at 130, Fahrenheit. Rock salt was first atation, on the Liverpool and Birmingham section discovered in the adjoining township of Alar- of the London and North W^estern Railway, bury, about 1670. In addition to the enormous 3 from AA'eaverham, 6 from Middlewich, and production for consumption, the amount the same distance from Winsford. The town of salt exported from the ports of Liverpool and district has been noted for its salt springs, and Runcorn alone, during the month of Sept., from a very early date. Hellah, or Hellah-Du, 1871, Avas 99,737 tons, making atotalexported or the Black Salt town, being the name given from 1st January to 30th Septr., from those to it by the ancient Britons, and it is tolerably two ports of 728,693 tons. It is also largely certain that the Romans, prior to the Christian exported from Hull and Grimsby. Considerable era, had discovered, what has since become, an improvements in the navigation of the river enormous source of wealth aud prosperity to AVeaver have been made, and are stUl being this locality. The principal works for the pro­ carried on by the Trustees at various points, duction of white salt, and the rock salt mines, and steam has of late years been used in towing are in the town, and townships, within a radius and propeUing the numerous vessels employed of two miles. Alany of the salt works are con­ in the trade of the district, on the river, which veniently situated on the bauks of the river has effected a considerable saving of time in Weaver, and the North Staffordshire RaUAvay the voyage to Liverpool, &c. There are several Company's Caual; vessels are thus enabled to yards here for the building and repairing of receive their cargoes at the various works vessels, an iron foundry, two leather manufac­ for conveyance to Liverpool, Runcorn, and tories, and brick and tile making is extensively other parts of the kingdom. A branch line of carried on in the neighbourhood. The general raUway from near theXorthwich station to the trade of the town is in a flourishing state; the mines and works at Witton, Marston and Win­ market held on Friday being exceedingly weU cham, is also a valuable meana of transit for attended by the surrounding agriculturalists the enormous tonnage of the various kinds of aud the corn, &c., merchants of Liverpool, saH. annuaUy produced. For the information Manchester and other places. The retail esta­ of the stringer, it msy be atatedthal the mines blishments are large and weU stocked, and the Directory. NORTHWICH. 261 sanitary and other affairs of the town, are school estates now produce upwards of £400 superintended by the Local Boards of Northwich per annum. Population, in 1861, 3,677 ; in and Witton, in which latter township a large 1871,4,229. Acreage, 588. portion of the town stands. RaUway com­ Leftwich is a township, in the parish of munication is afforded by the Cheshire Lines Davenham, Union and county court district of Committee and the London and North-Western Northwich, of which town it forms a suburb, raUway, the station is in Witton, about ^ a on the south side. The church of St. Paul, mUe from the centre of the town; Omni­ Danebridge, of which the Rev. D. WaUer, M.A., buses for Winsford meet several trains daily. ia vicar, ia a beautiful edifice, in the early Eng­ NorthAvich is the head quarters of the 22nd Ush style. The living is a perpetual curacy, Cheshire Volunteers. The driU shed in Left­ of the annual value of £160, Avith residence in wich is admfrably adapted for the purpose, and the township of Castle NorthAvich. The Wes­ is also used for pubUc meetings, horticultural leyans have a large chapel here, with residence exhibitiona, &c. The actual townahip of North­ for the circuit minister. There are National wich is small, containing, by the last census, and infant schools for children of both sexes. on the 2nd April, 1871, 231 houses, of which The Cheshire Lines RaUway to Helsby and 15 were uninhabited, and a population of 1,214, Chester is carried over the township by a shewing an increase of 27 during the previous viaduct of numerous lofty arches. In the ten years. To arrive at the popiUation of township are extensive manufacturies of leather, the town of NorthAvich it wUl be necessary to of a Ught description ; also an iron foundry, salt include those of the inhabitants residing in the works, saAV mills, and the Northwich Uniou adjoining townships of Witton, Leftwich, Win­ Workhouse. Population, 1869, 2,625; in nington, and Castle NorthAvich, which form 1871,2,749. Acreage, 972. suburbs or parts of the town itself, which, by Castle NorthAvich, a suburb of NorthAvich, is the census of 1871, numbered 9,248—as fol­ a township in the parish of Great Budworth. lows ; in the ecclesiastical district of AVitton, The name of this toAvnship is derived from a 6,860; of St. Pauls, Dane Bridge (including castle which stood here, of which nothing now part of Northwich), 2,388. remains. The offices of the trustees of the Witton, or Witton-cum-Twambrooka, is a AVeaver Navigation are in Navigation road; populoua township in the Union and county also a school, established and supported by court district, and an important suburb of them, for chUdren of both sexes. The s-^^me NorthAvich, on the eastern side. In this town­ corporation also erected, in 1852, a church, ship are the Northwich post office, railway dedicated to St. Paul, which stands on an station, Provident Dispensary, several salt eminence overlooking the Weaver vaUey. The works, and rock salt mines, brick and draining Independents and Primitive Methodists have pipe works, two breweries, and the waterworks. places of AVorship here. The township is in Witton church, dedicated to St. Helen, ia a the Union and county court district of North­ noble specimen of ecclesiastical architecture, Avich, and contained, by the census of 1861, in the early EngUsh style. The church con­ 1,396, and, in 1871, 1,648 inhabitants. The tains nave, chancel, north and south aisles, area is 100 acres. with a magnificent oak roof, with ornamental AVINNINGTON township, a portion of which panels, and tower containing a peal of six forms a suburb of NorthAvich, is in Great bells and a clock. The Uving, a perpetual Budworth parish. Union and county court curacy, is of the annual value of £168, with district of Northwich. There are several residence. The Rev. George Gibbons, M.A., extensive salt works, on the banks of the is the vicar; Rev. G. W. Clapham, curate. Weaver, about a mUe from the town bridge. There are National schools for children of both Winnington Hall, beautifully situated in an sexes. The members of the Methodist Free extensive and well wooded park, is UOAV oc­ Church and the Primitive Methodists have each cupied as a ladies' boarding school. Lord chapela here, and the Wesleyans have a school Stanley of Alderley ia lord of the manor. in Leicester street, which was estabUshed iu Population, in 1861, 458 ; 1871, 529. Acre­ 1787. The Roman Catholics have a neat, age 597. weU-built chapel, in Witton street, to which ANDERTON. two miles from Northwich, schools have lately been added. The Witton is a township in the parish of Great Bud- grammar school, near the church, was founded Avorth, Union and county court district of and endowed by Sir John Dean, in 1588. The Northwi'h, containing oxtenpiA-e salt wcrkp. 262 NORTHWICH. WorralVs on the banks of the river Weaver. The Letters are collected in time for the morning Anderton Carrying Company, and Traders and evening dispatches, from the piUar North Staffordshire Carrying Company, have letter boxes, placed in High street, near the extensive warehouses here, for the transhij)- town bridge, Northwich ; in LeftAvich, near ment of goods and minerals from the vessels the railway arch, and receiving office at in the river, to " narrow boats," on the North Castle Northwich. The sub-office, Marston, Staffordshire Railway Company's Canal, which and letter box at the Canal bridge, Win­ passes through the township. The level of cham, are cleared in the evening. the river being considerably lower than the Letters for Wincham are sent through Knuts­ canal, the transhipment is effected by wagons ford, unless the parties have a private box drawn up an inclined plane by steam power. at the Northwich post office. Population of the township in 1861, 332 ; 1871, 281; shoAviug a decrease of 51 in the PLACES OF W^ORSHIP AND THEIR 10 years. Acreage, 481. AIINISTERS. AIARSTON, two miles from Northwich, is St. Helen's Church, A'viiton—Rev. George also a township, in the parish of Great Bud­ Gibbons, AI.A., vicar; Rev. George W. worth, Union and county court district of Clapham, curate. Northwich. Here are very extensive rock St. Paul's Church, Daue Bridge, Leftwich; silt mines and salt works. The Great Rev. Daniel Waller, M.A., vicar. Alarston mine was sunk 90 years ago, at a Holy Trinity (Weaver Navigation Free depth of 60 yards, since w^hich the present Church) Castle, Rev. Richard Marsh, M.A., bed was discovered at a depth of 112 yards. vicar. The Royal Society of England, aud the late Em­ Congregational Chapel, Castle street. Rev. peror Nicholas of Russia, paid a visit to this mine James Johns, minister. in 1844. The mine being iUuminated with Methodist Free Church, Witton street—Rev. dazzling effect, and the Ulustrious guest enter­ Charles Warboys, minister tained at a grand banquet served in the mine. Alethodist Free Church, Wincham. There is a branch line of raUway, from near AVesleyau Alethodist Chapels, Leftwich; and the Northwich station, to the various mines Castle; Rev. WiUiam Way, minister. and works, and the North Staffordshfre Canal Wesleyan (Primitive Methodist Chapd), Castle passes through the town.ghip, completing a and John street. system of transit for the thousands of tons of Roman Catholic Chapel (St. WUfrid's), Witton ail kinds of salt annuaUy produced here. street. Rev. WilUam Stanton, priest. There is also a forge for the manufacture of Poor Law Union Workhouse, Leftwich; bar iron, plates, &c. The population in 1861 governor, John 0. Anwyl; matron, Ann L. was 745, and in 1871, 763. Acreage, 1,045. Anwyl; schoolmaster, George Meachin; AVINCllAM is a township, four mUes from schoolmistress, Sarah Aleachin; chaplain. NorthAvich, in the parish of Great Budworth, Rev. Daniel Waller; Aledical Officer, Northwich Union and county court district. Thomas Aloreton. Relieving officer, George Here also are extensive salt works, and rock ArroAvsmith, St. James's road. Castle ; clerk salt mine ; the North Staffordshire Canal and to the Union and superintendent registrar, a branch line of raUway affording transit for Christopher Cheshire, High street, North­ their productions. There is a boiler and salt wich. pan works in the toAvn.ship; and a National Registrar of Births Deaths aud Marriages for school is in course of erection. Population— Northwich sub-district, George Arrowsmith, ISOl, 642; 1871, 911. Acreage, 941. St. James's road. Castle, for Weaverham Post Office, Witton street, Northwich ; Airs. district, Arthur Arrowsmith, Weaverham. Alary Banks, postmistress. Telegraph, Money County Court Office, High street, open 10 to 4. Order, and Savings' Bank office. Letters Judge, Johu William Harden, Esq.; High are delivered at 7-30 a.m., aud 3-0 p.m. Bailiff, AViUiam Sutton Bradburne, Esq., Despatches (box closes), 11 a.m., and 9 p.m. Registrar, Christopher Cheahire, Esq.; Alessengers on foot are despatched at 6-30 Registrars Clerk, James Cowley. a.m., to the sub-offices of Arley, AA^'eaver- Cheshire Constabulary station. Cross street ] ham. Davenham, Great Budworth, Higher Robert Bohanna, inspector, VN'hitley and Whitegate, returning in time Cheshfre Rifle Volunteer's (22nd), Lieutenant for the evening despatch. AA'. C. Cheshire, commanding. Directory. NORTHWICH. 203

Christian Knowledge Society (depot). High parts of the kingdom, Fereday Smith, street, Henry Burgess, depository. manager, Manchester; Robert V. Jones, Coroner for the Knutsford Division, WiUiam agent. High street, Northwich; Thomas J. R. Dunstan, Esq., Spring bank, Leftwich. Saunders, agent, Anderton. The Traders Diapenaary (Provident), Timber lane, Witton ; North Staffordshire Carrying Company Rev. George Gibbona, chairman; Messrs. Limited, Anderton; Joseph Davies,manager. Joynson, Moreton and Smith, surgeons ; Joseph Ramsey, dispenser. CARRIERS. DriU Shed Company Limited, High street ; To aU parts of the kingdom, the London and James Cowley, secretary. North Western RaUway Company : station, Floral and Horticultural Society; George Witton—office for receiving parcels, &c., Wiley, hon. sec, Castle street. AVitton street; Henry Pickering, agent. Inland Revenue Office, Angel Hotel, High st To all parts of the kingdom, the Cheshfre Market (public), Alarket street, Adam Fryer, Lines Committee, station, AVitton ; Henry coUector of toUs. Stevens, agent. NorthAvich Building Society ; Robert Burgess, To Chester, Richard Barker, from the AA^heat secretary, Witton street. Sheaf, Castle, every Alonday and Friday. Northwich Gas Light and Coke Company To Little Leigh, James Withenshaw and J. Limited, Crum hUl, Thomas Davis, chair­ Thompson, from the Turk's Head, High man ; Johnson Fletcher, manager and street, on Friday. secretary ; Thomas E. Harrison, engineer. To Marston, Aaron EUison, from the Turk's Northwich Local Board; Mr. James Thomas, Head, High street, Friday. chairman; James Cowley, clerk; H. J. To Middlewich, James Oakes, from the Bridge Bennett, surveyor. Inn, Leftwich, every Friday. Northwich AVaterworks Co., office, Crum hiU, To Kingsley, Airs. Spruce, from the Turk's works, Alanchester road, Thomas Patten, Head, High street, on Friday. secretary and manager. To Norley, Peter Clarke, fr-om the Turk's Salt Chamber of Commerce, H. E. Falk, Esq., Head, High street, on Friday. chairman; Mr, John Aloore, secretary. To AVarrington—John Rutter, from the Sports­ Sheath street. man Inn, Castle, AVednesday and Saturday. Stamp Office, 8, Alarket street; WiUiam Cliff, To Whitegate—Aaron Ellison, from the Turk's distributor. Head, High street, Friday. Town Hall, Crown street To Winsford and Over, James Bolland, from Volunteer DriU Shed, LeftAvich. the George aud Dragon, Witton street, Weaver Navigation offices. Castle ; AVilUam Monday and Friday. Wood Blake, derk to the trustees; Edward PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Leader AViUiamg, engineer ; Joseph Ashley, Alcock Mr. George, Castle clerk of works ; Blake and Trafford, solicitors Alcock Mr. James, AViUow bank. Castle Witton Local Board Office, Witton street ; Alcock Mr. William, Albion terrace, Castlo Nicholas Harrison, Esq. chairman; James B. Anderson Miss Ann Jane, Witton street Banks, Esq., treasurer; Thomas Capper, Armitage Mrs. Martha, Park view. Castle derk, surveyor and inspector ; Thomas Astles Mr. Thomas, Anderton Patten, collector. Ball Rev. William, Willow bank, Castie CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY.—London and North Banks Mr. James B., Dane bridge Western and Cheshire Lines: Committee Barry A. H. Smith, Esq., ALP., Marbury hall station, AVitton; Henry Stevens, station Barton Miss Alary, AVeaver bank, Castlo master. Hartford station, on the London Beckett Mrs. Alary, Castle slopes and North AVestern line, is two mUes from Blake WilUam Wood, Esq., AVinuington house Northwich. Omnibus to AVinsford fr-om Bradburne WiUiam S., Esq., the Ley, AA'in- the raUway station, Northwich, three times nington daily on week days. Omnibus to Hartford Bratt Air. Peter, Witton street station from High street, NorthAvich to meet Brown Miss Clara, the HiU, Winnington several trains daily. Burch Airs. Ann, Spring bank, LeftAvich CONVEYANCE BY WATER.—The Anderton Carry­ Burgess Mr. Henry, AA'illow bank. Castle ing Co., carriers to Birmingham, Man­ Burgess Mr. Samuel, Albion terrace. Castle chester, Liverpool, the Potteries, and all Burgess Airs. Sarah, Church lane 264 NORTHWICH. WorralVs

Carter Mr. John, Leftwich Slowe the Miaaes E. & A., Winnington hUI Clapham Rev. George W., Witton street Smith WiUiam, Esq., Castle street Cliff Air. Eaton, Witton haU Stanton Rev. WilUam, Witton atreet Clinch Air. Richard, Winnington hill Starkey Mr. WilUam, Albion terrace, Castie Cotgreave Aliss Maria, Leftwich Taylor Mrs. Annie, Leftwich lodge Dalton Mr. George, Leftwich Thompson Mr. Jabez, Wade brook Deakin the Alisses, Winnington hill Thompson Mr. John, Riversdale, Leftwich Deakin Alra. Lydia, Tabley street Thompson Airs. Alary, Wade Brook house, Deakin Air. AVilliam, Penny's lane Witton Deakin Air. AA'^iUiam, AVinuington hiU Townshend Captain Edward, Wincham haU Dean Mr. Thomas, Leftwich hall Trafford John L , Esq., Winnington hill Denton Miss AUce, Leftwich Tweedie Mr. George, Spring bank, Leftwich DobeU, Mr. Richard, Leftwich AVaUer Rev. Daniel, Castle slopes Dunn Mrs. Ann, Leftwich Warboys Rev. Charles, Castle terrace Dunstan WiUiam J. R., Esq., LeftAvich Way Rev. WiUiam, Leftwich Dutton Mr. George, Leftwich AVeston Mrs. Elizabeth, Weaver bank. Castle Fletcher Algernon, Esq., Castle terrace Weston Miss Sarah, Castle terrace. Castle Fieteher Johnson, Esq., Alarston house WUlett Mrs. —, Castle Gibbous Rev. George, M.A., the Vicorage, WUliams Mrs. —, Spring bank, Leftwich A\'itton WUliams Mrs. Ann, Castle Gibson Aliss Margaret, Witton WiUiams Edward Leader, Esq., Castle (iibson Airs. Alary, Park view. Castle Worsley Mrs. EUza, Castle (Tibson Afr. Simeon, Penny's lane Worthington WUUam, Esq , Brockhurst hall, Grafton Air. Joseph Smith, AVincham cottage Leftwich (Jreen Charles, Esq., AVinuington hiU <»reeD Airs. Mary A., Winnington hiU GreenaU Airs. Mary EUza, Witton house CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES Griffiths Mr. James, St. James' road. Castle PROFESSIONS, &c. Harrison Air. Nicholas, Beechmount, Winning- ACCOUNTANTS. ton Capper Thomas, Witton street Harrison Mr. Thomas, Winnington hiU Senior John, Witton street.—see advertisement Hewitt Air. John, Wincham Southern John, Witton atreet Hostage Airs. —, Winnington bank AGENTS. Hurst Air. Henry, Park view, Castle Anderson Arthur (to Henry Neuman, Esq.) Johns Rev. Jamea, LeftAvich Wincham I,ea Alisa Ann, Lea Elms, Leftwich Barnes Henry (to the Liverpool Victoria Legal LinthAvnite Rev. Henry, M.A., Castle Friendly Society), Witton street Li])irot Airs. Elizabeth, WUton street Burgess Robert (house, &c.), Witton street Tioekey Air. James. Church lane Clinch Richard (to John & Thomas MarshaU, Lnwe the Misses, Willow bank, Castle salt proprietors), office, Winnington street— Alarsh Rev. Richard, ALA., Castle see advertisement Alassey Mrs. EUzabeth, Wincham Dale Josiah (to Robert WUUamson, salt pro­ Moore Aliss EUzabeth, Leftwich prietor, &c), Wincham Aloreton Airs. Ann, Albion terrace. Castle Edwards George (for Wheeler & Wilson's Alurray Mrs. Isabella, Winnington cottage sewing machines), 24 High street Neumann Henry, Esq., Oakleigh Hickson Robert (to Higgin & Hickson, salt OkeU Miss Martha, Castle terrace manufacturers), Winnington OkeU Mr. WiUiam, the HUl, Winnington Jones Robert Vaughan (to Anderton Carrying Parratt Air. Joseph, LeftAvich green Company), High street Perkins Mr. Jamea, LeftAvich Kirkham (}eorge (to the British Salt Company), Partington Air. Jamea, Park view. Castle Anderton Platt Alias Catherine, LeftAvich Marsh Thomas (land and commission). Penny's PoAvia Rev. Henry, Winnington hiU lane ' Riwland Airs. Hannah, Winnington hiU Alassey WiUiam (to Edward Alilncr, salt mai.u- Royle AUen, Esq., Hartford hiU facturer), Marston Shepherd Air. George, AAlnnington hill Aloore John. Sheath street Directory. NORTHWICH. 205

Pickering Henry (to the London & North- BEER RETAILERS. Westem Railway Company), Witton street Allen WilUam, MiU street Pimlott John (to WiUiam Hayes, salt pro­ Barker Thomas, Leftwich prietor), Marston Barton Thomas, Marston Saunders Thomaa (to the Anderton Carrying Bowden Thomaa, Leftwich Company), Anderton Bowyer WUliam, Apple market Senior John (insurance, commiaaion, and for Byron Edwin, Castle the AUan Line of American Steamers), Wit­ Dean Joseph, Forrest field ton street—see advertisement Dickens John, Marston A'iggor Oswald (to John Fletcher and othera, Earlam Jane, Castle Atherton Collieries), Hartford—see advt. Eckersley Jamea, Crown street Warburton WilUam (for S. Allsop & Sons, Egerton Charles, Caatle Burton-on-Trent, and for Dublin porter). Gerrard James, Castle Speedwell cottage, Sandiway—see advt. Hind Samuel, Witton street AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEALERS. Hitchin James, 10 Market etreet Leather James, Castle Burgess Benjamin, Weaverham Leather Samuel, Crown steeet Harrison Nicholas, High atreet Littler James, Witton street Weston John, High street Maddock Betty, Castle ARTISTS. Mainwaring George, Witton atreet r}irtles Thomas (photographic), Witton atreet Parks Samuel, Witton street Caah WiUiam H., Leftwich tower Perry Joseph, Leictster atreet Wilaon Richard (photographic), Witton street Rogerson John, Witton atreet Senior Fanny, Witton street AUCTIONEERS. SheUcross WiUiam, Crown atreet Capper Thomaa, Witton street Southern Joseph, Witton street Marsh Leonard & Son, Caatle street Stelfox James, Leicester atreet BAKERS. Sutton Thomas, Castle Astles John, 21 Apple market TurnbuU Susan, Church street Barker George, Castle Walton Nathaniel, Castle Bostock William, CroAvn street WiUiams WiUiam, Mill street GibUn Henry, Crown street Woodyatt John, Manchester road Hassall James, High street Lightfoot Brothers, Crown street and Castle— BLOCK & PUMP MAKERS. see advertisement Gibson CorueUus, Witton dock Molyneux James, Church street Okell WiUiam, Castle Dock yard Parks Samuel, Witton street Simcock WiUiam, Lock street Sanders Alartha A., High street Stoddard James, High street BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. (Alarked thus • are also printers.) BANKERS. •Burgess Henry, High street Parr's Banking Company Limited (branch), Burgess John, Witton street Dane street; DraAvs on Glyn, Mills, Currie, •Games Frances, High street & Co., London ; James B. Banks, manager HaU Charles E., 52, High street Union Bank of Manchester (branch). Draws on •HOBSON WHITWORTH, 40 High street, Glynn, MiUs, Currie, & Co., London; Wil­ and Crown street—see advt. liam Smith, manager •Wiley George, Guardian office, Castle street Savings Bank, AVinuington hiU; open on Friday and Saturday ; AVilliam Sutton Bradburne. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. actuary Alcock John, High street Post Office Savings Bank, Witton street; Mrs. Borrows Thomas, 46 High atreet M. Banks, postmistress BromUow Edwin, High street BASKET MAKERS. Bostock Thomas, Witton atreet Gorst Joseph, 4 Castle atreet Bradburn Jane (dealer). Castle Capper Joseph, 34 High street Gorst Samud, Witton atreet Davies Caleb, Crown street HiUidgo Frederick, AAltton street 2G6 NORTHWICH. TVorralVB

BOOT & SHOEMAXERS—continued. Rogerson Alfred, Witton street Dudley Reuben, Leftwich Rogerson John (pork), Church street Hodgkiuson Barnabas, Witton street Sanders Martha A., High street Johnson Jamea, Navigation road Starkey Anne, Witton street Kettle WUUam, Witton street Stubbs Samuel (pork), Witton street Malam Paul, Wincham AValker Samuel J., 8 Apple market Renshaw WiUiam, Witton atreet AVarburton William. LeftAvich Robinson Goorge H., Witton street WilUams Samuel, Wincham Robinson Thomas, Witton street CAB, COACH, OMNIBUS, AND POST Senior Thomas (dealer), Witton street HORSE PROPRIETORS. SiddaU George, 3 Apple market Chambers James (and hearse). High street Topham William, Castle and Timber lane Wilkinson WUUam, Leftwich Edwards EUen, High street Yarwood Robert, Leftwich Haslam Thomas, Crown Hotel, Crown etreet Yarwood Thomaa, Witton street Hickson Jabez, Lion and Railway Hotel, Wit­ BREWERS. ton street Hampson James, Northwich Brewery, Witton Sanders Martha A. (and mail contractors) street Dane bridge Jackson Joseph, Witton Brewery, Northwich CABINET AND CHAIR MAKERS. BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. Auckland Joseph, AVitton~street Leicester William, Castle st.; works. Penny's Earlam Joshua, Witton street lane, Witton—see advertisement Howe Joseph, Castle Aloore John (dealer), Sheath street RAVENSCROFT AVILLIAM (and uphols- THOMPSONJABEZ(and draining pipe),works: terer), Witton street—see advertisement Manchester road, Witton, and Knutsford ; Rayner William, Witton street office, Witton street, Northwich—see advt. Riley James, Witton street Thompson John & Sons, Witton street RUTTER WILLIAM (and upholsterer), Lei­ BRICKLAYERS. cester street—see advertisement Bowyer WiUiam, Apple market Worsley Johu, Witton street Heald WiUiam, Castle CARVERS AND GILDERS. Kettle William, Forrestfidd, Witton Prest Samuel, Witton street Burgess George, Witton street—see advt. Shaw Charles (and buUder), Lock street, and Cross W. & J., Dane bridge Albion place. Castle CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Smith Henry, Church street Blades Charles M., High street BUTCHERS. Burgess Sarah, Witton street Baguley Thomas, Leicester street Burgess James, High street Barlow Joseph, 6 Castle atreet Clough John C, High street Barlow Thomas & John (and graziers). Crown Aloses Thomas, 3 Alarket street street Payne John Buxton, Castle Barlow Thomas (and cattle dealer). High stieet Robinson Samuel, High street Billington George, AVitton street CHINA, GLASS, &c., DEALERS. Chantler Thomas, Witton street Bennett Hugh Joseph, Apple Market street Bailey AViUiam (pork), Witton street Barlow George, Castle Gaunt Ann, Witton street Barlew Jane, Castle King James, Witton street Cliff WiUiam (and bacon factor), 8 Market st Leicester WUliam, Castle street—see advt, Corker WiUiam, Witton street AIUls George, Tabley street Darbyshire James (pork), 15 Crown street Shuffiebottom William, Witton street E)'re Henry, Leftwich Thurman John, High street Eyre John, Witton street CLOGGERS. Gandy Joseph, Witton street Bowyer George, Castle Gandy Samuel, Witton street DaAies Caleb, Crown street Hargreaves Peter, Wincham Hunt James, Witton street Pemberton Thomas (pork), AliU street Renshaw William, Witton street Directory. NORTHWICH. 267

