Curriculum Vitae Personal Information: Name: Safar Sa'ad Al-Ghamdi. Date and place of birth: 1958, Saudi Arabia Marital status: Married with 5 children Email:
[email protected] Mobile: +966505233071 Qualifications: Qualification Institution G. year Ph.D Manchester University, U.K. ** December 1993 M.Sc RHBNC, London University, U.K.* October 1987 B.Sc Salford University, U.K. July 1983 ** "Nuclear Orientation of (147,148)Tb, 148Ho and General Spectroscopy in Mass Regions A = 70, 120 and 150". *"Positron beam production and its time of flight measurement". Professional Experience: Since 2011 Head of the Physics and Astronomy Department, KSU. March 2015, Associate professor, Physics and Astronomy Department, College of Science, K.S.U. September 1998, Assistant professor, Physics and Astronomy Department, College of Science, K.S.U. May 1994, Assistant professor, department of applied science, King Faisal Air Academy. December 1987, Lecturer, King Faisal Air Academy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. February 1984, Demonstrator, King Faisal Air Academy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 1 Research Interests: Nuclear Structure, Radiation Measurements, Nuclear Instrumentation. Actual Projects: - Nuclear Structure Experiments and Instrumentation Development within PRESPEC (Principle Investigator, NPST project, 2 MSR, 2013-2016). - Development of a novel gamma camera for applied and fundamental research (Co-Investigator, NPST project, 2 MSR, 2013-2016). - Detection Setup for the Study of Fusion and Deep-Inelastic Nuclear Reactions using radioactive beams (Co-Investigator, NPST project, 2 MSR, 2013-2016). Teaching Experience: Undergraduate level 1- General physics 2- Electromagnetism (I) 3- Modern physics (I) 4- Nuclear physics 5- Neutron and Reactor physics Postgraduate Level: 1- Nuclear structure 2- Nuclear techniques 3- Nuclear reactor physics Supervision: Supervised more than twenty B.Sc.