Varia 496· Concerted Action on Forecasting, Prevention and Reduction of Landslide and Avalanche Risks (CALAR) ContractNo. ENV4-CT97-0551 Final Report EDITED BY: Bo BERGGREN & CHRISTINA BERGLUND June 28, 2000 Statens geotekniska institut Swedish Geotechnical Institute Swedish Geotechnical Institute Statens geotekniska institut SE-581 93 Linkoping, Sweden Tel: 013-20 18 00 /Int: +46 13 20 18 00 Fax: 013-20 19 14 /Int: +46 13 20 19 14 E-post/E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: ISSN 1100-6692 Concerted Action on Forecasting, Prevention and Reduction of Landslide and Avalanche Risks (CALAR) ContractNo. ENV4-CT97-0551 Final Report EDITEDBY: Bo BERGGREN & CHRISTINA BERGLUND June 28, 2000 CALAR EUROPEAN COMMISSION DGXII Environment and Climate Programme CONCERTED ACTION ON FORECASTING, PREVENTION AND REDUCTION OF LANDSLIDE AND AV ALAN CHE RISKS (CALAR) Contract No ENV4-CT97-0551 Final Report Edited by: Bo Berggren & Christina Berglund June 28, 2000 C.\LAR Final Report THE CALAR STEERING GROUP The activities of the project as well as the work with this report were planned and co-ordinated by a Steering Group, consisting of the following members: • Bjorn Sellberg, Ph.D., Chairn1an Swedish Council for Building Research II Bo Berggren, Ph.D. AB Jacobson & Widmark • Christina Berglund, M.Sc Swedish Geotechnical Insitute • K. Rainer Massarsch, Dr.Teckn . GEO Engineering AB • Horst Schaffhauser, Dr. phi!. Institut Lawinen- und Wildbachforschung an der Forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt II Erich Schwab, Dr. Tekn. Osterreichisches Forschungs- und Prlif-zentrum Arsenal Ges.m.b.H. • Claudio Scavia, Associate Professor Politecnico di Torino, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale • John Hutchinson, Professor Emeritus, Ph.D, D.Sc (Eng.) Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2(41) C4.LAR Final Report FOREWORD CALAR was a Concerted Action Project on Forecasting, Prevention and Reduction of Landslide and Avalanche Risks.