COACH BUILDERS. Oekleston Jamea, Loatock Gralam Dutton George, Witton street Sandera Martha Ann, High atreet Jones Thomas AV., Castle street—see advt. Stoddard Jamea, High street Lamb & Ravenscroft, Leftwich—see advt. CURRIERS AND LEATHER SELLERS. Pass Samuel, Witton street Denton Thomas, Witton street COAL DEALERS. Hayes James (and dealer in boot tops), 6 Market atreet Bowyer George, End of Church Walk Parker Richard, Church street Capper Thomas, sen., Tabley street FARMERS. Davis David, Castle Barber John, Wincham Griffiths John, LeftAvich Barlow Joseph, LeftAvich Rayner Joseph, Witton street Barton George, Witton Rayner AA''illiam, AVitton street Bdshaw Joseph, Wincham Thompson John, AVincham Brooks Richard, AVincham AVUding Philip, AA''itton street Burgess Jonn, Leftwich COAL MERCHANTS. Burrows WiUiam, Winnington Bridgewater Trustees, Witton atreet; John Dale Jamea, Leftwich Hewitt, agent Dale Joaeph, Wincham Carter Peter & Son, 19, Caatle street, and rail­ DarUngton John, Anderton and Maraton way station, Northwich—see advertisement Dean Thomaa, Leftwich Clarke Brothers, Barnton and Hartford, and DobeU Joseph, Leftwich Green Bank station—see advertisement. Earle Robert, Marston and Wincham Fletcher John & others, Hartford; Oswald Eaton WiUiam, Anderton A'iggor, agent—see advertisement Fair Jamea, Marston and Aston Fletcher Johnson, Alarston Farish Thomas, Marston Hayes William, Marston—see advertisement. Foster WiUiam, Wincham Lamb & Ravenscroft, Leftwich.—See advt. Fryer Sarah, Wincham THOMPSON JABEZ; yards, Marston and Fryer W^illiam, Wincham Wincham ; office, AVitton atreet—see advt. Grange Edward, Penny's lane WUUamson Robert, AVincham Granger WiUiam, Leftwich Wright Samuel (and tUe), Marston Hargreaves Peter, Wincham Hatton John, Castle CONFECTIONERS. HcAvitt Thomas, Wincham Burgess F. A. & AL, High street Holford George, Wincham HassaU James, High street HoUand John, Wincham HoUand AViUiam, Witton street Hopley Edward, Wincham Stoddard James, High street Jackson WilUam, Marston CONTRACTORS. Latham William, Witton Bennett Hugh J., Leftwich Lightfoot Thomas, Leftwich Drinkwater Samuel, Witton street Lovett James, LeftAvich Holland John, Navigation road Lowndes John, Leftwich Leicester WUliam, Castle street Moreton WilUam H., Leftwich grange Moulton John, Anderton COOPERS. Newton John, Marston Molyneux James, Church street Plant Andrew, Witton Molyneux Thomas, High street Rayner Joseph, Witton Taylor John, Witton street RUey Thomas, Leftwich CORN DEALERS. Stelfox James, Leicester street Timperley Isaac, Wincham Carter Peter & Son, 19 Castle street—see advt. Warburton Henry, Leftwich Dale Joseph, Leftwich WUding PhUip, Witton street Hesketh J. K. & AV., AVincham Corn & Bone miUs Leather WUUam T., Penny's lane FISHMONGERS. Lightfoot Brothers (and provision). Crown st. Birtles John, Witton street see advertisement. Lamb Thomas, High street Alatthewmnn John, AA'itton etreet Steele EUzabeth, High street 268 NORTHAVICH. WorralVs

FURNITURE BROKERS AND DEALERS. HAIR DRESSERS. Earlam Jane, Castle Alcock Stringer, Witton street Golden Bartholmew, Witton atreet Barnea John, High street Hardley Joel, 4 Apple market Boyle James, Apple market Muskett Joseph, Castle Capper Joseph, 34 High street AA^Ukinson Benjamin, Witton street Davies John, 26 Apple market Worsley John, Witton street Fogg Simeon, Witton street RUTTER WILLIAM, Leicester st.—see advt. Heald Thomas, 22 Apple market RAVENSCROFT WILLIAM, Witton at.—see Lewis Thomas, Witton atreet advertisement HATTERS. GREENGROCERS. Eachus Thomaa, 38 High street—see advt. Alcock John, High atreet PARTINGTON JAMES & SON (and taUors Blane WilUam, Witton atreet and drapers). High street—see advertisement Postles Richard, Witton atreet Stafford Thomas, Witton street Cornea Lawrence, Witton WooUey John, 30 High street Matthewman John, High street HAY AND STRAW DEALERS. Snelson George (and poulterer and game Lamb Joseph, 14 Apple market dealer). Castle atreet Mares Hugh, Crown street Steele Elizabeth, High atreet Summerfidd Joseph, Marston Tomkinson Ann, Witton street Tomkinson Jane, Witton street HOTELS—COMMERCIAL AND POSTING. GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. Angel, EUen Edwards, High street Crown, Thomas Haslam, Crown street (see also shopkeepers.) Crown and Aneher, William ToothiU, High st BaakerviUe Thomaa, Witton streets ^^ ' '^ Lion and Railway, Jabez Hickson, Manchester Burgess John, High street ' road Capper Thomas, MUl street Clough John C. (and coffee roaster), High st INNS AND PUBLIC-HOUSES. Dale Joaeph, Leftwich Bear's Paw, John Flannery, New street Darbyshire James, Crown street Bee Hive, Thomas Eachus, High st.—see advt. Gibson Mary S., Castle atreet Black Bear, John Hitchins, 6 Apple market et Gibson Thomas H., Witton street Bleeding Wolf, WiUiam Woodward, 14 Market Harvey WiUiam H. R., Crown st.—see advt. street Hughes David (and ItaUan warehouseman). Blue Barrel, f eter Malam, Hartford High street—see advertisement. BoUer Makers' Arms, Samud Bohanna, Church Hurst Henry, High street street Lightfoot Brothers (and bakers, provision Bowling Green, John NewhaU, Witton street dealers, &c.). Crown street—see advertisement Bowling Green, Charles HoUand, Leftwich Mauton Brothers, Witton atreet—see advt. Bridge, Richard Kingston, Leftwich Moses Thomaa, 3 Market atreet Britannia, John Steele, 7 Market street Muskett Joseph, Castle Bull's Head, WiUiam Sumner, 16 Apple NewaU WUUam, High street market street NcAvman Thomas, Marston Cock, John Griffiths, Witton street Parks Mary, Wincham Eagle and ChUd, John TomUnson, High street Parks Samuel, Witton street Fox, Thomas McCann, 18 Apple market street Parrett Joseph, Barnton and Winsford George and Dragon, Thomas Starkey, Witton Plant John, Crown atreet street Preston George, Castle Goldsmiths' Arms, WiUiam Gadd, Crown st Rogerson James, 30 Apple market Green Dragon, James Norton, Witton street Sanders Martha A., High street Leicester Arms, John Houghton, MUl lane Snelson Marj', Witton street Lord Nelson, Robert Lloyd, Witton street Stoddard James, High street Navigation, Charles Leigh, Lock street Thomas Jamea, High atreet Old Bear's Paw, Benjamin Budd, Church st Thomas Margaret Witton street Old Ship, George AVhitiow, Witton street AAlnnington Abraham A., AVitton street Penrhyn Tavern, John Cork, New street Directory. NORTHWICH. 209

Prince Albert, John Harrison, Apple market st IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Queen's Head, Patrick Rogers, Church street Bates Henry, Witton street Railway, Robert Verdin, Leftwich Bates WUliam E. (and engineer and millwright), Red Lion, John Barnes, High street Lefiwich Iron works Red Lion, WUliam Edwards, Marston Lockey James (and engineer and railway wagon Roebuck, WUliam Latham, Witton street builder). Wade Brook Iron Works Sportsman, James Worrall, 11 Castle street Stanley Arms, George Johnson, Anderton IRON MANUFACTURER. Talbot, Ann Jackson, Witton street Rigby Thomaa Jamea (bar and plate), Marston Townshend Arms, James Hodgkinson, Win­ forge cham IRON AND TIN PLATE WORKERS. Turk's Head, Zillah Fisher, High atreet BEBBINTON JOHN, 32 High street.—see Vine, Thomaa Walmsley, High street advertisement Volunteer, James Buckley, Leftwich Bebbington John, Witton street Weaver Navigation, Samuel Rogerson, Left­ Edwards John, 11 Market street wich Harrison Nicholas, High etreet Wheat Sheaf, WilUam Cookson, Caatle street Robinson Thomaa, Castle White Lion, Henry Hitchins, Witton street Wilson Thomaa, 2 Church street IRONMONGERS. INSURANCE OFFICES AND AGENTS. BEBBINGTON JOHN, 32 High street—see Accident, Thomas Capper, Witton street advertisement British Empire Mutual (Ufe), John Senior, Davies Thomas & George, 28 High street Witton street—see advertisement Harrison Nicholas, High street British Empire Mutual (Ufe), John Sutton, Weston John, High street Witton street W'ilson Thomas, 2 Church street Commercial Union, W. H.R. Harvey, Crown at County (fire), John C. Clough, High atreet JOINERS AND BUILDERS. CroAvn, Christopher Cheshire, High atreet Bennett Hugh Joseph, Leftwich and Apple"^ General (fire), John Sutton, Witton atreet market street M ''^<-^- '••^^'^^^ '"-' General, Charles Green, Castle street Bostock James, Leftwich '\ loOtCc: c- Guardian, John Howe, Winnington street BurrowB WUliam, Winnington Imperial (fire), John Senior, AVitton street— Capper Thomaa, Witton street see advertisement Drinkwater Samuel AVitton street Law Union, Charles Green, Castle Horton E. A. & J., Leftwich green Liverpool, and London, and Globe, Peter Joynson WiUiam, Castle street Carter & Son, Castle street—see advt. Lamb & Ravenscroft, Leftwich.—see advt. London, Charles E. HaU, High street Lambert George, Leftwich London and Lancashire, John Thomason, Molyneux Joseph, Witton street AVitton street Leicester WilUam (buUder and contractor, and NoTAvich Union, WUUam S. Bradburne, Win­ brick and tUe maker). Castle st.—see advt. nington street StringfeUow Henry, 4 AVinuington street Provident (Ufe), John C. Clough, High atreet Woodyatt John, Manchester road Prudential, Samud KelsaU, Witton street; LEATHER MANUFACTURERS. and John Austin, Castle atreet (Spinners, Roller Leather, SfC.) Queen, WUUam Joynaon, Castle Railway Passengers, Accident, John Senior, Dutton George (and wool merchant), Leftwich- Witton street—see advertisement see advertisement Royal Exchange, Robert Burgess, Witton st Holland Henry, Leftwich Sceptre, Charles Platt, Oastle LIME MERCHANT. Scottish Equitable, Jamea Partington & Son, Carter Peter & Son (and guano), 19 Castle st— High street—see advertisement see advt. Scottish Union, George Arrowsmith, St. James' LINEN AND W^OOLLEN DRAPERS. road. Castle Sovereign (Ufe), Georgo Preston, Caatle Astbury Charles, High street Sun, Thomas Capper, Witton siroet Banks Robert N., 10 Castle street Yorkshire, Henry Burgess, High street Beaman Samuel, Castle 270 NORTHWICH. WorraU'i

LINEN, &C.. DRAPERS—continued. MUSIC AND AIUSICAL INSTRUMENT Beckett WiUiam, (Exors. of) (and aUk mercers) DEALERS. High street Birtles Thomas, Witton street Berry Peter K., 36 High street Butterworth AVUliam, AVitton street BRATT HENRY (and sUk mercer). Arcade Jukes Henry, Navigation House Academy— Drapery Establishment, AVitton street—see see advertisement advertisement Burgess Benjamin, Weaverham—see advt. NEWSPAPER. Caldwdl WilUam (and sUk mercer). High st Northwich and AVinsford Guardian (Saturday), DEAKIN JOHN, 56 High street Alexander Alackie, proprietor; George Deakin William (and sUk mercer), Witton at WUey agent; office. Castle street Edwarda George, 24 High street NURSERY AND SEEDSAIEN. Holmes Jesse J., 13 Apple market Littler WUliam (travdUng), Witton street Boosey WilUam, High street, and Nurseries, AIADDOCKS THOMAS H. (and sUk mercer MiddleAvich—see advertisement. and agent for the Belgravia sevring ma­ DobeU Thomas, 2 Market street chine), 5 Dane street—see advertisement Harrison Nicholas (seedsman). High street Platt Charles, Castle PAINTERS PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, AND Pye Simeon, Witton street GAS FITTERS. AVade Edward, 1 Dane street Burgess George, AVitton street—see advt. Warburton George, High street Burgess Peter, Castle street MARINE STORE DEALERS. ChadAvick WUliam, 9 Market street Golden Bartholmew, Witton street Cross WilUam & Joseph, Dane bridge, Leftwich AlcCormick Charles, New street HaU Charles E., 52 High street Yearsley & Son, Crown street Leigh John & Thomas, Castle Marrow James, 42 High street MILLERS. Perry Joseph, Witton street Hesketh J. K. & W., Wincham Corn and Bone PAWNBROKERS. MUla Worsley James, Leicester street Jameson Peter, Ouston miU Worsley Thomas, AVitton street Oekleston John, Lostock Gralam Parks Clharles, Wincham PROFESSOR AND TEACHER. Jukes Henry & EUza (and dealers in piano MILLINERS AND DRESSAIAKERS. fortes, ojc). Navigation House Academy— Anderson Hannah, Witton street see advertisement. Armitage Sarah, Park view. Castle Auckland EUzabeth, AVitton street ROPE AND TAVINE AIAKERS. Beaman Isabella, Castle Bradshaw James, jun., Witton BRATT HENRY, Witton street^see advt. Clarke Brothers, Barnton Ropery, near North­ Buckley Annie, Marston Avich—see advertisement. Buckley Frances, Castle Evans John, Leftwich Cross Elizabeth, Castle OkeU WUUam, Castle Dock Yard Eddisbury Sarah, St. James' road. Castle PaUn Joseph (and dealer in fishing tackle), Fowls Annie, Witton street Witton street Hughes Hannah, 9 Apple market SADDLERS. KelsaU Jane, Witton street Blakey Joseph, Witton street Lloyd Ann, Witton street Dawson John, High street MADDOCKS T. H., 5 Dane street—see advt. Molyneux C. & A., 48 High street Matthews WiUiam H., High atreet Musket Jane, Crown street Steele John, 7 Market street Prince Martha, Witton street SAIL MAKERS. Pye Sarah, Witton stieet Jackaon Thomaa, (rick and wagon covera, tents, Shaw Jane, Witton street &c.). High street—see advertisement. Stokes Ann, Witton street OkeU WUUam, Castle Dock Yard Winnington Jane, Witton street Parker James, Sheath street Directory. NORTHWICH. 271

S\LT MANUFACTURERS, AND PRO­ A'ictoria Salt Company Limited, Bridgefidd PRIETORS OF ROCK SALT MINES and Victoria Salt Works, Wincham; Wm. AND BRINE PITS. Bull, resident proprietor and chief engineer. Alcock James & Co., Witton and Winsford WiUiamson Robert (rock). Wine-ham ; Josiah Ashton Henry (executors of the late), Dunkirk; Dale, ageut Eaton CUff, agent. Worthington WUliam, sen., Leftwich and Astles Thomas, AVinuington and Anderton Witton ; Thomaa WiUiams, agent British Salt Company, Anderton; George SCHOOLS—PRIVATE. Kirkham, agent (Marked thus • are boarding schools.) Cheshire Amalgamated Salt Company Limited, Witton ; J. J. SuUivan, manager •Bell & Bradford, Winnington haU Deakin Brothers, Winnington •Briscoe Sarah A., Albion terrace. Castle Deakin John & William, Winnington •Darlington Adeliza (day & boarding), Spring Fletcher & Rigby (rock and white salt), Mars­ Bank, Leftwich ton Old Works—see advertisement. Harvey James, Witton Gibson James (executors of), Witton •Powell The Alisses, Spring bank, Hartford Gibson & Darsie, Anderton SCHOOLS—PUBLIC. HAMER & DAVIES (patentees of machinery Grammar School, AVitton ; Rev. Henry Linth- for draAving salt out of the evaporating pans, waite, M.A., head master; George Tweedy, and patentees of the method of heating the second master brine before going into the pans), W"incham, Infants' School, Leftwich; AI. Whitehead, and Top Locks, Runcorn—see advt. mistress National Schools, Timber lane, Witton ; Peter Hayes AVilliam (rock), Anderton, and Alarston Roberts, master; Charlotte Jackson, mis­ Hall; John Pimlott, agent—see avdt. tress ; Sarah Restrick, infants' mistress Higgin & Hickson, Anderton and AVinuington National Schools, Dane bridge, Leftwich; Lovett George & Co., Anderton WiUiam Pierce, master; Victoria Gorst, Lovett James, Witton infants' mistress MarshaU J. & T., Northwich ; office. Winning- National Schools, Castle; Frances E. Gardiner, ton stieet; Richard CUuch, agent—see advt. mistress ; Emma M. Austin, infants' mistress Milner Edward, Marston; WilUam Massey, National Schools, Marston ; Hannah ChadAvick, agent mistress Neumann Henry (rock proprietor), Wincham, Roman CathoUc, Witton street; Jane Markey, Witton, and Marston; Arthur Anderson, mistress agent Weaver Navigation School, Castle; Reuben Parks Brothers, Wincham Lightfoot, master ; Charlotte Cheetham, mis­ ShaAV James, Witton and Anderton; WiUiam tress ; Mary Barrow, infanta' mistress Lowe, agent AVesleyau, Leicester street; James Lightfoot, Starkey Brothers, Anderton and Winnington master ; Emily Foxley, mistress Steenstrand WiUiam (rock proprietor), AVin­ SHIP BUILDERS. cham Cawley John, LeftAvich Stubbs WUliam (executors of), (rock), Witton; Gibson CorueUus, Witton dock John Moore, managing executor OkeU WiUiam, Castie THOAIPSON JABEZ (rock and white saR), Thompson Johu & Sons, Castle AUiance Salt Works, Alarston ; office, AVit­ SHOPKEEPERS. ton street, Northwich—see advertisement. Thompson John & Son (rock), Marston and Anderson John, Witton street Wincham Ashley Thomas, Witton street Townshend Captain Edward (brine proprietor), AspeU Thomas H., Leftwich Wincham Astles George, Marston VERDIN JOSEPH & SONS (manufacturers Atherton John, Castle of every description of salt for the home and Austin Samuel, 13 Castle street Baguley Thomas, Leicester street foreign markets),Rock Salt Mines, Alarston, Barker Thomas, Witton street and White Salt Works, Alarston, North­ Barlow Ann, 12 Market steeet wich, MiddleAvich, and Winsford—see advt. NORTHWICH. WorralVs

SHOPKEEPERS—co)dinued. Postles Joseph, Witton street Barlow Jane, Castle Prest Samuel, Witton etreet Barrow Thomas. AVitton street Rathbone James, New street Barton Belinda, AVitton street Riding Alartha, Witton street Birtwisle Samud, Castle Rogers Mary, Witton street Blower George, Leftwich Rose Harriet, Castle Boardman Joshua, LeftAvich Senior Joseph, AA''itton street Bostock John, New street Smith Henry, Church street Bowden Jamea, Witton street Starkey Anne, AVitton street Bowyer George, end of Church walk Starkey Henry, Leftwich Brock Robert, Witton street Stelfox Emily, Witton street Buckley EUza, Leftwich Stelfox WiUiam, AVitton street Butterworth WilUam, Witton street Stokes Alary, Witton street Byrom Charlotte, Castle Stubbs Samud, AVitton atreet Cawley WilUam, AVitton street Sutton Thomas, Castle Chesterson James, AVincham Thomas EUzabeth, Navigation road Clough Ann, 2 Winnington street Walton Nathaniel, Castle Cookson WilUam, Castle street Whitehead Sarah, Castle Curzon James, AVincham WUding George Witton street Darlington John, Witton atreet Wilding Mary, Witton street Darlington Samuel, MiU street WUlett Thomas, Witton street Deakin John, Leftwich Winlaw Ann, VVitton street Deakin William, Castle Dean Joseph, Forrest field, Witton SLATE AIERCHANTS. Dickens John, Marston Drinkwater Joseph, Leicester street Hughes Thomas C. (and slater), Witton atreet Eachus George, Castle Moore John, Sheath street Fallows WiUiam, Leftwich Foster Samuel, Castle street SMALLWARE DEALERS. FoAvls Timothy, Castle Gandy Thomas, Church street (see also Drapers.) Gamer John, Castle DEAKIN JOHN, 56 High street GibUn Henry, Crown street Holmes Jesse J., 13 Apple market street Griffiths WUliam, Leftwich Huddleston Alary (and hosier). High street Hallam George, Witton street McCormick Charles, Cross street Hargreaves Peter, Wincham Poole Joseph (executors of), Witton street Heath WiUiam, C'hurch street and Crown at. Watsou Peter (and Berlin wool). High street Hitchin John, Castle Yearsley & Son, Crown street Hoole Thomas, Wincham Hughea Hugh, Witton atreet SMITHS. Joynson John, Leicester street Kirk Thomas, Leftwich Arrowsmith Samuel, Witton street Lamb James, Castle Bisbrown James, AA'itton street Littler EUzabeth, AVitton atreet Carter Alfred, Leicester street Littler Joseph, Leftwich Lamb & Ravenscroft, Leftwich—see advt. Littler Mary, Tabley street MinshaU WilUam, Witton street AliUs George, Tabley street OkeU AViUiam, Castle Dock Yard MUls James, MUl street Pimblott Isaac (and boiler and salt pan maker), Moreton John, Alarston Leftwich—see advertisement. PaUn WiUiam, Witton street Simcock William, Lock street Patten WiUiam, Leicester street AA'aUington John R., Leicester street Percival Alary Ann, Leicester street Phipps David, Marston SOLICITORS. Plant John, CroAvn street Blake & Trafford, (and clerks tothetrusteesofthe Platt Jamea, Marston AVUton Grammar School, and of Darnhall Plumb Ann, Alarston school) Weaver Navigation offices. Castle • 'JJDirectory. NORTHWICH. 273

Bradburne WiUiam Sutton (and high bailiff of TIMBER MERCHANTS. the County Court, secretary of Savings Bank, Cawley John, Leftwich and tieasurer to the Turnpike Trust), Win­ Lamb & Ravenscroft (and steam saw miUa), nington street LeftAvich—see advertisement Cheshire Christopher (and clerk to the magis­ OkeU WiUiam, Castle trates, and registrar of the County Court), Thompson John & Sons (and saw miUs), Wit­ High street ton street Dixon John J., Winnington atreet VETERINARY SURGEON. Dunatan WUUam J. R. (coroner), Leftwich Fletcher xMgernon, Castle atreet DarweU George Henry, M.R.C.V.S., Witton at Green Charles, Castle street WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. STEAM BOILER AND SALT PAN Birkett Miles (and jeweller), 3 Dane street— MANUFAC JURERS. see advertisement Heap Thomas (and jeweUer), 17 Castle street— Parka Joaeph, Wincham see advertisement Pimlott laaac, LeftAvich—see advertisement. Lees Jamea, Witton atreet STONE MASONS. Richardson Joseph, Witton street Ryder George, Castle DobeU William, Witton atreet West John (and jeweller), 44 High street Downs Thomas, LeftAvich green Willis George (and jeweUer), 4 Market street HoUand John, Navigation road. Castle Shaw Thomaa, Witton street WHEELWRIGHTS. Walker James, Leftwich Dutton George, Witton street WilUams Jamea, Lock street Johnson John, Witton street SURGEONS. Lamb & Ravenscroft, Leftwich—see advt. Dixon Thomas George, M.D., Mosa cliff, Hart­ WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. ford Burgess John, High street Joynson George Thomas, Witton street Jackson Ann, Witton street Moreton Thomas, Winnington street WUkinson & Hardy, High street WiUiams Charles, Castle WiUiamson Robert, Wincham WOOL MERCHANT. SURVEYORS. Dutton George, Leftwich, Northwich—se advt Bennett Hugh J. (to Local Board), Apple market street YEAST DEALERS. HoUand James (architectural and land), Albion Austin Thomas, 13 Castle street terrace. Castle—see advertisement Fryer Adam, Tabley street Sutton John, Witton street Fryer WilUam, Witton street Maddocks Richard, Davies street TAILORS. MISCELLANEOUS. (Marked thus • are also drapers ) Astbury Charles, assistant-overseer. High st •Beckett WilUam (executors of), (and under­ Barker Daniel, thrashing machine proprietor, takers), High street Witton street Bowden James, Witton street Croom Jamea, manager, Wincham •Hardley Joel, 4 Apple market Cross Samuel, assistant overseer. Castle •Hitchins John, Witton steeet Deakin John, flat owner, Tabley street Hodgkinson Edward, Witton street Earl WUUam, cartowner, Witton street MinshuU Thomas, Leftwich Flavin Thomas, raUway contractor. Winning- •PARTINGTON JAMES & SON (and hat­ ton street ters and habit makers). High street—see Golden Bartholmew, clothes dealer, Witton st advertisement Griffiths Jamea, clerk, St. James' road, Castle •"Postles WiUiam, Witton street Heath WUUam, nail maker. Church stieet Rayner Samuel, Wincham Holland WiUiam, dining-rocms, and boarding- Rhodes James, Castle house, Witton street •Stelfox Thomas, Witton street Hasler WiUiam F., inland revenue officer. •Woods & Brazendale, 1 Apple market Castle 274 NORTON. WorralVs

Holmes Jesse J., assessor and coUector of in­ Edgerley Richard, farmer come tax, 13 Apple market street Frodsham John, farm baUiff Latham AVilliam, taUoAv chandler, AVitton st Hewitt John, farmer and assistant overseer Leicester John, general dealer, AVitton street Houghton Henry, farmer AlcConochio Joshua R., manager, Winnington Houghton James, blacksmith hiU Johnson John, blacksmith AlaxweU James, foreman, Spring bank, Left­ Linaker Peter, steward for Sir Richard Brooke wich Bart. Aloore George, tobacco pipe maker, AVitton st Scotson John, schoolmaster Nettleton Robert, wharfinger and toll coUector, Weir WUliam, furmer Cunul wharf, AA'^incham Yarwood John, farmer NeweU Jamea, clerk, Leftwich Oekleston John, tanner, Lostock, Gralam Ormaon Thomaa, cartowner, Leicester atreet /~\LLERTON is a smaU vUlage and township I'en-ival Jamea, commercial traveller, Witton ^ in Knutsford parish, Altrincham Union atreet and Bucklow Hundred, about two mUes from Rogeraon James, gingerbeer maker, 20 Apple Knutsford, containing in 1861, 272; and ia marktt 1871, 260 inhabitants, and 1215 acres of land. Rooke J. & J., manufacturing chemists, AVin­ Letters through Knutsford. cham, and Red bank, Alanchester Mason Air. AV^iUiam Shaw Joseph, boatowner, Winnington hiU COMMERCIAL. Shaw Sarah, tobacconist, Witton street CaldweU AA''iUiam George, nurseryman, &c., Senior John, general merchant, Witton street. OUerton aud Knutsford nurseries—see advt. see advertisement Cheetham Richard, farmer Shu\er Samuel, thrashing machine proprietor, Faulkner Samuel, farmer Lostock, Gr.Uam Harrop Emma, shopkeeper Smith George, derk, Winnington hill Harrop Thomas, tailor AViUiamson Robert, oU and grease manufac­ HiU AVilUam, farmer turer, Wincham ; Josiah Dale, agent Hope Henry, farmer Whitehead James, boatowner. Castle Hope Peter, farmer, Williams Thomas, clerk, Leftwich Wilson Harriet, register office, AVitton street Leach Sarih, farmer Wilson Richard, newsagent. Witton atreet Page Richard, day school Winnington Frederick, chimney sweeper, Wit­ Poole Mary, farmer ton street Potts Joseph, blacksmith Woods AA''iUiam, manager, Albion terrace, Castle Potts Mark, joiner Wooley John, umbrella maker. High street Simcock Caleb, farmer Yarwood Thomaa, temperance hotel, Witton st Starkey Joseph, farmer Stephens Henry, farmer Stephens Parker, Dunn Cow Inn ATORTON is a townahip in Runcorn parish, Walton Isaac and James, shoemakers -^^ and Bucklow Hundred, about 3^ mUes AViUiams Joseph, tailor from Frodsham, and three from Runcorn, here Vrorthington WUUam, farmer i^ Norton Priory, the seat of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart. The London and North Western RaUway Co., have a station here. Population, PARTINGTON is a township in Bowdon 1861, 380. -*- parish, Altrincham Union and Bucklow Hundred, containing by the census of 1861, PRIA^iTE RESIDENTS. 445 inhabitants, and iu 1871, 511 ; and 803 Brooke Sir Ri(-.hard, Bart., Norton Priory acres of land. Four miles from Altrincham, DuAiea Edward, Esq. five from Warrington, and 11 from Man­ Tlioiuas Mr. Alfred chester, and separated from Lancashire by the river Alersey. The Earl of Stamford and COAIAIERCIAL. Warrington is lord of the manor. A( ton John, farmer Congregational Chapd, Rev. Joseph Whiteley, Drover Alatthew, station master minister. DuKon John, farmer AVesleyau Chapd. Directory. PEOVER SUPERIOR. 275

