
Vol. 39: 173–190, 2019 ENDANGERED RESEARCH Published July 4 https://doi.org/10.3354/esr00964 Endang Species Res

Contribution to the Special ‘Marine pollution and ’ OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS REVIEW Global review of and ray entanglement in anthropogenic marine debris

Kristian J. Parton1,*, Tamara S. Galloway2, Brendan J. Godley1

1Centre for Ecology and Conservation, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9EZ, UK 2Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Geoffrey Pope Building, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QD, UK

ABSTRACT: Numerous marine taxa become entangled in anthropogenic marine debris, including cartilaginous (class: , e.g. elasmobranchs [, skates and rays], holo- cephalans []). Here we review research that has been conducted on the susceptibility of these taxa to entanglement in marine debris by conducting a systematic literature review comple- mented by novel data collection from the social media site Twitter. Our literature review yielded 47 published elasmobranch entanglement events (N = 557 ) in 26 scientific papers, with 16 dif- ferent families and 34 species in all 3 major ocean basins affected. The most common entangling objects were ghost fishing gear (74% of animals) followed by polypropylene strapping bands (11% of animals), with other entangling materials such as circular plastic debris, polythene bags and rub- ber tyres comprising 1% of total entangled animals. Most cases were from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans (49 and 46%, respectively), with a bias towards the USA (44% of animals), the UK (30% of animals) and (10% of animals). While investigating Twitter, we found 74 cases of elas- mobranch entanglement, representing 14 families and 26 species. On Twitter, ghost fishing gear was again the most common entangling material (94.9% of animals), with the majority of entangle- ment records originating from the (89.4% of total entangled animals). Entangle- ment in marine debris is symptomatic of a degraded marine environment and is a clear wel- fare issue. Our evidence suggests, however, that this issue is likely a far lesser threat to this than direct or indirect take in marine . We highlight a relative paucity of scientific data on this subject and recommend a standardisation of reporting in an attempt to accurately quantify elasmobranch entanglement risks and locate interaction hotspots.

KEY WORDS: Sharks · Rays · Elasmobranch · Marine debris · Ghost fishing · Entanglement

1. INTRODUCTION deep sea trenches of the hadopelagic zone, in all of the world’s oceans (Gregory 1996, Derraik 2002, Cole 1.1. Plastic in the marine environment et al. 2011, Fischer et al. 2015, Bond et al. 2018). Plas- tic is inexpensive to produce, lightweight, durable Globally, anthropogenic debris in the marine envi- and efficient in its uses (Ryan et al. 2009). Unfortu- ronment is increasing (Derraik 2002), with the major- nately, it is these properties, in conjunction with its ity of debris consisting of plastic materials (Gregory & disposable nature, rapid consumption by humans Ryan 1997, Derraik 2002, Galgani et al. 2015). Plastic and poor waste governance, that leads to its presence is now being found in all sections of the water col- and persistence in oceans, estimated as taking hun- umn, from the epipelagic zone at the surface to the dreds of years to degrade (Barnes et al. 2009).

© The authors 2019. Open Access under Creative Commons by *Corresponding author: [email protected] Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un - restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited. Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com 174 Endang Species Res 39: 173–190, 2019

Between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes of plastic are 1.2. Elasmobranchs and anthropogenic debris estimated to enter the marine environment every year, and without appropriate waste management Sharks and rays generally display life history traits strategies, this number could increase substantially such as late maturation (Heppell et al. 1996), low in the coming years (Jambeck et al. 2015). reproductive output (Pardini et al. 2001) and long life engages with plastic in numerous ways, span (Cailliet et al. 2001), making them highly sus- with nearly 700 marine species interactions reported ceptible to overexploitation (Adams 1980, Stevens et (Gall & Thompson 2015). The major threats of plastic al. 2000, Pearson et al. 2014). Elasmobranchs are one to marine life revolve around ingestion and entangle- of the most threatened taxa in the marine environ- ment (Laist 1997, Cliff et al. 2002, Page et al. 2004, ment, with 24% of elasmobranch populations consid- Votier et al. 2011, Barreiros & Raykov 2014, Vegter et ered as threatened with extinction from a variety of al. 2014, Lawson et al. 2015, Nelms et al. 2018), anthropogenic threats (Dulvy et al. 2014). alongside potential wider effects such as and targeted shark fisheries pose 2 of the greatest degradation (Shahidul Islam & Tanaka 2004, threats to shark populations across the globe, and it is Nelms et al. 2016). estimated that between 63 and 273 million sharks are The marine environment is littered with various killed annually through a variety of fishing practices; types of debris that result in the entanglement of elas- however, fully quantifying shark decline and risk of mobranchs. Broadly these can be categorised into 2 extinction has been challenging, predominately due groups: fishing-based sources of debris and other to a lack of scientific data (Worm et al. 2013). land-based sources of debris (Duncan et al. 2017). - Entanglement of elasmobranchs in marine debris ing equipment is often lost at sea due to wear and tear is relatively understudied within the scientific lit - over time or inclement weather conditions (Gilman erature (Stelfox et al. 2016), with only a handful of 2015). This equipment can be defined as abandoned, studies investigating the problems elasmobranchs lost or discarded fishing gear (Gilman 2015, Wilcox et face regarding entanglement in plastic pollution al. 2015). It is also described by the term ghost fishing (Laist 1997, Seitz & Poulakis 2006, Wegner & Car- gear, which has the potential to passively drift across tamil 2012, Stelfox et al. 2016). Elasmobranchs are oceans, often continuing to capture a variety of marine suggested to be less vulnerable to plastic pollution life (Macfadyen et al. 2009, Duncan et al. 2017). The than other large marine species; however, this could second category encompasses other sources of be a consequence of a lack of studies rather than an debris, often items used by humans on land; these inherently lower susceptibility (Stelfox et al. 2016). include plastic packing straps, plastic bags and other Of the studies which have been conducted on the packaging. These items enter oceans via a number of topic of plastic ingestion, several have highlighted land-based outputs, often as a result of poor waste that large filter-feeding elasmobranchs may be par- management (Jambeck et al. 2015). ticularly vulnerable to this threat (Fossi et al. 2014, Fish aggregating devices (FADs) also entangle 2017, Germanov et al. 2018). Only a few studies have marine species (Franco et al. 2009, Filmalter et al. touched on the categories of anthropogenic debris 2013, Poisson et al. 2014). FADs are often created in that may entangle elasmobranchs the most, with a conjunction with purse seine fisheries in an particular focus on ghost fishing gear (Gilman 2015, attempt to attract fish species into a confined area Stelfox et al. 2016). If elasmobranchs are susceptible before encircling them within the purse seine nets to entanglement in anthropogenic debris, this could (Fonteneau et al. 2000, Ménard et al. 2000). They are have potential negative implications on rapidly intentionally created to attract large numbers of declining populations. Entanglement can lead to target species and often indiscriminately entangle starvation, suffocation, immobilisation and ultimately larger species of marine fauna including elasmo- death (Laist 1997, Gall & Thompson 2015), making branchs (Filmalter et al. 2013, Poisson et al. 2014). this unequivocally an animal welfare issue, if not of FADs can be moored to the ocean floor or can be free conservation relevance. drifting (drifting fish aggregating devices, DFADs), equipped with electronic buoys to allow remote mon- itoring across the ocean (Maufroy et al. 2015). Many 1.3. Social media site Twitter DFADs have large quantities of netting hanging sev- eral metres below the surface to create drag, ensur- A rise in the use of social media in the last 10 years ing their direction is determined by ocean currents as has transformed the ability of participants to docu- opposed to wind (Filmalter et al. 2013). ment and share information about the natural world. Parton et al.: Interactions between marine litter and cartilaginous fishes 175

