Ind advent w lc survey

Fc Itor:Robert H ,Parr legistered for posting as a Periodical—Category A VOL. 83, NO. 9 PRICE 17 CENTS February 27, 1978

PAPUA NEW GUINEANS VISIT THE HOLY LAND JOHN HACKWELL, Pastor/Evangelist, Eastern Highlands Mission, P.N.G.U.M.

ON OCTOBER 26, 1977, four national pastors and twenty-one Highlander church members set out from the Mount Hagen airport on what was to be one of the most successful Lay Activities training prog- rammes ever conducted by our denomina- tion. Our destination: Jerusalem and the land of the Bible. On what basis can we claim it to be so suc- cessful? Well, we always look for the results in any venture, and this experience seems to have already broken all previous achievements in the areas of Evangelism, Public Relations, Com- munication, Lay Activities, etc. Allow me to illustrate: Walter Nombe is our church elder at the Goroka headquarters church, and his experi- ence is typical of what the other twenty laymen are doing right now. On a recent Saturday even- ing, using his own projector and transparen- cies, Walter spoke to an audience of more than 1,000 people. His message was clear and deci- sive: "I have seen the land of Jesus. I have seen the town where He was born, and the city where He died. I visited the town where He attended church on the Sabbath. It was a great privilege The touring party in front of the Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem. Pastor John Hackwell is in the for me to go to Israel. But do you know what? centre of the back row. Sixth from the left in the back row is Pastor John Hamura, the national tour We don't have to go to Israel to walk in the steps leader. Tony Kemo, VOP speaker for Papua New Guinea, is at the extreme left of the front row, and of Jesus. We can walk in His footsteps right third from the right is Brother Tumul Kuak, who was baptised in the Jordan River. here in Papua New Guinea today." Walter Photo: J Hackwell. went on to outline the fundamentals of salvation and called on the people to step out and follow and his congregation said, "Here are the keys and every Sunday at a large non-Adventist Jesus. to our church. The building is yours now and church. Laymen's Classes we all want to become Seventh-day Adven- Here in Papua New Guinean villages the Up in the notorious Chimbu Province, bus tists." eyewitness is respected more than the scholar or driver Peter Tugo has twice been interviewed Levi Peter recently conducted a meeting for the convert. And the news that twenty-five na- by the local radio station, where he has been all the local leaders of the two largest denomi- tionals actually stood by the tomb of Jesus and asked to tell his people "the truth about the nations in his district. His only visual aids were climbed to the top of Mount Sinai has brought story of Jesus." This was an offer he could not a bag of salt from the Dead Sea, some stones the Seventh-day Adventist movement to the refuse. Apart from his radio debut, he is nightly from Mount Sinai, an olive twig, and some very forefront of village discussion. The snow- conducting laymen's Bible study training prog- dried figs. After his meeting one church leader balling effects of this momentous visit sound rammes. These meetings are attended by said he was going back to his people to put a ever so much like an evangelist's statistical laymen of every denomination in the district. proposition to them. He said he couldn't make dream. When the meetings finish, Peter has rostered any promises, but he was going to tell his The Man and the Book these laymen to visit the surrounding villages to people that he was leaving to join the Adven- Nightly, all over the Highlands, slide projec- tell what they have learned from him about the tists and those who wanted to come with him tors, powered by portable generators, are gospel story. would be welcome to do so. screening transparencies of the Holy Land, In response to the witness of another study- Levi has also been given speaking appoint- tour member, a pastor of another denomination ments every Tuesday at the local high school, (concluded on page 14) 2 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: February 27, 1978

Farewell to T.A.U.C. Men R. K. BROWN, Communication Director, T.A.U.C.

A MAN who traversed Australia and New Zealand for forty-five years as evangelist and adminstrator has retired. He is Pastor S. M. Uttley, president, Trans-Australian Union Conference, . During his evangelistic days he conducted major cam- paigns in most capital cities of Australia and New Zealand; having worked in some conferences twice and one three times (Western Australia).

The change from public evangelism came on old friends, Mr. Frank Hedley, who had travel- January 1, 1957, when he took up administra- led from Inverell, New South Wales, especially tive work as president of South New South for the occasion. Their friendship dates back to Wales Conference. This was followed by terms the very early days when, as a young man, in Queensland, Greater , and finally at Pastor Uttley arrived from England and began the Union for the past eleven years. training for the land in the Inverell district. It It was a sad, sad evening on November 30 was here that a number of these youth heard the when the staff of the Union gave him a farewell Advent message from this layman who was the tea, and realised this was the last time he would farm supervisor, and this was followed by the be associating with them as president. This was diligent work of Pastor Reynolds. the culmination of events over the previous From that influence many years ago has Pastor S. M. Uttley, the retiring president of the week which had seen the annual meeting of the grown a life and personality which has been a Trans-Australian Union Conference, in a charac- T.A.U.C. executive committee, the appoint- tower of strength to the Lord's work. The many teristic pose. ment of a nominating committee, and successor lives touched and influenced for the kingdom of Photos: R. K. Brown. in the person of Pastor C. D. Judd. heaven are a living testimony to the dedication, From the moment a successor is appointed, hard work and initiative of Pastor Uttley. On the same evening as Pastor Uttley was events move quickly. Farewells, packing up, As an administrator he brought to leadership farewelled, Mr. Sawyer also presented a handing over the "reins" and the move into qualities of forthrightness, integrity and under- cheque to Pastor and Mrs. B. L. Crabtree, almost another world. That world for Pastor standing that has made him one of the giants in former Youth director of the T. A.U.C. Pastor and Mrs. Uttley will be in and around 22 denominational service. Crabtree is leaving on independent transfer to Wyomee Avenue, West Pymble, a northern Life will be a little easier for Pastor and Mrs. take up a position as pastor of Hillcrest church, suburb of Sydney. Uttley as they are now relieved of the responsi- Bakersfield, California, U.S.A. The farewell function was a nostalgic experi- bility of leadership. We pray that the Lord will Pastor Crabtree had been Youth director of ence for Pastor and Mrs. Uttley. Messages were be merciful and gracious to them in retirement. the T.A.U.C. for five and a half years. Prior to read or spoken from old friends, relatives and To assist in refurnishing their home the Union that he had been preceptor at Avondale for two ministerial associates throughout Australasia staff contributed to a cheque to purchase an and a half years. Pastor and Mrs. Crabtree have and around the world. It was arranged for many item of their choosing. In handing over the spent sixteen years in mission service (two in to put greetings on tape, and these were played cheque, the secretary-treasurer, Mr. W. J. C. New Hebrides and fourteen in Fiji). and also typed and presented to Pastor Uttley in Sawyer, seemed to sum up the general feeling Pastor Crabtree's warm and friendly person- a book at the close of the evening. of comradeship when he said, "We have ality will be greatly missed throughout the Un- One of the highlights of the evening was the worked together for fifteen years without a ion. We wish him and his family much of God's surprise appearance of one of Pastor Uttley's cross word." blessing as they transfer to America. ##

A friend of Pastor Uttley's since the early days, when as young men they Mr. W. J. C. Sawyer, secretary-treasurer of the T.A.U.C., presents a migrated from England to live in the Inverell district, Mr. Frank Hedley cheque to Pastor B. L. Crabtree before his departure to the U.S. Pastor travelled to Melbourne to be a surprise guest at the farewell. Crabtree is to become pastor of the Hillcrest church, Bakersfield, California. February 27, 1978 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: 3 "PRAISE FOR PROGRESS" HISTORIC PICTURE CALLER? PAULA CHESTNUT, Communication Secretary, Dundas Church, Greater Sydney

OUR FESTI VAL of Praise was so successful in 1976 that we decided to have a similar day of thanksgiving in 1977. Whereas our first day of praise was to commit Dundas church to provide further funds for the rebuilding of a Vocational Training School at Kukudu in the Western Solomons, our 1977 "Praise for Progress," held on December 10, was to commit ourselves to help start a church in a new area of Sydney. On November 9, 1975, a group of ten church members met together to consider the constitution for what is now known as "The Society of the Founders of the Baulkham Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church." The purpose was to establish a new church for outreach in an area with a high growth potential. Fifteen years ago Dundas church was founded, and God has prospered us so that we are now ready to help establish another church in a fast-growing area. To further God's work in the Baulkham Hills/Kings Langley area, Dundas members recently decided to pay for one of the four blocks of land for the proposed new church and minister's home. The day of praise of December 10 was The Longburn Basket Factory staff with some of their products-1926. highlighted by the presence of visitors, and the delightful musical items rendered by our own local and visiting musicians were greatly appreciated. Two of our visitors were Pastors Ian Watts and Colin Winch, formerly of Kukudu. Pastor Watts, who was also with us during our 1976 Festival of Praise, extended to the members of Dundas the thanks from the people of Kukudu, where the Vocational Training School will be ready for the school year in 1978. He said it is expected that 140 young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty-two will learn trades and practical work to help them when they return to their villages. Thanksgiving Theme "Praise for Progress," from Sabbath school to the afternoon programme, was a day of thanksgiving. Pastor Hugh Bolst took as his text Psalm 116:12: "What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me?" He said, "As you review the past twelve months, what are God's benefits to you? Some of us have had testing times; some of us have had to make painful decisions. They have been costly decisions in terms of our relationship with God, but most of us can be thankful for God's benefits during the year." Pastor Bolst pointed out that we need to Longburn College Faculty, 1926. speak more often of the precious chapters in our Seated, left to right: Pastor A. F. J. Kranz (Bible Teacher), E. L. Minchin (preceptor and music), E. E. experience, and reminded us that there are Cossentine (principal), G. F. Bohringer (farm manager). Standing: — Milwood (basketry), Miss E. therapeutic advantages in being thankful to Clarke (English), N. Pringle (matron) and E. Robson (business and accounts). God. Photos: by courtesy H. MiI st, N.N.S.W He said, "If we have nothing for which to be thankful, we become self-centred, so narrow- minded in our thinking and bitter to life and your service to Him in terms of time, in will give its profits until the land is paid for. The people. Salvation is a gift—service is our manpower, in terms of ability, in terms of Baulkham Hills group, who have also been thanks. If God is worth anything, is it not worth material things?" busy working and fund raising, have their own giving to Him something that is costly to us? Following the challenging service, an prayer meetings in their homes, and are under The challenge today is to help establish a new offering of $3,555 was given towards the cost the care of Pastor Ken Wright. It is our prayer church. We have to move out in the area around of one block of land, and our catering service that their hopes and plans may come to fruition. us and multiply. Are you willing to consecrate ## 4 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: February 27, 1978



