Achondrites, 9 Accretion Process, 8-11, 46-55 Agglutinates, 65, 67, 72 Alkali Basalt, 68-76 Anomalies, 2-5 Anorthosite, 68-76 As

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Achondrites, 9 Accretion Process, 8-11, 46-55 Agglutinates, 65, 67, 72 Alkali Basalt, 68-76 Anomalies, 2-5 Anorthosite, 68-76 As Index Achondrites, 9 Accretion process, 8-11, 46-55 Agglutinates, 65, 67, 72 Alkali basalt, 68-76 Anomalies, 2-5 Anorthosite, 68-76 Asteroid belt, 18-19 Asteroid impact, 53 Atmosphere concept, 7, 14-16 Atmosphere/magnetosphere interaction, 14-17, 170-174 Atmosphere/surface interaction, 13-15, 119-130 Atmosphere comparisons, 15 Atmosphere formation, 14-15 Atmosphere pre-Mariner 11, 14-15, 107-108 Atmosphere Mariner 11, 14-15, 108-109 Atmospheric calcium, 115-116 Atmospheric constituents, 109-111 Atmospheric particle trajectories, 111-128 Atmospheric potassium, 116-119 Atmospheric sodium, 116-119 Atmosphere sources and sinks, 14-15, 119-128 Aurora, 139, 163-167 Basins, 79-91 BepiColombo mission, 30-36 BepiColombo objectives, 33-35 BepiColombo payload, 30-32 BepiColombo spacecraft, 30-32 Bow shock, 15-17 Basalt, 90-92 index.indd 213 4/23/2007 9:31:24 AM 214 Index Bowen’s reaction series, 14 Breccia, 9 Bulk properties, 8-11, 37-38, 46-55 Bulk surface composition, 68-76 C/mr2, 45-46 Calorian period, 79-90 Caloris, 77-92 Catastrophic systems, 5-8 Chemical sputtering, 111-131 Cold traps, 96-99, 120-131 Crater density age, 82-90 Cratering, 82-90 Chondrites, 9, 46-55 Chondrules, 9 Chronology, 79-90 Comet impact, 53 Composition of the regolith, 68-77 Composition of major terranes, 77-79 Conducting photosheath, 176 Core formation, 11, 38-46 Core structure, 11, 38-46 Coronal mass ejections, 178 Co-rotating electric field, 153-155 Crustal expansion, 79-82, 90-96 Crust formation, 11-13 Crustal shrinking, 79-82, 90-96 Cyclical systems, 5-8 Differentiation, 11-14, 38-42, 90-92 Diffusion, 11-128 Direct injection, 120 Dusk/Dawn variations, 111-131 Dynamic systems, 5-8 Dynamo, 5, 17, 37-42 Earliest observations, 1-5 East/West asymmetry, 61-63 Electron bursts, 156-161 Electron stimulated desorption, 119-131 Emissivity, 64-68 Energetic neutral atom imaging, 128-131 Energetic particles, 157-176 Enstatite chondrite composition, 46-55 Equilibrium systems, 5-11 Equilibrium condensation model, 8-13, 46-55 Evolutionary systems, 5-8 index.indd 214 4/23/2007 9:31:24 AM Index 215 Exobase concept, 107-108 Exoionosphere, 128 Exosphere/magnetosphere interaction, 14-17, 170-174 Exosphere concept, 7, 14-16, 107-108 Exosphere post-Mariner, 109-131 Field aligned current, 164-170 Flux transfer event, 142 Flux tubes, 160-178 Future exosphere investigations, 194-197 Future interior investigations, 185-189 Future magnetosphere investigations, 197-201 Future Mercury missions, 201-208 Future surface investigations, 189-194 Formation models, 8-13, 46-55 Geological history summary, 80-82 Giant impact model, 51-53 Gravity field, 44 Ground-based observations, 1-5 Heavily cratered terrain, 77-82 High abundance of iron, 10-13, 46-55 High latitude enhancement, 112-131 Hilly and lineated terrain, 82-90 History of early astronomy, 1-5 Ice on Mercury, 95-99 Induced magnetosphere, 179 Impact activity, 82-90 Impact cratering, 82-90 Impact vaporization, 51-53 Infall of cometary/asteroid materials, 53 Infrared spectra, 68-76 Intercrater plains, 77-82, 90-96 Interior, 13-15, 37-56 Interior formation, 13-15, 46-55 Internal structure, 13-14, 37-46 Interplanetary magnetic field, 139, 145, 147, 159, 168, 181 Intrinsic magnetic field, 148, 181 Ionosphere, 15-17, 128 Ion sputtering, 119-131 Iron metal, 8-12, 49 Iron-bearing silicate, 10-13 Kuiperian period, 79-90 LBO, 70 Late heavy bombardment, 82-90 Lineament analysis, 92-96 index.indd 215 4/23/2007 9:31:24 AM 216 Index Line-tying, 164-170 Liquid core/shell, 44-46 Liouville’s theorem, 174 LUGH, 201-208 Magma ocean, 12-14 Magnetic field, 15-17, 38-43, 148 Magnetic field depolarization event, 160-166 Magnetic flux, 158-166-169 Magnetopause concept, 15-17 Magnetosheath concept, 15-17 Magnetosphere concept, 15-17, 152-157 Magnetosphere comparison to Earth, 152-157 Magnetosphere/exosphere interaction, 15-17, 170-174 Magnetosphere/solar wind interaction, 15-17, 147, 157-174 Magnetosphere/surface interaction, 15-17, 174 