Social media websites have begun to open the eyes of 2019) were scanned to locate any papers that may many regarding some of the threats animals face in have been missed in the initial search process; this the environment, with certain viral messages, photos yielded an additional 6 papers to add to the review. and videos reaching audiences of millions. Websites Information on species, location and entangling such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have become debris was recorded where possible. The authors note potential digital scientific databases, and researchers that are not by definition a marine species of are now beginning to use these data to aid their own elasmobranch but are included due to their high sus- scientific research (Davies et al. 2012). Twitter allows ceptibility to entanglement in anthropogenic debris. users to post messages, or tweets, of up to 280 charac- Duncan et al. (2017) highlight the clear need to dif- ters as well as other accompanying photographs or ferentiate between entanglement and bycatch. By - videos. Those working in the marine sector, alongside catch is known to be defined as the unselective catch members of the public, often tweet about marine con- of either unused or unmanaged species during fishing servation issues that they experience day to day. This (Davies et al. 2009), with a particular focus on active can provide real-time data on issues such as entan- gear, whereas ghost gear can be defined as ‘when the glement, strandings, beach debris and bycatch that fisher has lost operational control of the equipment’ can be accessed quickly and easily by anyone regis- (Duncan et al. 2017, see also Smolowitz 1978). Similarly tered to the website (Shiffman 2018). in the present study, only elasmobranchs caught in In this review, we define elasmobranch entangle- passive ghost fishing gear were considered to be ment as the process by which any cartilaginous fish entangled animals; bycaught animals were not consid- (including sharks, rays and ) becomes ent - ered here. wined or trapped within anthropogenic debris — ex - cluding those bycaught in active fishing gear. The aim of this study was to (1) assess to what extent elas- 2.2. Twitter search mobranchs are impacted by marine debris by re - viewing existing, and obtaining new, reports of the To complement published work, we searched Twit- occurrence and global spatial distribution of elasmo- ter between 2009 and 2019 (from the first recorded branch entanglement; (2) gain insights into which tweet about elasmobranch entanglement), featuring families are most at risk, whilst also highlighting the the same terms used in our literature search. In total, ocean basins where elasmobranch entanglement is 74 relevant tweets were recorded and investigated most prevalent; and (3) determine the categories of further. Again, information on species, location and plastic debris that are most impacting elasmobranchs entangling debris was recorded where possible, via entanglement. directly through the tweet itself or through any other associated images and URL links. Certain publications reported shark entanglement 2. METHODS in DFADs/FADs; however, it is unknown whether the sharks became passively entangled in the netting as 2.1. Literature review the DFAD was drifting or whether the sharks became entangled after being encircled in the purse seine Between November 2017 and May 2018, and again nets. Some papers were therefore omitted from this in March 2019, scientific literature was reviewed for review. records of elasmobranch entanglement in marine an- thropogenic debris. We searched the Institute for Sci- entific Information’s Web of Science for the terms 3. RESULTS plastic, macroplastic, marine debris, entanglement, entrapment, ghost nets, ghost fishing and fish aggre- 3.1. Extent of impact gating device. Each of these terms was paired with chimaera, elasmobranch, shark, ray, , mob- Research on sharks and rays has been steadily in - ula, manta, sawfish and . Most search terms creasing over time. Sharks in particular have returned with fewer than 30 results, and many re- become a topic of intense research in the last 30 turned with no results. In total, after filtering for erro- years, with thousands of papers released yearly neous entries, this resulted in 20 publications. Addi- (Fig. 1A). Entanglement papers, as a proportion of tionally, the top 200 search results for these terms on overall papers on these taxa, however, remain rela- Google Scholar (for each decade between 1940 and tively low (Fig. 1B). We recorded 47 entanglement 176 Endang Species Res 39: 173–190, 2019

