3120 Clarks Lane Baltimore, MD 21209

Rabbi Zvi Weiss Levi Friedman, President PPaarrsshhaass MMaasseeii July 30, 2011 Tamuz 28 Shul and Community Announcements Chulin 34 Mazel Tov to Yaakov Aryeh Schultz and his entire family upon his engagement to Chana Malka Polstein from Chicago. Shabbos Mevorchim: Rosh  Chodesh: Mon, Aug 2 Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Gil Horwitz and Family on the birth of a baby girl. They will be making a Kiddush at their home, 3210 Fallstaff Rd, after 11:30 am this Shabbos. Shabbos Zmanim: Friday Mincha 1:50, 6:00  Mazel Tov to Glenn and Barbie Porcelain on the engagement of their son Michael to Rachel Teplitsky of Jerusalem/Toronto. Mazel Tov to Steven and Rosanne Teplitsky of Toronto and to the Candle Lighting 8:04 Baltimore grandparents Dena and Hillel Soclof and Cecil Porcelain. Mincha/Kabalas Shabbos  7:00, 8:09 The Shul would like to express its Hakaras HaTov to our outgoing Youth Leader Yoni Sonnenblick . We appreciate all the wonderful things you have done! Shacharis 7:00 & 9:00

 The Shul is in the midst of a Special Summer Appeal, asking all of its members to please contribute to Sof Zman Krias Shema this fund in order to help the shul get though the summer “heat”. Checks can be dropped off in the shul 9:38 mailbox or credit card payments can be processed via the shul website, baishaknesses.com. Thank you to those who have so generously responded already! Mincha 2:00, 6:00, 7:54

Maariv 9:09  During the Road Closure in front of Shul, please be considerate of our neighbors and do not park in or opposite driveways. Baltimore City has told the Shul that due to a delay it has taken a little longer than Weekday Zmanim: expected to have the roads open. We will keep you informed. Shacharis: 6:55, 7:30, 8:20, Yom Kippur Kotton, Erev Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av: Sunday at 7:10pm. 9:00 (Sunday) Back for a second summer The Shul announces: The Summer : Afternoons Monday - Thursday from 2:15 - 5:00pm. For more information or for a chavrusa please contact the Rov. Mincha: 1:50 Mincha/ Maariv: 8:00  Lakewood Reception. Divrei Bracha from HaRav Yisroel Neuman, Shlita, Rosh HaYeshiva Guest Speaker, HaRav Matisyohu Salomon, Shlita, Mashgiach Ruchani Maariv following at 9:45 pm. Home of Howard Tzvi Friedman, 6201 Green Meadow Way. Tuesday, Aug 2, at Maariv: 9:45, 10:45 8:30pm.

Shiurim/Chaburas: Shul Hashavas Aveidah prevention: There have been many emails to the Shul lately about lost or switched men’s raincoats. Let’s do our part and prominently write our names above the label of our Kollel MKadishei raincoats, jackets, etc. Even if you don’t think you would switch or lose your coat, this will prevent others Shveeie: from accidently taking your coat from the Shul! Friday and Shabbos Hashavas Aveidah: A navy blue blue Kenneth Cole 48 Long was switched in the Shul’s coatroom on afternoons: 4-7pm Parshas Matos. There was a Ralph Lauren coat left where this had been hung, probably by the accidental Mishnayos Chabura: person who switched coats. Please call Paul Kalish at 410-764-3040. Motzai Shabbos after Sunday July 31 9:00 – 2:30 PM - Ner Tamid/Shomrei Emunah Blood Drive at Ner Tamid. Walk-ins Maariv welcome. Daf Yomi: Sun-Fri 6:10am Sunday August 7 9:00 PM - Shiur for women at Shomrei, L' Nishmas Mrs. Judy Ference z”l & Mrs. Esther Nechama Margolese z”l on “The Power of Asher Yatzar”. Suggested donation $5. Shabbos 8:15am Morning Chabura: Monday August 1 at 8:00 PM - NWCP presents “Project Lifesaver” - a proactive approach which Mon– Fri 6:10-7:30 am includes technology to search for missing persons affected with cognitive diseases. At 6300 Park Heights Ave. (Bnos Yisroel’s new campus). RSVP to 410-664-6927, Ext. 6 or [email protected]. Night Kollel: Sun - Thurs 8:15-9:45 pm  A Blatt a Week will now be on the summer schedule of Mondays and Tuesdays only, 10-10:45pm. Daf Hashavua:

Do you know of a Mazel Tov or other news item to submit to the Shul Bulletin? Email: Mon, Tues, Wed 10-10:45 [email protected]. pm

JobLink Reminder - Keep your eyes & ears open for job openings. Please pass on leads to Avrumi Freidman, or contact [email protected]

Interested in Joining the Shul?! Please see the forms in the lobby.