NAWEA 2015 Symposium Book of Abstracts
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NAWEA 2015 Symposium Tuesday 09 June 2015 - Thursday 11 June 2015 Virginia Tech Campus Goodwin Hall Book of Abstracts i Table of contents Wind Farm Layout Optimization Considering Turbine Selection and Hub Height Variation ....................... 1 Graduate Education Programs in Wind Energy ................................................................................. 2 Benefits of vertically-staggered wind turbines from theoretical analysis and Large-Eddy Simulations ........... 3 On the Effects of Directional Bin Size when Simulating Large Offshore Wind Farms with CFD ................... 7 A game-theoretic framework to investigate the conditions for cooperation between energy storage operators and wind power producers ............................................................................................................ 9 Detection of Wake Impingement in Support of Wind Plant Control ....................................................... 11 Sensitivity of Wind Turbine Airfoil Sections to Geometry Variations Inherent in Modular Blades ................ 15 Exploiting the Characteristics of Kevlar-Wall Wind Tunnels for Conventional Aerodynamic Measurements with Implications for Testing of Wind Turbine Sections ...................................................................... 16 Spatially Resolved Wind Tunnel Wake Measurements at High Angles of Attack and High Reynolds Numbers Using a Laser-Based Velocimeter .................................................................................................... 17 Windtelligence: The Development of a Wind Farm Performance Management System .............................. 21 Comparisons of Offshore Wind Turbine Reliability ............................................................................ 25 National Energy with Weather System (NEWS) simulator results .......................................................... 25 Bio-Inspired Trailing Edge Noise Control ......................................................................................... 26 The IMPOWR (Improving the Mapping and Prediction of Offshore Wind Resources) project: Evaluation of WRF PBL Schemes ...................................................................................................................... 27 Application of Fast Pressure-Sensitive Paint to an Oscillating Wind Turbine Airfoil .................................. 32 Utilizing Radar Measured Velocity Fields to Forecast Turbine Wind Speeds ............................................. 37 Structural modelling of blades for small wind turbines ........................................................................ 42 The Role of Damping in Offshore Wind Turbine Dynamics ................................................................. 43 Modeling dynamic stall for a free vortex wake model of a floating offshore wind turbine .......................... 44 The Impact of Offshore Wind Turbines on Underwater Ambient Noise Levels ......................................... 44 Optimizing building geometry to increase the energy yield in built environments. .................................... 45 Assessing the Structural Impact of Low Level Jets over Wind Turbines .................................................. 46 Engineering model of unsteady aerodynamics of Horizontal axis wind turbines ....................................... 46 NCAR's Recent Advances in Wind Power Forecasting ........................................................................ 47 Combining economic and fluid dynamic models to determine the optimal spacing in very large wind-farms . 48 i An Experimental Investigation on the Surface Water Transport and Ice Accreting Processes Pertinent to Wind Turbine Icing Phenomena ............................................................................................................. 52 CFD Analysis of NACA4415 Airfoil with $\gamma-Re_\theta$ Model considering Natural Transition .......... 52 Aerodynamic Effects of Surface Condition on Wind Turbine Blade Sections ............................................ 53 Transition Detection for Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing using Infrared Thermography ........................... 53 Academic Qualification in Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy within the Framework of the European Academy of Wind Energy and the European Wind Energy Master Program - Examples and Experiences in Germany and Europe ................................................................................................................... 54 Stepwise Inertial Control Scheme of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator to Prevent a Second Frequency Dip .. 55 Adjoint Optimization of Wind Turbine Locations for Systems Engineering ............................................. 56 Simulating the Variability of Renewable Generation and Demand in RTOs at 353 Penetration .................... 58 Aerodynamic Validation of Wind Turbine Airfoil Models in the Virginia Tech Stability Wind Tunnel .......... 59 Using Maintenance Options to Optimize Wind Farm O&M .................................................................. 65 MODEL AND PROCEDURES FOR RELIABLE NEAR TERM WIND ENERGY PRODUCTION FORECAST .... 65 Wind Forecast Improvement Project2, improving model physics in complex terrain - NOAA's Plans for Improving the Rapid Refresh and High Resolution Rapid Refresh Models ................................................ 66 One Team's Participation in the Inaugural Collegiate Wind Competition - Lessons Learned and Experiences Gained ...................................................................................................................................... 67 Modifications to RANS Turbulence Model for Use in Urban Wind Resource Assessment ............................ 68 SMALL SCALE ROTOR TESTING TO CHARACTERIZE THE INGESTED TURBULENCE INTO WIND TURBINES ................................................................................................................................. 68 Design of closed loop control for a wind turbine system coupled to a CV transmission system. ................... 69 Analysis of Tower Shadow Effects on the UAE Rotor Blades ................................................................ 72 Wind Turbine Tower Fairing Geometries to Decrease Shadow Effects .................................................... 72 Non-intrusive sensing of air velocity, humidity, and temperature using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy .............................................................................................................................. 73 Integrating Real World Case Studies into Wind Energy Graduate Education ........................................... 74 Offshore Low-Level Jet properties from offshore lidar measurements in the Gulf of Maine ......................... 75 Analysis of Turbine Wake Characteristics by using Proper Orthognal Decomposition(POD) and Triple Decomposition Methods ............................................................................................................... 76 Investigation of Dynamic Loading for 13.2 MW Downwind Pre-Aligned Rotor ........................................ 76 An Analytical Procedure for Evaluating Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines in Yawed Flow .......................... 77 Engaging a Multidisciplinary Group of Students in Wind Energy Education through the Planning and Execution of a KidWind Challenge at James Madison University .......................................................... 77 Temporal Coherence in Turbulent Wind Simulation and Atmospheric Data ............................................ 78 Coupled Time-Domain Aero-Hydro-Elastic Simulations of Offshore Floating Wind Turbines ..................... 81 Noise and Vibration Issues of Wind Turbines and Their Impact - A Review ............................................ 83 Studying wind farm frequency regulation using high fidelity wind farm simulations ................................ 83 ii A Fixed-Wake Vortex Line Method for Aerodynamic Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Rotor Wind Turbines .................................................................................................................................... 86 Flare Reduction Technique for Near-Surface Airfoil Boundary Layer Measurements with Laser Diagnostics .. 87 Convergence of Extreme Loads for Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures ........................................ 95 Experimental Study of Turbulence Influence on Wind Turbine Performance ........................................... 96 A Cost Benefit Analysis of Electricity Generation .............................................................................. 98 Freewake simulation and POD analysis of two non-aligned turbines in a row .......................................... 98 Effects of Tip Injection and Mie Vanes on the Performance of a Model Wind Turbine Rotor ....................... 98 Characterizing long-time variations in fully developed wind-turbine array boundary-layers using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ........................................................................................................... 99 Thermal management of energy storage systems based on battery modules ............................................ 101 A Wind Tunnel Study on the Aeromechanics of Dual-Rotor Wind Turbines ............................................ 102 An evaluation of power performance for a small wind turbine in turbulent wind regimes .......................... 103 Impact of Hurricane Wind/Wave Misalignment on the Analyses of Fixed-Bottom