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LOFTY RANGES Ni: ST' AREA Port Gawler no s Angas yyic: t Sandersl'on--- ._ Port Adelal 2.4.4 illo Finniss/. -Mannunl 2.3.15 U Mlypolonga tbbilong; eY l'. Pt. Noarlunga 112. I,ag 26 s' ` oa CENTRAL AND NORTH EASTER McLar- n Val MT. LOFTY Will RANGES STUDY 2.3.12 AREA -i1 Inga ulëlirne Brinkley LAKE Normanville EXANpRjA111'/ drina .t / I 3.2.1 2.1. 5 ICTOR Cape NARBOR LAKE Jervis 3.2.2 ENCOUNTER BAY ALBERT FLEURIEU PENINSULA STUDY AREA Remnant vegetation in the Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula Study area boundary UNIVERSIT" nr^ ELAIDE Survey site sites less than 150 ha 280 are shown as a circle , N/ MAP Remnant vegetationshown only within study area1974 -6 photography GEOGRAPHY Dl=; Environmental association 3.2.15 County / hundred STARTAngas Information sources The native vegetation ofthenorth central Mt. Lofty Ranges : Wells, 1978 1: 750 000 ( Survey sites 1 to 20 ) 0 10 20 30 40 kilometres Biogeographical and landform survey of Fleurieu Peninsula : Lamprey and Mitche11.1978( Survey sites numbered from 1in each Hundred ) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A botanical survey of remnant vegetation and wetlands in the central and OCTOBER 1981 north - eastern Mt. lofty Ranges Dept_ for the Environment. 1981 ( Survey sites I to 45 ) Base map supplied by Department of Mines and Energy. S A. 1 I: Frieling ._->-'s:3.s i MlypIa 1 . ---- IOÇTP ,A ON I Wira NNU, )!Roév6I-th Mro òo icoe \, ÿ -, ' V I !neton TYLigh! Por J1 I a3.1 Gawleía_`") GWLER .r, As ? .I;.--1.t 3.2.8 ._r- 3. 2. 20L Iéq-Dá1T . ---- 7MT. LOFTY RANGES 1 ST AREA Port Gawle. \ rr.,_nos r LTZ Y ide Mil briók- Port Adelat 2.4.4 Finniss . 3.15 Pko 3.2.8 2. 3.15 Mypolon., a too Mobilon ar 7 l.. /i 3.2.7 Pt. Noarlungar7, \-2.313 / oa i Strath Iby CENTRAL AND- NORTH EASTERN McLar n "Vale MT. LOFTY Will RANGES STUDY gb .thalb AREA 1gá k F! Brinkley 45 3.2.7 f ,T LAKE EXANOR1Aj-A Norman ville drina . 3.2.1 2.1.5 ICTORyq Cape RgOR Jervis ENCOUNTER BAY FLEURIEU PENINSULA STUDY AREA Remnant vegetation in the Mount Lofty Ranges and Fleurieu Peninsula Study area boundary Survey site - sites less than 150 ha 28* are shown as a circle Remnant vegetation - shown only within study area1974 -6 photography Environmental association 3. 2.15 County / hundred STRRTAngas Information sources The native vegetation o1 the north - central Mt. Lofty Ranges : Wells. 1976 1: 750000 ( Survey sites 1 to 20 ) 0 10 20 30 40 kilometres Biogeographical and landform survey of Fleurieu Peninsula : L.tey and I r r I Mitchell.1978( Survey sites numbered from 1in each Hundre., , DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A botanical survey of remnant vegetation and wetlands in the cntral and OCTOBER 1981 north-eastern Mt. Lofty Ranges : Dept. for the Environment , 1981 Survey sites 1 to 45 Base map supplied by Departtt,ànt ofMines and Energy, S 4. A botanical survey of remnant vegetation and wetlands in the central and north eastern Mount Lofty Ranges South Australian Department for the Environment January 1981 LMitchell A Prizibilla T Dendy ISBN 7243 4363 6 CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT 1 1. INTRODUCTION s 2. STUDY AREA 5 3. AIMS 4. METHODOLOGY 4.1 Site Selection 4.2 Site Description 7 4.3 Site Evaluation for Scientific Significance 9 5. SITE DESCRIPTION 5.1 Hd. Macclesfield Sites 13, 17, 24. 12 5.2 Hd. Kondoparinga Sites 33, 34, 35, 38, 45. 26 5.3 Hd. Myponga Sites 43, 44 54 5.4 Hd. Kuitpo Sites 18, 22, 23, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42. 62 5.5 Hd. Willunga Site 26. 107 5.6 Hd. Para Wirra Sites 30, 31. 114 5.7 Hd. Talunga Site 32. 122 5.8 Hd. Noarlunga Sites 3,4,9, 10, 11, 19, 25. 126 5.9 Hd. Onkaparinga Sites 5,6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 27, 28. 166 CONTENTS ( Cont.) 5.10 Hd.Tunkillo Site 2. 