Post Office; Joseph PoUard, postmaster- Knutsford, eight north-east from Northwich, Letters from aU parts arrive (through and nine north-west from Macclesfield, con­ Manchester), at 8-30 a.m., and are dis­ taining by the census of 1861, 531 ; and in patched thereto at 4-30. p.m. I87I, 599 inhabitants, and 2929 acres, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. situated on the banks of the small river Ajrre Seth, Esq., Elm house Peover, which divides the Hundreds of North­ Hesketh Mr. John wich and Bucklow. Irlam Mr. Richard Letters through Knutsford, which is the Kingsley Mr. Thomas C. nearest Money Order Office. MiUatt Mr. James PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Oekleston Robert. Esq., AliUbank Emmerson Air. John T., Peover cottage Whiteley Rev. Joseph Fuge Rev. James, M.A., the Vicarage Mainwaring, Sir Harry, Bart., J.P., Peover COMMERCIAL. HaU Arrowsmith John, farmer Wright Mr. Francis BonUnikon Floor Cloth Company Limited, COMMERCIAL. floor cloth manufacturers, MiU bank Birtle James, farmer Burgess James, farmer Buckley Jamea, farmer Burgess Joseph, basket maker Clarke Charles, bricklayer Clarke Peter, innkeeper. Greyhound Clarke Daniel, farmer Clark Thomas, farmer. Brook farm Clarke John, shopkeeper and postmaster Clyburn WiUiam, nurseryman and market Clarke Samuel, farmer gardener CUff John, shoemaker, farmer and assistant Darbyshire John, farmer and assistant overseer overseer Darbyshire WilUam, blacksmith CUff Peter, farmer Davies Samuel, farmer Crosby John, farmer Fletcher Peter, farmer Cross Mark, farmer Hale WiUiam, shoemaker Curbishley Thomas, blacksmith Irlam WiUiam. farmer Daniels Robert, beer retailer and shopkeeper MiUatt Peter, farmer Davenport Charles, farmer, Merrydale farm MUls Mary A., shopkeeper Drake Aliss —, farmer. Grotto house Oekleston Robert, paper manufacturer, MUl Gleave James, farmer bank Grice Joseph, farmer Pitt Mary, Innkeeper, WiUiam the Fourth Hardern Thomas, farmer PoUard Charles, ferryman Hewitt Margaret, farmer PoUard George, shopkeeper and farmer Irlam —, farmer PoUard Joseph, shopkeeper and postmaster Jackson George, farmer, AVhitehouse farm Read EUen, farmer Leach Sarah, farmer Rodgers John, farmer Mann Mary, farmer. Pine cottage Rodgers WiUiam, farmer MinshaU WiUiam, farmer, New Hall farm Timperley Denis, farmer Newton Samuel, farmer Warburton James, farmer OkeU Thomas, farmer Wareham Joseph, farmer Plant WiUiam, farmer Whitelegg Benjamin, tanner and farmer Proudman WUliam, farmer AVhitelegg Robert, leather dealer Read John, pavior Whittle WilUam, shoemaker Read Samuel, paviour Whiteley Rev. Joseph, boarding and day school Read Samuel, farmer Winstanley Thomas, joiner and builder Robinson James, farmer Winstanley Thomas, farmer Shatwell Thomas, farmer Worthington Joseph, farmer, HaU farm Smith George, Mainwaring Arms Inn Snelson Thomas, Parkgate Inn EOVER SUPERIOR (or Over), is a town­ Staley Noah, farmer P ship in Rostherne parish, Altrincham Street Joseph, bricklayer Union, and Hundred of Bucklow, 2| mUes Taylor Samud, farmer Thorley Johu, wheelwright from Chdford Railway Station, 3| south from 27G PEOVER- NETHER. WorraU'i

Thorley Peter, farmer Jackson Isaac, farmer and assistant overseer Thorley Thomas, joiner, &c. Jackson WiUiam, shopkeeper AVainwright John, farmer Jepson John, farmer AVainwright Sarah, farmer Kinsey John, farmer Wilkinson John, farmer Lea Jamea, mUler and corn dealer. Lower AA'ilkiuson William, farmer Peover MiU AVilUamson Joseph, miUer Leach Henry B., farmer Wood Luke, schoolmaster, endowed school Peake Edward, tailor Platt John, farmer X^ETHER PEOVER, with Peover Inferior. Rotherham John, assistant master. Lower -^^ is a township in Great Budworth Peover endowed school parish, in the Union and Hundred of North­ Seddon James, farmer wich, about five miles west from Chdford Simpson George, innkeeper aud farmer. Crown RaUway atation, three south east from inn Knutsford. six north from Middlewich, and Snelson Thomas, farmer aix north east from Northwich. The chapel Sparshot WiUiam, farmer. Swan green dedicated to St. Oswald, was originaUy erected in Tickle WiUiam, farmer the reign of Heury III., and restored in 1852. PEOVER INFERIOR. It consists of nave, aisles, chancel, and south porch, Avith a tower containing six bells and a PRIVATE RESIDENTS. dock. There is a school for chUdren of both Groves Mr. WilUam, Brookfield houae sexes, with an endowment of about £70 per Robinson Mr. Thomas annum. Peover Inferior, situate in Bucklow Hundred, is a hamlet forming part of, and COMMERCIAL. belonging to this townahip. Bancroft John, farmer Lettera through Knutsford, which is the Bancroft Joseph Carter, farmer nearest Aloney Order Office. Barlow Robert, farmer Bell George, brewer, Tabley Arms Inn St. Oswald's Church, Rev. John Holme, vicar Bratt John, blacksmith Lower Poever Endowed School, Rev. John Groves WiUiam, farmer, Brookfield house Holme, head master; John Rotherham, Kinsey Peter, farmer assistant master ; Ann HenshaU, miatreaa. LeAvis John, veterinary surgeon. Church view PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Newton Samuel, farmer Faulkner Mr. Henshaw, Swan green NoweU WiUiam, shoemaker Holme Rev. John, vicar Ravenscroft William, shopkeeper Robinson Thomaa, farmer COMMERCIAL. Steel Thomaa, farmer Alcock Mary, farmer, AA^ight Samuel, Old Church Houae Inn Allen John, farmer, Yew Tree farm Ardern Edwin, tailor and shopkeeper "piCKMERE is a township in Great Bud- Balshaw Henry, farmer -•- worth parish, Altrincham Union and Barber Joseph, farmer Bucklow Hundred, about three miles from Barker George, joiner and builder Knutsford, and the same from Northwich. It Barlow James, farmer. Back lane contains 1045 acres of land, and in 1861, 247 Bayley WiUiam, farmer inhabitants; and 1871, 256. Here is a Wes­ Bell AViUiam, farmer and saAvyer leyan chapel and school. Bell WilUam farmer. Back lane Boardman EUzabeth, Red Lion Inn Bratt WiUiam, farmer Booth William, farmer Caldwell WUUam H., farmer. Crown lane Curbishley Edward, shopkeeper Davenport James, farmer Darlington Thomas, farmer. Davenport John, shoemaker Ford Joseph, farmer Faulkner Henry, watchmaker Forster Frederica, Wesleyan school mistress Foster John, farmer Hickson Harriet, farmer Groves AVilUam, farmer Hickson Mary, farmer Henshall Aun, Schoolmistress, Lower Peover Moore AVilliam, blacksmith -lackson Edward, farmer Aloreton John, farmer Directory. PLUAIBLEY,

Owen John, farmer Ward WilUam, miUer, Holford mUl Pearson Henry, shopkeeper Webster Thomas, taUor Platt Robert, farmer WhaUey Ralph, farmer Rayner John, bootmaker WUUamson Barnet, farmer SmaUman John, taUor WhaUey Adam, farmer pRESTON-ON-THE-HILL, or PRESTON WhaUey EUen, farmer -•- BROOK, ia a viUage and townahip in AVhalley George, farmer Runcorn parish, and Bucklow hundred, situated WhaUey Lewis, farmer about 4 miles east from Frodsham, aud 4| Woodward Peter, farmer south-east from Runcorn, and on the main Une Wright James, farmer of the London and North-AVestern RaUway ; Wright Joshua, farmer and also on the main Une of the Duke of Bridge- water's canal, between Runcorn aud Man­ LUMBLEY is a township in the parish of chester, which navigation is here joined to that P Great Budworth and Hundred of North­ of the Trent and Alersey Canal, leading through wich, situated ou the Cheshire Midland Line Staffordshire Potteries, Wolverhampton, Bir­ of RaUway, about three miles south west from mingham, &c. The Bridgewater Trustees have Knutsford. The population waa in 1861, here an extensive depot for transhipped goods, 365 ; and in 1871, 365, and contains 1240 such as iron, grain, timber, &c., passing between acres of land. Here is a Wesleyan Chapd. Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Derby, Leices­ Letters through Knutsford. ter, Nottingham, the Potteries, to Liverpool, Coppock William, Esq., Manchester, &c., and for the accommodation of COMMERCIAL, which, extenaive and wdl-buUt warehouses are provided. Acreage, 1,122. Population in Atherton Roger, farmer 1861, 596 ; and in 1871, 599. Atherton Thomaa, farmer Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. Booth Peter, farmer POST OFFICE. —WiUiam AI ackelroy, poat­ Booth WiUiam, bricklayer maater. Lettera arrive from London and Bowker Henry, ahopkeeper . the Bouth at 12 56 a.m. From the north, Cork Thomas, farmer Liverpool, Yorkshire, &c., at 4 45 a.m. Crimes Joseph, farmer From London and the south at 12 3 noon. Curbishley James, farmer From Liverpool and the north at 12 17 p.m. Dodaon AA^^iUiam, farmer From Manchester, Chester, Stoke, &c., at Groves John, farmer 2 7 p.m. And are despatched to Liverpool Groves Richard, farmer and the north at 12 50 a.m. To Frodsham, Groves WiUiam, farmer &c, at 5 30 a.m. To London and the south Hale Mra. —, farmer at 11 50 a.m. To Frodsham, &c., at 2 30 Hazlehurst Thomas, farmer p.m. To Yorkshire, Ireland, &c., at 6 55 Higginsou John, farmer p.m. To London and the south at 11 50 Jackson Peter, farmer p.m. Money Order, Savings Bank, and Jones George, forrester Telegraph Office. Kennerley Thomas, farmer Ledward Peter, farmer CABRiERa BY RAIL.—London & North-Westem Leicester George, farmer RaUway Co.; John Cooke, atation master Leicester Peter, cabinet maker CARRIERS BY CANAL.—Beckett William, to Newton John, Smoker Inn and farmer Leicester; W. M. Salt, agent. Bridgewater NcAvton Thomas, smith and farmer Trustees: To Liverpool, Runcorn, Man- Parker Zebedee, stationmaster cheater, Warrington, Bolton, Birmingham, Parks WiUiam, farmer Wolverhampton, Staffordshire Potteries, and Platt John, farmer intermediate places ; Gilbert McAVhanneU, Platt Robert, farmer agent. Brown Daniel: To Nottingham and Rotherham John, bootmaker Midland counties; W. M. Salt, agent. Shaw James, farmer Cockshott & Gandy : to Derby and Alidland Snelson Joseph, farmer counties. Colsall, Walley & Co. : to London. Stubbs Peter, farmer The Shropshire Union Canal Co. : to aU Tonge Jamea, Railway Inn and coal dealer parta of North AA'alea. 278 ROCK SAVAGE. Worrall's

PRIVATE RESIDE]STS. Blease John, tailor Dodd Air. James Blease Peter, tailor Priestmann Mr. Arthur Clarke Joseph, farmer Priestman Mr. John Clarke Samuel, farmer, aud assistant overseer Priestman Mr. Thomas Cuff WilUam, farmer, Swan Hotel Rhodes Mr. Charles Evans James, shoemaker Salt Mr. WUUam M. Hancock WiUiam, farmer COMMERCIAL. Hewitt James, sexton Basnett Daniel, farmer Hodgkinson Jamea, farmer and schoolmaster Booth Peter, farmer Jackaon John, farmer Brereton WUUam, farmer Massey Hannah, shopkeeper Broom Samuel, farmer Newhouse Henry, farm bailiff Cowap Jamea, shopkeeper Newton Thomas, farmer Fryer WiUiam, grocer, butcher, and farmer Perrin John, farmer Pennington Edwnrd, wheelwright Perrin Thomas, farmer Prieatley Joseph, farmer, and coal dealer PownaU WUliam, farmer Priestman John & Son, tanners RowUnson Elizabeth, ahopkeeper Tickle Peter, farmer Walton John, farmer Whitlow Henry T., farmer Warburton John, farmer and fisherman Whitlow John T., Red Lion Inn, and farmer Whitlow WUUam T., farmer T> UDHEATH is a toAvnship, in the parish o^ -^ Davenham, one mUe from NorthAvich, OCK SAVAGE, or Clifton, is a smaU containing a population, by the census of 1871, R township, in the parish of Runcorn, about of 521, an increase of 110 inhabitauts during two mUes therefrom, and the same from Frod- the previous ten years. The toAvnship is en- aham. Population, in 1861, 30. tfrely agricultural. There is a small Chapel of Baker Henry, farmer, Clifton Ease attached to the rectory of Davenham, and Stokea Joseph, farmer. Rock Savage National schools for chUdren of both sexes in the township. The Heath, now enclosed, was OSTHERNE is a parish, township, and the scene of a conflict between the RoyaUats* R viUage in Altrincham Union, and hundred and ParUamentary forces, on the 22nd FebruH.' of Bucklow, containing, by the census of 1871, ary, 1643, resulting in a drawn battle 391 inhabitants and 1,512 acres; three mUes Shurlach is an adjoining township, contain­ from Knutsford, four from Altrincham, 3| from ing 170 inhabitants. Bowdon station (on the Altrincham and North­ Chapel of Ease, Rudheath, the Rector of Da^ wich Une), 12 from Manchester, and nine from venham and curates miniaters. Northwich. The church of St. Mary, an Methodist Free Church. ancient stone building, consists of nave, side National Schools — Joseph Arnold master ; aisles, side chapels, and chancdj with tower Sarah Arnold, mistress. containing six beUs and clock. There are good Letters through Northwich, which is the near­ schools for chUdren of both sexes. Lord Eger­ est Money Order and Telegraph Office. ton, of Tatton, is lord of the manor. Letters from Knutsford, which is the nearest Gibson Mr. Simeon money order office. Jackaon Mr. Joseph Lady Egerton's S(-hool, for girls—Jane Hat- COMMERCIAL. teraley, mistress Berry Edward, farmer National School, for boys—James Hodgkinson, Burn Joseph, farmer master Brett Samuel, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Mary, Duke of Portland Clarke Rev. —, the Vicarage CaldweU Henry, farmer Egerton Hon. Wilbraham, M.P., CaldweU John, shopkeeper and coal dealer Parkes Miss — Carter Robert, wheelwright Taylor Miss Mary A. Chantler Thomas, farmer COMMERCIAL. Foster Thomas, farmer AstaU Isaiah, shopkeeper and postmaster Frith Joseph, farmer Blat-.kbuin WiUiam, farmer Gleave Joseph, farmer Directory. RUNCORN 279

Griffiths Charles, farmer and cheese factor, Old of the country. The various British products Broken Cross which occupy the quays and warehouses are Griffiths John, farmer, Shurlach used in numerous branches of manufacture, HaU John, Old Broken Cross Inn, and shop­ and a considerable extent of foreign mer­ keeper chandise is imported and exported. The docks Holland Elizabeth, farmer are linked with the railway systems of the HoUand John, farmer kingdom, by a branch line belonging to the Hollingshead Joseph, farmer London and North AVestern Railway Co. HoUand Joseph, coal dealer Full particulars of the magnificent bridge Holland Thom a, farmer Avhich spans the here, will Johnson Mary & Elizabeth, farmers be found on page 183. The Bridge- LathweU Samuel, farmer water Trustees, who are proprietors of MiUington Thomas, sen., farmer the premises, maintain a fleet of powerful MiUington Thomas, jun., farmer steamers for towing veasds between Runcorn Alountfidd Peter, farmer and Liverpool, those having cargoes being Pemberton Joseph, farmer towed free of charge, and no dock charges Prescot Sarah, farmer, Shurlach are made on vessels with cargoes using the Shaw Thomas, farmer, Shurlach basins and docks for the purpose of trade, un­ Shore Richard, farmer less they remain longer than twenty one days. Slater John, farmer The Port is especiaUy eUgible for aU purposes Speakman WiUiam, beer retailer of traffic in connection with the manufacturing Stubbs James, farmer districts of Lancashire, Yorkshire, Derby­ ToAvers Samuel, farmer shire, the Staffordshire Potteries, and iron districts of Wolverhampton, Birmingham, &c., and the inland towns of the Northern and RUNCOBN. Midland Counties of England. The Lanca­ shire coal fields and the Cheshfre salt works, T)UNCORN is a parish, township, port and together with the usual exports of manu­ -Li) market town, aud the principal of the facturing towns, afford ready means for ships Union to which it gives its name, in the procuring outward cargoea. Direct and econo­ Hundred of Bucklow and . mical communication exists by raUway and The parish comprises 19 townships, and 18,906 water with aU these districts, by which goods acres. The population withiu the registration are sj^eedily forwarded to any part of the sub-diatricts iu 1861, was 13,590; and in Kingdom. The Bridgewater Canal is con­ 1871, 16,446, The Uniou comprises 37 town­ nected Avith the Docks and the river Mersey ships, and contained in 1861, 26,792 inliabit- by meana of twoUnes of locks, one of which waa auts; and in 1871, 30,656. The town and constructed by the celebrated engineer, Jamea port is situated about 18 mUes south-east from Brindley, who also constructed the canal for Liverpo(d, 15 north-east from Chester, nine the late Duke of Bridgewater, and besides south-west from AVarrington, and about six these, a new cut, designated the " Runcorn North from Frodsham, on the southern ahore and Weston Canal," was opened in 1860, of the river Alersey, at the point Avhere the which constitutes a junction of this navigation Bridgewater Canal, and the Old Quay Navi­ with the docks and the river Weaver naviga­ gation unite with that river. The spacious tion in the township of Weston. The Old Bridgewater docks accommodate a large Quay NaAigation from Alanchester joins the number of vessels, and the entrance from the river Mersey at this place, and has com­ Mersey is through a gateway 50 feet in vsidth. modious docks, where extensive business is which is also the width of the opening into carried on, and which further tends to make the Alfred Dock. There is every adaptation Runcorn an important position as connecting for a large amount of traffic; but the more the inland mercantile interests Avith the sea. modern appliances are found at the newer A steamer taking passengers kaves Runcorn portion of the Avorks, where steam and for Liverpool daily, and a pasKenger bo.it for hydrauUc cranes arc in regular use. and by Warrington and AIanehe£.ter, on Monday, their rapid and easy movements greatly Wednesday and Fiiday. The number of facilitate the despatch of ships, and the smaller vessels ai;d tonnage, inwards and outwards, craft which ply ou the cauals into the interior according to the Customs returns for the vear 280 RUNCORN. Worrall't

ending 31st March, 1871, was as foUowa :— fairs on the last Friday in April, and the la:t Inwards, foreign, 373 vessels, 40,210 tons; Friday in October. inwards, foreign, in baUast,4vessels, 581 tons; Parr's Banking Company Limited, have a outwards, foreign, with cargoea, 331 vessels, branch office here, and there is a Savings 37,006 tons ; outwards, foreign, in baUast, 1 Bank, and Post Office Savings Bank in the vessel, 124 tons: inwards, coasting, 803 vessels, town. 49,735 tons; outwards, coasting, 1,945 vessels, POST OFFICE.—High street, corner of Church 135,461 tons. The Port has a bonded ware­ street, Richard Lea, postmaster. Arrivals: house at the docks for the storage of goods —From all parta at 5-40 a.m., from Crewe, until the duty ia paid at the Cuatom Houae, Manchester and Liverpool at 3-3 p.m. and for the convenieneo of vessels sailing to Despatches :—To Manchester, Liverpool and foreign ports being supplied with necessary London at 10-25 a.m., box closes at 10-15. atorea. In the town are several large ship­ To North Wales, Yorkshire, Newcastle-on- building yards, roperies, ship chandlery Tyne and the East at 7-30 p.m., box closes establishments, soaperies, tanneries, chemical at 7-15. To aU parta at 9-30 p.m., box works, &c. The Runcorn and Weston stone closes at 9. PiUar and waU boxes, Water­ quarries are much noted, the stone being used loo Bridge, Runcorn Bridge, and Higher in most eredions of importance in Cheshire, Runcorn. Runcorn is the post toAvn for the Lancashire, and adjoining counties. The villages of Halton, Weston, Weston Point, Town HaU, in Bridge street, ia a neat build­ Stockham and Norton. Money Order, Savings ing, and contains the police station and Bride­ Bank, and Telegraph Office. weU, the County Court, Petty Sessions Court, and the offices of .the Runcorn Im­ PLACES OF WORSHIP, AND THEIR provement Commissioners. The PubUc HaU MINISTERS. in Public HaU street, is a handsome stoue Parish Church (AU Saints'); Rev. Canon John buUding erected by a Limited Company, and Barclay, M.A., vicar is let for concerts, theatrical performances, Holy Trinity Church, Trinity street; Rev. &c., and contains the office of the Water T. Raffles Hoskin, ALA., vicar; Rev. — Works Co. The parish church, dedicated to BeU, curate AU Saints, is a handsome edifice in the early St. Peter's Mission Church, Duke's Field ; Rev. English style of architecture, erected in 1849 on J. W. Davis, curate in charge tie site of the old one. It consists of nave, Newtown Alission Church, Shaw street chancel, north and south aisles, and transept, Alarinera' Church, Irwell lane with tower and spire, and a peal of eight bells. Baptist Chapd, Bridge street The Rev. Canon Barclay, M.A., is the present Congregational Chapel, High atreet; Rev. vicar. Holy Trinity Church, iu Trinity street, Samuel Yates is a handsome Gothic structure with tower and Independent Chapel, Pennington's row one beU. It was erected by subscription and a Alethodist Free Church, EUesmere street; Rev. grant from the Church Building Society in J. Keunard 1838. The Uving is in the gift of John and Presbyterian Chapd, St. John street; Rev. Thomas Johnson, Esqrs. The Rev.T. Raffies Evan Williams Hoskin, M.A., is the present vicar. St. Primitive Methodist Chapels : Greenway road Peter's Mission Church, The Docks, and the and Regent street; Rev. Ambrose Kirkland Mariners' Church, IrweU lane, are smaU neat Roman Catholic Chapel, WindmiU street; Rev. edifices, and are chiefly attended by marinera. Denis Maguire, priest The Rev. J. W. Davis officiatea at the former, Welsh Chapel, Rutland street and miniatera from Holy Trinity at the latter. Wesleyan Methodist Chapela; High street, The Wealeyana have aeveral handaome chapela Halton road. Lowlands road, and Fredericlj here, two of them having cost about £8,000 St.; Revs. Samud D. Reay, and S. H. Pin^ each, and chiefly at the expenae of T. Hazle­ hurst, Esq. A Ust of the other placea of PUBLIC BUILDINGS, INSTITUTIONS worahip will be found in the directory for OFFICES, &c. Buucorn. Most of the places of worship have COUNTY COURT, Town Hall, Bridge atreet (held Bchools in connection, and there are several once a month); Judge, John WiUiam Hard­ first class boarding and day schools in the en, Esq.; Registrar, WiUiam Nicholson town. The market is held on Friday, and Esq.; High BaUiff, Mr. F. P. Matthewa. Directory. RUNCORN 231

CPSTOM H!OT79E, Duke's Fields—CoUector and Dock Master's Office, Old Quay; Daniel Eccles­ Sarveyor, Richard A. Crombleholme, Esq. ; ton, Dock master Clerk and Examining Officer, Alfred T. Harbour Master's Office, the Docks ; William Calder; Assistant Examining Officer, William Garnett, Harbour master M. Farndale; Out-Door Officers, George Market HaU, Bridge street: Henry Colebum, Wood and Alfred Wakefield superintendent HARBOUR RATES OFFICE, JDuke's Fields—Re­ Overseer's Office, 5, Alcock street; William ceiver of Dues, Mr. George H.Taylor; Assist­ Fisher, Assistant Overseer ant Clerk, John Fairhurst Petty Session Court, Town Hall, Bridge street LITERARY & MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, 60 High Police Office, Town HaU; Edward Aston, atreet—President, W. W. Brundrit, Esq., superintendent J.P.; Treasurer, E. V. Greatbatch; Secretary, Public Baths, Ferry Slip ; Ann Beech, keeper John W. Roberts Registrar's Office (Births, Marriages «& Deaths), LOCAL MAGISTRATES—Philip Whiteway, Esq., EUesmere street; Henry Coleburn, Registrar (chairman,) Grove House; Sir Richard Runcorn Public HaU, Public HaU street Brooke, Bart., Norton Priory; John Johnson, Stamp Office, 77, Bridge street; Alfred Buck, Esq., Bank House, High street; William sub-distributor Wright, Esq., Oaklands, Daresbury ; W. W. Theatre Royal, High street; Thomas James, Bmndrit, Esq., The Mount; Thomas John­ proprietor son, Esq., Halton Grange ; R. C. AVhiteway, Town HaU, Bridge street Esq., Irwell lane Weights and Measures Office, Town Hall; RiTNCORN IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Edward Aston, inspector Town HaU, Bridge street—Law Clerk, Alex­ CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY, on the London and ander Day, Esq.; Secretary and Cashier, North-Westem Line.—Station, Lowlands Mr. John Ramsdale; Surveyor and Inspector road ; WUUam Appleton, station master ; of Nuisances, Mr. Michael Barker; Assistant Ebenezer Brown, goods agent Inspector of Nuisances, and Lodging Houses, CONVEYANCE BY WATER—To Liverpool : a Mr. W. Blake ; Market Inspector, Air. Henry Steamer, daUy, according to tide. To Man­ Colebum ; Aledical Officer, R. H. Mouritz, chester, a Passenger Boat, on Monday and Wednesday, at 6 a.m., and on Friday at 4a.m RUNCORN UNION, Workhouse, Dutton—Master, CARRIER BY ROAD—To Warrington : John Mr. Robert Jones ; Matron, Mrs. Margaret Okell; from 111, Church st, and Mersey st, Jones; Surgeon, John Robinson, Esq.; daily (Monday excepted) Chaplain, Rev. Edward Marsden ; School­ CARRIERS BY WATER—The Anderton Co.: To master, Joseph Pearse; Schoolnustress, Liverpool, Anderton, NorthAvich, and the CaroUne Turner; ReUeving Officer (Runcorn) Staffordshire Potteries ; Frederick FarraU, Peter Wright. agent. The Bridgewater Trustees, to Altrin­ RIFLE VOLUNTEERS (Seventh Cheshire); DrUl cham, Ashton, Bfrmingham, Bolton, Burslem, HaU and Armoury, Greenway road—Captain Burton-on-Trent, Bury, Congleton, Derby, Commandant, PhUip Whiteway, junior; Dudley, Etruria, Hanley, Leek, Leicester, Lieutenants, Richard Lea & Joseph Davies ; Longport, Longton, Loughborough, Maccles­ Ensign, Denis Brundrit: Chaplain, Rev. field, Manchester, Newcastle-under-Lyne, Canon Barclay, M.A. ; DriU Instructor, Nottingham, Northwich, , "Roch­ George Purver; Quartermaster Sergeant, dale, , Staleybridge, Stockport, W. Whitaker. Stoke-on-Trent, Stone, TunstaU, Warrington RuNcoEN GAS WORKS COMPANY, Gas street— Wolverhampton, Liverpool, Ireland, Scot­ Secretary and Manager, Mr. John R. Frith. land, &c.; Frederick FarraU, agent. The Old Quay Co., to Liverpool, Warrington, RUNCORN, WESTON, AND HALTON WATERWORKS Manchester, and the Yorkshire Towns; COMPANY—Office, PubUc HaU; Secretary, Frederick FarraU, agent. The North Staff­ W. F. SaUidd. ordshire Railway and Canal Co.: to the RUNCORN BURIAL BOARD—Office, Cemetery ; Staffordshfre Potteries ; George Rhodes, Secretary, W. F. Salkeld. agent. To Manchester and district: WUliam Cemetery, Greenway road Brookes, Joseph Davies, Edmund Finlay, County Court Office, Vicar street WiUiam Hayes, Lovett & Co., T. & W. Rigby, District Vaccination Office, High street Simpson & Davies, Samuel Taylor, and Dock Master's Office, the Docks; Richard Philip Whiteway, junior. Eccleston, Dock master 282 RUNCORN. WorralVs

ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY, Bannister John, bootmaker, 33 Church stieet Barclay Rev. Canon, the A'icarage Including Clergy, Gentry, Professors, Manu­ Barker Francis, beer retailer, 91 Church street facturers, Tradesmen, and Principal Barker George, greengrocer, 1 High street Householders. Barker Joseph, Clarendon Inn, 19 Church at Abbot Thomas, shopkeeper, Mersey street Barker Joseph, fishmonger, 61 Church street Ablett John J., parish derk, 23 WeUington st Barker Michael, surveyor and inspector of Abram Mr. John, 43 Greenway road nuisances. Town HaU; house, Heath road Abram Thomas, beer retailer, Halton road Barker Air. AA'iUiam, Brook place, Halton rd Abrama AmeUa, grocer, 37 Regent street Barlow Johu, clothier, 23 High street Abrams Sarah, grocer 35 Regent street Bate Joseph, shopkeeper, Lowlands road Accidental Insurance Co.; agents, Robert T. Bate William, coal merchant (R. Forrester & Poole, Camden buUdings, and Edmund Mara­ Co.), Moughlands road ton, 5 WeUington atreet Beckett George, mariner, Thomas street Ackerley Albert E., saUmaker, boathouse Inn, Beckett John, mariner, GreeuAvay Meadow Mersey atreet terrace Ackerley Henry, farmer, Higher Runcorn Beckett Samuel C, clerk, Greenway Meadow Acton Thomas, shopkeeper. Higher Runcorn terrace Adkinaon John B., ahopkeeper. Heath road Beech Ann, PubUc Baths, Ferry slip Ainsworth Thomaa, derk, 5 Greenway road Beesley Joseph, manager, 83 High street Albistou WiUiam, beer retailer. Cooper street BeU Rev. —, Union street Anderson Mrs, Elizabeth, Albert terrace Bennett James, shopkeeper, 76 Church street Anderson WiUiam B., clerk. Vine cottage, Bennett Jeremiah, beer retailer. Heath road Halton road Bennett Martha, shopkeeper, 85 Church street Anderton Company Carriers, Duke's Dock; F. Bennett WiUiam, bootmaker, 60 Bridgewater FarraU, agent street Anderton James, manager, Albert terrace Bergin John, beer retaUer, 43 Church street Anderton John, mamager, 5 Clarence terrace Bettley Thomas, fishmonger, 11 Church atreet Anderton Thomas, WdUngton Inn, 40 Wel- BiUingsley WUliam, grocer, 50 Ashridge at Ungton street Birkett Rebecca, shopkeeper. Cooper street Andrews Mr. Thomas, Waterloo road Birkett Rebecca, shopkeeper. Cooper stTcet Autrobus Charles, hamper maker. Bridge st Bisbrown WiUiam, tin-plate Avorker,37 Church Appleton William, stationmaster, railway street station Blake William, sanitary and lodging-house Armstrong Ellen, Rifleman's Arms, 14 Church inspector, Town HaU; house, 19 High street atreet Blinston John, bootmaker, 43 Bridge street Armstrong James, clerk, Greenway Meadow Blundell James, Barlow Mow, 56 Church st terrace Booth Amelia, shopkeeper, 32 Shaw street Arrowsmith John, painter, 12 EUesmere street Booth George, butcher, 42 Regent street Arrowsmith Joseph, currier and leather seUer, Booth James R., grocer, 19 and 21 Bridge st 14 EUesmere street Booth Joseph H., grocer, 75 Bridge street Arrowsmith Mary, ladies' school, Halton road Booth Thomas & WUUam, stationers, &c., 55 Arthur James B., clerk, Brackley street Bridge street Ashbrook Jamea, shopkeeper, 59 Surrey street Ashworth Henry, pawnbroker, 40 High street Bowden Charles, mariner, Leinster street Astbury George, beer retailer, 46 Church at Bowyer Isaac, hairdresser, 48 Church street Astbury Thomaa, shopkeeper. Heath road Boyers Eliza, shopkeeper, 57 Church street Bagley Henry, chimney sweeper. Heath road Bracegirdle James, slater, Pennington place Bailey James, china dealer. Bridge street Bracegirdle John, slater, Shaw street Bailey Joseph, horse keeper. High street Bradbury John, farmer. Heath road BaUey Sarah, china, &c., dealer. Market HaU Bradbury WUliam, coal dealer, Halton road Bankca James, greengrocer, 77 Church street Bradshaw WiUiam, furniture broker, 34 High Bankes Jamea B., watchmaker, 51 High street street Banka John, tailor, 8 Regent street Brewer Mr. Thomas, 13 High street Banner Thomas, shopkeeper. Heath road Bridgewater Trustees, carriers by water, Banner WilUam, mariner, 36 EUesmere street Duke's Dock ; F. FarreU, agent Directory. RUNCORN. 283

Bridgewater Trustees, engineering department, Clarke Edward, solicitor, notary public and Mersey street; James Rhodes, resident clerk to the magistrates, 5 High street; engineer house. Higher Runcorn Brimdow George, greengrocer, 29 Bridge st Clarke WUliam C, butcher, 78 High street Briscoe Peter, grocer, &c.. Bridge street Clegg Benjamin, clerk, Brackley street Briscoe Samud, grocer, 48 Bridgewater street Cliff Thomas, pavior and contractor, 46 Green­ Britannia Fire Insurance Co., Bentinckstreet; way road John Humphreys, agent Cliffe John, fire-brick maker. Old Quay Pottery British Imperial Insurance Co,, 24 Bridge st.; Clough John, butcher, 60 Church street George J. Knight, agent Clough Joseph, dogger, 10 EUesmere street Briton Life Insurance Co., Bentinck street; Clough Thomas, pork butcher, Alarket haU John Humphreys, agent Clucas John, foreman, Sutherland street Broad WiUiam, butcher, 39 Church street Coleburu Henry, registrar of births, deaths, Broadhurst Harriet, dressmaker, 46 Ashridge and marriages, and superintendent of market, atreet 15 Ellesmere street and Market haU Brookea John, quarry manager, 105 Church at Colgan Mary F., dressmaker, 54 Regent street Brookes WiUiam, ahipbroker, commission agent, Collier Richard, grocer. Lowlands road carrier by caual to Manchester and district, Collier Samuel, grocer. Church street and agent for the NorAvich Union Insur­ Collins Patrick, marine store dealer. Copper st ance Co., AVaterloo Bridge; house, 105 Colonial Life Assurance Co., Camden buildings; Church street Robert T. Poole, agent Brown Ebenezer, goods agent, 10 Greenway rd Conway Newby, sub-agent, Mersey view Brown F., joiner, Bridgewater street Cook John, draper, Lowlands road Brown Robert, bootmaker, 65 Church street Cook Thomas, bootmaker, 54 Church street Brown Thomas, mariner, 12 Thomas street Cook Thomas, smith aud farrier. Lowlands rd Browne Andrew, chemist, 17 Bridge street Cooper D. T., shopkeeper, 17 EUesmere street Brundrit & Whiteway, merchants, ship buUd­ Cooper David, ahopkeeper, 3 Bridgewater st ers, shipowners, and stone merchants; office. Cooper AViUiam, saUmaker, Mill street High street; ship yard, Mersey street CottreU Joseph, shopkeeper, 68 Surrey street Brundrit John, Esq., South bank Coulson Henry, Bridgewater Arms, Top locks Brundrit W. W., Esq., J.P., the Mount County Court, Town haU Bryce George, manager, Leinster street County Court Office, Vicar street Buck Alfred, chemist, Stamp Office, 77 Bridge County Fire Insurance Co., Camden buildings ; street Robert T. Poole, agent Burgess Ann, shopkeeper, CO Regent street Couth WilUam H., Marinera' Hotal, Percival Calder Alfred T., clerk and examining officer. lane Custom House, Duke's field Cox Airs. Alary, 8 Greenway road Carr Thomas S., watchmaker, 45 Regent st Coxhill John, Masonic Hotd, Devonshire place Carriage Accident Insurance Co., 24 Bridge Crabb G. W., manager, Parr'a Bank, High st street; George J. Knight, agent Craig James (1st B.A., London), boarding and Carter WiUiam, butcher. Heath road day school, Irwell House Cemetery, Greenway road Crimes Joseph, wheelwright, Halton road ChadAvick Joseph, beer retailer, 11 Bridge st Croley WilUam, bootmaker. Bridge street Crombleholme R. A., collector and surveyor of ChadAvick Mra. —, Higher Runcorn Chadwick Thoma?, coal dealer. King steeet Customs, Leinster atreet Chadwick Thomaa H., rope and aaU maker, Cropper William, foreman, Stonecroft Crosby James, Navigation Inn, Canal street Percival lane Crosby Samuel, grocer, 82 High atreet Chamberlain James & Co., tea and coffee mer- Crosby Thomas, George and Dragon Hotel, chanta, 30 Wellington street Egerton street Chamberlain John, farmer. Heath road Crosby Thomas & James, brewers, Navigation Charles Richard, shopkeeper, Mersey street brewery. Canal street Chews & Pretty, ladies' boarding school. Higher Crosby AVilUam, Blue BeU, Fryer atreet Runcorn Cross Thomas, shoemaker. High street Clare James, mariner, 6 Thomas street CunUffe Joseph, draper, 55 Church atreet Clark Robert, beer retaUer, Alcock street Cunningham AA''. G., general agent, Halton rd 2:;4 RUNCORN. WorraU'i

Custom House, Duke's Fields ; R. A. Cromble­ Falk H. E., salt and coal proprietor, 109 holme, coUector Church street Daniels Esther, ahopkeeper, 16 High street Falk Robert, agent, 109 Church street Dannett Isaac, householder, Leinster street Farndale W. M., assistant examining officer Darrow James, mariner, Leinster street Custom House DarweU Charles, beer retailer, Bentinck street FarraU Frederick, agent for the Bridgewater Davies Benjamin, grocer, 51 Regent street Trustees, the Old Quay Company, and the Davies Elias, foreman, 44 Ashridge street Anderton Company, Duke's Dock Davies Evan, watchmaker, 24 Church street FarraU WiUiam, builder, Penketh lane Davies Henry, tailor, draper, &c., 15 Bridge st Fearnett George, greengrocer, 53 Bridge st and Ann street west, Widnes—see advt. Fields Henry, brickmaker. Canal street Davies Henry, joiner and builder. Bold street Findley F. J., clerk, 4 Albert terrace Davies John, merchant (Simpson & Davies), Finlay Edmund, agent to the Cheshire Amal­ Church street gamated Salt Works Co. Limited, shipbroker, Davies Joseph, salt proprietor, coal merchant, &c.. Duke's Dock ; house. Higher Runcorn shipbroker, and forwarding agent. Top locks; Finlay John, hairdresser, 56 Bridgewater at house, the Elms, Higher Runcorn Finlow Joseph, shopkeeper, 10 Bridge street Davies Peter, master mariner, Brackley street Fisher William, assistant overseer, 5 Alcock Davies WiUiam, beer retailer, 9 Loch street street Davies AViUiam, beer retaUer, 70 Ashridge st Fleming John H., manager, Irwell lane Davies Rev. J. AV., 11 Cawdor street Ford James, farmer. Higher Runcorn Day Alexander, soUcitor and clerk to the Im­ Ford Rebecca, farmer. Higher Runcorn provement Commissioners, 24 Bridge street Forrester Mrs., Moughlands road Day George, beer retailer, 26 Bridgewater st Forrester R. & Co., coal and aand merchants, DiUon AViUiam, chimney sweeper, 12 King and carriers by canal to Manchester, &c., street Lowlanda road Ditchfield Jamas, Stanley Arms, 76 High st Forreater Ralph, coal merchant (R. Forrester Ditchfield Thomas, farmer. Pica Farm & Co.), Moughlands lane Dobson James, chemist, 74 High street Forster John, grocer, 79 Church street Dobson Joseph, grocer, 71 Church street Foster Thomas, draper,^ 25 Church street Dobson Samuel, corn dealer, 3 and 6 Bridge st Foulkes Mr. James, Bentinck street Dock Master's Office, the Docks Fowls Mrs. Eliza, Waterloo road Dock Master's Office, Old Quay Fox Ann, shopkeeper, Greenway road Dolan Austin, clerk. Belvedere Francis John, china dealer, 56 high street Done Thomaa, clerk, Shaw atreet Frith John R., secretary and manager for the Doran William, warehouaeman, 3 Clarence Runcorn Gas Company, Gas street; house. terrace West view, Greenway road Durr James, beer retailer, 7 EUesmere street Frodsham John, pierhead man, 2 Parker st Dutton Charles, tobacconist, 67 Bridge street Gamble Henry, shopkeeper. 12 Mersey street Dutton John, tin-plate worker, 58 Bridge- Garnett Betsy, china dealer, 20 Church street water street Garnett Alary, beer retaUer, Queen street Dutton Joseph, draper. Lowlands road Garnett WilUam, harbour master, the Docks Dutton WilUam & Son, school slate manufac­ Garratt John, telegraphist, 21 Ashridge street turers, Heath road Gas Works, Gas street; John R. Frith, secre­ Eccleston Daniel, dock maater, Old Quay ; tary and manager house, 15 Thomas atreet GaskeU Henry, grocer, 35 Church street Eccleaton Richard, dock master, the Docks General Life and Fire Insurance Company, 10 Eden Robert, pork butcher, 16 Church street Church street; Thomas Handley and Son, Edser Mary A., schoolmistress. Heath road agents Edwards M., mUUner, 14 Shaw street Gentles Margaret, school, 40 Church street EUeman George, beer retailer, BrunsAvick st Gerrard Charles, printer, bookseUer, book­ ElUson WUUam, shopkeeper, Bentinck street binder, stationer, and agent for the Liver­ Elvidge WUUam, whitesmith, 78 Church st pool and London, and Globe Insurance Co., Evans Robert, foreman. High street Guardian office, 28 Bridge street Evans Sarah, draper, 61 Church street Gibson W. B., ironmonger (W. B. Gibson and Fairhurst John, clerk, Duke street Co.), Halton road Directory. RUNCORN. i85

Gibson W. B. & Co., general and furnishing Hayes Frederick, aaU maker (Hayea and ironmongers, iron merchants, &c., 24 and 26 Sproston), Waterloo road Bridge street, and Waterloo road, Widnes— Hajes George, ahopkeeper, Waterloo road see advertisement. Hayes George, jun., Devonshire Hotel, 36 Gittina WiUiam, grocer, 39 Surrey atreet Ashridge street Gleave Joseph, beer retailer, 2 Surrey atreet Hayes WiUiam, merchant, coal and salt pro­ Glover Mra. H., milUner, baby linen and prietor, &c.. Top Locks—See advertisement. ladies' underclothing warehouae, 18 High at Hayward WUliam, Grapes Inn, Halton road Glover H. & Co., tea and coffee merchanta, 57 Hazlehurst and Sons, soap manufacturers, High street Camden works GoodaU Charles, cooper. Canal street Hazlehurst Charles, soap manufacturer GoodaU Mary, dressmaker, 13 EUesmere st (Hazlehurst and Sons), Waterloo house Gorst George, grocer, 58 High street Hazlehurst George, pattei-n maker, 20 Trinity Gready Alichad, beer retailer, 12 Regent st atreet Greatbatch Edward V., cashier, Mersey view Hazlehurat John, Esq., High atreet Green Charles H., maater, grammar school. Hazlehurst Thomas bootmaker, 5 Bridge at Church street Hazlehurst Thomas, soap manufacturer (Hazle­ Green Mrs. EUzabeth, Brunswick street hurst and Sons), Higher Runcorn Greenwood Elizabeth, hairdresser and beer Hedgcock and Son, hairdressers, 52 High street retailer, 50 High street and Alcock street Gregory Robert, sawyer, 95 Church street Hedley Jacob, butcher, 82 Church street Gregson Edward, grocer, 11 Greenway road Hedley Thomas, butcher. High street Grice WUliam W., saddler, 59 Bridge street Hewitt John, grocer, Percival lane Griffith John, shopkeeper, 19 Fryer street Hicks George, shopkeeper, Ann street Griffith William, grocer, 21 High street Higginbottom John H., Bridgewater Arms, Griffiths John, beer retailer, 44 Regent street Top Locks Griffiths Thomas, beer retaUer, Pool lane Higgina Jamea, butler. High street HaUwood WiUiam, grocer and baker. Fryer at Higham John, ahopkeeper, Stanley atreet Hamilton Alexander, taUor, 3 Regent street Hilditch Thomas, beer retaUer, 28 High street Hampson Richard, tin-plate worker, Waterloo Hill Henry, pork butcher, 86 Surrey atreet road HUl WUUam, shopkeeper, 80 Surrey atreet Handley Alice, butcher, 28 Church atreet Hitchmough John, foreman, 39 Greenway rd Handley Ann, straw worker, 87 Church st Hodgetts Henry, manager, Parker street Handley & Son, boot and shoe manufacturers, Hodson Mrs. Hannah, Leinster street and agents for the General Fire and Life Hodson Jeremiah, grocer, Halton road Insurance Co., 10 Church street Holford WiUiam, householder, Greenway Handley WilUam, boot manufacturer (Handley Meadow terrace and Son), 10 Church street Holland WiUiam, butcher, 44 Church street Hankinson & Lowry, soda water, ginger beer, Holt Samuel, taUor and draper, Halton road &c., manufacturers, Alcock street—see advt Holt Sarah, draper, 44 Bridgewater street Hankinson Henry, tailor and draper. High st Hopkins Mr. WiUiam, Leinster street Hankinson WiUiam, soda water manufacturer Horsfidd Jonathan, coal dealer. Canal street (Hankinson and Lowry), 1 WeUington st Horton Samuel, pork butcher, 13 Church at Harbour Masters' Office, Docks Hoskin Rev. Thomas R., Trinity Parsonage, Harbour Rates Office, Dukes Field, Georgo H. Halton road Taylor, receiver of dues Hough Thomas, general agent, Greenway rd Hardley Mary A., householder, 113 Church st Houghton Charles, bootmaker, 35 High street Harrison Margaret, ladies school, Greenway rd Houghton Hugh, umbreUa maker. Cooper st Harrison Samuel, accountant, 29 Bridgewater Houghton Isaac, beer retailer, 17 King street street Houghton John, Railway Hotel, Lowlands rd Harrison Samuel, clerk. White street Houghton Mary, coal dealer. 111 Surrey street Harrison Thomas, clerk, Waterloo road Houghton Peter, pork butcher, 75 Church st Hartley Joseph, derk. Old Quay Houghton Samuel, grocer, 25 Egerton street Hawkesworth WilUam, shopkeeper, Lowlanda Houghton WiUiam, beer retailer, 10 Shaw at Howard John, clerk, 115 Church street road Hayes and Sproaton, sail makers. Ferry slip Howard Sarah, beer retailer, Mill street 286 RUNCORN. WorralVi

Howard WUliam, rope maker, 68 Church st Jones WiUiam, beer retaUer, Top Locks Howard WiUiam, coal agent, 121 Church st Jordan Alfred, schoolmaster (AU Saint's), Howarth John, foreman smith, Greenway Belvedere Meadow Joule James, agent. Heath road Hoxworth Samuel, shoemaker. Queen atreet Joynson John, ahopkeeper, 38 Aahridge street Hughau Jane, tobacconist, 45 High street Joynson Rebecca, berUn wool repository. High Hughan J. F., cashier, Bentinck street street Hughea Rev. —, 29 Greenway road Kay William, toy dealer, 37 Bridge atreet Hughes John, butcher, Halton road and Mar­ Kearney Alary, beer retaUer, Heath road ket hall Keunard Rev. J., 3 EUesmere street Hughes John, foreman, Pool lane Kent Charles H., clerk, Greenway Meadow Hughea Martha, draper, 38 Greenway road terrace Hughea Robert, grocer. Top Locka Kerley Paul, marine store dealer, Mersey st Hughes Robert, mariner, Leinster street Kershaw & Co., timber merchants, EUesmere st Humphreys Evan, shoemaker, St. John street Kilshaw Frederic, managing partner, Run­ Humphreys John, agent, Bentinck atreet corn Smelting Co., Gas steeet, house. Church- Hunt Charles, shopkeeper, 39 Bridge street field House, Halton road Hunt George, stonemason, Loch atreet King George J., draper, 79 King street Hunt Mr. Joseph, 28 Greenway road King W. W., tailor and draper, 61 Bridge st Hunt Robert, painter, 59 Church street Kirkham James, joiner, Greenway road Hurst Ellen, shopkeeper, Mersey street Kfrkham Joseph, general dealer. LoAvlands rd Hurst Lot, shopkeeper, 1 Bridge street Kirkham Samuel, grocer, 3 Church steeet Huxley Mr. WiUiam, 42 Greenway road Kirkham Thomas, beer retaUer, 64 Ashridge st Imison Christopher C, paAvnbroker, 62 Church Kirkland Rev. Ambrose, 4 Clarence terrace street Knight George J., accountant, estate and Improvement Commissioners Office, Town haU insurance agent, 24 Bridge street, house, Imperial Insurance Co.; agent, W. G. Cuc- Bentinck steeet ningham, Halton road Knight Samuel, grocer, 63 Wellington street Jackson James, shopkeeper, Percival lane Kniveton Benjamin, bootmaker, Church stieet Jackson James, china dealer, 72 High street Knowles Brothers, ship smiths, Percival lane Jackson J. 0., grocer and draper, 67, 69 and Knowles James, grocer and baker, 30 Church stl^ 71 Bridge street Knowles James, smith (Knowlea Brothers),^ Jackson Samuel, beer retailer, 19 EUesmere st Percival lane Jackson Thomas R., manager for Union Loan Knowles John, draper, 23 Bridge street and Discount Co. Limited, Waterloo road Knowlea WUliam, smith (Knowlea Brothers), James Catherine W., confectioner, 80 High 27 Greenway road street Lavell Michael T., beer retaUer, Mersey street James Edwin, bootmaker, 67 Church street Laws James, beer retaUer, Queen street James Thomas, Derby Arms, 80 High street Layland Margaret, beer retailer, Halton road Janeion Mrs. Frances, Irwell lane Lea John, Temperance Hotel, Princess street Janeion John, shipwright, Brackley street Lea Richard, fronmonger, postmaster, &c.. Jepson WiUiam, shopkeeper. Canal street High street—See advertisement Johnson Miss Ann, Ivy Lodge Leach Thomas, taUor and draper, 45 and 47 Johnson Edward, grocer, 1 Church street Church street Johnson Miss Jane, Ivy Lodge Leadbetter Jesse, coffee house, 2 BrunsAvick st Johnson John, Esq., Bank House Leathwood Thomas, beer retaUer, Canal street Johnson Thomas, Esq., J.P., Halton Grange Le Couteur John, mariner, 6 Clarence terrace Jolley James, tin plate worker, 14 Bridge st Lee George, beer retaUer, GranviUe street - Jones Mr. —, 31 Greenway road Leicester James, draper & outfitter, Top Locks Jones the Misses, stationers, 63 Bridge street Leicester John, draper, Camden Building, High Jones Daniel, pla-sterer, Penketh lane street Jones David H., draper, Camden Biuldings, Letter John, beer retaUer, Nelson street High street Lewis George, mUler, Old Steam AlUla, MUl st -Tones Thomas, New Inn, High street Lcwia James, grocer, 6 Bridge street Jones Thomas, derk, Waterloo road LoAAis James, shopkeeper, Rutland street Jones AA^iUiara, beer retailer, 66 Church street Lowis John, druggist, 24 Church street Directory. EUNCORN. 287

Lightburn John W., schoolmaster. Trinity Market HaU, Bridge street, Henry Coleburn, School, Poole lane superintendent Lightfoot John, manager, Moore's lane Marsh Richard, hairdresser. Lowlands road Littler Charles, slater, 23 Greenway road Marsh WilUam, printer, stationer, bookbinder, Littler George, slater, Penketh lane bookseller, &c., 12 Church street—^ee advt. Littler WiUiam, agent for the Prudential In­ Marshall George, chemist, 62 Bridgewater surance Co., Albert street street, house, Greenway road Liverpool and London g.nd Globe Insurance Marson Mrs. Mary, BrnnsAvick street Co., agents, Charlea Wood, 30 Bridge street, Marston Edmund, insurance agent, 5 WeUing­ Charles Gerrard, 28 Bridge atreet and Joaeph ton atreet Pritchard, Halton road Marston EUen A., dressmaker, 5 WeUington st Lloyd James, coal dealer and shoemaker, Hal­ Mason John, shipwright, Percival lane ton road Maasey William, shopkeeper, 6 Brunswick at Lockett WiUiam, shopkeeper, Rutland street Mather Esther, beer retailer, 3 Fryer atreet Lomax Jamea, pawnbroker. Church street Mather Jamea, ahopkeeper. Queen street London and North Weatern Railway Station, Mather Thomas, shopkeeper, 94 Shaw street Lowlanda road Matliieson N. & Co., manufacturing chemists, Lovett and Co., merchants, ahipbrokers, &c., Old Quay Copper and Alkali Works Leinster street Mathieson NeU, manufacturing chemist (N. Lovett George, merchant (Lovett and Co.), Mathieson & Co.), Heath road Waterloo road Alayben Emil, watchmaker, 19 Church street Lowe James, butcher. Market hall Aleadowcroft John, derk, 3 Egerton street Lowe John, shopkeeper, 24 King street Meadowcroft Joseph H., general dealer, 73 Lowe John, coal dealer. Canal bank, house. Bridge street Cooper street Mechanics Institution, 61 High street Lowe Samuel, ginger beer, soda water, &c., MeUor WiUiam, grocer, 89 Church street manufacturer and confectioner, 3 High street Meredith Sarah, shopkeeper, 20 Shaw street —See advertisement Middlebrook Mr. John, 29 High street Lowe WiUiam, shopkeeper. Union street MiUer John, beer retaUer, Bridge strnet Lownds James, shoemaker, 94 Church street Miller Thomas, mUk seller, 32 Ashridge street LoAvry Daniel, soda water manufacturer (Han­ MUler William, beer retaUer, Bridge street kinson and Lowry), 32 WeUington street MiUington John, agent for Verdin Brothers, Luce C. W., agent. Palm cottage Top Locks, house, Brackley street Lydiate EUzabeth, bootmaker, 5 Church street MUlington Margaret A., draper, 17 Bridge- Lyon and Sons, manufacturing chemists. Old water street Quay AlkaU Works Afoon John, school, 48 EUesmere street Lyon James, currier, &c., 24 High street Moon Alargaret, school, 48 Ellesmere street Lyon WiUiam, manufacturing chemist (Lyon Aloores Thomas, shopkeeper, 11 Regent street and Sons), IrweU lane Alorris Francis E., confectioner, 39 High street McDougaU Finlay, surgeon. High street Morris John, shopkeeper, Greenway road Mclntyre Francis, custom house officer, 35 Alorris Richard, wholesale and retail Unen draper, hosier, glover, smaUware dealer and Fryer street outfitter, 43 High street Mack George, beer retaUer, 81 Church street Mack John, bookseUer aud auctioneer, 53 Morris Thomas, Lord Nelson Inn, 27 High st Morrison Francis, mariner. Belvedere Regent street Moss George, clerk, Alexandra terrace, Green­ AIcKay Robert, draper, &c., Albert terrace way road McKevitt James, Lion Hotel, 49 Greenway rd Mouritz Robert H., surgeon, High street Alaclean John, bootmaker, 29 Church street National Weekly Life Assurance Co., 71 McNaughton AViUiam, shopkeeper, 28 Gran- Aille street Church street, Joseph Dobson, agent McNeUl John, traveUing draper, Brunswick st Nickson Thomas, shopkeeper. Lowlands road AIcQuiu James, bootmaker, 46 Bridgewater st Nickson WiUiam, bootmaker, Albert street McTaggart David, travdUng draper, Halton Norman Thomas, drain pipe manufacturer, Old Quay Pipe Works, house, Albert terrace road Aladdock James, butcher. Market haU North British and AlercantUe Insurance Co., 5 Maguire Rev. Denis, WindmiU street Wellington street, Edmund Alarston, agent 233 RUNCORN. WorralVi

