Eighth Session, Commencing at 2.30 Pm GREAT BRITAIN GOLD COINS
Eighth Session, Commencing at 2.30 pm GREAT BRITAIN GOLD COINS 2267* Elizabeth I, (1558-1603), milled coinage, 1561-70, gold half pound, mm lis (S.2543). Very fi ne and rare. $13,000 2263* Edward IV, (fi rst reign, 1461-1470), Flemish imitation of gold ryal (S.1952). Well struck, full fl an, good very fi ne and rare. $5,000 2268* James I, (1603-1625), gold laurel, mm trefoil, fourth head, issued 1624, (S.2638B, N.2114). Attractive round specimen, superb portrait, weak in places, otherwise extremely fi ne and very scarce. $2,400 2264* Henry VII, (1485-1509), angel, type III, mm greyhound's head, 1498-9, (S.2183). Slightly crinkled, otherwise good fi ne. $1,200 2269* Anne, After the Union, guinea, third bust, 1714 (S.3574). Some mint bloom, extremely fi ne and rare in this condition. $3,500 2265* Henry VIII, (1509-1547), angel, fi rst coinage 1509-1526, London mint, (5.07 grams), mm portcullis, obv. with VIII, (S.2265, N.1760). Round, very fi ne and attractive. $1,250 2270* George II, old head, fi ve guineas, 1748 (S.3666). Nearly extremely fi ne and rare. $20,000 2266* Elizabeth I, (1558-1603), sixth issue, gold pound, mm tun (S.2534). Good very fi ne and rare. $16,000 167 2277* George III, sixth head half guinea, 1810 (S.3737). Good very fi ne. 2271* $350 George II, young head, two guineas, 1738 (S.3667B). Good very fi ne. $1,500 2278* George III, second head, third guinea, 1808 (S.3740). Possibly removed from coin frame, surface marking, nearly fi ne.
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