Royal United Service Institution

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Royal United Service Institution Royal United Services Institution. Journal ISSN: 0035-9289 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Royal United Service Institution To cite this article: (1911) Royal United Service Institution, Royal United Services Institution. Journal, 55:400, iii-xxi, DOI: 10.1080/03071841109434568 To link to this article: Published online: 11 Sep 2009. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 4 View related articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [University of California, San Diego] Date: 26 June 2016, At: 13:09 Royal United Service Institution: rHE EIGHTIETHANNIVERSARY MEETING WAS HELD AT. THE ROYALUNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION, WHITEHALL; S.W., ON TUESDAY,MARCH 7TH, 191 1, AT 4 P.M. ADMIRALOF THE FLEET,Sir C. H. U. NOEL,K.C.B., K.C.M.C.,(Chairman of the Council) tn the CHAIR. THECHAIRMAN : Gentlemen, the Secretary will' read the notice -cynvcning the meeting. .. THESECRETARY (Lieutcnant.Colone1 A.. Leetham) read the notice. 1 ANNUAL REPORT. ThecCcuncil has the hcncur to sutmit itr rcpcrt for the year 1910. .. I " PATRON;'. , , , . His Majesty King George V,'has graciously intimated that he is picad '1 to become Patron of the Institution. .I . t ROYALVISITS. During the year the Institution was visited by His Late Ma$y King Edward VII., Hir' vajesty King'iCcorge V., Her Majeaty The Queen, Hkr Majesty QuLn Alexandra, 'His Roxal' Highniss' Prince Hcnr). of Pruuia. Their RoyJl'Highnesses the Crown Pricce and Princess of Si-eded, His Royal Hiihrmi Prince' H:n&, Field hlarihal IHh.Roybl Hi8hr.e~ 'The Duke' of Connaught, K,C.'(Prcsidcnt of' the 'Inrtitutwn) -. HFr Royal Highness Priricks ;H:n& of 'Bat!;nbcri, His Roial Highness Prince *I Arthur of Cbnn'aught, Th& &ne Highnesses The Duke' and Duchas .f Teck, Hcr Royal Highncrr Princczs Alexander of LTcck. and Captnin Hia Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Serene Highness Prince Alexander of .Teck. C.C.V.0.; D.S.O. .I ..I'. .t: COUNCIL. The Cour.cil rceret to have to record the death of Admiral Sir Charfcs CsmpEell K.C.M.C.. C.B., D.S:O.;'who jointd the Ccuncil of the Initituli& in 1908. ' 1 I: L .I*. : i c .. ! ' : '. , .- Colcncl A; W. Mcncy. C.B..'Ccccrdl Staff, war aiiointcd by'the A& Coukl to'scciecd Coloicl J. E. Edkor.dr. R.E.. the WJU O~CCI. *....,. -.,I. I. OfficialMember. IV EIGHTIETII ANNIVERSARY MEETING. MEMBERS. The Council have pleasure in reporting that during t'ie past yey 295 &cast j&cd tha .'IPdhtibn. ';There weie' 131 :wihdiGalsiand '89 deaths,.I 11'. ....(of I$ym ,-..J29 ,were..l;fe m~mbers).m+g an iiqcf++e .f;-76 on theyear. , ,Th detaib of members jo;?ing were :-, " ). 3 J?9:,! _._- . Regular Army I,... ,183; .$?',. : I :: .!.J.. I ... ... ... **: 49.. Royal Navy ' I.,... , ' '. ... -,-I:. 'I 1 I ' TerAto~iaLForce(inclding Ycbmanry) ___ 36' ' r. ......... ... Special Reserve --- ....... ... * ... '12 .. i ~RO~I.~~, I I J. :.,I.:,!, ;:: j;:.!.:.': , -:.; I J L?. i 19' Indian and Colonial Volunteers ... ... ... :I .5 I. .....- - . - - ...- . - Royal Naval Reserve ... ... I.. ... 1 295 1. The total number of Member! .I..:of the Institution on 1st January was 5.61\, .1. , .I: ,is!'.I hoped tJ.3. t)at .I Memb&s.I I 1.. will 9ot. re+x.,th+! ene!gie: in iintro- ducing'new Members : a pink form is placed,.I: ........ 6 eacq, jouRNA$ .lJb,,a .with.,dJ *4. special object. ...r, ....,;- -7 .. ... ""FINANCE.~ ., ... - . 1 ...: ...... * It, will G ski fro; the Accounts ,/hat the year's .working, h+ given a balance credit of €20 7s:'6d., which .rqust be considked a'satisfactoiy..... iuult. Additional' exp&nditu;e ?n .. the ,Librp Catplogues. ~d the extensive repa& which had to be carried, out ., ;d the lavatories: considerably cufiailed this .Bilance., ' ' The ilnstitution 'rtcyivkd 'from th; Home Disk& Military'its dissolution thc'*ce of their Fi idsj 1. which: amp&d to ' €56 .6s. 6d.. and the Council der3e . to 'that& 'thi; society for jhe'donation. ' , Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 .. The invbted fun&. now . amount to EI6,742)4s.; which 'shows a gradual increase since 1895 (the yeat........ of transfer to the present buildings), . ) when they stood at E8.761. ,. , ... Mus~uM.! During the past year 103 additional exhibits have beea placed in the Murepm. qad tbe Council, desire p express their; thnpks !o the several donor! for these valuqbl? additigqs, all of which,h?ve been duly record4 Ad described L tie Journal. EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSAKY MEETING. V The number of persons who passed through the turnstile amounted to 25,023, which includes a large number of Soldiers and Sailors, Boy Scouts and Boys from the Primary Schools, who