North Staffordshire Railway and Canal Co., Post Office, High street, corner of Church st carriers to the Staffordshire Potteries, Potter & Son, merchants and shipbrokers, 48 Duke's Dock, George Rhodes, agent High street Norwich Union Insurance Co., Waterloo Powell George, manager. Co-operative Stores, Bridge, WilUam Brookes, agent Church street Oekleston John and Son, tanners, Halton road PoweU Thomas, house agent, Halton road 0>jkleston W. H., tanner (John Oekleston and Prescott Edward, butcher, Market HaU and Son), Halton Poole lane Ogden James, greengrocer, 50 Church street Price James, grocer and baker, Halton road Okell John, grocer and carrier. 111 Church st Price John, greengrocer, Market Hall Old Quay Company, Carriers, Duke's Dock; F. Prince Edward, shopkeeper, Taylor's row FarraU, agent Pritchard John, tailor, 50 EUesmere street OUver Benjamin, painter, 16 Parker street Pritchard Joseph, agent for the Liverpool and OUver John, ahoemaker, 41 Regent atreet London and Globe Insurance Company, Hal­ Orme Edward, Queen'a Hotel, Duke street ton road Overseer's Office, Alcock street; WilUam Pritchard Robert P., shipbroker, slate mer­ Fisher, assistant overseer chant, & commission agent, Waterloo Bridge Owen EUzabeth, shopkeeper, 38 WeUington st Pritchard Thomas, watchmaker, 4 Bridge st Owen John, ahopkeeper, Duke street Pritchard Thomas, coal agent, Leinster street Owen John, clerk. Belvedere Pritchley Edward, clogger, 41 Church street Owen Mary, shopkeeper, 40 Bridgewater at Provident Life Assurance Company, Camden Pace Mary A., beer retailer. Loch atreet buildings; Robert T. Poole, agent Parker John, foreman, 3 Alcock street Prudential Insurance Co.—Agents, WiUiam Parker WiUiam, clerk, 119, Church street Littler, Albert street; and John WaUord, Parr George, beer retaUer, 52 Bridgewater st Regent street Parr's Banking Company Limited (draws on PubUc Baths, Ferry SUp Glynn, MUls, Currie & Co., London), High Public HaU, Church street; Joseph H. Salkeld, atreet'. G. W. Crabb, manager secretary Parry John, foreman, Penketh lane Puck Rev. S. H., Greenway road Paraona Elizabeth, confectioner, china, &c,, Pye Rachel, shopkeeper, 39 Regent street dealer, 31 and 35 Bridge street Queen Insurance Company, Lowlands road Paraona Joseph, grocer and spirit merchant, 33 John Cook, agent and 35 Bridge street; house, 10 Thomas st Ragged School, Heath road Partington James, beer retaUer, Lowlands rd Ramsdale John, secretary and cashier for the Peacock Thomas, bootmaker, 47 Regent atreet Runcorn Improvement Commissioners, Town Peacock WiUiam, taUor, 30 Bridgewater street Hall; house. Peel street Pentony John bootmaker, 2 High street Ravenscroft James, shopkeeper, 56 Ashridge st Percival George, pork butcher, 69 Church st Ravenscroft Samuel, saU maker, Waterloo rd Percival James, grocer, 53 Church street RawUnson Ann, draper, 52 Regent street Percival Jane, grocer, Mersey street Reay Rev. Lionel D., Greenway road Perrin John P., shopkeeper, Percival lane Reynolds F. W. & Sons, tanners, Astmor Petty Sessions Court, Town HaU Tannery Pickering Thomas, smaUware dealer, 12 Bridge Reynolds Samud, shopkeeper, 20 Brunswick st street Rhodes George, agent for the North Stafford­ Pickles Thomas, boarding school, MiU Houae shire Railway Company, Duke's Dock; house, Academy, Heath road Leinster street Pierpoint Robert, tanner, Halton atreet Rhodes James, engineer for the Bridgewater Pike Thomas, general agent, 37 GranviUe st; Trustees, Mersey street; house, Leinster st house, 26 Greenway road Rhodes Sarah J„ shopkeeper, 7 Regent street Pixton James, shoemaker, Halton road Richardson John, butcher, 17 Church street, Police Office, Town HaU and Top Locks PoUitt WiUiam, grocer, 25 High street Richardson Joseph, butcher, 13 Bridge street, Poole Robert T., auctioneer, accountant, estate 42 Bridgewater street, and Alarket HaU and insurance agent, Camden buildings, Richardson Mary A., shopkeeper, 7 Bridge st High street Rifle Volunteers (7th Cheshire), DriU Hdl, 82 Pope Samuel, analytical chemist, Parker street Greenway road Directory. RUNCORN. 2SI)

Richardson AViUiam, shopkeeper, 4 Brunswickst Runcorn Soap and Alkali Compiny Limited, Richardaon WiUiam, whitesmith, MiU street soap manufacturers, manufacturing chemists, Rigby Mr. John, Belmont House, Hatton rd and salt proprietors, Runcorn, Weston, Rigby Mrs. Mary, Leinster street W^idnes, aud VVinsford, and 6 AVater street, Rigby Mrs. Mary, Halton road Liverpool—See advertisement Rigby Thomas & WilUam, coal and malt mer­ Rutter Mary, beer retailer, 63 Church street chants, ship brokers, &c., Top Locks Rutter Peter, beer retailer, 1 Brunswick street Rigby AVilUam, merchant (T. & W. Rigby), Salkeld AViUiam F., secretary to the Water- Leinster street Avorks Co., actuary of Savings Bank, and Rigby Mr. AViUiam Edward, Belle Vue, Hal­ secretary to the Burial Board; offices. Public ton road HaU and Cemetery; house. Pool House, Riley Arthur, grocer, 47 and 49 Bridge street Heath road Roberts Dinah, mUliner, 23 Church street Sampson Mrs. Elizabeth, GreeuAvay road Roberts Johu, ship chandler (John Roberts and Savage John, butcher, Halton road Son), Duke's Field Savage Joseph, butcher. High street Roberts John & Son, ship chandlers. Duke's dock Savings Bank, 60 High street Roberts John W., ship chandler (John Roberts Scottish Uniou Insurance Co., 74 High street, and Son), Bentinck street James Dobson, agent Roberts Joshua, photographer. Bridge street Scottish Widows Fund Insurance Co., Parr's Roberts WUUam, London and North-Westem Bank, High atreet, G. W. Crabb, agent Hotel, Lowlands road ; and marine store Senior Abraham, joiner, 9 Regent atreet dealer, Granville street Sharrock Thomas, Temperance, Hotel, High st Robinson John, surgeon. Belvedere Shaw —, Esq., Moughlands lane Robinson Samuel, clothier, 1 Princess street Shaw James, furniture broker, 50 Bridge at Robinson Thomas, stonemason, Albert street Shaw John, hammer abaft dresser, Alcock st Robinson WUliam, outfitter. Top Locks Shaw John, storekeeper, 17 Thomas street Rodgers Charles, beer retaUer, 13 Fryer street Shaw Robert, baker, 74 Church street Rogerson W. H., linen draper, 51 Bridge st Shaw Samud, beer retailer, Rutland street Rooke J. & J. & Co., manufacturing chemists. Shaw WiUiam, stonemason. Stone hiUs Bate's Bridge Shepherd & Sons, bill posters, 7 Fryer street Roscow George, beer retaUer, Halton road Shepherd John, shopkeeper, 7 Fryer street Rowland Thomas, shopkeeper, 9 Surrey street Shepherd Solomon, bootmaker, 13Brunswickst Rowles Sophia, Egerton Arms, 2 Bridge st Simpson & Davies, merchants, 44 High st Royal Exchange Insurance Company, Top Simpson John, merchant (Simpson & Davies), Locks ; PhiUp Whiteway, jun., agent and agent for the Star Life Insurance Co., Greenway road Royal Insurance Company, 24 Bridge street; Smith James, Ship Inn, Heath road George J. Knight, agent Smith John, shipbroker, commission agent, &c.. Roylance Alartha, mUliner, 97 Church street Runcorn and AVidnes Examiner (Frday), 12 Top Locks, house, Greenway road Church street; the Warrington Printing and Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers and news­ PubUshing Company Limited, proprietors agents. Railway station and publishers—See advertisement Soulby Charles, schoolmaster (AA''esleyan), Runcorn and W^idnes Guardian (Saturday), 28 BrunsAvick street Bridge street; A. Mackie, proprietor Spann Samuel, Alersey vaults, Alersey street Runcorn Co-operative, Industrial, and Provi­ Speakman A. E., apartments, 19 Greenway rd dent Society Limited, grocera and drapers. Speakman Isaac, chemist. 27 Bridge street Church street Speakman PhiUip, shipwright and boat buUier, Runcorn Improvement Commissioners' Office, Belvedere and Albion yards, house, Alough- " TownHaU lands road Runcorn Gas Company, Gas street; John R. Spender Mr. Thomas, 30 Greenway road Sproston Job, saU maker (Hayes & Sproston), Frith, secretary and manager Runcorn Literary and Alechanics' Institute, 60 St. Johu atreet High street Stamp Offi-e, 77 Bridge street Runcorn Smelting Company, lead smelters and Stanway AA^UUam, shopkeeper. Lowlands road Star Life Assurance Co., 44 High strce";, John fiUver refiners, Gas si reet, aud 16 Cook st., Simpson, agent Liverpool 290 RUNCORN, WorralVs

Statham WiUiam, bricklayer, Bentinck street Verdin Brothers, salt proprietors. Top Locks— Steele AViUiam, grocer, &c., 36 High street see advertisement. Stelfox EUzabeth, Waterloo Hotel, 84 High st Wainwright John, foreman, Aloore's lane StoU Henry, watchmaker, 30 High street AVaight George, tailor, 14 WeUington street Stringer Charles, mariner, 37 Greenway road AVakefidd Alfred, outdoor officer. Custom Stringer John, hairdresser, hatter, &c., 25 House, residence, WdUngton street Bridge atreet Wakefield John, shopkeeper, 78 Surrey street Stringer Joseph, beer retaUer, MUI place AValford John, agent for the Prudential In­ Stringer Peter, shopkeeper, 54 Church street surance Co., 1 Regent street Stubbs John, toy dealer, 29 Regent street Walker and Co., wine and spirit merchants, Stubbs John and Sons, shipwrights and boat- ale and porter bottlers, Maaonic Hotel—see buUders, Percival lane advertisement Sun Fire Insurance Co., Parr's Bank, High Walker Elizabeth, dressmaker, 31 Bridgewater atreet, G. W. Crabb, agent street Sutton WiUiam, baker, 7 Church street AValker Thomas, manager, 4 Bold street Syred Horatio, pawnbrohor, 31 Church street Walker Thomas, draper, 9 Church street Tarry Joseph, beer retailer, 3 WeUington st Walker AViUiam, printer, &c., 18 Trinity st Taylor Edward, clerk. Lowlands road Walton Jane, shopkeeper, 49 Regent street Taylor George H., receiver of dues. Harbour Warburton Ann. dressmaker, Halton road Rates Office, Duke's Fields, house, Ashridge Warburton WiUiam, provision dealer. Market street HaU Tajdor Thomas, hay and straw dealer, Water­ Ward John, clerk, 31 High atreet loo Bridge Ward Samuel, shopkeeper. Trinity atreet Taylor Samud, lime merchant and carrier by Wass WiUiam, eating house, Mersey street canal, Halton road Waterworks Office, PublicHaU,W.F. Sdkeld, Temperley John, baker, Lowdands road secretary Tench Thomas, beer retailer, 49 Church street Waterworth Ashton, Anchor Inn, BrunsAvick st Theatre Royal, 80 High street, Thomas Jamea, Waterworth John, mariner, 31 EUesmere st proprietor Watmore Miss Rachel, Halton road Thomason John, pork butcher, 41 Bridge st Watson Richard, Vine Hotel, Lowlanda road Tickle Joseph, beer retailer and shopkeeper, Webster William, shopkeeper, EUesmere street Halton road WeedaU Ellen, beer retaUer, 13 Regent street Timmins Ebenezer, iron and brass founder, AVeedaU Peter, Fleetwood Arms, 34 Church st miUwright, engineer, &c., Bridgewater Weights and Aleasures Office, Town HaU Foundry, house, Irwell lane AVesleyau and General Insurance Co., 61 Timperley John, grocer. Church street, and Church street, Sarah Evans, agent Greenway road AVcst Thomas, AVeUington Inn, Percival lane Toft Airs. Mary, Waterloo road AVestbrook James, butcher, 22 and 84 High st Toft Richard B., shipbroker, &c., Top Locks, WhaUey George, shoemaker, 16 Surrey street house. Brook place Whitby John, greengrocer, 52 Church street Tonks Heury, plumber, painter, &c.,61 Highst and Market HaU Tomlinson Thomaa, agent. South view White Henry, joiner (T.White & Son), Sprinch Torkington Joseph, ageut, 22 Greenway road White Samud, buUder and brickmaker, 5 Town Hall, Bridge street Regent street TunnicUffe Thomas, King's Arms, Bridge st White Thomas, joiner (T. White & Son), Sprinch Turner Thomas C, grocer, baker, &c., 38 High AA^hite Thomas and Son, joiners, builders and street wheelwrights, Sprinch BuUding Yard and Union Loan and Discount Co. Limited, Water­ Saw Mills—See advertisement loo road, T. R. Jackson, agent AVhiteAvay PhUip, senior, Esq., J.P., Grove United Cheshire aud Lancashire Benefit BuUd­ house, Waterloo road ing Society and Savings Fund, Pool lane, Whiteway PhUip, junior, merchant, shipbroker, John AV. Lightburn, secretary &c.. Top Locks, residence, Weston UnsAvorth aud Co., hatters, silk hat depot, 49 Whiteway R. C. Esq., J.P., IrweU lane High .street—see advertisement Whiteway Robert & C)o., stone merchants and Unsworth Arnold, bootmaker, 41 High street Quarry owners. Top Locks, and Weston A'accination office, 26 High street quarries Directory. RUNCORN. 291

AVhittaker William, chemist, 7 High street Yates John, tailor and draper, 21 Church at WiUiams and Son, tailors and drapers, 81 Yatea John, junior, clerk, Stanley atreet Bridge street Yatea Rev. Samuel, Greenway Meadow terrace WiUiams Rev. Evan, Greenway road AVilUams Mr. John, Greenway Meadow terrace AViUiams John, greeugrocer. Market Hall CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES, WilUams John, grocer. Top Locks PROFESSIONS, &c. WUUams Samuel, hatter, 33 High street ACCOUNTANTS. AViUiams WiUiam.. beer retaUer, Percival lane Harriaon Samuel, 29 Bridgewater street WUson James, bricklayer and builder, Green- Knight George J., 24 Bridge street Way Meadow terrace Poole Robert T., Camden buUdings, High st Wilaon John, bricklayer, 16 EUeamere atreet WUaon Jonathan, Wilson's Hotel and, coach AGENTS. proprietor. Bridge atreet (Sec also Insurance Offices and Agents.) WUton John, clerk, 117 Church street (Marked thus • are Commission, and thus t WUton Robert G., chenuat, 47 High street are Forwarding Agenta.) Winterbottom Robert,beer retaUer, St. John st •tBrookea AVilUam, Waterloo bridge Withenshaw Sarah, milUner, 58 Surrey street Cook John (coal), Lowlands road AVood Mrs. —, Irwell lane Cunningham W. G. (general), Halton road AVood Betsy, mUUner, 32 High atreet tDaviea Joseph (for Hamer & Davies, aalt Wood Charlea, aoUcitor, commiaaioner in mannfacturera). Top Locka—see advt. Chancery and Common Law Courts, and Dutton John (for Johnson Brors., dyers), 58 agent for the Liverpool and London and Bridgewater street Globe Insurance Co., 30 Bridge atreet, FarraU Frederick (to Bridgewater Trustees, houses, Irwell lane and Frodsham the Old Quay Co., and the Anderton Co.), AVood George, outdoor officer, Cuatom House, Duke's dock residence, WeUington street tFinlay Edmund (to the Cheshire Amalgamated Wood John, sawyer, Brunswick street Salt Works Co., Limited), Duke's dock Wood Thomas, shopkeeper, Mersey street •tHayes WilUam, Top Locks—see advert Woodcock WiUiam, ahopkeeper, Meraey street Howard WUliam (coal), 121 Church street Woodier George, ahoemaker, 15 Church street Humphreys John, Bentinck street Woodland John W., printer and stationer, 20 Joule James, Heath road High street Knight George J. (estate), 24 Bridge street Woodland R. G., draper. High street tLovett & Co., Leinster street Woodward Thomaa, shopkeeper. Nelson street •Pike Thomas, 37 GranviUe street Woodward WUliam, ahopkeeper. Canal street PoweU Thomas (house), Halton road AVright John L., stone merchant (John L. •PrUchard Robert P., Waterloo bridge Wright and Son), and farmer, Highfield •tRigby Thomas & WUliam, Top Locks cottage ••fsimpson & Davies, High street Wright John L. and Son, stone merchanta and •Smith John, Top Locks quany owners. Bridge street and Runcorn •Steele WUliam, 36 High street and AVeston quarries tTaylor Samuel, Halton road Wright Miss Mary, Bridge street •tToft Richard B., Top Locks Wright Peter, reUeving officer, Irwell lane •tWhiteway PhiUp, junior. Top Locka Wright Peter, Royal Hotel, High street ARTISTS—PHOTOGRAPHIC. Wright Peter, grocer, Bridge street Wright Miss Sarah, Bridge street Robinaon Joahua, Bridge atreet Wright Thomas, pork butcher. Church street Stringer John, Bridge atreet Wrighton Frederick C, miUiner, 83 Bridge at AUCTIONEERS. Wylde Mr; Frederick, 14 Thomas street Alack John, 53 Regent atreet Wylde Mrs. J., IrweU lane Poole Robert T., Camden buildings. High at Wylde Mr. Samuel, Brook place Yarwood Joseph, ahoemaker, 55 Surrey atreet BABY LINEN AND LADIES' UNDER­ Yarwood Samuel, game dealer, and livery CLOTHING REPOSITORIES. atable keeper, 18 Church street, and Mersey Glover Mra. H., 18 High atreet street Joynson Rebecca, High street 202 RUNCORN. TVorralVs

BAKERS AND FLOUR DEALERS. Leathwood Thomas, Canal street Briscoe Peter, Bridge street Lee George, GranviUe street Gorst George, 58 High street Letter John, Nelson street HaUwood WUUam, 2 Fryer street Alack George, 81 Church street Price James, Halton road Mather Esther, 3 Fryer atreet Shaw Robert, 74. Church street Miller John, Bridge street Sutton WilUam, 7 Church street Pace Mary A., Loch street Turner Thomas C, 38 High street, and 42 Parr George, 52 Bridgewatcr street Church street Partington James, Lowlands road Temperley John, Lowlands road Rodgers Charles, 13 Fryer street Wright Peter, 8 Bridge street Roscow George, Halton road Rutter Alary, 63 Church street BANKS. Rutter Peter, 1 BrunsAvick street Parr's Banking Co. Limited (draws on Glyn, Shaw Samuel, Rutland street Alills, Currie & Co., London), High street; Stringer Joseph, MUl place. Heath road G. W. Crabb, manager Tarry Joseph, 3 WdUngton street Post Office Savings' Bank, corner of High st Tench Thomas, 49 Church street Richard Lea, actuary Tickle Joseph, Halton road Savings' Bank (open : Wednesday, from 7 to 8 AVeedaU EUen, 13 Regent street p.m., and Saturday, from 11 to I, and 6 to WUliams WiUiam, Percival lane 8 p.m.), 60 High street; WilUam F. Salkeld, Winterbottom Robert, St. John street actuary BEER RETAILERS. BILL POSTERS. Abram Thomas, Halton road Shepherd & Sons, 7 Fryer street Albistou AA^^Uliam, Cooper street BLACKSMITHS. Astbury George, 46 Church street Cook Thomas, Lowlands road Barker Francis, 91 (^urch street Knowles Brothers (ship), Percival lane Bennett Jeremiah, Heath road Mason John, Percival lane Bergin John, 4-3 Church street Yarwood Samuel (farrier), Mersey street Chadwick Joseph, 11 Bridge street BLOCK AND MAST MAKERS. Clark Robert, Alcock street DarweU Charles, Bentinck street RawUnson John, Top Locks Davies William, 70 Ashridge street Stubbs John & Sons, Percival lane Davies William, 9 Loch street BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. Day George, 26 Bridgewater street (See also Printers—Letter Press.) Durr James, 7 Ellesmere street Booth T. & W., 55 Bridge street EUeman George, Brunswick street Gerrard Charles, 28 Bridge street Garnett Mary, Queen street Jones the Alisses, 63 Bridge street Gleave Joseph, 2 Surrey street Alack John, 53 Regent street Gready A^Iichad, 12 Regent street Greenwood Elizabeth, 50 High street Marsh WilUam, Examiner Office, 12 Church Griffiths John, 44 Regent street street—see advertisement Griffiths Thomas, Poole lane Smith AV. H. & Son, Railway station HildUch Thomas, 28 High street AVoodland John AV., 20 High street Hodson Jeremiah, Halton road BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Houghton Isaac, 17 King street Bannister John, 33 Church street Houghton AA^iUiam, 10 Shaw street Bennett WiUiam, 60 Bridgewater street Howard Sarah, MiU street Blinston John, 43 Bridge street Jackson Samuel, 19 EUesmere street BroAvn Robert, 65 Church street Kearney Mary, Heath road Clough Joseph, 10 Ellesmere steeet Kirkham Thomas, 04 Ashridge street Cook Thomas, 54 Church street Jones WiUiam, Top Locks Croley WiUiam, Bridge street Jones WiUiam, 66 Church street Cross Thomas, High street LaAvs James, Queen street HANDLEY & SON, 10 Church street Lavell Alichad T., 27 Alersey street Hazlehurst Thomas, 5 Bridge street Liyland Alargirct, Halton road Houghton Charles, 35 High street Directory. RUNCORN. 293

Hoxworth Samuel, Queen steeet Richardson John, 17 Church street and Top Humphreys Evan, St. John street Locks James Edwin, 67 Church street Richardson Joseph, 13 Bridge street, 42 Bridge- Kniveton Benjamin, Church atreet water street, and Market HaU Lownds James, 94 Church street Savage John, Halton road Lloyd James, Halton road Savage Joseph, High street Lydiate EUzabeth, 5 Church street '•'Thompson John, 41, Bridge street Maclean John, 29 Church street Westbrook Jamea, 22 and 84 High street McQuinn James, 46 Bridgewater street •Wright Thomas, Church street OUver John, 41 Regent stteet Paacock Thomas, 47 Regent steeet CABINET MAKERS AND FURNITURE Pentony John, 2 High street DEALERS. Pixton James, Halton road Bradshaw AViUiam, 34 High street Shepherd Solomon, 28 Brunswick street Senior Abraham, 9 Regent street Unsworth Arnold, 41 High street Shaw Jamea, 50 Bridge street WhaUey George, 16 Surrey street Woodier George, 15 Church street CARVERS, GILDERS, AND PICTURE Yarwood Joseph, 55 Surrey street FRAMERS. Booth T. & W., 55 Bridge street BREWERS. Marsh AVilliam, Examiner office, 12 Church Crosby Thomaa & James, Navigation Brewery street—See advertisement BRICK AND TILE AIAKERS. CHEAIISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Cliff John (fire brick and stone ware), Old Browne Andrew, 17 Bridge street Quay Pottery Buck Alfred, 77 Bridge street Fields Henry, Canal street Dobson James, 74 High street Tmstees of the late Duke of Bridgewater, the Lewis John (druggist), 26 Church street Docks MarshaU George, 62 Bridgewater street White Samuel, 5 Regent street Speakman Isaac, 27 Bridge street White Thomas & Son, Sprinch Saw Mills—/See Whittaker WiUiam, 7 High street advertisenfient AVUton Robert G., 47 High street BRICKLAYERS AND BUILDERS. CHEMISTS—MANUFACTURING. Pennington John, 30, EUesmere street Hazlehurst & Sons, Camden Works Statham WUUam, Bentinck street Lyon & Sons, Old Quay AlkaU works Mathieson N. & Co., Old Quay Copper and Wilson James, Greenway road Alkali AVorks BUTCHERS. Rooke J. & J. & Co., Bates Bridge (Marked thus • are pork butchers.) The Runcorn Soap & Alkali Company Limited, Booth George, 42 Regent street Runcorn, AVeston, and Widnes—see advt. Broad WUliam, 39 Church street CHINA DEALERS. Carter WiUiam, Heath road Clarke WiUiam C, 78 High street Bailey James, Bridge street Clough John, 60 Church street Bailey Sarah, Market HaU •Clough Thomas, Market Hall Crosby Samuel, 84 High street •Eden Robert, 16 Church street Francis John, 66 High street Handley AUce, 28 Church street Garnett Betsy, 20 Church street Hedley Jacob, 82 Church street Jackson James, 72 Church street Hedley Thomas, 72 High street Parsons EUzabeth, 35 Bridge street HiU Henry, 86 Surrey street CLOGGERS. HoUand WiUiam, 44 Church street Clough Joseph, 10 Ellesmere street •Horton Samuel, 13 Church street Cross Thomas, High street •Houghton Peter, 75 Church street Pritchley Edward, 41 Church street Hughes John, Halton road and Alarket Hall COACH AND CAB PROPRIETORS. Lowe Jamea, Market HaU •Percival George, 69 Church street Wilson Jonathan, Bridge street Prescott Edward, Alarket HaU and Pool lane Yarwood Samud, Alersey street 294 RUNCORN. WorralVs

