Computer Aided Adaptive System Design with Engineering Systematics and Manufacturing
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Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2017, pages 83–96 Research Article DOI: 10.12913/22998624/77069 COMPUTER AIDED ADAPTIVE SYSTEM DESIGN WITH ENGINEERING SYSTEMATICS AND MANUFACTURING Gurkan Irsel1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Trakya University, Edirne 22100, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] Received: 2017.09.18 ABSTRACT Accepted: 2017.11.01 This research practically discusses and presents the stages of design process in prod- Published: 2017.12.05 uct development. Design process was realized through CATIA. The product devel- oped is an agricultural device called as “disc harrow”. Therefore, agricultural details are presented together with machine design. A roller system is added to disc harrow in this study. Thus; the current system and the additional roller system are discussed with the principles of methodological construction and design objectives are defined. Both the current system and the additional roller system are designed in parallel with these objectives. Structural stress analysis is performed at different kinetic positions of the disc harrow connection of the roller system. System design is achieved by considering the feedback from such analyses and design objectives. The hereby design is obtained. The additional roller system is mounted and field survey is carried out. Contribution of the roller to disc harrow process, defined design objectives, ratio of the realization of design objectives and results of stress analyses are evaluated. Keywords: CATIA, structural analysis, shape design, adaptive structure, product de- velopment, disc harrow INTRODUCTION low this traditional agricultural operation equip- ment to perform in a more efficient manner. Today’s modern agriculture industry requires Utilization of combined and modular systems a wide variety of equipment and special machine is an effect solution for sustainable agriculture. systems. Several factors such as the addition of Functional and modular product development new equipment, wearing of current equipment would be a reasonable attempt to resolve the and fuel consumption significantly increase the needs. Computer systems enables this process to costs of land processing operations [3, 4]. For become fast and economic. sustainable agriculture, it has become important Disc harrow, which was designed with CA- to reduce the costs of agricultural operations, to TIA in the product development stage, was stud- preserve soil quality to minimize the use of en- ied with structural stress analyses. Weight and re- ergy and to reduce the processing time [5]. sistance relationship is significant in agricultural Although mechanization needs of modern mechanization systems. An excessively heavy agriculture vary depending on several factors system would require a high bollard pull. Fur- such as costs, climatic factor and stressed soil, thermore; it is difficult to carry a heavy machine there are some permanent mechanisms that are on soil ground. Therefore; the methods used in widely used. Disc harrow is one of these. Disc the designs of computer-aided engineering based harrow is an efficient method for willow primary chassis, were analyzed. Javadi and Hajiahmad [8] tillage in terms of power requirement [17]. A aims of this research was to develop a new com- modular roller adaptation is aimed in order to al- bined machine for sufficient clod breaking as well 83 Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 11 (4), 2017 as surface uniformity in one pass and the shortest ANSYS was used in analyses. Magdziak [16] possible time. The machine was combination of performed his turbine wing with the assistance of a disk harrow and a Cambridge roller. The com- CATIA optimization method. Irsel [7] Computer bined machine was field tested in a research sta- Aided Engineering Design Optimization process tion with loamy soil texture. Treatments of disk is studied experimentally with CATIA Product harrow once; disk harrow twice and combined Engineering Optimizer module and optimization machine applied after moldboard plowing. Us- algorithms within limitations are used. Benefits ing combined equipment and reducing number of the optimization procedure are also evaluated. of passes has gained popularity due to its effect Optimization process has great importance in the on time, efficiency and costs. Disk harrow is the design of machine parts and constructions. One most common equipment used for clod breaking of the primary duties of engineering is to offer a compared to weed control or residue mixing after more resistant and a lighter structure and to mini- moldboard plow. Serrano et al. [22] soil-work- mize the stress in the system. Besides resistance ing operations in conventional farming systems and weight, there are too many design parameters involving the