Royal United Services Institution. Journal

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Royal United Service Institution

To cite this article: (1911) Royal United Service Institution, Royal United Services Institution. Journal, 55:400, iii-xxi, DOI: 10.1080/03071841109434568

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Download by: [University of California, San Diego] Date: 26 June 2016, At: 13:09 Royal United Service Institution:

rHE EIGHTIETHANNIVERSARY MEETING WAS HELD AT. THE ROYALUNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION, WHITEHALL; S.W., ON TUESDAY,MARCH 7TH, 191 1, AT 4 P.M. ADMIRALOF THE FLEET,Sir C. H. U. NOEL,K.C.B., K.C.M.C.,(Chairman of the Council) tn the CHAIR. THECHAIRMAN : Gentlemen, the Secretary will' read the notice -cynvcning the meeting. . .. THESECRETARY (Lieutcnant.Colone1 A.. Leetham) read the notice. 1 ANNUAL REPORT. ThecCcuncil has the hcncur to sutmit itr rcpcrt for the year 1910.

. .. I " PATRON;'. , , , . His Majesty King ,'has graciously intimated that he is picad '1 to become Patron of the Institution. .I . t ROYALVISITS. During the year the Institution was visited by His Late Ma$y King Edward VII., Hir' vajesty King'iCcorge V., Her Majeaty The Queen, Hkr Majesty QuLn Alexandra, 'His Roxal' Highniss' Prince Hcnr). of Pruuia. Their RoyJl'Highnesses the Crown Pricce and Princess of Si-eded, His Royal Hiihrmi Prince' H:n&, Field hlarihal IHh.Roybl Hi8hr.e~ 'The Duke' of Connaught, K,C.'(Prcsidcnt of' the 'Inrtitutwn) -. HFr Royal Highness Priricks ;H:n& of 'Bat!;nbcri, His Roial Highness Prince *I Arthur of Cbnn'aught, Th& &ne Highnesses The Duke' and Duchas .f Teck, Hcr Royal Highncrr Princczs Alexander of LTcck. and Captnin Hia Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Serene Highness Prince Alexander of .Teck. C.C.V.0.; D.S.O. .

.I ..I'. .t: COUNCIL. The Cour.cil rceret to have to record the death of Sir Charfcs CsmpEell K.C.M.C.. C.B., D.S:O.;'who jointd the Ccuncil of the Initituli& in 1908. ' 1 I: L .I*. : i c .. ! ' : '. , .- Colcncl A; W. Mcncy. C.B..'Ccccrdl Staff, war aiiointcd by'the

A& Coukl to'scciecd Coloicl J. E. Edkor.dr. R.E.. the WJU O~CCI. *....,. -.,I. I. OfficialMember. IV EIGHTIETII ANNIVERSARY MEETING.

MEMBERS. The Council have pleasure in reporting that during t'ie past yey 295 &cast j&cd tha .'IPdhtibn. ';There weie' 131 :wihdiGalsiand '89 deaths,.I 11'. ....(of I$ym ,-..J29 ,were..l;fe m~mbers).m+g an iiqcf++e .f;-76 on theyear. .

, ,Th detaib of members jo;?ing were :-, " ). 3 J?9:,! _._- . Regular Army I,... ,183; .$?',. : I :: .!.J.. I ...... **: 49.. ' I.,... , ' '. ... -,-I:. 'I 1 I ' TerAto~iaLForce(inclding Ycbmanry) ___ 36' ' r...... Special Reserve --- ...... * ... '12 .. i ~RO~I.~~, I I J. :.,I.:,!, ;:: j;:.!.:.': , -:.; I J L?. i 19'

Indian and Colonial Volunteers ...... :I .5 I...... - - . - - ...- . - Royal Naval Reserve ...... I.. ... 1

295 1.

The total number of Member! .I..:of the Institution on 1st January was

5.61\, .1. , .I: ,is!'.I hoped tJ.3. t)at .I Memb&s.I I 1.. will 9ot. re+x.,th+! ene!gie: in iintro-

ducing'new Members : a pink form is placed,.I: ...... 6 eacq, jouRNA$ .lJb,,a .with.,dJ *4. special object. ...r, ....,;- -7

.. ... ""FINANCE.~ ., ... - . 1 ...: ...... * It, will G ski fro; the Accounts ,/hat the year's .working, h+ given a balance credit of €20 7s:'6d., which .rqust be considked a'satisfactoiy..... iuult. Additional' exp&nditu;e ?n .. the ,Librp Catplogues. ~d

the extensive repa& which had to be carried, out ., ;d the lavatories:

considerably cufiailed this .Bilance., ' ' The ilnstitution 'rtcyivkd 'from th; Home Disk& Military'its dissolution thc'*ce of their Fi idsj 1. which: amp&d to ' €56 .6s. 6d.. and the Council der3e . to 'that& 'thi;

society for jhe'donation. ' ,

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 .. The invbted fun&. now . amount to EI6,742)4s.; which 'shows a gradual increase since 1895 (the yeat...... of transfer to the present buildings), . ) when they stood at E8.761. ,. , ... Mus~uM.! During the past year 103 additional exhibits have beea placed in the Murepm. qad tbe Council, desire p express their; thnpks !o the several donor! for these valuqbl? additigqs, all of which,h?ve been duly record4 Ad described L tie Journal. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSAKY MEETING. V

The number of persons who passed through the turnstile amounted to 25,023, which includes a large number of Soldiers and Sailors, Boy Scouts and Boys from the Primary Schools, who were granted free admission. This total does not include a very considerable number of visitors who were introduced by members personally. At the invitation of the Council 1,974 Petty Officers. Blue Jackets and Marines of the United States Navy. besides a very large number of their Officers, visited the Museum during the recent visit of that fleet to this country. During the Autumn the Crypt under the Banqueting Hall has been repainted with white Ripolin paint, which has had the effect of giving a considerable increase in the lighting of the building.

