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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-16-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-16-1916 Journal Publishing Company

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V" JM Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, September 16, 1916. Hully hv Currier or tnll.7M ii. n Mouth, single tople-H-. 0(1

j ATORS THE WEATHER j WILSON WILL ANSWER FN GOOD GAINS BY AMERIGAN GERMANS FORCED GREECE 5 Tin: i:riiijt iuiu:t..,sT. trade ARGUMENTS OF HUGHES Jtciiwr. ( "iiln.. Sept. 1,V New M,- - '"'''l Saturday ami i,iii,lii, null mlirli choline in temperature. .1,, I.,.- - OBSTACLES ALLIED i SECRETS SAFE IN BACK l.olln lllanch. S1( I'res. FORCES B! BRITISH 'dent W h ull ,le, 1,1c, today lo take TO JO N e ill i.(mai, wianiut iiuttiiT. I .nil anta.:e nl the ai host possible op- - For twctity-rou- r hours, ending nt, pottunitv to yhallilne Hie statement 6 p. In. yesterday. made by t'hurh ;. In i i lliitiies IN CONSIDERING M ; i M inn n .i I in o. T.'i ' ON MACEDONIAN BRITISH HANDS IN FIERCE FIGHT ei,t speeches thai the basis on which itiiiiiiiiiiin. 1H: rimiii', 'J!i. t i i ( r t i ( t i t the recently threatened railroad strike WHEN ASSURED OF was at ti I' in., Ki; southwest wind. n,ril averted ea mcicl. an liierca'ie cloudy. of vMii;es for tlie employes The irevih nt. his polithal advisers BORDER TROUBLEB FRONT SECRETARY SAYS NORTH OF Mil,) toihiy, considers the principle of and ll n ,i in u ri by women c.tlup' RECORDED! SOilE the elfht-lioo- r day vitally affeeleil bi CERTAIN T CS followers, It Is believed ;i Mexican! the strike set I lenient and will eel; to ,1 (show that while - i military force. ti do minii toward' the railroad lefisla- ' 1 I 1, , ; ton passed to puttiii-- a permanent. , k nil I'l - titleless meet the I situation will i;ive the employ, al iiM."csiioii I KHI',lar- eieloloie Madel Lloyd-Geurm- : ln- -j i r" m fiencli, Uiilisii ami Seibianj David Slates Smashin ie Teuton Lines on ". "k ' n si mil of cos I I King Constantiiie Grants an r I Tl I .l'l lor a roa""'i;'"u men . to I t aiKI UlbUUbbL'CI MUU d JOIIIl i.iol.vl llic Amm an Annies Operatm;; oaciher t format ion Untamed lirou;;h a Front of Six Miles, HaiaV T'"' m mai... know,, hi l ill a Interview to the Associated I ir's either speech at Shadow Police Force Be Established j a.-V:.;;.:::.- J J!: Have Managed to Bi oak Censoring ot Mails in lm- - Hi'ii SvviH'n AvViiY A iinn-- i '" or in lett, Correspondent rL Mr Wilson expect !.i ill, if,' clear Press and Has Been Abandoned, i. con-t'ie-.- IV",'! Throudi Bulgarian Defenses land Is Not Made Public, sition Made by Enemy, it lie will not he satisfied until His Position, enact- - loin the law ihe n st of States i i ns one of i.iliiiiLT ru-- 1 fact.ITrLinto nnsitlc i, the niilroail legislation lie reeoin-uieiu- ,11011 Mexico's social anil economic I , w tu n the was threat- DON'T BRING TROOPS conditions. BRILLIANT BY In-t- VICTORY GERMANS RESPONSIBLE ALLIES MAKE GAINS IN ened, includliiu an lucrcioc in tlie MUST SEE ADVANTAGE Male I'lmnnei ie eoiniuls .'oii and a i out now, bliss !;!;;;:; SERBS IS REPORTED ALL AGITATION! measure eontrn-versu- s says;,,,';.'," FOR NORTHERN MACEDONIA lor n:estimitiou of BEFORE TAKING STEP - between rat1;im t licit , j con.siili ration of of alio fr chums Amot- .slril,,.. nlle'-ii-iC- oin,ocs hefnie ,,i k'ckintt ; tern citi.rns .mains! Mexico. COIl$tabll-j""n- .ire called ShOUld Be a s " American property owners Positions Captiued Halt a Mile i They Have Set on l oot a De- -; BulVaiian Defense Has Booi ' At e Intimates That the Country ' ft1 D ' ii that their proper! v Is being dg- -: NINETEEN POWDER MILL laiy in Mexico i,v Deep Over Front j treated confiscated executive taxation of Moiei liberate Campaign to Throw Bioken Down in Ceuiei and Will Considei Caiefully Each Th n Ic rirti'n m- - Qi(nn ll "ccrrcs rouilniK fur tol'toll ure UUIH-- Ul Than Mile, According to i of WORKERS ARE INJURED IUIC lino IJ i UUUU tile iiht elaiine,! hy the h'ovenuiirnt a Doubt on the Good Faith on Left Wing; ltalians Move and Points Out the tile ow ne, ,y - tioa Will Become Seiious. i"J over lands foreik'n- Statement of War Office, His Majesty's Government, Drive Trieste,! ers on tin, L'loiiiul that tlie prtiuerty Stait Toward Cost of War to Kingdom, S 111 IIJTf HI I Sept. I Hie- - tins not been used Olirnii; the perioil lei. work, 1, at I when It was Impossible to net to lien 'is w,ic clued, i,iyiiiKiiniwiii.iii.iiii.,ni MOffMlH JOUMWAL SkClAi Wlftll leaot six of them mmioiisIv hy tl e , ,y l.omlon, Conn., Sept. 1.0. A " operate them ai,,i the I I - moni isiiihtL mi New ;"'' I'm is, Sept. .'. The entente allt. Sept. Is I'1 p. in tSlll.odllUM (he on .1 inci'i mm London. It llcllll.lll line uf scleral thousand pounds of 1 Mexlcim itovern-- l siilerRtion of decrees under which New Vorli. .Sept. fi. Un September .stioii that the have won a on d- - se, se, t etarv fi .s i l li of I lie Solum, , series uf mi.i'i'mh the '.id l.lo Ihitisl out of mil noi powder .it plain Hie eorre.-uotiile- - A smokeless the of ,i. ., of tlio At. meat create a constabulary for but inric:til citizens have been drhcii; ,M,ci.ited , Macedonian front, the u- ofi'ice .in- - for war, today !s'ae the 1'iaiic. Hit lhillsh loires h.n, tuj Tout Powder compnnv at t,, tin- - of th.- - out of Mexico or not permitted tot I'auicv ociated I'ress yhtallied the Interview similar inrales ss mane t, i " piooauiv tnc nios!, N. .1.. (onht. t.,,,. iiM in:,,!,, tnihiv iinrine practice their professions or carrv on noir.iced toua. rr.'ieh. Ilritish ami KiiiK Coiistiintine of Greece hC 'there appeals t a iieiiocrai,; vtince since the An;;lo--rene- otlen-- l The f la me.s In a hlendiin; icun-Mex- -j i ,,ru;ii,ate, s. It .is Impossible to nay whlori ., hijcf "icif business, eotltrarv to treaty roR-- ! btnn lories operaiin.; at d.flciont I f,,;i sessiuti of the Ainei on the lilted I ' campaign, set foot in she heuan, .lull lower, while the not ,,f ceii-oi- s' ha'nds vUitioiis Uul- - and cunpaiii hai the throuirh whictl joint commissiun, concluduie; the 'points half broken t'uuuxli Oie to , States hv lieriiuin iiuenis, throw lllree towns, two woods, and tint est II hilslleil the can.-.,- the onininii li I I...1.I il,.. .Ii..,.,.i..l, II, of Ap- - miuiiiI week its dehlxralious. I in.-- ...--- . . ,ioin,i on tlie mou mini oi io. 1HississIoii ot nearly all the ailiaiic,., a niece ot metal mav Tl,.. i 'IIMIIOIlAi rninii-rr i t ...... liili. that iline interview niven nhout entv he1 i, an roe a loiiiT i, o ice a n i nirxa ..... h r ki ' i I u , posmori.-- i a ucep ty s I n ...... m re;;. no 10 niv v i" , uiujuuml niuuu mil cupuireu nail mile pivi iiient uf round liettteen loinliles ami tlie l'o hale found its way into tlie powdi ,the tune the entente allied fleet w9 K,r,e uoan-- h- - i ueou.ii ubiusui !ov,'r a flu,,t t,f !.., information oldaincd throur.h i,r, w.iian:, n fell tl,,. llrit which was heme; vork,d IheltakitiR position I'iiaeuH, the port of , Inmal as impracticable, Ihe DEFENDER OF VERDUN thtounh at alter , i'lliir:-lll,- , only : . , A victory 'ish. ,oi did the Ceiiiians loft tower. Athens, and revolutionary outbreak i brilliant for the Serbians Miiinissioncrs had conferred with , - 'These (icrmiin a(.'cuts ap,e..i '"itluMc points-- hut the Ihinsh diive un- the In i biu place In Mace- - Mnjur (leneral II. U'ltT t ho i ll i nil r a 11 s was scored after! flare which iwere repoiled ukiim Talker liliss. iioohwni huilimuiuiiioii,mi sliitcineiil In tic po- - .,.., ..) 17,. Inn, resurrected mi perils the Coiuhlcs and liKhted up the country lot miles ilonlM. ,....r il... t',.l fans, Sept. A tribute unusual! a hatlle lastiiiK seieial dain west of x. use ,f comiuoiis on August al ttions. al end of Hritish -- ve.-i,-t- either the around. Iheie seiir.ii mailer Slides at'lliv. jior au ouniai ereuen com m li ll lea lion i.nie enunp ue,., in,- rjoj ex- - htc tlioiiuh thai statement was lulli front. The ,1111111'. of t'o- lui'.li uues us Inns Ta'ui. til'eece. Sept. ( I la Tarls, .Mexican s !m pa ill to lett. Xi elle, t lie of of the 1'iKlUin flout. fresh of p,,wder in the The three coiniuissmnei defender iVcil, tiiiiu-- - - t - Constunt-in- n ' plained l.j Lord llobett n,,ni, ,,r rnmhle- cues tint 'tower became luniled. The work- - 'Sept ir,, : an p. m KIhh left New York tonight to join In t he Verd un, in the Journal officel today.! The Hritish success w ll s ...T. """ cumin, in, of t he approach! s to n - received cone; pulident of thi t - ' v. 1st Hritish in, w,tc Innneil wh'le HecinL- fi mu the rli In ation tomorrow of ho An noun, einellt was made on W'ednes- of the al dar. near the cenlcrof. . ... -- then i s on in, ; As.sociateii in Ills jm May front, w they cap- - in'-- xpl'dt iissuiaiic itapat the buildim:. The toiler was ,le- - I'ress aninnief Mean n.ition.'il holiday arranged tlmt (icneia' Nivelle had been entente here in- - ; -- ly him in a later w at ti of the present Hit 'i il were K'vm '',, adiaiic, f,,r tlie northern end hi a fi miiiotes. lure and M'okn I,, with jnsiirnin of nd ' "'' important positions. Th lines consular officials. John It. jUecoratetl the t;ra 2 a. f t w ul t on AiilusJ of the fronl was a dislaiu nation with the utmost frankness. Melt of the American commission is officer of the Legion of Honor, and in loreed by the French Were the Idiii'ii lor In spite of this. Ill piopaKini- miles. , ast of Tin, i pal, . (; CM thoutjh lefusiiiH to be directly quoted. iiliseiit on personal business, but the folloivin ; tl,'s' "f the Yardar. foiircclcltc. fill AA n AM APT T hithis connuction. citation to out mv stat.- - ,.,,, ,.. , .,,,., .,, ,,.,. V- -'l U,UWU OUII , He said Croece is ready to Join the Serbians captured twenty. five lists liyinn dri ,.s. UllVirutL tluit assticiales. Secretary 1ine and .ludf;ci.s published: n. n - im nl as some! liinc w. ullil'i inn load, and Ma in pui'li, south of III'' (.iniy, lire devoting their tune to a 'Robert ticomcs Niv, ueneial tifiiannon and a law number of pris- IS START EDJN MONTANA ';:;; l.oul i:ol,i it Cecil .', assurance", which riiail, fell into the hantls of llemlal st mi v of telegraphic reports from the jdivitdon, coiniuaiulinp; an army, has oners, as yt l uncounted, XnC foil, wed it l.ct mi' now sav on s nt, n. south, lliev in so tloiUK. l.oi'der tiinj the interior of Mexico for months Hie army Thi' ItulKariatis. alter their ilefey,., .llau' "uthiH tU'iP'I'l tPiCI' , .,., four commanded of the uiilllaiy authoiities. that look 1'h'is ami the llinh wood, null, ...h. (1B (.nffsned InUiKliHtion tlmt ti.uisinitted by state and war victoriously Hie says the statement, retired for a (ba- Hrciit falls Alotit.. ' the resisted attacks vv d y ''' It by any one, hen iiil'oi mat ion is pas on he lllg secure Ho II possession of llillcliv. sboultl be IhouKht mut'll p:iitnieits. enemy, cessu- - lance of twelve miles. trial of the I nit. il Slat c, eminent , i, , of the renewed without it is I'oin-bles- . i.nti,,i ,i,,., i... cem-or-'hi- to nlhir departments, The lloiileaiix' wood, of t,,,,i noilh rad- , .tion. and has supported heroically IVt or Statement. .'nil auiiiml the tlt'cat Nmlliern 1;, i kit llliss Alakoi Sliitcintnl. the pmpose of m 4 the - w ( t a,iv to any one not to in, for the sole a t, a lost lo the Ii mulis ii. n Im .' til.i'iui d. images because of '"ardest trials. He has shown in this The slatemenl follows: it m con- war. or Hint he litis t een inovcil In Iliu tieiieral lthss. it was learned, made action of Hie noveiii the l I nun - Stuhliiii toit-s- ' i - command, with uio-- l the St II III. lo .a ke l.i lbl nil i. iiri ami. tlie joint a the brilliant Trout Ixillali ,1 I w ,1 .olu.w. hjt,,.ilo hv nui reasons. tav commission dispassionate ol he ,, li ,'iovvn '1,11 k I'M est CS," in l.ieiian ,, enemy and the I,- The lierinans under I'lime llttu i,, i... f,,p n, tateinent of the situatoin he believed qualities of leadership, all cannonade olitinucs eieiyw heif Ilnvi I'hul X oi -. ,,..ii,..i the i sttit,-liorul- 111 - sitle-- . 111 lit loiiL,ht I''1 ,lblni1 III IVrs-liiii- of which have poiier- on both It is spirited , - rtiipprei of Havana ' '"'"' roil follow Ccnoral lone el.alaeter rather l''ol list, III! e. when W ;, III ol ftood ot bis country, He referrml the 'lit"-- . lo hold uroMiul, l.otulon iiilluirawal from Mexico before u 'fully inflnen Ihe operations in. mountainous icuion of lit ination that an Auicinan fu in to with patthulur feellnn In, tliu fat" . was verc j 1" onreKs over tlie en ire trout. am the hank of the stu and the tiihlim: si to more n properly constituted constahulai Is hll Vardar whom Hi- - t"ici.;ii otlice h..s r.iviii 'most certain overtake than troops a al-t- all ahuii; the line Mmc that, 'J,.'!tni .M'lei hnvinr cheeked ihe advance Ihitish dehieieil violent , , i e,.,,ds million (irecks hvlnn In Asia Minor 'Hi.,, to relieve his troops, "it is pel mil it, i Hi, sport ol tam REFERENDUM S b',-- Til urn i s w a bi Hi, I h h of enemy toward his objective, k aKainsl the hi ria ns, who t r i'iv ken in of Mideislood he pointed out u oMems tile from Hot It ,1a in on he uroiind bal and Tliraei, the eieiu tlreeca ., w by Aiillll).; Hi lll.-- h III I In ll t'lc- - il, oine mo.., slake of supper',-,- eontiiienls of , ' the the ftndiiu; herself cllKUKCtl in hostilltie tint way of an effort lo treat, a'"'!'"'' lhe-- e L'.oods had I" en paid ,,r toi ljurder police General N'tvell,. resumed the Herman iniantri. This tcruiinateil to - nicni of I'otiil'les. Ihe bituch haic ivi'h Turkey, and be pointed out tlmt under dual amitotic. i lie win, K tisini: pi nut ft amln- t by ihe iitlvanlaae of the .Maku-- i tleli, lies llollli of l.e umi There is reason to Udicye that he offensive fool bi toot and bis at Hntisn. a, i,,s been lb, daki'll additional wliile those who judged flrecco ,ntl, t!"lle'!'l' ' I d e in o was taken l,v l. us well n v. a t ii If s liurshly what Is regarded Ainerican Mill in have sought itacks succeed, in iloininatini; lliead-l- case, we pass the iiitoriiiatiou on to htmst'li for points north of I, of Ii, n el I, they no thought ts impress I heir M,iean conferees lersari on the i cry moumi chosen bi this heaht;. ii;,e office, in Soul three mall as inaction, Have the tniol-- ll order that , " imi-ctn- I 1, e III ,,r rec-.lh- e a liiitnli'ed prisoners ami about tl, IC lies Ileal n n Sa c r ilie eontlemninu to the lot Kith the iew that .Mexico must latter for decisive effort ,t cancel ll. wile fti ns w ei e , a pi 1, rctl. ken bv t b- - I i euoli. w Ii" ah o ca p- - of A riiieiilii ns, (tree It women umJ agnize responsilul n y for the depreda-- ' ;;a when ud III a l.e it - the "To ,i i A V M W( A V. V I tin lulu of the Vaidar the ni'eil iim pi ism,, s lii'i hn claims ihilditii tin lit In the toils of tlm lions her nationals mai commit oil, M K AM t is iismn :i li i h haul, ill GENERAL STRIKE f Urn Hill It irin leplll-- e ,, Hi ll - to ,ll',llSy UU' I't'cm troops tool, enemy licmhes .1 b Hie ill' ks solllll- Turks. ihe border, if ood relations are lit It s pUI po- e of 11 ol io; t ., ol If of-f- Ie FARM elnm: a trout of uuu meters in ensl of Tblelpal ami of blench The knm the world reKaidecl unimpaired Tlie whole ipicshoti FOR LOAN BANK ,,in en,' s. a"'' - ihocivine, lie miii ,, i iv i w nee, - i ilcplli of about mt ters ' .en a iicuu ll and the ith callousness, due to ittnora thn "feieatiiu; a Hon in ih a police force, lintish I, auk" in uio 'Hon is to III re-- ! "Kasl of 'he I'eina Hie Soiiini, The official ad- real sit nation t oncct iiinit the iitlilud'i iiiint down bandits in theii- hill 1,1,1, Serbians He we a.ilitiiiiil .leal pin !.si- "I transaction, ,. , lo,i.Le.iLiii ... oiitinue I,, ailvanee towards Vi'iremk Ho loss ,e ,: la in w st in of lireeee, criticulnn the country anil licit Is is based on this ft elniK. ami it Che nne. Wio. Stpt. mo t mits I'm 70,000 Hnion Men Jew pass that infot linn ton on he prop' - I ,a ., cud K ajecka Ian, west of Lake ". a, 11,., uoeei-- men, I'm- e W'lliai Hie the id' YVyomiim , of Kan, art belieictl snttiti'st ion thai humlitd representatives d e ,a t t e Ill ot b r ll' Ilia t The battle was for it Hi, Hrit Ylllk M.iy Decide tO Walk ;recks alone could know and '.iiianji Kovci nineiii tin, bile lie his '('(mini unit us in, the federal farm under wai a the, Macedonia, the m iiise to In ens, tin nsaclloii ir. a days bet ween the Serbian 'rem and S, rbia li a l to les have lunate the frlnhtfiil cost of war to task for itself, us an international loan hoard here today and uracil the h ll .1 shipment of 111 I if We a: that Ollt Sympathy Wltll the i.rtiiy and important tulipi juu 'aH.illl. sue, . s, ,:,..,,. n,. laid stress on the tilihtal ion, came from the Mexican estahli Innent of one of the banks in lore's. - Maim .iddiliniial lueal.iu', It contraband, ol, nsill tnun on" ii'ii- nui) resulted in a it 11 brilliant success I lllly. 11. 11 III Hie cue,, between Crcecc's situation uiiiiiiissioncrs. (this city. The stale's agricultural and iles-- ! doWtl Hie defense ol Lines, tial firm to .mother, is rtalli Liiiinyes liai.tion ,.,,.,.-- . iM rpHt,vuX. tor our allies. Honii.t io was cairi'-- Cell!, and on I he left W illi;. 11,1: Illis Mounted I'olicc loii''. liicstocl-- ' resources were outlined. I'oi in wt see tlial the at the point Ihe havimot, lined Ihe uiv. , , (..Uiitn kini; ailniitt"il Tin' a caic-ifip- . of as well - troops took poiilioii. a half frankli, the theory is that force of board h ft late totlai for Deinir ii'Olitrabanil in i' net that in- r.iilnanau i s the portion of .Maluanidi.e coin (tie picseiiee of UnUurhniH In .1 i.:rcalei on a front nl one milt. llliat lelh s' lecicl mounted police could h"iw,,rc healing will lie held tumor, fonnatioii. utile 'I'M' Uf,HIIN .lOIIIISAL 1L llAtID Wlllal crest. M , si i lam; 1 ... A Macedonia and Kiimanla's entry Into 'iispi'scil iii small posts in the hill I.' w w ' of bake, the Scrl New oi k, Scpl. - tlechaoii oil row. 'That, Irani i ill d. - Serb (aialri tiiiins. al the war would untitl) conipllcate thn 'Otinlry. The ihase would become an! (l t'n m nue captured Malkaunizc. The Hrilish dion of u sy to hetie llul-.'l- '!ul al and chalh the tal strike it I nilsli I "Seibian c.'ivalrv pursued the " of the Valdai 'hittiathm, constitutitiK ti new ilcinent pursuit, rather than a' Airmen 1.s! lllit. it honest bll'-l-e- tacked ui'tl and alai "itM'lui in closely t us as t it v retire,! in liisoi'ih anv one n. that of workifs ii'iidcs a.' which oaalli tniiilit mIIii tile preuil-se- s movement, Iitnu.las. Ail., Sept li ieoien. Manna) crouiid. ' which becomcsl I A I N u iv , 11 r of the men filial, null the operation of h s n r.ovi and 1'ail! captureij. the village of l.k.dsu, litis, "ess and its H , , . upon whi-- pollcj of it a ml Tl"'.l":ls ' I'm i.i it i lb., Ihil the tirecco ineffective if the ha ud s sea or "' ma ii u is a din is expected , , Ot III rps. arnv-- fact ui ei Yolks tla'tlon lines, was ... , , . ,, Spates irmy aero i comnellinu to make can inerehant -- ,1 I , Iv , been based. Tim kini.' II their adversaries a rt ns ' ll ea I, u m ih s in liillurto has f. rt'M,,e 111, - ti A 111 M IlilH nilll.e pca'l'lltl ti today a, test fi i III ilm militai- o .l.'lte InUII'.lll ell bl'I'll here alter fliKh' a n of safe lln hanit.ol , new . . . . . un tiiolati lical into,. lo.n 'declared that all these clcltientu imllee up . .. e .. I. i.l , front ,,f th, uleiitt lush, wollltl check the columns It II MiS, . .VI el. ', s., . . and Allies ill s many ,,l III, nl III' nihil, ei ll Cl-t- a - ami of other m pli'l'le alllolli; clalt.t t kilometres milesi, liur- sors. nm i:os,n Ka.-loll- hail to be duty oiiiatlereo nivl un oi man in a mi. a 01 101 tcpotts the a ha lltloll lilt ll ot' ' ;;oiiifs ,'O'iy to I. the ot series tests ... .i days, if Hie synipa -- lust ,n lh..s II. It,., .. del, a, loo nt as tin", at'' i" tile liaml!' lur ''., ami e ( be ,hl ' t i v t - i;:hcd befol irecce would I Clt tl iniiiiinity. swiftly; army planes ami III he llllb'.ll l lis H' hn sa s n p. tl Moiiiik' the aviators ' of Aiueic .in po toffice." in ii ik. a in lion., union h atl tni'i'il twenlv.five cannon and totdl the Hi, ' " tili, in channirit; in r position, hut. : on a lent, attacks in Modi S predict it will l,o Hie most off cl iv e a (.'real Ill Hie house ,,f commons Audi el I number of pi coneis. r, t he thai Ivy now were hcu,i am! net of the V.ti ar via epuhed be ill m Hie , ' "I l''ianco-Ku-.iia- .Mr. I.lo.v d ' i, ol in uiimvci lo hlo'v Mini could tic. al' in our left Willi, d bci.'iin a hiuu.'hl o' er, and the course of ' bt- - The Italians havt nei' si b e completely ,1, Kill- - ions ' micei nine Hie use of a .metis that has been in pioiiiets fores aietl out I, I ., llfi'tce ivoultl ibpiTitl on lite lenull of The Biggest and Best Fair ' driv, nvaid Trlest s Ai,... nin e S, pit inl'ei i; on lb, elevated. sv hich hail writt-- n b a mi lact al on carian bandits advanced t'T t rn c t ,.r that cnsidet ation and liolhUm bv niibtaiy u tut nehmciit col the al and SHI t ,0 e IC pol ta loll as Is'ovani, from the entire n-- r. and esamiti'd the c 'nii,,n Ion, have been Ink It, ttonie lijiMl 's, ' Inn "I tile It'. Ever Held in the Southwest1:;;, or bake (islrovo for a tlis- - "Or. said, act mt 10 uie toe.-- ! n, with e ha it . mi pi is Tin- s m a , Times-- ' el lb. debate thai Ho, bull el -- tance of sixty kilomeleis. report , t ' s mm; M'T I li nn: ill I,- -, n l oIK'llillX of the New ners Willie mill in c al i.i i, in said lMs Cue viecL Inn Miimbii will witness be "iv,, i...... i 'i..,... .ii,,,, .,s not sloi.nt',1 in in b.e pi i,: is Mi; u 11 , e- - II III, ,, , ui, tn lUM rowi Mexico Ibe ,, ,, la lie. I'OIIO tl.'lll, III, emeu lealll'-t- l s Mate fair, ll nil) be it bi'Ker and better lair than mammoin h(n (,on(ill. M lls u, ,,,,t allowed to hub illusion u ' "-'- ,, Hie ,s np,., one siao-c- M, riri'MitKly uileil Dial Chiles Hist .,,,.e, boil, e eluplo a .una i cli -- iii.)-M- . ,,.,. by Mr. I'l.tucy. llit.imli ,,,,.jv lauded at Hncha-lm- o I,, ,1s ,a MiuMon. poll I. Inn. ((, ttl (Ili lHa. - a l a , i - u-a- r New Mexico could ' ' re III, III, ,,l ia h in c iliiinvr." Last was iIioukIm to be the binitest tliiiin I' St." lint, Hie Mai ,11 tan ,,l,le,l, ami ll" .iiicis liiui; i on s t ,i nt iiii' I'ridiii. III, I, , t a cis tin doing- ear. . III Hie nulla le.'loll of I'liuall oil b II pi .lllill IRIH ' iiccoiil-iin- .; for many jeais: but New .Mexico is more this lt is, of collide II pi act I, e o coin The ill but iiluscil to tcsiiine power, ' i I lllis-sl- a , , , v. year was nut up lo standnitl. IaciiIshIv HKI'1 1SII ItN ,, p; 1, o llt la. udllll't that the ll ton i,, ht as Hn ills I,, espondoii . lor eMimiilc, tlie riMinu last lllit TO inni'-at- to lie public Keiilers Athens cott Ions, t SH.fitlt) best ll ami il c: ll a ll t oops at- - u i;' It 111 c t ami II was ..nil Hell vole jrtxil races anil luitcs SMir ones. aJi exenc of the YII MIi ON Till: StlMMI, ,.,., , n, d leiuiatiou on w a , ,,,.. ,,f !i, vv ,t l , 1,1 'le i's ever seen in arc assured. Ibe entries are run aim tin . may be mil h befoie lb, il " nl III, mi in I A I S VI' Ix W I.A l si: the southwest ters of public inter!' which . M 1,,. n- power-- iob nt I all it ui u' in III), la ' "I in:; a II, pat bet IC st ike tots'. lni. records which make MitMiion ccHain. London, Sepi. The Hritish - Ihion::1! he eell-o- l ship for cntial c I'litu tu h in si;viMi;vr lohtiiineil l la-s- d to the on - proMtcss in this iei;ion In TiauMl- til, ll of Mlli'llllllst-- I jear, it im- - ino,ic,h wc bail the i xxord in fireworks. ttirm atlaek the Soinine Such use I" he made of it as He par- -- 11 lulee-al- e ' il l t e cc- nik'lit. de-i- .llll.l. hoW'elet. the lima i.i li in oi, tacll m m im pol Mhens, Sept. II l.oiiilou, Sept. old and .muiiis,, crowded the fair 'rounds ut lor the purMe-- of front last charftini,' oi. r a st ticulat depai mt nt n onsitler Ilia l; il - Iii of i h, III.) '11,,- IICWS To- - 'wonderful W ill-o- will Is tot six milt s lomr. The war ,1 ui- rmil luulll then '.:f, s and auee If at ion machinists, la, '.It.' a of till' the ilisolavs nut on hv This .xear there ahout suable This w a- lilts Iiollh-I'.c.- i I I - t of ii Iuuu an cinplovcl al plaids a I.i has just la mt thr.v nitiht.s of fireworks, but lllliY 11,1, Osf II i I MK MOl.l- oince announce,! totniy that ttiey tiatl ,.,. have cached Ibe Alula liver. Unc eent eiinis al K.ii ell K a il a t ii - ,,l , ,.1 crc- - to it.WKO , ,.f ,li. l.e in:; iiilinlllon- War lol pel mil If Ic be lllle, llel'e, ullll Till; sl NK.IIIs (OST I.ST t n. because the lis.laxs this advanced from 2.m yards, ((.(1 ,.,,,,, .tat tit rlN '1'liel e 11., ll.l !!" ill 111" III, , The ,,l Hi, profound resentment. Kin- are far The hIm.w Inul to and make it;ati,l were eontinumt! to proress, ,, ,. ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,1 ,,,,ie- - has been alius I'll,' at,il Hf most more clalMiratc. A,.u . k " Ml na t on i it 1,1:1 u ,1,1 ,, a, i.ob said, would Th,. of hi,,!..-.- - .. e Ti"' al,i" u made alonn the e Ion Ibe li lo ibal the lltsiia. tnrmer Treinier 'Niter ...1 l..ol iiai.l. spomieii'i m on in install' had i ...... ' u I...I,, i i ., ,n Ui-- a i,,. i Ho Moi i iiit- a. story" , x llrllisl, l,,,,a f which the , Hn 'a !h is I,, ,i;,.,l blou ai .oin in enich'S, ticnsalloual ISTS I S r I HI . s xi i ill,.t.. t, - 111 Hu ll oinpt llli: MISH THI YI'.AK J inxi ir. ., i, used - 111, ,...... I .... f '" S in I ,', ll,, laieo-- t hoblei- of Stock Ol ,.,., Ipat llllllislry of l're i. leaile'il - been .. less ' i I' noicliii'-- . in a in,' imim ,1 t i il li I', 'I ,,ii, there urc more sMsiallic and ..... ""ii l TTaii-i- , i il recently The Hritish advanced on , Ihe In'ei iikIi oinpanv nin t .nui.s ,i,..., the intervention YA S "KlM.AIt.N IsY t. IKIS." i ,,i i '" to ns 'the OKJ Ihe, Ill blH .'taleilieiil !., In As. ial .JOINT COMMISSIONERS ' lane ,Htl, .M( .1. I Alot V (a.l ' i n,. 1, thi- -- the line from Itoiihans wood, between can lo li. .f ma lentil Ihili'.aruui nl"ne H- - show thc.v arc cc. Au-su- J.'. il' ' are x.oiHi l,,e Ihe entlii eicr.v time l.oi.l Itobert it ' i.ii.i' ,'nuihb'S t'.incliy. a Tress. II of III, Hi lush nl In a, ail,, a ol in eoiiforiiialico will ami to point north ENCOUNTER OBSTACLES ia ne of ,sKS'laular attractions be data on ir.nlc lettir bad j the mum '!TI llKI.; of the Albert I'.a !' lime highway, ated thai Hi, nt.' with a wiilleii - e of the I'.crnuins w''o. Uf- - balls into the air. break .1 vt ,'ti ill ' nt iihile an aiilomobile will lll'lll llselt solelv vv , e, raciiv in I'rccctlin this morning's extt.-nsi- u NO p ei 11. IC :ul::, n us thai Ixav.ila, DrauiA is t po: f a u ,1 sii. l. I AMITlIt AN I'l.At.S. Ibal I'oi be pin .,! inii.iai wi.ii ' lh". and I'KOM TIIrM Wil IOYT lust. T' "am! mil i9ta ,1 In in el iii two .,' ! and Would Hot be occupied. Tht ius' Ileciiu-- ofteifiic nioi emeiit the Hritish a N w .oliUoli. ' 'onll S pi a lolc pa t or xvheii cxhibitiun ihe marksiiiansliip. i sllbst it nt n, v a Mi. ,'l' m - what he does forward, of . t nis ,,i, ic hi ia all,,,,- 111 ,t fount, ion " Ids m io nieht di'inc southeast Ta, leal .,. .I.i, I. ha V, a I, ll, skill he in Hie employ of one of Ibe ereat arms insiititaol trade ll I, e I' a I, ,11. a special Tliirpi.,1, abuiil'UI, , h, ,,!. III la, .,1 Vlnba, lellll Ill's and captured ' OH side, a loll (C, b Alio ' a .,'H lit '""'panics, -- on minmiit at minium.' , I, ,,, t ami his were sieiinsl ibal v i m il n e, t t ' l, ol, nl i l replied hut It n a t ervices of iernia a ncht's. tin iuiiiti,; a ,1 ui in ,i "i in:, inis li cm j' ll II tail s a '11 " f U 111 e la tils' h t th- llul-- , for-ifu- YON DEIMLINO !S GIVEN sll ll a I a nil el, a t ,1 r. Hi-- no iii de to .1,, anv tliinri. as - Mionuiv psion s II,.- pact ,.f nei, and all sorts of other ..iltfc. li'lC l" icit I'.n lln ,, - 'here arc- lo be cowlio.i races. iiiavi lines, loin I, la V ha ii .,1 Milan- win ,, lei inineil i treat tin I b,.l ,1, c. Ill, ll ma I. e- - I! .ei-, III "1, '''iiti'ii's HE ORDER OF MERIT pi , , , lor aiinccnu nt of those, who sv the fair. T t M( KTtlKY D I It the -- I, Ik- - was . alb il rat uoiim ek- a- - I, lltlet la al Ili'llUt'S. ex-- , Ill 'aid, al be t that alt', aa re I Iiient 'hit the t.yrealest allraetioll will tie the ai;Ticult mai ami liiesiock lit SSI s IS I I. MM I II, lain;. .1,1,1 ' pe llli l. Th, ;,'!, ii. nt and Hnluariati 'cm b, t o m ll la eil pi I'iiil:' il '"''its. ; last .year. Iliouel, llltboiil ' . ii,.,.,. ,,. ....Hesi imprnicniciit mcr mr Mn.isa ,ou,sl iti nil braises, j n tin a lion ,i,iii he sioiy but scemiitKly ir X, . ' ,, If liie-li- k will I ;.- ,., I i pl A iTlii ,lc ; Mexico ,H, ,a,l one ol ils drx tea'-- . The s show hn, S, i.i .on do n. - I.Olololl An iiist. is i, i: Hi b. lii'c-,- and Is aildin-- .Ma i J I, lor a I,, III III, f I 1 ""'.Vim,,. ,1(. ,, ,n produced i" "' slate. Imt '' cessi'ill opclatlnlc ll Hie 'J'elltonit ll- - .pat' ii -- con s UtS, e Ta'-- 'I - Y Ml' VI III I II si I : It I I !', to the HI I, ,11. leelinn ,.M -- . r - a- - b, i eoinis-llliou- iiith In- - Xn stall,,!.-l--ue- i.,if l'o. Ibe I I I l - Sides uiii !.. ,.,i ..ul,i.. i i howeier. ,,n Ho !:ii ,.iii and Kuniuuimi hat 111: M MM MOM'W I'll, le ei. I, sill, table ..ppl'SlllOU tll,. iiiiliie-iti-oyv- i.. ,1, "lllllie in "lit .oil oh), ,1, Hi, I -- n k. I'rt'lit s a I'- ec-- in i"'l.aat iilli'iat ::ii:i in. noil i I'll, pi, ir- t,, pioposed 'iiuitr.i- slis : ,1 111.. ..( t t1 - 11 I I I I - , - I. ill, s inn that I., Ill ., V -- IOC op,,:,-, I'ttl: Xll this iiii' eiicr s. It I I A Sto.llllll lo the annoiim t no nl. wbnh lollow- Ibal til mill. liv, and ,l is md unlikl'l'.' ' a -- ,,, .,, il.,- -' a., 'to I., al of ill in a u i k .mi U , ', u t u lair. I o ..oihi,.,', r .xneii-e- s in, ill red bi the en, "In the Ma ka be i'.i: iti mai iUluiti ti .. . , , ,, .,'ii-l- J l"'ilaie exhibit,,...., lliu-reo- opela is I" ib ltuan ami Hetholtl let J' Im lllill li.iii a In ,n ision of M .auun t I.ta i - ,1 , -- , e, ki-- ,1. ta h it - t III" fill, ci th mtrn- ol k ., ,c it lb,- b p 4 'he issude .,,., il. Hue I lor t" uic a '"il lam in vi'ie succsfnl lol.c pi Inlet i. I. tin- null Hi" I! as-I- ll II II, e hot, lei ,,.,1 J'"- "'" I -- tickets lor - neck la npatben lumps; old'l lair iK.srd Ita. phi. "le , i n.-- ,,. ,1 , ti In, i lli'-- l O ll I' I' w- - . I n I - -- -- l'l w I, p. on: line on He' ball m hi mil i; ?r-- ci , e- -. mi- h"W ix ihii- - and three he It.,', cl i;:'b ii ill i tee I on can the , '"f K ill hi osl.t w a k Tin t of L'em ft ha- - The oinini- - a, heal i a In I HIM. Ot Ol I I AM Ihe ...... -- ,i- liuellia-- ll lolllV. M.iveste! of th'' l' ial' ll ,., , ,i..L..s me , si,,,. ' I I I I .1 1 I ! ,. II . II" - , ,1 h- , M,-- -. t ' , . i i t V of ,,u po i - 1. a oil,- - '. lll, an pai il,c to H' HI a M co-- s;!.7.',: u di r it ten il will l sou , niitrltiis' ilieni lislav. ,,, V. I ,, I, ., - pt j p. i - A ,s: Mill Vle-- I Kapal. fell Itlto Ilia l,,l ol the Ii. lei In ,1,1.1 of lei ,, ill. ml ", ,'1, al tl I'' in. loday , , ,, jv ,,. n-- will lone to i;et of llhl'll .;.V H.. .ban.e e ,i. , . xi Hie i -t, a, n t ,. , f - ,i pas-c- the oil'eii-ix- on lK 'ti:,- luiml- -' of ihe enemy yesterday h.isi n ill, at If, ,,n 1. it ml a,fi',ituie started at ihe lim ,,i Tru-st- ori,,. run md.lAlls. ,1 I , .,, ' .1 11 how much xoii been reciptincl Am, Hur I'.'ilni mcssa e slat, Ih Mexico ii.l hohil... II I, e a ,t alhlc; ol, h ' lie lo:t:ie Is" out. with as its " K Mil i: Ii ,s on In ion In n, - 4 n ne rim' '" In Tt.nis) ami Ale- - tl I'i. lii'i Is onunhoi n, Ca rutin-- Hi, .leelal.llloi, I' l.t I .ll.le-- t il, s, n in,,, ot un Ilil'i-- lob.'i etli s tlie id fe, tiveness of the H Is- ie-ess. bow h .xm. want .'.alii lini.n 'bin) "''""""le ii. box. I...... ';...! ii I.. a lim. , til Tilai, titio!'- -' ei'taiced ill to tei in al, has beell p IC b IC e iti.l the Hi, witc , , id a.,,.! ; tu l ,1 ti Ike '. ll. ban aitilleli. one hundred -- l""r ' : i , ill inul tale uron t a .1 f b, eel,- - o. II - I, Tl,, , ll I I III .1.1 Hi, a I, u ho nu- ir,illi,u,-1-- are. :bplnu hi- -l i f1"' s,.:.'h'-- "f t.l appoint. ,..pi,l of lie pa' men new amis "Mil-- I 'V ihe nil PUmIiIc t t(,ss 1'OK Till', TH K , si-- , w , , li 'Iniiier Tiiv: II.,',H. a f eln e PI '.. i sua,, I. onll. ilnn pl.o - mpb'i i d. Hit; aim of Hind) is dcadlyj '" Ihe dmiiin car!

