GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT 2 *TAFE NSW current employers database asof May2017 § § § Online Courses for Overseas Learners government andcommercial clients inAustralia andoverseas. regarded by industryandemployers. We designanddeliver customised training programs andservices,for major Our internationally recognised courses are accredited undertheAustralian QualificationsFramework andare highly studios, andsomuchmore. libraries, laboratories, hairandbeautysalons,training restaurants thatare opento diners, arts andphotography our students are job-ready. Dependingonthecourse andlocation,students couldtake advantage of theTAFE NSW Our state-of-the-art facilities andmoderncampusesmeanwe offer someof thebestvocational educationto ensure options to suit alllifestyles, aspirations andindividual circumstances. TAFE NSW hasover 130locationsinNew SouthWales andawidevariety of classroom andonlinedelivery study connections, ourgraduates canbeassured thattheirqualificationsare well regarded. Our courses anddegrees helpputpeopleonthepathto where they want to be.Withover 25,000 We have over 130years of history, andourcourses andfacilities are internationally-renowned. to skilltheworkforce for thefuture through highquality, personalised educationandtraining. provider of VETinAustralia. Each year, hundreds of thousandsof students enrol inourcourses andtraining. We aim TAFE NSW istheNSW Government’s publicprovider of vocational educationandtraining (VET)andistheleading WHO WEARE

online training sostudents cangainanationallyrecognised qualificationintheirarea of interest. No matter where intheworld students are physically located, TAFE Digital provides accessto high-quality courses, certificates, ,anddegrees. industries. Students canstudyonlineandenjoy flexible learningto fittheirlifestyle, withouronlineshort TAFE Digital offers awiderange of nationallyrecognised, online study options,across arange of modern get thejobthey want. digital era, breaking new ground inonlinelearningto provide students withsuperiorknowledge andskillsto TAFE Digital ispartof TAFE NSW, thelargest onlineeducationprovider inAustralia. We are innovators inthe * employer

3 GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT Supply Chain and eCommerce and Management) Business (Business and Communications, Finance, Leadership Technology Information and Travel Tourism Hospitality, and Beauty Hairdressing Creative and Design Ideation Creative and Allied Health Nursing Community Services Early Childhood Education Construction Robotics and Science Innovative Manufacturing, Agribusiness TAFE NSW International Business International NSW TAFE [email protected] PARTNER WITH TAFE NSW NSW WITH TAFE PARTNER

§ § § § § § § § § § § § common goals. including: areas a number of across training offers NSW TAFE Our international partnerships and relationships are integral to fulfilling our vision of delivering education and training education and training delivering fulfilling our vision of to integral are and relationships partnerships Our international the international the world, with institutions around partnerships collaborative do this through We that changes lives. with participation in networks or courses training of delivery and off-shore and ideas, on-shore students of exchange Global Engagement GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT 4 14 specificareas of earlychildhoodeducationandcare, to suittheir businessoreducationalneeds. demand for reform andstandardisation. Thesemasterclasses are arranged sothatstudents canchoosefrom This range of specialised,five-day earlychildhoodeducationandcare masterclasses willaddress thegrowing Early ChildhoodEducationandCare needs, andacademicorindustryprerequisites for masterclasses can vary. Lessons canbedelivered withthesupportof aninterpreter andbilingualmaterials, according to astudent’s training of study. in person, andatthecompletionof eachmasterclass, participants willreceive aTAFE NSW certificate andtranscript roleplay, casestudies,group work, andskillspractice. Masterclasses canbedelivered viaconnected platforms or TAFE NSW masterclass training actively engagesandinvolves participants intheirlearning,through theuseof Masterclasses OUR PRODUCTS 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day 5-day DURATION education inAustralia High qualityearly childhood and review cycle Observation intheprogramming Working withthe0-5year oldbrain Partnerships withfamilies Play spaces Play aslearning Early childhooddevelopment Child development24 to 36months Child development12to 24 months Child development6to 12months Child development0to 6months Babies andtoddlers education practice Early childhooddevelopmentand childhood education Australian approaches to early MASTERCLASS service providers. Exploring theNational QualityFramework andwhatitmeans for early childhood and documentingexperiences. The range of ways to observe children andeffective techniques for planning STEM learning anddeveloping children’s thinkingandproblem-solving skills. development. Creating effective communicationstrategies withfamilies, to supportchild promote competency andindependence. Consideration for indoorandoutdoor playspaces,thatare inclusive and extend achild’s learninganddevelopment. How play-basedapproaches canbeplannedandtaught, to supportand of earlychildhooddevelopment. Planning anddeveloping strategies to holisticallydevelop thefive mainareas 36 months. Age-appropriate development andpractical interactions for children aged24 to Age-appropriate development andlearningmilestones for 12to 24 months. children aged6to 12months. Age-appropriate progressive development andthenext stages of learningfor 6 months. Age-appropriate development andlearningoptimisationfor children aged0to education. Key principlesandphilosophiesof thefive mainareas inearlychildhood experiences. Facilitating childhooddevelopment, by makingobservations andplanningkey framework of bestpractice. The foundations of earlychildhoodeducationinAustralia, to establish a PURPOSE