PERHAPS you have met him somewhere, sometime, in your My heart was sick. Brother Youthful was a man of great talent, life—almost everyone has. I refer to the "hero" of my message one whom I loved as a brother. Should I speak to him about the today as "him" out of high respect for the opposite sex. I could charge Anony Mous had laid at his door? If I did and he were have said "her" or "it." Anyway, today I want you to meet Mr. innocent he would always feel that I mistrusted him. Instead of Anony Mous. Usually he spells his name without interruption— confronting Brother Youthful with Nony's charge, I made some Mr. (or Ms.) Anonymous. Whichever spelling you prefer—my discreet inquiries, and decided to wait awhile. After all, if a person "friend" is an interesting character, indeed. Very well known, did not have courage enough to sign his name to such charges, very vocal, and very active. perhaps the story would turn out to be without foundation. Nony, as I shall call him, has plenty of time on his hands, for he Several years passed. I moved to a new field. Then one day I busies himself about the affairs of an apparently endless number of received another letter from the same Anony Mous. It was quite people and projects in almost every land. He appears under different from the first one. "Dear Brother Pierson," it read, unusual circumstances in some unexpected places. Nony is no "some years ago I wrote to you accusing Brother Youthful of respecter of persons. He insinuates himself into almost all circles of adultery. Since then I have been converted. I just want you to know society. Apparently his only concern is that he has a message to get that my charges were untrue. I was taking out my spite on this across, and for obvious reasons he does not want anyone to be young pastor because he had refused to co-operate with me in some aware of his identity. of my own questionable practices. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I On occasions Brother Anony Mous appears in the garb of a want to be a Christian now." flatterer. He writes letters filled with praise expressed in Conceiving Mischief multisyllable superlatives. He assures you that you are the greatest, May the Holy Spirit work upon the hearts of those who sow the wisest, the nicest person he knows. "Such compliments," he discord, who devise mischief continually. The Lord loves such, and explains, "are more meaningful if the identity of the source longs to come into their hearts and lives and take away every trace remains unknown." of that which is unlike our blessed Jesus. Our time is short and we More often, though, Nony's communications are vicious, need to find help to be true overcomers! calculated to crush or annihilate the receiver with their invective. It is very difficult—sometimes impossible—for a person of He handles the truth economically. His terminological inexac- integrity to respond to charges made by Nony and his ilk. A titudes are legion. He majors in half-truths or garbled truth—or reputable person cannot stoop to vicious half-truths and untruths. more often in bare-faced lies. Usually our "friend" mixes just It is best to remain silent and let the Lord and one's friends take enough truth into his deceptive brew to add a semblance of care of the rumours and false reports. reliability to the concoction. "My dear friends," the Apostle Paul says, "do not seek revenge, The letters I receive from Brother Anony Mous are usually but leave a place for divine retribution; for there is a text which directed against some officer in the church, his pastor, a member of reads, 'Justice is Mine, says the Lord, I will repay' " (Rom. 12:19, the local conference, union, or General Conference staff, to a N.E.B.). We can safely leave our reputation, our good name, with leader in one of our institutions. Why the letter? Usually Nony has Him. After all, when Jesus was upon earth He, too, was the object been slighted, overlooked, or downright insulted. He has not been of both overt and covert attacks. "The disciple is not above his elected or re-elected to some office in the church or conference. master," the Saviour reminds us (Matt. 10:24). Some committee or board has not recognised his outstanding talent So, friend of mine, when your motives are questioned, when you or his cause, and he is deeply wounded. What does he do? He sits are criticised, or if unkind things are said or written about you by down at his typewriter or takes up his pen and marshals all of the people not brave enough to sign their names, do not lose either your real and/or imaginary grievances his sick mind is able to conjure up patience or your Christian experience. Perhaps the Lord permits and sets the mimeo mill humming. such abuse to come our way to keep us humble and to remind us Many years ago I received a letter from Nony. One of the young always of our dependence upon Him. ministers was guilty of adultery, he informed me. I should do something about Brother Youthful's credentials and service forthwith, Nony contended. The young worker was guilty. There Robert H. Pierson, was no question about it, and I should act without delay. President, General Conference. February 27, 1978 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: 5

YOUR THIRTEENTH SABBATH OVERFLOW OFFERING WILL HELP IN ... BRIDGING TWO WORLDS IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA M. G. TOWNEND, Formerly Sabbath School Director, Australasian Division, now in the Far Eastern Division NO COUNTRY within the territory of the Australasian Division presents the church with a greater challenge than does youthful Papua New Guinea. Two-thirds of Australasia's baptisms in recent years have been from the Papua New Guinea Union Mission. However, because of our limited educational facilities, only 25 per cent of Adventist youth in Papua New Guinea can gain a Christian education in our own schools.

Contrasting Life-Styles In cities such as Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, and the largest city of this fast-developing nation's mushrooming urban areas, government, industry and commerce vie for trained and educated workers; but in the highland mountain villages and on many of the a; palm-fringed coral islands of this country, the stone-age culture of the past is still very evi- dent. Superstition and ignorance reluctantly give ground to enlightenment and progress, which is the end-product of education. Fired with a burning desire to serve the peoples of their new nation, Adventist young people come to work and study at Sonoma Adventist College for service in the two worlds that are Papua New Guinea today. During World War II, aircraft from distant lands brought war and destruction to these lovely islands; but today mission aircraft bring peace and restoration as they endeavour to bridge the two cultures that make up Papua New Guinea. An Air Bridge In this country, many land segments are separated by vast ocean distances, high moun- tains, deep ravines and mighty rivers, making aircraft an essential form of communication. Aircraft bring the people of the hinterland and scattered island villages into contact with A group of Sonoma Adventist College students enjoy a few moments of friendly discussion between schools of higher learning, and the life-saving classes. This fast-expanding college desperately needs your support on March 25. facilities of our mission hospitals. Bridging the two worlds of Papua New Guinea, the mission aircraft fulfil their important function as they work in the towns and villages of their nation. church worker force. The most urgent need is carry personnel and supplies to isolated mission Music plays an important part in the lives of for a new service block to house the college outposts and bring students to schools and col- Sonoma students. Instruction is given in the administration and library. Anticipating an leges to be educated and trained to meet the rudiments of music theory and practice, and overflowing offering on March 25, Sonoma demands of this fast-developing country. opportunities to perform are provided by the students have already begun work on much Sonoma male choir, the ladies choir and the needed college extensions. A Cultural Bridge combined college choir. It would be impossible adequately to super- Another bridge between the two worlds is At Sonoma College the social scene is not vise and service our exploding mission prog- Sonoma Adventist College, located near neglected, and a cultural bridge is established ramme in Papua New Guinea without the use of Rabaul on New Britain, Papua New Guinea's between the best of the cultural past and the mission aircraft, but some are getting tired, and second largest island. Established in 1968 ini- benefits of today's modern society. The college in the interests of safety and efficiency must be tially to train gospel ministers and teachers, dining-hall serves simple and nutritious tradi- replaced. The drift of the youthful population to Sonoma has expanded over the years to meet tional national foods. Lifelong friendships are the mushrooming towns and cities presents the the demands of a changing society. Courses are formed as dedicated young people eat, work, church with the challenge of a tremendous now offered in business administration and sec- study and play together. Many of these friend- youth-evangelistic potential—youth centres are retarial sciences. ships will continue through life, as young men desperately needed in the centres of urban The newest department of Sonoma College and women from Sonoma Adventist College provides training in agriculture. Up-to-date sci- population. become a living bridge between the two worlds Papua New Guinea looks to the world Sab- entific gardening and farming techniques are of Papua New Guinea. bath school membership on March 25 for finan- taught in the classroom, and practised in col- Sonoma College and an efficient fleet of mis- cial assistance: lege gardens and plantations. In the art depart- sion aircraft are two of the vital bridges main- • to replace mission aircraft ment, students are learning to prepare charts tained by the Seventh-day Adventist Church as • to build a new classroom and administra- and drawings to illustrate classroom instruc- they bring together, and culturally and spiritu- tion block at Sonoma College and tion, evangelistic lectures and to assist village ally enrich the lives of those who live in Papua • to erect much needed urban youth health programmes. New Guinea today. evangelistic centres. Practical experience is gained by students as We thank you in anticipation of an overflow- they assist in the much needed building pro- Your Financial Bridge ing offering. grammes of the college. Experience thus gained Sonoma Adventist College must be ex- ## will be put to good use when they later go out to panded to meet the demands for an increased :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: February 27, 1978 "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord"

R. KEITH MILLER THE CRUCIFIXION of Jesus is more than an expression of divine gallantry. It is God's judgment on man's waywardness. In the context of the world's sin it is an enduring evidence of God's love and a beacon of man's hopes. It does not deal with issues on the outer circumference of human wants, bilt aims at the core of man's needs, which are urgent, present and fundamental.