The receipts for admissions amounted to f497 12s. 3d., being an increase on the previous year of E36 17s. 3d. The sale of the Museum Catalogue realised €65 9s. IId.. and is undoubtedly proving a source of income for the Institution.

THEJOURNAL. Major H. A. L. H. Wade. R.A., P.s.c., General Staff Officer at the War Office, has been appointed to the past of Editor of the Institution Journal. This Officer is retiring from the Army, and will be responsible for the ApriI Journal. The Council desire to place on record the excellent services rendered by Capt. H. Garbett, R.N. (retired) during the tie he has held the Editor- ship of the Journal. which has been for the past I6 years, during I3 of which he was Editor and Librarian, and previous to which he was Assistant Editor and Librarian for two years.

Papers on the following subjects were read and discussed, and the majority have appeared in the Journal. To the authors are due the best thanks of the Institution. Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Rear-Admiral Sir J. Borresen, K.C.V.O., Royal Norwegian Navy. '' A New Naval Tactical System."

Capfain Sir George Arlhur, Barf., M.V.O. "Prince Rupert as a Cavalry Leader."

Professor C. W. C. Oma n. '' The Organization of Wellington's Amy .'*

Major A. R. C. Atkins, Chief Instructor Army Seroice Corps Training &tablishmenl. " Requisitions in War." vi. EIGHTIETH AKNIVERSART MEETIKG.

Mujor Sir A. Bannerman, Barf., R.6, '' The Creation of the Japanese National Spirit." C. Battine. "The Proposed Changes in Cavalri Tactics."

Lieufenant P. T. Efherfon.39th Garhwal Rifles. " Through the Heart of Asia." The Reo. Bernard Vaughan, S.J. '' The Matchless Soldier Maid." The Red. Dr. Belcher, Fellow of King's College, Unioersity of London Chaplain 25fh London Regiment (Cyclisf Bn.). '' The American War of Independence with Special Reference to the Expedition from Canada in 1777." W.H. Sf. John Hope, Esqre., Assisfant Secretor&, Sociefy of Anfiquories of London. '' The Strategical Aspects of English Castles." The thanks of the Institution are also due to the following Officers for Paps and Translations from Foreign Joirn& contributed by them : Papers : Major L. H. Baldwin, 1st Bn. 8th Gurkha Rifles : Captain C. W. Battine. late 15th Hussars ; Coloncl C. E. de la Poer Beresford. Brevet-Colonel R. U. H. Buckland, R.E.. A.D.C. ; Colonel Lonsdale Hale ; Captain H. R. Hayter. A.S.C. ; Captain R. E. Jelley, Adjutant, (Fortress) Royal Engineers : Captain A. H. C. Kearsey, D.S.O.,10th (Prince of Wales's Own Royal) Hussars: Major-General C.W. Robinson,C.B. : J. F. Ruthven; Com- modore of the" Orient" Line ; Captain W. F. Weber, R.F.A. There were, further, three anonymous contributions. and two by the General Staff. Translations : L. A. B. : Lieut-Colonel E. Cunter, late East Lancashire Regiment ; 2nd G. L. Spiers, 8th Hussars : Colonel Sir E. T. Thackeray. V.C., K.C.B.. late R.E., and ten anonymous contributions. Four Translations were further com- municated by the General Staff, and one by the Director of Naval Intelligence. The Institution is indebted to the Lords Commissioners of thc Admiralty, to the Army Council, the Secretaries of State for the Colonies and for India, and to the Civil Commissioners, for copies of

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Service various works issued by their respective Departments, and to the Speaker of the House of Commons for Parliamentary papers. The exchange of Journals with Foreign Governments, and with many Scientific Societies in this and other countries. has been continued. LIBRARY. . The number of books added to the Library during the year was 265, bringing the total number of volumes in the Library up to 30.182 EIGHTIETII ASKIVIRSARY MEETIKG. vii.

Amongst the books added was a very valuible collection of coloured prints of Naval and Military Costumes by Gmci and Hull. The number of Members subscribing to the Lending Libraty has slightly decreased from 296 to 282 : 3125 Books were issued from the Lending Library during the past year. Donations of books and maps have been receivedzfrom the Govern- ments of Austria, Belgium, Denmark. France, Germany, Italy. the Netherlands, Russia, Spain; Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. The thanks of the Council have been conveyed to the several Governments for these donations. During the year all the books in the Library of the Institution haye been renumbered and relabelled, and have all been entered up in the new Catalogue in the Library. Certain works of no naval or military value haye been e1:minated from the Library. . All the maps in the map room having been numbered and plzced in drawers, the Library staff have, for the last three months, been busily engaged in carding them with a view to compiling a new catalogue of all the mips in the Royal United Service Institution. This work is necessarily soaewhat slow, cjwing to the limited time it is possible to devote to it daily, and also to the amount of historical research required, but it is hoped that the new catalogue of, at any rate, the military maps may be completed by the end of the year.

ROYALUNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION GOLD MEDALAND TRENCH-GASCOIGNEPRIZES.” The subject of the Naval Essay for the Gold Medal and Trench- Cascoigne Prizes was :- ‘‘ How can the Colonies best help the Naval Defence‘of the Empire ?-: 19 Essays were submitted.

