^••'V^5^?'.^ ;^"•>'•';'^y^^^Sf! :-7S': ~^.X-'^

Rltrtn rarlan TURMER'S PUBH(^^P1RIT. lltittni, ?orty-NmtltJyeat.-. Ayer. M.ass.^. S.a^gday, May 26, 1917. No. 38. Price Four Cents TOWNSEND

Center. At the Congrregational ehurch Sun­ 'day morninK Rev. A. I.. Struthern' Spring Styles Are Now Ready In Clottiing Jpecialr^Sale sermon subject la "Feeding: a hungry world." '. BOTH READY-MADE and MADE-TO-MEASURE — OP — Rev. C. H. Hannaford ot X.anca8ter will preach at the Methodist church Sunday morning at 6.15 p. m. There --. . Don't be.fdoled in this matter of clothes. Pay enough to get quality. You get the best when you buy Hart, will be a flag raising exercise oh the Methodist church grounds with Rcv. Schaffner & Marxclothes. Quahty in the fabrics—all-wool; quality in the tailoring'; quality in the lining and "insides"; Spark Plugs, 49c. C. H. Hannaford as speaker. Every­ body cordially'Invited to be presentr. quality in the thrfead—pure silk; quality in the style. Considering what you get, they're the most economical clothes REGULAR PRICE Sl.OO Mrs. Arthur Barber of Townsend hill visited her brother.-George Litchfleld, you can buy. We'll show you the Hart, Schaffner & Marx label in them; your guarantee of absolute satisfaction; a al Lunenburg this week. sniall thing to look for, a big thing to find. ' Mr. and Mrs. Kred Jefts of Worces­ ler visiled Mr. and Mrs. Leander C. Top Coats $18, $20, $22 Goodrich and IVIiclielin Tires Jefts the flrst ot the. week. - Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits $20 to ?25 At tlUoi mootinfr of thg—Rul—Crrosi s _AIJ[j_SIS^_ workers held last week Thuraday af- Style Ciafl Suilt, $12, $15, $10.50, $18 -The New Spring Hals, Cups and Shoes Have An'ived IHOnaJl mg-QT MrB."RT G. i-RS MOBILE OILS and GEEASES ~7~ ^~' senden, Mrs. J. J. Ewing of the Mtch­ GUYER HATS—Call and See Them -WALKOVER and CROSSETT SHOES' burg chapter was present and eixplaln- cd very .clearly the necessary require- 30BIPtETE~tINE—OF AUTOMOBEffi^ AOOBSSOEIES ANB mchls for rormrnfan auxiliary. The re!suran(.'l! Townsend school children cor.'.iiljutrrtt- 4^€^^0^n^ that their services will still be muoh to the Marshal Joftre fund. appreciate4.—The meetings wUl_con-_i_uj,r|^, •Retinaut •Aren- tinue lo be held at the home ot Mr.s. Mr. and Mrs. 'William St.ine. Dr R. G. Fessenden on. Thursday after­ Roak. MiKS Harrington, ail of Wal- noons al 2.30 o'cloclt-. , tham, and HowarQ Mann of Boston", In addition to the previous item ,.,.^^^ ^^.^^ Sunday guests at .Vissetiuas- given of the entertainment program K,ick OPEN EVENINOS on jlemorial day evening there will be illustrated songs and living pic .Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz and little .son of tures poyod by tho sons and daugh Jamaica Plain are guests of .Mr.s. Par- ters of veterans, Mlss Annie GriKSs quette on Wallace hill. and .Miss Stella Sonnenberg will ren­ An auto parly from Winthrnij. «-i)n- sistin.i; of .Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilson. Spring Olothing Ayer Auto Station der solos during the evening's pro­ gram. A. G. Seaver, pi.ano accompa­ Mrs. Hattie Foley' and-Jimmy Stokes SALESBOOM Telephone 86-4 nLst. The proceeds of the entertain­ spent Saturday at the H:t:^ar f.-xrni. ment wiil be given to the Red Cros* On Monday In Hillsboro, N. H.. X. FOR MEN AND BOYS . I'K STBEET AYEE, MASS society, -• G. I'roctor attended the f-jnera! of Mrs. S.iwyer. VTf St(!rnhlr; hai> be'eff .\nro.s" J. Prcje;or;"a:"i'ctatt\t-. " spendTn.i; a lew tlays This weok~aT-rtTF Weare offering umisual-attractioHs-thJs-Spring for the-maiv home of her brother, George H. Ken­ Auto .A«'ldcnt. dall. Last Sunday afternoon a Reo tour- who is interested in good clothes. Our constant aim is to give good THIS MONTH IS THE TIME TO STAET Private Harold Miller. Tompany L. inj; car. owned and driven i'y 1. V. !)'.h Maa-'m.chUiietlH regiment, f.pont Sa.1 rienn.nl .ind n hlfi-h powpre.! Criiiil.-ic -elethesr and therefore good satisfaction-to our-eustomers. We-- iniav and t^iinuay -WltTT .TTtK.H'rtr.ttl^ber7-o\yfied by—John-W.-tl-yHarni Mr. .-imi Mrs. Henry J. Miller. and driven by Donald Dickinson of Fitchburg collided In Lunenburg have a large number of satisfied customers and we are after a still The Townsend A. A. will present in wtiods about a mile and a half from Shares $i.oo Memorial hall this week Saturday eve­ the (.'ape on the road leading tt) Fitch­ larger number. One of the factors in our success is our reliability. ning the following motion pictures; iiurg. in the touring car beside Mr. See Mr. Allen ' PIcroii-ranh No. 26. Burton - Holniea. Ciumcnt ^vcrc GeoTSe WlKU-i ;iiid .1 lit It is worth a-gfea^deal4e-any customer to feel that the store you Irish and Scotch; comedy, a counter­ tie i.'irl. of Townsend." an.i Edward feit vacation"; Heart's Weekly; Rupert Wilder ot Greenfield. As thcy wore At the Store of J. J. Bany, Main Street, Ayer .lulien in "A riiiht to be happy." The iKis^ing over a narrow stno oi roaii are dealing with is reliable. 'prollt.-; ot thi.s cntcit.\iTtment wiil be l.-:l.iinu- to n short .-in.l r.i'hi-r Xiiwa xo ilR' Red Ciu.u. hlll in which there is a curve, ihp roari- You will find here only reliable merchanaise made by lead- FITCHBURG CD-OPERATIVE BANK \tT-s [jllian Hildreth Reed, of Man­ stor was^seen rapidly coniiri'.^ di'>wn the chester, N. H., is spending a few days incline. At the imminent r;.>k of over­ with .Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hildreth. turning, the Keo 'gave lh«- full road. ing^akers of good clothing, including that well-known and re­ The »ro;itlstei- struck the right front •wheal of. the touring. cn,r. tnre—og the liable Boston house of r-y—aiwl—riov- ti^ttu-x.tjiMrvQr\ to . the rK'ht iind tinally makinjg- a sharp turn to the left pitched down the enih.mk- nient :inanie pl.ti •• colors you buy here. We have the new things in Style and Fabrics a few weeks riirn serious accioerr was barely aver:- d 1- the t'-rn barK that are sure to interest you. on a tree amply t-'. .fxf"^. U i-^ hop.-d that this will be a M ; mnp to ;he tnwr. in which the arcid^ ! 'iCCUrred t" Cti: Come and look over our stock of Nev/ Spring Clothing and be convinced of White FlouncinRS i.rish and p'.aCu ;i\va>' at le.is: :h.- gu.ird railr^ a!oi-u' t b.- '•:nbankni''n'.-. the great values we are offering tor the low prices asked. 45 inches wide, in marquisette or voile, embroidered with splendid designs. MUiUiry C:uiip. SUIT PRICES—SIO.OO, S12.50. 815.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $22.00 Keprt-sentativ- - '•: • regular price $l:50ronly TT^T^. .. .^^^^r -89^-per^wd-^ have beeji hold.; .; :i:ervu-ws people in this vie;: • whu -'W-' Swiss Flouncirigs, 79c. grade, only 59^ per yard alon;: the river re: .*. nulitar> purposes. • • has b-'-r-. I". East Section Center Aisle omniended that !.- • I thou^ni'i ft •f*p iHi*re -4n wuUh .• .d. in lu:4;th • tendinj:: aloni: t h-' :. .:h-. bank uf : Squannacook fr.^:;. '• ..• Harbor M.d tu Wetit Grutun b-; ;•: . -.^l__I"^.r a ^n\ f'. ment reser\ at i-i:; ' > New Hats for Spring art:lk'r>- practn e • ^ • The Best Shirts just south -tf 'h.­ - m thi-' v.iia and the tarL'e;- ; . .•• Ai: the new shapes and new colors in the e-.-er pop'jlar Soft Hat are here. For near the hiiiiiU';:-- $1.00 Xnrth Shirlev the correct Hat be sure to come here. We carry t'nat reliable make of Hr^ts and Caps of the Day for «'n last TU.--1 .• ll! in A> ef aiv! .i . •v.: lard OUR ANNUAL MAY SALE OF HIGH GRADE SOFT SHIRTS ;hr river wor^- :••- . d b. .•nt. but no iiw > . : . f.i'un.l Wi t,i Iras., inr'al Xfr '' V rrns p; •';' Discriminating buyers find in these spring sales an opportunity to provide --oiiv .l-'llar a;i • ' The n.f> LAMSON ©HUBBAKD - for their summer needs, and in spite of the higher cos^ of all materials these w.is (hsii; 1-^' d : < '-^ furth"' i'- Nt'w .\d\er; I'ineiU.H None Brticr in f/7r Land shirts show remarkable values."'Materials—woven coTore^ madras.Hnercenzed IH>\ W VN rK.I) cheviots and fine percales, neat patterns in fast colors and plain whites; cuffs l'!:i;Kl.N' rinm'.. The new Lamport t- Hubb.^rd Cap,-; are very handson-.e. soft or laundered. Choose from an assortment of about 100 dozen. Regular roll SM.I-: \Vair..ii. I ^. in. h ,flv .1 \.Mi;s i; .Ilti.m, wuh p.u- Men's Soft Hats $2.00 and 83.00 pnces $L50 and $2.00. On sale now at $1.00 each (;l;ll'KIN, i;..s'. .Men's (:.::•> 50c. G5o and 81.00 rOllll TOt KIN'; Ml FOH s\|.K— In hrst-i'la.^.s f.ii'l It v.. 1 :ir.. .-. 250. 35o and 50«^ East Section '-^f^ ^'•^''^ thf TilJirkct for n - ..: ynx'i far ll.ll. : Men's Stiff Hais S2.00 and 83.00 fio v.s' c.ir- niiMS this cl-.anc. 1 .\Ti;s' i;.\i"..\iii'.. Don't Fail to Visit Our Underprice Base­ .Mai)li- St., A.v>.r. ment on Your Shopping Tour SPRING SHOES \ Si'-Rl.\G SIIIRTS BIQ $1 Wial .Men's Gun Metal and Dark Tan High Cut j you will fmd here a spl.-nd d display EXCLUSIVE VALUES AEE ALWAYS FOUND IN EVEEY SECTION BX r.Mn I.I. rc)ST and Oxfords | ^f .^Vip New Spnng Sh rts. YC'Vi -.vill find MEN'S FrRNISTUNGS SPXTION 1 \V(^MEX'S RK.XDY-KOH-WK.MJ SKCTIOX 1 111, HlBli-CTinle Till, nn.v fl.ivor 1 II). F'V«-h Ho!i,st;^uir-ic <.- c, i We& guarantee the coiors m all our sook, fnll assortmont "f sizes: f>9o. House Dresses—T..'id ios' house drosses. ny Pare*-! I'lv-t, ClinrRCS Paid Brennan. Our Shoes are thoroughly re-j Shirts as perfectly fast. We have only the value 49<* Snit Ameriean hady niak<., larfjo variety of liable and the price not excessive, in spite : old fast-color materials in our Shirts, At 79^ Suit, 2 for Sl.50—Men's nnion (JRKK.N TU.-\I)1N<. S'I'.VMPS Vltl-.ll new sniniiior styles, line percale nnd of market conditions. i .suits, fine jorsi'y, whito and ocm. (jinKhain ^l.OO Come m and look ili'^m over. Porosknit and fine whito nainsook, rofr- Men's High Cut ?3, $3.50, $4.50. 86 ! iilar $1 vahic 79< Snit, 2 Suits $1.50 | House Dresses l.adios hnns dres Pn'rr.'.-—Sl.OO, 81.25 and $1.50 Men's Oxfords $3, S3.50, $5, $6 ! At 95< Suit—Men's Otis .ier.sey union made (if very tine JUM-CIIO aiul pine- snits. eeru. short, ankle lengtii. retr- ham, ail new styles; reirnlar. stout and ular $1.50 parment 95<* Snit extra sizes $1.2,> 7"/;i,<: Store Open on Monday. Friday and Agent for Basement Basement Saturday Evenings LEWANDO'S I.aundry and Dyehouse 68 Merrimack St. tO'WELL

ult^^ '^'i,'-.' • r'.".'",.'••'' •WiJWIJJJpiB / .'-,",',',.. : ^ :—•- 1—^ :—'-^ ^:--r-.--—r—?--•-'-•'r-'TS-:^—^ ^"^


ONB IWMuAB AND FIFTY CENTS and camo to America when three oveninK and woro larKely attended. PER YEAR IN ADVANCE nionlhs old with hiM jmrents. Joseph Tho services were conducrcd by the and Hannah-'X.TvTorr^oinK orfe of sev­ pastor. Re\TC. P. Htaney. en chlUlren. iif whom four are living. GBORGe H. B. TURNER, PabUalirr Much plantinK i^ KoinK o:i» here at On Mav 19. I SO7. ho married Miss tho preijent time. JOHN U. Tt'RNKR, Edilor Amanda Mei^sna Ueiator. The cere­ mony was performed by Kov. "W. \V. I*eler Healy ha«* recently returned from.ChicaKu and is now employed "We p^Mlsh the foUowins^ Papers: Varkcr, ut UrijUiii,,--who_—will -bfe. re-, nitiinbercd by the- ulder rtjsidejuji of with thc C. S. -S^arKon* Snns—Corp. -- "Tarner*a*PubUc SplrftTAyer, Mass. Gr»»ton a.s well a.s b\' your eurrespond- McuioiiaI .Su IKIUy. The Groton landmark jent a.s a Keiiileiirin of exceptional cul­ Jtxe PepperoU Clarion-Advertiser ture and >,'erualny. On Memorial Sunuay. Ma> J7. there will be union service.-- iu-ld m the M. E. For the l.t-n eti; of the ""scared Tbe liitUeton Goidon church here, in whicli xhv pastors of ones'* and the '"hold-backs" in the Tlie Weetford Wardsman the different churches m the town si>rinK aKainst early planting of corn. havo been invited as well a^ the gen­ Xbe Harvard Hillside the depart:ne111 of aKriculture >ends eral pu'blic. The sermon will be de­ out sonio advice ba>ed on jjroven facts. Ttie Shirle/ Oracle livered by lhe pastor. Kov.-A. S. Fito. Seed corn ot. >;;ronK >;<*rminati*stt*. A—K<*od—root thfin formerly and the.. cjmmU^se ta gucceetling Ura. Frank c. Bannisier, growth will lakv placu-dutl tlie growth" charge respectfully requests all auto who recently, resigned after a service above ground will be so slow and ownera to kindly give the use of their of eight yeare, "Walter Fletcher and hardy that it will withstand cold Dr. C. A. FOX, DenU| cars for next Sunday afternoon to con­ —Frank Johnson. have~b«en -Che substi­ weather and-^ost» better- than, later- vey, the veterans and "singers. Kindly - Barry Bids.—Tel. Con. Aycr, Mass. tutes during: the interim between Mrs. planted corn. It is the fall frosts that notify W. O. Hawkes. Have the autos Bannister's resignation and the newshoul d be feared rather than the spring appointment. ready to leave /rom the M. E. church frosts. at one p. m. next Sunday. Florida S. Straeban The already overtaxed fire-fiKhters Hon. Herbert E, Fletcher has been ; '"were called to a bad woodland fire on ill with bronchial dillicuUies at his DO\»T LET YOVR COUGH HANG OX READER I MASTERPIECE of transportation'design, buUt for i Monday afternoon in the vicinity of home on Oak hlll. l^r. Wells has been A cough that racks and weakens Is Teacher of Korest road, which burned over con­ in attendance and everything is clear­ dangerous, It uriderminee your health your .requirements—to give you tie lowest Hauling % siderable terrltor>-. The heavy rain ing up. , and thrives on neglect. Relieve it at Tolcc, Physical Culture and HlocuUon I Jater In the week has been very wel­ once with Dr. King's New Discovery. The recent -spring census of the STUDIO—WBST GROTON A cost in the world and me most satisfactory service, jr Thia soothing balsam romedv heals the come as a preventive of woodland farms of New York state to get an flres. ^ - . throat, looseaj? the phlegm, its antlsep- estimate of the proposed pUftiting tlc properties kill the germ and the Mrs. Gertrudo C SkMrnoger-of-^Som^ -brouftiit—ou^ -d^Rvand—for—^'*"^ 000- Ij An attachment that makes Fonn-a-Truck has been in steady 'cold IS quickly bruken—u^rr.—eMldien Ralph H-.AfV^y44e cr\'ille, was in town the first of the bushels of spring wheat for sowing. and grown-ups alike find Dr. KIng'a 1 aa fullfiillxyr guaranteemior-*-r\nn ^"^'?«*?£«*°'^scrvicc tbr ,fou ycara^haT vearst—has coveres covered • d week. This means 27,000 acres, not riiuch of New Discovery nleasant lo tako as well i The readlngr circle of the Tadmuck course, as western farmers plan lo as effective. Have a bottlo handy in -^y DENTIST yOur medicine chest for grippe, croup truck out of any Ford, Max- over 20 000 nul^-hauled an aver- glub met Insr wPf>k Friday ^ftemoon. sow,, but quite a royival for a «tate and-all-bro nchial affecttons:—At-drug- at the home of Mrs. Goldsmith H. Co- near enough to be'the"weslern Voun- fi glsts. 50c. Barry Bldg. AYER MASS. ^w^Dodge3ps;rCh^v^r^„^ nant at Parkerville. There was a dary of Massachusetts. In town, the good atlendance preBehl~to read the Read-Drew farm -are planning on New AdTertlsements Telephone Connection 'im46 Buick or Overland car. That planting two bushels of shelled corn I third -in the series of contemporary HEXHOISES FOR SAI.E—Three A proved transportation service drama. The play, "Michael and his for husking; this means about eight small Henhouses, with vards, F. K. I| gives you a permanent truck acres. Upoji Milestone hill Hlodgett lost angel," by Henry Arthur Jones, SLEEPER. Shirley, Mass. SStt of wonderful day in and day out ll was the study of the aftornoon. ~ Bros, are planning a largo- acreage of «I ' construction—as we\\ biu'lt as husking corn beside the silo corn. UmonCashMarket COILD YOU PROVIDE ,A <;OOD efficiency and eaming power. That A group of Westford Grangers were They have recently finished setting an HOME FOR .V BOY, who in return ll' the most costly truck you can in atlendance at Acton Grange Tues­ acreage of apple trees. would be of hein to you? Thc Hoston Ayer, Mass. has added_ to the profits of every day evening to witness the conferring Children's Aid Societv Is !n need of free I buy—and yet cheaper in price of the third degree on a class of can­ At the vestry- of the Unitarian and boardlnB- homes, within' sixty miles user by cutting dovm easpense in didates by the ladies' degree staff and church last Saturday ovening a com­ of Boston, where there are jrond school I than a good pair of horses. the fourth degree by the regular of­ plimentary supper was given to the privlleBes. .address W. E. YCiL'NG, 4S the' hauling arid .delivery depart­ He: Ib. ficers, followed by a harvest supper. choir and'Sunday school. An excellent Hawkins St.. Boston. Mass. i.xZG BEST BCTTER supper of ice creani and the cream A hauling unit that moves ments and by elimiiiating unneces­ Mrs. George H. Holt, of Chelinsford. of much' else was served. This was I.ittleton. Mass., May 7,-H'l7. SWEJEm>OT.4TOr.S iJirge Can 16c. who was taken ill and seriously threat­ sary a:nd wasteful equipment followed by a piano duet. Misses Mil- To tJio SliddlcKox County C'ommL«- H tvidce the tonnage moved by ened with pneumonia while" visiting n.MvIlD BE.'\>'S Ijirge Can 23c. dred and Marion.l-"letcher: son^. "Our —Mrt*. J—Horbert-Flett'her, is Improving^ .-- - sloucrs:- -. -;_ ^- ,- Ylag waving o'er us."' ~ Alice? Ruth, ll—horses—diat-ha^-deffionstaa— - each day although, not abJe to-returiv VAX C.ICMP'S C.\TSUP 20c. The-Snrith-pomapaiTruck py&' l^reda Johnson and Mildred'and"^Tari- ReopoetfuIIy- repre.=(nt the unfler- to her home. on Fletcher; i)iano solo. Miss Freda sipned inhabitants of the tnwn of Lit­ ' ted a ton-mile operating cost SXIDER'S CATSUP 22c. you a one-ton truck of 125 in. Tho newly-purchased Victrola, with Johnson; duet. "Sweet and low," Miss­ tleton, in said County, that the road es Ruth and Freda Johnson; "The of less than 8 cents from wheelbase; with either 9 or 12 ft. some well chosen records, has been in- runninK from Kins street southerly of PEAS ' 12c. can ??tall^d at the academv and is much throe wishes." Mixm :\t^,be] Drew. Mrs feittlcton __ oonfflmon pa.'i t.ic ini'n!K.«inTt' ^^eeords obtained from over loading platform; with a sturdy \ —aj>^-eoiat«d- by-*h*-pupil^r— -Haroltl—\\T~Htmreih. 'MTntrm -peavey; *\VX<:'K-JIICE-, 4.-ll>s,-35c, sHop of John "Ewinp".-* to the state A delegation-representing Westffird Gordon Seavey, Fisher Buckshorn. "dOxlbte^llaijS~dnve ;"~solid~'"fruck road is in need of relocatliTi and speci­ XOXE-SUCH MIXCi;.ME.\T 10,000 users in over 400 lines Cavalr>' association was in attendance This short play; wae tinely acted, as fic repairs. type rear tires;' a rear axle con­ at the funeral of Webster C. Robbins. well as the whole program. "Good 3 pkgs. 25c. of vv^ork. Acton, last Sunday, the deceased bo­ night." so appropriate for closing, was Wherefore we pray y..u will reloc-ate struction that supports 90% of the ing a momber of this association and HIGH-GRADE COCO.'V I rendered by the Misse's Ruth, Alice and order repairs on said road.. A sturdy truck construction that JJoad.carriedrTrtakes all the carrying having inany~frieTids in"Ttii5 town. and'Fnrda'Johnson and -Mildred and JOSI.VH P. THA'-HER 23c. lb., 5^rb9. $1.00 Miss Marjory Seavey returns this Marion Fletcher. has reduced time lost out of service work o£F the power plant and puts .\nd four others. week for tho summer vacation, from Rev. L. L. Greene, of <:;helmsfor4. KELLOGG^S CORXFI^.\KES 10c. pkg. to a minimuiBj. The firstSmit h it on the truck construction.' —her-studiea-at Bo:*ton university;—Mry. coTTdnctedlhc scr-t-ice at the Unita^ri a n —.\—tT'tie copy.—Attest, 'SintEDnED'WHE.AT 12o. nkg. Morail. WMu tuiij li(:i-ii uuilng us lioubi- OhUR'li labi . ami ^ave a hai- Ai.iit:i:T J. ADAW-J. Weeper at the Seavey household dur­ rinp sermon on "(tur faith." Deputy Sher;ff. WAX BEANS 12c. can E-uery type tifitxfy/hm the Sght, fian board express type ta the big ing the winter, returns" to her own Supt. Henry ^mith. of Graniteville. I stetl dumping bodies fir contractars and the huge vans fir nunxn n home. RCMFPRD'S BARING POWDER reports havinft potatoes up. Ditto at I» used an Smith Farm-O'Tnuk. There is no Sne ofbumieSs in which Oh Friday eveninp. June 1. there the ' 'Id Oaken Hueket farm. roninionwt'aJtJi of >ta>stKhusctL« ^ Large can SSc. \ tht turn era hau&az tmd deSveryveMde does nat find a rtadj piat*. will be a meeting at the town haJl of The CUd Oaken Bucket farm folk.s Middlesex, .ss. __th.e._iV.*?stf',1 rd iJoy PQguI;* .ulld ('atnp art* plan»ins-on i*H acreiipo- of -whito. Fire Girls: nf Hoxborouuh, to whi*.h the AT a nioetinjir oT xtie C. uniy r-omm:.«: beans alunp side of the Stony Hrook P^'iblic l.s invited !iy payment of a "nomi­ sinners for the *'uunty uf MiJiUe^ex, at railruad. The rows are liable to be E. 0. PROCTOR COMPANY nal fee. A i;ond attendance of inter­ Cambridpe. ij^ >aid ''ounty. un the first haif a mile loim like this. There be- ested friend.s is hoped for this deinon- UnioD Gash Harket Ayer, Mass. no division fence between said Old Tuesday of January, m the >ear of r.ur iitratlon and explanation uf the jilan.^ Oaken Hucket farm and land uf Georpe I.ord one thousand n:ne hundred and and iiurjioses of these two (jriraniz^i- Main Street, Ajer, HMR. C. Mo. he ^aid ruws uf '>ean.-; will >*-\"er.teen. \v::, by adjournment at '^ tions. start at the Stuny Hrui.ik ruad and are " •ambridt: n the *:^ht h da>• of May Mr.--. I.ouis H. Kncksh'.>rn and Mrs. liahlt- to coi;tiluu- tu til..- d.im at Hrouk- A I». 1^17. I H. V. Hildi-t-:h have \>von in attend- side---a half a mile stretch A little Piano Xuning IlT T T T TftJig^Mfa < in tho fureL'uinir ;jet:t;i in, • U dered Oi rince at "anniversary wf-ek" meetings nverlappim:r mu-t have a little uvt-r- ir» Kijsion this week, sesi^iuns full uf loukinp; in a fuud enier^t-nc\'. that the ShenrT uf said Cuunty. f-r hi; WILMOT B. CLEAVES A Nlco Assortment of :ntert-st *<> all loyal I'nitarians. The recent death uf .Mr.