COAL DEALERS. Bradbury John, Heath road Bradbury AVilUam, Halton road Chamberlain John, Heath road Chadwick Thomas, King etreet Ditchfield Thomas, Pica Farm Crosby Samuel, 82 High street Ford James, Higher Runcorn Horsfidd Jonathan, Canal street Ford Rebecca, Higher Runcorn Houghton Mary, 111 Surrey street FISHMONGERS AND GAME DEALERS Lea John, 63 Princess atreet Lloyd James, Halton road Barker Joseph, 51 Church street Lowe John, Canal Bank Bettley Thomas, 11 Church street Norman Robert, GranviUe street Yarwood Samuel, 18 Church street COAL MERCHANTS. GINGERBEER AND SODA WATER. MANUFACTURERS. Astley and Coal and Salt Company Limited, Lowlands road; John Cook, agent Hankinson and Lowry, Alcock street—see advt. Blackleyhurst Coal Company, 121 Church st; Lowe Samud, 3 High street—See advt. A\''ilUam Howard, agent GREENGROCERS. Cheahire Amalgamated Salt Worka Company, Banks Jamea, 77 Church street Duke's Dock Barker George, 1 High street Davies Joseph, Top Locks Barker Joseph, 51 Church street Falk H. E., 109 Church street BrimdoAv George, 29 Bridge street Finlay Edmund, Duke's Dock Davies Benjamin, 61 Regent street Forrester and Co., Lowlands road Fearnett George, 53 Bridge street Hayea WiUiam (aud Manganese), Top Locks. MiUer John, Bridge street see advertisement Ogden James, 50 Church street Lovett and Co., Leinster atreet Parsons Elizabeth, 31 Bridge street Rigby Thomaa and WiUiam, Top Locks Price John, Market Hall Simpaon and Davies, 44 High street Whitby John, 52 Church street and Market Smith John, Top Locks Hall Steele WilUam, 36 High street Williams John, Market Hall Verdin Brothers, Top Locks—see advertisement The Runcorn Soap and Alkali Co. Limited, GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. Runcorn—see advertisement. (See also shopkeepers.) AVhiteway Philip, jun.. Top Locks BilUngton AVilliam, 50 Ashridge street CONFECTIONERS. Booth James R., 19 and 21 Bridge street James Catherine W., 80 High atreet Booth Joseph H., 75 Bridge street Lowe Samuel, 3 High street Briscoe Peter. Bridge street Alorris Frances E., 39 High street Briscoe Samud, 48 Bridgewater street Parsons EUzabeth, 31 Bridge street CoUier Richard, Lowlands road Collier Samuel, Church street COOPERS. Crosby Samuel, 82 High street GoodaU Charlea, Canal atreet Dobson Joseph, 71 Church street RaAvlinsou John, Top Locks Forster John, 79 Church street GaskeU Henry, 35 Church street CORN DEALERS. Gittens AVilliam, 39 Surrey street (Alarked thus • are also Hay and Straw Glover and Co.. 37 High si reet Dealers.) Gorst George, 58 High street •Crosby Samuel, 82 High street Gregson Edward, 11 (jreenway road •Dobson Samud, 6 Bridge street Griffith AVUliam, 21 High street •Taylor Thomas, Top Locks HaUwood WiUiam, 2 Fryer street •WiUiams David, Canal street IIcAvitt John, Percival lane •Williams John, Top Locks Hodson Jeremiah, Halton road AVylde and Company, 56 Regent street Houghton Samud, 25 Egerton street ETughea Robert, Top Locka FARAIERS. -lackson J. 0., 07 Bridge street Ackerley Henry, Higher Runcorn Johnson EdAvard, I Church street BlumleU James, 50 Church street Kirkham Samuel, .3 Church street Directory. RUNCORN. 295

Knowles James, 30 and 32 Church street London and North AVestern, WiUiam Roberts, Lewis James, 0 Bridge street Lowlands road MeUor WiUiam, 89 Church street Lord Nelson, Thomas Alorris, 27 High atreet OkeU John, 111 Church street Alarinera' Hotel, WiUiam H. Couth, Percival Parsons Joseph, 33 Bridge street lane Percival James, 53 Church street Masonic Hotd, John Coxhill, Devonshire place. Percival Jane, 11 Mersey street see advertisement PolUtt WiUiam, 25 High street, and at Sankey Mersey Vaults, Samuel Spann, Mersey street street, Warrington Navigation, James Crosby, Canal street Price Jamea, Halton road New Inn, Thomas Jones, High atreet Riley Arthur, 49 Bridge atreet Queen's Hotel, Edward Orme, Duke street Runcorn Co-operative, Industrial, and Provi­ Railway Hotd, John Houghton, Lowlands rd dent Society Limited, Church street Rifleman's Arms, EUen Armstrong, 14 Church Steele WUUam, 36 High street street Timperley John, 22 Church atreet aud Green­ Royal Hotel, Peter Wright High street way road Ship, James Smith, Heath road Twiner Thomas C, 38 High street Stanley Arms, James Ditchfield, 76 High st WilUams John, Top Locka Waterloo Hotel, Elizabeth Stelfox, High st AA''right Peter, 8 Bridge street AVeUington, Thomas Anderton, 40 WeUington street HAIR DRESSERS. Vine, Richard AVatson, Lowlands road Finlay John, 56 Bridgewater street Greenwood EUzabeth, 50 High street INSURANCE OFFICES AND AGENTS. Hedgcock John and Son, 52 High street and Accidental, Robert T. Poole, Camden buUd­ 18 Alcock street ings, High street; and Edmund Marston, 5 Alarsh Richard, Lowlands road AVeUington street Riley Arthur, 47 Bridge street Britannia (Fire), John Humphreys, Bentinck Stringer John, 25 Bridge street street Britiah Imperial, George J. Knight, 24 Bridge HATTERS. street BoAvyer Isaac, 48 Church atreet Briton (Life), John Humphreys, Bentinck st Stringer John, 25 Bridge street Carriage Accident, George J. Knight, 24 Unsworth and Co., 49 High street—see advt. Bridge street WiUiams Samuel, 33 High street Colonial (Life), Robert T. Poole, Camden buUdings, High street INNS, HOTELS, AND PUBLIC HOUSES^ County (Fire), Robert T. Poole, Camden buUd­ Anchor, Ashton Waterworth, 9 Brunswick st ings, High street Barley Mow, James BlundeU, 56 Church st General (Life and Fire), Thomas Handley and Blue Bell, WUUam Crosby, 32 Fryer st Son, 10 Church street Boat House, Albert E. Ackerley, Mersey st Liverpool and London and Globe, Charles Bridgewater Arms, John H. Higginbottom, Wood, 30 Bridge street; Chailes Gerrard, Top Locka 28 Bridge street; and Joseph Pritchard, Bridgewater Arms, Henry Coulson, Top Locka Halton road Clarendon Arms, Joseph Barker, 99 Church at Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society, T. Derby Arms, Thomas James, 80 High street and W. Booth, 55 Bridge street Devonshire Hotel, George Hayes, 36 Ashridge National AVeekly (Life), Joseph Dobson, 71 street Church street Duke of WeUington, Thomas West, Percival North British and Mercantile, Edmund Mars­ lane ton, 5 Wellington street Egerton Arms, Sophia Rowles, 2 Bridge street Norwich Union, AVilUam Brookes, AVaterloo Fleetwood Arms, Peter AVeedaU, 36 Church st Bridge George and Dragon, Thomas Crosby, Egerton Provident (Life), Robert T. Poole, Camden street buildings. High street Grapes Inn, WiUiam Hayward, Halton road Prudential, AA''iUiam Littler, Albert street; and King's Arms, Thomas Tunicliffe, Bridge st John AValford, 1 Regent street Lion, James AIcKevUt, 49 Greenway road Queen, John Cook, LoAvlands roa.d 290 RUNCORN, WorralVs

INSURANCE AGENTS—continued. Dutton Joseph, Lowlands road Royal Exchange, Philip Whiteway, jun.. Top Evans Sarah, 61 Church street Locks Foster Thomaa, 25 Church street Royal. George J. Knight, 24 Bridge street Holt Sarah, 44 Bridgewater street St;ottish Union, James Dobson, 74, High st Howard WUUam, 68 Church street Scottish Widows' Fund, G. W. Crabb, Parr's Hughes Alartha, 38 Greenway road Bank, High street Jackson J. 0., 71 Bridge street Star (Life), John Simpson, 44 High atreet Jones David H., High street Sun (Ffre), G. W. Crabb, Parr's Bank, High st King George J., 79 Bridge street Wesleyan and General, Sarah Evans, 61 Knight Samud, 63 AVeUington street Church street Knowles John, 23 Bridge street IRON AND TIN-PLATE AVORKERS. Leach Thomas, 47 Church street Leicester James, 70 High street Bisbrown William, 37 Church street Leicester John, High street Dutton John, 58 Bridgewater atreet McNeill John (travdUng), Brunswick atreet Gibson W. B. and Co., Bridge street and McTaggart David, Halton road Widnes—see advertisement. MiUington Margaret A., 17 Bridgewater st Hampson Richard, Waterloo road Morris Richard, 43 High street Jolley James, 14 Bridge street RawUnson Ann, 52 Regent street Lea Richard, 12 High street—see advt. Roberts Dinah, 23 Church street IRONFOUNDER, ENGINEER, &c. Rogersou AV. H., 51 Bridge street Timmins Ebenezer, Bridgewater Fouudryi Runcorn Co-operative, Industiial, and Provi­ Heath road dent Society Limited, Church street AValker Thomas, 9 Church street IRONMONGERS. Woodland R. G., High street Gibson W. B. & Co., Bridge street and AA'idnes. See advertisement LOAN SOCIETY. Lea Richard, Post Office, corner of Church st. L^nion Loan and Discount Company Limited See advertisement AVaterloo road ; Thomas R. Jackson, agent' JOINERS AND BUILDERS. AIANURE MANUFACTURER. Brown F., Bridgewater street Cameron Robert", Rock Savage Bone AVorks, Crimes Joseph, Halton road Halton—see advertisement Davies Henry, Bold street AIARINE STORE DEALERS. FarraU William, Penketh lane Kirkham James, Greenway road CoUins Patrick, Cooper street Senior Abraham, 9 Regent street Kerley Paul, 29, Alersey street AA'hitc Samual, 5 Regent street Roberts AVUliam, GranviUe street AVhite Thomas aud Son, Sprinch Building AIERCHANTS. Yard and Steam Saw Mills—see advt. (See also Merchants under their respective LEAD SMELTERS AND SILVER headings, as Coal, Lime, Salt, ^r.) REFINERS. Runcorn Smelting Company, Gas street, and at Brundrit and AVhiteway, 54 High street and Alersey street 10 Cook street, Liverpool; Frederic Kil­ Davies Joseph, Top Locks shaw, manager Falk H. E , 109 Church street LEATHER SELLERS. Hayes WUliam, Top Locks—Sec advt. Arrowsmith Joseph, 14 EUesmere street Lovett and Co., Leinster street Lyon James, 24 High street Potter aud Son, 48 High street LIME AIERCHANTS. Rigby T. aud W., Top Locks Simpson and Davies. High street Brundrit and Whiteway (Umestone), High st Smith John, Top Locks Taylor Samuel, Halton road Steele William, 36 High street LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Whiteway PhUip, jun., Top Locks Cook John, Lowlands road MILLER. Cunlifl"e Jo3cpli, 55 Church street Lewis George, Old stc im miUs, AliU street Directory. RUNCORN 297

MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS. SAIL MAKERS. Broadhurst Harriet, 46 Ashridge street Acklerley Albert E., Mersey street Colgan Mary F., 54 Regent street Chadwick Thomas H., Percival lane, Top Locks Edwards M., 14 Shaw street Cooper WUliam, Mill street Glover Mrs. H., 18 High street Hayes & Sproston, Ferry slip GoodaU Mary, 13 EUesmere street Ravenscroft Samuel, Waterloo road Handley Ann, 87 Church street SALT MERCHANTS. Marston EUen A., 5 WeUington street Astley and Tyldesley Coal and Salt Co., Lim­ Roberts Dinah, 23 Church street ited, Lowlands road Roylance Martha, 97 Church street Cheshire Amalgamated Salt AVorks Co., Limited, AValker EUzabeth, 31 Bridgewater street The docks ; Edmund Finlay, agent Wood Betsey, 32 High street Davies Joseph, Top locks Warburton Ann, Halton road FaUi H. E., 109 Church street AVitherenshaw Sarah, 58 Surrey street Finley Edmund, The docks AVrighton Frederick C, 83 Bridge street Hayes William, Top locks— see advertisement NEWSPAPERS. Lovett & Co., Leinster street Runcorn and AA''idnes Examiner (Friday), 12 Runcorn Soap and AlkaU Co., Limited, Run­ Church street; The AVarrington Printing & corn—see advertisement PubUshing Co., Limited: Proprietors and Simpson & Davies, 44 High street Publishers—see advertisement Smith John, Top locks Runcorn aud Widnes Guardian (Saturday), 28 Verdin Brothers, Top locka Bridge street; Alexander Mackie, proprietor SAND MERCHANTS. and publisher Forreater & Co., Lowlanda road PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, &c. SANITARY TUBE, &c., MANUFACTURERS Arrowsmith John, 12 EUesmere street CUff John, Old Quay works Hunt Robert, 59 Church street Norman Thomas, Old Quay works Oliver Benjamin, 16 Parker street SAW-MILL PROPRIETORS. Tonks Henry, High street Kershaw & Co., top of EUesmere street PAVIOR AND CONTRACTOR. White Thomas «& Son, Sprinch Saw-miUs—See Cliff Thomas, 46 Greenway road advertisement PAWNBROKERS. SCHOOLS—PRIVATE. Ashworth Henry, 40 High street Arrowsmith Mary, Halton road Imison C. C, 64 Church street Chews and Pretty, Higher Runcorn Lomax James, Church street Craig James (Ist B. A. London), IrweU houae Syred Horatio, 31 Church street Gentles Margaret, 40 Church street Harrison Margaret, Greenway road PRINTERS—LETTER PRESS. Moon John, 48 EUesmere street Gerrard Charles, 28 Bridge street Moon Margaret, 48 EUesmere street Marsh WiUiam (Examiner Office), 12 Church Pickles Thomas, MUl House Academy, Heath rd street—see advertisement SCHOOLS—PUBLIC. Walker WiUiam, 18 Trinity street Woodland John W., High street Grammar School, 38 Church street, Charles P. Green, master QUARRY OWNERS. National Schools :— AVhiteway Robert & Co., Top locks; Quarries: Church street (AU Saint's), Alfred Jordan, AVeston master; Thirza Higgina (girls), and Annie Wright John L. & Son, Bridge street; Quarries: Tonks (infants), mistresses Weston NcAvton Alission School, Miss Parker, mistress ROPE AND TWINE MANUFACTURERS. Ragged School, Heath road, Mary A. Edser, ChadAvick Thomas, Percival lane Top Locks mistress Howard WiUiam, Waterloo road and Church st Roman Catholic School, WindmiU street, Mary Foley, mistreas SADDLER. St. Peter's Mission School, Duke's Dock, Jane Grice WUUam AV., 59 Bridge street Boardman, mistress 298 RUNCORN. WorralVs

Wesleyan Schools :— Ellison WiUiam, Bentinck street Brunswick street, Charlea Soulby, master Findlow Joseph, 10 Bridge street GranviUe street, Aliaa HUl and Mias Crews, Fox Ann, Greenway road mistreases Gamble Henry, 12 Mersey street Gibson John, Ferry sUp SHIP BROKERS. Griffith John, 19 Fryer street Brookea WiUiam, Waterloo Bridge Hawkesworth WiUiam, Lowlanda road Daviea Joseph, Top Locka Hayes George, Waterloo road Finlay Edmund, Duke's Docks Higham John, Stanley street Hayes WiUiam, Top Locks—see advt. Hicks George, Ann street Lovett & Co., Leinster street HiU WilUam, 80 Surrey street Potter & Son, 48 High street Hunt Charles, 39 Bridge street Pritchard Robert P., Waterloo Bridge Hurst EUen, 21 Mersey street Rigby Thomas and WUliam, Top Locks Hurst Lot, 1 Bridge street Simpson and Davies, 44 High street Jackson Jamea, Percival lane Smith John, Top Locks Jackaon Joaeph, Lowlands road Steele WiUiam, High street Jepson WiUiam, Canal street Toft Richard B., Top Locks Joynson John, 38 Ashridge street Whiteway PhUip, junior. Top Locka Kirkham Joseph, Lowlands road SHIP AND BOAT BUILDERS AND Knight Samuel, 63 WeUington street SHIPWRIGHTS. Lewis James, Rutland street Brundrit & Whiteway, Mersey street Lockett WiUiam, Rutland street Mason John, Percival lane Lowe John, 24 King street Speakman PhUip, Albion and Belvedere yards Lowe William, Union street Stubbs John & Sons, Percival lane McNaughton WilUam, 28 GranviUe street Stubba Joseph, Bates Bridge Alassey WiUiam, 6 Brunawick street Mather James, Queen street SHIP CHANDLERS. Mather Thomas, 94 Shaw street Roberts John & Son, Duke's Dock Meredith Sarah, 20 Shaw street Steele WilUam, 36 High street Aloorea Thomaa, 11 Regent street AViUiams John, Top Locks Alorris John, Greenway road SHOPKEEPERS. Nickson Thomas, Lowlands road Abbott Thomas, 23 Mersey street Okell John, 111, Church street Abrams Amelia, 37 Regent atreet Owen EUzabeth, 38 WeUington street Abrama Sarah, 35 Regent street Owen Mary, 40 Bridgewater street Acton Thomas, Higher Runcorn Owen John, 12 Duke street Adkinson John B., Heath road Perrin John P., Percival lane Antrobns Charles, Bridge street Prescott Edward, 4 Pool lane Ashbrook Jamea, 59 Surrey atreet Prince Edward, Halton road Aatbury Thomaa, Heath road Pye Rachel, 39 Regent atreet Bankes James, 77 Church steeet Ravenacroft Jamea, 56 Aahridge street Banner Thomaa, Heath road Reynolds Samuel, 20 Brunswick street Bate Joaeph, Lowlands road Rhodes Sarah J., 7 Regent street Bennett James, 76 Church street Richardaon Mary A., 7 Bridge street Bennett Afartha, 85 Church atreet Richardson WiUiam, 4 Brunswick atreet Blinaton John, 43 Bridge street Rowland Thomaa, 9 Surrey steeet Booth AmeUa, 32 ShaAV atreet Sh'^pherd John, 7 Fryer street Boyera Eliza, 57 Church atreet Stanway WiUiam, Lowlands road Burgesa Ann, 50 Regent street Stringer Peter, 54 Bridgewater street Burkett Rebecca, Cooper street Tickle Joseph, Halton road Charles Richard, 13 Alersey street AVakefidd John, 78 Surrey Cooper David, 3 Bridgewater street Walton Jane, 49 Regent street Cooper D. T„ 17 EUesmere street AVarburton WUUam, Market Hall CottreU Joaeph, 68 Surrey street AVard Samuel, 30 Trinity street Daniels Esther, 16 High street AVebster AA^ilUam, EUesmere street Davies Benjamin, 51 Regent street AVood Thomas, 10 Alersey street Dirtetory. RUNCORN. 290

Woodcock WilUam, 19 Mersey street Robinson John, Top Locks Woodward Thomas, Nelson s reet Robinson Samuel, 1 Princess street Woodward AViUiam, Canal atreet Waight George, 14 Wellington street SLATE MERCHANTS. •WiUiams and Son, 81 Bridge street •Yates John, 21 Church street Dutton AVilUam & Son (school-slate). Heath rd Pritchard Robert P., Waterloo bridge TANNERS. Simpson and Davies, 44 High street Oekleston John and Son, Halton road Pierpoint Robert, Halton road SLATERS AND PLASTERERS. Reynolds F. W. and Sons, Astmoor tannery Bracegirdle James, Pennington place TEA AND COFFEE MERCHANTS. Bracegirdle John, Shaw street Jones Daniel, Penketh lane Chamberlain and Co., 30 Wellington street Littler Charles, 23 Greenway road Glover and Co., 37 High street Littler George, Penketh lane TEMPERANCE HOTELS. SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Lea John, 55 Princess street Hazlehurst & Sons, Camden AA''orka, High st Leadbetter Jessio, 2 Brunswick atreet The Runcorn Soap and Alkali Co. Limited, Sharrock Thomaa, High atreet Runcorn—see advertisement TOBACCONISTS. SOLICITORS. Dutton Charles, 57 Bridge stieet Clarke Edward (and notary pubUc and clerk Hughan Jane, 45 High street to the magistrates), 5 High street Mack John, 53 Regent street Day Alexander (and law clerk to Runcorn TOY DEALERS. Improvement (I!ommissioners), 24 Bridge st Booth T. and AV., 55 Bridge street Wood Charles (and commissioner in chancery BoAvyer Isacc, 48 Church street and common law courts), 30 Bridge street Kay WiUiam, 37 Bridge atreet STONEMASONS AND BUILDERS. Meadowcroft Joseph H., 73 Bridge atreet Stubba John, 29 Regent atreet Hunt George, Loch street Robinson Thomas, Albert street TURPENTINE DISTILLERS. Shaw WiUiam, Stone hUls The Runcorn Soap and Alkali Co. Limited, STONE MERCHANTS Runcorn—see advertisement. Bundrit & Whiteway, High street WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Whiteway Robert & Co., Weston quarries Bankea Jamea B., 51 High street AVright John L. & Son, Runcorn and Weston Carr Thomas S., 45 Regent street quarries Davies Evan, 24 Church street SURGEONS. Mayben Emil, 19 Church street McDougaU Finlay, High street Pritchard Thomas, 4 Bridge street Mouritz Robert H., High street StoU Henry, 30 High street Robinson John, Belvedere AVHEELWRICHTS. TAILORS. Crimes Joseph, Halton road (Marked thus • are also woollen drapers.) AVhite Thomaa & Son, Sprinch Building yard and Saw Alills—see advertisement. Banks John, 8 Regent street Bannister John (outfitter), 33 Church atreet WHITESMITHS. Barlow John, 23 High street Elvidge AVilUam, 78 Church street •Daviea Henry, 15 Bridge street and at AA'idnes Gibson W. B. & Co., Bridge street and Widnes —see advertisement —see advertisement HamUton Alexander, 3 Regent atreet Lea Richard, High street, corner of Church st Hankinaon Henry, High atreet See advertisement •Holt Samuel, Halton road Richardson WiUiam, MiU street •King W. W., 61 Bridge street WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. •Leach Thomas, 45 Church street Pca«ock WUUam, 30 BridgeAvater street Parsons Joseph, 33 Biidge street Pritchard John, 50 EUesmere street AValker and (h., Af.asonic Hotel—.?w a

TOCKHAM is a small toAvnship, in the UTTON is a small viUage and township, in S parish of Runcorn, and about 3| mUes S the parish of Runcorn and hundred of therefrom. Sir Richard Brooke, Bart., of Nor­ Bucklow; situated on the Cheater and War­ ton Priory, is the sole owner. Population, in rington turnpike road ; about two mUea from 1861, 42. Frodsham. Halton, and Sutton-Weaver. RaU­ Antrobns John, farmer way stations are in the townahip. Popdation Burgess WilUam, farmer in 1861, 356. Dennett John, farmer Lettera through Preston Brook PRIVATE RESIDENTS. TRETTON is a vUlage and township, in the Marsden Rev. Edward S hundred of Bucklow, and Great Budworth parish, situated on the Warrington and North­ Marsden The Misses wich road. About 3| miles S.S.E. from the Snuth Mr. Samuel former town, and 6g from the latter, and com­ Stretch Mrs. —. prises part of the township of Appleton. The COMMERCIAL. church of St. Matthew, recently erected by Acton Joseph, farmer subscription, is a neat stone edifice. The liv­ Astbury Peter, farmer ing is a perpetual curacy. The Rev. H. R. Aston Estate, miUers, Frodsham Bridge Mills Dodd is the present vicar. Here is a National BeU John, blacksmith school. Acreage, 1,118. Population, in Benion —, stationmaster, Halton station 1861,373. Doodson Thomas, farmer POST OFFICE—Thomas Eyes, postmaster. Let­ Cooper John, stationmaster, Sutton Weaver ters arrive, through Warrington, at 7 30 BaUey John, Aston Arms Inn, and farmer a.m., and leave at 6 p.m. Gorst George, farmer National School—Isaac Walton, master; Fanny Gorat John, farmer W. Shawcrosa, mistress Hyde Martha, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Johnson Thomas, coal dealer Carlyle WilUam, Esq. Leach Thomas, farmer Dodd Rev. H. R., Vicarage Lowe Henry, farmer COMMERCIAL. OkeU WiUiam, farmer Acton Jane, farmer Ormson Ann, shopkeeper Cliff James, farmer Runcorn Bone Works Company Carlyle WUUam, farmer Smithson Robert, police-constable Darbyshire James, farmer Davenport Henry, farmer, wheelwright, and ABLEY INFERIOR (or Nether) ia a town­ assistant overseer T ship, in the pariah of Great Budworth, Drinkwater Thomas, farmer Northwich Uniou, and Bucklow hundred; Eustance Joseph, shopkeeper situated about 2| mUes S.W. from Knutsford. Eyes Thomas, bootmaker and postmaster Here is Tabley House, the seat of Lord De Fletcher Fanny, farmer Tabley, who is lord of the manor. Acreage, Fryer John, farmer 941. Population, in 1861,130; and, in 1871, Gleave John G., blackamith 139. Leather Peter, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Percival WiUiam, farmer Poole Sarah Ann, farmer De Tabley, the Right Hon. Lord, Tabley house Shakeahaft Abraham, farmer Thomas Rev. D. G., Tabley Shaw John, farmer COMMERCIAL. Smith Joseph, farmer Barber John, farmer Swinton EUza, Cat and Lion Inn, and farmer Blackshaw John, farmer Taylor Abraham, farmer Cooper John, schoolmaster Tickle William, farmer Earl Martha, farmer Walker Samuel, farmer Lea Thomas, farmer WUd John, farmer Alassey Thomas, shoemaker WUlett James, surgeon Alurray WilUam, steward to Lord De Tabley Wright Mary Ann, shopkeeper Shaw Alexander, farmer Wright Mrs. T., farmer Taylor Thomas, farmer Directory. TABLEY-SUPERIOR. 301

ABLEY-SUPERIOR (or over) is a town­ Tatton, is a noble mansion, delightfully situ­ T ship, iu the parish of Rostherne, Altrin­ ated in a park upwards of 10 miles in circum­ cham Union, and Bucklow hundred ; situated ference, finely timbered, principaUy with oak. about two miles S.W\ from Knutsford, Here It contains 2,1.35 acres of l.^nd, and about 50 is a church and school. The population in acres of water. The gardens and conserva­ 1861 was 490, and, in 1871, 485. tories are very extensive, and contain a valu­ Letters through Knutsford, which is the nearest able coUection of exotic plants. The mansion Money Order Office. is a handsome structure of white freestone, St. Paul's, Rev. Charles Kelshaw Dean, M.A., from which a splendid and extensive view of vicar the surrounding country may be obtained. National School, John Cooper, master Egerton the Right Hon. Lord, Tatton Hall PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carter George John, land agent for Lord Eger­ Dean Rev. Charles K., Vicarage ton, Tatton vale Gray George, Esq. Newhouse Henry, farm bailiff for Lord Eger­ ton, Tatton vale COAIMERCIAL. CUff Peter, head gardener, Tatton HaU Ashbrook Joseph, farmer Barlow WilUam, farmer Burgess George, farmer HELWALL is a township and chapdry, in Burgess Joseph, farmer T the parish of Runcorn, three mUes E.S.E. Burgess Joseph, Windmill Inn, and farmer from Warrington. The church of AU Saints' Clarke George, farmer was rebuiUr-arlew years ago. The Rev. Thos. Cragg Geerge, farmer P. WiUiamson is the present vicar. The town­ Crompton Thomas, farmer ship comprises an area of 1,417 acres. The Dale Henshaw, farmer population in 1861 was 468. Acreage, 1,417. Dean John, farmer Post Office—Joseph Wright, postmaster. Let­ Eaton George, farmer ters (through AVarrington) arrive at 7 a.m., Fair James, farmer and are despatched at 6 30 p.m. The Ford Thomas, farmer nearest money order office is Warrington, Foster WiUiam, farmer ViUage school—Jane Jefferson, mistress. Glassford Alexander, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gray George, farmer Naylor John, Esq., Cuerden Hall Green Robert, farmer Nicholson James, Esq., Thelwall Hall Griffiths John, farmer Nicholson Major William, Thelwall Lea Hewitt Richard, bootmaker Rylands John, Esq., J.P., ThelwaU Grange Higginsou 'Thomas, farmer Stanton Henry, Esq., J.P., Thelwall cottage Holden John, bootmaker Stanton James, Esq., Greenfield House Hurdsfield Charles, wheelwright Stanton Aliss Alargaret, Greenfield Hurst Thomas, farmer Williamson Rev. Thomas Pym, the Vicarage Jackson William, blacksmith Merrill John, farmer COMMERCIAL. Oekleston Ellen, farmer Bate John, farmer Moreton George, farmer Berry WilUam, ferryman Moreton WiUiam, farmer Blease Richard, wheelwright Platt EUzabeth, farmer BramaU Joshua, stationmaster Rose Henry, farmer Broady George, bootmaker Steele John, farmer Broady Henry, farmer Taylor John, farmer Cook Henry, farmer Taylor Martha, shopkeeper Cook Thomas, farmer AVilkinson Peter, bootmaker Ditchfield John, farmer Ditchfield Thomas, farmer ATTON is a township, in the parish of Ellison WilUam, blacksmith T Rostherne, two miles N. of Knutsford ; Fairhurst Sarah, farmer comprising an area of 1886 acres of land, and, Gibaon WiUiam, farmer in 1871, 108 inhabitants. Tatton HaU, the Goodlass, WaU and Co., colour manufacturers residence of the Right Hon. Lord Egerton, of Hewitt Thomas, farmer 302 TIAIPERLEY. WorralVs