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 *. The names of the Referees are :- Admiral Sir F. G. D. Bedford, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. Rear-Admiral . Rear-Admiral C. G. F. M. Cradock, C.B., M.V.O., and their decision will be made known at the Anniversary Meeting. The Council desire to record the thanks of the Institution to these Ofiicers for so kindly undertaking this laborious and dificult task. VOL. LV. 2L ... VI11. EIGHTIETH ANSIVERSAKY HEBTlKG

ME~IBERSOF THE COUXCIL. The following Members retire from the Council, having. compkted three years’ service :-

Admiral-of-the-Fleet Sir G. H. U. Noel, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. Vice-Admiral A. M.Field, F.R.S. Lieut.-General Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Lieut.-General H. D. Hutchinson, C.S.I. Brigadier-General F. I. Maxre. C.V.O.,C.B., D.S.O. Brigadier-General H. H. Wilson, C.B.. D.S.O. Colonel The VircoAt Hardinge. Lieut.-Colonel Honble. T. F. Fremantle, V.D. Thc following are the names of the candidates nominated for the vacancies :- Royal Navy (3 uucancicc). Admiral-of-the-Fleet Sir C. H. U. Noel, K.C.B.. K.C.M.C. Vice-Admiral A. M. Field. F.R.S. Rear-Admiral R. C. 0. Tupper, C.V.O. qcgular Army (4 uucancies). LieutXeneral Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Lieut.-General H. D. Hutchinson. C.I.E. Brig.-General H. H. Wilson, C.B., D.S.O. Brig.-Ceneral F. I. Maxse. C.V.O., C.B.. D.S.O. Special (Spexrue (1 vacancy). Colonel F. C. Rorner, C.B., C.M.C.. 4th Lancashire Fusiliers. Territorial Force (I Vacancy). Lieut.-Col. Hon. T. F. Fremantle. Commanding Buckinghamshire Bn. Oxford and Bucks Light Infantfy. A. LEETHAM,Licut.-Colonel, Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Secreiury, Curator and Chief Executice OBicer. Whitehall, February, 1911. Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016

DR. REVENUE ACCOUNT FOR TIIE YEAR ENDING Q1sT DECEMBER, 1910. CIL - - - - . __- . . ._ -- 1909. 1910. 1909. 191 0. E B. E 8. a. L 8. a. 4 8. 11. E 8. a. E 8. d, 219 4 8aleof Journal ..I ... 245 4 3 1,4i3 ii S By Journal Printing ...... 1,492 8 1 173 2 Advertlwuenb in Jo&a1 ...... 233 11 5 492 1:s 8 ,, Yoatage ...... 514 14 6 478 15 8 31 0 0 ,, Literary ser&& ...... ,. 45 0 0 144 5 Lending Library ...... 128 4 0 2,OSZ a 8 ' 88 Snle of nooks ,...... 8 u 6 107 12 9 ,, Library, Purchase of Books ...... 326 6 0 - 131 10 6 212 7 3 Blndinp ...... 217 2 7 Admimdone to Museum ...... 497 12 3 81 Q 4 :: Perlhcnls arid Now&pers ...... -55 5 0 Bale uf Museum Pampliletr ...... 7 18 5 -- 698 13 0 Ml6cellnneous Museum Receiptn ... - 4 17 4 110 I0 2 ,, Museum Sundrion ...... 10.3 12 9 610 80 1,100 0 0 ,, Salaries ...... 1,159 10 o Rahrice of Contriliiitlon from the late 810 10 10 ,, Wwes ...... 794 14 6 Homo District Mllllrry Socletg ... 52 9 0 71 3 11 ,, Attendants' dibthing::: ...... __ 88 19 0 sa 90 1M) 0 0 ,, Fensions and Qratiiltics ...... 50 -0 0 a 6 0 ,, MaoellaneoruReoeipta ...... --3 18 8 2,172 6 9 208 17 4 ,, Xeat of Lecture Theutre .I. ... 228 1 0 580 0 0 ,, GroundRent ... .., ... 580 0 0 231 19 8 75 5 0 ,, Water ...... ,, ... 76 7 0 3.865 1 0 .. Membern'Bubearintions ...... 3,763 13 6 O(11 9 2 ,, Rates ...... -563 16 0 ...... la9 4 9 58 10 0 ,, Taxes ...... 88 5 0 ...... -368 16 0 1.m3 7 0 ...... 573 0 0 84 18 7 ,, Inaurance ...... 82 2 11 -- 4,73i 14 3 71 1 0 ,, Fuel ...... Q 2 8 444 I8 8 ,, MridendnmdInterest ...... !I3 IS t3 110 2 I1 ,, LlghthlE ...... ,. -105 3 9 t.3 764 0 0 ,, QovernmentQrant ...... r50 0 0 168 6 3 I,?&? 15 6 4 5 Rep.irs. etc., -- *XI7 ,, (including Cnses, for War Gnme Material) ...... 229 2 5 193 5 7 ,, HouseExpnsae md Sundrie~ ... a17 , :I - 448 10 a 182 15 1 ,, Advertisin ...... 88 6 4 57 15 0 ,, shorthand%oioi.L at Ld:tures ...... 23 11 0 21 7 6 ,, Lecture Expenses.Bnlancc ... .. - 880 123 1 4 20 5 0 ,, Audit and Accountancy .,. ... 24 5 0 330 ,, Legnl Expense8 ...... 11 11 0 - 3; 16 0 Unlancecarrlcd lo Balance 91 0 5 ,, Pontageof Lettorn, Stamp, ete. .., 58 7 10 Sheet...... 317 a 1 ,, Printing and Stationery ...... ?R3 3 0 919 9 ,, Telepllono ...... - 10 13 7 500 ,, aold Medal ...... -- 307 4 5 ?Q 11 P Bank Iutorest ...... 44 12 7

11 8 11 Balance carded to Balance Sheet ...