To preach Christ, and Him crucified, was the No Condemnation Judgment is an element of the gospel. The burden of the apostolic church. This was a His eyes measured her tenderly as she stood righteous are revealed in the judgment. Those strange anomaly, for it involved elevating as an there, acute embarrassment registering on her whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of example of behaviour the One who had been face. She felt shamed and helpless as the sordid Life will be known only after the judgment. humiliated as a criminal. That preaching of secrets of her life were revealed. Yet the While the beast of Revelation is calling for Christ and Him crucified furnished a life-giving Stranger neither humiliated nor condemned the worship of men, God calls the nations to gospel cutting across the grain of human life her. She looked up at Him quizzically and said, worship Him as Creator. To do this fully, it is and glorifying it. "Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet."' necessary to recognise the sign of His Nowhere else is there atonement for sin than Having drunk of His spiritual supply, she was creatorship, the seventh-day Sabbath: "For in in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Man does impelled by a surge of confidence to urge her six days the Lord made heaven and earth . . . not need a new gospel. Sin is the same today as people, "Come, see a man, which told me all and rested the seventh day: . . . and hallowed it was in the past, and man's needs are ever the things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" it."' 5 same, as expressed in the hymn: Carried along on the crest of a new, Secondly comes the announcement that "In the cross of Christ I glory, convincing faith, this unnamed woman of the Babylon has fallen because she contaminated Towering o'er the wrecks of time; well became an indefatigable champion of His all nations with her falsehoods. Babylon here All the light of sacred story cause. She was the first successful woman designates various forms of apostate religion. Gathers round its head sublime."1 missionary. Similar to the tower builders of Babel, many A lonely cry was once heard over the border "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall professing Christians have elected to comply of a reckless world. It was the voice of John the give him shall never thirst."' This is the great with the dogmas and traditions of men. This Baptist: "Prepare ye the way of the Lord."' discovery of salvation. To accept the offer is to intoxicating wine of Babylon has made Down from the hills and the wilderness wastes receive a oneness with Christ and recognise churches drunk with falsehood. In the face of he came to trumpet his tidings: "Make straight discipleship. Accompanying that new role is a certain destruction God is calling His people the way of the Lord."3 Burning with conviction new vision. "Lift up your eyes, and look on the out to be not partakers of her sins or receivers of that the moment of the Lord would surely fields; for they are white already to harvest." 10 her plagues. come, he startled the populace on the banks of Raise again the voice in the wilderness of the A severe threat of divine penalty for a known the Jordan. last days, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord."2 offence concludes the message of the third As he was preaching on the river-bank, his John the Baptist heard the voice of the Spirit angel. The mark of the beast and the seal of God piercing eyes, probing the throng for the speak within him like a command. He lit the are the poles of loyalty. The seal of God is the Teacher of Righteousness, fell on one face and lamp of his Lord, and that same light must sign of His creative power, the Sabbath. It lingered there. Discoursing became difficult for illuminate all the world by the work of the follows that the mark of the beast is the rest day John as Jesus, the son of his mother's cousin, remnant church. Seventh-day Adventists find of man's institution or a false day of worship. had requested baptism. that in one text history has a purpose and the The Foundation Laid future has hope. "So Christ was once offered to The Adventist Position . A new era had begun. Above the rippling hear the sins of many; and unto them that look It must be emphasised here that the marking surface of the Jordan River came the heavenly for Him shall He appear the second time and sealing process has not yet occurred, but pronouncement: "This is My beloved Son, in without sin unto salvation."" will take place just prior to the second advent. whom I am well pleased."4 That act of divine Christ's return offers the only solution to the Seventh-day Adventists are often falsely manifestation brought an accompanying blend world's problems. Motivated by a deep sense of accused of claiming that all Sunday observers of success and sadness for John. He divine direction, preachers of the Advent are, have the mark of the beast. Here is the official commenced to fade into the background. But he by their preaching, preparing the way for the stand of the church: "But Christians of past had loyally laid the foundation for Christ's Lord's return. Our hope for heaven brightens as generations observed the Sunday, supposing work, prepared the way for Jesus, and so his the difficulties of earth darken. As a that in so doing they were keeping the Bible work was done. consequence of this belief, and while probation Sabbath; and there are now true Christians in Looking forward into the future from the lingers, the echoing voices of modern John the every church, not excepting the Roman earliest ages God's servants anticipated a Baptists are preparing the way of the Lord by Catholic communion, who honestly believe Saviour. Now the life of Christ on earth could preaching that Jesus is coming again. that Sunday is the Sabbath of divine appointment. God accepts their sincerity of be seen as a manifestation of Old Testament Divine Urgency scriptures of which Christ Himself had said, purpose and their integrity before Him. But Revelation 14:6-12 heralds a threefold when Sunday observance shall be enforced by "They . . . testify of Me."5 message proclaimed by angels. This is to be law, and the world shall be enlightened There was one central figure in Israel's hope. immediately followed by the coming of the Son concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath, The work of redemption was to be ac- of man to reap the ripe harvest of the earth.' 2 A complished by one man—the Messiah. Cap- then whoever shall transgress the command of divine urgency pervades this recruiting mission God, to obey a precept which has no higher tivating the minds of the Jewish people was the that is issued to "every nation, and kindred, image of a victorious and triumphant Messiah. authority than that of Rome, will thereby and tongue, and people."" They are to seek honour popery above God. He is paying So engrossed were they with this side of the out the "multitudes in the valley of decision' picture that they did not recognise Him when homage to Rome, and to the power which before their final doom. Obviously this enforces the institution ordained by Rome. He He came. However, the audible proclamation is the responsibility of gospel workers. from Heaven's throne announced, "This is My is worshipping the beast and his image."'"This beloved Son ."4 great issue will involve the whole world. It was inconceivable that a Jew would ask As John the Baptist preached his message, drink of a Samaritan woman, as "the Jews have "prepare ye the way of the Lord," so the no dealings with the Samaritans."6 Yet a Keith Miller is a layman who lives in the Adventist Church is preaching the three angels' strange man with streaks of sweat merging with South Queensland Conference. messages which are to prepare the way for the His beard showed disregard for an old racial Lord's return. In the same manner that Old prejudice. Testament prophets pointed to Messiah the February 27, 197S :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: 7

9. John 4:14. 10. John 4:35. I I. Heb. 9:28 12. Rev. 14:15. 13. Rev. 14:6. 14. Joel 3:14. 15. Ex. 20:11 16. "The Great Controversy." page 449. 17. Helen Hunt Jackson. 18. Heb. 11:25. 19. I Kings 18:21. 20. John 15:10. 21. Rom. 6:16. 22 Acts 5:29. 2; Rev. 22:14.

"As a church, as individuals, if we would stand clear in the judgment, we must make more liberal efforts for the training of our young people, that they may be better fitted for the various branches of the great work committed to our hands. We should lay wise plans, in order that the ingenious minds of those who have talent may be strengthened and disciplined, and polished after the highest order, that the work of Christ may not be hindered for lack of skilful labourers, who will do their work with earnestness and fidelity."-"Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students," page 43.

AID TO INDIAN CYCLONE VICTIMS WASHINGTON, D.C.-Seventh-day Ad- ventist World Service (SAWS) announced today it has sent $64,500 in cash and sixty tons of relief materials to victims of the recent cyclone in India. Howard D. Burbank, SAWS manager, made the announcement in Washington. He was in the Indian state of Tamilnadu, just south of the major devastation in Andhra Pradesh, when the cyclone struck. He met with the chief minister of Tamilnadu immediately after the storm, and began arranging for the shipments at that time. The cash allotment comes from a matching fund between SAWS in Washington and the Prince, so the New Testament prophets point to the pleasures of sin for a season." '8 Elijah Southern Asia Division of the Seventh-day Christ the Coming King. would say, "How long halt ye between two Adventist Church, with headquarters in Poona, Because the woman at the well became a opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but India. The relief shipment consisted of clothing transformed sinner exercising missionary zeal, if Baal, then follow him."" Jesus set the (already sorted according to size, sex and so those who come out of Babylon may take example, "I have kept My Father's command- season), blankets and medicines. The material comfort that their prayers and alms are ments."20 Paul would comment, "Know ye was sent from SAWS' West Coast warehouse acceptable before God. not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants in Watsonville, California. "When the long day's work is o'er, to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye Officials estimate at least 10,000 people died When the light begins to fade, obey?"2' Peter and the other apostles would in the cyclone, which J. Vengal Rao, chief Watching, waiting, in the gloaming, admonish, "We ought to obey God rather than minister of Andhra Pradesh, called a "national Weary, faint, and half afraid, men."22 John would remark, "Blessed are calamity." Then from out the deep'ning twilight, they that do His commandments, that they may Seventh-day Adventists in North America Clear and sweet a voice shall come, have right to the tree of life."23 collect clothes and other relief supplies through Softly through the silence falling- May the response of our hearts be revealed in the church's Community Services programme 'Child, thy Father calls, come home.' "" the evidence of personal preparation for the in each local church. Supplies are stocked in Before the hands of the celestial clock are way of the Lord. ## local communities in case of disaster, and in clasped in midnight repose we must make a two coastal warehouses for shipment overseas decision that will bind for eternity. To prepare REFERENCES: I. John Bowring. in cases like this one. The East Coast SAWS our own hearts for the Lord's return should be 2. Matt. 3:3 facility is in New York City. ## our main aim. 3. John 1:23. 4. Matt. 3:17. Personal Preparation 5. John 5:39. 6. John 4:9. Moses would advise, "rather to suffer 7. John 4:19. affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy 8. John 4:29. 8 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: February 27, 1978

Pictured outside the Avondale Memorial church at Cooranbong before the ordination service are, from left, Pastor C. R. Stanley, Mr. C. Stanley, Dr. R. J. Swannell, Mr. E. Greenwell, Mr. G. Kane and Pastor D. E. G. Mitchell.

Photo: courtesy Newcastle Morning Herald. "I CHARGE YOU TO PREACH" MARY STELLMAKER, Assistant Communication Director, North New South Wales Conference

