2013 Newsletter

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2013 Newsletter Volume 16 Summer 2013 News from the Chair As you will see, it has his tenure with us this also continues to support been another busy year coming fall. Inside you the department by main- for us as our department will find a brief introduc- taining his contacts with continues to grow and to tion to him, and I‘m sure alumni, some of them prove itself a vital part of you‘ll be as excited as we featured in this newslet- the university commu- are about what he brings ter. nity. While many phi- to our department and to On a personal note, I losophy departments are the growing Peace and will be wrapping up my facing uncertain futures, Conflict Studies program. three year term as de- we are fortunate indeed I would also like to partment chair this com- to be looking forward once again acknowledge ing May. My tasks were with confidence, due to the support that we re- made easier by congenial the support we receive ceive from former depart- and supportive col- from the College of Arts ment members. As you leagues, and by the excel- and Sciences and the will see, Dr. Fred Struck- lent work of our depart- University at large, and meyer celebrated his 75th ment secretary, Rose due to the excellent work birthday this past year Sykes. Finally—and my colleagues do in and and hosted a party at- most importantly—our out of the classroom. I tended by many friends work in the department encourage you to read and colleagues, including is enriched by the quality over the faculty notes to former Chair Dr. Tom of the students in our get a flavor for all of the Platt and Dr. Paul Strev- programs, past and pre- wonderful things current eler. You will see that we sent. It is a truly a pleas- faculty are involved continue to award excel- ure sharing all of their with. lent students with prizes accomplishments with We are also delighted in honor of both Dr. you. Enjoy! to welcome Dr. Dean Streveler and Dr. George Johnson who will begin Claghorn. Dr. Claghorn Philosophy Department Faculty and Staff Anderson Hall, First and Third Floors 610-436-2841 Dr. Dan Forbes 332 A Dr. Simon Ruchti 108 D Dr. Tim Golden 106 Dr. Helen Schroepfer, Chair 108 A Dr. Frank Hoffman 108 E Dr. Cassie Striblen 332 B ITY PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT NEWSLETTER Dr. Dean Johnson 332 A Ms. Rose Sykes, Department Secretary 108 Dr. Matthew Pierlott 332 D Dr. Larry Udell 332 C Dr. Ruth Porritt 108B Dr. Joan Woolfrey 108 C Inside this issue: Events & News Items 2-3 Faculty 4-5, 9, 11 Alumni News & New Alumni 6-8 Award Winners 10 Upcoming Events 12 Intersections WEST CHESTER UNIVERS News Items! Dr. Dean Johnson Frederick Douglass Scholar Joins Philosophy Department! Summer 2013 Dean Johnson joined the Nicholas C. DiDo- faculty of West Chester Univer- nato (WCU BA in sity as Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Philosophy in the fall of 2013 2007) is a Ph.D candi- focusing on courses in Peace date in Boston Univer- and Conflict Studies as well as sity's "Science, Phi- Religious Studies. losophy, and Religion" Johnson was previously program, and is spe- Associate Professor of Religious cializing in the meta- Studies and Director of Interna- physics of early mod- tional and Global Studies at De- ern science. His areas fiance College. An interdiscipli- of interest include Neoplatonism, Scholasticism, nary scholar Johnson teaches courses in Religious process philosophy, philosophy of science, meta- Studies, International and Global Studies, and general physics, ontology, and semiotics. He hopes to education courses in Arts and Humanities. brings these interests together in his dissertation. Prior to working at Defiance College, Johnson was This summer he is teaching PHI 102 Introduction assistant Professor of Peace, Justice and Conflict Stud- to Religious Studies here at West Chester under ies at Goshen College (Ind.). He also served as Assistant the auspices of the Frederick Douglass Summer (Continued on page 11) Scholar Program. Dr. Fred Struckmeyer Celebrates #75 This past spring, colleagues from the department and university, friends, and family gathered to celebrate with Professor Emeritus and former department chair Dr. Fred Struckmeyer as he turned 75. Page 2 Dr. Paul Streveler hosts annual fall department party Dr. Cassie Striblen (l.) and Adjunct Instructor Emeritus Professor Paul Streveler (l.) and Dr. Dr. Robert Main (r.) with friend Cas. Larry Udell Adjunct instructors David Headman (l.) and Paul Harris (r.) and spouses. 