Heritage Management Plan 2015–2020 A
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Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–2020 A OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE AND CURTILAGE HERITAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN 2015–2020 I Acknowledgements This Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015-2020 is based heavily on the previous version; please see a copy of Version 1.0 (2008-2013) for a full list of original contributors. This Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015-2020 (Version 2.0) is the result of a review, including public consultation, and update by Old Parliament House staff. For further information or enquiries regarding this plan please contact: Deputy Director, Business Operations & Heritage Old Parliament House King George Terrace, Parkes ACT 2600 www.moadoph.gov.au Old Parliament House is an agency of the Australian Government © Commonwealth of Australia 2015 ISBN 0 642 75366 0 Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan Version 1.0: Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2008-2013; published 2008 Version 2.0: Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015-2020; published 2015 Maps by Hannah Gason Design and layout by giraffe.com.au Printed by New Millennium Print Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–2020 A Director’s foreword We are shaping a fresh role for the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House as a new kind of town square for Canberra and the nation. During Canberra’s early years, Old Parliament House was the social, geographic and political heart of the new Australian capital. In its heyday, the building was like a town within the city of Canberra: it had its own library, post office, barber, carpentry workshop, bars and dining room. By the 1980s, thousands of people worked in the building including politicians, parliamentary staff, Hansard reporters, journalists, dining room and bar staff. Since Parliament moved to its new and permanent home, an active and award-winning program to conserve the heritage fabric of the National Heritage Listed building has been undertaken, alongside the launch of dynamic exhibition galleries and unique learning programs for schools. Today, through the lens of living democracy, we are working to build a vibrant community and attract new audiences through an active program of exhibitions, events, partnerships and online engagement. The Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015-2020 is a key expression of this vision, and our ongoing commitment to achieve progress in harmony with heritage values which recognise, preserve and communicate the spirit of place and support the broader mission. I commend the staff and stakeholders who have generously contributed to important and timely update of the Heritage Management Plan. Daryl Karp III A Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–2020 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II DIRECTOR’S FOREWORD III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY VIII DESCRIPTION OF THE PLAN IX HOW TO USE THIS PLAN X PART A – CONTEXT 1. INTRODUCTION 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF PLAN 1 CORE PRINCIPLES 2 KEY OUTCOMES 2 2. DESCRIPTION 4 LOCATION 4 PHYSICAL 7 SUMMARY HISTORY 8 3. HERITAGE VALUES 10 METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 10 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE 10 TABLE OF VALUES AND ATTRIBUTES 12 MAPPED VALUES 21 RISK ANALYSIS 38 SUMMARY CONDITION 40 4. MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 41 BACKGROUND 41 AUSTRALIAN LEGISLATION 41 CODES AND GUIDELINES 42 OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE 42 NATIONAL CAPITAL AUTHORITY AND NATIONAL CAPITAL PLAN 43 COMMUNITY 43 USE PLAN 43 IV Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–2020 A PART B – MANAGEMENT 5. POLICIES 47 BACKGROUND 47 1 CONSERVATION 48 2 MANAGEMENT APPROACH 56 3 DOCUMENTATION AND MONITORING 59 4 COMMUNICATION AND INTERPRETATION 60 5 EXISTING AND FUTURE USES 63 6 ACCESS, SECURITY, PLANT AND SERVICES 65 7 ACQUISITIONS, DISPOSALS AND LEASING 67 8 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 68 6. ZONES 69 BACKGROUND 69 LANDMARK ZONE 70 CHAMBERS ZONE 72 POLITICS AND PARTY ZONE 74 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE WING ZONE 76 ANCILLARY FUNCTIONS ZONE 78 MOVABLE HERITAGE ZONE 80 7. IMPLEMENTATION AND REVIEW 81 ACTION PROPOSAL PROCESS SUMMARY 81 PERMITTED ACTION SCHEDULE 83 THE HERITAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN DESKTOP INTERACTIVE 83 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 84 MONITORING 84 REVIEW 84 PART C – IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS 8. ACTION PROPOSAL PROCESS 85 BACKGROUND 85 HOW TO USE THE ACTION PROPOSAL PROCESS 85 ACTION PROPOSAL FORM 86 9. PERMITTED ACTION SCHEDULE 97 10. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 129 V A Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–20202008–2013 PART D – APPENDICES A. COMPLIANCE TABLES 133 B. NATIONAL AND COMMONWEALTH HERITAGE LIST CRITERIA 137 C. EXTRACTS FROM THE NATIONAL HERITAGE LISTING AND THE COMMONWEALTH HERITAGE LISTING 139 D. HISTORY OF THE PLACE 151 E. AUSTRALIA ICOMOS BURRA CHARTER 184 F. SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION PHASES 195 G. POLICY RATIONALES/COMMENTARIES 197 H. CONDITION OF VALUES – DETAILS AND METHODOLOGY 203 I. SOURCES OF INFORMATION 219 J. GLOSSARY 232 VI Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–2020 A VII A Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–20202008–2013 Executive summary On 20 June 2006, the Prime Minister, the Hon John This Heritage Management Plan satisfies Old Parliament Howard MP, announced the addition of Old Parliament House’s and the National Capital Authority’s obligations House and Curtilage to Australia’s National Heritage List. under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity The assessment of the heritage values demonstrated Conservation Act 1999 for Old Parliament House and that Old Parliament House and Curtilage had met Curtilage. Assisted by heritage consultants and an eight of the nine National Heritage List criteria. Old expert advisory panel, the original plan was written Parliament House and Curtilage had previously been by Old Parliament House staff for the Minister for included in the Commonwealth Heritage List in 2004 the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. and is a significant feature in the Commonwealth Heritage Listed Parliament House Vista. The assessment of heritage values and the Statement of Heritage Significance in this plan draw on research Old Parliament House was opened in 1927. It undertaken for previous management plans and was designed by John Smith Murdoch the first heritage analyses. The heritage values tables are drawn Commonwealth Government architect, as the first from the National and Commonwealth Heritage Listings. purpose built home of Australia’s federal parliament. The plan provides a management and administrative It is one of the foundation government buildings framework ensuring all the heritage values are identified, from the early development of the national capital well managed, interpreted and made available for under the Griffin Plan. Old Parliament House is a community appreciation and enjoyment. It acts as substantial building containing some 500 rooms; a companion to Old Parliament House managers including formal Parliamentary Chambers with and staff for daily use, underpinning and informing associated executive offices, Parliamentarians’ rooms management decisions. Through zones, which and functional support spaces. Its National and support the policies, the plan provides a framework for Commonwealth heritage values are expressed in a assessment and approval of proposed uses or actions complex overlay and are manifested in the fabric, against the heritage values. This ensures effective use collections, history and intangible associations. and appropriate actions that protect and interpret the heritage values. This framework also provides Old Parliament House is a Commonwealth owned opportunities for ongoing community involvement. property. From July 1996 to November 2007 it was administered by the Department of Communications, Under the plan there will be ongoing monitoring, Information Technology and the Arts, from November reporting, and where appropriate or necessary, 2007 to June 2008 it was administered by the improvement of the condition of the listed heritage Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and values of Old Parliament House and Curtilage. the Arts. From July 2008 Old Parliament House is an Executive Agency; the curtilage area is administered by During the life of this plan there will be an increase the National Capital Authority. Old Parliament House and in conservation, interpretation, exhibitions, learning, Curtilage is a heritage site and museum with a primary political scholarship and outreach programs focus to provide the Museum of Australian Democracy. associated with the place and the strategic vision The heritage values of the site and museum strategic for the Museum of Australian Democracy. vision are expressed through an array of interpretation, This plan will remain in place for five years and exhibition, online, learning, research, and commercial will be reviewed and updated as required. activities and events available to the public 364 days a year. The place is also home to the Australian Prime Ministers Centre in the House of Representatives Wing. VIII Old Parliament House and Curtilage Heritage Management Plan 2015–2020 A Description of the plan The content and decision making tool developed for this Heritage Management Plan is a response to a variety of influences; these are outlined in Figure 1. Figure 1: Outline of the plan MOAD@OPH STRATEGIC VISION STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS HERITAGE SECTOR STANDARDS BOLD EPBC Act stipulates the protection Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter – – Catalyst