537.33110 1 Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016

I>R. BALAKCE SHEET 31s~DECEMBER, 1910. CR. _- 1809. I910 1909. 1910. f: 8. d. .€ m. d. E n. d. E 5. n. L a. d. 1 Balance, 31nt Dccember, 1909 ...... 90.028 3 1 36,018 14 2 Hg Balance from Rorenuo Account., 38,035 3 To 10 7 .. Revenue Amiint ...... ao 7 u --- 11 8 11 ..Balnnce ...... 38.049 &G:WRTo 7 236,028__- 3 1 EnG.028 3 I ?.?,lo1 16 8 By Outlay on New B~ildfa~ ...... B23.101 16 6 280 0 0 ..Furniture ...... 314 I7 6 147 16 0 ,, Joiirnnl Indox ...... 147 18 0 236 I8 13 ..Llbm CntPloKues ...... - 230.029 3 1 To Bnlnnce ...... Bd.01810 7 - .. i~~~iXmnlOutiny ...... God 1 8 ..Sundry Crediibrn ...... 438 1 7 28 2 0 ,, Biibwriptionnpaid In nrlvnnco ...... 4L 4 0 565 3 6 €3.120 7 10 .. Genernl Iksorvo Fitrid-- - .. LersSnlcs ... 496. 3lst l)rcombor. 1WO ... 2,191 11 11 580 I4 0 64 4 1 I)irldonds, Inlo ...... GU 0 1 170 2 7 ..Iftireurn Cntnlogucn ...... 170 a 7 -- 2'.?SO13 0 - ..Adclltlonnl Outlrry ...... - 14 10 0 184 I2 7 - .. LcssSnlcs ... IU 9 11 -_- 110 2 8 &?,I 13 I? 1 To Dnlanco 3neto Dnnk ...... 3,593 15 !l 31 0 0 ,, Wnterloo Pnmplilcts, Ncw Stock 31 0 0 - Less Snlcs ... 117 (I sa6 ,, Inveqtmenta- 450 0 0 ,, Ylti lea.21. Canada 3 p.c. (nt cost) ...... -450 0 0 1,200 0 0 1. .C~,~:KI13s. id.Connoln2~p.c.(at coat) 1,200 0 0 2,656 G 9 ,, f2,421 1%.8cl."indin .dj'p.c. (li cost) 2.1556 8 9 2,934 0 0 ,, 23,044 17s. 11d:'India"~p.c. (A Cost) ... 2,894 0 0 3,076 5 3 .. 23,016 Nottlng& poration 8 p.c. (nt caut) 3.Oi6 5 3 1,300 0 0 ). 21,181 1oR. Oxford Corpontlon 3 P.C. (at cost) 1.300 0, 0 2,325 o o ,, .c5,000 ~uliand Bamiey Rdii: way Ordinary Btock, valued 81ntDecember. lW7 (Trench Oancolgne Olft) 2.226 0 0 500 o o ., e473 1;s. ~d.Canad;"3+ p.X (Bmkicr Hequc8t) (at cont)... 500 0 0 1,072 0 (i ,, €1,115 5s. 4cl. Ceylon 3 p.c. (nt coso ...... 1.103 15 10 1.m 11 5 ,. EI,IW 63. I~I.Lonftoii cot& CoiiiicllD p.c. (ntwit) ... 1,146 10 2 18.143 I (I 319 0 7 ..Rundrynebtom ...... 317 2 1 312 G Cnshin band ...... 10 8 (I

If's hnroexamined the nhove Bnlancn Bliect. and Heveiilie Aocouala wlLh tlio nooks and Voucher6 niid mrtIfy tho mme to he correct. Allour reqiilraments ns Audltornlinve been complied wlth. We hnre verlfied the Cnnh Balance and Inrestment8 net out In the B.lanceSbwt. nnd uirblrct to tho Dcncrnl ltcacrra Ihind IsInK sufficlcnt to prnviclo for thu deprcclstiori of tho Iansn nird for my depreciation 111 tlio value of the Invest: tironts, wo nro of opinion that tho Bnlnrrce Sburtln limiprrlyilrnwti rip nnd rorm31y alrnrntlio pnalt.ion of tho Xnynl United Yorrlre Instltullnn on t.lir 3lst Dcccmlmr. 1010. W1l.n~un Fanousox DAVIK.Clinriarrd Accouuhritr, nti.Porn St.rnst, 1S.C. Anditom. 4Ucv-&=-. - SUL -- -- -. Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016


1910. e a. d. 1910. E a. d. Jan. 1. To Balanoe, slat Dkmber, 1909 ...... 57 13 9 Xmia1 ...... 7100 June2. ,, 6 mthe. Div. fW, Bengal& North-WesternRy. Pref. Dec. 31. By Balance i:'rovo&'bf Fnii ...... 67 14 5 Stock ...... 3 15 10 Doc. 1. ,. ,. $9 9, ', ,, 3 16 10 ..- f65 4 5 E65 4 6 Wehereby &Py the above Account- to be correct, - 01i, Fore Street. WJLDS AND FXHGUSON DAVIX, Ohartered Accountants. 4th February, 1911. Audltors.


1910. e 8. a. 1910. E a. d. Jan. 1. To Balance, 31st December, 1909 ;...... 6 8 1 Mar.6. By 1st Prize Esaay,1910 ...... I.. May 15. ,, 6 mtbs. Dip., f1,862 lW., North Brit. Ry. Deb. Stock 20 ti 4 Xfar. ti. , 2nd ,, ,, ,, ...... a1 0 0 NDV.~~. ,, I) 26 ti 4 Dee. 81. .. Balsnoa in favour of Fund ...... 38 0 9 -f59 0 R a59 0 9

614. Fore Street WXLUPAND BERGUSONDAVIE, Chnrtaral Accounhnts, 4th Febr~r>,1011. Autiltorn. xii. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY MEETIXG.

