Trends in Biosciences 8(6), Print : ISSN 0974-8431, 1435-1438, 2015 Studies on Floral Biology of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) P. RANCHANA AND M. KANNAN Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore- 641 003 email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT price to France, Italy and other countries (Anon, Knowledge of anthesis and the mode of pollination of 1994). There are only a few ornamental varieties a crop is a must for successful hybridization. of tuberose are known viz.,Calcutta Single, Calcutta Polianthes tuberosa Linn. is an important bulbous Double, Hyderabad Single, Hyderabad Double, ornamental crop, widely cultivated for cut flower, loose Kahikuchi Single, Mexican Single, Navsari Local, flower and extraction of essential crop but the floral Pearl Double, Phule Rajani, Prajwal, Pune Single, biology was poorly documented. Hence, an attempt was Shringar, Suvasini, Vaibhav and Variegated Single made to study the floral biology of ten commercially (Sharge, 1976 and Kuang et al., 2001). Single type important tuberose genotypes for its successful is also used for production of essential oil, but yield improvement in breeding studies and the findings are is less. Hence there is a need to develop a specific presented in this communication. variety for higher yield and essential oil purpose. To fulfil this objective research project entitled Key words Tuberose, flowers, single types, pollen “Development of F1 hybrids in tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa Linn.) for higher flower, concrete yield Flowers are one of the most important and and resistance to nematode” has been taken up in unique gift of nature. They are the adornments of TNAU, Coimbatore.