-. E-^tellaJ "^'IHity pive notice tcr n\\ persons and Phone "20 HARVARD, MASS, An up-to-date new .---witch board is (Glynni llar.ke at Astarin. 1.. I., re-j coriM.rata.n- mtereste,^. thr-rein. that beinp installed thi.s week at the central calis h'-r helpfulness in the I-'ortniph*- j said rvunniissioners will meet ffir the Graduate N. S. C. of Mualc, Bostoa Democrat telejihone otllce ttt supplement the one ly club in .N'orth Westfurd when assist- j.iirpuse fif viewin-- the premise.-^ and Ten years wltb Aeolian Co., New Tork a!rfa(iy in use. .\x the time this tirst inp her aunt. Mrs. K. ,1. Gamil. in Kast hearinp the parties at the i^^t-lectnien's Agent for liolton Band Inatruments one was inttalleu it w-as considered Grutun. Thest- visits wovv fre'juent Room in the Tr.wn Hall in said I.ittle- Pianos For Sale luid Rent lyl3* Millinery • iuite adequate f'ir its use at that time Wagons ot the Ko rtniphtl y and foi- cor^i'deratTI,- expansion. This' s theh" 1:1 n e » > i f hfr in - -ro^T7,rON\VirAT^TH-OF" ^rASSACHr- - ^COXCORB-BCGGIES •w.i>. wh'ja the tf-lephervinp the Clerk uf the Town To the hi :r s-at-ia.\"c and all other Williarr. HuIIi.rk h.a- -i-:d hi.-^ fatm .;..\v a I'.trt . ! th'- t-qu.;.nu-nt m .ilmo-^t per suns mtt-i ested .-"Th the eatate of n tho C.'Id 'Spr.r.i: r< ai! Xn I-owell f'f Littleton with a ropy (.f said peti­ . \ *-r:. wf-i; . --•.t;.;isi:. .l_hj>u.--.-hM;,l. 'ni.iU-i^!^^;;^.'^"" ;i FIIANK H. bLHRENS late of IV-ppereU i thev hnve already ^-t^rt-e^l tion—ajid 's at least h'-ff-re sani vi^w. and )>y W'here.i.-. AltTHUK P. WlilCHT ad­ Tffcxvd If ilf .- .Ill' :• rt ffV xhf main­ tht- ;ilum;h .r:d .ill -t st;ir.'l> fur. ministrator -.: the estale not" already tenance "f 'hf *'ST:I :''.i--h'-'i -taniia:-'. uf publishinp the >anio .n Turner's Pub­ The Oid Maken H'.i< k.-t farm f.ilks adminlstt-i .-'1 nf said deceased has pre­ ::er, sen tfd to .-aid Court his' petition for fri.m .Mr, an,i .Mrs M;. run V. Swa'.- three w-eek.s succes^ive">-, the la.-t pub- liet'n.-e tu s>-i; at private sa,le. in nc- Butcher Therf' wi,l li*- j.^ >--r\ :• t'S .<'.::,(la\' eordance \^ith. the offer named in paid luw. of Gruton. licatiun to h>- fourteer. days at least _:;-;i •rn::'.L' at th-.' fh .;rf-.".'-s .it tia- <'e:,t''r. petition, or upon such terms a.s may bc beforo ."^aid v'.ew. ar.d aNo by pf^stlni: -h. '.:: -.'••i) in'-r.a>r.a! .--(rv.f'- bt;r.L' heli'. j .. ad.:ud>:ed bes*. the real" estate of said the same in two public places -.n the deceas'fd. for the purpose of distribu­ :h.s y.Mr wixn xhv M.-thiiil.-t churrh ' <-''""^*-; R. M. GRAHAM Carts tion I r rh.-' Grani:.- said Tuwn uf Littleton fourtef-n days Vtju ;*?*• hi-fii^b^y. cilefl to ..appear a-t- fl- whu .nr-.v -.UM :i."~." ::•.;. :;.:nTc";"'' fnaki-" | ^b'^*"r%'rf! ran<' nipht." liefure s.ai.I view, and that he niake I'rubatf »"o;.r', to be held at ("ambridpre, Nutting Block Ayer, Mass. the ri'iir-,'! i.f xhv <•* n-,e:er.*-s ,r. tiit"-'."P of Middlesex, on the fifth Harnesses , :^fXfTn.if^ w:.: ue f'smi^hed w :th but , '-Tans wr .Wid I •cciipu'd re d;jy of Jun*- A. I>. 1917. at nine o'clock " I C'lmmi.'^'^iorers. at the t.rr*^ and i>lace A eoed assortment and at all prices— ' r off l-f .-I'-al ta I'lf-- Th'' Of : rt<"'Sy 'if "hr \ -• rvci! s*^. A n per•r.- I m lhe for'ni^ifin. to show cause, if any fixf-ki f..r -stitd vtfw i.r.ti hf-arir.f.-. you have why the same should not be i'Mii 'jf autiaraili::'"'S f T 'hv v ••-r.ir-^. | "•'••''> rt-pri vnXf I'OI t! iwn coll and see tbem ^' g-rantfT'.. f'T > i'p'i .iautrht'T'- ff \''t.-ranf= an-l IThe t-nte: a;i;ni» I.t was in (ixitrixf ..i W.M. 1 • :'li.I.INGH.'KM . And said i"-titioner Is ordf-red to serve smL'vr- ffV the afternuun \":."~iia :ic>n tu j -Mi"'^ Alfi •<1 \V Ii,.r-f(,ra am! .Mr.'- I'l-rk Quality Tire Repairing . this citation hy delivering a copy there­ CARRIAGE REPAIRING IN AJAJ ITS the < '"-nu -tv .f c rri-iu ;'• hi- t h.u: u,;Erhl>' Kra nk '", .M:!ier. •.•i.th .It, .iithfr- i.f ('"]'y "i i-ctit...;-, .1- I X.'I - th"l"intt, y,".;,"nilf'l sfv- and if any unf can not be so found, by Ther*-' w." •• -yr -i-.ja; • v* r .n-- <•• W.M. '" ! >II.1.;^•G:!.^^;. loiblishintt i>ie tiamc once In each week, ERAL BLACKSMITHING '•'It-rk fur thrt-f successive weeks, in The eare and attention. My quality work has enabled many to double .-^(•if rt;,.i,r. l.v th- Mu^.i..|li; rluli, fr. .tr. day A xv.ie ("i'y . At: St. Pcpperf 11 t 'larion-Advertiser. a nfws- (;:.ill;ti'V.;i> . ^..r.i;.^ Gra !-.;t<-v.:i.. .|!!ar- paif-r pubiish*-d In said Count:- the last their tire mileage. Bring yonr tires for inspection—if ther are not Tlu- ]ivi] ''-' -- h- • Xi'-X. ili-.nr.\ Snuth.--Lj.sc.ir X..ij...n^ H..*»- Al.r.K ;T ,I. AnAM.-< putiitrattmr Tn hj^ oTiJi day arle.iSTr be- \\'7..lT,;--aav ..t"-.rn" f.. worth^fhc priee of ;? TepaiFl wilPtell yoii7'"Tn"'all ca'ses I ean sa"vK FREDERIGK- WHiTNEY-- cit \;.<',ii-hv •• ir.l.'.- r.arr..'. Wcst- "•w?.: Ix-l.-tty .•^hc-r.rr. U-rr- said Court. ha,-- b. '-r Th- -••( .-, i"''l "1..11'.'-. .\lp--t-. l'..an;-t.r ilnr- Wit nfS';. Ch.arles J. Mclntire. Esnuire. AYER, MASS. Mr< Will:,.in, H i a,". you nioney. My modern plant enables me tn give the best of service l.ii-ii. l'.t\ aivl < \;M-.:i..r L'~. i-n.hn::, F.:-: .Iijd>/* uf j*ald Court, this lifteenth ^s,*; nf thf tlav ar,. 1 th day of .May m the year one thousand .\Ii« |-.T1I-.\ K Wr.L-ht. v-r.I,, Kolar- at the minimum eost. < .1 niTif hund:*d and seventCfn. a.-^sisted h'. r .n tn- Mfi'-trxi-.f: p;ar.'. lOi." .\lr« tJfhnt^tia t: -letails tl. nriK--- * ^- .- -.1 E. D. STONE W.a.-t'.n .i-al .M.--; .1 , , 11 K;..t-. M;- .I'm-, ^.-i" MI- '• l:..ii.-, t.il.l.Ma-. .M... \' [i.ldr. fl 'I'iu ' l.TTS -Mirhfu.scx, ss. Probato Court. AntomobUo and Cordwood Insaranoa .- \\ ii;irt <;..r...a-i S.-.I\.A 1-: .z.-il.c-h \v.-;i. Tu thf h* ;; s-a t-la w, next of kin. credi- 'ib;*--. tak' 'j •! Uf • .1 ', X r -..Iti..- al air.-; |.'.iM-,l 1 \ .Miss l-'li-t. hi-r o- ,ind al, uther persc»ns inif-rc-ted in . d at «um.', I'd \< EBQuer A. Stone, TTpcirrltlnc II .1 .Mrs \v..t,-..r ttii'n -h. tni.' i .-.• tn It" u: I,F'-V ,\. liHOADES btlf of .Wer The Quality Tire Shop '>f-;n':u-;s ; --tru- hn •if '--atf rif l.rCY A. ininAHES lale ,1 < '---Lit itr.ar-.l i- itt'- -i. -.r. '•'I'll*- .^"tar Page's Block Ayer, Maaa. .,:-• • , *. Jelly f -\\t; it, sa.d County, dfcfasfl, >ntfji- and >a'''d\\ :rh» s '• B. II. TYHREI.L. I'rop, tn*'- ni Tro • 1-. I m Park Street AYER, MASS. ,:,.,; f'r-u--; dc-.L-: \\h- r- .1.- ., pelillon has Pf ;i pre- (-; i^ri :• d tl. ^a id Court to *rrant a u tt*-r of n: f; um I.."b "••r <• ' • df^ilM---,1 ;lbn on the f.*fta:f of said de- The Best Ever in' ,.rv . Tumblers A^fd Xf <*AltI{IK I... I-V.NI>S uf .\yfr In I. T; ij T- < nnr,; uf Middlesex. wiih(mt Kivint: is what la heard from all our custom­ I Nv -.Mirk, F.tily furty d'.:h-ir.- w.] d U ' That Is thc way It is all through our • <'.ix,- tiusp: i -aid < V intv of Middlesex, on the Jlfih )'0 r»'abz.-d frum thf > v< r.*. .a; d .ir .Ml.nd.(>. .\I;r. 14 Wf lia\f ;} full vtock i.\ Fruit Of .Iu If .\. D. 1917. at nine o'clock IN YOUR HOME OF THE lino ot Koods—thc best Is none too ai:<-d :->: \r^ 1 mil and V.' da\- Mf n rterv.uun • if •-n. ml <• n K>\'II-."7", t b-* a : 'liir.s aii'I Joliy TimiMer-^ ruiuly for m thf f'o.-tioon. to ^how cause if any Kood for our customers, and this year nrescnt : >-ui'.'lt:--! uut the aftcin- : '• Ifave-; a wiff and twu daii^-htfr- .\i- ytiu bavi. w hy thc same should not be wc have bought tho bo.it obtainnbia iM-rtina and Alicf, Hl^u thrft- suns, .Vb A'*iCiHl}i». yraiilcd, . . .._.. in-tba'^Maple-Syrup line.—^W«-«lso- fri-d. TTorafp a;,d TTenry TTfioux Th» An'l th^ T'ftltloncr Is hereby directed .\\o\nndfr A <'ameron, non of Mr handle what. WA-consider the two beM funeral look plate fruni h.s lar. )v.rn< IMMEDIATE DELIVERY to Kivf t.il II lie notlec thereof.' by puh- and Mrs, .lulian .-\ ''.arnerun, \vhu un­ flours In the market—Gold Modal and here up Kri tin'fi- ^f t'amer'm rlrcli I'" nf A . hfld a Wfll attended mfftirL- .1" thf I: • (lirectH. in their ruMm-^ un Tuf^day nijrht with All per? Tiff havlnpr demands upon the AlMMit Town. fptatf of • bl fleccAJtcd are required to Mi**s .Marjun I.'.rd. chief rompaninn m ,\ few .additional an tni oStatc are called upon a sonn) nn-.tr w.ai» f njoyed. dunni; to make payment to REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST bu, which were nut available iasl week, ATER f ARIBTY STORE which lUi.rh uns '.frvfrl. Ayer Eledtric Light Co. will morf fully rompl'^tf thf sketch KWINn W, HAMLKN*. Adm. OpjKMlte Depot Ayer, Mass. ;:iven last week. He wa^; born in Ken Thf u'sual Mav .K-vutifinc Were hfjd Tolf*phone Connection .^04 Karri'^tfr.s Hall. BostPn, Mass. dall, England, on P'ebrunry n. 1> (^. i in St 'atheriia church on Tuesda\ May 14. liMT. 3t37 BARRY BUILDING AYER, MASS. 3mI0 MMUiWHmiMMWteMIMH ••-xA^Hiiae^Mi iPiPPPiPiiPPP)>i!P WBPPW •Wpp! "*«r y-

:•'•:, SATUEDAY,cMAY 26, 1917 PAOE THBBE

PEPPEBELL About Toivn. v HAEVARD their hnme In Nashua Xr-j.-n Wednes- day to Friday of last .^....k The service at the South road Xmrw Tlotna schoolhouse will be held as usual on Ncn'H Itenv*. .Mrs. William Matth<-». ..riff , ,,,,,! Sunday afternoon at X.IS. Kov. Sher­ her sister. Miss Gllson, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Perry of At the town hall on next Thursday iard Billings will conduct the service. tho week-end. Beachmont vlalted relatives In town evening a grand jiopular concort wlil There will be an entertainment at .Mr. and .Mrs. B. A. 1,;.,:; over Sunday. be given by the Ayer Male Gloe club of the Soutji road schoolhouse on Thurs­ sixteen voices, W. U, Koblnson, 'con­ iiy, of l.eomln.fter. motor,.1: . Mrs. Jennie McDonald spent Thurs- day evening. May 31,. at eight o'clock. ductor; Mrs. L. H. Graydon. accom- homo liore lust wtjek K,':i!:i; ..aay.Qf.liiat wceltln-Boaton, jjoliu;-jvltb, The irrogramr W'hlch wtll conslst_br panl»t,-as»lsted bJ—Mr.?,—Madoline P -fgiiepts-at-the home' *-f—i>r Mrs. - ,I"rcd Banorofl—and - ta m!ly—Ity nmsic. ijopular .songs aiid feadrngs. is Sargom: soprano: Mis-s Ho.samond";.ou. The .schooT children ri.i., auto. under tho supervision of ^Irs. .S. W. goo. 'cello. The concort is for tbo bene- th'-ir propo.-.od mom<':. r ,. Mrs. Wllllahi Toirance, w^o is visit­ .Stursis of Groton School, Htof thc P.ed Cro.s.s Guild—Wilino- u .:c>olil:t of tho mea.s:eb, ing hero from WinnlpeKT was the Cleaves, proniotor. .Soo posters, I'liarles Kussell iir-d . : guest of her klnswomail. Mrs. John l*ep|K-ifll HcU Crl>>,H Urancli. Martin, last week. Mrs. White :inin.iunct's tho dato fo: iiiotorod from their 11 ' A businc-^s moeling of the i'epperell her annual childrfii's hall for Juno .S. and .spent tho week--, i,.; ., Dr. Carl Fulda and his wifo. form Ked rross branch »-lil—be—lioli -Phlft-is-one-of- l-lie-^ociai events' of the -mer home here. • erly Mlss. Morgan, came from. Now Monday uftorno(»n. May 2!). at threo season. r\n opideiiiK: of iiit-.t-;,-. York l.ist week and are occupying the o'clock at the chapter houso. Com­ Stedman Stuart, fornurlv of this oul -among the child:. late Samuel l,akin's place, near the pleted work has been forwarded to the town, now of-l.utlot.,n. wasa guost on quite a number of the::. •,. .1,^ ,• old home of Mrs. Fulda. Thc doctor, county chapter, l.owoll. consisting of Wednesday with .Mr. .ind Mrs ..\ T to their honies at the ;ir, -< -.t •: who has been connected with the Ger­ 30 hospital shirts, bandages, 84 tucker West. man hospital. New York, has been ad­ bags, knitting, etc. An Invitation is ox- Mr, and Mrs. Hor.ic- :<\,. ., vised to have a complete rest and tended to all to. becotne members of .L.ast Sundaj- ovonini: Keuben Keed York, sjjout several dii>. :; t,n change- through the summer. It Is the Ked Cross branch. Give your went Into the store about ten o'l-lock cently, visiting friends ntni r.'llx .aindei'stood ho may purchivse thc Uikln name to any of the otllcers, Mrs. Howo, to get his pipe which hc had loft thore. y.ttit. Patrick O'Coiiij,-!,. jc,. place for a permanent summer homo. sec; Mrs. Hersey. treas.; -Mrs, Mault- and w-as very much .surprised to tind nietl by her daughtt-i- .\Ia:-\ ii If they like. inan, Mrs. Woodworth, Mrs. Barnes, another caller at tho store there be- turi:od from ;t two-wook.s staj- Mrs. Dorshelmer: Mrs. Flvnn. ex. com,. fore him. Being dark, he spoko to Mlss Margaret Park of W.iitham home of her parents. Mr -Mtji ask who It was. and tor answer re- was In town last week at the home of .Mrs. E. L. Tarbell, chairman. John Lynch, of Canibrltlitc. .M:i.-~ , fol­ celved a crack on the head from, a can Mlss Anne Jewell. It is understood lowing an accident to Mr. l.y:n!i -.vhich ot meat. Iteuben immediately grap­ she may turn her attention later to for a limo it w-as feart.J \vould prov.j Federated Fair Coniinlttm-the alt-e-tiear Nluolttluaitt h«t Mrs.—Lynch- _wiUise-^iu:aiiii--lw..-~t.tsofi 30 and 81 and utliur articles WHTch he had pre poor'for a long tinu-. .Mr. Lxrch is to Rncky Pnnd. Hollla, wharo he •Vill lixooutlve—Mrs. Jerry Annls; Mrs. U, pared • to take away, Entrance w-us still conlined to the hi.'S[.i:a; and Kain- operate. It In the lot purchased by A. E. Weston. Mrs. D. K. Child. Mrs. W. N. made hy the back second story w-ln­ ins Slowly. A. Shattuck and M. H. SulIlVan. Mault. Mrs. H. N. Tower. Mrs. Cluirles dow-. -At thc schools on Tuesday aftornoon Miller. " , • Mrs. Llewellyn Poworti rt'cenUy re­ J. E. Maymird had a night calTer~r>- there will be fltting exercises to com­ Kntertalnment—Community club. ceived a letter from <'oncord in re­ cotitly who took away 500 tomato memorate Memorial day. At the Main Flower—Mrs. Addison Woodward, ^rr^. gard to forming a Ked Cross auxiliary plants that were about ready for tho street building the exercises wilt be Fred Bancroft, Mrs. D. E. We.ston. Mrs, among the ladles of the town. Mrs. Bliss. Mrs. Leon Richardson. Mrs. Iiarry retail market. Powors has interviewed a number on from two to three o'clock. The visitors Hutchinson, Thore -will be union memorial serv­ the matter and II is^ expected that a will be George G. Tarbell for the 6. Decoration—^Mrs. Elizabeth Attridge. public meeting, calling-all the w<)men A. R.. aad Rev. W. .H. Beers. The Miss LydlaJWaite. Mrs. Buss. Mrs. An­ ices on Sunday at -the Unitarian of the town together, will be held on school will have patriotic songs and nls, Mrs. Goff. Mrs. Jessie Parker. Mlss church; Rev. H. C. ' Merrill will the afternoon or evening of some near exercises. At the high school build­ Gertrude Dane, Mrs. Gay. Mrs. Graham. preach the sermon. The musical pro­ "Apron—Mrs,' Clarence Cook. Mrs, gram win be' In charge of H. A. Thay­ date for the purpose of forming-The ing the exercises will be at three Walter Shattuck. Mrs. W. A. Shephard­ er. All are cordially welcome: servico order and making plans for the work o'clock. son. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Frossard, Mrs; at 10.45 lli the morning. which i» so much needed, and as this Mrs. Sarah Patch Is now able to James Drumm. is surely a flne and patriotic way for ^^o smoke, no soot, no_a^Jiej&.-^Jlig__LoiiiLJ81ue Chimney gives perfect —a'fllk ncross the n^T "^ *'"- -""'" ylth Fancy work—Mrs. N. M. Outteraon ^I^. and Mrs. Mathers, of Greenfleld the women to help servo their coiTn" two canes. She enjoyed a. visit from Mri#. tJImer .Mason, -Ml-s. 13. H. BUss. .Mrs. were guests tnis week with the latter's try, it is expected that they will re­ combustion. All the heat you want, ivhen you want it. You can see J. B. 1-ewis. Mrs, Minnie Green, Mrs. hcr cousin, Mlss Jessie Shattuck, of parents, Mr. ond Mrs. A. W. Brvant, spond eagerly and spontanoousiy. Chester Mills. Oak hill. where the flame is set and there it stays. ' ' -^ Groton, on Thursday of last week, Parcel post—^Mrs. P. J, Hayes. Mrs. In a ball same between the Brook- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Webster .and .\rchle Plko. Mrs. Wallace Smalley. Mrs. C. R. Miner moved his household Une boyo and-^he- Holli;?- A. A., here- daughter, of Revere, and Mr. and Mrs. TjCorgB •W. Plerfce. Mrs. Mary Maltman. •goods on last Munday tb' flis new home New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves arc making &,-5O07OOO-ktt^iens-eom— Mrs. N.. B. Appleton. last Saturday, tho home boys lo.st to George Forrester, of South Boston, at Turner's Falls, whore hc has been .\dvertlslng—Mrs. L. R. Qua, Mrs. N. the visitors by_t.A'?.-,^c*^^'' '^'—U-tQ_ 0-_ fortable today. . • jnotored here for the day last Sundav wloXkinK for several weeks. . Mrs, Minor M. Guttersdn, Mrs. C. B. Tatt. and daughter have been staying hero : A nieeting of the public safety com­ to the home .of Mr. and Mrs. George Household—Mrs. W. F. Dennen. Mrs. until arrangements for a tenement mittee was held In th*- :..wn hall on Tucker. In company with their host­ S. A. Davis. Mrs. W. H. Beers. Mrs. Mar­ The New Perfection Kerosene Water Heater gives abundant hot water for laundry, could be mado. ^[onday evening of las: week. Plans ess Ihey spent a part of tho afternoon Karet Sylvester. Mrs. L. G. Robbins. kitchen or bath at low cost. Ask your hardware or housefumishing store for descriptive booklet. to give wider publicity to the liberty at Sliver Lake. Hollls. N. H.. securing Mrs,' Addison Woodward. C. F. Bond, of South Boston, was bond issue were discussed and all per­ quantities of trailing arbutus. I'ea-room—Mrs. Irene Attridge. Mrs. a guest for over last Sunday n-ith .sons interested are requested to com­ Joseph Donnelly. Mrs. Rodman Blake, liYank Stanton at the Harvard Shaker Mr. and' Mrs. L. A. Johnson visited .Mrs, Mabel Robbins. Mrs. Florence Sim­ municate with the executive, commit­ ^m STANDARD OIL COMPANY of NEW YORK village. {Principal Ojffices) their daughter, Mrs. Frank Kaulbeck, mons, ilrs, Jerry Annis, Mrs. Albert tee. Dr. Holcombe Many Marshall Parker, Mrs. Matthew Lane. Mrs. Wil­ and husband. In Boston ovor the week­ Miss Clara Endicott Sears opened and John Whitcomb. fur fur;her par­ liam Jewett. New York ; Albany. A Bufialo Boston end. Mr. Johnson returned Sunday her home here on Prospect hill. Tuos­ ticulars, applications. *.to. Car! (.'Uf­ and Mrs. Johnson remained over Mon­ Cand.v--Mrs. IC. S, Durant. Mlss Mary day, for the summer. ford. chairman of the sul^committee day. Wood. Mrs. C. G, Heald. Mrs. Bessie Wright, Mrs, Mabel Parker. Mrs. Louise "Weldon." the summer home of .Mr. nn labor, was apl)o:t:tt'd ttnvn la>>or A forest fire startjjd last woek Fri­ Dunton. and Mrs. Perkins, Oak hill, is open for agent. All peraons rfi .:irinic agricul­ day afternoon In the rear of the Sar­ Mystery—Mrs. Henry Tarbell. Mrs. the season. tural labor, or those wh.^ are in a i>08l- tolle saw mill at the base of Nissltlls- Wardell Parker. Mrs. Albert Pelton. cion to work on local farms, are re- Mlss Ellen Miller. Mrs. P., Lawson. Mrs. Mr. and .Mrs. Leon Dadmun. of Soni- --sitt -hill;_.which .^swept ove.r-^uile a tor.-- ^ohn." Martinr -er-viHor open their house--here--tjrrs- -quested to communica;-- wkh the nuent — rltory Covered-isMth Voung .plnfi.sr.9Wth Supper-rJlrs. .-Geonue—H. - siiail^MikT--Week for the summer months, -QC-:^vith-cither Qharles Dutibar or-Her- befororft was.conquered. The lirst at­ Mrs. B. L Tarbell. Mrs. Frank Ken­ bert Cory. Weekly rej..irt-^ to the cen­ Allan Barnard haa been home on a tempt at ringing in an alarni was not nedy. Mrs. Walter. l.unt. Mrs, .ionas tral labor committee v.-'d\ b- made ar.d leave of absence for a few days on ac­ a success; although some of the fire Andrew-s, Miss Helen l.aw-rence. Mrs. earnest endeavors to k'-'-ji ;h WlllouKhby. .Mr.s. J. Tun.>. .Mrs, Harry count of an attack of tonsilitis" He re- department responded with chemicals. bor requirements filb-d :•- the aim *»f Hohart. Mrs Rowm:in Mrs Ali.... Hi.rl^- turned to Hntv «>n Thnrs-H-iy and the flames-vveio Kept out of thc tbas^'onirnittee. -Insha.TC. .Miia Mario-Io ""S^woodTof^sr E. K. TirbeTT ATT-Tlre- •Kr*^d Cartipbell in'fVing tro portablc mill was not running and no of Mr. and Mrs. Bert •:U.'W*kt-lI,' WMS Townsend here anii iMi; live in t: The hnino of .Mr. and Mrs. i iglttene-l li>- th*' 'uhen: unknown. N. H.. Tirewday, and oi^.i;r:cied on f"r of .1 httle daugl;t''r. S.indav morning. mastoids. He is in a jiiiSil'ticat' condi­ liichard Wright :'.': (-)-oar Kli Mr.s. Linzee Prescott and the Mi.sses Xoivs Itcnj-s. .Mav 20. tion, although'with no new dovt-lop- spent the week-end .r. TiuThe - W'f.r-^.W.-ir-^ . t!i. _ Presentt-mot4^rp.l-UT> from I:o>it*»n^ List Arthur W^^R-dt, of Ai^ -^Vfrr dw i: A Touch of Vernicol- Saturday for .1 few hours at the Pres­ ineaLs ha li oxDecti-iLto bt- al-le to \>v :r)-^n la.-si Saturday. j O'Heron. They :i,ii: IM rutifi V Letter from Frniire cott homosload. North repperell. The home in from three to six weeks. ! speeimen.s iif lan A b-tt-!. 'l.!od »'.L Misses Prescott expect to leave for Dr. J. X. Murray. F. S. Kimhall. G. Eben F. Corey hns enlisted nx\d .>. anu A !'au orusn fire •" li) were amon;^ the Liitleion t is now- at Portsmouth. X. H., in train- iias entt-red «>n his duties ti: Tue.^d.iy neMr the trac'-; -~x--r Hobbins in Acton nr. Sunday at" will 1H> re^^umed in the loWer -.Mwr: :•. xht rf-Av of Will:>-i! H'luii. >• ]•:• Donald Jacobs h.is enlisted for train­ tt-n.oi.n. It was i.n-- of xhv htrges on ne.vt Wednesd.iy evening . e: "> , F:> ir-.LT .->park- ing for the, navy w-ith many of his f:i:ie!Mls held in ,thi?- vicinity recently o'eli>ck. It will be "farmer^' ni^-l-.t." ' ff xhv .-lunjiles on *:'. cla.s.smates at Colby I'niver.sity, Water- Ti-.e capacity of the' I'.obblns rf.o.dox-i.v- •M! are welcome. i w.is qui-wjy f-xtlngui.- -viUo, Me,, ,ini1 will-gu-inta-Camp.jiuiiiOr •w-t^-»-ji.