"NO PERSON has ever been placed had broken out, injuring some members of the Adventist Hospital. Late in 1976, he transfer- upon a sacred platform to proclaim a more crew and killing others. Dr. Swannell and red to the Loma Linda University, where he blessed message, than that to which God is another doctor boarded the tug, which left port completed post-graduate work, graduating with calling you," was the challenge given by in gale-force winds, very rough seas, and thick a Master's degree in Public Health. Recently he rain squalls. . . . Dr. Swannell volunteered to has taken up his appointment as Health and Pastor Ray Stanley to the four young men attempt to board the ship. The position looked Temperance director of the Trans-Tasman who were ordained to the gospel ministry hopeless, but after several attempts by the tug Union Conference. at the Avondale Memorial church on master, the Westamar was brought alongside Athletic Prowess December 3, 1977. Coming from varied the other vessel. Both vessels were rolling Pastor Geoff Kane was born in the New walks of life—a doctor, an athlete, a heavily, and at times they rolled together. England area of New South Wales and attended company secretary, and a minister's son, "Dr. Swannell waited on the wing of the the Armidale Primary and Secondary State their call to the ministry was sealed by the bridge, and as the tug came alongside, the Schools. One year during his primary act of ordination. We are happy to doctor made an attempt to board. The tug schooling, he was the State Athletic Champ- started to roll away and Dr. Swannell would introduce to you, Pastor Ray Swannell, ion, and each year of his high school career, have fallen overboard but for being caught by Pastor Geoff Kane, Pastor Eric Greenwell he won the championship in athletics. He members of the tug crew. A second attempt was captained rugby league and rugby union teams and Pastor Chester Stanley. made, hut when the two vessels came alongside and played first-grade football with Cronulla in Pastor Swannell was born into an Adventist they rolled towards each other and the tug had trials. He was offered a contract, but refused family at Midland Junction in Western to pull away. A third attempt was then made. because it involved Sabbath playing. Geoff's Australia. He married Wendy Joy Peet, and The two vessels were pitching and rolling, and path then led to Avondale College during the they have four lovely children, Susan, Michael, as the bridge of the tug came level with the years 1967-1972. It was here that he met Grace David and Andrea. He graduated from the West guard rail of the ship, Dr. Swannell jumped Mitchell and they were married in 1969. Geoff Australian University with an M.B. and B.S. across the gap between them and was pulled on spent 1973 as assistant pastor at Tamworth, and and served his internship at the Launceston hoard by members of the crew." then two years as the youth pastor at the General Hospital in 1963. During that year, he Dr. Swannell went into general practice from Avondale Memorial church. For the past two received the George Medal and Silver Medal 1964-1970 at Deloraine, Tasmania. While in years, he has been pastor of the Tweed Heads from the Queen. The London Gazette of March Tasmania, he served for four years on the church, and during his time there, the nearby 17, 1964, tells the story of Dr. Swannell's Executive Committee of the Tasmanian Kingscliff church was established. This church brave act which led to the awards. Conference and was influential in raising a now has a membership of over fifty. Bravery church at Deloraine. Thirty-nine people have joined the church as a "Early one morning the tug Westamar was Irons 1971-1976, he was the Medical result of his ministry. Home has been made called to the assistance of a ship on which a lire director of the newly constructed Auckland complete for the Kanes, with a son and a February 27, 1978 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: 9 daughter, Bradley and Belinda. They leave our 111111111 conference soon to transfer to Greater Sydney, where Geoff will be assistant pastor of the Wahroonga church. Business Career Pastor Greenwell was born in Newcastle, but grew up in the Tamworth area, attending the Tamworth Primary and Secondary State Schools. He and his mother often read the Bible and prayed together, and Mrs. Greenwell discovered the Sabbath truth in this way. After praying for more light on this subject, Eric found in their letter-box, a Voice of Prophecy leaflet dealing with the Sabbath. During Pastor John Carter's evangelistic programme, Eric determined to follow the Lord and was baptised. He married his childhood sweetheart, Deneese Moffat, who had completed nurses training. Eric was transferred to Taree as company secretary for 2RE and TV station ECN 8. At the age of twenty-three, he was appointed church elder in Taree, and filled this position for five years. During this time Eric and Deneese felt they were not doing enough for the Lord as lay workers. Eric gave up his promising business career and attended Avondale College from 1970-1973, graduating with a B.A. in Theology. During this time at college, Deneese Pastors Parmenter and Rose with the new pastors and their wives on ordination day at the South worked at the Charles Harrison Home to church. support the family. Photo I R Stratford The Greenwells spent one year with the Lismore/Ballina churches, and in 1975 and 1976, pioneered the "Adventures in Faith" AND SOUTH BRISBANE CHURCH HAS THE INSPIRATION OF ... project in Dungog and Gloucester, and during 1977 they cared for the work in Muswellbrook. Forty-one folk have joined the church as a result AN ORDINATION IN of their ministry. They have four children, Bronwyn, Alison, Justin and Richard. Fourteen Schools DECEMBER Pastor Chester Stanley, the son of our widely R. TINDALL, Communication Director, South Queensland Conference known and respected Pastor and Mrs. Ray Stanley, was born in Western Australia, and IT WAS the afternoon of December 10, stood to invite the five ordinands to come because of his father's moves, attended and all eyes were focused on the president onto the rostrum. Before the congregation fourteen different schools for his primary and of the Australasian Division, Pastor K. S. and the ordained men already on the plat- secondary education. He attended Avondale Parmenter, as he stood to deliver the ordi- form, Ronald John Allen, Adrian John College from 1966-1970. nation address. The occasion was a high Flemming, Barry David Oliver, John Chester worked in the North Queensland Conference for five years and towards the end day for five young men and their wives at David Watts and John Bruce Wells knelt of this time, toured overseas, including the the South Brisbane church in Southern while Pastor I. R. Stratford committed the Bible lands. For the past two years, he has been Queensland. As they sat at the front of a men to God through the ordination prayer. assistant pastor at the Avondale Memorial packed church, the five young men were It was the happy privilege of Pastor V. church. While working on an evangelistic immediately challenged with the opening Novelly, one of the senior "fathers" of the campaign in Mackay, Chester met Miss Robyn remarks of their president. It came in the conference, to present the charge. And fi- Chisholm, who joined the church as a result of form of a question when he asked: "What nally Pastor L. S. Rose welcomed the new that campaign. On August 21, 1977, Chester is a minister?" pastors to the ranks of the ministry. claimed Robyn as his bride in the Avondale Memorial church. Sixty-one souls have After reminding the congregation that The Master's challenge to "go" was followed the Lord in baptism as a result of we are all human, he stated that the Bible beautifully presented in song by Brother Chester's ministry. Early in 1978, Robyn and 'pictures God out searching for man, and by Cliff Fua when he sang "So Send 1 You." Chester transferred to Coffs Harbour to care for way of example, found Saul, counted him To the men, their wives, and the many• our church there. faithful, and put him into the ministry (1 relatives and friends who tilled the church We would share in Pastor Ray Stanley's Tim. 1:12). God not only found Saul, a for the occasion, it had been a very solemn closing prayer for the new ministers. very unlikely prospect, but He set about and challenging afternoon. "0 Lord, in this last, last hour, preserve the ministry of these young men and others from a making a minister of him. (Eph. 3:7). During 1978, the five new pastors will spirit of complacency, indifference and Pastor Parmenter continued his address be located as follows: unconcern. Fill them with an intensity such as by listing the qualities of a good minister. Pastor Ron Allen: Maryhorough-Hervey Heaven has for the salvation of man. Keep their There were three sterling qualities. At the Bay (public evangelism). Pastor Adrian ears open to the cry of the lonely, the top of the list was Dependability. This Flemming: Assistant Conference Youth bewildered, and those that mourn without was closely followed by Willingness, and leader. Pastor Barry Oliver: Dalby- hope. Make the message of Revelation 14 and finally a quality in which Jesus excelled, Chinchilla (public evangelism). Pastor the blessed hope of Christ's return dominate their ministry. Lord, keep their souls burning being an Example to the flock. John Watts: Monto-Biloela (pastoral for Thee until the Master says, 'Well done, thou A solemn moment followed when the evangelism). Pastor John Wells: Emerald good, and faithful servant.' " ## Conference president, Pastor L. S. Rose. (pastoral evangelism). ## 10 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: February 27, 1978

nie and Pastor Ron Allen, gave us a greater vision of Christ's love for us. For part of Sabbath school we were divided up into four groups. We had to choose a Bible parable and act it out in a modern-day version, to see if the others could guess which one it was. We included in our programme two hikes through the bush and a moonlight swim, followed by a great campfire concert. All this goes together to make the ideal Pathfinder Campout. ##

BICKLEY PATHFINDERS ACQUIT- TED THEMSELVES WELL IN ... OPERATION CHECKOUT TOM "WARRIGAL" JOHNSON, Senior Pathfinder Director, Bickley Church, Western Australia SHE HELD the microphone in her hand and asked nervously, "What do I do?" Derek replied, "Just press the button and John Pearce (left) spent hours making this trophy, and took just ten minutes to win it. With him is speak." Lynda took a deep breath, pressed Freeman Ray Richardson, senior vice-president of Rostrum in Australia. "Freeman" is a title the button and spoke into the microphone: conferred on members of Rostrum who have given long and meritorious service to the movement. Photo: J. Pearce. "Victor Lima Six X-ray Alpha, this is Portable Three, message over." Almost immediately the reply came: "Porta- HE MADE HIS PRIZE ble Three, this is Victor Lima Six X-ray Alpha, Western Suburbs Express, Brisbane, December 7, 1977 send, over." And thus began Operation Checkout, which was the culmination of the TOOWONG craftsman, John Pearce, last members, and this comes into effect on the course of Communications lectures at the head- week won the trophy he had made for the 15th," Mr. Pearce said. quarters of the State Emergency Services, Rostrum Speaker of the Year Contest. "We came to the conclusion that we needed Western Australia. Mr. Pearce was asked to make the trophy for the support of the ladies," he said. The course was initiated by a phone call from the 1977 contest as a follow-up to the one he As for next year's trophy, Mr. Pearce said it Terry Crawford, a member of the Midland had made for 1976. is very likely that he will be called upon to make Junction church, who was the Liaison Officer That was before he was nominated the it again. with the State Emergency Services for Youth Rostrum Club No. 3 champion speaker and "It is starting to become a bit of a tradition," Training. He had been given the task of organis- became eligible for this year's contest. he said. ## ing a signals training course for several groups, Mr. Pearce won the Arch Williams scouts and others. Almost on the deadline for Memorial Trophy in the final of the Rostrum starting, one group was unable to participate, and an urgent phone call reached me with an Speaker of the Year contest at the Hotel invitation to include our senior Pathfinders in Majestic, City, last week, with a 10-minute SORE, SORRY the course. speech entitled, "An Example to Follow!" The involvement of the senior unit of the Bookends AND SUNBURNT!! SHELLY COLE, Counsellor, Gympie Pathfin- Bickley Pathfinders, was to me a gift from The trophy was named in honor of Arch der Club, North Queensland Heaven. I had dearly hoped that one day we Williams who initiated the competition more might have been permitted to visit as observers, than twenty years ago. SORE from cuts and scratches, ant bites and one of the Signals Section training sessions, but It comprises two handcrafted bookends made nettle stings, and sore muscles from all the extra participation was beyond my wildest dreams— from Queensland pine, walnut and leather in energy used in all the camp activities. too good to be true! the form of two leather-bound books supported SORRY because it's all over and we would So "Warrigal" and his Warrigals arrived at on each side by a gavel. all like it to be longer, we had so much fun and, the course. Terry Crawford ("Buffer") opened Mr. Pearce said the books symbolised SUNBURNT goes without saying that on a the instruction with lectures on the function and knowledge and, as a gavel was presented to Pathfinder Campout everybody comes home organisation of the Natural Disasters Organisa- earlier winners of the contest, it was retained as nicely sunburnt. tion, and the State Emergency Services, and the a symbol of leadership. We had a few minor settling-in problems role of the Signal Service. The Warrigals Mr. Pearce, who is married and has three which were soon coped with, like the bats in the thought it was great, and talked enthusiastically married sons, said the Rostrum Club was toilets and the bandicoots in the food-boxes. about the rest of the course. This enthusiasm established by Sydney Wicks in England, in From Gympie to the Kenilworth Forest was catching, and next session saw extra mem- 1923, for people who wished to improve their where we camped for the week-end was a bers plus a couple of adults added to the course, public speaking. one-hour drive, but well worth every bit of the which now numbered twenty-six, somewhat Significant travelling for us. more than expected. Alan Crook returned to Australia in 1930 and Even though the camping area was well Topics in the course included, Telephone was the Australian founder of Rostrum. hidden away (we found it, after nearly getting and Radio Voice procedure, Radio Equipment, Last year's winner of Mr. Pearce's trophy lost twice on the way out), there was a crowd of Message Handling, Switchboard and Telex was Mr. Eddie Fee, of Kenmore. other campers there, too. Equipment, and the vital part each plays in the Mr. Pearce said a significant sign of the times Everything on the camp was centred around State Emergency Services. would take place on December 15 when women nature and the importance of nature. All our The Big Day would be eligible to join the club. worships were on some aspect of nature, Finally came the day of Exercise Checkout. "Queensland voted recently to change the whether on roots, birds or snakes. Sabbath Most were a little apprehensive, but once the constitution to allow women to become school and church, conducted by Sue McBur- ice was broken, the young people handled February 27, 1978 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: 11