f r f j Albuquerque Morning Journal Saturday, September 16, 1916. imports, official confirmation has been rfccivod that such an arrnnKP-mcn- t tPHiiiM GERMAN POLICY G PLANS has Iu'cii consummated, I'Ut un- This Winter Rill til its effects arc understood no for-n- i. For Comfort il protest will I"1 made, l.cnal au- thorities of the ill:il( nx-n- t believe, Base Burner N BELGIUM ON ARE SET ASIDE BY however, that siu h a plan is in con- Get l'.ritish-Amrriea- Splendid Stewart ti a travention of the new thing J - for 1 s pm- A i;il treaty of . which is no question lut what the oniiin-- There x i.,r fnc in i.rf of nationals ami i Meal ami hard coal I'm-- - I'.urncr the of tli"' respective countries OF SI ENGLAND'S ORDER unrestricted commerce unless plohi a cigarette other Move j;ic Wati Move. Xu .8 1IITI iiiticiis of cotiiiiieroo apply alike to all an equal of he.'it n in countries. to do the Inel fonMinMl. Nor any AVERS CALL FOR ASSEMBLY ' MINISTER No Furthet License Will Be other stove as cleanly or ivc mu!i S Sending ISSUED BY CARRANZA ocil temp rat use and with Granted Now for I'.im- - Ihuiicr little care. A Food to Neutrals; American I.T 0NIN. JOU.M.L .ftCIAl LI'IIO 1.",. li,i !"iilj!e the it i'icu ni'v ot the Little Kingdom, Already Tom .Mexico City. Sept. i.oncrnl Shipments to Holland Stop, purposes in issuing last 'I'heie -, ; Cuianza's hot air furnace to Pieces by War, Is Being a (all for the election of ilele-satc- y iduht 3 however, a v.'ivt !if iVrctu c in Kae to an asatinbly to consider According to , . -- Preyed I'pon, fIV MORHIttl . ,, ,..,,,.,, i IV TV. MUIINU lC,t lliIO O are Sd Ihirners and tiiis liil'feren.e atuits ,'t -, si s,luv. , Umdo.l, Sept. 14. Thin ,, Issued, - ,1(1t. the coal hin, ulikli mean-- the pock- Statement j lav ed.l The plan of rut inning the.- of Sx- v-: ,' I",". Sc. coimtricK Norav. ( constitutionalist's! et mm. ' CIGARETTES ,len. l)en,m,rk ami llol 1. under.' .,,,., .,.,. ,n(,ir .S7.-:,- I in t its in j The Piffiiiihi' THREATEN TO ARREST was t ;i n I nimneipal -- ex- cause nen- - A granted for the prrsint to Pntish what is done with the heat so j :, lertlons ha, I Todi hehl, the first chief ALL BANK DIRECTORS porters, has hc.n extended to apply is into II r.... ,1... rL.txin in erated. How much radiated to the I'liltc, hs the cxpcli-- r Stales n of his ailniini i , ...... ,, ... .,. ...- civ account room and how much the ehiinney.' i h rciusini; ft ano ,,,c the otai'O .tui'i- tral ion ami hae h,s actions l.itirieil j .ilnls (iverseu trust to accept fuithei, One Man Has Been Taken to ' . He was. ,1' or mo,l:fi,.i hi nmuiv-s- then American cnnsiyn.iients. ami l.y , , , , , The Splendid Stewart Base Burner to a pi , s ( l e , li, , t i ' IMP,, .inn ' ; Where He ('lining to urant letters of asMiiame ,.v, r exccut:ve authority to the cpall in P.a-- e for Aineticiin shlpinei't The splendid Stewart a holier K'adc Wears Prison Garb; Treat elected prcsiilclit. these colllltlies. de, V they're MILD exi-te- eon-tructi- and Cat rail', i's decree laics enemies and yt a I'.urners than has d heretofore. The, American ship- - ed With Greatest Brutality, In uenee of the constitutionalists have omit' of ro-- t. hut in muIi will st oppc! finish are not limited hy the qiiotbdi inents for Holland n iiiplctmn of - rifit ii ir to pri cut 'I absolutely the reaulnr Irans- - 1111- - as to make every stove mei hauicai'y Tliit. he Sleudid while ..t ei, r, lis. to oi tatioii companies f",U Ha-- e liuni-t-rs- . lav MnRNiNf jouna' IPICUl LlAtflO WMI ""h" '"'! ;, .,!.., ,.l,l- i.n.l Stewart is not only the equal of other hih t;rade (.'Mitt t,il and Scandi- - Sept. i:,. The llcUian min- twci'li the j - -- Havre. mlanf.'! r its sovereignty hy proyokin- is and all. The Mow slnni!,! he een nayia will not take without hut stqei ior to any ister of fmame. Alois von ,le veie. cikocs li confii, t with a nellihoring rcpnl, - inim- out ilestina- - - Ikis the follow nik- note: assurance of tin h' 20 for 10c k- issih lu'ini; inl er ion 3. to appreciated. 1 lie. .seekinn' lo nil ' .,rui ilini? to news from ;iut liori.ei lion hy the liritisl, authoi it h s. Fur-- tlKimore. tramp sleaimi s a re hardly! BIG DISPLAY OF M.urri s, the tlii iikiii ant liorities of lion for lives and propt rty of Tor, COME AND SEE THE piirsuiiiK the likely to risk tin- incvitahlc landing me auaitist They evi 11 pretended 1o seek in the pri.e court of any tiny pi STEWART STOVES AND RANGES a policy of spoliation of ccn ,,ro intervention for hum., nil a ria n reason;. l,y oiluht accept. llll!lllllimi!!lllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllll trairr than that ilcnouiiccl the liSillillSiSlIIlillllllilB AT OUR STORE;i;,i niiuister of finance, after, the Sllllllllli govern-- j SAYS MEXICAN TROUBLE Inst lepoiti in the Hutch press. reasons induced ilio Ihitish "The llelpian National hank is not in America, imlcpemh nee il. j., the on ly hank which they ihsne to started cf the Mexican i. i Ihe parade tomorrow leu ,vn. II acli. cnal'les. the t;o ci nmcnt to control here & V MOHNlNtt JOUHT:L iPlt.L LtB0 WIMI DEF ACT0TR00PS fourteen of tin- os- rv:rr millimeter and Mauger coiiiiiii.-sa- y at I'.i supplies, nt the source. The second Raabe "Tht. Cirnian i I " ol Sept. 1'roui my ', .Vs I, Ih.-i- lull with which', Omaha. French will he .kn.- sein il III :i litis, a )oi,n he iinilr to in the u'rowinu .., ...... ve l I, urmv. icons 115-11- 7 1 I l., M I ,11,1 .11,11 l XOItTII KM' M". , I - ill (..i'''.'''' ,, I iii- is 1., im; pre l.x lieu- him not of ,.,., fianc-;- as first ii'eat I'.ritaiii iofficcis and oth.-i- on tile MeMcan i iiHovAUi:, wi: it." ,1, murrano and , of j ir its iiui. mniiaed. hut of l.imO.lPHI francs ofjtial Koverniiieiit.s for ( j ,1M rilVlllrri, t,at ,,)ft J j 1 w Inch tin i f ifths is to he f ui iiished he (ither expenses im m red t,y takinK trmilde there orii.rinated on thisj AVE SURROUNDED ROOSEVELT ITINERARY 'he HeiKlan National hank, ami two- - suspected ships Into KlrUwull andUi,,.t. of the l.oumliiry,'' said lies, .lohiij o IS NOW BEING PLANNED fifths l y other hunks. other ports for examination. I'. I'oucher. captain ami ailjiuani of the lielsiun Another hlocka.le imasure is the the Fourth NchrasKa. no a'11" "All the director on a ictiirned home liist mmn nu 1ST Lf ICD W National hank arc threatened with al- ll cent, arrangement under which AND MOWNtSd JOURNAL. IffCltL 'Ml , looch. VILLI I In AZTEClPREiERMS ios!. M. Cull, r. one of the direct.-.;''.- were set v in Knnlaiiil and over New York. Sept. "The ttoiihle is nioslly alieady has hen am sled and , k''n France for uranium In ens, s for of .Mexican lahor- - plans for Theodore KtMiseeFs w'ii-e- : , the treatment tK'it-(- v. hi, h on , , n ii ,.i ip in lo anil is hciiiK of noods fmure the ers hy land owners on the American M , STAND DENOUNCED wnh the uieiitest hnitality. lie ha list of Mohihitcd imports. The side.' The kind wis formerly M'- - t'liarh s ;. Hollies. r n mr. Company , Fuel to ,risou K.irh. Such an American uuthoi itns contend thnti j. territory and the ,ic;ins w ho (ratios are hcin ciiiil( red. m.c , forced war U) 111 LUII Rnllnv.ic TIIL ti.itish-Ainerica- eom-lhay- e land on UJ of iti'imila- - ,.,..., the n heen forced off the tin m would oarrv I ho ,oii,nel to Ihe hatharoiis methods im- - r s S - j u hu h they have In ed from tin,,' Gallup Lump tion to whih th,. (lelinan "ov, rnmei mercal treaty of i such jo ohilii- Bandit Now Is Hemmed in n- itn speeches ;it n e o i iii i , i i n in. ii. in tn he ("iiiallv la-- , Ih speeches on iln has taki n If'Ourse attemplilf: tioiiM must enfoiced It is claimed Mexican I incr and other Gallup Stove BY OPPOSITION nan. .r, dived. ot ., insure the succ( s, of Its fore,'' i;t;aliist all countries. Consciicnt!y hoiers are treated little better in;,ii by a Cordon Government. ti.c :ii(.r , t...if of fin: re-- ' to Fr.-im- and .,,, hot 'The ;eea minister any j,rilcKes ffiantcl ,.V1.S w,en thev revolt an Soldiers and Cannot 3 Native Wood deiioonei s this odious abuse of i,i'f r. m, exleiideil to the Failed Slates arc down without cotnpu net ion." EsQapel.J.t.mlV::;,; its j hv the authoi It u s of occupation. The l.eld to he in violations of that' Captain I'oucher is pastor of Trin-- ithe way of Missouri :iml Ke'lfokj. of and ,1 Sawed & Split it v Methodist church umaha t'olom l llooseM'lt, n was I' is ;.;T,":,,y- in church, as well a yoN!M OlKNll IfKltl. iiunnaiiaii their.. !r'j,,::;:;;:::urr7; lis irominent UltD U ill, ox ot li j McMco, Sepl. la.-- The '"day. told (hairman It un- I I KIX Kiiard circles. Chihuahua, Mill Kindling E ready so ma ri al ed; her own fc II. AI'1 MN. l"T rc,ui'lcan national cointuui'e in- " e Scene of xcite.nent; i of const il ut iona list force use m iiiakita-- war t)itin:i: ;o i i:nmi; r ...... Cordon li"- - cial resources to ' or i i it i us. sii i. a i , within' lo u to Califotnia if upon h( i '." inn ' ijiinu pii'iiml, li 251 Body Adjourns in Older to OV STAIT.MI'.M i """ ... ossary It is said this ol'!'"i' PHONE I ('i.'i.', y. m) rorCHFI'.'S l.oudon. Sept lias at last come into toni.nt wiin ke accepted. It has not Apponyi. I. or, Co, II, minister ot war I - Quiet Count Itnhcrt Antonio, Sept. I j rebels the section held y ti'ii- spec lus BURNING OF VESSEL or- - San Texas. '. ahns ,i,.ierniined how nianv trade, today explained the recent I re- - lu to an Invention for lontc distanie Army uffici rs todav said tiny had j u a ( 'ii a;:os. accord inn to report s ,,,,, ,,,,,, ( ... Appeals for k- f re- - i LOSS;.' the I'.riti'h eovernin.'lit .,.-- , run He flndlnK, hy which i.hst vation Is CAUSES $2,100,000 no to niahi on me s, cei .,, ,oi,a. n; too,,,,, presence in iiiiiny parts ot ll- t fusim,1 to accept fur- - comment i,,.,,,,,. " to allow Holland , Iiosmble. not Ithst.iinl me rain humi. iasin of Key. .lohn F. I'oucher of. While (iazos is on;;.,uin": llio.,,.. at i pnl'li-ai- -- iiol recei,,l ''Ud i I run consignments of American h, p, Sipt. II (via la WINfcl Hut kooiI" , I I TlMt ,ffcnhlve. uliu h has en - - ami! MOIIN,N JOUHNAL ( w as c, the on ranch,, .as . . i .. . rC,L lltllO , 'maha tiiat he oitviin Vil'istas the j,, adqua lw It t , ... 'el... b iter.-- ltd i m, p. I ...-- - l and retusini; of assuiance thai Volntr (m for four (Ihvh from im Izia '" Mai I o ld. 're . Sepl. l he I'll, lilt cast of Nniiiiiiiipa. in the dtreetiou of, . , today i, ..,.-- i, .liii.iiiiii.N win, lit I'eafll t,ll ll Hunt;. il l. in parliam, ill auain - ( Ihi. 4t1rlnlie u ft, C....,t :tt, aui. h'.!, liner on Ciistillos, th, (onimaiidi of (iemial, I ail hanks I f li. , I ap-M- ol K ' '' ' liie ,.r.'l. rs "." -- l with the AtiHtrialts entrenching i""" "lo f lie s swu m: at anchorat the ell a lice " i.l V;, ::'! of Colonel '..iutn iire CI,i..;;;o. Sept. I.',. Word reae 1 n i i " o- - , tiiKl IdoekiiiR the way to Trieste al,m(! "i ouni .mui .v,poot,. of Coos l.a todav Willi a burned oiitjl'" " I'onehcr may be .ii,stioned rouard-- 1 nn. ina to and ar, w rn ep" n a n t aaipain lit I - ., ,, to in general. Fan- - Herimtda-Selo.Nov- an, opposition ba'l- and not trade ...... ,..a,,,-,,- ,., , ... 1...1 ,. t s totlav Ch.'itb's t ho lino of i lo K..Vosk other .,- - II ' i... in il... ai one. onartel that hull the of Ihe fir -, " ' ' ' Hi i'X- '"" ,,, i ,. i. I ' ,s r Titv.a. who d. - la-- t nt I'.nt.iin has forbidden the ... . .,n hanks lopuldio.Hi candidate l"i ii viirloiiH ellh'M In Italy ton iKht attacked hv j hoi' I" I' e to this port caused of vari.-i.- , lll't'ei'MlU nm ;l ( If hy i, t hem. iport articles to lsuiopean - ,. f,- president. hlu ( reJoieiiiK, hi ms, ent h in rs , v.i.,:,,i... ..,,.. the I,,,,,,!,!.' there in of thei1,"l"'l lilKht. Ml the ami il.iulant of !' i i i i! ;i :i r a . on mo m ounn iii.n o if Mm r iiceited persoicl l.'t ' I neuirat oae v coy, crowd mar, hlnir tiiroucli the streets I'timo Tis.i of WI n , ., . .. i . keen cut off hy rntuchl .'',,,.;i u , iiitnilars th (lew 111 tain m Atchison. Kan., totnsbt. discis-io- n lo- said tltea,l iceepcl IOC ins, seven rdnKlnt;. tone of the press into the when ,11 I'. S M lehic. troops. ,,, am! iv- The tlalluii afely l.y he flae '"l. - ordi-- j eaiu" his oilier dates I month-- of tins year more than - he Ins "foolishness" in - , ,,, f"! hopeful. recii'ltcd j s, , memo, of tl ew. over- Cluiiiialuia City is toniuhl celehrat- lin, Ins home at Indianapolis, - ml is c.i supply Lord I;, said: oil, mend iiik lo Itai nn Ciirinn, the Ans- naiv is dart on .1. s b sllloke, were icportol to he ex-- , jut; the irit"." or fiesta the evca few rest. ' collie it was not logical to forbid such ILLNESS M I, e n i'oi. i,!n minister, that SISTER'S ZMMIS IS IMilM To were loud 'in - re. ovci inif. Ca'seimeis ports ; i t it t to per- h, v, the from Lrilam and SniMI H IKIMUOI' KIM. ot.iili.loiitiallv .talc tilieir Piai.e of Ihe cool maunei in other! f isk Th pi c- - mil them from America and !..f fairs with C.ik' which "'apt. N i: Cousin" managed (Ml t n, ot ra sou es, AlllPllH. Sepl. ). (II n. 111.. Via mi, i called Hie ol III. IMli: it he armv t he y ess, I. Lord Coheit explained that .mei l.niidon, 10 t,0 ,. Conslant-- ; ,y Hie p I N -- in. le.olei ship ike heads of h at HALTS CAM - Th. led lakim: liormallv ls.-- i KUiiiinoneil Ziil-- .,,, "w.-l- l meiitial nalii.ii. I? Jne foimer Fremit s ,,,iitv ;,s pi.Kt.ninu." " if II, 111 tons of col fee. Ill s ui moiilhs of lulu to Tutol, his Muiinii'i home, tin, ' 'mint A pp.iiiv t dei lai c.l t hi. I t li, V ART CRIIIO INSISTS ON jtn,s ,.,, m-- s ...,p..rt.-.- :.. lilornlnx. jlhlee .111. I llecdllu; discus i..,iv lolls D sion III. folenni poll, ICS. the llllll- - TO BEAT Eat f ale RICHT WIFE;,;!" arc looked upon as LANS OF WILSON Good Things to Aii vi io is and the food supply that .oiuitrv sin IbU'v " to t j f VHIIY t II 1 i likelv a'li all eiieniv dostinatioli. mi Vo 'The hall iv and lillllv needed for V irin.iiti fioi,lAili)MI 'l'he Ic-- l ol prohibited articles, he said i v ' ..idol ' I II. t 111 pi "I.l. Hi. i.i i.mii oil il, ee i I'- ac- 1 4 ( Vi.i Cliicae,,. Scot William with different countries, Athens, Sept. London. , , varies , Mllllt Vllllllhll I UOI' I'lll llllUI . . ... V GROCERS, BUTCHERS, BAKERS ? IL Hi, m.i-.- lm . rM"1" ' ' ' Kept. P. inuhihtv .,. , - '"" .' ' " .'. """ . T- U. ... oms- """" , - M,r , V'..:n., Un.r,',.lV V a so ' i V VV c M- -l of in the Slat( Mail if foriner Kinuiicfl Minister Inmina la! Iieiiver. is ,'ic iicteii, lain in p, e,l all allowances nenii; iii.nn' i, ij i null iVilo, o The Complete Mock lalihles ;o. ' Ti....','s nipt , itloiis null 1'ie alt. , i ,le t he circuit court j , rlx i., i. rii)..u Older- - r.eeoivo Prompt tleiitioil. i opuloH to a talont l, as ie made HV ,,1 .. IV lonn lo bind . lonoiiiically to It' , ..,s BciSK'lo U Si II K't 111 11 Pi tS- - JL ? hv tin, Is bv llio.alv ...f.. nt ...,. i, nested hiiir, hclievid s a p, la tor loin; nod of time. .a,.,, ... il, ,i .i,,. was oldie.,,! to .1 . I.. O 1.:,. . n,, ? i i I the Velll.cllsts ami nnll-- i'lll. lists , r rs oiAMixiii--- , Wants (.ii.ii unit s. CUT,, III I (iciii vvtnv,v,o uait:; alike to have been due lo the hellef leave him ill .Mav. alter he had s KIOI s lOIVMCMS IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT ? 1 1..- -. os-ni- Ihe I i ' 'I 'li'l ion. whip m i i;t im I, nil, I up a p. MS, ,, ho. ,iK,i to her. w ni si t)i:iii:i:; for St, Louis Sept, h. that h" Intended to wu it 20. C (.'Ol II led I'ecf. ,1. I'linl, Meat, U"...e V Count said II. of course. ,s ., and i .(htl,al parte. His iissiii a n ( s pionnncut alt oillic it Chin k Koasl. Lie H. an-- 1 oul of ihe inie.-liot- i to think "t iii,, I,, a lo, al j W. Sipt. I. the I'.uk, Lamb, .Mutton. V thai he would ilo Ins best to blink" rial, librae. lorn VI' i lh. of f ib w ith Spi I I'.'. to chance in the leadership the itrniv. A1! j,,,,,,. her husband as info! nuition alinc N'oiinn inn links (ooked .Meats--La- ir !rce(0 Intti the war did not stem ,,!, ,1 Y . i t, by now Hie oni; oonndelloe asM-rlc- soi, lit s. what t oiiimodilies arc alfe, thej p, p. , Ynipiir d la tustlfv the pi Ice demanded by the reCilllllli: sll ,.u ni flmt like i;,.,,,,, j s,pi I'rcsi Spring (TueUcits Ham, Coast A j people. Win n. , de-- , new tost on mei lean V,.-.,,n'- s L01I. d Ham, l'orl a hand in of the hovuv.i. the n s ci iidinc." Since leauuK lintish notions ciimpiic::! plans wen V Hlesseii Hens Kcisi ? entente. who asked lice , . , ' 1)1 a. In.-- he il. had -- led her with Holland and Scandi-- ,,.,,..,,, ,01,:1V ,,. o Tun:oVs a! Louf. k In!, null inilitics inline. It in ml lie has siippoi trade fart iN ,i. iii,i and ! Ih - t are cool-.c d t ? , , s, son. a a model m the art uavian oini t.lticials here . New I' 'Is holile We .'.111 Ol e ,, Wllhslaodioa li e milllllM .,I",VS110 in i "' London. 'lie. ,,e I'd ...... I 111 II Oil li,M S no. r. u l III ... just now ( lip e us i, busiiu.s. if vim want a t v Id, nt he w a y f lOIIfie.l III'' v.oiiio iinoenam ,onn hl(! Ml Alnli,. inn! fieri. ? tllfficull Hi lu IO th.t s;i 1,1' Mid he III tl, er, lore ; cxporiers win Mlllel. Stlcpv, ooiaill ,11 tisf.iol ion, I'i'ompi ilclivel'v. I ,l, Il , llcj K(. w)( ,s there. a nil! s,. .already had --: ,.,,!, V Y HlllUMlV U.; U,si H The political mi Is si ill i i All'IIO .ll.osh LLLS HinV IU IMI hUVt i'"'"""at .,,, nivht. ait oul i.i-,.,- t i n u t (s . , , I u.i ii :i T MH 11 I' liai 111 es j, Itl.'llltlftl II.II t.iinu whs inn. Ii in i oh i .1. t , s he pi in r i hi i, n ii. ii,.' t,, .a.. MARKETING CONDITIONS tm,, s.,,.d a,,, ,.in, IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT s - , r inea-aire- ,e rev ea led ill ,., r w r .it Main t iich i: u.i i a m a Th. spc ii.f nslii.tive i,. f4 lbs. host Colorado Pota- I.'. bars Whit.- Liundiv it.hs mi ,. ini. - ,....-.,- ., . be t as a ,'in',, i .. -- jwoul.l "larded serious (I'',T., ,, 11 M'c .l.l(MN toll- A I' Iv M had t,. ,1,1.1 a leinporarv inlloin ,. ..n ,,i,on A. toes Sl.r.u So;, f v 'lTZ controversy ,.,... .. , .w-i. ,t K. - I.. elopnient in ihe , ..' delici- - iiinnt I,, Mice Count AppmiU I'. s. Wall,, '',sl,.r. ..,..,,. Ws v, as received t lbs lane Ihilk Lice. 2.".o lb. limn Cookies, ? IU. (O I j K.ikoV- - ' ! I i t a i v ,,f and .locality of allied blockade methods. ous Id'' 1. tuition, sept. lio ii. in tin icopcnim: of the sesMfii. the itit.'iior be Isalc this morn - - from Mrs. Howe's pkes. fall poinai. Cais- ( i! N"'c Y l pe,t- - Livestock No re,. on the new orders nave. i.iiiai tin host e he inoniUU IK an llolr; kv alici id I'r. mi. r Tl'.a I, ,,o lor th oil p de, it 1.11,1 W il- - ins ii is .,,.,1 but illy Ihe ( . - a , ina re channels 'an Taylor's Tomatoes cant the .... i ,.i U., !,,,. he had in Ins con .ov, aim ilhned at .inference coin, V Y ovtr Ciiniao what bain.. , ,, , L,.i:;e Jar Ii.ii:, Apph- I:..t- - , r .... t, i i. ,os o Can Wesson's CookiiiK i W j , , , t news in -. '''' yalii, whereby the fotniii fi m s vvith Laioii a i,p-;.- 'in h- ll.- liunaii. t im ...In the alt., tcr -, i'ation immediately to he attcn-,l- " at ? 11,1, ,1. as- were called I Laia-'- Sill l I, and and moinlmnt stockmen , v , vv e J.-;,- t . lllllV ('dip liClin, of the opposition he - r, vv 01 d :i eiV'C.I jar .Mince N.V Lemons, per lit. i..v how doz "' v s, ,1 .. e cm il cilthWist here today, slips tioll of th I.ritish enioassv sciie."- Lai'Kc ,r..,-- ', The Teleurapli savs vei,l ints the l'..i.i.:n ..I 1. !lil .vi i siorie a. h (loan bulk Hives ,, f.i..i.,lt i.l, ii.t',,1 1,1a llliit sue was sii'miv en is an ot a t.i : t.i',. n to iini'ioVe markitliiu eonili- - depart im nt 'hitter tc.c Cu llies' "c "Tins ..mi .t,i s, 00 sip, ..leu trip. il'- is quart bulk Sour ? -. as iitid ope I'son on,,,, ie. even In ,',, n, a n Ti...... I m ii- Hon- He s..,,n,,it.-,- a report of the ni, iinrns !, the j'. ,,,,! ,.!.,,.. ' ' ' It was said a simii.ii j - " ,,,,,,, i ' ' of pro ol Ihe proposal ? l.e, ud. :iiid ceitainlv Is i.npi ,,, la Se 'u hoaiiti. in Wasliinston 111,1, be made throuKli j Now London at aiiv ' . k , vv puokliii: would ileiitcl in lustorc. An inure It h;,t b, w a s n .v moa I, v ill. he pi o lets .maiio-- tlie mdustrv. nivesiieation V FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES th, embassy at London. The preside, saw 10, clay. ps lias been liteiallv ,,l ,,f I Most of today was .l.vot,,l to American tuny col .(.,j, the opposi! eui, .md that .... . - - i.. Is cxpr. sscd much 10,11.111,0.0 " ."'- T i:.. Colorado Klherta l.ari;,. Head Lettuce napctl bv the (lerinami ntid IliiiRar- (had. vv n In' vv n l! on radii, in and marki tine min f th.i.l.a, ra from n,.. the ind woikinu' on cur. sp,,a,li nee. I'eachcs :.T, k'i'esh Tomatoes u, , t n v a t parts of tin him leoort thai onlci'olf im a ml piickcd off with Its arms and e,,n p., . i.e. ions pes ,,f completely cut wiin. t on inc., e 01 a 1011.1 l'inicv Peaches fine Xiilive ira ( iitilpiin lit to plot, .Oil formal outline the vtf .atie , Ceriuanv. The , 1, - Native Sweet I setiou.sly ripple th.,t;in ,, t'asKa was t xpros tele- at .St.;;.-- l'otatois s, .. i i..n .. a.iivitas was b nt pre-- Holland ninl Honey I'evv Melons vviih S, Iicuiiini from Scnal.r Hi! h , k. 'v::' """"''Nebraska caui.f are ,aic, p.nuiht Hie and.nav ian countries. Wax I leans pl..-,d,l- lt llananas ,,11. it was MllWestod that iceived Iv !h, lo.l.iv. '' 111,! ( l.u of Int. uai ion.1) some Hills Ci. low irailMc.s The this A! JACKED LY ANTHRAX: mop-senat- Hie pies, nt was a particularly said a sirvcv ,,f point- en-- ' J ' 'kra Fine Kaliutr Apples ,111,11 . e Willi m. lidai lolls ,V PARALYSIS SITU AT ION 11.. in his o. W hit,. , 11, ...eti. time tor i.romnluatiim wic.i :.iitn.iw s,u.. had ilihiii. hiin I'linne Celery Ktc, Ktc. I us, s put loivind to .ii tniiit for V IV M. inih. inim.u F F S FMC0H RAGING i.i decree, with Scerotarv Lansmu jthat Mr. Wilson is strum thor- -. i s a i is li.i.o (0 onu Mom Ihe W.d.f bin. and St , C - w -- .. I. Ill' ..III !! SI. lie ud v riciicics of t !' lit I Ion,. in int ; a mixt ui of a and . , .. i hi a I'l.iii o oil h.s a ,c,l I.itimi und, r w Inch th rnMifiv..''llS. MOW I S ( l) IN . OUR , BAKERY DEPARTMENT W i l si it. s ...... 0! v. 'T'le elti i, , h.i-- , -- Mndl-oi- I' . I. 111 I 11,11 1 4 Winn ..liltn.ix N w ', yllhollisll Of the eovcl'limi is.iiipn.i-- WOhM.14-- t i u , ! vv t . ii Mi e. k 01 S, pi aihiamh t.l.wu '! u ion , , v i'.v a loaf of r,,,..aa token ....I n, .1 b. id .a ml. I, n a. lion, Puffers . vv a- - . tip. paia'v ud to take drastic retail. a I v ol ps ami Al'.. it- - in! !! iii. I.. is, in inLintile i in . vv .th Anu-r-- N w S. pi ',. Today. Mocha Cakes Tile .llsease Is said !o sl,,.ol,li; - , by N im. ferine, Lontmn. "ini.. Tin .1 lo lit. , ' s ,.id,.tii. was icpoite.l t.uliu nation L; isai I aptt Ihe et. s XiVVIOall Mrs K. Sunshine Cakes Hlpldlv .,Mii la ids al ,1 'condition of Ainii. Howe llr.-'i- - th.- ! a; - !l,c h.akli a hoi .lies, the number of, lean trade. Muff.ns Layer of all kinds il ""I- cut N - ,K Cakes a ud Albion. c !.s, 11,. however, savm- I'l .,.!, in Wilson '.'ho is lair.-- at tl . Clove in, ae.i si triiiii; l.alcl a.n Maple Loll ,',( Kronen, Pastry ? The W.dfl t' I 1,1 III, .1 W li il wor-- e S' Vol.. II. e ill. th. , p. iweiitv-I..i;- i nlv unnamed ' ""' m'"t ics in; lore, mtw to.iav Anmd Waf'-i- . ulntiiatab wi ' itr. ' .nn thittv-s- i.atv ivvo viilhin ceiiain IX food Macaroons, Vanilla til'eek d.s, a , ill t lie Moll- oil w be all',, ted I. d offi. laN to hopi i II. M I.e., I,!' phlMlaU. Was il 1'evil ..! ,1 : , bud . :: ,d! 1.1., Is s,, h.v sa would Cod Kisses tiilli neutrality a pp. !. c Ina .. 0, ,. i,. plans that no fai .0 hms ltsli.. Hon had' constant attend. inc.- id il, hedsai. I'm Cakes Hot I'.read and Itolls at i pi t mn 11.01, ,,,i!e. akilin. anil if man command' lor .' inn-l- s, ii k ol (.lllltv. Illt Sill ,,, ,., if 1.0s-- 1 ''o. 11 attempted. it and did 1,..! issue his usual; Letter ot. o'clot '1 I ut h h. h ,.,;, t,,i i,i,n inn entente. be is. , -. the . , I' - - -t , .,. !, I r , a Willie Mil, all eni;tltt In!' coil- When Waul the lto- I'.akoiy (ohmIs iot Our- corps . ml, , .1 ,.ulv mi .!. S. I'lc. is avail's! tl,s, OUIbrtah. of the; l''l" oainui oi. IV aimy nil -- I catty .1 luiM' .V saiihoin'-- I Acr .... ;n w. , in.i d , L. ,,....,s,. in,. i.,,,,1- - ,,p,n,.,.lv have been curtail. .,l. oil leas anil olfoo li Stock of the ,l.; i - .,i.l ie 1. deal in,,,, I the menace hy a ,.f out. is. a coii-- j Week. Hiets-- I Hi,. Mill. - - II, e .' LntoU The iiiotmim hii.iclin s i.,! ii.iii att-- 0 ,s . ,,- J.i.Lr l.llliil- ladav 'a I. ' s'.ii.ia.,! s.ios that X (iermans. t"l (M.l-r.l'- - -- I'M ,. ie cspcciallv m f.'.'.l- Hoe, h.,,i ,M m . . , otf ..,1s "t the lid r jMls weak,:' tin ami at the in. i. rn ,...... , vv p.: 1 " I n.l , p 1. .! rs, Woman s Olllllllllee. Hills, is snu who ;x. h lo-- I ft MlV." . vv ,,111. ".Is and l T 1.1 ,!. ot V. pi Will., I: wi basic Il.o !....'. t" .1. It th .in km ,,. , W ' ,, I. . a I .inpoitan! i s, In hak o! . - ,,! r i.i land Th. lie .a rn:.', of Ihe pnl.le a' ii'niu i,oi (lot for iiaii'r. (old WcKliicr ui ' ' i s, ) . I Hn-.l- t, . . Ill a l;i,o I" HV selll oluuibiis. ,1. ,,i i;..j.,.-ol- A . in , - 1.1. 1., l.v I. la ;!:.. .." a," bill ill' attl. I'll Falls, s Sep " Vl v, ' I s 111 01 '.'X' o! 111, e Sioux ! I I , a p. I' of .1 to the low .ss.illoc. (.,, ho l. 1. a, It !., s LI II Ifi, le P' .'CI Weill addition I JAFFA'S 4 as low as .H wt .1,01 il'.au v, s neiuttiiot . . . . a.s-.- t I.l ' (, ,1., !i:,.!t! ol f o lals ,11'- .111 'w. l,f ,,is led C.ix.a f th,. ,1 ,1. ,1 loan .1 ' tin .. ..I-- 1 W .1:., IO A IH'I ;.,!. o.l.llll. lo ' J 11, various pint" i f i d I " o.l "il 'I l"U- - I'll' a1 ;i:ul Jl'l-JJ- l C'nit'ei . ... I! vv I . n. ,.1 !. t nunc. p ' t' (.lent ri'!'" J4 West - f ..n.i ...h. iii. all, I". C .....! i. The out illtll. lll.ill !! Il to of the p., -- Was'imfon. file, 1,:)iL M"M ...ill I ! !', t 111111111,' j 111 todn V .11. .1 vv .a k st., md :i in and I'tiuic- lor li.l'.id.inn'l . ado S 01 as,, a, I. .lei 0 I ' 11, s. r , hut unions ...f CI.,' in.. t . is wi'ii lalv .! s!,,,. a ully ilaiittei. I f cite, an ,,l ,., . 1,1 ,p the of bureaus x.halie... o. ,11 .... f .. , , J.i-- The id all wi'h iht wem.n's .oniti.ilt.c f Hoi. ' ,,,.i.a ., - H- K.inhU ai la al. . - I'ther 111. v f h.i. iU' l liiato- . I a. 1. Ii.ndi-- "ti th, iis, i , ' " I., r I. 'h HiffcrtJ. . . - I".' I f