\ftl-tfr i*'S'-ttt:mnst-n-nd rnany ppn w-here In th.at state for a month's jiro pie wtre obliged to remain fiut>idc. I AU menibers of the '.oc.ii lb,-,'! Cro-.-; is e.stiniatod that th^re we •.j^; Jituild are urgently requested, to atl*-i;d — • liminary drill. LUNENBURG Mrs. .\. A. 111.K.d and liali-iuc-r, .Mr.s, tifty au;omobile<, Tliere w,is a wiiii• ""-' ^.1 seWin- meeting to be hei'l nn Thiirs­ day. May Cl, from len until five, at the Arthur Elliott, of (iar.liior, woro in d,-r:'ul profusion of Hower-." Itpv. Hern,trd Coppinir. friend of tho df t 'ongregatlonal ehurch vestr.w A re­ Xi'ws ItcnL-;. town on Tuesday to attenil the Alpha cv.i-.yfd. W.IS the pres;di;i^ rler:-,-y:nar., quest has »onie from the Ited i'ross Wvd-.-.'-.^'hi :..n-z M.f Past .N'oblo- tSralid a.ss(K-i.itiu:i inot-tiiii^ A mab- quartet ren-K-r^-d tiv*- be rati- headquartois for as much tinished rec-rd--!.;, iJ- ' n:.- \ If. • :\ I of .\com.'L lodgo. ful selections. work as can be sent at once An all- wt-atlu-! .! ! ('ar!\ -!• Mr. and -Mrs. E. C. D.lnion, .who re­ d:i\" .-ewing meeting, if well at'.em^'.ed. surpri--' •! to :h.- L::-I, cently roturnod to thoir homo in N:ish- Mi--s Kathenne Kin^Sal!. 'ix ho-te-^-; will make it jiossible to senil n)an> bar.! at, i n- -quarter 't t ua. N. H.. from Washinorton, i >, l'., ' ntert.i;!!ed -.i numb t-r of lier former j,. garments which should bt- mclu^ied ;n 'IS. aii'i .i and the south, wore tho guests of .\lr. ].:::•(•: or: .-rhr>olina:ps at a sh..wer the guild's tirst contriljulio:i. Members 1 ' condit: n< : and-Mrs, Trving Kowell over Sund.iy. ,;.'i\en -.r. honor uf Misj. .Marion Whit- aie asked to bring basket luncheons. < onib ul the Kimbai: residence on G. E. Shattuck has been running his Those who came to the sewing meet­ Harwood avenue, last S.iturday after- tractor plow on his own farm and nn ir.g in 1914 will remember what a so-' imnr, ^nnyv no\-eI features were in- ciable. pleasant day was sjien: wiii'.e | seisM-' •\\i:, ;.* iio.d in th- .M---'.'..' large farms in Gi-oton and Hoiiis, irod;:L<--,;. niakur-,' it a dt.>;i.-;ct and sewing. Guild menibers ar.d "' i-hurch ]<\ \[--v ''htr!*- i-: Sp.i .'d' .Mr. anil .Mrs. Charios riorst. of Hos­ \'er>' jdea.'-ant social functini-., friend.^ have an opportunity t their tnd he w'.d ]'-• n.-h. Thursd iv. .!• • . ton. woro guest.s of Kov. and Mrs W. w^F-k—intf>~itH^xti-rc- 'tr: .May ^1. n turn -H. Poors- <»ver the wook-t-nd. Mr JThe surgical dressings comniitte*^ -ft-is hoi)ed that it will prove t ither "l" • r G-irst is well-known as .1 locturor and wi'A meet nf-xt Thur.-day afternO'^n ,> I.irge I mindeii export in the imitation and interpreta­ with Mrs. iThanning Hrown. and enthusiastic meetltig. and tiiat the was on • >•>! tion of bird music. He was .1 classinato MIS. Wilder, of Xew I-Zstat'^ road. u'uiUi'.-. work box m'ay f>e well !JI'.ed have !.•--. of Mr. Poors, both in Nebraska and at ha^ been entertaining her agt-d moth- A soci.il dance will be givt-n by xhf out, law ; Hoston Unli'ersity. __ _. .tir_and a niece,- both fr»*m Northern T. A. C, cUib m the town hall on Txxv?- m irl.ic,-. .lil :. • :. for \\ I rri. - : \'t rmont. •The membors of the I^augus I7ami) il.iy e\"fning. May 21*. Mu>ic by time. ai".,i h.-!- r. 'piTig •.: d.i'-' Kire circle are being drilled in march­ Mrs. Emma K. Lemley arriveperation at her home .n th" motion picture s-how :n Har^Mrd "i ir.othfls'-,.!., doesn't nv.iteh the ])''evailing tone of tlte Tho practice was taken up on two af- t.iwn hal! this S.it.iri!a> evemtig. I'l'tn- .V*-wtown last week Frida>" fv> r.;r.ir. Saa.iay i,t-i"i' --temoons this w-eok—itr-i»ret>ai-att'»ri-f*.r dn.j:—Jur.e 2—"H.irtiar.'t"" Preitch*!-""—'- room, tliat is still useful, but lar J'rom ornainental. Miss Klorence Hunt was t valued tho p.art the Camp Firo Girls will take .Mi'iuoria! .'•' • r. M.,^- J .iC'iuisit:on to the choir in the t'ongrt-- in the parade on .Memorial day. service.-. Wlli - • • ' '. -.n :h- y It's ;i Jiity tliat someone doesn't bi'injT out the good gational church last Sunday moi I'lr.i:. (•hurch. a:i*l i .• : H. Sf.,.*.- Carl Pillsbury. with his oousin. Max )c:ith. V. h-:n she rendered a \'ery pleasing so­ lit'fr xh" .tti'ii. ])oints of sueh pieees and ma'Ke tliein really -.vorth Itoed, drove hero Ia.st wook on a motor­ prano .solo and sang with Mr-^. Haider After short . 'i m xhf ,•.-:-•• t" -he eh,i:r' cycle. Tho former i-s at the trainin:; n beatuiful sci net inn .Mi'^s Hiint'.'^ L-enera! brrakiivj' tip :r h'^-ii'tl irt-r- vt^TT^rans. .-- .:•.- •tvhile, li'eaii be done e.-isily. station in Now-port. It. 1.. a-ssiKtiod to Vfirf possesse*^ spl^-ndid n'liiitie,-. and drrst to lit-r ai'.vaU' e'l \ < ar.- Mr- Miiria ans. \V. l; . • ; \\ 1 li 11\%-- .,;• tho v. S. S.'Constellation, and had w,>ii unrb-r tralnln^; lias alread>- d--\ eloped W. i:aton. .iizfd ^'t vea 1th-. 1 M ITher e ar. • : n re.s..i(-: • ^ ou ear, make woiideriul ehanges in a t'ew min­ n tw-clve-day furlou.frh which ho was surprisingly. days, died at htr ho: iifW u; :MW: - th" So .• spending partly in .N'ashua, N, 11.. with S iturday. }"'i;n»-T,i i -.• 1:. On Sund,1 > eve:ijng :thh e> V ligoct "i i •ier.\' :ire iw.i.i V- e L'l' l\'e-. utes with Lone HrotheiN \'ernieoi. .'vnd it's mighty relatives. from her home on Tu tlie meeting at the l'l MkT •catio • al •d I alls, anil llfv .' .Vol-tl t e- Ib'V. .Ia>on ii Mill-- Dr. and Mrs, P. J, Cloary. from cliurch wil! be "The rll risriaii n.s il .\ar- ational ciiurfh hei.^ otIir;.tt.-d. •ill sizes an 1 in colors to iii:i!el; the Usua! wood Li: Her'iiiii. W ^enls. Mi". :ind' .Mrs. T.Ollis Dulp07^rror "MIltFr ^irrrjr TTm-••rr-^rf *:on- Tho gasolene tank and pump at his Tr-iinr.-.-' V- ton .street. I !>• arer.s w< re .\ rt hur H Tur i.er .bdin finisli;-s. cream parlor nnd will .ndd gasolene Wo noto that W. O. .-\tkinson i^f tho [ H. H.irlow, .r <; H.ipL-. od and ib-orce his present supplies for the touns: !<* Mavnani. Th« <>nt;re .irr ,i:ii:--in,.iit Conn in ,111.1 if! '.IS show you what voa ean do st.itG farm-In Middleboro is ono of the throauh SMI-.I III the %\ i\ The (•harle-* Gor.b->n.q of Newton I f,.- ;h."- fui;er.ii ser\ires werr-p^rmed men apjiointed .to suporvi.sc tbo plant- •h.'.f :".•'•; nd the week-end with Mr and Mrs j i..^- ^i-., j^iion before her death •vv'ith N'tniiei,.;. ing'Vir twTNty-flvo acres of land which .-urf.ire I): ^ 1 al: \. .11 I*. I., firown. I b. n.l I \\ .-(s ;n Helle\ ue cemeter>. has been donated and financed by a ha... l.een -•• " S.n'-.- the de.tth of her hn-^t'.tn.: I>r Hoston party. Kufus H. Toboy. Fifteen Mr-. Alexander Gregory made a 1 T;r\ has rit ; acres will be planted to corn ami five brief visit with her sister, Mrs .\Lir\ j ,Io!in M Katon, a few \e.trs ;ik:o, Mi--^, .Mr. I'ar r.ir ;.r acres each to beans and potatooR. Tho Keed, in Danvers. 1 I-r.iton lias lived nlone, SIw was ,i wo- niK continn. t Tiian of talent and executive .ibilitv . crhVis aro to he sold In .Middleboro and .NUss MadoUn Whitney announce-: further il"Ur 1. G. Dwinell tho proceeds used to obtain supplies as a neighbor and friend she w.is kintl- the opening of "The ILirvard Tea | .\ OoMiJi.ir,-- for the Allies. Shop." .May the thirtieth. hearted .nui true, .i thoroui;h christian \K ..man. inrluilint.' iio Fine Groceries and Hardware .Mr. and .Mrs. Willis Bosworth and • • •• e te Ichers 111 1. %v I The r, .1 .M leil 1>\ Rft contly to the homo of .Mr. Hosworth's h\Ue tn l.ak. . • — 1 (.".li.' lasl S.l" ll.ll. M.-iin Street AYER. MASS IvCttera from Benjamin <'onant gi\e Katon. brother of .Mrs H. li. Royal, New Xdvertlscnient.s. mother. .Mrs. Maud K. Chick. Frank­ afternoi.n I' -.1. IS .m nil .li .; i\ I"..: somewhat of an insight into life at of this town l>r I^aton practiced in lin street, nnd will rem.tin a part of such .a trii' . i • tt IS nuich en i..\ ...i Ot Kim - M.F; IMatt.sburg. With atudy, con fere nct> Milford. where he built up an oxten- tho summer. everyone .V: \ ,• I.- at r,r"i.ksi,|,. lh, ' •r-, yi per peek and drill, time does not hang heav\ nixe business. Ketiring, ttiey !>uilt a •)••' Hai., ».-.n. il- I' Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Slocomb and compan.v si' ;• .' .111,1 iravf. the iiire-i on the hands of L'ncle Sam's officers new liome heie. where they have since ri.r.T. •iiK.i; .• . M.ISS • .- • sons and Mr. Slocomb's. agod fathor invaliilp a pl' ...lit call an Mrs. E. F. Chandler in training. They havo about two lived. Mrs. Katon leaves one daugh­ went Into Boston by auto on l.ist .Sat­ ileli^hteil ih.iii i'v smvinc se\,-ra! ..f -1- 1. ,-,. SI .1- ' hours of .«ttudy and conference for ter b\ ari opt ion. it rs I-'dgar V inii s M.I: I- ... urday, thoir daughter, Mrs. Brown, sonps. It :- h ;" 1 thn; they \K;;! il­ evory hour of drill. Tho physical part Cleaves. meoting them there for thc day, so a*;.ain \-et> - as it hriwhler.... a;, .of lho work cannot he very hartT or -'—Sl^rR,~^Towftra •Wtlhinghby was In thc Hnrk r^rti.'r'* 'ti nn mv^^t.I ,-hui- H.niM- of 11 Iiiii.^t.c'J f'Oiii.". .al: .I'l'i'l'Ti co'nllniTon" filhco Uni* la'srt limited'tlia^ BEOOKLINE. N H. Ladies' Hatter lown'tnst SntuKlay, Mr. and-Mrs, Wil­ Ihc l>o>'s fAnnot hop? to become well in'N lif** i!T»»net>kM;\ • loughby have recently moved from '! drilled troops, but. at boat, good in- The Woman's r'.'' hehl a ver\ I'ie.,-. l^oxlngton to Blllerlca, where hc l» cm- \i*us lu*nts. Htrnotors. Newapaper roi>ortfl ahout .ini nieelini; .it the ho.me of .\!rs. Sui- •..I llir.1.1 ployed. luxuries at Plaltsburg aro overdrawn. Friend.s of Mr and Mr-*. Arthur noy II. Fran, is ••:. last week I-'ri'l.i\ flinrras have rf^ceived cards .apnounc- I'll,. iivM '..iiiis 1.. . The Pennemaquan and nabbat.i.ssett Thc life IR hard and per.sonal comforts afternoon It " '^' a nnisi<\ale .'in-l the Is Showing Newest Modes in inir the birth of a aon. I-awrence. to \.M-. .s \\ 11, .i. :.. ixx'i- Camp Flre Girls aro taking up work aro few. Mr. Connnt waya. however. Mtihje< t "as ahl\ tpi'ateil in a t>a|ier in them o:i .May 11. for thc Special Aid society, Thoy mot that he has heard no Complaining or "Music.ll .ipiirii 1 Ilion" hy Mrs. l.ic\ last week on Thursday and Fri­ grumbling. K\*eryone there Is in dead A meeting of the L<*\ al Workers rotter, of l-'ili lili'irc -Th. cnrlr.i-l day evenings, respectively, with Mrs. earnest to do his duty a.s he sees it. was held at the Seaver homestead on lirtween the m is;c "i civilize,', can. Beers. Thc Junior circle also held He like.s the men. the work, the life, M.i\ Ml. and the namo of Mrs. E!len tries anil tia fa.11 "is nations w n . \''r\ their council flre supper for May on and all. Tho ^oyR live in bunks in big Swett added to the roll of membership. interestins mil iil istrateil li\ a ll'r- Friday evening, thc youthful commit­ bnilding.s, holding 160Ynen. They eat Mvs (Jenrire Hetterley gave a reading. iTian piec.' l'\ S. haaiann. ai'l an In­ PIANO Spring Millinery tee being Dorothy Jacobs. Lillian Clark In big open air nies.** rrnims. and bath dian jiiec' l.\ li'Uv.iril Micl'o\sel .Uiseph Wright h,Td n fajl at his .\ !,iii\ ii,ii III'-' l.ll liliii' s; 11'.i\'. and Mae Kelley. Their supper w-.is in open nir showers. Their cjimrters home recently, and is suffering fr»un CriKlIe s'lntis •( also ill ii-f.iie.' nicely cooked and served, the center­ .are now, but look like long .«table.«s. ,in injured right shoulder. anil Miss Kilthai le .«inith. of Kii' h- li:i.'l) i.'r,i:ii' ' i'l •-'•:' I'i.'inii. mi I?;irrv lUdji, Pluinc .S'2-:i .\M:U, MSSS. piece helng a May basket of nowers. Tho fond hjiR f.Tlleh off In qunlitv and l»nr>r. sani: ' Th' >.inil man,' mi'l a T>r. Holcombe attended a meetlnn of liD^raliv. cosMi'' >|l"l. ii\'f- liaif and the hand-pninted place cards bear­ (jnantitv. hut n.s an Investigation i< on lulla).V Mrs ri.".r r'li.veii s, ^er.ll •he Medical soci'^ty In Concord on last ing the Camp Flre emblems. foot there are hopes. In one of his selections iii" i lhe piann, an.l .Mis-i piml Im Ulil ; M ••ii Iciisi' nver tn ii week Wednesday lotters Mr. Conant says. *'I am a eor^ Smith sane i •.•loap of three s'liil,-- STUDEBAKER •25" FOR SALE Mrs John Hannlgan. who was sum- re] llllii-. jiiTsiiii till- thc liaiaii'-" poral tomorrow, a sergeant. Mr)ndny. Mrs. Thomaa Shaw and liHle son, Tho next nleel.iui of the cluh will he moned from New York hy the Illness guide Tuesday, and a private again af Somerville. M.-xss . is visiting at the held on I'"ri

will tell of .hor"-work in the morning and three Krandehildren, all of Aye.r. Saturday, May '26. 1917 Dr. Samuel .\. Green and his nurse. tato crOD as a means of price guaran­ at 10.30, and at 1.30 in lhe afternoon The body will bo cremated at Mt. Au­ Miss Mabel I.. Warren, have returned tee. Where such contracts can be made, farmers who can make extra plantlnKS burn cemetery jtrematory this Satur­ 8UBSCK1BE KtJiJ YOl'R I.IBEHTY will give a canning demonstration. It to^Grolon for the summer. " " win make material addition to food day. Services will be held here laler. Summer Dress iSoods Is hoped that a good audience will bc LOAN BU.N'D NOW supp'y, Members of .Middlesex ' lodKe visiled jiresejit to greet Miss Halbower. Ayer Cojjnell, K. C. conducted a Acoma lodpe of eeiiperoH, on Tues­ Thw Sta<»-l.;ibor AK«»t-of -th* cma^. .Arrangements have been niade for successful wWst party In their rooms To thc Pooplo of .\yer. Ilon'unl. Little­ day afternoon and eveninK to witness mittee has found labor, and now has a walling list of available men. Towns Thursday night. The winners for the ton. Ciroton. -Shirley mm Vtvlnlty: the confernnt; "f the Kebekah degree perishable fruit and vegetables to bc are already calling for grguris of high sent by express on the 6.28 morning ladles were Misses May Hussey and LIGHT PAINTY FABRICS—NE'W COLOR COMBINATIONS IN Undo S.im nucda to borrow JS.OOO,- on the occasion of the otHcial visits of schoui boys and thc demand Is increas­ Helen McGinn: Misses Mamie Shee­ the otllcers of the liebekah assembly. train. Farmers are urged to take ad­ 000,000 now to carry on this war. He ing. We ask you lo make a careful han and Mary Callahan were given the A bountiful supper was served between [•evlew of the situation and see if it vantage of this during the asparagus Garbardineg Tera the be.si tifccurity in the world. consolnltftn-hnnnrs ---^William -J. -Ker­ Printe.d Flaxons '25<^ rhc'^iwo meetiogs "tind ti piejrs.iSttlmC' •ni:Tvrnot-"bo possible to effect-a- still- nnd b«rry-seasom - '—— — = Bay IJbcrty lAxin (Jold Boniis* greater increase In the .acreage of ley. and Henry -AVatere received the was enjoyed by all. Martin" n: Sherwin. of A'alhalla. .X. flrst honors for gentlemen, and Nicho­ Striped Voiles - 25^ antl you will lie helpintr him tiL the 8tat»les. Make inaii-pawer more eflee­ Y„ is with tho Calvin Howard family -Vt a special meetin;; on last Sat­ tlve by the use of machinery; make las Murray and Anthony Anno the con­ bame" tiiae inakini^ the mifest inyesL- for the summer months. Satin Stripe Voile urday evening .Mrs. .\lice Kand. presi­ machinery useful to nior»- acres. I's- solation awards. Striped Pongee 29^ ment jiussible. dent of the Kebekah assembly of Mass­ men for maii-slile jobs linil hi! in Wllh Clement Klmbali. of Danville, Vt., Mrs. Henry J. Zoller went to the Thc bondM are dated June 15, 1K17. achusetts, .accomiianied by the vice hl>;h school labor. Llon't in this criti- has accepted a position for the piesent Dimity Checked Voiles cal-oerlod In the life of ttie nation use Clinion hospital last Sunday. ..\n op­ and are tlue in 30 yoars, but may be liresident. Mrs. Kiddell, and by thc with the Boston and .Maine railroad, inen'..for johs that tlies. Iiiith sehool eration was performed on Thursday ;j 25<^ Shower Voile 25f^ -paid in 15 years. The bonds art either marshal, Mrs. .\dams, paid an oftlcial looking up lost-or delayed freight, thus t>o.vs can do. .and she Is reported to be resting com­ coupon or registered. Thc denoinina- visit to .Middlesex Kebekah lodge. The seri-ing the road in the capacity of I'ltdture season Is here. I'll.-" ilairy- fortably. Embroidered Voiles 38-inch Plain Voile tione are $50, *100, $500. JIOOO each. district instructor, ^irs. Ivonetta U. men to hang on. now liiat thev aie Jess former years. He has had the good The rate ot Inlercst is 3 ii '-i - p.a.yable White, of Winchendon, was present dependent on imiehast.d leeil-. Th.. fortune" to secure cmpetent help "n i Harry Miison, young son of Mrs. 25^ 25<^ Bciniiannually June 16 and Uecember with meinbers from her lodffe: also, tiest brains, of the st.ite ai.- now work­ hi.s farm during his absence from j .Margaret Mason, is seriously ill with IS. If any new loan is put out at a guests-from I'epperell, Ayer and a ing to relieve the dairy situatinn. The home It was thryugh nmch urging [ pnoumonia. Fine Pique 25^ poultry situation is impriiviiiL'. Keep that he was persuaded to leave his new Mercerized Poplins hiKher rate you have lhe rit-'ht to ex­ large delegation from Concord. The Chief Bealty has made preparations hammering awayon the jirod.iction of home in Vermont and trave) to distant change your bonds for bonds nf that Kebekah degree was exemplilied most to meet thc conditions that may arlso 25^ Dotted S'wiss Muslin staples. Yours verv truly. parls in the interest of relieving con­ Wisher rate. satisfactorily, after which ice cream John 1). Willard. Secreturv '•ommittee when the camp Is ready for use Thlr­ gestion of freight during the latter Payments may be made in full or and cake were served. on Kood'Production aral c'oi.servatlon ty-tlve special othcers have been ap­ Iiart of the winter. Ile may continue White Goods at Old in installments. Thc dates for the pay­ jiointed to assist In fhe worU of sup- The currenl events department of his present duties for .several months. ments in installments are us followel WC5.t -liroton. •Iiressing disorder. . Added to this' force Prices Send for Samples the Woman's club met on Tuesday af an appllcntion are 'Vte eVilef, nfflee,- '\T111.r.., .^^^ thC fOlir. ternoon wun Mrs. n. il. GAV tor ittry .Miss Hiigel-¥>>oi»l>i-l'll is vitiling-hML O. F. Flagg and >li>i" Marion .?'hu:g_. IBVc on June 2S. 1917 Uist meeting of the season. The afler­ aunt. Mrs. W. F. Lane, Miss. Thomp­ as guests of .lhe B. S. Flaggs, of An constables. Four or five regiilar uni­ 30'.r on Julv 30, 1917 noon was pleasantly spent and at the son IS recuperating from a serie« of dover, enjoyed an outing in Kenne­ formed patrolmen may also be added. 30'/f on August 15. 1917 close the members joined in singing illnesses caused by bronchitis, pneu­ bunkport, hie. s» There will also be military police ap­ 30'/c on August 30. 1917 "The Star Spangled Banner" and "My monia and measles in rapid succession. Ellsworth Bonnell has German pointed, who will assist the local force. Men's Furnishings Ifiveryone who can Slmuld aubaerlbc. a.o_drtlt>i 'tli!. <>' I'-iw. -Uiiim:-mr um mt- —MfJi. A. W,-L;m:b Is jjUei-liiiiiiin, h^r measles. ' - -. Huward and Kriiesi Dunning have fetnisrcHtn^trumpany B.~4th Engineers, Send "ytiUrTTlteCTtpTtOTisp ar-oncc—ttr ter the music composed by James J. sister, Mrs. Dean. of.New York. The Shirley bra.ss band will furnish PEERLESS -TTNlON-StJITS- ftrr—service as braken>en—in—France. «llh'ur the First yntlona4-Banl4-ot^Ay&t- Mft'ttbfCubee ; supcrtnteiident of schools in Grant Harrington nas returned irom music tor Memoriai day. or the North Middlesex Savings Bank, Brooklyn, N. Y. a three weeks' stay with relatives in They expect to be called any time for Aye'r. or any of thc following commit­ Rcv. Samuel Lane Loomis. D. D., is duty. The New RASCOT Union Suit, made without a button and with- Frank D. I^ewis set out a hew applo Leominster. W£ltlng a. continued article In the teee: - Dr. and-Mrs. B. H. Hopkins return­ orchard'of 260 trees this-week Wednes. A large number ot 'West Groton American Mlsslohai^' oh "Ministerial — out a fault. Opened and closed with a-sweep of the hand. Charles A. Korraand. John H. Hool­ od on 'Wednesday night trom a tew day. Their peach orchard, which is people attended the prize drill and relief." ey, Ralph L. Hastings, Theodore W. in full bloom, promises them a large dance In Grolon Wednesday evening. days' visit to New Found Lake, Bris­ Ask to see the RASCOT. Rice $1.0O Barry, Guy B. Remick. Ayer. crop, and is certainly a beauiiful sight. tol, N.. H. In Mr. Humphrey's new position as SHIRLEY Langdon Prouty. Alexander H. Mc- George G. Tarbell. of Pepperell, wiU NOTICE—GREEN STAMPS WILL BE PISCONTINUED BY US KcDonaid. LJttleton. Inspector of boilers he will travel over Parish Flair. be the speaker in the town hall Wed­ (lulte_a_JerrUory and for the preseni XcwB Items. . — Carl A. P. Lawrence. George S. nesday. May 30. Arrangements fof the fair ot St. JUNE 1 •Webber. Groton. his family expect to remain heVe. Tho Altrurian club met with Mrs. Mary's parish, which opens on next -William H. Wilbur, Edward ii. Dav­ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Woods spent last The tree and shrub olanting on the Abble J. Wells for the last meeting of Wednesday evening In the town hall, is, Shirley. • . „ week-end with relatives in Hollls, X, H. Tarbell school grounds has been com­ the year. The president. Miss Grace are completed.' The fair will continue , Albert H, Bigelow. Dr. Austin Pel- The last .speaker in the series .of May pleted and if the plants do wtll and M. Kllburn, opened the meeting" with four nights, ending Saturday evening, era, Harvard. meetings, whioh aro being held in the thrive West Groton may well be proud a call for the oath of allegiance and June 2. The enterlainment during -Vown-hal!.-is Rev. Drr-Samticlr^rury. of bolh the bulldtn5-and-its surrou ^tar Spangled ttunner" yn^ IliniT. iieee—nlsht«-wlll--consist—of songs-by- headmaster of, St. Paul's school. Con­ ings. A good numbe?.