NO. 5 NEIGHBOURS COUNTRY neighbours are proverbial for their friendliness. One Sabbath afternoon, soon after we had moved here, a utility pulled into our yard and a tanned farmer carried in a box of zucchini marrows. My mind began framing a polite refusal to buy on Sabbath, but the zucchinis weren't for sale. He was simply being neighbourly, wanting to share some of his excess garden produce with us. Several times after this he left a carton of zucchinis and grapefruit on a fencepost on his way to town. We paid a visit Bickley Pathfinders give earnest attention as to his farm to say Thank you, and returned laden with more grapefruit and Terry ("Buffer") Crawford lectures on the role of the Signals Staff in State Emergency Services. a jar of marmalade jam! Photo: D. CaviIla. Now we are able to do likewise, and few thrills can match that of giving away vegetables fresh from your own garden, nurtured with loving care themselves like veterans. The Signals Staff from the first shoot. No toy can bring a child more pleasure than a garden, were uniformly pleased with the comprehen- from the seed planting, through to the "Quick, Mum, come and look; my sion and level of proficiency of the young folk, tomatoes are up!" stage, the flowering and the appearance of the first tiny as well as the way they applied themselves to fruit to the proud moment of presenting Mum the shiny red beauties to put their tasks. out for lunch. Of course, such jobs as weeding aren't always popular, and At the debriefing, a constructive criticism period pointed out a few weak spots, and all some prodding may be necessary to keep up enthusiasm at times, but it is were assured that they could be called upon in worth the effort. the event of an emergency, to assist with main- "You would not be entirely free from annoyances and perplexing cares taining the vital communications systems. in the country; but you would there avoid many evils and close the door In the near future each participant would against a flood of temptations which threaten to overpower the minds of receive a letter from Western Headquarters Signals Service acknowledging their satisfac- your children. . . . To live in the country would be very beneficial to them; tory completion of the course. Their names an active, out-of-door life would develop health of both mind and body. would be kept so they could be contacted in an They should have a garden to cultivate, where they might find both emergency. amusement and useful employment. The training of plants and flowers All members, including the Pathfinders, en- tends to the improvement of taste and judgment, while an acquaintance joyed the course, and some are thinking deeply with God's useful and beautiful creations has a refining and ennobling about where they would like to spend Thursday nights (the official S.E.S. Signals Section train- influence upon the mind."— "The Adventist Home," pages 141, 142. ing night) in 1978. Father, let this refining influence be at work on my children today. Amen. During August some of the Warrigals and Carol. two of the senior girls attended (as observers) two training nights at the Rescue Section, Bayswater S.E.S. Unit. Two boys volunteered to act as patients. They were lashed to stretchers and lowered from the roof. You need to have faith in your rope work to turn the stretcher upside-down and shake it vigorously while the lashed-in patient holds his breath! I feel that the State Emergency Services has a field of Community Service in which many more of our young people could become in- volved. Here in Bickley, at least, we have a group of young men and women who are very interested indeed. ##

PRIDE is why Satan fell from highest heaven to deepest hell; HUMILITY is what won the day, when Jesus came to live God's way. Luke 14:11; Philippians 2:8. 12 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: February 27, 1978

us. There is the meaning in our life. We are to go forth and live in this world for the glory of the Creator, to capture every realm of life for f)00K6 Christ, for it is His world. With whatever talents God has given us, and in whatever way we can, we are to show that we are His creatures MY DE6K and that we are living erect upon this earth for Conducted by Robert H. Parr God's glory." Page 57. A. S. Jorgensen.

IN THE BEGINNING—Genesis Chapters 1 to 3 and the Authority of Scripture, by QUESTIONS E. J. Young; published by The Banner of Truth Trust, 1976. Publisher's U.K. price: People Ask Me 60p. ALFRED S. JORGENSEN, Field Secretary, The earliest chapters of Genesis—history or criticism. This certainly makes it prescribed Australasian Division myth? That is the question now. For our whole reading for all who are concerned with a Are there two accounts of creation in the attitude to the Bible, and especially how we conservative apologetic of this vital area of Book of Genesis? regard it as "the Word of God," must perforce Holy Scripture. No; definitely not! be coloured by the answer we give. Indeed, As this review will be read principally by The notion that Genesis, Chapters 1 and 2, what we think of Christ will be deeply affected Seventh-day Adventists, it will surely be in represent two different accounts of creation is by it, for He placed His imprimatur upon the order for me to observe that Dr. Young's stance the brainchild of liberal critical scholarship. A Genesis story of creation (see Mark 10:5-9). on many matters parallels very closely that of typical and very representative statement of this It is most refreshing, therefore, and greatly Seventh-day Adventist scholarship. This is view appears in C. H. Dodd's "The Bible encouraging, to know that there is a significant quite remarkable, really, considering he has not Today," in a chapter appropriately titled, segment of evangelical scholarship that still had access (to the best of my knowledge) to the "From Folk-Tale to Philosophy." I shall quote stands four-square on the conservative insights provided by such a volume, say, as the passage in full, so that RECORD readers position—the position, incidentally, held by "Patriarchs and Prophets." may really appreciate the "great gulf fixed" Seventh-day Adventists—that the moment we Oh yes, there are quite a number of instances between the approach of an evangelical open our Bibles we are reading history. where we would not concur fully with his creationist to the earliest chapters of Genesis Actually, it is Dr. Young's overriding concern views, but by and large Dr. Young is right and that of the theistic evolutionist. Dr. Dodd, in this slim volume to demonstrate this, and down the line on most essential matters. There who was Professor of Divinity in the University also to show how a full acceptance of the divine was one flaw that did grieve me (as it has of Cambridge, and also Vice-Chairman and authority of the Bible is essential to a proper always grieved me in his "Introduction"): he Director of the Joint Committee that produced interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative. maintains that "The first three days were not the New English Bible, writes: The book is certainly easy to read, for it solar days such as we now know." Page 43. He "One service that the historical approach to consists of popular addresses, not academic agrees that the last four were, but feels, because the Bible can render is to make us aware of the lectures. Its pages, in fact, represent the spoken during "the first three days the sun, moon, and questions that lay before the writers, so that we word addressed to the students of Toronto stars were not in existence, at least in the form understand their answers before we apply them Baptist Seminary over the period March 20-24, in which they are now present," and because to our own problems. 1967, and subsequently printed verbatim in The the record seems to suggest that during the third "For example, the first chapter in the Bible, Gospel Witness, Toronto, July 1967 to January day some process was going on which would which gives an account of the creation of the 1968. require a longer period than twenty-four world, caused much searching of heart to an I always appreciate a book that tells me hours," that we cannot urge that the word yom earlier generation of readers, just because the something about the author—not that I was (day) applies to them in the same sense as from question was wrongly put. At that time people previously unacquainted with the work of Dr. the fourth day forward. were much exercised by the new researches into Young; for during my years at Avondale But we should not allow ourselves to be the origin of the species and kindred problems. College I used to include his "Introduction to turned off this valuable little book because of an They assumed that the final chapter of Genesis the Old Testament" in the assigned reading for occasional blemish. For Dr. Young is a man to gave the Biblical answer to the same questions one of my classes. I was therefore delighted to warm your heart by. This does not mean that he as those which occupied modern biologists and find that the Publisher's Preface consisted is an obscurantist! He is well aware of the geologists, an answer not acceptable to the principally of an Appreciation written by John problems that creationism presents, and he scientific mind. But in fact the author of that Murray, one of Dr. Young's colleagues at faces them frankly. But as he rightly points out, chapter was not concerned with the scientific Westminster Seminary. Sentences such as the issue is by no means one-sided. For while problem of the origin of species. Critical these arrested my attention: we have difficulties and problems and cannot analysis helps to put the matter in the right "[Dr. Young] burned with holy jealousy for answer them all, "The evolutionist has perspective. the integrity of God's Word and for the problems also. . . . When you are tempted to "It shows that the first chapter of Genesis is a maintenance of the whole counsel of God. doubt the first chapter of Genesis, as though to relatively late composition. We have in the "No one living today surpassed Dr. Young believe it were something childish and naive, second chapter an earlier, and cruder, Hebrew in reliable, well-informed, and well-considered remember that there are problems that stare the story of creation. The account in the first judgment on questions related to the Old evolutionist in the face, problems to which he chapter was written after the prophets had done Testament. has no answer." Page 57. their great work towards a purer and more "He knew nothing of an antithesis between I said a moment ago Dr. Young is a man to spiritual religion. At that time there were many devotion to the Lord and devotion to the Bible. warm your heart by. In witness to the fact, let stories of creation current among the Israelites He revered the Bible because lie revered the me share with you his concluding paragraph on and their neighbours, relics of a ruder age. The Author. And he revered and served the God of the first chapter of Genesis: Babylonians, for example, among whom the Scripture because he was captive to Scripture as "So we have, in the first chapter of Genesis, Jews lived in exile, told (with much picturesque revelatory Word." the wonderful statement of the fact of creation detail) how the Creator-god had fought and This book is not in any sense an exposition of in which God is exalted as the Creator. We see overcome the monster of chaos, cut her in Genesis 1 to 3. Rather, it consists of a broad how step by step God brought the earth from its halves, and made heaven of one half and earth overview of these chapters, and of comments unfinished condition to the point where man of the other. There is reason to believe that a on matters in them that are currently being could dwell upon it. And we sec that man is the rather similar story once had a vogue among the widely discussed and debated—particularly noblest work of God's creation, that all the Israelites themselves. How could a Creator so those issues that are raised by negative Biblical world is before him. There is the challenge for conceived, be offered the spiritual worship