Houghton AVilliam, sen., farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Houghton AVilUam, jun., farmer Allen Mr. John, the Grove, Grove lane Jefferson Jane, schoolmistress Andrew Mr. William, Quarry cottage Nightingale John, coal dealer Arnold Mr. John, WeUfidd cottage RowUnson Jamea, farmer Balstone Mr. H. K., Woodlands park AVhitiow John, farmer Bateman Airs. Harriet, Brook bank AVright Aun, grocer Beebee Mr. Walter, Moss lane Wright Joseph, postmaster BeU Mr. John, Addison vUla AVright William, Pickering's Arms Inn, and Bfrch Mr. James A., the HolUes, Bloomsbury farmer lane Benson The Misses, Deans terrace IMPERLEY is a township, in the Bowdon Boddington Mr. Henry, the Hayes T parish, Altrincham Union, an I hundred BoAvers Jeremiah, Esq., Cloverley house of Bucklow ; 1 ^ mUes from Altriucham, 8| Bridge Mrs. EUzabeth, Oak mount N.E. from Knutsford, and eight S. from Manches­ Brown Mr. Alfred, Brookside ter. The population, in 1861 was 1,571, and, Brown Mrs. Ann, Brookside in 1871, 2,112, and the acreage 1,628. The BroAvn Mr. WUliam B., Brooke's cottages town is supplied with gas by the Altrincham Brown Mr. —, Dean house Gas Company, and with water by the North CantreU Mr. Samud, Willow place. Moss lane Cheshire Water Works Company. The church, Cheetham Mr. WiUiam, Bloomsbury lane dedicated to our Saviour, erected in 1849, is a Chorlton Air. John, Four lane ends neat edifice, and consists of nave, chancel, and Clarke Mr. John, WeUfield cottage side aisles, with a tower and spire. The Rev. Coates Mr. Charles H., Woodland's park Edward DoAvUng, M.A., is the present vicar. Cundall Mr. Henry B., Belmont house There ia a National achool, and one for infanta. Danida Mr. Samuel, Oaklands The Wealeyana have a place of worahip here. Dearden Air. Charlea, Hayea lane The Bridgewater Canal paaaes through the Dowling Rev. EdAvard M.A., the Vicarage township, and the Manchester, South Junction, FaiUkner Mr. George H., the Thorns and Altrin(tham Railway Company have a Freeland Mr. Robert, Brook bank station here. The Earl of Stamford and AVar­ Galloway Mr. WiUiam L., the lawn rington is lord of the manor. Goulden Mr. John, Willow place Greaves Mrs. —, Brooke's cottages PLACES OF WORSHIP AND THEIR Grimes Air Walter, Athol viUa MINISTERS. Hadfidd Mrs. Margaret, Brooke's cottages Christ Church, Rev. Edward Dowling, M.A., Hankinson Mr. George, Oakfield vicar; Rev. G. R. Downs, curate. Hankinson Mrs. Mary, Oakfield Wesleyan Chapel, Stockport road Hargreaves Mr. James H., Holly house Christ Church School (National), Thorley lane; Harrison Mr. WilUam, Rose cotitage Charles Shaw, master ; Mrs. Shaw, mistress Haslam Mr. John, Vine house National School (infants). Four lane ends, Howden Mr. —, Brooke's Cottages Stockport rd ; Frances C. Cubbius, mistress Button Mr. David W., Brook bank Alanchester South Junction and Altrincham Jackson Mr. Steadman, Brook bank Railway Station, Robert Farrar, station- Johnson Mr. WiUiam B., Woodlands bank master. Jones Mr. Benjamin, Fern bank. Wash lane Assistant Overseer and Rate CoUector, Blooms- Jones Mr. Thomas, Timperley haU bury lane ; Jeremiah Cookson, coUector Keymer Mr. John, Moatfield houae County Constabulary Office, Wash lane ; John Knight Mr. Edward, Woodlanda bank Nield, constable. Knowlea Mr. —, Stockport road Reading-room and Library, Infant School, Lawrie Mr. John, Stockport road Four lane ends. Lawaon Mr. John, Woodlands park Post Office, Quarry Bank: Samuel Woodall, Leech Mr. Peter, Egerton terrace postmaster. Letters from aU parta (through Leigh Mr. John, Four lane enda Altrincham) arrive at 8 a.m. and 6 30 p.m., Lowndea Mr. Jamea, Brook lane and are despatched thereto at 9 45 a.m. and MarahaU Mrs. Sarah E., Abbotsford villa 7 p.m. Money Order Office and Savings May Air. James, Brookside Bank open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MiUer Mra. N, F., Timperley vUla Directory. TIMPERLEY ;;03

Mills Mrs. EUzabeth, Thorn cottage Calderbank Thomas, gardener. Hays lano Molyneaux Mr. Boulton, AVoodlands bank Chorlton John, farmer, AVash lane Morgan Mr. Thomas, Cardigan lodge Cilgram Charles, pig dealer, Stockport road Muir Alexander, Esq., White Brook house Clayton WiUiam, gardener, Hayes lane MuUerMr. Edmund W., Sugar lane Clough Charlea, gardener. Sugar lane NichoUs Mr. Charles, the Thorns Cookson Jeremiah, assistant overseer and col­ Nickson Mr. John, Woodlands park lector of taxes. Rose cottage, Bloomsbury Parker Mr. —, Thorley lane lane Pierson Mr. Frank, Brookside Cox The Misses, ladies' school, AVeUfield PiUing Mr. John, Oak cottage cottages Radford Mr. George E., Laurel Grove viUa Cragg WilUam, gardener, Thorley lane Radford Mr. Richard J., Clay lane Cross David, joiner and builder, Aloss lane Reid Mr. Alexander, AVoodlands park Darbyshire Daniel, gardener. Sugar lane Roberts WUUam Esq., M.D., North Elms Davenport J. and J., wheelwrights, Stockport SeweU Mr. Anthony, Woodlanda bank road Sharpe Mr. WUliam, Brook house Dearden Charles, farmer, Hayes lane Sichel Air. JiUius F., Lark hiU Dearne Thomas, gardener. Brook lano Simmons Mr. Frank A., Addison villa Dobbs WiUiam, farmer, Thorley lane Skelton John, Esq., Pickering lodge Dixon Mary, dressmaker. Moss lano Smith Mr. George, Timperley lodge Farrow Robert., station-master, Timperley Smith Mr. Robert McDonald, Bloomsbury station house Faulkner John, cabinet maker, Stockport road Taylor Mr. Samuel, Egerton terrace Garner Daniel, farmer. Wash lane Thomson Mr. PhiUp, Woodlanda paik Garner James, farmer, Stockport road Thompaon Mr. Edward J., Mosa lane Garner WilUam, gardener. Sugar lane Venom- Mrs. EUen, Brook lodge Gatley James, cattle dealer. Green lane Virgoe Mr. Robert, Norton lodge Gatley WilUam, cattle dealer, Bloomsbury lane Warburton Air. Thomas, the Hayes Germon Samuel, gardener, Clay lane Webster Mr. Joseph, Ryefidds house Hamnett James, taUor, Bloomsbury lane White Mr. John R., Laurel house Heald James C, taUor, Clay lane Heywood Peter, gardener, Deansgate lane COMMERCIAL. Heywood WilUam, gardener. Clay lane Ackerley James, gardener, Deansgate lane Holt Charles, farm baUiff, Green lane Ackerley John, farmer. Clay lane Hulme James, gardener, Brook lane Ackerley Joseph, gardener, Deansgate lane Hulme John, jun., gardener, the Hayes Ackerley WiUiam, farmer, Grove lane Hulme Joseph, farmer, Hayes lane Ackerley Thomaa, gardener. Station road Hulme Thomas, gardener, Moss lane Ackerly Thomas, gardener, Deansgate lane Hulme WiUiam, gardener, Aloss lane Aldcroft Thomas, gardener, Sugar lane Jackaon James, farmer. Clay lane Aldcroft WUliam, gardener. Clay lane Jackson Joseph, gardener, Grove lane Ambler and Brookea, tannera, Brookside Jackson Samuel, jun., gardener, Thorley lane Arnold John, stonemaaon. Fern bank Jones Robert, shoi

Owen John, gardener. Grove lane spire, and one bell. Here ia a achool. R. 0. Owen Joseph, painter, Stockport road, and at Leycester, Esq., of Toft Hall, is lord of the BoAA'^don—see advertisement manor. Parbott Thomas, butcher, Stockport road PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Perrin James, shoemaker, Stockport road Adams Rev. A. C, the Vicarage Perrin Alary, dressmaker, Stockport road Daviea Mr. Thomaa AL, Toft cottage Perrin Thomas, beer retailer and shoemaker, Leycester Rafe 0., Esq., Toft haU Bloomsbury lane COAIMERCIAL. Platt James, Stonemasons' Arras, Stockport rd BeU James, farmer Potts Alary, gardener. Grove lane Beswick Samuel, farmer, UUard hall Preston Eliza, dressmaker. Dean terrace Beswick Thomas, farmer, Guide Post Farm Proudfoot Alexander, milk seUer, Stockport rd Beswick Thomas, farmer, Heesom Green Richardson John, tailor, Stockport road Coops George, farmer Richardson Thomas, farmer. Ridings haU CurbislUey John, blacksmith Riley Henry, butcher, Stockport road Farmer Elizabeth, schoolmistress. Toft school Roberts Thomas, farmer, Bloomsbury lane Hulme Sarah, farmer Robinson Thomas, builder, Bloomsbury lane Paulden Thomas L., farmer Ptogerson Amos, gardener. Clay lane WaddeU John, farmer, and agent for Ind, Rogerson Charles, blacksmith, Stockport road Coope, & Co., brewers Shallcross George, gardener. Sugar lane Wilkinson Peter, farmer Shenton Richard, veterinary surgeon, Stock­ WiUett Edward, faamer port road Simi>son John, builder, Stockport, road ALTON SUPERIOR (or Higher Walton) Smith Thomas, buUder, Deansgate lane W is a township, in the parish and Union Snow George, coal dealer, Stockport road of Runcorn, 2| miles S.W. from Warrington, Stevenson John, fiorist, Thorley lane comprising an area of 424 acres. Sfr Richard Stevenson Mary, dressmaker, Stockport road Brooke, hart., is lord of the manor. Thompaon Edward J., agent to WiUiam C. Brooke, Esq., Moss lane School (Mrs. Greenall's); Susannah PhiUips, Thorpe Mrs. John, schoolmistress. Dean terrace Thorpe Thomaa, gardener, Brook lane PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Thorpe WUUam, gardener. Brook lane Bather Miss Mary Ann, Holly cottage Walker EUen, linen draper, 1 Dean terrace Crossfield George, Esq., J.P., Walton Lea Warburton Peter, gardener. Brook lane GreenaU GUbert, Esq., J.P., WaUon haU Warburton Thomas, farmer, (jfreen lane Taylor Mrs. EUen AA'^arren WiUiam, farmer. Broad Oak, AVood COMMERCIAL. lane Acton Thomas, farmer AVatson Robert, gardener. Brook lane Clarkson Thomas, saddler and innkeeper. Bay Whittaker Charles, inkeeper ; Hare & Hounds Horse Whitelegg James, gardener, Hayes lane Davies Edward, blacksmith, farmer, and as­ Whitfield James, shoemaker, Stockport road sistant overseer. Rosewood Farm Whitfield WUliam, farmer,*AVood lane Hedgcock Joseph, basket maker WoodaU Jos«ph, beer retaUer, Four lane enda Hough WiUiam, farmer WoodaU Samuel, grocer, &c., and poatmaster, Longshaw Charles, innkeeper, BuU's Head Four lane ends, and Post Office, Quarry bank Massey Samuel, shoemaker Worthington W. and J., farmers. Green lane Oulton George, butler Taylor Joseph, shopkeeper and hay dealer OFT is a township, in the parish of Knuts­ T ford, Altrincham Union, and Bucklow ALTON INFERIOR (or Lower Walton) huudred ; situated two miles S.E. from Knuts­ W ia a township, in the parish and Union ford, containing 1,298 acres of land ; and, by of Runcorn, comprising an area of 537 acres, the census ef 1871, 172 iahabitants. The and about 400 inhabitants. It is situated on church of St. John the Evangelist ia a neat the south side of the River Mersey, two miles edifice, erected in 1854, by Mrs. E. Leycester south from Warrington, in the hundred of as a memorial to the late R. G. Leycester, Esq., Bucklow. Sir Richard Brooke, hart, is lord of and consists of two aisles, with tower and the manor. Directory. WARBURTON. 305

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. HiU Miss Hannah E., Brook house BeckAvith Mr. William A., Leigh viUaa Holmes, Air. George CunUffe John T., Esq. Jones Airs. Eliza, Yew Tree Cottages Denham Mr. Edward Jamea, Leigh viUaa Kay Mr. James, the Park Down Mr. John Thomas Landram Rev. Alexander Harding Mr. Richard Gibson, Leigh viUas Lawlor Air. John, the Cross Hedgcock Mr. John, Leigh viUas Lester Mr. Henry, Mosa Brook Cottage Hepherd Mr. James JoUey Mr. James, Cressbrook house COMAIERCIAL, Lonsdale Mr. Charles, Leigh viUas Maxfidd Mr. Joseph, Walton vUlaa AUen Samuel farmer Plumer Air. Thomaa, Ldgh villas Ball Richard, farmer. Moss side PolUtt Mr. WUUam BaU Richard, jun., farmer Ramsbottom Mr. Leigh, A'^iUas Beckett Allen & aud James, farmers Smith Airs. Elizabeth Beckett James, farmer, Carr Green WUkinson Rev. Samuel, Leigh viUas Beckett John, farmer. Moss brow COMMERCIAL. BcU John, g;niekeeper Beswick WiUiam, Ship Inn, aud miller Bolton Robert, farmer Brereton John, farmer Brundrett Alary, farmer Dobson Thomas, farmer Burgess Margaret, farmer Bythel James, farmer. Moss aide Maddock James, White Hart Inn, and butcher Bythel Thomas, farmer, Moaa aide Moss John, shopkeeper Chorlton Philip, farmer Parks WiUiam, shoemaker Coleshill WiUiam, farmer, Moss brow Peacock WUUam, farmer Collins Abraham, farmer Plumer Thomas, commission agent, Leigh viUas Davies Peter, farmer Stringer Joseph, ahoemaker Dennis John, farmer Towera Joaeph, ahoemaker Gould James, farmer Warburton Richard, surveyor of highways Gould John, farmer Wefr John, farmer Gould Joseph, farmer, Carr green AVilkinson C. & Son, shopkeepers Green WiUiam, farmer, Mosa brow Harrison Henry, farmer ARBURTON is a parish, in the Altrin­ Hatch Thomas, farmer W cham Union, and Bucklow hundred; Hatton Thomas, farmer situated 2^ MUes from Lymm, seven from Hazeldine Abraham, farmer, Carr green Warrington, nine from Knutsford, five from HiU Hannah E., ladies' boarding school, Brook Altrincham, and 12 from Alanchester ; on the house south bank of the Mersey. The church of St. Jones Eliza, farmer AVerburgh is an ancient edifice, consisting of Jones John, farmer nave, transept, chancel, and aisles, Avith tower Kay James, farmer, Park farm and beU. The Uving is a rectory, held by the Langton WilUam, wheelwright Rev. D. A. Beaufort, M.A. The Rev. Alex­ Lawrinson WUliam, ahopkeeper ander Landram is curate-in-charge. Here ia a Lowe John, farmer, the Bent school for chUdren of both sexes. Acreage, Nodin John, farmer, Carr green 1,747. Population, in 1861, 484; and, in Pennington Sarah, farmer, Aloaa 1871,452. Priestner John, farmer St. AVerburgh's Church, Rev. D. A. Beaufort, Priestner Robert., farmer M.A., rector; Rev. Alexander Landram, Shaw AViUiam, farmer, miUer, and corn dealer curate-in- ch arge. Stelfox Richard, farmer National School, Miss Barber, mistress Taylor James, innkeeper, Saracen's Head Post Office, Mary WiUiamson, postmistress. Tittle Thomas, farmer, Warburton green Letters through Warrington arrive at 8 30 Walton Joseph, farmer, and assistant overseer a.m., and are despatched thereto at 4 45 p.m. Wareham John, shoemaker AVhUdegg John, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. WiUiamson David, farmer Aspdeu Miss EUzab( t'l WiUiamson Mary, farmer and postmistress Hazeldine, Air. Abraham, Carr Green 306 WEAVERHAM, WorralVs

EAVERHAM is a parish, lordship, and Denholme Mrs. Alary, Forest hey W village, in the Northwich union, and Grange Mr. Joseph, Weaverham house County court district. The viUage ia situated Grey Mrs. Booth, Sandiway one mile south of Acton station, on the London Heath Robert, Esq., Bepherston grange and North-Westem railway, and three mUes Hornby Air. Samud north-west from Northwich, nine, north-west Littledale Alajor, Sandiway bank from Aliddlewich, and 15 north-east from Marriott WiUiam, Esq., Forest hiU, Sandiway Chester. The Pariah church ia dedicated to St. MarshaU Air. AViUiam Mary, and ia a vicarage, of the annual value of £340, with residence aud 30 acres of glebe land, Price Mrs. Mary in the patronage of the Bishop of Chester. Rawson Harry, Esq., Sandiway cottage Rev. Charles Spencer Stanhope, M.A., is the Rowland Air. John vicar. The Grammar school here, for the in­ Stanhope Rev. Charles Spencer, M.A., the struction of children residing iu the township vicarage of Weaverham, was established and endowed Sutton Mrs. — by Mr. Barker, in the reign of Charles II. AVoodAvard Mrs. Mary AI. There is also a National school. There are COMMERCIAL. cliapds for Wesleyans, Primitive Methodists, Ardern AVilliam, farmer and ahopkeeper and Wesleyan Association. A Temperance hail Arrowsmith Arthur, registrar of births and has recently been erected in the village ; it is deaths ; reUeving officer and collector for a smaU, but neat, brick buUding. Air. Burgess, the Weaverham district, Northwich union ; agricultural implement dealer, &c., has recently Beech cottage erected extensive business premises here. Andrews Joseph, bricklayer Cattle fairs are held here annuaUy, on the 8th Barrow Samuel, shopkeeper of Ajml and the 8th of October. Population of Bebbington Bagley, joiner and builder Weaverham-cum-Milton in 1861, 1530; 1871, Booth Thomas, farmer 1685. Acreage, 3528. Bradford James, farmer GoRSTAGE and MILTON are hamlets in this BramaU Edward, farmer township. BURGESS BENJAMIN, dealer in aU kinds of SANDIWAY is a hamlet two miles from Weaver­ agricultural implements, Unen and wooUen ham, where are Uvery stables and an hotel, for draper, tea dealer, ironmonger, and agent the accomodation of gentlemen attending the for the Mancheater Fire and PeUcan Life Cheshire hunt. Inaurance Companies—see advertisement St. Mary's Church; Rev. Charlea Spencer CaldweU WiUiam, Wheat Sheaf inn, and brick­ Stanhope, M.A., vicar. layer Methodiat Free Church Cossius John, Uvery stable proprietor and horse Primitive Methodist Chapd dealer. Blue Cap stables, Sandiway—seeadvt Wesleyan Methodiat Chapel Cross George, farmer, Sandiway Temperance HaU Darbishfre James, farmer, Gorstage National School; James Walker, master; Mary DarUngton WiUiam, farmer Harrop, mistress; Annie Foster, infants' Davies Thomas, Ring o' BeUs Inn mistress Dean Samuel, farmer, Sandiway Nearest Railway stations are at Acton, on the Denning Charles, grocer and ironmonger L. & N. W. Railway, one mUe distant; and DobeU Charles, corn, oU cake, and seed mer­ at Cuddington, on the Cheshire Lines, about chant ; and agent to Vickers & Co., bone 2 mUes. manure manufacturers, Manchester ; and to the Royal Insurance Company PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dutton George, taUor Bebbington Mrs. EUzabeth Eaton Mary, shopkeeper Burgess Air. Benjamin Edgerley WiUiam, Weaverham Gate Inn ; and Burgess Mrs. Mary Jane agent for S. AUsopp & Sons, brcAvers, Burton Cattley Mrs. Sarah EUis George, farmer Clegg Mr. James, Gorstage Elliaon Thomas, assistant overseer Corbett R. H., Esq., Dale fords Ford Thomas, shoemaker Coulthurat Aliss, Sandiway Foster AA'illiam, farmer Dale Mr. Arthur Lewds Foster Thomas, timber merchant Directory. WESTON. 307

Foster Thomas, blacksmith Soap and Alkali Co. Limited, which give em­ Frith George, farmer, Sandiway ployment to a large portion of the population. Gandy James, miller, Oustan Here is a National and a Wesleyan school. Gerrard John, farmer AVESTON POINT is a hamlet in this township, Gerrard WUliam, boot and shoemaker situated about a mile from Weston, at the Gleave George, farmer conjunction of the rivers Mersey and AVeaver. Grammar school; George Griffies, master, and Here is Christ Church, a handsome Gothic deputy registrar structure, with tower and spire, a Wedeyan Harrison Peter, postmaster chapel and National school. Population in Harrop Thomas, painter and shopkeeper 1861, 905. Hignett James, shopkeeper Post Office, Weston Point: George Aahley, Hoole Samuel, saddler postmaster. Letters arrive (from Runcorn) Horton WiUiam, farmer at 9 a.m., and are despatched thereto at Hughes Harriet, grocer, Gorstage 6-30 p.m. Money Order and Telegraph Ireland Jane and EUzabeth, ladies' boarding Office, and Savings Bank. school Christ (Dhureh, AVeston Point; Rev. Samuel Jameson Faithful, farmer, Gorstage Bagnall, vicar. Johnson Samuel, tailor, and parish derk Wesleyan Chapd, Weston Point Jones Edward, taUor AA'esleyan Chapel, AVeston Kay Joseph, farmer National School, Weston; EdAvard Uran, Longshaw Joseph, farmer, Milton master. Manifold John Janion, pharmaceutical chemist National School, AVeston Point; SUas Worth, and grocer master. Mason WiUiam, crate maker AVesleyau School, Weston; Robert Lloyd, Moore Francis, draper and mUUner master. NeweU Thomas, farmer PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Nicholls Ann, shopkeeper Bagnall Rev. Samuel, Weston Point OkeU Ralph K., farmer, Gorstage Bankes Mr. AVUliam, AVeston Percival Ann, butcher Wharton Mr. Hugh, Weston Point PoUock Mary, Star Inn Whiteway PhUip. junior, Esq., The Birches, Riley Joseph, farmer. May farm Weston Robinson Thomas, farmer, Gorstage COMMERCIAL. Rylance James, shopkeeper and butcher Sanderson Henry, farmer, WaUerscote Aaron Edward, manager, Weston AA'^orks Smith Joseph AVilUam, surgeon. Ivy house Ashley George, grocer and postmaster, Weston Smith Samuel, surgeon. Ivy house Point StanAvay Ralph, butcher Atherton WilUam, ahopkeeper, Weston Trickett WUUam, farmer, Gorstage Bankes WUliam, farmer, Weston Viggor Henry, plumber, painter, &c. Basnett WUliam, shopkeeper, Weston Winfidd George, baker Carson Thomas, Royal Oak, Weston AVarburton AViUiam, commission agent; and Clark Richard, harbour master, Weston Point agent td S. AUsopp & Sons, brewers, Burton ; Clarke Samuel, Weaver Hotel, Weston Point and for Darcy & Co.'s DubUn Porter & Stout; CoUier James, shopkeeper, AVeston SpeedweU cottage, Sandiway—see advert. Crosthwaite Mary, shopkeeper, Weston Wild Thomas, farmer Dean Henry, shopkeeper, AVeston AVood John, shoemaker Dunbaven James, farmer, AVeston Woodward Thomas, bricklayer Ellis Charles, tailor, Weston Wright WiUiam, farmer, Sandiway Farmer Thomaa, taUor. Weston Youd Jane, MUUner and dressmaker Ford Thomaa, farmer, Weston Point Griffiths Thomaa, farmer, Weston Griffiths AViUiam, farm?r, Weston ESTON is a township, in the parish of Grounds John, beer retailer, Weston Point W Runcorn, situated about two mUes Harrop WiUiam, Dock Inn and grocer^ Weston S.E- from that town, and about 3 N.N.AV. Point from Frodsham. Here are very extensive Hindley AViUiam, beer retaUer, Weston stone quarries, and the A^'orks of the Runcorn Houghton John, shoemaker. AVeston WorralVs 308 WHITLEY OVER.