Mbuquerque Mornins: Journal, Saturday, September 16, 1916. TKree x1sv TODAY IS THE LAST DAY k . To Buy State Fair eason Tickets UK

The splendid opportunity to secure tickets for the entire week of the fair at half price ends with midnight tonight. These tickets, selling at $2.00, admit the holder to all six afternoon and three night performances at the fair grounds. You can get tickets by telephoning any telegraph office, or calling the state fair office, or by sending in check by mc-ms-r i tin . man No one has any excuse for not buying State Fair tickets when they are priced so reasonably 1V

finllllTl II reparation the farnicis' mi!l rl is- - nrilTH ' Grt mi II Lh S 1'XmiIihr I'ImiiI in Kl Pus... owned and - ' ' MM I llI UL 1 U ted by' I'm- Mcsilla valley f a rm- - TAGS TURNS OUT its. is ill operation. The valley farm-- ' Stars in Filmdom it-- visited ilir plum recently. At present the plant 40i I Skinners is puttiim out OVER STAT E gallons of milk a (lay and has orders f v GREA T CROWD THE HIGHEST QUALITY lor ;;imi additional callous. Wholesale.! Hie milk bruins Ilti reins a gallon, ttnd - EGG NOODLES at retail 10 rents. The plant is mod- - V SHOW ACTIVITY em in every detail and there is a .maid "' t El J6 Aijc Rrcipt Book Frrt HOC I demand for (he pasteurised product, 'A IIS JT 4 spei ially from r SKINNER MFG. CO.. OMAHA. U.S.A. cream makers. if if County AkimU has Kent sain-- i tt lAlitt MAOHONI fACTOKY IN Mfll( A . , . . i pies oi me snuar Meets raised....m me Farmers Manifest Interest in Mesilla valley to the Coiorailo siiKnr r ; Jones, Walton and Luceio heel laboratories slinu- flint , ... J l!eollu J u tit.y Modern Silo Build-:"- '- vnii..y beet .est per rent! Methods; almost I Make liemeudous Hit in, h'Rhi'i- in suriar than the Coiorailo; ! in;.'. Boom in Bernalillo Coun- a n ' 'it 7m j. iodine at nis'i time of maturity. j Counties of Noitliern Newt i I I County, ty of Especial Interest, j i MALOY'S With the l omnii; of fall the farmers Mexico; Now in Rio Ai ilm. i of Kdily county have heen quite in- - ..J;S 1 M A t? letrstcd in alfalfa seed production, . V i Rf PONOINCI MORN Nil JOU.NAL) IfflCIAL CO. 10 .1 IBPK'.O D.KPATC:H IO MONNINU JOIHtNAL) ' lainh t'ecdinn. small graliiH and treat Si. X, M., Sept. t lie Collee,., it hi i 'l Santa l''c. Si pl. .'.. A. A. Jones, 111'' iiieiu of small grains fur smut. Conn doini; all the lime, is t.u-- ty Ak'eiit J. W. Knurr received a num- William i(. Walton and Antonio j sluf.Mii of the county agents in ber of t'i'iuest,s from cattlemen for cero, Die deinoci .it ic im ndulates w ho FOR TODAY .i-.i-o- . retinues in New Those field i v. vaccine. Since the rains calves arts, in sta ted his eek on a peechmakink wmi. is, opera UK under the ilii'co-li-- fine shape. tour oi lie in Tt hern ci unties spokej of the extension depa it iin-n- of nwt i,mmr immkmUJ - Miituel County. I.elore Ihc lamest political llieetllll'. t .. . the Ay.l culleue, San M.A N V A F. It v I'atuy White lculturul have the Ml. I.K over held in 'I counlv at the town Cauliflower Personal interviews with influential -' .ins habit of uiideriaknm various task': in '"Thp-Kid"- was; parts of San Miguel of aTos last ninht. The hall I'l.'llll . ('lKTlllll)OrS ami projecls at them fanners in arious and wnrldns luukeit and main weie unal'le to se-- l , county have formed much of the work T CltVSTM, U AVI) qLliilv, hilt nevertheless effeclivi-ly- THI Xri KIV TtlMOItltOU'. 5. Tnmntocs Ssvt'i't IN 4 of County M. II. (ionzalcs re- i lire aihnission j tl SIK aloes ihtuiii-I'lishe- d AkitiI unlil something definite is i .Mr. sought and The candidates were received h tin- cently. C.onzales has I'.tuiili I'.t'cts ami of value to farmer or ftreatest enthusiasm and the. Turnips hinc, is rei eiyini; the suhslantial CHARGES MADE AGAINST jthe slock raiser. The reports lea. ; of many of the well known farm- tueetiiu'. has an impetus toj i imiii )ninns Radishes the office of nrerlor Cooley for the OF icu ers in districts in the county. iUSTRI PRIESTS ARE DISMISSED lii'iniicial ic a. laity in lhat counts. j last week in Annus! are indicative of various I.eltiHT In o n are looked upon as lenders mi the was to Taos Imin .Mora, tin Squash lie of the county who varied activities tllt'CC delllOClallC C It C S ,'tt. in their community, and whose influ- ItV HflDIHt lOUHNAL IMCIAL IE1IID WIHII SHlve (iiccii Corn Manpoes - ence count when it comes to interest- New Sept. I.",. The i I'ensaco, T.ilpa and Itamhos lies MEXICAN REBEL IS Ill county, for iiv tam e, Y..k. halves; iirj indifferent people in the wot 1 BOYS AND GIRLS made ,y Alavor .l.,hn I'. .Mm hid j Tao.f, (Vlcrv (iitcii Chili - " I ' ' ' A r V, i 41,i AT .... 'I...... l.i.. 1.- t 11 .j REPORTED ALDAMA' , .oen woo ' ' n.s "iN..- ifi in' j K.'iinst a nuinlier of Calholic priests, ""'s sseio oiu makini; a studv of silaue crops, an' ll.lC Minify Dcus IVaehes selection ot seed com anil seen neans, :oi;cther ssilh tlleil counter act usa - (teoii'e ,, I'ansson, candid. ite lot! information of lo the , have demonstrated to their own sat-- lions iiKainst I'olu Coiiiniissioiicr land oinini.-e.ioiic- Han i 1,. I'alton,; lY mUNINI IflllRNAl. afiriAL IIKI9 wiml Hanattas Ci rapes larmers in the central Kin (lianile I tliat the fall plowing, coupled Woods, candidate tor attorney feudal, audi I'd I'.lso, Tev Sept. ... 'ol. Ma- - valley inaction WILL BE SHOWN Arthur arisiiiu out of disclos i retfardiiiif winter I ! t I s M.ll with selection, are the two! 'cll.s i i ri ia, ea nil Ida e l or piesldt n j ia no Tames, ho. ssilh ses.ial Ilir; aild Cnnkitlir Winn Mr. Stewart hettan his wolli in the seed ures last summer ol telephone ssire. .)pKs factors in dry iarmmi;. In (lie, toil cle. lor, and all the hers of the Carratca yatrison III county onl a few months meat tapptll:: Pv the police were dismissed C'atilali Watermelons Icnialillo .Mad.-i- .1 n '.. miies , 'I'rujdlo and Cherr.wale districts these; loda v hy l""k meelinK nl nl in i...ll.. ,.mc weelci al'.ii. iifo there were four silos in the coun-U- Suiueme Court Justice principles have heen put into practice ' tioon !'lo.las- and ill one al Kl Kilo lo- - tenia) wits at Aldama, a. small nln- - Now there fourteen, with ale i.P-'.li- i noi'lhe.i.-.- t to a greater extent than in any other To Gar- - M;1. Al t ii ti ahoiil tlints live miles others in prospect. .Many of the fa nil Have Poultry Show, or ll. hoi into the itiiIiI" county. T.. it i e til t l.i.i .. ...II ,. '. !i.f I'll illl.'ll. ICI ..III. Ill "ilil f.,1. place in the The liean and - . . . i i;',a cotn-initte- e I'll!' " will feed silage or SIIKSH- heels to of the legislative ins si liiu its ' r-- t SPECIALS corn crops in Tru.jillo are tietter this! (ICIIing. Uinnill.a', UOOking , - n. Ainanlla. jloweis. a.,ord.nn to prisale disi.atch- Iheir ilairy herds this winter. In ad- last Alas a liiiinlier of convcr- """''''I! war than last .war, offerinc (treat es liele to.lai. lames. It Is: dition lo working on the silau" j.r.iO'. i . iicnui aneineiit to the farmers. The; and Sewing Denionst.ations!::,:v;;.;;::::;,',,:n!;t; 'lv: KII. aid. ssas operatiiu; utile pendent Is id'1 caiN assnrled T.ihle Mr. Slewari f..un.l lime to ltileivieu ITD, 2 INJURED personal interviews have heen mamlv lactii.ns. 1'itnt a ! alle?ed l,y citv officials 10 have other Jjil.00 niiinher of fanners reKiinlhm Today and Tonight, heen N for the purpose of reqiiestim,' fallj Iti WHI AUK) overturns! Another hand of afoul :!nn outlaws. I'M tsveeii !l'ep(,sed ilialllaSi' it si is allil Catholc oleics men, forincd cans ,issi M'ti'tl W'fTe-lahl.- -s plowniK and selection ot corn tinu nils reported in the of np- - wnrke.l with the stale tair eolumis . the l.asis of charge.., hy the mayor. n reitoui hean seeds in the field. The idea id llinita, is .C'l to he uiaklim Its 111 SJS1.10 iun hidoiii" to have a proper r. pt .lust what I, Al- - iii ins. If a latlioli. ti,;,! rertaiii ain.iii..tiniii.iuiiDWHi . n loresseil 11 noil ' the oss and eirls of - noii-- ;,i Fulls, S ., Sept. I:., nneithe direction of Cluhua liua city selit.'ii ion Hie county' . liini nor. in- have accomplished priests and i hope piymeii ha. Ainmur's. l!aoui, 'f t ( coun as . .1 Shield he people, anil in nerry ai . pen. on was lulled tsso ill- - .Mexican autliorii in no sa id, lit- til last part of ; conspired lo if. r the con and sseie slate fair during t,,d nicmhei s of the and with !!- - oi was ellt iiirls i tv fanners' nanizalion I. one perhaps ss In n an lu'SS ri . that no ea s of a n a a. k sctiicinltcr. of city, svtll Pi inuei oi llie ins i;oS'ernment in con ..lured, fatalh, n 25f rf,. dustrial eluhs th . ' ' . t nl .t.i o upon cut Hied. Clmves ( oiinly. "" " ...... in ion u it h m in i xpendll lire hy .'in. turned user on the road the lossn erta 111 llm. Conking iJ." co- - .... ' Apples sponsl Lie no u o are leans l'i hi t We. i I'onniy livelhliss in Chaves juv private t li il Pa hie insl it utions, The Huron and W'ohos, . Ins Anenl the promotion 41'icill- -' eniles will hay on exhiluiioii llailly I opeiate in .on Mrs. Fred lin k., of .Miller, iistilans lleatco. fiuuty reports numerous heavy '.ns mayor charged also that perjury had JatteiP t downtown their hest efforts in poul V Ace, a, to ihe inn I.e. ii .S. was killed instant ly, her neck I.oii.lon, Sepl hue ad as a result of sshi.h Coiinly. try Kardi tiine and eannim;. cooliin and thai an attempt Tiii'i'iuiee I Token. .Mis, M;, S'ice.s I'loiii Ss Pes niurces the Ailslll- !'r;is has made a very stronn itrowth, ... 1, '"'ell made to defeat, til of n.'itin Alalsoti, and sewiror nroii.ets nhicl, ends s a of a special investiftation i . As result sv a so o Miller, ssas Inpn n t ei na v a iis has.- utl'.Tcl mother saumnnai ;i!ti'riiifS the ranye condiit'Uis has .. i fi.r pron i: .in; a ,,,oe.c in eniMKcd many months. ''' f'-'- if potato diseases Torrance t he was very dry nop is St ill lllicoll'.cloifi. Mini '111 Is ill ssi si ,,l Ka pul mountain-- in The run tee tlie de-- , The exhibits are to he open to '"'m' ""' "c's jurisdiction. A. J. MALOY In- Mr. Wel kenthin, of the!'" s pa In. in-.- i ts h a ounlv l lohn on of M tiler a It.idlv Pruised Co sass lleless the rains. .Mr. iiisell.liss was likely general puhli in Ii. .on. r.. I, iiil, Justice ,i c. n Ii.. inn, slttlim as agriculture, it is llie I. .... V .trlment of ' i pot in- - j from I! tod imlKe of the anncult lira exhibits at on com mil in;; ma .11 ,Ji. .leol'.r,.,! II... " O'oei men III 111.' cte that the farmers of that county wwcine, imlil avenue, tormcily orrnpieil 172-17- the l.ovinyton fair. Considcrnm the PS the poll, e In .i'"el Phones 3 to up intato.h the Faher store. laKhtv hoys a nil ( llS- -f s ihe induced nuain take ' l liriinii lllfl dry sea the exhilnls Were vet y itheir lisieniiu n s.n.l the car ran into lit ;;ross inp on a suhslantial basis. Three trs of A hiitpirri ue fmished the operations, wll " n 1,1 nt Ichian of llli t, i SS l.cllll; ill .It S 'd of ii oreilitalile, in support a n veil the -- found, which are at tlie courses outlined for l.y the "insufficient in ss ho ss i al Ihe poilll lie 'diseases were ilcm s ii l. s a II Coll'n County. lilt' t Cot i Ills holt ss son,. ihotlom of the troulile this year. Con-- ' oul, leaders and their exhibits today tuien mint o h nt. ts in..- ai'. Filly Kil ls a pic- i I . i.S el hovs and attended will he suufiesled 111 anlwtll he many and varied. There will ami had all of itrol methods Danish s 11,1. ! nic on i he Rayado mesa last week, the - Steiinier Sunk. a l lis i 'ha la in n for the farm- he a show; s e- - T E NN E amel,. to he prepared poultry minis of ESSE REGIMENTS .1,1. .p. ., i 1.1 I'l.uiistci s coming: from French, Mi- n. .Sept The Hanislt Colic h h... a la pa CHICHESTER S PILLS A years potato yields ,.a hies samples , , . V. crs few af;o the of canned! r p, p r n isteamcr Hans Tass.-- ot 7 n ,ls me .ppcl the d.sctiaii'i llli Ml a ami and Sprinxer. County AKcnt Ions Auk l mr crops have ycKetahles. - V I ss - e h Iteupvlt ..en. excellent, hut tlie fruits and cook mir demon IU IU LWJUL ss, has sunk, m to a and ,11, a mole s I.. .Martineau, opemtiiiK m Coll'av T bcu in. dim; lie ' ' ss Is . s .1 in H. fl ft'xl ll dsvindlini; froin year to yetir. si rations and plain and fancy sowine,. j ' I -- a - I. or. .1." He- lilt primari- heen li.VtFs dl pa I. h mil Saint Ma lo, villi Mite "nails, iii'omoteil the affair, j i .1. i Mai, f.i,t ot ssui in tp. (.:irls j Monnma s!a I'a 'I - radii tion tlie diseases ir tioys and ssho are to have iv joihni icioal Loiiawmii N'oi in. ,n, Is The ssas iamb-d- U tin ttthor !, nf mil- ly far the purpose addini; interest SI ,, ,11 a ,1 A I r ( of Hi Antonio '!'. Sept. I lei, III Kl K T'fl 'ly. iexhihUs are lo report at display San fid ,., UM.' in clul. Old,-c- ss liliM I'll Im svork and creatine enthusiasm j Ten n essee t ;. n to ,H, a L lUVM I ll ion County. rooms callsi this mot nine. County the New rtrdMiaiM'c. h yr.vti..(.wn.. Hf.t viK't. Alvw. fctf!-.- f'T tlie i I..- I ; l - '. OM.Il f! of xhil.its for botdei ssill pi. at l i s Rapid ttroivth ot cro.s in FnionA (;,., if. C. Stessatt and his assin- - F.ct I.. - . Has, ,. M pi. SOI D EV DIUHililSTS I'VtCVWHLRt was ' Is s ss h, i r fair. Consi.leiuide time iiai-;u,- instead of Fun as cnciuraKed the tarmeis wiu .Km (,, classify and place III its . ..ii n. .1 expels to if, a t oiinty "' announce, to n. T'cnt diiriPir day learning the i;.n nasi ll,-- t ' the Auk'ust. A t Ill t llllr- all iii d na to e liat f i the hitter das in arti. les on the displas tahhs at be ,VP-op- nanus Cii. rat Fun tc lid ted t of native flowers and trapses. .. , ssill he h.,,1 l, of lo a ll I, SS la in some p,...s 0 SS, .1,1,1 idel A of ans and o'clock. The dnplas will pen that slat, be , durinii Week Mr. a rt mean ''''"I other poss - I'll.- i,hl,ii,iii, ii p - lhr the i is ndei ood crop ol coin, inn", isano a"" ,h(. general public at I o'clock asailalde hilel Im 'la k , iiflnhuled Turkey Ked .seed w hi . this tood. is ill iialtl !o a I: Ii ,a ,1 to h ..I the .1. 'i u in ss- Ii o broom cum is the result ,, and as late tonight ,,s the Colonel op, v to a pi ,p ii, Kciiiiliful ?iisl . i ties lean. l.n and Slionklcrs of farmers. U. ix lnl11 ommander at ',.'' X M v. b. n son's woi If the weather people to come, .'"". ll r. continue 1. and pl,, r pnwdilf. If yntl Will ft PCIMlt ifl.'H ly lxniii Ana Counlv. ran!?'-- : the Villa laid im c, ti a . s dis' weeks the x - dnrins; Ihe next six Thii ,, m..tels has.- worked hard .,. Hones li.cii J..I if IJrifitiiero. H After months of promotion an A - assiKii.-- as hi omnia!!, If at conditions will be very ood. nuin (() lUo ' h, pi p. ,t us 'I hf ilnuririnc (if n wt lr, t ni.,u, exhibition of their cneruv I.a redo. ex 11 a m u , d wrlirlil inav.tilllict hint tchs tin lute s. t - . fu are planning sims ami M1, plot, e OUIMKH tlllK llillel- UlHt Ilir flilillilll if the llUMV - tiiill-U- r of tarmeis ,.,.ssful. and it is hoped that all lodas He ss ill i.o his m ss -- l i now beim,' built. sv .1 fx (nit Itnek ss he iv.o of them are (,, r parents and friends ill turn out turn l.iin :i lake hai i c ,,f ln y tfir bint it I. is npi.M rtltlQtlrii -- .111". the full Imul from County Ac' iit orren Heatty ee it ssill be IK.LI ai,P ol M .col L. (. Cash nii.os awarded ""' MX I t 'II II ll.-- III 11114' ftB ITS ImnlUi the ot dot. i N.-- ft. Ill'l'lll fc c(Uillllte(l Willi ine ex- ll.iiiipshi Jflf-vi(- (hf m I.eromillC lo the children h.niint the best I - j liun"w. eliinneil.' ilnnrT mir at littiisi s we i;m- pari oi a - ill th- - county onl f A c iif iloiioonif nut. mi. 11. iiin. Hi,- lie lias been , - hibits. In each pioi.ct there ssill lie IM-j- I ,, liln-sci- n ,, i b- oivjooii-tjL- r )'. el s t hinc. Will in ;iiiu,l,'i, piinlias tuns n,.,i, the nit.Hihtn risiim ;, little fiver two months. a f ' Inst pri.e of and a second priet-o- . .. ( - Hit. bur tri the lairr twt.ll. year Fnion count v! an. oiiei I; m finest Ion cxi-- sold in llie- i lls. If iliter indicates that next Hri- $.'. i . a us, I ficy fir finer! iel nod mtwt pirmr-n- Inniri list- ;u ie of i,l, mis asailable 'ii are v ill has wool. .,e bu- ss .U n. cm to join the wire class l,t.lf eotnf in Htl and rttsw tlJick. x i .. titflei: lb"k lls todas In. in (...lass i i l one bale oi oeo. ol Ibis V S, iiltt!.-.- MMti.lfrtii. IVni.sit SS' t It c n iL'.nci: It n ra nisi rici ii reel Villi :i,.. SANTA FE MAN NARROWLY ic ti'in in I'.titi h i n a ih.iIiiIii l pif- - til Inch iin.-- nl ii ssill ruii Iwiiioii.- - in,- wnlunir wit Itoitt rcm.ivnt. r ri 'tion had a maim, is l mon- than ... pas ..,i In l.fil !; s sou inn tltti-- trr k. as- y."i tl't'll t.,!ie Pruv if not tnrlf FATAL t ss s. ill t ,,t lane ft, ntinw you. !CAR REQUISITIONS ESCAPES INJURY 'HOI out of a tnl a I. Ilia loll ,. ',' cm f'l, i'liliPs HlU.lrs to , , M tt sr-r- n Slrei-t- Woman MC ace ai a d a I 111 K .t'lf'VI's. N. J v. ASKED OF COMMANDERS by j when thrown horse Us III esels ,!l.ll. I 111 fsl I l.eriiic. Lli ,EX,""1,I . ,a aoaa,i,a jovmHhL trtciAi. 11D itc,. coiotiniNrl to uoes jounlI -l ion I I I. - Mollis l,e I me 11 i'aso S"pl. ifallizat San a Fe. Sept. of national K lard ,lf ,(,,. Santa IV xein ral land ofllce i inniandei.s the n a - nan a is, ape I trnol OH stalmn Here reeeive, Close nitio .linn. At the todas from the depa ne-i- .t m last nil! til. lb- ssas 1101 mn ssnn first a sign of number of cars parts ot vomut folks n vsas near ski nr. tie ! 1 to move their continent". aim aoom ones ...n Every Telegraph Office a State Fair Office This Week sMn I,- trouble apply While mildars men b'le assu in."! of toss n on t he S.-- ( 11 d t is e ss hen vs it 1 'ill,! C'ls indnaled a 11 calls' t,,,rse stnmblel and him sslth bord.-- , It - l.nt , ,,ns, tclec-rnp- 1 tin- militia from th" sm fore- that hf ioun.s T.y 'spciial arrancj'cnHMi! the t wo iiiaii.-nv- "1 com .a n puis IIioiikIK fie ssas dead 1' ssas pmi.ted out that i,s .... jh-- h - 11 ,ln,, one 1.1 M-ic- W'e-tcr- n lia V i.lanned tor piiniii'ii-- imni, Get your (iniianicv in NVw the Get your State stale tloopis Ill tills oisi a a llope.l into lossn l"l a pns-icia- ' j I r .la ni.-- A Mas e ipiill.b d an.) i 1.1 aesmo. l 111 ' tola 1:i-'- ills nit Hi no e of these two t - s and oviai, everv patch f t rurtioti is net Hfits restored la- I me to Olisclotlstle-- 'I be State Fair 1'air Season u 5, s f as fl ichtl ililv df- - t "fin in I pldclilies on nTeas soarur man cniir),'nii s in the ha r sa !e seas., in ick- - matter! Kven severe ,1 - will ,' , A Ppal fp: ii . d ss it It ills britisi", hot nl ti 'lisle d ( .,;., ,,f e, Waslnncton. Sept. ert Season Tickets Tickets from the . lloss la- ssas foetid to be null lit. 1 11,, of t:- pliiiM and laser cts r llie stale fair all tin's week. eoa.-- f ports. .S! c s.i o, pai i iciilarly at nt,nil K S usually r. s Hail liilioiis llacl.s. from the 1 Yr-c- n t n f s c ith'cr WESTERN .s reported ia Pal lun ini;' ickct rrnin of e , of a "; itd.i- r- ;.t a. ( "M. son, nineteen ems Re, siif a.j llcVl m-- Si'.o .ld 1 I fer.-- f re n trom bib. .us 'utomethctr-ttbl- ti cmpictclv. u com,- mme s, r.oiis ni'ii attuks POSTAL "t'mj"any can cavt their ballots in the straw vot the UNION il. M home a I. utile of Ku,e t!'-n- to. lav fonsl.iei.i.e.1 husband bioucht e ,,.'! ,a!s i l can this simple, riLM-- and I.. -- bom-h- t imposition of Ctiaml.ct Iain's T.ildfts nan "same as if tlicv tickets from a solicitor. unci be Risen 'o Tlu-- ,1 !3 trcatmert re!iedont-dis-- ,'iu:;i upon inn H e. 11 t.t him. help, him lk" b, IP- In to In 11 lily troubles .!.;, 1.. States. Tile nut!' ;iav. nan eat tb.. In, ltd n -- ll A :,nd ; . I up nt'tit 11I011K," writ THE PRICE IS SAME, $2 NOW COST ?. lnd bT .'.'.. art". Still IS ilisc.ViraL'111 THE TICKETS BOUGHT LESS. tfinlmtM rt,ld 11 K ill.-- " "itr rr - Mm. 'I"h'4;ic.s atn.bell. K N Inat, ,k I "rar ri of n,h. Pee, ,,: t en. from to Ji n aiis ts l w - polls ,v.n to 1. ol u.i.

