\\server05\productn\G\GHS\5-1\GHS107.txt unknown Seq: 1 17-MAY-07 8:17 Homophobic Hate Propaganda in Canada Dr. Ellen Faulkner
[email protected] I. INTRODUCTION While the typical hate crime is perceived to be of a violent nature perpetrated by individuals connected to Nazi and neo-Nazi groups and white supremacists, a more insidious form of hatred exists in the form of hate propaganda (Kinsella 1994; Martin 1995; Sher 1983; Sunahara 1981; Abella and Trooper 1982; Barrett 1987; Betcherman 1975; Bolaria and Li 1985; Frideres 1976). In Canada “hate messages take a variety of forms including flaming crosses, heckling at memorial services, music, and dese- cration of synagogues, mosques, or temples” (Commission for Racial Equality 1999, quoted in Kazarian 1998, 204). “In the winter of 1992, a lone protestor at an Ontario university disrupted a Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) ceremony in memory of the 1938 attack by Nazi soldiers on Jewish homes and businesses” (Gillis 1993, quoted in Kazarian 1998, 204). And “on a May 1993 weekend in London, Ontario, 40 members of the Ku Klux Klan—men, women, and children wearing white robes and conical hats—attended a cross-burning ceremony to celebrate the white race on a private property” (Swainson and Small 1993, quoted in Kazarian 1998, 204). In 1994, a skinhead in Toronto was sentenced to four years in prison for beating a Tamil immigrant into paralysis. Just before the attack, the man had attended a racist rock concert where he was inspired by such lyrics as “These boots are made for stompin’.