1018551856.Pdf (2.983Mb)
. --- L,/ L,/ i &-+L v; 4, , *&._fzL--.43 - No, 10. An Act to provide for the Election of Jlernbers to ser Parliament qf' South Australia. ./a,/ [Assented t2 April 2, 1856.1 HEREAS an Act " To establish n Constitution Australia, andpant a Civil List to Her Majesty," hath passed the Legislative (:'ouncil of the Province of South Australia, whereby it is ro osed to substitute for the present T,egislative / Courlcil of the--!F-=- said rovince a Parliament coilsistirlg of' a Legislative Council and a House of ~ss?mbmbl~, to be*severally constituted and elected as therein mentioned, and such ,4ct hat11 bFEir~scriwdby L/ t-nor for the significntion of' ~erXjestJ"spleasure : And wv-e'xpediknt to rn&e provision for the icsuing,S = - executing, and return in^ the necessary Jyrits for the clcction of bms of the said Parliament, the aypointing of-l&twning Officers, the talriqg of the votes, the place .- and time of clections, the completion and revision of the lists of persons--- entitled to vote, and foi7>%i~ri@g- the ord If and cfficieiii 55iltIiZ of s&h _clcctionu, and also for de tenni1;np thSsidit hZZiispnted returns-fie it therefore Enacted by the -of 6 the Province of %uth Australia, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows: 1. This Act, so far as regards ail matters relating to the formation c,,,,,,,,,,t of the first Electoral Rolls for the several Electoral clistricta and Act. r constituted, shall come into operation from a ads all other matters, shall co o?so soon as tllc saicl U, establish a Constitution for South Austrnlia nd to grant n Civil List to Her Majesty," shall commence and cor I? e into operation.
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