TABULARANALYSIS OF THE STATEOF THE IWSTITUTIOS. fA ful rualysis -or cr 1 year from I 1 will 1 found in the. Rcpor Dr 1897.1 Life of YSU Lnnual No. 1st Jan. EB- Anwunt Members Eubr. ran- ;;Zp$ s,",".". the to 31st coeired. Fees. aurces). of Stock. on -DW. - --oeirecl, 31st Dee. & i E & ;E f 1831 651 ... 651 1,194 ...... 1,437 1841 1,450 ... 1,643 186 6,000 213 5,850 4,213 1851 1,136 131 1,292 66 GG6 34 ' 10,160 3,185 1861 2,122 305 2,699 268 2,846 99 11,812 3,689 1871 2,465 237 3,671 538 7,748 202 15,501 3,943 1881 2,893 238 4,967 646 13,670 240 19,920 1,577 1891 2,640 189 5,004 454 21,942 153 23,815 4,201 1892 2,930 605 9,429 1,572 24,803 142 21,099 1,657 1893 2,929 468 8,334 1,095 22,172 157 21,471 4,9g1 1894 3,598 216 6,625 606 12,840 200 24,680 5,016 1895 3,760 553 7,117 921 8,761 20s 26,947 6,195

1896 3,802 551 7,225 876 8,761 246 ' 26,161 G,347 1897 3,910 401 10,902t 969 12,386 381 26,381 5,650 . 1898 3,964. 265 6,935 493 12,386 376 26,592 6,620 1899 3,834 167 6,G46 251 12,841 430 27,142 5,653 1900 3,874 174 7,170' 236 13,791 261 27,492 5,491 1901 3,816 197 6,955 368 14,192 289 27,792 5,443 1908 3,806 188 7,063. 449 11,491 309 28,167 6,427 1903 3,743 178 6,597 409 15,459 299 25,387 8,361 lM4 3,684 184 6,707 448 16,459 301 28,636' 6,313 1905 3,713 253 7,766 611 15,459 324 28,851. 5,369 1906 3,714 226 6,803 519 16,488 204 29,114 5,40& 1907 3,733 211 6,616 573 16,549 256 29,427 5,408 1908 3,741 220 7,205 602 16,612 213 29,667 5,420

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 1909 3,806 312 7,351 . 789 16,676 167 29,917 5,536 1910 3,893 269 7,407 573 16,742 326 30,182 5,611 -- -tA jonatiou of stock Fa1ue.d at A ,323. and E1.301 realised bv 1 ' letting of seats to cw Her Majeety's Diamond Jut 3e Piocession,' are included ii t i amount. *T 8 amount includes a donation o &500. EIGHTIETH ANNIVEHShltY NEETISO . xiii.

The CHAIRMAN: Gentlemen, my next duty is to propose: “That the Report, -with Accounts, as circulated, be taken as Yead, and adopted.’’ YOUwill hear from the Chairmen of Committees-the Library, Finance. Museum and General Purposes-explanations of this Report. I have myself only one or two remarks to make. Since the last Annual Meeting we have to deplore the death of our late Patron and great supporter, King Edward VII. There has been a scheme before your Council for some years and has again been brought to our notice by Colonel Webb and Mr. John Leyland, that another building similar to the banqueting-hall should be built to the southward and that it should double the capacity of our present Museum. We want more room. If that scheme could be carried out, one building would be utilised as a Military Museum and and the other as a Naval Museum, It was proposed by these gentlemen that we should ask the King Edward Memorial Fund Committee whcther they would undertake to build such a Museum. and a letter was written tothe Lord Mayor of London, who is the President of that Fund, making that suggestion. If it could be carried out it would be a splendid thing. As you all know, we have not Funds ourselves, but the Memorial Fund, if it took the scheme up, might possibly provide the money. If any gentle- men here can further the matter we shall be very much obliged to them. I will now ask General Wilson to second the motion. Brigadier-General H. H. WILSON.CB.. D.S.O. : 1 beg to second the proposal of the Chairman. Colonel W. A. HILL, C. B. : Sir Gerard Noel, my Lords and Gentlemen. In the balance sheet and accounts of receipts and expend- itures which have been presented to you there are several items that are increased or diminished as compared with last year, as to which youmay like to have some explanation. You will notice that the assets are €396 more than last year. That is satisfactory. The expense of the Library Catalogues has been very heavy ; but we have a very large number of Catalogues in stock which are gradually being sold, and we hope that the amount expended on this head will be eventually returned to us. The Reserve Fund which has been put on one side for the eventual renewal

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 of the leasehas been increased from E2184 I Is. I Id. to €2250 12s. Od. We add the interest on the investments year by year, and in the course of time this will produce a very large sum. The permanent investments. n different railway securities, etc.. are all of much the same value as last year, with the exception of the Hull and Barnsley Railway stock which has gone up considerably in value. The invested funds, as you see in the Report, have graduauy increased every year for the last eighteen years. The receipts from the sale of the Journal have increased by it26 and the advertisements-by $60. The opportunities of advertisins in the Journal appear to be much appreciated by those businesses which have to siv. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY hlEETih'G

