National Programme to Support Energy Efficiency and Quality Standards in Ceramic Ssi Units in India (Project Number Usind05001 & Tfind07001)

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National Programme to Support Energy Efficiency and Quality Standards in Ceramic Ssi Units in India (Project Number Usind05001 & Tfind07001) OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · · [email protected] UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION NATIONAL PROGRAMME TO SUPPORT ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND QUALITY STANDARDS IN CERAMIC SSI UNITS IN INDIA (PROJECT NUMBER USIND05001 & TFIND07001) END OF PROJECT REPORT PROJECT EXECUTED BY United Nations Industrial Development Organisation PROJECT FUNDED BY Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India—IDF Contribution National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCB)—Trust Fund Contribution PROJECT DURATION June 2005–December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etailed evaluation report to be prepared by UNIDO +,-./*01*$023/234* Acknowledgement Executive Summary 1. Background and context…. 8 2. Project objectives and rationale…. 9 2.1 Project objectives*;$9 2.2 Rationale of project*;$9 2.3 Target beneficiaries*;$10 2.4 Expected outcome*;$10 3. Budget & Finances…. 12 3.1 Planned budget*;$12 3.2 Actual expenditure*;$13 4. Project Implementation, Activities Undertaken and Accomplishments against Plan…. 15 4.1 Project implementation summary*;$15 4.2 Project partners*;$15 4.3 Project strategy*;$16 4.3.1 Project design and activities…. 16 4.3.2 Selective units…. 26 Awareness programme on improving energy efficiency…. 26 Energy audits…. 27 4.3.3 Energy savings quantified for the three clusters…. 63 4.3.4 Benchmarking of energy consumption and potential of energy savings…. 63 4.3.5 Selecting representative units for demonstrating energy efficient technologies …. 67 4.3.6 Implementation of energy audit recommendations…. 67 Methodology adopted for implementation of EA…. 67 4.3.7 Preparation of film for documenting current status of the industry and barriers in improving the status…. 70 4.3.8 Designing and hosting of website for hosting data and information on ceramic industry…. 71 4.3.9 Training on EEMs…. 71 4.3.10 Introduction of lean manufacturing concept…. 72 4.3.11 Establishing common testing facility…. 74 4.3.12 Capacity-building measures for supporting institutions…. 74 Developing and demonstrating rapid-firing technology…. 74 Purchase of equipments …. 75 Participation in international technical conference…. 77 International linkages…. 78 Improvements in quality and productivity…. 86 Cross-cutting theme …. 87 5. Project Achievements and Highlights…. 93 CONCLUSION ANNEXURES $ $ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT UNIDO places on record its sincere thanks to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India, for entrusting us with the responsibility of implementing the National Programme to Support Energy Efficiency and Quality Standards in Ceramic SSI Units in India—a joint project of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India, and UNIDO. We are grateful to Mr S Jagdeeshan, Joint Secretary, DIPP; Mr N N Prasad, Joint Secretary, DIPP; Mr M S Dhakad, Director, DIPP; Mr S Madan and Mr A Laxmanaswamy, Research Officer, UNIDO Section, DIPP, for their support and valuable guidance extended to us in implementing the project. The project team is grateful to Dr Dolf Gielen, Project Manager, UNIDO; Mr Tony Levissianos, Deputy Regional Director, ai – South Asia; and Mr Sujit Das. The project team is also indebted to Dr Pradeep Monga, Former Project Manager and Director, Energy and Climate Change Branch, PTC Division, UNIDO, Vienna (Austria) and Mr Upendra Malik, Former Project Coordinator, for their guidance and unstinted support towards successful completion of the project. The project team places on record its appreciation for the support and cooperation received from the representatives and officials of UNIDO, New Delhi. Without their help the project could not have been implemented. We express our deep appreciation to all institutions and local industry associations of Khurja (Uttar Pradesh), Morbi (Gujarat), and Thangadh (Gujarat), and the progressive ceramic units for their valuable contribution in making the project a success. The project team expresses gratitude to national and international experts, namely, Ms Anita Khuller, Outreach Consultant; Ms Annapurna Vancheswaran, Director, Sustainable Development Outreach, TERI; Mr D V Satya Kumar, Diagnostic Study and Training; Mr I V R Kumar, Energy Audit and Management; Dr Naval Karrir, Energy Audit; Mr Prempal Malhotra, Expert on Energy Efficiency; and Mr Rajendra Singh, Expert on Lean Manufacturing, who have extended their support in effective implementation of various activities taken up under the project. We are grateful to Director‐General, National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCB), Ballabgarh, Haryana, Mr S K Chaturvedi, General Manager and other officers of NCB, who extended their support and guidance throughout the project. We gratefully acknowledge the role of Dr L K Sharma, Scientist‐in‐Charge; Mr A K Gupta, Former Scientist and the officers of Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI), Khurja; Dr S Mishra, Scientist‐in‐Charge, Dr K N Maiti, Former Scientist‐in‐charge, and officers of CGCRI, Naroda Centre, Gujarat, for their support and cooperation in completion of the project. 1 The project team would also like to thank the team of consultants, namely, Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Limited (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh); Q‐Spread, Gurgaon, Haryana; Ms Anita Khuller, Outreach Consultant; M/s Nevco Instruments, New Delhi; Mr A K Gupta, Scientist (Retd), CGCRI; Dr K N Maiti, former Scientist‐in‐Charge, CGCRI; Drayton Beaumont Kilns Limited, United Kingdom; and Kexinda, China, for their efforts at different stages of project implementation. We would also like to extend our deep gratitude to The Energy and Resources Institute ‐ Business Council for Sustainable Development (TERI‐BCSD), India, for undertaking the study on ‘Scoping Socially Responsible Behaviour in SMEs’ in the three clusters under the guidance of Ms Annapurna Vancheswaran (Director, Sustainable Development Outreach, TERI). The project team would also like to thank all other agencies and consultants whose help and cooperation have contributed immensely to the successful completion of the project. Project Team 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Project number USIND05001 & TFIND07001 Project title National Programme to Support Energy Efficiency and Quality Standards in Ceramic SSI Units in India Country India Clusters Khurja (Uttar Pradesh), Morbi (Gujarat), and Thangadh (Gujarat) Date of starting June 2005 Project duration Three years, extended up to June 2010 Total budget $600 000 Implementing agency UNIDO Counterpart agency DIPP, Government of India, and NCB Summary The Indian ceramic industry, being the basic building block for the construction and household sectors, contributes considerably to India’s economic progress. With growing urbanization and increasing use of ceramic tiles and sanitary ware in the Indian construction
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