Table continued on next page ean, other n. (–) no information available from NT = Near Threatened, VU = Vulner- = , PAC = Pacific Oc = Indian Ocean, PAC opylene strapping bands, OTH = NTNT IND IND Western Indian Ocean Western Indian Ocean 2011−2012 2010−2012 FAD FAD 11 4 EB EB Poisson et al. (2014) et al. (2013) Filmalter NT PAC Sarasota, , USA 1975 PSB 1 GR Bird (1978) NT ATL Sarasota, Florida, USA 1975 PSB 1 GR Bird (1978) VUVU ATL ATL , USA Sarasota, Florida, USA 1991 1975 PSB PSB 1 1 GR GR Lombardi & Morton (1993) Bird (1978) scientific paper, ND = no data, N number of entangled individuals scientific paper, Fig. 1. Publication trends. (A) Total number of peer-reviewed articles on sharks (Galeomorphii and Squalomorphii) and rays () from 1941 to 2019. Based on Web of Science searches. (B) Entanglement papers as a percentage of total Blacknose sharkGrey reef shark NTCopper sharkSpinner shark NT ATLSilky shark NT IND North Carolina, USA NT ATL NT Australian waters ATL KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa PAC KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 1978−2000 1984 Western/central Pacific Ocean 1978−2000 1994−2008 PSB 2012 PSB ML GFG 4 2 1 FAD 1 GR GR GR 37 et al. (2002) Cliff ND et al. (2002) Cliff (1984) Schwartz EB Ceccarelli (2009) Hutchinson et al. (2015) Galapagos sharkBull shark NT PAC NT Rapa Nui, Easter Island PAC KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 2017 1978−2000 PSB OTH 2 1 GR GR et al. (2002) Cliff Thiel et al. (2018) Sandbar sharkTiger shark VU NT ATL ATL KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 1978−2000 1978−2000 PSB PSB 2 2 GR et al. (2002) Cliff GR et al. (2002) Cliff Blacktip sharkBlacktip reef sharkDusky shark NT NT IND ATL VU Australian waters KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa ATL 1978−2000 KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 1978−2000 PSB 1994−2008 9 PSB GFG 27 GR 7 et al. (2002) Cliff GR ND Cliff et al. (2002) Ceccarelli (2009) number of papers on sharks and rays, with numbers of publications annotated. (C) Total tweets featuring elasmo- branch entanglement from the first recorded elasmobranch entanglement tweet in 2009 to 2019. Not shown: zero data points and chimaera papers (14 papers from 1981 to 2019, 2 featuring chimaera entanglement) acronotus name name status basin location year region C. amblyrhynchos C. brachyurus C. brevipinna C. falciformis C. galapagensis C. leucas C. plumbeus Galeocerdo cuvier C. limbatus C. melanopterus C. obscurus events of sharks, rays and chimaera, encompassing 34 different species (82.9, 12.7 and 4.2%, respec- tively) from 16 families, in 26 scientific publications between 1971 and 2019 (Table 1). The most affected species featuring in 3 or more publications were Carcharhinidae Family Scientific Common IUCN Ocean Study Study Debris N Body Reference MED = Mediterranean. Debris type: GFG = ghost fishing gear, ML = monofilament line, FAD = , PSB = polypr ML = monofilament line, FAD MED = Mediterranean. Debris type: GFG = ghost fishing gear, entangling materials. Body region: GR = gill region, MR = mouth region, EB = entire DR = dorsal region, body, CR = caudal regio able, LC = Least Concern, DD = Data Deficient, NA = not assessed, N/A = not applicable. Ocean basin: ATL = Atlantic Ocean, IND able, LC = Least Concern, DD = Data Deficient, NA not assessed, N/A applicable. Ocean basin: ATL silky sharks Carcharhinus falciformis (12%) and 1. Entanglement recordsTable for elasmobranchs from scientific literature. IUCN: CE = Critically Endangered, EN = Endangered, Parton et al.: Interactions between marine litter and cartilaginous fishes 177 EB Large et al. (2009) EB Large et al. (2009) a a Canada Greenland LC ATL Southwest Wales 1995 GFG − EB Bullimore et al. (2001) LC PAC , , USA 2008 GFG 103 EB Good et al. (2010) NT ATL Rockall and Porcupine banks, 2005 GFG 1 t NT PAC Puget Sound, Washington, USA 2008 GFG 103 ND Good et al. (2010) VUVU PAC ATL Santa Maria, Gulf of Cojimar , 2014 GFG 1931 1 EB OTH et al. (2015) Flores-Ramirez 1 DR Gudger & Hoffman (1931) Thornback rayLesser spotted dogfish LC NT ATL MED St. Bride’s Bay, southwest Wales Turkey 1995−1996 GFG 120 EB Kaiser et al. (1996) 2016 GFG 1 CR Capapé et al. (2018) sharkSpotted ratfish LCNurse shark PAC Puget Sound, Washington, USABluntnose sixgill DDshark NT 2008 ATLGreat white shark Greenland PAC Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands VU GFGShortfin mako shark Puget Sound, Washington, USA NT VU ATL 2001 3 2008 PACMegamouth shark PAC KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa EB LCReef manta Ray Flora Islets, British Columbia, San Diego, California, USA GFG 1978−2000Giant manta Ray NS Initiative (2008) GFG PAC 2001−2002 LCSmall tooth sawfish 2 VU 1 PSB CE Oahu, Hawaii, USA 2012 PAC GFG IND EB ND 5 ATL 13 Maui, Hawaii, USA Lopez-Jurado et al. (2003) Australian waters Good et al. (2010) OTH GR Florida, USA DRNursehound et al. (2002) Cliff 1 1976 Dunbrack & Zielinksii (2005) 2005−2009 GR NT NT 1994−2008 OTH Wegner & Cartamil (2012) ATL ML ATL 1980−2005 OTH 1 St. Bride’s Bay, southwest WalesSpiny dogfish Greenland 8 1995−1996 1 EB ML MRTope shark Berra & Hutchins (1990) VU ND GFGStarry smooth-hound 14 Deakos et al. (2011) LC Ceccarelli (2009) PAC 41 MR ATL VU Puget Sound, Washington, USA Seitz & Poulakis (2006) EB St. Bride’s Bay, southwest Wales ATL 2012 Kaiser et al. (1996) 2008 1995−1996 Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands GFG GFG GFG 2001 7 1 3 EB MR GFG EB Kaiser et al. (1996) et al. (2014) Nielsen 1 NS Initiative (2008) EB Lopez-Jurado et al. (2003) shark sp. Blue sharkSharpnose shark DDLeafscale gulper NT ATL NA ATL Sao Paulo, ATL Atlantic and Mediterranean Rockall and Porcupine banks, 2016 2005 1999−2001 PSB OTH GFG 6.2 t 5 3 GR GR Colmenero et al. (2017) Sazima et al. (2002) sp. Stingray sp. NA IND Australian waters 1994−2008 GFG 1 ND Ceccarelli (2009) sp. Sawfish EN/CE IND Australian waters 1994−2008 GFG 2 ND Ceccarelli (2018) sp. Hammerhead N/A IND Australian waters 1994−2008 GFG 1 ND Ceccarelli (2009) name name status basin location year type region Raja clavata canicula S. stellaris squamosus colliei Dasyatidae cirratum griseus oxyrinchus pelagios Mobula alfredi M. birostris Pristis pectinata Pristidae microcephalus Sphyrna Squalus acanthias Galeorhinus Mustelus asterias Prionace glauca lalandii Unit of measurement provided in scientific paper Rajidae Scyliorhinidae Family Scientific Common IUCN Ocean Study Study Debris N Body Reference a Ginglymosto- matidae Mobulidae Pristidae Hexanchidae Dasyatidae Megachasmidae Sphyrnidae Triakidae 178 Endang Species Res 39: 173–190, 2019