•were present, A reg­ local and visiting singers and speakers. GROTON ular business jneetlng was held and cord, N. H. The expense of the shrub planting Ono of the Interesting contributions to the minutes of the last meeting read the-entertainments will bc the sing­ Xevca ItczDs. Thc residents of the town will be in front of the church will be borne and approved. • Notice of the annual ing of several songs by Mlss Helen glad lo learn that the high school has by the L. 'A, society, . Kdwarjl_Duftsy:. ssho. was__fi>rmerly Federation meeting was read to be Hefternan. of Boston, the child- sing­ employed by J. E. .Idams. has accep­ been granted the eernflcatlng privi­ •.\. number of ladies met with Mrs. held at Great Barrington June 5. 6 and er, who recently pleased a gathering ted a position as chauffeur for Eugene lege. A. J. Blood on Monday afternoon and 7. Meeting adjourned and a call for of-Ayer Council, K. C, and their CaTpcnterr^of" Newton. Mrs. Clesson Currier, of Leominster, busv flngers fashioned a sel of flaps the annual meeting was given. All friends so well. Others will be Mrs. 'AYBaMASS^ Walter Powers haa passed In his formerly of Grolon, was in town on for'military whist. 15 large flags and committees gave favorable reports ot Mary White Mullin, the tamous con­ 225 small ones. This set will be the Telephone 231-2 . resignation as member ot the school Wednesday, calling on friends. all work carried on through the year tralto singer ot Boston, Charics A. property of the V. I. society. - hoard'. .\l the services of the Congregation­ and election ot officers followed; Mrs. Lothrop, Miss Julia Hooley and Mrs. Amy C. -Wheeler, pres.; Miss Mary .\. Thomas C. Moore ot Ayer. James E. Rev. Endicott Peabody conducted al church on Sunday morning the The fire off Main istreet last week for Hobbs, vice pres.:. Mi.ss .Mtie F. Howe, DonneHy ot Lowell and others; Hon. the services held at the- South road members of the G. A. R., W. U. C. and which no alarm was sounded so far the Boy Scouts are invited to be pres­ as known, burned over a tract of about sec; Miss Gertrude L. Conant, treas. John J. Douglas, ot Boston, recitals Bcboolbouse In PeppereU on Sunday, .Meeting' adjourned till October, ent. tive acres belonging to J. T. Shepley. and comedy sketches. RYAN & BARRETT Miiy 13. The Sunday school was In charge of the students of the Groton The .Community elub met with Mrs, Mlss Dorothy Thompson is visiting Warren Colburn. of .Maiden, aged The program will be so distributed School. -Mlss Dora Bailey acted as Kenneth Graham last week Wednes­ friends in Boston and vicinity. twenty-four yeare, the oldest son of as to havo a flrst-class entertainment organist. day aflernoon. A social afternoon was Mrs. Edward Hallett is reported il'.. .Mr. and Mrs, Albert I'olburn, died on each right, ot the fair. A full program enjoyed by all, each member respond­ Thursday evening at his home in Mai­ of the enlert.alnments -a-ill be distribu­ Mrs. Jennie Hemenway. who under- Rev. William Ganley arrived in town Electrical Contractors ing with^ quotation when thc roll was den. He .is a nephew of Albee. A'nnis ted and posted .-tt the hall. Trent an opertition on her nose at St, on Thursd.ay evening forthe week-endi called. The serving of refreshmenis and is well-known in. town. He was Thc executive committee held a Joseph's hospital. Nashua. N. H.. last Hc will conduct the serv-ices at the WIRING SUPPLIES REPAIRS by the hostess brought to a close the going to go to Plattsburg and had his meeting last Sunday at which lime a -week Monday, returned home thfe fol- chapel on Sund.ay morning. —lowing-Thursday night. The opera­ last meetins of-the club year. _ tonsils removed and the wound open- report- was made by-^the heads of The supper held by th"e L. A. society tion -was a serious one' which was per­ Lunenburg high school-was defeated ed_f:ausing hemorrhages and pneumo­ t.ables As a result of the many tavor- >Park Street Telephone ConuectTon --^-AYER,^ MASS^~ by Groton high- lasl Saturday after­ on Friday evening drew full tables and nia developed In his weakened condi­ - company did ample justice to enway went lo Nashua for treatment noon by the score of 8 to 7.. tion. Knights of Columbus. Hibernian and the nrany good things so temptingly parish t.ables say th,at there will be on Monday of this week. To the Editor of the Boaton Traveler! The president of thc W. R. C. Miss displayed. The social prograni for the close competition between them as to Livingston .and Mies Blanche Living­ _Xhe—l.awrcnco acn.demy—hnspliall Gibson, wishe.s to nnnnimci' .that meet eveiiiii.1; was in chargo of Mr.s. W.-Xl- AYER ll take 11 for granted that your ston, assiPteil by' ilta^K.nth Hrown who wllt-rmilcc thc mo^-( ni£nej.;Jor the •"TCoilien Or'eene." whfl .•••llleil tJiSTTtre-, team was defeated by-B.\«ter-in-Bxeter-^n-g^will-be-held-<«-her—home-e^-ery- Biithy."nt"^i'insl5ie!n3f7rTendlii.i;, "The and-Mi'Si—EkHth-Hstssi«n;-raftcr-whjtrfi- cause. sembly" at Ayer In the war extra edi­ by a score ot 9 to 1 last Saturday Thursday atternoon to tak.....e u. p wor,k. Xows Itexn.«. wom'en guards of PeppereU," a poem The hall wtll be tastefully decorated tion last riight. had no deliberate In­ the meeting was adjourned and all atternoon. . for the comfort of the Groton boys of the Revolution, Mrs, Spaulding; a Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Huntington with the colors of thc Uniied States tention to malign this town or Its peo­ expressed their appreciation ot the de­ Ch.arles Chapman, ot Winchester, who will be drafted. -Their time will charade, given a.s a playlet in three and son and daughter. Fred and Kuth, and allied n•^tions. the red, white and ple—but newspaper's are read . tar and lightful atternoon they had spent, parts. Mlss Edith Wright, Miss .Marian wide, and many reading the article brought a party of seven in his new be devoted to the making ot comforts lett this Friday morniftg for Plum Is- hlue. Each table will have a distlnc- A tareweil reception was given to .N'ickerson, Mrs. W. V. Bixby and Don- would not. at lo.ast. be favorably. Iin- ,Cole Eight lo Grolon I.ast Sunday to such as vests, muffleri;. sweaters, etc.. Ian- -M_Ui -M^n- — ^ltss-.^li'aehftn-wit-.-rt-j.-u*-*t-**ver- the­ 4ncluUlng spiiclallies.-... -Hunehi—wftfers-anti~-ea-ke were- served- " The'flineTal^f'" Mrs."'CaYhc>ine 'GH-' that it w-ill reqiHre' c6'risVderiit)le-~ttniir d'ay'"es'e;;'ing. Stay H The nTe'etini.- Wiiliani i;radle>; .i sf.ident ut ilass- week-end at the home 'if her brother, We have several -'w'ayside puddles," to the assembled friends by the com­ day was held last Saturd,ay morning vet to get all the leases signed. Over and the "slate colored" water, mention­ will be held in the lower town hall at achusetis Agricultural colle.ce. has ac­ Geiiri.'e Strachan. mittee in charge, Mrs. G. G. OsgooiJ, with a requiem high m.-uss .at nine ed in the article, is distributed by the 7.30. Mr. Wharton is to speak on cepted a position in .Milwaukee for the L'liOO acres had been leased at the clnse Mri*. .\ugustus Lovejoy, Mrs. Arthur ..\ tlag raising in ehari-f ..f the V. I. o-clock by Itev. I-'rank H. Houston at largest ice cumpany In Bostim w-hen "Gull colonies on the co.-ust of Maine' summer. of their work here Wednesday evening. .M. Winslow. Mrs. H.' A. Stone and .-oeietv will be hel'l on Sunday after- St. Mary^s church. The bearers were frozen. -Vnd that is not .all about our and will Illustrate his talk with pic The business was transacted in the of­ Mrs. H. C. Harlow. Piano solos w-ero .Miss Gibsi.n. president of '.he W. P.. no..n at three o'clork at S.-iiiannacimk w-ater. \Ve have a w-ater w-agon. It tures that he has taken. John, Harry ami Kdward McNiff and iice of the clerk of the district court. rendered by Miss b'lor.a Cole and Mrs. C. reiiuests the j.re.-ence oi each mem­ h.ll'. The tlag will be presented tn has maintained Ihe right-of-w-ay here .lohn Scullane. ail nephews ot the de­ The Fitchburg Y. M. C. .\.. at a for a long time. .\nd then again as a .\ugustus I.ovejoy, .\ v-ery- pleasant .\ b.and of g>psies went throuirh her at her home oh nii.xt Tue-'iiay af­ the Village by the .n nor. George H ceased, l.eo Gair.ney of Springfield. mtetmc Monday night, raised SH'i.non prere'tuisite w-e presented our w-aler afternoon was enjoyed iiy those pres­ town on .Monday mornini,-. headed to­ ternoon at tw.. c'rcloik to nuke r.ixl.y. .A brief l.ut interistirig jiro- and I'ilarles I'. .McXifT. Interment took for a building and equipment for the power (another puddlel w-lth hoth ent. ward Littleton. wreaths for Memorial day. Ail ihil­ uram has been jirejiared m which il place m St. -Mar;, •s cemetery, where use (if the new recruits. steain and electric auxiliaries .all ready, There will hc a p'Jblir ilcninnstr.ation dren of the iiuMic schools are re'iuest- ..- e.xiieete.l that Loth Wes. Groton and when Ihe piping is put in to de­ i'-r Ilo-a-iton perf. rmed the committal ' It is reported that the Western Union on canning in the domestir science C'i to bring llowers to the lower town p,i-;r,rs and the scn...-i s-upermtt ndent liver to horse and foot a full ration. BiiptLst Churcll Xott-ji. service. Tel..graph Companv and the Xew- '^'ork room of the I'hapiin schoolhouse. un­ hall at T.:iO m the morning of -May :iu. will 1... representeil: als... the military Ueferring to the writer's -stooi) and .Vew Kngland Telegraph and Tele­ The pastor will take for his subject der the auspices of the Woman's clul' coinpany, Hoy Scouts ami -rhi.i.I ehil­ Tho entei-tainni. nt in aid of the par­ .shouldered shop keepers." it is both i'reparations for .Memorial day werc phone Company will have two main of­ siill- and untimely. next Sunday at 1 O.-I5 a, m.. '•The cross . aiii.i-.itrii.- an.i green-. Thi: eNerci>es will be po-tp a.eil. ture story intn.'1 ..eing Mary Pickford .And our rtre prevention (another w-a- for (Children's day. Praise meeting at '-reg'itionai church .'^umiay liiornin<_', number to handle the vast volume of ;s .1 I...1.;..' ir..-'.:.ili: ar.l .tl! ure wel , ..., , iin -t'oor'nttle I'-iipina." There were t.r puddlel. one instant exposure and seyi-'n w^ilh special t^elections by ^ome Icar.g..u- es,..,rt to the G A. It. The !-.„—Xi.. business. ... Thomas K. .Moifc,-e oae sfpiarc hit miKht induce a re\-»sed- mernbers of the^chofb.sT Subject ot "T^TTir.e'^'Tx^- - u::- ~'t'i Xliiti .-ach r.rlTii; rneiiiher; ;f""the trill.p Wlil ri reuister It I.arty und-r the ii-.^sp/'- ''f •'hTJ^lf'.'f™'^ '"^ ^' wh 'harie- -V. l-othrop, who kindly editioii of our w-hilom new-spaper visitor ev-ening sermon, "Slaying ot the kings." hi.-ailiiuarters the 1 .-t week eld Reporters and camera men from Init-roveni'-nt s... -fi thi.. services. and w-isely determine him not lo be taken Thi.- IS iiiip..i-taii;. a- only Roston and other cities are constantly again inlerview-ed by the night w-atch­ Sijuann.icook ix.tl •th. re w.ll i" New .^(Ivertiseliient.s re-l-i -iSter will h:i\-e the luii'-l i-Z. t-.. conferred the man Mil- s .M -. tv ,,f Ilaus lUid a I ..rdi.il -.veicon ,nd 1 A\er commg and going tn the camp getting of we.ir.ni; aii\ part of lhe -mee '.. five candidates cn I ha\-o be.-11 a constant resident of the . ta" 1.111 I iiicitb ntallv a vei ;. - 'Od -..llle fo xt\ second n.w-s and photographs for their papers. PK.V IIE-VNS FOR S.\I.E ,\T COST— • May •..'r-ii. ivh..-h is n.-w iirotected ' ei ,]' 'f Xh. L'ani'- a i e TiKsiKiy evtn.r.ir One reporter of a Bo.ston-daily paper this lown since l.\.;9. alw-ays lakinir an V.y Food Cominlllee. Applvto^A-I'PI.K- Shop. ] pei.iiif. .\11 wh' activ.- part in low-n aff.airs, and 1 think ..v..rnnii.nt The woik for 1 hai'd pT..nlp;:y at I.l r. .assist.ant u'eneral was sent here to get a -'funny" story T. IN H. TORHKY. Groton. Mass. 1.1 r .\ rt h l I invited to 111- I Carl H. T in justice to ourselves and all concern .de nu-l'lt .I me 1,111.(he..'. Wiii he about the town for a fow hours. He • r n t .ily.-ic h u 1 ! ! eight o'clock. iiianaitfr of t Community ''hautau- ed that this letier should be prompt.y 1. >. I.il.n.­ -rn. strveil. The atT.i.r 1.- .n charite "l •he 'lU.is. e.vpects I ce in town on Satur- sairt that he expected to find that the published. •" H. C. Sherwin. CARD OP THANKS entertainment t.. uiiniittee. ('. Vi 1-1 fla>', ,lii;u. -. i.ieet the Chauiamiua peoiilc here were "rubes" with out­ the in..mill; -ern-.. n r rmulate a successful landish ways. Tt w-.-u^n't long before .f N'..«- The -'.liJ. ct chairman. LU'iiantors. t Vnltartiui Cliurvli XoK*. I w-ish to thank all friends for their l.r. !i 1.11 S.ii.ii.iy Will he found out his ml.fftnkc. kindness during my recent bereave­ Itev Daniei K. Whal-T. \M11 c.iiiiiutign. Sunday service—Regular offlces, al...'... the clouds." ment. s'.rvice;; at S'tliannio ..ok li for thi­ ( Mr<. Chai e- 1.. Farnsworth of Brigailicr General Kdw-ards w-as in inorning" prayer and sermon .at 10.4o. -*-' '-K t tw. ive Kv'.n.ng MKS. EDN.V r.EGAX. section of his jiarish s-'in.h- ni urn I nit. Wa-hmgton --ri-t is very pleasantly town this \^-eek on business. l.ater, he .Music: I'relude, "Marche," Batiste; .•\ P went to the Groton Schnol. where the Littleton,. Mass., May 22, IfilT. The I- .\ .-ieci' tv ir.-- w i Mr- I-:, , sitiiat'.d with -Mr--. Kverett of Conimon- response. "Flag ot the tree." Hughes; T.'N''- lae.^.iig •'Ve.i- school company drilled m his honor. K H.irr.iii-'toii ..r. Thi.r-'iay afttfterne c 11 weaith avenu.. .-hestnut H.H, where •Venite," Kmerson; "Gloria m Ex­ -Manv teamsters are w-anted at the with thirt'-en meml.erv .-lesen; Mrs l-he 1- -ta'\.iiii .• 'ieflnitely. celsis.•' old chant; anthem, "Rest, sol­ camp- The enlistment iri this branch Seasonable Suggestions !•:. K Sieeiier. ai-o Mr.- .\.,.lre« Ta% - ,\ sr.rpr.se ..arty w.as given to dier, rest.^' Uuebush; 'postlude, "Sol­ .\n f-ivplanaljon. so far has been small Two auto truck her I'.l'x ht. -e 11 ' .Miss l;i'-h H iiilineton last Tuesdi diers' chorus" from '•Faust." Preach­ I.. r an. romTi,anies of (Ifty-eight men each have Three IM-'K.- .ifttrno'.r Foil' w 1 K iiing t'.V f her yonng friends. er, the minister. Subject, "The memor­ Upon the use of ..f th,. heen mustered into service at the 1 'lel.ci..ii- 1 ir.. h hy the' i wa- thi tf • i her birthday and a ial wreath." ('hurch school al twelve. South armory. Boston, and it is ex- -t.irvii.tr .Mrs. ..per i-pii-.., A v-ery enjo\al.le ctiipiete .- p.'cted that thoy w-ill soon be sent here .Miss Emma Butterfleld. Mrs. Su.san , of -Max -i.f-It by those present. Formaldehyde the J.l, vt ning w I'- - M. Harker, Norman D. Kletcher and •h' ap- for work. ?:.!«.iril i; rhus, jr., flsh ami the minister were among the people Seven new- hospital cnn-ipanies are to Nas -.line e.lllllo- r. return*.'! the first of thc parish in attendance at the an­ •l.is li.t' be raised under the diret tion of J. i thf week fr. Ill his annual sprin;: niversary week meeting of the Amer­ Frank Hail, of l.owell. The hospital Everyone is especially in­ ll.nix the smelt .streams ican t'nitarian association. llla companies will have about l.'ni men r tl- ;h --hore in the v.cmity of terested in the coming potato i l-'i Ai. illteresttd w lu. an.l -the nmhiilanre rnmpHnies s.'». The church has given way to the •h'. - i 'J.uncy- Methodist church in Oranltevllle. ,1 > The camp will be over ten miles crop. More potatoes will be -- l: 1, .IX. son .Mr and which although later in its invitation, T'l loi-c and ii'ion buildings are to he ! -\Ii- .loll T. .s.i'i man. wll. has never had the honor of having the erect..ri mrludinir .timrters for the planted this spring than ever , it the 'Imtcr ho-p (1. A. H. Iiost and .aiixill.ary bodies for ini n at.d stables for 10.000 horses It . - ri i_. .:.- very ek .Memorial Sunday. This church is to before. But, many gro'wers ,-- expe, led that work Will begin Jnnr h.ive this honor noxt year. •.r-l The time for the troops' arrival will be digging "scabby" po­ .S \\- S . . , ; , ti.v of Ho-t.iii v.'m 1- •- rather indellnite. It is said that (In SiiiKlay music appropriate for LITTLETON 1 . registrali'.ii f.r lh.- thire Will be from 10.000 to ia.OOO .Mfmor.ai Siind.iy will be rendered. tatoes next fall if they do not More I'liinlin:; .-. . has appoin-'il tm. men here about the middle of .luly, I'raxers for use iii time of war will be Nc«s Items. of .. tvi.f n. John I> "• irii' > used. The jii eacher will point out use proper precautions this ' . . .V . . • L' 11 - • piinifiing that the eamp is all ready to .\ f. w til .-- •.-. ' l.\i •1 ,iril Douglas l' Sn.ith rec.-ive Ihal number. The magnitude that each one should oonstruct a spirit­ spring. .1 .M k fluy 11. Ill nil K 1' ..f the '-amp amazes .verybody who ual meiiioii.il w-reath and deposit it on 1 "itistration her. wii cii ,-om,s to town. It probably covers Memorial day. The best method for pre­ .v.,-hi -I" lesday. June .•.. V'i m..'e ground than any other in the . ; and 31 must re_-is^. r untry Kolomtod Cliurcli. vention of "scab" on pota­ f - .ilty. Mr. i;e;ieni> - ... lh. ' 1.1--.11' -iros' -- 1. li w i The eottaite and dance pavilion on Sunday morning service at 10.45; -umber between th.>-e toes is immersing the seed .,11.; ...i.w.1,1- -h" i.l'- -p-.i I'S '•h. hill in Mitchelville. owned by I.. subject, "The task of the church in the .Ill'- in .\> i- 21" or thereal'ouis •11.• ;.iii--'--t ;ir'' icirioii ;. W Phelps, will, it Is said, bo used for present crisis." Stinday school at potatoes in a weak solution .betw. .v..rth Tiie chif f- . p. iice in the cities ar.l • Ihrer-' headfiuarlers. The view from noon. >\ .,'. .. AV,,. .m.i ' K.l-I !..tt!. -pe. i.ll 1. IW 11- ,ir.. . .'-i to report an\ "lit' of Formaldehdye. M- this point i.! excellenl and points can The toiiic for the C. K. meetln'g nt t t > ; r.i .11 WIS .|ii.f k i ij. at , lie;w<..er, tl.f l'"\e ages wh.i fail 1" be serrr-Itrfnty miles Hw«y withnut six vrclrirk wilt he •'Klnanclng-rhr king" The direetkHia-ftTfi—Mi.x 1 piiit- N.i-h.a ami ;h' lit. was . - T..: . 1 r.-L-ister .1 S'.l-. .. the aid of glasses. dom." .Mr. Johnsan will be the leader. ;„..' .'.f 1 i;..W' r- from h' r .-.'.I'.i- n wit nil, .1 few- h'.ir- Theod'.1.. Harrv returned Wed- of strong Formaldehyde with 30 S'-.t \-'.rk .Mrs llenii''-. A>..II .. lire of the greatest (luestlons to be At tho evening service there vvill bc the 'w.nt' I-vinan W. Chase has g.vei, .ib. 'i; .nesday frci ilie .Memorial hospital, .-. •• .yrrx nianv "' h-r va'-n'"..>.. wiih „^,lve.i in th" transportation.prnhlem. gallons of 'tt-ater. Immerse.pota­ .-,1111 strawberry pl,i;.ts t . Sui't, Il-ol i" .Vashua. wl. he wenC for all nprra- an Ittiisfmtrtl lerttire ^n the story of 1,', i'„..i,; Ml-- r.rrxx-.n 1 if..fOn who The hnndline of Ihe great number ot nigrlm's Progress, toes in this solntion for 2 hours. !.,. ,l.-ir,!iu;ed I.'riilay among lin- -ch..oi ^ tion He i- lllg nicely. troops nnd thousands of visitors who (liiiilii.ii w-ho are w-illir..- t.. nX ;hfni M rs. Ann, irwcU moved last week The "Camp Klre Girls will meet In Remove potatoes, dry and plant. wnere -lie was a gr.at f.i-. :.•• ,.1 II IS '•-. ..l.'nt Illll will come to visit them will put a tre- f.r w-h'.a 1. cni n o.-it^. .It in their garden". fr''m the Gi'Mlngs place. so-callpO. mendmis task on the electric anrt steam the vestry on Monday evening at '..15 Th. lienor j.art- . t th.- • •'- .• ^;''' ' i\,. I.ar'..% .1 u.s IS itt-'-riy im;.o-- Croups of I.lttleton men are re. eiv- I'ark street t . I'.ryantville, roads The roads are getting busy to for an Important business meeting. At The present prices on of the Hutler lii.-!i -cic "I -ix- ••- •"•• -ilile. mg frefjuent military 'Irilis .inder Joseph. Warren Bulkeley died at li miet the problem and new tracks are eight o'clock thero will be Instruction low-. Miss l: .-h K l;:\! y. i--. .Mi- I -.vr "KII.IW- oniy l..f. In N- v r.i expected to be laid soon. In llrst nld. strong Formaldehyde are: <-onstan.... 1. .' o "••f' -''1 .M s- Kutli . -i-'leni.fl iransii'.r'a- .\Iar-hall '' I'ratt. win. .- an ..vpert private h"-piiai in Boston Thursday w.-.l Ihat -a. The Boy .'^couts will meet Thursday K .Melii-h III 'Jn.M '• ' -1 '-v. r.-ise- . ii-inv treat h.tiil- 'lrill*mast.-r. morning of irterlo .sclerosis after a (^ol. Beaumont B. Buck was again afternoon at 3.46 for out-door scouting. 1 Pt. Bottle 45^ ,. Th .--.l-l-., ,1 .1-1 1.-. ships lo ir.. -.lo'k Imlu.'itrv. In In conimemorat.on f.f the cmpletion long illness Mr Hulkeley -was one of in tnwn this week Friday on bu.sinesa ill lak. pi. |. I"S for feeds a-.fl v.'.w- of pi..I. of lh.. very large a'ldition made at the ,1111 best kii.wn and highly esteemed connected with the camp. The ladles' Benevolent society ot W.iit.r I'.. '111. ir al Iiliiev IM 1 ' net nee-' s-ai \- citizens 11.- was born in I.lltlcton on the Federated church met at the home 4 Oz. Bottle 15^ • 1- .Iriven hotn.. I'. w.lihini.- factory there VMII be a irraril It is iirobable that the Boston anrt -.r;% 1. It: .. .lanuarv '.'1. ;s.-,2 nnd was the son of of Mrs. Fred Livingston Tuesday «t .'..4* III*, oniy iiis'ir- . ei'.bration Kriilax evening. .Iune I on other papers will have a regular Btaff Stedman Hiilk-ley and Lucy Snow-, lor 2.30 o'clock fnr a sewing and, socinl .....i,. f....fl al hf.ni'' the fa. torv ciounil^. A cmmittee of. of writers stationed here permanently many y^ar. he was engaged in the afternnon. There was a good number T'l -o . ffe..' further iii- ...p .ire p'ianninc for ni'i-ic. j.'.ssiblv to cover the militarv news. w-holesal.. t' '.l.-co business in Boston, present which included guests. Work ' r. 1. ilaniini: and s.-veral other f.aim.s f.f v..-;a r..---.r!;.-iv • I.: 1, .11 '1 beant on acting as h . -w n salesman in tr,'i\e:. n -. Kxtt.i acr'.- ;r^tii'-; 11 IS open i" 'h. inibli. ami .\ l,ottor. was distributed whlrh kept all busy •ll, 11 en;:.' 1- .f I,-' I ll. t, 11 will lil"f. b" . J I ThlM .I'­ it.'n..ral f.i i ms ' mi: the mi • ,.f the time In recent anrt wns followed hy a huslness meet­ WILLIAM BROWN •,I.,i .il. .V, l.il ;-- .M . 1 ,I-.-I planiiiigs "i ia -111.lli ffe w-iil bt fh.i-iie.' The foilowing letter w-as sent to the WI re Ml- .1 K t.'Kssilile to it'.i vears. He iiarri.-d Miss Serena Taft ing. Various reports .nere given and ;.i.,l,-ii.- from (ir..- .- .,. .1 , .it.no- lie pie. The p.i'.iir will be ir-frest.-.! -' kn..w- Ho«ton Traveler by Henry C Sher­ ,. Il-i.wc Mi- l.ii,.kw h' al '.^ I' about ihirt -.illht years ago. They the comniittee reported on revision ot ; ! . al.i.v' -nam...l "f lh.. n.'.etinirs t" l- iLld in lhe low­ .\.i ,-..- .Mr- U a : I V,.-t.i- W i.­ t'l •i ha.l ihre.. r ...iren, two of whom .lie.l win, (ondemmnit the article that ap­ the by-laws. A very dainty lunch was DsnaaisT .1 ,..--.' ., I viiitt I-- .'V..r. er town hai! on Miv ;l. when Miss .Miil.ir.; .-t..\v-.'.r M" ,p5 1 n infancy Mr liulkeley leaves his peared m the Boston paper belittling served by the hoste.sscr., .Mrs. Sarah Main Street Ayer, Mau. .M-s Kl . \ ... '1 Mr i'l ..-III lie 1.1 ml'. ry. Alma Ilalliower. th. ii.w wmian ag.nt \ou r.intracio willow-. .1 -. - Iir Frank S. Hulkeley. Ayer >-oik - - of the .Miiiill.sex fcir-y Karm Hureau. ', f oi'.r th'. po- I'ai; .M.I.-on wa- ,i •y^" TTTTT:

