Print and Media Resources

Books and Articles by Swami Aseshananda:

“Disciples of Sri ,” in Kesari, Vol. 87, October 2000, pp. 11-14.

Glimpses of a Great Soul: A Portrait of Swami , Vedanta Press, Hollywood, CA. 1982, 274 pp.

“Holy Mother Talk,” Magazine Articles, July/August 2003 Vedanta Center UK

“Holy Mother—A Talk,” in Reminiscences of Sri Sarada Devi, pp. 93-105, , , 2004, 331 pp.

A Holy Woman of Modern India, Vedanta and the West #110. Nov./Dec.1954. Available online at

“Memories of Sri Ramakrishna” by , translated by Swami Aseshananda in Vedanta and the West, March-April 1953.

“Meditation According to the Upanishads” in Living Wisdom: Vedanta in the West, edited by Pravrajika Vrajaprana, pp.71-77, Vedanta Press, 1994. This is an edited version of the article that appeared in Vedanta for Modern Man edited by , Harper, New York, 1951.

“Meditation According to the Upanishads,” in Vedanta for Modern Man, edited by Christopher Isherwood, pp. 290-296. Harper, New York, 1951.

“Vivekananda and the Meaning of Salvation,” in American Vedantist, reprinted in Vol. 15, No. 1, Spring 2009.

For archived articles by Swami Aseshananda, see Gopal Stavig’s supplement on the accompanying disc.

Books and Articles About Swami Aseshananda

The Last Disciple of Holy Mother: Reminiscences of Swami Aseshananda by Swami Shantarupananda, a booklet reprinted from American Vedantist, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1999, 12 pp. Available from The of Portland.

303 The Lotus and the Flame: Monastic Teachings of Swami Aseshananda, compiled by Swami Yogeshananda in 1950-51, 48 pp. Provisions Supplement No. 3, The Eternal Quest, Inc., published in 1996. Out of print; publication rights given to Esther Warkov. The Lotus and the Flame is included on the accompanying disc.

A Spiritual Teacher and His Disciple: A Portrait of Swami Aseshananda by Todd D. Thomas, 2009, 182 pp. Self-published, available from or telephone Vedanta Society of Southern Trabuco monastery: 949-858-0342.

A Spiritual Teacher and His Disciple: A Portrait of Swami Aseshananda by Todd D. Thomas reviewed by Esther Warkov in American Vedantist, Vol. 15, No. 1, Spring 2009.

“Swami Without a Rolls,” Northwest Magazine, The Oregonian (newspaper), April 30, 1989, pp. 14, 15, 21.

For historical information, see the website of the Vedanta Society of Portland:

DVDs and Videos

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. Lecture by Swami Aseshananda, St. Louis, 1984. Available from Vedanta Society of Portland or Vedanta Press and Catalogue

Message of the Gita, Swami Aseshananda lecture at the Vedanta Society of Western Washington, September 20, 1988. Video/DVD available from the Vedanta Society of Western Washington

The Mother We Adore, Swami Aseshananda lecture at the Vedanta Society of Western Washington, May 28, 1989. Video/DVD available from the Vedanta Society of Western Washington

Steps to Enlightenment: Two Lectures, Swami Aseshananda lectures at the Vedanta Society of Western Washington, 1988 and 1989. Available from the Vedanta Society of Western Washington

Unsolicited Grace DVD. Accounts of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. Produced by Thakurma. Available from Vedanta Press and Catalogue

The Way of a Holy Man: Swami Aseshananda Memorial Service, 1996. Video available from the Vedanta Society of Portland

304 Audio

Swami Aseshananda: The Last Disciple of Holy Mother: Talks and Classes. Twelve lectures in MP3 format, published in 2007. Available from The Vedanta Society of Portland or Vedanta Press and Catalogue

Swami Aseshananda lectures posted on the website of The Vedanta Society of Portland

Swami Aseshananda lectures available for purchase from The Vedanta Society of Portland

Audio Transcriptions of Talks By Swami Aseshananda

Transcriptions of talks given by Swami Aseshananda at the Portland Vedanta Society prior to 1996 are published in Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings. Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda (SRV) Associations Transcrptions appear in print and may be posted on the SRV website.

Issue #4 (2001): “The Goal and the Way,” by Swami Aseshananda Issue #11 (2003): “The Conquest of Fear,” by Swami Aseshananda Issue #15 (2004): “Sri Sarada Transmission—Reminiscences by Two Direct Monastic Disciples,” by Swamis Aseshananda and Nityaswarupananda Issue #21 (2006): “Steps to Illumination,” by Swami Aseshananda Issue #22 (2007): “Contemplation,” by Swami Aseshananda Issue #23 (2008): “Inner Pilgrimage,” by Swami Aseshananda Issue #24 (2009): “Path to Enlightenment,” by Swami Aseshananda

Works in Progress

Terrance Hohner is compiling the teachings of Swami Aseshananda for publication.

For Assistance Locating Resources

Please contact Esther Warkov at: [email protected]