dusky sharks C. obscurus (12%). Bull sharks C. leu- On Twitter, we again found ghost fishing gear was cas, bluntnose sixgill sharks Hexanchus griseus, responsible for the majority of entanglement records great white sharks Carcharodon carcharias, Green- (94.9%, N = 531 animals, Fig. 2A). Other forms of land sharks Somniosus microcephalus, lesser spot- debris, including polythene bags, elastic cords, cloth- ted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula, shortfin mako ing and SCUBA diving equipment, made up 3.4% of sharks Isurus oxy rinchus, Squalus total entangled animals (N = 19 animals). However, acanthias and tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier fea- in 8 tweets (1.4% of Twitter entanglement records), the tured in the top 10 en tangled shark species, each item causing entanglement was not described. comprising 8% of all entanglement records. A total of 557 animals were found to be entangled, with lesser spotted dogfish (21.6%), spotted ratfish Hydro- 3.3. Geographic distribution lagus colliei (19.1%) and spiny dogfish (19.1%) in the top 3 for most individuals entangled. Leafscale Our review found records of elasmobranch entan- Centrophorus squamosus and Green- glement in all but 2 of the world’s oceans: the Arctic land shark Somniosus microcephalus were re ported and Antarctic/Southern oceans, which have only a as tonnes in their respective publications and there- few reports of elasmobranch species (Long 1992, fore were omitted from this analysis. Campana et al. 2015). The majority of entangled ani- On Twitter, although no incidences of chimaera mals in the published literature were found in the entanglement were found, we recorded 74 different Pacific Ocean (49%, N = 275 animals, Fig. 2B), with incidences of entangled sharks and rays, encompass- 46% (N = 253 animals) and 5% (N = 28 animals) of ing 26 species, between 2009 and 2019 (Fig. 1C, Table entangled animals originating from the Atlantic and 2). The most reported species with 3 or more records Indian oceans, respectively. Areas where large popu- of entanglement included sharks Rhincodon lations of sharks that have been the subject of long- typus (25.3%), great white sharks (9.8%), lesser spot- term scientific study appear to feature regularly, ted dogfish (7%), tiger sharks (5.6%), basking sharks particularly in the USA (44% of animals, N = 242). Cetorhinus maximus (4.2%) and grey nurse sharks The UK (30% of animals, N = 168) and South Africa Carcharias taurus (4.2%). (10% of animals, N = 53) also feature numerous entanglement reports, albeit from single published papers. Other publications also originated from 3.2. Entangling materials nations such as Canada and (combined 4% of animals, N = 26, Fig. 3A). Our review found that ghost fishing gear was The majority of entangled animals highlighted responsible for over two-thirds of all the entangle- from Twitter originated from the Atlantic Ocean ment records in the published literature for sharks (89.4%, N = 500 animals), with the Indian and Pacific and rays (74% of total animals, N = 412 animals, oceans featuring significantly fewer re ports of entan- Fig. 2A). Alongside this, 60% of total entangled glement at 4.8% (N = 27 animals) and 1.9% (N = 11 animals had their entire body trapped (N = 334 animals), respectively. A small pro portion (3.7%) of animals), as more often than not when animals are entanglement records were of unknown origin (N = 21 entangled in ghost fishing gear, they become animals) (Fig. 3B). twisted in the material, trapping their entire bodies in the process. Four publications reported elasmo- branchs entangled in polypropylene strapping bands 3.4. Families at risk (PSBs) (11% of total animals, N = 62 animals). Our review also revealed that the gill region was a com- Our review found 15 elasmobranch (and 1 chi- mon area for sharks to become entangled (Fig. 2C), maera) families were impacted by entanglement in making up 12% of all entangled animals in the anthropogenic debris based on the scientific litera- published literature (N = 68 animals). Other land- ture (Table 1). From Twitter, we found 14 elasmo- based debris was reported in 6 publications (1% of branch families were impacted. Combining the total animals, N = 8 animals), including circular published literature with the results from Twitter, plastic debris (see Fig. S1 in the Supplement at we identified 22 different families impacted: Alopi- www.int-res. com/ articles/ suppl/ n039 p173 _ supp. pdf ) idae, Carcharhinidae, Centrophoridae, Cetorhinidae, which is commonly found on packs of canned Chimaeridae, Dasyatidae, Ginglymosomatidae, He - beverages. tero dontidae, Hexanchidae, Lamnidae, Megachas- Parton et al.: Interactions between marine litter and cartilaginous fishes 179