Magnetosphere boundaries, 15-17, 140-148, 152-154 Magnetosphere comparisons, 16 Magnetosphere dynamics, 157-163 Magnetosphere formation, 15-17 Magnetosphere Mariner 10 models, 139-155 Magnetosphere mHD Model, 166, 174-179 Magnetosphere neutral hybrid model, 166, 174-179 Magnetosphere structure, 152-157 Magnetosphere Toffoletto-Hill model, 166, 174-179 Magnetotail, 15-17, 139-143, 152-155, 157-158 Major terranes, 77-82 Mansurian period, 79-90 Mantle formation, 12-14, 37-46 Mantle libration, 44-46 Mariner 10 mission, 20-26 Mariner 10 objectives, 26 Mariner 10 science overview, 20, 24-26 Mariner 10 payload, 23-24 Mariner 10 spacecraft, 22-24 Mariner 10 trajectories, 141-148 Mass of Mercury, 1-3, 37-55 Maturity, 76-77 Maxwell-Boltzman distribution for atmosphere, 109, 120, 124 Mercury express mission, 201-208 MESSENGER mission, 26-30 MESSENGER objectives, 30 MESSENGER payload, 28-30 Mesenger Spacecraft, 28-30 Metal fractionation, 8-13, 37-55 index.indd 216 4/23/2007 9:31:24 AM Index 217 Micrometeorite impact, 76-77, 128-130 Mineralogy, 68-77 Minnaert maps, 68 Morphology, 61-99 Multi-platform mission to Mercury, 193-200 Multi-ring basins, 77-90 Near Earth neutral line, 158-166 Noble gases, 8-11, 107-111 Non-stoichiometric atmospheric processes, 119-128 North/south asymmetry, 61-63 Nusselt number, 11 Optical properties of planet, 1-2 Optical properties of regolith, 65-77 Orbital properties of planet, 1-2 Outgassing, 14-15, 107-111 Parker spiral, 179 Particle bursts, 157-163 Phases of mercury, 1 Photo-emission, 119-128 Photo-ionization, 119-128 Photo-sputtering, 119-128 Photon stimulated desorption, 119-128 Physical properties of planet, 1-2 Physical properties of regolith, 65-77 Planetary formation, 9-13 Planetesimals, 8-13 Planetoids, 8-13 Plasma observations, 139-140, 146-166, 168, 171-174 Plasma sheet, 139-140, 146, 166, 168, 171-174 Plasmasphere, 152, 171-174 Polar features, 96-100 Post-accretion vaporization, 46-55 Pre-Tolstoyan period, 79-90 Primordial atmospheres, 8-15 Provenance, 46-55 Recalibrated Mariner 10 color images, 69-71 Reconnection, 15-17, 142, 147, 157-160, 166-168, 171, 174-175 Recycling, 128-131 Redness of surface, 65-77 Refractory components, 8-15, 46-55 Regolith, 64-77 Regolith thermal properties, 64-68 Ridges and troughs, 92-96 Rotation, 2-5 index.indd 217 4/23/2007 9:31:24 AM 218 Index Safranov model, 8-13 Scaling of Mercury’s magnetosphere to earth’s, 152-157 Scarps arcuate, 92-96 Scarps lobate, 93-96 Second degree gravity coefficients, 44-46 Selective accretion model, 46-55 Shape of Mercury, 42-46 Smooth plains, 77-82, 90-92 Sodium bright spots, 111-128 Sodium emission, 111-128 Sodium tail, 115 Solar nebula, 8-13 Solar system formation, 8-13 Solar wind, 8, 15-17, 145-155, 161-179 Solar wind implantation, 107-109 Solar wind stand-off distance, 154, 167-168 Space weathering as atmosphere modification process, 128-131 Space weathering as surface modification process, 77-78 Spin:Orbit coupling, 3-4 States of matter, 7 Steady state systems, 6-7 Stratigraphy, 80-90 Substorm activity, 139, 163-164 Substorm current wedge, 157-170 Sulfur, 37-55 Surface, 61-99 Surface/Atmosphere interaction, 13-15, 128-131 Surface/Magnetosphere interaction, 13-17, 172-174 Surface backscatter, 65-68 Surface formation, 12-14 Surface roughness, 61-68 System of systems, 6-8 System types, 6 T Tauri phase, 8-13 Tectonic activity, 92-96 Temperature variations, 3-5 Thermal models, 37-46 Thermoelectric dynamo, 37-46 Tidal despinning, 92-96 Tidal heating, 92-96 Tolstajan period, 80-90 Topography, 61-68 Ulf oscillations, 150-152 Ultrabasic composition, 68-76 index.indd 218 4/23/2007 9:31:24 AM Index 219 Unimaged hemisphere, 61-68 Van Allen belts, 152 Volatile components, 8-15 Volcanism, 90-92 Vulcanoids, 86 index.indd 219 4/23/2007 9:31:25 AM COLOR PLATES Color Plate.indd 1 4/20/2007 1:54:17 PM Color Plate 1 Figure 4-7. Figure 5-2. Color Plate.indd 2 4/20/2007 1:54:17 PM Color Plate 2 Figure 5-3. Figure 5-5. Color Plate.indd 3 4/20/2007 1:54:18 PM Color Plate 3 Figure 6-12. Figure 6-13. Color Plate.indd 4 4/20/2007 1:54:18 PM Color Plate 4 Figure 6-17. Figure 6-18. Color Plate.indd 5 4/20/2007 1:54:19 PM Color Plate 5 Figure 6-23. Color Plate.indd 6 4/20/2007 1:54:20 PM.
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