DAINFERN CLASSIFIEDS – 26 MARCH 2014 The DHA offer the Classifieds Section as a service to Homeowners and Residents and in no way do the DHA/DCC endorse any of the products and/or services displayed in this publication or do any checks on prospective employees – background checks and any other requirements are the responsibility of the Resident. REQUIRED: HOUSEMAN / GARDENER / DOMESTIC STAFF I recommend Mavuto (from Malawi) as a Housekeeper and/or GARDENER. He is looking for full time job (Monday to Friday). Live out. He has been working for our family for 6,5 years. Hard worker, honest, easy going, serious and multitasks. From Malawi. He is presently doing housekeeping, gardening, pool keeping, barman at functions , car & windows cleaner and sometimes baby-sitting during the day for us. Please contact: Nathalie
[email protected] or Mavuto 072 153 9695 . Houseman /and or Gardener I recommend Mavuto (from Malawi) as a GARDENER / Painter / Houseman. He is looking for full or part time job. Live in or not. Hard worker, honest, easy going, serious and multitasks. From Malawi. He is presently doing housekeeping, gardening, pool keeping, and car & windows cleaner. Please contact: Bheki Khumalo 083 788 5067 or Mavuto 0787144946. DRIVER / GARDENER / PAINTER Victor Thandizwe Msibi is looking for full time work as a driver. He has a C1 PDP license and is also able to work in the garden and is able to undertake painting work as well. Please contact Victor on 082476 6953 or Denis Groenwald on 082 859 1472 for a reference. DAYTIME CHILD CARE / NIGHT NURSE Daytime child care / Night nurse.