Schedule This year’s theme is Our Youth, Our Future Front Cover: Josephine Eppler, 9 yrs, Dorrigo Public School Inside Front Cover: Mackenzie Cook, 10 yrs, Ebor Public School Inside Back Cover: Isabelle Cartmill, 10 yrs, Dundurrabin Public School Back Cover: Ava Mila, 9 yrs, Mt St John’s Catholic School 7pm, Friday 22 November Entries close 15 November Enquiries: Matthew Doak 0428 237 343 ABCRA affiliated Central Entries ABCRA Live 1800 028 992 The Dorrigo Show RODEO EVENTS OPEN BULLRIDE NOVICE BULLRIDE 14-U18 BULLRIDE 8-U11 PODDY RIDE 8-U11 MINI BULLRIDE 11-U14 BULLRIDE Stock supplied by Doak Bucking Bulls FULL BAR AND CANTEEN FACILITIES 3 SUNDAY SHOW CHALLENGE Proudly sponsored by Little River Brumbies Chief Steward: Laurie Darby (6657 5123) Location: Cutting Arena, 8am start Entry Fee: Opens $20; Under 17 $10, Under 13 $5; Under 10 $5 Time trial under 10 Time trial under 17 Time trial under 13 Time trial Opens Working pattern under 10 Working pattern under 17 Working pattern under 13 Working pattern Opens Two-handed cutting under 13 Two-handed cutting Opens Two-handed cutting under 17 Prize money: Under 10 Under 13 Under 17 Opens 1st $40 1st $50 1st $60 1st $90 2nd $30 2nd $40 2nd $40 2nd $60 3rd $20 3rd $30 3rd $30 3rd $40 Kids, please colour us in 4 (ALMOST) EVERYTHING AT A GLANCE EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE: WAIVERS ARE NEEDED FOR ALL SECTIONS EXCEPT PAVILION EMAIL entries:
[email protected]; ONLINE entries: Section Page Entries close Other information Officers & Committee 6 – General Information 7 – All Entry & Dec.