The Cambridge Companion to Wallace Stevens Edited by John N
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-61482-5 - The Cambridge Companion to Wallace Stevens Edited by John N. Serio Index More information INDEX Abrams, M. H. 110 Brazeau, Peter 18, 121, 129, 130, 132 Mirror and the Lamp, The 110 Browning, Robert 79 abstract expressionism 165 Burke, Kenneth 110 abstraction 4, 5, 32, 46, 50–54, Burnet, John 12 65–69, 107, 140, 144, 178 Early Greek Philosophy 12 agnosticism 120 Burnshaw, Stanley 38–39, 43, 47 Aiken, Conrad 36 Butler, Judith 111 approaches 2–6 Bynner, Witter 12 Arensberg, Walter 16–17, 166 Byron, Lord (George Gordon) 79, 87 Aristotle 107, 155 Poetics 155 Cazin, Jean Charles 165 Arnold, Matthew 193 Ce´zanne, Paul 16, 164, 170, 173, 176, 178 asceticism 120 Church, Henry 20, 50, 95, 199 Ashbery, John 76, 134 classicism 107, 164, 166, 172–73, 194, 200 Auden, W. H. 169 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 51, 87, Austin, A. Everett (Chick) 166 110–11, 112, 156 avant-garde 16, 37, 149, 166 Cornell, Joseph 166 Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille 164, 165, 169 Bates, Milton J. 74 Crane, Hart 28, 31, 32 Baudelaire, Charles 36, 153 Bridge, The 31 Les Paradis artificiels 77 Creeley, Robert 76 “L’Invitation au voyage” 36 Critchley, Simon 115–16 belief, see religion Croce, Benedetto 107 Belitt, Ben 41 cubism 165, 166, 168–69, 172, 175, 176 Bell, Graham 170 Cummings, E. E. 150 Benveniste, Emile 161 Bergson, Henri 107 Dali, Salvador 172 Bishop, Elizabeth 76 Dante Alighieri 12, 19, 180 Blackmur, Richard 36 Darwin, Charles 11, 32 Blake, William 87 Autobiography of Charles Darwin, The 32 Blanchot, Maurice 107 Derain, Andre´ 16 Bloom, Harold 62, 73, 113 Derrida, Jacques 106, 162, 200 Bodenheim, Maxwell 38 Descartes, Rene´ 49, 51, 80, 120, 122 Bollingen Prize 1, 21, 62 Dickinson, Emily 133 Bombois, Camille 166 Doolittle, Hilda see H.
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