midae, Mobulidae, Odontaspididae, Orectolobidae, sal elasmobranchs (Kaiser et al. 1996). The use of a Pristidae, Rajidae, Rhincodontidae, Scyliorhinidae, demersal habitat may predispose these sharks to Somniosidae, Sphyrnidae, Squalidae and Triakidae. entanglement. The families more commonly impacted by entangle - The carcharhinid sharks were one of the worst ment are the (Triakidae, 2 of 46 spe- affected families, likely due to their high abundance, cies, 467 individuals entangled), the habitat use and mobile nature (Simpfendorfer & Mil- (Scyliorhinidae, 2 of 148 species, 180 individuals), ward 1993), with many species travelling large dis- the requiem sharks (Carcharhinidae, 19 of 59 spe- tances (100s to 1000s of kilometres) to feed, breed cies, 143 individuals), the chimaeras (Chimaeridae, and give birth (Bonfil et al. 2005, Lea et al. 2015). 1 of 38 species, 106 individuals), the dogfish sharks Although not in the carcharhinid family of sharks, the (Squalidae, 1 of 28 species, 106 individuals), the same can be applied to whale sharks, basking sharks, whale sharks (Rhincodontidae, 1 of 1 species, 21 white sharks and manta rays. Plastic pollution drifts individuals), the sawfish (Pristidae, 2 of 5 species, passively across oceans worldwide (Barnes & Milner 17 individuals), the mobulas (Mobulidae, 2 of 8 2005, Katsanevakis 2008, Wabnitz & Nichols 2010, species, 16 individuals), the cow sharks (Hexanchi- Eriksen et al. 2014); therefore, species that occupy dae, 1 of 5 species, 14 individuals) and the / these oceanic/pelagic may be more likely to white sharks (Lamnidae, 2 of 5 species, 13 individ- become entangled in debris through chance encoun- uals) (Fig. 4). ters. This could be particularly apparent if they con- gregate in convergence zones which aggregate large quantities of marine litter (Donohue et al. 2001, Mar- 4. DISCUSSION tinez et al. 2009, Law et al. 2014) The migratory pathways of multiple shark and ray Entanglement in anthropogenic debris is sympto- species are now being mapped (Bonfil et al. 2005, matic of a degraded marine environment. We find Skomal et al. 2009, 2017, Block et al. 2011, Campana entanglement of sharks and rays is likely underre- et al. 2011, Carlisle et al. 2012, Jaine et al. 2014, Thor- ported in the scientific literature and identify it as a rold et al. 2014, Werry et al. 2014, Braun et al. 2015, clear animal welfare issue. In conjunction with other Braccini et al. 2016, Queiroz et al. 2016, Doherty et al. threats to elasmobranchs, the issues surrounding 2017, Omori & Fisher 2017, Gaube et al. 2018). These entanglement within ghost fishing gear, if not miti- pathways may overlap with large aggregations of gated, may contribute to population concerns for spe- debris, particularly for individuals displaying off- cific elasmobranch families across multiple ocean shore migratory movements. This overlap is likely, as basins highlighted in Sections 4.1 and 4.3. studies have recently highlighted crossover between filter-feeding habitat use and microplas- tic hotspots (Germanov et al. 2018). Sharks are also 4.1. Primary drivers of elasmobranch highly inquisitive in their nature (Laist 1997) and entanglement often bite objects to determine if they are palatable or not (Hammerschlag et al. 2012, West 2014). Carson We believe the primary drivers for entanglement (2013) noted 16% of plastic debris items beached in are habitat use, migratory species and body shape/ Hawaii showed bite marks from sharks or predatory form. fish, indicating testing of materials. Floating patches The greatest number of entangled individuals of plastic would undoubtedly be novel objects in a stemmed from the houndsharks (Triakidae) and the shark’s environment, and this exploratory behaviour catsharks (Scyliorhinidae). These families of sharks may often be the cause of initial entanglement in are demersal in nature, often feeding on anthropogenic debris. and small fishes in benthic habitats up to Species with specific body shapes and anatomi- 200−300 m (Ellis et al. 1996, Bengil et al. 2019). In our cally protruding appendages also appear to be study, these species were generally entangled in large prone to entanglement. Elasmobranchs that display quantities of ghost fishing gear. Ghost gear when lost an elongated body shape may be more prone to at sea can drift for long periods of time, until the entanglement than those that are dorsoventrally weight of entangled species causes it to sink (Phillips flattened, due to their swimming kinematics and 2017, Richardson et al. 2019). Once on the seabed, need for continuous forward motion (Lowe 1996, other scavenging marine species become entangled in Lauder & Di Santo 2015). This may explain the low the netting, consequently attracting predatory demer- number of rays found entangled across both the 180 Endang Species Res 39: 173–190, 2019

