Rrugk Tkt H,Tc Tk Formed with Non-Kosher Davar Hama’Amid Will Never Become Batel

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Rrugk Tkt H,Tc Tk Formed with Non-Kosher Davar Hama’Amid Will Never Become Batel w ww VOL. f / NO. 2 KISLEV 5772 / DECEMBER 2011 s xc THEDaf a K ashrus A MONTHLYH NEWSLETTER FOR TH E O U RABBINIC FIELD REPRESENTATIVE WORKING FOR THE RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: A TIMELY MESSAGE FROM THE MASHGIACH Excerpts from a recent address by Rav Moshe Wolfson Shlita, Mashgiach Ruchani of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas to AKO at OU World Headquarters TRANSCRIBED BY RABBI YOSEF GROSSMAN Senior Educational Rabbinic Coordinator; Editor - The Daf HaKashrus He ate what he .אכילה it’s with a feeling of awe and veneration that I stand – מורי ורבותי which provides and insures this country and wasn’t supposed to קהל הקדוש before this of the Kashrus organi- eat. That brought this הנהלה I thank the .מאכלת כשרות beyond with zations for giving me the privilege to speak here and I thank you for tremendous tragedy to being an attentive audience. the entire world for generations. He ate what’s forbidden. Eating ,ע''ז, ג''ע may be a smaller one than for עונש created the world to be a utopia – what’s forbidden, the רבש''ע The – בראשית ברא אלקים .it stuffs up the heart ,מטמם את הלב its ,גוף but it defiles the ש''ד and he was supposed and וינחהו בגן עדן – a Gan Eden. Odom HaRishon ,in the Gan Eden. Alas, Because you are what you eat, it becomes part of your very essence יום שכולו שבת to remain there for the eternal -You have admit .דם of your ,בשר of your ,גידין of your ,עצמות to the world, of your מיתה which brought עץ הדעת of the חטא because of the into יצר הרע into your system. You have admitted סטרא אחרא he did some- ted – חטא he was evicted from the Gan Eden because of a thing wrong. It must have been something awfully wrong. Well it your system. It was continued on page 6 .שפיכת דמים It wasn’t .גלוי עריות It wasn’t .עבודה זרה wasn’t which is a עור קיבת נבילה cheese. Only the 3. מפני שמעמידין אותה בעור קיבת נבילה rrugk tkt h,tc tk Formed with non-kosher davar hama’amid will never become batel. animal rennet However, Ra’vad and Rashba hold that ,regarding issurei nachrim (e.g. gevinas akum 4. מפני שמחליקין פניה בשומן חזיר The cheese is BUTTER rubbed with lard chalav akum) Chazal did not rely on bitul. They did not allow even a mashehu of chalav .tamei or shuman chazir 5. מפני שמעמידין אותה בחומץ RABBI ELI GERSTEN Formed with non-kosher wine vinegar RC Recorder of OU Psak and Policy One important nafka mina that comes out חמאת from this machlokes is the status of 6. מפני שמעמידין אותה בשרף הערלה The ,Butter per se is intrinsically kosher .עכו”ם GThe Gemara rejects this explanation Formed with sap of orlah THE MISHNA (Avoda Zara II:5) says because it is made from cream that separates milk from) חלב טמא אינו עומד from milk and 6. מפני שמעמתה בשרף הער that in the time of the Tana’im they were gozeir on gevinas akum (cheese made by The Rambam (Machalos Assuros 3:13) and non-kosher animals does not form butter). is that it may חמאת עכו”ם non-Jews), but as this was a recent gezeira, Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 115:2) only cite as The problem with .(droplets of milk) צחצוחי חלב and they wanted it to become accepted, the reason for the gezeira, the concern also contain the reasoning was kept secret. The Gemara that gevinas akum might have been formed These droplets of milk cannot turn into but- (A.Z. 35b) lists six possible reasons as to with non-kosher animal rennet. However the ter because only cream turns into butter. Yet, why Chaza”l were gozeir the issur of gevinas Ra’vad and Rashba say that the gezeira was these droplets that are mixed with the butter -The can still potentially contain milk from non .שומן חזיר and צחצוחי חלב akum. also because of חמאת עכו”ם Aruch Hashulchan explains that Rambam did kosher animals. Rambam permits 1. משום ניקור Snake venom .become batel צחצוחי חלב were provided that the שומן חזיר and צחצוחי חלב not hold that sufficient reasons to be gozeir, since these However, Rashba holds that Chazal were 2. לפי שא”א לה בלא צחצוחי חלב The cheese still contains milk droplets issurim can potentially become batel in the continued on page 7 Published by the Orthodox Union, Eleven Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Please direct your comments to RABBI YOSEF GROSSMAN, EDITOR at 212-613-8212 or [email protected] with food. Bring it happened in Lakewood, he sent away his אדם הראשון happened with מאכלות MASHGIACH These to be the nucleus of that new תלמידים will reign best טומאה into the food. Then טומאה the a ,אסורות continued from page 5 supreme. He knew the power of food and Yeshiva because he worked for the Ribbono ,עץ הדעת ,what effect it has on the person who eats. He Shel Olam. We’re all working for one boss חורבן brought מלא כלthe מלך מלכי המלכים the ,רבש''ע to be the mem-- for the טומאה appointed wizards of מאכלות on the world. Somebody who eats and רבש''עto the עבד He was an .