Rs.3 Vol. XIII No. 1 KOLKATA FMRAI NEWS 1 AUGUST 2013 Organ of Federation of Medical And Sales Representatives’ Associations of India 60-A Charu Avenue • Kolkata-700 033 • Phone : (033)24242862 • Fax : (033)24244943 • • E-mail :
[email protected] Fight MNC Penetration Remove Tax on NLEM The working committee meeting of FMRAI, held at Nagpur on 19-20 July, decided to observe countrywide Protest Day On Labour on 23 August against increasing multinational penetration in Indian market; for price control on all medicines and for Related removal of all taxes from the medicines in the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM). Demands It is now clear that drug MNCs are coming to grab Indian pharma market replacing Indian sector by acquisition or forcing out. The MNCs are imposing conditionalities on of SPEs the Government who is in deseparation for In the tripartite preparatory meeting, FDI to meet current account deficit. called by the Union Labour Ministry on 28 The MNCs penetration with June, despite it was decided that within a Governmental policy support and actions are month's time the Industrial Tripartite also completely destabilizing Indian pharma Committee for the Sales Promotion market preparing ground for establishing Employees will be constituted; the Central monopolized patented medicines of MNCs. government has not constituted the same In the process the medical representatives' so far. FMRAI, in the meantime received job security and their unrestricted right to work the minutes of the said meeting. are also facing serious threats. During the meeting FMRAI submitted The government has prepared NLEM as 9 point demands which include effective per Supreme Court's direction, but let the Working Committee Meeting at Nagpur enforcement of SPE Act and the Rules price fixation decided by the market in under it and amendment of the Section 9 complete departure from earlier DPCO.