Hulse, AVUliam, beer retailer, AVeston AVard John, farmer. Old MiU farm Jeffs Thomas, shopkeeper, Weston AVilson John, farmer Kenwright Thomas, mauager, stone quarries, Woodall WilUam, farmer AVorrall Thomas, wheelwright Weston WorraU AViUiam, blacksmith Alarsh John, Prospect Inn, AVeston AVright AVilliam, farmer Owen EUzabeth, farmer, AVeston Rhodes Maria, shopkeeper, AVeston Point HITLEY LOWER (or Inferior), is a Rosenberg Louis, agent for the Weaver Navi­ small viUage, township and chapelr^', gation, AVeston Point W in the parish of Great Budworth, situated Spruce John, farmer, AVeston about six mUes from Warrington, and five S+ringer Johu, shopkeeper andbutcher, AVeston from Northwich. The Church is a smaU edifice Tudor Joseph, ahopkeeper, Weston of brick. The living is a perpetual curacy, in AVhiteway Robert and Co , stone merchants, the gift of Sir John N. L. Chetwode, Bart. AVeston Quarries, office. Top Locks, Runcorn Here is a small school. Population in 1861, AVrij,'ht John L. and Son, stone merchants, 211. The acreage is 1,118a. Ir. lOp. Weston Quarries, office. Bridge st, Runcorn Letters through Northwich. HITLEY OVER (or AVhitiey Superior), National School, SeUna Taylor, mistreas W ia a small viUage and township, in the PRIVATE RESIDENTS. parish of Great Budworth, situated about six Banner Thomas, E.«tq. miles from Northwich. and 5| from War­ Bdcombe Rev. Francis E., Alcarage rington. Here is a Wesleyan chapel and an Edgerley Air. AVilUam endowed school. Population, in 1861, 367. Highfield Mrs. Hannah The acreage is 1,011a. 2r. 2p. Rowlands Samud, Esq., Grimsditch hall Letters through NorthAvich. Rose Mr. Charles C. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COAIMERCIAL. Harrison Airs. Barber Thomas, farmer Hazlehurst Miss Buckle WiUiam, shopkeeper Highfield Mr. James Cliffe Joseph, farmer Tickle John, Esq. Gough Owen, farmer WUson Mr. John HcAvitt Thomas, farmer COAIMERCIAL. Joynson Peter, mUler and beer retailer Barber James, farmer Nield Henry, farmer Booth John, endowed school Plant John, shopkeeper Bretherton James, farmer Rutter PhUip, deputy registrar and aaaiatant Dutton George, butcher overseer Fairhurst Robert, farmer Rutter John, Chetwode Arms Inn and farmer Hall John, farmer WeedaU Henry, farmer Handley Richard, farmer White John, farmer Harrison Alary, farmer Whitlow Stephen, farmer Hayes Peter, shopkeeper Highfidd James, farmer HITEGATE is a pariah compriaing the Kinder Joseph, blacksmith W townahip of DarnhaU, and parts of Kinder AVilliam, Birch and Bottle Inn Over and AVeaverham. The parish church of St. AliUer Thomas, butcher Mary, is situated 4| miles S.W. from North­ Aloores Thomas, tailor wich, on the west bank of the river Weaver. Alassey EUen, farmer The Uving, of the annual value of £230, ia Nield Ann, farmer hdd by the Rev. AVUUam AVhUley, AI.A. In Norman George, farmer this parish is Val. Royal, the ancient seat of Percival John, farmer the Lords of Dalamere. The Alansion was Kowdands Peter, farmer erected on the site of an abbey of Cisterian Smith John, farmer Alonks, which was originaUy established and Starkey John, farmer endowed by Edward I., with the manors of AVarburton Joseph, farmer Over, Darnhall, and AVeaverham, over which Directory. AVINSFORD. 309

the Abbots had peculiar powers, including the Horton Samuel, farmer punishment of death for certain offences. Horton Thomas, farmer Letters through Northwich. Hulse Job, farmer Lightfoot William, farmer Latham William, farmer MARTON is an agricultural township, AIcFall John, farmer in the parish of AVhitegate, hundred of AIcFall Joseph, farmer Eddisbury, Northwich Union, and county Nickson John, farmer. Petty pool court district, five miles S.AV., from North­ Maddocks WiUiam, farmer wich. The branch line of railway from Moreton WiUiam, farmer, Marton hall Winsford to Northwich passes through the Potts Joseph, farmer township. The Station is at Whitegate. Popu­ Span Thomas, farmer lation, 1861, 639, Tomlinson John, farmer St. Mary's Church, Whitegate ; Rev. WilUam AViUiamaon Ralph, beer retaUer Whatley, B.A., vici r. Post Office, Whitegate (for Marton), John INSFORD is a market town, noted for Briscall, postmaster. Letters arrive from W its extensive salt works; situated on Northv, i.ch at 9-10 a.m., and are dispatched the banks of the river AVeaver, 6 miles aouth at 5 p.m. Nearest Money Order (5ffice is from Northwich, and 3 mUea north-west from nt Winsford. Middlewich. The town of Winsford is situated National School, Alarton; Samud Douglas, in portions of the townships of Wharton and master ; Mrs. —, Newman, mistress. Over, on both banks of the river Weaver, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. which is here crossed by a briilge, previous to AUertson Joshua, Esq., Marton house the construction of which, there was a ford or Cholmonddey Colonel, the Hon. Thomas ferry, originally, it is said, kept by a per­ GranviUe. Abbott's Moss son named " AVinn"; hence the name of Corbett R. H. Esq., Dale Fords Winsford, which it retains to the present Delamere, The Right Honourable Lord, Vale day. The salt worka extend upwarda of a Royal mile, on both banks of the river, and are very Garfitt Mr. George extensive. The brine is found at depths of Harrison Mrs. Ann, Marton cottage from 12 to 60 yards, and is considered of ex­ Turner WilUam, Esq , Cassia ceUent quaUty, producing 52 ounces of aalt from the gallon. There are also rock-salt COMMERCIAL. mines, the products of which are exported to Bevan Thomas, farmer the continent in large quantites. The River Bevan AVilliam, farmer Weaver auppUea a direct water communication Bowker Ann, farmer Avith Liverpool and Runcorn. Many of the Bradburn Airs. —, farmer vessels employed are propelled by steam, and BriscaU John, boot and shoemaker and post­ accompUsh the journey to Liverpool iu about master 8| hours. The London and North-AVeatem Brockley WUliam, farmer railway paases through the township of BurroAvs Thomas, farmer AVharton, and is connected with several of the Dawson James, t'.rmer works by branch Unes ; thua completing a Dickinson Mrs; —, farmer system of transit for the enormous amount of Done Thomas, farmer salt annuaUy produced for home consumption Douglas George, farmer and export to various parts of the world. There EUison Hannah, shopkeeper and farmer Bre public and private yards, for the building and Fletcher John, farmer repairing the numerous vessels employed in Fowles Daniel, farmer the trade of the district; also an ironfoundry, Fowles Thomas, farmer com mUl, market hall, several good inns, a Green WiUiam, farmer manufactory of artificial manure, and numerous Goodier, George, farmer respectable retaU establishments. Sail and tent Garfitt George, agent to Lord Delamere making ia also carried on here to some extent. Heatley Thomaa, farmer A branch of the Cheshire Lines Committee's HcAvitt John, farmer Railway connects the town Avith their main Hodgkinson 'M.:z. —, farmer Une from Northwich to Helsby, and there is a 310 AVINSFORD. WorralVs

station on the London an North-AVeatem line, fairs are held on the 15th Al-^y and 25th Sep­ about a mile from AVinsford bridge. The tember. Lord Ddamere is lord of the manor. market is held on Saturday. AVHARTON is a toAvnship in Davenham OVER is a parish, township, and smaU parish, in the NorthAvich union, and county market town. The parish comprises part of court district; 6 mUes south of Northwich, and the township of Over, the townships of Oulton, 3 from Middlewich. The river Weaver ceases and Whittenhall ; containing an area of 7469 to be navigable at this place. The church is a acres. Population by the census in 1861, handsome edifice, with tower. The living, a 3454 ; and in 1871, 5020 inhabitants. The perpetual curacy of the value of £150 township of Over is partly in the parish of its per annum, is held by the Rev. Samuel Rage, name, and partly in that of Whitegate, union M.A. The several sects of Methodists have and county court district of NorthAvich, first chapels here ; and there are national and infant division of the hundred of Eddisbury, situated schools, for children of both sexes. Population, on the west bank of the river Weaver, 4^ mUes 1861, 2,234 ; 1871, 2,595. Acreae, 1,224. west from MiddleAvich, 7 south from Northwich, Post Office, Over lane, Winsford; Money and 15 east from Chester. The township con­ Order, Telegraph and Savings Bank, Thomas tained a population ot 3774 inhabitants, by K. Crosbie, postmaster. Letters arrive at 7 the census of 1861 ; and in 1871, 5,020 ; of a.m., and at 2 p.m.; dispatched at 11-5 which, 2,462 were females, and 2,558 males ; a.m., aud 10 p.m. showing an increase of 1,246 in the ten years. Post Office, Over; James Court, postmaster. As far back as the year 1280, King Edward Letters arrive from AVinsford at 8-15 a.m., granted a charter for holding the market here, and are dispatched thereto at 6 p.m. Nearest it having been created a borough from a very Money Order and Telegraph Office at Wins­ early date, and still retains the privUege of ford. electing a mayor, who, during hia year of PLACES OF WORSHIP AND THEIR office, exercises the fuU powers of justice of MINISTERS. the peace, and sits as magistrate, at the quarter sessions. The borough includes the townships St. Chad's, Over ; Rev. Nathan Jackaon, M.A., of Over, ALirton, and Swanlow. The ancient vicar parish church, dedicated to St. Chad, is situated St. John'a, Over; Rev. Edward Woodyatt,M. A., about a mile from the toAvn. The Uving, a vicar­ vicar age, value £150 ])er annum, is in the patron­ AVeaver Navigation Free Church, Over lane ; age of the Bishop of Chester. The present vicar Rev. John Birkett, vicar is the Rev. Nathan Jackson, M.A. A separate AVharton Church, Rev. John S. Rage, M.A., ecclesiastical district having been formed of a vicar portion of Over, a church was erected in 1863, Congregational Chapel, Over; Rev. John as a memorial to Sarah, the Avife of Lord Dela­ AlarshaU, minister mere, Avho gaA-e the site and erected the Alethodist Free Churches, Over lane and church principally at his own cost. Christ AVharton ; Rev, —, Jenkins, minister Church was erected near the river, in 1844, by AVesleyau (Methodist Chapfels), Wharton and the tmstees of the AVeaver navigation, for the Over lane benefit of the watermen. It is a beautiful Wesleyan (Primitive) Chapels, Over lane and stone edifice, in the early English style, with AVharton tower and spfre. The living ia a perpetual PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, &c. curacy, of the annual value of £160. The Assembly Room (Henry Barnes, proprietor). Rev. John Birkett is Aicar. There are National Over lane schools for c'nildren of both sexes. The Con­ Cheshire Agricultural Chamber of Commerce ; gregational Chapel, is a beautiful buUding, Thomas Rigby, secretary, Winsford Avith Sunday school attached. The various Conservative Reading Room, Market HaU, bodies of Alethodists have also placea of wor­ Wharton ; J. A. Davenport, Hon. Sec. ship here. A large cotton-sjnnning mill, erected Northwich and Winsford, Guardian News­ in the township in 1870, employs upwards of paper Office, Over lane, Winsford 500 hands, and has added much to the prosperity Over and AVharton Gas Co. Limited, Mr. John of the neighbourhood. A spacious Assembly N. Harvey, managing director. Over lane, Room, for public meetings, concerts, &c., has AVinsford been buUt by Mr. Barnes, in Over lane. Cattle PoUce Station, Sergeant Steele, in charge Directory. AVINSFORD. 311

Registrar of Births and Deaths and Marriages, Percival Mr. —. Wharton Richard Arrowsmith, Over (for Over district) Perrin Mrs. —, The Oaklands, Wharton Stamp Office, Over lane ; WiUiam WilUama, Saxby Mr. —, Over distributor Seaman Mr. Frederick, Over Winsford Institute and Library, Over lane, Singleton Mrs. —, AVharton John Buckley, secretary SnowbaU Rev. Gilbert, Over AVinsford Permanent Benefit Building Society, Verdin John, Esq., Hill side house, Moulton Over lane ; W. Wright, secretary Verdin Joseph, Esq., Highfield house, WhartoU Winsford Town and Market HaU Co. Limited, Verdin Robert, Esq., Highfield house, WTiarton S. W. Cross, secretary AVhitby Mrs. Martha, Over CONVEYANCE BT RAILWAY.—On the London Whitley Rev. WiUiam, M.A., Over and North Western Line, Station near Whittingham Mrs. Frances, AVharton Winsford, Henry Wright, station master Wood Mr. Joseph, Oak cottage, Over ON THE CHESHIRE LINES.—Station Winsford, Wood Air. PhUip, Oak house. Over Mrs. —, Welah, station master Woodyatt Rev. Edward, M.A., St. John's An omnibus from the Red Lion Inn, Winsford ParsonagOj'^Over to the RaUway station three times daily Wright Mr. WiUiam A., Swanlow lano. Over CONVEYANCE BY WATER.—Trustees of the Weaver Navigation, Office, Castle North­ wich ; WiUiam Wood Blake, clerk to the CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES, Truateea .PROFESSIONS, &c. To Liverpool and intermediate places, James AGENTS. Court from his wharf Winsford daUy Barnes Henry (for agricultural implements, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. &c.). Over lane Armstrong John Knight, Esq., Wharton haU Burgess Thomaa (for AUaopp's Burton ale and Atkinson Thomas, Esq., Over London and DubUn porter), Railway and Bage Rev. John S., the Vicarage, Wharton Navigation Hotel, Winsford Bates Mr. James, Swanlow lane Dean Thomas (for Richard Evans and Co., Beaman Mr. William, Wharton Haydock CoUieries), L. & N. W. Station, Bfrkett Rev. John, AVeaver Parsonage Winsford Bradbury Mr. John, Wharton Poole WiUiam (commissioner and insurance), Brookea Captain CunUffe, Darnhall hall Marketplace CockeriU Mra. EUzabeth, AVharton cottage AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEALER. Cooke John, Esq., Bank house. Over Cross Mr. George, Winsford Barnes Henry, Over lane Cross Mr. Richard G., Winsford ALE AND PORTER DEALERS. Daggett Mr. Charles, Clive view, AVharton Burgess Thomas, Navigation and RaUway Dudley Mra. Ann R., Wharton lodge Hotel, Over, Winsford Haig Mr. Jamea, Over Leicester WiUiam, Over HaU Mr. Joseph D., Wharton BAKERS. Hogarth Mr. Andrew, Mount pleasant. Over Jackson Rev. Nathan, M.A., St. Chad's vicar­ Buraton John, Over age, Over Induatrial Co-operative Society Limited, Over Jameson Mr. John, Swanlow lane. Over lane Jenkins Rev. —, Over lane Maaaey WilUam, Winsford Johnson The Aliases, Grange cottage, Over Sankey Ralph, Over lane Kay Mrs. —, Wii.sford lodge BANKERS. Kay Mr. John and Mrs. Christopher, Winsford lodge Parr's Banking Company Limited, open on LeAvia Alra, Father, Wharton Wednesday from 11 to 2. Saturday 10 to Lycett Mr. WiUiam, The Park, Wharton I (sub-branch to Northwich), Over lane; MarahaU Rev. John, the Manae Over James B. Banka, manager MuUiner Mrs. Francis, Clive view Union Bank of Manchester Limited (sob- OkeU George, Esq., Over lodge branch to Northwich), Over lane ; WiUiam Owen Mr. Joseph, AVharton Smith, manager 312 AVINSFORD. WorralVi

BEER RETAILERS. Kitchen David, AVharton and Over lane Andrews George, Over lane Kitchen Henry, Over lane Atherton Thomas, Wharton Wilson Daniel, Over lane Blackburn John, Over lane BREWERS. Blackburn Peter, Over lane Walker Edward (and maltster). Over Blackburn Samud, Over lane Blackburn Thomas, Alarket place BRICK AND TILE MAKERS AND Blackburn WiUiam, Over lane DEALERS. Boden WiUiam, Over lane Dooley James, Over Bowyer George, Market place Hamlet George, Over Carey Peter, Over lane BRICKLAYERS. Dodd Joseph, Over lane Cofax Uriah P., Over Gorst Samuel, Market place Hamlet George (and builder and brickmaker), Hamlet George, Swanlow lane Swanlow lane. Over Hatton Jamea, Ledward street, Wharton Hamlet George, Over Hoole Samuel, Market place Hamlet John, Over Kinsey John, Over MeUor Ambrose, Over lane BUTCHERS. MitcheU Thomas, Wharton Bebbington Henry, Alarket place Percival Mary, Market place Bebbington John, Over Phillips Aaron, Deane street. Over Bebbington AVUliam, Over Pickstock Julius Caesar, Market place Blackburn Peter, Market place Ranee Thomas, Over lane Blackburn Samuel, Over lane Slee Robert, Alarket place Blackburn WUliam, Over lane Stoneley WiUiam, Over lane Blackburn Thomaa, Over Dean Thomaa, Market place BLACKSAIITHS. Derbyshire Thomas, Over lane Astbury Thomas, Over Industrial Co-operative Society Limited, Over Calderbank Ralph, Swanlow lane lane Cross WUliam (Executors of) (and boiler Leonard Frederick, Market place makers), AVinsford Percival James, Over lane Dale Joseph, Over lane PhiUips Aaron, Over lane Dodd Joseph, Over lane Preston AViUiam, Market place Dodds Thomaa (and boiler maker). Weaver at Robinson George, Over lane BONE, SIZE AND AGRICULTURAL A^ernon George, Over MANURE AIANUFACTURERS. CABINET AND CHAIR MAKERS. Meredith Joseph, Winsford and Garston, Earl Charles, Over lane John Habberley, manager Pickstock Eli, Alarket place BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND NEAVS AGENTS. CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Bamford WilUam, Over lane Burgesa Richard, Over lane Walton John, Over lane Burston Anne, Winsford WiUiams WiUiam, Over lane Pickering Thomas, Over lane Singleton Henry, Over lane BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Amies and Taylor, Over lane CLOGGERS. Atherton John, Over lane Brocklehurst AVilliam, Over lane Ball Samuel, Over Industrial Co-operative Society, Over lano Bloor Thomas, Over Oakes John, Market place Brocklehurst WUliam, Over lane AVilson Daniel, Over lane Burgesa John, Market place COAL MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. HenshaU William, Wharton Atkinson Thomas, Weaver street Industrial Co-operative Society Limited, Over Evans Richard and Co., Winsford station, lane George Dean, ageut Kennerley Samuel, Over lane Hulse Samuel, Market place Directory. AVINSFOUI). 313

LEIGH EDMUND (and Ume, slates, &c.), Rigby Thomas, DarnhaU Winsford wharf—see advertisement. Roberts John, DarnhaU CONFECTIONERS. Shaw Joseph, AVeaver grove. Over Siddorn Samuel, Over lane Massey WiUiam, Winsford Stelfox (Jeorge, AVays green. Over Sproston EUza, Over laue Thornton Joseph, Over CORN AND FLOUR DEALERS. TomUnson Charles, Dairy house. Over Tomlinson John, Weaver hall Garner Thomas, Over lane Tomlinson Nathaniel, Darnhall Harvey John N., Over lane Trelfa Thomas, Weaver Industrial Co-Operative Society Limited, Over Vernon James, Over lane AA''ade Samuel, Knights green Leicester James, Over AVhitby Robert, Over Rigby Thomas, Winsford AliU AVUUamson Samuel, AVeaver Stelfox George, Market place AVilUamson AViUiam, DarnhaU COTTON SPINNERS. AVilUs George, Over Haigh Abraham and Sons, Over mUl AVood Joseph, Over Wood Philip, Oak Cottage, Over FARMERS. AVood Thomas, Over Andrews George, Over lane GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS. Astbury Samud, Over Baker WiUiam, Over Bebbington Daniel, Over lane Bayley AViUiam, DarnhaU Bournes Edward, Market place—see advt. Bell Charles, Wharton Burgess Richard, Over lane Bebbington Samuel, Ways Green, Over Burston Ann, Market place Beat Peter, Swanlow lane Burston John, Over BiUington George, Over Harvey John N., Over lane Blackburn Thomas, Over Industrial Co-operative Society Limited, Ovtr Buckley Joseph, Darnhall lane ; Samuel Brereton, manager and sec. Boffey WiUiam, Darnhall Alassey WilUam, Winsford Bowden WiUiam, Over lane Parrett Joseph, Winsford and Barnton Cookson Mrs. —, DarnhaU Sankey John, Over lane Cookson Thomaa, Darnhall Singleton Henry, Over lane GoUins Joseph, Over Stelfox George, Market place Hancock Edward, Over Thompson Nathan and Thomas, Over lano Hewitt Robert, Darnhall Twiss James, Over BUckaon Joseph, Wharton Winnington Joseph, Over lane Hickson Samuel, AVharton HAIF: DRESSERS. Hitchin Charles, Over Atherton Thomas, Over lane Holland Stephen, Darnhall Barratt Thomas Over lane HoUinshead Joseph, ChurchiU farm. Over IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER AND Hopley James, Over ENGINEER. Johnson Joseph, Over Jones John, Over Bates James, Winsford Foundry Lewis J. R., Darnhall IRONMONGERS. Latham John, Over Bamford WUliam, Over lane Latham WUUam, Over Barnes Henry, Over lane—see advertisement Maddock WiUiam, Over Cross Samuel W., Market place Morris Thomas, Wharton INNS AND PUBLIC-HOUSES. Moaeley WilUam, Weaver NewaU Hannah, Over lane Black Bear, t, je Hamlet, Over Owen Joseph, Weaver haU Blue Bell, jocc h Viggor, Swanlow Parkea Charlea, Over Bull's Head, Stephen Ravenscroft, Over lane Percival Peter, Wharton Crown, Thomas WiUiamson, Over Ravenscroft Ann, Over George and Dragon, John Hamlet, Over Richardson John, Wharton Golden Lion, Samuel Rutter, Over lane 314 WINSFORD. WorralVi

MILLERS. INNS, &C.—continued. Navigation aud RaUway, Thomas Burgess, Darlington George, Bradford Corn AliUs, Over Over, AVinsf ird Rigby Thomas, Winsford and DarnhaU Odd-FeUows' Arms, Frances Carter, Wharton MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS. Queen's Arms, Alary Sant, Over 1 me Barton Sarah, Over laue Raihvay Hotel, John Cookson, AVharton Crosbie Thomas K., Over lane Red Lion, Joseph Hickson, AVinsford HenshaU Louisa J., Over lane Red Lion, Robert AI. A\'hitby, Over Ikin Hannah, Over Rifleman, Joseph Lewis, AVeaver street Viggor Mary Ann, Over Royal Oak, Stephen Duncan, Market place PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, & GLAZIERS. The Hatch, Alary AVhitby, Over NewaU WiUiam, Wharton Wheat Sheaf, Anna Maria Edwards, Over Grayson James, Over lane AVhite Lion, George Sant, Over Hulse Jabez, Over lane INSURANCE OFFICES AND AGENTS. A^'iggor Charles, Over British Equitable (Life), Edmund Leigh Viggor Joseph, Swanlow Winsford wharf—see advertisement ROPE MAKERS. Eagle (Fire), John Cooke, Over lane Bradshaw James, sen., Winsford hill Imperial (Fire), WUliam Poole, Market place Moss John, Wharton Medical, Henry Singleton, Over lane Northern, Thomas Pickering. Over lane SADDLERS. Prudential, William Poole, Market .place ; MeUor Thomas, Over lane Henry Kitchen and John Jones, Over lano Vernon Richard, Over Queen (Life), Edmund Leigh, Winsford wharf. SAIL MAKERS. see advertisement Barton John G. (and tents and cart sheets), Queen, Henry Barnes, Over lane AVeaver street, AVinsford—see advertisement. S.-ottish Amicnble (Life), John Cooke, Over Beeton John (and tents, cart sheets, &c.). Over lane lane, AVinsford—see 'advertisement Sun (Fire), John Cooke, Over lane Pickstock JuUus Caesar, Market place JOINERS AND BUILDERS. SALT WORKS (PROPRIETORS OF.) Cawley Thomas, Wharton Alcock, James, & Co., Winsford Dutton Thomas, AA^eaver street Atherton aud Griffiths, Winslord Fowles James, Over lane Atherton and Royle, AVinsford Kennerley William (undertaker), Over lane Atherton R,alph, Winsford Moss AVilliam, AVeaver street Beaman and Deakin, Meadew Salt Works, Pickstock Eli, Over lane Winsford Sergeant Henry, AA'harton BromUow, Haddock, & Co., Winsford; Thos. LIME AIERCHANT. Poole, agent LEIGH EDMUND (and coal, slate, bricks. Bush John and Son, Moulton HaU Works, and tUcs), Winsford Wharf^see advt. Winsford—see advertisement LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Cheshire Amalgamated Salt Worka Company Aston & Co., Over lane; Charles Lee, manager Limited ; J. J. SuUivan, manager Bisbrown Alary, Over lane Cross WiUiam (executors of), Winsford Deakin George (executrix of), Winsford, and CddweU James, Over lane 8A Lord street, Liverpool; WUUam Dignum, Crosbie Thomas K., Over lane agent Dignum Thomas D., Market place Deakin James (executors of), Winsford Evans John, Over lane Dignum WiUiam, Winsford Industrial Co-operative Society Limited, Over Evans Richard, jun., Winsford ; Samuel Hick­ lane son, manager Leng AI. & E., Over lane Falk Herman E. (rock and white), Winsford; Stelfox George, Alarket place Mr. Saxby, manager Twiss James, Over Griffiths Thomas, Winsford Walker Edward, Over Griffiths WUliam, Winsford Whittick Henry, Over lane Harrison Thomas, Winsford Directoni. WINSFORD. 315

Harrison WUUam, Winsford Dierden Alatthew, AVharton Hickson & Co., Winsford Dodd Thomas, AVeaver street Hulse Samuel, Winsford Fearnett James, Over lane Jump WiUiam (executors of), AVinsford Finney Robert, Over lane Lovett James and Son, Winsford Hall Aun, Weaver street Alills Thomaa and John, AVinsford Hatton Henry, Wharton National Patent Salt Company, Winsford ; Hamlet Martha, Over lane Andrew Hogarth, manager Hamlet PhUip, Over lane Runcorn Soap and Alkali Company Limited, Johnson George, Over lane Winsford ; AA''Uliam Dutton, manager—see Hatton James, AVharton advertisement Ikin James, Gravel Shaw James, jun., Winsford Lightfoot Andrew, Church street. Over lane Shaw James, sen., AVinsford Aleigh Charles, Over Simpson and Son, Winsford MiUburn John, Wharton Stubbs R. & J. & Co., AVinsford AIit<-heU Michael, Over laue Thompson John and Son, AVinsford Naylor George, Over laue Verdin John & R. AV., New Bridge Works, NewaU Hannah, Over lano near AVinsford Pace Enoch, Swanlow lane VERDIN JOSEPH & SONS (manufacturers Rogerson George, Over lane of every description of salt for the Home and RowUnson Thomas, Wharton foreign markets). Rock Salt Alines, Marston, Shortridge Thomas, Over lane and White Salt Works, Marston, North­ Sumner James, Over lane wich, Middlewich, and Winsford.—see advt. Thomason WUliam, Wharton Wharton Railway aud River Salt Works Co. Tomlinson John, Townfield, Over Limited; AViUiam Lycett, managing direc­ AValker Peter, AVharton tor ; James S. GradwcU secretary—see advt. WeedaU WUliam, Over lano Woods John Thomas (Hindley Green Coal WhaUey AViUiam, AVharton Company), AVinsford Yearson Jonathan, AVeaver street SCHOOLS. SLATE MERCHANT. Atherton Aliss Clara, Wharton LEIGH EDMUND (and tile, Ume and coal Boden Sarah, Over lane AVinsford wharf—see advertisement Buckley John (boarding and day). Over lane SMALLAVARE DEALERS. Endowed School, Darnhall; Richard Wood- Bowdeu Richard, Market place Avard, master ; Emma AVoodward, mistreas Earl Oharles, Over lane Fairham Mary, AVharton Hordern Ellen, Market place Jarrett AViUiam, Over lane Moate Mary (boarding and day). Over SOLICITORS. National School, Over; Joseph Smallwood, Armstrong John Knight, Wharton hall master ; Sarah Jane Cross, mistress Bent Edward S., Alarket place, Winsford National School, AVharton; Richard Davies, Cooke John (and perpetual commissioner). Over master ; Rebecca Kitchen, mistress lane, Winsford AVeaver Navigation School, Weaver street; SURGEONS. AVilUam Dunn, master; Ann Smeeton, mis­ Cooke James, AI.D., Over lane tress ; Annie Roberts, infants' mistress Dudley Charles, Over lane Leak Alexander P., M.D., Over lauo SHIP BUILDERS. Okell George, Over Cross AVilUam (executors of), AVinsford Hulse Thomas (aud timber merchant), Wins­ SURVEYORS. ford Bratt Thomas (and architect). Over lane Davenport John H., Over lane SHOPKEEPERS. AspinaU Samuel, Dean steeet. Over TAILORS. Atherton Thomas, Over lane Atherton Thomaa, Over lane Bebbington John, Over lane Cooke WiUam, Over lane Bratt Joseph, AVharton Hoole John, Over lane Carey Peter, Over lane I Johnson T. & J., Over 310 AVINSFORD. WorralVs

T A iLo Rs—CO ntin ued. MISCELLANEOUS. Alarsh AVilliam, Deane street. Over Tomlrin Edward W., Over lane Arrowsmith Richard, registrar of births, deaths, AVhitehead Isaac, Over lane and marriages for the district of Over; re­ lieving officer, inspector of nuisances, and TIAIBER MERCHANTS. collector to the Board of Guardians for the Over and Aliddlewich districts. Over. Cross WiUiam (executors of), Winsford Barnes Heury, furniture dealer. Over lane Hulse Thomas, Winsford Bate Ralph, clothes dealer. Over lane Bracegirdle Joseph, cooper. Over lane Brereton Joseph, china dealer. Over lane WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Buckley Samuel, basket maker, Over lane Blackhurst James, Over Corcoran Martha, gardener. Over lane Burgess Richard, Over lane Cowap Joseph, veterinary surgeon, Over Aladdocks Charles, Over lane Earl AViUiam, manager, Wharton Ziehler Jacob J., Over lane Horton WiUiam, timber carrier. Over Ikin Samuel, cooper. Over Jones John, tobacconist, Over lane WHEELWRIGHTS. Leicester WiUiam, cheese factor, Over Denson William, Over AleUor George, gardener and seedsman. Over Royle John, Winsford Moore Peter, cooper. Over lane Tredgold Joseph, Over Moseley Thomas H., game dealer. Over lane WiUiamson Joseph, Swanlow lane Oakes Ralph, assistant overseer, Over lane Price WiUiam L., stonemason. Weaver street Rigby Thomaa, secretary to the Manchester AVINE AND SPIRIT AIERCHANTS. and Liverpool Agricultural Society, Winsford Corn MiU, and Darnhall. Burgesa Richard, Over lane Slee Robert, fishmonger, fruiterer, and game Walker Edward, Over dealer. Market place