31 S-- s MVl' trirt. f Four Mbuguerque Morning Journal, Saturday, September 16, 1916. MS I SE LIIS Old Rube Still Doing Duty in Big Show IBROOKLYN LANDS mm nm n id mrp min GAME TO TIGERS I un niitiiLd hiiiu Is fust as vague a locality as is "somewhere jKsMjT in your system" v hen blood diseases attack 1 1 i Ml n n n n . in liti iiiiaiii La m. B FEATURES the iniitous pison$ that promote such disease aft Hht'umalism, Catarrh, Rotema, Scrofula, Ma-- r jS lri, and mbrTing Uin cruptiong. 1 hy ar 1 trtuvatly of long atandiiif, stubborn and deep t stated, and lakes heroic treatment to dieiudge. It the vigorous treatment that features S.S.S. Hits, at ths worlds STANDARD BLOOD MEDICINE. VTiT !' jSiipeibas Gainer Eieht S S.S. enjoys the personal endorsement of thousands hmnf 1 of people. S.S.S. will cleaasa YOLR blood, purify tVl-0- r j. 1 Including a Home Run Drivel d revHsasa it; rid you of the taint ol BLOOD With Bases Full, in One miwinirrmf it ct, its inn e. j ni.'M;; Rain Halts Game. i IRE ".

if in hdhniiii jaimmL tficitL ililfD K r V Is Ii mil: ii, S'it. I l!lnuki li Wull .! if . m- - v.i'1 ;i i:hi' ;!ll tin IIIIIHIIU'llI I'.'lin I'lillO ! ' 11 t I in- - ' (.in. l. hiMiinu iii fivi- i ii ' ( I'lMshnrh Ti: I 1' i j ll" lllS' lllM.I ii u - nuiiMM-- i h r li'inl niri I'hil.i-- 4&X.J .). lim s I. in n l v I.. f J ,i!. ; In iwo full tunii'S I'.iuhi i,il. LIQUOR TRAFFIC Yxw- - ,i i. iiu huliiii: Ih'IIH' run ili n. Wln- ii' Ki i n . iim tt Mil's in ( I,,,,,,., i n- t. i. . S.-.- I; n I. ' llli Hi. l.iiscs full. niil.. !i,,..klMi; Iii i! r. :,. . i nj,,,,',,' 7: it:'!' i I'll in !hi- nrornl i'liimv. !r" i 'h.i in I'ri l.'i ii. li i. il. .,; i?.W;. Ni u AI.A'i. .. ;i' m v.,,' 'J v.f Hi.' nvi'iili oiLililh si nii,hi n.iii!'' MU5TBE HANDLED '",.'im ' i lv In H,. III Ul'.l' ll 'llf.ll h.l'l 111. Hi.' .'Ill' '! f l' ' ,' r in..! i' h;'s Sci'i " in n'li M,, - J;i 11. in 1. 1:. .. 'M v Ml II II i A A I! H II B L SII'IIMK'f sillU. ' . . FEuEITA :l. ; ; ; , i ' ". - l'( .oinliill. Si'nl I If Jn a, m If- I .. ii r f t il'.'l I !i'i;l;i 11 l n.'i tin M .i rri I). ; " U h, ,ii is I'. ' i! - i., W..I. lllilin.'I'IIK'lil l.lllii; III In .In', ,1 .: 'i. i ' i. by isffo Cnnrot Be SoKed TO I'.IDDI '. II .1 NOTiri: l;s llli; sIM .1.1- - .).. II " M.I! Stales, Hanly Declares;; Statewide Prohilvtion Is Not ;:?:,I,?.v,s;,.;';t,,;,-;r;,'- , ;,,,,,):,' a Sunc.'ss, Land reih Says. i ' ViTTn , 'I'M' tl.i' I'lil tilshlllK f.f III,- in.,!,., ,., -- II n I'llli-n- tin .1 . - 'I,' I!.,' lllijn n! (',..., limiii lay wing ' WlHMl. Il .llhl,. H HritMiH. jnunsm ...rjiAt. Veil III' in lit' I 'll V' .,f H ('I !! !.. liiiio ' n l""l I' I.I. - i. ,i I'm tl.'i'iil, l il'.' i'i -- Ni'f.i of fr, ,1,,. ,..,s, i;,,,; ;: 'rtiorn:iff L;' me f;ti;tl ' K '. ,i i"l 'M ' 'n' t... M- i- Iin,- - ! fi'i'inl'iil in siiuii)' oui tin. of 1'oni I. ,.iU, ,,'.,., if ilir wim. .i .n u;:iMi I 'I 'i:l k ...n 11. A ' ,'ii ii.ifl'i,' nii'i'il h v tin- inn- - tn :; ii. Iih li riK, in on Mi, ii, iffSh.i t.. ninth Uif.iM t it liiiiicrt i" M . v ml - IS- - i.i , ,.. l.:!ji!n'ii in: .ii.i ii mini. Hi , tinl :i lktli ihiy uf Iht, it.ln u (,'., I ! - l. 4 St .'III I'll ," !.ll.l ;;.in,, pi r r i ! ., ..n.'i 'tnii-- , i ' f ' I i . i . ill 111 of W .is ll l ii II will I'i' i jt ) ' I'Oiii-il- ram cill. t.'li 'I "I i ! I Mir 'Ml .u ;1 i. '', minii-Ni'i- v . ' " K- - l 1 X in. Vol k .li.'.l loi.Hti !' M:ii... i v 1. XII TlH'tii.i ni ,') n. h"U mi I... in V,.!l ii.'im.t llus issiio sol', "" ohi...i,i.., l.if.hi) T' I f n. tj "1 whlclf innli. -.-- . , i. ii r ;:f',A'MHl,J,?;,I!;;',';,;,-;S- ;;' With (hi- HtMhltU: Mil Si ni I' i ''.i.'..'-Mo- ,, ,.v : ' ' ' ' 111 ' :, 'MM.1lr " ''" "'' " K..I.I if V. ....i:. 1,1 i ..f t1(! ' i 11 II ll (1 Ml I! il f f- l.'aisltition. t,,,' .,.,, , f i, , Ml V RAIN iml, ifl, .,.,. u 1 ' ' Ii fr- STOPS GAME, BUT '' 14 ii i 8 il .'. I -.' ia' il. ii ill'' li'i'ior ihil.'is h.ivi- ilnl'mil th,. ctu nf A t.tlo is i I... , t ii " t W lUT'iiic .,n r. -- ., t Ki1"' ' ! r miM, ,,,, Mil:ui ' li .... il If COUNTS BROOKLYN tins '"""" - riiii'jniMn . ( . i if " J... I' I 0 ' '"''slim Imiil oitio t,, st.i .iolii- for''i'lb" of i m3 l.;l ,,r huiki If 4If"! !. ' WINS, RETAINS LEAD!11":'"'. V..u .H.. il l.y xotinil..'-'t!- iiii.rivin.iit n:k. 1 ,.liM ' 111' l llll" Hi " ' i ,u'lV M ''11 I'.v - "I' . i , nri'lul'itioii ticket nationally. atl'l :f"r ""' ""rk Wxm- V 111 If! " .' ' I I ' In. - -' it h licence- linlilii's ai the oil;,, nf the Hrl r l I.. "XL- !,. HO,llN, JaUfN.L I.ICI.L .1,1! iilici ili, tinn Ira t.a mil ami nn 1. i Ll.lin ' "- -" ",:'v ' . "P"a ci m i" ' " " 'i i' ri !, If .,,,,1 a faM.,,,1,1,. Klv. . '' ""j"'"s . u ' 11 any or an Kin, is mu., i " ii ; il i !. - oi si. f,..,. , Ho-!- ,, sm Ii a l'l.ll.nil.lnu ami n to,Ia I. at:"'- - "s M'te that ih, il.lno- j,, ,,1,1,1,,,. 0 fj,,iKh ,,,.,..,. 1,1 ' '' ' nil I.I .111 never j,'.,, ,,,,, i v. !' allowcl to a, half a fa ni" ;' parties (l(,ns .,s ,,.., f his ' - i i n ' ' ,, "' ,:,rr With- ini. Its l,il, ill the V tn. 11.1 !" ''""I her lll'llfol'lll ('jy C.illH'il reserx es the nstbt to .1 t" llj'l. .1 v 111 III" i a e. 0111 pi 'iliihiloi I'lank it, jet nnv 01 all Imls, ' fi' I'fc irni lii " x - - ' e .. ., , 1 J 1 ICS. A ..IMKI:.,, lllil. Won Lost In. I..iii,lr,ni. the ne pr. snletitial TH,iMS Cify rierk. . 1 1...I-I-- I il s '! ook ii n :. I alullil. ile. p.iinli In Vashiiii;lnli . - . l ,. B.i)ll!AeVi.i.',.'.'tiV4 I., I.,. n v , s ,4ii- - :. , " ' pel nan f of ins ai I .... I'liil.olcmhi.'i :j II hlARQUAKa ;, f ,1 in.-- t ITf fl RUBE ilio-tm- im nt 1. a n I' T.I ff - i - i ;, r t..r nit 4 I l.y in h.. it ., ... ' . ' i state ,,'l'lllils is'slle.i coiiIiU't nilrf;t K.ll" M.,1 ni.,! tn. tot I. '.I lil i. ,.w .r. II i." h ,, j Ml llli'' .' lean, s on yi; nn m tin 't . h i,,:!i', "I lis ami is " I, . , , . , ,1 , k i s it t Ii llr OH t.i i,lL ,'! I,, I,, li. i' . ' m-,- m nossihle In iniini I HI V n, t. ,i "' t' l,i' slnwl.i this s.'.im.ii lull Anici nan league ami ma ;nt tin n Hudson for Signs i' - , n; o Ill) - , e o f I ,., ., ... ., :;.i.n:; lik. I',''l '. i:, I.' ' ..fir. - til t ... sens,,. j I lat X' position,. The st.inniia,: """ :""s' I sii-- i il I.- ;n ., ...- -I llli' uol .ki. no nm. .ll i,.. in. ,.ii i XX "n"S ' "'" ' II. .ii. ,ihi Knii'' ,' 'l,,l, oi. I.o-- t I'l l ''" '" -- . ' !,. t t ., v - - (. a I. in 'hi'lialis. ami "'it won't 1 - . . .. i.wi.iM.i .'. ritiiiiiMi'iiirt as on,- w el )tl in, va '.'troil v i;u .71 i; inn, imi" sj,,,, Wall Paper I f. i kin. I. Si ni ,, ff.'. Hi - OMAHA TAKES SLUGGING STANDING OF THE CLU3S ; :; Si. His,'' IT . !' 'hi. ai; mi im I inllL In Ml.. I.-- ' '"il-- all"v,'il I'.u in,. ink's xx. !.' In M in Tiiemiia. MATCH FROM COLORADO BATTLERS WILL j In f Im i n i i an '. l; e, I'.os.toii .'.till I ( t.i.i.l t., .1. ti n tllk.iO hitll.l In xx ileckii'-- . S:i I x here "in- kolnlax was HUDSON ' li.. ic. r.iiiur. - hour's Pictun - , Mias s' li t,, pi. n, a- for ! o I I. 1 ekin-- l 'Ii - in ii a a. , i uaiin's il it, 14-1- 3 In llin in. or .Piling; the i si I of ; SPRINGS. SCORE a :' l i, i'..-- i i eti i, ,1 t - "i ii,. f . ' anil in at, s i, i. la i a in ill la I Framti .). .'(. 1, i I'm ink it h ::. N" .: . ,, . ;,.. I'iin ill, lih ,. li, I lio v ... llt til ' 'hi.aiin I , IVoik 4. rinxclaml 4. 'h la, Ic lp h ,a :!. : , , So I'll ,l,,o.. ,,i ' k'li l.tllii VVinnllll STflIT Till ,.,.,, r t, .,,. ... '. .i !.. S. i " IV , 11 I I 'Inl S. ui.v nl I'.lt,. it has t,:1,,,,. as ,. ', ,l 1. !.' 1:1 ' 1.11,1 ,. OK 'nn b;,.s, fi. ,' J "Vlr i' ' i v t , ., on n n i ait ' '"I' a ...I lli'-- I i.ia n lr III ..amir ""WN. irM"'' "' ''' '" '. Waslunu..,,, , ,. ,,,V u,t.K ,,, ai i I' H S.'iii.-- I...I a, i, t. .in, i ,.i, t ,1 , 1,1 .; "ii w xx he! a snl, i - ns,',! as her ordinal.' W.I- ' ,1 Ik m ,1. I'lm t 11 t . 14.1 si ami's .'inaiiiiiii; .11 IIH ...,,,:,.,.. ,, ,,.,, s 111 HERE NEXT WEEK . ' a no il ' ii a. xv ... , LEATHER AND FINDINGS a. or.. i'"' ,.ns,.,i ,,1Vs-i- ,;,n or ; ll :;' :,',,:. snr.fnn Ilariuwi, Saildl.H. levo I'ulnts, Kool " ii mi hi tin- - Nation.. If, Ike , 1'ulMts, i ' III III I III I I XX XX miif. lhrre J,(r. l ,n ., ll ,:c. n mu, ( i', lull - iliiilt ll I !!"l'i- ka'.f the lolloxxins;; TC DHMC UCI R AT THOS. F. KELEHE.1 .i l H I'.l 0,1k lx J11 I ' . . UL UUHL, Ml in ami Cha.iks (Kid) Knur, Wh n With h n llllU x.ii'it si. m u. VViil:". x-- Vo,k , ... ,;. st' ncMiMP. 10 phone io. 40s w. ci:.TR.U hi .'in ..,: iimncD H - U'lVllivu, IO AlhiKiiU'rqiit' f' i i'i t'ote Boxing Card Here ",,",, ' Ulurn . I op. I I - . , kn Monies . I'lnlaile iphi., t". nt txxi,. iih SUSPENDED SENTENCE" 1, . 'I p. p Xni. t,, I , 11 l ni ka pi nt ''iii an vvecK, .Ainvt'S'i!'''Kix., ... c....i..i, .. i. l' link I., MU. 11,11, '. Alll- (if lileaif.i I. St. Unus :. fine.nnai, ;!. Frank ,h' Hon.'. h.l.l l.v l.nmi 11 ,. , ,, OtiU'l: DUKE I. .O '. Mk ,i CIT ell ,.'l. ' "1U( IXX.nix-txX'- I ,, ' ' Ullil 'I, iknlek ;, ,,, II. .'.'. ,s, as sent en. e,l ;,l I ;,,, . . N''xv Voik ;i. il .;. l.r - ,l'hhl ' nl,l All r ihive xeais ami 1,1 Cleaners-Hatte- rs ... , f llie.ik'o M. I.oins .!. in. innat .serve llnlll I'o nr ill III e I. s , lo fixe lull's I I,,':,.'. It. XI... I., Im ".I iiu t'h.'.i K'nl Kan 2- ll ,1!-- . Hie I'I. ,,!, p iiitentiarx fur I, - (iohl I'I one 41 Ipk Aim leal him- mini haxe i4:jm''.i Ins snl.ii-- ' unitary, aci or.liiu; In in,. 1,,, I! MATTY IS mils of the sheriff's oi'fn Tke I in '" I'll'. ..nn 1. i,,s xonii, mini GIVEN ORDER if f I. 1.1 illli if t.s Ik 1. 1, XI "I .11,1 Ik 11 1111 He ill, ae'iilll e II on ',.'.1.1 ' BY ADMIRING 0.1,;, ml k I.., !!!- - FRIENDS .. '..! li. unless til lie siknal loll ,f if LUMBER k I l,f el ! i . '1Vv,s ,:,n ll III I .1 Moll II ''I '". M,n 111 III he - . i'.u 1 imp, ":""' II. . . , .pa. on:":'1 :':"""' Paints, oils, ;lnss, Malil.olil ltoo 1,. ' x , ix for si.oonT - mi v xx licit 1:1 :t ', M t .if 1... "nipli .,1 '"I'll Ins Hem" p'lslleil up lo its ple.-el- ll !.,ui! ''IH'! Sllii ..... ' il v. . !,. .1 l' s I" Mm a "'.', "I !HI el. K il'e is a I., II, I, - III liS' ' ... n"rn,;,:;::;,,ne:-;!;- c. baldridge lumber e, M ' ' h t ' Iin,-- .1,-- - ', ai f ii, r aknij. '1 .,1 -. AfXX "I I. pi ,,, p -- llosii.ti s loin- XX he f ist iu 1.1 1.1 si I. - in Car.l.'tier. at II l ,,!' ' COMPANY I, ,s, IX. I I! l r.allle he O! ' IIH 11.1 it, . . . s' :m ' .11 t 11 e.l ..,',', , ' .1 - S.H I'll'.. le, 't k.i 11. hasil Will:, i .l 'I ' 11 I'M ' U 111 !' 1" ,1 S ' ii ,., '1,' . ., series loppe,! In th XX',, V ..! l. a 11 11. lam Ollipanx Helen. pla. e is a ini.Mlexx 1. ' ukl III! 111,.,,,.. I iv, P ,1 lii lif .naiin I,.' 'I ll. I X.n e K.I M I 1SI , II" '1 Olll.fcle he le --- ., company I, ,t 11 1, wm. .11.',! 1,. ' !s,,.;;;;rWi: unli " I" " '1 k.i.- - ,11 I'., 11 xv farr '. 11, c ,. " le !, ' i" 1'1,'u iii,., 'I.',.." 1 I. ,,' c i.. Vie, Mi, t t , I'miiii- Wholesale ryu ; o In - Xn.l. 0 al a li in a, hi It .iskmi; if .le Hon, tail Tf.'il"r ' it,.. I, ' ' , I KI SII MI.A1H 1' XI l.'l.klll le kllSlie-- s Slii ,111111.11 AMI SAIT ,1 ' al l,e -- a- "ni, ease ll! xxilimiu trek, - Hellns xx. "p in ,, ,. ix Specialfy si I III. oil. ii e ll nl 1. nm .1 til- - ..fl.lll he W ill II! . II ,, Th. ni ai is imi xx, mi, hi i; Siiiisae ', Ilk pa' the ' sei nm n, in, n : I, i ,,. For Cntfle un, liiggwl ,. h'.-l."- ' ,i Hoks I.,' Si J, ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' Me l Hal- nakilo i'1'.iiity, ,al, nii.l. t I' In, I, w I". tuin 1'aine ..!,:s ealle.k t. Slienf Market I'riceu Are J'i.1.1 ml, ,,1,1 I,,, IM' ' ' .IX I'.llll III'. tlllll; Tel !' Ill e ,,,. lk,' ,11. ill I'f'H" pltelle.l f.,r eXV Vol in' - xx 11 In-- I.. .1 ,....! - ( il '" Si Ti l.e in, nn s", l.ii. .'.nn "file kllelikr, u ho XX. IS 1,11,1' I.I In I. i i Kipe annm-n...- l x. I". in,, nol s....i, "f 1." I'ov on e ilnes, kn I,, x ,1 11,1 ' x t s: ,1, " ' I" lim mal The m.!li !', . '"il"" km lieil .f 'in, mm, 1. He f a , Mir i en i - xx I !" nf "i. mi n.l ,i - "ii". .'kiistx Matl'exx i to hi. ,;,K. LUMBER MANY ENTRIES FOR of the I'm. nir.atl lean, a ml fnlmei lie ka It i. Will hi'lil n ll.iin:! N'-x- in k iiiti kniL' ,x .s ...... IX . ' v' IPX. ek I'll p! Ill l!l xx STATE RIFLE MATCHES si nl. il it h an ,,i tier !... .. x n,,,i Albuquerque Lumber Company I' Ike I",', .i ike a i inoi x 'I hell 'ni.; a L'lf! o. lo, ,1 ., .1 in r i Oinil I1KST STIIICTCT SURE. ADAMS THINKS ', IP. I', Oil. ... Till llli, k k" n im" xx, nk at I'amp I'l'il.t'i'tnii lleleat- - ale 4 . , ., ...... ,,, i. .., ...... ,,-- ', , . . ,'iil,, . . ,,,.,,. i.i ' ,,i.i i "ni 'if i f in a i aie ami M i a xx ,,n n , i.l'. 'IX e 11 I in ic. ff. mi 'mi, !,, k. .f, .mu- - ,.i .,' iii'i.'.n .nl li,, '!.".. n; .. i'.ijf GOOD REASONS - Xk !,( i DAVIS AND JOHNSTON "I'I HI'., Sll.te- till. llli! in, !,,. Imi,, ..J I,,,. , ' K 'i In I i i S, - ' i III '.iiu" inn i" n 'al' ' ' '.tiiiii.'iii, iiiki WILL MEET IN FINALS .'I.l., hell' In t nn - Ik in i ('in .'..,r,l uiil p,. for Reading and Using ke till .llln! I'.iXX' tri-stat- e :::,:"iv.,,- ,..,'; :;;:;: Ml in of event MORNING JOURNAL "WANTS" 'MORE CHECKS WRITTEN Nl t, ,t II.HDtli.l, POSTPONEMENT OF ' lilts I BY KALER. POLICE HEAR GRAND CIRCUIT RACES Yon pre fit tlirmili finding Lnr.ains, .1 'i '1 - T" ONE S"oiI litlp nr positions. IS FORCED BY RAIN', '"" ' " - ''- - - . in '" He.k ",s- I'X ' ,"n: . . K.i ', ,, , , , ... w. , Z '. '. 'outH.t t '. I.lllt M iftil ' Tliey ni' !l ' ' ' litiii?; results. Tlicv ff''. Sm .. V, S. pi Inn," .'" '' '"'" "I m I t A -- --'""'- '.,-!!- '. ,, j"l)s, !o-- t, .hp! ixiit mim'ii'.i l'lf IIS1 pi.ll. Ill, I.l nf Ml.' '"' 'nl" "He ,.( TWO ri'ci'vcr the " , , . iiifl ,! m esai th. N.xx V ""''' Hi.'k xxi i. J ;.v p . pn.pcrty. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION il.- f ni n.h.i i' T'liii'ii'i nxx - "" " ,,,, ,. , ' '.I.l., Al Inn n DRAFTING OF PLAYERS X. I! I.l' -. mi" !"! ., m . -. .X. .'.. in, "l ..n,l two la i "I- P -i- in; Px'OpIc luiy the )''' TAKES PLACE: 74 ARE . . '.I Morniti.'r .X 'I 0 i. ti .a, linn'i.-- i l i t ' H,. s - ' a -- -- a. as well as its city, state aJ t lamnx SELECTED BY MAJORS .i itv...i.. In a n,.ii ,,f ll, THREE .l',)i .1 -- t U "- -! ' In a the I.i 11 li- - Mii'iii news. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. I ' n a " ,1 ,lt, In, ( nu m , t.. c ' i . I -- Ki I.,.- - ,x n , 'X XX i ! xx '. , XI, -e t!ie ,i Lie ,,!:'. AMDROS Morning A'N a- v FAMILY COMES Journal Want ''ij-'S'i-- -. M I n t frxr-fur-u- ,. . st in Sil. 'U' xl in ;li. p FROM ILLINOIS IN AUTO market place .: - At S.I' I.n- i FOUR 'J'iie meet ins place of many t;!"!!-;"11- '' RANGE WILL BE OPEN 'I' M, day. H, Iiimv e (n l. i .,.! Xm:i"- - ,,i .1 tin cverv j ' i, a . x . I lii.-n- f X .. n to public tomorrow ;:",,'.,,"'''.,;; ' a. r.'a 9 . .. 'h. iy "tin :'f I'tiinii t, ,nt... I.l f.r i,..n, a in Jose loa-- ..x . x. ' I.",..- - Yu at t one r.ppr!i:tt'!y .lohnilV t"l.l'i- in "1 H ' . ! cr-l- ,,. , .if. ,i,i ,:' lie T' 1''-- (nfl. ,., Ih Vl, 'i' "i'n;!i :'" " th.- . .M lot tie .i'rri.i.,1 (k;Ux l'.,f, "- ..'."'." .i Th, FIVE .lay y.v.i fail to re.i.l -' le'lth nl til' illnXelnlX vx lf'n,i -. ! ol Ire. PH.. XX.Ish. !'.. ' ;" ""' . Journal wants. xx ' . . . n i A.). i x ', t, . """""", .xm.t.n mii i t nti. s.. ni .,, :.,, ' ,,;,;'; ' U 'I' k'.,,l U e ...... ,. , . . , - lat tt'it Xl,.,.n. -- '!,( XI. l Il.t-- a n- ' ' - ' , .'il t "'. Ji.'l I'i.' I. -- ; n -.I n- 1 I , " sii, low ,..x lam. ix s. t , ,, ;,.,), ,,' ,. Well H ',l'L'i "'"' whu " Ul' y h ' " TUFA' it liiler fc' if.x to every m tl.c runs,. i BR1SG Dl'SlRnp Rl'SULTS i (if.

f Albuquerque Morning Journal, Saturday, September 16, 1916. Five


t i Re- Hustling btuclonts mil Kipe;Miuint Docket loi Is Rr,uiniirr,.'S r r o Scnatm as Vilaies - i t Vais Anargo to m lief w Field Pay-da- y Night: Indian Piopared by Distiiet Couitjj Bin (urns in an F.tfoitj public CandidMe lold mi ht.1t Some .ension School Band Puts Cioud ini No Are Sot tot Opposed Vnti'S lo' try Caws Faa! c m-- the Cour.tiv for, Antis Fine fr offlte Humor. Week, and f an banks. Womor., but Mkht lawn It, rind sor