PURPOSE decision makers. skills for and personal techniques leadership Effective via connected training and delivering building relationships skills for Essential platforms. delivery and teaching competency-based developing programs five-day Two, teachers. assessment skills for Understanding dementia and how to provide effective care. effective provide to dementia and how Understanding a through and rehabilitation care, restorative Maximising independence, abilities. individual to approach and active positive an for and social engagement physical, support psychological, to Strategies aging population. conditions and the multi- health and supporting chronic Understanding management. diabetes to disciplinary approach the older person. for techniques self-care Nutrition and effective and a consultative promote to communication techniques Effective families. with program care collaborative life. a person’s service at the end of a holistic and supportive Providing PURPOSE care’. ‘person-centred of and the concept aging, wellbeing, positive Promoting

Capability development for Capability development for VET teachers MASTERCLASS and management Leadership Online and blended delivery Caring for the person at end stage at end stage the person Caring for of life Promoting wellbeing Promoting – Assist with health issues Diabetes Assist with daily living older Communicating with the and family person MASTERCLASS practice aged care to Orientation and skills with dementia a person Caring for with a with a person Working disability introduction to property valuation. property to introduction early childhood education and care individual support and aged care management in hospitality cookery services and commercial catering wines red Australian

5-day 10-day DURATION 5-day 5-day 3-day 5-day 5-day 3-day 3-day 5-day 3-day DURATION § § § § § Sample course area programs include: programs area Sample course § training (VET). Over each of the three days, the program consists of two, 2-hour sessions, totalling 12 hours in all. in all. 12 hours 2-hour sessions, totalling two, of consists the program days, the three each of (VET). Over training represented. all the industry sectors of context the Australian teaches The course Three-day TAFE NSW VET online taster program NSW VET online taster TAFE Three-day education and all vocational for provides NSW TAFE delivery the excellent showcases online course Our three-day, Study Tour Programs Study Tour VET Assessor Course (4 units) VET Assessor Course (5 units) and Assessor Course VET Advanced Trainer Our IST courses are delivered with an international context and support the training of an international workforce, workforce, an international of and support the training context with an international delivered are courses Our IST their skills capacity. other countries in growing assisting by (3 units) Course VET Trainer International Skills Training (IST) courses Skills Training International delivery. offshore flexible for tailored with training, you can provide NSW TAFE courses, IST of licensed provider a As These masterclasses are customised to the needs of your workforce and can be delivered within the workplace as a as a the workplace within and can be delivered workforce your the needs of to customised are These masterclasses development professional can deliver NSW solution. TAFE development professional and time-efficient, cost-effective organisation. your the needs of to tailored training Professional Development Professional Health and Aged Care and Health an essential with students will provide this masterclass population, and aging an increasingly has Australia industry. thriving aged care the for best practices contemporary into introduction GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT 6 and self-directed study. Students willalsoberequired to complete tasks outside live sessions,through collaborative tasks Sample week overview: (basedona12-hourdelivery schedule) any VETfocus area, includinghospitality management,agedcare, nursing, welding, andmany more. course outcomes, whileimproving theirproficiency levels withintheirfocused VETsubject. Students canchoose The TAFE NSW EnglishLanguage Centre delivers intensive onlineEnglishprograms, allowing students to achieve Online orinperson specialisedEnglish program D C B A LESSON Be customer centric Be committed LET’S COLLABORATE Be dynamic Be relevant Functional language–Speaking. Functional language–Speaking. Grammar, vocabulary, reading. Grammar, vocabulary, listening. SUBJECT and experience withyou. skills thatensure ourstudents are ready for acareer. Let usshare ourexpertise Evolution takes place,fast. We know it’s crucialto provide up-to-date, relevant quality, timely, andprofessional services. in exceeding customer expectations, andasourpartner, we willprovide you with At TAFE NSW, thecustomer isatthecentre of everything we do.We take pride work-ready graduates. committed to delivering world-class training, buildingstrong industrynetworks and We are ahighperforming organisation withengaged,professional people.We are us to remain agile anddynamic,whilemeetingthelocalglobalskillsdemands. provide insights into changingemployment patterns andmarket demands.Thisallows Our team of analysts keep developing new, innovative products andpathways plus