Table continued on next page ls; UNK: unknown. Other abbreviations Australia as 1 in Table NT ATL Florida, USANT ATLNT 19/05/15NT Cayman IslandsNT IND UNK GFGNT IND Australia 01/03/19 Unknown ATL 4 GFG Florida, USA 23/08/16 1 10/03/16 22/12/18 07/03/19 OTH GFG 31/12/17 OTH 1 07/03/19 GFG 1 1 1 07/03/19 07/01/18 07/03/19 07/03/19 VU IND 30/10/18 OTHVUVU 1 ATL ATL Spain Massachusetts, USADD 07/03/19 09/06/17 ATL GFG Florida, USA 31/05/15 1 GFG 09/06/16 1 GFG 07/01/18 1 07/01/18 07/03/19 VUVUVU UNKVU UNKVU UNK UnknownVU UNK Unknown UNK Unknown ATL Unknown Unknown 01/03/13 27/10/15 15/12/17 UNK 14/08/09 GFG 06/02/19 OTH 1 OTH 30/11/16 1 OTH 1 1 OTH 2 07/01/18 1 07/01/18 07/01/18 07/03/19 07/03/19 07/01/18 status basin dd/mm/yy twitter.com (dd/mm/yy) Pelagic VU PAC 27/02/19 GFG 1 07/03/19 Oceanic white sharkDusky shark VUCaribbean reef shark ATL NTSpot-tail sharkTiger shark Cayman Islands VU ATL ATL NT BahamasLemon shark 18/04/18 NT IND Maryland, USABlue shark GFG PACBasking shark Pakistan NT 15/07/14 15/04/15 1 Hawaii, USA ATL OTH NT GFGCommon stingray VU Bahamas 16/10/17 ATLNurse shark 23/05/16 1 07/03/19 ATL 1 DD UK OTH GFGPort Jackson shark Rhode Island, USA ATL 14/04/14 DD 1 14/05/13 07/01/18 1 LC 07/01/18 France UNK GFG GFG PAC Unknown 17/07/15 07/01/18 New South Wales, 1 07/01/18 1 21/06/18 GFG 27/10/14 GFG 15/08/13 GFG 1 07/01/18 07/01/18 GFG 3 4 1 07/03/19 07/03/19 07/03/19 07/01/18 Grey reef sharkSilky sharkFinetooth sharkBlacktip shark NT LC IND VU NT ATL ATL IND Florida, USA Cayman Islands South Africa 01/12/14 03/03/19 16/10/18 07/08/13 GFG GFG OTH OTH 1 1 1 1 07/03/19 07/03/19 07/03/19 07/01/18 VU UNKShortfin mako shark UnknownReef manta rayOceanic manta ray VU IND VU VU 12/03/12 ATL Australia IND UNK Mexico Australia 1 17/09/13 GFG 13/01/15 28/09/18 07/01/18 OTH 1 GFG 1 1 07/01/18 07/03/19 07/03/19 sp. Manta sp. VU UNK Unknown 22/12/14 OTH 1 07/03/19 sp. Thresher shark UNK UNK Unknown 15/10/17 GFG 1 07/03/19 Alopias pelagicus Alopias C. obscurus C. longimanus C. perezii Carcharhinus sorrah Galeocerdo cuvier brevirostris Prionace glauca Cetorhinus maximus Dasyatis pastinaca Ginglymostoma cirratum Heterodontus portusjacksoni Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos C. falciformis C. isodon C. limbatus Isurus oxyrinchus Carcharodon carcharias Mobula alfredi M. birostris Mobula FamilyAlopiidae Scientific name Common name IUCN Ocean Location Tweet date Debris type N date on https:// Access Cetorhinidae Dasyatidae Heterodontidae Carcharhinidae Lamnidae Mobulidae Table 2. Entanglement records for elasmobranchs from Twitter. Abbreviations 2. Entanglement records defined in Fig. 2. N: number of entangled individua Table for elasmobranchs from Twitter. Parton et al.: Interactions between marine litter and cartilaginous fishes 181 LCLCLC ATLLC ATL ATL UK UNK France UK Unknown 21/06/18 14/05/18 01/08/15 02/09/18 GFG GFG GFG OTH 1 14 1 1 07/03/19 07/03/19 07/01/18 07/03/19 ENENEN UNKEN INDEN UNK UnknownEN IND IndiaEN PAC UnknownEN IND AustraliaEN IND MexicoEN IND Mozambique 16/11/12EN UNK ThailandEN UNK 14/02/13EN IND UNK Unknown 30/01/13EN IND 12/06/13 Unknown 13/09/13EN IND UNK 08/08/13 ThailandEN 1 IND GFG GFGEN PAC 09/03/14 GFG Pakistan UNK 1 GFG 19/07/14 08/06/15 1 PAC Philippines 1 22/07/15 GFG 1 Unknown GFG 1 07/01/18 GFG 29/01/17 Philippines UNK 1 07/01/18 21/08/17 16/03/17 1 UNK 21/08/17 07/01/18 1 01/03/19 07/01/18 1 07/01/18 01/12/17 GFG 07/01/18 GFG 12/06/15 GFG 1 FAD 07/01/18 GFG 07/01/18 1 GFG 1 07/01/18 4 1 07/01/18 1 07/01/18 1 07/01/18 07/01/18 07/01/18 07/03/19 07/01/18 07/03/19 VUVUVU PACVU PAC IND Costa Rica UNK PhilippinesVU AustraliaVU Unknown IND IND 29/06/15 04/03/16 Australia Australia GFG 26/04/15 15/03/15 GFG GFG 1 GFG 1 26/02/14 13/10/14 1 1 OTH GFG 07/03/19 07/03/19 1 1 07/03/19 07/03/19 07/01/18 07/01/18 UNK UNK Unknown 28/02/14 UNK 1 07/01/18 status basin dd/mm/yy twitter.com (dd/mm/yy) Grey VUCarpet shark INDWhale shark Australia DD UNK EN Unknown 06/11/12 IND OTH India 30/12/17 3 GFG 1 07/01/18 10/08/12 GFGLesser spotted dogfish 07/01/18 LC 1 ATL UKTope shark 07/01/18 Starry smooth-hound LC ATL VU 16/12/15 ATL France GFG France 2 21/06/18 21/06/18 GFG 07/01/18 GFG 456 3 07/03/19 07/03/19 sp. Sawfish sp. UNK ATL Florida, USA 06/06/11 GFG 1 07/03/19 Carcharias taurus Cirrhoscyllium japonicum Pristis Rhincodon typus Scyliorhinus canicula Galeorhinus galeus Mustelus asterias Odontaspididae Orectolobidae Pristidae Scyliorhinidae Triakidae Unknown Unknown Unknown UNK UNK Unknown 24/08/13 UNK 1 07/01/18 Rhincodontidae Family Scientific name Common name IUCN Ocean Location Tweet date Debris type N date on https:// Access 182 Endang Species Res 39: 173–190, 2019

Fig. 2. Breakdown of published studies (grey) and Twitter reports (blue) as a percentage of total entangled animals. (A) Categories of marine debris (GFG: ghost fishing gear; PSB: polypropylene strapping band; FAD: fish aggregating device; ML: monofilament line; OTH: other; UNK: unknown). (B) Ocean basins (PAC: Pacific; ATL: Atlantic; IND: In- dian; MED: Mediterranean; SOU: Southern; ARC: Arctic; UNK: unknown). Zero cases found in the Southern and Arc- tic oceans. (C) Region of the body entangled (EB: entire body; ND: no data; GR: gill region; MR: mouth region; DR: dorsal region; CR: caudal region). (D) IUCN status of species (CE: Critically Endangered; EN: Endangered; VU: Vul- nerable; NT: Near Threatened; LC: Least Concern; DD: Data Deficient; NA: not assessed; ND: no data). Published studies: n = 557 animals, Twitter: n = 559 animals

scientific literature and Twitter. Other species with High habitat specificity, morphology and foraging morphological differences, such as the basking strategies predispose them to entanglement in shark’s elongated snout and mobulid ray’s cephalic and estuarine habitats, which are known to be major fins, can easily become encircled or caught by entrances of marine debris into oceans (Barnes et al. marine debris such as monofilament line or PSBs 2009, Rech et al. 2014, Smith & Edgar 2014). (Stewart et al. 2018; Craig Whalley, https: //www. Despite our review being global in view, the rel- youtube.com/ watch?v=J-lPqciSNMI). Other species atively low numbers of incidences of entanglement like the (Pristidae) have elongated rostra are likely, at least in part, due to underreporting. lined with saw-like teeth which can also easily This is evidenced by additional species and loca- become entwined in monofilament fishing lines tions being highlighted on Twitter that were not and netting. Although not primarily marine in featured in published reports. This could be due to nature, sawfish populations have de clined at the ease and instant nature of reporting such inci- alarming rates in recent years (Jabado et al. 2017, dents via Twitter at the click of a button, often Moore 2017, White et al. 2017, Leeney et al. 2018), directly through a smartphone. Reports from the mostly due to direct and indirect fishing pressures. literature were often anecdotal; therefore, pro- Parton et al.: Interactions between marine litter and cartilaginous fishes 183