SATnBD,A7, MAY 26, 1917 PAGE FIVE The veterans will meet in G. A. K hall at 1,46; exercises in fiwn ball at two ommendations for the location ot the o'clock. On Memoriai day the veter- (ramp m Ayer, At once plans were un- I ans Win leave head'iuarters by auto at derway to prej.are for the coming of -Jt,;iOi (lorvieoB at St. .\iai->-s the-.il(>(j(.ti> ,n-t?f,.tj.j(j rriej]_ whti are e ceineterv Pf-OIed '.line ht Cash Discount Store ithui the at nine: Shirley ('enter at ten; Shirley few Week... at eleven; Bellevue cemeterv, Harvurd Col Isaac W. Lltte;;. iiiiarterma.sters at 12,16; dinner in H.irvard at 1'.' 30- department in Washinitt'iii, will have services at Ceriter cemeterv and moiiul general charge <.f tlie work of the con­ mefit at two o'clock: W'.oiiiawn ceme- struction of the- ''mitonmenni! and fcry, Ayer-at Toiff—•,.],„.k •Rverb.jdy camps fo.- lhe rt-.iO'.ttr armv nati '- asked to take nar- m evi-ry town. lluard and i .iti'inal-arii.... .'MI V.,I. The veterans will l,e s' 'irle,j through anil oth'.r infi'riii.il," e.l I th. the day by the s"ns 'if vetemns and army engineei.. ;,j;,] the drum corps. Th.. lli'l.istriirl School tilt. vestigatiiiir -li.. s.il.j,. il id( band will furnish mii- I' lilll.l.gh.,lit the kiiiuMi t" I '..i L.tteii day. Coi. I', I' I neatl 'iirtnient l'l il: .MI':.M(iHIAL DAY Mrsr-Annle-Davi- of.fi..i wenr- -Ti.-xrtrmTT'vtnT-:—n.ls" T! FTIT .- priiiis I a itfw lltt eratlon at St..Jos.ph v li',.,i,it il. III '.ji.ired I.f till- . lit.11 r \\aL-l~ with Illll- ..|iiliiuju-Ls ua. Thursday. The i.j,, '11 wa... •mil v.iri'lis ariailgeiiiei: ecsstui and she i> I'st. i.i\(.i:itii: W.M NTs ilnf'.rt,. l.I> "iltliiieil .\n army ..(lice will be [,.'1- j ~ .1' Sl.OO una si.as Miss Madolin W'hr.ni;. ; iii.menti.i- '.eateii i.n tl,,- and ('"l.'l -h-'athaii. wili . imp i--ri.iin(l i IIM. NOIl.l. WM^Tis the opening of -"I'h,- I'i.i-. • ll.ll I 'I ' s,(lt Shop," .May the thirtieth. .slstant e.iinp '(uarternias er. Hi.-' stall ills heei, eniarjte.i l.y , IS I.ll'i. »-i.T,t) und $2.08 Other Ayer matt, i on "J'IH the re^-iiiar artli\., .\laj,ir 1.' "Ulcer "I T I-', Ii-,(\,'- •.\HI'Il: >.M()( K.~ Healtli Kxhiblt. lilll s'.\-er 1 es..r\i. '.Ilii'ei . Sl..-.(i, .sl.iiK and %'i.iiry I>avis and C.ipt.- I;,.i.ei . M.i;"i I-;; i: Systematic effort i bejiiv i: adc bj seph C. Benson, ,I,.seph H Bonner. .Jo- l.ane. I.ed- <;01.0Ki;i) S.MOfKS the .state department •i hefllth I'J ed'J- hades at '. »2f->f> caie tne puoiic m heaTth ma 'iiiiiiian—trm "rs nt.ft I-'raiikiin J, Burnam. sary to secure a reduithjn of irfant Dr. .Mel., CTni.i)Ui:.\"> wiiiTi: I>KI';SSI;S mortality, i-'or this purieise the de­ utthlm. l.i -he .«-a e Koa r'l of Health. has inipM-ssei .M' partment has prepared a chiM welfare on G"v. $l.pO to $2.98. McCall the urgent n-< '.-.s-si placing exhibit which Is sent to diiferent cities sanit-irv—u£ ana lowns, m c(i-o|ientiiot. wjiji local Held ,11 boards of health. The exhibit is nn. mce -Thil worg «'(7ITnr reoaire the -UiEXT-- KUJi-.jaH-0HlAl.-4UCV4K3AMiATTKR->^- - •(leFlhe supervision of Dr. Lymaii Asa riilMiHie-of-oiif .dirtiii-'i lieaiiti orTlccr- ST, MARY'S,CHURCH AND PARSONAGE, AVER Jones, director of the division of hy­ one assistant, sanitary engineer, two giene which will be shown here on sanitary inspectors, one food and drug June 14 and 16, will be in charge of inspector, three public health vlslting Golden .innlvcrsar)-. December. 1S67. by Rev. Joseph V Miss Genevieve It. Jules, P. .V and nurses and staff and expenses of a The fiftieth anniversary of St. Barralta, a native of Italy, who came Fr. McGinn, a native of East Bos­ Mlss Irene K, Grillin, i;. .v.. public small contagious hosjiital- Mary s parish will be observed In con­ here from Richmond, Va. Although ton, came here in thc fall of 1913 health Instructors of the state depart­ Dr. -McLaughlin said •within a radi­ nection -with the parish tair which somewhat advanced In years, he dis­ to administer the work of the parish ment ot health. These nurses will be us of ten miles trom Ayer as a center opens In the town hall-on next Wed­ played great energy. As a result ot Fr, Sheedy being unabIe''to attend to In attendance' to give talks to school there are -15 towns 'with popula- nesday evening-. For nearly two years his work a second church was built his,duties through Illness. Through children. These talks are a very valu­ tlons ranging from 800 to HOOO. Mani­ Fr. McGinn's efforts many Improve­ festly these town.s are unable to finance H.H.ProctoF previous to the formation of the on Shirley street. The new chUrch able part of thfe work. parish services were held at the mis­ ments have been made in the church a proper health organization and it PAGE BLOCK was a wooden structure like the first Special demonstration will be given AYER, MASS. sion which was located here, betore but made much larger In proportion and grounds connected with it A would be unfair to expect that of them the appointment of a resident pastor. -•lew church, under his dlretillon was tor Blrls and mothers showing how to p:xpericnce in England and France has becau.se of the great increase ot the properly wash and-dre.s,i a baby. Kor The actual date of tht golden anniver- catholic population. This church w.as erected In Littleton within the past proved that to avoid dis.asicr tho com- gary of the parish -was last Uecember. two years tg^cconmodate the cath- the.se demonstrations a life-sized doll Plete sanitary orL-anizailims sh,,ni,i he jdedlcatej_ii] 1S70_ By Fr. BiHratta's Js—used,—(ogether -with—.i c'eillapsibTe efforts a parochial - residence was olic»~ln Hrat town,~-who for severaf in the field long before the recruits hut tor good reasons thc observance bath tub. a tray containing the neces­ begin training." •was postponed until this time. built which stands to this day. Dur. .veiirs attended services in the. town hall In that place previous sary toilet articlea and an outflt of The flrst catholic settlers in com­ Ing his time the. parish was Increased to the simple infant clothing. This has p'rov- Gov. .McCall. in discussing the m.at­ pTtGEtfeLL THfcATKH to 3000 souls. To meet the increased building of the church. Mass is said ter ot police protection, .said that he Main Street mon with those ot the surrounding In Littleton every jjundav ed one of the most popular features ot Telephone SOT>0 AYEB, MASS. towns were attended -by priests from-fneed of the-parlsh a-chUTCh-wai; buttr -rhe exhibit and -i.u verv Ii.sti-Uclive and did iiot^th-iilk Ihe ordinary local con- Fltchburg, ot which parish the South 'i n Pepperell" .., -I n 187- 6 Fr. Barralta Fr. McGinn is,assisted in his pas­ interesting. stabulary of their machinery for en m toral duties by Rev. Frank H. Hous­ f orcin p the law existmp w'ithin the Groton mission was a part. In 1S65 went to Europe on an extended visit There will also be shown a pasteuriz­ Rev. Edward Turpin and Rev. Tim­ for the benefit of his health. Rev. ton, a native ot Concord, who' came small towns affected would he ade^ SaturdajvMay 26—Afternoon and Evening ing outflt suitable foi use in the prejia­ quato to cope with the moral evils and othy Turpin, brothers, of that city, Michael McCall, for many vears pas­ here in October, 1914. At the time ot ration of feedings • for a boltle-fed paid regular visits to the mission and tor of St. James parish. Salem, filled his assignment -to St. .Marj-'s parish sutfici'-nt to secure a due enforcement HOUSE PETERS in "THE RAIL RIDER"—5 parts' Fr. baby; also, an inexjiensive ice box, of existmp Ia%v. He»reconi:r.end€d that - conducted services. Ma.ss Was said in the position .as pastor during his ab­ Houston li.ved in Hyde Park with a description of how much' a -the open air near St. Marv's ceme­ sence. where he has made his "home for a supplf'montary f<\ce>oe oppxinized Also, 18th and Last Episode in "The Great Secret" - necessary article rnay he cheaply and for car-yinp out the Taw". lery. and in the field near the hou.se many ye.ars. simply made at home. of John McGuane, on which site the Fr. Ban;att.a was succeeded in De­ Hecruitrnp fr,r ten additional truck . From a very humble beginning St. In connection with this exhibit the present house-occupied by the family cember, 1S76, by Rev, Joseph F. .Marys parish has steadily advanced comijanies and twf-nty wai. 1 compa- ot Michael Shea Is' located, .Mass was Mohan, now in charge ot a parish iir .State department uf Health will fur­ nie.s for tho quarte.rmastor Monday, May 28—Afternoon and Evening in numbers and. Intluenoe until the nish certain lectiiires, illustrated bv corps is also said In Mr. McGuane's house. In Everett, to which place he was called present time. It is one of the now poinp o^ HIK; sort rtt'. the house occupied by William Cough- trom Hopkinton, where he was as­ ildest slides, and followed by moving ^--ictyr'e ready fnr servir'.-, .r.vl-'.d.r.L CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG, the Peerless Actress, in parishes in the diocese ot Bos films. In short there w.T, ne talks and each lin, which stood on the present-site ot signed after leaving Ayer. Fr. Mohan well as one of the best. from Wnrcest'-r an^l - -'tio Whitney's stable, and in Bartholo­ was succeeded tn St. -Marv's parish in films e.ach morning, afternoon and eve­ The present excellent condition of nin.g ot the exhibit. mew McCarthy's house. The house ISSl by P.ev. Henry J.-.Madden, who Stiuul l'p for Ayor. occupied by Mr. Coughlin was later built the preseni church, the third the parish is primarily due to the en­ All who can should make an effort moved to. its present hKiiiUon on.Shir- catholic church In lown. The present ergy and many .sacrifices made in its to attend every meeting, since at each Recent fvfnx-- hn.\ t bro'jpht Ay-r 'The Foolish Virgin" ley street and Is occupied by Mrs. edifice is of Gothlc-con.itrucliHn with early history-bV- the small numher-n' one topics ot interest will be discussed prominently ;nt" th»- p «J*lio -mii'd.- Our ~TirlSget McGuane and tamiiy. a brick foundation. • The second catholic people then within its boun­ and valuable information given that tuW'n Wll! son;-, ':.v i. le nf the be«t II.-i- rfforfs fT.'v.-necin the iniiii shcloves \e,u\ fo'iiiany intensely church w-.as moved to West Main daries, as w-ell as to the untiring de­ everyone should know. known plact:-s ;i, X*--,v I-:np!and. if not The next place where services -were street, where for manv vears it was votion of its faithful spiritual leader-- The definite program for this Child in the l'nited .'^:at'-s. •ivvHu^v the biL' (!r-iin>iiti(- -^ituiitii.ii.s with a powerful eliiiia.x held waa PIngry hall, which w.as lo­used for parish purposes. The build- throughout its half centurv of ex­ Welfare Exhibit wr.l be announced camp hore pri.oao;:- wi;! be occupied cated where the New Cnion .^.,„i,eHousse '"^' '•"'*' lot-upon which it stood was istence. later. .Admission tu the exhibii. lec- before any nf th*- pri.p<.s*-(: camps m now- stands, in which the calholicL-'_i'h-_s J solo-t-A-o-ye.ar.^ ago- be William--N^ —.T-h-?.. or4Kl-imI-_pari.ih _iiicludfcd__the turcs_anct-iJj>m()ns;xrri.u..ii£.iV-ilLu£,cuurso- Pi-btr"„.«ec:ricn^^ nf_ '^w^- C'ji;niry arc wtm worshlTjpc-d-for utrem'jr'S'Wr. Cornellier. The buiiding was ra',!ed towns of Groton, including that part be free, under way, Knivorsal military serv­ Wednesdajv May-30—Afternoon- and-Evening ' — To the erection of the regular cath- and the lumber used in building the of Groton now called Aver. I'epperell ice is a nev,- thin .olic church in South Groton much tine re.sldence of .Mr. Cornellier. Townsend. Shirley. Harvard, Littleton' W'wldlnff. ~ :hero will be ;.'r';-a; curi LIONEL BARRYMORE in "HIS FATHER'S SON"—5 parts credit is due to Thom.as H. and Al­ Boxborough, Westford and ('helms-' Miss .N'ora Klizabeth .McOuane, thc hear about th^- tir^: c, iflso, two-reel Foxfllm comedy. "CHASED INTO LOVE" fred Page, two of the town's promi­ A new parish w.as formed in I'ep- ford. From time to' time all these 'iaughter of Mr. and -Mrs. .Martin Mc- selected undt-r the ;.e'- nent citizens, who although of the percll in ISSS.to which FJ- Madden towns have boen se'i ,.(T -'^Uier- OHiine. and-JDr " Frank Wheatiy, Jr.^ Wo shn:: bf. :r.:t-r\--vw,.,} .vkot —protestant faith. Interested"nTemselve-s* was a-ssigned as pastor. He remained parishes except 'Ayer and Litt (if North Abin.gton, i\-ere united in mar­ photoprai^he and written up m news- m the little struggling llock and built there until 1S94, when he was trans­ which combined number 1000 ctith riage at St. Mar>'s parsonage Wed­ I>apors an n*6—Monday, June -4—PAULINE PREDRICKS, in for its use a small wooden structure iL'azino--. Ax:d. as many ferred to Winchester. P.ev. John H. olics. nesday afternoon l.y Lev. Thomas P. peopjo _l>o '-vervthint: thov sw m on West Main street- The christian Fleming siiccee(lel90- Fr, worship of which thev mav weli feel ed t.p^. Nup:oir_ Inn. Littleton, fur sup'-thoir a::t-nts are ; Uftter. -the-first' resident priest. -Rev; Sheedy's pasti)rate~coverert~Thc.-trmtr^" JTrrrtid, aT.tl WTTIch " wiTT"ain'plv '"fepa.v' per. •nc"('ayro"nTiTTy ~i~r*";'. •Monda.v—Matinee. .\ilnlt^ lin:. Clilldmi JOc; Jivcailus. .25e._and-!,'k'.- Charles Foley, was- settled over the «st Jieriod of any of his predecessors, them fur any sacrifices thev nniv mak'e l*r. and Mrs. Wheatiy roreiveri many Xn draw Lp-'^n h.' he --ervin.L- for nearly twentv-six vear-. newly defined parish which included m the intiirest of a sucei.-s/iil fair tinn jn'O-^' rts. includinp siiv-r li.nn.-y. mako an h. -;•-.-: Groton, now Ayer, and other towns. He diei! C'l .^iirii ;;. I'JIi;. Itev. 'rhom-. which is to bo held durini.- the Cum­ cut yla.'^s. silvc-r candlesrK^kv ai;d nther I--Ot Ml— \ Kev. Charles Fidey was succeeded by as I'. .McGinn, the ;ir(sent i.astur. siic- ing week tu tneet the e-xpenses of the .ir:i(It-.-^ The class i>f 1 tM J nf th--' Kev. Fr. Moran, who was followed ini (ceded h.m. VM. r k - Waltham Traminp .Schnn] f,,r X;irso>, nf whii_li :h .p..~:-t;!;p Foil .'.Vi.K.—- AYEE l-'Ie'cht r. and : Krank K. r the nf many i.-.-f'il articl*-s ft Donlon& 60 . a; the rnitar chuich. Tue C.r-i .-- !'n;K'-i;. Thf i r: '- is a wf'U-kr.nw;; fniMmi en; • 1--. .Iune \2. Newti Itczns. Xo v>. \-i.:::'r: :.n'\ . nf Ayer and i.- \.-: \ jmp :;,ir r.s-ii \ .ivi"\NK-i: •.iiivii;-.. l.f.KTAIil.IiS Wondall Xutting:. .^r.r. r.f, -Mr. r.nd Th.- -.iiUU-n htvrf.i^f in th.-- j)ni>ula- Ff.ur 1 •\\;:n ;<:; whf know lu-r, .l:l.IO.\S Mrs. K. Z. Nnttinj?, of Jir(H.k]\ri. N, V., t:"n I'f Ayer to aboui 1 yiju percent, .urt een years of ape, wer thr- ],..[t';.v ^ChnOl..* nf ti:;-. tn\W,, -I-Ul- r- cai.turod XM'.XK \< 1 - arrived in town last wt^tk I'Vi'Kty niuht tmni nearly :Uji.i(t tn ::o.uOu, is nnt caus­ : the r: ilrnad stat.nr, la^t weok Kri- 'jar-.n'j frnni ;he hiph s. hn,.; ;:. \:n,'.., MA\ ni:i;'rs in his new Maxwell t^edan. HIA mo:h- in;: nuch (.voit'-ni'-n:. A r.n>.:nn writer ;iy bv • rlicers Taylnr and M.lls :if:er SI:.- . '.-frfd the Waith i:n ;: i::;;-.- ( 1(1 Mm :i{-s i.iii;i:.\ I'J:.\S whn wav h^r.- last wt-ek said he was -v)."td .;•, :;-lM. -^rnd". itii _- :-. I:'M, I \\ \ \-|-i;i) t-r arrivod on Thursday ft^r the surn- :n'-y had i:ot bnund pa.-- >i'i\ \( n STKIVI. miws nir-r at thotr rottape at Sandy pond. Uiiich siirpi.sr-d it: tho f \Vn./.- A, A. Kiilebmwn, A. Taul Ki".!.-- V WII. OK \\(.l s. l,-«-. doz. brown, K. S. I'ierce. K. A. Richard^nn. wer^- sent ' IU who h < wgrth's stores in IlronkljT.. -ton, .M.es.- H\N \-\As K. H. Hipelow, H. S. Turner, '"harles • KAi'i: I'Hi'ir :irf 1.: 'Xf ^"ixxnwfXi , .\ V.'I weeks FOR SALE lilKHll s I'Kl ITS ,,1-all Kiiid-s Chester Tarrant, a former Ayer boy, K. I'errin. Dr. Wylie, i.. H. CushmL: I "n xhe ti]'.-i, IS a grai'.u itnd Georpe H. R. Turner ftttorrffd a — nf>w of New York. h:iy? -t>een 't!T^rt*«i-n i\- ni'.rniii.Lt -•'• amt -I' ; conv(-catiou of Clinton chapter of Ma­ tine position to take full charge of the "'clock, at.-inii Wll sch'...l. " ..n thf. -t.it't sons on Mond.\y evonmi;. It w.i.^ ;he (--,v.-.f. 1 Fil-MI I'lSIl Klap:ler mills in Cnnnecliout. where l.o.v -'. ,,t ..f -Main Wi^t-t '.f th.. H.' •I nieiticil st .V.M) l-OBsTKKN ' t.ccasinn of the otllciuil visitatmn nf ifrner are made cottons and al! kinds of r-treet..;. 'i'.I'art iiu-r.t W.'lv Itr. a-,. -. Whe.r-h i.\.-i-.\ We.-U the district dejjuty prand hiph priest 'iuickly (. i^uaze bandages, at a very lar^rc salary. sfei e .itii! ma'l-. - '. -.V'. I'l.n.: • . y hy a ito III.' and ^u::e. They went by autos. .-.hort wot laze. IfWK.-. .t'tsl.ur;-'. .'- -i.'i-iiw ll »ii-*ii-iii. ] The school children and the public the . j York Clt:, .Inhn M. 'Malnnoy attendefl fhe an­ tunatf that tho iirf wa.c tiii-C' u.ulc ., s. in KC-neral are urged to brin;; flowers I I St.-.;, wVil • . ^NNI \l-eiil.- r.il AC.MI' <)l.l;o.>L\lUJ.\RlN- nual dinner nf tho Hoston University hefore a had i:air.ert hear." assist in the pood wnrk of the (J A. K • jshirc H:. .iile Th Uiitlf-r. (• in IN. U~<- kind of llowers will be acceptable last srieakor.it the <]innt'r. Ho r»-ferred nio-:I\ . a 'it I'.v wat.-r- I To 111,- i: < li...i|.<.i t The executive board of the Woman's several time^ to tho now camp m A.\''r lan 1 a -.1 and itiii-s iM'tter The ca.s "f .I'.hn Itait.l'.n. "i . j The .-. i I to .\\ club will meet at the hnmr- of the and exjirts-»'d his anxiet\ tn have- the K' -iill~. ley. •,\h,, char^ci; u.th th.- * larue 11 lii­ "i Ihf president. Mrs. Grace M. Dickerman. •^oldior'i fjuickly brnupht in:n xhf camp ii.-iei.' Patrick Donlon .sale an.! k'-i'i'iri,- ..f .nto\; •. that It I'.M Krulay eveninp. June 1. at T..''.0. and pivon tho instruction which h(' i>ro- .st.in'i's f. - 1 IK-I (,il \l 11 ^ \vi:sri.K\ Ki:i:r' li'iuor. « h h wa- ..- I i'.r trial In- w-lth".It '1....;. •H - I K I '1 11; I l'l \< 1 dicted would makt- thoin into a>i tine imi'ort.ii : --irlolli -t'. lUs. It is said that many of the pajw^f np«-r ur(Ia\-. wa •111 in til.' tl.-: :'.•".<. lh. an army as -an be I'roduced anywhoro. ; town if- 151.~.|, \\.-r. »las trains on the Hoston and Maine rail- ,Iutte ':. .I'h! -\I. .\l.i at trust tha- . rnail will bo removed from :he sched­ Anthon\- .1. Anno, Kliz-'iboth Murra\-. as ""lltisfl ! with frieii't- 111,I . ule in the noar future in order that tho Aluo .1. Guthrie. Wonrlell .Milb-r, Am> "• I.. - and am..' ,il men employed in oporatinc the trains I.. Nixon and Uuth K. Znlb-,- hav^ wnn iiienci '. 1 p.. - that \i-.t is may be better employed in h.Tndlint o w- n s Iho hnnnr- ,.f the clas- of KMT of th.- lunch r... t.'l K Wl i:JP. Donlon & Co. freight trains. Th*- freipht trafrio. r ] f • fnp to its tremelidoiiv KIZO. hn? h^en "this \ oar .Mend'9 nioek .-Vi'I-.R, M.'V.'i.S, .mi'O.ve.i . mrn t 'en nieiii- m Towns.. '>->••• moro or less of a problem fnr yrarv liti-s; Telephone ,?.-! With the war conditions it has bet amo C'.v -\I. -Mai.r : \ . n ir .1 11 u I, -. andI '.ipttiln -S'll-'C much worse, with the resul: that ship­ •J i'-r r:.-,.iri'- ' I^'.r,n*-r, of 1',..^;, • n. t-.-Miii. ments of freipht of all kind-* has boon r.t re i.ij--. .y tf ii I'luIay to talk t.yt.r tiif preatly delayed, causinp *h» upsetting I:iil(i for th.. niilit.'i r.\- caiiii. . if business plans and mak intr h\i:hfr "\\ tifrs Tiif in. t tmtr u.'i^ j.rico^. With more freiphts runnmp f 'ii-tnct Court r... m It 1- this trouble it is hopod will bo much ! th.it til 'Wllf I'.s w.rf II. t improved. The theory behind tho 'tnirt'ii .' stKii ;. H. tit ,1 -/," Motorists n-..'.ti;-.i; movomont in romovinp tho pa.-^M'npor ..-. th.. h..S,,; 'ini: c.il "1 s.rttpi: '. t.ilk ..vr Jh.. was :rams is'that tho muntry can irot alnnp eil . With fewer passfn por trains br^for .Ma. than thoy can with cijrtaib-d -wpplio'; •harl..s i: nice, of U-..rc...'e known former r».-i.lent ..f ,\\e l,r.,i which are of the utmost iiiip'>'"'anco at "i V » .iMH-r.i (. nrry *'arH liy the late Oavid C'r.i llll.'lax nil.- .\ fiom the schedule. Nn positiv.- infor­ -pecl.il . .1 r tt ll. I'rir mation can bo obtained now as to tho t.iilor. has taken ch-arpe of th An- \s rancc at Ial -", S' h. ( vis-tin.; -'s sho[' WIS dotailH. v.'t. rans will ;.,. Max -hl = FOR FARM AND GARDEN .Main streel. on Tlies.la.v Tho mail cars will be takon off tho The lejcni. • TJ • ..Hi' n 'Cireehvnro aniTTroston ahU T,r.^T-n and Thc U. S. riVlI PcTTIi'';! riThrniission tlat-.' written l.y .Miss I'iara KndicOtt V is f.irK.-'tn "X 1 III KMos no-i-ri.l;.s nro Aver runs bcKlnnlnp Junf- 1. The mails w-itl hold a ooniiietitivo exainination in this (.onil' ' -1 .Sears, has been put to niu.sie bv ,I..hn lilll- ll, l.,n.- aloiiK, Wo botween these polntR will be sent in Ayer on ,Hine !) fnr tho |io.'n ,iiid .il j>osted at thi'n;or. lies I-; Pair.! Ml f: bappajfe car under the new arrange­ O-Ilea, i ik Uonlon. I-J irl..- FOR THE LAWN iiu>si .a ni'<^-.,s|iy. %VP hnTc also, the elKthteenth and last episode A Krnss fire in the vicinity of Camp ment. This will be the Hrst time In the of "The ffreai secret," and Pathe Miiith an.l 1 ItriKhani. P, en I IW- it.ike-. historv of the Lowell road that there ,';tevens kept a force of men under nURit.* r • - r'turneil -IT \\ „. 11 iront Mtriclv from -irto. to New.s. On Monday, May 2S, after­ T- ; f K'tcr- will be no mail car or clerk to sort D'lUKlas C. Smith, forest tire ward their l.t. ; their .ouiiti SI.TtO. noon and evening, CIar,-i Kimball busy for several hours .Mondav. Th : mall on the train. cans.. ..r ..w nil patri..' 1.- W I M. «' rs SI l'l' 1 . , IJS oo Yoiinj: w-lll .-ippear In "The foolish waH no (l.amaKe ilone. nere The W. r, T. XI. will hold n meotlnp vlrRln." which will contain seven parts. I.et then. l.e forKOtten It ,i,: ' r 11, -". tie. -Iml Illr. in the vestry of the Baptist church on .Vext Wednesday comes Lionel Bmry- The w-ar mission representInK the Patil.k -' '. " IilsTILLEI) WATI'.n yon more in "His f.-ither's son," w-hieh will Italian Kovernment passed throiinh Fridav afternoon. June 1. at. 2.30 Wl sllll IIIIM • a irtoHl siiM-l, o si 1 miisi ns<- III yonr l)ntlCTfc». oclock. This win be tho Inst rejfnlar he followod by a famous l-'o.xflln) town Tuesday afternoon in a special .\.vramp will he played on the camp DRUG mu companied hy HreckenrlilKe'LonK, .a.s- the Ilf. w 1 f;..ite,l Xorlheastei 11 InjT weddinpr of Miss T>orIs Whltnoy UToiind. near the brldpe The team I I, O. DWINELL, Prop. Istant secretary of stale, and secret sion. « ;- ll h, a.l'iiiarters in Post.,.- Kletcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. w-as beaten In its second pame w-ith, AYER ervice police. the K' V*.. 1. IU' lit had acci j.-ed h.. ;lMirI|'s' Illoek Ayer, Ma!>s. -•I •. i2s_ £L A 1 V, PAOE.SIX SATURDAY,, VL-iSY^2e , ijm^