do with naval and military matters. The receipts from admissions to the Museum have increased by f.37. The Home District Military Society, very generously, in addition to presenting US with the material of their war games, gave us the balance of their funds on win&g up the Society, amounting to over S50. The theatre-letting5 have produced $20 more than last year, The members' annual subscriptions, you will be glad to hear, have increased by €98. At the end of the financial year we had a number of members only nine less than the highest number that have ever belonged to the Institution, and at the present time the number of xcembers is the highest that we have ever had. (Applause.) The dividends have increased by about €80, but the life subscriptions were less by about f216. That seems a large sum ; the large amount of S789 in 1909 for life sub- scriptions was owing to a special circular appealing to members to get new subscribers. With regard to the expenditure, the printing of the Journal shows an increase of €20 and the postage a considerable increase, which is easily accounted for by the increased number of members who have to receive the Journal. The purchase of books, which comes to €159 more than last year, includes the set of prints which is referred to in the Report. We purchased a very valuable set of Naval and Military Costume Prints for !he very reasonable sum of S.90, that amount was very well laid out as the prmts are 01 considerable value. The temporary increase of salaries of €52 is balanced by a falling off of €50 in pensions and gratuities, Rates and taxes, continually increasing, are E 17 more, but fuel and light and house expenses are less by €37. There is a falling-off of S.96 in advertising,'dnd €29 in shorthand notes. We decided not to advertise to the extent we have doh in previous years, because, after very carefully examining the results we came to the conclusion that the proportionate return of the public attending the Museum wbs not justdied by the amount of money that was expended iu advertising in the various daily papers, so we have saved €96 on thbae two items and atthesame tie we have hadan increased number of people attending the Museum. More officers took advantage of the Promotion Lectures, and whereas in former years the. expenses were greater than the receipts, this year they nearly balance. The large diminution of €39 in postage is owing to no special appeal having been made this year as it Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 was in 1909. The general results we must consider satisfactory, as there is an excess of receipts over expenditure of f.20 7s. 6d. This result is mainly owing to the unremitting exertions of our Secretary, Colonel Leetham. (Applause.) Colonel LONSDALEA. HALE: Sir Gerard, my Lords, and Gentlemen: I have very little to say about the Library itself. The Library staff is as hard at work as ever it was. People, I find, do not understand Libraries. They think if once a Library is put into order there is no more work to be done ; EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY MEETING. SV.

but the work of keeping a library up-to-date and carrying it on efficiently is ycry great indeed. and 1 am very glad to say we have a thoroughly competent staff, who I think sive every satisfaction to our members. But there is one figure 1 should like to draw attention to with regard to our Lending Library. This year we have lent out, simply for the subscription cf ten shillings a year, and four books at a time-there is no cheaper library in thc whole country-three thouband volumes, which shows that the Library is of some use to people other than those who live in London. There is, a paragraph in the Report with reference to which I certainly personally cannot pass over without saying a few words, and that is the paragraph referring to the fact that this year we are losing the services of Captain Cirbett, our Editor and Librarian. Captain Carbett is the only coadjutor now living who worked with me in the old building, and now that tie is about .to be snapped. Before he came here he was one of my most valuable helpers as a contributor to the '' Foreign Notes,'' as they were then termed. I think he was the first naval contributor to those Notes. Then he came .over here as Assistant Editor and Librarian and he had to deal with the Library. The state that Library was in when he took it over was something temble. I was in no way responsible for its transfer, nor was Captain Carbett. .but the whole of that Library, consisting of some thirty or forty thousand volumes, was carried over from the old building and dumped down, 90 to speak. here, The first thing Captain Carbett had to do was to try and establish some order and somearrange ent amongst this vast mass of books. Some of 'us wcre able to help him 4% ut the responsibility lay with him; .the groundwork and the system upon which the Library has been arranged .rested entirely with Captain Garbett. Those of you who know libraries know that if you begin to put a library on a wrong basis you cannot repair it. We all of us ought to be very grateful to him for the admirable way in which he startedthat Library and the d&culties under which he canid it on for some years. (Hear, hear.) The Journal, however, is the standing testimony to the value of Captain Garbett's work, None of you, perhaps, were members when first he took over the Editorship of the Journal. Under hu careful Jupervision and the great labour that he has expendedupon it, he has brought our Journal to its present high standard of literary periodical literature. (Hw,hear.) I am sure it will not suffer at all under our new Editor. Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 but at all events our new Editor receives from Captain Carbett a legacy worth the proving. Though we are losing Captain Garbett's services as one of our regular officials, I am glad to say we do not lose him altogether. Captain Carbett has for about a year and a half been engaged in malring a .Catalogue of that extremely valuable and latge collection of naval and military manuscripts which have hitherto been lying in the dust on the shelves. He has completed the Iist of the naval manuscripts, and it is, I believe, already in the Press, and how his eyes have stood it I donot know. I have tried to decipher some of them and have failed miserably. He had xvi. EIGHTIKTH ANNIVERSARY MEETISG

not, however, finished the valuable military manuscripts, and tbe other day he wr4e to the Council : " Although I ceade to be your official very soon. would you allow me, as a labour of love, to continue my work for the Institution and thoroughly finish these two Catalogues ? *' (Applause,) Not only that. We have among our six thousand maps a large number which, strange to say. cannot be identified at all. Evidently they are of a very valuable character. All you see of them is a little stream, named, and some village, and yet they may represent-for they are drawn up with the greatest care-some important moment in a battle of old times. Captain Garbett has offered to continue his services and help to identify thee maps. Now, Gentlemen, yop look, doubtless, upon Captain Garbett, R.N. as a "jolly old tar.'* But I do not. 1 know him better. He knows every book in the Library, I hope there are no military historians present to take offence at my not mentioning them, but there is no battle from the latest war up to the wars of Joshua in the conquest of Canaan, about which Captain Garbett wilt not tell you exactly what you want to know and where to find all about it. His knowledge of such matters. I have tested it over and over again, is simply marvellous. The Council ate going to avail themselves of Captain Garbett's kindly offered services, and I fee! sure that in going he will carry with him the best wishes for his future, not merely from the members of the Committee with whom he has worked so pleasantly during seventeen years, not merely from the Guncil with whom he has also worked, not merely from you gentlemen to whom I am speaking th& afternoon, but from the whole of the members of the Institution who have been so much benefited by the veluable services, the great labour, and the great interest that our friend Gptain Garbett has taken in the Royal Unittd Service Institution, (Cheers.) Commander W. F. CABORNE,C.B., R.N.R. (Chairman of the Museum and General Purposes Committee) : Sir Gerard Noel, my Lords. and Gentlemen: The history of the Museum for the past year has been one of continued progress, many valuable historical relics having been added to our collection. all of which have been announced in the Journol month by month. Owing to the exigencies of space. we are now compelled to carefully consider what exhibits shall be accepted or declined; and for the same

Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 reason we are not very keen about taking exhibits on loan, unless they are possessed of exceptional interest and are to be deposited for a minimum period of say one year. We have devoted a certain amount ol attention to the rigging of ship-models. as, in the course of time, it will become increasingly diff,cult to get this description of sailor-work executed. With regard to models generally, if we had the separate Naval Museum advocated by the Chairman. this afternoon, we should be in a position to show in chronological order vesrels of various types from the earliest period down to the latest date. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY MEETING xvii .

At one time the crypt under the' Banqueting Hall was not very

I attractive, but since it has been re-arranged and re-painted, the reverse must be said concerning it. The question of pecuniary legacies .has not been touched upon to-day, but it is obvious that if we had more money we could do more work; accordingly, I would, with all due diffidence, suggest that when wills are being made consideration should be given to the patriotic and national work of- the Royal United Service Institution Members cannot have failed to notice the admirable manner in which our exhibits are cared for, and their state of perfect cleanliness. That is undoubtedly due to the zeal and attention of our enthusiastic and indefatigable Secretary and Curator, Lieut.-Colonel Leetham. to whom we are greatly indebted. But Colonel Leetham is not only an extremely valuable official, he is also a very generous donor to the Museum. Since our last annual meeting, we have lost the services of Captain B. E. Sargeaunt (Territorial Force), Assistant-Secretary and Assistaxt- . Curator, who obtained an important Government appointment in the Isle of Man. He is possessed of considerable technical knowledge, and, while regretting his departure, it is pleasant to be able to congratulate him upon' his advancement. Captain Sargeaunt has been succeeded by Lieuten nt A. N. A. Pinhey (Temtorial Force), who will no doubt prove to be a most8 useful official OF the Institution. With regard to the other members of our staff and our attendants, I am certain that Colonel Leetham will bear me out when I say that we could not have a better set of men. They are exceedingly civil to everyone, are full of zeal, and do their work well. The Museum attendants have a good acquaintance with the history of the 'various exhibits, and, in consequence, are of the greatest assistance to visitors. It may be remember,& that last year I expressed our desire to obtain portraits of the Sovereigns who have been Patrons of the Institution. and of well-known navel and military officers for this lecture theatre. Recently, we have been presented with a very good picture in oils of his late Majesty King Edward VII.. the painter and donor being Mr. Wilfrid B. Egan. You will observe in its vicinity a portrait, by the Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 same artist, of a verL distinguished and much valued Member of our Council, Admiral of the Fleet Lord Walter Kerr. whom we are all pleased to

see here this I afternoon, but, unfortunately. that particular picture is not our property. We still have much vacant space to be filled, and happily the country possesses various eminent of the Fleet, Field-Marshals, and other. OCcers of distinction, whose presentments would much adorn our walls. Lastly. the best thanks of the Institution are due to those who have generously presented pictures, relics, and other objects during the period of which I have been speaking. sviii. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY MEETIKG

Colbnel W. H. M. JACKSON : I fully agree with everything that has been said regarding the excellence of Captain Garbett, but, as a member who takes great interest in our Museum, I wish to express my warm appreciation of the manner in which it has been improved, been re-arranged and added to during the past few years. To our indefatigable Secretary and Curator, Colonel Leetham, to whom much of this is due, I think the hearty thanks and gratitudeof the members should be given. I feel, moreover, that if at any tim? any public recognition as to his services were brought about, it would be extremely welcome to us all. (Hear, hear.)

The CHAIRMAN: Would any Member like to speak on the Motion ? If not, I will put the Motion to the Meeting : "That the Report with Accounts, as circulated, be taken as read and adopted." The Motion was then put and carried unanimously.

election of Auditors. Lieutenant G. R. MALTBY,M.V.O., R.N.: Sir Gerard Noel, my Lords, and Gentlemen : I propose : " That the thanks of the Meeting be accorded to the Auditors, Messrs. Wilde and Ferguson Davie, for their sewices, and that they be re-elected Auditors for the ensuing year at a fee of Twenty-five guineas." Major H. HUNTINGTON:I have much pleasure in seconding that proposal.

'JL The Motion was put and carried unanimously. .

xominations for Vacancies on the Council. .The CHAIRMAN:The Seaetary will read the list of nominations for vacancies on the Council. The SECRETARY: The undermentioned Oficers have been nominated for the vacancies on the Council :

Royal Xavy (3 vacancies). Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 . Admiral of the Fleet, Sir G. H. U. Noel, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. Vice-Admiral A. M. Field, F.R.S. Rear-Admiral R. G. 0. Tupper, C.V.O.

qegular Army (4 vacancies). Lieut.-Genera! Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Lieut.-General H. D. Hutchinson, CAE. Brig.-General H. H. Wilson, C.B., D.S.O. Brig.-General F. I. Maxse. C.V.O.,C.B., D.S.O. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY MEETING xis.

Special qeserw (I oocancy). Colonel F. C. Romer. C.B., C.M.C., 4th Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers. Territorial Force. Lieut-Colonel Hon T. F. Fremantle, Buckinghimshire Battalion. The CHAIRMAN : nere being no competition 1 propose that these gentlemen be duly elected. The motion was carried unanimously.

Report of Referees on the 1910 Nugal &says. , The CHAIRMAN: The Secretary will read the Report of the Referees on the 1910 Naval Essays.