הארץ כבודו קדושה and bers of his cabinet, to wage war against יו''דin רמ''א we are told – it’s in the אסורות We .רבש''ע of the מוסדות His counterpart in his time, in his all the Yeshivos are .טהרה even with a and מטמטם את הלב its – ספרים הקדושים .רבש''ע to the עבדים who are all ,שומר הברית the ,יוסף הצדיק small child, an infant we should be careful. It country, was טהור who remained ,טומאה brings in an inclination to lust and somebody waged war against when בית הכנסת In the solemn moments in a of the פתויים notwithstanding the קדוש he can’t and מאכלות אסורות in נפגם who is nebach כבוד and because of the ארון קודש we open the .מצרים into קדושה He brought .אשת פוטיפר to Torah or to Tefilla. He can’t חשק have any ארון we stand up when the ספרי תורות of the .מצרים into מילה He brought .רבש''ע have an intimate relationship with the אנא עבדא דקדושא בריך is open we declare קודש He can’t. I am your humble servant. I am ,רבש''עl .הוא זה לעומות זה עשה - in Koheles פסוק There is a .to your interests ,עבדות dedicated to your אכילת עץ הדעת טובafter the בריאה In .אלוקים he was sold יוסף We find by the story with there When ministers of a cabinet compete with טוב If there is .רע and טוב there is ורע so we’re introduced to a – שר הטבחים for the there each other, woe to that government, woe רע If you find .רע to a new kind of a minister. is a counterpart in – שר new kind of to that country. A minister can’t fall prey .טוב He had a minister certainly is a counterpart in .שר המשקים had a פרעה to personal greed. Ministers must cooperate .טומאה they are the device of מאכלות אסורות that was in charge of the drinks. He had a to serve and benefit their country, to share ,עדה הקדושה He was in charge of the baked You who are assembled here, the .שר האופים you are heavenly knowledge. You Mashgichim I would want ,כשרות of משגיחים in charge of the the שר הטבחים goods. He had a ,רבותינו הקדושים like משגיחים הקדושים If to say .קדושה steaks. It’s very odd. President Obama in the appointed to be the ministers of goes into whatever Kashrus America כח your שר הטבחים a ,שר האופים a ,שר המשקים White House certainly has a top quality chef there is a .and beyond has ,טומאה who prepares the meals for the people in the (if) there is such a concept of that in White House, the personnel, the guests. But whatever כח הפועל בנפעל – lכלל this chef is not in the Cabinet. He’s not in There is a his very ,מציאות DON’T BE TRAPPED IN a person does invests his government. He’s an employee in the White A SPIDER WEB OF PETTY he gives into ,כח House. President Obama has no Secretary essence he gives into that ערב שבת of Culinary Arts. He has a worker in the CONSIDERATIONS... that object. If a Baleh Bosteh cooks --there will be a spe לכבוד שבת קודש it YOU ARE “SARIM” and says פרעה kitchen. He’s not a minister. But by of Shabbos. She put מאכלים in the קדושה cial שר המשקים שר הטבחים was different. The one in charge of the foods into it. If a Mashgiach is extra careful קדושה you are the , the and You are .טהרה and קדושה of שר האופים a minister. He was in govern-- the – שר was a he actually ,השגחה by the עבודת הקודש in his in that? here in this world and you were appointed פשט ment. What’s manufactured מאכלים into the קדושה puts -that Yidin should have uncom רבש''ע by the טומאה and יצר הרע As mentioned, the שרי האופים by the entire company. You are .טהרהand קדושה to promote כשרות in the world was initiated - with promised רע -began You’re handpicked and .דקדושה שרי טבחים and you רבש''ע of the שילוחים There is a con- You are the .אכילת עץ הדעת טוב ורע the .הזן ומפרנס לכל who is רבש''ע chosen by the טהרה - and קדושה would have to disseminate עץ and the רע and טוב stant struggle between - אין אדם נוגע במה שמוכן לחבירו says גמרא as The - ונקדשתם והייתם קדושים כי קדוש אני ה' אלקיכם is what initiated this struggle.
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