February 27, 1978 :: AUSTIRALASIAN RECORD :: 13 which the prophets had taught? For that matter, E. Shem (11:10-26) the earth. What we have then in Genesis 1 and 2 what are we to say about the story in the second F. Terah (11:27-25:11) is a narrowing down of the field of interest from chapter of Genesis—how God made a clay G. Ishmael (25:12-18) the Creator of the universe (Genesis 1:1) and model of a man and brought it to life by H. Isaac (25:19-35:29) the creation of the earth (1:2-2:3) to the creation breathing on it? We may read it, in the light of a I. Esau (36:1-43) of man and his environment (Genesis 2:4-25), long-established allegorical tradition, as a J. Jacob (37:1-50:2) in order to concentrate attention on the tragedy parable of deeper truths; but to the Jews of the The world toldoth, uniformly rendered that followed in the rise of sin, and its fifth century B.C., who took it at its face value, "generation" throughout Genesis in the consequences (3:1-4:26) as in the diagram be- the Hebrew story, though not grotesque like the English Revised and American Standard low. Babylonian, was too ingenuous and childlike to Versions, means quite literally "that which is All of this is but to say that in Genesis 2 the command the 'reverence and godly fear' which produced." The phrase, "the generations of writer goes back to highlight the creation of belongs to all high religion. This, then, was the the heavens and of the earth," the title of man and to give us more detail concerning the question which faced religious teachers of the Genesis, Chapter 2, is not therefore pointing preparation of the Paradise environment in time: How may we speak of the mystery of the back to Genesis 1 as an account of the "origin" which God placed man, the crowning wolic. of Creator's relation to His world, so as to do of the heavens and the earth, as some scholars, His creation. justice to the majesty and transcendence of the including even Gesenius, would insist. Rather, one God, and to evoke the reverent worship it indicates that that which we have in Genesis 2 ## which is His due? was the issue of the creation of the heavens and "Now read what one of them has written: `In the beginning God created the heaven and Genesis 1:1 CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE the earth. And the earth was waste and void; And darkness was upon the face of the deep; And the spirit of God moved upon the face of Genesis 1:2-2:3 CREATION OF THE EARTH the waters, ..------1 2 3 4 5 :6 7 And God said, "Let there be light!" _-_,...,-. And there was light.' "So the story proceeds, in a vein of pure imagination, stripped of all puerile fancies, to Genesis 2:4-25 (A) The Creation of Man and his evoke the idea of a God who `spalce and it was Environment done.' His word, the utterance of a thinking Mind and a deliberate Will, illumines the dark Genesis 3:1-4:26 (B)The Rise of Sin and its Consequences abyss of nothingness, and calls into being things that are not. "This is the intention of the creation-story of Genesis 1. The question before its author lay not in the field of scientific matter of fact, but in PASTOR JUGHA the field of religious truth." Pages 30, 31. Dr. Dodd is to be honoured for his massive Pioneer Missionary contribution in certain areas of Biblical scholarship. But we have every right to ask: By D. E. HAY, President, W.P.U.M. what authority does he thus pronounce on ON January 1, 1918, the first baptism in the Genesis 1 and 2 ? The plain fact is: None Solomon Islands took place. It was held at whatsoever! For there is not one scintilla of Sasaghana in the Marovo Lagoon by Pastor G. objective evidence to support his claim. F. Jones. Jugha was one of the twelve baptised. Indeed, there is not a single document extant, In the days that followed, Jugha and other that has come down to us from ancient times, newly baptised friends, Pana, Ragoso, Kioto that even hints at the clumsy procedure and Pea, visited many villages in the Marovo allegedly responsible for the present shape of Lagoon area. They even travelled by canoe as the Book of Genesis. Nor is there anything in far as Ghatokai in the south-west. Many people r the Bible itself that points in this direction. The became interested in the Bible as the result of argument, alas, is entirely subjective. these visits. Very well, then; how are we to account for When 1919 came around, Jugha joined the these chapters? crew of the mission ship, Melanesia. A year "A text out of context is a pretext" is not later he transferred to the island of Ranogga only a wise observation; it also states a principle where he helped Pana in his work of spreading which, in turn, indicates a proper methodology the good news. Early in 1921, Pastor H. B. of Biblical interpretation. For Genesis 1 and 2 Wicks arranged for Jugha to move over to the are not isolated items, but elements of a whole. island of Choiseul. Here he stayed, preparing We need, therefore, to relate these chapters to people for baptism until 1926. This was also the the overall development of the book. Now any year of his marriage to Velavida. The late Pastor Jugha (right) with Pastor Pana at reasonably careful reading of Genesis, where Jugha's next appointment was south to the a workers' reunion in the North Solomons. one has regard to the historical and biographical Malamala River area of the Weather Coast of Photo: D. E. Hay. structural clues within it, will recognise that it Guadalcanal. As on Choiseul, he prepared embraces a series of records, prefaced by an souls for the kingdom of God and the soon On December 30, 1976, this old warrior of account of creation, as follows: coming of Jesus. Later, pioneering work took the cross laid down life's burdens at the village him to the large islands of Santa Isabel and San of Manabusu in the Marovo Lagoon. He rests I. THE CREATION OF THE HEAVENS Cristobal. now in the sure and certain hope of the AND THE EARTH (1:1-2:3) In 1925, at Batuna in the Marovo Lagoon, resurrection. Velavida lives on, and resides in II. THE BOOKS OF THE "GENERA- Jugha was ordained to the gospel ministry. the village of Chea in the Marovo Lagoon. TIONS" (2:4-50:26) Thirty-six years of fruitful ministry were spent May the lives of these dedicated workers A. The Heavens and the Earth in the southern 'areas of the Solomon Islands. inspire you and me to move out into new areas. (2:4-4:26) Many Solomon Island people love this man, People are in need, yea, desperate need, of the B. Adam (5:1-6:8) this servant of God, this pioneer evangelist. He message we have in God's Word. Let us join C. Noah (6:9-9:29) brought them the truth of God's Word and gave the pioneers and move forward—to vic- D. The Sons of Noah (10:1-11:9) them hope for the future. tory! ## 14 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: February 27, 1978

