On 21 June 2008, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Will Celebrate the Third Annual United Nations World Hydrography Day
1 of 7 WORLD HYDROGRAPHY DAY 2008 ADDRESS BY COMMANDER BORDER PROTECTION COMMAND 20 June 2008 Your Excellency, Mr Charles Lepani, Papua New Guinea High Commissioner to Australia; The Honourable Mr Greg Combet, MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Procurement; Ms Sharon Bird, MP, Member for Cunningham; Mr Jim Turnour, MP, Member for Leichhardt The Hydrographer of Australia, CDRE Rod Nairn; Mr Joseph Kunda, Hydrographer of Papua New Guinea; Ladies and Gentlemen; As part of Navy’s Hydrographic Meteorological and Oceanographic Force Element Group, the Australian Hydrographic Service fulfils a number of important military and commercial roles. Today, hydrographic survey continues to play a key role as a public good in activities that maintain and enhance Australia’s national authority, influence and well-being. Tomorrow, on 21 June 2008, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) will celebrate the third annual United Nations World Hydrography Day. The theme for the 2008 celebrations is …. Capacity Building, a vital tool to assist the IHO in achieving its mission and objectives. In keeping with this theme, today we take the opportunity to recognise Australia’s hydrographic contribution to capacity building 2 of 7 in our region, and to celebrate the achievements of Australia’s own Hydrographic Service. Capacity building is a key priority for the IHO. This year’s World Hydrography Day celebrations highlight the IHO’s commitment to supporting technology and skills transfer between established and newly-developing Hydrographic Offices in the interests of enhancing global navigational safety, maritime trade and protection of the marine environment. To support this priority, the IHO has defined a three-phase development strategy to build national hydrographic capacity worldwide.
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