,. V H'ull' 01 MI nl ltllUSIsllc VOIIDi Till' U colli' iliM kl'l evllj - ;.. fellows from tho hiuh mIiiii. I I ii rni'cl asos in liiiii in j,,y :il I In- - S' p ' I 'luoniu. Sept. I '"i I est- New Vol k. Sept. Slot' I ,. I ii ket is tin- -- hoim-i ., 1,1 Hi. II hllli! S'lKllMI' II. Illi Slippers tu last iiiulil ami made in selliin. lenihoi lei in fni t. U. in Tall, lol'incl In- - t ):i I i i nun Hi leeopl for he slate iaiv which well; 'I duchm. pnpai-- 'I'll '" "i"i I' Lulu llimu 1'"' nielli I'll' tlx- lliiii'K mm hy I heir elder- - l.i ins mil, ten ea-.-- s lm trial In iui in, in ;,, ,.,n-- i I Nl i n.'k ill Mamies ; ttii in .. wi !i 'I' sittn 'I - . Y m I.I :!! It ,,n plan inns (lavs "I' llio wi ok In lm llisl imh- - set I'm Mull- w York will speak I'm and Now m ..i dpi 1. wf-rf- - i course, il : , nponm- - ul' - n, , . nt-a- l west- 'I'll:- - 'I'" sli.cim-- f was llio evenim- tin Iho ilni, l:U' term, Ian bank- the ami row, Saliiidiv umtiKnu Istrirt . -, , I 1. ! - w ml ,,f ,;i,v day ul the railroad sin. ami lin- .i. lor timer . IV ecu slab- inolil contain-- an im. (i1'41l,'t nl' i lio.--o 1. 1. s K by Ml - which I'm iho prosperity dates om week is ink mi tlmj Mr. Tail w ill n in lllmoi. have boon si anted lluvlu- I - -. - w II t Kan- i 'a- a i I't i a m- - i lm i 'oiil a a I'll no rtmul- nil lio !,, kol Thai - fair mk, from S"l M 1. Inwa. i l.iasl a ami a mil nut of nl sn Evening Wear approached with llio tickets, Imii in ii mhi i b, St iiiomlior Sh. J !..! . . on i. iobei , ami ootnliei which ho states lhal ho has alw. on -- il li I. i - nppn-- ,i la l the final utiahsis was tho nsl asos ami Hi. xuiuniu nm ul apph- II Mi. Haiti. n will have Cha'am heeu i In nil ia.;o ( law-il- - 11 I h i i i I'' v an, push 1. Hi.' Inn- uhi'h - im n n i h.a 1. .ii w ore n n Ion .la- - mi a sionkii'u trip Mi.ii ho inUlil lo fun o.l In Hm - In : Muni: iin ,lh,- npoinn- .1: .lhi.m;h lin- nil.l.llo Wosl slates ''ho iolhr is as Inllnw-- n mi- Tin- - linlian hanil was mil in - si i. Irial l. I " 'nl it i. a ilisciissmn ilitt at siimul lino an iho ,.;.- Mho mast ha fun ll i n is. iui, c ami i. lave, il- - w:u inln iho i,,M Mi. I'-- : a l.r. ml, will make a Imn ut ,nrim; ho lamiiaun il an in black kid, i them in - Sop- I We have i lhi.siasm ni Iho i riiwil. s.i lllal ,s, iitimilior llo mnlliwo-- t si Hex. Iiouiniiitii; imitative f.uin. am nanoil In in , ,i,ryiin- - a inn nai lioil in the hih lio.'ii-- .una n on. Co. - i i,i v in loin (! ... in lain n si urn ii i' s iim i,,,mi t he follow in- - iiniiil In I lie - Iiiivs was in a mm a nil now o 1; iie- i I soft si liunmr sm rolls. j al.'l' an ,n,,hoilll oatl.lnlalo ,i osiilolll 'I. plain and beaded; in mure likely to lui'sei) n, with the $L' n :; :, s .; yla,,.,. 1.,oi(..ii ,ar..i! al Mm w.aorn repii hlioa M ),,. ,,, SMs tu a iniiiiiiiitoo nl' anil-- : requisite fnr a stale fair inkei t h.u i ;,s, ,u ,, ... v. hea..ii.,riers atal will he .Ulii.mi.-.-s oniiipMsiiiK .Mrs A !' bronze; in satin, all colors; oilioiwiso. ii:;S .', Woiii in n I ,ei' insmi vs. I! a n in :, m il in Hie near Inlnro ltniUe, Mrs. Urn. k. Mis l'.reoso, Mi. ' imo oli.stael.. ih,. vniin imn iliil 'i,knll. Wosiiin Maii.eor Hail hfi '"' I'm'il anil Miss riiiltiinlen. slmrlU lm-- mi-- ; leather nioi't hnweer ul.ioi, .li.lin .Milne, ii :.ii s ii m i Pa n Keall I'n. Vow t'nrl. iinla lm a ennloion "" formal nf the and also in patent ' i.irr Ins aiooplaiioe .i hili inleiii i.f sol Is, canio Ki tip ;,,moi,i. sin rill lllio i aiiip.n-'.- Willi i inan W" imminal ion 'I haw alwas In en ' fair luailiiiiaiiei s in roiimve. Tins lui;v K If Sol loin. v.--. I'. II. I. am I' illooy m Iho imhl:. a ippuseil to woman Miliiauo. prnlanlv and cloth of silver. All sizes was lie statement nl a lilimlDT of the i J.e.ikntt Imnal ' nm n oo. Mioeanso Mrs. Ilniihes has always been -- Imp men lhal llp-- thall ,, m ,,i in a Irat inn. slnnmly upliie.eil ami my ila nlil el s, mm IV2 to 8 and widths Hi" hn; pnliiioal Willis of tin. .,11 from Miino nf ,, far as I In have hoiuM al i on 1,1 , illy ami ha.l iiiiohaso, hluoKS ii:; ; h,,nias M lm i is. ailinin-- lihinl. with their niuilnr. M iinillni' - FROM ,,f whni, worn m ho iiistriinit- I 'PASSENGERS mkols jm,.,,,,,. ,.f ,. ,..,,. iiwrni mrri all t he Wnllli 11 nf Inl f.l Hilly. h., o AA to E. oil nil. rn- -i - p,.. I'eo later vs ,.,u ,,f fi .iin. I'uniul their iieiab. ami ilnlles ill, tlnnr j how ,T pat .fl'l.ial ' ' SoiiUianl. Si ptemli. i an week homes. am talkine. In yon lint Iui nl .1 , n tins i ml ut.oa ;' publication. li ne any announce ' mo i: true, no ; "I Ins if lo i" '.n;.'l Mall Mit ikmeh 'i' tnl BURNEu S nt mal e puM prefer to ' mi to il mme , , W sniil U'm.lit that tn.c wile ,n, i in nia ke il w In n the lime i a nnes. k- , IR LI", - nf li. k' ls hiniehi .,,,, . 1: Tho laf.eiu lii'oins h he u- - n ha nm s a hy T. S. Mil, hell, nf Hip ,. , wore taken ,,,;, Ki;.:hl presnloiitial oainli.lalo. I h:'U nm mhl Golden Rule C Iih hotel, niiihi, ami ''V Thnisila slicri'i . LEAVE ON TRAIN tn or lake awai limn the parlv plat Mm-nni- . .xeMei.l.i). the l.iiirii.ll ,.( 7 - Ma n nel I. Viil. ailiniilis form. tw. niy-lu- lii kols- - $".il wm III ,,,,,,. ,,,., W I'oPftlit I.,, Sale, Vs, Fee " 'As a private ell t'a tl I leselle Iho - ami wi" mi ih-- st a nl ihoie arc- none Goods Co. ,,,.(,,(.,. my nw.-- if it Dry - rinlil nl KiviliK i, I tin so in en ;,, mo piniuoai t j s ih niins. nmiioiia v'ielo ... , seem- - desirable that I shall ilu mi an,l i.f the lav. Mr. Miloholl. '.olleve, i a- 'tu :ie. en. ThOSe Ahoaid the ed resetve llm la.U.s, nl ohanm- - uhl Ins a.-- a Mine proposition '1 in In jiii was w in -i v ii .it i 'lllV lllill'l. 'In not s;iv thai will 1,, help the fan almn:. ami In hasn'l i'ln-- on I oases. .lie Congtess Proceed hen maU(. llIlv llim ,.rn,i,i i Ink as a!" mt uivnm them 1 Key antliiiii4 01 II. I!. line Jmiii - - All in!;;;--- ; inv.n. In tm t, luiime lie lno.iiilit llaea. Journey to Seattle; ;;; a- - - as-l- it tin in inen h a mean.- of mr , f,:; Shnfliohai yi'i- ('. A t if Spirits, !Ku Iho si life of ii puliti. n- Good Health and Ihrmiuh mm - thai tile l.illnil We serveil nut ",...,, -. eainpaiuti. pa rt nnla rly of Ibis pic lo - li wuuhl he snhl ami slum hi . i ., i.- Ion- -' Inin rl yi. r. 1 ,t ea in pa iu n ami keep silent. -- :n ise.l 11 ho iiitomh il tu sell ;,lenital nul lie pi non ami Mis. H. Oloiuion. i - ioii-- s lint i; inln llio a r n o . .1 Mea.iN. cii. niHi "'I shall tin m liini'oll'. to others. ,1. Siin'M Llto '. W.'lkiin.-- v. Sept. 1.".. All of 'usually nilvMiieeil by one sole nr the I Tiekels. .Maislifi'i.l. nre.. n rot' , W. i; Smith, 1; ea mol nl In r. hecanso inv own convictions .ll - in "hit the nl' llio l.iniieil si "There ahsiilutiii mi tnii ml ;.' W. ):. K'il s lie. S: .,wiC. j ptissennets a I an piniii ka' t'l o - n. in tmlai arise Horn otiiiieiy niiiiieni story tliat there are smiis lo . i:. Koii - i a n.l- iiiieross left here im;;i I' m be many I'm- wish some view. There iv who tickets aiiihoih. :ra-- s. a. li a special train of sua pun; oais fur ehal llai.K lllelllieil ,.,,hln al ...... 1...... , .1' toe, Itll 1IHII." Seilil .seat tie. .mi win ni im i ,my ,,.,,,,11,! mllll( ,.,, simic emi- - mi.nlit t ike iho wish f..r a him ami hnw Kmnei p. In-- IliU o l .'l""is Iilitimis ami believe votes will We hem !'"" - ' s hay hlaek- ,,, , - Twu mil' off I'nos the ,(. ,, women Th bn sale o M MMONsI S IUI! '0111,1 hulk of Hn- rmmress lav with illsll.V Hl'livi femini o v a The li.ket sale elose., tonight all .M I'.V 1 I illi'lem ab-- ieiK )'(. KUKs MVIll' si Int'. but , whether Hm men over entered the as will it... imm. if - mol; still nimini: ""l "f my m;. tb limat. nhililiahl after thai Inmr nut low makes '!- ' volume. The steaniei. wnieii, ;., ,.t,villltv - .'ll tniuiit' irulu will hnv a season ti' .pi,, e .1 lo ismall v, nor iimi'i'i ket.j .afa ma.b tun v OISAPPEARANCE Iho men, w hn v, the liimn in :,'.' t si'.' U, v hail won In i' 10 ilh loath last lihiiils of en I t :'i-- . !e, lull inevita hie l'.ei tel.uiaph :i::."il. iP-i- a c. I. 'I noma f pop;:!. tn Hi. .nn- - .bt'olh. in- P.i st I'tcsb.vloiiaii !' evcnin- - ami laminl'l ' i.uile it louimeiit. i i list i nel In ,oii-o:- - 'The feminists are mil ifotnt; tn - hail man, inMn ions lm .otil ami ai- -i will th" xcr- evv , was mo plelelv linn, lhal ihov in v .church pioaeli funeral a s In ill'np - III We shall lla e a iiinnlle up wbalmof lieki ts he ItiiSj t.,.. i,i,,r- - The p, in iniois Id- his u- JmlKe Hope's associate), on Hie l.nriu-i- Hopes elllel'laitletl by1 so, let's an. must have 111..I foul plav with iml. eoll-l- a n ill ell si In al of ol lie le!! Siiinlav ami lhcin in. aninlie l ill li l'l davs: he tile I'misni- - that "ill) a pul'iion INFANTRYMEN The Inav v lius'ai.c vT Hm helloll ll"lla will I OF .'.il'l Il lias la!,!'1 - irapiain in ni: Is ii i lo. in- - In u 1. il a lliz.i I" M. 'il 'I be .IMIIa. en,. Manaol I'amhl- i - :n tivo pall ami the elilem of of hi- vessel - 11 m pa l 111 s hail ln.ell and fiuirlh Now Jets. v inlanHv .a bearers H WIS 'I SI f.l'l' o V .1 II im'ie.-mi- ' , ill. So slab lb'' stale a, ia, plei III. ll v ami slriiral.i' vv - we-!- -. ran, the v il l.'iie toila w hen l.i. h a first hnrch ' aniieil anisl - I vv imeiiis. hit loi.a- ." - ... II, . I'. lie. ami bill. In - In on uiih i,i II us,- I .ell' eil, W....I lb ' ' vvnl ..e honorary ters. ' nf he " il ial a liniii a essil, am, lm- llmir h statuins. Ti win. I,. - ih ,;:i '.a. w e it'w o n tu hem. j nu will he slnintsiile showi-'- lhal the ..iii.;r.'ss, 'Shipped fimn lieio Saliinlav on a spe. funeral evoiiniii services -- ill. Si ha .1, n, nsl ihem I " 'So a nl snivel-- ; A I'll II ml pi 01 lie 'a in IliO 'haV'e, :ii;mi ism ami the STILL MYSTERY twentv-sove- held Hn lb osbv tot Ian nn ' oM'ent I'm llio siool shell, bail been ciil irain of ours al iliiir.h w it .av l.i i;:.?1 : luilay or 'o limit the preeilK't .Nil. MeTeei I'v sum of national belies mln pell v . Inhn :'..'. !. folk, Hie arrival of l.ioul en- Su tula I Is - ilest - wine ini'iViilral .elini-- : so, ll' 1. A a il 1:1 1.1 ilil '.. pie- pi ismh-- is In me more luiiiriil nl Tammi-- i S I'.uwen ami Call n- - 11,.. ticket w ' ants w hen he fair m.i imn con N... T jable still, mme ruinous lo our today armv a. roplano I 1I1 Av,;;,.v,,,m;;;,,nm Spans in an RpXIlltX m ,;a' af'.-- .lav n more a i I nnrnal Want Vial will No. l::. I. m 'isuit than nliiniil ami uur count than he II - for ul N. M , v l!o bus. Was . I'm- ef "Vllibl-oi- ami tin ::.',; Ma n. .l.ii-:- millo, pn-etn- No. ;riimhliii"' of he oli'i'liil ifio of vole- lo e Has Been Found tiiflU al'' tiai oil il ii M'coinl plane is i'V 111 - IS BROUGHT mmiii lb. are fur sal :v to e Ml pie imt No. 1", $5,000 'woman, a la mil nis an ha t inn v - Leninites Muntitva Of- Ii ,1 .. ai i iv e t uw in (he Men; Mexican .ia Inro luinul "Th. .Male fa toil. iv is jn y Wilsnn, "A answer lo Ibis wuuhl Two boiioirliu'i anil (i!t Sol hm in in. frank BACAS' neaalive un a b- -l I vv mmnili:.' fliuhl rfiimt'ti ut tn ftdajrsj. apnea: tin.... h,, are active Aumi-iu- s pi.-- .No AGAINSTJHE intore-tiiiK.- " fi' al !' alv , Mvaias. im he Have If K ' - non pmaooout -- ficials Say They tab- il al nm 1. t bint efTis'itve ill supisirt their insl I a A in ".-i-n '. n. i. pi eon o No. II: in irai .itii'is-- j JUDGE POPETBODY n it ni tirtiusil,M.iftrfi-.- t lu.lav . n- I'.aea ami Mis. Ki tin v 111 si Unsr tn la ts I una m I.l.-- No l'!fi;o No Sal.anl, b- -; Learned Will not n'rlelurp. 1' ile his wife, nfe I'lntim ennta.ou. insure n a al at 'It tonio A n:i v a. nu in.'l N". M a ipiila Ikna. WILL ARRIVE TODAY .oi i mil a more lb. in 2G7 OF I'm-- ia.iT. nr nl- - II' l.'ivi the illtel'e-- l of liliiLto. pleeimt No I" .losi lenilanls in still fur MEMBERS I'arcfl l'mt if desire.1- - , ur 3 bottles t'l 71, liatlli ill-- -: tiv , 111 e nun PfftLrrd at tin help io , o 'I ' .'lb beiiii yostoiilav in the MINb, the fair Inai' l.i elm MOIIHilll JOURNAL CflHriD b EVANS CHEMICAL CO., ' mi tlriAL I.Pti L fimHIUPeNCHNi II) HI'.NIIlil lOllllS.l.! rtlB CINCINNATI. , , I is loniiileil mi 4. ieivm season t, ... i trh omul. The suit 1 S'-l limes mme by iiis vliii.1 tins. Ail,, I... tisinl f'o, Sept. tenia ills nl' m.t.---- I'm S.illbl 1. 01 t.ulav ', al the reillleoil llltl p i im .i I" im'tpa nolo - li' Siein. eilv Sim, ni liar, ia. inn - ; nam ... emu pa n 11, ami l'l eileiiil .linlm- II. I'ope vv ill arrive by Htm; paiat. 'iokets at tin A p m V ... ?L'nili am .'Kin inleiest miles T than n ,u r. I'ioi o in i.l... t, L Mokev, eoinpanv I.', imnut a ovv eveiiiim im Santa I' liiim .AAAVVWVVVVVVVI a - ,, am sales 111 a li Si'l- signal In the Ik a... The Inns I'a.lllla. in.'.' No il. MM No fimii Atlanta. Ha Tin v .an Relieves CATARRH of W the s nav e a ilocd of t rust to So. mill i infant , who are " have No. -- xaiice assiin.l. oiiiiiii 'aiub lariil. liloeincl ' ai l .imp: le Mia ills, in II. I'npi H or what ... ll IUI 1. .M W MeNI'il " a i oil Tiiosifiv ami vv ere t epot toil m r-- numcy. lb' n. wln'ilmr nin. ltlilll Iblllli'lu Vo .1. im" I.'. ll a n a it Will not he r r ri n ' bn- - ami mil lul vv 1' ' i i v f A - lm IlilV ' hi'is .. ..II ii il s (iiimnal lnwii i, lm, ho pi P.- mit llesilli pontile ii.-- r.i id nv Coin, TO COUNTY I" have been mi, or I" ,ilh,Un whether the fum sn vt. es ' ' JAIL Uiah nnH nil ' !""-"- N'.. nm no, to vivilllll. as n a o "' I'lan ,,eja, preeiticl .Mlmn in .Mexico, have not return, ,,,, ,,., ,i Iho I 'I '. In .ria n "' ' mme, the secure me ..nis fust Discharges in v mme. "iee p - lee, I" paMliem oi as it lln bail Ih, ami inioi- o. H I MiiaH tn slWM no -; I., lit ii bill liulll ill, Itch which la lllllih In,, - .. i t Moil eilllp, S'lle III ' ' allVillloe assail- No 'Do omupkiii't rn.ii The utn tickets via,,: Saveilra. i.iecui.i i ii .al h wuuhl the many vvhu will to pa.v ail lal'e ll. I'll of list a m.; has la ci who .nine I. I'l'ivvih ke elov.ils. all. i ;n- - Kn- -i n In ile. Iho I crow. AiHoiii" 'Jiavr.. i'v ,,h, the ttiiiv of then .loath ih.. ki'-- i li'inm i" tin- il must, m o'liial pen a In .In I the of j UuNNINO taniiaie sales nm: a' 'east M. .11. ml n foreclosure IOU.N1I. PIC!!. lKlfl A.R' Ma-m- n. a- - vame In tr, Hv; Stanlev Ilainon. . in m in Si uiiish l.'Ho i Si .... in Hie Moan iilfnial:: Anna I'net.i lie v in ' eip's la'' I'. Hi, The oiiipl.iuil savs .Mis.' i, ml. .n, I'a.. pi. ball - alues Linte n r. city: Sotolo I'o'l.ioa v os t a t a 1, a u ' svviti - ainl N.n sav llnv have it to Ina which seat talhoii- e ': f '., Ill'" lie- 'an "lay receipts- :; l -- 1'. v n, .inhn is possessor t' "ill nf Was - "Last vaar's first pre, im No. I'n lb P. ea.i. i, people .liuh-- Cope's llihlccla-- ,' ih, n mi ami have learned milium' ;i I : ul s ml ii.--l i ia Wu: "I first ia"s I Nu notes. I.iBKcr than aliv other lialoia. precinct l.i' ;i hoiil will meet tfte Hani upon ils arrival, I'" " tl he mi Tien express ibmlil Why" l that tin li, Wml'l Willi Wele Ileal ll. il... in m.inv veals. ("ha Ma mi. pi ' ehn No The cmnl.lillii all'"'es alVill I t l Las', ' b he ileeil ,,,,, ia im m lie mis., ailvain e ti. k. sah M lo r.aeas heil he terms nf parti, lotbi.t the flunk oil flam ,, - I pav inilebto'lties-Li,.- I M o last re. ' im.- wi le itte: U "I Hal v failiii.'- I" the .,.,;. rahhal in ilav's ', pie. inn No. X .apt if 111'' h in :'i. ; ar- - week's lo, v I :11a bv il. li i.v. ami vvlib lesiilual than tk" win.!,, e:a, ell inn, ia no A it', pieeinei j nl . p- - 1 if the mi i liilllip--- . a II ih I 'il fair Who" Peean ,, '. Mollieil ' a pi ''''111' N". est s Iv Sin iff iloi - la. ilm-ll- v ami m'li- i vame In'kel sal'', ;,; Svihti Losenwal.l. llv .bn ub SANTA FE PERSONALS - e ' alleml-h- l .,1-- J 0 ...... Iv the Sam-lie.- - , j li .let. an lanl was fl he.lillse i 1, ml Manuel pie- ac tick-ilire- the .1 State Fair ! Today is the last day .... . asr-nr- 11 ...... f- -r l. w :i s i p. a , ., r. llv imnhnl. None :;a" aiioe l;n hat, Icviil 'it' ,..r,.t ro..t.-.M- o.m. JOU.N.U lllOV IISI 'I til. Ill -- i oil! ' 11 tleli-- l l'l- - panl Hi" fine, ami all els ami im n Imz, i py aim IS". Santa I'e Sent. a A "I will ,lo hail :: - good for ticket iin-- Ni bail, Hilly iail Th eltal Tickets, l.eeaiise the ailvanee in fi. im Tiuiill. I1 eial llanv T lleriiin; has tetnim"! lo offers Season ilrawin- - a lovval all wom. an... prof, r, nsl them Were unlavvlul been - f,nm a visit p. Iienvei, Katmi, Las . Also. ( v as saiil, crnvvils make rnwils ,Mi ,,.,. .in,,s. f. a bio ill eon: pii'.a. n vv ... Iv 11 e A ' li bael- nil i I.v b. eause Iho rowils eat U f" T IV R K K T H S (bneimn W. M e ia h is tnoet itc: to ami ibsm a. cm L M - e Hi" a- -, hail setveil to mlvor.i-- fa"' j." J . f , ;, i I'.rus.ilucl The ,.,is im ml ma Maine,! o,,ai,n lour way whioh it wml'l "" lia fj D t C T E f FOR AM .NY vali. v. II. nil. ml.-.- l the nmniv twe.ttv u all.W.W In, sale- - fair.. h."l tin re been li" nlvam" a"'': - ,,t Lnhlaiul ami visihal Ib.swiil ami, will he -- ivu heaiiims Imiim i i.v, The Entire Fair ti navs I hi' eiuvvfls on tlm cat lief ...,,.....,. w-- m mb.hi Ho to return i" iiis 'Iho ma mi. is wore !.,. im Ailvi'i'. a v Take Mueiislrhui'",'s ilieav... Sepl, I lia lanel. Well i tb ll is xpeoteil that Hio'itiilh ea ami taken III batches "I ailvanro I -, .1 - . 1,1 "Hence we waul a B""H i,.,a. ,,. of Minnoapi fl to he l'i ns a ll.- v ill nive :i ro.'ol hi ;,,U fill each, lo foul ibfloi lu'i'e - vv is bin this one il'V I'll v ,.,,, $ .uiiii.iiu h was imln le.l f.u M''- mm: '.. ih I' ' ll sale There - inn persona vote hir.ri'iiiu' war. Tin ll' ,.,-- s of ami to- If m which we iii'.v ."I Lv.'ivom ;,,.,s lacenv Imnal, b. n I'ulo ihi accusation that make m tn her mnv i s .-h .. only i Tickets cost - rnpe. "...: t These smii. eiviii- n , -i. , who has or can boi mw thai ,! hi' - in Ila lion Lira a III thai nil th a a a s I ni i i im--r I. I 'tin niKi: I . ., A t m m f , -- ,. k"i m Slat.-- f- -r a -- a on aim, speml ,1 a ,r ,,f t lie sla le. row .... sh,,l, .imn H.e n."ii"V al I'm m n.ib.v will move worth II of the llflV lb I .1 i n- s. tnaiiy thnna ' ,., b, hnnsolf ainl his lin- lm "' YOUTHFUL MANAGER OF - .1 Hon- three IV or. - tab 's al lol I" v - imln- - "' They are good for six afternoon and il ei ;' M en-l- ''0' , a. u:,- - il ,. BANK GIVES Von know Ibis" , five, FAILED If :X" TZ'''"1; pi i nk-.- P m ' savs we llli llc.ail' ,o not iiham Kav. ami (Ihi I'. e Was I to. lav ami t. t ' .li "'ll' vv . p, nm i 'a j, wa in Ho ''"'' I'l'i'iiLilt. lie savs minion iv ho.niiii itiuimi imi 'n. - hl Was l.llllll ..l night performances, which at the ordinary ' im liiho ime'lni' ,,. n- - a ii - (i't! OIlilU-l- e in lm mi li" "ti ai Aln'lt- 1,1 ., i "I l. Ill.'te.' ,'., Hi lilrtsl H,i, aiai S'pl is Sleplutl i,,.,.),,, u nr n II i: ill a il, ,1 '1 he - -- t .m ,,al ,v f. I.' i no in mi three stale - mamii-- f ' ami plav six aft' .,,1.1 111 null'.. "- l(l town. Iml milv a la $ t c ' - "'' j,i,,4 i, ,. of nf he mol or in,, .X ,,.i l,i .l, ,.,,.e,l liable - hank of Mi- Immk Sons, .1 I, .! na ,,. am) 'pnvaie l.oinli Tin ban. hills, pi ii. rates would cost $3.75. I a whole .vpmri ami ", i , .... i.-- anil at tho siinir. inie absorb I,,.,., iiav .villi nearly Italian. "lit moil an appeal p.. con i ,j,,m! till' t i -- II- - lm of niatnm inai n s m: , '!'!' v i useful inf'ii v in- - I' lariv i. el a lis of hi ha . m, m n e ami"' ll. Si-- v stale in which w" live whn'l ili'ici I.. '' :ii In; no tu alieinl 'i- I -- he sale 11"! ni. will b,. ohtaiiii d ot hoi w is.'. a in 'li') These tickets positively not on . know Kavi'tii'.i nip ami on .h.n't e'M'll Ml lhal was ml III Hn ba:;'. .lap Killeil. M '' Ho.v m ,,th .lea.) ", rob to.lj of 1 -- Hi whether Mueiistoibiii:, is ,, . vv l libit " ' Hie si 1. m:elcs, Sepl fl ' 'all epi' -- nn h. v.- o...iV. boi this romnrlt of lbs 'nl'o- ' l n i m il a', oil, '' ' I OiV e .1 i panes.- l.i'.-r- a- - 'II. .1 today. I h' l,,i it. opi" a' after a ' ho'i-au- u t, a mi- m u s Si ll- -e hope ,cit ,.,!. lb,,, a vv -- ell a n ill pi ' TI eli b A M Ins II "I' thieves. i v i ,1 .ni, ia i".iien us tab I, to '" This fa lllilii' ilu tm hn i,, no I I mi m Ih, a l a ' ' bt in ho sr. en ih-- 1 l - i It-- ; ilte iail! I' l ll fa Ml 'hte.i p, u e, i. :. m m- - In a ml - - -- l -- , ll hit. he ll-- t I, II"-- ' ull was fl aol ..l b i niitliil.iles mi t'oa-- l. the l.i! lr . i 'H TICKETS Sept :.. The " Trim- - lo I'leienl Si riKe. ; . POSITIVELY NO SEASON Seattle. Wash.. itoi (11 I v m-- TK i - ' '.ast spi-'i- al an I MIl'hH.lx I.,, ml ' a Sepl Am. th. ill'"!1 ( moil Ib r lulibi o i.f nl.l- '' -' I ' '" Hn pa- I b l'fi ' - I., Mm ibioiiiimil, lint Pint..; la tll . tl'. l! Lolls b. in l: mole .mil "iai,n:; wint.i Mil. in is. Sept. la ,,, v, ' to a la ll s (imll eamlniiiio. In. Ir.i LaminH',- - i" are a: lull i:ive C in nl AFTER SEPTEMBER 16 ,v SOLD i In m h i i w o h moki no "''I -- i;. medv lo ,,.v o hibb ti. . amt a! i i . n lullm-i n m b let. am tola'. l.-- li m ti h - a " '" pi, .si. Hal ' in- - vi i h - '.' at Hn fei -. ,v n "I h'f I- '- vile, lime a' llo,i i in r- oil v b l 'l1'--'- ' in: lU'Si ''mi' pruhibiiioii in - warn s be c OV i d e t he ' ' -- n 'i'..- - rt.v m "' 'ml' et eohb- pi In ' .1 - nm b'h down ih.. si tn.lav Stii, b. -- ml Wallia Kum lim.ll. nu- , v s ll...,.,l alll' lliol lie I aol n nu tin tin net de.,'' til' ss. hes were b- - a' fivejwHh III of Hi" b.iai.l nl ti ado. taking .1 Mi'iiiKliin, V V. to ... a. at h.S Ciffiv I'1 esidi Luk'iiil. . ilie-il'- .es'.si j ''li'-- im li.ibne T:i,'fiiii:i. A uiBlti the iriitiHti' e .u the attempt- Uhluinaolij evt-i- w hit . ii win b8 held at Portliii.d. ttus bfsernuon 5 ' 16, 1916 'Six XIBuquerqui Mornlnf Journal, Saturday, September