228 5.11 Hd.Ranmantoo Sites 1,12. 232 5.12Hd.Jellicoe Site 29. 242 6. SITE EVALUATION 245 7. WETLAND EVALUATION 257 8. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 259 APPENDIX I Survey technique 261 APPENDIX II Flora species list for study area; species incidence in survey 265 APPENDIX III Botanical names of selected species and their vernacular equivalent. 275 REFERENCES 277 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS STUDY AREA Opposite page 4 SITE LOCATIONS Opposite page 8 ENVIRONMENTALASSOCIATIONS Opposite page 8 INDIVIDUAL SITE DIAGRAMS, 1 -45 Page 13 -237 LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 62 Site 18 Fire damage to Eucalyptus obliqua open forest 73 Site 23 Eucalyptus cosmophylla tallshrubland 100 Site 41 Eucalyptus fasciculosa woodland 100 Site 42 Meadows creek 106 Site 26 Eucalyptus odorata woodland 129 Site 3 Blechnum sp. obliqua woodland 139 Site 9 Eucalyptus baxteri /Eucalyptus Site 10 Eucalyptus baxteri woodland Eucalyptus obliqua - baxteriwoodland 139 Eucalyptus obliqua /Eucalyptusviminalis Site 8 187 open forest /woodland Site 16 Eucalyptus obliqua woodlandwith Eucalyptus rubida and 202 Eucalyptus leucoxyloncodominant 214 Site 21 Eucalyptus.viminalis woodland 235 Site 1 Eucalyptus anceps LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table 6.1 Criteria and Weighting for the evaluation of remnant native vegetation areas. 246 6.2 Numerical evaluation of remnant native vegetation areas in the central and north - eastern Mount Lofty Ranges. 249 7.1 Criteria and weighting for the evaluation of wetland areas. 258 7.2 Numerical evaluation of wetland areas in the central and north - eastern Mount Lofty Ranges. 258 8.1 Significance ranking of remnant vegetation areas in the central and north- eastern Mount Lofty Ranges. 259 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the following fortheir advice, access to information and general assistance, -. The Co- ordination andPolicy Division, Department for the Environment, and in particular, the ProjectsSection. - Mr. P. Copley, for information from his surveyof site 45, Hundred of Kondoparinga, County ofHindmarsh. - Mr. D. Whibley of the State Herbarium,for his assistance in identifying plant specimens. - Drafting Unit for drafting and compilation. ABSTRACT Forty -one remnant vegetation areas in the central and north - eastern Mount Lofty Ranges have been surveyed, evaluated and ranked for their scientific significance. Although it would be desirable to retain many of these blocks in their entirity, it is accepted that this would be unrealistic in light of other society needs. However, it is recommended that areas with a high ranking receive conservation priority.Similarly, priority should be given to the retention of associations with a high rating within each site. It is further recommended that specific attention be given to the five sites ranked 1 - 4. These warrant particular consideration for incorporation within the parks and reserves system, being sites characterized by a relatively large size (greater than 100 ha) and diversity of plants and plant communities. PREFACE This study was prepared by Mr. L. Mitchell and Ms. A.Prizibilla, research biologists, on contract for the Departmentfor the Environment. They were supervised by Mr. T. Dendy, an EnvironmentalOfficer of the Department. 1. INTRODUCTION The original vegetation and wetlands of the Mount Lofty Rangeshave been greatly depleted. Remnant areas of this resource now cover less than 7% of the Ranges( Counties Adelaide and Hindmarsh). Much of this depletion has occurred since the Second World War due predominantly toagricultural developments, but also as a result of forestry, waterconservation, land drainage and home building activities.
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