SPECIIAL EDIITIION • 2004 RESOURCE DIIRECTORY • EDIITORIIAL IINDEX 2003 RESOURCE ANNUAL DIRECTORY EDITORIAL ANNUAL INDEX 2003 RESOURCE DIIRECTORY & IINDEX About This Issue COMPUTING & Many readers tell us that they keep their copies of MultiLingual Computing & Technology for reference. Using this resource directory and index, readers will easily Publisher, Editor-in-Chief Donna Parrish locate language-industry companies as well as information published in 2003. Managing Editor Laurel Wagers Translation Department Editor Jim Healey The Resource Directory (blue tabs) lists companies that develop and use language- Copy Editor Cecilia Spence related technology along with others that provide services in translation, localization, Research Jerry Luther, David Shadbolt internationalization, Web site globalization and many other specialties. News Kendra Gray, Becky Bennett Index pages (gold tabs) include authors, titles and topics, arranged in a single Illustrator Doug Jones alphabet; a list of acronyms and abbreviations; and a glossary of useful terms. Production Sandy Compton We hope you find this special issue helpful, and we encourage readers to submit Editorial Board suggestions for ways to improve the index and resource directory for next year. Jeff Allen, Henri Broekmate, Bill Hall, — Jerry Luther, Director of Research Andres Heuberger, Chris Langewis, Laurel Wagers, Managing Editor Ken Lunde, John O’Conner, Mandy Pet, Reinhard Schäler Advertising Director Jennifer Del Carlo Contents Advertising Kevin Watson, Bonnie Merrell Webmaster Aric Spence Resource Directory . .4 Interns Rael Ammon, Kyle Elsasser Automated Translation . .4 Call Centers . .4 Advertising: Conferences . .4
[email protected] Consulting Services . .4 www.multilingual.com/advertising Content Management . .5 208-263-8178 Desktop Publishing/Word Processing Services . .5 Desktop Publishing/Word Processing Tools .