w ' In- .Mexico. II ( iroKiiM-i- Mutes- - t i of the '.in si rem. in the iniii:iu;m'1;nt lo lliliitltllilie, hy K'i I'liiniK' nine - nwst.U'k to world. It Is well Ailliin i'ie !if- Our Kitchen is nn. hi' the mod r.ivoi.ililo clrciim-Ma- in.iti, vent hutnli eilis uf st ml nls 'in CELEBRAT DM 0 F WHITE FAVORS .Inp.ill. I'l .i Went lo J ill. in ty R'lii.'ire mile territory mm scieii'ii-h- Your Kitchen it i II. in In supposed Huil s ii"l to continue his milltiii, Ntu'iic nml e enlleil lm nolle-- ! ill the coiiiir', cost million dollars the efficiency of Hie Mexican portion on his i'. 'tin n wnx ill liiclii'il lo tin' lrom mi iiichiicolonjcnl v:ew,ioiiit.' two and ' !ai i .' of the l.lllMil will ((impale With Hid' in my III Wm liniiK. l.ivinn iii lo Ihe 'Ihe nrlnle is hy Wllluiin A. .d was built to furnish you with lilornina journal I.IKilcf.l Chill' He inilltiiry lllillHloll, lie 'I'hn foUowini; reuisteri'd nt he DAY EIGHT-HOU- R LAW the Ami lioun func, and villi revo- ' HIDALGO IS of wi.h kiml to hm ."iihtiei'M ninl one of i'. II. .''Iiminon. M:"'. " crisp, golden loaves of I'ubllhl.r,! ly every mnnlbs tin lution arising few the moHt jiopiiliir K'l'e' ' Ih H'h h ihI Stun n mid iliiuuhler, ic,irilo, i i . Wheat, ' :c.,cli. Shredded ninth of the border the n ;: i y of l' li.p w.ih ii '.;:iiizi .l i.' In . Ti S. I.. Seward, l.oni; the CO. a .1. II. nml JOURNAL PUBUSHINfi w on 111 a of whom weie ft ron I'.ihf nnd .Mis. I.ester cleanest, most nutri- the iloxuan organization at lr. , purest, ' III Ii of the rm nhlt H HI. So dncyhler, I'; .Mrs. .1. i i. i;i llii'l FULL FOR RAILROADS -- - .e suspicion. ; ; Ill time- under . MAl'PIIKIISllN 'ri'l. w hep t lie i.' c i mi lie hour I'm in! Sue I'l uicl'-cii- I'. J. Kn'n I''1" tious cereal food in the M.u.i - I w r ... v. tin- i t n.'i ion - .",1. W.lHu-i- i. The trouble iih int she i. vi rthiiiw- i.l Hie Mam liiM .sit uiK .Mi "e. I. mil-- Coiinsco, -- 1 1. Mr world. It is ready cooked H I. 1. I '. i .1" n 11 All.ii "i .;.hi.. ( oiiunii'iiori no. a- III sc. i urn In - lie of nil lie )', in r.lln ill Will mil.' lm i.i. I'lviil, us I. .Hi. Wnn i el c( leiul one; Aln i IM ol A. Ki'iiiimel. I'm1' m i.. yn. tin h prcvoiiii'd lo the re'ol'llionm and Mine trouble lore, - Hruvo, I'.i., I:. C. I'el'l'ee, Cotopolls. (.nlutinn of H lliv-e- r with Wolrrn KriwnlHlilt thing like a practical Now hi.H enreer iih ;i x'ot hi I'.i.; I'i ii li h Kdeiir Mnsmi, I. mils Out in Force to Editor of Emporia Gazette for breakfast milk or a l.cnn Mexico Turns i Mn icon. prohlfin f i f l time Kit Chm.'i. linl-- I X. .1.: Wilhniii helium, Mi" Mexican hi the limine mm Mivior of Ills Republi- cream or for any meal in .i I y 1i'liliin wiih ll in Wlllinm l.ellinn, MIkm Kdiin l.ellrnn. of Takes Issue With 1l-r- Hirnliill l Mexican pKihlem fitst iiime lulu H'loliif f.irtor Observe Anniversary A s i '..'- - f II I X. .M .; I''. It Af I'll K. Ml I.I.I' V, Hint he (lefctl.'e of WtiellllllK I., i:. Kiinkel, Helen, combination with sliced ixislemo. It presupposes tlu'le : M . N "rU' nmiiHt Ihe oiiHlnui'.ht of the notlhern Mound City, Knn.. II. of Spanish Rule; Candidate Resardins I'lirk t Overthrow can a stable, t es pon si hie govern men 111 whn h wnH eipiippeil nml I'.i cell hill, Chiipninn, Knn.. .Mis. peaches. HI eriiiv, helter w3 Knt.-r.-i- ml cluix minor the Act, (iiu e.'iiry mil I'm ooliKii-Hoii- liniiieil, Jl Slit IrM mrentei-- l I, Sewnril, Lone; llejieh, Cnlif.; Hci'.' Is of Four Holidays, Stand on Adamson .,..m- of A!l,i'iii"riili', N M., uni1r AM Mexii'o 'hnt i'ivce One WIIH ill hill Mil lesimilis hip. hei'OKniZ-iij- .' I.. X'. M.; Ch.'irlcs ,.f f,.nrelm nf M urh 1. iv.'i when everybody nt nil fninilinr liiih. Ciirri.oo, llinl Hie l evoliil ioii wn.H I'hinn'.H li. eili,'icock, Ijis VeCns; Amnio ..Hu-- pnper Hint than mv with Hie i IreiiiiiMlniU'in known (loiin I. ChiiviH, Allni-(uetiii- uiWr Mnuilinn si ie iiflnir, he cotitenili'il Hint Chiives, Knthei'ine DISPATCH TO KOONINf JOUHNAL N.-- . In N UOWNIN JOUKHAL HCIAL LI'IID IUI IPECIAL In Tho f'nlv .nnr Hie nor! .'inl Hint uh.-it- Iron-- I Key. I''. Uiilliip: - there Is nolhlnr; of ver mlKlit I." the Schuster, n Y., l.l.-i- t i'vitji (l.iv In Kl Te.Xiis, Sept. l."i. Celehra-lio- New York, X. Sept. I'l- - William Metlm lite Men, fm eiciu'iH in China fhoiihl re-- ! I'.i'iUBi' C. SlniiKon, Snn t''rnnciseo; I'nso, lr ron.lilloiiH Kinilh of the honler Inde- Allen While, editor of the Kmpoi'ii Tf'.ltVIS OP FI'MSl'ltll"! I'lN in- - im-'- i'i, of IlidnlKO dny, Mexico's (1'ive cmiv protection mid their Mrs. Flunk .Mntthews, linn t widely qiiol-e- d liy cr I'y mall. "In', 7('' milv n little fiiithir icinovi'il lrom 11 (inzette, one of the most I'otlv, rnrt he i of hiH X. M. pendence day, wns heunn nt n terolH feu.i riled. line newspapers in the w( st, after Vnilr. "1 leCnc'i' fl" nl. i,i, lule hv H.nn they were In imiH for-- i who every com i.n.ui pi in mnl m:ii!e the injury ol Mr. mid Mm. Uohert Henri o'clock loniKht in ul most wilh Calidiilnle IIilKlies on his notmt: T' i"' nin'iti hkhn fi w monthii n'.'.o U in nil very well iriH'i s n de.ii h pe unity. hud occupied Hie I'ope house on 'JiihI nuinity in .Mexico. The (lay finally decided tSiltne-rU.- In mi' .li'Ulnnl Iimi writing western trip has m ( III ',M .1 While the 'hells of the northern 1'ulnce iiveinie limine; n,,. summer r ! n .l .MeXiellll or OIll'l the of Mcicu'H ill of the eivlit hour In limn llii'lr ini'-- k tn m'w lo tle.ll the - ilnim; favor - lioops were r.'iniinjT on hiH lienihiiinl'- liavi' tnkeii the Snfford tiniiue on the - l rtr mwl I" mirn tn HIV tin- ".I'l mliln-- ,'iinl ih i. ii repie. liberty hell (cnmp.'nia (Ie In indepen- railronil iaw as reeoin mcmlcd with eonrfi'M' feien' tl IH, lllH I 'I I'.Hillellt snme Minn (iriinn, of ilemolislllllt' office, street. 1 con r iri-ii. ).y Mivuel lliilulKo y Cos-- I'resident Wilson and eiruled by '"I lm M.nnlrir Jmitnal lm" hihi-- HeiilnhviH of the nenre.'l npiionih to I.i contmiieil ipiiellv his work of re-- .Mrs. Henri, hfl todny for I. in;? Isl- - (lemia) il,.n rimriK l m'ei.nli-i- In miv ntlii-- a. gress. fi I tint im III their cnniznlion. In the ineunlnne, Ihe niid. hnvliiK en.loyed her sii'iiiiut linn. piirisn iiicm in toe vinue In New Tli Am'tl'un eoviiiiinenl there In editorials upon the siibl"ct Mr Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y, Mill." the Ke Hint. sh,i hopes tol Inn 1111 jnnln, at 11 o clock tnm-P'ty- I t i i i i revolution spieiid rnpldly, nil Snnln so much of Imlores, .wK8n-- country, m il ih j v impott.'itit to While says: "II is unph'aeint In find provmci'H nloim: the rich Yanr-tH- e ri ii here next year. on llKhl of Septeinher 1 fi, 1S10 he-lii- tell ii the ill ilisamcemen; wit'i so JOUHNAL take nd print 11 ie in ii' r they hnve nolhini'. over, ope one, to the one's self TUB iier i;iiiiii4 iv tc convoke the niectiiiK of patiiots, minded man as Governor llu,:hes. and thirty minute of them of Mil ytniitinl niitiire lo i'i pnl. In nun iiiohIIih fair law in Hie face of a strike houri Three nller the STUDENTS ENROLLED which resulted in tho overthrow of yet even at the risk of such a dis- clulit hour xeluHlvs AMorlnted I'Miwr. lessen mny shot WiiH fired, Yiit Hen 350 wns a effective din k up whnlevcr iiomi.eH tin y lirsl llr. Sun Spanish ruin in Mexico. agreement the Gazette miisl for lis otherwise fair and crvlr each wek. No other ;is elected proviHioiml presi(ent of thiniis In do. Tile principle of ail.!. wir IN SILVER CITY NORMAL l.e- - own respeci o on record for the newspaper published In New Mexico in like. Hie republic mill I.l Ihe Ice president. The celebration, which actually self trillion will not Miller thereby for t eiKlit-holi- r law as passed by coiiki'cs." tnkr mors than twenty-fou- r hours i:(lit'( line niiiile neeewiirv "'nt The imiiii.'i ml ol' the iil'lnv on the) gnn in most commiinilies tonight, is under the law the whole mailer ot COHRICrONDCNCI TO MOHNINd JOUHNALj "The principle of eiahl hours work of Aiwoclated vrum aervUia during he n put ml, cull upper Yntit-l- wns eiven to him. SPICIAL. set hy law for September IB and is pay the cifilit hours and for ovei-tim- .' there ilinll honler a, day all in so hilily (kill"! lor . iii'iii't- .'..i:; mid Hie Silver Cly, N. M., Sept. 14. The ofj lor nidi th week. it .y wlind ver tintne Ih iikkI enliven-ielil- When ilielmed 0110 of the four national holidays specialized an Industry as and for principle inunairement li'i-- I Heeoiid .Xcw Mexico Slnte mid v i iilnlii ntc.l, n Sun resimieii week of the .Mexico. (ither holidays, of which - of Ihe ejejil hour si liednle is inevii.i-h!- ir n it hns el'fii n ie y so ohviotislv riislit. so cleiir- i hi, i:gh lint of Xorimil school hIiowh Inmost is I - uiiav. ..skptkmuki: the pi snlcncv in lainr I'lesnleiil the 111 I'fore the count rv for urbi'm- svi iiiHli-tiilio- Hie country nns many, are ui cu y in i,,,,, w ii li Ihe w Hole u l'esi aiM it w ill h" nil Amerii iin oi niznl ion, Viiiiii, mid v .'is iiunin eleeleil Ice in the hisiory of Ihe tioii. ts urv (1 fifty holidays. tendency forward of this cent on .Mexp o effec- pieMllelll. lie hnd Hie ( oni m.'I I. of Three hundred and "Governor Hiinhos may well ra;-- ON W II Mini nnv lelinnee for it in mil an a rhit rn lubl m:it:"l' ' M). i enr. in the viirions depii rl ineiits mid Patriotic services in virtually nil that TIT n ii'iiint.-iinlii- or-il- the iiritn in Wni'hiina. lie t.iw this vital question bill to carp at Hie tive lion m - prospect new tlnr-ih- nr-jt- o enact an einln hour lav. fur all h Hie 'In iu'.c i uf miiilm so he im- Ihe of enrollment of the lamer cities, have been i inhl-hon- r law as a siirrendi of i of , ,n . on liiilroads in onler lo avoid th' ho tunny reasons why hy the miiinleii.ini e of mmllni' rmnll.'llelv iccolllll. ended to I'resldelit Hie week murk the full opening ,o,.,.ivo,l lalior ot is "There nfo " " " I wen principle arbitration takim; a t j uoiiniil iih most promisiiiK. There con-- ; strike would have oternnliv hhonlil not lm nit ltnn-- ' pnlrol will iilmost :i n ly he v'thi Niimi Hint III' militmv mnl civil the by Andrea Caicia, local Mexiciin e,,n, rather superf iivical of a nrao situa- Mr. Wilson he us is mi nnii.Hiiiilly In rue represciilntioii hi, hni the law was ;,s far i 1. ( il. tr.iiioici ll Mpni .ilcd, coiiiinuni-- 1 tion. It is rather unworthy of h 111 hi-ii- administration," mill il 11 sul, while in the smaller it nt of the i rcvo- - from Silver City, nml the stale :is went. ihe ii yovcriior, nller the new .. clear headed, forward looking spin ." Hi'- i - iniisiciii ami iin'iiiiy proimos, forward is better to wrote former President Tn fl other liit miii. v.ns nlso ihe civil mini n 1st rn whole is well represented. slei than .. were to t . to ( oiiiinct .' - Work on the new science hull is fireworks and public dances :i ml still. To arhitiale ilif ferencc ilny I ho Hughes National 1'ri nii lent Wihoii lie howi d he o.mnplc by m l lo n to I ha may ii'isn iii working out Mexicans ire on (lulw,t. '' mil III up he ci il power, pushed rupidly wilh view M.'il k Ihe days' celebration despite tln'i "poi eh :i m pn ii ie eh ; : i Icui'iU'. "Hint munn impoitant iiiMi' nie if - ;i ici such ma lie! i . T. V.. Sept. 1.".. An Amer-;:i- i h o ii Mi oni; rcpu Id ii n n. he lompietlllK Ihe luiildillK by I'lllisllnns Ihe political cond it ions in Ihe coun- law in noli priu tiers - li I'll"! limb-- I w III multi- Ami Ihcie will he mi pll . n is. of course, ise .'mil outpost at SVeamore, twelve s l,t to he foi'Mnl till Hull believed lllc lliosl I IllillU tune. try. Throughout .Mexico business overlun mil. he y it i.e. was on hy .M.wi-ni- s ih ci 'i In join ncy hiH Will' before I'hui.i ihe .Mmiehiis liieu I Wo IH'W li'licnei s lliive been added ,.,,i.n i',.ea ,,111 ii mid of course will isl of lure, filed HY." lor nfier I i l';n hit Hie ena of the; from across lasl iu;r1it. ly .i m ; over. on.1 d e nod 01 di r. So to the ullv this session. I'rof. incut the river Mr. Tuft, 'il no lime pnl th ill. w.i'i pein new closed. leplll .In si j, the second Wilson, of Harvard, is the , l I., I. L, ell nils I mill-- t.lll.t... lilt rn iicck, ics department j iispatches received here also H'M'I'J '"' ollllioil ll Hi I.' lo ovi I hi ow I'res-- bend of ihe m'H II III I ' t Heals, an alumni of that elaborate preparations had j never less no li:i lie nini'iin i" ommovsi am: (.iki.s. ih nt V tin 11 lie si oni minim.) it nml and .Mi's Carolyn rate eel-- It) - Ihe of the nivcrsily of licon nifitln In Mexico City for the j i ted. As ll entic of Ihe W yelled his infill e for the Chlilhlish- normal and of rnr.'il - ' 11 .New Mexico, is the director 4,i,rittion. in ac- j he iIoch not sp"iil( wilh The Mium; Indies of Hie I'm w ' i d novel n These said that, mlmliilslralioil I i ,.,,.., h 11114 01 mil 111 lor his limns. .miss ''ii is imvcs mi' i'i.".. .i,i, rnstom General CarranZill f M'-x- o Hie line hnrlty. The fnllure, complete nml XeW who Is'iucil . - Miss Kiina Haunhman, who is now nut h 11.1t Inn. vvil rem iiu a ic- of planned to appear on I he "balcony of. - ib Iniiliilint of IiIh own nilniiiii'il pi oclmmil ion" pultin;; the in'ile ciiii- pul. lie. head of the history pin Ini'iit. to voice! .Much is hein sliown in the Hie National museum there, in of too recent, incurrence to 111111; of Hie .sliulclll hody oil Poliee interest lion exhibits Willi h al e heiiiK prepared lor the Kiilo de liolores (Ihe cry from! 11 V n STOCK IN TK ll". he ol.M'ureil In the public in Hint Hie (reel our Is in every wiiy m department of Mnlores), by Hidalgo, which: ( Youth s ( ompn ii ion. the stale fair the uttered I'iimu'-Vld- n 111. I10111 of the t il of (Midi to mid Ii a ti amine; and domestic In IIIh lipprovnl .ins "Where's .Mr. nil i op ."' rl, manual sul.ntance is: Hint some of Hn Mii'iul I.i m III the city nml Hint lnxi i science. "Look live our most holy mother hill lifter ilecliiiliin Tlic voice was hitc'iuc and ,.r. 11 A stronu; i team Is t i c, ill Hie kind of niude tuns nasnei of Guadeloupe!; live provisions Were "Indefensible ," be u lm a re not to be coiisiilcl sir emilory; voice that .... ili- - America,; n Ibein.' orc'.'lnied under the 11 . t In t j he one noil resseii il Were ."ml to had government:" Ttn In he a a e lo be conm :i n t .ethn j death scandal of the ItiRfr i.r.lm conned ion, I an-- reel ion of Miss Jean Forsv he. lima IV flesh ll lid loo. inslnn Iv ' tliei a. bl ( i Will I nc. Flaps and hunting decorated Interior (leiuirtnient and the liotoi on the iliNplay nf riiiiiiiii'ii'lii lm;onislic. Yet S.illv Lambert, b'iiv DcHerrv, Klhei inioiyn . Heals, i'lalice Whitellill, Klhel I til - public builditiH.s in Juarez, the Mexi-- nns iiKcendancy of the woril i b'mentK I'OIIIIIIOII sense. lm.' her typewriter and Moppihir acros from! re-- k and Kulhcrine Annie are siar can city across the in Grande na- If. heep of lo the i:nhn iiiimu'IviI ax If the i '" of In the councils of the built ever the weakness I u 10 si reaction eoesl ll.i.l been lll.'llle Wltll Hie finest avers who have ret men noio Kl I'aso, while .Mexican residents of of college I tion ly Ids sanction nml connivance llni youthful swain the coiitlesy. III fall. Kl I'aso planned to observe tumor-- j fll'e ii few of the strlklmt icasoiis, not Variety that nollillif; is ipiile ;ouH I't'cda, Scovill at her row as a. holiday. lost sight of In it multiplicity of ot li enoiii'.h for the lady of his heall or writer, vv.ili lied the seclll "X TO GROUND IS BROKEN FOR eyes ll was Hind lime ers, why Mr, Tuft himself went down of his passini; fancy, and when1 f.lie led the wit hill a. week tiiat Sally had ROIir MAGDALENA HIGH SCHOOL four years hko In the most trushliiH Is coneerncil the inure expensive " out of her win' to be courteous in the DONCALOWS sustained by a cnndiilute thmi; is the heller he likes It. Too f.(,.,. f (mlv a. month aWo defeat ever riulemss. CUIIIIII 3NOCMC to uohhino juuaNALI sup- - en-- j would snapped off the head liriCUL villi liny pretensions lo national rften this weakness ha" been she have ,Ma",(liileiia, Sept. I i --- i Ii omul was I of anyone who spoke to tier line ttiai; I'Oll. inlllllKinl by tile t boill! ll IcssneSM or amused, broken here Tuesday for Hie erection and now she only looked county biiih school Tho public lias pl'elly j.eiii'inllv the vanity of the object of bis ill boilinn of the new $J,lMin l'lcda's curiosity was Ihe expected to be ready STARTED 001! Hint Mr. of his binldiii;; which is I .1 . lo the eo"e)iinloii Tail lions, to the serious detriment point. 1, , , a e: , , . I. occupancy about l.'cbriin i y the t - day. Sally's for nv- sau.' n m, next l'-'- Is n better man thic lie wns Riven purse, or his credit, or both. he roie iieii u period n ,., I & contract eovcrinn of das ... ,.i "chum." vvlin worke for Mornan - dm Hin he . . ' e ti i . p. in e ... credit for hem,- ins tlmr Minn iiii, i" Moinoin on floor below, happened from dale. the Is n ami hon-- iiefll i ii ii ri milluiicos from his fiilh The new structure, which of 9n Wi,K In office. Ills ability ' Mill.v; on-- et .in be out 1 a to with the m'lppo and ( Budweiscr qou modified mission style, is lo be con- Two nf the most ni ndernlv csty of purpose are now conceded. As for revenue, nml Ihe averni:e father walld'd Inline alone. Kieda. ovei took type bimgulovvsl ' of red pressed brick and structed Calil'orniii. flavor and a bouquet that ev-- j In a. few steps. structed t n be was a nicccss all of a yoinie; man at college is mukiiii', her ,,. will he one of Ihe possible to build are 'low being erei Jurist .'C.U.. ,1 " ..I),, "1 when coiiiplctcd are invariably the same-ielih- tful - ,'i oli- - on the I'niveisity Heights addition I'liitive a couspicuoiis fiilliue. I.nck- saerifu to ciiuhle Ins sou to von i iiiioim; in conn... nl mit li know! shall have pel ,iinesi i". i. by tile t'nivcii iiy Hi ights lievelip-min- t distinctive, I .1 w very way lie nun and a b i iniimiKenieni ny. a il iii'l lea knowloilne of men mid, lain an in ion il limit la xh'a pl .e.l a 1. in if don't. Ale you in company. ieipupllll ht Will lie Ol I lie nesi. lui.tiv. f., he was the uncoils, mil" laves till' II ill. j love'."' of (hose houses is lo be lutilt qualities are directlu their be-- will be floors, includinn line these "III love Lilly in Inn d i There three w i on-- ol pohlh laic. II" could! After i II, v u wed l i .mi a practical llir - n of hollow tile with smooth hile i tool dcil.iiei( w ! 'so 'the basement. Hie latter contamlns- due to our exclusive use lid. rmenl eiiulne that Kleda i hi t' upon to vvrmi lo b m- - rete exterior finish, wli'di is in be counted do Ihe taiutpoint the mam Ihiiir; I ii i v Ibl useless lame cyntnasiuiii ami slaRe. iiu in ndoiicd her protect the interior from cal l ,n Ihe! f Imported Saaer Hops. whenever there was nn oppor- tblereil ill ;eltllli', to a dance or a Ho dry The inanual traiuinn ami domestic The! thlni .. .1 ..i. i. II 1...- ., winter and heat in the summer. i ,n i s in- n ...... lie jhese hops cannot now be rh'-h- In! .VOU ie ei io - tunity, or to do the Ihliu: pally is to c.el there, and Hie street "Then what has eoine over .science lo-lie- is to );' of the lil oi ina. shin- t nev er anyone so cliiitiKe,! ill my j well planned and ped lor the - 1 j I: - saw irnported, to war. way. ih li li fit It a( (iipa-- car, il is on Mine, a bicbly salis- 11 gle type. owin$ the the wiong- if hie Tim wci ks aeo ven d have myeli leachintr of these suhiccls as as li- Knell will consist of foul'j bliinderini; was responsible' laclory means lo that cnd. Kiirthoi- - thai for Ihe sciences; - house anticipated this situa- city for man who came in veslerdav as the laboratories rooms, bath and sleeping por Ii, will; v. Hut .von hriuy, study rooms, offices jind rest Lje for a division in bin own parly whidi. more, It i deiiiocralic and sensible, as he nave or betler! in plans. be heated by steam anil to have ell; tion bejorethe embargo self-re- - went out of your wav to be nice to looms are included the n - iiime perilously near to wreckiim ilam thei is no reason why a Maijdalena county high school ot the very latest built-i- conveiii- - him. You're doini! ll all the lime!" The anil closets. went'onT"" all time, and his bitterest enemies sped iiu," youn,; mini or yoiiniT woman a eominnmliiin eliees lor Sally looked nt her eacerlv. "Have. will occupy full block, company is an effort re-- The making the hop house shown were II a 1 a. Mamlnleilii $n in bis race for should mil tide on to social csant'od like Hint .'" she ilemanile'l. view of the famous to build bouses in most! re- pic- these the not dciiKiii ilH. tei laiiiini nl In discoui ncine; exlrav-- 1 "I should say you had," Freda imoimtiiiii on which nature has substantial manner for the purpose ofj is stored a sufiicient in solid rock great stone s torted. tured the the building in aihl'-- j 11 striking contrast to the Tuft ml' nf'aiice and vain show the of starting similar Ihe supply to last through i 191 Sa lly di w a loll", breal h, and a 'fa.e called Mary MiiKilaleiie. The Hon and soon as completed will, that of Mr. Wilson basj the univeislty are de ml ral t heir K as inlui'itratlon, nij; nui'.ical hlile smile ciin'd her inoiilh. Id. ins were drawn by Messrs, Trust offer them for sale at extreimlv; m3ou profit bu our been one of in lilev emeiit and of poascssioti of that most nuportant "Mr Winthrnp call d down," .Trust of I.l I'aso. reasonable prices and terms. ; i working to a definite, fixed purpos- -. trait In man or worn. in, common he said. "lie told me that mv work lores nt. w as I'.ooil, hut t hat my m liner an- - Wilson's may him sense. LATE RAINS A BIG HELP Fight-hou- r Grnuleil. Whatever eii'ois tamuileil pie. anil Unit I never lay In-- 1 1 I not. 1 Penver, Sept. Iiemands of' ceil, they have been those of could wet ahead unless changed TO FLAGSTAFF FARMERS action or Indecision. lie bus done, Henry Ford has none deinncrntio was furious. 1 almost resU'iied then shopmen on Colorado railroads for; and there; but 1 couldn't litist my an eight-hou- r day and a. five-cen- t an things: and the pioKram of a If n inn on account of the president's nl.'ind JOURNAL) voice. And meantime he talked on. IPICIAU COffllllirONDENCI TO MOHNINO hour wage incrgase have been par-- j live, constructive lemslat ion that bun tor peace. The colonel's views on I KluBstaff, Sept. After a He told me that had common sense; Ariz., la. tially met, it was to-- , - announced here 1,,. j owing to been cotiHiininiiitrd during his Incuni- silnatlon will not be published, that courtesy was one of the most summer of uncertainties day. Tho roads have agreed to the Bottled at the Brewsry : president isi valuable business assi that there of weather, Flagstaff farmers ight-bou- bency of the office of freaks r day i ml Anheuser-Busc- h, why I demand offered; In last was no reason in H'o world are at least assured of a. fair harvest St.iouis. without a pulallil the half Thank heaven, Mr. Marshall now' my ax an increase of one cent an hour. couldn't make stoi k in trade a crop potatoes that century. He has l.'en at all times knows about II and isn't KoliiK tn ., ...... !,..,! It i,,., Mel'! of oat hay and of ;ti prosentnt ivc.s of the shopmen are! ll nver- - wii'ti little than an de-- master of Ihe situation, and even the tuili Hie nomination down. ol hf,i!n,-- s ami uracil, o. t lull wi" J'''1'1 heller lonlrtig out for the five-ce- ! I I crop The stand of potatoes wns lendeis of his own party hnve been was all. didn't believe it. knewjaKe innnd. Conferences between the I a but was brusque we all 'ire; il runs in poor owing to cold, dry spring, man aud union rcp-- i i (impelled to iheir lead- lailwav iws the C. E. KUNZ subordinate Hie family. I decided to prove that, never l'rep- - the quality wns better. I esentat ives conliliueil today. ership to his. With Scinsora and Paste I couldn't be anvthing else'" to araiions are hciiiii made market Distributor AI.Iil'QL'KRQL'K, N. M. Mr. Wilson is t.v no means above Sally loppc.l and the qiiizical It is general- - t 1 N s M III III :i . KI N'S ItKMI.W. il Will a ver- - I'CIMMAT ll smile de pencil, '"It dido' work out be high cm ism, but slril K 111 ly expected thai prim will ill kuinii: X.w Yoik Tilbnne. as exp eil. I omul people grow Mr s t 111 potatoes and "!'.o voter that Tn tin hol All title Is il ,'llilioe Mutlelll ing so n c' An.l when hev w ei cn't here this fall on belli New York. Sept. 1.1. Hun's Tieview ( 0I11111 v I i s .11 to be ci lbd in f.i that pnl Ina nn u ei sii hli Ihe man yesterday it was liav tomorrow will say: in pence nice - pose Heath IS mole I. oil lit tol Ihe such fun to feel m command of the "In nearly all important industrial .mwwt'!iwj-- i evolutionary -- lot China than all the silnatlon, hole s heaps to learn He publicans Meet. to-- .. and mercantile lines the trend is i The ovi rl lit ow ot I'lesldelil. I game. l Vegas, X. Al., Sept. K. An heaps! Hut like Hie And Fast as ward a further increase in activity, "Cap" Gilh'hwat'T bus mv Yuan Shlh-ka- l has b I Ihe object it's making the world mv world informal meeting of several Mning ,l - ' anu is exceptionally In some For His tatmns to a woman suffrage milling I! the southern nrov ever. republican leaders of San Miguel marked nice... anil linu Ills ilealh tlai elevated "Wi Freda ex, lanueil. county was held Thursday night in directions. Manufacturing plants arc in Santa Fe. Tins is almost as gnu , In the he, i, i, f Ihe Chinese public Ihe office of Attorney I.uis j being operated to their capacity, the Gregory Page on the li' Royal Highness lis pullinv, lnti ICC I'leMihlil 1,1 Y II. Ill llllllg. WllO IS Thomas Hughes and Judge Geolge It. shortage In the supply of labor being Willi a prohibition plank in the pl.'-- j A o present. l..q. iar with both the conservative Clang of lhuquiTiUe wci practically the only determent to ad- 1 r?SS form. and prorre: si c partu s, ami under Notes of Interest A meeting at which organization will ditional expansion. he American Whoso I. n in some lead 'lllli China ci work be perfecled will be held tune The demand for fall merchandise is Im i inoii r lur salvalioii. From State Museum soon. Gentleman A It . . i y encouragingly brisk, and the general llulil'l I'M i:ol I'l sill. Ill I.i. i tn i, 3 t , . business is In lea. I. ha II, e snppoll of he a lu.v , :mn .i i',ii,iinj, to morninu joiiwsai.j I'nir sentiment optimistic. - Hie lovahv w Inch gav i Santa Fe, Sept. I .V George C. Vegas, X. M Sept. 1.V the central states the movement of The mi ;gei I ioii made ill the III- of President Knst Las mipi gll.tbl position. Ill Stan-.o- of Sii n l'ra Pa isco, the alt isl, The commercial club and a number commodities continues well sustained. fi I.i hii-i-- A, c i( - ience the illl lie II hi. t heart the who has lust completed Hit allegori- of enthusiastic fanners and merchants In the south the inquiry for staple, .l eX. (ill comiinssiouel s HOW 111 iv h a ol Hie 'I. inc.- rcpulih. cal mural paintings for ihe luolosi-nius- i assisted hy County Agent M. P. Gon- goods is increasingly active, while: i al urn Jolla.l Mi- sion at New Loudon tor the i: tablish .li on In the leVlllU- and i.r.n.n nt La zalez, have organized the San western commercial centers report n ot '.i t he was tin i onnnau.ler lie. r San Inego, Civhf., spent v ester-- 1 guel County Fair association, which mom of a hoi ih r pat ml to - substantial increases in business over cm - jot the I I MI I'll. il II lolees whl. h omi- dm at fhe tun sen in viating the slu- expects to hold annual exhibition in The picM-rv- year. Greatest lads an.l older al ''"'l threw the Mandiiis I'm- his service dins and v .w ing the art w oi k. He if Las Vegas. Tile date for the lSHi last On the Pacific coast the Intel mil hoiiiiduiv line mal'i and p.itiiotism In- - was eb- led ice on his wav to New Yoi k, fair has not been selected. f.'i liora hie crop prospeeis in that re- American tin- The l'.o- -l on a gion, together well in lliony, but how is it .olllg l pitsiilciil. imring living moiitiis Transcript gives half with the generally high ol llil.i. when Peking otliciiiblom was page to ipl ions and inct-arc- ot (ict Kid nf T'lHI Miscrablei IVrliiiir. prices for agricultural products ni k out '.' i oi liiiining wilh enthusiasm tor the archiieologii ill expedition of Mrs. There are few diseases that make indicative of still further progress n-t- , 1. I W.l-o- it Kxpei Icm has demons! . gov W. nl the one a dis- ihat ai hv I.i remained true to ihe otowi for the feel more miserable than Retail trade drags at some points, ow- Whiskey l A. Wingale, nothing less than a lair sled ei linn-il- which he had so largely C.immer.ial Museum of Philadelphia, ordered stomach. Mrs. us- - ing to labor controversies, hut this , ,,, helped in four cars ago. and at the same tune announces that Gorhnm. N. V.. writes: "I began iiiK army is laige nouglt 'o inn j condition is So high is he held in the esteem Mis. Wilson has decided lo devi'.te tmr Chamberlain's Tablets about five regarded as temnorarv. I - dish results ill the (Ileum ol the l c i ll b I'll tl s that he Was elected two inure summers to the wink at years ago. At that time was hav- and demand for fall merchandise as a - now misting between Hie two conn-- 1 pi cm, lent of the (.eceding provinces ntovvi, t vvenl fiv e miles west of San- ing ll great deal of trouble with my whole is maintained in volume that ta Fe. Among things, ar- 1 great tiles. Patrolmir Hie .Mexican bolder! ':irly "ns year, though he was in Pe other tin stomach. suffered distress reflects an expanding purchasing king living under Hie rnnf o Presi- ticle s.ivs; "Some of the most valu- one to indigestion and constipation. Power on the o.n-- t .,f ilia i...,,i,l.- ,.. is not like patroliiiK a beat on a , Itv asso- able were made Hie did me much good I dent Yuan. He came into close finds beneath Nothing until orally. Weekly $4-- - bank clearings ! The Hie two coun- i rv lead- - floors of excavated rooms, p.t.iiru- ( Tiamliei lain s Tablets.' street. frontier of ciation with the lev olu ion. i ibtainahh MtT.lSO." 7 tries extends lor muiii thing ova r two ets, Huang Usui and 1 'r Sun lany in tne case ot Hie not Hit re nieiu everywhere. room tun lals, o moms gen miles, a huge of wind-I- Yat Sin, in the revolution ot GUI. Ti we'e thousand a ml dining last cars he erally assigned lo a room, Mrs. Wil- - Milo Maize a smsl car just nnload-so- n i.i:i ami spri.Ti.K. much the ilnec desert. It does not rnjulre has I,, tn Peking; so lie Is ihe one taking rare to have at least one M our wiin liouse. The host grain tnt-nia- exp. New Sept. ex- -' fcludy to determine that Hie effective man mnv in China who has nn of them ii, need in the work. f,r ,)MIU.V ,,,, , kll(N f s(0).k Yolk, The metal 1 hey dig to adobe oor, sounding . change quotes lead Jtt.SOiu 7. s j patrol of sin h u stretch of country is knowledge of leadels of all it;. only cheap on the riuir 00. shades of principles. to see if there are v hollow orr Spelter steady. Spot F.iist St. Louis' ii very large undertaking. pi. s k'''' o imihl urn sell nt the pn-si-n- t .Modesi and unas.-nimini- President soft to make sure thai bed delivery, Jlij ' (. " agit n A bonier patrol is exactly what the Li has avoided Ih.- publicity v. t, 11 tl lock is underneath All finds areil,n,'e. moniiis conlnut was ! i p t Mint yon money tislny. l nitid states is maintaining nt th onu s to ibh,. men. In America he piaocd on the edge of the pi e vhero siimx Ihe KANS S (PITY I'KODl t V. Is little known, though be is piobahiy they are working and The prill' now is $I.H, liuiuli cd. pii t time, and it Is pmving a pret r'oids a'v kt the greatest Chinese lodav. I v in made by Mrs. lisoti of the .b pi lis at imv ciioiigh to ni von a vear nml Kansas City, Sept. ty ixpinsive affair. l et us suppose. little was known of linn until win, h different specimens ar,' loimd, Hulter China Creamery, sic: fusts, seconds, THE MEYERS CO., Inc. for the hake of the aryuim nt that H is Hie revolution. when this 1. siguif icanl. luiiCJ the ngaln- give oii a written guarantee - 2Tc; packing, 24 b,c. W d The il ever a to liolesale li-- li i'butors body of men be reduced, say, to olie-thn- in Hn J"'. ceiiir province govcttimint tal.e notion IM'.4. Pr, sob nt 1.1 r. Wltll and ia'Vpt ill a ilis iine. i4 that fair rnoiign." Kggs Firsts, "o'. t of China, in lompete Greece piem-n- strength uml u VI e Ai.iii Qvrngi i:, . . . its that .rived Ins military I'ducHtioti in Hi" the tourist biisincs It has it bin. I in F. W. h Poultry Hens, lfic, roosters, 11c; a for.Q ct Eiuiiiircid r.tier.ti- t- is rnyr.ns raval roller". Viceroy tho Ctrwi and surrour.U. rSi5ns 2 1 2 H -- i'trt Vr5l head Avenue. broilers, lie. &i2:i..1