to further university study in both Malaysia and Australia. Training resources are customised for use in the INTI use in the INTI for customised are resources Training and Australia. study in both Malaysia further university to ongoing support and quality provide to regularly visit Malaysia teachers Digital in Penang, and TAFE classrooms delivery. program of assurance newinti.edu.my/campuses/inti-international-college-penang a cooperative provides College. This partnership with INTI International relationship 15 year its of is proud Digital TAFE who can then pathway students, Malaysian qualifications to Accounting NSW the TAFE of program delivery distance INTI International College Penang, Malaysia College INTI International Cookery (SIT30816). Cookery gate.edu.np been have to is proud NSW Nepal. TAFE in Kathmandu, academy and Hospitality Tourism is an award-winning GATE III in Commercial the Certificate for program partnering with them since 2015, via a benchmarking and recognition Global Academy of Tourism & Hospitality Education (GATE), Nepal Education (GATE), & Hospitality Global Academy of Tourism in Business, Information Technology, Tourism and Hospitality. Tourism Technology, in Business, Information to higher qualifications. higher to FNU, part of (NTPC), now Centre and Productivity with the Fiji National Training has been in partnership NSW TAFE campuses, including qualifications various across courses equivalent Australian of a variety since 1998, offering Fiji National University (FNU) is the largest and first national university in Fiji. With more than 1,600 staff, FNU FNU than 1,600 staff, in Fiji. With more national university and first the largest (FNU) is Fiji National University pathways jobs, while providing real on qualifications for with a focus training, and vocational specialises in technical Fiji National University, Fiji Fiji National University, www.fnu.ac.fj pathway partnerships, including industry training. training. including industry partnerships, pathway include: Our global education partnerships TAFE NSW delivers Australian vocational and education training courses to over 3,000 students worldwide, worldwide, 3,000 students over to courses and education training vocational Australian delivers NSW TAFE and education joint programs specialise in developing We global education partners. of our network through GLOBAL EDUCATION PARTNERSHIPS GLOBAL EDUCATION GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT 8 of training methodologies,andsuccessful collaboration oncourse design. Professional development opportunitiesfor teaching staff from Australia andChinahasfacilitated theexchange pathway withadvanced standing into Australian universities thatrecognise TAFE NSW qualifications. Successful students graduate withEnglishlanguageproficiency andAdvanced Diplomaqualifications,which Affairs School(NBFAS) to jointlydeliver pathway programs inEnglishlanguagestudiesandvocational qualifications. Since 2011,TAFE NSW haspartnered withNingboCityCollegeof Vocational Technology (NCC)andNingboForeign www.nbcc.cn Ningbo Foreign Affairs School,China Ningbo CityCollegeofVocational Technology/ Business (BSB50815),andtheAdvanced Diplomaof Management(BSB60915). The GDIP, inpartnership withTAFE NSW, offer theCertificate IVinBusiness(BSB40215),theDiplomaof International on campus,aswell as500 faculty andstaff members, 80of whomare professors andassociate professors. that hastrained more than40,000students sinceits opening.Currently, there are 8,000enrolled students living The GDIPwas founded in1933andisahighereducationinstitutionundertheGuangdongProvincial Government, gdqy.edu.cn GUANGDONG INDUSTRY POLYTECHNIC (GDIP),CHINA

www.nbfas.cn to getabachelordegree. abroad ortake partincollegeentrance examination study atTAFE NSW, we caneitherchooseto study reach my entrepreneurial potential. After five years’ effectively withmy classmates, aswell ashow to with foreign teachers, how to work inteams charge of studies,Ilearnedhow to communicate western educationfirsthand. As acommissaryin I experienced theintegration of Chineseand at TAFE NSW for five years. Duringmy timethere, I was honoured to have thechanceto study Wang Yong, graduate of theTAFE NSW Advanced of Marketing andCommunicationspartnership program at NingboForeign Affairs School,Ningbo,China.