Fig. 3. Global distribution of entanglement events from (A) published scientific literature and (B) distinct tweets from Twitter from 2009 to 2019. Circles are proportional to magnitude viding further in-depth information may not have entangled elasmobranchs are encountered. Likewise, been at the forefront of the authors’ minds. Future entanglement reports by mem bers of the public via efforts in the peer-reviewed literature should aim at social media are inconsistent in nature and there- providing as much information as possible when fore could benefit from a citizen science platform 184 Endang Species Res 39: 173–190, 2019

via a website or smartphone app to aid in the col- 4.2.2. FADs lection, standardisation and organisation of data. In our review, 3 publications (Filmalter et al. 2013, Poisson et al. 2014, Hutchinson et al. 2015) reported 4.2. Types of marine debris leading to elasmobranchs becoming entangled in DFADs in entanglement the Indian Ocean. Within these studies, the was the only shark reported to have been 4.2.1. Ghost fishing gear entangled. The silky shark makes up 90% of the elasmobranch bycatch in the tuna purse seine fish- Each year, approximately 6.4 million tonnes of ery in the Indian Ocean (Gilman 2011), with esti- fishing gear is lost in the world’s oceans (Macfadyen mates of between 480 000 and 960 000 individuals et al. 2009, Wilcox et al. 2015). This ghost gear is a killed per year by FADs in this ocean (Filmalter et well-known threat to numerous marine taxa (Wilcox al. 2013). Of these individuals killed, large numbers et al. 2013, Stelfox et al. 2016). Ghost fishing gear are in the first 3 years of their life, indicating juve- commonly consists of synthetic nylon nets that are niles may be significantly impacted (Filmalter et al. non-biodegradable and can persist in the ocean for 2013). The redesigning of FADs to minimise the use many years (Saldanha et al. 2003, Nelms et al. of large quantities of mesh netting is an emerging 2016). It is evident that ghost fishing presents a method in an attempt to reduce entanglement of threat to elasmobranchs regarding entanglement, shark species (Franco et al. 2009, Dagorn et al. with the majority of animals identified from both the 2013), as is the use of sisal ropes and biodegradable scientific literature and Twitter being entangled materials (Delgado de Molina et al. 2006, Franco et within ghost nets. al. 2012, Filmalter et al. 2013). One of the difficulties when review- ing publications concerning shark en - Proportion Proportion tanglement in DFADs is attempting to 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ascertain at which point in the pro- cess the shark became entangled. As stated in Section 2, some papers were omitted from this review, as we were reef shark unable to determine whether the Common stingray sharks were passively entangled or caught as bycatch. Consequently, the Giant manta ray numbers of elasmobranchs re ported Great white shark Greenland shark as entangled in DFADs is highly con- Grey nurse shark servative and may, with clearer data collection, be the major source of en - Lesser spotted dogfish tanglement in anthropogenic debris. Nurse shark Nursehound Reef manta ray Sharpnose shark 4.2.3. Land-based debris Silky shark Small tooth sawfish PSBs made up 13 of the 19 land- Spiny dogfish

Spot-tail shark based debris entanglement events in ➞ 0.83 Spotted ratfish Starry smooth-hound the scientific literature; these are com- Thornback ray Thresher shark monly used in parcel packaging or Tope shark with crates and pallets (Donaldson 1969). They are a rigid form of plastic Fig. 4. Breakdown of entangled species by number of entangled sharks as a pro- that can often form a loop capable of portion of total entangled animals (n = 544), as reported on Twitter (left) and encircling marine organisms, particu- number of entangled animals as a proportion of total individuals entangled, as larly around the gill region of sharks. given in the peer-reviewed literature (n = 552) (right). Unknown species re- moved. Greenland shark and leafscale gulper shark have no data points, as This can have severe impacts on their they were reported in the published paper in tonnes. Proportion for starry ability to pass oxygen over the gills smooth-hound on Twitter annotated on figure and can ultimately lead to suffocation Parton et al.: Interactions between marine litter and cartilaginous fishes 185

(see Fig. S1). Naturally, it is difficult to ascertain the entific literature, including Australia, South Africa exact entry of PSBs into oceans, although possible and Florida (Clark & Von Schmidt 1965, Dudley & entry points could include , beaches or con- Simpfendorfer 2006, Heithaus et al. 2007, Reid et tainer ships transporting large boxed goods. Other al. 2011, Naylor et al. 2012). land-based debris items entangling elasmobranchs included clothing, SCUBA equipment (regulator hose) and plastic packaging. 4.4. Social media

The use of social media in acquiring data for the 4.3. Entanglement hotspots natural sciences is yet to be fully explored. Within 140 (and more recently 280) characters, we were usu- Plastic pollution has been found in all of the world’s ally able to ascertain the species, location and type oceans, with many having their own plastic garbage of debris responsible for entanglement. We were patch (Eriksen et al. 2014). The most famous of these aided by the occasional use of photographs uploaded is located in the North Pacific gyre (Lebreton et al. alongside the tweet, or URL links provided within the 2018). Similar gyres can be found in the South Pacific tweet, to enable us to locate information that may not as well as the North and South Atlantic (Eriksen et al. have been provided within the character limit. There 2014). While the Pacific and Atlantic oceans con- were, however, several tweets where we were un - tained the greatest numbers of entangled elasmo- able to garner all of the information required, the branchs across both the scientific literature and Twit- most notable being geographic location. Despite this, ter, we suggest more research is needed to ascertain our searches highlighted 11 different elasmobranch high-risk ocean areas. Mapping debris hotspots species that had no records of entanglement in peer- alongside elasmobranch migration routes may pro- reviewed articles. Alarmingly, we found numerous vide further clarification on species that are ex - tweets regarding whale shark entanglement, com- pected to be severely im pacted. pared to none in the published literature. This em- Although the Indian Ocean did not contain the phasizes that entanglement is more than likely im- highest numbers of entangled animals, it is known pacting a significantly greater number of species on a to suffer from heavy levels of plastic pollution, par- vastly larger scale than this review has presented. ticularly in coastal areas (Jambeck et al. 2015), and In using social media as a tool to document the geo- is estimated to have more plastic than the South graphical locations of elasmobranch entanglement, it Atlantic and South Pacific combined (Eriksen et al. becomes difficult to control for factors such as tourists 2014). Paired with this problem, it is one of the most travelling to diving hotspots in tropically biodiverse biodiverse oceans in the world for marine species, coastal areas (Gössling 1999). This may explain the although data on elasmobranchs are somewhat large numbers of entanglement records in the north- lacking (Dulvy et al. 2008, Romanov et al. 2010, Tit- ern Indian Ocean and Indonesia. It is also difficult to tensor et al. 2010, Wafar et al. 2011, Bowen et al. control for biases towards more popular flagship spe- 2013). More research on this topic, alongside a cies which are commonly encountered by members greater understanding of entanglement in DFADs, of the public in tourism hotspots; this again may could well reveal the Indian Ocean to be one of the explain the large number of distinct tweets featuring major risk areas for elasmobranch entanglement. whale sharks and great white sharks. There are several caveats associated with map- Overall, the datasets found among social media ping the geographic locations of elasmobranch en - sites can, at the least, be used to anecdotally docu- tanglement in the scientific literature as well as ment records of entanglement among elasmobranch reports from Twitter. There is a known scientific species. We do not suggest the use of social media to sampling bias towards wealthier nations including be equivalent to that of a systematic literature review; the USA, Canada and the UK (May 1997, Mo mig- however, by investigating the use of specific key liano & Harcourt 2014). This may explain the large words and hashtags on Twitter, scientists can obtain numbers of entanglement reports originating in the real-time data on entanglement events for a variety Atlantic Ocean, as wealthy countries have the re - of marine species. To those working in the marine sources to conduct more scientific research. There sector, or people who may encounter entangled elas- will also, undoubtedly, be more reports concen- mobranchs, it will be important to provide as much trated in areas where there are known elasmo- information as possible when deciding to post about branch populations that feature heavily in the sci- these issues on social media. We recommend upload- 186 Endang Species Res 39: 173–190, 2019