Joshua Gray from Concord has pur- Mlss Helen Ames haa enlisted In the chiiHed the home ot Mrs A. H. Winshlii German (measles) ranks and Miss Lil­ Fair List Prices ^^M^ « ^^A Fair Treatment ^ of BridKe Htreot and h.u- takeii posses­ lian Robinson has been pressed into sion. service as her substitute- ^HHi-X>^4-Kfi»ftWfi wiU4w.>ld th EITTLETDN nual memorial service at the BaptLst ehurch on .Sunday morninsi, Hev. H, .N'owu Itoius. 1., Caulkins will preach the sermon. A iiecc.s.>».iry chanif ii the hour .Members are reiiuested to m-'et at the eoujiled with unfavoini! 1" weather eon- hall at 10.15. •iTitiohs Trcvented-the jrirdeii -pl.-intltic ' '.Mr. >-ncr'-Mr.s'rr).~"G:"Hou«lilon~trivl rtenionstratlon from l)...;i;,- .i.- useful as Ml.ts I.ucy Houshton motored to Barre It was intended to he. -\ nuniber of mil Amherst for the w-eek-end and the older school chiwiren, liow-e\-er. sij,nda.v. visitins relatives iii Barre wuh teachers and other- interested, and the Chandler family in Amher.st. itathered in the drizzle ..ii Tiics'lay af- tei-iioon Ht the garden wliicii li.i.I been C'liuilBC of Tiuic. selected- near the djiriilinn.- and -Mr.- -VXter iu-^*uciiinff eeononvy^-ttnd-n-- I'liton. of the Farm Buieau. \ery ellie- rvation of resources to the w-orkinB ieiilly demonstrated the most aVpio.\-ed I oiilu tor these many moons certain niethods ot planting potatoes, beans, W'i.si e Men of the Kast have- .suddenly GOODRICH corn, beets, lettuce, ciiciinibeis. squash diisoveres d that workinft peuple ufore- and the cultivation re'iuired for the S,lli d have actu.illy heen taking their various crops, - The movement for ad\vic e to an alarming extent and In "diHiblinK the food sujiply" is'also em­ cuniisenuenc e of this practice of econ­ Where paint is scanty, the phasised by a striking new- poster In omy huslne.sji.is not as good as it was. winter gales drive snow into red and blue urplnk that "the iilaiitins '^-alers are complaluinB of loss of line sujiiiorts the firing line." the wood's tiny cradcs and -.ade and consequent lo.ss ot profits crevices. There, in clapboards BLACKSAFETYTREADTIRES The anftual memoriai service uf the and jnanufactui-ers in certain lines are Oddfellows w-lll be het.l j,, ibe l!.i;iiist etyr t a IJ 1 ng iiroductlon for want of or and under eaves, it melts. church, .Sunday raornluK, with special (j„...... „,and• .uthe. dlckenJl., » .i, s .t o pay wit.;,h swells the boards until the paint is pushed inusic by the choir and sermon by the b usiness generally because we have CORE another triumph for pastor, Rcv. H. 1.. Caulkins. Liken the oft reiterated advice of eco- off, and spreads decay which only carpentry Thc FrankUn class hold a supper omie matters too literally. can reme^. Goodrich skill and experience and Kocial thin wooll un Fiida.y in'itiiiii.. XoW'gofs forfh'fho »f/I^T--f|'^.yi ^,^^^,1 How do-'yoor'b"iI<^ftgJ"fafC~i»~wiimcf? They will -in the-Baptist-vestry,- (luartgrg to the press of the country -stay-souml-ami -sturdy, -not oniy iu wiat«r but in-all* Red Seal JgrruBBer making^-^^^ose^new to plp.id with The.'people to loosen up seasons, if piotected with Dutch Boy WhiicLeaJ, ~n^r. and ."lirs, f, cornins Udwards of and save the bu.siness men trom bank SUPER-SIZE TIRES for Ford N'ew 'V'ork city tand Littleton announce ruptcy. At least it looks that way thinned with pure linseed oil, a paim that combines the engagement of their daughter, ^vheiLpathetic editorials appear slmul- long-lasting.protection and good looks. WUte-Lead -Helen—Alfred Gllman, - to Bradlcj- '" "Call bh"iis''fdr alPpaint materialsr We kh6w_ painT cars—the instantly famous HaVvkes Patterson of Springfleld. Miii taneously in thcTBoston and >'cw- York Gilman has made a specialty of music dally press, pleading w-lth their read­ from A to Z^ and can give expert advice. Call, 'phone "THREE-SEVENTY-FIVE." ers to go spending money to save the or write. and for the last two years has been a situation. Probably, the press of all member of the Metropolitan Opera the large citie!5.rare singing the same school of New- York, Mr. Patterson, tune. The advice now Is slightly mi.x­ • Littleton, tX^ss. These are de luxe tires, expressly de­ who haa recently eniistcd in the-naval ed. / They one and all .say co'nserve CONANT <&• .CO. coast defense reserve, is connected tood to the last ounce, but spend signed and built to meet the special w-lth the house of.Hayden, Stone & .Co. money freely tor other things. needs of Ford cars, but Ford Car Tires Mrs, J, M. Hartwell, director of the Judging from our own experience A. F. PARKER East Pepperell, Mass. drama, "The house of Rlmmon," and the w-ave of so-called economy that of HEROIC SIZE made onlv ir chairman of the Special Aid society, re- has struck the working people is not port.^ net—recelpta—for Tuesday even*- •'«—result—of-newspafter-or-^othep ^K^S-S50R-E-C0.: -Gfoton, Mass. ing's entertainment, about forty-two vice, but thc result of necessltv. The five-finger Safety Tread. dollars. This has been given to N. B. man oiirnlhs small wages with a fam­ Conant. chairman ot town flnance com- ily to support has to -conflne. his pur- _mittee;_t.aswell the war relief fund. chases strictly to the neces.sitles of life J<:ERLEY, REED & BRYANT Harvarcl, Mass. Bigger-'with—extra—robber ane At the Unitarian church Sunday to make ends meet. He has to do morning Rev. O. J, Fairlield will give' withuut many ot the comforts of life. service, their-greater resilience-gives- as" his sermCh" some report ot the en­ o-say nothing-ot luxuries; thusiastic meetings of anniversary - In the best of times when prices are your car a greater comfort and effi­ week, w-ith their message and call to reasonable he can only buy back as a more efflcient life. .Kt this service, much of what he produces as his ciency that offset a higher first cost. as announced last Sunday, a collection wages will pay for and in times like Fitchburg ^-%- 29 will be, taken to further" the religious these when prices have doubled, and and recreational work carried on in in some cases trebled, while his wages And they outlive ordinary tires. the Y, M, C, A, "huts" in the army have not increased in anything like canips. This work Is of special Inter­ the same ratio, he must of couriie buy est to us at this ttme In view- of the les.s than has'been his custom. Fpr coming to Ayer of the traininir camps this reason these exhortations to loosen Equip your car with them, and add (if soldiers. up will tall Hat in the case of the value to its look, levghten its LIFE, and w-age-w-orker, Among those of Littleton attendliig 'The bill introduce'l in Congress giv­ the L'nitarian meetinss at Bo.-Uon this ing the president pow-er to assume con­ double your enjoyment of it. week were Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Ru.ssell. trol of the food situation and put a ,All-s. .G. A._Prouty.-Miss-H. H. Ew-ini:.s^ -stolT tdspec-jlatlon in foodstaff ijijtma.s Orlando Ro-W-mao T?ev •,.-,< ^trs w grood-. hui'the assurarct' that gous witir TEree-Seven^-Ffves" on Goodrfch's C. Brow-n and Rev. and Mrs. O. J. it that all theso thinps will he done in r-'airfleld. a way not to disturb business make a patented ARTILLERY wheels, with rim Mrs. F. S. Kimball and Mrs. G. H. lons-sufferinj? people look at it with Kimball are spending .^Saturdav w-ith suspicion a^ .-^ measure to ^jM,i,et th^ and Mly ^-combined, makc-^—:^ jz: JLlieiiL niece._Jliss-Helen ,Mi;chell,-at- i>eoi>lery-goes' Wellesley college. merrily on. ('onRress "moves in a a De Luxe Ford Car «d stuffs can be ended withou: very t'ne third and fourth deirreos. They seriouply disturi>inij the businepis-of thf dealer. were very hospitably received and en- food speculators is .a problem tuo deep tt rtained, for us. It would make us feel right jolly if we could havo faith to believe Geor;je \V.jod,-wiho.-H- -it-.w I'jjerrtttng- noh ^•~.fPii1ation would i.o endfJ and IX'arxtii'f "TT 'lhe Jt5. b. Goodrich Co. me C'oiiiiii.ir -rn -rr we would not lose an>- slfop uvor any gained for the land at tlie I'oininon at disturl)ance of tiit- liM-;ru--- nf xho fond Ahron, Ohio pre.sent ow-pcd by the I.lttleton .-\.sso- roSbers iha: nu^'ti: fVL-ur :n c-use- AA \blB-Deilcr ftr TlMin t-iates I formerly called the i'onant * ciuer.co. . A'. T. E. llotii;hton Syndicate) on which he, an.l not the syndicate," w-ill ere,^t an ui'-to- '^^' "Best in the Long RurT' f'tis TI, Koi'biqsM wiil s.-:'. hy pab-ic -hll date garage. It is iind.rstood that the ituoii.^tir oowH.-htfif-'! s, l.iiU-^tn*i h**n;i-ii;- ;te is nn the ArtaTii.= l.Mi.I. al;ini"t~-.vhof'i' tho fo'.'Mi uf .1. A.'Miirclii.'. Boxhoroui^h, the house of the l.lt' • 1. W. .\dam.s v.-as on rlu' road from Boxboroutth to Stow. located. Th^- --al.* win bf ii.'ld on .Saturday ai't.-r- Memorial il.iy wi ! be ob.served in tiONi;. Ma>' 2*>, at out' o'nmnir .11 join thc K. S. to I.>-inu>-: ^'lajk. at the farm known as BIG STREET PARADE I'lark ix.st at Orotn 1 111 the forenoon, th.- .1. H. .-;in;th farm r',tus.--«-ay .-tr._'.':, i 103?A-M-RAINoRSHINE and E. .'<. cl.u-k i...- r will .acc(inipan\- .M;!Us. abuu: two -miles from ^^^. Ii:; the G. .\. It. men . 1 Littleton in the C.'Ut'.T, afternoon. - The I'l'-cession l"--ill be GOODRICH TIRES f'jrnied in front ot . ne tow-n hall at Xeu- .^ilvcrtlseracnt.s. \% K »KL1. THKM tw-') o'clock, and w.h be attemled bv the .Shirley Cyrnet hand. KoUowing the decor.uion of irrives the iiroces.sion will return to the t.w-n hull fur the '^K'3'" AYER AUTO STATION ':2'J^:: G. ..\. H. e.\ercises. pitriotic music nnd an address. I; is ..v;,ected that Sena­ Have Your Car Overhauled tor .lames .Mel'hers. .n. of FraminKham. chairman "f milil.iry affaits^_wiU^be_ Seeds the speaker. .Ml '-.t.zens and public schools are invite.i t.. participate and TOWNSEND 'vVilUan. 1..iwi-e: . nil') th.. ten.-ineiu Kur latf sDwiiif: arid p'liul- ir. the U'l.liain brin.i; llowers NOW is the time to have your Car looked over and II.e\- h...,se ,,n Main ii.i'r Wf are . '-rlie, ; .\" 11 . iiiak- •Mr. an.i .Mrs. I) .; Houghton an.i Cow Peas has i'..' I- si".f :.•!_- , '1 r.ili:lit..r .Mi.-s l... \- Hou^^hlon. in The thorough overhauling we can give your car at w-eek ,r l-;,.-- s i :i;\ i th'.ir tr.n to tli.. w-tern part of the Field Peas w-hile ttl. r. '.ll. .It-. -1.1' M. il'i.z. •• o.nl s-.it.. a f..w 'i,i.\s 111. . iiiiitored to K.ist a frier..! 1- .It til'. l.'.\ ..r«.lt. wher.. tl;.\- w-ere guests of Essex Rape present will greatly increase its utility for business or pleas­ Mi^K Kn-e S- -.-' •-- = 1 .r., .\U l-;i..a..;: .Mr. .111.1 .Mr- Wit f.'i.l !•-. Adams. Vetches fnr .Mr.- S .-; I! . • n:.i~ W 'fh, ..vho MI -11111 .\Ir- I I'.iiKl.IS Whitcoml' am; ure. A full line of the motorist's necessaries on hand. lilt- t'r..-., .- . I .-.,-' ; n. .i'.i.i . .n .Mlss .Marion Wh.tcmb attended the Small Pea Beans The ' 'ila.:- i I'l . .' w'. --1 M!;';' ..r.iiL- -tie winti r. li.i -.,. Iirayton-l'air we.l'liiii.- in the I'nitari- ai- churrh nf H t l.'l a\-enile. Soni.'r- Navy Beans hoM a 1 •..;-- .- - T .1 11 •Wil'l. r l;r.. ,:.t:'. --... . I K.I.: It .,f (;r..t..n, .| ^il]f, la-'t SatMi ' \ .'llilig. for which Yellow Eye Beans May .; ! 1 - -..K - ll' r.. 1- \ ,sit II.L: at -ll'. 1 tll.iU-aTii! ;;i i-..,ns vvere issued. purp'.s, .,' ,,;.;,... ,. .- ,. ..-l.: .\!i- Wi.l.aiii W. K-v. <"hf iscl Muick afi'nil. s(.> Miss .1.'...: S- . .•• II •;• llr:.. .- K .,1,;\. w-lu. has ; ll' r»"'r''ni' iii\ .Mis. Herbert .M YATES' GARAGE _ii«ntJ*liv- --i ll." '-i..,.. i -ITT bride, was 'hr. TifiirpsT finnlfT, nr fl-ritr tion, -.v;..,. .» ...... :n c • . n .if IIH-M; '"'i 11. .M Whit- Maole Street Tel. 157-2 AYER. MASS. explain ; li*. ;. . •: ; . >'i.:nl. ^hfr. •'. 1" Ml Wair.-r Vi i:.iir of ("hinapo, a THE SURlie w..-- f.irmf r i.:; tU-!i ,n . ha.s passf.l h:- j W.I- '.' n .uh* t" :}i.> Vll' !_'•• fri'tu l'';:rh- f\aininat:iiri^ and his hoon nssiqn Iloi.i'.nooK-M.vn.sHM.l. Co. Mr •'• -1 Mr- I'.iiru' !•'. rn.U'Mk-r H..:.h;ir(i nf Ash- Xn xhe ofVii'i-" rf-f'.\f rnrps. Ho will dauglit. r ' • llh j !i\ Th..! -i: t_\ iX-frr.'".:: .^i'".'1 it f ciitTal r--pi.rt at I' rt 1 ;il.'\'. Kansas. tnda\, Trimmed Millinerv were tt.. . \ - . ! -'T'v icf w.i-- h-'lii nt th*' Ii.»p*!s; vfsxry. ;f his t'Npfr;,i;.,,iis materialize, Wholestile ni.stributor. '.n'-v'.'.i: xho ]U>'.\d <'.'Tnui.ssi'Uifr Vapp is bii-i]y A MTV :iii; 1. j X"i<]\ ,it XW', f'l '.f< '< .-Li'i'l xhf iKirii'tl tfi'ik '•nu*;mod with m.n and horsos in ro- Naslnia - - - N. H. Discounted 10% and 25% ice T.i.k I'l i<" pl.i--. .:-, •:•>• fiirr.ilv ]n' a: th- WvsX p.iir work on tho Littloton roads. . .•II,. •*-•. V.f\ .I'.v.'j.h McK^'an idVW' 1 1 .111 '. . -..' s- ' I-.s. s. Tho l>aC( ,'il,i urf ato sormon will ho |.I;*M1 ;ir;.! Mr- MrKcii^ s.\r.'.: Xw.i sf- Beginning May 21 wlicii a '.' .1 ;t:t' L.'ir.'11 preat hfd :r. thf In,tarian church this eri-' "Thf 'nnn\f]:\nd" .irwl "Sonio \ .-a-r. I :::r..' wv".: .-.ndw-Xnnd " Mi.sv Hunt <(»MMON\VKAI-TH OF KMA.^SArHtT- White Straw, Crepe, Maline, Etc. the K'i' X l'l . ii Mrs. (' .1 M( J^nnis is rorovorir.u i w.i.-- ;i rf.'^ui*^!'* .'f thi^- viHaKP atiii lu'cd SI'-.TTS. Middlfsox. ss. Probata- ^'ourt, Jires.-I ;, 'I :.. h ..o i'..l ;.-,-- from anatlark -if tonsilitis, ono of tho T'> Xhf hpirs-at-l.iw. nvxt of kin and '.it uhat U'ls kiinUT. ,'i-- thf n]d J'is.«Iyr. \V .1 H . ; .-. -lh,. tl IL- svi- p..pillar maladifs .if the sea.son. .ill oth'-r pfrpons Inloroi»t(*d in lho f.**- Mid-Summer Hats now shown Mast' - .1. till .rnf i>f Mr rtnd Mrs \n\f nf SAKAIf K. HODCrE l.ito of _. 0" vr I''rfil I'lrt'h. .iivi ,'i;th.";iKh mr>st of hfr Missfs (Jortrudf and Fannie Sander­ Townwfnd j:i satd onaI(!'.s -mother has mont of flajd docoasod has boon pro- choir If.l .-- III;.. , ..In's «rntod to said f'nurt. for Probato, by I'.-lvsbnri: ,i'l ,1 f.w tl.\-. ;:• tii\\T'. into. wook. propar- boon visitini..' hfi soveral week.s. low-ed '.> 'll. il'l-r't t .it. -. ' " s. .Mr- ll 1 W.I- IIK'M A un McKLUGOTT who prayn . .id'lrevs, Itev ;••--- hi* ynrr^.rr.^T h<>rr.f "n th^ Afh^v L..D. WOODS that lottors to^tnm^ntftry mny he ii(iu**;nt: .Tt tho Loander Kishor has been taking' a bund, Scout.s .•!•' , 1 ir;;.. ;,- rl • rit--- smuiiiit. I'.ili.l ;'hiir< h Sunday mornini* at vacation which ho spent wilh his par­ VOII aro horoby citod to .-ipnoar nt a. zens .1 I il ':...- ;. 't t.. .;, I-.. • the , ,.iii..t, '. f i', w h'T. a ;>fai;tiful ('ar. thf >:ift of onts and his .sisters at their homo in Pmb.-itf Court to bo hold at CambrldRO- exer. IS' - -riie ,.\ ..; .- '. TH n: -.r Mf- M; - * • S lii.nu-r to xhf rhurrh will I'anada. roturninc aftor an absence of in saUI Coiinty of Middlosox. on thn™ Pne of the ••• •'.:• t; rii tho ]^rof7.f with ajiproprialo four wooks His Iioalth is much im- fourth day of Juno A. I> 1917 at nino Smart provofl. "'riork in tbo foron')r»n. lo show rauso, ,M<'ni<>riaI Proitnim. P •• tsinir . V. r. ;.-.•». iftfr whirh thf morTiinc: if anv you ha\o why ;hf panic «hould ll" .1 rn"\ - 5ct Th.. foil. IV .: - ,-.I.,e- .-• ••. '- -'-- \ -.c-f w-ll )'f hf !'l, tho paslor. P.f \. .*^ona!or Kimhil! waa present at tlie not bo erantod | rl • Th'T.^ ranirc'l t..i t ''.•.-'' \ - . . •• ' ,i.•-••;.(-. Ml Kft:-;. w.U tako for his topir. hannnot iri\ f n xn thf sonato in **opley And satd potllionor is liorobv diroctod c : imh.-:- Slin'la\ S' h'.'.l ' \' I ' ,-. - •. M.-n-.- • Th" n.f.'i' ',1 u' -if Xho Mn^." and thr S«|iiaro h.ttfl Tiif-d.'iv oveninK l>y pro."!- tn Kivv publir notir- thoroof. bv jHib- ^/ ' II' I,- \\ i'! rf jidf I- sj>oriaI sf Ifr I ions lisbinK this cttntion onco In oach wock. rial h ii: T'.'.-'l n .'- .1 \i- " .' • ll •! i\ dfn: of thf scnar.- Wflls. T) f fy- Mnir -' r\ -.rf** will ho omittoO for thro.. succosf-n].:.. fri.ni 'his fiid nf tho Inwn. Thoro wil! hf t pul)Iic ohxfbllion of "f this citation to all known personn readini.-, It.v .l.s. pb .M.^K...- . '^ iT,.tt as i;-;jal [r ;- r'sJ'^'**'''! 'li^t -i"! hnv- •^fwin^ and mani.al training work in intorostod in lho cstato fourtoen days Uev A • I. .stlralheis; -.1 'I'h.' nt least boforo ji.nld *'ourl. f cii.iv on}n\ aiK Ilowor,- f-ir '.oufiufts for th»- •sol­ tho town hall nfXt Kriday afternoon, m,-\rch "f tile men .f • It::' .V A P. > ;• . Ito rt ij, ' hf h''>nif diors on Mfni .nil day i>rini; thom to from two to foiir o'clock. Everybody Witness. <'harlo«i .! Mclntiro. Ksnuire. chonm: a'Mr..ss. •'ril*. .pniiiti, s \ > n Kirst JudKO of s-'Wl Court, this sovcn- -- I'.ontWf! «; S irdav Kncino hall .r * iith: a m nf that day. who is intorostofi in this work of tho nerd to e iltivate in tills time of I tof'nth day of Ma>- In tho yoar ono thoti- par Tho oxfrrisfs w:\\ \>f rarriod ovi* in tho srhool rhild ron ).s rorrl tally invited to tlonal ronflic-s-- Kev .losejih M ovo'I from sand nino hundred and sovontoon. 30LD 'B^ OEOROE H. BROWN, Ayer, Mass. .Mr« Unxx.o iX'<.-v,d ) hv present Kenn; ".Vni'.ricn." a.iidi.-nte ji.ir.inkt mont on Kim -trffV ownod hy imual or

<». 2JL ;fe.-«>. -r«iii»i»«rr«iifi»iiiiiMW»wMta

SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1917 FAOE S£VSM Oommonwmltii of Maesacbnsctts MORTGAGEE'S S.ALE OF SHIELEY moeting in the for: .Middlesex, ss. p^edwell-Farm U'jt l*een arrjingi-d • giveii Liter wh REAL ESTA T-R] •Vews -KCTIIK. ' PastSBfteea " Harding James and f;irni;\ •IKTll ari'i her iiiijir* s^:.,:, 7R£Aia Sunday In Wilmington, t:i..i,:; r 1 h.'ir ::i -und lit l.n.lli ,<• \ auto, .Mrs. James' motli. r, .MIS. Ilit'IllS \V fVf .^,-1 •, ,. .; > By virtue of thc power of salo con­ Henry Addison; returneil w:ii tiu-rn ilaughtei-. BUTTEE tained In a certain mortgage, deed giv­ f"r a visit of two weoks. IJoitl Ciifl.,11 V.'^. en by BrWget A, M. Ayers !... J. S^^jjd "T : '—':'_: PANOYOHEBBis MT«7 Carrie Bruce, of A!l.,^;i,i; s)Hij; -.r.e tl.efi.-.-:..I Healey, of Leominster, m the County town fi>r a brief stay. .\Ii- F;i ; Ills ;..11.-I.ts, .\1: ;: WATER HEATER "We carry in stock the following of Worcester, Coninioiiwenlth of .'Hass- pects to leave soon for :ti, i: t:.-111,1 W'l an- Sr achusetts. dated .N'ovembtr Hi, 190S, s;tr,;tarium. where she hnj,,-^ .Mrs n.iv:.I !. i, . first-class cheeses: '. and recorded with '.MiirdUse.\ .«outh g,tin her health. "! the ,'TrneTi •,,,: contained in said in(fr:;;age deed, ,-ind K'';iit,' 111 the L;r,iniiii;ir -ft Commissioners for eald Count.v, at m G. .M. Ballou's truck. AS^-FUEL Pineapple for thc purpose of fureclo.siiig tho ru-tiT xi'inl Th- ],• Cambridge on the rtrst Tue.- of same, wiU be sold at puMjc auction on C. Hussell Miner, fortmrlv X this .M''in',ri:i; .\IT'I- Swiss town, but who has residiil'i January A,D. 1917, thc premises, on Siilnrdiiy. .Fniu. i(i, 11,11'- Ji'lntly 1... thi- gl .111 vard for the past two years, has ^.,. 'lintc- sr;ll(.ols "ll 'Vl.., ' Boqnefort A. D. 1917. at thiiv o'<'lacu.s. setts, on the westerly side of the River venience and necessity. .•\ lilii.st exiitii g x.Oie X 'I'tX ;,; Yonng America Road, so called, bounded and describ­ Tho selectmen have arranged with or without the coal range. the Shirlfry" Cornet band fur a series .Shirlev .ur.enlr.irg e:ii-l; Said Commissioners therefore give ed as follows: 'ruesd:iv Chiley Cheese of ten open-air concerts during thi- morning which if il "oll'^o—UKM—H»«y—vtW—mtct—at ihg Beginning al a )iuliit U! ifit srttith- I'bmiTitr ijumm*!-. !l.."l,ifi suiap in. tile far west. In tht Jlnb muaiij-Wfrf^ were held un'ler $100 bonds tor their allowance the second account of his ad­ with other donations, will In- used to of Deeds, book 936. page 254. appearance on Friday of this week ministration on "said estate and applica­ buy material to use in their v.'ork- They were un.ihle to furnish the honds tion has been made tor a distribution Said premises will be sold suhject DAY OR NIGHT ot the balance In his hands among the and were cjniir.ittod tc the South REASONABLE RATES GEMETERY to aU taxes, assessments, and prior Mr- and Mrs- Harold W- French and widow and next ot kin of said deceased. their two children, JJuth an'i .Marion, Fitchburg hull-,- .,i correction liens of whatever name or nature that t'l await You are hereby cited to appear at a of Fitchburg, spent Sumlav with .Mr' trial. Probate Court, to be held at Cambridge, may exist ag.ainst said properly. and .Mrs- Walter Knowles- jiarents of in said. County of Middlesex, on the According,t" statcniei.ts ,,f witn'ssos MEMORIALS Terms of s.-ile. $100 cash or certified twenty-ninth day ot May A. D. 1917, at M'rs- French. the men (iroj --overai S.T.IS from rifios cheque at the time and place of salo. nine o'clock In the forenoon, to ahow Twelve members of .M:irv .\. Livt-r- after the inmates . f th- house liail which they wpuld be pleas­ cause. If any vou have, why said ac­ and balance upon delivery of deed morc RebtSkah lodge atte.id'ed the spe­ refused to o]j,--: -.he •,'.'".rs for th'-m. Edward McNiff count should not be allowed and dis­ within ten days at the office of said The two natii-n-i! gua-I'-.-inen were ed to have intending pur­ tribution made according to said appli­ cial meeting on Monday i-veniiig of Teicphone 233 cation. J. Ward Healey, 4 2 Main .«;.. Leomin­ Vesta Rebekah lodge of .\yi-r nn .Mon­ speeded to Fiuhl-iirg frun Shirlev in AYEB, MASS. And the petitionerls ordered to serve ster, Ma-ssachusetts. ztZ". day (vening. the occasion l.eitig an i.t- an automobile at i.'.on, Tuesdav" bv chasers inspect and obtain ticial visit by the presfdent nf thc Ue- the Lunenburg i- -l-.o-. a:;''; were iiook'- this cit.'ition by publishing the .'*amc H.ll'i'l ;<'-iii;i. -.f w,,r-( ^t'-', h;i.- once in each week, tor tliree successive J. WARD HEALEY, .Mtrtgagee. liekah assembly, and "th.-r grand od as Privates 1. it> .n.. .-\::ard. ago.l r,--ce--, 0(- and gav,'- nnich . plea.sure- — n si -I .iii.-^ ,1 l.-.y ,ia>s u.tn hi- Tii. \- k;nill.\- resp'in'led to sovora! en- prices. weeks Ifl The. Pepperell CI.-lrlon-.Adver- lodge offlcers. The degr<-t- was exem­ 20. of Jeffersur.. an'l i'h:.:;-s .^. Snick­ tiser, .a newspaper published in said ath(-r. Fran'K K-hi:>, .it W '. -^v.;]-. ci* res. PARK STREET To tlic County CommLssionors of Mid­ plilied. after which about .i'-venty-five ers, aged t-.l. "i Wc.reesf-.-. itoth art County, the last publication to be one partook, o^t a ftnc_siuicer.-t:'jiisistiiigmf- l.lnton Wan; has return-,; t- the 'i'll- rofroshments sorvci during the dlesex t:<»unty: meiTibers. of Cunii.i.ny .\. LM r-gimtnt. day.-ftt-least,-before said Court, and bv x.txneoi hts—2-raT!'-'^t:ITor- n;'f I't] P,.Vrt-" sortai- hotir-ivFre 'iUlti'- elaborate, ow- dellY.erijic or, malllnc post-paid n-capv salads. baked beans. r"lN. jn'rklfs 'Phey wore adinitt' '1 :n ? 1 "n lionds itfi —^tg-Nfliihua nivei P.tpei Cuii:ii.ij.>.' Tftr of this citation to all known persons in­ Iruit. ice cream and coffei taken back to th- ami- a; .Mitc-h'-lvill,- -J,. me -'iioLial oioiits of T.io ' ilft.v. Ayer, Mass. i-'!"riiia- .\:r>',ni: terested in the' estate seven da-s at desiring to erect and maintiiin a d.am by C'lrii- Charles litn.tett- the guosts wiyre no'od Mrs Percy Gale has returne'l t" his posi­ Charles .McCarthy cf Shirlev. Mrs. Re- least betore said Court. across the Nashua Kiver in the town .\ccordin,g t" ih,- st-r.\ mnattos ,,f T'lrro-t I: Wir.g. - f ! r:i-. ani; tion as lineman of the Shiriey Kiectric lio'-ca Fowle uf Woburn. and .Mr- and •ft'ltnes-s, Charles J. Mclntire, Ksqulre, of Pepperell in the said County on or tho hotise told ''r.'t:' ti:.rr-ii-t'in ,in'! I::(iu-ar'l o. .\.latr-s and i, •11.h- Fir.st Judge Qf said Court, this eighth I'ompany. " •f U"\- -Mr-- D.-ntOh of Iioston, Tho iiio-tin^ neat thu lucttliun of lis, jirosant dam ;a Krnest K' l'r'.rt..r "'xnit'oiu."—-f—.^h- i'iLL-v. "- wnich wi-ild f. rh-t dl!,! spring f,-vor feelintr dlsa i,ii---i rs' ed to said Court to grant a letter ot ter 196, section 33. to change the rce -Mrs. .:^n,i , 1-- r>:'k-.- ,,f aiiui.l llllleletn years ot ,,ge, and ttm- rrrn0- 1 rt,11n 0 ,llll.i.- .'IJ!' tiiviii-—rnov ' 111 l-r.—I. I'.I.. . - •--—r-T-i ..TT-.— I ' I ' " ' i~ •.TCniTniRll-MIfih TTn tho estate ' of said grade of the .said way. h,i- ip-ncl iior ;>'. nr- KlJigs.V-w laie Pills at voiir : VEAL deceased to PARKKFl J. KKMP or Pep­ one of the volunteers In tiio armv, liut returned in ii sh-irt tini- with tnr'.i'o '111'- at 'll- (.on-imnit rir..'i..lst. '2.'C. f<-; lie siiniin, : perell In the County of Middlesex, NASHl*A RTVKR PAPER COMPAX'i W.TS rejected owing to throat truulile, nnrfnrii-iori mon "no nf tho '-.itttr -irr-w -Mis- I'hristmo C, LAMB wiihout RivtnK a surety on his bond. Hy GKORGE T, KKYE.< and went under an opor-iti'n: to he- his rov'.lvor an.-- tirod a- tho h'lUso- "It;; h. 1- this sum- Now .•Advertisements You are hereby citod to aope-'ir at a ronie acociitable- Following the opor­ The siiidi-is then -taif-d tn ,i-,- thoir SMOKED, PICKLED 1UJ<1 C.\.\NED Probale Court lo be held at CambridR-e, i'residf-n:. ation hemorrhages set in and tht at­ rillos. lirirL- an'! han-ni.rii:g mi the .\Ir- ar-'l -M:-. .•\r-n ,:• Prn. ,.'. ME.\TS In aaid County of Middlesex, on the tending physicians have f.iint hofies of Hi- ,k m-, ha. (I I" tw^iny-cipht day of'May A. D._lp_l_L nt do'irs. The ininatos (ailed I'hi-f lliloy • -11 -P-mlini: a f.-v. Commonwealth- of Ma«snchTiscttfr. ~ his- recnvory-- - - - a.i,.v^ ,, r '^-r-t^rkrrTi-trt-rtt .•\t "Your D(K>r fn .Aycr Kvory Tucsxlii.v "nine o'cTo"cR"ih t'he"'"f6re'ho'o'n.~' to show of---i^lllWfy;- whr. vom-in-tt-tcntPrt^ Tdth their- h'tiist^ cause if any you have, why the same Middlesex- ss- • , Tho o.veciitive comniittoe of tho Mid. .Mr. Pr'.c.t'.r- Th h" .\lI-^ :.I-l'irod Kva 9nd Sattirday .should not be cranted. 'il'l nnt nil...i.l. ; Procrastination is the thief of At a meeting of the C'cunty (-"mtn.y- dioso.\ loral C. K. union, hol.i a moot­ And the petitioner i.s hert.-by directed tliriiwinir ,in t,;ri r-. J. \\- ill Kvery Day in .Slilrlcy to crive public notice thereof, bv pub- siohers for thc County rif Middlesex, at ing m Ihe H.iptist church -Mi,nila\ opo­ health: Keep yourself weil by ning- lleprosontalivos were pro-ont iipi-r w-r-i'inw. •,,. t I i thr li.shin^• this ciiatiun one- in e.tch weok. ''anil.ridge, in s,aid i'ounty, -n tho first the timely use and help of FRESH FISH FIUD.\Y'S f'ir thr'-e succe.ssiv.- week.-, in The trnni '.ut Ilf ti,-,vn ,ind se\or,i! frnni ir-akiii- PeppereU <'la rioii-.\d\'rrt]ser, a new5- Tuosday of January, in the yoar "i our tho I'lhirlr-N ('iinv-i-,-i.'atioiial (-htiroii to pieces as .: -undo: t VE<;ET.\BLI:S IX THI-:IR SE.\SO.N pap*-r imblished 1:1 sr.id (".Miniv. th.- last l.ord ono thousand rilnt- h-ih'lrod ar-d Pr-fro-hmont- won- s,ived ami tli.- o\-r- - ' pubMcation to b>- one da\-. at least, be­ sevonteon. tn wit. hy a'l.iour'iiii-nt at n.ng prntit'ii-ly -iiul ii:oasantl.\ sp'-nt. i ^w' . r,- ,,n th-- w CHARLES A. MCCARTHY, Prop. fore saul Court. Cambridge on tho tenth -lay ,if Mav witiiilr.iw -Mr \Vi::i. ss. (.'harles J. Mclntire. I-^.sauSr'^. -Mls.< .-Mtl,- I-'- H,ii\o ,Ittended -i nif^ X- ' ,- First .liidji^e of said Court, thi.- third .\-U- i;ii7- mg Ilf the Alpha Past Xolil- ilr-inds,,, BEECHAN'S day of M;iy :n the yar one tliou.sand *)n the fiirogoing potition- i'r,lor^ d; ii'.sociatiiin Ilf K'to k.ihs in i't pp,-:-,-!! j .-i"'.\, Ililll X'.'- llx' nine htnidrod and nv^vnxffn. on Tu.sday, .M.ss Hnwe is sei r-tai.\ -f : ' •:-X?if> K. M. KSTY, U»'jfi«ter, that the Sheriff of -aid C'ltiniy, ,,r his V-H - L. SHERWIN I GO j Deputy give notice to a',1 jiorsons and the .tssociation, ' • i fii , r- !l, l-'.\ . CUTFIiCVrERSi PLANTS, FLORAL ooriiorations intereptod therein, that --lii! The annua! m"-t,ng of tho l-iil-,---' ' niolii PILLS Conimissi'iners will moot forthe p urprise crr-lo "f Iho I'linitT'igationai r-n irrli ' f"ini L&rteit Sale of Aoy Medicine in th* WorU. AYER, MASS. DESIGNS. ETC. HARDY of viewing the pron-iisos and, hr-aring tho was hold Wo'iii'-d-iy afternnnn in tho,li-r r Sold cverrwhcre. ta boxc*. IOc. 25c. chunh vostty- wh-n the follnwing nf-ii!n,.s. ___ORNAMBNTAX TREES. parlies -al the (iflice of the Nashua iu^HY-.-;-i-v (•: -V-i if..-.—.-i.— rtcors—wrre—i-rrTrrr;- fnr ttl i.i-Mmxx'x DEALERS IN lt;\-or Pajior ("b- at East Pepperell- in SHRUBS AND yenr- .Mr.-J. .-\hi-.. . Wright- pre> . ' It i::.i.-\ H -\.Mi;.s said County- rn WixbiCMlay. the t-won- .\lT--«- I'hark'-^ H Tf.t :>''Ury- v p,; -Mi..-?, i VINES •!;• .-.I'-T-'-. .1- -v.d- tictli o, n*'\t. JU II c/oKK'k .M:ir:h,i .•\- Hunto:- - • and trea^ - -Mr;- j Groceries in Uio forenoon, by svrxlni: xho Clerk Ge.,ri--e .^- Wel'--;, .\l • .Nellie W Hoi- I of xho town of Pefiperell with a copy ^Took- -Ml--;- -Iohn (; 1 'onjint. luiniinat - i inp com-; -Mrp- .">. I. oai.^e Hutler .t;-.h- of .^aul petition and of tins artier thore- tor; .\l.s-- .-Xonie I: H .inter. nii---^i.in:ir> fiji. thirty (lays at lfa>-t bf-foro ^a.i,I ;he r..:;;;.:- Hardware ynx. The bo.ird . .llrector.*; \\er.' r--- H. Huebner view, and by puhlishinp :he s;iiiie tr\ elected with the .xception .if .Mr.^ ine .l.ist I tho * 'larion. a newspaper printed in !- .Mrs- Herliert K, Tewksliury, repiyr-f at -Mi:.!-.-I- : ••-\ till I I' i< !-Mi; \;-; sau! County, three weeks piiccesf^iveiy. ••ll to nil thp T,l- l.-iwrence wai* elf a t:-a:i; C'''r ll'" .1 Paints, Etc. Florist . .. larpre atter.il-'inre the last publication to be fourteen day? eancy- Theie w :i,- tune- liiir -M .-- . .\; . J,; ••.•- -'--t.ir-s preser-t. iit- Oroton, Blaas. at least before said view, and also by "t member-'* antl \ their ni.-n • if youn.L; |t.-o[..e. T>"OP:l-np rhe same in twn T'TI^T!^ Tlnres ciudinir a niinili.-r ..llii-eis 11-.1 Greenliouses near Qroton School ^^-t h devotior'-.ai .-•.:- -V'l •• 1 : s in the said town of Peppereii fi'-rteeri Th" meetini; cl.i-^ed rnis-intr i" er.-ii'es after wh;. h r.-fre-shiner.t-v nf ;ce .M-- M , < '.inin.mwcaltli of M.'i-v-ii< hii-.tt- days befrjre saul view: and th.tt he tram tl'. .•; -AMMUNITION (ream and cake- w-f served- H. • FRANK S. BENNETT make return of his (iomps herein, to I A X 1 I I • • ' r 1: T The fifth an.l lit-' in a series nf livej'i'e .^ Sdccessor to ARTHUR FENNBS^ sa 1 (3 Commu^'^ioners, at the 11 rr,e and FEUiy iTulitary wh:^-t p-i..-t-. s was hel.i -it the : .T"-..--' fx • place fixed for ^,aid v;ew and V.earinc home of Mrs <,:.'•-•-•• S, Well- W.-.'- > :i."'- h.;.i ; •. ;" w . - . • NUTS Insurance Agent and Broker Wil C. DIIJ.INOHAM. net^d.ay eveninc. T^.- winners were Mr j pa--;: Clork ami .Mrs. Clarenre ;.i,;;nen, .Mi-s Iteiiiih 'in;ok HOJD Street Tamer's Bld^. P.ril! and .Veison W.imhoUh- w:-h a '''"•'"i I s.,,\ FIGS Copy of petitirin an.l i-rt'..: •-ht-:.- n. j-curo of v4 nr-.il w -iven silk tVijrs mar!-, r ATER, MASS. .M. AXXfut. 11 xl s incho!- S' I 1 prixe W.IS wor; hy Mr. nn«] Mr- 'i;irle.ss and +}oTTr- f^ods. Wheelbarrows, Plow?, Harrows, .•\ Xrilf copy of th" p«-:-;,<-r- . r-l T'Or •\fTf \dv-.-.- .X\i .' ..• f T. CANBY Df't.iil-j hnvf h- : ;i.rf.xteil li-. Cultivators and Planter.**—All kinds of I''itr;K>':r-r t .••:. thereon, tC'Wn cl*-rk ;iml :'> ird oi r.-i:--: F*arm Implement.'*. I have 3 Mowers or­ 1 r- Th. -• V.'- 1 ••• r..- -•• ' f'-r -Ju- rf-pi.^iK-ririk; .-verv mar- " dered before last -advance In price Attr>--t, [:..••-ir- which I will sell while they last at a I.l.- f...- trif -.vlfcx.^ li.ift .111 -I'l" .•\i,Bf;KT A- i--ii.i.i;;;i;<'iwx- low flKure. Rr •'lire nnd order your ix :« cnipnlsory Xfr "r\- male re-.' nt ; Always a Qood Supply of Staple Dt-^'iL-v^ HoJiHh Matter- KOods oarly for the frelRhl blockade Is nw37 Ileputy -«hfr-ff t" rvi::iiXvr Xhnx d,i: ',.. 1- Iwer-'^ - Qoods on Hand E^rowinp worse all the tlmf. F. B \i .ir-v of mro fi nd ^ KKIA.'JI, Carriage. Harness and Imple­ Th:r:\-fir^r Isnlvi-'i^ TiUTo li­ ment Dealer, Ayer, Mass. T'-lephone i'l'l such inen m x). wn of ^]i'.r\i v<«-2- 31 A GOOD ASSORTMENT Langdon Prouty .\ ni.TnlifT ''f .1 •^.idt-A.' sp.-. AUGUSTUS LOVEJOY w-.',] '\,v Miiiini 1 -n' • •it.i thf. .i,- — OF — .'5iicroHsor to Clinrlo« F. Flnfsf: nn ir: .;•. A>»T "•• S •hi- W(>»."K and ' '. i d Wit il \ ;i>;, Insurance Agrent and Broker ff xho \.\w as ( :••• ' "f th''' w <>: ] '•! I '..i^h- Insurance Agent and Broker' -'hwf \U\fy hi-- < \('fiv Ml Farm Property writteni also all CIcorKO li Ta r ; ant! Flre Automobile, Ijlnhilltjr. F^irm \\" klada of Property plaeed !• KOO4. Kn., AUiann. Plnced In the >to,m Reliable I inc t'l ?V.ir'' ^ -V »• with :yi<' ilU-Kal .-^-.l' "f :l<)ll(>r \^ .1- iTi 1! - Ti FOR SALE S4 £:ast Ualn Street, Ayer ' ,ir-.! T'.wr^' ' d T' :, ••: -n ..f -h. Companies nt 1-K>wc«t Rates od in tho (l;v[r:rr ( • :r • ,11 A\o,' i IV* S.t r- , bo,n.i- ..f hf.d'-'' 1 .' . ' • • \ < t I \\; 1 -'^ "irilny in"rniii;_' .\:.d W'is postpone.! fnr — AT — DAY OLD CHICKS W 111 h"!d .'i Cf- f' • t ^<',•;. thr -'.v.. two weck«. WaNh «•. Walsh, of Ki'rh- .•vents ; ; ;;;.' ;• - '; . b.i • .' • - • • • Littleton, Mass. hi'nrd nf h.'.Vth ,• r. -.: f .;.-'.' fur hu.-K...art cuun^:t:I fur Ua*rdu:t. .uui .l-r.e of thi rcK,. .. .\:;.a:;„, ...itLnK. Xhr> p'irtinpr r.*' r)-*' T* ^vr\' 7»hri«** . h<-i.l .1. H....I.,,,. TcItrpiiODC 30 3m27 John .M. .Maluru'\ f.T ;h(: town of Siiii- 11 W.IS .1 Is., th.. • . . ..-;--r. ..t '..< < o;. 1 - nf he,-:th TO'iX'fX ' • !. , .-r.-.r-.- til.' •t. I .'i.' f.i -rih !fy.. tain men 1 • . . \ . ,'. w - ,.' 1 Whitney's Stable ::7^:s.T^Xi ^'^S. mih;ar\ r.a mp N'' ;. It.l I'f left - . \ .'.; . IX ,.t . ;• . ..ek At tho ('oncrr;;atinn:iI rhurrh on I h o \\ ;;; .. -,.le . 1 •';• re.•Ml- ..;;•.-. untiirnot* Xn s.i'ot; ;;;. h.alth of l"\\ fn i-r- The s nthia 11 I-Ml. h Tb;- \v;i- 11 ••.. : ..;..•.: \'.| i:ii- 3m31 God Klvrn loader " I'raiso .'*ervirt- \^ i;h man of iho ?tiir>' ...r.i • f health. Telephone 29-3 Townsend Harbor, Mass. natur.- . .f ,1 -;iri '." «b., h «..- •• - • T- ... 'he Pormon hy tho pa-^tor at 6..'10 in th*> wa."; in ronf'^; "Ti' •• '1.- . tli.e Tue-- veal.'.l • ',11 T; '1;. ; ;.|-.":.a.ii.r ;.• \I • - cvoninj? m tho \(>vtr> (I.av w Jt h n.f n l^-r-^ Telephone Pepperell 69-12 26tf ! ,\ nch if ll lie i-.-.l an.; •;.<•..r-.t- ' Horse Th^ Hotsy Iio<.« pattid of Oirl Srour< of heaUlv w hf w .' -i: |.. tl'l.-M l.irth.Iar I :i K .' ' 1 1 ••• liN h.T n;ei'e. \1 -- A New Lot Of Horses Just hold t hrir roi:ular mort inp Monday are plannin;: to n> ;. -s.-.l tn.l \.iti AUTO TO nn»i:>—will take partlen FOR SALE -Marv -\ Hi.b''- Tb.' ;:i;ests e..; - • for short or lonK (JlstAncoa at reaaon- ovonlnj: with thnr rnptain. Mrs .\lar\ <)iiirement'- ff x h. ^ ; tr.i;n . ••' testing: .•rate!\ refia;: . •: f 1. ni .'. iiir-'i" L • '•• Arrived , nblc prices- A- .^. HUTCHERSOM. Btlll K. I^IUy. I'lans wor*- iiindo to tako up .Mll.lles. -Mr- i. to h \\ 1- 'he t. ;•: .' .'nteie.l River, :>tngB. 3m34« kn itt inp. Con tiT. •'"' •"• .•nt .if n itn\ '. .\ .' i: s-t. .•'it-i:^ .••' '-. • WHY NOT SEE Halph N ^•.r'^\.. Harriman l.nnt:lr\ and s<"»n Wndr ar­ vv;she-- i •.•m ;i. " ELIZABETH PATTEBSON tlie wook-4-nd at th Th v.. • •n ii;ivl-s. rivod nt thoir home in Shirloy on Tiir«. .Ml. I );.' lil.s; ; •«- '11.'. tint: |. •-. ; ents. Mr aid M'^ • •-'.. 'his Mv\RlXET,LO COSMBTICIAX day from Washin^toi;. I>. C. •he -Vll. in..- |.i. -•1. nt. Mis 1 .1 . -' . ,| . .I..hn W. i:va:.s : ;.-tieteen Thomas F. Mullifl SHAMPOOIN-O, PACIAt anil SCAI.P Harlow & Parsons Old Shirloy rhaptrr. O A. K.. hfjd i h .nie l.t-; M.-n •V'l • pr.-i. <•;;; tbi. . . ;•• MASSAGE, MAXICVRING ;t.« rotrnlar mootlnc on Tuosdav f'\fn- Wf.-k fr..m lv.r.--,<- th.' «h • '-•••• M •• (;.•.:•_•- 1 H r .:• - tion ^\ .-h h.- f.i-i d.\ THE REAII ESTATE AGENT Cream., ILollon, Powdrra, Prrfnaira, inc" W'ith ^tls.«* <;ortriidf ''onant i'MUi- u . r; h. . •• i.il 1. . , -Mr -i;,.! .\r»- 1. • Hair >e«a and Plna, Ktc, on Hand. Tel 130 AYER, MASS. mittoo.s wore app^mtrd to nrrantrf M.v-- }\v]> -. Itr-d l--.li;. b,-. 1 if A' . wb.. i:;(\i I 1 In Record to iDTCsuncnt? AKent for The Centnry Cora««a and flowers and mak*' a wreath foi tho attoii^l.nL- l-'it''h' -• \ iti.X' ;: -st.MiTii. Speelaltlea.X'; . .?»'''*""''• Street, Ayer, craves and memorial .-tone in the Cen­ lias a )."-.:.'•' ^^ i* Room t Bank BIdg. Ajcr Maaa. Tel~ . 108-1. Iy31 KstablUhcd 1875 tor cemetery. .\lem<'rial day. The .lane Dnl! C- . .\-]: ' l:."'ii;iler- :^


a "trade-parade," led by a band, which diesex Farm Bureau, was In town last ESTABLISHED 85 YEAKS Sutllrttay. M«>- 20. 1817 where' he removed a few year.s nKO- Burial was from St- Joseph's ast . X He IS the ;;uefer wore-aprons of rvtl. white and a special meetingin*the chnjiter house 1 1—1-—dHINA,-SII.VERWAEE, OtOCKS : 'carinK fur .Mrs: William Taylor, during William Thaver fr..rn r./jchester, blue- At 6-30 supper was'served for the days ..f her illne-ss and death- is Ktarices Willoughby were held at the on Kriday afternoon, June 1. at -.30 Illd I.e.. Ttia>er, fr.>nl Worcester. C.>n,gregatio:ial churcb. Hollis. N- 1I-. lodge members by tbe .same committee. o'clock- It is hoped that every mem­ remaining there tit iire.sent as house­ si.ent^the Week-end with their par­ U'ednesday .\fteri;oon rtt --30 o-cloek. At 7.45 the presi.lent of the a.ssem- ber will be present- keeper. ents on l*le.is;int ftree'^- blv. Mrs. Rand, and board of oiflcers, und were well attended by her former The early industries committee of Kdward I'. -Mcrord' was In town fiom Tbe killing of the .Mredale beion-inK associates- - Itev- I'.- M- French was the witnessed the Initiatory work as per­ HaRRY RAYNES formed by the Ollicers of Aci'">a Ke-, I'rudencej^^^^^^, Wrigh^ t chapteentertainmentr will giv,e toa Marlboro over the.week-end on biisi- Xo .Mr.s- Bessie Allen on la-st week ollli'iating clergyman- ^_ neti-s connected with a sale orchis Tarm Tuesday was att act of "malicious nils- bekah lodge. Mrs- Ivonetta G- " hlte. | ;;;;,;^j, .,,„ „,,,-,..„. „e ,i,„ ,,....„ „re \ 69 Central Street LOWELL, MASS. / The decease.l was"borri tnl-Tbllis on w-hlch the citizens of the town are I'hief- as the perpetrator-has n.>t come on Oak hill- June 6- 1S5C. makmg her age nearly district Instructor, of Winchendon- was cordially invited on Saturday. June S, forward with any reasonable account A petition waa circulated thii- week .sixty-one years. She was' the daughter present. During the eveniru,- Mrs- at two oclock In the nfternoon in Cen­ for the deed, or that the Upx wa« receivin;; the itiKnatures of-mo-st of the of the late Deaon and .Mrt- Xathan C'opp acted as planist- tral hall. Papers written by some ot molestiiii.- or troubling anyone- The retail merchants to elose their stores Willoughby. She is sur>'ived by thc The occasion was one of unusual in­ the teachers and pupils ot the district body oi the dOK was discovered by on Thursday.H at noon, June 7 to Sep­ sister, who htu. been caring for her, terest, and the various- committees and schools of "Yo dlden times " and pre«- the section men in their last trip over tember 27. Inclusive- The date beint: Mrs. John Woods, of Hollis, and a sis­ oltlcers received many compliments on ent day method of teaching and super­ the track of thc 'Milford br.anch. near made a month earlier than usual is ter," Mrs, Arden C. Cro.ss, of Hudson. their efflclcncy. intendency will-be tho aubject. the crosslnK at the end of Pleasant N- "H. Also, by a nephew and two especially for the benellt of those who street- It w-as *>till warm and showed nieces- Her death, which occurred on Other Pepperell matter will be found arc Interested In the special warden Obltxiary. that It had been killed by one shot- Monday, was after a long, painful 111- on page three. •work and aKriculture in Bener.aJ- Mrs. Lydia Lawrence Tarbell Fraser and then carel^illy arranged on the ne.s-s, which she bore with christian passod away at the home of her grand- J. A. McEvoy, Optician Mrs- Carrie Kpsleston Patch ot -wirttkl—bavo t4ve—ap. - t^"^"'—„'" u" .ti,,,, n7 Mrs Arrmrr track .so -that if • w-irtrid-havo-tJve-a-P- patience and' foi tifiide; daughter, Mr -Edward Bem4r-Du<{«y . TTARVARTT" . Salem was '^e .suest of Mrs- A^^^ pearance of havinK been run over by .Bartlett this «cek. coming, -Tuesdaj to i _^j^^ ^^^^ j^^ offered at Putnam, Conn., on the evening ^ the 6.30 train- Mrs- Allen has offered Mr-s- Alice (Heffrin) O'Connell died Ne«« Items. attend the entertainment of the past May 19, at 7.30 o'clock. a reward for the apprehension of the at the home of h'er sister. Mrs- T. J. Mrs. Fraser had been seriously ill Train service on the Worcester -and For Perfect Fitting Glasses noble grand association. one who committed the deed, and it is Ma-lley. Tarbell street. Sunday. May with pneumonia tn March at her home Portland division is to be-cut on June Negotiatmilii arii lepuited between hoped he will be ;.:)Uftd OUt Ulitl full '20. .T-fter nearly three yeafs 61 lauillli in t'-eppereii. 5Ut fctttiverud sullKieiitly :m—Harvard will lusu twu naiiiB eaith t4>8agentsacllnfi-Ior Mrs. Alfred Boyn- iieimlty^-exactedr - 4ie«Hh. - -The -deceased- was--ftfty.oii& to-go t;o-Putnam April M. She was war d«Hr.^ The 1J.39 train is to be —ton for-the sale or her-place and .Mr- Jdhn C-'Frazer"Tcrarned wUli Mi- ->'earM of - age and beside the eistor aftrly -well though weak from her re­ taken off and-the-TTSO-evening train, 232 Merrimaek-St..-Lowelf.