1 TheVedanta Kesari June 2019 1 The Vedanta Kesari The Vedanta Cover Story page 11... 1 A Cultural and Spiritual Monthly `15 June of the Ramakrishna Order since 1914 2019 2 PRIVATE LIMITED Regd. Off. & Fact. : Phone : 04172 - 244820, 651507, Plot No.88 & 89, Phase - II, Tele Fax : 04172 - 244820 (Manufacturers of Active Pharmaceutical Sipcot Industrial Complex, E-mail :
[email protected] Ingredients and Intermediates) Ranipet - 632 403, Tamil Nadu. Web Site : www.svisslabss.net Universal Prayers शैवानामीश्र्वरो व ष्赁व핈ष्वानां च सममतः। देवीवत शाक्ततꅍ配े च ब赁饍ो बौ饍स赁पूवितः।। अर㔹ꅍतो िैनधम㔹स㔯 啍셈सतानां व啍सत एव च। विरोवश्र्च 㔯饍ानाम쥍ा मारममदस㔯 च।। परैरारमासदेवत फारसीक셈श्र्च कथ㔯ते। एवं 㔯ज्ज㔯ोवतराभावत तज्ज㔯ोवतशशं करोत赁 नः।। The shining Divine Light which is designated as Siva by the Seeing God Everywhere N Gokulmuthu saivites, Vishnu by vaishnavas, the Goddess Sakti by the Tantra literature, Buddha by the buddhists, Arhanta by the jains, Christ by the christians, Jehova by the jews, Allah by the muslims and Ahura Mazda by the parsis, may that Light bring bliss to all of us! —Swami Harshananda Editor: SWAMI MAHAMEDHANANDA Published by SWAMI VIMURTANANDA, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai - 600 004 and Printed by B. Rajkumar, Chennai - 600 014 on behalf of Sri Ramakrishna Math Trust, Chennai - 600 004 and Printed at M/s. Rasi Graphics Pvt. Limited, No.40, Peters Road, Royapettah, Chennai - 600014. Website: www.chennaimath.org E-mail:
[email protected] 3 106th THE VEDANTA KESARI YEAR OF PUBLICATION A Cultural and Spiritual Monthly of The Ramakrishna Order JUNE Vol.