use of the tractor are some of the to be evaluated and considering too many design operations that incur the highest energy costs. Oz- parameters will bring along too many solutions. turk and Bastaban [19] combined machines such Thus, it will be wise to use an optimum design as spike harrow + disk harrow; disk harrow + in the analysis to achieve the desired goal [10]. packer roller and cultivator + spiked harrow had In this research, a compressed seed bed involving positive effect on soil loosening, bulk density and tinier particles in a single pass with disc harrow surface clod breaking. Rahman et al. [20] stud- was integrated with a roller in order to obtain a ied stress analysis on heavy duty truck chassis smoother surface. by finite element package ABAQUS. They sug- The basic purpose of this research is to of- gested improving the fatigue life of components fer the design of a roller system mechanism to be at critical points through design modifications adapted to the current disc harrow and to produce by reducing stress. They suggested that, yield and evaluate such design. With respect to that, the stress at critical points were decreased. Karao- design was revealed out through the principles glu and Kuralay [9] did stress analysis of heavy of methodological construction and dimensions duty truck chassis with riveted joints by using a were determined through mounting stress analy- finite element package ANSYS version 5.3. They ses. Structural stress analyses were performed examined the effect of the side member thick- with CATIA for VI different positions represent- ness and connection plate thickness with length ing a cycle activity. The designed system was then change. Tiwari and Joshi [25] mounted the gear produced. Field surveys were performed. The re- models with CATIA. CAD data were transferred sults were presented through tables and figures. to ANSYS and stress analyses were performed. Krishan and Aggarwal [11] CAD modeling of the multi leaf spring structures also includes many MATERIAL AND METHOD complicated parts, which are difficult to make by any of other CAD modeling other than Finite El- Description of the Current System ement software. CAD modeling of the complete Multi Leaf Spring structure is performed by us- The disc harrow discussed here is the offset ing CATIAV5 R17 software. Nor et al. [18] de- type disc harrow with 46 cm disc diameter. Discs termine the stress analysis of an actual low loader are placed in two rows. The row looks has a “V” structure having I-beams design application of 35 form when looked from above (Figure 1). Con- ton trailer. They use CATIA V5R18 for model- cave surfaces of the discs are in opposite direc- ing. Agrawal [2] in Static Analysis, we can de- tion to each other in the first and second rows. termine highly stressed area of truck chassis. Ko- Commonly, there is 17 cm to 24 cm distance be- tari and Gopinath [13] modeled chassis through tween the discs. 46 cm, 51 cm or 56 cm are fre- CATIA and performed ANSYS stress analyses. quently used in agricultural processes in Turkey. They turned a system with a load bearing capac- The structure obtained after processing with discs ity of 10.4 tones into a system with a load bearing with a diameter above 51 cm would be deeper and capacity of 14 tons. Agrawal and Razik [1] used have fewer particles. CATIA and ANSYS to perform an optimization The disc harrow used in this research have 36 study. Truck chassis was designed with CATIA. discs. Disc harrow requires 25–33kWm/1 m trac- 84 Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 11 (4), 2017 tor bollard pull depending on the type of soil and factors. Methodological construction design ob- wetness [23]. Figure 1 presents light type (disc jectives were defined in order to achieve a design with 46 cm diameter and 17 cm disc distance) that would have a positive effect on these impor- disc harrow. The two carrier wheels available in tant factors: the middle part of the system contact the ground • For the functionality of the roller, the breadth and pull the system up with the aid of a hydrau- of the roller to be added to the system will lic cylinder and mechanism. Thus; the contact of be 20 cm wider that the current disc harrow discs with the ground is broken. This is a very breadth. Consequently; the breadth of roller useful and ergonomic method both during perfor- will be 3.5 m. mance and on the way. Furthermore; the carrier • The roller to be mounted on the main chassis system is related to the pull profile of the trac- of disc harrow will be of modular type and it tor with an upper bond. This bond is mostly con- will be suitable for use with different agricul- nected to the pull profile by a spring. This upper tural machines. bond is used in the contact of the main chassis of • Disc harrow-roller carrier for modular sys- disc harrow with the ground and to preserve the tems will be able to carry different equipment, horizontal position on the way. as well.