Arezzo 169 Aristophanes, Ancient Author 76, 241 Aristotle 138 Arles
Index Page numbers with figures are in italics. Aachen 57 Arezzo 169 Aaron, biblical figure 111, 118, 122 Aristophanes, ancient author 76, 241 Abel, biblical figure 87 Aristotle 138 Acquapendente 253n82 Arles 262n34 Adam and Eve 84, 87, 126 Armenia, Armenian(s) 112, 119, 123 Adige 238 Arminius, Germanic tribal chief 263n62 Africa, African(s) 23, 101, 113, 119, 123, 124, 130 Arx Britannica 24, 37, 41–46, 45, 49, 65, 138, 146, Agnano 98, 99, 100 258n50 Agrippinenses, ancient tribe 228 (see also Brittenburg) Agustín, Antonio 20, 253n78, 276 Asia(n) 87, 101, 102, 107, 123, 124, 130, 219 Aimo of Fleury 57 Assyrian(s) 89, 229, 230 Alberti, Leone Battista 184 Athena 100, 133, 139, 201, 286n1 (Appendices) Albrecht v, Duke of Wittelsbach 29, 31 Atlantic 25, 29, 93 Aldrovandi, Ulisse 248n20, 277n81 Atlas, mythical figure 137 Alexander the Great 23, 245, 246, 286n2 (Appendices) Augsburg 15, 21, 23, 29, 113, 253n80, 281n81 Algonquin Indian(s) 125, 126, 153 Augustus, Roman emperor 72, 238, 239, 254n84, Alhama 105 255n111, 259n76, 262n40 Alps 29, 228 Aurelius, Cornelius 46, 47, 48 Ambiorix 229 Ausonius, ancient poet 50, 55 America, American(s) 25, 83, 86, 89, 102, 113, 118, 124, Austrasia(n), Merovingian kingdom 56, 57, 228, 125, 128, 130, 152, 271n105 287n19 (see also Algonquin Indian(s), New World) Averno (Lake Avernus) 98, 100 Anjou 241 Anne of Bedford 286n15 Babel 84, 135, 142, 175 Annius of Viterbo 84, 85 Bacchus 162 Anthony of Burgundy-Wakken, Ghent nobleman 110 Baffin Island, Forbisher Bay 25 Antinous, favourite of Hadrian 31, 267n15 Baia 97,
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