.V ATHuquerqua Morning Journal, Saturday, September 16, 1916. Seven

Nev ;n; fop,,, t MARKET IS OUIE T; Niw York Central N. Y .V. II. ti Hartford '.0.- Northl'olk .v.- Wester,, 1 :! I i fib Xi.i h i n Pacific l 2 t M 1 TkmA J0D1ML CLASSIFIED Pacific Mail 2 CL HIGH-GRAD- E ' 0 NLY Pacific Tel. ,V Ti l -- 7 Feuiisy Ivnnni 55'.. ill' Kay Consolidated Copper FOE SALE I'.t adin- -. El: .'; si nmm w $ 2. ,100 - 5 room frame, modern, two & FCDM loan STOCKS WANTED Kcpuhlio mi Slec! li "i SALE On I!asy Terms on Kesideneo or jstintiiick to nloepini; porches, fcoocl mttlU iltl iiiKfi. Arizona Copper . Valins Ihuel ( Hest pay-- i lit any 'vcnlf-'-' lot !".(. 42; Hnsiness I'Kipertv amounts. I 'n i r ni' Fourth ward. , Southern '.. i ik to, mini; house in city. INSt I1ANCK in .T ri 0 0 -- 3 o VlhF.NTAI.'K $ . Three atlil two room T'tt coti.i:;.' and ;,,1 loot l"t, Southern Fniltvay '.'4', The tin, si residence ill WcM I. .rd8i.cJ houses, f ti 15U.142; shed'1, Ct Co 1 ni ishcil. oil lot with lots of ihi, k, ii hntiscs, Stllilobakor Fnd at a sacrifice est roiital income, $7U per month; ( te. I'rU o only .".(. Mon't hldite It nn,-!i,- ,'M'''1''' jjti.ittiii home- on ave- Following a Few Days of Great .,t;;" JI.IIOO (ash, balance S per cent. by the price; it is wovtli null e. Kasy Cupper ns I'" " - pour-roo- , ; D -- .;,t"1 ' room, ntionc, siur- iimni-r- House; close mi termi. nue can he hoiiKht at half its ne-'"m- "' I'Mdfie Hi'.'.", S- - tXCltement Wall Otieet coed, i,m.,rn. furnished; also on ear line; lot. fine location; a lite. tic 0 I'1''1 s1"' room on ''i" adobe in rear; nil lot Tin,,;,,,, ,:n,. (his ,,iaee; Nil- - 1u acres almost In liemt of luit 'a a IVIOie Oiaieiy All(!r. S. AWoliol 13U 112; Thud ward, doso In. AITor.MiVH SlimeS Industrial nnoo like rent 1IUC' 'MM-l illy; will double out invest- letislO-- 4.000-6.r- oom - MONFY TO . 1 Vnir. d Sto,.l bunKalow, hardwood, l.OW. JOHN MII.SON C 07H nnn Chmoo siat.s ment in less rnan ti months, y n - n AttoriU'T it tt OaltOiI. uiiuilOi pfd . floors, built-i- features, good loea m n (3 ia IilivVjkj t'nitrd States steel Il'ii if & Let ns show oil. 1,',. Iti. fi', unwell IhllllU . iS TOAITOH CO. Itnelln It anil oK n, tlon, northwest section. Vmm alM M pie it; i I'tah Copper and ran, lies at sac- .ti,. fill'-tsr,- r 211 West Cold Ave. Houses " $2,500 Five-roo- frame, modern, 'Wabash pfd. "P" rifice price'. lilllll I, Ktllll-.- w Ml Klassod-i- n sleeping porch, cellai.l See nl Inw iWos'ern Fnloii Miiilc) In In All, .ltirnr New York, ... (rood outtmilditms, fine hndo and. loan (puuultv Suite :l. !.; I.ll.fiirs- ii n.i ne i. "'"TIT'tTT'T'- .. . i;i;v TOST , ,.i..v- f-- a ,nK ; ' fruit trees, lot 100x142; Fourth Jl ski; A. It. M IKK I' if'""1 Total sales for the da, I,2;i.l'U0 1,1 ,s 11,111 ,1 Id ttru.oa a nt Inw apart from the wild imd speclaeular ..prove,! IT I.. tl.HM t; ,'. IfiavycsitaECffiill Alliinirr , 1M Nsfolffliiiisi! K 4 O.itil und precediiiK day, S".S other ii Wtiii n Itlilu, t'.irii.T is- - tuatioiis of the TOmd .. , t i: ;a piai-iif- K ihu born. Ia'Si' in, in, s.i, iiii.n in ,(.,:,!, Si- -' ml lii all ctuto unit and unimproved property. d. ( 1 the forward movement in lush made REAL KSTATE. with f..l. I'll, ,1,1' return I.. ;l',t I tilt Hiiiic. .,l,,iul N.i.iiv I'.tl.ln' In Klflii" IIICAt.O HOMtl) OF III-- C. " investment payhiK issues, which kmv Tiani:. .,,,,1 i,,.o,- tit i.;ii,l (III in FIKE 1NSUUANCK AND LOANS 10J X. Tliirtl. l'!i"iu' (o5 DIM IsTS ,,,,, n deji oe of much needed, , wore list 1.VSeHo..s 111 lilt. J. I hit l T was once more on cMo. n,. WEST GOLD. rtn.Mt. rid ,1,,,(;,h. TradmK A np , , , lieiitnl Siirttritn list frm (,,.,y Ileal liisunince, I'lil Ml A l.i.h l,l.i. I,. 744 ., ., liat-- loans Hi. .inn ; X Itai ii. it HI. In- Pimm eiKantie wale, the total turnover.,, ,,,,, ,,, i:, .1 h . I. 1, (iriro: 111 South IXmrtli Street V.p liitnit lilt Ma. If l.v M.ill ,,r l "Tiiiiini shares, making the tenth SM M.I. I'.MIM, ,1,-- ., ill lit, .il l .. K n, col'Kelv in consequence the market.' - n in w - , l"iv ( s , ant t:.t mil. rrrrn f iiis.h nth e full session liieh deal ',,,,,,,' ., ,i, ,.i ..... ,,.,! h wit half mile of at' IlilltUI (rand T figures. ily ( :., ietrs 1i'VP run into seven , .,,,,,' ,, ,.; T. L. MoSiu,ldcii K. L. .tlvSiMidden line. pri. part tune. This W l: -- nt Mi'iiiu rtuililiiitf Ii f, W nits Pli-t- 7',1 y liD Pi-- Sl-- I" n was m .siK"s at the outset of . is one of tile real est laud l.a r..i ins IF!!0 llirr here t , l.- r In lit $1.1!"-.- $1.4!i:, and May utj r i i i -l id I, -- was ,.,l.. Sife TT1DI1E ,,,.,.,.. has cell offered near All,u,uei , ip IIM'M"m.,., .h, j.., fimshe.l I'. to 1 to EKiGIAKSE that IH'f,l S'l'.l ,ti. r. A.Mi.'m. I'. niNMtl S AND Mltlil'dVS ih uuc. Land all urnum! it is held at li.'. I l:',c up, and oats with a nain of "k SIKO.MI IIOK.III Mlt.OHON I.. Ill It ION. .. I. n a. .. . - , 1I.M ;(I)S j:;oo per Surgeon Iloteil values in '''i'i.', iioiii;. r ..iul,.,, lh.i ..10 SOl.O acre. It l h mi ni.iii I'li)sl,lall and Ininis AMI , i. a .1. c i,l In, ,11! ,l IV. I i, in: it ti ni'tt TUit. ,, ,t from time to time the nmr." ,., van(,;, It. McVLVOllAN, ncirt ,i. .(. ;( iM. , .1 ,! , i(.,.mi. ' Iticyile ,1, il me rl 1 i -- lleadiiiiartcrM. (Jold. 907 jmv" i.i.' a' ii upeeulativo shares iiianilestc, some 210 I'hon ,,, it (. Wt 111 l 1, , I ((f 'hone 1 JO West ioll tl, m.iiI l.u. Ihi;',, I me Cheek Protector, rriH'tlii I. Ill, II.-- I,, IOjp, I'.nr, Now iinfl susceptihility to pr.ssure. In point of .,, till. liny ; '. ,,.,ll III, v!l,.llt ,1(S(., l: liil t I 'I'lirtnit lea, 'tie 'ash Keulster. II, fact today's final prices of i.ik j , Wr,hiy-- sm,,,.n ,.,,,,, h, ,,, IIl'.I.I WAM'Kll Si at,. Vat i. .nut ink rt.l. ,.,,' ItHt Itooinn f me York Safe. an, ,, i s. (.. MIS AI M. rails ,lf ,,., ,,iace any lie I, the so as they Mil llll. w... takl. without filiation far If. Linoleum, in pretlv ".nod shape. li I. lii I Nimc uml vesterday. , , ...... i , ...... Nurth. l'rin Inillcd Mr, iir, ' ' ' ' ti.... .ml ' '. i:i H.,i..t h. ... Ki ; i Two Cilass or t'a es. 'I'hriNll ore of various! , ...... ,. ..' M MtK ai.....s issius - , it liffl.-- I" 11. 3 - 4 eil lo nave ueeii naiveii so nauiy ilia' .i;i :n (u, inicij is wen occu- in p; w si!,a- I., Hi ,, t : lo .IP liniiieii Two lluiis. pli-n- d,.s,ript..ns touched leVelH well above , ;"tl t '.' Went I'.'tilial All ium r. nn( 1;it). ,,,. W(,v T V: ,u'iii;iTiuity i p. . , I T ,(, ti ,,, I it! l,t:.S ,11 in- In .1 I" I- I- lo 1'OIK. i Pipe. " . die Move and tit any ot the .ear, and some, ,,,,, - a.-- imiu- - Il ' nit-- tVvi s "'""" ,,n maintained. All develop soiifd ha is: flu i.mi.oi .u.ui..n. i...s Aii,ft.-- 11,1, lis (HIIK I' " ' " - j Shelv inn. hiM-- t I Niikk an ti- t. i !,-- -. ItilUI In vi1. lair, and Hiront Inion I'aeific, which made ,,,, t - Ti t '" .n.l. ii - i '. iw i'i "i. t.ile, oMabli:.i that no Ar as tit. IJ inoitllis. si "" M ti All.niiii.t-ii- - ht nl laiiiilini.'. m, A N P I.. I"'-l"i- Idectric l.u Flstiires. nam ot pontsi, to ;1s! r, I'uit.l- in Mi.. tl.w Foil i;i;N f'Nevviy uiuild 1 T.'t ifetiie j.u,(. ,,,, w (l) .11IV ,ns, ,.,,. fmr months. TO'u lb ins l.i ii iii - i iii plnim. ; , id;,,, ana rl ;,n In ?, li"X ; ai their- maximum i, rices since ...... , tn Jifc.s roonii and nix- - llxtit rot.t Stol'e Fivlures. . IK l r mi-- N Ml II I o"'.'l(le, toward lilted Mates, auoi icitiiorj ine svapie. Sl M r,.in-ni- it li.. l'hniie Oilimitsi ta '! llll; I'll SWAI'OIIHM ' Mi itl, I t1"' ' ' v - M! 'u S.",c; fin, iilnTi iil,isl t the lima! mid l imn. """ """' '" "that ow inn to a lack of essels no fu fine itiediuni staple, v..ti-;- i i i v,i Nmth it si:i: TIIIO.M AT roe r.t. ...rice. M ; W.-s- t f.Milril Av.uuin which rose one lo almost inill.potni lie 7S'i.XHe; fine ineiliuni cloth- In W',."'. M "illil.ul, flu lariie shipments could lookc'l' lil lilttn. A,,l tt ; 4 - lure f elilh. little.. in - 1' n. iii - t.i p. in. included I'aeific and At. hi ,, s.", '' ' '''' v - ii's' Southern hand, the bears; insf. T,",',i77c; half blood contbini;, ''" pin -- li Ian. 111 . Inirile. f,r ,!. other ' "'"'' Sklifiissapi'iS Sltois Stoirs Son. made miii- of the fact that recen t 7 1, blood U N TKI -f a. s ,o,. 'I .V, Juh'n ii'i'','t' " W. T MI'IIPIIY M P. c..mbiii. - ' - in, in cxp.'l i, I niti In t Km- I ' V ; Y VAN' llltS'liVl.l, M 1. "u" (lie TS'u Mie , """"'' purchasing for deck c,oVermiie nl int-p- it" 11,11 Ki... i n .I.UUJU4 iki.i, 214 Wcsl Central, may a im i.i,, ,i , , , , ., iiii, poiuleil out. nae i.een , .,,,, ,,, nlv n.llf .,s -- Kxtra. 'u S.",c: A A, SD',1 7TT "" "'lh- WVit njrl. "' t. l;, sin. ii Ill.llv.- l".'ll, W'1 e7e7royer, m. d, rectiBnit ion of their stroti'r position, ,,,. ,,,,,.,.,,, 7t! A (ili t ia-- ,s hll .,ns finally NL'c; fine A, 'a M'e; supers, 'In 111 a ii;lli.' Voli HK. .'m uitlu-i- n.iuii. iiioUMa, " 11(111 1 UP M l'HYNK I AX as by the re. out report , - miiii,;. a - a in, ,tii, i. ici.i iti j ulik, n- - ll Wdt Silver. lilt indicated "';.,,,,,,.,,,. ,.1Vl, ,,aii,ed a clear ad 71'e. ,;., Pli-l- n y. , X M ! (iffl... Wlul iiik Iliitl.lini: I, X '.Tl. A II. ii, (ti. a inii- (77777. ITT: - m,7"i in.-i- a -i coiuiniss,,,,,, ,( ,,. rm 11)11 ItKNT tlte Jiuersiaie o.nnieice .,ri,.,. ,,.,,,,!,,( f vi Ifllliut I I' hllK,y i: VHP l liK.II - . V. .1'1.Z fc;, I, I, In 1, M il ill Kin h"ii"i Ui'.'l'inir- ."i S".uli "ii. iic"i till- showint; tht t the ha, liiif; railway com Ar- - K (TI'V 'ti.H Sill. l."'ll ( situation in s tilt 1(1 North. I. hulled In Wotni'n'a mid llll A :t.l.llel'ill,'H lll"il Hlll.,.'ll, il.l.llll.'ll HI, ,l villi rriiellee country, the first .,, ,,,. j l. P, ill lii.N ,1, lil,l, ,anies of Hie for w s ,(J ht '..;.-- drrn't lllkrii.e. ,,,ltlna (lwjn, VI itskr.l. -l II II. III" t.l".r-tuna- l II li 1,1 It S a a ,. tr' ni Vnil in. "lei lank 1iuh'. 1117 A tpli, N. M. time ill their history, piled up net; ,...., .,,, ..,,.,, ,...tli,t- - Kansas t'ttv, Sept. t'ash wheat. iiiiliniili'il fall :;l W,- -l .l.ila an Kail llnnuii KI N i I III lilsli, ,1 ill in. Ml i, II !0'i th mil "i - 2 l.KM; ;!, $ 1.4'! lull of more than a billion lol - No. hard, $l..,0'ii No. 1 1 i f,,i- n i i Iv -- ; i earnings (d f(. Klu ,,,,,1,,,, eorn values up- Tt .S all y.tuiK so-- on lieal. nn tit el" i lalilifi, I i Hi" Itl'.N I' I' iu. tie - .ui e inn, I AMI ATI'OIINKVS AMI HI IIVIAORH ', 'A'- , Hi in fiscal year. I'nitol I 4x; No. 2 red, $1.54 No. ::. HKI'M li - t'lflkH. ll l. l.Tlll, 711 VV- .-i Sil,,-r- .. ri,l,-,l an. -1 lars the last (,1..1(,1. A,v.llu.,.s checked by, '' .!' K( iSS. Sin , IMuiund III, -- i .Mi Pill , , . I '- ll, IM. ihiii1, im, ."1. N S.' it n- I. -- -- states Steel repealed its lliKh record , I 7 liee., May UI.Nt III,,-- lut mslit-.- Mi. ill." li'li I H, Manual Snri-i-- r, l!ltl Went ...... ntace of t.hU iiiuililni.ils. ami many'- ts Ali'i ,Nay s m-- .tt ii-- v hie, ,ll,u' fU '. il In. use. Itt-- OS .MI,iiiiii..iii... N. M. f 107, and affiliated shares. althoi.Kh -,- .,-. $1 1: n ell l" .li, 'l lt ltl:N .in tl.'t.t avinim u, f (;, H.'i. !:. rtniiiiK St. in. .n Arini.l"' :'i t rI,Mi uas iilli pti'.nt. ML' ,,.i, I, N.-- tli in t Ii st re. wal.-- were m 1 No in, hreKular .it times, strotiK the ,1(.livi., ,.,, ,ss '"'n 'ncha tiKed to 'sc lower. !l-- i KIXAItl AX ' li(s ,.,,u.flv from 1 rniiite. o.oi-Hitn- ttniit, tains..; in. iliin. tni.iilli in s- s."..-iiS-c- ; A.VtW.If A. lliilil, all nil milu rotmit. -t No. :' . -r. a, :1b IN V. M. main. o.-n - '"ied. ''.-- t,y pin, n 'l in .u.n N..i tit null .It iHN .1. A M .'If I'll f.. I'. and wheat. f .iiip.-icii- nun Hit) Mtik. s:!'-iKtc-. ANli;i li. waiji.ii. ;.(" -, J t ot ; ! I '. :i, slii'.-t- wait- - tain.- lli".li'lli; " I Ii at lit I, a I la in i, an. VclcrliiiirlHIl was the only feature ,,,,.,... ,,,, ,ro - ,N" - while, X.le; No. Niu-il- i Wi'Mt (Viitnil Hvcnuo. I'U'I. I"'' oiitei iim;s ilfteil nn. mil. nil 'I'n.ifiii. ("I l'i.'4W - I " ii,..iiii i ;i.;, s s ml Phone r noun on c...,,,- No. 2 yellow, s 'it sr.c; No. .!, ., t .IIU Hie maiivci iiioueiaie S4t '.('' liit-- -1 in ll InnlnAi k. A kh.VI wn ;ul nislii it I.. lor lik " visions. " 4 s. I 7 7 I n. -r ruilr-i- ul rlnulll. i TTi 1m," m vs skill of hiisiiic. Total sales, par ( ice.. c; May, 'sc. It., W,.l f,,.(l a line kvi'ionu nn. .In miltalili. 'losinu pro es: ln 1,,"., I - I'tH-h- 2 Smith s int. full n. w. value, $;!. 7ii,i"". $1- fiats No. white, VA A Kill ma ,i i t IuiiuhIi.-.- Int... ali.ol- vtimivN Win .. JI.IM'j: Mav. - ned. w..ik. nl; Pl;l ll Nilllllt I (., X. M, 7'-.c- t - I) II -- III I'.I, A II ,1,. fi.-- it ami I. ti k s. iisiiimI bonds were unchnnK lie,-.- 7 r, ll'ifjii No. 2 mixed, 4'i'u nn! lliuliltinilt. nl; unVlTlllll'-n- t Fliited States j - 7: May, . 4e. Pli-l- !'.. mil do "t til" "tlli'l.ll Corn '.c; 1,1: li'7 if i:i."V. lilil AN I J, tin l.le KKl - p. I ellil-ili.- VI II n mill e 'li li. fall -- r hi u Kti.i claliua on call. j 4 7 Hay, lib i,i.i.s put hum inliiiiu: Ottts ice, "(: 311 tli t ( !M( ( I'.. Mrs P.'slOmi.-- i Twilflll. lliuli Mil., llKtiluiinii. from S -- ntii-vs in Sot M.ti.-.t- Closinjf prices: I.tird ( H t., $14.42; $1:1.72. At.O I'llflDl f Jan., .,1111,11 - In KlJlf lllC.ST-r- ui nlHlt. a BiiUlll in- I. llci'lt-lli- A HAM i:. i, lilnlii'li. r.iniut. M I'i ill III;.."!" Small, -' 'Mi ilvviUllliKi merit tin licet Sutir ,. 1. 5112. a Hii.s t.ici., $lt.:;7; Jan., $12.75. .;:i. Mm. W. II. I: .I. Walter I'hen. -- r, h I 'll I :.. st (Vntrnl. IX U fSAiik' American Can CliicaK", Sept. 15. lliyther , n. IthNT Fin ii il Ii., nt a. m, uu lick, KISST---Tw- r in fiirnlnlmil tint I I tW ' f 're-- Hill I'dit ' iJH'I'rt Mint Itirtlaavr. iSi . inery . , ,i ;;2'.e. -- ,, -- t I. tin American Car Foundry.... V . j..iiiii.n t.. ni,- i in,- ti use in .r f.i.'i H.i hi (' ti r it with I'.iiiilng ,,,rih. lull Hitutli Wal- M lOllh MONFY mai:m:t ( A 1,1. It l .i' PIkiiiv' ,22 -- '.r.-k- duly Higher. Peceipts hi r twn ri a in usl mi I. n luriilslii-.- ter, American Locomotive hit ,la'"i ii,". 'l I ij- i -, y i. L'H -; ii.-- K:,M i, . I, I1: ,; lOSvi i 'ii, - ' 'n ordinal A,.l Sth u a rpinu a II" in 'l i t; i: r i mi- i "i niiO'i. American Smelt. KefiniiiK.. York, Sept. He in, Firsts, firsts f ni .ii... "it vT.K- - iTuiii I' in- -. New . -- l't ill S r a , I., I u r. nvn, li. "IIS, l i, it. list, - -r s. i t.i i ,, fin illslied. SuKar ;, fining . ,110 e: a mark, cases ini ludetl. 2: i'i,U l:i;.t' l.a,i:t' a. til s'Util'.lr w, IH I 111 I I' American per, - '.. per cent. - III lo f'.'lt holK ".'j4o.ll.ll 1- I i '' Mi I" t S.,ilili Hi' Ins S,.1I I'M llll .1- .V- tr,2 i...... Ill K. Aril". Pie I American Tel. Tel , r .Sc. l"l u. :li vi iijiF l"t Ht I.IC 'I- - tiv !ar sil i: is v i.'i ti TIiTvr-- sum i. vv .iii.t, ri i i ooiii . t, & S III PeceiptM IS cars. I'u-- ! , ! Illll." of American Zinc, Lead la i s Potatoes w i-ni p- -i -n mill giirUK", iiii. i"ii ,1(xican d' vn:i p, ,p iii;.vr i.iui-.- uu I" ,ii all. hri'.i ifl , IHI ( iian-e,- l. , i ' .. .1 n. Ilusl 'U t, , .1. (i"l,l. I'll. in.' ui s vii'- i ni... Anaconda Cupper ('.(Acriiiuelil bonds Steady. ltl tn iiM tunc lllllt Apply :l, Will e Atchison Steady. Poultry Alive. unselllcd. Fouls , t u -- it "- nwr ..Mr 7iiiiYi,s I ' j.i. i.ii.niii. i i"'. tt, ii.h.lnt, v. titui.., Hi-- .': Kailroiid bonds i, t..y i'iiu ( .ill ::c !, c". flly. -, i i in-- .l, n II s k .iei l: .c; f n . .Ct r.7777- l,i, in- I. n li"il iillila' lialdwin Locomotive Ktrnnm-r- Sixty days. serines, .a P"'v,-- Tittle loans is'c n in.- noli. ti.- r .i vv s, ,1 I'll,-- ," "I". 'll y( iiaTTI - I.. .1 la ,ii, .1' I" Ht SAI.; lilt ".!', le A.- .1S7"4 , till iiitr I""1' Hnltimore Ohio ;: ij, n ::,; per i til. j .; .il le ... k n li. .'I- - n heal . III .l I". .ill-- ll I," fit, to M l i. f.lltll .,'..1 lli; I' i'i. - li. a Ir" nl, ii lV"IIO. I'.rooklyn Uapid . S4V I.ON lOX WOOL lllil -- -- I, in Transit y St, tale, in. t" i:: hi . ,l.( nl. ..'f. In'" in le.' Call in adv. Kulitu In- - net.. .1 I. us.-k. it. i - .. fu. fiim - j I'i t; in fu.. . -b aii, ii. in. :;.' . W ll.-- II ,' Superior Copper ... t S If. Ill f"',;ify. llutte 2 per l ,ii"l I. anil mi pa u Il.'l .i,'it.ii cciit. - A la ts Iklits alii iiii. l, ;' hiii.v. . 21 Lou. Ion. Sept. - - v . t .i - yv.v w I. i .:n. s vv Ii.ii "iidHlf. t California Petroleum ti;i , "il, ,' I" H '"ll Sl, 1,11, - Ill It .. S.l-:.- .l vvil t .,,.. r collection a mount in:; to s.imhi bales '"II. - II i :," I' 't in i - i in iH'it . Hub" Itnil..'! Canadian I'aeific .its'; tti-:- iv lv I cti. ill I'll, TuT- 1'uK tunnt MAX YOltlv COTTOX. i, liii..,i - Mlnmu.-- i- i- Itef. e I'm; l wool sab iiiiilnl (,10 I, I't.iillili't"; Klaist-i- III l,.,l,lllK HA l.l hivln'. e'liiif ainl H ''.Nas ot'fere.l at Ibe auction y n.iri'hei. Willi .till, nail etait, Central Leather it., s as in ', 11 I'. III n nislu'il in. witli lcciliis at p, nn, mo, on t'nlv. our line naff, ash .t 'fO'.O'r. ( oiiiu,.- BIl(i (i :t a IClsl HVelllle. .Inn, itaiy; itctk. . - today. There was brisk dcmaiid for W (i..i,. lie sin. II i.; I. I'tlitrril Chesapeake .t Ohio New York, Sept. 1', Spot cotton-- ! l:,:'4 i: ('t in i ii Apply itioriilima or pliona Wl. li K li 'i tf plain "i "4 l!u21. "i"l itrfff. were no! i"i7ll N T Nl. - Ii.-- il in. an f"l t'" X- !5 (jreiiriv but scouieds PI l.os.' i.ii-p- Chicago, Mit. St. Paul Quiet. MidillitiK iiplamls, $ir,.ti0. i nn if.M.K si t-, pij.t.. s:'. ;...i .i. .'., 1(1,1111(1 tin vvitr. i; rli'tp ins' pinli, ItiMMtis & 24 wanted. About bale of s, $ii.."i 'I :i ,'.n ; $ 1.75 FOIt I;i:NT Willi ilonnl .No In nieli h ... wi'ii, ova renal. Iniiti t ali, Chicago Norlhwestern .... Sales none. sleet 'i cows, 'n 7.50 iw- - ,a.. tii a in... l iillliK skil l. "i to ote, Apply 4l'0 . . . 17 -l, .l..-,- latter have been withdrawn since the I I' - i'M tillnlnlit'tl. ell'l. il. Chicago, I. Pacific Ky ,.,.. let In ifers, $ii, mi 'it u.5ii; $ii.ou i i isli,-,- i t' IIION Metlcrn r.tttllin. it. slockers, l; i la .'.- uu ldt - Silt-titt- i i; 611 llrnnd- l'; 1 . - or wltlmut board. South Dec.,' $ I 5 7 "f S.25; $fl. .',0 fit I.tlO. aul, t ,,.r. h. t""i- !ii;lit k. witli ir- Chino Copper $15.I7; $15..;5; Jan..' I'll.VUE -- Will truila-iir- lint n " k tOIV. lull SAI.B nl. Colorado Fuel ii Iron .May. lies-He.-e- ipts ii, a 'i 'le I March. $15. ss; !.:..'. ;i,5(0. Market Hie .'t Pt'.NI- K ami l"r .r k Hi l;sTt k MAItlvITS. ta nt vvill Corn Products Kcfinint; hkxt t mu ii ti ri J"! iillc or hcutt for cah. Ptioiie Cotton chise.J steady id a net loss ibitther. P.ull;, $10,701(11.115; heavy. a s :,, ,,. I, Ins, tn all uitih. '.f t I'liliai in la, 7.1 iv Mi- lii"liiich. i 4 ;. -- Witliiiil Crucible Steel to 7 points. I'll., "lt ''i 'i.'.oi; ltKlit, $10.li0''f 1.10; A is-- .!. in -l la - a S.iih Hiri'.l of ( l.iM'stocU. i i v 1' el . 4H Iiicaii il piiiil" t !': k tliai til .uu vlia. 'it I :"s Vi ti.. ir, rill A I iY S""ll Pall' offela exi i'i Ii' lit loolll Distillers' Securities piKs. $'.f.00 ii.oo. CIOIVI Receipts t- itr-i- leak, nii.l t.H's.e i it e.a roof, fu "S Seil. n uml l"iiril, ,lut Ilia plan - KH Krie M W YOP.K MF'IAL MAKKIT. 5,000. nut i.i. ifull-- n; I",' tn '.met let'. .Mitnzall'l 2 000. ct Native beef cat-- ! Sheep Pcccipls .Market I' mm. milk ami For ratii iti"ne Marl. firm. HlfcpinK ii nnf i.f l.liilii'n; eb'itili' i ',, tn iti h hi Cent fill ICIedric .I'd CO; - ;m:-- H Th-n- Wain st"a,l Lambs. $10. 00',, Hi. year- It -. f- -r conking; Mm. II tie. $i;.ti,fi, 11.25: western steers. $i;.oll in in. til..ili-n.- Initli, fuel TTTi pfd .11. . New York, 15 Cupper II,. 14. ai I... l '.ii? Ureal. Northern Sept. Firm 5 ffr .'.",. IHI VItl- II iiii fill "lie 5n 'a VI wethers, $7.25 Walnut, mU'inliig IIIkIiIuiiiI UANi Full IIKA1.11I. I'".' ' f,io.50; stoclicfs, $t.f'iil-i- 7. ;:; cows, J,"" l.itiMI l.t ii,, k .liilH or hint Ureat Northern ore t'lfs lolytic. ::. Si 2H.25. Pat tl lata., llllill HiTvlce, cl.'i-- rn: lllitll"'. ll'ius cv s, ." 'a 7.25. can illv ,1 s :'.-- $ s. 5u ',i .".OO. .,.7.,; ' .1 nn- - all1 fiii'itii $::,50 'o 5 calves, ,.- -l ,1 i vv .1. Ma per Illll. i'iiil.ticil Steady "I nllltk-i- Itli -- Illinois Central Iron and utu banned. I. lot l. lisl-- n I, -r (, Ii )li"l,' vv rk, Uou-t- - Keccipls 11,00(1. .Market KALI'' I'tinllrv mid pi, in- I'.'.'i Mr.. W II Interborollifh Consul. Corp... I' Metal exchange iiuotes tin steady I.ifs Ultfit. .1 s nth nrcitUny, K,c aver, tea . Denver l.hcsliicl.. - . ., a l.i a i 1. i- i- llV. yti II, .1,11 II ' "11,11"" .;:-- . 2 u shone.. above yesterday's nl; .M.l. .mi 'I I'll. .ii.- ...I Inspiration Copper 's Scot. ;;i.75. i $ :Di r H I. IL .Pi ('llniiKl-li- s. la t"i- li.atlll n.ikt-'l.- nit I'Oitl .T I ; P.ulk, $1ii.15-- 1. 20: liKllt. 0. ff Denver, Sepl. - Keceipts ami ,,,,,lii N. . .1 I"- III International Harvester, li,,;. ihiap If talo-- I'll -' i, a li I ii tralin il lull .i' all' I" I 11.50; heavy, $H 11. 4"; I'iKS, $7.00::ioii. Mai la .steady. TVI'RVftl 'US Int. Met', Marine pfd. Of;- 111 liOMON WOOL MAKKIT. !'.'' lieef sleds. an. i' I" Willi, r .str.'.'t. PI " ' S OI AI.IIV aaiHinrt-haim- . c.i $i;.oo 7.75 cows -- .i'iMn HIIMll." API. KIM i4, 1ml h - ' in. in. ' and heifers, Orplnftona and Wart mf ttnl Kansas City Southern Huff and Whim :D Iitiuitlit, ilil. ritited ant repivlrrd. Sheep Pi ei tpls 17,00". Market ti. Ml; slue'. etc anil feeders, ;,.IIM'i, Ml I.. A, I'. Fu rm. I.. II. MnrKiii. W X'ri Mls4cllfliie4iim t ICeiinecott. Coot, cr Po.stoll, Sept. The Ciiniuiercial 'em f Tvpew tiain t. I'li mi li , ', S.-- ',( f.w;, A Phmip IfT.I rlier Ff ' Wethei-.- $i;..oi o la nibs, 7, on calve", $ 1.00 M(ir, P. (), lint lh.iiifritii.. WAN ; I11I11 taikii. W. Kea ' Lonisvillo - Nashville -I k in will say Ininurrow weak. : Smith Fourth I p; nay. ! now Hi. :m. 00. Marl, i I" to III T lay, they win, lllfV Navajn I. 1,1' I, Itt -- ft nt! VVr( "i I.' ina- - ,. i - The lone of the wool market was $7. lb',;" Pec k ...i.ik flic: Iiiiik T'TiT' Iiii a Pf i' PIC W HI a NiJ .Mexican Petroleum II. I. IIcIh; aim) H. c. Wlilti. urplnKtnnt Htr.'i-I- 7 vol te Top, $11.10, bulk, Fust t'hliiii.. l.'lrnt data and -- ' better diiriiiK the week ami the hinher Jln.K ,, nil Anc.innii. rrtn-wlnntn- ttni'li Miami Copper ' ll ' ma ball-a- s ( ity LIcs(tcU. 1 - ",n I,. F,. VV II. l""i"iv ."'' A''s hlah Kritdo rrhullt typcvvrp' I'tiwrt &- i of business was slightly larger il nd PKKt nt ri'dnccd pried. Thomftt a It Missouri, Kansas Texas pfd.. nine i I" 11. "II 1. " ehitnlo tn rhurttn of 1. ;fi' W'stf Hold i 5.-- le- - ( Kt 2', 117 Ii'iimI llMZi'lillfl. mv(iiii l!ll(HIni!l most the ,j, tiianil hcinn fur I' n Kansas Citv, Sept. -1 'a l!e Mu ,pl: ,5oo. Market 144 T vtm (II- Missouri Pacific ,,' i.ic.itnnK, ritK ana Hint ll,..n "i" orib-r- b , $ '.'. a , ewt i.Aitl'I'.l luti in.". lory wools of Hie staple Pi es I.f Market stroll.",. Prune lower laiiil'i, no" -- XV A Wt. Montana Power '" I., nl. r. 'i"f', t'"'lio . - (!. :.o i 0, 7 ... W N"I lloiir. " w i re report lit- l $ o.ik 'u .00 ; western ftrin. Manufacturers steers. L.:l .! National Lead (tit I, Itiisiticss at VVy.sll-.l- t '., 1, .l"-ti- " I" en Ian,' Icl , W III il al 11 "teat Ll' allot thri inrtiistii li'.tisi-- I'Tpll! net - relit .1 -i llor ',::' Simla t' l" N'. .1 I'.I . o" 1. 1. lie, - en a In ..Kill. s iilli' "I '',', III K.llll' M""-in- Ilroiillii frniii .iiiiinint Wtinl At'. ,"ih Knit ,ll'.-- -t m v Hi)-- - I" huy, i.i:"iia-iin- lurnuuio a.. tim ii r lire- - nr xiiiiill iiiiniit IIP 1. J. l. ttai'ii-ii- t. ritis 11!, VVi'tl li.'I'l vcliu. I IIW Ablls Al HI M.lltll u p o ,S M. Mpooi If T- nn, N. srours i.i.i in .i'i ,1 a 1; i'liiV - ni .ti"' !; A - .oil tn Any Pi. Int. Any Tlma. '' li'lt it.t i, 1,11.11.1 il I' - .1 l.l.ll a .,ti Trip! ...... III N e vv M in, in. , " III 'Mi'". My "i l.ll.,,i,,s lili'v i pin. no f..r nl 'j liiiSllii-- P.. nl' .in- .1'"" " Will M'll ...ital. le fin pin to ML r.'.e .VV Winkler Hotel, Sot..rr... N. ttns.m-s- ,tp- .laiiinil. ;,",.,. It . "jfi irvui., n ; "jtioK iii ki: I .' V, ' Vi.fiil rMVT V-- I Ai.1'; l.lVl ltV. - - ' I; -- l Fltltll us ievit ut.'fiju.'frpsi ,AivtAf; p(" I.' tif- mit- sai, Itl'rll I'StlllC ''XitrL1!!'!!!1"!!-?-'----,- aid iocitrv Mci .MAR-rOt'-lt- Z: AO )t'i !.(. nut iiik Iti'ilsitiialili, prlics Sunn I t', Mailrlil, ''i--'- - ''- - ' ' -- I. I. H is. I" -- "J raM w A "sit rl: SA 1,1. Ii. u.1l.11 I. I" "i" I'll s.M. "i ami net rrdro. .' J' rrtr- vAlftAf yii'tt lLi '""" '' lull I:l:.f A7F t. Apply II nr mil. Mni.ri llai.-ln-! Norlli s... Trip Anv Tlnue ( l ltllll I Oj. V-.- VHOTT. A,-'i- ' AV M", It a.t. t'li'i' cut lion UlvC TfE' ,' r .MOVE '',rl ) WA lit ,., n n;,li!,t An,- - s,,.,.. rv v . r ", ii tvf vyjv fiMVPi t; !,pi CIV- " - ct ",. o.s- ,Nf.T,; .f " ini: T i. t"wm-it-- ,j i .1 11. s'hi',1. vi, ll f, nx S.M I - eVPOV.T ft A tt hat I. fait lint Livestock "', r, l.i. k. as. A Is- - lots, riAii.y At'TfiM'ifiii.i'. srAoa ffCOO MIlsHi I via-, ii tiKlil-r- ! ' ' ,,a- A -. t ' "I; RU r Scrvtca. ',11: ft In i"ll. "I hour A ,,, ,.l,i VV'cst 'Ctrl, p. S Oil r fity to m. tf7ys 'llll !. I!" tl "ll.l. miv. Ti'Tt" v 11';" ia nt li' .It o il M- u"ii"ii no a. in. SA l.i, - 'I u ., of ii.e I'l si ri'slilt-nia-i t.r I'tilt t"i Cara nn i t nil tr.iina. I.iiru.'tt and J a I. .In, 1"H hv Ht. I" th" inrtii,.,it ., egulppetl nn'- - in y In tin lllillHaiuln. nt a haliOlin, If lalion nt tinre. .1: sua. il":;s, I"I.I..!' ft HKNNKT'P AUTO CO. mi' piiyini'lit Inilmiii. en tlliKf. li"tn I. Ill il,. "lit ii.l pup Part MaTlco -- -- New Ph-- U m ,, i.i :is S 111 Pllvnr fltv. 1.11 rtirncr unit t in. piitilP! Ilhriiry, k . .1 N rr,,nt IHkIi 1,'li.n.l. Addroitt S.M.I';-- - llaiiitt-iul'- it s ; litrtirt, X two lilockt ('(ill rani Keewellll-Ciiirnaitts- o MIkIII Lcia ).: - ctiiini-,i"iilil- p I. flwnnr. .bairnal fsin iti. hi'iivv vv,, .list, rantfft niimnl, Ply ni'.I Silinlay. nt A r 7 a State KiOr. f..r P. ' t Operalrd lijr lloattfll Autn Co. y a jV, pott sti.i: iioiiscf fiirllii-- liiforttuit l"n to Atihrry tiient a ur ., - . Town. Went Hound. itt !'-- Aria. Haiich addrtiti. Nel- SA ,1. - .Model rivt: en lent t,l"i k Prisioit. -I- THAT MOTWE- T- ; loll u.n Aril, Arrive- - .eavi 0M2s A Wv V ,l n. i; Paall-- full at ti.3 Hnulll s ii p iii ltomvcll 7. ff tt. m. t 11 It 111 V pli-t- n. U' ' -- 111 If -- iiu-i- i ..r r'.(7. 5 ii p pi, a. .3i a. m. . . I I. could ovt - 11i1111111l1tlr1t. in " I Oil HA I.I !i ill -' i rli- Illilll 1 1 . -- -r at- t.lf.. V- - ,1 r, ii",i-- ,,H f, ini i. in . I'liinit, in ii. m. Br - 1 - t - "I -i I I III 17 - ii.. ! ll 41 vv il- 4 . lipim a. -- -1 I" a il 111 i.f lis. f'i lP inl in, .lii ' . pav'.I ' WMAU'IU ci mi , ami Iiii; sai.i; linn all - ti. in a, "i, a a,, s 'i, hi; IP ally " 11.11..B, HI;, A al" f ie.'i r 4 '.", p tn . Lincoln 11 45 a. in. t 1.' '!" p. te, ii, I, Pie in ''! ..sll s ll sii-.-- ::ii p in Kt. Statu. .n ni. :l S m. no "lorn, in p. m 4'iiptinii 1. itli svi.i: 1 .10 p. '.' p. in . N' tiul m. foricni-i- ulitnlriflr iiii en car line, "' 'SUM . i, c 1 p""',,'i: 1". 2:14 I", r "r,... Tfi 1' p. in iitiiii m x illy 11 ', L J rl .w,. - nln pit. Am IrarliiiT t lty; lull cheap fan )k- it Ihtoimh faro, "in way, !4" I tit eriitett - - -- 'iiir iy v -r ciihIi. U4 ti.. lalitn I'ti'UK i""H 1: 7A - 011 y ii A iiiii iirti't. Knur lie per mile carried up 'iii ik. l''"7. !l al .1 ,ain: run ale llauaana - ii;-t- i 1,T. pound! flew. Kxceta at m. 1 I a- -! HI I'. lo Fifty ly.,.- r I -a 'mi in,'. t'O ill. ' 7. u: 1.1: ip nn I, i.e.- '; in, to per p"unil. - I. 7, ,M. : t 1 )'' till- "f liuiut.o all!.'.. m - -l 'I'.-- 111s -- Till ..J is la ..i.n Wist I, "til W DltKSSM M(l(). I ill! ItlA'T ApiirtninitM s I, A . HI.. I. OIK. !',' i,r l.y Itl-.- ' "" '" (4ASTA ; ii ill ATCHISON, TOPKR A T 4 M- : - M.inpt.-tl- t Inipill-i- al Hie . V.I. In 'll- all at 12 li. C"lt- modi " t WAY CO. " S- " I'll- ' s 1Y rat bound. i . .wrr-r- - nut, iii"tl-I'ln- Depart 1 . lil;I' No. riatt. Arrive" 11 i; Hxf;rn. mill porch. VPi S.aith Bllth 1. ("allfornla Exprwi 7:.!"n Sr tr 7 lit Sayov ol cfflei. S 1. 11 :0na 11 ::ta Ill KM II Si f-- i' 01 ly arret t aiifornia tlrcct Iniiiilrn Califnrnla united : 7. iO:l -d f fr-- iu I III NT. I'aat :' land, ahout mill lilt U; m rwili. $:t. 1, w ' l l WcM I. Mall Uttit'P ad. Proe rliur, will autumn. ei nil', nN." Ft ri,i-,.- .1 It -. lh..-- - h'.ns' dinithlinanil. a,1,1i..s and llPSnp is 11. -- Kl k. a ni itt.-'- titill.ll'.ils. si n. Paio Epie t k d lb. Ktprett K MOM7Y Tl) ,,-;,'- la t - S" pal Kl l'aiu UiTCVlNCi TO A, BEVV OF ItOA. in. KtvttlHiunil. nils- p. a- I, a - i. i. ul dmlrli't. all mi' ,, 1, -- n , - 10. Atlant:-- J s LET-- r ..M.y i.ii.w ).., .itt .1,1, aj. 1! in. I.s a ll villi I'I- vail' Kl.r.'ai OVCfLT TMc . l.K.p i?rJ 1. al i.e.. ttv. fiHtn uti. P. ti , ... ,.",,. ,iai.. il.i; l"1"! and nlliei' It. Eastern Kttireia l:4p 4up - 11 -- v ctt t vviltfl- 4. California Limited I T:ip USixu CP- OrJE" 0F--(Ma- illll III l. ililti le llll'l t'it'1 and K. A Chioaa,. r.x ?;JSp JaWp ...t.ii ti. i' tt.-'.- ll ick ,.r iar.'ittt 1 C I. of- From tAoulk. J """roKI!! with small ihl'dri-- m.l it oil. fall at TjErSfiel-- psUrTVOsT" Chicago.... titX ( - r t. -- 111 Wtltif. til. Cltr Irt'll III". l 11 fie. a. Apply tl. A itau- in is. til ef cast I'tioilf Kaottl -- lel-- r. III. City ("Ulcat I Mf itti. lt, J. ini tial t.ffkl. .1. I' FAKIN, pi I'i talllai