THE HOLY LAND a brief, thoughtful silence he replied, "The CUMMINGS. Sister Eleanor Agnus Cummings passed (concluded from page 1) experience, brother. The experience." peacefully to her rest on Sabbath, January 15, 1978. She had been a loyal and happy Christian for more than sixty years, while laymen and ministers point people from And it is obvious from their faces and witness and went calmly to her rest, certain of being awakened on the the land itself to the Man and the Book of that that they have all had a rich experience. Having resurrection morning. Her family and many of her friends land. walked in the footsteps of Jesus, having spent shared this same confidence as we followed her to the Who would have dreamed that the people of many hours beside the Sea of Galilee, studying Springvale Lawn Cemetery, Victoria, where we left her in God's care. Three sons, Jack, Glyn and Fred, and one one of the last countries to be entered with the how a man can be saved, having stood upon the summit of Sinai where the Lord God spoke with daughter, Dorothy (Mrs. Jensen), survive her. gospel would in fact return to the place of the C. F. Hollingsworth. origins of Scripture and there confound the Moses, these and other experiences have given wise? This is exactly what has happened. them all a greater appreciation of the gospel Seeing primitively clad "jungle men" step truth we all love. And having something worth LINDERMANN. Ethel May Lindermann, a Sabbath saying, they are saying it. ## keeper for almost half a century, passed away unexpectedly from the giant Boeing 747 at Lod International at her home in Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, Queensland, as the airport was too much for the ultra-conservative midnight hour was approaching on Friday, January 6, 1978, Israelis. Next morning, the news of the at the age of seventy-five years. At the Toowong Cemetery, Seventh-day Adventist visitors from Papua Brisbane, on January 10, relatives and friends with a large New Guinea was featured in all Arabic, Heb- group of members from the Red Hill and Mitchelton rew, and English papers. Almost immediately churches, paid their last respects to this sincere Christian lady, as we laid her to rest to await the call of the Life-giver. the once quiet little Advent House headquarters Sister Lindermann will be much missed from the Red Hill in Jerusalem was inundated with journalists, church, where she has given many years of active help in so photographers, and inquiring visitors. All the many ways. To her aged husband, his two sons and their Hebrew radio stations had special feature prog- families, comfort was extended and sympathy expressed. rammes which included personal interviews P. A. Donaldson. with our brethren, and almost always con- ngs McMURRAY. George Walter McMurray passed away in cluded with the group singing one of their Weddi the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria, on January 14, 1978, in his eighty-sixth year. A quiet, kindly man with a favourite Advent hymns. Would those who send notices of weddings and warm personality, he was loved and respected by all. After a Later, certain members of our party were obituaries please remember that two facts must be service at the Essendon Funeral Parlour we laid him to rest in interviewed on one of Israel's top-rated televi- included in every notice. These are the date and the the Fawkner Lawn Cemetery. To his sorrowing wife and sion programmes. We gave a strong witness to place at which the death (or burial) or wedding took daughter (Mrs. V. Simpson) and other loved ones we extend assist the most difficult work of the church in place. Without this information the notices cannot be the sympathy of Heaven, and look forward to the call of the Jerusalem. published. Correspondents are reminded that wedding Life-giver at the coming of the Lord. J. A. Mitchell. Pastor Ferriera, the director of the Advent details must be limited to ninety words and obituaries to work in Jerusalem, capitalised upon the media one hundred and twenty words.—Editor. response by opening an evangelistic meeting on McNAUGHTON. On January 11, 1978, Ann McNaughton of Charters Towers, North Queensland, passed the subject, "Papua New Guinea." The result CORKE—DEVER. On January 2, 1978, in the Kempsey quietly to her rest after a short illness. This lovely saint first church, North New South Wales, Alan Desmond Corke and of this most successful evening was that the embraced the Advent truth back in 1963, and was a faithful Louise Dever linked their lives together in marriage. Louise little band of Adventists in Jerusalem suddenly member of the Charters Towers church. Pastor F. Benham is the daughter of Terrence and Val Dever of Brisbane, and found their faith to be the centre of news and assisted the writer in comforting those who gathered to pay Alan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Corke, also of Brisbane. As last respects, especially the next of kin, Maureen, a niece, enquiry. This was the breakthrough Pastor Fer- Louise and Alan set up their home in Lismore we wish them and John, a nephew. A confident atmosphere of a glorious riera had long been waiting for. much of Heaven's blessing as they walk life's pathway reunion was encouraged at the service, both at the Charters Everywhere the gallant band of Adventist together. R. D. Craig. Towers church and later at the graveside. She rests, awaiting tourists went, they testified on behalf of their the certain call of Christ. C. B. O'Neill. Lord. In near-zero temperatures on the slopes of Sinai they dumbfounded a group of charis- MATTNER. Kenneth Benno Mattner fell peacefully matics. To these American brethren the sight of asleep in death on January 26, 1978, at his home in Adelaide, twenty-five Highlanders dressed only in shorts South Australia, at the age of sixty-five years. Soon after the termination of World War II our late brother started one of the and singing, "Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary," first large earth-moving land-development contracting plants was the very ultimate outpouring of the Spirit in South Australia, and was thus well known and highly After concluding a brief service I was again respected throughout this State. We laid him to rest in the able to confirm that, "Yes indeed, we were Dudley Park Cemetery in full and certain hope of resurrection Seventh-day Adventists, and we surely did be- to life eternal when Jesus comes. To his dear wife and three lieve in the saving death of Jesus." daughters, Merrie, Tont and Rickey, we tender our sincere Christian sympathy. J. H. Wade. The highlight of the trip for Brother Tumul Kuak was, no doubt, the occasion of his bap- TILL HE COMES MILLER. Elizabeth Miller passed away on February 1, tism in the Jordan River by Pastor John Ham- 1978, in the Berwick Hospital, Victoria, in her eighty-third ura. Tumul endeared himself to all of us, and year. Always a believer in salvation through the atonement, through his humble, gracious spirit gave visual BULLAS. Arum Adelaide Bullas, devoted wife of Pastor our late sister attended church on occasions with her Ray Bullas and mother of Dr. Len, Gordon, Mavis and daughter. During 1977 she became a Sabbath-keeper, but testimony to how a truly converted man should Vernon, passed away in the Modbury Hospital, South deteriorating health made it necessary for her to worship at live. Australia, early on Sabbath morning, January 28, 1978, at home most of the time. After a service in the Funeral Parlour Outstanding Experience the age of seventy-four years. Evidence of the high regard in in Dandenong we laid her to rest in the Berwick Cemetery. which Sister Bullas was held was manifest by the large To her sorrowing son and daughter, "Mack" and Edie (Mrs. Another highlight of the trip was our group's attendance of sympathising friends that assembled at the E. Doherty), as well as to other loved ones, we extend the participation in the Sunday morning service at Prospect church and also at the Enfield Cemetery where sympathy of Heaven, looking forward to a glad reunion on the garden tomb. Their musical item, con- God's Word brightened the gloom as we claimed again the the resurrection morn. J. A. Mitchell. ducted by VOP speaker Tony Kemo, again precious promise of immortality and reunion when Jesus brought the church to prominence before sev- comes. Pastors R. Cobbin and S. Wood were associated with NURZYNSKI. Gladness turned to sadness for Mark and the writer in services at the church and graveside. eral hundred tourists. Grace Nurzynski, members of the Canberra National church, J. H. Wade. when their babe of fourteen days was taken from them on Living with our national brethren twenty- Sunday, January 22, 1978. At the Canberra Lawn Cemetery, four hours a day, for more than four weeks. CRESWELL. Kathleen Creswell passed to her rest in the on January 26, 1978, we laid baby Mark James Nurzynski to afforded me one of the most rewarding experi- home of her daughter at Virginia Waters, England, on the rest, trusting in God's love and confident that Jesus Christ our ences of my life. To observe our pastors daily morning of December 25, 1977, aged sixty-seven years. For Lord, the friend of little children, will restore him at His a number of years Sister Creswell attended the Woollahra engaged in personal devotions, often rising coming. Their many friends join in offering Mark, Grace and church, New South Wales, and on retirement moved to the the family circle sincere Christian sympathy. G. C. Best. very early in the morning to study the Word of Tuggerah Lakes district. It was here that she had the joy of God and to read background materials to the seeing her husband baptised and join in fellowship with the QUINTAL. A true son of Norfolk Island, William Samuel day's assignment was indeed a challenge to my church at Kanwal. Her wonderful faith and patience through Quintal, was called to his rest on January II, 1978, aged own ministry. years of suffering and her thoughtfulness and good works sixty-five years, in the local hospital. Though a big man will be remembered by all who knew her. She is survived by On returning to Papua New Guinea one of the physically, Bill Shunna (as he was known) did not enjoy the her husband, George, daughter Judith (Dr. Tuton), and best of health in recent months. In 1955 he was baptised by pastors was asked, "What was the most out- sister, Elva Thorpe, and sleeps in Jesus until the glorious Pastor W. A. Coates on Norfolk, and for some years he was a standing experience of your study tour?" After resurrection morning. L A. Dyason. senior deacon of the church, which office he took most

