_Ill ,J ~illl ,:; I<, I ' I IIi 1,111 II lllllillllllllll! IIIIIIJWlL.JJLIIIILL!...1..1 ~......u.llu:.;.iJI,'--1 -'1---"---- L_..........c----------- ,. • ;..t; ..... , -.. ·~· ... SITUATION INFORMATION.. REPORT .. The Peoples "Coalition :Cor .. Peace. and Justice held a Midwest regio~al conference in South Bend. Indiana on January 7-·8. Those in· attendance dedded that four delegates from the .Midwest region woutd be part of the delegation being se'flt. to the Stockholm-Paris Peace ConferJ!nc;e scheduled for February 11.":'~3 at Paris.. Two known mem bers of this group are John Gilman, a Communist Party, USA leader· from Wisconsin and. Mareca Neagu, a CPUSA leader from Indiana. The ·delegation. is· scheduled to depart from Montreal, Canada, on · February 9 and 10 via Aeroflot. This airline will also pt'ovide trans portation for delegates to China and the Soviet Union subsequent to the Peace Confer~nce. .F:~x· j(/ ;·e1·}'( ;( ;,: .:.:.,.,,. rL CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED. ·ACTIVITIES - Asterisked items are either reported. for' the first time, or con- tain additions or changes to previously reported.activities. :C:lZ January-8 February, Washington, D. C. The Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington. D. C. is planning to conduct.leaCleting activities .at the Soviet Art Festival which will be held at the Corcoran Art Gallery on the above dates. .. • ... .. , ... t~ ., l/ .", , , """' t ...... ) :fi··.J /.·, .,,., .,./1 f. ?:'-(' •' ~."'- · ~13-16 January. Kansas City. Missouri A nationwide interreligious movement. called the "Ecumenical Witness 11 is "\nd.er the sponsorship of lZS Prot_estant, Eastern Orthodox,· Roman Catholic and 'Jewish lead~rs .. Members of this group are con cerned with the motal issuei in· the Indochina War and have gathered in front of the White House to pray for peace.
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