ing photos of the entanglement if possible, whilst al. 2002, Colmenero et al. 2017). In most incidences, no clearly stating the location, species entangled and information was available on life stage. Scientists have the debris causing the entanglement. We also recom- highlighted the importance of identifying vulnerable mend using relevant hashtags such as #Entangle- life stages of various marine taxa, with juvenile turtles, ment, #Elasmobranch and #MarineDebris to allow seals and commonly referred to as the most at scientists to locate these posts quickly and efficiently. risk from entanglement (Henderson 2001, Johnson et Social media remains a novel tool for identifying the al. 2005, Mazaris et al. 2005, Duncan et al. 2017). If ju- threat of entanglement and can, if used correctly, venile elasmobranch species are more susceptible to provide valuable insights into entanglement in marine anthropogenic debris, this issues (Abreo et al. 2019). could have important consequences for elasmobranch species at a population level due to lower recruitment rates, particularly for those species already threatened 4.5. Future directions with extinction (Stevens et al. 2000). As a result, we recommend that when collecting data on entangled 4.5.1. Differentiation between entanglement elasmobranchs, the following information should be in- and bycatch cluded: species, size, sex, ontogenetic phase, number of individuals entangled, debris type causing entanglement To ensure accurate reporting, it will be important and location of entanglement. With this information, it to distinguish between entangled individuals and by- will be more likely that we will understand the extent of caught individuals. The low numbers reported in this impact on sharks and rays worldwide. review could indicate that entanglement incidents Citizen science has grown rapidly in the last 2 may have been included under the category of by- decades, leading to an increase in its use in numerous catch. Bycatch is well understood regarding threats peer-reviewed articles (Bonney et al. 2009, McKinley to elasmobranchs and remains one of the most fre- et al. 2017), and its impact on science cannot be ig- quent threats to sharks globally, accounting for nored. Therefore, there is the potential for the cre- 66.9% of shark species reported by the IUCN ation of an online global database of elasmobranch (Molina & Cooke 2012). entanglement, possibly run by a non-governmental organization, which allows for citizen scientists to up- load information on entangled sharks and rays that 4.5.2. Standardisation of data collection they have encountered, thus enabling scientists to gather data quickly and efficiently. Alongside this, Our review found a distinct lack of standardisation demographic studies in which rates of entanglement in the reporting of entanglement of elasmobranchs in are calculated will aid scientists in implementing mit- anthropogenic debris. Of the available scientific data igation strategies for particularly threatened species in the literature, there is no standardisation in the of elasmobranchs or within problematic areas. reporting of entanglement incidents. Many incidents are only anecdotally available within studies, usually as an anecdote from a separate study (Bird 1978, 5. CONCLUSIONS Berra & Hutchins 1990, Flores-Ramírez et al. 2015). There are examples in studies (Chanrachkij & Loog- The numbers of entangled elasmobranchs reported on 2003, Ceccarelli 2009) listing ‘x’ number of ‘sharks’ here are minimal in comparison to the numbers of or ‘rays’ as entangled; however, various data were elasmobranchs caught directly in targeted fisheries or missing on the species and, consequently, some of indirectly as bycatch. Nonetheless, there is no doubt these accounts were not included in the review. A that entanglement in anthropogenic debris is an addi- standardised method of reporting entanglement inci- tional threat to sharks and rays. Further research may dents would provide valuable scientific data in an reveal this threat to be simply an animal welfare issue attempt to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the rather than having wide-ranging population-level ef- entanglement of sharks and rays. fects that have conservation implications. It is appar- Due to this lack of data standardisation, it is also cur- ent, however, that entanglement in anthropogenic de- rently difficult to assess at what life stages elasmo- bris from land-based pollution and discarded fishing branchs are most likely to become entangled. There gear is a severely underreported threat to sharks, and are a handful of accounts of juvenile elasmobranchs further research will help fill in existing knowledge being entangled in anthropogenic debris (Sazima et gaps. The scientific should work together Parton et al.: Interactions between marine litter and cartilaginous fishes 187

with the fisheries sector and the general public in an Rev Fish Biol Fish 26:13−24 attempt to better quantify and understand this threat. Braun CD, Skomal GB, Thorrold SR, Berumen ML (2015) Movements of the reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) in the Mitigating strategies that target the issues of ghost Red Sea using satellite and acoustic telemetry. Mar Biol fishing, land-based pollution and problematic areas 162: 2351−2362 within oceans may aid in reducing the risks for declin- Bullimore BA, Newman PB, Kaiser MJ, Gilbert SE Lock KM ing elasmobranch species. (2001) A study of catches in a fleet of “ghost-fishing” pots. Fish Bull 99:247–247 Cailliet GM, Andrews AH, Burton EJ, Watters DL, Kline DE, Acknowledgements. The authors extend their thanks to the Ferry-Graham LA (2001) Age determination and vali - editor and 3 anonymous reviewers who gave constructive dation studies of marine fishes: Do deep-dwellers live feedback, which has greatly improved the manuscript. This longer? 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Editorial responsibility: Robert Harcourt, Submitted: January 24, 2019; Accepted: April 25, 2019 , New South Wales, Australia Proofs received from author(s): June 22, 2019