WS NE JUNE 2013 • ISSUE 43 A LIFE IN THE ARTS UTAS arts administrators OUR GEOLOGISTS UNIVERSITY OF Tasmania UTAS sets the paceALUMNI in mining NEWS | JUNE worldwide 2013 • ISSUE 43 | A A bright future, defined by a rich past. The University of Tasmania was founded over 123 years ago, making it one of Australia’s oldest universities. Today we’re recognised as an international leader, ranked in the top 3% of universities in the world.* It’s that merging of rich heritage with strength of character that guarantees our greatest achievements are still to come. | 13UTAS CRICOS Provider Code: 00586BCRICOS Provider *Academic Ranking of World Universities 2012 USRM9728rj CONTENTS Alumni News is the regular magazine for Contents graduates and friends of the University of Tasmania. UTAS alumni include graduates and diplomates of UTAS, TCAE/TSIT and AMC, and staff of three years’ service. Alumni News is prepared by the Communications and Media Office for the Advancement Office. Edited by Sharon Webb Writers Phoebe Bobbi, Peter Cochrane, Cherie Cooper, Aaron Smith, Ralph Spaulding, 9 12 Sharon Webb Photographers Lana Best, Peter Cochrane, Peter Mathew, Tom Roschi Design Clemenger Tasmania Advertising enquiries Melanie Roome Acting Director, Advancement Phone +61 3 6226 2842 15 Let us know your story at
[email protected] 3 Geoffrey Tyler’s gift to 19 Vanessa Lickfold, head Phone +61 3 6324 3052 UTAS of business development, Fax +61 3 6324 3402 Kumba Iron Ore UTAS Advancement Office 4 2013 UTAS Locked Bag 1350 Foundation awards 20