Korea Polytechnics Korea and in Seoul. in VET teachers Korean to delivered Masterclasses Assessment & Competency-based TAE South Korea optimising the training framework and improving industry competency in the early childhood education and care care in the early childhood education and industry competency and improving framework optimising the training Co. Ltd. Training Education with Shanghai AXGZ in partnership sector People’s Republic of China Republic of China People’s Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (SMEC) development, enhancing course Project, Childhood Education Old Early 0-3 Years Cooperative China-Australia PT Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk (MASA) Sarana Arah PT Multistrada managers. for in financial analysis Training Indonesia Indonesia Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Education of Technical Board State Maharashtra the across who design and implement diploma and post diploma programs, teachers for training Competency-based institutes. 19 affiliate Odisha Rural Development and Marketing Society (ORMAS) Society (ORMAS) Development and Marketing Odisha Rural in the training in person of weeks (AEDEL102A), combined with two Environment Communicating in the Training sectors. and nursing hospitality India Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40116). (TAE40116). and Assessment IV in Training Certificate Ghana Ghana Winneba of Education, (COTVET) and University Education and Training and Vocational Technical Council for quality training for the whole workforce, from operational staff to senior management. senior management. to staff operational from the whole workforce, for quality training include: industry partnerships Our international TAFE NSW works closely with global industry partners, to deliver customised training that enhances productivity that enhances productivity training customised deliver to closely with global industry partners, works NSW TAFE can provide NSW agencies, TAFE and government multinational corporations businesses to small and success. From GLOBAL INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS GLOBAL INDUSTRY 10 GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT Automotive practical experience. Nissan Yokohama Automotive College English languageandpharmacy studytour. Kintetsu International Express Japan 12-week pathway to furthereducation studyprogram. Aalborg Technical HighSchool 6-week pathway to furthereducation studyprogram. IBC International BusinessCollege Denmark electrical engineering. communication services,vet nursing, nursing, and Nine days of VETtasters inaccountingandbusiness, Gateway Technical College USA A sampleof ourstudytours: and thecultural experience leadsto personal growth. Study tours helpstudents develop adeeperunderstanding of theirrespective industriesfrom aglobalperspective, support facilities. international students. Allprograms includeacomprehensive orientation sessionandaccessto ourstudent a program to suityour specificrequirements. Englishclassescanbeintegrated into ourregular classeswithother TAFE NSW hasathorough understanding of theneedsof different groups andwillwork closelywithyou to tailor of Englishlanguageandsubject-specificclasses,company andindustryvisits, orcultural site visits. TAFE NSW canoffer customised studytours for awiderange of subjectareas. They canincludeany combination STUDY TOURS

hospitality course. Global internship program, eight-week Englishand Korean Councilfor University CollegeEducation(KCCE) delivered to Korean VETteachers, inSydney andinSeoul. TAE andcompetency-based assessmentmasterclasses, Korea Polytechnics followed by athree-week internship placement. Nine-week Englishandvocational studyprogram, Busan EducationOffice South Korea program incivil engineering. Two-week VETteacher professional development Electric Engineering Guangdong Polytechnic ofWater Resources and 12-week Englishandveterinary nursing program. Jiangsu Agri-AnimalHusbandryVocational College People’s RepublicofChina

The focus of the masterclass was to provide an introduction to aged care practice and skills. The topics included current trends in aged care, safety practices in the workplace, health issues for older people and their management, and the roles and responsibilities of an aged care worker.

Jennifer Tauaalo, Nursing Teacher at TAFE NSW


TAFE NSW International Business [email protected] CRICOS Provider Name: TAFE NSW – Technical and Further Education Commission CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E RTO: 90003 Published August 2021. tafensw.edu.au/international