34 CP-1733 - Add Primary Anatomic Structure Context Group for Anatomic Pathology Page 1 1 Status Assigned 2 Date of Last Update 2019/10/27 3 Person Assigned David Clunie 4 mailto:
[email protected] 5 Submitter Name David Clunie 6 mailto:
[email protected] 7 Submission Date 2017/08/19 8 Correction Number CP-1733 9 Log Summary: Add Primary Anatomic Structure Context Group for Anatomic Pathology 10 Name of Standard 11 PS3.3, PS3.6, PS3.16 12 Rationale for Correction: 13 The Whole Slide Imaging (and other IODs) use the Specimen Module, which includes Primary Anatomic Structure without specifying 14 a Context Group to use. 15 Specify an appropriate Context Group. Use it as Baseline rather than Defined to allow the use of other coding schemes for the same 16 concepts. 17 [Ed.Note.: A first pass at populating the necessary codes for histopathology was made by taking all the topography sites mentioned 18 in ICD-O-2 and canonicalizing, sorting and unifying them. These have not yet been matched to existing codes used in the standard 19 or other sources, but will be, pending feedback on each concepts appropriateness in the list (or otherwise). In addition, "umbilical 20 cord" was added manually. and used to illustrate a potential mapping.] 21 [Ed.Note.: We probably do not want to just reuse, as opposed to include, CID 4031 Common Anatomic Regions, since there will be 22 specific structures that are commonly sampled but not used as radiology imaging regions. Conversely, there may be may regions 23 in CID 4031 that are radiology-specific and we might not want to re-use.