-Ma3S. • ChurchlU of Somerville. If the sale is and Mr-s- E- S- Duffey to I'utnam. above-mentioned, who h.is cared for cent Illness, when acute Brlgltt's dis­ known as the "shoo-fly"; two expreeses consummated • he will occupy It Im­ I'onn., Tue.sday evening, following the her during her illnes.s. she is survived ease developed Saturuay morning, May going south are thc others. 19. Her death coming so soon was a mediately and Intends going into poul- services here for the late Mrs. Frazer. bv two brothers. In thc we-st. and one In. the registry of deeds there la great shock to the family and friends- try busine.ss. to remain until atter Memorial day. iti Milford. N. H-, w-ho was present at recorded on Wednesday, a record of Mrs. Fratier was born in Pepperell Mrs. Catherine Pierce had an ill turn her funeral service- The funeral attachment. Howard D. Stone \-s- .Vn atito partv from Lunenburg call­ services were conducted at St-- Jo- October 24, 1838. and was the daugh­ the flrst of this week, confining her to Thomas F- Dolan tor $3000. account ed on Mrs. .Sarah P.atch last Sunday, ter of Freeman and Xancy Lawrence her rooms for several doys. She Is now -seph's church on Tuesday morning, consisting of her cousins, .Mrs. Lucy Tarbell. She leaves a husband. John ot contract. convalescent. high mass of requiem being celebrated Jones and 'Mis.s F'annie Peabody. with bv Rev- Fr. Malley at nine o'clock, and C. Fraser, of-Pepperell. a granddaugh­ Harry F. Roberts has been granted 'The numerous patients of the spe­ Jo.seph Peabody. Mrs. Sawyer I'ea­ bu.ial was in St. Joseph's cemetery. ter. Mrs. Edward Scott Duftey of Put­ a divorce frora his wife. Mrs- Delaney R cialist. Dr. MacAusland of Boston, who body and ftliss .\llce. nam. Conn., and a Uttle grandson, Roberts, on the grounds ot desertion. have been benefltted by his skill in Mi-ss Blanche. Supernault has left the l.awrenco Fraser Duffey; also two The sad intelligence of the death ot The Red Cross guild will hold an days past, read with regret of his re­ brothers, Alden A- Tarbell and Everett Pepperell card -^hop tor a_ position Oscar F- French, Thursday- May 17. at all-day sew-ing meeting at the Congre­ cent departure with.other surgeons for E. TarbeU, both of this town, and many through the summer at the L'owthorpe his home at.Medford Hillside, was re­ gational chtirch vestVy on Thursday. Yonr Teeth «oing? , France. school'. Groton. • ceived last week by relatives in {own. May 31. _ -P;.of. Frnr'^ nnyis nnd wife nrrived f rlenUs. '• . . _ , His name, as the fsundur uf-rhc-M—Kr Herman Thoinas leaves oinroTiTlay In to-wh Saturday from Marshall,Texas —THe^nnScraT^'SS—helcT-on—Ttn;sday chuich ot this place «-as only recently Marriajtc of Pcll)llCPt^l B<).\-.. atternoon, May 22, at two o'clock at for Fort Slocum tor training, after where he has a position as instructor brought prominently before the people It so, their destination is that land whence no traveler returns. .Announcements have been received tho Methodist Episcopal church, of which his regiment wtll be sent to at Bishop college. They will make their here, during the exercises on the litti­ Maybe WE C.\X POSTPOXE THEIR DEP.'VKTCRE. If too late for of the rnarriage of Grover Cleveland which Mrs. Fraser was a member. The France fo'r service at the fi-ont- usual visit at the home of Mr. and eth annivers-ary rif—this—eh*reh— Al­ that, we can at least endow their empty plaites. Or we can;8atf£_aQme Robbins and' Mlss -Mane Gertrude .servicemrorc-conducted by the pastor.-- Mr. and ^^=s.• D. Chtiuncej^ Brewer Mfs. Edward A. Johnson before going though he left town soon after, about Ruhl in Pittsburgh- Pa-. Saturday. May Rev. William. H. Beer.s. The bearers have opened their summer farm home and replace the rest. THROUGH OUR CROWX and BRIDGE WORK. to their summer home in Norridge- LS70. his name is still heldon repiem- 12.-The ceremony was performed at were_Lo_uis A., Henry F.. Harris G. and and do It EAESXESSLY by our DE.\T.Ap E.^E METHOD. •wocltT-Maino.- • brance. During His residence "here he here-for a few weeks. — high noon in the First Cojigregationai R. "Ernest Tarbell. her four nepnews. The new Industrj'. the Pepperell w-.as foreman for some years at the Col - At the union memorial services to church and was attended only by rel­ Interment -was in the family lot in the Pre-scott place, and was later employed be held on Sunday there will be a Braiding Company, recently received a atives and intimate friends. Park street cemetery. Pepperell. A Drs. Masse and 31anch;ard in the general merchandise store of H- special collection taken tor the Y. M. consignment of the braiding machines. profusion of beautif-ui Horal tributes Miss Ruhl IS a graduate ot the Mar­ A- Parker, near Xlssitlssitt square- C. A. huts, an undenominational cause about flfty in all, which came by auto were as follows; PHOXE 5155 garet Morrison Carnegie school, w-here .\fter his removal trom tow-n he con­ tor the boys at the front- truck from the manufactory at Orange. Wreath, magnolia leaves, with white she wa.s prominent in social activities, ducted a market tor some time on Miss Dorothy West is home tor the These are being -adjusted for .work by roses, Mr. Fraser: TS plnk Klllarney Open from'9 a- m. to 8.30 p, m. _ No office hours Sunday- tho superintendent. Mr- Holland, iind Mr. Robbins is the son of Mr. and Hanover street. Boston. - He has since roses. Mr. and Mrs- liuffey; spray white week-end trom her training in Fram­ the son of the owner of the plant, Xeil -Mrs. Horace B. Robbins. of this town, lived in Chelsea and Everett, and Med­ carnations. A. A- Tarbell; olllow of ingham Xormal school- Sho returns IB Runels Building Merrimack Square LOWELL, B4ASS. and a graduate of Pepperell high Judklns, who has spent this week in ford. where he died. He has been in Kaster lilies, roses and sweet neas. t. on Monday- school, class of 1?11. In the fali of failing health tor nearly ten years, his K- Tarbell and family: spray., red .and town from Providence, H. I. Mr- Jud­ Dinner will be served at the town I'jl2 ho went to Pittsburgh. Pa., and last visit here- with his family- betng white carniitions. I- A- Tarbell: pliik hall on Memorial day to the G- A- R-. klns, sr., was also here on Thursday- and white carnati.)iis, Mr, and Mrs- H- entered the Carne.iie Institute ot alM)Ut f.^ur years'ago- W- R- C. and sons ot veterans. After Mr.s. Fred F. Robbins of Fitchburg Technology, from which he graduated K Tarbell; spray plnk carnations, Mr- and Mrst H- G- Tarbell: sprays, white dinner the graves of the departed visited relatives here on Tuesday- be­ last yettr- While enrolled as a student On VVednesday of last week his carnations. Mrs. I--atiham and Mr. and heroes will be decorated with appro­ ing one- ot the visitors ot Acoma lodge he was active in athletics, a member niece- -Mrs. Elmer Andrews, was sum­ Mrs C- C- Brow-n. Nashua: spray yellow- priate, e^ejicisies- _ __ gt the special exercises. otthe day- of the -f.>otbal] s,juad, and ^w^tii- the moned .,to ^Medford. by news of his -snapdragons,—Mr- and -Mrs--D- K- VVes- erious Illness from a severe coKl. Mro- ,\. .\. Blnnd and riaU-Khtcr, Mr.s. wroitling—o'h,%mpion»-hip—hii—siiphn.- -t.nn—siiray—l>l<>li—tnapdmgons M 1., The (-iris of Harvard are invite.! • - heart Elliott, ot •Gardner, left here Wednes more vear- He was also a member of wiiich aggravated -a chronic cburch: plnk and white sntapdragons- a meeting which will be held in Hap­ day noon. Intending to join Mr. Blood the Industrial Teachers' club, ot the trouble- He passed away on the fol Mr- and Mrs- James ii. Attridge: spray good Memorial on Tuesday atternoon. at-Groton. to attend the llftieth anni­ Massachusetts club, and a momber of lowing afternoon- pinks and sweet ..eas. Xliss Helen Kob­ May 29, at 3.30 o'clock- The purpose FOR DECOR.\TION D.'VY bins and H. F. Jordan, spray pink snap- versary of his sister' and husband. Mr. thc I'hi-Omega fraternit.v- He is now- The .leceased is -survived by of "the meeting wil! be to help the hiS-Ldragons, Ladies' Aid society: st>raya of irsirin't.-ir in. niaThematics and nTrnrrral daiMriHer. Miss Jo.sephine French. nnJ'^rfsTTas. A. Buweit of thai town- Nv+iit*-- cairn-itlons- aiul-baaket of. -ginn. girls ot this townforitra e.-i^nnlcisjrtwtrr 59c. tQ_»!*5.- 1 "wTfe -hTiving-pasBea -.-iway-last- Attgust- Bo.vti'- Wa«luvl>le-SulL>)i sizes3 to H-., News w-as reCeiyed In town on fues­ trainins in the department ot v.)ca- sweet peas and Kngiish violets- friends Miss Sears has "sonie very itiTere-sting ti.)nal guidance in the Pittsburgh pub­ He also leaves several nieces and facts to speak on of the importance day ot the death ot Mlss Emma -Will­ in I'utnam, Conn- Children's Wliite DroJies. sUes 4 to 14 . . . 59c. to SI.49 lic schools. nephews- Of these .Miss Helen L- oughbv. ivho was a resident here for of this work at the present lime, and Lawrencc and Miss .\bbie Lawrence, many vears. at the home of her si.ster- Mr. and Mrs- Robbins will be at -Mcmorlul Day Oliwrvanrc. it is hoped that every girl in town' w-ill of this tow-n. and .\lonz.) Wilson, of Mrs- John Woods, at Hollis, X- H- Thc home after June 1 in Elberon apart- Thom.as .\. Parker post. G- A- R-. be present. •rfoili-s. w-ith his sons, went to .Medford services were held there on Wednesdjui men-s -Winibiddie and I-'nendshii have made the following propram for Miss Madolin .-U-hitney announces bv auto on last Sund.ay to attend the afternoon and burial -nas in the family a V •-• tx XX e s Pittsljurtrh. Pa- the observ-ance of Memorial day in the opening of "The. Harvard Tea funerai service.s- These v.ere held at lot. which all veterans and citizens are in­ >Shop," .M.ay the thirtieth. * his home at 2-3i> o'clock- Relatives and friends of Karl Xew- DeatlLs- vite.i to unite with them. Decoration Folsom's Bargain Store Mr- I'^rencli was in his e;.::hty-thir-;fCey, The c,irl Scouts- Camp Flre Qirls and 25- the foliovving trains that novv --top ton dailies of Wednesday of the --safe li,-;i of tile Methodist Kpiscopal church arrival in Englaml nf the Harvard I'm;;.ll.l- .'nnn-- on Satur.lay- .M;iy If. school children will meet thc veterans at Still I'.iver will be discontinue.!: • •OTTAGE HOrSE TO I-.ET—Large v.-here he resule.l- Henhouse and. land for garden. A. G. medical s.'h'^nl unit, as he was one "1 Ai.iiLt thi intdiile "I .Miirch .•ihe.had an and assist. Procession wil! form at Xo- 27. for .\ver, Xashu.i ;ir-.l Hoston. roughs in Scotch c.istume- .\fter these ;i.t;,ii k l.t pi;.-;i:r-iinfi md for tive Saunders' coriier at one P- m.. under at 12-33 11- nx'.i .N'o. 5 1, the "sho.. lly." exercises the dancing be.gan with mu- PIKE, Kast repperell, Mass. 4135 the U." enlisted men. The tin.t in- Mrs- Kmma J. .'•.tlin- a f.irmer resi- w.—U. u.„ -i.tJi-r -:!-.e care oi a tfa:;te'-i-. <'..n>n-,ar.d--of - Pas'l--Commander H,. c. ^.jotie- -rt ^ ..f.....'i. .sur«t;unji and-phisij-. ,'.-•1- .-.f thts town, tiled in Ori-ind.t- tor Ayer_-and .Xastiua.__a.'w_.'L2.4__u.-_iji^ iic_hy_thfi_Grange orchestra. -_ l-ilir-— S!;e Iec•|'^erll; .i certain .ieiiree Thurston and esort of the Bay Scouts clans and sixty nurses, beside the en­ Flii- M.mdav, .Mav 14. .Mrs- Collin and'.N'o. ati- for Wnrcester. at S-42 p- The Boys' club have changed the .It' h.-llth '-ir-il -.v-i- aide to if. to the and Pcppereil Military band- Services listed men- and is the second divisn.n Well- south for her health the early m. This is in compliance with a -.tiov- night of their rogular meeting from h.i;i;e Ilf ii'ir iri-iifbia;.--liter four weeks •It post lot- Pepi.erell cemetery, al two- to arrive at thc base hospitals ordered 1,-irt I.f last winter- from Melrose- ernnient request that as far as po-ssi- Saturday to Monday evening- So many -ig'i. Her illness i.iase.l .i we.ikeneii im.l Prescott hall at 2-30 with address Farms to France by the .\merican- Red Cros-s- wh.^re -he had recently resi.led with ble pa-s--enger trains be c-incelled ;ind of their members h-id other en.i^age- he.ir: -ictiiir.. but sire wa- able tn be bv Rev- Dudlev R- i'hild. singing by This unit, commitnded by Major I'at­ ber s^in- Slie ilid nnt reieive the bene­ the l.icomotives be used xn hauling ments for S.aturd.iy evenings the at­ abi.ij": e.icii -i-iv. ;;:. tn the ..ne preceii- school children ind other patriotic ex­ lit fr.-m the chantre which she expected freight- The 13 33 p- m- tram vvill terson. w-ill be known as P.ed Cros- ing her .I'^utSi. -.tilfn sbe s;.fTere,l ;in ercises. C^.iu'.rt at bandstand. Kast tendance vvas small- an.l her s..n was summ.'ne.l s.nith cause the most inconvenience- as It hospital Xo- 5- .ic'-tte .itt-..ck nt Itllu'lit'- di--e,i.-e- which Pepi.erell." at T :;0- All Hags should be Mr- and -Mrs- f. T- Wetherbee mo­ about the tirst oi .Ai.ril an.i remalne.l means no train to Lioston tifter 7-32 a- Wanted Mrs- Harris Tarbell entertaine.i Mrs res'-ilted in h.'r de;i;h- at half-mast -intil twelve m-. when the t.ired to Fr-amingham last week Thurs­ with her- bringins," her lio.ly back to m-- until 3-28 p- rr.. Sai-ah Harry, secretary of the llebekah church bells w-il be tolled five minutes day to see Mr- Frost- They found him -Melr.ise- where services were held on assemblx during her stay in town at Mrs- Fr-i-zer w.is born ;n this town and all are i •'quested to stand at at­ Thore vvill be no morning service at somewhat improved, but not yot able i-ist week l^'riilay- and then riming to the meeting at Odd Fellows' hail "tx ().'tober '11. l^il^. making her ig'^ tention unciivered- Veterans and D- A. the Baptist church Sunday on account to come back to the farm- I'.'jiI.erel! for the burial in the family We want several farms to add to our Tuesday- about .seve:ity-el-,-ht years. She iv.i-- R- will atten.l services at tho M- E- of iinion memorial services at tho rni­ Mrs- Gibbs and Mrs- Turner and the daughter .•:'Thomas Kreeman ;inii lot in I'eiiperell cemetery on last Sat­ list, as we are having numerous calls Frank Cf- Kennedy w.ent t.> Xew church in nmrning Sunday. .May 27. tarian church in Harvard- family of Watertown will return to .N.iniv l.awret-ce Tarbell ami was ..;;e ur.i.iv. She was the daughter nf l.evi York i;Klttets-possible- which If you are ready to sell your proper- l)etvar.i- FTTRowin•i^rte'r llVllTl-ilte to" int-f'- n"i'->ibnrs Tbey—planted a._Ume- tnti -eitrerr.ll miiv be loft -it post quarters and the Mi-ss Helen Stone opens her fja- He;;rv -\- .-nltin she resided in Groton w-rite- phone or call on us- 3m35 . will th;- f.imilv Thomas-, J..se|)h- l-Jther tnwn house e-irly in the morning- r.iom for the season May irarden for their use. a-.il :'n th;s tnun on the K.ruse place. u;il -lull I ;ir.| .leceased. The s;:rv;ving Miss Kdna Flanders has been visit D-miel Wetherbee and Grace Xew- i:;v.-r stre.^-- .\fter th.- de.ith of her :n.-nii.e;- -i:- Al.len A 'rir;.e!i. tlieeld- ing friends in Greentield and Worces ileck of Worcester w-ere guests at Wal­ .•\ n.-.v htisb-ini! she iiveiLiH-t.'u' h.ijse ;At_the Cluircli Notcs- ter- returning home on Wednesday- nut f-irm the last of the week- On .-<• -if -';.- :'-i:;-,lv. ;inii l^iveref K- T.ir- (•..r:;.^r .if -Mi;n ii li Kiver streets with isfil t s il- 1-ee Collin- .nil ! members of Thomas .^- I'arker post- ing at the parsonage on Weiinesdav no 'Il:l .'• - .'•ich ' (; -\ It- Wlii attend and join in the -Miss Haven read a very interestin,!,' Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Robbins at- Phone 119-12 YjxtM. Pcppcrcli, Mas.s. ll. lli .1 .;.., . ,s--.-; \v,,- enil. !•- J. K •mj.. if thi-- tnWt Mem.na! day service- The D .\. R. letter from a friend in the amhulance tende.l the funcrnl ..f .Mr. Kobbins' .-.•hi.i.- .ir-ii .1- rep) have iiei-n invited to join in this serv- H •-•'•-. I' corps in France- biother. Webster Robbins, at f;ast Ac- I want your Farm or House to Sell S'l" hi- -;i.ll,- in.' lal •--s<.ji|H' appropntite s rmon ..n .lied at the" Deac.iness h.ispital m C.m-

'I. pr.^ 11 e It I 1 The f .'.li.wm;.' .irtirle Francisco. Cab- is the guest of Mr- and army--- H; ycs- -w: Ill h.i'l H • l.er r •'A volunteei -Mrs- William K- Haskell- cor.l. where he went f.ir an oiieratlon special mi:-: • by the f.ir mastoid. 'lif T';. .Mr- Fairchild and daughter- Mr- T'.'-di\ ri-ate to the 'icc.asi.in Because I Can Sell It \v. rk ni.iri ': Hail- I 'olumbia's tlacr ' Vict.ir .Xevvomb, am! tw.i children, of .- .Inbn 1- Cliunli Xotct-. ri;. . •-• W.lll;;. r.'si>onse- -m nrLt;in se Kutherford. -V- J-- have been at his -' Sunday services—Morn.r.; worship I want bu.vcr.s to know I have \v . . k r'. r t; 1' ;' Ihem, "Forvvaril- v.' s.d Still Kiver home this week- , • .-: SI I ••;;• ittil sermon .at eleven ..-clock Sund.iy t:;\ • rendere.i by the chotr. -I'he crossing-tender at the r.iiir.iiil. .-•itni-i;- !;• school at 12 15- C- K- meeting and the larijest li-st of property south sis tart r^' -viirth league servi..- at r.iivv. inst.ia.l ..f swinging a white tlair .'vening service at. seven o'clnck- •-111: will b.' Ill chai'-i'^ of III vv-irn vehicles ami ped.'-tna:;- tn of Boston- Come and see mc. k.i.^p off of the crossipi,- fnr tram- tn .\; tlte morning .service- Dr- George -\; , . I \ vi;-s H. ; irshall: sub.i.^.-t. 'Wbv I li;is--. now -tan.Is in the center of the i..il'iaiia- an Italian modernist, w-ill \1 -I league institut.- Jll roa.l an.l h.ilds up a whit.' ilisc with |- lie-ik. Dr- l.aPiana was formerly a •i.r.g service -it T.-^-i. ti-.i M^ - \ I- : ;he wi.r.l "Stop" 111 i.irg.' black Ictt.'rs ,,,• fessor in the fniversity of Palermo .. llev. .1- S- W.nl-vviirth. nn ench side so tliere sliould 1... nn I in It.ily and m.vv he is a teaching fellow H. C. Greene • h;irch- I^-it.^lib.i 11:. vv iv. ini-;in.l.^rst;in.!irg as t.i vvllit he ;--! i,i Harvar.l Cniversity- In the morn- .\1 -\ i. - -- - 417 Middlesex St. - LOWELL •il the pastor. thcri I ms' s. rvice he wili sjieak on "The re- Ul-S- J. ;-:--• -M I l-iti m oT cbristianltv to the grcatwur" Telephone-2550 or.264T-J iregationiil I'll III! in the evening nn "The situation \V-\NTEn -VT oXCE—Good strong will t.re.ich tl 'I'n mnr 11 • BOXBOROUGH 11 Italy " We hoii" tbat manv of our men to vvork In Papor Mill at West - llnnl ,1 .n-i. Sun.la.v tiuvnspeoiile will av.iil themselves of Gr.iton- Good pay and steady work to I \cw> I tents. the iil>liortiinitv to hear our distin- sotier men vvho are wllllnff tO work- ine evening tn.' -'ere.ili- • The child ..f .1 si.nv ." .1 tale of the L'liished guest- Intemperate men need not apolv.; HOI.- Iiv.' act- b\ Irene I.IXGSWORTH & VOSE COilPAXY, n the .'.Makers ..f Anieri- w-itnt* t ouiitrv . i A meeting of C- K ollicers and com­ r. r.wick- will be the f.-atiire picture at West Groton. Mass. Sit' .-trated by si\t\ si..les, mittee members vvill be held .Saturday lhe inotL.n pictur,• silnvv m Harv-ir.l with those -h..v\ing the evening. .May 2ii. at seven o'clock, be- l.iwn h.'lil this Satur.lay evening- Cm­ Oldciit and l.nrKriit Beal Entnte AKenej- There w .s .i -n ill •_• .tne. :•• o- Plymouth an.l -l.inics- fiiie the cho'ir rehearsal in the vestry- In Mlddlencx Coantj ing- June 2—"Harbara Freltchie" — s thc sli.ies th.n passed I'ii.as.' ill. not fail to attend- if h.. nf Washington 1111.1 Ilown .lon't miss it- THOS. H. ELLIOTT l^-In-. At the close I r.-l.lent Ciirji. Robert Polan'l- novv statl.ined shown. "Amer. •'" at Kramlngham- was h.ime .Sun.lay. SHIRLEY Real Estate and Mortgages lew :. 1 •! -be s . ITL' ik' r- vv l.'l' songs- The Kii was Miss Ite.atrlce Goodearl of Orient Special Attention to Farm Property I \lphn \-.^s«K'l:illon MisT 1 interesting- K\-M ." - ' - isey II Heights wa.s the guest of .Mrs Charles C<.mpr. U4 Ontrnl St., corner of Proapeet Th.^ Alph.i I'.s: Xl.ili.l ,il thank offerim; Loweli M.isic w,,s ;••;;.!. ; •• i . •- :.' dr.. Th.' .•ting .Mvers for the w-eek-end- -•\n entt.rtainment and socia! for the 1 y23 I.OWKl.l.. MASS. e.l t't A.nliia Ke- all's Mi.ssionary s..(l.^tv was .h,i;r ••' St. J.I-. ;.h'- .••; ir.t .;•! -•' — of th.. Wn -Mr. and Mrs- S- I). Salmon 3d. .a,s benellt Of the Special Al.l society will n.kab li.lire a; I ' ). i i K. ball nn -Pues- . -iingrcgationai parsonag.- Ann 1 'I'baver vv-i-- p; i;,.-' held ; guests of Rev- G- M- ^Tisslrian- had the be hel.l on thc evening of June 2. un-- li.iv aft.rnnnn -md eveninir Tb.> meet- lit afternoon of last week. M.- It; !i;ir,l .'ntr.in. a;-l; l.ll; pl.nsure of seeing Gen- JolTre at Har­ iler the joint management of the Girls- -;.g was cail.-il t.i or.ier ;it tw.i .v'clock ,1 large attendanc,- atu! a . ..oil '- r M;- i-'.'rn:i; i'-.i:--' 00 nnd Will Pny 22c. and jril-;'C iirang'.iiiei" .••;: • -_ ' I •.•- n brot ii'-r- d.iv We.l; ,.s,!av and Friday aft. rn.mns Seven members of Shirley Grange . I-V y.irk - a s'ep-sister t.iil:i;i- Th.. -islerlv scheme-" -Mrs ing of the Maypole with patriotic col- n oiinu- hiTe fi.r th.i ••;-•••• • m I lliiniiiliri» •f • C ...Kb vv. . k ' Anyone inti'reste.l in attended the meeting nf Xorth l.eom­ tJpwardfl --:-.•!. t'e.i -!<•!.-br..ther- Purk.r- viic,\i s.,1,,. ",sha.les of night," rt..l .'rn-s work are Invited to c.niie nrs was a pretty feature- The great It..St..11. Mrs -I..l,.i H-.; lnstcr Grange Last Friday evening Telephones Sl-2 Pcppcrcli -h I.f N'ew V.irk- and a Mrs -\'i:... P.artlett- Mrs- Klliott ar- m.l hell. \nv contributions of money hit of the evening w.as the dancing of A .kni-'bter vvas b..; • • • '-i i' •' 'i -lohn Ilwv.^r- : when the third an.l fourth degrees 1 W.I r.i livvver. of -N'ash- fi.mp:in;st Kvery number W'as hearti- ••r inateii-.i will be gratefully received the Sr.ittish reel by VIssos I.uey Weth­ DAVID- SAPERSTAN 20 «tep-brntb,.r I vvere v-orkcd on a class of nlnctcen- Mr-. Kr-ink liennett S;;, .i- '-If- -'" --.!.- her aunt- Mrs 'v attl.iaiifled an.l encores w-ere gener- erbee, Ina Wetherbee aii.t iTclen Bur- ua- N- 11 I J H. Abbitt. the agcpt of the -Mid- i;,v Sam.iel P H.vw.rl arr.ve.l iiusly giien. The program closed with I itahar.ls here la-t vveek from S. it' •. W-i-ti.