rr7 4 "-. V;

Eight Albuquerque Morning Journal, Satuiday, Gcptcnibu 16, 1510.

it.- - mm CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. W LSON CLUB OP THINK , Hot"-- IIhiikw, ll'iiiiv I iiiiiHIilnff rioorlM, Oilier), T.mK Inm III"', Vahw ul II. r i..r III,- , .p;:pnri,l. TODAY ONLY nml 1'ilihitf, I'luiiililiii;. Ilciiti"!, Jin mul (upper XXoru. a ;i r t -- link ail m all.l-il- ', MOUE PETERJ lis x ci.Miai, axi:. ikijii'iiom: sis mini' rn'Mlal, Iiiim lii' 2, 50 to Kl c lit .1 tuft ll li p"""', MEIERS r.h.L r In of. i rt hplit ;n ;. :i t"l "The Rail Rider PiOlfiCS FUMI iMf KIM' I III- pllul r.,,1.1 M1 III' pi npi r VrtiSy r y I QfiAJL. . M H H L N flinch, I'll uf w ll it'll i ! v br l'. .. x Olive Oil Salad Dressing In oliliiiniiiK a pli'ii.uiK l.l.i-i.- fJl House Peters Pompeian .M i IS SELLERS' MM ii n ppm i.i ui" iii hi i vi- - lli,:;, and Inm v ill Till: MOM ri.CIIlT AM' lill.KlulS. THY A IHri'LK. 4U .Willi' HIIM-CI.AS- 1.IIOUIIS HI It. ir. mi; .vyxii; u xmov is mm it i.niiwi ii Picsiricnt Wiiles the National :si:'.' . Cfiiii'ni, I'lii.iir m; "The Rail Rider" ;j i:ailniiil sioi-- Tl'iit Will Mukc Mmr rri niir ami Ma,. Democratic Committee Ask-in,:- .', Viti (iiip mul Sl:;li. BOND-CONNEL- L SHEEP AND WOOL COMPANY If It Will Supply Organ- rvv this nn(M or SHEEP AND WOOL ization With Pennants, TIMK r SHOWS I. J:0., :!:10. I:l.i. 5:l, :J5, 7:;!0. H:;:r,, ;0 'IIIlM Hill. .'in xx i sr i. in i i mi; "TELMO" ADMISSION Adults, 10c. Children, 5c A tin nil i (ship i.f .',.''iHi :,u..iii In uf l'i i i'iil I.i tin nh.ii CA.M.I fiOOliN AMI YOC . f Wil.-ii- lull Allm- - I N X XK-O- iln Uondmw nf I Ol It I I I. I tii-s-t (in nun, I'nl, i K. I:. Us i t iiai k nut m, u yrsi i plat 'I ln' rluh ha-i- , m, Hint ni,in :i ,i, In .il inn i ml- - " ROSES Ii .' i w Ii ' III' "FOUR n isk i i rxrmiiv Tli, i I'll'. t.i tid j PAPPE'S mi. oinisi fully nlclii, I.. I.IXMlMIIII A I'.ltos HIT N hi Hi l'lr--l M nnmhi'is Thiirdin willlO i.-iy CRYSTAL THEATER Inn 'I'm nirlit ll imi' uf iln- c.i'is his i mil iiiki'HI ul The Wardrobe 1 for 1 Specials Today Mi tt im iiiliris hy that linir. Kun O.iXMIts ami ll vi ;i;s All I !i" In t rM( li nn T' ui.!- nl tin- fully ns I'Ui.l lu hrinc inn i" ril. W.irK ,illi', f,,r ainl I I I' ll mi n tu I lir lu xt mi i't imi. I'OI M t'AKi: 1'lnHir i. :ii! .,,i i ii t m: !V'S:.. Tin' insignia a.h' lit t In- rliil.) mh I III H.A'l i ; M M AI.I TODAY AND TOMORROW Thriisilay iip'ht mat hi' Iaii;;,d, ac-- i Mtsll OW 1:01 I.. M 1 1 M i s AT '.':m unil ;i:;;n rA'twIMtml.' 1 masOt en :; to ( 'oloiu l .SiIIm:, tui tin n:i - j I v si NMIIM. K; Ml.llis T .. .7::;o ami !l:tio It il sun Hint pennant', iiiniiut hr ulitnim i ii. i.w i n rAui;s ".fhWtV:', 'iii'ld. Tin' rlul' im iiui cuitii; lui:li'j Let Us Send a Man litl ( II I'XSIItV TODAY ONLY It lli U lllinut i In ImWI'li I. Cululll l MSM-- 1 Wil l. W i'( ;, A SPECIALLY SELECTED FEATURE Tu Kipliiiv thai I In, I, imlutt filers li:i w iln' ili'iiiin rntir n.i- - in M XltOONs ' I. lass. It ISI N timial i nm t) at Imiii; if II will Mi,- - UltlAI) i I l l t FLUGRATH in ply tlii I'annaiil.i. If tlir uiiiiiilttri' ai.ih i:iri: u mhi it . ki: it. EDNA ii-- rimiiK us . l i. OTTAi.i; i III tvi; I'niinol, i lull im iiiln rii mil ui. ui'nr ItltVN I'.itl XI) "THE KID" IiiiiIi;i'm h In ri tli' V H'H'nr In puMir of-- f "The Heart of a Child" u iji Six-pa- rt Greater Vitagraph With nrr-i'l'ii- t I I I The "III iicrnia-nri- Get PAPPE'S I'll liiri.iitiini of liiiult Knnln'f Nuwl. Hill ritllirr in ii it a.iuint Your Work Done BAKERY I -. i i h TuimIhv Tlic Ill hi' i iiiiiiiiill' iiIk'iI' Smith I'liniif i;;i I'l riiiiini nl ruintnltti'rv air. Mrml'i r- - Now for Fair , Khi., finanri', pri'f-s- ui (,'anizat Inn mn Mym, llannii-M- 'tinnsuiiriil. Mint-- . - Lillian 5 will liayn in- inii'un.s. lioni' In ArlNtlc, I'liit lltvil Walker PEG O' THE RING Episode No. l.iuKraiii. Karli lliift. nii 'V"",MT HI'KIMMII, I'll I M. W T ( Hllliplt'n) I hiiiI I,, in. Tin. muirraii. luininltti't' will It. il l VMS Willi lord I.iihi' (u mi ill Aw. riiono I Ilia. I. lln i lumtcd with ti'ruiiin; hpi'nliiT! IX'lilUt It I s ) ' liiioms ii nd Hniidii.K 6i' anj I'd I'.trint; iiu(,-(ain- fin thr . Wliiilnc - I.Hrry anil Huilillo Iuii-m- 'I niiiMo CurinT Ni'i'nnd unit UnKI Tin- iiihrntiii i (il a miiiti yirl in Nt Viti'U. In llilv inrt'llllKH. I !iil ItNrn. Plums Nit. filil. ,ri,ilii(iiun this i liariiiiiir. hit uf Irminit v tu ius it niim-Im- t (if M'l ns. I Iln- - .mil i Imrns li adi t, ami l'riif'"'t'ur l!u-ur- . lllliarliv,' iri ruin man's rosluiilr, -- lir is in wear. In Hit- - 1'nrisian iliinct' I'lani I, will l,r in A llnjijui'i QUIEN SABE CHOSEN liili finiiil nim fi'tii k, win' is ill li'lilliil. (irtiilii'l Hi. Tin- ll' l li.ihlli) nullity NAME OF s'liinlay Si liu'ili a'Micnitlun m maklnn AS FAIR'S (Easton's ini'liaralimiH tu intirlalii lln tn. OFFICIAL HIGH JINKS Supporting Leads: I PARISIAN MODELS A i .s uffnjal IiIkIi . m llui'iui i(tif linlsi ERSlB EULALIE JENSEN, NED FINLEY I'KR no IN BIG FEATURE NOW thr htii'i l i it .1 i( ii r:i il i tu In- - In III mic . :u)r i oyst; AND m k. BOB GAILLARD n!flit uf fan ivi'il Its ) 1 irri n.iiiu Wi: AKi: NOW ItHIIUM. Ill (ill, Alt SIIII'MI Ts 1 ,s ,M" )' AT CRYSTAL THEATER " k,",w" (OAST OVSI I Its. I Mi: l' I, W III It I I III: LIST l(l I.KOH '1 lit- Mure nl' llicsc su ret ;il(T-nifln;i- ;ijiili li Sain' fit Ma. laifcliMi All Star Cast ul tlm Spa ni.'-l- , WMi.-- 1 Tin Knl." ,1,.. ilairn,,,!, ltlu- - ,tl( r .V" H;,,M' Im, f.aluii' whirl, Hat tin- - TMal In-- , '"'" "Ul"' Kll"'"' 'la', alul lulllulluH ulli'la Ihr munilal ' I In ii.iiur Has i liii'-i'i- i liuin iiiuri' MEATS &tsiJ ADULTS, 10 5 ."i ii CTS. CHILDREN, CTS. liliivil'. I.lllli.n Wall,.-.- a iu IMI M,I mtu a h ltiT l ux at Mat'-m- A. - llrrl Kmlnl Mam ii ii. A. i l'ii.'(i sttifc. Tl.i ruin- 9 " In thi' iiilnrti. hit I '(.I U. I ( , Iiaiinlnc la, ilr, TmiKiir I' lTIK'll il'.'lK"-- His 1 ' or tin- - i fif fi'tniiilty wnii s a iiimihi r of u.,y """ " Ha.l 'IMli' .Miittnn riiosl I'.rrl lilsl 11111 I fcuwn, itiiil, tin., hhc n.,n!""1 "'til'' "I" ri'iul .a ill ii Kn ast I'm l( 5 ilis, . Pi'Uii'n-s- MTt? lli ailyantiiKi- - mul ili'i'ldi'il''. Surt Iln in tu I'M'i nt I'ioiii!"1" Hmli llll i':i Luaf . - ... - - trf Ihfc , j ' " ' I,. M M ili'lii-ll- ,", S lau-- t nm i 'lm ki Si : thr man's 1'iinHiini. uhlrli hIic i fori'-- 1 Sahr s'i us SaiiMir,. I SprniK Tiiiltrvs I'iKS I'Vi't roll I!iiiili!cr.'iiii inter I'd I, i Winr in uiif .ait uf thi' stuty. '"" iirnin, in nishiil thr fii'.sta's ' U: in n I lata j u t, tu f m K nnil will ri'i Ihr Tri ir f iluc in lliis tui i thi' I'liiisian il.inri' is inr varunin difi ilihchHul. MWrr,rr uftrll'il i,N il l.r tl sm iiul,ahy with mN Thr iM'iilniT is ,mi, Ir with ii Tlir ijulrn Sahr lii'sla will Irhni'ir wai.-- in, .I nl, mffliV hr hrlil nil Sunlit ln THEATER IOI t. huh l Third slirrt ..htmliln ami Fruits and Vegetables The iki'I thr whilr luiur witii' twirn Cintral tluhl iiyrnurs. !' ! m I'M it ic iilcnl wllh a naiiuu lm nd lira' In 1 air tu hr lunli al Crnttal I'uh.r.iiln I'm, In I '.i III nl I.i, l.'tll', IB I 4ti ll a 11 lit- I, "a I .Mi TODAY "f '.'Iln. 'Ihr rlltllr ilrr.','; in f a '. M' ml tluhl. hat i' atllllK thr 'in la l'iiiih lldlirv Irw lulls- imiril fimii a Mtavthriiv Ini tin ia na ha s utrrmt limn 5 CENTS iliifinn ainrhh"li affair. ( Ivur satin Tlir tiKiii s a of! iritiiK'r.s i 'aula limpi M kitifk I " VAHI. Msr. .rinutiH Sy"t I'ntalurs i s ":;:;;;'";:, r,7ri,d::::,'.,.:l"rf,,'::!BACK new york Ira ins llmnr (Inm n (.'"in JIMiMlJl from Applrs ("aiilil'luwrr llnni, AFTER ATTENDING THE A,,ir ( H;r.i A it u i ,usil I nm uf a r iiurtrl' 1'lllr l.liin Culli .Iali;ui h I'll mm nl Ihr Ir.ulinr, dallirs. .Miss EQUITABLE CONVENTION l'limrkins a lira ns he Girl from i ( Frisco Witll. rr has tin fit' unit' takr a hnsi- - li 'hih in ss i i;ii n 1, sr Hi i iifM nlir II. M. I'rai. ; 1: iiiiinam r lm a suit ,,f a n ri y , Sunshine Butter, 35c wiars nmlt twrnl ir lajullillilr l.ilr illlt'r Stlrlrly ami y nnr niiMiirr ami a hiai K ami i nl i' York, wit hrad'iniii tri s In THE ORE PLUNDERERS hilr W .1 l."l hitl i.s a SPECIALS r' his nl'. i ri ii it f nin hr "Iiiuih1 (.ill I I rix'o Two I'liris, I xira Willi ll.'milar I'rosri am. Eggs, i II l 11 Kansas Ranch tifftrr" nl' llu. milium, nsi,.i,li,v a ns Hints ijua 'i its Si 1. 0(1 h hilr ii, him Ii',k I ": t ,'l'l"1""1'"''1 .,. I l.v .(..hi. T. Krllx. a 'iural lull quart ri ti IN, ns, Apph Ihitlt r ;iiii 40c ahiiul thr iilm II ll 11. ,', , , , THE ENGINEER'S HONOR Doz. - lull i,ii.i it Mustard r.iic a h in ii i ti'ii i i .si.ii it ini t a u m lasinank ...... All aflrinuun iir," s is niailr from ,, ,. t'liqilul I'llll, CltlHrl' Air, Knot lluT, llill'll lll'I'l', l.rinun llanrds uf llclrn. , , ii ap'iil ;il (iiilhi i. N. .M. n ' Si, 111 til'lrht .mi M'lp. 'ft uf s; ii I'll- - ullilr nnr prrsrllt ytoi k lasts Matteucci, Palladtno & Co. Ci'iillrinrn ncir in Nm m ( City in 4 Ilis. I ,riihai;rn in,, ii,, hi, I,, rulis. , i, liar, i:tra I'anry Irllrl ln n Applrs , allt Ildanrr un nil ul 4 d HIS HARK JOB t - ' thr nilllrnl ll,. limit' Crown Cum ol Craprs hill and ,,rr pari i.f Ihr waist :t k ' in II ( i AppltM ititui'llpl, Coilioily. Groceries and Meats Mil' a l.iintai'lr .iKriii't iiiaiiamrs and k'l.u .... ihilkri shlulr llnni tin. ilr.ilnl 1' c I millings, v Ii it'll ...u in rails I'usl Ihinr or mst ''KIM lillll hlum.i',1 v.ii'.l Wnli ,h iiiiinn rr . 15 , Ihr lll'll lallllllhlr BILLY'S ADVENTURE I Km u. ii iH Phone I "nl fit Hi". Walkrr w a n hi tilllrr rats I I lllhllliK ll i ll l a ' has ll' ril i'nl,. 'iniif(i. 'iln' hal ul .small li.t .i ttith a hand , ,. ,, j h ttsl ami in our nl thr Imcsl "I .st a ., lllr ' mtv New Goods Just Received nnllll , sl.v i s i .1 sri ain in Ihr urn Mi, l'rn .ii'.ilir ii .i'ii, unit itairlnitli Ti i SCENIC AND CARTOON irf Mali's thai ah nut .iKriifv niaMii- s i.ini caiiin svurn sr, n i,, "mul iiihaniavr m thr i.' n isi ;. w i i,r:s citACKi:i;s ami o k kiks. rruilutlnm ,,l,'. ,.,,, allrarliM'! "' " s"1"1'1'' "f i:.ll'SOM'S I'KAS ' ' " ' ... Strong Brothtrs RiM, , ,,- , ,,. I;""1" h.irli'U.'.l.'d thr OKTKCA S Cllll.l. s,,v. , , ur, m;., uf th,. ,,i; m in nl, uiit inn. r u.Miii );i,i,uv eur.A.M Undertakers 'ur (inn iii ,.iili i'- rstit'iin l( hkick. ui;i;i! ami nr;i;si;. I...... III..I. l, ,s M"MV K"' Thr :., a 'k "M',M"'': V SI H II ( . l ' I'HO.MIT nioM; A , l, ,, '" ''"'1' i s.lm. ul.n ,hr MiiiiM. i i i , i ori-- it ""' II IT'S lidlUl TO l.AT Hi; ham; II hunt ..,,K i ., mIm, rrn-- l ,M M l OMi. ,,.lr In , ,1 ,,i .1 r'',' inal'mt, !'.'"; MOTOR EQUIPMENT IS Buy Our Better Shoes is fu (innrnrn n vy onoi i r r-r ' nil. , ,i .Ml s .Irir li s dark tv.r nf unuencu di tnuLLU i i I'r.'iil'. au, is,. I,, ,ti, ins,, iiilniira- - .in wist rr vi it i tiiom: imi LOCAL ITEMS " Un uf II" .1 'I ii H'll r I'll. rr.'llntt, uliu lililliutl Vt.'lrl-- I waiiay j...iiii iMramyrwi, Iii tin- ik;isun' ('.nnil I Or INTRTtESI Int. mniui'ilv ul ihr rjiwustliy limn ,n, ,ast,in tup. pl.trrd in - ic wiarinL' ,t inking. lVrUrt l'i! llu it. ul .h ,,t t '1 11 11 i I i w'"" Ir l.rl. thr llllr illf ,i Is 't Hit It.. flit Ihil;'. )iii'al)lc .Inns wi!! he pxiirnciii-pt- p pryli, ,J net lV .p. h wn 1 i rial im in liiti i'i(iiipnii liis un, I. i Ims'i-- ; iiiimi t rai un.' in f,,r ta kini,' lip-iv- " int'iil, tit I' ll lllMtf 111 I i jlfi .Mfcli s nutn Ciife. i pp. ai in.', im, i Ill ,1,'llt i I lui ii in sn n's S. r I .' I,, thriit'ss' riullutt rndt rid a "'I" W M C,. .11, hrlnl, ii,r I . sl.'tr !lif. Msr ami iil.'u a piiwri tlriv i n anil M.llll. . Imps I A i: Km. uf ..,., "i. niirhls' lamr 'llu hr.ii.s, is hl.n k and Ihr (,)ur uf ainl Winui Sliui-- were i laTctl with llic IM llll:, it i' ami ', la . . tils, rlul-:.,- , ,. I n,,, hnlT nml Mack. I l'i' , innliKti, a: li ul lu I',,,; u, "a its iMA'dti'sl e'drc tri'i'. tlic .ns id' special niaki'i's. Tlii'ic " ' ll i ! I.I , .. Grocery st v p Skinner's is class ami i, mr u li - . . n's iliat u al .rd vnu sat istac- A In It:., I,, iii , , i, DEATHS AND FUNERALS " ' d ' ' I Mm fu. ui, K, 'THE RAIL RIDER' ti'.n ti'iiin it- ir,i iiiifiit vnu pi;: tlipin up.. am) nn.i 'I' 'litui , PLAYING AT Milll T. IIHIJ.TSS. J M'.it.i.'ii, ,.r . THE 1 .it. , ;! SoiiH- . c tlic I',,;- j !' Mini T lailti.'.-s- vcrv tine 'otatocs. a liumlrcd. .$2.85 liau' s'liavi in, aids j t- c- ! uhl, ihril the ' m t l ,i,,s i,,p d.imlrli-.dr- i ,y t 1. ll tt PASTIME TODAY ONLY al I' "'t lm k last miiht al his humr. sty'is ;p wd! i',,r 'd M..., rd.n ..t,i ., p,,i, ),, Last Call for Colorado Peaches, $1.30 and trrnic as the nude o nisfi at w p nimU-- - N ,,. Kill Smith i:,lilh Mr.-f- Ilr rami- ' 't V.'il, pit pit.' ul' a lima ijnit la-t- p. , ., c.,.,., !w" Miti.s iij.,1 from Mineral 'I's ' C , 1,,,, ii .,11,1 s, ,,i tin llai.' j'"'" $1.35 a Box w .i h i ., ,, , , U I ,.: In I'"1"' " - liraltll. .M.tMll. ,,r, .,st I l Ihr Ullf loir. "'"'! 'cr til III tun t.i Mls a! thr I1.,' Iii i I. Ihiruf's, who wits lir,,. with linn, is liiili, but the mills predict it will There arc cii..jcv Mack Vatiiers as up! li:iii(is,)iiic t'i.1 N.i..,!,, ll: ' l ,1 tin .it. m, in, n and Flour the ir lit hi . , , i i , u h ' d '! l,r ll. ,(,',- - siirvitr.s Mr. liircrs.s was a iiinnhri' w ti.'l Mi ii it u, , " :a tnl! oi..ri:i!is and ,n !.:;;a;i,)!is. lllMs uf M s higher c la ''ill,' ',",!' ,,1 d..v ul th l',lt- - Ihr iMii Thr l.udt was ;o I ' Hi' I'M , '.I . lu t'. T. r. lu mult i rooms. i I'.ntli r . ml 'In if mil I,. h's taking l lit ",'l 1. llu Sujar o ami c advise u at s 1, hi ill ti i m,' tu the .,1 i r: ,' i I,, mil I" ri,,l, so thriv' nuittir up .,,y (hat im matter miip In, Mas up. - d ....Id I... ,, ..t il,,. liitliicr lliinsf, Sdiilh lln.1 .,:,, I I. t.'w.i,. this time. wlietker y.'U select a pai i.f v i" h.'. .r i,;t o,,,. in, alcratel irieed h. a It I Nic,. clcjin I,, . .... siiit'i, riHimn: Iillil li.r III, tin lui'im: sl'i'Cs nr a i.f the v, v,.iH . I'. Il a I'liiMit' Grapes pair more s,.rr. ,n ti:e ri i' an .iih rMiiiis. ai. Green Corn Concord ce:is;t' I r hum sh,,,.. I H .1, I , ..ii,: vi ..f at the l'i , I ..ft. u,!ne,s price vnu pav. Wdiv not in II: " "!' a d t! ,n (HI Wax Beans Honey Dew Melons ' i i' on ii," "l.t'lltri t'.lll.N. Solil h the I' l'i'' ii.ti il T ,.,,.,, ' rait'' eiiiM pleasiie nf Sin cs' I'a'll ? thai r,i,il'. s, ui , n1,, wea.'in.' mir this " 111 d In i l i'u ,,i. iilff. Mi anil llHwklii. l.r iuh! ,,lit ' ' . Cauliflower Belleflower Apples 'a'ln, in i I ( s t U ,1 Hi ., ,,t ., ,,, Ihllit Mil "' ll..- ili, , ti .i.i IMsllllt. lu.i and I'. Ir I, II, Tin Tt)MXTOl:S. Fresh shipment "t l'otato Chips in todav. Better Shoes ill'. I.I, "' l; ' ' " l for Men $2.50 $6.50 Xl...,... ' '' or rntinillir: r.O ikiiiii.N nf mrfrtillr tc M'lct-li't- l YOU TRY 1 i. "" ("maliN't SI.OO. WE WANT TO CARNATION in. I for J tSetter bhoes for Women $2.00 to $6.00 M d l 'I r Dance tnnifiht nt tho nn, .kami: i.mvsit.iai. St'H(M)!.. WHEAT FLAKES 'I .. un. r. Better Shoes !,;; hall, I'ltollr '.IIHtl H for Children $1.40 $3.00 s ,,l ll:. ..f 'i Riverside 1407 Barclas I to 'ii,,., y Everybody I Better Shoes ' siifi road. welcome. for Babies s "I Dr. C. H. 50c $1.50 1' ' ' Conner to I", i Mi Good music. I. Uffne Idtli: stru I'linnes SiB. 5 X . A. t.u Skinner f i, ,, WANTED Henry hauls baggage and Phones 60 and 61 205 S. St. I.f ti first ii - Mi A boy, 16 years or other things. Phcne 939. nvcr. with wL Am. To i xrr rf ? -x- t l i I' I r ....' , .1 s ..!. liver packages. Miller, !.. I tam-i- A Hall k.luiii tu Mih. ill Hall ill , hr I', t'hnttust (inlliip Collister & Co. mrjVJ'Llimp Cerrillos StoveSte RINGER WVTl l' In Iny 4 m Imn- - Hahn Coal Co. WEST CENTRAL AVEWl SP . Ins,, SI mil.t", in, mi trrniM Aildtii 's.s I'lUIVK 4 I BEBBER, OPTICIAN ' T., .lotllltHl. ANTHRACITK. AI.I. SI.KS; STKAM OAI, Citizens Bank Bldg. v A'TI'.li AI di stid.i.n CoW. Mill Wtiod, rt-trr- y WikmI. Coi-.- X.hmI, Xa(U Kliulllnx. IJmr Expert Draymen lilllk.l . I'll.'lir ; I I.' l'i, THE WANT AD WAY IS THE SUREST WAY
