


This painting is of me when I was 12. Even back then I had a healthy mistrust in authority. What right did anyone have in bossing me around if I was not coercive, harming, or stealing from others? I knew it then, but didn’t know why. The very first thing we were taught in kindergarten was The Pledge of Allegiance, how could such a young person understand what the words mean? It was the beginning of our mind control or social engineering.

Most Americans if they went to public school were educated under the Centralized Prussian Education model. I was held back in 1st grade because all I wanted to do was draw pictures and wasn't ready to learn how to read. If I wanted to draw pictures now as a 1st grade student I would be prescribed Ritalin or some other SSRI medication.

From an early age, we are forced into a mandatory school system that requires and encourages youth to attend for a large portion of their human life, for six hours a day. (15,000 hours) Each child is required to learn the accepted version of reality in order to fit into the specific mold desired by the elite. Just like television, a large part of school is simply programming. It’s ironic how the same families behind the funding are responsible for the many inhumane atrocities that took place throughout history. They are also behind big oil, big "pharma", food and other industries that are becoming more transparent as of late. Kids who do not fit into the system and do not resonate with it are usually labeled and medicated.

Essentially, the whole point of school is to shape the reality of the student. We are taken from a very early age and put into the institution; from there we are shown how the world works and what we need to do to survive in it. School literally paints the perception that we need to do well in order to have a job, so we can make money and pay our bills. It has nothing to do with the type of growth the human being needs. The concept of grades and marks do not signify any level of intelligence. In school we are shown the idea of an authority figure, how the world works and what intelligence is. The system treats individuals as groups and teaches the same way to all students everywhere. They all get the same textbooks written and controlled by a small handful of publishers.

Edward Bernays, Sigmund Frauds' nephew, started working after college for the Woodrow Wilson administration, in the Committee on Public Information. Bernays and were charged with changing public opinion in regards to America entering the 1st World War. By the way, Wilson ran and won on a platform of peace and not getting us into the conflict in Europe. The process Bernays used to sway fellow Americans to enter the war was simply that we had to enter the war so we could bring democracy to all the citizens of Europe. Vice President Cheney said “We will be greeted as liberators.” Bernays and Lippmann were amazed at how well the slogan “Bringing Democracy to All Of Europe” worked in swaying public opinion, that he wondered if this model could be used during peacetime. The term propaganda was used by the Germans during the 1st World War and was generally thought of as negative. Bernays then coined the term , the definitions are identical. Bernays felt that the peoples' democratic judgment "could not to be relied on,” and he feared that the American public could very easily vote for the wrong man or want the wrong thing, so they had to be directed from above.

His daughter said her father believed in a form of “enlightened despotism”. Bernays also pioneered the public relations industry's use of psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns: "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits." He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the engineering of consent.

He wrote several books, the first being Crystallizing Public Opinion in 1919 and the second in 1928, called Propaganda. Crystalizing Public Opinion was on Joseph Goebbels bookshelf, and he used Bernays techniques to convince the German people that the Jews were the problem.

Some of Bernays public relations clients were President Calvin Coolidge, Procter & Gamble, CBS, the United Fruit Company, the American Tobacco Company, General Electric, Dodge Motors, and the fluoridationists of the Public Health Service. One of his most famous campaigns was for the American Tobacco Company in the 1920’s. The CEO hired him to increase sales of cigarettes in any way possible. He mentioned to the CEO that what was missing were women as customers, potentially an increase of 50% in sales. But how to get them to smoke. He told the CEO that he would have to find funding to pay a psychologist to study women to find a way that smoking could be made attractive. He staged an event during the 1929 Sunday New York City Easter Parade, where all the press was there to report on Bernays manipulated happening. He hired attractive models to pull a pack of Lucky Strikes from their garters and light up a single cigarette in front of the largest national newspapers press photographers. He promoted them as “” and after the images hit every newspaper in America it was now okay and sexy to smoke. The psychologist said women would equate cigarettes with a males' penis.

Bernays used the “Freudian theory” later to deal with the public’s conception of communism, as he believed that we should not be easing the public’s fear of communism, but rather should promote that fear and play with the public’s emotions of it. This theory was so powerful that it became a weapon of its' own during the cold war. In Propaganda (1928), Bernays argued that the manipulation of public opinion was a necessary part of democracy. I remember "duck and cover" exercises during my elementary school days. FEAR is a winning strategy for the controllers. "It’s easier to deceive people than to convince them they have been deceived".

When someone believes in the lie and has an emotional investment in said lie, they will actually defend it because they don’t want to believe they are nothing more than dupes. The Iraq war was a psy-op psychological operation on the American people that is going on to this day in the Middle East. See Stockholm syndrome where a captive sides and defends their captor, same thing. The famous Stanley Milgram experiment at Yale, starting in 1961, measured the willingness of participants to knowingly inflict pain on others because a person of authority directed them. The experiments ran at the same time as the trial of the Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram was interested in finding out why bureaucrats, soldiers and prison guards were able to kill millions of innocents during the Holocaust because authority directed them to. In his experiments, Milgram found that 61% of all participants ended up administrating the maximum shock of 450 volts, enough to kill any human. Unknown to the participant (teacher) administrating the shocks the learner wasn’t receiving shocks because he was in on it and was only acting. Do you think that the ones who wish to control us are unfamiliar with our unquestioning obedience to authority? To think that the powers that should not be, would not use their knowledge of human nature against us, is naive at best.

By not wanting to know how our beliefs are shaped and molded by the ones who benefit from us believing things that are not true, does not make for an attractive future full of freedom and prosperity, but guarantees a future of diminishing freedoms and more war, fear, and wealth to a minuscule cartel of the super rich.