were granted free admission. This total does not include a very considerable number of visitors who were introduced by members personally. At the invitation of the Council 1,974 Petty Officers. Blue Jackets and Marines of the United States Navy. besides a very large number of their Officers, visited the Museum during the recent visit of that fleet to this country. During the Autumn the Crypt under the Banqueting Hall has been repainted with white Ripolin paint, which has had the effect of giving a considerable increase in the lighting of the building. The receipts for admissions amounted to f497 12s. 3d., being an increase on the previous year of E36 17s. 3d. The sale of the Museum Catalogue realised €65 9s. IId.. and is undoubtedly proving a source of income for the Institution. THEJOURNAL. Major H. A. L. H. Wade. R.A., P.s.c., General Staff Officer at the War Office, has been appointed to the past of Editor of the Institution Journal. This Officer is retiring from the Army, and will be responsible for the ApriI Journal. The Council desire to place on record the excellent services rendered by Capt. H. Garbett, R.N. (retired) during the tie he has held the Editor- ship of the Journal. which has been for the past I6 years, during I3 of which he was Editor and Librarian, and previous to which he was Assistant Editor and Librarian for two years. Papers on the following subjects were read and discussed, and the majority have appeared in the Journal. To the authors are due the best thanks of the Institution. Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Rear-Admiral Sir J. Borresen, K.C.V.O., Royal Norwegian Navy. '' A New Naval Tactical System." Capfain Sir George Arlhur, Barf., M.V.O. "Prince Rupert as a Cavalry Leader." Professor C. W. C. Oma n. '' The Organization of Wellington's Amy .'* Major A. R. C. Atkins, Chief Instructor Army Seroice Corps Training &tablishmenl. " Requisitions in War." vi. EIGHTIETH AKNIVERSART MEETIKG. Mujor Sir A. Bannerman, Barf., R.6, '' The Creation of the Japanese National Spirit." Captain C. Battine. "The Proposed Changes in Cavalri Tactics." Lieufenant P. T. Efherfon.39th Garhwal Rifles. " Through the Heart of Asia." The Reo. Bernard Vaughan, S.J. '' The Matchless Soldier Maid." The Red. Dr. Belcher, Fellow of King's College, Unioersity of London Chaplain 25fh London Regiment (Cyclisf Bn.). '' The American War of Independence with Special Reference to the Expedition from Canada in 1777." W.H. Sf. John Hope, Esqre., Assisfant Secretor&, Sociefy of Anfiquories of London. '' The Strategical Aspects of English Castles." The thanks of the Institution are also due to the following Officers for Paps and Translations from Foreign Joirn& contributed by them : Papers : Major L. H. Baldwin, 1st Bn. 8th Gurkha Rifles : Captain C. W. Battine. late 15th Hussars ; Coloncl C. E. de la Poer Beresford. Brevet-Colonel R. U. H. Buckland, R.E.. A.D.C. ; Colonel Lonsdale Hale ; Captain H. R. Hayter. A.S.C. ; Captain R. E. Jelley, Adjutant, Hampshire (Fortress) Royal Engineers : Captain A. H. C. Kearsey, D.S.O.,10th (Prince of Wales's Own Royal) Hussars: Major-General C.W. Robinson,C.B. : Commander J. F. Ruthven; Com- modore of the" Orient" Line ; Captain W. F. Weber, R.F.A. There were, further, three anonymous contributions. and two by the General Staff. Translations : L. A. B. : Lieut-Colonel E. Cunter, late East Lancashire Regiment ; 2nd Lieutenant G. L. Spiers, 8th Hussars : Colonel Sir E. T. Thackeray. V.C., K.C.B.. late R.E., and ten anonymous contributions. Four Translations were further com- municated by the General Staff, and one by the Director of Naval Intelligence. The Institution is indebted to the Lords Commissioners of thc Admiralty, to the Army Council, the Secretaries of State for the Colonies and for India, and to the Civil Commissioners, for copies of Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 13:09 26 June 2016 Service various works issued by their respective Departments, and to the Speaker of the House of Commons for Parliamentary papers. The exchange of Journals with Foreign Governments, and with many Scientific Societies in this and other countries. has been continued. LIBRARY. The number of books added to the Library during the year was 265, bringing the total number of volumes in the Library up to 30.182 EIGHTIETII ASKIVIRSARY MEETIKG. vii. Amongst the books added was a very valuible collection of coloured prints of Naval and Military Costumes by Gmci and Hull. The number of Members subscribing to the Lending Libraty has slightly decreased from 296 to 282 : 3125 Books were issued from the Lending Library during the past year. Donations of books and maps have been receivedzfrom the Govern- ments of Austria, Belgium, Denmark.
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