February 27, 1978 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: 15

seriously. A message of resurrection hope was given at his funeral service, the first to be conducted in the new church. We pray God to be close to his wife Rosette. sons Louis and RETURN THANKS Laurence. and daughters, Natalie (French) and Pamela. He ADVERTISEMENTS Mrs. Yvonne O'Connor, daughter-in-law, and Gloria, was buried among relatives of the Pitcairn settlers and their Lorraine and Julee, grandchildren of the late Mrs. A. R. E. descendants in the Kingston cemetery. Laurence Gilmore. Grosser of Millicent. South Australia, would like to thank COTTAGE, 28 Avondale Road, Cooranbong. those who remembered them RILEY. Phoebe Barbara Riley was born at Maryland, at the time of their bereavement. New South Wales. on December 9, 1907. When her family 3-bedroom, comfortable older-type home; carpets, septic tank, carport; on 1/2-acre block. $22,500. Brody (049) moved to Sydney shortly afterwards, Phoebe attended the 77 1464. S.D.A. church school in Stanmore. At one of our church schools she met Robert John Riley (deceased 1968), who became her husband in 1928. She was baptised by Pastor Mitchell in 1931, joining the Lakemba church. She was a faithful. hard-working Christian, and a good mother. In recent months ill-health began to take its toll of her energies, DEKER BUSINESS AUSTRALASIAN RECORD until finally she fell asleep in Jesus at the Royal North Shore MACHINES— Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, on January 24, 1978. She was buried in the Woronora S.D.A. Cemetery on OFFICE EQUIPMENT and Advent World Survey January 26. Resting in Jesus, she leaves to mourn her passing Sales and Service all states her daughter Roma and son-in-law Tom Bashford, grandsons The latest SPECIAL while they last Official Organ of the AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY Rex and Tom (Jr.). T. T. Turner. Brand-New ADVENTIST CHURCH OLIVETTI GOLF-BALL ROBINSON. Elsie Agnes Maud Robinson of Lindisfarne, Electric Typewriter Tasmania. was born at St. Helens on June 15, 1892, and Editor R. H. PARR 13" or 18" same Low Price passed to her rest at , Tasmania, on January 16, 1978. Normally $1000 Our Price $700 Associate Editor R .W. TAYLOR Maud Robinson lived her whole life in Tasmania, and was We will not be beaten on price or quality. Editorial Assistant the only member of her family who joined the church. Those JAMES H. RABE who knew her will remember her as a faithful member for "Try Us" Office Secretary GLENDA FAIRALL those fifty years. The service was conducted in the Moonah Phone Derek Kerr, (02) 47 1707 Wahroonga Representative -KAREN BALDWIN Funeral Chapel, and Mrs. Robinson was laid to rest in the (02) 476 3377 Comelian Bay Cemetery on January 17, 1978. Mr. Noel or write to 17-19 Florence Street, Roberts assisted the writer in the service. We look forward to Hornsby, N.S.W. 2077. seeing Sister Robinson on the resurrection day. Annual subscription—post paid: V. B. Parmenter. All areas covered by the Australasian SLEEMAN. Jack Ralph Sleeman passed away suddenly Division S AUST. 8.50 and unexpectedly on January 12. 1978, in his sixty-third Other countries FOR SALE. 3-bedroom home, 9 years old, 8-minute walk SAUST. 14.10 year, in the Dandenong and District Hospital, Victoria, a Air Mail postage rates on application from Mount Gravatt Adventist Schools. $26,000. Apply: M. fortnight after being involved in a serious accident as a result Duckworth, 15 Patella Street, Mansfield, Qld. 4122. • Order through your Adventist Book Centre or send direct to the of falling asleep at the wheel of his car. A numberof relatives Signs Publishing Company. Warburton. Victoria. 3799 Australia. and friends, as well as fellow church members, attended All copy for the paper should be sent to The Editor. RECORD, services at the Ringwood Funeral Parlour (Melbourne) and Signs Publishing Company. Warburton, Victoria. 3799. FOR SALE. Large waterfront block at Lake Macquarie, the Templestowe Lawn Cemetery to pay tribute to the Appearing regularly in the Australasian Record are articles New South Wales. Ideal aspect, overlooking Pulbah Island. memory of one who lived his religion by helping others. from the Review and Herald, the general church paper of the Phone Sydney 449 8972 evenings. J. A. Mitchell. Seventh-day Adventist Church. published at Washington, D.C.. U.S.A. Printed weekly for the Division by the Signs Publishing Company, SMITH. Ferenc Smith passed away on January 17, 1978, Warburton. Victoria. in his eighty-third year. Brother Smith came from Hungary to HOME FOR THE RETIRED Australia, and was a devoted member of the Wallsend The building of a modern hostel for retired ladies and Seventh-day Adventist church, New South Wales. The gentlemen is currently nearing completion at Cooranbong, DIRECTORY comfort of the Scriptures and the blessed hope of the return of N.S.W.. in a delightful setting within 2 km of Avondale AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY Jesus were offered to his wife and family as he was laid to rest College. Every convenience is being fined to provide for the ADVENTIST CHURCH in the Avondale Cemetery. A. K. Gersbach. comfort of residents, and the opening is planned for early 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W. 2076. April, 1978. Enquiries are invited for accommodation by President K. S. Parmenter R. W. Taylor SUMMERSCALES. After attending Sabbath services, writing to or telephoning Alcare Manor, Lot 23, Matthews Secretary Herbert Summerscales, aged eighty-two years, died Treasurer L. L. Butler Valley Road, Cooranbong, N.S.W. 2265. Phone (049) 77 Assistant Secretary R. A. Evans suddenly at his home on Norfolk Island on January 28, 1978. 1377. Assistant Treasurer W. T. Andrews The funeral service was conducted on Sunday, January 29. Field Secretary A. S. Jorgensen and our brother was buried in the historic cemetery at Auditor S. H. Macfarlane PHYSIOTHERAPIST urgently required for solo private Associate Auditors - G. J. Bland Kingston. He was born in Warburton, Victoria, and the practice in Adventist Medical Centre. Innisfail, North D. R. Eliot family later lived in the Moreland and Mildura areas. At one K. M Hughes Queensland. near the Barrier Reef. To begin as soon as time he was a member of the Melbourne Advent Band. In possible, for a period of three months or longer. Departmental Directors 1949 the family came to Norfolk Island. "Pop" has been a Well-equipped, air-conditioned, new premises. Above- Education - - - - - G. F. Clifford senior elder at Mildura, Ringwood and Norfolk. May our Education (Assistant) - - - H T. Irvine loving God sustain his wife, Lucy, sons Bean. Bill and Peter, award wages. Apply to Mrs. L. J. Canon. P.O. Box 125. Health Food - F. C Craig Innisfail, Qld. 4860. Phone Innisfail 61 2985. Lay Activities and and daughters Rosette (Quintal) and Margaret (Griffith) in Sabbath School R. H. Abbott their sad loss. The promise of the reunion day is truly the Health and Temperance - - D E. Bain comfort of the Christian believer. Laurence Gilmore. Health (Assistant) - - B A. Shollenburg SALESMEN WANTED. The men we are seeking must Temperance (Assistant) - W. G. Dowling have the ability to absorb product knowledge and the desire to Ministerial Association - A N Duffy WIK. Pearl Wik (nee Carter) laid down life's burdens on succeed in the business world. Must be neat in appearance Communication, Stewardship and October 3, 1977, to await the call of the Life-giver. Her full Development G. A. Lee and dress. Written applications only, accompanied by at least and helpful life of over seventy-five years involved her Communication (Associate) R. A Vince one character reference. Experience in door-knocking or Publishing - J. T. Knopper beyond the circle of her family and well-tended garden into - - selling direct would be an advantage, but some of our best Religious Liberty - R. W. Taylor the community around in a very significant way. Her salesmen have come from other areas such as clerical or Young Peoples Missionary constant dependence on God helped her through many a Volunteer J. H. Harris building trades. Guaranteed min. wage $200. Further details crisis. To the comfort of this same wonderful God were YPM V (Assistant) - - K. E. Martin available from Mr. Gordon Board, 10 Bulli Street, Christian Services for the Blind R. A. Vince turned the thoughts of her husband. Joshua Campbell Wik, Moorabbin, Vic. 3189. Ph. 95 2988. Trust Services O. L. Speck and their three children, Marjorie (Mrs. Thomas), Gwenda (Mrs. Badham) and Graham. and their families and many friends. as we laid her to rest in the Horsham Cemetery, ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE, All advertisements should be Victoria. Someone remarked, "Surely God will one day WANTED TO BUY. Two-volume set of "Storytime in sent to the editor at Signs Publishing Company. Warburton. place her in a beautiful garden where she will find eternal Africa" by Carolyn Stuyvesant. Required by trainee teacher. Victoria. 3799. peace." H. E. Roberts. Write, stating price, to R. Howitt, 7 Avondale Road, Advertisements approved by the editor will be inserted at the Cooranbong, N.S.W. 2265. following rates: WILSON. Ernest William Wilson passed quietly to rest in First 25 words 34.00 Jesus at the age of eighty-six years, on November 28, 1977. Eacn additional 5 words - - - - 20 cents The writer, assisted by Dr. Peter Miller, pointed the minds of W.T.S. FURNITURE REMOVAL Remittance and recommendations from local pastor or Willing to carry all sorts of furniture, anywhere, any time. the relatives and friends who gathered in the Hervey Bay Conference officer must accompany copy church hall, Queensland, to the Christian's only hope—the Interstate and local. Highly recommended, reasonably soon return of Jesus. Until that day our brother rests in Him. priced. Quotes free—reverse charges for long-distance calls. B. C. Grosser. Melbourne (03) 397 7190—all hours. 16 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: Februan 27, 1478

To all who have thus chosen the slightly less tension-packed way of life, we extend our thanks and best wishes for a long and blissful future.

' Some people find their work changed from time to time; others ask for a change because they feel that such a FLAS time has come. Such a one was Pastor Gordon Ormiston who was the Publishing director of the N.N.S.W. Conference. He has asked his conference administration for a church to pastor, and they have graciously acceded to his request. After twenty-four years in the Publishing Department of various conferences he is now the church pastor of the PSI Tenterfield and Glen Innes churches. LAST WEEK, I believe, I spoke up on behalf of that Many of you will remember with affection Pastor and super-cookbook emanating from the Royal Oak church Mrs. Don Lewis. They were called to New York (snowed in New Zealand. Hardly had the word hit the press when I in at the time of writing, and it's not funny). Well, they are received a copy of the book through the post, and I took still running evangelistic programmes in the New York it home. Madame read it and pronounced it an excellent Adventist Centre, and life is exciting. In a letter to our Art piece of culinary literature, and I have been promised director, Alan Holman, Mrs. Lorna Lewis reports that some of the goodies to come from its pages. Me, I'm not .. every week someone came to the 'Centre office' to a reader of recipe books just for kicks as Madame is. She report crime—windows of cars smashed in, goods just likes to read recipe books, bless her. I tell you, men, stolen from cars. One lady with a Mercedes had her there is no better present to give your wife than a recipe croqueting gear stolen from the car (probably to buy book; you get bonuses for years to come. By the way, drugs). Our Centre was robbed two weeks in a row, and have you written to that Tony Stevens gent yet and sent there was an attempted rape on our custodian's your $2.95? C'mon, now. It's well worth it. twenty-year-old wife. The guy did a month in jail, but is * Some more people have recognised that the calendar 'back to get us,' as he puts it." Well, if you thought has caught up with them, and they are right now relaxing Yourtown was the crime capital of the world, you might somewhat in the quiet verdures of retirement. Some have difficulty with the competition that New York gives. more of these fortunates are: The evangelist and wife (to say nothing of the • Pastor W. A. Townend, conference president of N.Q. custodian's wife) will be glad of the respite afforded by and then S.A., but before that a P.R. man and an L.A. the snow and wintery weather. man from various parts. December 15 was the date; forty-nine years the duration of his service. Retiring in Don't think the Lewises are complaining. On the the Cooranbong area, but still writing. contrary; they are having a "tremendous time and quite • W. B. (Bill) Dell and his wife Daisy, long-time workers accustomed to living among it all!" Incidentally, Pastor at the Signs Publishing Company, took off their aprons Don Lewis held his crowd of Jewish (and other) for the last time at the S.P.C. on Dec. 21, 1977. Bill interests splendidly, and he gives much of the credit to worked one of our guillotines; Daisy was in charge of Art director Alan Holman's handbill—designed right the mailing department. Two cheerful workers who are here at the Signs Publishing Company. I'd back Alan right now letting the gentle waves of Corio Bay, Victoria, Holman's handbills against anyone's. He's made a real wash gently over their toes. (And I suspect that there is a study of them and he's got the touch. Evangelists all fishing-line tied to Bill's right big toe. We miss you both.) around the Division will tell you the same thing. Now • Miss Ivy Hodgkinson also retired on December 21. enquiries are coming from other Divisions. Thirty-six years of service climaxed on that day, and almost all of her service was given to the S.H.F. factory They tell me that January 21 was a historic date at the at Cooranbong, where she was a forelady. Waitara (Sydney) church because it was the last • R. W. (Ron) Howse retired from the same factory on Sabbath school and Divine Service held in the church, the same day—December 21. He was well into his dedicated on April 5, 1925. The next week the forty-fourth year of service, all, I think, at the demolishers moved in and tore down the old building in Cooranbong factory. Mr. Howse was a foreman in the preparation for the building of a new church. On the last printing department. day of operation there were so many people present that • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Portbury retired from the Signs the overflow crowd had to watch proceedings on Publishing Company on that day too. (December 21 closed-circuit television in the church hall (which is not must have been a special retirement day.) Mr. Portbury for demolition). operated one of our presses, and his wife Jessie was a stalwart in the bindery at the publishing house. After A newsnote from Pastor E. H. J. Steed tells of his twenty-nine years of service they are taking life a little attending the Wisconsin camp meeting, and "while easier. And loving it, we are told. We miss you, too, there it was my pleasure to see Pastor Ratcliffe's son Arthur and Jess. ordained to the ministry." This is hardly hot news, I'm • Mr. L. R. Walker left the Cooranbong factory after afraid, because the actual event took place in July 1977. nineteen years of service. Need we mention that it was Pastor Rodger Ratcliffe is currently pastor of the Racine also December 21,1977, that saw him lay down his tools district in Wisconsin. Along the track he has picked up for the last time? an M.Div. at Andrews University. The Ratcliffes (married • Pastor John Borody, the pastor of the Polish, in Melbourne in 1966—she was Pam Berry) have two Russian, etc., church in Sydney, after serving the children, Jennifer and Michael. denomination both in Poland and Australia for forty-three years. With a fine show of originality he "Finally, brethren . .." Divorce is the hash made from scorned the Dec. 21 date and continued until Dec. 31. domestic scraps.