8th Annual Graduate Student Philosophy Faculty Visit Bayard Rustin Philosophy Conference Held in April High School Philosophy Club The annual Graduate Student Philosophy con- On April 10, 2013, Dr. Ruth Porritt was invited to ference was held on Saturday, April 20 in Phil- visit the philosophy club at Bayard Rustin High lips Memorial Hall. The keynote speaker was School to discuss some of Sissela Bok‘s primary ar- Dr. Gordon Marino from St. Olaf College in guments in Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Pri- Northfield , Minnesota. Dr. Marino, who is the vate Life (1989). curator of the Hong Kierkegaard Library , spoke on ―Studying Kierkegaard; Or, How to Make Dr. Dan Forbes visited with the club on April 30 to Your Life More Difficult.‖ Conference present- discuss logic and various forms of argumentation. ers included a number of students from West Chester, students from Penn State University, We hope to continue this type of outreach to local DePaul University and the Franciscan Univer- high school students, and thank Dr. Porritt for mak- sity of Steubenville. ing the initial contact with this club! Page 3 News from current department members Ruth Porritt Frank Hoffman Joan Woolfrey In November Ruth Porritt pre- In 2012-13 academic year Joan Woolfrey has been busy sented ―Adrienne Rich: Aesthetics Dr. Hoffman published one book with the Peace & Conflict Studies and Resistance‖ at the Midwest chapter and three book reviews, program, which has grown with the Division of the Society for Women peer reviewed professors‘ papers help of our fantastic adjuncts, to a in Philosophy. In April she at- for the journal Asian Philosophy cadre of over 30 minors in the last tended the 25th Anniversary Gala of and peer reviewed undergradu- few years. She is especially pleased the Global Fund for Women as one ate essays for the PASSHE with the successful new P&C hire of the original volunteers for the IAPRS journal, Janua Sophia. (Dr. Dean Johnson) the department organization. The Global Fund-- Hoffman worked as Chair of the procured this past academic year, founded by Anne Firth Murray, Asia consortium (GPASC) and and the enthusiasm on campus for Frances Kissling and Laura the Philosophy consortium the Help Increase the Peace Work- Lederer--is a non-profit foundation (GPPC) presiding over events at shops (conflict resolution/ that advances women‘s rights by several area colleges. He gave leadership training) that she shep- funding over 4,500 women-led three lectures in the Philadelphia herded again this past year. She‘s organizations in 174 coun- area, co-organized a two day enjoying teaching and experiment- tries. During May Dr. Porritt conference in Philips Library on ing pedagogically, and she had fun worked on the mural painting team April 25-26, and set up twelve with an independent study for three for the Booker T. Washington Ethnic Studies Seminars graduating seniors in ethics last Community Center in Staunton, throughout the year. Hoffman spring, and the second go-round Virginia. She continues to serve as organized a GPPC book discus- with a graduate level distance ed the faculty advisor for Students of sion on Asian and African Phi- course: A History of Western Eth- AMF (Actively Moving Forward) (Continued on page 9) (Continued on page 9) (Continued on page 9) Matt Pierlott Dan Forbes Cassie Striblen Dr. Pierlott continued to serve as This past year Dr. Dan Forbes This past academic year Dr. the Graduate Coordinator this past taught his usual but always exciting Striblen successfully taught a hybrid year, teaching the inaugural new slate of undergraduate courses in version of PHI 190 Logic and will core graduate Proseminar, which Introduction to Philosophy, Intro- continue to do so each fall semester. involved an in-depth look at Plato‘s duction to Ethics, History of An- She also prepared to teach a new Republic and an examination of cient Philosophy, and History of course for majors, PHI 355 Political Frantz Fanon‘s The Wretched of the Modern Philosophy. During one Philosophy, a topic that she particu- Earth. He continued teaching intro- memorable lecture in History of larly enjoys. In the area of service, duction to ethics courses, and his Modern Philosophy this past spring, Dr. Striblen is improving our under- team-taught Theology and Science Dr. Forbes rescued the class from a graduate assessment process to en- course with Dr. Tony Nicastro marauding bumblebee. In the sure that students finish our program (Physics). For the Honors college, spring graduate course in Episte- with the appropriate skills and con- he developed a new seminar course mology he and the students tackled tent. As for research, Dr. Striblen on the Concept of God and began a challenging book in contemporary organized and attended the 7th Inde- teaching the Honors Capstone analytic epistemology, The Nature pendent Hannah Arendt Circle Con- course. The course examines leader- and Value of Knowledge by Duncan ference in Antwerp, Belgium, and ship styles and principles, reflects Pritchard, Alan Millar, and Adrian published an article titled ―Collective on the student‘s development in the Haddock. Responsibility and the Narrative program, and focuses efforts on Dr.
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