The SECRETARY: " Weybridge, January 20th. 191 1. Su. We have carefully considered the merits of the nineteen essays submitted to us for adjudication and are of opinion that No. 16 should be placed first ; No. 7 second, and No. 10 third. We have experienced some difficulty in selecting, owing to the number of essays in which the subject is treated with great ability, and if it is intended to print any extra ones we suggest that Nos. 6. 18 and 17 are worthy of consideration. We remain Sir, Yours faith- fully, F. G. D. Bedford (Admiral). Cecil Burney Rear-Admiral (Rear-Admiral). No. 16 bears the motto, "What, is true is not new, what is new is not true." The name of the officer is Captain P. W. Game, Royal Horse Artillery. (Applause.) No. 7 bears the motto, " Divide et Impera.,' The name of the oflicer is Lieutenant L. H. Hordern, R.N. No. 10 is placed third. There is no prize for No. 10. The name of the officer is Captain Arthur Russell Hulbert, R.N. No. 6, recommended for publication, is by Major W. Cyprian Bridge, P.s.c., late Sonth Staffordshire Regiment, No. 18 is by Captain T. S. Shelford, R.N. No. 17 is by Commander M. H. Cobb, R.N. Colonel LONSDALEHALE: Perhaps I may explain the mystery of a Horse Artillery Officer having won a naval prize by saying that he has only just left the Staff College and was for two years under our Vice- Chairman's supervision, so he has turned out something to beat the whole of the Navy. (Laughter and applause.) Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Admiral of the Fleet, Sir A. K. WILSON,V.C. G.C.B., (First Sea Lord) : Sir Gerard Noel, my Lords and Gentlemen. After having heard the list of prize winners read out to us we may be convinced that the Referees had no light task in wading through nineteen essays. most of them, as it is said, very good. It must have caused the Referees considerable work and I have no doubt that it has been very conscientiously performed, knowing as we do the men'who have done it. 1 therefore propose that a vote of thanks should be given to Admiral Sir F. G. D. Bedford, Rear-Admiral Cecil Bumey and C. G. F. M. Cradock. (Applause.) sx. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY MEETIXG

Lieut.-General Sir R. S. S. BADEN-POWELL,K.CB., K.C.V.O.: I have much pleadre in seconding the proposal. The Resolution was put and carrierunanirnously. Lieut.-General Sir JOHN FRYER,K.C.B. : St Gerard Noel, my Lords and Gentlemen : I regret to find myself taking the place of Vice-Admiral Prince Louis of Battenberg, but, with the most absolute sincerity, I beg to propose the following motion : " That a vote of thanks be accorded to the following officers who, having served three years OR the Council or having proceeded on a tour of service abroad, now retire :- Admiral of the Fleet Sir G. H. U. Noel, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. Vice-Admiral A. M. Field,' F.R.S, Lieut.-General Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Lieut.-General H. D. Hutchinson, C.S.I. Brig.-GeneralF. I. Maxse. C.V.O.,C.B.. D.S.O. Brig.-General H. H. Wilson, C.B., D.S.O. Colonel Viscount Hardinge. Licut.-Colonel Hon. T. F. Frcmantle. Centkmen, we thank you most sincerely for the work you have done on this Council. Weold '' have beens" who sit in our chairs and smoke a good cigar and read the Journal monthly are greatly indebted to you for the work you do here, I beg you will appreciate our feelings, for they are abaolutely sincere. When we remember this Institution, as I do, some years ago, when we use to walk in and find-I will not say dust all over the place -but looking ratha dreary, with nothing to interest us, we must note what a great change has taken place, due to the Council, ably assisted by that most excellent Secretary of ours, Colonel Ltetham. I firmly believe that this Institution will rise to the very highest point d excellence. if it has not done so already. Our thanks are very much due to you gentlemen for the very good work you are doing. Colonel E. MATTHEY,C.B.: Mr. Chairman, my Lords, and Gentlemen : I fully endorse every word the last speaker has said. and I beg to second the Resolution. Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 The Resolution was then put and carried unanimously. Lieut - Cenaral H. D. HUTCHINSON,C.S.I. : My Lords and Gentlemen : The last item on the menu. the savoury so to speak. is en- trusted to me and I havevery great pleasure in asking you to give a most cordial vote of thanks to the Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Gerard Noel, not only for presiding over our proceedings this afternoon, but for filling the post of Chairman of the Council during the past year. We, who are members of the Council, who have had the privilege of working with him and serving under him. know he has been unfailing in his attendance, EIGXITIETII ANNIVERSARY MEETISG xsi.

industrious and energetic in every matter connect& with the welfare of the Institution, tactful and courteous always. I ask you therefore to accord him a most cordial vote of thanks for his service as Chairman ot the Council. (Applause.) Admiral LORDWALTER KERR, C.C.B. : I have much pleasure in seconding the motion, I agree with every word of General Hutchinmn and 1 do not think he has said too much, The motion was then put and carried with acclamation. The CHAIRMAN: My Lords and Gentlemen : The very kind words spoken by General Hutchinson and Lord Walter I most thoroughly appre- ciate, but at the same time I feel I have not made a good Chairman. I know this, that, but for the support of the Council-and they have always sup- ported me most loyally-I should have been nowhere. The Chairmen of the Committees and the members of the Committees are the people of all others whom the members of the Institation should thank. They devote practically all their energies and time to their duties in the Institution. The Chairman, well, he is Chairman for a year, and one feels that one is merely taking the Chair. The work of the institution is done by these very kind -officers who are now sitting with me on the platform. I regret I have not been able-through living in the country-to have been here as much as I should like to have been. but ably supported on the Council, especially by the :Committees and the Chairmen of the Committee, and last but not least, by -out Secretary, I have wumed through, I hope satisfactorily. The Meeting then terminated. Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016